#well stress bc of having to decide what to draw and then drawing it while wondering if its gonna turn out like i imagined
choco-1601 · 5 months
Afternoon nap~
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Happy first month of morston monday! I cant believe we made it to a month tbh..thank u all sm for sharing ur love with morston with us by participating in the event 💜
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insipid-drivel · 5 months
Warhorses: Which horses are actually good candidates, anyway?
This post is in honor of @warrioreowynofrohan, who asked the question in the comments under my guide, "Horses: Since There Seems To Be A Knowledge Gap". Their question, "Given what you said about too much weight breaking a horse’s spine, how did that work with knights in plate armour?" is one I'm going to try to answer here, since the answer can be very nuanced depending on where and when you're talking about.
Also, while I was a stable hand for years as well as a rider, I never had the opportunity to directly learn more ancient styles of tacking, horse training, and combat, so I don't have any direct experience to draw from with regard to horses used for military purposes. I'm still gonna do my best here with what I know, and research what I don't.
As I've covered in the past, large horses (draft horses) make less-than-ideal warhorses, and so do carriage horses like the elegant and dramatic Friesians.
Let's begin by addressing this from the perspective of creative writing. For you writers and content creators out there, an essential part to the continuity of any historically-themed work you do involving horses will be depicting breeds of horses that didn't exist before a certain time in history. I'm going to approach this question from the stance of, "Medieval-type era warhorses". Horses were used in warfare as late was World War II, but actual horses you ride into battle with knights and archers and bannermen? We actually have to drop the subject of specific modern breeds altogether aside from using them for comparisons.
When discussing warhorses, various cultures have approached them differently. Some cultures will value a specific type of horse above all others, such as the Mongolian Steppe Horse or the American Mustang. Other cultures, which may be from biomes and territories where multiple types of horses are needed for different forms of warfare and tactics, value whichever horses can get their jobs done without their riders getting killed.
Carrying vs. Pulling:
Horses have been used in warfare since as far back as 4000 BC, but their first applications were more as chariot horses. Humans have been riding and working with horses since before we even had stirrups to more easily ride them with! As archaeologists and anthropologists make more discoveries, the more we learn that we humans have been working closely with horses since before we had specialized tools to ride them with. The very first warhorses pulled chariots or carts, which is much easier for a horse's anatomy to handle compared to carrying a heavy weight like an armored rider on their backs, which puts stress directly on their spines where they have very little supporting muscle for supporting a lot of heavy downward weight.
Warhorse Size Categories:
Really, any breed of horse can apply to a niche in warfare if it's needed enough. Even very small, delicate horses have had their place in the history of human combat! Before I continue, it's important to know that there's a unique unit of measuring a horse's height. Rather than measuring a horse's height in centimeters or inches, they're measured in units called "hands". A single "hand" = ~4 inches/10.16cm, and a horse's height is measured based upon the distance between the bottom of their hoof to the tallest part of their shoulders, just at the base of the back of their necks. We don't actually include neck length/head height in a horse's measurements with traditional measuring.
Another rule of thumb: The average horse cannot safely carry anything heavier than about 30% of their total body weight. This is a serious factor to take into mind when deciding on a type of or breed of horse for a mounted warrior of any kind: You need to factor in the OC's starting body weight, and then add on the weight of armor, weapons, and any armor the horse itself may wear along with the weight of its tack.
Light-Weight Horses:
A few examples of lightweight horse breeds whose ancestors have historically been used in combat are Arabians, Barber Horses, and the magnificent Akhal-Teke. Lightweight and delicately-boned horses like those are best applied for military maneuvers that require precision, speed, and endurance, and the rider themselves should specialize in some form of combat or reconnaissance that doesn't require them to wear heavy metal or laminated armors. Archers are good candidates for riding smaller horses, or lightly-armored swordsmen like an Ottoman Janissary.
Central-Asian and North African horses also benefit from having a higher tolerance for hot climates. They can absolutely suffer from heatstroke and cardiac arrest from being forced to run and work in extreme temperatures and should always be provided with the same protective measures in a heatwave as any other horse, but they have a little bit of an edge over horses descended from freezing and temperate climates.
Medium-Weight Horses:
Medium-weight horses started showing up in the archaeological record around about the Iron Age, where chariot warfare was becoming an increasingly utilized form of mobile combat, and people needed bigger, stronger horses capable of pulling heavier loads - such as a chariot with two passengers rather than just one. As cultures began to develop heavier-duty armors made of metals and laminated materials, it also became important to breed horses that were tall and stocky (muscular and with relatively short spines compared to their height), and therefore more capable of carrying riders in increasingly heavy armor. Medium-weight horses were also essential at the dawn of the gunpowder age when the cannon came into use in siege warfare for pulling the heavy, iron cannons into position.
Medium-weight horses are really where we see the beginnings of knights and other warrior classes on horseback come into the forefront of warfare. When you have a horse that's big and strong enough to carry heavier armor and heavier weapons along with a rider wielding them, you have a much deadlier force at your disposal. Strikes from a sword or spear from the back of a galloping horse basically results in a sword capable of cutting through enemy soldiers like a hot knife through butter.
Important Note: Traditionally, cavalrymen wield blunt swords when attacking from a charging horse's back. When a horse is charging at full speed, the sharpness of a blade becomes less important than the blade's ability to stay in one piece when it impacts hard armor and bone. A blunted edge basically turns a cavalryman's sword into a thin club that's better at holding up against smashing through multiple layers of armor and bone compared to a thinner, more delicate sharpened edge that can shatter from a high-speed impact.
Heavy-Weight Horses:
The direct ancestors of modern draft horses, such as the Shire Horse, only began to appear around about the beginning of the European Medieval Era, and were far and away not even close to the enormous sizes of the draft horses we have today. Any horse counts as a "Heavy-weight" classed horse if its weight exceeds 1500lbs/680kgs.
Heavy-weight horses were really more bred for pulling enormous weights rather than carrying knights. While yeah, there is some evidence that suggests that heavy-weight horses were used by heavily-armored knights, historians argue a lot about whether it was a rule or an exception (such as with Henry VIII, who continued to ride well after he had begun to weigh more than 350lbs/158kgs, and even went to war in France in his final years on horseback). Generally speaking, medium-weight horses tend to be the right balance of agile and strong for carrying someone that's going to actively be fighting. Heavy-weight horses were bred to be a lot more tolerant to the chaos and frightening stimulation of the sounds of battle, but medium-weighted horses generally tended to be more suited to moving efficiently through dense packs of soldiers and weaving around other horses.
While actually being the smallest class of warhorse, ponies were essential when it came to carrying cargo and working as pack-horses. In certain forms of terrain, such as mountains, large horses pulling big carts full of supplies or soldiers could often be extremely impractical. In situations where an army needed to move on foot and form a narrow line in order to travel, ponies were able to traverse much narrower and rougher terrain while carrying smaller loads to their destination, when heavier horses would struggle more under their own weight and dexterity.
Europe-Specific Terminologies:
If you're a writer reading this and writing a piece set in the European Medieval age, there are specific terms used for the different classes I listed of warhorses above that I'm gonna list:
Destriers: The Destrier was a universal term for the iconic knight-carrying, jousting horse. They were also sometimes referred to as "Great Horses" due to their reputations in combat settings. Destriers could have just about any appearance, but were rarely taller than 15.2 hands, or 62inches/157cm. They were capable of carrying heavily-armored knights (although knights in full plate mail rarely rode into battle and stayed on the horse the entire time - they tended to specialize at grouping up and killing a lot of footsoldiers swarming them at once and preventing breaks in defenses from being overwhelmed by an oncoming army; in the case of Edward the Black Prince, we have substantial evidence in the form of his surviving brigandine that a mounted soldier or knight was more likely to wear chainmail and brigandine with a tabard on their body with their arms, feet, and heads the most heavily armored in plate when they intended to fight on horseback, making them a little lighter and more maneuverable, but I may be waaay off base there because I'm thinking of more of Italian soldiers who used full plate and how they applied it in battle more than any other example) and wearing armor themselves.
Interestingly, the sex of a destrier was often chosen strategically. Stallions (horses that haven't been neutered) are more aggressive, and could both act as combatants on their own if their knight was dismounted or killed, but could give away an army's location if they were attempting to move stealthily. Stallions whinny and shriek a lot when they're horny or arguing with each other, which is most of the time.
Mares were often chosen by Muslim armies for being much less vocal, and therefore much more capable of stealth. Geldings (neutered males) were the preferred mounts of the Teutonic Knights, a Catholic military group, since they couldn't be stolen and used to breed more horses for the enemy army.
Coursers were the most common Medieval European warhorse. It's important to remember that in Medieval Europe, most armies were almost entirely comprised of common men - serfs subject to the will of their landlords, not far removed from slaves in many ways - who couldn't afford the highly-prized and expensive Destriers. Coursers were usually a bit lighter than Destriers, but were still strong enough to carry someone wearing armor. Coursers were also a little more utilitarian, because they were also sometimes used in hunting as well as warfare, so they had a valuable use outside of warfare that the owner could benefit from.
A rouncey was an all-purpose horse that could be used for leisure and travel-riding as well as be trained for war. They were a lot more likely to be found on the farm of a serf or independent farmer of some kind, as they could fill a lot of different roles depending on what they were needed for. Their sizes weren't really important as much as their ability to get the job done.
It's also critical to remember that, when talking about warhorses, we're usually talking about eras long past. In general, thanks to resource availability and incredible advances in medicine, modern humans are significantly taller, and therefore heavier, than people from the European Medieval era and prior. While fatness was valued in many cultures for its suggestion of wealth, most working-class and serf-class people worked intensely physically-demanding daily lives just to maintain their own homes. They were a few inches shorter on average than we are today, had greater fluctuations in body fat distribution depending on how harsh or bountiful the harvest season had been and the season in which a war was taking place (the average person's weight would swing by 30lbs or more on average every year prior to the industrial era), and cavalry were usually chosen based upon skill in the saddle as well as physical size when considering the application of medium or heavy armor being placed on the horse's back and body.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
That's a good point about it being the official account, not personal. I guess what gives me some sense of optimism is how happy they both look? Like even though they're both actors, Oliver especially is not great at hiding his true feelings sometimes while still being professional (see: that one interview with l*u) So if they were being forced into this, knowing that it was pure 100% bait with nothing good possibly coming for buddie this season (as you mentioned, things can change. but at least to start) I just don't know if either of them would look as smiley and carefree as they do.
But I also agree with you that we as fans often lose sight of the bigger picture of this still being a job and a business. We've seen cast members (*cough* Oliver, again) express displeasure with certain storylines in the past but at the end of the day it's their job to act, promote, and do certain things whether it's what they'd want or not. Fox before and ABC now want to get as much hype, hits, and eyeballs for the show to have success. Of course we love this kind of content, and in our minds it makes complete sense for certain roads to lead to certain ends but that can blind us at the same time.
I also want to say I appreciate you being so rational and honest with your concerns and being a space whether others can voice theirs
my view on the oliver thing is that that’s just how he is around ryan… the two of them cannot stop being little giggling blushing messes around each other (….take that for what you will….)
i also think the video was such a general “we’re back for season 8” and ryan decided to jump in and photobomb, and oliver probably assumed that that take wouldn’t be used (bc having worked in social media for productions before, those videos also have several takes that are examined by someone else before approval) so oliver most likely didn’t know if they would use this specific video or not— and so he and ryan were just being the goofballs they are
and don’t get me wrong i LOVE ryan and oliver content… when its being posted by themselves. its when the 911 instagram, the sole purpose of which is to draw attention for the show, uses them as this pretty thing to bring in likes and comments. so i dont believe they were as much being “forced” as much as i feel like it was a situation where oliver was told to film a promo video, ryan jumped in and they goofed off, assuming it probably wouldn’t be used (and also since it was such a general video not thinking about the buddie connotations) and a producer or someone else was like “this will get people talking” and it just went down the line and snowballed into yet snother talking point… which is exactly what they (the production) want it to be.
I really don’t like coming across as a debbie downer or someone who is constantly complaining about the show, but my anxiety prevents me from being able to healthily engage in speculation and (what may be fun for other people) delulu activity, and i kinda wanna be a place, like you said, where people can feel free to soundboard their own concerns about the show without fear of being told “YOURE WRONG BC I FEEL LIKE WE ARE CLOSER THAN EVER” like a lot of bigger blogs tend to do… i like to try and keep my expectations low and realistic (esp after not doing so last season, snd sesing how much mental stress it put me under) and i want to be able to be an outlet for people whose brains also work like that
now i don’t say this with the intent to yuck people’s yum and say you CANT have fun w spec and being delulu, but unfortunately a lot of bigger blogs get trigger happy and act like their delulu is 100% gospel truth what’s going to happen and it just sets up people for disappointment, and while for a lot of people that disappointment is nothing more than a “oh fuck not again… oh well” for some of us out brains process it differently and it creates a sense of dread and upset and i don’t want to be that person. i still have those moments where my brain wants to slip into delulu land, but i let myself do that so much last season to my own detriment that i am trying to remain much more pessimistic and cautious this time around, bc i have found that lower expectations usually yeild better (or more easily digested) results.
thank you for the ask/discussion, anon and im sorry for kinda hijacking your ask to make a post about the relationship between fandom activity and mental health but you kinda provided a clear stage and my yapping capabilities took over for a second 💀💀
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msookyspooky · 5 months
I've been waiting for that especially since you've posted Gomez and Morticia (The goal of all goals) on your blog! It's an odd request but I still read and love your Set Up series so can we get a crossover with YN as Lisa Swallow's and the boys as The Creature? ( Cole Sprouse lowkey reminds me of young Skeet Ulrich which considering Riverdale it's no wonder)
Wait cause no this is such a good idea I cannot pass it up I got so much work to do but I REALLY wanna write for this! (I got so many request I'm trying to do in my inbox but uh...This is my current hyperfixation srry)
I wish I could draw better to make zombies of them fhjaafg ♡♡♡ If anyone wants to add onto this or request other characters please do (And anyone seeing this; watch Lisa Frankenstein I loved it)
🔪 Scream / Lisa Frankenstein Crossover 🧟‍♂️
Iⁿᶜˡᵘᵈᵉᵈ﹕ ʳᵃⁿᵈʸ ᵐᵉᵉᵏˢ, ˢᵗᵘ ᵐᵃᶜʰᵉʳ, ᵇⁱˡˡʸ ˡᵒᵒᵐⁱˢ, ᵐⁱᶜᵏᵉʸ ᵃˡᵗᵉʳⁱ
(Everyone is buried in this despite canon and set in the present. Fem!Reader TW: Corpse/Dead Body, Talk of Rot and Decay, Zombie BF)
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🪦 Randy Meeks: Died 1998
♡ You loved his character in Stab. After you did some deep diving studying who the actual Randy was outside of the movie; you found his tombstone. (who would do this? Me and @f1nalboys Might do what Lisa did and write your name over his etched name *Meeks* on a piece of paper. Bc of course YN Meeks just has a nice ring to it)
♡ Heard you venting about life and fell in love in his restless but lucid slumber 6ft underground. Someone actually likes his character for more than comic relief? Someone understood him? They didn't think he was just the geek?
♡ After a terrible lightning storm...Guess who fumbled and broke through your window drenched in mud and decay?
♡ Is a little hurt you aren't head over heels for him in his current state. He accidentally cried even if his pride hates that he quite literally cried his own eyes out. He's used to not getting who he wants and...Well, he may not smell himself with his nostrils rotted out but considering his eye popped out; still attached to the retina and had to be pushed back in while you're covering your nose gagging; he understands even if it hurts.
♡ Takes a shower (I'd use Dawn. Bar soap or Dove ain't gonna cut it.) and wears your clothes or robe. He still smells like a dead body and has worms but he's trying. He's got a LOT of old stab wounds from dying in that van at Windsor...Holes...Things seep out so you might wanna get tape or something idk.
♡ Do not stress this undead man out if you mischaracterize a film; he cannot talk with a missing tongue to argue; it decayed decades ago.
♡ His dead, dull eyes actually have some spark of life to them when he sees streaming for the first time. So many movies he's missed out on! Give him the remote and you never gotta worry about him leaving your room while you're gone.
♡ He accidentally kills someone you definitely did not want killed after they smelled something awful in your room, went up there, screamed, Randy went to knock them out in a panic and accidentally kills them
♡ He feels awful about it and you both decide to hide the body and use their hand to replace his missing one (Fell off lol just dead things) and shock him back to circulation somehow
♡ If you do what Lisa did and let him do...Other things with a 'back massager'. He's so madly in love and yearning for you it's insane. But if you got a crush you're yearning for; he is rolling his eyes with a grunt at this being Sid and Billy or Sid and Derek allllll over again.
♡ Less corpsey he gets with each shock session; more he can't help his feelings for you. YOU have to be the one to admit your feelings to him though because what would you want with an undead geek like him? At least in his mind.
♡ Would cry his eyes out (Not literally this time) if you were killed and 100% would resurrect your body and take care of you like you did him
♡ Is as loyal as they come. Will worship you accepting him at his geekiest, dead, grossest versions of himself and you're still here
🪦 Stu Macher: Died 1996
♡ You found his tombstone as a dare to 'bring him back' like bloody mary....No duh, it didn't work. But Stu was still aware of it in a dream like state sorta way. You didn't believe in that stuff rolling your eyes at people badgering you on where you lived.
♡ A car hits a power line and the line of electricity zaps his grave and he goes home just to see...Holy shit, you own his house!
♡ He thinks he's still the playboy man slut he was in life that can get anyone he wants so he's really offended you aren't wanting him to kiss you. Why!? Cause he has worms and his lips are a little dry from sinking into rot, he's a little bit dirty with body fluid stained clothes and he smells like a dead body? Picky!
♡ Is even more offended you're gagging and covering your nose demanding he bathe. Begrudgingly takes your dumb shower and your entire tub smells like dead bird and covered in dirt.
♡ When he comes out you see his face is very scarred under all that mud he had on him. Maybe the rumor he died via a tv crashing on his head and shocking him was true?
♡ If you piss him off...Well he can't kill you cause he needs you. But he WILL hack up a worm like a hairball just to gross you out out of pure pettiness.
♡ Just steals your clothes without asking. Lounging in your best clothes that can fit while he's leaking fluids. If not, he's stealing some guys clothes in your home. Catch him lounging in your Dad/Step Dad/Brothers/Friends best fit.
♡ Tries to steal your bed till you yell at him to get in the closet before someone sees. He guards your clothes and forces you to wear the sluttiest sexiest clothes you have...What? He's helping!
♡ He is soooooooo elated they made Stab! A whole movie with him portrayed in it by a good looking actor? He is over the moon watching it on repeat.
♡ Gets lonely easily...And bored! He's sighing to himself when you're gone and thinking how Billy is dead now and all the people he once knew, knew him as a murderer and were in their 40's. In fact, don't leave him alone long; its disastrous.
♡ Not able to yap HURTS HIM. Expect a lot of hand gestures and getting him a note pad to write on because he can't handle this
♡ Kills someone after you have an issue with them not even second guessing it. What? Problem solved! AND he gets a new body part to replace the one that rotted. Win win.
♡ He is very aware and depressed his manhood rotted off decades ago and that's probably the first body part he's going for. Especially a crush/boyfriend of yours. He can handle no ear or hand or even a tongue but his dick!? No.
♡ Sits in bed painting your nails while you rant about boys. He nods at everything when it comes to guys having their mind on one thing because well...Yeah. Especially in his case
♡ HE is the one smirking if he finds any massager and even if you want a back rub that thing is going lower. Just cause he doesn't have a peen rn doesn't mean his mind isn't in the gutter still
♡ He thinks your a girlfriend of his right away so casually without even asking you so; of course any guy coming near you is dead. Of course he's resurrecting you if you die because...Well he's starting to realize you're the only girl that doesn't scream when you see him so he's gonna hang up his player towel.
♡ Even fully restored he still has scars on his face and feels indebted to you that you don't care about his murderous ways or his face now. He takes care of you if you're dead and the roles reverse...Hell, he finds it hot you need him now.
Billy Loomis: Died 1996
♡ You were a bit odd yourself and found yourself studying the murders. Feeling conflicted about Billy because yeah he was an awful incel but researching his background you felt a bit bad he felt so alone and abandoned even with people around him. You clean off vandalism on his grave and talk to him for hours.
♡ A storm occurs after you have an awful day and cry to his grave 'I wish I was with you'...You meant dead. But well...
♡ That night lightning hits the grave and you wake up in bed to the god awful smell and his dead dirty face looking down at you. You go to scream and he covers your mouth with a cold clammy hand. Going to talk to you and a centipede falls out his mouth making you scream even louder.
♡ You almost knock his head off before he points to a picture on your desk you took of his grave surrounded by newspaper articles of his death.
♡ He thinks he finally has a person that's not a 'whore, bitch, or poser' in his eyes. A bit in love with you and is bitter you don't exactly want an ex serial killer from the 90's like that...
♡ He almost wants to kill you thinking of the betrayal till he sees his reflection and is completely defeated. Sunken dead eyes, matted dirty hair missing in places, longer haggered dirty nails, skin looking ready to fall off.
♡ He sits in your bathroom and you try to comfort him till you smell what smells like...Sewage and death and embalming fluid and your trying not to throw up.
♡ He takes a shower without being told to. Disgusted by his own rot and grime. His gun shot wound in the middle of his forehead a reminder of his failure almost 3 decades ago...Might have scrambled his brain a bit.
♡ He's a manipulator and user but he's not as...Tactless and spoiled as Stu. He feels grateful you offered him to stay despite the smell and the misunderstanding even if he's not happy sleeping on the floor or closet.
♡ He feels even more defeated when you tell him his Mom died in 1998 at Windsor College trying to avenge his death. He's beside himself over it and honestly just wants to crawl back in his icky coffin and die again.
♡ He wanders your home despite being told not to. Goes through all of your things. The lack of speaking doesn't bother him. Especially when it means he can hear you spill your guts more. He wants to observe everything.
♡ Like Randy he's pleased by the movies on streaming but not as obsessed as he was. Whether that bullet was like a lobotomy or just laying in the ground so long to 'think' in the afterlife; he's not the same guy he was in 96...Not completely. Is annoyed at his portrayal in Stab. His hair never looked like that! (Yes it did)
♡ He does kill someone when they bully or mistreat you. He feels possessive of you already and he just doesn't like assholes. He's the one that decides to steal a body part while you're staring in horror.
♡ He gets shocked and you see him a little less dead and a working body part now. So it becomes a thing for you both but you tell him 'Only those that deserve it' and he shrugs. He ain't following that but okay.
♡ Is pinning over you but hides it well. Enjoying just listening to you or watching you. HATES with a passion when you talk about guys but hides it with grunts and subtle glares.
♡ Is your ride or die when he hears police are investigating you for murder after he was the one killing them. I mean...What will they do? Re-kill him? He will do anything he can especially the more 'alive' he becomes to protect you.
♡ Once he's...Fully equipped he actually refuses to sleep with you. Still thinking 'virgins live, sluts die' like he use to. You have to tell him 'You know Sidney is still alive, right? That rule is dumb and not true.' he may get over it and sleep with you or it might still take time.
♡ He wants to go after Sid but also what's the point now? He's not exactly in tip top shape...Don't even tell him about Sam being rumored to possibly being his daughter by mega Stab fans. His undead brain will stop working.
♡ If you die he will resurrect you not out of convenience and want like Stu or devotion like Randy but more possessive ownership. You're his. Whether that's love or to control you (Both). Not even death will seperate you from him.
♡ Once he's fully recovered he has a migraine till that bullet eventually is pushed out by that one last shock and his body starts bleeding again.
♡ More than happy to be together away from everyone just you and him.
Mickey Alteri: Died 1998
♡ Everyone knows Mickey as the freak that was so obsessed with Stab and the original killers he imitated them. But what they don't realize is he killed even before Nancy found him. He was just wired different and it made him feel alive...How ironic now.
♡ You accidentally stumbled upon his grave after trying to find a different one. And...Why is it empty? Well, you had nothing to do with his resurrection just wrong place wrong time as a corpse is lumbering towards you from behind a tombstone with bullet wounds all over him.
♡ He wanted to snap your neck just to fell something again till his own leg fell off and he face planted on the ground.
♡ You of course didn't know he was trying to kill you. You still tried to get away before you saw him just sitting there and...Sighing? It wasn't a mindless zombie after you? Even worse; he grabbed your keys when you ran.
♡ Ask for them back and like a damn child he shakes his head with grunts. You swear to God you heard 'nuh uh' in his grunt. (Keep his leg away give me the keys or I'm yeeting your leg)
♡ Takes a shower at your house and like Randy all those holes are leaking...Icky stuff. He had more muscle before he died so his body mass shockingly is thinner but not as much as it should be? You're talking to a corpse it doesn't have to make sense. All you know is he just walked around naked and you saw disgusting things on the human body you never wanna know after death. You gotta make him wear clothes!
♡ You're in this awkward situation where...The dead guy has feelings and thoughts and is urging he wants to go home with you. Whether you say yes or no he knows your car and will find you.
♡ Sew his leg back on or give him a funny replacement like a peg leg and tell him deal with it. What are you? A surgeon?
♡ Little did you know the second you came for your keys and talked to him he claimed you as his just for being different than most victims. More eager than Stu, falling even faster than Randy, more obsessive than Billy and POSSIBLY crazier than the og Ghostface's...You're having a corpse that is already planning to make you his (Might even kill you so you have to be with him when he resurrects you like he was.)
♡ Other than killing and movies you're the first thing to make him feel something and he is not letting that go.
♡ Wears your clothes, watches your tv, listens to you talk, plans to kill anyone that fucks with you, watches you when you sleep, dresses you up.
♡ The first kill is a guy interested in you. You are his now! He doesn't hesitate to take a few body parts to have you sew on him. Finds the whole process endearing. He's nuts guys idk. You just gotta drill it in his head not to kill a family member, close friend or pet or you won't forgive him because he cannot have that. He wants your affection and attention so he'll be good when it comes to that.
♡ With each shock he gets more lively and bolder. Dancing with you and ignoring the worm that you don't know where it fell out of. Trying to cuddle you even if you gotta start smearing vicks under your nose. Won't hesitate to kiss all over you once he's not as rotten and tries to think of your pleasure before his.
♡ He never hides his obsession and will let you know with a hand on your throat not to talk about guys around him before lovingly caressing your cheek afterwards as an apology.
♡ If you die, not by him, he is furious and will kill anyone in his path before resurrecting you. He'll take care of you in the most yanadere way. You're his forever now.
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scummrevisited · 6 months
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tumblr is NOT letting me answer this ask directly for some reason so i screencapped it HDFHDG anyways here goes
i vagguelly knew abt otherkin stuff beforehand but that was like. very vague and more in the lense of "eww cringe" bc that was all that was talked abt it
fast forward to me being 16 or so (maybe 17?) and i decide that today on www.tumblr.com im gonna go through the werewolf tag, and between all the art and poems abt werewolves i view a few werewolfkin posts and i go "huh.. thats interesting" bc i only vaguely heard of it but never really looked into it
so i dip my toes into it, and fall into the lake completely, and now im here
from which i will give some advice:
disclaimer: most of this advice comes from a psychological kin perspective, for spiritual stuff i can gather some info if you ask me but overall im not spiritual kin
1: sometimes the answer is not too clear, being alterhuman can stem from many reasons and overlap with many other things, furryness, autism, psychosis, spiritual beliefs, familiarity and importance to an animal or myth, a lot can play into it! for some beings, the experiences are very separate from each other, for others, they may cause each other or be linked or overlap, it can all depend and change around, so dont stress too much on whats what, but if you wish, you can play around and see what belongs to what, ive had the fact im a furry sometimes overlap with the fact im otherkin, and even fuel each other, but i still see them as separate identities, its all a big complicated soup. and i will say to just fuck around and see what labels you see fit
figuring out your kintype can take a while, and its not uncommon that what you first consider to be your kintype may not be the one that you actually feel you are. for example my first through upon discovering kin stuff was that i may be a cat, ive loved cats since i was practically born, ive always wanted to be a cat and themed myself around cats, hell my fursona is a cat! turns out im not one, ive tried and figured stuff out and experimented and well a cat just wasnt it. from this i'd just say to explore different animals or mythic beasts or types of robot etc etc
from that, what has helped me personally to figure out kintype stuff is to see what you desire feel and act, what kind of environment do you crave for? forests? mountains? deserts? theres a lot! what do you wish your body looked like? everyone talks about wanting claws and fangs and such but really think about it, what do you want for your body? what would make you happier? what would make you see your body more as your true self? any particular diet you have or wish to have? any behaviors you've derived from a being? maybe you hiss maybe you bark maybe you knead. do you feel limbs that arent there? such as ears? tails? horns? just look around outside and inside to see what you crave what you do what you want and such
one thing that i did while trying to figure out kin stuff was to just. draw how i view myself in my mind, and not concentrate on design or what i like and dislike on character designs, just like, draw what comes to mind on an "ideal body", you shift around features from the vague idea of who you are in your mind, draw different tails draw different snouts draw different body shapes, and see what fits and sticks, sometimes you can land on yes "thats exactly me", sometimes you can land on "its a vague idea of me but can aid me in figuring it out". thats kinda how it lead to me figuring out im primatekin, i had multiple different attempts and sketches of what i think i look like in my mind, and i just kept going until much trial and error later i found something. it went from "humanoid?" to "halfly animal-like" to "has a long tail" to "small and expressive" and eventually to a primate! (and thats how my mizamonkey design came to be QSHFHD). again for some this may bring a concrete design while to others it may be just a vague guide, not every tip works for everyone.
despite a few points ago where i stated that being obsessed with an animal or myth doesnt always equal to it being your kintype, it sometimes can be! and its sometimes how kintypes can originate to people (if we're taking the psychological otherkin route, this doesnt work too well with spiritual otherkin). sometimes youre just so obsessed and interested with an animal or myth or fiction trope that your brain kinda, adopts it for your identity. this is what happened to me for werewolves, since i was a wee lad ive been OBSESSED with werewolves and i read about them and drew about them and made stories about them that my brain has seemingly just. grabbed it and went "thats you". so look into your childhood or current state of living and see what animals and beings and such you connect with! again just as a few points ago, it doesnt always mean its your kintype, but it can be!
being alterhuman is different for everyone, i sometimes still think of this message i saw ages ago that went "ask 10 therians what being a therian means for them, and you get 11 different answers", so just because this otherkin experiences xyz, doesnt mean everyone does, and vice versa! i used to have a lot of stress about this bc i felt like i was a faker bc i didnt experience like others but after a while i managed to mellow out on it and its making me feel better!
related to that i would be careful about the resources you seek out bc from my experience seeking out resources has been a very 50/50, some tips and advice is great! while others are just why would you follow that. use your critical mind and see what suits you and what helps you.
this is more a personal opinion but i feel like the whole "choosing your kintype" debacle doesnt have a correct and concrete answer. to me if you were to just choose whatever kintype you want it may not actually be the kintype you feel like you are. i would absolutely choose to be a wolverine if i could! but it just doesnt align with my kintype and i cant force it as my kintype even if i tried. i would say that you can "try out" kintypes to see if it fits, its all about experimenting after all. its just that for most, its not as easy as pick and choose. its mainly bc your freely chosen kintype may just not be who you are, if you wanna choose a kintype either way, the community has adopted the term "copinglink" for such. for most alterhumans they did not choose their kintype. again its about trial and error
overall its going to be a lot of trial and error to figure stuff out. it took me 2 years to finally land on my proper kintypes! you may find kintypes and you may drop them. you may find yourself to not be otherkin after all! if you want more personal tips and questions you can message me here or on discord! (but i prefer discord bc tumblrs dm system is kinda cramped and buggy).
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
What would James’s do to help reg when he’s feeling dysphoric? (Could be boxer or oby- you decide:) )
/dysphoric trans guy in need of fluff
hi angel!! sorry it took me a bit to get back to u, i always wait until i have some time + mental energy to reply to any asks about hcs
oby reg and boxer reg are quite different when it comes to dysphoria and how they deal with it + how much or how little they allow james to help so i'm gonna do both at the same time <333
fluffy-ish hcs coming right up !!
oby reg can be more?? emotional?? about his dysphoria. when he's just mildly annoyed by it, he usually just becomes uncomfy, but when it actually hits he unconsciously seeks comfort from others (as in . ppl he trusts/is very close to). it used to be sirius but now he also has james <3
this mean he quite enjoys cuddles!! not with a lot of skin on skin contact, bc that just kinda . triggers him more?? but he goes for like . big jumpers and comfy sweats and drags james to bed with him!! depending on his mood he prefers to be the big spoon or the small spoon, but the point is that he needs to be very close to james and james is more than happy to glue himself to reg
boxer reg however turns into himself?? he becomes quiet and distant and isn't always okay with physical contact
that's why boxer james resorts to words <3 he makes sure to remind him how handsome he is, how loved, how sexy he finds his facial hair (while trying to convince him to grow a moustache), how good he is at fucking him and how obsessed james is with his cock etc etc
with oby regulus there's also a lot of body worshipping!! not at first, bc like i said, and when his dysphoria is at its worst, reg avoids skin on skin contact as much as he can. but when he feels better about it, james spends hours kissing his naked body, whispering compliments and sweet nothings and paying attention to every single detail
this isn't really sexual at all, and more often than not, it just makes reg tear up in a good way bc he feels so !! incredibly loved and appreciated that he gets overwhelmed (again, in a good way)
in the boxer au, james is more prone to acts of service?? kinda?? he's aware that reg doesn't want to be extra aware of his body so he focuses on . taking care of him in general, distracting him a lil, making sure he's comfortable and relaxed
he draws baths for him whenever he gets home from work, does the chores reg dislikes the most, cooks him his favourite meals, gives him thorough massages when he looks especially stressed or tense
in oby, despite reg being a lot more reliant on physical touch than interviewer reg and actively seeking it out, he also appreciates words of affirmation <3 james leaves him these sweet little notes filled with lovely statements and reminders all over their flat and drowns him in compliments when they're together!! he also sends him texts when he's at work
boxer james isn't as touchy bc interviewer reg doesn't really enjoy it when he's feeling like this HOWEVER there's a lot of like . casual contact?? brief and careful but also firm and intentional. a hand on the small of his back, a gentle squeeze on his hip, a caress on the side of his neck. little ways in which james reminds him that he's there always and he can come to him whenever he feels ready and that he isn't going anywhere
oby james does a lot of research on trans ppl and gender dysphoria and hormones and surgery and transitioning bc his knowledge is limited and he wants to be there for reg in any way he can!! they sit down and talk about it whenever reg is up for it and feeling well enough to speak about his struggles and how it feels and what he needs from james <3 james holds his hand the whole time and squeezes periodically and listens very very attentively, taking lots of mental notes. tells him how proud he is of him and how strong he is <3
boxer james is a lot more experienced in this field bc he's been with trans ppl and knows quite a lot on the topic + he's familiar with reg and how he deals with his issues so they don't talk that much about it but there's a lot of?? silent communication?? james gives reg space when he's aware that that's what he wants while being There at the same time yk?? he doesn't insert himself or interrupt when pandora or evan or both come over when reg is having a especially hard time but he's ready to hold reg when they're gone and he's Focused so he can read him correctly and give him what he needs
oby reg is quite spoiled, and hence all the jokes about james being a sugar daddy, and this also comes into play when his dysphoria gets worse. james has always been big on gifts but when reg isn't feeling okay he goes a bit . overboard . as soon as reg looks at something for a second too long james is getting it for him. it exasperates reg to no end but he also finds it incredibly endearing + he knows it's one of the ways in which james shows his love so it always cheers him up
interviewer reg is more logical and . harsh about his dysphoria, maybe bc he's a bit of a well-known/public figure and he can't always afford to break down or show any weaknesses especially in front of ppl who can and will use them against him. and it can be hard when his job also forces him to deal with a lot more transphobia for . obvious reasons . he tends to repress his struggles a lot which is also why he's more prone to isolating himself and distancing himself
james Knows and Understands this, which i've already mentioned, and he gives him space when he truly needs it BUT he can also be a bit stern when he notices reg is going too far or like . harming himself in the process of protecting himself. he'd never overstep or be cruel or pushy about it, but he's firm in his gentleness and tells it like it is. reg really appreciates this about him, and sometimes he needs the reminder that he can lean on james whenever he needs to
when it comes to sex in oby (and reg has been struggling with dysphoria), james checks up on him a lot while they're at it, and he also makes sure every single time that reg truly wants it + is in the mood. he's also always ready to stop at the first sign of reg being uncomfy or not enjoying himself
he also exclusively uses masc terms for reg's genitals. he's aware that he doesn't really mind, and it's one of those things reg has been confident about for a while, but it helps when reg is feeling bad or wrong about his body. he focuses a lot more on reg's pleasure too, and that's saying a lot, considering he already prioritises it over his own
in the boxer au, there's a lot of topping on reg's side. they don't switch as much as oby jegulus, due to preferences, but when reg is feeling especially dysphoric james bottoms A Lot. and they both enjoy it SO MUCH even if james keeps acting like he prefers topping a lot better bc he's annoying like that
interviewer reg takes full control but james doesn't give it up easily, which reg Loves. james knows he needs that fight and that he needs to win it fairly, so he resists all he can and doesn't go easy on reg At All. he still loses every single time bc reg and his strap always turn him into a begging sobbing mess, and james is obsessed with how rough reg can become
and that's all <3 i hope it was what u wanted, or that u at least liked it <3 sending all my love MWAH
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acheronist · 3 months
HI ISABEL i was thinking abt ur beechey boys + peglar/armitage extended cinematic universe while doing my laundry earlier (<- normal guy behaviour) and now i'm curious if u've thought of any actors/face claims for them – beechey boys especially bc we don't even have terror versions to use lol 👀🎤
HI GENEEEE 🖤 this is interesting.... honestly i've never been very good at fan casting shit because my default is always just going "x character should be played by riz ahmed" which ummmm would not work here i fear.
anyways everyone watch out there's gonna be mummy images below the cut
okay i really don't care about actors enough to do this well ummm LMAO johnny bertchtold YOU🫵🏻 are now john shaw torrington!! except johnny's way too tall and also ripped to be jorts.... i will say tho, as annoying as the john torrington/david young erasure is in the amc show, they did kind of nail it with alfie kingsnorth... now that's a skinny blonde bitch who looks half dead! he's got the right big round eyes + prominent cheekbones as jorts
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if we could get some mutton chops and the uniform of a royal marine private onto ferdinand kingsley i think he'd be fantastic as william braine..... actually now that i'm looking at this i kind of feel like a genius for this one LMAO??
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john hartnell is a little harder because i've already decided in my heart that this daguerreotype is 100% undeniably him even though the chances of it are actually probably very low. in actuality. but i have tried to match up the daguerreotype "hartnell" with the mummy hartnell and i do think it's a super close match.... i just wish mr. daguerreotype hadn't tucked his hair over his ear so i could compare the shape of john's ear.... but anyways there is actually one bg dude from terror amc who i have also kind of decided could be jarts!!! he was one of the dudes who voted to stay on terror and die there instead of out on the shale before everyone abandoned ship... he's got the right haircut for it <3 but also i think rob james-collier could be kind of a slay for jartnell if we can get him back to his downton abbey prime
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and then thomas morgan hasn't really made his debut in the beechey boys cinematic universe (yet. chapter two still cooking......) and we also haven't exhumed HIM so this is really just like throwing a dart and calling it good. i did draw a little version of him here tho . so do with this as you will i guess. me when i'm just making up whatever the fuck. he should be kind of sickly looking as well though because my dude was going THROUGH it (+ he had one million pre existing conditions) before he died.
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and for like... henry & thomas theyre much more nebulous in my brain..... maybe i'll try and draw them later!? i did do fanart here of henry tho but i fear it's got a heavy amc casting influence on what he looked like.
real life facts: thomas (5'9") is 2 inches taller than henry (5'7"), henry probably had broad/strong arms and shoulders due to climbing around in the rigging for his whole career, both of them had brown hair, and thomas was older than henry enough that he was probably starting to get salt-and-pepper grey during the miserable stressful parts of the expedition. henry's id papers describe his complexion as "sallow" and based on how many captains said he had a shitty/indifferent/bored attitude while working leads me to believe my king had chronic resting bitch face + looked vaguely exhausted and pale and unwell even when he was healthy.
also in my heart amc nailed it with giving thomas curly hair tho... charlie kelly is cute to meeeeee... unfortunately he isn't 40 years old enough. no source no facts anyways i just want to believe in curly girl armitage supremacy. ALSOOOO in my heart (again) henry has sailor tattoos-- HOLD FAST on his knuckles for good luck in the ropes + two swallows on his chest under each collarbone to mark his 10,000th mile at seas. i forgot what i was talking about. i think do think k*vin g*thrie's face was honestly too conventionally attractive for henry though. i just know my man was mid as fuck. frown lines from scowling, ink stains on his fingers at all times, never worn sunblock ever, thinks splashing water on his face counts as moisturizing etc.... MY henry peter peglar is pretty weather-beaten and looks like a mean cunt and sometimes he snarls at people like a badly trained dog. amen.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Hello!! I’m so happy that the 4K event is here you totally deserved it!! Your writing is immaculate and makes me want to make my own blog :,)
I love anything you write with Kiba, your characterization of him so fun. So could I Request a story with him, where him and reader are not so secret lovers👁️ Like Kiba has made it CLEAR that that’s his alpha. Nobody else’s.
And ik this is isnt in the activity list which ik you said was fine but I’m not sure if it counts as an activity😭 but maybe kibas reaction to Reader’s parents trying to force them into accepting concubines ( either bc they don’t approve of kiba or thats just the tradition or culture in Alphas nation)
If that doesn’t count I totally understand!!
Kiba and Alpha getting fortunes told together would also be really cute!!😊😊maybe the fortune teller is appalled about how many pups they see in their future💀
Thank you! You're so sweet!! <33 And you should totally start your own blog, just saying 👀👀 The fortune telling thing is part of it, but I decided to go for another little plot. Enjoy~
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Warnings: minor n-sfw themes
"Is it Kiba?" you demanded again, fiddling with the ridiculously fancy clothes you had been forced into.
"Stop asking impertinent questions, child," you mother reprimanded, rolling her eyes. "Your fiancé will be arriving in a moment and I'm sure you have eyes that function well enough to discern his identity when the moment arrives."
"If it's not Kiba, then I will refuse to marry him," you sulked, crossing your arms.
Your father simply cuffed you over the back of the head.
You huffed, turning away from them both.
"It better be Kiba," you mumbled. They ignored you.
You were sitting in one of the drawing rooms and the plan was for some of your servants to bring your new husband and his family in to meet you.
As the door creaked open, you stood up with your parents, heart jumping in your chest. Who was it?
All the stress melted out of you when you were greeted by a grinning Kiba and his mother.
"Kiba," you breathed, grinning back at him.
Kiba launched himself forward, adeptly dodging his mother's attempt to pull him back, and pressed his lips against yours. You flailed for a moment, but the feeling of his lips on yours was a familiar one, and quickly your hands settled on his waist and tugged him every closer. The wet heat of his lips had heat pooling in your stomach, and you forgot about your audience until Kiba was suddenly dragged away from you.
"What did I tell you about staying by my side, you brat!" Tsume had Kiba by the scruff of his neck.
You didn't hear Kiba's response because your own mother gripped your arm and pulled you back as well.
"If anyone finds you knotted before your wedding night, you will not enjoy the consequences," she whispered into your ear. You noted that she didn't try to forbid you from knotting Kiba, just knotting him where someone could find you.
Your father cleared his throat.
"If everyone has come to their senses-"
"I was perfectly sensible," Kiba grumbled, his mother tugging his ear to get him to shut up.
"The final arrangements and negotiations can be made."
Everyone sat. Kiba tried to sit by your side, but his mother's grip was solid, so he sat facing you instead.
"Firstly, we must-"
"When is our wedding?" you interrupted, feeling the heat come back as Kiba winked at you.
Your mother closed her eyes for a moment like she was praying for patience.
"We will get to that, but there are some negotiations that must-"
"Negotiations?" Kiba interrupted this time. "I want at least seven pups."
Your father sputtered, choking on his tea while your mother closed her eyes again. Kiba's mother whispered something harsh in his ear.
"I'll give your fourteen," you pledged. "As many as we can manage."
"For heaven's sake!" your mother exclaimed, reaching the end of her tether. "If either one of you says another word, the wedding will be off!"
You knew better than to push your luck, but there was no rule against heated eye-fucking, so you and Kiba managed to amuse yourselves without words.
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whattimeisitfic · 6 months
Hey, Hey! I wanted to draw some stuff for your fic, but I had a question. Do you have more details on how Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael look? I know Gabriel has some fem-characteristics and Michael seems to be the largest of the angels. No pressure tho!
Okok, I’ve actually had someone ask me about their appearances before so I’ll just post my response to them to give you a guideline, and if you had anymore questions just let me know duckling. The format of this is: there will be a number w/ a question they asked, and below that I answer it. (The questions came from @the-stress-express if you wanna check out their WIP)
Anyway, here u are:
1. Are Micheal, Gabriel, and Raphael kind of like copy-paste versions of Lucifer? Like, do they have Lucifer’s red cheek spots? Do they all have white ass skin like Lucifer?
- I imagine they all have white skin, and that Rals has the cheek spots, but Micheal and Gabriel do not. They’re kinds copy and pasted, but with a bit of variation in body structure (Rals being more rounded, Micheal a tad bit more square). And also while I’m here, I’ll say that Raphael is a little bit taller than Luci (probably just under Charlie’s height) and that Gabriel and Micheal are the same height, and quite a bit taller than their two brothers.
2. What kind of hairstyles, textures, and hair colours do they have? I’ll probably take some creative liberty, so don’t feel too pressured for detailed explanations, but I want to hear your designs so I can make it accurate to your vision. Also, I’ve heard theories that Micheal’s hair is a lot like Lucifer’s but idk if you are having that there.
Okay, we’ll go through this character by character.
Micheal - Same blondness as Lucifer, but perhaps a little shorter. Maybe a little fluffier at the top? Idk. No real big picture ideas.
Gabriel - Long, silky, straight dark brown hair. It comes down to about his mid-back/chest area, and it’s all like flowy and elegant and pretty well maintained. Shiny probably too
Raphael - Pretty much a mix between the others. Kinda like Lucifer’s style, but curlier, and with a similar brown hue to Gabriel’s (tho a little bit lighter). Again, no real preference other than that, go wild!
3. Eye colour. I remember you stated that Micheal has gold eyes, but what about Gabriel and Raphael? I feel like you mentioned it at some point but I forgot.
I honestly can’t remember what I said either, but I’ve been picturing Raphael with green eyes, and Gabriel with something more greyish-blue hued? I think. Idk if that reflects in what I’ve written but that’s what my brain had decided they look like now.
4. Did you have specific designs for the 3 angels’ robes? Or does it matter what they look like? If it doesn’t matter to you I’ll just let creativity take over there.
Not really. Just that Micheal’s are white/gold, Gabriel’s are a pretty pale blue, and Raphy’s are a pale, rich green (with the green being more on the blue side than the yellow). I struggle w/ outfits so I usually just don’t put much thought into them.
5. I will obviously include Raphael’s beautiful hummingbird wings. So do Micheal and Gabriel have specific wing styles? And furthermore, we know Lucifer had 6 wings bc he’s a former seraphim. I forget but, in this fic, are his brothers seraphims too? I feel dumb for asking but whatever lmao.
Yeah, they def all have six wings. I imagine Micheal’s looking more eagle-like, and… idk about Gabriel. It might be cool if he had more of a “pigeon-y” shape to them as a fun little correlation to his messenger status, but idrc. Do what you think looks best
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blazefirefox · 10 months
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i finally caved and made an Ena OC-
Well, here's my lil' diva ThEna! (pronounced like 'Athena' but w/ out the a)
The reason I made that poll for color schemes was because I couldn't decided if I wanted ThEna to be pink/indigo or pink/seafoam, but I think the second option works better. She's seen in the Dream BBQ setting, and knows that version of Ena very well (they're buddies, gal pals if you will).
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Time to go a little more in depth about her sides:
ThEna's greenish side is her "left brain-esque" photographer persona, or her day job as she puts it. They have a more outwardly aloof and doesn't give a crap attitude, and can be a bit hard to talk to (especially bc they has a bit of an ego). All of this said, she does take her job as a journalist very seriously and is determined to find "the truth", whatever that means. Her "black & white" form (for lack of a better word) for this side is triggered when she gets stressed about not knowing everything about something, and in this form, she gets super analytical, and can stay in this state for days trying to find a solution to her problem, often neglecting her health and surroundings. they literally just turn into this:
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ThEna's voice headcannon for this side is Michael Kovach.
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On the other hand, ThEna's pink side is her "right brain" vocalist side, and although she loves photography, singing is definitely her more preferred hobby. Her night job, as she loving puts it, is singing at a large scale karaoke bar, and yes, she is very sleep deprived. They're very well-liked in their workplace, the bar itself being one of the only places where being an Ena isn't an immediate social death sentence. Their ego from their photographer persona can be seen in this side as Vocalist ThEna can be an absolute diva. This side is more likely to get blackout drunk, mostly because of her love of gin, which her friends are only slightly worried about. Her black and white form is triggered when she gets very passionate, or when she has a sudden outburst of any emotion (it actually mostly triggers when she sings a really high note), and will become extremely hyperfocused on what she was talking about/doing (also her diva-ness will rise by 75%). Her voice headcannon for this side is Eva Noblezada.
Some extra notes:
the strap on Photographer's design is supposed to be a camera strap, i was just to lazy to draw the camera
Meanwhile Vocalist has one of those microphone headpieces that i just realized now is stupid bc i already have her holding a microphone but i think it looks nice so whatever
I already mentioned it a few times, but her sides are based more on right brain and left brain rather than emotions (ignore that they're on the the wrong sides)
Her geometric hand is more of a mix of classic Ena & Dream BBQ Ena's hand, while it is 'clawed', they're more dull
The stripes on her right arm and left leg glow in the dark
ThEna has 4 co-singers/friends (which i'll design eventually) that she hangs out with the most, and they're also some of the only ones who can handle being around her photographer persona
Since they have a day job that is often mentally exhausting and an all-night job that can be physically draining, their sleep schedule is absolutely horrendous
Of course she does have some self-confidence issues, which she tries to hide with her outward ego and diva persona, but she can't help but slip up sometimes
the weirdest think about them is that their 2 sides actually get along; they don't normally have a default side, but ThEna is more commonly seen as their photographer side during the day and a vocalist at night
They met Dream BBQ Ena when they were taking some photos of some of the wildlife(?) and was so hyperfocused that they didn't notice Ena coming up to them to try and talk and they were freaked tf out. After some banter, they became 'acquainted', but got closer as time went on
ThEna sometimes invites Ena to the karaoke bar, just to hang out. Ena actually likes these visits bc the bar is pretty Ena-friendly and is one of the places where she isn't judged for literally existing
here's another silly drawing i did of ThEna
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The dialogue for Photographer is picked from Jax from The Amazing Digital Circus and the dialogue for Vocalist is from one of Eva's vlogs (i think)
Before I go, I just wanted to say that one of the big inspirations for me actually making her is @bashzzey's amazing Ena OCs and art, and I just wanted to shout her out, so if y'all haven't seen her art, uh go check it out :]
ok bye now-
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wyiicb · 10 months
I've been thinking of starting a Peanuts acc with my own hcs too but I haven't worked up the courage >.< What's some of your headcanons?
the list is endless, but here are a couple of them im super passionate about:
• Charlie Brown taught Sally sign language (ASL) all throughout her childhood. She can ‘speak’ full sentences fluently and DEFINITELY uses it to her advantage (signs curses when the teacher isn’t looking /jj). The signs come in handy when Charlie Brown goes non-verbal (selective mutism)
• Lucy has terrible hearing and has had to wear hearing aides since she was like 5. Charlie Brown keeps stressing that she should learn ASL in case of emergency, but she always refuses (“I’d rather DIE than have to learn English again.” /j)
• Schroeder and Patty are cousins; his dad and her mom are German/Polish. Schroeder’s mom is black (Somalian) and Indian, and Patty’s dad is Swedish and Kazakhstanian. Patty bonds over Schroeders love for German history and loves teaching him about their family heritage (schroeder zones out until beethoven is mentioned)
• Lucy has a separate birth dad (Balkan) than Rerun and Linus’ dad (Irish). All three of them have the same mom, who I think is a Chinese immigrant who moved to America (along with their “blanket hating Grandmother”). Linus and Rerun are both “Rainbow children”, due to their mother losing a baby before Linus was born
• I saw somebody on tik tok say that Snoopy was Filipino-American, and honestly i cant unsee it /hj
• Marcie was born in Korea and was adopted by French immigrants in America. She grew up primarily learning French and a little bit of English due to the books in her house. When she met P. Patty at the summer camp, she was taught the ins and outs of American culture and still relies on her every once in a while (marcie calls her “sir” solely because she didn’t know the feminine English pronouns for an authoritative figure)
• Frieda and Heather (the little red haired girl) are half siblings. They share the red hair and the sharp nose trait (i think theyre both roman-italian bcs of it). Heather has the coveted “nAtuRAllY CuRLy HaiR” trait as well, she just burns it straight every single morning (i like drawing it frizzy asl)
• Violet is of Native American descent (mother’s side) and Black Irish (father’s side). When she first moved in in the comic (1951), she lived with both parents, but around late 1951, she moved AGAIN, so that makes me think her parents got a divorce between those two moves. Her mom quickly married a British person (ew /j) who hated all the tom-boyish crap violet was always seen doing, so he started to push his uppity customs onto her. This, I think, is why she’s so upset at Pig Pen all the time for him being messy, despite her literally being OBSESSED with mud-pie making in her first set of comics. She just has a random change there, and a different (british) influence is the only explanation /j
• Franklin LOVESSS space and science. He aspires to be an astronaut when he grows up. He often gets in arguments with Lucy about the validity of aliens existing, and it’s one of the few things that REALLYYY tick him off. Lucy revels to see him so stressed out, but she also likes getting the last word in.
• Peggy Jean (who? /jj) and Schroeder are besties, i think. They bond over talking crap about the other peasants and Peggy loves pissing him off. They have a kind of sibling relationship, where they outwardly insult each other and wish the lather were dead, but lets be real, they would die for each other.
• Peppermint Patty is originally from Australia and met Roy through a foreign-exchange program (Roy is originally from India). They were besties at camp and when P. Patty’s dad decided to live there, she offered to let Roy stay with them. They lived together for a long time until Roy moved out with his parents (now in America) and they kinda drifted away. It’s just whenever I recall that one scene in “He’s your dog, Charlie Brown” when Roy is in P. Patty’s house for some reason, im always confused, so this is canon now/jj
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING AGAIN!!! i love spreading my opinions out there and i salute you if you read up to this point (also yes all of these are canon to my AU /gen)
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sugar-omi · 4 months
honestly all that was sooo what i needed to hear rn bc a girls been STRESSED so thank you <3 😭
i'm gonna major in biotechnology! i went to a votech and that was my trade there and i loved it so i wanna continue studying it. not totally sure what job i want yet so i don't know how much schooling i'll do but yeah! :D
BIOTECH??? THAT SOUNDS SO COOL N SO COMPLICATED please i literally had to google that shit bc idk what it entails but this is some big brain shit, n all i gotta say is good luck n i am cheering you ON!!🎉🫶🫶
although i think you got this in the bag already. anyone with the balls to do something so advanced. is a very smart n strong person. from what im reading on google this is some really cool shit, no matter what direction you go with it. n you have your work cut out for you, but i know you got this!!
so don't doubt yourself!! you got this!!! your brain is huge n you are powerful!!!!
n of course!!! i figured saying something like that would help with anyones anxiety, because really, its the pressure (even if they're not actually pressuring you) and the overwhelm of questions and expectations that make the future so stressfullll
*ramble utc because i... cannot help yapping i guess LOL and while i'd usually be embarrassed and delete my ramble n word vomit, but i figure someone else readding this may appreciate the relatability of what i have to say about my fams reaction to my plan after hs, and find some comfort in my word, if thats not to presumptuous
because i decided to take a gap year (it's been a year since i graduated, for reference), and everyone freaked out. my mom n uncles first reaction was "yeah well, you won't go if you do..." before they came around n agreed with my reasoning. and my dad was all "if i had it my way, you'd go full time--" (mind u, he likes to brag that he worked n went to school full time AND partied.... he did not finish college LMAO) and when i graduated, said to me a MONTH. AFTER MY GRADUATION. "if you're not going to college any time soon, go into the air force."
and when my extended family would ask my plans, and i only had a short "i'm just gonna take a break right now, figure some things out, work... and by then i'll have come to a decision." because i was tossing around the thought of art school, and then i thought abt getting an english degree to be either a teacher or go into writing/editing, journaling or whatever... but was also tossing around the thought of psychology and even real estate. my ideas for my future were absolutely jumbled, and i was torn between what would make money, what i loved, and what i was interested in that i thought could be a career.
it's tough. especially depending on your financial situation yknow, so your thought process always leads towards something profitable but also wanting to do something you enjoy, maybe even love, but not wanting to burn out and tarnish your beloved hobby/hobbies.
like while i did have people who supported me upfront, and never doubted my plan, it's the small things too yknow. because for months my dad's words haunted me, i felt like i wasn't doing enough. or when i met family, and they asked how it was going, or what i was doing now, i felt disappointed that my answer was always "i haven't been doing anything. just been sleeping, drawing, writing..." or eventually that and "practiced driving.. n that's about it."
or when i'd talk to close family members, and i admitted i was going through a hard time, my mental state finally falling on me now that i didn't have to be strong n power through school. i even got sick a couple times, because my body was finally feeling the stress. even now, i feel a mental lag, a fog. but i feel clearer, a bit.
but yknow, the looks and the "you said that last time" or "i think you're lying" is tough.
but at the end of the day, if not working for the summer, or not going to college for a semester, or 2, or 3, or a whole year. or if going part time, or whatever you're doing... and it benefits you, and it benefits your mental health. then do it, don't listen too much, don't feel too guilty.
because if you need it, just like i needed the time to rejuvenate, then don't listen to anyone else. don't force yourself to do anything. because if you have the ability to take a break now, do it. you're not doing this because you're lazy, or selfish, or unambitious. or anything like that. you're taking that break, you're taking this break right now, for future you.
because if you don't take it now, when will you take it? and when you do take a break... will it be at the cost of your health? will it be at the cost of something greater? when the break comes, will it come when you're being handed the gold medal you've been fighting for.. and then it slips out of your hand just like that.
anyway.. do whats best for you. what you need. don't worry about figuring things out too fast either, because in fact, i've been plotting this moment of my life for about 10 years, genuinely, and i still had to revise it. still had to come to a conclusion because even with all that plotting, it doesn't plan for the hard times. or the 'you' you are right now. you will be someone else next week. and you will be someone entirely different 2 months from now.
take your time. because if you jump into something, and are unsatisfied, or "waste" time doing something other than what you "should be doing", the time still passes.
if you "waste time" anyway, waste it on yourself. not others expectations. or wishes. or their dreams.
and once enough time passes as well, no matter what you do by then. the questions do stop coming. the weight of the future, once you get there, is suddenly not so... big. intimidating.
you do not need a grandiose plan. if you are content with the future in your mind, that is enough. because at the end of your life, who will sit in that chair and ponder the life you lived, and weight it's satisfaction, if not you?
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
loving the most recent harutaka doodle were takane is being LOUD and possible STRESSED and just haruka touching her causes causes inner peace and *subwoofer lullaby inside her head*
originally i was gonna draw her blushing and getting all silly with this sorta funny smile i like drawing->🥴 something like. a teehee moment cuz imagine that and then her leaning against him while giggling super silly *explodes* isn't that so cute. but i changed it bc i felt it would've needed some dialogue, since post str takane doesnt get pissed at Whatever, if she's mad its probably worth getting mad at, so it would've had to be specific... what would get her mad but also not mad enough to quickly teehee over haruka instead... i couldnt think of anything to write. so i changed it to takane deciding whatever she's yelling about isn't worth it anyways and haruka is comfy :3 i think haruka is rly good at calming her down just by existing she's like Oh right. *cat head bump*
the hc was early dating harutaka being giddy and silly abt each other which is why i was gonna draw it that way initially. but then i didnt lol. or like early reunion actually, not even dating. like haruka can just sit next to takane and their shoulders touch and takanes like omg🥰 hehe. i think they'd be cute like that. i think they'd get all excited and giggling and sooooo stupid about each other. sorry if this is cringe to the viewers but thats cute come on.
the worst pda haruka and takane exhibit is this early dating/about to be dating stage where they're just talking with their faces really close together whispering and giggling. Cringe as hell my man 🙏 wait im about to get completely off topic well not really but let's talk about pda for a bit im in a love mood im in a shipping mood <- the moment it knew the ask reply was turning into its own unrelated post
sorry to talk about setomary like no one even mentioned it but on the subject of pda. i think only kano and kido (and maybe ayano) are setomary pda haters (not setomary haters. just when theyre pda) and the rest are like :3❤️ theyre so cute. but for harutaka since theyre so fucking cringe EVERYONE is kind of annoyed. they just fucking pretend nothings happening because its cringe. maybe during the first week after they reunited they're like aww its so nice haruka and ene reunited :3 but it gets difficult to look at fast.
seto and mary are being more normal they do shit like seto carries mary and theyre hugging all the time etc etc nothing too tragic. maybe seto calls her princess maybe mary gives him some flowers thats just what theyre like not only to each other but theyre that way to Everyone they just happen to match each other's level of swetness perfectly so no one thinks twice abt it. setomary is more natural and cute abt it. but haruka and takane act like they're in highschool at the back of the classroom whispering and giggling and its augh. it's insufferable to witness. i imagine the dan just widening their eyes to each other and mouthing Oh My God to each other all the time when harutaka start acting this way. like haruka and takane do everything except kiss each other in public seeing them kiss would actually be better bc what the hell is this. kido probably forces them to exhange seats like theyre in highschool for real.
sorry lets do a quick pda rating since i already talked about setomary and harutaka so why not talk about kidomomo and shinaya now that im on it. i told you i was getting off topic and also ratio + im an epic aroace person who enjoys romance as fiction so i love Love and making these hcs about smooching!!!! like ive seen ppl do what i described harutaka like. These people are going to hell. however harutaka are safe because theyre fictional. hope that helps.
for kidomomo its baby steps Momo throws herself on kido at all times and kido Vanishes each and every time or has to leave the room out of embarrassment. i think if kidomomo have any relationship issues its THIS. momo is so touchy and pda energy and kidos like 😐😐😐😐😐😐 momos like Ok 1 thousand kisses in private for me to stop kissing u in public and kido says Ok not taking the 1 thousand bit seriously but momo is serious and she WILL count them later. like she gets so good at numbers all of a sudden. kidomomo inside joke that kido is in serious kiss debt *falls to my knees abt my own hc i just pulled out of my ass* sorry thats so corny. but its so cute *bangs fist against floor*
shinaya are anti pda because theyre both nervous messes if their hands brush together shintaro starts having trouble breathing and ayano competes with him at seeing who can embarrass themselves more. shintaro is pretty pathetic but we all know that so... ayano... a girl can nervously brush her hair out of her face only so many times. pull yourself together. anyways in my delusion as you may know they get together and break up. but get together again as normaler people and theyre normaler abt pda then. i think shintaro can have his arm around ayano without either of them being a freak about it. Also ayano probably sends kisses across the room with her hands and will act sad until shintaro catches at least one invisible kiss. shintaro refuses to kiss it back but compromises with putting the invisible kiss in his pocket instead. 🙏
sorry damn i was feeling Love today....... also didnt talk abt kanoshin which is another ship i rly like because they'd explode and die before standing next to each other in public in fear of giving away that they like kissing each other on the mouth. they dont qualify for pda hcs. sorry I turned the reply of this ask into whatever this is
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curiosity-killed · 7 months
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by @veliseraptor right when I turned work notifications off for 2 hours which feels auspicious
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
148 😅
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,201,484! For a couple years there, I was kind of cranking but now I basically haven't written fic for two years so uh. chilling at 1.2 million
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is always mildly upsetting to me because my favorites are rarely the winners lol
a bow for the bad decisions (3536)
willow branches and flowers (2785)
upon this altar (2745)
heart + bone (2090)
whipstitch (2024)
...well at least I like 2 of these lol
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I used to respond to every comment and then got overwhelmed and fell completely behind and THEN decided to clean house and answer all of the remaining ones...and the next day posted heart + bone and now have uh... 688 AO3 emails sitting in my inbox :') I periodically try to go in and answer at least a handful but honestly it's gotten very sporadic
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Off hesperus! I don't think I write a lot of true angst or tragedies tbh. But that one was meant to be 100% genuine, no happy endings angst. And admittedly it's not AS bad as it could have been but. it is probably as bad as I am likely to write (unfortunately (?), I left my "kill all your fave characters, make everyone suffer, burn it down!!!" writing vibes back in middle school mostly).
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
I have so much fluff how am I supposed to pick. ...most of my tgcf fics? heart + bone and sunlight, sunlight, sunlight are pretty absurdly fluffy by the end.
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not really. Back in the olden days (high school/college), I did more—see: whisper something holy, the OG loki fic... I think there were some others?—but it's pretty rare now.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
ehhh not really hate, just some folks who got lost and wound up mad in the comments that *checks notes* local complexity lover let characters be complex. I just turned off anonymous comments for a while and it was fine
9. Do you write smut?
Sometimes! I tend to write (& draw) smut when I'm stuck in a rut (pun sadly not intended), stressed, and struggling to make things which is. something to know about myself. but also means that it often serves as sort of an on ramp to making art that I care about more and so it's often left unfinished.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I have no idea how I'd know but honestly, I think my writing is enough directed toward my interests/wants that it's not a prime candidate for stealing lol
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! it's so cool!! and if she leads was translated into mandarin which!! is bonkers to me that's so much work
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think I've ever actually done it. Isaac (@/lemeute) and I have co-developed a few ideas before but I think they went the way of the raccoon poll and sort of died in discord (though the yanqing AU did contribute to me drawing art!)
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Ah I really struggle with this. Really high up there, and probably chief in staying power, is Altair/Malik(/& Maria) and then in terms of ones that have sort of rewritten my brain chemistry it's like Stucky, Cartinelli, Cap2 Crew, Ranwan, Hualian, Destiel...uh I'm definitely missing some there but that's a sampler!
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
;A; oh god. I mean. a short list:
wulian au
yunmeng jiang everyone dies
bodyswap (mdzs)
light dancer (atla)
I have many more wips but they're in more varying stages of either "I don't actually care that much if I finish these" (all unfinished MCU fics) or "I will actually finish this" (sixteen stitches).
15. What are your writing strengths?
uhhhhhhhhhh i hate this question bc my brain is immediately like "here is a laundry list of everything ur bad at and ALSO ur wrong. abt the things ur good at." bc well. mental wellness. ANYWAY i think I'm like ?? pretty good at creating intensity in writing??? I've talked about it before as viscerality and it is that but also like emotional intensity. and I do think I can craft a pretty turn of phrase here and there
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
well. plot, for one thing. having one? executing one? keeping it consistent without giant holes for everything to fall apart through? nahh. Similarly, continuity overall is! not a strength. Do you know how many notes there are in TCP asking myself to just sketch out a blueprint of the palace where 90% of the first book takes place. can u imagine
there are. more. but i will pause there
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's something that needs to be done with intent and like. care. like, okay. actually I feel extremely subjective about this. Like on the one hand, I think there are times when I think using another language provides important connotative information that is lost when translating to English* (e.g., Wei Wuxian calling Lan Wangji er-gege or Jiang Yanli shijie which don't have very direct counterparts in English, but also if I were to write about my teacher calling me "chica" rather than "girl"). On the other hand, I think it's very important to be cautious (particularly as a white anglophone) about...like. Seasoning Ur Dialogue with Spicy Bits of Other Languages (I am struck by flashbacks of fanon Lance from VLD. bls.). ON THE THIRD HAND, depending on the POV of the work, writing dialogue in a different language can serve different functions in the text (e.g., if the reader knows what it means but the character doesn't, we can have some nice dramatic irony! when it's done well; if the character knows what it means but the reader doesn't, it can build suspense; if both know what it means, it can give insights into different character dynamics/backgrounds/etc.), but again, it should be done with care and intent.
uh i don't know that this actually answered the question or anything. i have feelings???? and minimally coherent thoughts?
*I am being so brave rn in trying not to go down a rabbithole about translation and meaning ;A;
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Marvel :')
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
hh hold on i need to go holler at lise and huaqing possibilities
anYWAY yanqing, xianle quartet (variably romantic), erha*, huaqing*, the king's affection**
*technically i've written once for these but like. not fr fr
**I still haven't finished this bc I am inexplicably stressed abt my blorbos suffering but STILL
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
oh gosh I feel like a broken record bc my fave fics have pretty much been the same for a long time but yeah, of swords and wings is still pretty much my fave largely because, even as it has aged (and I have become more critical of the actual writing), it was so finely tailored to my specific preferences, headcanons, and wants that it still remains quite loved
tagging anyone who wants to do this! (sorry, laziness wins)
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
hey v, just wanted to ask if you were ok/better after yesterday bc today i have seen some of the george hate and i have lost braincells 💀
🥺❤ Hi dear, thank you for asking. ❤
I try to be okay because I have a lot of uni homework to do (it's insane that we get like 3-4 drawings to make for next week's lesson or for the one two weeks later... I have almost zero free time and it makes me sad because I want to write and there are prompts and own ideas waiting for me...) and they kinda help me not to think about what happened but yeah, I saw some not so nice comments, even though I try really hard not to open any comment sections or anything.
Sadly Facebookon keeps recommending me F1 groups (I wish I knew how to stop it) and there was a post in one of them about George's post race interview and the poster wrote that it looks like George cried or was about to cry and someone commented that what makes a difference between men and boys is that men don't cry. And it made me fucking angry because 1.) it's a fucking stupid thing to say, 2.) one of the things I really like about George is that how emotional he is. (And then I wanted to cry but it's not new, for some reason I always find a reason to feel like I want to cry... Maybe stress relief or I don't know. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (And maybe the Carlos hate added a bit to it but I don't even want to mention it because I could write a fucking essay on it...))
And also, the usual comments that for George his result is more important than the team result, he's selfish, he's shit etc. etc.
I'm a bit tired because this is/was hell of an emotional rollercoaster. In one minute I'm happy and I'm smiling while watching videos of Carlos (and Lando) and then fucking Facebook or Tumblr recommends me a George (or Carlos) hate post and there goes my mood. It's so difficult to be happy for Carlos (I am!) and sad for George at the same time. They're the two people I can't decide between if there's a question of which one of them I like more, so right now I don't really know what to do with my emotions.
To be honest I just wanna read some good comfort fics, especially with George. 🥺❤ (And I've found one, and it was truly amazing. And there are some Carlando and Charlos ones waiting on my marked for later list as well but I don't know when I'll read them because I should work on my homework for tomorrow...)
Anyway, thank you so much again for checking on me, it means a lot. ❤ It's not easy to be a George fan, especially when something like this happens. But this is racing, this is life, and I should now shut up (because I talk a lot and I don't want to repeat the same things over and over again (I tend to) just because I'm hurt and it's unusual for me to have people care about me enough to ask how I am and make me want to tell everything because what if it's my only chance... 🤦🏻‍♀️ Oh god, this sounds so stupid...).
Have a nice day/night, Nyx. ❤
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woolywoofs · 2 years
I wanted to post a little update. And ask for a little help, again (paypal posted below, please dont feel pressured! you and your needs come first always).
Moppa and I are still grieving Skvetta, but we are managing now. She can be left alone now without panicking and she no longer searched for her in the yard.
I had my tonsils taken out last friday, on my birthday lol. Surgery itself went well, but beforehand did not. My IV infiltrated and all of the meds to calm me down and put me to sleep just went into my soft tissue. It was extremely painful and I started to have a panic attack on the table because of it + the oxygen mask makes me feel like im suffocating (i know it doesnt make sense haha). All hands on deck after that and I had 3 people on me at once sticking me trying to get IVs in me but my veins just kept breaking. It was actual hell and felt like forever.
Recovery has been a hot mess honestly. The first 3 days were fine and since then its been reaaal bad. The ear, throat and tongue pain is unreal. I am drugged out of my mind because pain/stress is a huge seizure trigger for me, but at this point it is not really working. I did have 1 bad seizure, to a point where i had broken capillaries in my face. But thankfully it didnt create any issues with my surgery recovery. Im hoping things will start improving soon.
Generally my epilepsy has fucked up a lot. My short term memory is messed up and I have lost some skill sets after the bad seizures. I have been re-learning how to draw and paint! It is a very tedious process but i really feel like im making progress.
My autoimmune disease has been lowkey out of control and I saw my rheumo and I am going back on a low dose chemo drug. It really did help last time, it just made me so sick. But we will be looking into every option to control my nausea etc! So im trying to be hopeful. Ill start once im completely healed from my tonsillectomy, since the meds make you more likely to get infections and slows healing.
My uterus has also been absolutely fucked, once again. We were really hoping that removing the mass, scraping my uterus and putting the IUD would stop the bleeding, and it did, for 6 months. But im having issues again and I saw a specialist and we decided that the only option left for me is a hysterectomy. There is a year long wait though. This wasnt exactly on my list of things to do at 27.. but i suppose it is what it is.
Now for some good. Moppa is healthy and happy. She was attacked by a dog in september and got a bad gash but shes completely healed! She loves the fenced yard. We have been working on nosework stuff when im feeling okay enough for it! She is honestly such a light in the dark and I love her.
I get to renew my lease next year so i dont have to worry about housing!! Rent will be increasing bc inflation but im okay with swapping some meals with ramen to make things work, when I cant make extra money. I have been learning how to quilt!! My grandma does it a lot and i asked her to teach me so I am working on a project with her.
While things are generally a hot mess right now, i am mostly okay. And i feel like thats a big improvement for me, im not sure I would have handled all this a year ago. And im proud of myself.
With everything going on, I have obviously been unable to do commissions, or taking in dogsitting clients or anything i typically do to make money. If anyone is able to help, it is really appreciated. *This is my PayPal*, im afraid its my only way to receive anything. *any* amount helps. I really hope this is the last time i ever have to ask for anything. I feel like things are going to turn around now that we have solid plans to help with my health issues. The hope is that once my uterus is out and the low dose chemo has gotten my overall pain under control, that my epilepsy will chill out. It seems to be easily triggered via pain and hormones.
Thanks to anyone who had the patience to read this thing. I just havent posted an update in so long that there was a lot to say 😅 i am going to start being more active on here as ai really miss it. I will include the 2 art pieces I managed to make and finish. It took forever to figure everything out but im proud of myself. Quality may be a little destroyed bc tumblr likes to do that... i really hope i can offer commissions again soon. I might choose a person or two at random that donates and do a ghost commission like below for them? I can at least try. But youd have to message me on here after donating so i know who you are, i think i can attempt dog, cat or rabbit. But i cant promise anything.
I talked forever, im so sorry lol. Here is the paypal again because its definitely lost up there in the babble
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Just to end this.. Has anyone here had a tonsillectomy as an adult and can tell me at what point it got better?
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