#well ill go through the asian grocery store and see if they have anything i want hehe
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clonewarsahsoka · 9 months ago
Should I buy a pajama set? Like a proper one? Is that comfy? Is it fun?
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lokilickedme · 4 years ago
Submitted by @fudgemuffinanon
Ok I think I’m up to date
1. HOLY SHIT WOMAN! You had Covid and just learned about it? How did you find out? Was it with a test? And you handled the asshat at the grocery store way better than I would have. I’m not patient, nor diplomatic, and I have major RBF syndrome
 The temper goes with the face more ofter than I care to admit

2. Your grandmother’s story was incredible. I know you don’t need another project but this could be a beautiful book. No fandom incorporated, just her story.
3. As @mollage said, the Universe is after you! But you may be one of the strongest woman I know, going through all your adventures with that attitude. Thank you Elizabeth for passing down your fiery spirit!
4. With everything that happened to you in the last few weeks, I can’t expect you to write anything. I’ll just wait and take what you give us. Fuck, I just have to deal with Baby Girl’s online school - Big Boy is responsible enough to deal with his class mostly alone - and I have to tell her to go back to the computer every 5 minutes and I’m going NUTS! And we have one more month to go

Ontario has been in stay-at-home order since April 8th, and non-essential stores MAY reopen mid-June at 15% capacity and outdoor activities in small groups MAY resume IF we have 60% of population vaccinated with their first dose. We’re about 58% now according to Health Minister but they stopped giving Aztra as first dose, so all the pharmacies that could give it now can’t. There’s a lot less Pfizer and Moderna doses available so I don’t know how fast it will happen. But it means I will most likely get my second dose quicker than August. Yay me! Second phase won’t happen until we get 70% 1st dose vaccination. So we’re stuck for a while. We’re going out in the woods for walks once in a while so we don’t get too close to people but I want to go to a fabric store sooooo bad!! I’m done picking ticks off hubby everytime we get out.  And I’m running out of crafts to learn on youtube. 
Ok, enough ranting
  gotta go finish knitting Baby girl’s bday gift. A 6" turtle. With clothes. And a shawl. And boots. Yeah
 Love ya!
Yup. All four of us had covid back in November of 2019, before it broke wide and before anyone really knew it was in the US. Husband was able to track it back to a coworker who’d returned from a family visit to China (he works with a large community of Asian Americans who travel back and forth a lot). The coworker came home sick, and shortly after that our household got the worst “flu” any of us have ever had (that was what we thought it was, a weirdly violent flu that hit each of us differently). I’ve never been sicker in my life, my husband thought I was going to die and he claims I told him to just let me go if it looked like I wasn’t going to make it. I’m pretty sure I meant it
it was that bad. I may have actually requested an assist to the other side at one point.
So anyway, a little while later it broke wide and when the symptom lists started coming out we started wondering if that wasn’t what we’d had. Husband finally a few weeks ago went and talked to the guy that had come back sick from overseas and the guy said “Oh yeah, I had the covid, did you get it too?”
By that time there had been approximately 150 known cases at husband’s workplace and six confirmed deaths from it. Grrrr.
At this point it was too late for us to get confirmed, but husband contacted a friend in Colorado who is a covid specialty ER nurse and described our symptoms and the timeframe of our illness to her. She said we absolutely had it - she’d had it too during that same timeframe, before it broke wide and before anyone knew what it was.
So now all my lingering weird-ass symptoms make sense. Big and Little are fine, they don’t seem to have any long-term problems, though I’m keeping an eye on them (especially Big). Husband is fine as well. Me? I took it in the seat of the pants, but like I was telling someone the other day, as soon as one of the longhaul clinics sets up here I’m gonna be there.
The putz in the grocery store was nothing unusual for here. What really gets me is the way people glare at us for continuing to wear masks - it’s almost scary. WTF is wrong with people.
Glad you liked my grandma’s story. Honestly I don’t know enough to write a book about her without having to speculate on a lot of in-between stuff because she was a very secretive person (probably for a good reason tbh) but what a tale it would be. She was a mess :D My mother has always been mad at me for taking after her - she never liked my grandmother much, there was some bad blood between them from decades back, and yeah that’s kind of a good story too lol
Ah, speaking of writing, I’m going to toss out a short chap of that silly self indulgent side-thing for The Department tonight (probably as soon as I send this reply off) and then I’m shooting for a chapter of the actual fic tomorrow at some point. Taking advantage of the husbandary absence (yes I know that’s not a word but it works)
I feel ya on the homeschooling - the boys finished their semester two weeks ago and the stress of that final week for Big (9th grade) was insane.
I wish we were under a stay-at-home order, but where I live hardly anyone obeyed it when we WERE. I love living here but I swear sometimes the people make me want to move off-planet just to find a higher intelligence demographic.
Anyway, I gotta see this turtle when you’re finished with it. You mentioned it so now you gotta show it. I’m going to bug you every day until you provide pictures because even though I can crochet a blanket like nobody’s business I cannot crochet a doll to save my own ass. Gonna have to rely on you for that ;P
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britishassistant · 4 years ago
Too Many Bridges (I Dig Canals) 1
He was twenty-two when he died.
His mama hadn’t wanted him to move out to West Texas, crying that it wasn’t safe. His dad had soothed that he’d be fine at UTEP, the first one in the family to go to university, a business major, doing them all so proud.
His little sister had said they’d all dealt with much worse in high school, where the teachers screamed at you for speaking Spanish until you could barely remember a word.
His short older sister just snuck a dumb Homestuck backpack into his luggage, filled with the latest volumes of Boruto. He’d liked to read them while eating shitty convenience store ramen at 2AM.
Then he’d run out of cup ramen in his senior year, gone to the 7-11 at 1AM to grab some more, and made the mistake of glancing at a cracker junkie shaking from withdrawal.
Last thing he knew, he was bleeding out around a knife while the druggie tore through his groceries, crooning, “C’mon, c’mon where’s the hit, where is it, I know you’re hiding it.”
He’d only had the strength left to flip the racist fucker off before he finally drifted away.
He wakes as a baby.
The only natural response to this is to begin screaming.
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?! Why the fuck is he a baby?! Is everyone a baby when they go to Heaven?! Or wait, his butt’s kinda damp, is this Heaven at all?! Is he in Hell?! Was him flipping off that cracker enough to get him sent to Hell, after all he’s done?! All the masses he’s been to?! For the love of Christ, what’s going on—
A woman with white-blond hair and a tired face leans over him, muttering something harsh-sounding in a foreign language.
A loud and angry sounding man’s voice shouts something from somewhere he can’t see, which startles him into crying harder.
Then a large and callused hand slams down over his mouth, practically smothering him.
The woman’s face looms over him, wrinkled and shadowed like the face of the devil himself, poisonous green eyes glaring at him.
“Damare, kuso gaki.” The devil-woman hisses.
He whimpers.
His hair is green now.
Like a dehydrated shrub left too long in the heat, spiky-dry and almost yellowing at the edges.
And his eyes are purple. As if the green spiky anime hair wasn’t enough to humiliate him.
He misses his mama and his dad and his sisters but thank Jesus they’ll never see him like this.
At least his skin color’s pretty much the same as his last life. If he ended up resembling that fucking junkie who murdered him in any way, shape or form...
Well. All he knows is it wouldn't be pretty.
His new name is Meiun Nobuo.
The devil-woman who would rather smother him in his crib than let him cry apparently gave birth to him.
The deadbeat who cursed him with this eye and hair color and returns most nights stinking of alcohol and rotting fish is the sperm donor.
He misses his real family.
They live in a dock town.
Their house is farthest from the shore, so the scent of rotting fish guts and seagull shit is vaguely bearable. It’s bigger than the fishermen and farmer’s huts and market stalls that make up the rest of the village, with a curved asian roof.
He thinks the sperm donor is in a relatively high position in the village, perhaps an official of some sort. Probably inherited, because he seriously doubts anyone with a brain would elect that drunk deadbeat to any position of authority, but who knows.
He used to think the same thing about the government in his past life, and look what happened there.
Ragged official looking people buzz in and out of the rooms he’s not supposed to enter all day every day. Some of them smile at him if they notice him, lips spread sickeningly wide and eyes sycophantically crinkled.
Others look at him like he’s a nuisance, worthy of only their ire.
As if he asked to be reborn to this fucking paltry excuse for family when he had a perfectly good one back home
The devil-woman isn’t from around here.
That much is obvious in the way she’s constantly ill at ease, snapping at the slightest inconvenience, acting like everyone’s out to get her.
To be fair, a lot of them probably are just for the chance to have some peace and quiet again.
He privately counts himself among that number.
She’s always grumbling about how much better it is in rain, but regardless of the weather her shitty attitude never seems to improve.
She also starts trying to poison him when he turns four.
When his rice tastes weirdly bitter he spits it back into the bowl.
The devil-woman slaps him across the face.
“Eat.” She hisses, forcing his head into the bowl. “I didn’t destroy my body for you to bring shame to the Dokuso name like this. Your great uncle was already immune to neurotoxins by the time he was your age. The least you can do is eat.”
He tries to struggle, to scream for someone to help him, but the devil-woman just forces his head down farther until he swallows every last grain of tainted rice.
His body won’t stop shaking for the rest of the day, every gasp of air feeling like it’s scraping his lungs raw.
It becomes some kind of demented pattern.
He’s poisoned, he suffers, his body adjusts, he’s poisoned again in a new way, rinse and repeat until he seriously finds himself contemplating whether his last death was better than this.
The look of dissatisfaction the devil-woman always wears, as though he’s somehow not doing this (or dying) fast enough for her liking, weighs the argument a lot.
On the days where he’s in less danger of throwing up his guts, he has lessons with a tutor, because of course he fucking does.
Death, taxes and homework: the three constants of existence.
The tutor calls him a prodigy with mathematics, even if his grasp of kanji is shaky.
The deadbeat uses this as an excuse to push some of his work onto a five year old with some garbled line about “carrying on the work of our forefathers”.
He hates this.
He hates it so fucking much.
He prays every night, asking Christ why he’s being tormented like this. He hasn’t got an answer back yet.
He’s gonna make a break for it as soon as he’s old enough to do so. He’s still too young to be allowed out of the house, even for festivals. He also doesn’t receive anything like an allowance yet either, though he suspects that’s more due to the fact that the sperm donor is a cheapskate.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine. He’s already got access to some of the accounts, has proven himself to be a dedicated worker beneath suspicion.
Nobody’ll suspect the kid “carrying on the work of his forefathers” if money begins disappearing, not when there are so many greedy adults around. It’s foolproof.
He’s just gotta wait until he learns where he is and how he can get away.
He can do that. It’ll be fine.
“The daimyƍ has declared dƍjutsu users enemies of the state.” His sperm donor complains one evening. “The Mizukage has authorized the use of deadly force to subdue them.”
The devil-woman sniffs, says something nasally and contrarian back but he can’t hear her over the blood rushing in his ears.
His mouth is dry. He can’t breathe.
There’s no way—there’s absolutely no fucking way—the tech here is way too primitive, he must be hallucinating, going through withdrawal from not reading his favorite manga for so long.
There’s no way this place could be the same world as Boruto. Besides, Chojuro would never authorize a-a genocide like that, Kagura-kun would be so disappointed in him—
But Kagura-kun’s grandfather wouldn’t have had any problems with it, would he?
It’s not until the devil-woman whacks him over the head and screams at him to get up that he realizes he’s on the floor.
He climbs shakily to his feet.
He endures the scolding quietly.
He goes to his room when dismissed.
He shuts the door behind him and slides down it, trying to muffle the sounds escaping his throat. They could be hysterical laughter or sobs. He really isn’t sure.
Because of course he’s been reborn years before any of the good characters of this series or plot developments that he can clearly remember will make their appearance.
That’s just his fucking luck.
He presses his forehead to his knees and screams.
This revelation helps along his plans, at least.
If he’s in Kiri, then he knows he’s probably on one of the many islands that make up the...peninsula? Archipelago? Fuck, geography was never his strong suit.
But yeah, he’ll need to charter a boat to get to the mainland so he can disappear.
He briefly entertains the idea of becoming a ninja for Kiri, maybe growing up to become one of Chojuro’s aides and Kagura-kun’s mentors. Getting to meet Boruto when that arc comes around.
But no. Or at least, not yet.
Going there before Terumi Mei has had the chance to overthrow Yagura isn’t a good idea, what with the whole “kill everyone else you studied with to become a genin” thing they’ve got going on. Also the people claiming to be his parents might track him down and have him sent back.
Fire Country is probably his best bet to vanish. The ninja there actually care about the populace.
He might even be able to go to Konoha. See Boruto and Sarada and Mitsuki grow up firsthand.
The thought leaves a warm feeling in his chest even as his limbs tremble from the effects of the latest venom for the rest of the week.
It doesn’t last.
Of course it doesn’t.
It’s one thing to know that certain people in the community are slated for death.
It’s a different ballgame entirely to see a mob barge into the sperm donor’s office, howling for blood.
He can only hear the words “kekkai genkai filth” chanted like a curse before the deadbeat is nodding his head and rising, grabbing a huge ass sword from where it’s been gathering dust on the wall.
He tries to shrink back, tries to let the throng pass him without drawing their attention, but a hand grabs his collar and yanks him away from his little table, away from his calculations, and drags him along with the frothing crowd of people with hate in their eyes.
He’s squashed near the back of the herd, but every time he tries to get away there are hands and arms to yank him back into line, hands of men or women or—Jesus, or other kids.
He’s eventually funneled through the doorway of a tiny farmer’s hut, pushed into one of the walls by the crush of people, and he looks up and there’s—
Oh God.
Oh God.
Oh Jesus in Heaven have mercy.
He can’t look.
It’s awful, it’s too much, he can’t look, he can’t, he gags, averts his eyes—
He sees the girl in the corner of the room.
She’s crying, mouthing “Mama” to herself over and over.
One of those murderers has seen her too.
The man takes a step towards the girl—
“Stay the fuck away from her!” He yells.
He can’t remember moving. All he knows is he’s now in between the girl and the mob, knees trembling and adrenaline pounding in his ears.
His voice is all shaky and squeaky, not intimidating at all.
He’s scared.
Jesus Christ, he’s so scared.
These monsters just killed that innocent lady for their dumb fucking witch hunt.
What’ll they do to this girl if they get their hands on her?
One of the villagers steps forward and growls, “Outta the way, boy. You don’t wanna get hurt for that thing.”
“Fuck you, asshole!” He screams back.
“Meiun, discipline your fucking brat before we do it for you!” Someone else in the mob shouts.
The sperm donor is pushed to the front and begrudgingly holds out a hand. “Don’t be stupid Nobuo. Get your ass over here, now.”
“Listen to your father!” The demon-woman shrieks from the safety of several people away.
He laughs. He can’t help it. “My father?! You want me to acknowledge that drunken excuse of a sperm donor as a father?! Get real, you fucking hag!! You and him wouldn’t know what real fucking parenting looked like if you fucking murdered it in cold fucking blood!!”
He points at what’s left of the lady. “Because guess what? Looks like ya did!”
“How dare you—” The deadbeat’s gone dark purple.
“No, how dare you?!” His hands are shaking and Christ, there’s no way this can end well, but his mouth won’t stop running. “That lady was a perfectly fucking nice lady, a loving wife and a good mom and you assholes think you can just come out here and murder her for what?! Having something that you don’t?! Being a genuinely good person, like you aren’t?! You’re all just JEALOUS FU—”
Pain explodes in his temple.
He tries to raise his arms, tries to fight back, but the man’s swinging too wildly, he can’t stop the blow to the gut that knocks the air out of him.
More arms appear from nowhere, shoving him to the ground, pinning him down, jeers and taunts about how if he loves kekkai genkai filth that much he can join them, see what happens to them.
The knife glints evilly in the light.
He doesn’t wanna die again.
Jesus Christ, he doesn’t wanna die again.
There’s cold for a moment behind his right ear.
And then there’s nothing but agony, red and sharp and pounding pounding pounding and Nobuo is screaming screaming screaming.
Until his throat feels like it’s going to give out.
Until he knows he’ll die like this.
He doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die he doesn’t wanna die Christ—
The sensation is sudden and painful.
Like he’s been punched in the chest again, but in reverse.
Something erupts from him, with enough force to leave him breathless.
The jeers and ugly laughter become screams as pained as his own.
“Shit, he’s one t—?!” is the last thing he hears before a sound like glass shattering over and over overwhelms all other noise, even the terrified shrieks for mercy.
Nobuo’s eyes roll back into his head.
He blacks out.
The right side of his head throbs.
He whimpers in pain, curling in on himself.
“A-are you alright? Are you hurting? I tried to patch you up as best I could...” A soft, sweet voice murmurs.
He cracks open his eyes a sliver to see a dark-haired head with a pretty face hovering over him. The pretty face looks worried, almost scared.
“What...?” He tries to ask, voice croaky as hell. “Where...?”
“Ah, I, uh, took you and ran away after you got those guys off you.” The pretty face explains, averting their eyes for some reason. Their kimono is torn in places. “You-your e-head was bleeding really bad, so I tried to fix it, but I don’t think I did a very good job...”
His hand lifts to the side of his head, feeling cloth sticky with what he can only assume is blood.
And feeling nothing beneath it.
His breathing hitches. He tries to stop it, tries to gulp the panic and fear back down, he can’t cry, he’ll get hit again if he cries, he can’t—
He lets out a sound that can only be described as a wail, shoulders shaking.
There’s movement and he flinches, oh god, he doesn’t want a hit, not now, not when he’s already dealing with this—
Small, thin arms wrap around him, trembling. A head of soft hair buries itself in his other shoulder, and a low voice begins sobbing “I-I’m so-sorry, I-I didn’t, I co-couldn’t stop them, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” in his remaining ear.
A small part of his brain notes that this is the first time he’s been hugged since he woke up as a baby.
They cry for a long, long time.
Finally, when it feels like he’s gonna have a head cold for a week at least, he shrugs his shoulder minutely.
The girl looks up, face blotchy and red.
“You’re that girl, right? What’s your name?” He croaks.
The girl tenses and pulls away a little. “I’m Haku. I’m eight. A-and I-I’m a b-boy.”
“Oh. Sorry.” He rubs the back of his neck, feeling his cheeks flush. Where does he feel like he’s heard that name before...?
“And you are?” Haku prompts.
“M-Meiun Nobuo.” He states with a grimace. “M’ six.”
“Ah...then Official Meiun was...” Haku’s eyes begin to fill with tears again. “Y-your father, and, and your m-mother—”
“God no.” He snaps. “That man impregnated that woman to make me, but father and mother are the last things they can be called. Real parents don’t pull the shit they do on their kids.”
He folds his arms across his chest. “This may’ve sped up my plans, but you did me a favor, taking me with you. I was planning on running away anyway.”
Haku lets out a confused sniffle.“Where were you planning on running away to?”
“Fire Country.” He might puff out his chest a little. “Their ninja actually care about people, and they don’t hate kekkai genkai there.”
“Kekkai genkai...th-that’s what they kept calling me and m-mama...” Fat tears begin rolling Haku’s pretty face.
He shakily slides an arm around the older boy’s shoulders. “Y-you can come with me. If you want. I-I don’t exactly know the way, I was hoping to get some more geography and funds first, b-but I’ll figure something out, I swear.”
Haku takes a few deep, shuddery breaths. “I-I don’t either, but I know how to get to the next village, if that’s okay?”
“That’s great! That’s way better than what I can do!” He assures, giving his traveling companion’s shoulder a pat. “...d’you, like, wanna start going now, or...?”
“Can we stay here for a moment?” Haku asks. “J-just until I can check your head’s okay?”
Meiun Nobuo nods carefully, leaning more against the older boy. “Sure. No rush.”
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excindrela · 5 years ago
12 Days of Demon Ayno - Day 3 (18+ M)
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Supernatural AU
Pairing: demon! Ayno (Noh YoonHo) VAV x Female Reader
Genre: Fluff & S M U T
Warnings: Fingering, Graphic sex (semi-public, mirror, un-protected)
Word Count: 2435
AN: Welcome to Day 3 of the 12 Days of Demon Ayno! As promised, here’s the SMUT! (Oh don’t worry- there’s more where this came from!)  I love feedback- so if there’s something you like, or something you want to see- tell me!! Hope you like it! 
Demon Ayno: Summoned, Thanksgiving, 12 Days: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9
On the 3rd Day of Christmas: You Took Ayno to the Mall
You were sifting through the mail, which at this time of year consisted mostly of ads and catalogs, when you saw the envelope. Oh no. You’d almost forgotten: the office Christmas party. There was no getting out of it, and worse, somehow your co-workers had found out you had a boyfriend. This meant you were going to have to take Ayno. You glanced over at him, sitting on the couch totally engrossed in yet another insipid Hallmark Christmas movie, and wondered how you were going to pull this off. There was no way he was going to just blend in: Ayno was tall and beautiful- the platinum blonde hair you were currently gracing him with making him even more of a standout. Once you put him in a suit and tie, he was going to stop traffic and hearts. You felt yourself getting lightheaded at the thought.
Right on cue, Ayno’s head swiveled in your direction, eyes already glowing burgundy and full of sparkle, as he gracefully rose and crossed the room in three short strides to press his body against yours and capture your mouth with his. “Did you need something?” he asked suggestively.  
“Nope. I’m good.” You half lied.
Never one to take no for an answer, Ayno began softly kissing your neck. “Mmmmm...your pheromones suggest otherwise.” He said softly between kisses.
“With you kissing me like that, how could they not?”
You felt his lips curve into a smile. “I don’t see the problem
“The problem”, you said attempting to push him away, “is that once we get going, we don’t stop! 
and I unfortunately have things to get done tonight.”
“I hope you were planning to add me to your to-do list” he mock pouted.
You laughed “You are always on my to-do list.”
*          *          *
Any thoughts you had that you were going to leave Ayno at home and just say “he couldn’t make it” went out the window at the end of the staff meeting the next day when Megan, who you usually referred to as Mega Bitch Barbie, cornered you and asked in front of everyone “So! Will we finally be seeing this mysterious boyfriend of yours at the Christmas party?”, the tone of her voice implying that no such person actually existed. Right then and there you decided that Ayno was definitely going, and in the most lethal look you could mentally conjure for him.
*          *          *
we have to go shopping.” You told him.
“Shopping?” he asked excitedly “Can we go to the store with the chicken feet and the large spikey fruit?” Ayno loved grocery shopping.
“No, sorry- this is not a trip to the Asian market. We have to go to the Mall.”
He looked a little disappointed. “Do we have to go through every store? Many of them seem the same. And some of them stink and make me sneeze.”
You laughed lightly. “I promise we will avoid Yankee Candle and Bath & Body Works. I have to find a dress to wear to the office Christmas party.”
“Oh. When will you go to this party?”
“In a couple weeks. You’re going too.”
Ayno’s whole face lit up. “I will go with you? You think it is ok to let people see me and meet me?” he asked.
“Of course! 
and before you ask, yes, I will tell them you’re my boyfriend.”
“I promise I will try not to be awkward. I will say little and stay right next to you.” he said in a rush.
Your heart hurt a little- he was trying so hard. “You’ll be fine. You’re doing a great job of acting human.”
Ayno beamed and gave you one of those full body hugs you loved. “Do I need clothes for this too?”
“Well yes- and no. You do need a suit. But I was thinking I might just conjure your clothes.”
Ayno looked wary. “Is that a good idea? You know what happens
He wasn’t wrong in his concern. You had learned that when Ayno said he appeared however you desired him, he meant it literally. If you truly desired him to look like SpongeBob SquarePants in a pink housecoat and hair curlers, that is exactly what he would look like
and the change would take only moments. So, if you desired him to wear the outfit on the cover of GQ- that’s what he would be instantly wearing. The problem came in when you started thinking about things you’d like him to do to you and started picturing him naked
which was why you had invested in some actual real world clothes for him- those didn’t just disappear off his body the second your thoughts went NC-17.
*          *          *
You started with the department stores. Nordstrom & Bloomingdale’s were too expensive, and Dillard’s had a whole lot of nothing. That meant you had to hit the mall stores.
Ayno had proven to be good to shop with: three levels of consumer paradise always fascinated him, he offered honest assessments of anything you tried on, and had seemingly endless patience with the process- particularly if you gave him your cell phone to play with. He was totally addicted to Candy Crush.
This next store looked sort of promising. Over bright lighting, hard to navigate displays, tons of disposable fast fashion, and from the overhead speakers Mariah Carey was loudly declaring that all she wanted for Christmas was you. You saw several dresses you liked right away, and they had most of them in your size. The salesgirl lead you to the dressing room area at the rear of the store. They were co-ed dressing rooms that sat down a long hallway with wooden stadium style seats on one side and then the dressing rooms on the other with doors that reached almost to the floor. You stepped inside the room to discover it was actually rather spacious and had one of those awesome three panel mirrors that you could angle so you could actually see yourself from every position all at once. The first two dresses were absolute no goes: One of them was ill fitting, and the color on the other one washed you out. The third dress was a possibility if not a little boring. You actually had to take your bra off for dress number four: one of those tight stretchy neoprene numbers that looked almost like vinyl. Ok, this dress was a little too body-con for an office party, but you looked sexy as hell. You were tousling your hair, turning and admiring yourself when you heard a knock on the dressing room door. You were about to tell the salesgirl you were fine, when you heard Ayno’s voice low and husky “Open the door”. You cracked it open to see his eyes blazing burgundy and full of lust. He pushed through the dressing room door and locked it behind him. He moved around to stand behind you, wrapping one arm around your waist and pressing you to his body, the other hand rubbing your thigh and pushing the already-too-short-hem of the dress ever higher. “Mmmm you do look sexy, don’t you? He said as he captured your earlobe with his teeth and began nibbling and tugging on it.  “Ayno! Stop!” you hissed. “What’s the matter baby? Afraid someone will hear us?” “YES! We will get thrown out! Or arrested!!” “Then you’d better stay quiet” he growled as he pushed 2 of his fingers into your mouth. This was the closest you had ever gotten to sucking Ayno’s cock, so you went to work on his fingers with all the pent-up frustration of having been denied that privilege. His large hand kneaded and grabbed your ass as you swirled your tongue around his fingers and sucked hard. While weaving a trail of pale strawberry marks across the top of your shoulders, he worked the dress to your waist; and still feeling the smooth skin of your bare ass, he glanced down at it. “Oooo
you are feeling sexy today! You’re wearing- what do you call this again? A “thong”? Such pretty black lace
” his eyes flared a brighter burgundy as he looked up at you in the mirror “
too bad it’s in my way.” Ayno bent down, and with one hand occupied by your mouth, he used the other to pull the string taut, and brought his teeth down to rip it away from the “whale tail” at the top. You felt it give way and slingshot between your legs, coming to dangle uselessly in the front. “That’s better” he said as he brought his free hand down to smack your ass. You squealed in surprise and jumped forward slightly. “Shhhh
I can’t fuck you if you won’t stay quiet.” Ayno admonished as pumped his fingers in and out of your mouth.  He pulled them out with a pop and trailed them between your ass cheeks before sliding lower and slipping them into your juicy pussy. You sighed as he slid them in and out quickly causing a squelching sound. “Is all this for me?” he whispered. You nodded and whimpered slightly, suddenly needing to feel him buried in you. You moaned in protest as he abruptly removed his fingers, bringing his hand around to the front of you, running his fingers up and down between your folds before placing your swollen clit between his thumb and forefinger and gently rolling. You gasped, bighting your lips to keep silent as he brought his other hand up and gently lifted your chin until you look up and meet his eyes in the mirror. You could feel your tension building, as you ground your ass against Ayno’s hard cock, still straining to be freed from his pants. Suddenly he stopped, kissed your cheek and whispered “Not yet” low in your ear as you moaned in protest of your stolen high.
Ayno reached up slowly removed the straps from your shoulders and rolled the dress down your sides and off your body until it fell to the floor. He turned you slightly sideways and said, “Spread your legs, bend over, and put both hands on the left mirror.” Your core grew hot with anticipation as you followed his instructions. Then he reached over and adjusted the right panel of the mirror so you could see your naked body bent before him: breasts hanging free and dripping pussy on display like an open rose. You watched breathlessly as Ayno took his finger and ran it gently along the edges of each petal, and slowly swirled around the opening before pushing a single digit back in. A sigh escaped your lips as he worked the digit slowly back and forth before withdrawing it covered in your juices to swirl around the lips again. “So beautiful.” He murmured as he repeated his actions before bringing his fingers to his lips and licking them clean. His eyes never left yours as he unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor next to the dress. He gently stroked himself and then brought the tip of his length to your waiting hole. He stroked the head of his cock up and down between your slick folds, lubing himself until you saw him prod the entrance, and begin teasing you by inserting just the head, and then withdrawing it. “Oh god Ayno- don’t tease me! Just fuck me” you pleaded. “So impatient” he said clucking his tongue at you. “Are you going to stay quiet?” he asked as he pushed in again. “Yes” you whispered desperately. He grabbed your hips and sheathed himself all the way in in one long steady stroke. You watched as his shaft disappeared inside you one centimeter at a time, your walls stretching as he pressed in until his thighs were flush against your ass. Then he dragged slowly all the way back out, allowing you to feel his every ridge. For a moment you could see his cock coated in your juices glistening in the dressing room lights, before he pushed himself all the way back in watching as your wet pussy lips parted to welcome him. Every time he pressed in you could feel the sweet stretch against your walls as he filled you and then the feeling of emptiness as your walls touched again when he withdrew. Ayno’s eyes met yours in the mirror “I love watching your pussy take my cock. Do you like it too? Do you like watching me fuck you?” he asked. “Yes, god yes
please Ayno, this is torture! Fuck me hard...” you whined. “Your wish is always my command” he said as he continued thrusting fully in and out of you, his pace building rapidly. The slap of his thighs against your ass was muffled by the sounds of Blink 182 telling you they would not be home for Christmas; but you watched your ass cheeks jiggle as his thighs connected, and your breasts bounce with every stroke. He continued pulling his full length out and slamming back into you despite the frenetic pace he now had. Your breath was coming in shallow pants as you reached one hand down to your throbbing clit and squeezed your eyes shut. You weren’t aware of how loud you were moaning until Ayno reached forward and clamped one hand over your mouth. “C’mon baby – don’t be scared- you don’t have to hold back.” he coaxed, seeing you fighting to keep your climax at bay. You could feel your stomach tighten and your legs starting to shake. Your moans became high pitched as your orgasm sent waves of pleasure through your body. Ayno pulled out and spun you around- pressing you against his body, your mound grinding against his bare cock and your whimpers lost in his mouth as you rode it out.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door. You broke away from the kiss, your whole body going stock still, shaking legs still being supported by Ayno. “Hi! How’s it goin’ in there?!” the voice of the overly cheerful salesgirl asked. Ayno broke into a huge grin. “Great! Thanks!” you called back, hoping you didn’t sound as shaky as you felt. “Was that a good size for you? Did that fit ok?” she asked. Ayno’s whole body began shaking with silent laughter. “Yep! It was perfect. Fit like a dream.” you answered back trying not to laugh. “Ok! Let me know if you need anything else!” she said as she moved on to check the next patron. “Maybe some new underwear
” you mumbled under your breath.
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newstfionline · 5 years ago
Historic blast of polar vortex sets scores of records, scatters rare May snow in Eastern U.S. (Washington Post) A blast of Arctic air marched south across the eastern Lower 48 to start the weekend, bringing winterlike temperatures to millions of people and even a confetti of snowflakes. Records fell like dominoes as the icy air mass spilled south, first lapping at the Midwest before surging all the way east to the Atlantic. It’s one of the most prolific late-season cold outbreaks on record, thanks to a piece of the low-altitude polar vortex breaking off and meandering uncharacteristically far south. From Texas to Maine, record lows for May 9 fell in every state in the eastern half of the Lower 48 north of Florida. Several locations also registered their lowest May temperatures ever recorded and coldest weather this late in the season. Lows dipped into the 20s in 20 states.
A distinct possibility: ‘Temporary’ layoffs may be permanent (AP) In late March, Britney Ruby Miller, co-owner of a small chain of steakhouse restaurants, confidently proclaimed that once the viral outbreak had subsided, her company planned to recall all its laid-off workers. Now? Miller would be thrilled to eventually restore three-quarters of the roughly 600 workers her company had to let go. “I’m being realistic,” she said. “Bringing back 75% of our staff would be incredible.” Call it realism or pessimism, but more employers are coming to a reluctant conclusion: Many of the employees they’ve had to lay off in the face of the pandemic might not be returning to their old jobs anytime soon. Some large companies won’t have enough customers to justify it. And some small businesses won’t likely survive at all despite aid provided by the federal government.
One-Third of All U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Nursing Home Residents or Workers (NYT) At least 27,600 residents and workers have died from the coronavirus at nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for older adults in the United States, according to a New York Times database. The virus so far has infected more than 150,000 at some 7,700 facilities. Nursing home populations are at a high risk of being infected by—and dying from—the coronavirus, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is known to be particularly lethal to older adults with underlying health conditions, and can spread more easily through congregate facilities, where many people live in a confined environment and workers move from room to room. While just 11 percent of the country’s cases have occurred in long-term care facilities, deaths related to Covid-19 in these facilities account for more than a third of the country’s pandemic fatalities.
Coronavirus shuts the Mexican beer industry down, and the country is running dry (Washington Post) During the bone-dry days of Prohibition, Americans slipped over the border to guzzle beer in Mexico. A century later, Mexican towns are the ones going dry. The government has largely shut down beer production, saying that it is not essential during the country’s coronavirus outbreak. The last bottles of Tecate, Corona, Modelo Especial and Dos Equis for Mexican consumption rolled off the lines in early April. “Many people are desperately searching for beer,” said RaĂșl Funes, the head of a craft-brew association in Tijuana, just south of San Diego. “It’s like toilet paper.”
The red flags of Colombia (Washington Post) When the food supply at the community shelter had dwindled to a single package of Swiss chard, Robinson Álvarez Monroy stepped outside and hung a red scarf. Across Colombia, the red flag—or scarf, or towel, or T-shirt—has come to symbolize an urgent need for assistance. It’s a cry for help. In some places, the scarf, towel, or T-shirt has been waving for more than a month. Colombia had reported more than 10,000 cases of the coronavirus and 420 deaths as of Friday night, far fewer than South American neighbors Peru, Ecuador and Brazil. But lockdowns have devastated the region’s fragile economy, and the informal laborers who must work to eat. People in the slums say help comes from those who see the flags and stop to give them food.
Pandemic shows contrasts between US, European safety nets (AP) The coronavirus pandemic is straining social safety nets across the globe—and underlining sharp differences in approach between wealthy societies such as the United States and Europe. In Europe, the collapse in business activity is triggering wage support programs that are keeping millions on the job, for now. In contrast, in the United States more than 33.5 million people have applied for jobless benefits and the unemployment rate has soared to 14.7%. Congress has passed $2 trillion in emergency support, boosting jobless benefits and writing stimulus checks of up to $1,200 per taxpayer. That is a pattern seen in earlier economic downturns, particularly the global financial crisis and the Great Recession. Europe depends on existing programs kicking in that pump money into people’s pockets. The U.S., on the other hand, relies on Congress taking action by passing emergency stimulus programs. Economist Andre Sapir, a senior fellow at the Bruegel research institute in Brussels, said budget policy in the U.S. plays partly the role that Europe’s welfare system plays because the American welfare system is less generous and a recession can be much harsher on workers.
French parents anguish over sending children back to school (AP) As France prepares to start letting public life resume after eight weeks under a coronavirus lockdown, many parents are deeply torn over a question without a clear or correct answer: Should I send my child back to school? Due to the slow startup, as well as ongoing fears about COVID-19 in hard-hit France, school attendance will not be compulsory right away. Parents and guardians may keep children at home and teachers will provide lessons like they have during the nationwide lockdown. Returning students will find their classrooms running differently. Teachers will wear masks and remind children to social distance from each other and to wash their hands several times a day.
Italy has long been Europe’s wild card. The coronavirus has upped the risk. (Washington Post) After two months of ambulance sirens, mourning and isolation, this is the damage report from Italy: The novel coronavirus death toll has surpassed 30,000. The country is hurtling into its steepest recession in modern times. Tourism has gone bust. Many restaurants and shops lack the cash to ever reopen. The government’s brittle finances are becoming ever more stretched. All the while, many Italians feel embittered and alienated. They are disappointed in the continent’s early response to the pandemic and its fallout. Anti-European sentiment has spiked. So has the uncertainty about what might happen next in Italy’s topsy-turvy politics. Even before it was hit by one of the world’s deadliest outbreaks, Italy was seen as the wild card of Western Europe—flirting on-and-off with populism, sometimes seeming to be only one mismanaged crisis away from becoming the continent’s next Brexit or Greek-style debt disaster. Now that crisis has arrived, and what hangs in the balance is not just Italy’s stability but that of Europe, as well.
In Japan, pandemic brings outbreaks of bullying, ostracism (AP) The coronavirus in Japan has brought not just an epidemic of infections, but also an onslaught of bullying and discrimination against the sick, their families and health workers. A government campaign to raise awareness seems to be helping, at least for medical workers. But it’s made only limited headway in countering the harassment and shunning that may be discouraging people from seeking testing and care and hindering the battle against the pandemic. Apart from fear of infection, experts say the prejudice against those even indirectly associated with the illness also stems from deeply rooted ideas about purity and cleanliness in a culture that rejects anything deemed to be alien, unclean or troublesome. Medical workers risking their lives to care for patients are a main target, but people working at grocery stores, delivering parcels and carrying out other essential jobs also are facing harassment. So are their family members.
Infections rise in Asia (AP) China and South Korea reported new spikes Sunday in coronavirus cases, setting off fresh concerns in countries where outbreaks had been in dramatic decline, and new protests against pandemic restrictions erupted in Germany despite the easing of many lockdowns in Europe. Worldwide, health officials are anxiously watching to see just how much infection rates rise in a second wave as nations and states emerge from varying degrees of lockdown. Later Sunday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was expected to take a different tack, keeping most restrictions in place as he reveals a ‘road map’ for the future of the country that has the most official virus deaths in Europe at over 31,600.
Virus Forces Persian Gulf States to Reckon With Migrant Labor (NYT) The Kuwaiti talk show panelists were holding forth on an issue that the coronavirus has pushed to the forefront of national debate: whether their tiny, oil-rich monarchy should rely as heavily as it does on foreign laborers, who have suffered most of the country’s infections and borne much of the cost of its lockdown. “Go to malls in Kuwait—would you ever see a Kuwaiti working there?” said one guest, Ahmad Baqer. “No. They’re all different nationalities.” Not long after, a South Asian man slipped into the camera frame, serving tea to each panelist from a tray. He appeared three times during the program, his presence unacknowledged except by one panelist who waved away a fresh cup. In the Middle East’s wealthiest societies, the machinery of daily life depends on migrant laborers from Asia, Africa and poorer Arab countries—millions of “tea boys,” housemaids, doctors, construction workers, deliverymen, chefs, garbagemen, guards, hairdressers, hoteliers and more, who often outnumber the native population. They support families back home by doing the jobs citizens cannot or will not take. But as oil revenues plummet, migrant labor camps become coronavirus hot spots and citizens demand that their governments protect them first, the pandemic has prompted a reckoning with the status quo. “The two things that Gulf countries depend on the most, oil prices and foreign workers, these two have been hard hit with the coronavirus,” said Eman Alhussein, a fellow at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington. “The coronavirus has unleashed all these issues that have been put on the back burner for a long time.”
South Africa’s alcohol ban during lockdown reveals its deadly drinking habits (Washington Post) South Africa has taken some of the most drastic measures in the world to curtail the spread of the novel coronavirus, but one has generated fierce debate like no other: a ban on the sale, and even transport, of alcohol. On one side: drinkers who say their rights are being impinged on and bottle shop owners and liquor companies that are going broke. On the other: a public health system that is unburdened by thousands of monthly hospitalizations resulting from accidents and violence attributed to drunkenness. More than 5,000 fewer admissions to trauma units per week can be attributed to the alcohol ban, according to Charles Parry, director of alcohol research at the South African Medical Research Council. The council’s data also shows a decrease in excess deaths in South Africa, suggesting that the lockdown, with its alcohol ban and decrease in vehicle use, may have saved the lives of more South Africans than the 186 that the coronavirus is confirmed to have killed so far. “Instead of patching people up with stabbing wounds, nurses can focus on training how to handle covid cases,” Parry said, referencing covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. “Based on our model, at least 15 people who would have otherwise died from alcohol-related traumas are being saved every single day.”
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dcnativegal · 5 years ago
Day 9 of a National Emergency
Day 11 of a Pandemic
It’s Day 9 of a National Emergency, as declared by President #45. (On March 21, 2020)
There are many creative memes floating around the interwebs: this might be my favorite:
“Kinda feeling like the earth just sent us all to our rooms to think about what we’ve done.”
Valerie and I are in the house in Paisley, with Griffey the poodle and Moe the cat. We have fabric and yarn for making masks to protect people, including us, from the novel coronavirus known as Covid19, which popped out of the animal kingdom to the bipedal mammalian one known as humanity, in Wuhan China, in December of 2019. The deaths from covid19 in Italy have surpassed the ones in China where many more people were infected.
“A staggering 793 people died TODAY alone in Italy from the Coronavirus. That makes it the single deadliest day for any nation in the entire pandemic.” (Shaun King, Instagram.)
Although the medical system in Italy is sophisticated, the people and public health system were too slow. And the average age is higher than average? Iran is also devastated, while the USA screws down tighter with sanctions. The countries that have dealt with the virus while ‘flattening the curve’? South Korea, Singapore, and finally, China.
There are no positive tests in Lake County because there are no tests. There are a few people reporting the symptoms of sore throat, fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Valerie’s friend, who is also Valerie’s second husband’s eighth wife, but who’s counting, had a sore throat and just didn’t feel well, and went walking with Valerie and Griffey on the desert road by the Paisley airport, to my consternation. Valerie is 72, and is hale and hearty most of the time, but has this little flaw: an autoimmune disorder that kicks her butt, or rather the myelin sheath of her nerves, following any immune battle. I wasn’t around to forbid it, so all I can do is point out that Valerie is at higher risk than the average 60+ year old.
I might be, too, given my general lack of aerobic fitness and, um, insulin dependent diabetes. Also, sleep apnea and hypertension.
The person I worry most about is Toni’s husband, Al, who has been smoking cigarettes for 50+ years and uses oxygen now. He had just resurrected community theater in Paisley and we were rehearsing when the ‘social distancing’ directive from Governor Brown came down. I am to play Cora, a busy body and gossip in a small New England town, foil to the proper but also gossiping member of the welcome committee, Reba. And we both apparently dislike Willa Mae, played by Valerie.
The play will happen at some point. But I refuse to memorize my lines until I know when we start up rehearsals again.
Covid 19 would take out Al in a New York minute.
Schools are closed, restaurants are ‘take out only’. No one is traveling, with the exception of my sister’s youngest child, 19 year old Makoto, who flew east from Japan, to Los Angeles, to Philadelphia, cutting short his adventure as a student abroad. He became fluent in Japanese, and posted daily on Instagram. Now he’s in quarantine at his father’s home, just to be safe.
I have had moments in the past two weeks where I had trouble feeling at all safe or grounded. Join the club, Miss Lincoln. I sat in a meeting in a large circle of mostly women who all have an interest in helping ‘senior citizens’: the Aging Services Collaborative. And for me, there was a large elephant in the room that had my attention the entire time called ‘Coronavirus.’ It was Thursday, March 12. We were meeting in the Lakeview Senior Center, and the director got rather defensive when someone asked if she had shut down the lunch program. She said there’s be a serious backlash if she shut it ‘too soon.’  No such thing as too soon in the pandemic: by the next day, the senior lunch program was shuttered.
I was cranky and agitated in that meeting, and the younger women, new to the Collaborative, probably though I was a menopausal bitch. I wonder if they look back now, a week later, and think me prescient. Maybe a prescient menopausal bitch. At one point I said something to the effect of, we can choose to be South Korea or Italy. Let’s be like South Korea.
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I also still get really wound up when the conservative Trumpian assholes in this county pipe up on Facebook about how the whole thing is a fraud, a hoax, a tactic to get to “Marshall Law.” Omigod. Like this guy:
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Snowflake waving wildly here. If I could address this man directly, I would say the following:
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Except we are not paying for it equally. Poor people always have a harder time.
Someone pointed out that, when this is all over, it will not be the CEOs and billionaires who saved us, but the nurses and janitors and grocery store clerks. Also, the truckers, the doctors and family nurse practitioners and physicians’ assistants.
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I can’t retort to the delusion MAGA Lake county resident because we who work for Lake Health District are frequently scolded about posting anything in social media about Covid 19 because we ‘represent the hospital.’ Hmf, I’ve been muzzled. I try to read less of ‘Lakeview Announcements’ and more NYTimes. Still, I overhear bullshit at work. It’s not good for my blood pressure.
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I am trying to figure out how to be useful at work, and I’m signed up to be a ‘greeter’ at the front entrance, and staff the ‘hotline’ which means I call folks who have symptoms to see how they’re doing, and wait for calls. The clinics are closed, the acute care is cleared out for the most part, the Operating Room where Hope works is ‘emergencies only.’ People drive up to a tent in front of the hospital and get their temperature taken. They’re asked, by a medical assistant who has a high school education and some extra training, whether they’ve been traveling, have a sore throat or any other symptoms. If they answer no to all and have no fever, they may be allowed to proceed to the emergency room, clinic, or to an appointment with the staff, like the head of corrections who came by on my greeter shift. He’s an enormous man, married to a pretty woman who holds at least 3 jobs in Lakeview including a part time Area Agency on Aging gig that’s directed by the Klamath group. Many non profit or governmental entities are based in Klamath and have a partial oversight in Lake County, the red-headed step child of Klamath County. This woman, and a south Asian man nicknamed “avatar’ by the BLM staff because they couldn’t remember “Arvinder”, and I were to start working on developing a “Village” volunteer effort in Lakeview. Then, the virus.
There are some volunteer activities spontaneously springing up in Lakeview; one facebook group is called Helping Hands of Lakeview. There are helpful things going on in Paisley through informal networks. I have one primary volunteer job: to pick up books at the Lakeview Library that sit in canvas bags labeled Paisley. And drop them off to Jan, who I think is the informal town mayor. She knows everyone, and everything, and reared her kids here.
I saw this on twitter: 
Most of the volunteer stuff seems to happen via Facebook, a group called Lakeview Announcements. That’s where a lot of political bickering also happens. Missing dogs. Reports of ‘tweakers’ thieving around. Well of course they’re stealing, when no one will hire them, when the US of A punishes what is actually an illness, not a crime. An illness born of childhood trauma. But I digress.
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No more crochet/ knitting/ rug hooking at the cavernous Bowling Alley’s party room. No more church, either.
We watched the marvelous Presiding Bishop Curry preach on our computers last Sunday, and listened to gorgeous church music and sonorous prayers, online from the Washington National Cathedral, one of my favorite Episcopal places. We’ll see what’s streaming again tomorrow, Sunday morning.  
The knitting group is contemplating making face masks. So is Valerie. I’ve been looking at ‘the literature’ and there is one and only one study, in 2013, looking at the efficacy of homemade masks versus ‘respirators’ or ‘surgical masks.’ Of course, they are not as good but they are better than nothing. And corvid 19 seems to go straight for the throat. I’m thinking, those Safeway employees have been working really hard, and they are more at risk at the moment than health care workers at Lake Health District.
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It’s a very strange time, full of opportunity for goodness and for greed. I’m glad my kids are safe, we are healthy so far, and I still receive a paycheck. We’ll see how this evolves.
"Nothing has prepared us for this moment. All we have is each other. Your safety is my safety. Protecting myself means protecting you, too. We are one race. Human race." - Jose Antonio Vargas
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blanc-to-my-noir · 6 years ago
50 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @ana-who - thank youuu!!
1. What takes up too much of your time? procrastination kdjflka
2. What makes your day better? There’s a lot of things really - I’d say hearing one of my favourite songs, meeting a cat that let’s me pet it, a course at uni ending early, some good food, etc.
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? I went to buy medication for my grandma and she let me keep the change :3
4. What fictional place would you like to go? The school from Little Busters and then I’d give all of them a hug (and possibly flirt a whole lot with Kurugaya skdajflak)
5. Are you good at giving advice? Sometimes
6. Do you have any mental illnesses? Yep, a few of those :’)
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Nope
8. What musician inspired you the most? B.A.P (cause I literally wrote a whole fic based on one of their MVs), Pentagon (cause I’m planning a whole fic originally based on one of their MVs), and BTS (because of the messages behind their lyrics
9. Have you ever fallen in love? yes, it’s been a while though (unless you count biases lol)
10. What’s your dream date? I was about to say going to a cat cafe but then the cats would get more of my attention than my date so kalsjdfka
11. What do others notice about you? Three things. That I tend to be silent when I don’t feel like I can open up to you yet. That I’m very loud once I did. My piercings.
12. What is the annoying habit you have? PROCRASTINATION.
13. Do you still talk to your first love? unfortunately not
14. How many exes do you have? 1/2? (don’t ask asldka)
15. How many songs are on your playlist? better question would be: How many playlists do you have? The answer is 51.
16. What instruments can you play? I learned how to play the recorder, guitar and piano for a while but I’m not really good at any of them (not that I ever was aksjdflka)
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? let me check this could be three people and I am praying it’s not the third one klajsdkfa Pentagon’s Yanan... about 890... I shall raise that to 1000 within this year (and that’s just the pics only he is in, so no group pics)
18. Where would you like to go before you die? Korea, and Japan for a second time!
19. What is your zodiac? Libra
20. Do you relate to it? sometimes
21. What is happiness to you? Cats, chocolate, snow.
22. Are you going through anything right now? I am constantly walking through the pits of hell, even though you can’t see it in my eyes :)))
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? becoming a kpop stan kalsdjflkdajsk HAHAHAH IM KIDDING
24. What’s your favorite store? it’s called Nakwon and sells asian groceries... yes, that’s how much it got out of hand....
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Not my favourite option for an unwanted pregnancy, but if it’s the best option for the mother (and child) then of course I think it’s totally okay.
26. Do you keep a bucket list? not atm... I should start that again
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? too many Reol’s Jijitsujo
28. What do you want for your birthday? a cat... but since I won’t get that anytime soon I will just say pENTAGON TO DO A WORLD TOUR AND STOP NEAR WHERE I LIVE IS IT SO HARD TO GIVE YOUR ARTISTS PROPER TOURS CUBE?????!!!!???!?!??!
29. What are most peoples first impressions of you? very good question - I have no idea. Probably that I’m unfriendly or hard to approach or smth because my neutral expression is something close to a resting bitchface^^”
30. What age do you seem according to most people? ..5? Nah, probably my actual age, but I feel younger than that a lot of the time (and I’m not old enough for that to be a good thing kajdflka)
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? usually next to my head, cause it helps me wake up in the morning
32. What word do you say the most? I usually have one or two “catchphrases” that change all the time and rn it’s “aigoo”, I shit you not... I may or may not have watched too many vlives of a person who likes that word a lil too much...
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? Well I’m 20 now so... 22 or 23? I’m not that much into big age gaps anymore^^”
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? 19 probably
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? some say teacher but I defo do not feel like I’d be a good teacher
36. What’s your favorite music genre? I don’t really go by genre, I just listen to whatever sounds good to me
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? tbh I’m quite okay here in Austria, but Japan would be goals af
38. What is your current favorite song? UUMMMMM Reol’s Utena??? Or Lost Paradise??? Or Ten to One????? Or Pentagon’s Cosmo????? Or Shintoburi????? Or Bastarz’ From Seoul???? Or SF9â€Čs Life is so Beautiful???? Or Bang Yongguk’s I Need to Talk??? I really can’t decide kasjdflka
39. How long have you had this blog for? Since October ‘18!
40. What are you excited about? mostly kpop... without that my life would be pretty plain... Defo the concerts I’m going to within the next month (Ateez and SF9)!!
41. Are you a better talker or listener? depends on the topic... if it’s about something I’m passionate about defo talker, if someone has troubles with anything and needs to vent I’m a better listener
42. What is the last productive thing you did? write the Anniversary post for Noir... and study Kanji
43. What do you want for Christmas? SNOW. Also a cat. But we already had that...
44. What class do you get the best grades in? bold of you to assume I’ve been getting good grades ever since I started uni...
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 7 - I have good music, but my back hurts a lil and I’m feeling nervous because I have a test tomorrow and a presentation on friday and I’ll be stressed at work on thursday^^”
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? Transaltion work and/or writing novels
47. When did you get your first heartbreak? That was back in elementary school when I lost my best friend... It’s weird how I can still remember just how that felt.
48. At what age do you want to get married? Marriage?? In this economy?
49. What career did you want to have as a child? I wanted to open a restaurant, but then also become an author and I still have that dream^^ 
50. What do you crave now? All kinds of sweets tbh... and my special cheese noodles uGHHHH 
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angry-old-asian-man · 8 years ago
The Adulting Tips Masterpost
A lot of you are newly adult or soon to be. This generally isn't what this blog is for, but I've come to realise it's sorely needed--apparently also Millennials, many kids of Boomers, but some kids of my generation--didn't really learn how to be an adult and try to avoid it? I'm part of the latchkey generation. That happened with a guardian when I was in high school anyway, but when my dad and granparents were still alive and I lived with them, I got taught stuff and learned stuff. Then some, I did figure out, either as a latchkey and abused kid, or just as I went once I was on my own. I've been on my own for this entire century. So lemme pass on a little bit of helpful tips to prepare you, whatever your situation. THIS IS THE ADULTING MASTERPOST! You know stuff like "you need to learn how to manage money," or "having a fridgerator is a good thing." This is a bit deeper. It aims to be comprehensive and there are multiple sections. The need for this is pretty Western. When I mention "X also exists in Japan," I mean that and America are all I ever lived in and I'm saying there's a chance this thing is nearly universal. Let's begin: Things every home should have: A wet-vac (shop-vac) A hand drill Hemostat clamp (trust me--they're a irreplaceable household tool) (not the veterinary ones) A tape measure A fire extinguisher Surge-protecting outlet extenders ALWAYS KNOW WHERE YOUR FUSE/BREAKER BOX IS A flashlight or two (yeah, you have a phone. Get dedicated flashlights) A pail or two a bit bigger than a sand pail A cold compress and a heating pad A well-stocked toolbox A well-stocked first aid kit A few extension cords, at least one outdoor-use grounded one Some all-metal pots and pans I would recommend a landline phone, but they now depend on electricity coming through a modem, so they're not a lifesaver as they once were. Speaking of which, a radio that can run on batteries. Even better if it has shortwave (SW) bands, in Japan and America, at least, meteorological stations exist on SW (çŸ­æłą[ăŸă‚“ă±]) Bug bait on reserve--whatever bug is the worst in your area. On that note, many spiders, such as daddy long legs, will actually eat bugs like gnats and ants. Don't panic if the spider isn't a poisonous variety--they're there to help. A strong cement. Not Krazy Glue, but actual cement Always know where is your nearest: Hardware store Urgent care and hospital Library City hall Thrift store (these may have different names such as Recycle shop, outside of America) Recycling/E-waste centre (but please donate to that thrift store if your old electronics are still functional!) Public transit, even if you drive. Cars break down. On a similar note, memorise one taxi company number. Pay phone (just trust me) Repair shop for your appliances/electronics. Sometimes you just can't do it at home, hopefully you can always afford it Learn to do as much as you can, though Learn the hours of your closest corner store in case you need some medicine for a sick baby or sick self, etc. Befriend at least one or two neighbours. You'll be a great help to each other. Have plans for whatever natural disaster is known to strike your area. Tips for the ones I know: The best tip for earthquakes are: You can't outrun them Door arches are way better shelters than flimsy modern tables Arrange your house for the least things falling on people--especially in bed For hurricane, the evacuation route will change, but have a plan if you don't have your own car on how to get out of town Learn basic repair of household items. Good pantry foods (always keep some of these, according to your diet/intolerances): Powdered milk or canned milk (evaporated is not sweetened and therefore more versitaile) Pickled vegetables Dried fruits, vegetables, and grains Canned meats Beans you like, canned or dried Dollar/100 yen/whatever-your-equivalent-is stores should have most of the above. Get whatever groceries you can here. Suggestions include dried cuttlefish and canned media crema, too Pan spray is totally your friend unless you want oily food LEARN TO COOK! I know today's young adults don't, and we men have been discouraged from it unless as a job, but that's bad for both your health and wallet. Yes, even if you don't gain weight. You don't have to be four-star caliber, just be able to make basic food that tastes as you like (having friends/family like your cooking is super-rewarding, though) On that note, keep something that is simple to prepare (nattou and insta-rice/can of soup) for "low spoon" days if applicable If at all possible, please regularly see your doctor. Not seeing one doesn't make you "superior"/"manly" / "strong" /"not part of the sheeple," it makes you an idiot. An idiot with bad health Shower daily if at all possible. People have been bathing since Ancient Greece/Stone-Age Japan. It literally reduces bacterial illness. People in equatorial climates like Haiti bathe twice daily--might need this in more places with global warming Simple destressing tips: Live in a warm costal area? Invest in a beach towel and a large cold thermos Cold rainy/snowy? A nice sweater (okay for me, I'd get a yukata if I did, this varies), keep around one nice canister of tea/coffee/bouillon/pipe tobacco/bottle of wine/whatever. Pull up a seat, enjoy the view Don't do this after ten PM and before ten AM, and take night working/chronically ill neighbours into consideration, but enjoy your records out loud once in a while. Multitasking is actually rapid task switching. Actual multitasking is non-extant Find an easily accessible/low cost hobby you enjoy. It could be productive, like hunting, fishing, repairing and upselling stuff you find at thrift shops, or it could be absolutely nothing to do with gathering resources, like hiking or reading Edwardian poetry. Do it regardless. Carve out a little time once a week. If you're a single parent, there are ways to make it bonding time for most ages Make your bed. Trust me People Stuff, Yourself and Others: Above all, be kind to yourself. There's a whole lot of people that will be hard on you, no need to add yourself to that number Do unto others as you'd have done to you. But don't worry about some bullshit moral high ground with people who demean, belittle, and attack you. They don't deserve you Don't fall into that "I have a partner, so now I'm not supposed to socialise with anyone else/without them." That is SO not healthy. That can destabilise your relationship. Rapunzel didn't do well in that tower--isolation, even if self imposed, is very bad for you Having a counsellor isn't a bad thing. There might be people you don't wanna tell, but trauma is real--ask a veteran or assault survivor. If you think you need one and you can get to one, go. It's okay. There are thresholds, but consider different opinions. Not "your people are inferior savages" --that's crossing a line. But one of my best friends, I found out, likes modern folk rock. I only like the original folk rock, like America (band). You might argue whether more business and job creation in your town or building a new public middle school is better for the poor in your community, and you might disagree. There are certain beliefs that are bad (these are most always a belief in inherent inferiority /servility/ primitive, dangerous, or mystic quality in a [non-dominant] demograph, also known as bigotry--this is that inexcusable line) but not everyone who disagrees on everything is bad. I also tend to stay away from "morally superior lifestyle" (moral vegan, moral "I only watch TV on the Web," moral "I only smoke expensive weed and not stuff poor people of colour do," (this is a very real dichotomy in California, USA), moral yoga-er which can apparently also seep into pricing Indians out of yoga, I've heard, the quinoa/pork belly/greens gentrification--a lot of this morality in being rich [and white] is very western and rooted in Victorian British culture) because that's pure classism, see bigotry, but your mileage may vary. Disagreements on "I like mayo, you like Miracle Whip" or "Jobs for the poor! No, library for the poor!" are pretty trivial. You still both seem like good people. (And there are totally times for Miracle Whip, L O L!) Growing up means being able to handle your own stuff--it doesn't mean having to hate cartoons (Thank Archie for that misconception. At the same time, note that was never absolute. See stuff like Fritz the Cat, City Hunter, Lupin III, Patsy Walker. Before Archie, think about Betty Boop and early Blondie in the actual context of the 1920s) It doesn't mean you have to hate puns and the music you liked in High School. I love both, and I'm making you this list. Don't be embarrassed about what you like. Life's too short. Don't worry now or ever. Like 50 Shades? As long as you know that in real life, you should stay safe from abuse, and you know real BDSM isn't that and don't treat people in that community shitty or put yourself in danger. Be critical of what you like but only dislike it if its shittiness ruined it for you, like how I feel about David Bowie after "China Girl." And people having limits is okay. White people frequently tell me I have no right to dislike David Bowie after that song because... I have no right to complain about the fetishisation/assault/other oppression of Asians because they want to keep oppressing me, I guess? I have a right even if I weren't attacked more times than I can count because of the treatment of Asians in America. They have no right to tell me what to enjoy or not to enjoy. Similarly, people might tell you your interest makes you immature or whatever ("O M G, you STILL listen to New Kids on the Block!? What are you, 13?") this is like the point about the person who likes Miracle Whip v the person who likes mayonnaise. What you like isn't impervious to criticism, but it doesn't make you morally anything. You might not want to tell your co-workers you write fic, but just know sometimes things aren't worth dealing with and still liking The Muppet Movies even when you turn 35 someday is no judgement on you. (I have a couple of those on VHS) I've been literally beaten for reading in my mother tongue and not only ever English. I buy/check out my books. I don't have to listen to them. And that's the thing about being an adult. You're in control. Yeah, you're responsible for you, and depending, you might not have anyone to fall back on. My dad died in my high school years. My grandparents had already died when he did. Some decided they really didn't want to fulfill the duties of parents because you turned out too different. That isn't fun. I know, as you see. But it would seem young people now are afraid to grow up? It's a good thing. As long as you do no harm, you're (supposed to be) free. You can bake a cake and have it for breakfast on Sunday morning. A la mode, even. Watch that movie--no one should be able to tell you no! ((They can tell you wait if they have to sleep or the TV is shared, but they shouldn't be able to disallow you--controlling shit like that for an adult happens, but that's the realm of abusive partners or staying at mum and dad's for the weekend) If I think of anything else, I'll edit this post. For now, that's it. (Remember to brush your teeth!)
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janzz · 6 years ago
day 3: its 3:47am on day 4 and i forgot to write my daily post
really really really trying hard to make this a habit (just for april)
so fail but lol
here’s my post for today
i went to a yoga class tonight in santa clara and it was the yogi’s first time and she was so good omg!
not quite as good as my fave instructor of all time (the bae lauren at moxie yoga in sf)
but yeah kimberly at corepower santa clara square might make me a regular!
(which honestly is super great because i went to class with norma and it was awful LOL)  (she played like hardcore edm at a chill class??) (to be fair it was also a level 2 class and i was struggling a little and kimberly’s class was a level 1....)
(oh i went to whole foods in the same plaza right after and ngl im starting to really enjoy just physically being in those fancy ass supermarkets.  i went to a new to me nob hill after orangetheory surprisingly also in santa clara ----theyre just nice and clean and beautiful.  however spending $45 to get way less stuff than a 99 ranch or something still feels way wrong.  i got bananas cashew milk chia seed refill 18 brown eggs (anthony likes the brown ones idk) natural deodorant (cause native has been sucking hard) ginger tofu mushrooms orange juice fancy sprouted bread shredded cheese actually ok when i list that all out its a decent amount for whole foods.  the stuff is just smaller yknow like the presliced white mushrooms were $1 for easily like 3 or so oz less)
anyway i find this funny because when i started dating anthony in 2015 he would go to nob hill markets and always claim it was his favorite market (because the chicken he would buy from there would never go bad etc).  i thought he was like idk rich af -- to be fair he went to stanford 2x and has his masters and is 2 years older so yeah he is definitely more privileged than me.  like i didnt have a preference for cage free brown eggs like i never had the money to spend the extra $1 or 2 on that shit when i was slaving at starbucks AND a second office job.
its really weird how money changes your life.  its 2019 and i finally hit the 100k 6 figure mark.  it’s honestly been a STRUGGLE to get here, but i’ve learned a lot along the way -- primarily that you HAVE to negotiate and generally just get paid more to improve your life.  anyway yeah money doesn’t solve problems but it generally reduces  your mental calories and makes things way more convenient.
before when i was poorer, i would have to go out of my way to make sure i was getting the cheapest shell gasoline in the area (still gotta have standards and not give into that arco bullshit).  i would never go into whole foods or places like that because my dollar had to stretch further.  whenever i would go out with friends before i’d have to be SUPER mindful of what i ordered and i would be EXTRA annoyed when you go out in a group and when splitting venmo people wouldnt pay the extra gratuity and i’d factor in me covering it because as a barista and server its bs when ppl dont tip well
now -- idgaf if i go out to eat a lot or splurge when im out w friends.  dropping $50-$100 randomly cause something is on clearance at lululemon is not a big deal.  im not anal about my boyfriend and i splitting everything exactly 5050 down the middle cause meh whatever i dont need to be given money back for like the minimal difference.  if whole foods is convenient for me to go to after a workout ill go in without batting an eyelash.  
it is weird tho being poor and then having money -- like ill go to lululemon but absolutely CANNOT buy anything full price.  i still like watching movies but 99% of the time go on discount days cause spending $20 when i could spend $9 feels wrong.  whenever i do basic things with my boyfriend, like going to the grocery store or mall, i’m most definitely the most cost conscious -- checking against the value per oz, whereas he just picks whatever and gives no thoughts to it (i think he makes like 240k a year thereabouts, definitely more than double but i dont know the specifics).  i drive a 2015 toyota corolla le he drives a nicer but still affordable more luxury sedan hyundai sonata souped up with seat warmers navigation and he’s installed a dash cam and stuff.  my car is definitely a commuter car that’s just one level up from the s basic model.  when i htink about buying a new car i dont know if i could buy a lexus but yet i sometimes think about getting a tesla instead of a prius
another weird one is getting mad at myself for leaving reusable grocery bags LITERALLY in the trunk and then having to pay the $0.10 per bag.  I’ve easily spent at least $15 on bags prob.  Before i would be kicking myself hard cause i’d need to pinch pennies.  another thing that ive noticed makes me feel “rich” is i can sustain my craft coffee/boba habit just fine and not give a fuck.  before i got more mindful of it i htink my my coffee boba budget was like $100 a month.  ive always loved craft coffee, but it has to be RIGHT if i was gonna spend $6.  when i was living w my parents in san diego going to a new coffee shop and driving up to encinitas or whatever was like THE trip. now i get philz off my mobile app whenever i head out of class or if im feeling like it and its not that special
but yeah, im not rich by any means but it was huge to go from like $16 an hour at my office job/$15.70?? w/ benefits I think that was my starbucks shift supervisor rate/annual salaries of 20k ish to $39k at a law firm in downtown sac (grossly underpaid but at least rent was only $300 at a family friends) back to the law firm job up to $70k.  there i got a raise at the same job from 70 to 80k and then 80k to 86.
THEN cause i was privileged enough to have been able to save money making more when i hated my job i just up and quit (i think i had like no more than 5k in savings at the time --it wouldve been more but i spent 3k on prk/lasik).  anyway yeah i was lucky af and got a new job in a month -- and the offer for this job was 100k base, 10k bonus, some amount of stock (i still suck at this stuff) and a stupid amount of perks like $1000 gym reimbursement and basically free health insurance -- if i annualize all my pay+perks, assuming i get my full bonus, its prob like 120k.
so i have like 5x ed my income in 4 years since graduating from college.
the crazy part is people that were more privileged than me STARTED at 100k as new grads, including 401ks and what not.  im lucky becuase i started mine back when i was 18 at starbucks.
income inequality and access to knowledge/resources has become something ive become more aware about and passionate about over time.  me and my boyfriend clashed a lot earlier i think because we literally were in different planes of our lives and income levels.  we’ve been together 3 years, but have known each other for 4.  we broke up for 1 year in between -- and yeah ngl had i never improved myself or actually reached my income/earning potential we likely would not have gotten back together.  additionally him supporting me when we got back together raised me out of not the poverty level but yeah we met and i made 39k.  i took the plunge and moved out to sf for myself and lets be real for him too and made 70k which was a huge jump.  and in a short 15 months or so i jumped again to 100k base.
im never gonna make as much as he does (men/women blah we can get into that) but yeah even having access to money adjacently is so powerful.  anthony never outright gave me money and im too much of a hardass independent person that ive NEVER borrowed money from him, never intend to.  i really vehemently despise the idea of free loading but because of him just being around yeah my life has been improved.  
when we met in 2015 in our young 20s we were in our have fun phase.  i was too poor to have gone to thiings like coachella or out to a concert.  he got me into music and made it easy for me to experience because he’d buy the ticket, drinks, pick me up and pay for sf parking.  i would likely get dinner ahead of time or something small and generally we would switch so if he got tickets one time i’d get them next.  but he ALWAYS paid for drinks and lets be real the occasional not drinks :P he had introduced me to music in such a way that i was willing to drop $800 or so on coachella + car camping + take pto days even when we were broken up 10ish months or whatever it was the first time we dated but if you think about it he likely dropped at least 1k on me during those 10 months without batting an eye lash.  i made 39k at the time working in downtown sacramento and he made 90k base (maybe 115k total comp) living in SF.
despite just basic things like me being immature for 23 -- a big reason i think we broke up at the time was the income level inequality.  it was both our first jobs out of school (first job out of stanford grad for him, he immediately got his masters out of undergrad).  i did a round of uc davis, community, uc davis.  
he told me he was breaking up with me because when we met i had originally wanted to be a lawyer and then didnt end up pursuing that path and he saw it as a lack of ambition/drive.  what he didnt see was general growing up and not having access to lawyers as i grew up, just me working at this really top tier A+ law firm and feeling out of place as an asian woman working with rich WASPs.  me wearing pencil skirts and having major impostor syndrome.  what he did end up seeing was an insecure version of myself in our relationship with me bending over backwards to make him happy.
when i moved to sf and made 70k it definitely was a huge ego boost to make that additional 30k, but to be real, here in sf and paying more rent than i was in sac and SD/just general living being expensive 70k wasnt that much.  what it did for my confidence though was priceless (i was an ea to a ceo at a tech startup).  i really grew into myself and was more confident in my abilities -- and honestly a lot of that was just getting older and knowing that i was good at things, bad at certain things and i wasnt going through my quarterlife/post grad crisis anymore.  
then those raises to 80k and 86k made me more ballsy.  these things were obvi practiced with anthony as i had a partner to discuss and practice with/an educated thought partner.  at this time anthony was making $150k base or so (after realizing he had been grossly underpaid as a PM for the 90k initial salary)
all of this set me up to basically make my position what it is now AND for it to be 100k.  tbh im a glorified low level coordinator at a big company.  i honest to goodness for the first three months probably worked a total of 2ish hours a day? this role should probably max out at 90k.  and by max out i mean this role likely shouldve started at 75k with incremental raises to get to 90 in like 3 years.  i STARTED at 100 and can likely if i play my cards right be promoted to a program manager in a year (or less).  that’ll prob bump me to a base of 120 or so if i’m aggressive.
i always shitted on sf when i moved here because i hate the tech bros, the elitist ppl, the vcs who think theyre out here changing the world but seriously being surrounded by people that went to ivy leagues or the UC’s that were better than mine have honestly, like my boyfriend, just uplifted my status.  something as small as casual lunch time conversation being more intellectual makes a huge difference for me re: how stimulated i feel and how much more energized ive become because of ppl around me.  i def still have impostor syndrome all the time but its been so much growth from 23 to 27.
30s should be great because ill be well into my career by then and making even more and closing the gap even more w my boyfriend.  its funny too cause hes 29 now AND FINALLY getting that postgrad quarter life crisis.  his privilege was able to offset him to have this crisis later on in life where he made more money and could make smarter choices.  privilege really is the thing that keeps on giving and im grateful to have started poor and really appreciate it.  as i make more money i also care more and more to give back.  if i ever do run for office in my 50s or whatever im gonna push for more access to education and arts.  i had an interest in this as an undergrad but couldnt pursue it because itd be a lifetime of poverty, but yeah who knows.
dang this went long but it is really interesting when i think about money and how much its effected me.  im lucky i was able to raise myself out of the level my immigrant parents brought me and my sister to.  them moving out of the philippines was the best thing that ever happened to me.  the second is them fronting the bill for my university education.  the privilege i have is extremely special and important and i want to honor their sacrifices because im sitting on a 100k because of decades of hard work and frugality on their ends.
im fucking lucky.
we gotta pass on the resources and uplift those around us if we are fortunate.  
...another rant altogether but i wish the leadership in the United States thought the same way. 
(end: 4:36am, why do i do this to myself)
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kxlebcross · 5 years ago
for the quarantine asks, multiples of 2, please :)
are you fucking serious???? i’m gonna get back at you for this, i’m smol and ready to fight!!!! (under the cut >:3)
2. Grilled cheese or PB&J? grilled cheese, always... idk, maybe i’m too european for that but pb&j just seems gross to me (noah fence to anyone who likes it tho)
4.  Your go-to bar order, if you drink? usually it’s a mojito, a gintonic or a vodka-tonic, depending on the place and its’ prices... and if i’m not that low on money sometimes an absinthe slips in, but that’s really rare, i’m not that young anymore and my body just can’t keep up with the alcohol anymore dfsdfd
6. Top three cuisines? uhhhh..... italian, hungarian and..... i don’t actually have a third hdgfhsd can i just generally say that ‘asian’? tbh i tried like 3-4 dishes from various asian countries which imo is way less than enough to choose a fave, and there’s also a lot more i’d like to try sometime... but my city doesn’t have many places to go to, and the only “chinese” restaurant we have is a cheap ripoff which never served a proper chinese dish in their life.... ordered from there twice, beforehand researching each dish i ordered and let me tell u.... they weren’t even close to what they were supposed to be......
8.  What’s a job that you’ve had that people might be surprised to find out you’ve had?  i once worked at a strip club..... no, not as a stripper, i was a waiter/bartender, and honestly i wouldn’t even mind talking about it if the place wasn’t shady as fuck.... one of the national tv stations even made a full time documentary series about all the illegal shit that’s going down there..... but i never really did any unconventional jobs so there’s nothing fancy, but if i were to tell stories about what i’ve encountered during my ordinary jobs...... oh boi.......
10.  Do you own any signed books/memorabilia in general? i have a signed photo with Flowsik from his Warsaw concert.... and i think that’s the only thing like that, if i ever had anything else it’s long forgotten and probably is laying in some box in my mom’s basement lmao
12. What do you get on your bagels? What WOULD you get if you had access to anything you wanted? i only have bagels in the kfc breakfast offer so it’s usually some chicken, salad, cheese, egg and mayonnaise? i think? or was that the ciabatta? fuck me if i remember...... but if i could choose anything i’d probably go with smth similar, some chicken strips, veggies, bacon, cheese and moyinnaise? yeah, probably, im a man of simple tastes dsfdfg
14.  Favorite mug you own i wish i wasn’t so lazy and just take a picture of it, but i’m a lazy fuck so here i go explaining XD so its actually a middle-sized coffee mug, it’s pastel greyish-pink with two cats on it, and one of the cats is chilling on a guitar.... it was a bday present from my mums friend and it came in a cat head-like box which i kept.... it’s now on the top shelf in it’s all grotesque cat box glory..... like the ceiling cat meme
16.  Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!)  uhhhh tbh my mood is usually a blank space, apathy be fun like that... so ill just list some that i’m generally vibin’ with
Take a knife in the back, wanna feel my pain Make a slice to the wrist to reveal those veins I could see your face, man I feel insane
Such a mess when I'm in your presence I've had enough, think you've been making me sick Gotta get you out of my system, yeah
MGK - In These Walls
I just can’t get enough of you, but that’s alright Feeling like going on a joyride with you through the night I keep accelerating on the road with you at my side
Lexie Liu - Like a Mercedes
And it's nights like this when I'm on my own And I realize that you'll never feel like home No, I can't feel you now (Feel me now) And I try my best to stick around But when you're broken like me, you just gotta get out 
Bring Me The Horizon -  ±ÂȘĂŸÂłÂ§ feat. YONAKA (but i’m generally vibin’ with the whole album that this song is from)
18.  What’s that one TV show that you’re a little bit embarrassed to watch but you still like nonetheless?  okay so i’m probably not gonna rewatch it ever again, but... when i was a kid there was this german series on tv and it was called medicopter 117.... so in exam season i realized that as a kid i never got to finish it so i decided to rewatch... listen, it’s a 1997 series... but damn it was actually better than some of the crap ppl call tv show now....... not gonna rewatch tho, some moments and plotlines were frustrating as fuck
20.  Do you match your socks? yes! but only because i either have them all black (which will match anyway) or funky colorful fruit patterned ones that look a bit much even on their own so i wouldn’t really wanna mix’n’match those in fear they would just look tacky as fuck
22.  What was your “phase” when you were younger? (i.e., Mythology Nerd, Horse Girl, Space Geek, etc) well for a while i was the horse kid, then the cat kid, then the car kid and then i ended up being the resident class emo with a weird obsession over Lord of the Rings.... it was a wild ride, though the emo phase sort of stuck with me even now
24.  What’s your opinion on Lazy Susan’s (the spinning tray in the middle of tables)? the what? i stg i never encountered it in my life so i’m not really having an opinion on it, sorry to disappoint
26.  You can only have one juice for the rest of your life, what is it? definitely orange... apple has a weird aftertaste, tomato is gross, banana feels like having jizz in ur mouth.... yeah, we’re sticking with orange (also please don’t ask me to elaborate on the jizz part)
28.  What’s one thing you’re trying to learn/relearn in your downtime right now? i’m actually trying to get better with some overwatch heroes i never learned before... since the lockdown started i got a lot better with snipers and i1m actually pretty proud of it
30.  Where could someone find you in a museum? most likely in the souvenir shop trying to find the cheapest thing..... or chilling on some bench/chair after watching all the art pieces, i’m usually way too lazy to stand around and wanna get out pretty fast, but i think it has more to do with the fact that i don’t really like to hang out around people and museums tend to always have a few of those
32.  Rainbows, stars, or sunset colored clouds? stars and clouds.... but man i actually really miss stars........ that’s the only thing that’s shitty in living at the city that i can’t see the stars
34.  Do you have more art on your walls or more photographs? i think art.... i mean i have three movie posters, an overwatch one, a religious calendar from my mum, and then a pride flag and some tacky painting the landlady insisted on keeping on the wall.....
36.  Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... okay i’m gonna admit, i’m not really into superheroes so i’m not that well-informed about their sidekicks either.... can i just hang out with loki instead or smth?
38.  Favorite mid-2000s song oh no.... assuming it was around 2005.... i was like 7 at that time? what the fuck did  i listen to back then? uhhhhhhh i’m pretty sure that was a basshunter time back then? so i’m gonna go with Basshunter’s Now You’re Gone as i remember having it on my mp3 player dfjhjkdf
40.  Where do you sit in the living room (we all have a preferred spot, and you know it)? usually at my pc, even when i have guests over because i don’t trust anyone with the playlists...... and when i’m over at someone i usually choose a fotel or smth and lay down in it as if i’ve never used a fotel before or couldn’t sit like a normal human being.... and if there’s no fotel then i’m sitting on the armrest of the sofa because apparently i can’t sit like a normal human being sdshfghsdf
42.  A song you didn’t think you’d enjoy but ended up loving  it’s this one.... one day just popped up in my youtube recommended and i was like what the fuck??????? but i’m not gonna say what it is, see for yourself ;)
44.  Are you a “Quote that relates to the photos” caption-er, an “explanation of where I took the photos” caption-er, or a no caption kinda person when you post pictures online? i..... try not to post at all??? but if i do it’s either no caption or “i randomly decided to post some pictures at 3am without thinking about a concept or caption so i’m just gonna wing it” kind of bullshit, no inbetween, i just can’t write meaningful shit under my pictures 
46.  What’s the freezer food that you stock up on when you go to the grocery store? fries..... i’m a slut for fries, best food ever......... give me fries......... i think i actually might buy some later now that we’re talking about it
48.  Do you like Jello? once again i’m way too european to have an opinion, sorry.....
50.  How are you at climbing trees? when i was a kid i was doing pretty well..... now, around 15 yrs and a few fucked up joints later i’m not sure how would i do....... if this stewpid lockdown is over i might actually convince my friend to find some trees to climb and then we’ll see....... (and then i hopefully won’t accidentally k*ll myself because he will be there to catch me if i fall lmaoooo)
0 notes
krkrandstuff · 6 years ago
Kristin ponders about Kristin
still trying to figure myself out..
It’s hard to talk about struggling when there is nothing outwardly wrong and there has never been. Am I even struggling or am I just whining? Why can’t I move forward? Why am I stuck?
Lemme summarize and hopefully not ramble too much but this post is for me mainly, soooo, you know. My homelife has been idyllic, happy, I guess. No struggle, nothing traumatic. I’d call it vanilla. Everything was fine. Emotionally, maybe not so much, but growing up is a time of change, right?
I had some body image issues start up in intermediate school, but who doesn’t, honestly? Being a tall and fat female surrounded by petite and cute girls - I felt stupid wanting to be what they were. I shouldn’t be wearing makeup, shopping for skirts and dresses, liking ‘girly’ things, or revealing any bit of my figure. I felt I looked manly. I felt I would be an impostor. I felt that I hated them for having that whatever it was (it’s called confidence, Kristin). It was just better to avoid attention by wearing over-sized shirts and unintentionally ill-fitting jeans. How I ‘felt’ was a lie. Therapy in my early 20s helped with this and I realize now I’m heckin’ cute regardless of what I’m wearing. Oh, and I realized pink is an awesome color. Therapy.. it does help sometimes.
I’ve had some slumps of depression along with a steady stream of ‘eh’-veryday depression. I remember sitting on the playground in 4th grade tracing cracks in the asphalt with a woodchip for ‘fun’ because I had no friends in my class or in my school wing and my teacher wouldn’t let me stay inside to read. It wasn’t fun. That scenario repeated itself in sophomore year high school as none of my friends had a schedule that lined up with mine - not even lunch. We had been together constantly in junior high; to go from that to barely a glimpse of them my first year in a new building was awful (grades 10-12 were at the h.s.). While they ate together, had stories to tell from class, and did group projects together, I was alone. No amount of hanging out on the weekends made me feel like I wasn’t missing out. The following year, I was reunited with them until we graduated, and then all was reasonably well until we went our separate ways yet again.
University started. I tried being a typical college student. I joined some clubs. I did regularly go to my classes. I tried to meet people. I tried to have fun. My hometown friends were doing all these things and more at their schools, why couldn’t I? Eventually, I felt like my being there did not matter one way or the other. Miserable for a variety of reasons, I ended up transferring from one small university to another closer to home. The few people who reached out to me were surprised I was gone - I hadn’t told them as I hadn’t expected them to notice.
I tried again at my new university - joining a bible study, the anime club, and an Asian culture club. I slowly stopped trying. Again, I felt like my presence was negligible and unnecessary, so I withdrew into myself. I whittled my routine down to class, eat, screw around until everyone was asleep, study/work on projects, sleep. I would avoid the school building when I knew my classmates would be there outside of classtime. I even avoided the dining halls and c-stores if I couldn’t be there right when they opened (and were emptiest). I couldn’t focus unless the world was asleep, so working until dawn and beyond became a regular occurrence. I did all I could to avoid others while slowly drudging toward graduation.
Looking back, I can see the depression and anxiety eating at me. They still nip at my heels and make ugly reappearances, but I can mostly deal with them now thanks to therapy my parents forced me into attending due to a post-uni depression slump. The Buproprion I’m on helps some too. I just feel like there is still something more to be dealt with. Something that is still interfering with my life today.
All my life, I’ve been the worst procrastinator. Annoying assignments, enjoyable assignments, I would put them all to the last moment. In Viscom II, we got to design a CD case for our favorite band and I still could not work on it until the night before it was due. I would escape the guilt telling me to work by working on ‘beneficial’ hobbies. Reading is good for my education, so read more instead of working quite yet. Personal artwork was much the same. Why wouldn’t I work on my assignments ahead of time? Maybe it was that I couldn’t. In high school. I vividly recall cleaning the fridge at home top to bottom to prolong working on an essay. I used to blame laziness, but now I think it’s an inability to focus. Self-diagnosing oneself is frowned upon, but I do wonder if I have ADD. Eight paragraphs and I finally get to what I actually wanted to reflect on and ponder! Sorry self and any determined reader for the tangents. 
Current me, post-college, working a salaried 7:30-4:30 job, has been having struggles lately. My struggles stem from a worsening ability to focus at work and complete failure to do anything but ‘potato’ at home. I cannot procrastinate my work, certain tasks must be completed within certain time frames or our company faces consequences due to my inaction. However my brain still prefers to focus on every conversation and phone call around me so I can interject with information or a comment (sorry if I’m that annoying person, coworkers). My brain wants to think and talk about different cheesy dishes I desire to try and oh, where to buy Greek cheese to make saganaki. Let’s google that for 10 minutes at 8 in the morning for some reason (that train of thought was this past Thursday). Sometimes my brain gets overloaded listening to all these conversations while the printer is going, the phone is ringing, and someone is trying to get my attention. Sometimes I’m hopping between so many little projects that one more request pushes me to tears. 
There are times I want to scream, cry, and run away. None of those are office-appropriate behavior. I feel so wound up by pushing myself through my day that coming down from that at home takes all evening. That is what I call ‘potato-ing’. I zone out to Youtube and Reddit until it’s time to sleep and do it all over. I don’t know how people accomplish anything with their evenings. All I have as far as daily commitments are my job, a loving boyfriend, and two cats and still I do not have the mental energy for a fulfilling evening.
I used to define myself as a reader. I was an artist. I was a gamer. Except for the odd occasion, I don’t do these things anymore. I have a list of books I’ve been meaning to read, but I can’t find the energy to pick them up. I used to have a vivid imagination - much of it stemming from things I’ve read or watched. The source stopped, so I stopped having ideas for what I wanted to draw. I also can’t procrastinate at work, so drawing as a procrastination method is a no-go. I used to have a large list of fandoms I enjoyed, now I couldn’t name any. Some I did outgrow, but mostly, I haven’t been consuming new media because I can’t commit the energy to do so. When I do manage to start a drawing or a new book, I cannot stop. If I stop, I will never finish or go back to it. It is all or nothing.
The only time I feel clear-headed is after everyone has gone to sleep/away and I have had hours to unwind and I am left with perfect solitude. Only then do the inklings of my old pastimes try to make themselves known. Right now, I still don’t usually have the energy to act on them. I’m only able to write this long-ass mess as Joshua has gone to the game shop for the evening. It’s just me, the cats and, the rain outside. 
I did do some reading on ADD in women online. The checklist on ADDitude’s site resonates with me a lot and so do posts from redditors on the ADHD subreddit. I feel choked by how much ‘stuff’ I have. Not even close to being a hoarder, but I feel like I can’t keep up or keep these things organized. I shutdown sometimes at work when I feel overloaded. I shutdown sometimes at the grocery store because of the number of bodies and the noise and chaos. I feel like I can’t keep up with what people demand of me, socially and at work.  I do start the day wanting to accomplish so much and when I fail because I can’t get the ball rolling, my depression just eats that up. 
Writing this all out makes it clearer to me that this is not normal. It is not normal to feel hollow like this. There are things I want to accomplish, but I can never get to them. I can’t get moving. I feel frustrated. I feel sad. I feel stuck. 
I, and medical professionals (probably), never considered ADD might be the culprit as, despite being a procrastinator, I always finished my assignments. I can count on one hand the few that I didn’t. I was primarily a straight A student (until college). I didn’t have any obvious focus issues in class. I don’t live in total chaos (probably because my anxiety goes berserk when there is too much clutter). I’m not all over the place, at least on the outside. I look at my sister who does have ADHD and I can very obviously tell when she’s taken her meds or not. These classic symptoms don’t fit me, but the others do.
I’ve addressed the depression and the anxiety and avoidant behaviors (that I didn’t touch on here). This last beast remains to be conquered. If it’s not ADD, it’s something. Something that I can’t handle on my own.  I’m going to talk to my primary care when I go in this month. She’ll probably tell me I need to see a psychiatrist again, but this time I think I will take that advice. I’m tired of feeling like this. 
Fingers crossed for an answer and hopefully a solution. 
Thanks for coming to to my TedRamble. :P
0 notes
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
"what info is needed for a car insurance quote
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance?
my husband has just been sent a letter saying he has been done for doing 38 in a 30mph limit and has encured 60 fine and 3 penalty points. what is the situation regarding his car insurance . does he have to inform them about it? i think he should but my sister says you dont have to.
Insurance (perscription) cost question?
Ok, I just started getting birth control. My insurance requires a $100 deductible and after that my prescription is only $30 a month. So, the first pack of pills I received cost $52 and some change. I was assuming my second pack would be like, $48 and then after that would be $30 a month. Well, I got my second pack and it was like $57 and some change. That is what my birth control cost with no insurance. So what happened? I felt like I have paid more than my deductible. I expect next time my pack of pills to be only $30. Thanks!""
Does the American political system of democracy provide health insurance??
I'm doing a report and I don't quite understand how the american political system of demorcracy provides health insurance ? Help please?? Thank you!
Question about car insurance...?
theoretical question, if someone else was driving your car and was involved in a collision... you are insured but they were not insured to drive your vehicle (although they are their own)... they were given a fine and driving ban for 15 months. however should the third party seek compensation, who is liable to pay this - the uninsured driver or the car owner or the insurance company?""
How much is no fault insurance?
I want to get the cheapest insurance, How much is no fault insurance in Michigan""
""How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?""
I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.""
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Does anyone know where to get Cheap SR22 Insurance in Texas?
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
Obama waives auto insurance?
Obama waives auto insurance?
Does anyone else have USAA insurance?
When do I get my insurance card
Insurance by zip code?
We are relocating in the MA, RI area. I was told that insurance differs a lot based on the zip code you live in. Where can I find the comarison for which zip code would be better for insurance in this area? I have googled in various ways but all the links point to insurance quotes for a specific zip code. What I want is the coparison between different zipcodes.""
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
What is cheap insurance if you have a sr-22 or tickets or suspension.?
A IF Car insurance question?
For example. Got a insurance paper from Jan 1st 2010 to Jan 1st 2011 But i stoped the insurance at June 2010 for example, after that i get pulled at July so police checked the papers and see its still with insurance and let me go? How you think about it? Means you dont have to pay insurance and wont get res until you got into a accident and the other side wants to tell the insurance company?""
What option should I choose for my car insurance?
I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!""
Can the police seize a car off you in a petrol garage for no insurance when you have got in surance?
more info the police seized a friends car for no insurance when he had insurance to cover him to to use any car be cos it did not come up on the PNC as having insurance' on the car so can he get the car back for free from the police car Pound for free if he shows he insurance cover s hime to use any car . and is a petrol garage classed as a road help me wive this
Whats the average cost for teen motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I am 16 years old and I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 I live in a rural part of CA with low crime rate. I want liability only and have maintained a 4.2 gpa if that helps with insurance costs
How much info does a third party insurance company need?
I was asked to clear out an office a few weeks ago for the company that I work for. I got given a transit van and drove into London no problems. On the way back while parking up at work I hit another persons car and tore the bumper off. I found out who it was and told her straight away, she wasnt happy but I explained that Im covered by the company. She has started to claim though her insurance and our faculties department has done the same. I have told my insurance company aswell. The faculties department has asked for my insurance details for my private car insurance? Im not happy about giving them these details, can I refuse?""
I need a good affordable health insurance company in united arab emirates (Dubai)?
I need a good affordable health insurance company in united arab emirates (Dubai)?
How long do you have to get insurance on a car after loaning?
A relative of mine wants to take over notes to my current car. I'm waiting for papers to come back to approve her and get the title in her name. The note was too high anyways but I have to pay for the note ($375) and insurance ($251) until everything is situated. Well I found a cheaper car for 6,000 and I'll be paying a little more than $100 each month. I want to hurry and get this car because I really like it and if I wait too long then it would be gone. Do I have to get insurance on it right away. I won't be driving it until I get insurance. Would they come and repo it if I don't have insurance but paying the note? I can't afford two notes and two insurances. So that's why I wanted to wait until I got rid of my first car to get insurance.""
How's health insurance in london?pls help?
i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?""
National insurance number
I know you can get your national insurance number before your 16 , does this mean you can apply for a job as soon as you get you national insurance number , even if you are still 15 ?""
How can I get cheap car insurance as an 18 year old in the SE UK?
I can't seem to get anything less than 3000
Which is the best insurance company for an 18 year old male driver?
Hey, I'm an 18 year old boy (hurdle #1) and live in South-East London (hurdle #2) and I've had my license for a month now (hurdle #3!) and just bought my VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I CANNOT for the life of me find a decent insurance quote I mean i'm in full-time employment but still most of the quotes I've been given are more than half my annual salary! Public transport is NOT an option because of the shifts I've been given..I've tried the young drivers' insurance with people like Co-Op and InsureTheBox but they're not much different to anyone else.. So, if ANYONE has ANY advice/anecdotes they could share, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks in advance (:""
How much will car insurance be for a teen driver?
I know that there could be no true answer here but I want to know a range. Factors: 4.1 GPA student 16 year old male. California residence 2007 Honda Civic Took drivers ED Asian (if that matters, haha) My parents have a HIGH credit score. I'm going to be added in to my parents insurance plan. My dad is paying around 50 dollars for full coverage on the 2007 Honda civic right now (passing it on to me)""
Does insurance go up when I get my driver's permit?
I'm a little over 15 and a half i live in california and my family has AAA so will the insurance price raise? i know that when i get over 16 it does raise but any tips on how to bring down the rates a little?
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
What is the typical cost of maintenance for a Mercedes C240 per year including insurance for a young driver?
As the question states. :) Thank you so much for your help!
Insurance on a V8 mustang?
Currently im on my parents insurance and i think they pay 212 every 6 months, but if i got a 2005 V8 manual mustang, would anyone be able to just give me a rough estimate for a year?""
Will VA patients be requird to get health insurance?
I do not have health insurance and I am presently being treated by the VA. Will I be required to get health insurance?
How much is the insurance for a trampoline?
I am looking into getting a trampoline but I would like to get liability insurance. I have AAA and I was wondering how much my homeowners insurance would go up if I get a trampoline with a net around it
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
Title insurance premium? One time fee or periodic payment?
I recently purchased a house in Southern California and just received some documents by mail stating that there's a title insurance premium of $500. Is this one time fee? But doesn't the word premium in insurance terminology mean periodic payment? I m confused.
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
Will an insurance company drop a client if they get a DUI?
Is a Honda Civic expensive to insure?
I'm looking into buying myself my first car. Hoping for a newer used. I've been asking some of my friends about what car I should get, and many have said the Honda Civic. However none of them own this car themselves (many said if they could go back & change this they would.) But what I'm wondering is it expensive to get insurance for?? I've heard yes & no, so I'm just confused!! Thank you!""
Exactley how does term life insurance work?
Whats the difference between regular life insurance and term?How does term work?
What is the required age for a young driver to drive a VW T4 or T5?
What is the minimum age limit to drive either a T4 or a T5 VW van and does anyone know a rough estimate on how much the insurance would be?
How much will it cost to get the affordable health care ?
people dont like it when they are forced to get this health care,but how much does it cost to get it in the first place?""
What records are checked when deciding car insurance rates besides DMV/Previous insurance????...?
I know that there are many factors when car insurance is decided.. I understand the thing with age, sex, previous evidence that you are risk factor more accidents... however I was wondering because I have gotten into accidents when I had no insurance/the other person only had my name.. since this was all they had, was it till recorded somewhere, will this affect my future rates????...""
Why is my car insurance so high?
I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?""
How do the candidates expect to make everyone buy health insurance?
Health insurance costs are extraordinary, Hillary and OBama want to force people to buy health insurance (and subsidize the costs for some) but they fail to address the reasons health insurance is so expensive. Medical malpractice insurance costs doctors more than most people make a year, and Insurance companies answer to their stockholders before their customers are two of the main reasons it is so expensive. It seems that insurance companies are the ONLY winners in the field of medicine. The democrat solutions to the health care crisis only masks the problem.""
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Cheapest car insurance companies for 18 year old female?
Do I still qualify for my parent's insurance?
My employer just told me that I qualify for their insurance plan but they won't help me pay for it. I get paid biweekly just under $400 and they want to take $137 out of that check to pay for my health insurance. My mother says that I would still qualify for her health insurance since I technically didn't get an offer of health insurance (she's says an offer is where an employer offers to pay part of the cost of the health insurance). Should I start looking for my own, more affordable health care plan or will I qualify to get back on my parent's plan?""
Average health insurance COVERAGE?
I need to do a little research on this, I'm not interested on how much you PAY, but how much your insurance will COVER for hospital stays, surgeries, lab tests, etc. Example: if you stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks, up to how much will your company cover (after your deductible)?""
I have a question about health insurance?
I have a 4 year old daughter,I have joint legal custody,my daughter has health insurance with her mother,is possible to have a secondary health insurance?""
Whats the cheapest non-owners...?
Car insurance?
What would the cheapest car to insure be (uk)?
any suggestions on what would be a cheap car to insure for a new driver (18)
Health Insurance for Newborn Baby?
I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)
Car insurance rates question plz help 10 pts?
I pay $187 a mth for car insurance & that's full coverage with $500 deduct. The reason I was told I'm paying that much was bc of a big wreck I had back in Aug 2010 and since it's coming up on 3 yrs and my premium expires in Aug I'm expecting my rates to go down a little. My insurance company jus told me that that's not why I'm paying that much it's bc of 2 speeding tickets I got back in 2010 Feb & April bt when my premium expires in Aug my rates will go down. My question is can you guys give me a estimate on how much you think I'll be paying in Aug when my rates go down??! I live in S.C. Btw Thanks so much in advance
How much would insurance be for a 2012 Mazda3 for a 17 year old?
okay 1st dont tell me anything about what i shouldnt get because i donnt give a ****. it's not a sports car. its the cheapest mazda car & i like it & all i want to know is what the insurance might be .. i need good insurance companies & an actual price range .. please no paragraphs about non sense (: & im a male if that helps (: & YES I CAN AFFORD IT !
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
Is it true when purchaseing a vehicle if the cost is under 7000 you dont have to have full coverage insurance?
i am in texas if any one can help let me know
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
""What is the best insurance for a single, 23 yr old female college student?""
oh, i'm looking for health insurance and definitely affordable""
Where to shop for health ins when my cobra expires?
I've been under a company subsidized cobra plan for my wife and I for almost 18 months. The premium is going from $394 to $1150, which I cannot afford and will have to let it ...show more""
Why is the tripling of insurance premiums called Affordable Health Care ?
I got a letter from my health insurance company that my current policy (which I was just fine with) would be cancelled in 2014 and if I did nothing I would automatically be changed ...show more
What kind of car insurance covers takeaway deliveries?
Hi, I am soon starting a (very) part-time job delivering chinese food one day a week, 5 hours. I have been trying to find out what sort of insurance I need for my car as I am only covered for SD&P. I got a quote for one company who insured for business use, but they wouldn't cover takeaway deliveries! And my current insurer doesn't do anything like it. I know that places like Domino's and Pizza Hut provide supplemental insurance for their drivers, but this place doesn't do anything of the sort and I don't want to get caught out, especially for something like this? Thanks :)""
Cost to insure 2000 bmw 318?
Im 18 and currently live in Iowa. Im looking into buying a used BMW but dont want to pay an insane amount for insurance. I was just wondering what I would pay for a 2000 BMW 318. Sedan v6. Estimated price? Compared to my 2001 4cyl Honda accord sedan? Thanks
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
What is the cheapest online car insurance in the market today?
Temporary US insurance?
I'm going to the Us to meet my friends for three months. Is there any way I can get insurance for just these three months there? Please help
Should I add to my insurance?
I have full coverage insurance on my car that my bank still owns. My brother occasionally drives it. He does have a license but he doesn't own a car. Should I add him to my insurance policy or will my full coverage cover him if he gets into an accident?
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
""If i crashed my motorcycle, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Quite recently I bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and in order to save money on my motorcycle insurance, I insured my dad as the primary driver on it (had his license accident free for 40 years). Im still on the policy and everything, but if i were to crash and total my bike, god forbid, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
What affordable health insurance is the best one out there for me? I have no health problems except BP I am 58?
I will be divorced in 2 months and will have to find my own health insurance. I have been with Anthem for 14 years and have no health problems and no medications except 1 blood ...show more
Cheap home insurance?
Where can i obtain cheap home insurance?
How Much is Car insurance policy for an 02 PT Cruiser?
Ok So I am getting my liscense soon and i was wondering how much a policy is for an 02 PT i am also on honor roll and passing drivers ed and was wondering how much it would be for a driver 17 (me) and a driver over 25 with no claims
""Car accident, how to get money from insurance company?""
one guy rear ended me on september 25th, but his insurance company still have not claimed yet. they said we have not contacted our insurer, so we can not claim this liability i call he and his insurance company to check what's going on, but they never pick up the their phone. what do i need to, shoul i call them to court (my car's mufflier and bumper broken, about $ 800 to fix it?""
Term Life Insurance?
I have Term Life Insurance for my husband. I have recieved a letter, stating that I may want to change this policy to Permanent Life Insurance. Why would I want to do this, what is the benefit or difference between the 2?""
Can i get my own car insurance ?
i am 18 and my mom cant afford to have me on her car insurance can i get my own???
Non owners policy insurance in CA?
i'll be using my parents' car, which is in IN, in california, it already has insurance, but i'll be going to CA and probably stay there for some time (around a year) and use their car, im 18. So does buying a non owners policy insurance save me, since they will still pay for regular insurance on car plus the non owner that i'll purchase? any advice? since if i'll buy my own policy the numbers are 500/mo or more. So im thinking if i buy a non owners insurance lets say at 1200/yr, plus their regular coverage it'll save some money. any advice will be greatly appreciated or it is illegal?""
What is the best motorcycle insurance to purchase?
I have a motorcycle, and I'm looking to find insurance. I took the basic riders course that offers insurance discounts. What is the best and most affordable motorcycle insurance to get? P.S. My car insurance company doesn't offer motorcycle insurance""
Teen Driving Insurance?
I am wondering how much the type of car will affect the price of car insurance for a 16 year old. Which if the following cars will the insurance cost the most? and the least? 00 BMW 323ci, 04 Mazda 3s, 2001 audi a4 1.8t, 04 acura rsx base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs""
Insurance test?
Where can i find a test book and how can i become a insurance agent?
Motorcycle insurance question?
I want to get a Yamaha V Star 250 when I turn 20. What would be the average loading percentage for 20 year old with a 250cc bike and a clean driving record? Also will I need third party and third party fire and theft or is it optional??? And what would the NCD% (no-claim discount) be????
""Based on my age, how much do think insurance will cost for a range rover sport?
i'm turning 17 in a few months and thinking of getting one for my birthday? a rough estimation would be nice
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
How much more would it cost if my parents added me to their car insurance?
My parents pay about $100 a month on insurance for their car ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) to OMNI insurance group. I'm just wondering how much extra would they have to pay to add me (16 years old) onto the insurance when I get my license?
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
Can claiming too many hit-and-runs on your insurance raise your rate? Considering none of it is your fault?
I've recently encountered my second hit-and-run instance, and unfortunately my car is somewhat expensive to repair. So, I'm wondering if I should submit a claim with my insurance company to repair it, or try to fix it on my own. I'm told that a hit-and-run isn't a point against me, but that the insurance company may still find reason to raise my rates.""
How does car insurance really work?
I've been driving for 6 years now, and carry car insurance. One thing about it that doesn't really make sense to me is this : If I get hit by someone without car insurance, my insurance won't pay. Why is that? They will pay if it's my fault, but if it's not my fault, they won't. That doesn't make any sense to me. I'm paying to cover my car, so it shouldn't matter what insurance the other car has. Someone please explain this to me.""
Do I need to have both insurance coverage?
I am in the process of starting a Virtual Assistant business. Would I need both general liability and professional liability (errors & ommission insurance) coverage? From my understanding general liability covers physical damages and professional liability is for written errors. Since I will not be doing work at client's homes and offices (probably only initial consults there), I would think I would just need professional liability. Btw, my business is in California""
If the insurance company totals my car do they keep it?
My car is old. Its a 95 Neon and it was backed into this weekend. We got one estimate of 2600 but that is more than the car cost. If we go thru the insurance company and they total the car will they keep the car or let us keep it. It still runs fine.
Could I swap my 50cc scooter's insurance to another bike?
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I sold or swapped my 50cc scooter and got a 50cc geared bike could I get the insurance from the scooter and put it on the new geared 50cc? If so would it affect anything? or cost me money? Would be a massive help if someone could help me out! Thank you for advance :) Information which might be helpful: I paid for 1 year in one payment (annually). I paid for the insurance last month so I still have a lot of insurance time left. Don't want to waste money!""
National Health Insurance?
I have a huge report to do for school on my position on National Health Insurance. I am completely opposed to it. Although I'd like to see what anyone else thinks, and I'm looking for any great statistics I could add to my report. Thanks!!""
Minor car accident with no car insurance?
I was in a minor car accident last month and i was the one at fault. I was backing out of a parking space and a lady with her son who was driving pulled up behind and was going pretty fast. I left a minor dent in the front part of her car and a few scratches. She has been harrassing me since the day it happened and finally she contacted me and i agreeded to pay the cost of the damage because i didnt have insurance at the time. But then she sent me a sheet with the costs of the damages, 1,000 dollars!! I think it's way over priced and a lawyer doesnt want to do anything about it. She keeps calling and harrassing me and threatening me with the law. what can the law do? what can the judge do to me in court? will i go to jail?""
Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?
i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?""
""What kind of qualities should I look for when purchasing a car? ie insurance, modern elements...?""
For experienced buyers: As an entry level analyst looking to purchase a car, I was hoping to get some ideas about my first big purchase. My norm has usually been purchasing something and regretting it some time down the road ie Bought a Dell laptop, turns out it heats up a lot. Or a new smartphone (android), turns out it freezes plenty. So I want to purchase a car, and was hoping if someone who is experienced could possibly take some time off to tell me what I should look out for. I understand insurance is a *****, and even though cars are affordable on lease, the insurance will get you. My objective: Car : Lease a pre-owned or 2nd hand car, possibly 2012 or 2013 model, 4 door, sedan. Insurance : Max coverage, low payment (ideal but, shoot for the stars and....) Questions: I understand there are qualities or modern elements like lane stabilizer and effective cruise control that can reduce insurance coverage. How effective can they be? What kind of sedans have low insurance and are modernistic, such as built in navigation and those cool looking monitors? (kind of childish) Which insurance coverages are the most important, there is basic, comprehensive.... If you need additional information, I will be checking this question hourly and will be glad to provide additional information. Thanks!""
Whish insurance compay should i go to (auto)?
i just bought a 2000 Toyota camry Ve last night and i have never had any insurance before because i havent need it , i am 23 years old and i am looking for insurance some people told me go to Gieco has good prices""
How much is health insurance for a baby?
Ballpark please, don't need exact numbers. Teen parents, how much is health insurance for the baby gonna be?""
Car Insurance For 16 Year Old Female?
How much would monthly car insurance cost for a 16 year old female living in Louisiana approximately?
I have recently ordered a wind turbine. Any recommendations for insurance?
I ordered a use wind turbine from Germany. I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing this and where is a good place to get insurance. I found these guys through Google thoughts? http://www.northernalliance.co.uk/wind-turbine-insurance/
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
What kind of car insurance can i obtain?
I am 20 years old and i live in California. I have a driver's license but no car. I have heard that there is a type of insurance policy that can cover any car that I drive that is not of my own. Does anyone know which policy that is and from which agency is it from. Also if its an expensive one.
Baby insurance?
I currently have insurance through AmeriGroup in TN, and i was wondering if i have to get the baby their own insurance before they are born? does anyone know anything about this? my husband and i were a little surprised to be pregnant, and so our maternity insurance didnt kick in and we will not be able to add the baby to it.""
Named non owner insurance- Florida?
It is possible to get a named non owner car insurance in Florida with damage and collision? We usually rent cars in Florida, and we pay a lot of money for CDW and liability, we are looking this kind of solution.""
Where can I find Auto Insurance with High points on My License?
I have 10 points on my license for minor infractions and now I am having trouble finding affordable insurance.
Cheapest car insurance right now?
I will be 17 soon and want to drive as soon as possible, I need to know what the cheapest cars are to insure for a 17 year old male""
Car insurance for a teenager?
How much do you think insurance will cost (adding another car to my parents insurance plan)
How much does Car insurance cost?
I am 17 and a half about to get a license. I want to know an estimate on how much car insurance will cost for me alone. The car I'ma use is an 1990 Acura Integra. I really don't want a it depends answer haha. Just want a best guess? What's the best type of car insurance and is recommended? And is there any discounts that can help me?
Why does Allstate keep increasing my insurance rate?
I am 26 years old, in California. I have had Allstate for almost 2 years now, and every 6 months my rate increases. It went up $200+, and I have not had any tickets/accidents/claims, and I have not moved. When I asked them about this, they just said they are adjusting their rates due to zip code. Seems like bologna to me. Has anyone else had this problem? Which insurer do you recommend?""
""If your under 30yrs old and you drive a car, how much is your car insurance each month, and who are you with..?""
i want to get a car, but don't know where to start, ive tried the insurance website, but not sure what some things mean, as ive never had a car before, i just want some kind of idea of what range of money i will be paying out each month..thank you for your time.""
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
How would obamacare affect our family?
We are a middle class family, smack dab in the middle... Hubby's job provides health insurance, but for a family of 3, which we are, it would cost $200 a week for coverage, with high deductible, so! Since hubby is in exceptional health and hasnt had any medical problems (knock on wood!) he continues without health insurance; I remain on my parents plan as I'm 25 (aka under 26yrs old), and we pay for child health plus for my daughter, for a small fee a month, which depends on our income We simply couldn't afford to pay $800 a month for family coverage, so doing it this way saves us, like $600+! So since we don't make enough to pay for hubbys $800 family plan through work, is obamacare basically going to force hubby to get health insurance through his work, even though it's complete garbage? Or will his employer have more affordable family plan that we could afford? Just trying to understand it all better! Thanks in advance! :-)""
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
what info is needed for a car insurance quote
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