#well fuck everything about this
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keferon · 7 days ago
Two Peas in a Pod: part 4/?
Hopefully the dialog isn't confusing.
"Still dizzy?" 
"Not really," Jazz answered with a comfortable smile, though stole a quick glance over to the gate. The first since Blaster had arrived for the morning routine. The other mer wasn't awake yet last he saw, but he was shifting more. The medication had obviously long worn off by now, but Jazz still hoped they weren't in too much pain. 
But Blaster noticed and it prompted him to pause his checks to ask, "did he wake up last night?" 
"Kinda? He could have been talking in his sleep though." 
"Hm, there's a good chance he'll be up soon, then." 
Jazz's expression of his usual cheerfulness shifted, just slightly and if it had been anyone other than Blaster, they would have missed it. He flipped the clipboard over in his lap and rested his elbows against his crossed legs. 
"You're nervous," Blaster pointed out gently and gave Jazz an encouraging smile. "Is this about their injuries, or is this about making a friend?" 
The mer's face soured and he looked away. "I thought I wasn't supposed to ask." 
"That was about the gate, and I'm sorry about that." It was just the two of them on the pier, but Blaster still practised a surveying sweep of the area with what looked like stretching. Then with a lower voice, he continued, "The Vet Chief wanted to fully isolate them from you, to keep them in a transfer-crate, at least until the injuries had a low risk of reopening. I argued that it would put them under a lot of undue stress, and you because you knew the Mer was here. Which is part of why it took so long for–" 
"–and it's fine to say this now?" Jazz snapped and turned back to him with a small scowl. 
"Jazz, how many staff members were in your area yesterday? When we talked about the gate?" 
He paused, trying to recall. Blaster was with him and the group that went into the bay had five… seven? 
"There was thirteen, Jazz," he supplied, knowing that any answer coming would be incorrect. It was a lot of people, and with Blaster already known for making waves on the regular, the sudden addition had eyes and ears on him. That, and because he had fought so hard against the 'great idea' brought up in the first meeting after emergency treatment had ended. "You didn't even clock the vet on standby at the pier entrance." 
Jazz huffed and laid out flat, resting his chin on his crossed arms. Okay, so he wasn’t paying attention to who was around. "Then what is it about the gate? I get the bit about climbing the walls, but…" 
"That one is on me, I was – am – being overly cautious. Not of you, but of others misunderstanding your excitement or anxiety as aggression. And I know how persistent you can be when something catches your interest. But that's not the point, what is, is that if the team reports you showing signs of aggression, they'll… remove him." 
Now looking worried, Jazz glanced from Blaster to the gate. "But what if he shows aggression?" 
"We're expecting that, at least at first." Blaster wanted to reassure him, but there were still too many unknown variables. "Unknown place with an unfamiliar face, and likely limited communication. There is bound to be backlash." 
Jazz looked down with an expression of growing despair, before dropping his face against his arms. His words muffled, "so whether he stays or not depends on me being able to talk with him." 
Blaster reached out and placed his hand on the orca's shoulder. "Listen, buddy, this might be hard to hear. But let me explain, okay? … So far it looks like there are no issues and the current plan is to have him released once he recovers." As he feels Jazz tense, Blaster frowns in understanding and begins to rub his shoulder to comfort him. "There is only one reason that the aquarium wouldn't go through with it, and honestly, I don't want that to happen. It's all sorts of fucked up and would only make things worse– but I don't want you to distance yourself from him. I want you to try and befriend him." 
"… why," Jazz asked weakly, cursing him for telling him the truth – for reminding him of the truth – for breaking his small piece of hope of not being alone anymore. If he was going to be taken away, if he was just going to lose him no matter what, then it would hurt less if he just ignored him. 
All sorts of answers bounce around in Blaster's mind. From wishful thinking – because I want you to go with him. To long term goals – anything we could learn could help Mers everywhere. But he settled on as close to the truth as he could. "Because I'm trying to make sure that no matter what happens, it's the best result for both of you. But I can't do that if the two of you can't at least work together. So, I'm asking you to try." 
"Right," because he doesn't need to be kept here to survive… he just needs time to heal. Where I – "–right. Okay, I'll try… but where do I even start?" Jazz took a deep breath to compose himself before he lifted his head. 
"Well, why don't we see if sleepy-head is waking up? Maybe he'd like breakfast." Blaster offered, first with a reassuring smile, but then twisted it into something more mischievous. "And maybe you could find out if he's got a beautiful name, too." 
It took a second to realize what Blaster was getting at, and for the first time in his life Jazz felt bashful. "W-what are you talking about?" He hid it terribly. 
"He's beautiful~" he whispered dramatically, and Blaster learned that mers could in fact blush. 
When Blaster left to get food for the wild mer, Jazz calmly made his way over to the view port. Only to be taken by surprise, he was looking directly at Jazz. Though, glaring, might be more accurate with how his face was pulled tight with focus and the sheer intensity of his stare. 
But otherwise, they were completely calm. Jazz wasn't sure if that was a good sign or bad. Yet, it didn't stop his nervous excitement from returning. He waved with one of his best smiles – one without teeth – and greeted him with a friendly, "hello!" 
What he got in return was a slightly more intense furrowing of their brow – irritation or confusion? 
"Oh! Sorry, habit." Jazz switched to mer. {Hi!} 
The tension didn't leave his face, but there was slight movement and, again, Jazz didn't know how to interpret that. But he did answer, {||၊|။||||•။၊|။|။|၊|။||၊၊၊|?} 
"Uh…" Yep, didn't understand any of that. 
Then the door opened on the edge behind them and Jazz for a moment thought that it would startle the wild mer. But they didn't even flinch. And while their eyes remained on him, Jazz was fairly sure now that they had been using their sonar to track the human's movement. 
"Are they still asleep?" Blaster asked, puzzled. 
"Nope, very much awake." He shifted lower to try and get more than the man's boots in his sight. 
"Ah…" He sounded uneasy and began to make small careful steps around the edge closer to Jazz while he spoke as calmly as possible. "Well, I'm going to keep talking, just so you don't think I'm trying to sneak up on you." 
When he reached the point where he was straight across from the wild mer, they lifted their head to turn their glare on the human. Blaster to his credit did not flinch, but he did freeze. "Whoa– that's – wow, t-that's quite the look." 
A series of slow clicks came from them, but their lips did not move. Jazz didn't think it was echo-speak, as it reminded him of his own searching clicks when he was trying to get a better picture. "Oh! I think he's trying to see what you have." 
The wild mer glanced to Jazz, becoming silent once more before looking back up at Blaster. 
"Fair enough, alright new buddy, I'm going to be real slow about it okay?" Back to narrating his actions calmly as he knelt down. Showing the long pole with a thin, blunt hook, "just an arm I don't mind losing if you decide that you don't like the breakfast I brought," and poured out the fish from the bucket. 
Still the wild mer glared, unblinking and watching every little movement. 
"Okay… I'm not sure what to make of this, so far everything has been nothing like previous encounters." 
"Ya, didn't you say he'd be freaking out?" 
"You got anything to calm or reassure our new buddy here that I ain't going to hurt him?" Blaster was doing his absolute best at trying to remain calm, but even his hands were starting to tremble under the pressure the wild mer was giving him. He wasn't even moving, just watching, but it felt like the human was being stalked. 
Honestly, Blaster was probably one bad move from being lunged at. Though, if that was the case, he had maybe one chance to get away. The hammock would throw him off on the first strike, the supports could probably take two or four hard thrashings before it snapped under the mer's strength. Injuries be damned, this mer was in peak physical condition. 
Jazz gave a small chirp to try and gain the other's attention, and failed, but continued with trying to talk. {It's okay, you're safe.} 
He was given a very tiny dip of his finial facing the gate – a tell that he had heard him? 
{You're safe,} Jazz repeated. 
The mer didn't look away, but he did at least respond. {•၊၊|•|၊|။။၊|။•|||။||||။၊|။•၊၊||၊|။||||။•၊|။•၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|။•} Though, far too fast for Jazz attempt to understand. 
"I'm hoping you two are talking about your favourite fish." Blaster joked to cover his nervousness. 
Jazz sighed and admitted the truth, "I haven't a clue to what they're talking about…" 
"Just let me know if I should run, kay?" He shifted slowly on his knees, trying to find a comfortable spot without making himself too vulnerable. 
But Jazz hadn't given up yet. {Hungry?} He tried instead. 
More chirps and clicking that didn't translate. 
{Hungry? Yes? No?} 
The heavy huff that came from them caused Blaster to flinch, but the mer finally focused on Jazz. There was clear irritation in their face now on top of glaring. And the damns broke, he started ranting at him loudly. 
"Hey, don't yell at me, I'm trying okay!?" Jazz glared back, not backing down. Though wasn't all that intimidating with him just having a little porthole to look through. 
"Jazz, buddy, please don't aggravate him." He, after all, was the one in the room with the wild mer. 
"He fuckn' started it!" 
Silence came quickly as the wild mer plunked his face into the soft floaty that had been his pillow. Blaster would have found it utterly hilarious if not fearing for his life currently. With another heavy and long huff, the wild mer looked back at Jazz, still glaring, but slightly less than before. {•|||။||||။၊|။•၊၊||၊|။? Yes? No?} 
Jazz blinked at him for a moment, depending on the question, no could be a yes. {No…?} He answered tentatively instead. 
{It's safe? Yes? No?} And he pointed his nose towards Blaster briefly, but clearly wasn't happy about it. 
{Yes!} Jazz nodded vigorously and smiled for extra encouragement. Out of all the staff, Blaster was safe, Jazz held some trust in the human after all. {[Blaster] safe.} 
"What about me?" 
"He asked if you're safe and I told him you were. Relax a bit or something to show him." 
Easier said than done. Blaster cursed, but did his best to ease the tension from his shoulders and smile a little. Even, daring to slowly lift a hand to wave. 
The mer did not seem convinced, but his glare lessened some more and looked over the human with more curiosity than before. 
{Hungry? Yes? No?} Jazz tried again. 
There was a long pause, but they sighed and answered. {… yes.} 
"Progress!" He cheered and then stuck his hand through the little window. "Blaster, hand me one of the fish. He's hungry, but I have a feeling that he'll trust you more if he sees me eat what you have." 
"Okay." He made sure that it was clear as possible what his intentions were. Taking a fish under the gills, Blaster looped the blunt hook in and out the mouth. Then, very slowly, began to feed the length of the pole towards Jazz's waiting hand. Once Jazz felt the tail touch his palm, he grabbed it and waited until Blaster twisted enough for the fish to slip free. Then the pole was just as slowly drawn back. 
The whole time the wild mer watching the exchange intensely. 
Jazz pulled the fish over to his side, chirped for the other's attention before he swallowed it whole. Smiling once more as he said, {safe.} 
Blaster had to admit, he was surprised when the mer shifted slightly in the hammock, and then cautiously held out his right hand. The glare never left, but this one felt like a threat, that if he messed this chance up, there would not be another. 
Though this was the first time Jazz had been able to see any of his injuries. The colourful tape-bandages almost covered every inch of his skin from his hand up to his bicep. It reminded him that just yesterday he had been mortally wounded. Which was probably a key reason the wild mer seemed so calm, they had only started to recover and every action was either painful or exhausting. Likely both.
Jazz watched closely as Blaster went through all the careful steps as he had with Jazz and held the fish out. The only difference, was that the human's grip was loose, just in case the wild mer decided to try and yank him into the water with it. But they didn't, doing exactly as they saw before, allowing Blaster to release the fish and retreat. The whole process was so slow that the wild mer's arm started to shake from being held out. 
But both Jazz and Blaster let out a breath of relief as there had been no backlash. 
He eyed the fish in his grip with a mild sneer before he swallowed it and then held out his shaky hand for another. It was clear that the pain was getting to him, but nothing in his expression showed weakness. 
The feeding got easier and quicker as Blaster relaxed a bit, not fearing that a normal pace would come off as threatening to the wild mer. 
When the shaking got bad enough, the mer rested his arm back in the hammock, but kept his eyes on the remaining fish. As if to convey he wasn't finished, just needed a break. Blaster was more than happy to comply and gave him a few praises, even if they didn't understand. 
"Hey," Jazz called gently, chirping for the other's attention. He waited until they looked his way, then pointed at himself. "Jazz," and then to the human, "Blaster," and back to himself once more, "Jazz," before pointing to the other mer with a questioning tilt of his head. He hoped it was clear what he was asking for. 
When the silence stretched on for a bit, the human also joined in. "Blaster," to himself and to his mer, "Jazz." 
There was a brief moment that Jazz could see that they were working over something, opening their mouth a few times before the sound of a sharp zip came out. "… 'tzz?" 
Jazz snorted, before breaking into a few chuckles. "Ya, missing the Ja, but you'll get there. I'm Jazz." He placed a hand over his heart. 
The gesture was reflected, {•၊||၊။} 
It was his turn to try and work out the sound in his head. Jazz tried the word out soundlessly on his tongue once. It was like a popping roll? {•၊||၊၊၊၊၊?} 
{•၊||၊။} they repeated, firmly correcting him. 
"Nice to meet ya, {•၊||၊၊၊၊၊}!" While the mer scowled at him for not even trying to fix his pronunciation, Jazz just smiled brightly.  
"So... what is his name?" Blaster asked for a translation, very interested in the development between them.  
Jazz laughed, "I have no idea." 
Don't ask about my attempt to make sound-wave-like-text, it's gibberish, lol, and going forward only •၊||၊။ (Prowl) & •၊||၊၊၊၊၊ (Prowler) will be used until Jazz has a English (common?) name to attach an understanding to.
Keferon, I just wanted to say that every comment or tag you leave on the fic is like serotonin being injected into my veins. Every silly little image is like rolling down a grassy hill in the warm sun while I laugh with manic joy. When you add art, it's like an adrenaline shot to the heart that makes me want to run across the globe just to frantically wave hello with both hands, give you a hug and run back to get started on the next part.
And the next part will be Prowl joining Jazz in the main pool and Jazz learning just how fast he is, even while injured. >:)c
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Me looking in my inbox and seeing that there's two peas in a po
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Odjndgdjdkfhdkm PLEASE. Blaster is so nervous EVERYONE IS SO NERVOUS Ooohhhnooo he's gonna freak out and kill everything he can reach oh no we all know how all those wild stupid creatures are oh no watch out While Prowl is trying to blow their pancakes with mind
And I juswannasay I love it so much ehehejgknfbfkdn THE SOUND WAVE SPEACH? I LOVE THE LOOK OF IT EHEHEH
Always a big fan of creative ways of showing imaginary languages. This thing?? ||ll•|Il It looks hella stylish >:O
Aaannnndd I got excited and made some art hehe
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#maccadam#transformers#apocalyptic ponyo#jazz#prowl#jazzprowl#blaster#Blaster is slowly but steadily growing on me....huh#kinda torn apart with his design because technically all staff has to wear swim suits around pools. But also the whole Blasters design?#it screeeeammms “big hoodies and jackets”. he is SO blocky in canon. I can't imagine him in a swim suit lol#also IM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR JP TO GET IN A SAME POOL OHOJFNFB ITS GONNA BE SO FUN#I love how you write them#I LOVE how I read the fic and from time to time I go#“huh I didn't consider that before”#like. I loooove when characters in a fic can do stuff in a way that is smarter than what I expected#and I have this little “oh wow okay” moment#it's not even about big plot. just. little things haha#also ahahahah I love how Jazz keeps “talking” to Prowl while simultaneously having NO idea what are they even talking about#like of course they have to have their first argument before they can even properly understand each other. My favorite JP flavor right here#fuck wait I need to add important tags before I run out of the space for them#ponyo jp writing#GLC#............I just realized I drew almost identical sketch with Jazz and this tiny ass window......#the pose is literally the same but it's drawn from scratch. lmao. oh well#Blaster is actively fearing for his life is the only real one here😔✊#Ohhhhoho Prowl is about to see how fucked up Jazz's situation is#everything. how he is too thin how his fins are curled and fucked how he has to perform for humans EVERYTHING#This fic is a fucking national treasure of this blog I tell you
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automatonwithautonomy · 10 months ago
it doesnt matter if theyre in love because they love each other. do you understand. do you get it.
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the-mpreg-guy · 5 months ago
the hill that i will die on is that cas would have never said he loved dean if he had to deal with the consequences of it afterwards, meanwhile dean (who was SUPPOSED to tell cas he loved him in the original crypt scene script) would have eventually worked up to saying it without external pressure
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benevolenterrancy · 5 months ago
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("Always. Continuously. With increasing apprehension, and decreasing hope. I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday. I will love you as a corpse loves the beak of the vulture. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this." -- paraphrased from The Beatrice Letters, Lemony Snicket)
#svsss#bingqiu#luo binghe#shen qingqiu#lbh#sqq#i've been working through the series of unfortunate events and somehow that series has paired really nicely with svsss#the themes of cycling violence and what's justified and what isn't and what can possibly be done differently#and how trying to bring love and honour into the midst of it really changes nothing but also changes everything#it's just *chef's kiss*#i don't know how i can quite do my thoughts justice but i've spent the past few weeks quietly going between the two series (and mdzs and tg#as well if we're being honest they all hit similar questions and themes) and just reveling in the pain and ambiguity of it#everything is interconnected and it means you can never know what trauma and pain and necessity has shaped a person#each story goes too far back to ever ever EVER possibly see the full extent of it#at that level even communication itself is nearly impossible.#and because of that it's almost impossible to change anything. beat yourself apart and the outcome is the same#and yet ATTEMPTING to change things ATTEMPTING to do the kind thing the honourable thing is absolutely critical#because while you can change nothing you also have the capacity to change EVERYTHING#aaaaaaah i don't even know what i'm saying#but i read the beatrice letters today and the love letter just. killed me.#(obviously i cherrypicked some lines because it's three pages long but those ones felt right)#''i love you like a corpse loves a vulture's beak'' i just. can't get over that line.#to be completely changed. altered. destroyed. redeemed. purified. desecrated. reduced to nothing yet entirely necessary for another's life.#what a FUCKING line#anyway i was either going to blow up from thinking about it or else i had to exorcise it via art from an entirely different series#i've already done svsss and discworld why not throw a series of unfortunate events into the mix#i'll be honest folks i did not expect svsss to be the mxtx series that would fuck me up the most about the main ship#bingqiu is something else. i don't even know how to begin to approach my feelings on it. impossibility and necessity all at once#bizarre#my art
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arcanewebs · 2 months ago
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personal take on fem tsukasa
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vaguely-concerned · 1 month ago
sometimes you come across a character that makes you go 'I love you so much that it's teaching me how to forgive myself' and then you just have to live with it
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divineandmajesticinone · 19 days ago
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RESTART THE SERIES I Official Trailer "I want to ride you."
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chamerionwrites · 10 days ago
This is why the bit of undramatized backstory I’m most burningly curious about is probably Flint & Gates. How did they become genuine friends. (And at a time when Flint - who is a ten-time gold medalist in Not Making Friends - was presumably at his most wounded and walled-off and feral, to boot?) What made Hal so loyal to him. How did Flint also lowkey decide that Hal was his pirate dad. Is Hal even remotely aware that he’s been cast in the role of Flint’s pirate dad. Is Flint even self-aware about casting Hal in the role of his pirate dad, or is this all writhing sea serpents living in the here-be-dragons zone of his traumatized subconscious
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aetsiv · 11 days ago
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shiroselia · 4 months ago
Kaladin as a character makes me go insane
there's something so awfully intriguing about the juxtaposition of a character who was trained to become a surgeon, who is so Fucking Good at medicine and saving lives, because no matter what Kal might say he IS fantastic at it, and who wants more than anything to be a soldier, who becomes a soldier, who Is a soldier, and who seems to prefer it
And yet he time and time again needs to rely on the skills he was taught lowkey against his will and theyre Genuinely what gets him a good part of his respect from Bridge Four AND others before them and that duality coupled with Kaladin's Insanely troubled view on especially his training as a surgeon is SO fucking tasty
It makes me nuts it's So Good it's Such an interesting contrast and Sanderson manages to do Such cool shit by just giving Kaladin BOTH
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deoidesign · 9 months ago
I'm so mad that post was misinformation because there is actually an EXTREMELY important conversation to have about the production schedules artists are forced into. There's no need for exaggeration, the conditions are bad.
I work for webtoon. My publication schedule is weekly. While publishing I'm required 10-15 pages a week. Fully colored.
This means I'm finishing a 150 page fully colored graphic novel every 10-15 weeks.
When my comic is not updating, I am not getting paid. Any time writing, editing, or off is out of my own pocket. I don't get healthcare. They do not provide any assistants. They expect me to promote myself; they chose to deprioritize me before I even launched and gave me an end date half a year in. I never had a chance.
And this is the industry standard! Every company has artists forced into crunch hours, overtime, and burnout. Artists are literally dying early due to it. So many of my friends can't afford to go to the doctor.
It's unsustainable and untenable, and it's also the expectation our audiences have.
If we want to have this conversation, there's plenty of conversation to be had with the realities of the situation. It's bad as is.
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ricky-mortis · 6 months ago
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Young man with potential…
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backpackingspace · 2 months ago
Odysseus: demanding Athena take off whatever enchantment she put on him the second the situation ends.
Odysseus: who constantly reminds Athena that he has great plans to grow old and die with his wife so don't even think about getting any ideas.
Odysseus: side eye diomedes who has started fucking glowing he has so many enchantments on him: bro you should talk to Athena about getting those removed. You're going to end up immortal or some shit
Diomedes: who has been a solider since he was 5 who has intersting thoughts about his own personhood who has a much more traditional relationship with Athena and would rather literally stab his own eye out with a rusted sword than speak out of turn: I don't know what you're talking about
#odysseus#Diomedes#Athena#This is more pulling from my own headcanons than any source material#But I have a lot of feelings about the narritive physically changing a character and how well that works with the idea that#Becoming immortal is a slow process more of a slide than an abrupt change#And I have a lot of feelings about diomedes becoming immortal and how odysseus only ever wanted to be a man#And how diomedes was having a much more mortal experience and odysseus experiencing so much magic and monsters and gods#And how every step of the way diomedes only ever politely thanks Athena never argues only does his duty#And how nearly everything odysseus met tried to change him or keep him and how he fought against that with his whole being#Also a lot of feelings about the traditional reward for heros was immortality#This obviously does not include all the times Athena treated odysseus like a barbie doll because ody was 98% not aware of that#Athena post the whole ajax going insane thing: that was fun#Odysseus: great yah super fucking fun love when my allies go mad with desires to torture me to death BTW#Take off the invisibility spell I want nobody trace of it lingering on me I am remaining mortal if it kills me#Athena: definitely not pouting you're no fun one little spell isn't going to permanently alter you#Odysseus: I am not taking any chances any invisibility I have is going to be my own fucking skill and your excellent training not magic#Diomedes: internally:after getting the ability to see through illusions and see gods#Should I mention this to Pallas Athena? Did she mean for me to keep it? Is it bad if I keep using it?#Is it even more disrespectful to not use it? Surely she is aware that I still have this? Surely it would be an insult to her intelligence#To remind her that would be casting doubt on her memory and perhaps it is part of a plan and#Who am I to question pallas athenas plans who am I but her devout weapon better to not mention it or any of the other lingering magics#Diomedes realizing a hundred years after the fact that he is in fact immortal: ....should I mention this?#Athena finds it funny to try to sneak magic onto odysseus it's a game for them because their both rat bastards#But not post odyssey it's just triggering then#Actual child solider diomedes#Greek myths
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mod2amaryllis · 3 months ago
uhh oh!!! unexpected hospital stay 🤪
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last night i fell flat on my stomach tripping over absolutely nothing, so i went in to get checked. everything looks fine aside from a scraped hand and knee but they kept me for overnight monitoring just in case. this, of course, happened while jose is out of town, so ngl chat it was a rough time!!! baby spent the entire night gettin funky, blissfully unaware of her mom's moment of lonely mortal terror.
I've never had the nuts to ask but idk how much this stay will cost and I'll be officially without an income in two weeks. anything you could throw my way would be so appreciated. 💛
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kristiliqua · 1 year ago
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