#welcome to the gang xd
welcome the new blorbos: a bunch of angels and demons in love :'DD!!
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darewolfcreates · 1 year
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Welcome home mob au by @clownsuu Nightlight.
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art-freakazoid2 · 1 year
I’ve got my first 100 likes on something! Thanks guys this really means a lot qwq I didn’t think the princess tutu art of Julie would blow up SO MUCH, thank you tho and I will keep working hard <3
I’ve got more in store tho so keep a look out more crossovers will come MUHAHA >:)
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 7 months
Tallulah getting the Halo family experience of jovial funny fun times masking the horrific trauma and pain and absolutely terrifying things happening on the inside! Welcome to the gang XD
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Macaque in the "Century Stone Egg au";
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Basically XD
LBD accidentally gets the whiff of Sun Wukong being back + "having a future heir", and gives this information to the imprisioned Macaque to enrage him into working for her.
The second Macaque is revived, he still yeets the Skeleton Key far away as in canon, and books it towards FFM to see Wukong.
He doesn't even know *why* he's so insistent on seeing Wukong right now. His mind is running on fumes atm. Who is the heir? Why was Wukong apparently "gone" for so long? Hey, who are these people hanging around the island?
Macaque likely skulks around the island at first for a few days to scope out the situation. What monkey could measure up to his former mate to be an heir? Macaque makes a loud gulp as the figure of his King (somehow more beautiful than he remembered) turns to see him.
Wukong: *confused "hm?"* Macaque: *still a mess from his revival. Eyes fixated on both Wukong and... Wukong's swollen stomach* Wukong: *too shocked too speak. Eye start watering with a mix of joy and fear* Macaque: "Is... how?" Wukong, voice croaking with emotion: "After I lost you, it seemed like the right idea." Macaque: "Was it with someone or-" *eyes widen* "You made a Stone Egg didn't you?" Wukong: *nods with a mix of smug pride* Macaque, lets out a relieved gasp: "Peaches if I wasn't so mad at being killed right now, I'd grab you and hold you and kiss you." Wukong, laughing with tears: "Don't worry. Your jiějie will do it in my stead." Macaque: "Huh? what do you mean-" PIF, slams in to Mac at mach speed: "LIU'ER MIHOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" *hugs him in chokehold* "I've been alone for almost 500 years making sure no one bothered Wukong or my future niece!" Wukong: "Tieshan, I told you, there's no way to know for certain what they'll identity as." *turns to Mac* "Sorry Plums. She insisted I get an ultrasound to check on the baby. I have photos if you want to see them?" Macaque: *can't breath cus tightness of PIF's hold/has no idea what an ultrasound is, but tail thumps with delight* The rest of the gang: *mouths agape in shock* Σ(゚口゚;)//
Macaque openly cries when he sees/understands the ultrasound photos. (Sound that allows you to hear the shape/condition of the baby? Super cool!) He's sobbing at how beautiful his mate is, and how perfect *their* cub is already!! It's hard to remind Mac that Wukong is technically the Egg's only parent, but the gang let him have this fatherly pride. He's a little peeved that Wukong went through with the Stone Egg process despite the warnings from Gibbon and Baboon, but upon learning "Thats what the immortalities were for", he starts crying/realising so much all at once.
The subjects of the island all have a massive party to welcome Macaque back, something the Warrior honestly didn't expect. He didn't know that even for what he'd done, their people still missed their Kings' mate. And now he's back!!
In the Century Egg au, Macaque likely isn't carrying the Eclipse twins... or they're underdeveloped to the point that Mac is stuck incubating them for about a few years (like 10+) more until they're ready to pop out. He'd only find out about them out of his own curiousity at the ultrasound tech - Sandy has to catch Mac mid-faint at the news.
With his mate (tenative but healing relationship) by his side Wukong finally births his egg. Newborn "Xiaotian" has double the amount of parents (much more the amount of family) Wukong had originally planned for!
Macaque isn't jealous of the baby. Far from it. This is the infant his mate wanted so badly to have, that he risked the wraths of Heaven and Diyu to create and be there for. Xiaotian is Mac and Wukong's joy personified. Macaque's stone monkey instincts kick in and he's running around like super-dad; tending to the baby and/or Wukong whenever the King needs.
Macaque is also secretly really touched that Wukong kept loyal to him even centuries after his death. Still wonders why tf he died tho (S5 related probably).
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
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I've thought about this a bit actually :00
Way back when the crew was only four people, (Seafoam, Octo, Ellie and Louis) they got caught in a great storm while out at sea. Becuase there was only four of them, they didn't have enough hands on deck to control the ship.
Blue Beauty saw this ship clearly struggling and in danger so she helped guide the ship back to calmer waters. It was her help alone that prevented the ship from sinking. Seafoam thanked her profusely. She hadn't been treated so kindly before.. So she secretly followed them around for a while before making herself more known and officially joining the crew. :}
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XD I imagine that wouldn't fare well for Blue Beauty-
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XD Foxy would be like "..Am I malfunctioning or are those cookie talking--"
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Hmm.. I assume the textures all relate to the food/animal they're based on. Or maybe their personality..? <:0 I don't know!
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OOO these are so good!! Thank you! :DD
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XDD Its really tough for me ngl. I've never been the best with names-
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@luna-purple454 (Post in question)
The Undyne one is a bit vague.. I pictured the group has a run in with an Undyne. She is able to maybe separate Papyrus from the group and even capture him. Maybe her Papyrus is dead or he's on the other side of the underground. For one reason or another she knows this is "not Papyrus". So she questions this imposter to his face.
..But Papyrus is silent. Its been so long since he's heard Undyne's voice.. he suddenly cant speak..
Now the Alphys is actually an older character in the AU. I mentioned that at some point early on the gang found an AU with an old Alphys. This Alphys had made a bunch of robotic arms for Monster Kid in all different sizes.
Well since MK is all grown up, some of the smaller arm models don't fit him anymore. So she gave some to Goner Kid! I didn't really have intentions for her to come back into the AU in any major way. I just felt like drawing her :)
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Oooo that sounds cool!! :DD
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Also thank you so much!! :DD
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XDD Well "actively", I don't tend to dip my toes in that fandom too much anymore. I've dealt with a surprising amount of uncomfy stuff there so I'd rather mostly stay away from it-
But I have drawn a decent amount for it none the less! And I'm glad you like what you see so far! <XDD
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Oh boy, the Jevil gang wouldn't stay there then! <XDD
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I unfortunately still to this day have not watched the Mario movie. So I cannot answer the first part of that question :( I think I have a problem upstairs-
As for Peach or Daisy breaking down, I believe they would approach them the same way Luigi did Rosalina :00 Very gently and try to figure out what's wrong 🥺
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Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you liked what you saw! And I'll keep Jevil and the gang in mind! :))
And once again- thank you for the compliments to my Toadsworth drawing! I was rather proud of that one! XD When it comes to his relationship with Peach,, that is a good question.. I was thinking it was an Alfred Pennyworth situation. Kind'a a royal advisor turned father figure situation.? :0 He was running the Kingdom while Peach was gone, and he was overjoyed to see her returned safe and sound!
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(Post in question)
XD Just wait till you find my Super mario bros tag and all the comics and angst under it
(Also thank you!! :}}} )
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@rotting-glitter-corpse (Link in ask)
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Oh man, he'd do everything he could. I'm not sure what kind of demands he would make to the rest of the group. But if there was something they could do to help he would absolutely demand they to it :0
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<XD I don't know if Seafoam would want to have kids at his age- but its a good question. I'm not sure what a child between them would look like, considering that Blue is a mermaid- :0
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@pinkbomb08 (Post in question)
My Welcome Home AU is kind'a all over the place becuase of some changes I'm making to Sally and Poppy.. <XD But I can talk a bit about Julie! She hasn't changed much--
The idea I have for Julie is that her and her sisters are actually these huge grotesque monsters.. much more horrific looking than they are in canon. Anytime anyone saw them they'd run away screaming.. Julie grew up knowing that she was scary and people are afraid of her becuase of her appearance..
Now at some point when she was little, she discovered the Neighborhood. She would see Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Eddie walking around every now and again. She wasn't sure why.. but she was so fascinated by them and their lives. Something about the way they walked, the way the talked, how they dressed, how they sounded, how they looked. She loved all of it.
She was so fascinated by the Neighborhood and she dreamed of becoming apart of it one day. But she knew that she couldn't show up looking like.. this.. so she used the Neighbors as a reference and began to drastically alter her appearance.
No one has horns, so she was able to greatly shorten hers and make them look more.. cute! All the residents have 2 eyes so she shall as well! Poppy has pretty eyelashes.. so shall she! She cant get rid of her tail but she can make it shorter and cuter! Wally, Eddie and Barnaby all have 4 fingers. So she shall as well!
Now the feet.. She never saw Wally or Eddie without shoes on.. but Barnaby is always bare foot. So feet paws she shall have! A lot of her form was transfered to her mane-hair! To her hair- :DD
Now she was trying to get her legs to be shaped more like Wally's. So she altered them a bit and began to practice walking. But she tripped and fell, letting out a yelp!
Someone heard her, and came looking.. Since she couldn't use her new legs yet- she couldn't escape-
..Poppy found her. .
Julie hadn't completed her transformation from "monster" to "person" yet! So when Poppy saw her she thought she blew it. Surly Poppy would run away screaming upon seeing this horrible monster.. Julie started to cry.. but Poppy didn't run. She saw this poor little child covered in mud and with a scraped knee. She quickly jumped into action, "Oh dear! You poor thing, here sweetie let me help you up," Poppy guided Julie out of the woods. After she was cleaned and patched, they talked a bit about Julies situation.
"Where are your parents, dear?"
"..I don't have parents.."
Suddenly Poppy had adoption papers in her hand XD Huh, wonder how those got there-
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(Post in question)
I mean... I got my skin back at least.. 🥺
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thh... thank yoiuuuu!!! :33 ✨💖✨
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I don't know.. is it offensive in the games for a character to be called a cracker? Are there cracker characters?? <:00
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Oooo I'll keep this in mind! :00 Thank you!
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<XD Oh man, I looked through some doodle dumps and found I drew that creature at least 20 times. None of which looked the way I saw it in my head.💀I gave up on drawing Chain Chomp a looong time ago.. 💔💔
(Thank you for the suggestion though! :000 )
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I'm not sure <XD Google doesn't want to tell me what real seafoam tastes like. Its only showing me what the candy seafoam tastes like!
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I cant really remember much of that movie,, so I'm not sure how they would interact with the residents there. But a world made of candy? I'm sure they'd feel right at home! XD
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Oh yeah for sure :0 that could be what happened to Tuna! 😱
(Also sorry for not including the gifs! There wasn't a way I could paste them into this ask post :((( )
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Aww! That's adorable! :D
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moonspirit · 3 months
Now that u have answered Annie’s sister in law, we need Armins siblings in law (so Pieck and Reiner)
Maldonado as a side note Annie is Pieck’s younger sister, but she is also Reiner’s older brother. Idk why but that’s just how it is based on dynamics.
Hi anon!
Hahah xD Oh Reiner and Pieck.
Tbh post-canon I really enjoy thinking about these two sets of relationships: Jean-Annie-Connie and Pieck-Armin-Reiner. Each half of Aruani sandwiched between two people from the side opposite to which they once belonged.
Anyway. I said it in some set of tags recently, but I love the potential of the bond Reiner and Armin could share post-rumbling. They're both similar in the respect that they have some self-hatred (though the root-causes are a bit different). This self-hatred, if shared, is something they'd understand. Reiner fought the very essence of life (the hallucinogenia) to help humanity live despite yearning for death himself. After the battle, his mental health is a goner; the guilt of everything that happened right from his birth to the present is extremely heavy to bear alone. If he was at rock bottom before, well now he's below any visible surface lol. Armin isn't too different from him then; he's just as shattered, guilt-ridden and debating his right to exist - but the hope that's inside him is a very, very hard thing to kill. It's because of that hope that the battle could end at all, and even if Eren's death and the loss of much of humanity is a planet-sized sin for him to carry, he's still hopeful, he's still a dreamer, he still sees the beauty in life.
Armin has the potential to lead the way in both his and Reiner's paths to healing. And Reiner, ever the protective big brother, will be unable to hide his genuine care and concern for Armin's well being and safety throughout their political work. The two go on long walks, hands in their pockets, talking about the past and future and everything in between; they play plenty of chess; they pore over maps of the remaining world; they rely on each other to pick the other up when the bouts of guilt overwhelm them.
Pieck now, is very very interesting. Not only is she the sole outsider in the Ambassador group, but she's also the one person who carries no good memories nor much empathy for Eren. She's every bit grounded in reality as Armin cannot help but dream. Initially, I think she'd find Armin's optimism and hope quite naive and delusional; after all she's always been aware of the cruel truth of their existence and the Eldian race's place in the world. Moreover, Armin's bond with Eren puzzles her - she can see that Armin is not a bad person; far from it in fact, he's reasonable, empathetic, careful and strategic. How could it ever have been possible that someone like him and Eren used to be inseparable friends? Over time though as Armin confides in her more about his and Eren's friendship, she learns to appreciate the bittersweetness of two boys who were each the other side of the very same coin.
Pieck and Armin, I hc, share a love for music and gadgets. They are both incredibly smart and this makes it very easy for them to fall into place as a very strong political team. They plan, they strategize, they discuss methods and tools and issues in their way. Armin values Pieck's level-headed approach to viewing and solving problems, while she appreciates his innovative ideas, tact, and careful consideration in minimizing damage. They enjoy conversations, they buy each other music records to play on the gramophone, and while Pieck helps Armin see the things he misses when he's lost in dreams, Armin helps Pieck feel welcome and like family, in their gang of six.
(Bonus: Reiner's always prattling on to Armin about how he's so glad his "little sister Annie" is happy with Armin, while Pieck annoys him to no end by never missing a chance to point out what an adorable simp he is lmao)
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
Can you do where Y/N and Johnny are in a secret relationship, but Ryan is yn's brother, and he fines about her and Johnny relationship,
And ryan is so mad at Johnny because he thinks Johnny will take advantage of you.
If you're comfortable with writing 🤗🙂
It was all whirlwind- first that party, now Y/N ran into her brother’s hot friend, Johnny, on a daily basis. But she saw something in him, and in Ryan’s eyes that’s the worst part of it all.
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader
(Fluff, angst)
2.1k Words
Warnings: Suggestive content, alcohol, parties, overprotectiveness, unplanned pregnancies, lying, flirting, making out, bribes
An: Thank you so much for this request! While doing research for this fic I finished reading Serious as Dog Dirt and went down an unrelated rabbit hole of transgressive fiction, so I’m sure the prose of this fic is some horrible mixture of Bam and Kerouac XD Anyways, thank you for sending in all of those requests and please keep them coming!! Fun fact, tomorrow marks my one year anniversary of writing Jackass fics! 200 followers later, I just want to thank you all for all the friends I’ve made and the love I’ve received from this community :)
This whole mess started when you ran into him at a party your brother dragged you to. “Cmon, Y/N- you never get out. It’ll be fun, I promise!” The house parties Ryan frequented weren’t really your scene, so in your mind you didn’t see the use in showing up to some release party for that skate video he made with his dipshit friends because it’s probably the same bag. But he could drive a pretty convincing bargain when he wanted to and you eventually gave in, deciding to tag along (albeit half willingly).
That’s where you were introduced to him- one of Ryan’s friends: sweet, charming, polite in a way you only see in men from the south and with this accent that seemed to slip out after a few drinks. Fuck, he even called you ma’am. Nothing like the Philly-trash assholes who only want to hump and ditch that you thought you'd be running into. For that night, it seemed your whole world revolved around this handsome stranger. but by the next morning, he was long gone, and all that was left was this longing for something you thought you would never see again.
But, as you’d come to find out, that video Ryan was in became bigger than you expected. In fact, MTV wanted him on this new show of thier’s called Jackass- mainly due to his friend, Bam, who you only really knew as the guy who came by from time to time and who seemed hellbent on fucking with you. That meant there would be filming in Westchester, and as you would come to find out, that hot stranger happened to be the leader of the merry gang of weirdos that your brother introduced you to. And to think, you were sure that by this point you would be over him…now, it seemed the bug was on you again, and that bug’s name was Johnny Knoxville.
Part of you was kind of curious when it came to how the whole tv thing would work, so you started tagging along with Ryan while they filmed under the flimsy guise of seeing how the sausage was made. Even though, at the party, he was both aware of and cool with whatever was going on between you and his buddy, Ryan was also pretty damn wasted at the time, and after a lifetime of living with him you knew he may not be as welcoming with one of his bros hitting on his sister. You had to be slick about this.
Knoxville knew this too, waiting until most of the guys were busy with the cameras and setting up whatever stunt they were working on to step off to where you were waiting on the side and start chatting you up. “Y’know, I never caught your name, ma’am.” Your heart jumped a bit, kind of shocked that he recognized or remembered you in the first place, but you played it cool. “It's Y/N. You're Johnny, right?” Of course you knew who he was, but it was the first thing that came to mind, okay? Well, that blush that was creeping onto your cheeks and the tips of your ears kinda gave it away you weren't really as nonchalant as you let on. The amused grin that crept onto his face let it slip that not only did Knoxville notice your skittishness- he liked it. He chuckled, glancing you up and down with this amused little spark in his eye, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Y’know, ever since that premier, I was kinda hoping I’d run into you again.” He glanced towards you over the tops of his sunglasses. God, those glasses- they really aided to the hot, mysterious stranger thing he had going on. “I was gettin’ pretty hot that night, and the only thing I can really recall was running into you.” In your eyes, Johnny was probably the one guy in the world that could use cliches and cheesy pick up lines like that and not sound like a total moron.
Fuck it, you thought. Fate was giving you a second chance and you were going to take it! “Maybe we could get dinner some time? Uh- together, I mean.” The auditable tension in your voice gave away how much mental psyching yourself up that simple act took, and you knew it once the words came tumbling out of your mouth. In contrast, this whole situation was getting more and more entertaining in his eyes. Johnny took this distinct pleasure in throwing you off your game, and maybe that’s what drew you towards him so much. I mean, you’d seen him on Jackass- it’s not a surprise that the guy who goes prancing through LA with a strap-on under his basketball shorts enjoys making people just a bit uncomfortable. Knowing his influence on the situation, he couldn’t help himself, “That sounds great! How does tonight sound?”
Johnny wasn’t at the bar, and that was the only thing that tipped any of the guys off to the fact something was amiss. “Seriously- he couldn’t come have drinks with us?” Ryan said what everyone else was thinking. Well, everyone except Steve, who was the one person Johnny had confided in the fact he was taking one of their friends’ sisters out to dinner, because you don’t tell just anyone that kind of thing. It's not like he was gonna go out there and rat on his best bro like that, so the only option he had was to run cover for him,“I mean- maybe he isn’t feeling good? Knoxville took some pretty hard hits today…” He was a piss poor liar, and if it wasn’t for the fact the rest of the crew was half shitfaced, they probably would’ve called bullshit. But the guys seemed satisfied with that explanation, going on discussing the stunts of the day and not noticing the sigh of relief for Steve once the conversation topic changed.
So, as always, the bar crawl began, and guess where the guys happened to show up next? Yep, just your luck. Sure the restaurant Johnny invited you out to had a bar, but you didn’t think people would go there for the express purpose of getting drunk. See, you thought through this, but clearly not well enough. Peering around the crowd, Bam squinted a little through drunk goggles to try and get a better look at two oddly familiar people sitting at a table. “Hey, Ry. Isn’t that Knoxville and your sister over there?” Ryan’s neck should’ve broken with how fast he turned around to where Bam was pointing who, speaking of, found this whole situation hilarious, “Dude- it is! We gotta go fuck with ‘em- c’mon.” Well, he didn’t need any more convincing- your brother was already storming over to the table, but you didn’t even notice the two were there in the first place until Ryan spoke up with forced nonchalance, “Hey, what’s goin’ on with you guys?” In contrast to your immediate panic, Johnny seemed so relaxed compared to you as you stammered out a response, “Oh! We were just, uh- I was out, and I just ran into Knoxville!”
“Since when do you go to the bar by yourself?” Finding this whole situation purely hilarious, Bam leaned to your brother with this shit eating grin, “I think they’re on a date.” Ryan scoffed disbelievingly, “No fucking way-“ The tension seemed to thicken as he turned back to you and Johnny, who was getting more and more smug about all of this, “No, no- you two are not on a date. Screw this-“ And your brother abruptly up and left with his little cronie trailing behind, snickering and leaving Steve as the child of this divorce. “Should I, uh- should I go?” While you were still trying to mentally work out what the hell just happened, Johnny turned to him, still not taking any of this seriously, “You into threesomes?” Before Steve could actually consider it, he replied for him, “Yeah, I think you should go.”
This is the kinda thing that makes a guy sick. Ryan knew he had to bring it up to you sometime, so he gave you a call the next day while he was off filming while you decided to stay home even though you had time off work because of obvious reasons. “We need to talk about Knoxville- about you and Knoxville.” Your heart stopped for a second. I mean, what you really wanted to say was that you were a grown woman who could manage your love life very well on your own, but he sounded like he was really concerned for you, so you shut up. “I know these guys better than anyone and I’m just- I’m trying to look out for you here.”
Even though this whole conversation was happening over the phone, you could practically see the mix of frustration and concern on Ryan’s face as he spoke. He didn’t want to see you get hurt. Sure, none of them were exactly known for their stable lifestyles, but Johnny sweet. He was charming and made you laugh, so maybe that was enough for you to ignore a few red flags. You wouldn’t say that to him, though. “I get it, Ry. I’ll be careful, just- let me give him a chance, okay? It’ll be fine.” There was something about the earnestness in your voice that made your brother bite back his nerves and decide that he would have to try something else. “Alright. But he even breathes wrong in your direction and I’ll kill him.”
When the guys took a break in the middle of the day while filming, Ryan got a chance to pull Johnny aside and confront him about all of this, “Hey, man- what’s goin’ on with you and Y/N?” He didn’t want to hear that you were going out because no guy wants to hear that kinda thing. Johnny took a seat in one of the lawn chairs they had set up outside as he told his side of the story, “All I did was take her out to dinner. That’s it!” That was the same explanation you gave him when he grilled you on this- it was only a dinner.
“But it’s never just dinner. C’mon-“ Ryan was never a staunch believer in whatever the ‘bro code’ was, but he knew there was something in there regarding it being frowned upon to date and or be fucking your friends’ sisters. “It's weird, and you know it!” The rest of the cast had been pretending not to be secretly listening in on all this drama since the beginning, but with the way things were heating, it was harder to do it on the sly. But neither of the men involved noticed or really gave a shit about the gawking at this point. Johnny reached into the slushy cooler and grabbed himself something to drink, “Listen, I’m not sure what you’re gettin’ so upset over- I didn’t do anything with her.” Cracking open a can, he looked up at Ryan over his sunglasses and added for the express purpose of being an ass to him, “Not yet.”
After that, you and Johnny kept seeing each other in secret. It was like you were a pair of teenagers sneaking around together- all you were missing was a pair of bleachers to make out under. You had to, given the fact he was only in town for a couple weeks. There was a thrill to it, trying to avoid the other guys by slipping behind cars while you were pretty sure nobody was watching (except that one time with Bam, that sneaky little shit- you had to pay him off to promise not to tell on you) or having quickies in bathroom stalls. I mean, you had to make the most of your time together, right?
If you didn’t think your brother would actually follow through on that death threat he made earlier when you told him you were interested in one of his friends, you certainly did now that you told him you got pregnant from one of them. “Seriously? Like, actually Y/N?” Ryan’s voice was a muddled mess of emotions after you broke the news, but he pulled himself together, “Alright…who fucking was it?” Swallowing, you got an idea on how you could make sure Johnny would be keeping his head on his shoulder after you hung up the phone. You needed to phrase this carefully. “Uh, it’s PJ’s.” PJ, PJ…holy shit that’s Knoxville. Given the fact he usually referred to him by his stage name, it took Ryan a second to connect the dots.
You didn’t tell Johnny- you hadn’t decided what you wanted to do yet, and even though you really, really liked him, you weren’t sure how the hell he would react to finding out one of his hookups got pregnant, but you knew eventually you would have to come clean to him. Ryan wanted to ask how the hell all of this happened since Johnny left Westchester for LA months ago, but he didn’t wanna think about how that happened because he knew fully well himself and didn’t wanna have to hear it from you, much less imagine the two of you screwing. Fuck. He needed a drink…
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desultory-novice · 1 year
"Beast" Language in Kirby
This idea came about via a Twitter conversation about Leongar (who is actually a good character, y'all! Don't be mean to the Beast Pack!)
So, Leongar speaks "Beast" as all the members of the Beast Pack do. When Fecto Forgo decided "this is my guy" he gave Leongar the gift of "human speech." Speech he didn't give the rest of the Beast Pack, who continued to talk to each other in meows, growls, and...whatever noises armadillos make? One of the first interesting concepts to emerge from this discussion of language was, did he keep those abilities even after Fecty's loss? Does Leon ever get frustrated or tired and begin roaring Earth invectives in "human-ese?"
(Does he know the lyrics to "Welcome to the New World?" XD )
But perhaps even more interesting, just going by character popularity (XD) King Dedede worked with the Beast Pack for... a while. We don't know how long he was in the Forgotten Land but the Waddle Dees had time to set up a whole town - twice. Does this mean King Dedede can now speak fluent "Beast?" ...Or could he ALWAYS speak fluent beast? (The language of his people, long ago?)
Sorry, sorry! Dess loves the "baby penguin walked through a random rift one day and ended up in Dream Land" theory! >w< 
And Daroach! (You knew I was going to bring the rat in.) The reason I bring up Daroach is quite simply because of "the squeaks." Not The Squeaks, his band of thieves. I mean the squeaking noises he makes!
Daroach "talks" in squeaks. You can hear it by putting on his dress-up mask. It's identical in practice to Clawroline's meows! (O-Of course, if one were to follow that logic off a cliff, it would mean Adeleine talks in "Sparkle-ese" but maybe that's what "human" sounds like to Kirby and the gang without the benefit of Lab Discovera and Fecto Forgo's "automatic galactic translation" feature/abilities!)
Again, I can't help but think that Daroach has ties to the Forgotten Land. And interestingly, if he and Meta Knight get along so well in extended media :cough cough: does Meta Knight ALSO speak "beast?" Has he studied it? Enough for basic comprehension?...
His obsession with books even in game canon means knowing a few unusual languages is not beyond him. (Plus I know many latched onto the idea from the RtDL novelization that he can at least recognize written Halcandran, even if he can't speak it fluently.)
I'm going to leave whatever language Magolor speaks (since it's probably NOT Halcandran now???) and the Jamba language out of this for now, as if the Lor uses Halcandran text, we at least know it's not a one-to-one match with FL-ese as it exists in the New World.
(Speaking of, the Lor text is used in Kirby's Air Ride! Game Theory: Ancients made the Air Ride Machines?!?) And though Jambandran is spelled similar to the way FL-ese is pronounced in Neichel's song, it's not identical either. But that's probably language drift!
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Just some quick thoughts under the cut:
Yep, this episode definitely made me hungry xD
But no, seriously, though, everything just gets more creative with each release, whether it be an episode or an actual short. It's amazing how Alan and his team can balance everything within and beyond Minecraft physics (I don't know how to word this properly davaerfasdf)
And I love that we can still get to see the characters the Stick Gang had met over the course of Season 3; besides the Season 3 ending credits, even within a glimpse of a second, we can see how they're doing since the Stick Gang's encounter with them, like the three villagers who volunteered to train so they could fight against the Illagers and protect their village from future threats.
So is this going to be a recurring theme for the future Season 4 episodes? xD
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I'm thinking Blue being like, "Oh, boy, we're not going to be welcome back here the next time we visit, are we?"
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I'm actually surprised that while the chef villager dinged them on the burnt doughnut, he didn't do so for the netherwart pizza.
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You're a vampirè?
《He has been since the start XD, welcome to the gang that knows ^^》
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gingerlee-holds · 1 month
okay so uhm- i know nobody was really asking for this heh- but idk i hate feeling like this story is unfinished so- remember the Fernsby Journals? ,,,yeah so i wrote the final piece to that lmao- im sorry gang this is purely for my enjoyment alone and i just wanted to get this silly story finished lmao so here enjoy xD
to those unfamiliar, The Fernsby Journals is a world of my own creation, it was made as an afterthought a year ago but it turned into a story and idk heres the ending lol
March 23rd, 1745.
Read the first one here! Read the previous one here!
Words: 1766 Pairing: Ler!Clara, Lee!Eren Warnings: None! Lots of fluff though (literally hahahahahahaha-)
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"Are... are you sure this is the way?" I asked over my shoulder.
"Absolutely, Eren!" She poked the middle of my spine, making me jump. For the past ten days, it seemed she couldn't get enough of my pathetic reactions to her poking and squeezing, and I had had just about enough of her... unprofessional behavior!
"Mr. Fernsby! Please, Clara, I have a degree." I rubbed my back, glaring over my shoulder the best I could.
"This is a fact of which I'm well aware, Eren! If you'll remember, I was with you as well! I have the same degree you do." Clara hummed a tune she heard a week prior. 
We had been walking for perhaps a quarter-hour by this point, and needless to say, I was a tad winded. We approached the base of a large hill covered in bright green grass, and I sat on the gentle slope to regain my breath. Clara opted to continue walking for a bit, just to peer over the crest, and then she came back down to sit by my side.
I sighed and got back on the subject. "Now, if you knew where the featherflakes were, why did it take you so thunderingly long to take me here? It's not like we spent the time productively!" 
"Ah! But don't you remember, we had that study session, Eren!" Clara wiggled a finger in my ear, causing me to jump up with a squeak. I straightened my coat and huffed.
"When we were supposed to be looking for historical sources, I seem to recall you first eating all the biscuits I had prepared for us and then spending the rest of the hour tick- ahem... distracting me from the task at hand!" I turned to walk up the hill, wanting nothing more than to be finished with this nonsense.
"It was tickly tea time! I told you!" She sent another poke to my back, and I jumped again.
I whirled around and jabbed an accosting finger into her breastbone. "Listen here, you-!" However, I could not finish my statement as Clara took me by both shoulders with an affectionate smirk and gave me a gentle push. With a yelp, I began tumbling down the other side of the hill, yelling expletives the entire descent. 
When I finally rolled to a stop, I lay on the floor of the valley for a minute, groaning as the dizzy feeling wore away. "Are you alright, Eren?" I heard Clara call down from the hill.
I extended a shaky hand to begin pushing myself up. "Yes, I'm- f-fihihihine-!" I gasped with shock as I felt a tingling feeling in my palm. My head shot up to look around me, and I beheld a vast white plain extending for kilometers out of sight. I slowly reached my knees to gaze over this veritable sea of featherflakes.
"Welcome," Clara called from behind me, "to the Field of Feathers!" She laughed at my face when I turned to her, seeing her slowly walk down the hill toward me. "First recorded in 486 when the Romans occupied this part of Britain, the native tribes used this to their great advantage, turning out an entire legion of soldiers into squealing schoolchildren!" 
"How did-?" I started to ask, but she paid me no mind as she continued teaching me about this place. 
"Then, of course, when the Normans invaded in 1066, this field was the site of what was to be the greatest battle these isles had seen until then. Neither side knew this place existed, so both armies had to call a hasty - and giggly - retreat!"
I rubbed my head, stunned. How had all of this information eluded me? "I don't-"
"You certainly must know of the War of the Roses, Eren! Studied your history at university, I know. It was here, at the Field of Feathers, where the Lancasters forced a surrender from the House of York by so shrewdly pushing their enemy back into this field, where they were quickly tickle-tickle-tickled into submission!" Clara sat on the slope in front of me, smiling at me all the while. A blush darkened my face, and I looked down to avoid her gaze. "Then, a few centuries later, an adorable little scholar named Eren Fernsby became so enraptured by the idea of being tickled by the Field of Feathers that he somehow avoided all history of them in his textbooks. His library was filled with historical mentions of this place, but it seemed like he pretended not to see all these, to give him an excuse to visit the field for himself."
My head shot up, pale as a sheet. "I- You-"
She extended her hand, keeping her pointer finger out to keep my chin up toward her. "Many things you are, Eren. A scholar, a pedant, a stubborn little boy. Regardless, you have never been an actor."
I could feel my face heat up, red like a Lancaster rose. Whining softly, I felt my body relax into the grass beneath me. She had me all figured out.
"Now, Eren, if you please," she chuckled, reaching up to grip the back of my collar and turning me around to face the Field of Feathers. I felt my coat loosen as she undid my buttons, leaving me only my undershirt to defend myself with.
"Wait, wait, Clara, hold on," I pleaded, wriggling in her grasp a bit. 
Clara leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Study to your heart's content, little scholar~!" With that, I was unceremoniously heaved forward into the field, my disturbance causing the field to erupt in featherflakes. I didn't even get the chance to gain my composure before it was swiftly broken again, as I felt swarms of featherflakes rushing into my clothing. 
"N-NohoHoHOHOHO! CLAHAHAHARAAHAHA!!" I laughed, rolling around to stop the invading fiends, only succeeding in disrupting more featherflakes to join their companions. "MEHEHEHERCYHYHYHY!"
"Mercy?" Clara rested her chin on her palm as she watched me writhe on the grass before her. "Why are you asking me for mercy, you silly boy? I'm not doing anything to you~! You should be begging those featherflakes for mercy, and you will have to beg because you've so inconsiderately disturbed their peaceful spring day~!"
"DAHAHAHAHAHAMN YOUHUHUHUHU!" I squealed, unable to bring myself to my feet. The more I thrashed about, the more flakes I turned into the air, which only made me thrash harder! Somehow, I hadn't felt my shoes being tugged off my feet, and when I felt a few flakes finding their way into my socks, I well and truly shrieked to the heavens above. 
"Sohoho dramatic~!" Clara giggled, standing up. She cautiously approached the edge of the field, reaching her hand out for me to grab. "C'mere, cutie."
I rolled onto my stomach and began to crawl towards her, trying with every fiber of my being to ignore the hundreds of flakes filling the inside of my shirt. "IHIHI- IHIHI CAHAHAN'T REHEHEHEACH!! IT'S TOOHOOHOO MUHUHUHUHUCH!!" I cackled.
Clara rolled her eyes affectionately. "My goodness, you're ticklish. Whatever would have become of you if I weren't here to save you? Laughed yourself to death, I reckon." She reached out further. "C'mon, I'm right here. Take my hand."
I raised my hand to take hers before squealing in surprise at the feeling of featherflakes flying down my sleeve into my underarm. I shrieked and curled in on myself. "THIHIHIHIS-! IHIHIS HEHEHELLISH!" 
"Hm, then why are you enjoying yourself so much? Nobody can have a bad time when they have a big adorable smile plastered over their face~!" 
Looking up, I saw her hand, closer, within reach. I reached up to take it with a monumental effort, yet I missed it. Through my mirthful tears, I couldn't see her smile or that she had moved her hand back at the last second. "CLOHOHOHOHOSHEHEHEHERRR!!!!" I squealed.
"I'm as close as I can get, Eren! Come on, you can grab, lovebug~!" She called to me, and I tried grabbing her hand again, only to miss and end up with more flakes in my sleeve. I collapsed onto the grass and rolled onto my back, holding myself around my stomach.
"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHEEEE!!!" I cackled at the clouds above.
I heard a fond sigh. "You really are helpless when you're being tickled. Guess I gotta do everything around here~," Clara purred. Suddenly, I felt her hand grabbing the back of my collar again, and with a single tug, I was safely back on the slope. "There, you baby, you're safe."
"BuHuhuhUhuut-!!" The feeling of the flakes hadn't gone away. The villains were still trapped in my clothing! 
"Ah, I see the problem. Here, let me help you out there~!" With that, I felt her hands diving into my shirt, picking around for flakes... and scribbling!
"NOHOHO!! CLAHAHARAAHAHAA!!!" I threw my head back onto the grass, kicking my legs as her strong arms worked around in my shirt. 
"What~? I'm helping you, Eren! Stay still. You're only going to make the tickly-tickly-tickles worse for you~!" She giggled beside me, throwing away all pretense of helpfulness as she scribbled over my belly button.
My eyes bulged out of my face, and I lunged upward. "NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! PLEHEHEHEHEASEE, CLAHAHAHHAARAHAHA!!!" 
"Oh, good heavens, you're a mess!" Clara tittered. Her scribbling slowed to gently rubbing with one hand, using her other to pick around to get the flakes out. "Just a bit of tickling, and you're absolutely helpless. Tsk, tsk..." 
I whined as she gently took all the flakes out, continuing to rub my stomach. My laughter slowly wound down to giggling and then to a ragged breathing. I was sprawled out on the slope of the hill, and Clara beside me lay down, not stopping her belly rubs. Before us, the flakes settled back down to the valley floor, and the sunset in the distance painted the Field of Feathers in a cheery, dare I say, tickle-me-pink. The warmth was getting to me.
"You look tired, dear~," she whispered. I didn't have the energy to reply as my eyelids drooped. "I suppose I'll have to carry you back home after this..." 
She said something else, but I didn't get a chance to hear it. For the life of me, I swear it sounded something like 'I love you,' but perhaps it was simply my weary delusions. I awoke the following day in bed, spooned by my sweet Clara. I didn't mind it as much. Writing down my observations could wait. I went back to sleep, a little closer to her this time. 
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eksentrismi · 2 months
you're bored? lmao (also bored)
Well, welcome to the boredom gang XD /j
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the-chains-cafe · 3 months
Sorry for all the reblogs… I’m gonna give you one last notification. Please don’t hate me.
What’s your favorite musical? I’m so so sorry if this question has already been asked, I kinda skipped all the lore and just admired the art— I AM GOING BACK TO READ THE LORE THOUGH! And do your guys like musicals as well? If so, which ones?
Thank you so very much for sharing your talent with the world! You are wonderful!
Man, I love you XD
No need to apologize!! Reblogs are always welcome
My favorite musical changes every few weeks, but right now its epic the musical. A few days ago it was a mix of falsettos and something rotten, and a few weeks before that it was some like it hot (boy I LOVE this one)
Honorable mentions tho are: the waitress (love this one too AAAA) mean girls, legally blonde (AAAAA) catch me if you can, uhh hadestown and Hamilton
I think the ones actually listening to musicals are probably Ravio, Midna, Flora, Twi (because he’s basically forced lol) and groose maybe. Styla, Artemis/Athena, Hilda as well
Yea it’s mainly the theatre gang and some of their friends/partners
Im just gonna make a List hold on
Ravio: I think he loves mean girls and some like it hot. He probably listens to more … happier musicals that don’t give you emotional damage every time you listen to them. Might like Cmiyc as well. He loves Christian Borle. (Like me) enjoys sad/emotional ones too tho like DeH, Hamilton, hadestown, waitress.
Midna: heathers, Beetlejuice, school of rock? Also she adores Alex brightman
Flora: little shop of horrors. (Haven’t fully listened to it but I think it’s something might like?) hadestown. Erika henningsen vibes.
Twi: he likes some songs from the great comet and wicked, and heathers. Has to listen to Midna sing literally any musical. Rip doggo boi
Groose: something rotten, tootsie, BMC
Styla: legally blonde, mean girls, wicked, Annie, Anastasia, six
Artemis/Athena: she would love epic lol, tootsie probably
Hilda: deh, some like it hot, six, mmmm yeah.
I think legend might also listen to musicals
Probably: Hamilton, Waitress, chocolate factory, Smash/Bombshell,
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
TMA - Chapters 51-60: Supernatural grandpas and Spider Gang members
Welcome back to my weekly rambling about ten new TMA chapters.
New theories are born, old ones are dead and stupid ones are rising. Will they be right? Will they be wrong? Is everyone’s name actually Michael? How will my mind be blasted by these ten new chapters?
Only one way to find out.
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MAG 51 - High Pressure
When I read that Simon Fairchild was in this story, I immediately went “Uh?”. Why is he here? What is he doing here?
And most importantly, what did he say to Mrs. Haley, before she jumped into the water? I bet it’s something like “Enjoy the water”, just like he said “Enjoy the sky” to Robert in MAG 21. This man keeps waking up and choosing violence. Mood.
But hey, maybe that’s because he’s an old guy. After all, older people are the most stubborn/tough creatures ever and the older you are, the tougher you become.
Also, what kind of creepy supernatural shit is Mr. Fairchild? A colossal hungry monster? The first time, the sky ate Robert. Now, the water tries to grab Antonia. It reminds me of the colossal figure from ex Altiora, but we already have a Michael associated with the Vast, so who is Simon? Another Vast? The Grandfather of the Vast? Is ‘Simon’ his middle name and the first one is actually Michael? That would explain everything XD
Uh, so the table from MAG 3 isn’t a fractal, but more of a web. And Graham was caught by it. I suppose that means we should ask Spider Mom about him - and about Sasha too.
It’s also very interesting the following part of the discussion, in which Jon asked:
“I thought that was... I... whatever crawled through his window. Unless you think they’re linked, somehow?”
To which Not!Sasha replied:
“I doubt it. It didn’t sound like the sort of thing that would want to be bound to an object.”
So this imposter thing doesn’t want to be bound to an object (like the table), but it really enjoys stealing bodies. Isn’t that similar to “being bound to an object”? Maybe this imposter just wants a living, breathing thing, instead of an inanimate one. It makes me think of Michael and the concept of identity for these creatures: is stealing bodies the only way this supernatural shit knows to have its own identity?
No, I refuse to start feeling empathy for this supernatural shit. You are an imposter and I will look at you with suspicion. I will not imagine you looking at the wax statues in Madame Tussaud’s Museum and pondering about existence, identity and humanity. I won’t.
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MAG 52 - Exceptional Risk
As soon as Robert Montauk was mentioned, I immediately remembered him from MAG 9. And here he is, the guy who killed a shit ton of people and kept hearts in his shed because he was dealing with some supernatural shit.
Jon asked if he was “summoning it, containing it, worshipping it”, which are all valid questions. Also, I find it very telling that the first verb he uses is “summoning” and not “containing”, considering that the dark guy told Montauk: “You didn’t think you could kill it for long, did you?”.
Personally, I think Mr. Montauk was trying to contain that supernatural shit and the only way to do so was by killing a shit ton of people and doing that weird magical circle in his shed. And that somehow “killed” (or at least kept it busy) the shit that took his wife. But since Mr. Montauk was killing a ton of people to do that, it was just a matter of time before someone found out.
(I checked MAG 9 because I also remembered a pendant and yes, his wife had a pendant with a closed eye. Is all of this story somehow related to Big Brother? Or is the closed eye just a charm? A sort of “close your eye and don’t look at me, you scary supernatural shit”?)
We also have a name for another of these supernatural shits! I will keep you in mind, Maxwell Rayner. So you are some sort of monster made of darkness - which reminds me of the creepy monster in MAG 25. Maybe it’s the same creature.
And now, back with the most beautiful love story that exists in Tim’s mind only: the one between Jon and Basira. I think I love her a little more after this episode. I mean, she appeared for a few minutes and:
blasted Martin, by saying that Tim is “the hot one”
blasted Jon, by saying that Tim has his same scars, but he manages to pull them off because he’s so much sexier than Jon
blasted Jon even more, by instantly using the typical sentences for a rejection: It’s not you it’s me, you’re nice and all, etc.
literally said: okay, fine we’ll let Tim think there’s something between us. But stay assured, Jon, that there is nothing
Wow, and here I thought Simon Fairchild was the one who woke up and chose violence. What’s up with all these people waking up and choosing violence? And why they’re all such moods?
Oh, she brought a tape about Alexandria! Is it about the Library of Alexandria? I hope it will be the next one, ‘cause I am very curious to know what it will be about.
MAG 53 - Crusader
That was… something.
I have never heard of the Serapeum of Alexandria before, so kudos for letting me know about it. It’s very interesting and I love that this statement wasn’t about something so obvious and universally well-known as the Library of Alexandria, but another archive.
And archives are the real protagonists of this statement. Archives and archivists. It’s very interesting how Gertrude thought that the mysterious figure wasn’t just a scary supernatural shit, but specifically an archivist. Why an archivist, among all people? Is it because, as Jon said, she was suspecting something? If you become the archivist, you also become a supernatural shit, linked to the archive itself?
It’s also very interesting how Jon says: “Am I just part of a chain? A long, unending string of people who call themselves “the archivist” stretching back to…”. This somehow connects to my theory that Elias/the Lukas family is trying to find someone who will resonate with Big Brother.
Maybe “the Archivist” is the specific title given to this particular person that can resonate with Big Brother. After all, both Michael and Jane referred to Jon as “Archivist” and not “Jon”, “You” or “Doomed Idiot”. Just like Michael calls “the Wanderer” the person who enters its domain, maybe “the Archivist” identifies the person designed for Big Brother?
Oh Martin, you’re too precious: caring for your paranoid boss like this <3 please, at least you: grab him and run away. The spas are waiting.
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That can be you, Martin.
MAG 54 - Still Life
This is one of those statements that can be very creepy if you have that specific kind of fear. In this case, if you fear taxidermy or dead, stuffed things, then this story is for you.
Since I do not find them particularly creepy, I wasn’t particularly scared either. I suspected Daniel Rawlings was stuffed too, so the final part wasn’t a big surprise. And he may look different from the missing guy, but the same goes for Not!Sasha - and all of this was basically a huge hint to not trust her. However, since Jon still has no idea what’s wrong with her, he doesn’t get it.
The really interesting part was the supplement. We have Jonathan “Dipper” Sims, Master of Paranoia, now becoming expert burglar. First he watched Tim’s house, now he breaks into Gertrude’s. Next time he will watch Martin sleep, then hopefully police will arrest him (and save him from the Institute).
So Gertrude removed the eyes from everything in her house: another confirmation that Big Brother has one million eyes and can look through them all and this series is suspiciously becoming like Gravity Falls. If Big Brother is triangular too, then I will start to fear the beginning of an Armageddon.
Wait… is this what the war between supernatural shits will bring to? Will this story have its own Weirdmageddon? Oh shit, I really need to know more.
MAG 55 - Pest Control
Wow, this statement was useless.
I mean, not entirely. It just confirmed Jane Prentiss worked alone and that there are other beings like her. I knew it already and I’m surprised Jon didn’t realize it. Who does he think Michael is, if not another supernatural shit? There are supernatural shits everywhere in this goddamn world.
But even if I realized it, the characters had to realize it too. So, even if this seems like a useless chapter from a reader’s perspective, it was necessary for the plot.
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Wow, think of this man. Not only he’s still very paranoid regarding Jane Prentiss (with every right, because it’s been barely five months since the attack), but he has been changed so deeply by it, to not even have a normal life anymore. He literally looks back at boring stuff with longing. Poor Jon, I may joke about him, but I sympathize with his struggles.
MAG 56 - Children of the Night
Jon was surprised by this statement and so was I: I didn’t expect a follow up to Trevor Herbert’s previous statement!
This one is pretty useless compared to the first one, but there’s something extremely important and it’s the presence of Spider Mom. Or the spider lady. Whatever: it’s a member of the spider gang, that’s what matters.
I also really liked the image of the woman as this hollow figure, full of spiders and spiderwebs. It kinda reminds me of the Oogie Boogie from Nightmare Before Christmas, that was full of worms. Pretty cool.
A-ah! We finally found out what was Martin lying about! And it was about his incompetence, lol. Jokes aside, at least he’s not lying about something supernatural/weird/dangerous: he’s just a poor guy trying to help his mother.
If I thought he deserved a vacation before, I am sure now: Martin, please, go on vacation. I’ll pay it for you, just go on a spa and relax.
MAG 57 - Personal Space
What did I say before about specific fears/topics that scare or get you? Well, space is that for me. I’m not exactly scared by it, but I love the concept of being alone/abandoned in space: that fear is something so “otherworldly”, something we would rarely experience here in Earth… it’s fascinating, you know?
So yes, I was happy to read this story and when Mr. Chilcott said the Earth disappeared, as well as the Sun and the Moon, I was even more excited. I love space stuff <3
O-oh! Another member of the creepy Lukas family! Now, who is Conrad Lukas? Evan Lukas’ father, grandpa or uncle? I think these guys should start talking a little bit about their family tree: I have three Lukas by now and no idea how they’re related to each other.
So the businesses involved in this weird project are:
Pinnacle Aerospace, majority owned by the Fairchild family
a large private investment by Nathaniel Lukas
Optic Solutions Limited, a company manufacturing cameras that has its business address in Ny Alesund, Norway.
Or, to translate it from story-to-reader/theorists:
Simon Fairchild, the man related to the sky/sea who wakes up and chooses violence
the umpteenth Lukas
Big Brother’s secret company that makes more electronic eyes to spy on everything
Welp, I trust this project so much now. There’s definitely nothing weird going on here. Are the Fairchilds on the same side of the Lukas in the supernatural war? They’re literally working together like besties, so I suppose yes.
Finally, Jon is starting to suspect a bit about Not!Sasha. Well, Not!Sasha is also trying her best to look as suspicious as possible: she’s literally trying to destroy the statements in which there’s even a fragment of her voice. And the new boyfriend is clearly taken from some magazine. I just hope Jon will realize what’s happening as soon as possible.
MAG 58 - Trail Rations
So, another statement about meat. This time, mixed with the Oregon Trail and cannibalism.
I don’t really know what to think about meat. I mean, fine, it’s a supernatural shit, but… what was doing, in 1845? Was it trying to find a body? Did it just want to become bigger? Maybe it was trying to get Mrs. Carlisle as new body and it will try to do so for years, until it will find out Jared Hopworth… assuming that the meat and the boneturner and the same supernatural shit.
Wow, what a surprise: who would’ve ever guessed that Jon’s coworkers are mad that he’s stalking them like a creep. Poor Tim, my boy deserves a vacation too. Just go with Martin: I’ll pay for you both.
But first, let’s send Jon to a therapist, so he can talk about all of his issues.
MAG 59 - Recluse
And here we are, back on Hill Top Road. This time, we have a special guest: the table from MAG 3, that came back multiple times already. And this time, we know what was in the middle of it: apparently, a box with an apple. And if you eat the apple, you become food for the spider gang. This goddamn spider gang.
Also, what is Agnes? She clearly saved Mr. Sinclair with that kiss on the cheek, because it brought him back to his senses and helped him escape from the spider nest or whatever it was. So either she is another supernatural shit… or she’s a supernatural shit. No other possible choices :P
Wow Jon, who would’ve ever guessed that your coworkers don’t like to work with you, if you keep being creepy and paranoid with them? Maybe if you stop acting like a creep for one split second...
I like to think they’re all conspiring to send him to therapy. One of these days, they will lock Jon inside his office with a therapist and leave them alone, until Jon manages to talk about all of his paranoid thoughts.
MAG 60 - The Observer Effect
So we can resume this statement as follows:
Christopher Meyer was minding his own business and living his life, when he suddenly decided to stick his nose into “outer cults” or, as the statement explains:
“small organized groups of worshippers whose beliefs weren’t simply deviations from paganism or other major religions, but seemed to focus on holy beings or concepts completely apart from what would be considered normal religious practice. Some seemed to have more in common with ancient shamanism than with organized hierarchical worship, and all were highly secretive.”
So, he went to the Magnus Institute, where all the stories about these supernatural shits are kept. And among holy beings like Mr. Boneturner and concepts like the fog, the meat and Michael, he found a mirror related to Big Brother. And that’s what probably made him a recluse.
So, when Mrs. Meyer took it, she suffered his same fate of being watched all the time by Big Brother… at least until one day she woke up and chose violence. But, like, real violence.
I’ll admit it: taking a van full of petrol and trying to destroy the institute was probably the best and the most badass move ever, so Rosa Meyer immediately rises to the status of world savior.
It looks like the Institute’s team decided to not lock Jon in his office with a therapist, but to simply do an intervention. Okay, fine, it works too.
And wow, look, in the CCTV of Gertrude’s death there’s no one, except for Gertrude and Elias who finds her body. There’s absolutely no way this man found the secret passages and used them to kill Gertrude, nope nope, he hasn’t written “SUSPICIOUS” all over his face, I definitely trust him.
And if it wasn’t Elias to kill her, it was Big Brother then. Or the umpteenth member of the Lukas family, who was hidden in the tunnels for killing reasons and killing reasons only.
At least the CCTV convinced Jon he hasn’t been fair with his team and that they’re all innocents. Let’s hope he will stop being a creepy paranoid stalker with them and start being a creepy paranoid stalker with Elias. I just don't trust you, Elias.
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In conclusion
So these supernatural shits aren’t simple supernatural shits: they are “holy beings or concepts” worshipped by secret cults. Do I think the Lukas family is one of those secret circles? Yes, that’s what I think. Do I think they worship Big Brother? Yes, that’s what I think too.
But seriously, love the religious undertones. As someone who grew up surrounded by Christianity, seeing religion in a work gets my interest. I just wonder how the religious theme will be developed here.
Speaking of the characters: Jon is still in Paranoia Land, but at least he’s admitting his paranoid thoughts. And even if he acted like an insane creep, his team is still trying to help him. Sure, they’re doing it in their own way, but at least they’re trying. And Martin is quickly rising to the status of saint, because I would’ve been far less nice if my boss stalked me like Jon did with him.
So we're past the first fourth of the series and I have more questions than ever: how many supernatural shits are in this world? What really are they? Will we learn about their origin too? What actually happened to Gertrude? What is Not!Shasha planning? How many more members of the Spider Gang will come? Will Simon Fairchild wake up and choose violence again? And how many more connections will I find in the next ten chapters?
See you soon next week!
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
Not all the toys are dog toys of course but... well, a good chunk are. MK is absolutely embarrassed when he realizes he had dog toys but Mei is completely and utterly smug about the whole thing
referencing previous post with the kiddos having dog toys. XD
MK is all embarassed like: "Did our relatives think I was a dog or something?" Wukong: "To be fair my old fighting buddy does have a dog named Xiaotian." MK: "Was I named after a dog!?" Mei, proudly: "I don't see the problem. I destroyed those chew toys in record time. Hunting instincts ba-by!"
However, MK and Mei's fave childhood toys will *always* be their plush monkey and dragon respecitively.
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I love the hc that Pigsy was the one who got MK the plush monkey, so thats also true in the TMKATI au.
I feel like it came about because baby MK was super clingy, and Pigsy got him the monkey plush to help him sleep on his own. In canon, its def the first gift MK ever had.
In the au Pigsy gets the toy as a welcome gift for the baby, and he goes tsundere-mode when Mac and Tang catch him trying to hide it amongst the other baby shower gifts. It was baby MK/Xiaotian's favorite gift above all else from the moment he was born, and it makes Pigsy a tiny bit smug everytime he sees the kid cuddling it.
Au!Mei gets her dragon plushie around the time she comes to live with the noodle shop gang - it's specifically made with flame-retardant cloth for little dragons who haven't learned how to control their elemental breath yet. :3
Both toys have an immense amount of sentimental power in them. MK would legit consider chopping off a body part before giving up "Mr Monkie" if he had to sacrifice something for a ritual.
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