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whiteknight-week · 19 days ago
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Hello & welcome to White Knight Week 2025! Due to this being the first “White Knight Week” proper in quite some time, we’ve kept the prompts to a simple overall theme:
“Missing Moments”
With this theme, we will explore the moments between moments. The actions that could’ve been done, the fights that may have sparked, and the words that went unspoken. Starting from the early days of Beacon and ending in the dunes of Vacuo, we will seek to fill the void or inspire a new reality altogether.
Let your passions burn and inspiration flow. Be it in written form, art, discussions, or memes! Do as much or as little as you please, but feel free to share on r/WaveOfWhiteKnights on Reddit or the Tumblr page!
White Knight Week will start on: Monday, May 12th, 2025 and go till Sunday, May 18th, 2025, and does cover two very important days in regards to our Knight and Queen: Weiss' birthday and the Canonization day of Jeanne d'Arc.
We are still in the early planning stages for the event and plan to have daily discussions and posts. Please see below for the prompts if you wish to participate! As a note, Fics and art may be featured on White Knight Wednesday!
[ Day 1 ] - “Beacon Bits” ( May 12th )
Have you ever wondered how Jaune got Weiss’ scroll number? Or maybe if they ever talked about the events of the dance? Have you ever thought about a world where Weiss Schnee & Jaune Arc end up as partners? Or maybe a time they team up to help some folks out in Vale during the break between V1 & V2? Explore all these possibilities & more on our first day of White Knight week “Beacon Bits”!
[ Day 2 ] - “Nightmare Nights” ( May 13th )
Day 2 of White Knight week checks into the ‘what if’ world of Ice Queendom. “Nightmare Nights!”. What happens after the Nightmare? Does Weiss simply recover, or do the events haunt her? Maybe a Kind Knight gives her someone to talk to. Or, maybe Jaune has questions of his own to give to her. Why did he have a sword that could kill the nightmares? Why did she give him such a big sword and heavy cape? Maybe while in the Nightmare, Nega Weiss has … problems fighting Jaune. Does Jaune still think about his Nightmare? Does she?
[ Day 3 ] - “Haven House” ( May 14th )
Day 3 of White Knight Week brings us to the Kingdom of Mistral and the wild events that come with it. What did Weiss & Jaune do at the forever house? Did they talk about the fall? Did they miss each other? Were there things left unsaid from Beacon they wanted to get off their chest? What about the time after Weiss’ near-death experience? Maybe there’s a chance they took a tour of the kingdom and ran into some bad guys? While volume 4&5 often get a lot of flack for the “Forever house” maybe we can make it better with some White Knight pizzaz!
[ Day 4 ] - “Argus Adventures” ( May 15th )
Happy Birthday Weiss! Welcome to day 4 of White Knight Week! Today's prompt will be ‘Argus Adventures’. While the group only spent a few days at the seaside city, the setting is ripe with opportunities for our goober duo. What interactions could you see them having? Why did Weiss gravitate towards Jaune when they reunited? Did they have a wild and crazy grocery adventure while Ruby had her chat with Maria? Or did something 100% off the rails happen in a fun little AU side story?
[ Day 5 ] - “Atlas Ambling” ( May 16th )
What happened at the movies!? A common question by many, but - there were so many other things our heroes could have done. Weiss could have brought everyone around to explore Atlas proper. Did Jaune find a place he’d want to bring Weiss to? Or maybe Weiss thought of a place to bring Jaune to? If Volume 7 gave us anything, it gave us the endless possibilities of our heroes hanging out as they would have back in Beacon. Maybe Jaune and Weiss will find themselves alone at the school and decide to watch movies together. Perhaps they train in the Hardlight Training room until banter starts turning into flirting. With the nearly endless possibilities of Atlas & Mantle ( As well as the other villages nearby), what can you see the two of them doing?
[ Day 6 ] - “Everafter Evenings” ( May 17th )
With RWBY reuniting with Jaune in the Everafter, there was so little time to talk. But what if Weiss and Jaune did get to talking in the EA? They could spend some time together in the Paper Village. Or, maybe they will go out to look for Ruby as a duo? Perhaps you should explore an AU where the two fall together and how they come to deal with everything they’ve been through. Do they go back in time? Or do they find a way to find the others? In “Everafter Evenings” please feel free to dive into the ‘what if’s’ of the Ever After and White Knight!
[ Day 7 ] - “Vivid Vacuo” ( May 18th )
They did it; they’ve finally made it to Vacuo! Yet, things feel so … off? With Jaune still dealing with the experience of the Everafter, trying to acclimate himself to Remnant, & Weiss now dealing with the fall of Atlas, her home, and the people of Vacuo who are less-than-kind towards her in particular, the White Knight Duo has quite a hefty load on their plate. Will Weiss be the one to step up and support Jaune? Will Jaune be the one to protect Weiss from the people? Do they simply find time to have somber chats at night and, maybe, grow closer? On this 7th and final day of White Knight Week we look to the future for our Knight & Queen. What do you see happening for them in Vacuo?
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schmuckschmied · 3 years ago
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Armreif KATZEN
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aqsaa8685 · 2 years ago
Understanding the World Like a CIA Analyst
SUBSCRIBER+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — Over the weekend, Ukraine said its forces were encircling Bakhmut. Russia, meanwhile, congratulated its troops for actually taking the embattled Ukrainian city. It is precisely these types of conflicting accounts that would bring the CIA’s former Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold into the Oval Office. Helping to parse fact-from-fiction, her 40 year…
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ansraali · 2 years ago
Understanding the World Like a CIA Analyst
SUBSCRIBER+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — Over the weekend, Ukraine said its forces were encircling Bakhmut. Russia, meanwhile, congratulated its troops for actually taking the embattled Ukrainian city. It is precisely these types of conflicting accounts that would bring the CIA’s former Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold into the Oval Office. Helping to parse fact-from-fiction, her 40 year…
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amdia80 · 2 years ago
Understanding the World Like a CIA Analyst
SUBSCRIBER+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — Over the weekend, Ukraine said its forces were encircling Bakhmut. Russia, meanwhile, congratulated its troops for actually taking the embattled Ukrainian city. It is precisely these types of conflicting accounts that would bring the CIA’s former Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold into the Oval Office. Helping to parse fact-from-fiction, her 40 year…
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iqrakanjri7878 · 2 years ago
Understanding the World Like a CIA Analyst
SUBSCRIBER+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — Over the weekend, Ukraine said its forces were encircling Bakhmut. Russia, meanwhile, congratulated its troops for actually taking the embattled Ukrainian city. It is precisely these types of conflicting accounts that would bring the CIA’s former Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold into the Oval Office. Helping to parse fact-from-fiction, her 40 year…
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iqra8482 · 2 years ago
Understanding the World Like a CIA Analyst
SUBSCRIBER+ EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW — Over the weekend, Ukraine said its forces were encircling Bakhmut. Russia, meanwhile, congratulated its troops for actually taking the embattled Ukrainian city. It is precisely these types of conflicting accounts that would bring the CIA’s former Deputy Director for Analysis Linda Weissgold into the Oval Office. Helping to parse fact-from-fiction, her 40 year…
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apocalypse-valentine · 4 years ago
*ships white knight but in an unmistakably trans/bi way*
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danurso · 4 years ago
The Goddess and the Minotaur AU
*A group of four adventurers wander on a labyrinth inside of a empty island in the middle of nowhere, in search of an extremely valuable treasure for their leader *
Sky: are you sure it's here?
Russel: yeah, we've been looking around this damn labyrinth for hours.
Dove: also, i think we're lost, and if the rumors about that monster are real, we shouldn't stay here for much more.
Cardin: you're all just a bunch of lazy cowards, we spent too much time to find this place and I refuse to leave without getting to the center of it first.
Russel: for what!? Just so you can get a hot wife!?
Cardin: haven't you heard the stories you idiot!? This isn't just any woman we've seen before, we're talking about one of the three goddesses of beauty, who got trapped in this labyrinth and is being held hostage by a terrible minotaur.
Sky: we know these stories already, but they're so old that this "goddess" is probably an old hag at this point.
Cardin: i doubt it, they say she never ages so she's always at her peak.
Dove: which makes sense if she's the goddess of beauty.
Russel: i still don't think that's worth the effort though just to find a wife.
Cardin: I'm the future heir of the winchester house! And if i'm going to have a wife, i'll accept nothing less than a goddess to marry me!
Sky: *deadpans* that if she even accepts to marry you.
Cardin: don't worry about that, after I save her from the beast of the labyrinth, she'll surely fall for me, and even if she doesn't. . .well *grins* let's just say that there are other methods i can use to persuade her.
Dove: damn man, that's dark even for you.
Cardin: i'm not paying you guys to judge me, i'm paying you to help me.
Dove: *sighs* okay, fine.
Cardin: good. Anyone else has anything to add?
Russel: nothing, except that we should've left already.
Cardin: we're not leaving until I find my wife!
Russel: just marry someone else! I doubt this goddess is so beautiful to the point of risking our-
Russel's speech comes to a halt when the group arrives at a large open garden, covered with grass, some trees and a small lake in the middle. But it wasn't the sight of the garden that robbed them from their ability to speak, instead what did so was a beautiful girl with long white hair, icy blue eyes wearing a pure white dress and standing next to the lake.
CRDL: *completely speechless*
Weiss: . . .huh? What a surprise, it's been a few years since I've last seen a human face.
Russel: . . .is. . .is she the. . .
Dove: goddess? i don't know, but i've never seen anyone so beautiful before.
Sky: *nods, eyes still glued on her*
Weiss: Tell me, what is your business here? do so and leave at once.
Cardin: *approaching her* goddess of beauty, i am cardin winchester, son of frank and katherine winchester from the winchester house. *kneels, taking her hand* and i came here to ask for your hand in marriage. *tries to kiss her hand*
Weiss: *pulls her hand back* so that is what you're here for? *sighs* Why am I not surprised? I'm sorry but i must refuse your proposal.
Cardin: w-what!? *gets up* you can't do this to me!
Weiss: why not? I clearly already did.
Cardin: I am from the winchester house! One of the most powerful and influential families of vale!
Weiss: i could not care any less for that. You are just another tiny man who thinks you are powerful just because people know your name and your family has a decent amount of treasury.
Cardin: *clenches jaw*
Weiss: You are nothing but an entitled human that thinks just because you were born in a high social status the world has to bend on its knees for you. I would never even entertain the thought of marrying someone like you.
Weiss: Oh? So you're going to force me to come with you?
Cardin: YES!!!
Weiss: . . .farewell then, shall we go?
Sky: wait, what?
Dove: so. . .you're just going to come with us like that?
Weiss: yes, i'm an unarmed girl against four armed men, and despite being a goddess i'm not an avid fighter like my older sister, therefore any resistance that i tried to put up would be futile.
Cardin: good thing you know that, at least you're not only looks but you have some brains as well.
Weiss: unfortunately though, i don't think he's going to like the idea of me leaving.
Cardin: he? Who are you talking- *feels a tap on his shoulder* what is it!?
When Cardin looked to the side to see who tapped him, he saw his three men looking behind him, they all were completely pale and wore terrified expressions. When he himself turned around, all the color in his body vanished and was replaced by the same pale tone of his comrades, they all stood still staring at the nine feet tall creature standing behind them with a huge white sword in hand. It had a human body with several scars and with only a red tattered cloth covering his lower half, but his face looked like it was made of metal, and it was surrounded by a long golden mane with a pair of horns coming out of it.
???: uhr. . .
Cardin: w-what the. . .
Sky: *eyes wide* this is-
Dove: no way. . .
Russel: MINOTAUR!!!!
Weiss: oh gods, you shouldn't have said that.
Cardin: *looks back to her* what!?
???: RRRHAAAAAARHH!!!! *swings his sword at them, hitting the ground and making a crater and making the group fly away*
Weiss: *sighs* you had to call him like that didn't you? He hates being called by that name.
???: *charging at cardin and swinging his sword again* RRHAAARH!!!!
Cardin: *barely dodges* what the hell!? How strong is this thing!?
???: GRRR. . .
Cardin: *getting up* goddammit, hey! Come help-
_RDL: *already running away*
???: RRHHAAAAAARH!!!! *swings his sword again, this time hitting cardin and sending him to the other side of the garden*
Cardin: GHAACK!! goddammit. . .we're not over yet!
???: RRHAAARHH!!!! *charging at him again*
Cardin: shit! *runs away*
???: RRAAAARH!!! *chases after*
Weiss: *sighs*
*a few minutes later*
Weiss: *sitting near the lake*
???: *walks into the garden and sits in front of weiss*
Weiss: so, are they gone?
???: un *nods*
Weiss: will we ever have to deal with them again?
???: uh *shakes head*
Weiss: good.
???: . . . .
Weiss: . . .so?
???: *tilts head to the side* ?
Weiss: for how long do you intend to keep the mask on? You know i don't like it.
???: ah. . .sorry.
He reaches out for the metal mask, taking it off and revealing his human face. Well, human if you ignore the black sclera around the red iris of his eyes. Weiss noticed the down look on his face when he took the mask off, and she had a pretty good idea of why that was.
Weiss: what's wrong?
???: . . .
Weiss: Is it because they called you by that name
???: *nods* me is monster.
Weiss: *sighs* what is you name?
???: me. . .? 
Weiss: yes, of course it's you. Is there anyone else here for me to be talking to?
???: my name. . .jaune.
Weiss: Yes, and what are you jaune?
Jaune: me. . .is weiss guardian.
Weiss: correct, you are my guardian, my protector. Now tell me, what does a monster do?
Jaune: monster. . .destroys, and hurts.
Weiss: and what did you do when those people tried to hurt me.
Jaune: me protected weiss.
Weiss: exactly, you are my protector, not a monster. Understood?
Jaune: *with a smile, nods* un!
Weiss: good. so? What were you doing earlier when those guys showed up? *deadpans* just please don't tell me you were going after butterflies again.
Jaune: *happily nods* un!
Weiss: *facepalms* of course you were.
Jaune: oh! Me remember something! *gets up, running into one of the pathways of the labyrinth*
Weiss: ?
Jaune: *comes back with an excited smile and a big circle of flowers in hands* Here! Here!
Weiss: what is this?
Jaune: *puts on his head* flower crown!
Weiss: oh, you made it?
Jaune: *nods* un! Spring started. . .pretty flowers grow. . .me made crown for weiss. *hands it to weiss*
Weiss: well, as much as I appreciate the gesture, I think it's too big for my head.
Jaune: oh. . . *bummed*
Weiss: don't worry. *puts around her neck* see? It's still a pretty flower necklace.
Jaune: *back to the happy mood*
Weiss: what about you? Where is your crown?
Jaune: me only made for weiss.
Weiss: Do you want to make some more for us?
Jaune: *nods excited* un! un!
Weiss: good. Let's go then.
Jaune: *gets up and picks weiss up, sitting her on his shoulder and skipping away*
Weiss: hey! Don't skip, It shakes too much.
Jaune: un! *nods and stops skipping*
Weiss: better. . .and jaune?
Jaune: uh?
Weiss: *plants a kiss on his cheek* Thank you for protecting me.
Jaune: *with a small blush and a huge smile* me will always protect weiss!
Weiss: *with a small smile of her own* Of course, I'm sure you will. Now let's get those flowers.
Jaune: un! *nods and starts to skip*
Weiss: And no skipping!
Jaune: un!
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alexadru · 5 years ago
After the Beacon Dance
Weiss has been silent ever since the dance. Admittedly, the heiress wasn’t normally one to talk much, but the Weiss everyone was familiar with usually carried herself with a calm and determined resolve. Something which she had lacked in the last few weeks. The girl had become more reserved and more often than not she had a look of lamentation on her face that made her team worried.
One day, team RWBY, or at least the B and Y formation, confronted her about it as the trio sat in the cafeteria watching Weiss play with her food, looking more absent than present.
Yang: "Alright, Ice Queen. Spill. What’s got you so iced out?" As subtle as her bike, Yang asked. 
Weiss: "What do you mean? I feel perfectly fine." 
Yang: "Sure you are. I mean, it’s not like you've been staring at your food and playing with a your salad for the last 15 minutes, all while having this distant look in your eyes." 
Weiss: "It's not distant, just... I don't know..." Another sign that something was upsetting the girl. The lack of bite in her comments.
Blake: "Does it have something to do with all the glances you've been giving Pyrrha lately?" 
Yang: "Say what now? Weiss, you've been stealing looks at Pyrrha?" 
Weiss: "I have not!” She almost slammed her hands on the table, but held herself back and looked away from her friends. “Look, it's not what you think." 
Yang: "But it is something that Pyrrha's involved with. Could it be that you have a crush on her?" 
Weiss: "Of course not! Why would you even think that?" 
Yang: "Hey, easy there. I was just joking. Look, we're just worried about you. You've been down for over a week, we had to do something. You're our friend." 
Blake: "Weiss, if it's something we can help with, you can tell us." 
Weiss: "Girls, I appreciate your offer, but there is nothing wrong with me." 
Yang: "I'm not convinced, you know? I'm still going to find out what's bothering you and..." 
Just then, the sudden appearance of their leader occurred, morphing into place with her familiar rose petal whirlwind following suit.
Ruby: "Hey, guys! What are you doing?" 
Blake: "Just talking. What about you? Been at the library?" 
Ruby: "Yep, I spent all that time studying with Jaune and Pyrrha. I swear those two have been nearly inseparable all week. Since the dance it's like they spent every moment together. It's kind of weird..." 
Yang: "Come on, Rubes. The girl finally managed to get through his thick skull that she likes him. Of course she's happy to spend all her time with... Wait, hold on just a moment. Jaune was with Pyrrha all the time?” 
Ruby: “Uhh, yeah. That’s what I said.”
Yang: “But that means...” Her lilac eyes lit up and turned to her friend. “Weiss, don't tell me you were actually looking at..." 
Weiss: "Yang, that's enough.” Weiss stopped her from finishing the sentence, rising on her feet in the process. She faced downwards, but the three could see her lower lip quiver, like she was holding herself back from showing a reaction. “Like I said, there's nothing to talk about. I... I’ll be in our room." With those words, Weiss excused herself and hurried to their shared accommodation. 
Ruby: "...Guys, what just happened?” 
Yang and Blake didn’t know what to answer and just shared a worried look with their leader. What could they do to help Weiss?
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dein-piercing · 4 years ago
Unseren liebsten Schmuckstein im Herbst 2020 - der facettierte Opal - ist auch in diesem Aufsatz von Anatometal zu finden, eingerahmt in 18 Karat Weissgold
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whiteknight-week · 3 years ago
White Knight Month is Nearly Here!
Greetings to all who have stumbled upon this humble blog. We of the White Knight Discord hereby decree that the entire month of September, from the 1st to the 30th, is White Knight Month! Unlike other shipping weeks/month there is no set theme for the days, though prompts will be provided if you want them.
The Rules are Simple and similar to many shipping weeks/months-
Posts and submissions must be White Knight centric, though other ships may appear
No bashing, not of characters or ships.
All kinds of submissions are welcomed. Fics, Art, etc, it is welcomed
Can be posted on any site, just include the links
Tag it properly. #whiteknightmonth at minimum and within the first 5 tags
Smut and lemons are fine, though not weird smut, just post it off Tumblr and link it in the post, tag appropriately of course
Wholesomeness is encouraged and appreciated but not necessary
Have Fun
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schmuckschmied · 3 years ago
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Damen Siegelring Weissgold Rosenquarz
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lycorim · 6 years ago
This has probably been pointed out already but my desperate little White Knight loving heart can’t resist posting this:
Okay okay so we all know that Weiss is based on Snow White.
What happens at the end of Snow White’s story?
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She almost dies, but an intimate exchange from a knight (a kiss) brings her back to life.
What happens to Weiss?
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She almost dies, but an intimate exchange from a knight (Jaune using his aura to boost hers) brings her back to life.
Obviously exchanging aura isn’t a romantic gesture like a kiss is, and this scene was far from the gooey sappy romance in Snow White, but still!! It’s intimate none the less.
Don’t @ me I know I’m reaching.
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razorblade180 · 6 years ago
Perfect Flaws
Yang and Jaune:*Watching tv*
Ruby:Hey guys
Weiss:What are you watching?
Yang:Some over the top modeling show
Weiss:I never understood these; women chasing unobtainable perfection.
Ruby:It’s funny
Weiss:It’s dumb
Yang:I guess it would be to someone as flawless as yourself.
Weiss:*Points to scar* I’m not flawless.
Jaune:What do you mean? That scar makes you even more perfect.
Weiss:I don’t follow...
Jaune:It gives you character, a story to tell that you’re not afraid of hard work. I think it adds to your beauty.
Weiss:Huh..... I never saw it like that.
Jaune:Well there is on downside to it.
Weiss:*frowning* what’s that?
Jaune:*lightly rubs scar* It does make me a little sad knowing something wanted to hurt you.
RWY:*utter silence*
*Jaune pushed out the room*
Ruby:Are you ok Weiss?
Weiss:*completly red* I don’t... know
Ruby:Be still my beating heart. Are you blushing?
Weiss:*still red* Shut up!
Yang:Ooooo is someone finally falling for tall, blonde, and scraggly?
Yang:*raises eyebrow*
Ruby:*raises eyebrow
Weiss:*covering face* I don’t know!!!!
(Outside the door)
Blake:Kicked out?
Jaune:Looks like it
Blake:Wanna grab lunch?
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arcpaladin-jaune · 6 years ago
Weiss walked up and kissed Jaune on the lips ((thisxlifexisxmine))
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Jaune just stood there surprised that Weiss had done that, but he quickly returned the kiss hoping that’s what she’d wanted
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