#weirdly written too
payaso-affairs · 1 year
Nooooo im not sure if the batman 2004's still gonna be good in season 2
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cangrellesteponme · 6 months
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plusultraetc · 3 months
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I ended up having way too many unfinished fics to choose from for Shinsou's birthday, none of which were ao3-ready, so have this extra long snippet of my beloved ice cream shop au that I've spent way too much time on for a fic that might never actually get posted 😭
(the context here is that Shinsou & Kaminari are trying to get erasermic together, but Kaminari didn't know he was trying to set his teacher up with the music store guy bc he's only heard about him from Shinsou)
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mothzan · 11 months
BSD fashion au
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They had cooped themselves up in Chuuya's living room, trading ideas, looking at magazines Mori had given them, looking for different styles they could try, bickering over dresses, suits, or whatever else caught the other's attention just for the sake of annoying each other.
Time stretched on until morning, the living room having been turned into a battle field with papers, pens, and magazines scattered everywhere.
They seemed to have calmed down halfway through, sitting together in front of the couch.
Doodling rather than actually trying to get a design down on paper while drinking their coffee
(That dazai made Chuuya get, complaining about how bad a host he was being.)
Arguing without any actual heat behind their words
Just in their own little world, behaving like the teenagers they were.
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I fear I have developed a Malevolent hyperfixation alongside my TMA one…
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venusmages · 6 months
I love online nerds' weird obsession with fiction vs reality bc both me and my partner have had ppl call us not gay enough bc one or both of us make f/m and m/m pairings more often than f/f
like. you should be thanking me. no one has gay and het ships as good as lesbians. its a secret sauce. you write men better when you have no irl interest in them and they're just barbie dolls
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nightcolorz · 1 year
The weird thing about reading TVC is that while you read iwtv for the first time, chances are you’ll eventually get really fed up with and tired of Louis as a narrator. TVL will be like a breath of fresh air after the emotionally exhausting experience of reading from Louis’s pov. But eventually, once Totbt or even Qotd hits, especially once you get to Memnoch, you’ll be groveling at Anne’s feet, desperate for some Louis. Every time he shows up to fulfill his meek housewife duties and give his batshit insane husband some advice that he will inevitably ignore you’ll start vibrating and screeching and rereading the 10 pages he appears on over and over again like your starving
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miwa-soumen · 9 months
Koisenu Futari Production Journal ⑩ (translation pt. 1)
part 1 of 3 | part 2 | part 3 |original article here
this is kind of long (and it's only part one!) so I'm putting it under the cut. if you catch any errors, let me know!
Hello, I am Sayaka Takahashi, the costume director of Koisenu Futari.
In a drama, the costuming of a character plays the fundamental role of adding realism to a characterization. In addition to that, however, I think costuming expresses a “background” that can’t be conveyed by the dialogue or storyline alone, and gives viewers the chance to dig deeper into the characters.
I especially tried to keep this in mind while styling the characters for this show.
Like many, I first heard of the existence of aromantic and asexual people while working on this show. Although there were many new surprises in this regard, reading through the script and understanding the characters better helped me to understand that they were all very fascinating. I soon began working on expanding upon the impressions I got through the costumes.
Approachable and somewhat delicate, despite their strong sense of individuality—in order to convey this impression, I used a variety of colors in the composition of each character’s outfits. The costumes needed to be heavily emphasized in order to come across as colorful in a show with lots of location shooting, but I tried to add color freely without getting boxed in by that.
I will specifically explain the costuming processes of Sakuko, Takahashi, and Kazu.
⚫Sakuko’s Costumes
When styling Sakuko, I tried to ensure that she immediately came off as a bright and likeable character.
At first, I developed a soft, fluffy look using pastels and muted colors, and incorporated recognizable trends such as frills, see-through fabrics, and puffed sleeves in order to create the image of a girl who has fun with both her work and her fashion.
I also expressed her sociable nature using the colors of her jackets and the balance of her backpack. However, after her encounter with Takahashi, she begins to realize that she had been subconsciously changing herself to suit the needs of the people around her.
When Sakuko goes from realization to acceptance, we see her world become more vivid and colorful. This is when her clothes and accessories begin to gradually change. We decided that she had liked rather large earrings even before her realization, and used those alongside her backpack to emphasize her individuality.
While the outfit she wears to visit Takahashi’s home for the first time is a normal commuting outfit, the balance of color used to express her joy and excitement at finally being able to relate to someone, as well as the vigor with which she innocently barges into the house, makes it one of her main looks.
And in episode 3, the coat Sakuko comes across during the shopping scenes in episode 3 becomes a vital part of her awakening to a newfound sense. For this scene, we looked for something very impactful and something that, above all else, suited Sakuko the best. Ms. Kishii looks very good in vivid colors, especially red, so we unanimously decided on this bright red coat during the costume fittings. This coat becomes the start of Sakuko’s discovery of a new part of herself as she begins to try out clothes and accessories she had never chosen to wear previously.
Starting from episode 6, there is a clear change in Sakuko’s appearance, where Takahashi’s grandmother’s influence can be seen. Her style begins to broaden as she begins to embrace vintage clothing and accessories, such as brooches, and begins incorporating more masculine elements. Specifically, we introduced elements that we had been avoiding up through episode 5, such as second-hand clothing, denim, primary colors, black, and large earrings.
I hope we were able to convey the relief and freedom Sakuko feels as she chooses to wear the things that she likes without having to care about what others think of her.
thanks to @dollopheadsandclotpoles and many others for their kind words of encouragement - I hope you enjoy!
part 2 | part 3 | original article here
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13eyond13 · 7 months
What headcannons do you have on B during his career (for a lack of a better word) as a serial killer? To me, he's like one of the funniest characters but also the most pathetic in the most poetic try-hard way. Why do you think he's such a try-hard? He's coping but what is he coping from?
OMG B!!! Haven't thought about my favourite stupid son B enough lately, so thank you for this ask....
So he's a try-hard because he is probably VERY INSECURE, to be blunt. He probably has very little sense of self-worth or a concrete sense of identity outside of trying to one-up L, and he takes that to the extreme in a highly comical way. He's also no doubt traumatized from his insane childhood as a shinigami hybrid who watched many people (including both his parents) die while knowing they were going to die / was also raised very weirdly and abusively/experimentally at Wammy's and made to feel like he was only worth something if he could be as smart and talented as the legendary L. In his mind he decided that creating his own destiny would be better and rebelled against that expectation by being like, "why be the next L when instead I could DEFEAT L by creating a brilliant crime that he can't possibly solve?"
ANYWAY there's a reason he is the most creepypasta villain / emo boi / dark academia darling of the fandom, and that highly melodramatic backstory is a huge part of it - which I DO love dearly in its own mid 2000s way, even though I also sometimes sigh at it because of the extra villainous cartoony edge it adds to L's backstory, and don't always want to take it very seriously as part of L's characterization in the manga plot...
So on my most recent re-read of the LABB novel, I feel I was a bit struck by just how... Not Good B's impression of L actually is? And this was kind of hilarious to me to think about. I feel like when I was younger and really into shipping LxB I read it just as "clearly B has a massive crush on L and is doing his best to imitate him perfectly because he hero worships him and sincerely wants to be him so bad!" HOWEVER this time around I remember thinking something along the lines of "wow, this feels almost like B just googled how to cosplay L and then lazily threw something together 5 minutes before crawling under the bed", hahaha. So he either just kinda sucks at imitating L (and maybe so, but he also managed to trick the families of the victims into letting him investigate the crime scenes, so he's probably not THAT bad at acting when he wants to be?) or maybe he's intentionally trying to make a mockery of L. It is ALSO FASCINATING from a psychological POV to imagine he's just being a troll about it all and trying to make fun of L with how he behaves! Like! Was he intentionally mocking L with his impression of him to somebody who would never even get the stupid joke in the first place? If that's the case, it's excruciatingly cringy to me that nobody even gets his joke the entire time, hahaha.... poor Naomi suffered more than Jesus at some points during that investigation, I swear...
B trying to do a scathing impression of L to somebody who has never even met him before:
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ANYWAYS. I think that whatever the case, he PROBABLY hoped/expected L himself was going to show up to the crime scene to confront him, at any rate. And so therefore he probably initially dressed up as L not to genuinely pass to anybody as L, but maybe expecting to do some ominous dark mirror/ arch-nemesis big reveal shit to L?? Perhaps once he realized that Naomi was the only one coming / was working for L he just changed gears a bit and decided he'd just lead her through the clues as best he could while trying out this cosplay of the guy that he wants to offend most, but this is in my mind pretty much how it must have gone.
One of my fave headcanons about him is that he re-read that crossword puzzle he made / that the police threw out without solving SO MANY times while he was sweating off his makeup under the bed, as well... that's why he had to show it to Naomi as soon as he got out... he was like "I PUT A LOT OF WORK INTO THIS DAMMIT, and SOMEBODY is going to appreciate it" hahahaha. Ohhh, B....
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strangerous · 6 months
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yall will do anything except give a talented woman credit
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musicalmoritz · 3 months
Yes I ship Kounene. Yes I hate them. We exist.
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shoechoe · 29 days
I have a guess as to how Araki ranks his villains in terms of "evil" because I think it's based on their intention and their worldview just as much as their actions. Like, Diavolo doesn't give a shit about anyone except himself and all of his actions stem from that, so he's designated "Most Deplorable" category despite his actions not actually being as bad or as gruesome as lots of the other villains
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runawaymarbles · 3 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
<3 sorry this took so long, I'm on vacation and had to Ponder on it. And then couldn't access ao3.
These are not ranked in order because narrowing it down took long enough
What The Moon Was Saying - Supernatural Dean/Cas
Dean walks in[to the Empty] like Inanna, and out like Orpheus.
I kind of wish directors commentary on fics was still a thing because I have So Many Thoughts about basically every sentence of this. It started when I was listening to Hadestown and thought, Dean would look back. And then I figured out how to work Sumerian mythology in there, and anyone who's followed me for a while knows of my sometimes dormant but never extinct obsession with Sumerian mythology. Definitely don't have an Inanna back tattoo. What if Inanna's descent but instead of having to give up one of the mes at each gate, she had to give up a coping mechanism? What if I lay facedown in the mud and screamed about the wasted potential? What if we wasted away again in margaritaville searching for our lost shakers of salt?
The Ill-Made Knight - xmen - Charles/Erik
The United States Justice System, in its infinite mercy, allows Erik to choose his method of execution.
He chooses Charles Xavier.
Ok you know that trope where Character A has done something illegal or wrong and they say to Character B, their love interest, "just kill me, because if someone's going to, I want it to be you" or something to that effect? Well. Ok first of all. I do enjoy this trope. Peak drama. But second. The psychological warfare behind it is something usually left unexplored. SO. Here are Erik and Charles, ideologically irreconcilable, very in love, emotionally manipulating each other in cruel ways to avoid admitting how deeply they care. I hate you you ruined my life and I want to die in your arms. You know. Normal stuff! They're horrible old men and I love them.
You drink light with your hands all winter - supernatural Dean/Cas
“I can’t keep doing this.” God says it like this as though it is is He, not Death, who is bound by the nature’s laws. He says it as though the world is not what He wants it to be.
He says it as though He means it.
“Please,” Death says. There’s a scythe heavy on his back, and a bundle of souls in the crook of his elbow. “Please, Sammy.”
Look I just enjoy this fucked up little whatever-it-is. What if Dean was death, Sam was God, and Cas was the empty? What if Dean kept getting Sam to make new angels and kill them immediately so he could go visit Cas? What if the world was trapped in an unbreakable cycle? What if that was a relief? What then.
every creeping thing - good omens - Crowley/Aziraphale
Crowley eats dust all the days of his life.
I literally spent 3 years writing this fic on and off. Yes it's 3k. Don't @ me. I had to review parts of the Nag Hammadi library. And then halfway through I was like "what if Crowley can't taste" and had to restructure the whole thing. Talk to me about Gnosticism. Please.
Stalefish - The Old Guard Nile/Andy
“Don’t look at it as a curse,” Joe had told her, a month earlier. “Think of it as an opportunity. What did you want to do that you were always too scared to try?”
I'm going to be eating glass about Nile Freeman until I die. If the second movie does her dirty I'm going to riot in the streets. Someone once commented that this fic made them want to go to a diner at 2am and think about their life choices and it's still one of my favorite comments ever.
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liedownquisition · 4 months
One thing that frustrates me sometimes is that the premise of the original RHATO team joining up together would not... take a lot to be made into something actually decent. Respect for the characters, really. Keep Kori's amnesia, keep Roy's isolation, but nudge the script a little:
Jason is vaguely familiar to Kori, because canonically they DID meet at least once when he was Robin (ignoring n52's everything tbh, the continuity still confuses me sometimes esp when some writers couldnt decide whether ot not 52 was a reboot or if they were going to keep referencing prior shit), but she doesn't remember, just has vague vibes and maybe he can help her with that if they knew each other? And Jason could try to help with what he can but he barely knew her, really. He's agonized bcs the only person he knows who might maybe help is Dick and he's Very Deliberately Estranged from the Bats.
Enter a tip from Talia. Maybe Jason reached out asking about the Titans, maybe she knows where he is and came to the conclusion that interacting with non-Bat heroes that he had a decently positive relationship before his death would be beneficial to him.
Roy's been off-grid since some time after Lian's death, pushing away everyone and deliberately running headfirst into things that could kill him. They're planning to televise his execution, but don't want to risk him getting rescued before that, but they can't hide from her spies. It solves a lot of problems then, doesn't it? Jason and Kori rescue him and he can help her with her memories and/or get her back in touch with the rest of their old team to help and Jason doesn't have to deal with any Bats himself.
But then they don't leave.
Kori's pretty content as she is, with people who know and have been helping her. Her memory loss isn't exactly life-threatening or anything and she's not in any hurry. Roy took one look at the two of them and came to the conclusion that he could help here, help both of them, and they won't judge him for what he's done or try to force him to reconnect with anyone before he was ready to face them/reality (if ever).
And Jason? Jason's a wounded animal snapping at anyone and anything that tries to come too close and covering up his own issues by fucking with shitty ppl & ruining their day. It's a bit of a challenge to make him chill out, but neither of the other two are afraid of that and he's already done all this to help them so why not return the favor?
Jason's the "leader", not because he's more qualified to lead a team but because he needs the feeling of being in control. There's only three of them and there's enough power & experience between them to compensate if anything goes off the rails & Roy's fluent enough in Bat from all his history with Dick to nudge Jason a little to the left if he has to. It's halfway between babysitting and a vacation.
(Amusingly this gave me the mental image of Roy & Kori in beach gear slurping colorful mocktails and Jason running around on an adult-sized child leash.)
You could even keep Roy/Kori, build it up slightly more, ect., ect. Just make it an actual relationship & not turning Kori into a sex doll lmao. I mean they were friends! Even without Dick they were friends with Each Other! & sometimes friendships can get sexual or turn into relationships!
None of this fixes like the racism & such in a bunch of the plot but that's a speech for whole different post I think, and I'm honestly not sure if I've got the chops to redesign all that. At the very least, it would be too big of a distraction from everything else I'm already easily distracted from working on lmao.
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sourcreamuwu · 5 months
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Finally! The wind blows in my face. I'm out of that room. I can find out what's out there, I can walk right into the dark!
The crunch of the snow under my feet is the only sound I can hear as I walk further from the light.
I can't see a thing now and I barely lift my feet in all this snow. But I can't stop! I've made such a long way. Something definitely should be there. I just have to keep going.
Huh? There! The red light!
What is this place? It's the first time today I feel something similar to fear. The eerie red lights, the barbed wires around the fence. Who would need this in the middle of forest? What for? Why red? Maybe I shouldn't have come here after all...
No. I'll just pull the door and then go back. It can't possibly hurt me. Breathe in, breathe out and...
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chaotic-history · 1 year
Tjeffs being really awkward while Adams and Franklin are reading the Declaration is my spirit animal
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