#weird they're all white men
graendoll · 1 month
I hope showrunners of shows that write endings that betray their characters live sad little lives and never find fulfillment in their art and die bitter and regretful of their choices.
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idk if i have stated in so many words before but kinda weird for people not to care about the brown men of the story on account of them being men
like most people did to javi irl what the yellowjackets did in the show lol, dismissed always, no more than the little kid, he was already dead
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fluentisonus · 2 years
I'm always so amazed by people out there trying to take the interesting gender out of bisexuality as though that doesn't gut the whole concept
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
this isnt even spoilers because it's been a plot point for a while, but among the many uncomfortable things in the Hildibrand quests (like the trap transphobia, the near murder and consumption of a Qiqirn (yknow, one of the eorzean tribesmen), the really inappropriate humor leaning into orientalist bullshit + conspiracy theory stuff and where That always goes)
idk i just really hate that they're still continuing the plot with Nashu's stalker. especially because they decided it'd be GREAT to make her super pale and him a perverted brown lalafell 💀💀
like this isnt needed and it's really not funny. stalker plots are genuinely the worst and the xiv fandom is really terrible when it comes to warning people about the contents of these quests
partly because of the obnoxious spoiler attitude everyone has (as in refusing to tell people stuff even if asked, lying about it, and then getting mad when someone goes and intentionally spoils themselves)
but also because this is a fandom darling questline of hijinks and greg. it can do no wrong, ig
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maddy-ferguson · 3 months
the last 16 days have been so there are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen vladimir ilyich lenin and not in a good way
#the vitriol the left is treated with is so crazy it feels cia coded lmaoooo like it's actually all so weird and off-putting but i know they#don't even need anything to be like that#the other day (yesterday) the woman who's in charge of the equality between men and women ministry said like the best defense against the#union of the left isn't the far right it's us (macron...center right) like these people were elected by us TWICE because they know we hate#the far right more than we hate them so if it's them (macron) vs the far right we'll vote for them and now they're like um if you vote for#the left it's literally gonna be the ussr and also iran because they don't hate muslims as much as we respectable people do. while also#blackmailing us. and it's crazy because like. this union of the left isn't even anti-capitalist but neoliberals are like fascism >#keynesian economics and you're so crazy and a communist and (like i was saying the other day) an islamogauchiste for disagreeing#anyway. i also wanted to say: it's crazy how much white leftists suffer from main character syndrome? leftist men especially. like. the far#right is saying something about 'french people of foreign origin' and everyone's like what does that even mean because legally it#doesn't mean anything you're either a french citizen or you're not but we know whatever they mean it's supposed to target people who aren't#white SINCE THEIR WHOLE THING IS RACISM and here come white leftists being like okay so my grandma is spanish/belgian/italian so this means#even /I/ could be in danger this is so terrible...#like you know damn well#like if you're a straight white man they're designing this for you if they decide to stop liking you it's gonna be for your politics if#anything#like oh my god#i know what they're saying but it's so...like come on you literally know they don't care about your swedish grandpa it's us they don't like#it's very disingenuous to act like you're a target#and like i say: brf slt
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mosspapi · 11 months
Me, looking for a pose to reference for this project: hey maybe I should pick a female model since we haven't done any of those yet! That might b fun, and could show my prof that I'm going out of my way to learn and do something well :)
Me, 3 seconds later: ...we haven't done any female models yet
Like. Huh??? It's been two months why have we only had male models. Can't decide if there's some Hashtag Sexism happening or what the fuck is going on
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nerdvi · 10 months
In the wake of the whole james somerton fiasco and inspired by this post, I wanted to share a few of my um, soft signs, like, orange flags to detect when someone is bullshitting you.
First of all, I am on the spectrum which means 1) I tend to take what people say at face value and 2) I have a strong sense of justice which makes me prone to biases, all of which combined means I am at perpetual risk of swallowing the bullshit.
So, what to do about it? You turn on the critical thinking and pay attention.
As one of my favorite youtubers, Hannah Alonzo, likes to say: "consider the source, remember the motive". Who is talking to you?? What do you know about them?? What biases might they have?? How do they interact with your own biases?? Where are they talking from?? Is it anger?? happinness? boredom?? Also, why are they talking to you? Are they trying to sell you something?? Are they trying to convince you and why?? How do they go about the finantial motivation, if present? If you have, in this case, a white cis gay man talking to you as it he has it the worst of the worst in the world, there's probably some exaggeration and you should start to wonder. There's a good chance he's bullshitting you.
How they talk about women and POC No, no, stay with me. There's a rule I had back when I was dating men: Always beware of how they treat their mother. With the exception of extremes like mama's boys and cases of abuse, how a man treats the woman with whom they have that familial bond is a good indicator of how they are going to treat you. Do they berate her? speak ill of her? are aggressive or controlling? do they dismiss her opinions? Same with creators, and by god I tell you, specially cis male creators, queer or otherwise, always always beware of how they speak of women, how they treat women, how they treat POC. Somerton had a weird vendetta against straight women. It went mostly unnoticed. Then, he was dismissive towards lesbians and other queer women and it was once again overlooked. Then he went ahead and made sinophobic content about genres and cultures he knows NOTHING about. Again, it went unchecked. What I am telling you is IT'S NOT NORMAL. Contempt about women and non white-western cultures is not normal and if someone has them as them as an enemy or a scapegoat, they're probably bullshitting you. Take what they say and fact check it, see for yourself.
If at any point in a video or an essay you find yourself thinking "wait, really??" then it's time to fact check. Is it a bit suspicious?? is your logic telling you that's not quite how this works?? Then take to google, my friend, they might be bullshitting you. At worst, you dodge a fake fact, at best, you learn way too much about a topic you were already interested in.
Beware of the lack of nuance. I can not stress this enough. We all love monochrome, but life and societal issues are never black and white. It's just impossible, there's too many factors to consider. If you are being presented situations or anecdotes as absolute truths, you're probably being bullshitted. If it's too good to be true, it is. If it sounds waaay too convenient, it probably is. A good researcher, a serious investigator, will always have some nuance because they have done the work and checked the sources. If someone provides you 1) no nuance and 2) no sources, THEY'RE BULLSHITTING YOU.
These are the ones I can come up with just of the top of my head, I'm sure there's more and please, add them. Remember that naivité isn't a crime, I'm fairly naive and that's made me distrustful, and these are some of the techniques I've found that help me navigate through a world of information without losing myself.
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ramshacklefey · 2 years
It's amazing to me just how good the Mormon church has been at hiding just how bad they really are from public view. Even the shit that gets spread around is the relatively harmless bullshit. They had a crazy prophet with magic glasses. They believe in god-mandated polygyny. They think everyone who is good enough will get their very own planet after the world ends. They wear magic underpants. Mormon men are all paladins.
Here's one of the ones you hear less often:
See, like many other Christian sects, the Mormons really do believe that the existence of Christ obviates the existence of Judaism. Judaism was just a placeholder until the "real" church could be established by Jesus.
And the Mormons in particular believe, dead ass, that the entire inheritance of Israel has been given to them, because the Jews failed to recognize the Messiah when he was on Earth. They really do. They have this whole system where people are given a "divine revelation" about which of the Tribes of Israel they're a member of (don't worry, they decided that most people belong to the two tribes that are willing to "adopt" people. Only the most specialest boys and girls are members of the original ten).
Let's sum up so far. The Mormons believe that they are the people of Israel, chosen and protected by God. If Jews want to get back in on that party, they can always repent and convert to Mormonism, the one true church to which God gave all the rights and blessings that were originally bestowed on Abraham's house.
But it doesn't stop there!
The Mormons also believe, in all seriousness, that all Indigenous peoples of the Americas are descended from a small group of Jewish people who left just before the fall of Jerusalem (~600 bc iirc). Their entire weird-ass extra bible is a chronicle of those people's history in [unspecific part of America]. At the very beginning of the book, two brothers in the original family turn away from god, so they and all their descendants are cursed with dark skin, so that the good Nephites (who remain "white and delightsome") will always be able to tell themselves apart from the wicked Lamanites.
So, you've got supposedly Jewish people running around the Americas. And the "good" ones are white, and the "bad" ones are brown. Then, ofc, Jesus comes to visit them (I guess supposedly that's part of what he was doing during his dirt nap? Or possibly after he left again, it's not clear), and they all convert to Christianity, which they think is clearly the natural evolution of Judaism. Well, at the end of the book, all of them become wicked, in a kind of weird pseudo-apocalyptic series of events. They are all cursed with dark skin, until such time as they repent for their ancestors sins and return to the gospel.
But of course, Mormons being the good and kind people they are, they want everyone to receive the blessings of God and be brought into the houses of Israel etc etc. And it isn't the fault of those poor little Indigenous children that their distant ancestors turned away from God and became wicked.
So what's the natural answer? Well, Mormons are real big on missionary work, as we all know. But apparently that wasn't enough in this case.
Because the Mormon church has been one of the big players in abducting as many Indigenous children as possible, in order to indoctrinate them into being good Mormons, so that they can turn white again and be blessed. My mother remembers hearing talks about this in the 70s and 80s. The church literally had a "Lamanite Adoption Program," where families in the church were encouraged to get as many Indigenous children as possible away from their families and not let them be reunited until they were fully assimilated and ready to go back and proselytize about how wonderful the church is.
The church leadership literally talked about how wonderful it was to see these children becoming whiter. Actually whiter. Like, saying that when they finally saw them with their families again, it was beautiful how much paler they were.
I'm pretty sure this program has been officially ended, but it doesn't take a genius to speculate about who might be behind the curtains on the movement in the western US to gut the ICWA....
So yeah. Next time someone tries to tell you that the Mormons are just harmless weirdos, please remember that they're an antisemitic cult that advocates for the forced assimilation of Indigenous children to help them escape the cursed brown skin of their ancestors.
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socialistexan · 2 months
The new Democratic line of calling Republicans weird is incredibly effective, and I think I know one of the reasons why.
It's a reversal of the weaponization of cringe culture that conservatives - especially very online conservatives who try to appeal to young white men - had weaponized against the left since 2014.
Think of all the "cringe comps" that had a feminist with dyed hair making a yelling face. "Cringe Woke SJW Trans Groomer Compilation Owned By Ben Shapiro" type stuff. Conservatives ran on that shit for a decade and it worked.
Plus, a lot of people on the left are used to being seen as freaks, because a lot of us are from marginalized groups, but the right is obsessed with the image of the normie nuclear family 2.5 kids white picket fence, so this breaks their brains, they can't counter effectively. Fascism thrives on optics and being taken seriously. You take that away and show people what they really are.
It's exposing bullies as the truly weird ones. They're not only weird, they're cruel.
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suiana · 12 days
imagine sitting on a train, expecting a short ride but the ride just never ends. and no, it's not a 'the brakes are broken' scenario.
you were just taking a train to like, a nearby suburb to visit your friends like usual. everything was fine. all things were like what they normally were. ticketing station, the weird old man who tells you that they're watching you, and the cute highschool student who frequently tells you stories about his school life.
you board the train like usual, nothing out of the ordinary. you find an empty seat and put on your earphones. you decide you want a calm and soothing song that day. looking out of the window, you hum softly and anticipate what you and your friends are going to do.
that's when you realize you've seen that sign post two times already.
you nervously look around your surroundings, hoping to find someone else who's also realized what's going on.
but there's no one else in the carriage. oh, wait, actually no. you also have the highschool boy.
"hey kid, um, did you notice anything off? like uh-"
"hm? oh, it's you mx."
the boy's voice is deeper than usual as he continues looking out of the window. you frown at his reaction before trying to get an answer out of him again... only for him to turn and completely scare the shit out of you.
that. that was not the face of a human. not when his eyes were all black and curved into tiny moons. not when his lips were stretched so wide that he resembled the stupid 😄 emoji. not when his mouth looked like a bottomless pit of nothing that could swallow you alive. not when his skin was paper white and his body now elongated to look something like a sexy slenderman if that was even possible. not when he didn't resemble a human anymore.
"darling, what's wrong? you don't like my face? I'm really hurt."
his voice is deep as he continues staring at you from his seat. he makes no sign of movement, merely looking down at you with a tilt of his head before a soft giggle comes out.
what the shit? were you in a horror movie now?
screaming and falling onto the floor behind you, you shiver and try escaping. no, you had to leave. you couldn't die now!
scrambling to the help button, you try to get help. surely the technician could try and get help for you? you desperately press the help button, glancing warily at the high school boy that you were sure was actually a 6009 year old demon that decided to possess a body of a kid for the mere fun of it.
"huh? baby? what's up?"
baby? what? first darling, now baby? what's up with these men? you stare at the help panel before whimpering for help. unfortunately the male voice over the line only fills you with more dread.
"you wanna leave? no can do baby. don't worry, we'll take good care of you."
you don't like the way he said good. what the hell was that supposed to mean? for all you know it could mean imprison you in the train for the rest of your life!
"also I'm in the carriage beside Mr. Driver so if you wanna leave that weird shapeshifter beside you feel free to hop over."
beside... you?
you are suddenly hyperaware of every single thing around you and wait a second, why the hell did you feel a suspicious person breathing down your neck?
"leave my dear alone, you creep."
the air around you seems to loosen up as the weird shapeshifter demon backs up. damn, what good timing. you were just about to thank your saviour when the familiar feeling of dread returns, and even worse this time.
he was a handsome guy. tall, well dressed, and absolutely damn gorgeous. he was wearing all black, a black fedora on his head as he smiles at you with his pearly white teeth. reassurance. yet, you felt as though if you dared to disrespect him, your life would be over before you even knew it.
you stay rooted in your place, your mouth running dry as the male steps closer to you. each step of his felt like a step closer to death and... was it just you or were you feeling light headed now?
"i am afraid i cannot touch you, my dear. for your life will be drained with each fleeting touch. but i must say that it is good to finally meet you physically."
you were so damn sure that the man in front of you right now was the grim reaper or maybe even death himself. your whole body was shaking at this point, his very presence making you feel as though an invisible force was pushing you down into the ground and squeezing you tight. it was hard to even breathe.
"ah, sorry. i forgot living beings are ever so fragile. my sincerest apologies, my dear."
just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, the driver's announcement makes you feel like you're about to throw up.
"welcome aboard the hell train, sweetheart. you are now on the line to ǝɹǝɥʍou. please enjoy the rest of your ride!"
shit, so you really were about to get stuck on this train forever.
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demiesworld · 1 year
thinking about men who are obsessed with big girls.
☆ — men who love the stretch marks on your hips, thighs, tummy, ass, tits, and arms. you call them weird when they plant their face in between your plump breasts as you're cuddling. but the affection they show towards what you call "flaws" is genuine and heartening.
☆ — men who makes it their habit to help you apply your lotion to your body after your shower. they have you laying on a towel on your stomach and they rub it all over your skin. "i like it when your skin feels soft and smooth." they answer when you ask them why they like to put lotion on your body. in reality it's because they want to explore your chubby body with their hands. fingers rubbing circles onto your skin and groping on the fat flesh on your love handles.
☆ — when they get agitated by something and you're near by them, they wrap their arm around your waist and squeeze your tummy. jiggling it in their hand as they're trying to assess a problem that's making them irritated in their head.
☆ — men who love it when you wear crop tops that show off your tummy, shorts that barely go over your ass and leave some cheek hanging out, and body hugging dresses (without the shapewear). especially when you're at the pool wearing a two piece swimsuit.
nsfw under the cut!
☆ — men who can't control themselves when you ride them reverse cowgirl and your round ass cheeks are recoiling each time you slam your pussy down on his dick. his eyes are darkened yet focused on your ass because, fuck, the sight of them jiggling and clapping when they hit his skin is mesmerizing. "god... you do that so good baby. riding my cock like that, oh fuck." there's sticky strings of white attached to your pussy and on his cock. your head is tossed back and mouth is singing a chorus of squeaky moans from his cock ramming into your sweet spot. he smacks you on your ass repeatedly till the skin is stinging and it gets sore.
☆ — men who like to fuck you when you're on your stomach. this position is their favorite because they have control over the pace and they get a view of your body jiggling by their hard thrusts. he has his right arm wrapped under your tummy and gripping the fat on your waist. the left one is squeezing your breast and pinching your nipples. he likes that he could toss you around on the bed and fuck you hard enough that you're seeing stars. "can't talk anymore baby eh? did i make- fuck- make you go dumb?"
☆ — men who get excited when you get on your knees and take his big cock into your mouth. your fingers can barely connect around the base of it and you make an effort in swallowing his full length down your throat. your head tilted back shows him the bulge and it drives him crazy that you could do that. "mmm, fuck, mm, just like that. i love that shit baby." he thrusts his hips forward and bullies his dick in your mouth like he does when he's in your pussy. your head game has his legs shaking and balls tightening up when he's getting close to cumming. he tells you stop so he could come on your face, but you hold him by his thighs and lower your mouth on his shaft. your throat flexes around his dick, and he breaks, he releases a heavy load down your throat. just when he thought you couldn't get any nastier you swallow it and fondle his balls.
☆ — men who want for you to sit your pussy down on their face when they eat you out. their pointed nose rubbing at your clit with their long tongue wiggling inside of you. you're going numb when they jostle their head around. he gives your ass gentle smacks as you slowly start to rock your hips on his face. you can't help yourself though, it just feels so good. he makes a gesture for you stop, and he lifts the hood of your clit up, then his tongue flicks rapidly to the hard bud. a shudder crashes through your body, as you whimper and tangle your fingers in his hair. pulling at the strands when you bring his face closer and grind your hips again on his face. "daddy, daddy, i'm going to cum, daddy! m'ohh, ahh, hm!" you whine. you feel a tightness in your stomach at the same time your body is lifted up and you're on the bed with your head on the mattress and rest of your body hoisted up in the air. your feet are touching your shoulders. you look up to see him fucking his tongue into your pussy. in between short breaths, out of his mouth are the words, "come on baby, make this pretty pussy come on my tongue." and your hole clenches around his tongue, a stream of your juices spurt onto his face and drip down your body. his mouth pulls off from your mound smacking his wet lips and tasting yourself on his mouth.
☆ — men who after they're done fucking you they cuddle with you on the bed and just feel all over your body. their hands caress your soft skin and grope on your breasts. his deep voice is whispering praises, appreciations, and assurances into your ear. "i love you so much baby," "you're so fucking beautiful." "don't worry honey i'm not going anywhere." no matter the size of you, they carry you into the shower and help you wash off the body fluids. still they murmur appreciation for your existence as they clean you.
(jjk) gojo, TOJI, NANAMI, geto, choso, sukuna, (kny) TENGEN, RENGOKU, sanemi, (aot) jean, EREN, ERWIN, connie, (tokyo rev) mikey, kakucho, DRAKEN, HANMA, TAIJU, baji, ran, rindou, (marvel) MIGUEL O'HARA, steve rogers, bucky barnes, any of your favs! ♡
© 2023 demiesworld. please do not repost to any other websites without my granted permission.
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stargazedwinchester · 6 months
Soft Sounds | Dean
Summary: Dean mocks you for listening to nature sounds/lo-fi music while you sleep.
Based off of this request here, thank you! <3
Word count: 996
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♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
Sleeping with any sort of noise has always been so comforting for you, having to live with the loud sounds of the world, all of the trauma you've endeavoured keeps you awake at night, memories creeping back from the most horrific times in your life.
You bought yourself your own little white noise machine a week ago, it makes multiple different sounds, and your favourites are lo-fi music and rain/thunder sounds. It's not every night that you have to use this, though, but it really does help. Especially with sleeping alone, your brain loves to play tricks on you during your quietest hours.
Tonight, you turn on your machine, clicking the button on top to change which sound you'd prefer to hear tonight. Your door is slightly ajar, knowing that the brothers were in the kitchen sharing a couple of beers and catching up. You had already told them you're going to have an early night for once and try to catch up on a lot of sleep you've missed out on recently. Doing this could probably help your awful sleep schedule.
You change into your pyjamas, a t-shirt and shorts combo that you threw on from the night before. Trying to look good while you slept is never the first thought since you literally live with two men who couldn't give any less of a crap, also, you're not dating either of them. You climb into bed and throw the covers over you, moving your hair out of your face, and lay on your side. Scrolling through your phone, you try to focus on the sounds coming from your machine, and within minutes, you're knocked out.
♱⁺. ⋆˙✧⋆✧˙⋆⊹.♱
As Sam and Dean call it a night, Sam stays to watch a movie in the main room, whilst Dean makes his way down toward the bedrooms. He notices your bedroom door is still slightly open, and he assumes you're awake.
"Hey, Y/-" He pauses, seeing you're fast out with your phone screen lit up, the lights still on and some noise coming from a weird-looking radio. He frowns, not knowing what is going on. He very quietly makes his way into your bedroom, and locks your phone, placing it on your bedside table. He dims the lights as he pads on over to your radio. "What the Hell is this?" He asks himself, keeping his voice just above a whisper. He glances at the tiny screen that presents what's playing. "She sleeps to this?" He scoffs, and a small grin appears on his face. He looks back at you, huffing. "This is such a Y/N thing to have." He says, standing back up and glancing over at you. Why would she ever own something like this? He thought to himself. It's stupid.
Your positioning in bed makes Dean chuckle to himself. You quite literally take up the whole bed, sprawled out like a starfish. It's mostly funny to him because of how cute you look when you're completely conked out. Your hair in your face, your shirt slightly riding up your torso from the amount of times you've tried to get comfy. "Hold on, is that my shirt?" He laughs quietly, admiring how natural you are.
Dean usually goes for the typical blonde, blue-eyed type of girl. The ones that show that they know they're sexy, that they can get any man they desire, but you - you were different. You never gave a damn about how you looked. If someone liked you, you'd make sure they get every single side of you, every single flaw and weakness. Having Dean see you completely barefaced and look like you just collapsed on your bed was the least of your worries.
Dean's gaze hovers over you for another minute or so, he catches himself smiling, noticing how comfy you are. You shuffle, which scares him a little, panicking that you're going to wake up to him watching you sleep.
"Y-yeah?" He whispers, taking his hands out of his pockets.
"What are you doing in here?" You groan, wiping your hair out of your face, barely opening your eyes. "I um, heard your little radio thing and... I got curious." He says, an awkward smile appearing on his full lips. He reaches up and scratches the back of his head. You hum quietly in agreement with what he said. Whether Dean understood or not, it didn't matter. "Are you staying?" You mumble, shuffling yourself to the side to make more room. You quietly pat the side of the bed, inviting Dean to join you.
His heart skipped a beat. Sharing a bed with the only girl who genuinely liked him for him? It's almost unbelievable.
"Are you sure? I can go back to my room-"
"Dean, just get in." You say, pulling the covers open for him. His eyes lit up and the smile on his face looked as if it had been slapped on. He takes off his flannel shirt revealing his dark grey t-shirt underneath, and also taking his jeans off down to his underwear. He gently sits down on your bed, ensuring there's still enough space for you. He keeps his space, though, not wanting to give any wrong ideas. "Why were you looking at my machine?" You say, and Dean grins. "It looks weird. Why do you sleep with it?"
"It's to help me sleep."
"It's to help me sleep," He mocks, shutting his eyes. "Just sleep in silence, it's not that hard." He adds, and you huff. "So funny." You grin, slowly moving closer toward him. "It's nice though, really nice..." He trails, his eyes are fully shut, and his body is relaxing. "Come here," He says, adjusting himself so he's lying slightly above you, and you move in to lay on his chest, your leg intertwined with his. He keeps his arm rested above his head, his other hand caressing your hair. "This is nice," He mumbles, almost instantly drifting to sleep.
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seoliee · 7 months
LAD Men as Cats
Here again to serve pure fluffiness. I love cats and I love LAD Men. So, I thought, why don't I try to mix the two together and here we are.
Kind of weird to make my precious fishy; Rafayel into a cat though because he absolutely hates them.
Oh and no, Caleb in this one. I might make a separate one for him though like I did last time. I'LL STOP NOW SORRY.
What if they're your pet cats?
Word Count: 1.5k words
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— RAFAYEL : Grey Birman
• Rafayel was a birthday gift from your best friend. You were immediately pulled in by his mesmerizing eyes that seemed to shine and bore deep within you. The first time you took him into your arms, he looks up at you with a guarded gaze followed up with a low growl.
• It didn't take long for Rafayel to get used to you and his new surroundings, his bursts of energy zooming all over the place that you sometimes can't keep up with him.
• Being an office worker and situated to work from home. You're always confined in your study and in front of a computer often leaving Rafayel on his own company.
• There was a time that you were in a zoom call with your bosses when Rafayel leaps up on your computer desk. He meows softly, trying to get your attention but you were far too focused on your work. He rubs the side of his face on your hand that rests on top of the mouse, and you returned the gesture by petting his cheek in which he purrs at.
• Rafayel walks in front of you, blocking your vision with his built and his fluffy fur as his long puffy tail glides under your chin in the playful manner. You excused yourself from the call and places him down. "Not now, Rafayel. Be patient." You gave him a quick pet before returning to your call.
• Being a very affectionate and somewhat mischievous cat. Rafayel wouldn't let that slide. He leaps up on top of a drawer where one of your mini ornaments were located, eyeing one of them. He heard you calling him, mouthing words that says 'Don't think about it.' So now you finally gave him the attention he wants. His paw gently hits the ornament off of the drawer as it fell down on the carpet flooring and he scurries away.
• After the call ended. You went to pick up the fallen ornament and much to your relief it wasn't broken. When you went downstairs, you saw Rafayel perched down on the armrest of your couch, his eyes on you. He jumped off, running up to you and rubbing himself and subtly wrapping his tail around your legs while purring. Acting as if nothing happened.
• You sigh, picking him up into your arms. You can't stay mad at him. "You're a very naughty kitty, y'know that?" You pull him into your arms, hugging him as he leans into your touch. "But it's part of your charm." Though, you still have to reprimand his actions by not giving him any treats in the next few days.
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— XAVIER : White Turkish Angora
• You arrived home from work only to see a puff of white ball on your porch. You slowly got closer, realizing it's a cat curled into a ball and sleeping. You crouched down to take a closer look.
• The cat wakes up, stretching its limps then looking up at you with narrowed sleepy eyes, blinking slowly. You were sure it would scurry away, but it didn't even moved an inch from its spot.
• You reached your hand out to it, waiting for it to do something, but it only watches as your hand gets closer, letting you scratch the side of its head and leaning into your hand which melted your heart immediately. The cat got up on its four legs, and goes to rub against you. There you noticed it doesn't have a collar on. You obviously can't leave it to fend for itself out in the coldness of the night so you did the most reasonable thing and let it inside. The cat immediately went over to your couch, finding a good spot and going back to sleep. It's as if it already owns your place, you think.
• The next morning. You visit the local veterinary clinic to get the cat checked. There, you found out it's a male cat. You made eye contact with him, silently apologizing for calling him a 'she' last night. The vet also said he doesn't have a microchip on him, but is a very healthy cat, adding that he's also very friendly and calm.
• Once both of you are home. You took decent pictures of him, deciding to make posters and spread it around the neighborhood in case he has a family. After all, he might've had a collar, but lost it somewhere. You heard a low meowing sound, switching your gaze down and there he is looking up at you expectedly. "You're hungry, aren't you?" You chuckled, going into the kitchen and him following you. You open the cupboard, taking out a can of wet catfood and transferring its contents on his bowl afterwards setting it down, allowing him to eat. You decide to keep him until his owners claim him. If nobody comes for him in a month, you're going to keep him.
• The next days were quite eventful. You came home to him waiting for you by the door, greeting you with a very happy meow which dissipates all your fatigue away. Ever since having him, you no longer felt lonely and you always looked forward to coming home. He always slept next to you, and wakes up at the same time as you. He practically follows you everywhere in the house which you found adorable and endearing.
• You sat down on your couch with him laying comfortably on your lap as you pet his fur. Instead of watching whatever is on the television, your eyes are on him. A thought came into your mind, and that's naming him. But, you quickly tossed the thought away as naming him would only make you more attached to him and by then, letting him go would hurt you than it should've. Your chest felt tight at the thought of losing his companionship. It may sound selfish, but you silently prayed that nobody would come to claim him.
• One day, you came home from work and as usual he's there at the door step waiting for her like he always does. You pick him up into your arms, then setting him down on the couch and kneeling in front of him. You open your bag to take something out and reaches your hands to the back of his head. You retreat your hands away, letting the light tag rest on his neck and engraved with the name 'Xavier'.
• Indeed, a month has already passed and thankfully, nobody came. "Xavier. Do you like that name?" As if responding to her. Xavier goes up to you and gently licked your chin, you melt and nuzzles against him which he reciprocates with a loud purr. You will no longer feel lonely with Xavier around.
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— ZAYNE : Black Persian
• Zayne was given to you by your cousin who told you she couldn't keep him anymore because him and her other male cat kept attacking each other. You, on the other hand have no qualms on adopting him. The thought of having a non-human companion is better than having an actual human.
• Zayne is a very quiet and aloof cat. Very quiet. At first, you thought that all cats are like him, but you watched a few cat videos where some of them would act like him, but have random bursts of energy at times and are playful. Zayne on the other hand, you looked at him at the other end of the couch, he seemed to mind his own business and is very cold.
• You tried to play with the toy stick with a mouse attached on the end only for him to ignore you completely. He didn't even spared you a single glance. You never thought there will be a time where your heart was broken by a cat. From that moment, you made a vow to yourself that you would make him love you.
• You started by inching closer, petting his head. At first, he moved away from your hand and ran off. But, you didn't stop and kept on trying until he would only flinch for a bit, but never run away. Though, he never purred.
• Then one day, you came home later than usual from work. To your surprise, you saw Zayne by the porch of your front door, as if waiting for you. You took him into your arms, snuggling him close. "You must've been worried. I'm sorry." Once they're inside, he jumped out of your arms and went back to his usual self. You only chuckled, this is the most affection you can get from him and you won't complain anymore.
• The next morning. You slowly opened your eyes, expecting to see what she always sees in the morning, but a tuff of black fur blocks your vision. Your heart warms and melts. This is the first time Zayne has slept on your bed and right next to you. Most importantly, he's purring. Your hand moves on its own and gently pets his head, he slightly opens his eyes, his gaze on you for a bit and went back to sleep, purring even louder.
Writing is very therapeutic to me. I can freely write down my ideas and let them unfold.
Thank you for reading until the end.
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
You're all about men's liberation and whatever nonsense but then you'll tear down straight people, completely erasing transhets.
Also, fuck "men's liberation". The concept of "transmisandry" allows white people to claim they're oppressed. Not to mention transmisandry and anti-transmasculinity being interchangeable, so you lump all trans men in with masculinity. Men have to be masculine to be men I guess.
Great activism. I hope your actions come back to you.
you can just dislike me you know you don't have to come up with these weird little arguments to justify it
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v1x3n · 1 month
" H A V E Y O U S E E N M Y - O H ! "
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johnny 'soap' mctavish x reader ⸝⸝ navigation
୨୧ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : you wanted your nice panties for a date but you cannot find them when they're wrapped around your roomates cock :(
୨୧ 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘴 : smut, suggestive - no acc sex, male masterbation, stealing panties, pervert behaviour, johnny's cock!!
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you grunt whilst looking through your bedroom for your favourite pair of panties, a light blue lacy thong with a cute white bow plastered onto the top. it was the pair you would wear when trying to impress men, to make you seem sexy and hot. tonight you had a date so you needed to scurry around to find it, you sigh as it is nowhere to be seen. perhaps it was in the wash, you wouldn't know why it would be because you hadnt had sex with anyone in a while but you might as well check.
a confused look stuck onto your face as you search through your washing basket, nothing. then the washing machine, nothing. you scoff and look over towards your roomates door, maybe it had gotten mixed up with johnny's clothes?
you didn't feel that embarrassed because he was your best friend, he would tell you far more embarrassing things that makes asking him if he knows where your knickers are normal. you knock gently onto his door and to answer its silent, "johnny! you free?" you speak as there's no immediate answer.
you twist the handle and you see it's not locked so the door handle turns. the door creaks open and you try to peek inside but all you see is the floor, to be honest you were kind of scared, like why wasn't he answering? but that was just that small voice in the back of your head, the more sane, reasonable answer is that he had headphones on and couldn't hear. you step one foot inside, "johnny?" muttering before fulling swinging the door open and stepping into the room. "have you seen my- oh!"
as you peer up to johnny's bed and your jaw drops, what you find is not him listening to music and drawing or whatever his hobbies were. it was him, boxers and pants lowered to his thighs. his throbbing, massive cock, the strong veins that your eyes trail eventually meet what was supposed to be his tip but it was covered in a lace material. you stand there shocked and throw a hand over your eyes, "oh god im sorry!!" you shout, trying to get the burned image out of your eyes.
"fuck, im sorry bonnie" he trembles and quickly shuffles, you had expected him to be putting away his dick so you reopen your eyes. his cock still standing there proud but the lace was missing. "johnny! put that away!" you gasp and cover your face in embarrassment, he had no shame did he?
"what did you need?" he scoffs whilst pulling back up his clothes and hiding his turned on length. "i-i was uhm- i was looking for my underwear, you know that light blue pair?" an eye peeks over your hands, letting out a sigh of relief when it was gone. hands drop and you look up at his messy hair and his sweaty face.
"oh i know, ye checked the machine?"
"yeah i have, not there" you pout, strutting over to sit on the end of his bed. "ye know, clothes ge missin' in those daft machines. why do ye need them?" you look up at him and your eyes linger on his bare chest, you knew it was odd to look but you didn't really want to make eye contact. squirming closer as the end of the bed slumped and it was uncomfortable to sit on, your knees touch his legs as you move closer to him. you feel a weird lump under your leg but you ignore it. "'m going on a date"
"oh" he mutters, "just wear a ratty pair, bet the tosser isn't worth the fancy piece." his smirk jolts up, corners of his mouth reaching high. "whos the geezer anyways?"
you pull out your phone, thigh hitting with the lump in his bed and you pull out a picture of the guy you were meant to be seeing. he wasn't that attractive but he definitely was not ugly, you just wanted to re- put yourself out there after a long time of not bothering. "could be better" johnny shrugs, your eyes finally meet him and your lips part. fuck, he was pretty, especially for just wanking off. he wasn't all gross and disgusting, yeah he was kind of damp from the sweat but you found it more hot. "well i need them and i think ill just like- cry if i don't."
"'m sure youll be okay"
you huff, moving back to put your phone away and yet again the bump annoys you. you scoff and reach under the blanket to grab whatever was causing the lump. "wait-" johnny mutters, his hand coming towards you and you pull out the same cloth that covered johnnys dick just a few minutes ago. wait, it looks familiar. you hadn't put the pieces together before, you hadn't even gave the weird fabric a second thought but the light blue colour, the lacy feel and the almost falling off bow. "johnny!" you gasp, "you- my- johnny!" you shriek higher than before.
"awh! now you can ge on yer date" he smiles.
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"I really hate the racist hysteria in the fandom caused by the POC characters in the Haze story (and the way RC caved in to their demands)
Nobody in the Russian racist fandom gave a damn when an entire Sumerian (which, yk, is in the Middle East, with, yk, Brown people) pantheon got whitewashed in the Tiamat book
Nobody opposed the fact that they used white people (Manu Rios and Timur Simakov) for character inspiration while designing both of the KCD Indian LIs (which is why neither Amrit nor Ratan look like actual Indian men)
Nobody had any issues with the entire population of Egypt in SOTCN being light-skinned and Eurocentric
Nobody asked where are all the Brown people in the Heaven's Secret series. Which is weird considering it's using the biblical lore and the Bible describes the events happening in the Middle East and North Africa. So wtf is everybody so damn white?
Make no mistake, these people don't care about accuracy or respecting cultures or whatever bullshit they're trying to sell us. They just want to make everyone as white as possible even it's against the lore of the story"
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