#weird metaphysics stuff
troius · 9 months
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See, this is exactly what I was talking about with the "intelligence" Mayuri shows in battle. We start off with Pernida eating Nemu's remains for some reason (evolution?) despite not needing to eat Zaraki or Mayuri to evolve in their directions. From there, we learn that Nemu had a super-pituitary gland "in order to surpass the artificial soul's cell division threshold" (whatever that is, it sure hasn't been introduced). And because it was governed by Nemu's cerebrum (which Mayuri didn't let Pernida eat), Pernida undergoes rapid cell growth itself and blows up.
Brilliant work, sir. Only a true scientist could have pulled this off.
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duckapus · 1 year
Trouble at the Eggdog Corral
When dead memes, particularly most of the Eggdogs, start going missing, SMG3 recruits the rest of the crew to help him investigate. They eventually discover that the missing dead memes were captured by a half dozen small anti-memes and taken to a ranch where the Eggdogs apparently live, which has a giant, burnt, broken, ominously glowing computer mouse stuck in the roof. The hologram trio explain that this is debris from when SMG1&2 blew up the God Box, and similar occurrences have been reported in other universes as well. Thankfully the Anti-memes aren't all that strong with such a small piece of the God Box fueling them, so outside of the usual shenanigans the problem's not too hard to deal with, but it does cause some worry that this might not be the last time that particular adventure comes back to haunt them...
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archliches · 9 months
just finished malarkoi/cities of the weft #2 and it was soooooo much fun. book fandom is the devil but it's kind of a shame not many ppl seem to have read this ongoing trilogy bc it deserves lots of cool art i think.
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agentravensong · 2 years
additional thought:
if it ends up being true that going further down the weird route allows kris to become more free from our / the SOUL’s control…
perhaps we/it will switch vessels, to control someone more willing to listen. someone desperate, for help, or freedom (similar to spamton’s misguided ploy for freedom), or power. strength.
(noelle gets possessed truthers untie)
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every day i say that dark academia tiktok girlies should go full on romanticism werther craze and have a bacchanal
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icharchivist · 2 years
Would you?? Want to be??? Djeeta (or Gran I don't judge)?? In GBF???
They go through so much shit
Like, i've definitely considered it before ngl. I think i'm torn because, they do go through SO much shit, but at the same time, they have a really good support group which imo, would make it bearable and worthwhile?
I'm just really starved for connections, so to me just the idea of like, living on the Grandcypher with any of the characters we met there and sharing moments together would make all the pain worth it to me.
That said, it's also not... impossible to ignore that the bad things that happen in GBF are. Genuinely horrifying.
When you peak at the Main Story, GranDjeeta's life seems to be much heavier in general. And there are events that really pushes that too.
And then it's, just, oh my god the horrors. Like i'm sorry i'm one track minded but the idea of, as Djeeta, having to stand in the same room as say, Ferdinand, is bringing me into such a profond rage. the idea of sharing the same air that i breath with him makes it all UNworth it.
So it's super complicated because basically it's a case of, will the bonds with all the charas we meet and love justify all the horrors we have to sit through?
Part of me, that's so starved, would say yes. ..... The other part, that remember very visceral reaction to The Horrors, is screaming no.
It's so complicated isn't it. goodness.
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finalshaper · 1 year
watching wendigoon's video on the conspiracy theory iceberg and the fact he talked abt Akashic Records and I know about the Akashic Records idea because of the most unexpected source (destiny 2 deep lore)
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creature-wizard · 23 days
Letting people know that overwriting toxic, self-defeating beliefs with encouraging, affirming beliefs can change their lives for the better is fine and good.
Letting people know that affirmations can help them do this is fine and good.
But telling people that they are personally responsible for literally everything that happens to them and they can solve or change literally anything at all by changing their beliefs and using affirmations is cruel and dangerous, because:
No one is responsible for how their abusers treat them. No one caused their own abuse. No one can change the heart of someone who really, really wants to hurt them.
People don't manifest chronic disabilities, and chronic disabilities can't just be manifested away.
If you lead someone to think they can manifest away something like an acute allergy or an illness that requires medication, you might even get them killed.
Systemic inequality is very real, poses significant obstacles to many people, and cannot be manifested away.
Leading people to believe that they can manifest a "perfect" body exacerbates body image issues.
Leading people to believe that they can just manifest anything overnight if they just believe encourages them to not take the actual steps that would fix their lives. Someone in an abusive home needs to find resources and make an escape plan, not convince themselves they'll wake up in a palace tomorrow if they just manifest it.
The concept of Everyone Is You Pushed Out is inherently objectifying and dehumanizing. (If EIYPO seems to be real? That's probably the Pygmalion effect in action. It doesn't work because you literally change the other person, but because you change your own behavior in a way that makes them react differently.)
If any of this offends you, you need to fix your heart. The Law of Assumption isn't a "universal law." It's just something that sometimes seems to be true because many of the actual practices do have a general psychological benefit.
Using these practices to help yourself is fine. Letting people know that they could help themselves with these practices is also fine. But pushing the weird, toxic metaphysical stuff is not.
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batsplat · 25 days
which motogp rider do you recon would fuck their bike if they’re could?
there's an easy answer here and it's valentino, but luckily he's retired so you can't just go with that cop out. like he definitely wanted to fuck that bike and tbh I'm not sure the 'if they could' caveat even applies here. I fully believe he has fucked that bike
my sense is that he has passed this on to his proteges, who to varying extents do seem like they have all considered fucking a bike. the furthest along this spectrum is bez, who as I understand it has in the past even given his two bikes separate names that can be combined to give the bike's compound name ("I didn't want two different names as that would be like having two girlfriends, which is weird"). this is metaphysically fascinating in many ways, but is also a clear case of someone overthinking things. like, I think if you believe you are in a committed relationship with your racing bike, you do need to treat your bike's 'soul' as something that can transcend the specific bike you are currently riding. when valentino talks about his relationship with the m1, obviously he knows it's not literally the same bike year-to-year, but spiritually it's the same bike. whereas bez is performing odd mental gymnastics here to establish that his two bikes have a unitary soul rather than just, like, accepting that all these bikes have the same soul anyway if he wants them to. bez is the type of guy who wants to fuck his bike but is so hung up on the various philosophical bike-fuck-cuck implications that he never actually manages to fuck it
riders do generally have very weird relationships with their bikes, but it would be too easy to assume they all want to fuck their bikes. with some, there's clearly more of a spiritual identification with the bike, where they see the bike as an extension of themselves. marc is the poster child here: that man does not want to fuck his bike, he thinks he is his bike. both his bike and his body are frequently treated in a distressingly utilitarian manner, where in his mind they exist to fulfil a single purpose, aka 'winning races'. this is how you get him talking about the mechanics fixing the bike and the doctors fixing the body and all that other stuff. it's only been in recent years where, for obvious reasons, he's become a little more aware of how he does actually need to treat his body like a precious resource... but like with the bike, he does still seem pretty ready to repeatedly chuck it in the gravel. despite this apparent lack of care or basic self-preservation instincts, the riders who identify with bikes - who see their souls as one with the bike - don't necessarily have an entirely non-sensual relationship with their bikes... but it's a little different to wanting to fuck their bikes. the sensuality is still there, but the bike and the rider are not distinct units where one can fuck the other. whether you take this to mean that they want to be the bike who is fucked or that there's more of an autosexual situation happening here is up to the reader's interpretation
another interesting question is whether there are some riders who want their bikes to fuck them. I feel like this has to be a thing, though it's a little harder to find explicit evidence here. in some ways, if you set aside the literal order in which bike and rider are arranged, some of the dynamics of riding a bike would lend itself to an interpretation that being attracted to a bike is more about being fucked by the bike than fucking it. this raises another interesting question - and it's whether it's the process of riding a bike in itself that is arousing, or whether the attraction comes from something different. now, to return to our best case study: my sense is that for valentino, he primarily does want to fuck that bike... and it's not necessarily the riding itself that's really doing it for him. it's a very romantic connection, it's about being enamoured with this partnership they've forged and the mutual promise and potential therein. he's in love with winning on that bike, he's in love with what the two of them can achieve together. this isn't about the literal process of approaching a corner on an m1... valentino is at his most attracted to his bike after he has just won on it. here he is stroking his bike after phillip island 2004 (where he sealed his first yamaha title by beating sete in a last lap duel) and laguna 2008, and also him kissing his bike after catalunya 2009
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yes, he wants to fuck the bike, but he is a romantic. riding the bike to victory is the wining and dining; the fucking comes later
the last metric I wish to bring in is the need to feel desired by the bike. this is an ego thing, right... the partnership with the bike at the point of victory flatters the ego. the harmonious and productive relations between rider + partner reflects well on them; it bags them a bunch of lovely things from everyone around them like 'appreciation' and 'affection' and 'praise'. thus the bike also reflects on the rider... both in terms of the attractiveness of the bike to the world at large (making it function as a trophy spouse of sorts) and in terms of the quality of the bond between rider and bike. being wanted by the best bike is particularly flattering - but the most important thing is to be wanted at all. I would posit that this is part of what's going on with jorge martin's whole deal, a man who desperately needs to be praised and wanted. the aprilia's no ducati, but at least he's its first choice, y'know. my belief is that jorge martin wishes to be wined and dined by that bike
in conclusion, I would like to propose a basic way of assessing what flavour of sensual relationship the rider has with the bike:
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my belief is that most (if not all) riders fall somewhere in this triangle. you have the freaks like marc who are very close to the top and you have the freaks like valentino who are very close to the bottom and probably skew hard left. others are perhaps a little more versatile in their preferences. I don't feel like I have sufficient information to sort all the riders to the correct spot of the triangle, but I hope the general construct holds up. that is all
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traegorn · 6 months
Have you ever had any evidence that magic is real and not just play pretend?
There was a time long ago I read "the secret" and I tried the whole law of attraction thing, mentalize and visualize what you want to attract and I always felt silly doing
And for what I'm seeing a lot of spells are also about mentalizing and visualizing what you want, with the difference that in the spells there's also rituals and stuff you use like herbs, candles etc. So it's like I love the aesthetic and I guess I would like to try but I also feel like I'm gonna feel silly
Let's just rephrase this real quick: You're asking me to prove my faith is real.
Have I seen and experienced things that make me believe that magic is real? Yes. Do I believe it's enough to use as proof to a third party? Nope.
And, like, my conception of metaphysics isn't simple. What makes something "magic" is a complicated question to begin with. Like I just did twenty minutes trying to explain the basic ideas behind this last month.
If a spell triggers the placebo effect in my body... the spell worked. If the herbs involved in a ritual caused a chemical reaction in someone's body to get the desired result... the spell worked.
Do I also believe in weird energy stuff? Yes. And while I have experienced things that make me believe it's real, I do not have independently verifiable evidence to prove it. So, like, I'm not out here trying to convince anyone that what I believe in is real -- because I wouldn't take it as proof from someone else.
And also, cringe is dead. Feeling silly about doing stuff is something you gotta deconstruct all on your own.
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artbyblastweave · 9 months
Every once in a while I circle back around to tinkering with something in the "weird town" subgenre popularized by Night Vale, Gravity Falls, and all their ilk. One of the ideas I've had involves said town having the Riverdale/Springfield dynamic of literally every geographical formation in North America be within driving distance of the town- Mountains, Gold Mines, Deserts, Oceans, Forests, Ski resorts, whatever- and at first this is just the same kind of thing The Simpsons does to try and troll attentive viewers, but later down the line it's revealed that the metaphysical geographical ambiguity is a well-understood quality of the place and is in fact one of the big reasons people put up with all the other nightmarish stuff; the jurisdictional ambiguity makes for a fantastic tax dodge.
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corvidcrossbow · 5 months
➳ 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐛𝐨𝐰 🪶🏹
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Hey y'all welcome to the absolute dumpsterfire of my brainrot (blog), you can call me Corvid or Harbinger
Ima lover of all things Norman Reedus, n obviously TWD + Daryl Dixon. I also really like crows, and Qrow Branwen from RWBY – hence my user
Below is my masterlist that I'll update w/ time, then more about me. I lurked on here for way too long
♡ = Sweet ♧ = Angsty ♤ = Smutty
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧 ♡
➳ Drabbles:
Daryl w/ Hazey by GA ♧
Mother's Day ♡ ♤
Purring ♡ ♤
Hip Bones ♤
Lazy Morning Sex ♤
Daryl Likes Puzzles ♡ ♧
Falling Asleep in Sex ♡ ♤
Shibari ♡ ♤
Father's Day ♡ ♧
➳ Short Stories:
I Like It Long ♤
Double The Fangs, Double The Fun ♤ (vamp + Scud)
Daddy's Little Dhampir ♡ ♧
Intruders ♡ ♤
Total Eclipse Of The Heart ♡
What One Has ♡ ♧
𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐡 "𝐒𝐜𝐮𝐝" 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐫 ♡
➳ Drabbles:
Scud's a Nerd ♡
Requests; are currently open for Daryl & Scud
Req info (please read before sending in 💛)
➳ Feel free to send me inboxes about other things too!; questions, comments, chatty stuff, etc. I love interacting with y'all!!
➳ I'm kinda a beginner writer (?), I've been doing creative writing for ages + fanfics for myself, this is just my first time posting n stuff
➳ This'll center around Daryl/Norman because he lives in my psyche and I love him
➳ Ima chronic overuser of the 😭, 🙏, 🗿, and ‼️ emojis
➳ English is my main/native language, but I'm also fluent in Spanish
➳ I believe A&W restaurants are a national treasure and I need more of them
➳ According to everyone I know I have a weird accent and dialect and I will admit I do (idk wtf it's even composed of so if I ever say something that makes absolutely no sense or sounds stupid it's probably that)
➳ I am wildly interested in the mechanics of reality and metaphysical things
➳ Aside from TWD & Norman related things, I'm also a lover of RWBY, Lost, House n much more
➳ Frankly I'd just love to engage with y'all on here, so many of you are so talented n I love your works 🫶
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auroragreenvale · 10 months
People Watching - JJ Maybank
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They met in class for metaphysical philosophy, he tells his friends I like her ‘cause she’s so much smarter than me
OR How you and JJ met
Summary: A look into different points of JJ and reader's relationship inspired by People Watching by Conan Gray. 3k words
A/N: I loveee this song especially the opening verse and I always loved picturing the people that inspired it. The chapters wont follow the order of the lyrics. I hope y'all enjoy :)
“Dude look what is this shit?” He smacked the paper before holding it out to Pope. He took hold of it, looking over each class listed in his friend’s schedule for the upcoming year until he found the so-called “shit” JJ was referring to: Philosophy. Pope let out a chuckle the moment he registered the word and looked over at his friend, amused. “Pope, man this isn’t funny they must’ve messed up my schedule and shit! I can’t take this class, man!” Pope could only continue to laugh, catching Kiara’s attention. She grabbed the paper out of Pope’s hand and quickly displayed the same reaction as him. 
“Wow JJ I had no idea you were such a scholar! An intellectual if you will?”
“Shut up Kie!” JJ rolled his eyes as his friends’ laughter died down, ready to show a little sympathy. 
“Look JJ,” Pope started, “It really isn’t that big a deal. This stuff happens just go talk to the counselor and get it fixed, easy.”
“Yeah alright… gimme that,” JJ snatched back his class schedule before roughly folding it and putting it into his pocket. He’d probably remember to look at it again before the first day. Probably.
To JJ, school was the single biggest waste of his time. He sat through stupid classes all day, missing out on prime surfing time. And what’s worse, it’s not like he could smoke a joint in the middle of history, much less chat with any of his friends in English. He was just glad to have guaranteed easy classes that required close to nothing on his end. That and the knowledge that he didn’t have parents riding his case about his education or caring about his future allowed him to ignore the nuisance that was school once he left the building. But being put in philosophy did not work into his plan. Philosophy was for the smart people. Like Pope smart. Maybe even smarter and JJ definitely considered himself a lot less smart than Pope. JJ took the classes that were required of him and absolutely nothing else. The people who took philosophy probably finished half of their requirements in middle school and overloaded on classes with specific topics because they were actually interested in them. He shuddered at the thought of more school as he entered his next class. Seven students sat at the various desks, not even filling half of them. JJ thought maybe the rest of the class was running late but he thought it was weird that everyone there currently sat toward the front of the room. His other classes were always full and people had no issue sitting in the very back row even if the one closest to the teacher had yet to be filled. But JJ was a master at blending in of course and even though he planned to get out of this class by tomorrow, he could still have fun pretending to be one of the smart kids. He slid into the last empty seat in the second row, looking around and observing his temporary classmates. His brow furrowed in confusion when he noticed them all with faces in books or scribbling away in their notebooks. How were they doing work before the bell had even rung? He slid down slightly in his seat letting his head hang down in the direction of his empty desktop, hoping to divert attention away from himself so as not to blow his cover and ruin his little game. His hand came up to the side of his face, blocking it from the others in his row as he waited for the dreaded class to begin. 
“Hi!” The sound came from the desk next to him. He lowered his hand and looked over at the girl sitting there. “...I… haven’t seen you before, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh well… I typically take a lotta... math... classes so this is kinda… new for me,” he tested out.
“Oh me too! Maybe we’ll have some more classes together.” You smiled at him warmly.
“Mmm yeah maybe,” he smiled, amused at the possibility, “I’m JJ.”
“Nice to meet you. Glad to have you in class JJ.” Again he smiled, you reading it as politeness when he really was trying to hold back laughter. Finally the bell rang signaling the beginning of class and JJ realized no other students had entered the room. If the first bell took that long to sound, he knew it would take an eternity before the last one would sound, ending his philosophy career and his misery. 
“You’re kidding me what!? What do you mean there’s no other classes??” JJ yelled, ignoring that he was in the administrative office. 
“Please keep it down Mr. Maybank. What I mean is that all the other classes at that time are full so we can’t move you out of your current class.”
“Ughh! … Yall messed this up, you gotta fix it!”
“I’m sorry JJ but there’s nothing I can do.”
“Okay but you don’t understand I can’t spend the whole semester in this class its for like the genius kids! I can’t do that shit!”
“Mr. Maybank please watch your language. And as for these ‘genius kids’ I suggest you talk to one of them about tutoring you.” At that JJ threw his head back and groaned as he exited the office and made his way outside to join his friends for lunch. They immediately noticed his dramatic expression as he approached. 
“Whats up J,” Kiara asked slowly. 
“This bullshit! They said they can’t take me outta that stupid class!”
“Wait you mean philosophy? You have to stay in it all semester,” Pope asked. JJ nodded.
“And what’s worse they said I should get a fucking tutor! Like I’m gonna go outta my way and do more school when I’m not even at school,” JJ shook his head, “I think I’ll just go ahead and fail.”
“Hate to break it to you man but if you fail it they’ll probably make you retake it over the summer.”
“Pope dude are you serious?” He nodded. “Fuuuck.” Kiara patted his shoulder, looking amused.
“Well uh, guess you’re getting a tutor.”
JJ walked into his second day of philosophy and slumped down in the seat next to yours. Blowing out a breath, he reluctantly looked over at you, preparing to ask you the dreaded question. You gave him a small smile.
“So uh… do you like… tutor people ever? For a friend! He’s… he’s looking for a… tutor.” Your smile grew, knowing where this was going. 
“Oh yeah I do what does your, uh friend need tutoring in?”
“This class!-- Well not this… class but you know this subject.”
“Mmm okay well I’d be willing to be your friend’s study buddy, help ‘em out.”
“Okay cool cool.... Cool. That's real uh cool of you.” You giggled. 
“Cool,” you answered sarcastically. This made JJ laugh softly, dropping his charade.
“Yeah so uh… should we get crackin’ like today I-- I think that would… be good. And do we… me at… the library or…?”
“Um we could or we could just go to my place if that's better?”
“Okay yeah… yeah sure that's good I’ll uh, meet you after school?”
“Sounds good.” He mirrored the smile you gave him before you both turned to face the front of the class where the teacher stood.
“JJ come on, the final’s in two weeks you need to get some more work done on your paper so you can start reviewing in time.”
“But dude. This paper is so stupid I do not care about any of these old guys’ theories.”
“Okay but you know them, I know ‘cause I helped you learn them, so pick one and write something about it.” JJ groaned in his usual dramatic fashion making both of you laugh. You shoved him lightly, telling him to write which he eventually began to do. When you had finished up your own essay you turned your attention to what JJ had started writing. You read over the beginnings of his essay a couple of times.
“JJ! This is good. These ideas are really good!”
“Well don’t sound so surprised,” he joked.
“I just mean I figured you had nothing since you didn’t want to write it so bad. But this is good, keep going and we can polish it up.”
“For real?”
“Yeah I’m really proud of you.” It was a simple statement and you quickly turned your attention to work for your other classes. But JJ let his gaze linger on you for a few seconds longer, a small smile on his lips. No one had ever said they were proud of him before. At least not that he could remember and definitely not when it came to smart stuff like this. He felt his heart expand hearing those words and he wondered how it would feel to hear them again. And again. He hoped he might do something else deserving of someone’s pride again. It made him feel taken care of in the way he tries to take care of his friends and it felt good to be on the other side of that kind of affection. He turned his attention back to his work and for the first time in his education, felt some motivation.
“No listen John B she’s like, so smart it's like cool! She might even be smarter than Pope and he’s probably the smartest person I know.” In his modesty, Pope let out a loud laugh, thinking JJ must have pretty low standards for intelligence if he was on the smartest end. “Pope what the hell is funny man?” This made Kiara snicker as well. JJ’s friends were all amused at how serious he seemed to be about this, all seeing what he couldn’t.
“Uh, JJ it sounds like you might have a little crush,” John B said. 
“Shit,” JJ said, brushing off the notion. “Fuck,” he said more quietly in realization in disbelief. His friends continued their quiet giggling at his apparent predicament. 
“You gonna… you gonna ask her out or what? I mean you’ll only be in class together for another what, two weeks? And I doubt you’ll ever be in one of her classes again so,” Pope laughed. 
“Shut up man I could be, I'm doing pretty good.”
“I’m sorry could any of you imagine JJ dating this apparent genius girl,” Kiara laughed at the images it brought to her mind.
“Yeah I don’t know if she’d be down to date like a surfer dude,” John B changed his voice to mock his friend. 
“Or she’d be like studying or something and you’re all,” Kiara also took on a ridiculous voice, “‘Hey babe wanna hit,’” she mimicked blowing out smoke and took on a stoner persona that they all knew was incredibly far off from JJ. But they still found it funny.
“You guys are the fucking worst and I’m gonna ask her out and you’re all gona feel like idiots okay,” JJ said holding both of his middle fingers up for all of his still amused friends to see. 
“Just invite us to the wedding okay,” Kiara mocked, earning a shove from her friend as she fell out laughing. 
“Hey I wanna… say, ya know thanks for helping, uh my friend out with this class,” JJ said trying to bring you back to the beginning of the semester with this class. You closed your book figuring it was time for a break. You gave JJ a tired smile that was nonetheless bright. He almost rolled his eyes when he smiled back just as big remembering how his friends noticed his feelings before he did and hating them being right. 
“Well he was a pretty… okay study buddy,” you joked back. JJ let out a breathy laugh.
“Just okay?”
“Well you’re pretty easily distracted but you do keep it fun. So better than okay I guess. And you really impressed me this semester. You’re a lot smarter than you think.” When JJ recalls this moment he can only assume he blushed a bright pink at your genuine statement and the look in your eyes. Thinking about it, he still wants to melt in both embarrassment and somehow happiness. He quickly changed the subject.
“Gonna be weird not seein’ each other all the time huh?” He had really gotten used to seeing you everyday, enjoying the time he spent with you even if it was filled doing activities he didn’t so much enjoy. 
“Yeah.” You paused. “...No one in my classes is ever as,” you searched for the right word but couldn’t find it, “...fun as you.” 
“Well no one in my classes is ever so damn smart like you,” he replied, “But uh, I was wondering did you maybe wanna hang out sometime? Like no studying or anything?”
“Yeah I would, yeah. Let’s do that,” You smiled at him and then opened your textbook again, eyes going down to the words you knew you would no longer be able to focus on. 
JJ stood in front of the small bathroom mirror in the Chateau fluffing and fixing his hair over and over, indecisive. He wore his least dirty pair of boots and had borrowed one of John B’s less loud button down shirts. He topped it with a jacket. He felt a little weird but he hoped you’d think he looked nice in the clothes that were slightly nicer than what he typically wore to school. He smoothed back his hair one more time and ran his hand through it once. He settled on that. At least it was clean and dry, an improvement from the usual. He drove the Twinkie to your place, a very familiar route by now. When he arrived he paused in the driver's seat. Did he text you he was here or did he go up and knock? Was that what people did to pick up a friend or just dates? You hadn’t said this was a date. And what if one of your family members answered the door? He let out a breath and opened the car door before he could stop himself. He walked up to the door and knocked. He waited almost a moment too long, beginning to contemplate going back to the car and texting you when you opened the door grinning. You were actually really excited to hang out with JJ and get to know him more without homework and studying. You had enjoyed his company over the semester. JJ smiled and felt relief when you appeared and then suddenly felt self conscious. You looked exactly like yourself and he was wearing someone else's clothes. So fucking stupid. He tried to push it out of his mind as you greeted each other and he walked you to the Twinkie. As you both almost arrived at the driver's side of the car, he had the idea to open your door for you. He stopped awkwardly and abruptly, confusing you, as he changed direction to go around the front of the van. He opened the door for you and you got in thanking him. You showed little confusion, just a small smile, as you were used to his odd actions at this point. JJ got in the car, turned up the music and began driving. He felt nervous as shit. He spent the entire semester with you and now you were causing him to act like an idiot. And this wasn’t even a date! What was wrong with him? He clutched the top of the steering wheel and glanced over at you quickly before he started speaking.
“So uh I was thinking we could maybe get some food over at The Wreck? That… that cool?”
“Yeah that sounds good,” you responded. JJ didn’t really love the idea of going to the place Kie’s parents owned and she worked there. He’d be surprised if he didn’t see his dumbass best friends there trying to spy on his date. If they all weren’t, Kie would definitely be working there, and have prime position to embarrass him. But she did offer to cover half the bill and it was a hot spot. JJ figured it would look good and maybe earn him another date. Or a first real one actually. God he just hoped he wouldn't blow it. Another date with you, even if only one more sounded like a great deal to JJ, and he needed to do everything possible to make it happen.
You sat in the passenger seat of the van that JJ had informed you was called the Twinkie. The conversation lulled as he drove the car up to your house and in that moment of silence, realization dawned on you. Your brows scrunched as you tried to make sense of the thought that had appeared in your mind. JJput the car in park and you turned to him before he could say anything. You took a breath. 
“JJ? Was this a date?” You asked it with hesitation but more confidence than you expected to come through your words. JJ turned to you, caught off guard, but quickly painted on his signature playful smirk.
“Did you want it to be,” he asks. You almost rolled your eyes. 
“JJ,” you repeated more sternly this time. You really wanted to know his answer. “Was this a date?” His face softened and his expression changed from the confident boy most knew well to almost bashful. You decided you liked that look on him.
“I was kinda hoping it could be.” He looked up at you at the end of his statement and mustering all of his confidence leaned in. It happened quickly. He touched his lips briefly to yours in a soft kiss. It was so delicate that it stole your breath, making you dizzy. He pulled away before you could even process that moment. He looked at you, eyes closed and bottom lip between your teeth to suppress a smile. You took a deep breath in. 
“Definitely a date then.” You opened your eyes slowly.
“That cool with you,” JJ asked, growing nervous. You nodded flashing that smile that JJ already found intoxicating. 
“I’m hoping you can… take me on another one?”
“Yeah of course.”
“Okay,” you said. You leaned over quickly, mirroring his actions, and placed a kiss on his cheek. Just as quickly, you exited the car with one more look back at the boy. With your back to him as you unlocked your door, he let out a cheer before speeding off. You smiled to yourself as you entered your house and JJ grinned his whole way home.
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eri-pl · 5 days
Silm reread 20: the Rains of Casaremírë (AKA: the Fall of Doriath)
Morgoth is not tired being evil. Or satisfied. Generally he won't chill out. Also, he hates Melian&Thingol especially (but this text is from the Grey Annals. the Annals of Aman put Turgon as "Morgoth's main problem"). So, he directs Húrin at them.
Hurin is suspicious of being freed (good thinking!), but what can he do? Nothing. He leaves. Also, he is let out with a sword, which is… making sure that nobody will trust him and everyone will assume he is a thrall. Also, Morgoth's minions respect him.
[Ugh, this must have been really weird for Húrin. The self-doubt. Am I a thrall unknowingly?]
He is not, but he is followed. So, Gondolin. Turgon is doubtful at Thorondor. He changes his mind but too late, Húrin leaves. Oh, and he curses this area. (Yes, I will bold each time someone curses)
Morwen dies, depression and despair, he blames everyone.
A reference to a "seer and harper from Brethil". So, Men do have seers. I mean, I knew they do because Adanel iirc… but this wasn't fully canon… also that one prophecy is stupid and I will keep complaining about it…
Also, a mention of "the days of the wrath of the Valar" reshaping the shores, so the War of Wrath was named after the Valar's wrath? Who weren't even there personally? Huh.
Húrin kills Mîm, at the gate of Nargothrond. Interesting. Also, it is said that it's public knowledge who betrayed Túrin, so — oh wait. No. He knows that from Morgoth, not from gossip. OK. So I still have no idea whether Túrin knew.
Thingollo is polite and respectful, but Húrin offends him and accuses him of causing Finrod's death (he's not completely wrong) and of mistreating his wife and daughter + throws at him the Casaremírë (Nauglamir).
Thingollo is still polite and takes the offense calmly and kindly. <3
Melian dispells Morgoth's magic on Húrin, and he apologizes.
And gives the necklace to Thingollo anyway. Which ends up being a bad idea. Also, it wasn't his to give. the dragon stole it from Orodreth, Mîm stole it again, and Húrin, whose son had owed money to Mîm (because of his promise of weregild. And yes, I think this makes it … not more evil as a choice, because Húrin did not know, but more impactful, more problematic metaphysically) killed Mîm and stole it again.
And Thingollo (who knew Finrod and tbh should feel a little guilty about his death) instead of starting to think "hmm, who should inherit after Finrod now?" takes it. Which may be a culture thing tbh. It is medieval-ish-something world. You don't disrespect gifts by giving them away, you just take them. Maybe. I'm not an expert.
Still, he could have at least talked to Húrin about "you know, Finrod's family…". BTW is there any left? Orodreth dead, Finduilas dead…. Gil-Galad if he is Orodreth's son. Galadriel! OK, so there was someone.
Húrin allegedly maybe threw himself in the sea. Anyway he is out of our scope, one way or another.
So… It comes into Thingollo's mind to join two problematic pieces of treasure (a dragon-tainted, stolen necklace and a Silmaril) into one. Also, the Silmaril grows precious to him—
OK, sidenote. The Silmarils are not evil, but clearly they are too much for almost everyone. People either grow obsessed or die quickly. But not all people. Earendil surely didn't. I guess it depends on personality (the obsession) and on fate-type (the dying).
So, he can not keep it in the deepest part of his treasury anymore— wait, what? You kept the gem in a cage too? Silmarils need proper enviroment, they need light and space and enrichment! Thingollo, you are as bad as a Silmaril owner as Feanáro!
OK, I already made a post on this.
The Dwarves. They too get super obsessed and want the stuff: both the necklace made by their ancestors and the Silmaril. But they keep it in secret.
They finish their work, it's beautiful, another sort-of-confirmation that the Silmaril's own light is white (it reflecting in gems into various colors make it even more beautiful. So. It doesn't have many colors on its own.)
The Dwarves finally talk to Thingol, but not honestly, he realizes that they want the gem, gets overwhelmed by emotions (I imagine Thingol having a switch in his brain: "be polite to Men" <-> "be polite to Dwarves" but he can't do both for some reason and switching it takes a long time) and he mocks them. He provokes them, they are greedy, everyone is emotionally disregulated and should go have some quiet time, they kill him and escape with the treasure.
We get an epitaph for Thingollo, canon confirmation that marrying Maiar is not a thing (except Thingol) and the last thing he looks at before death is the Silmaril.
I have a feeling that Námo will have some words to tell you, my guy. Not as many as to others, but still. Not great.
Anyway, Elves chase the Dwarves and kill most of them, the Dwarves tell a not-entirely-false-but-not-too-true-either story of what happenned to their kinsmen, they go to war.
Melian meditates, we get a flashback. She knows Doriath will soon fall, because the Girdle is now gone, because… ok, let's start this from the beginning.
So this is really cool but also pretty unique in terms of fantasy tropes. When Melian married Thingol, she accepted... ok, I need this in English.
For Melian was of the divine race of the Valar, [...] for love of Elwë Singollo she took upon herself the form of the Elder Children of Ilúvatar, and in that union she became bound by the chain and trammels of the flesh of Arda.
So the marriage is what's tying her to her material form (she had taken it at will back then but now, with Valinor being closed and all that I feeel like she normaly wouldn't be able to do it in ME, she was only able to be there embodied because the marriage to Thingol sort of anchored her)
In that form she bore to him Lúthien Tinúviel; and in that form she gained a power over the substance of Arda, and by the Girdle of Melian was Doriath defended through long ages from the evils without. But now Thingol lay dead, and his spirit had passed to the halls of Mandos; and with his death a change came also upon Melian.
So. Only the fact of being anchored to matter gave her the ability to keep the Girdle up. I know some Maiar can do things with matter anyway, but as I said, I suppose it's either a) because they're evil and/or b) because a Vala let them do it … in general, they are bound by something. And regardless of how the other Maiar do it, Melian lost the ability to keep the Girdle.
Thus it came to pass that her power was withdrawn in that time from the forests of Neldoreth and Region, and Esgalduin the enchanted river spoke with a different voice, and Doriath lay open to its enemies.
[Thank you, Reddit, for having all the quotes I need!]
Again, the "it came to pass" strongly suggests to me that it's not something she did, it's something that happenned to her as part of her nature.
Also, she removes herself, and goes to mourn in Lorien and is out of the story. (I'm sure they get back togetherwhen Thingol was reembodied — and that he was— and no matter how the canon feels about this I want them to have more children, who just live in Valinor in this slightly odd social position of "not a Maia but not fully not-a-Maia" and genrally have some happiness and low-stakes family drama)
The Dwarves invade, all Doriath is confused, Mablung dies protecting the Silmaril (still, he seems quite normal about it for someone who touched it twice).
Also "it's the saddest of all sad events of the Old Days" — seriously, Grey Annals? Again, for AoA it would be Tears Unnumbered. I should enjoy the diversity of opinions in the text. But I don't. It sounds like the authors are arguing with each other.
Dior and Nimloth mentioned, but that's all. On one hand, we were told that B&L never spoke to the living after their reembodiment. On the other, they do have a son and, it seems, a company. Who raised Dior? Like, who spoke with him?
Is it silent spooky B&L surrounded by a company of Elves who behave normally? Or do they live separately, in a distance and gave dior to be taught bu the Elves who live on this island, but separately from them? I can't imagine it.
Or is the "spoke to no one" thing just poetic exageration?
Hmm.. in chapter 20 only Beren is mentioned and it says "no mortal spoke to him" which may mean just Men. I'm not sure. Anyway this is weird and seems somwhat incoherent.
Anyway, the news spread quickly in the forest (how? Mycoryzal networks?) so Beren learns more or less what happenned and he and Dior go to the rescue (such is the wording in my book. So I guess they assumed there Dwarves were still attacking someone or intending to. Makes sense.) A big group of Green Elves joins them.
They ambush the Dwarves (Huh. Ambush. When Nargothrond did it, it was dishonorable... Huh. I think there is a lot in this story remaining from the older versions, back when the Dwarves were evil, or at least evil-ish and not deserving the full human Eruhini rights. Because technically they are not. Anyway. I do not like the inconsistent attitude about ambushes.) Also, the Ents help them. So i guess it is a good fight or at least Yavanna supports it (could you, please, respect your husband's children a bit more?), or at least the trees think Beren is cool.
This is weird. And seems off. And I will assume it is a part of text that Tolkien didn't fully update to the last version of his lore.
Beren killd Dwarf king (chieftain? whatever we call him), the king curses the whole Doriath treasure.
Aaaaand Beren looks at Feanor's gem with fascination. Here we go again. And washes it clean of blood in the river. (I considered adding a RoP gif here but let's not slabder Beren. still, bad vibe.)
At least he's got enough common sense to drown the rest of the treasure. But not this one. (A pity. Feanorians would fish it out, Deagol&Smeagol-style and be happy. Or something.)
He brings the Casaremírë+Silmaril to Lúthien, and she's so pretty in it. And amazing. And the land is fertile and full of light and looks like Valinor.
So…. why do they keep the Silmaril? For Beren, I think it's the standard "it's pretty, Luthien has suffered so much [chose mortal life and all that], she deserves it". Or maybe even "I deserve some beauty for all my pain", but i don't think he goes this low. It's just … slightly less than perfect attitude. "My loved ones deserve some beauty after all they suffered so I am going to give it to them". Also, why would he want to give it to Feanorians, who tried to kill him and threatened Thingol. (And fought a really bad battle but whatever)
No matter how much you love the Feanorians, please remember that this is a simple forest guy, ok, taught by the Sindar, but still. He probably knows nothing about the Oath, never met the Feanorians, has no idea of their mental state and their anguish, and not necessarily internalizes the whole "they are fighting Morgoth and dying on it" part.
Characters do have limited knowledge and did not read the book.
But… yes, I think him taking the jewel was not the best choice.
Lúthien? That's trickier. I think if she knew how much it means for the Feanorians, she would give it to them, because look how she told Beren to not kill Celegorm (or was that Curufin?). So either she knows that Silmaril+Feanorians = bad idea, for some reason (from Melian. Because foresight. But this would require Melian's foresight to change its opinion on the matter at some point, which we have no information about).
Maybe she just trusted that Beren knows what he's doing and didn't want to refuse his gift? And she had no idea how this looks for the Feanorians (remember, very likely nobody knows about the Oath, and it seems like the Feanorians told Thingol "it is ours" and "we will consider you our enemy" as their only reasons).
Melian advised Thingol to give the Silmaril back, but was Lúthien even present at this conversation? Or if she was, maybe her own foresight told her that this advice applied to Thingol then but not to her now?
Seriously, with how Lúthien is presented, I can't imagine her keeping the Silmaril if she believed that that Melian would advise against it or how much it means for the Feanorians. She seems to me a very compassionate person, and one who cares about her mothers opinions.
On the other hand, is Lúthien wearing the Silmaril such a bad thing? It came from Beren's not-great decision, but with how it's written, I don't think it's unilaterally bad. The Feanorians do not have a problem with it, or at least do not attack her (out of fear), the land is beautiful and sure this sounds egoistical, but maybe a brief moment of bliss was necessary? The Silmaril spent many years with Morgoth, then in Thingollo's treasury (why do they all keep them locked?!? i have thoughts about it. anyway) and is now sad. Yes, they do canonically have feelings. I don't think it's corrupted, but it is sad. Maybe it needs to recharge, before it will be able to become the star of hope.
I have no idea but I think like this year should contribute something positive. Otherwise the story feels odd and incoherent again. Or, at beast, feels like Tolkien … I'm not sure how to phrase it. Very slightly betrayed his story for a moment of nostalgia? The thing that the Valar did when they made Valinor. Settled for a known happiness of the past over … something? unknown?
OK, end of very speculatory ramblings, back to the reading.
And this is the moment when Dior decides to leave his parents. I think he wants to help the Elves in Doriath organize and rebuild. He is their king, after all. Still it's an interesting contrast: the island becomes a paradise and Dior leaves. I think it speaks well of him. He goes to work, putting duty above "mom pretty with shiny rock". And he restores Doriath successfully.
He gets the Silmaril, looks at it for a long time (unclear if this is bad looking or normal looking), mourns his parents, then puts on the necklace and becomes the most beautiful guy ever, even counting the Maiar. (dear authors of the Grey Annals, someone would lik a talk with you. He said his name is Mairon.)
Gossip starts… How is the gossip among Elves so effective and fast, with their numbers decreased by all the wars?
Anyway gossip, and the Feanorians. (+ a confirmation that no Elf would fight Lúthien). They send messangers to Dior, who does not answer. that's weird. What is his mental process at this point? Is Dior even socialized properly?
He could say "ok, but give me some time to mourn", or "no, you jerks, you attacked my parents and now dare to make demands" or many other things, but he does not answer. (Or is it: the Polish translation strikes again)
It must have been weird. Also: poor messangers. What a stressful job. :(
Instead of thinking "maybe we should wait till he grows up more" or "maybe we should talk to him in person", C&C get the bright idea of "let's kill them all as we told Thingollo we would do!"
And so they do.
And so they die.
Both sides lose (Doriath is destroyed with only a few survivors, but the Feanorians still have zero Silmarils, but now they have 3 dead brothers), so I guess Morgoth wins, but not really, because he doesn't get this Silmaril either and this will come to bite him later.
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a-horde-of-mews · 6 months
in case somebody didn't introduce us formally during this:
Hello, we are the Askers, a collective (mostly made? entirely made?) of humans from another plane of existence.
The only way we can affect things on your side is by talking. And even then, we can only talk with those we have been authorised to. (And that seems to only include mews.) (...okay I've heard that if there are pokémon among us they might be able to appear next to you for the length of a question. this stuff's metaphysically weird I'm afraid)
I'ld say almost all of us mean well (if... nosy), but we can't... exactly moderate each other in case someone decides to be a nuisance, so sorry about that.
Heck, also we can't notice each other talking until you respond (or pointedly do not respond), so if you get a whole bunch of messages from different people but with the same message that's why.
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xplainthexmen · 8 days
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episode 463 - The Fart Ghost That Walks Like a Manhattan
In which Gambit is fundamentally goofy; t’ieves love research; Magneto was ripped; Professor Xavier remains a jerk; Miles attempts to convey something very fundamentally visual in an audio format; Marrow is adorable; the X-Men pretty much disband (again); and a miniseries is the opposite of a vacation.
Where Wolverine went
Gambit Annual 1999
Uncanny X-Men #372
X-Men #92
A lot of backstory
A very cute plastic goose
What Gambit does in his free time
Those weird fluid-filled tubes they put people in all the time for some reason
Gambit’s abs
The fart ghost (Mary Purcell)
Manhattan, Indiana
A very minor continuity error
Fart ghost metaphysics
A very bad idea
A muppetworthy death
Dream’s various ends
Professional dinosaurs
Theoretical Cyclops-Daredevil team-ups
X-characters recognizable as civilians
NEXT EPISODE: The return of the Damocles Foundation!
The visual companion to this episode will be up later this week!
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