elimaikopo · 5 years
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No one believes a suicidal person until it’s too late.
Cred for pic: @idateart ‘s twitter
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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elimaikopo · 5 years
GOD star wars: the clone wars (2008-2014) was the absolute fucking BEST. u do absolutely not anymore buckwild than insane range of emotions that seven seasons can put u thru. obi-wan commits a war crime in the first episode. anakin drinks a space martini. a sixteen-year-old decapitates four men in a single second and it is literally never mentioned again. anakin, obi-wan, and mace windu find SPACE GODZILLA and the entire jedi order collectively drinks We Love Peta™ juice, decide not to kill it, bring it to the capital city, and it breaks out (ofc) and kills, like, a half million people. sheev just hangs out in padme’s office for six whole seasons being, i dunno, evil and absolutely not a single person catches on. there’s a blue guy in a dope-ass big hat who beats every single jedi’s ass and they still only call him, “that guy in the hat.” darth maul’s been living in a literal garbage dump with eight legs for the past ten years. anakin endorses state-sponsored terrorism. padme once contracted the black death. the jedi order tries to prosecute a twelve-year-old for war crimes. maul is forcibly murdered two (2) times over and still lives for some bananas fucking reason. whenever anakin does something mildly risky the darth vader theme plays. yoda asks anakin if they’re friends. the jedi order tries to prosecute a sixteen-year-old for war crimes. a cartoon made for twelve-year-olds has a four-episode arc about government oversight of international banking. this all happens in the range of three years. this show is absolutely fucking nuts.
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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The cinematic quest triology (+ Chains of Harrow) in meme form.
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elimaikopo · 5 years
what pewdiepie did:
- turned the war against T-Series into a charity event that raised 200 thounsand dollars in a day
- that’s not even counting the millions of dollars he raised for charity during his entire career
- shouted out numerous small creators so they get some attention (we all know youtube’s algorithm sucks)
- brought attention to a channel who’s host had passed away, knowing it was his dream to have a popular channel on youtube. his parents now host the channel.
- constantly interacts with his fans via community driven videos, gives attention to numerous artists that post on his subreddit
- “he said the n word that one time, so :////////”
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elimaikopo · 5 years
why are moms so afraid of Doom turning their kids into devil-worshippers. like, Doom has a pretty strong anti-demon message to it
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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Kirby only gets stronger with every new fighter that’s introduced in Smash, lads
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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I present the truth, Connor, that you may do with it as you will.
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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Do not touch. Do not approach. Do not look directly in the eye.  feat. The Kenway Family
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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The original Captain America
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elimaikopo · 5 years
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Assassin’s Creed: Reflections 04
Connor has (at least?) 1 son and 2 daughters. Well, our “I trust my own hands” boy has grown into a wonderful father. :D
The girl, who appears in the preview, is named Io:nhiòte and is one of his daughters.
The description of Connor’s “sad and lonely death” in Abstergo Entertainment Employee Handbook is nothing but FAKE NEWS from Templars. Connor lives happily ever after. So “life is not a fairytale and there are no happy endings” seems to be wrong~
I’m quite happy that after like more than 4 years, there is finally some continuity of Connor’s story after AC3 and furthermore, it is a happy ending!
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elimaikopo · 5 years
Only real gamers remember
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elimaikopo · 6 years
imagine your favourite character with the most agonizingly pained expression on their face as they watch the love of their life die and there’s nothing they can do about it
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elimaikopo · 6 years
You know what my favourite thing about Into the Spider Verse is?
Marvel have spent over a decade insisting that Peter Parker’s character has to be “Kept Young” to have any appeal, and have gone out of their way to enforce the idea of “Spider-man is about youth” in both comics and adapted media.
They had his marriage to Mary Jane undone via deal with Mephisto, because supposedly having him married made him unrelatable to the target audience but having him be a divorcee would age him too much, so this was somehow their best option despite… you know, the whole thing spitting in the face of everything Peter’s character is supposed to be about.
Pretty much the majority of Spider-man media since the Raimi movies ended has featured Peter as a High-schooler and a teenager. Every cartoon that’s been made since Spectacular has kept him in High-school, in Avengers EMH he was only about 18 at most, in the Amazing Spider-man movies he only graduated High School in the second movie and then that series got abruptly cut short, and the MCU has basically cemented him as “The teenaged Avengers fanboy” character, with an entire trilogy planned to focus on Peter in high school.
It’s really only in video games that we’ve gotten a version of Peter that isn’t a teenager in the last decade outside of the comics, with the comics themselves making a point to mentally regress Peter to the chagrin of many long-time fans.
Marvel have been insistent that “Young, teenaged Peter Parker” Should be the default and that it’s where the character is at his most iconic and appealing…
And then Spider-Verse gave us Peter B Parker, a version of Peter who’s in his late 30′s and going through a mid-life crisis, has stubble and a beer belly, is a mentor figure to a new teenaged superhero, and has a character arc that concludes with him deciding to reconcile with his ex-wife after deciding he wants to be a father even knowing the risks involved…
And everybody LOVES this version.
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elimaikopo · 6 years
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💛 Feel good posts 💛
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elimaikopo · 6 years
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Vergil Sparda Art ..
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