#weight talk cw
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beaft · 4 months ago
it is legit bizarre to me how hard video game creators and film directors and showrunners try to pretend that fat people don't exist. can you think of the last time you saw a fat person in a lead role? god forbid a fat woman? i can walk down the street or go into a shop or restaurant and see fat people everywhere but then i switch on the tv and suddenly it's like a glimpse into an alternate universe where no one has a bmi over 24. insidious and weird
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choiwarukamen · 6 months ago
sometimes i think “hmm i should go on a diet to be skinnier for my sanji cosplay” and then i realize how diametrically fucking opposed to the spirit of said cosplay that would be
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annabelle--cane · 11 months ago
ticks me off to no end when people come onto my posts to make very confident incorrect assumptions about my personal life. "your sample is skewed because you're at college and so only associate with rich kids" I go to poor people school and have qualified for food stamps since I was ten. "your perspective on femininity is skewed because you said you're malnourished which means you're thin" nope not even a little bit, I've got those potato famine genes. being malnourished simply decreases my quality of life while maintaining my weight.
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rose-by-the-sea · 6 months ago
Me: I'm gonna fast for today! Maybe it'll boost my weight lo-
Aphrodite, tired of my shit: No.
Me: Oh. Okay
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audible-smiles · 9 months ago
Re: a certain post going around, please don’t refer to elective weight loss surgeries as “mutilations”. Yes, they can cause very serious complications; yes, a lot of people are pressured into them due to fatphobia; yes, sometimes people regret them. But these are still procedures that hundreds of thousands of real people have already had. People who are reading your posts. Those people are welcome to call themselves mutilated if they feel that way, but it’s pretty damn rude to call them that yourself. You can speak convincingly about medical bigotry and the inherent risks of elective procedures that alter the function of the digestive system without using the same weird, stigmatizing language about “mutilating healthy organs” that transphobes use. I actually think it detracts from the message.
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thedeafprophet · 3 months ago
made it 5 minutes into grandma visit before a comment was made about my weight, keep me in your thoughts 🥲
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brehaaorgana · 1 year ago
Tbh every time I see someone start explaining the experiences of "skinny people" being treated with more idk...basic dignity regarding their body, I notice that they are inevitably wrong about the claims they make about what never or doesn't happen to thin people. And there's really no way to be like "actually, people do pathologize my appearance immediately and unprompted, this has happened all my life." Without derailing whatever point they're making.
I don't want to argue that skinny people are treated worse by society than fat people. I do wish people would stop making points about the insidiousness of fatphobia by declaring that skinny/thin people never experience xyz things when like...I have explicitly experienced them. That kinda sucks to hear.
"They never have to center their entire physical checkup around their weight or eating! The doctors don't ignore diagnosis of X or Y in favor of discussing their weight!" False, lol. Almost every single new medical professional I deal with has a lengthy interrogation about my weight, my eating, and what I eat. Every time. I also have to convince Drs that my weight is not a reason to refuse prescribing me medication I need. So.
"No one ever pathologizes their weight or appearance or assumes they're unhealthy based on sight alone!" Also false. Please tell that to the absolute unhinged weirdos who have diagnosed me with various eating disorders on sight TO MY FACE.
"people don't feel as entitled to making comments about their body, appearance, or clothes; they're not seen as a bad example for existing!" Again super false lol.
Hell, forget just comments! people would just grab me constantly from elementary through like, high school purely because of my size.
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dilfsisko · 9 months ago
Afraid to bring up I’m on ozempic in casual conversation. What if they think I’m on it for weight loss and try to talk about their diet……
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windupaidoneus · 6 days ago
people will do what they want but i do admit whenever someone talks about wanting to lose weight i am kind of utterly devastated & there is very little i can do in the way of being supportive even if it's a case of they Have to otherwise doctors won't listen or perform surgeries & whatnot. the state of the world is completely wretched to be allowing this in the first place
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kareenvorbarra · 10 months ago
I used to be a skirt girl, I especially loved long skirts and dresses, and then I gained a lot of weight gradually over the course of about eight years and now none of the skirts I wore when I was in my teens and early 20s fit me any more, and I haven’t really had the heart to replace them yet….for a while I was kind of reluctant to buy new clothes I really liked and/or that were a little on the expensive side, because I worried that I would just not be able to wear them in a few years (which did happen with at least one very cute dress I bought like 6 months before the pandemic, I’m still bummed about that tbh)
But I probably should just buy some long skirts and start wearing them again. I miss them
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andonlyafoolwouldsaythat · 1 month ago
Recovery is not linear but ***I*** am God's Specialest Little Boy and I have to do everything perfectly the first time, you see. So I am not allowed to struggle. Struggle is the same as failure.
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becomingpart2 · 3 months ago
Today I found out I lost weight. One good news in the midst of a mental turmoil. Okay I'll take it.
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choiwarukamen · 4 months ago
i’m very active at the moment (i do swimming and strength training once a week + plenty of regular long walks in between) and i’ve had people suggest i combine it w/ a diet and it’s like. i like the way my body looks though. i’m not doing this to lose weight?
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audible-smiles · 2 years ago
I’ve been getting ads for Wegovy online for about a year now. I was a little bit tempted because my lower back hurts constantly at my current weight, and I’ve already given up on dieting and won’t consider surgery. But I said to myself, “wait for a while. you know the history of weight loss drugs, don’t be an early adopter, you’ll probably regret it.” and guess what.
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housewifemd · 6 months ago
one of my fun uno reverse cards is that i have been largely unable to get doctors to help me with my weight because i don't *look* especially fat even though you can look at my labs and other health concerns and compare them to my bmi and see that obviously yes these things are related. Okay thanks guys really doing a good job of proving that you don't pick people to lose weight based on how much their appearance personally bothers you
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bloodenjoyer · 2 years ago
it really is insane the way that EVERYONE at my work just talks about weight loss constantly i guess thats what its like to work at a store that markets itself as """healthy""" but its like. Customers coworkers everyoneeee . SHUT UP !!!!! i dont wanna hear about keto or ""beach body"" i dont wana see those stupid awful magazines i dont wanna hear about calories or how you lost weight and why you swear by that method and recommend it i dont CARE be quiet be quiet be quiet !!!!!
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