#weekly theme: travelling together
hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Gem's often travelling kingdom to kingdom. It's necessary for the leader of an empire after all. Sausage and fWhip go up to her and suddenly tell her that they recruited someone into their alliance, without telling her. Gem's a little sour, no problem though. She'll go to the guy's empire, act fake, give him a welcoming gift and be done with it.
When she travels to the empire, Gilded Hilenthia, just a little farther from Mythland. She expected a king, not- a queen. She looked gorgeous, her eyes were a bright aqua blue, hair dark brown with blonde highlights, and her lips were so pretty.. and they were moving.
Gem snaps out of her daze and almost dies at the amused smirk the farmer queen, Pearl, was giving her. Gem's practiced welcome speech fading from her mind completely as she practically shoves the welcoming gift into Pearl's hand with hasty greetings. She practically bolts, flying after less than five minutes with Pearl.
Pearl can only watch the fumbling wizard, not what she expected honestly. Sausage and fWhip said she was super composed and all that. But all Pearl saw was a blushing mess, she looks down at the gift. Amethyst and enchanted books, and a single wither rose enchanted to not harm her. Cute, Pearl hopes she'll see more of her.
Gem is a calm, rational person who is calm and rational about these things. Her reaction is totally just because she was expecting a man, and was caught off guard. There's nothing more! Nope! Just that!
And then she turns into a stammering mess at their next alliance meeting, simply from being in the same room as Pearl. She can see Sausage and fWhip exchanging looks. She's going to kill them. Mmhmmmm.
If only that would solve the rest of her problems... Like the fact Sausage and fWhip have just suggested Pearl joins Gem on her travels to understand the empires better.
... Killing them would solve an awful lot, she's realising.
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girlkisser13 · 23 days
being married to emily prentiss would include
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• emily is extremely empathetic and compassionate, and being married to her means having a partner who truly cares about your feelings and well-being. she makes a conscious effort to ensure you feel valued, loved, and understood.
• her love for adventure and her extensive knowledge of different cultures would mean you’d have a shared interest in traveling. from spontaneous weekend getaways to well-planned vacations, exploring new places together would be a common theme in your marriage.
• after a rough case, emily often comes home late at night feeling emotionally drained. you’d be there to comfort her, perhaps by listening to her talk about her day, offering cuddles, or just being there in silence. knowing you’re there for her would make all the difference.
• despite the seriousness of her job, emily has a great sense of humor. your marriage would be full of inside jokes, playful teasing, and laughter. she loves to see you smile, and her witty comments would often bring a lightheartedness to even the most stressful days.
• the two of you are cat moms.
• open and honest communication would be a cornerstone of your marriage. emily would always be upfront about her feelings, and she’d expect the same from you. she values honesty and would work through any problems with patience and understanding.
• despite her love for adventure, emily also appreciates quiet nights at home. you’d spend many evenings wrapped up in a blanket, binge-watching your favorite tv shows or movies, with takeout food spread out in front of you. these simple moments would be some of her favorites.
• emily is known for her strength, but with you, she’d feel safe showing her vulnerable side. whether she’s grappling with self-doubt or stress from a particularly harrowing case, she’d confide in you, knowing you won’t judge her.
• you’re always concerned about her whenever she’s out on a case, and she’s always concerned about leaving you on your own because she knows what kind of people are out there.
• emily enjoys socializing and would love hosting friends and family at your home. whether it’s a dinner party, a holiday celebration, or just a casual get-together, she’d enjoy planning these events and seeing everyone come together.
• no relationship is without its disagreements, but with emily, conflicts are always handled with maturity. she’s used to managing high-pressure situations, so she’d approach any arguments calmly, ensuring that communication is clear and that both of you feel heard and respected.
• emily knows how crucial it is to balance work and personal life. even though her job can be all-consuming, she’d make a conscious effort to prioritize your relationship, setting aside time for just the two of you. whether it’s a weekly date night or a quiet morning together, she’d cherish these moments.
• as a profiler, emily is very observant and attentive, often picking up on the little things you like or want. she’d surprise you with thoughtful gifts that show how well she knows you, from a book by your favorite author to a memento from a special place you once visited together.
• the two of you love supporting local businesses, you’ve always thought that people should support the locals and it was a nice thing to do together. shopping is always fun when it’s you and emily.
• emily buys you things ALL THE TIME. when you mention wanting to go to a restaurant, you end up going the next night. if you mention a new book release, she either marks it on her calendar to buy it for you on release day or preorders it.
• you guys love trying new alcoholic drinks together. if the team ever wanted to try a new one, they’d come to your house first because you’d likely have it.
• you two have built a remarkable life together, filled with ease, comfort, security, and love. it’s something you wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. <33
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lurkingshan · 15 days
Japanese QL Corner
This week we begin our farewell to two brilliant shows and welcome a newcomer. Of the shows airing now, all but one are streaming weekly on Gaga and the other is available via fansub.
Takara's Treasure
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gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses This was the final week for the main story (don’t despair, we get a special episode next week), and the show wrapped up our core romance arc beautifully. At its heart this is a simple story between two boys seeking connection and working up the confidence to pursue what they want without fear. We spent the first half of the show grounded in Taishin’s country mouse in the big city journey, and the second slowly peeling back Takara’s layers until we understood just how mutual their affection is. I was so impressed with the show’s steady, patient approach to revealing this character to us, and I love that through knowing and liking Taishin (perhaps even more than 100%), Takara is getting more comfortable with himself, reaching for what he wants, and having genuine moments of joy. I’m also excited for him to get to know Taishin’s family and feel some of the warmth and support he’s been missing. Looking forward to whatever glimpse of their future the show gives us next week.
Happy of the End
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gif by @putterphubase
We knew this one was going to be dark, and hoo boy is it. Content warnings for the first two episodes:
Assault, child abandonment, childhood sexual slavery, domestic abuse, family violence, human trafficking, rape, sexual exploitation
We meet our main characters this week and learn the basics of their backstories (though there are still gaps that I expect will be filled in later on). Both of these men have lived hard lives, and it shows. They are not particularly good people, neither of them responds normally to the situations they find themselves in, their emotional wavelengths are often odd, and there is a recklessness to their behavior that speaks to a kind of ambivalence about survival. They recognize something in each other that draws them together, but even as they share their stories and spend time together, there are barriers between them. This story has a fairly bleak worldview, so I don’t expect it will follow the usual romance beats and I’m not counting on a happy ending. @bengiyo pointed out that the show seems to be narrated from a future perspective after the relationship ends, and @illgiveyouahint said the show feels “gently hopeless” which I think is a rather apt description of its tone.
This show is beautifully shot and feels steady and clear about its subject matter, but its themes are not for everyone. Proceed with caution, and ask for content warnings if you need them—I expect there will be difficult content in every episode. This one is dropping two episodes a week on Gaga, and there is also a fansub ongoing from @isaksbestpillow. Siiri’s subs will likely be more accurate, but I recommend at least background streaming on Gaga to make sure the show gets the official views.
I Hear the Sunspot
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gif by @heretherebedork
I have already talked plenty about my current feelings of frustration with this show, so I won’t belabor the point. This week Taichi dropped out of university to go work full time at his new job despite his friends’ protests, we got a long Maya flashback and another instance of her clashing with Taichi, Kohei and Taichi continued to not say anything honest to each other as they said their goodbyes, and Kohei confessed without Taichi processing it yet again. The final episode appears to include a time skip, and then maybe they will have the conversation we’ve been waiting on for six weeks. Fingers crossed the finale makes all of this time spent in stasis feel worth it.
Note: I have to get this up early today due to my travel schedule, and at time of posting episode 7 of Mr. Mitsuya's Planned Feeding was not yet available with English subs. I imagine @isaksbestpillow will post sometime soon and I will share when it goes up and include final thoughts in next week’s round up.
Tagging @bengiyo for the anime update.
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tojipie · 1 year
ahhh truck driver toji so cute ur aus for him are srsly superior i swear!!! i think it’d be so cute if maybe you wrote abt the items/souvenirs toji has collected and gifted you as you travel together :D the emotional meaning and why hehe
hii ! here’s a list:
disposable cameras: he buys them more for himself then he does for you. he’s the type to refuse to delete photos to free up storage on his phone, and won’t pay for the extra gigabytes, so naturally he just started opting for hard copies.
there’s shots of you two tucked into every crevice of the truck, and he has an old shoebox full of them tucked under the driver’s seat. he usually keeps his weekly favorite tucked away in the visor mirror.
coins! he’s constantly sifting through his change from gas station purchases to look for older or unique coins to gift to you. he loves how excited you get when you come across those vintage coin press machines and insists he be the one to press the lever down.
trucker hats again, these ones are more for him than you. you just end up wearing them more than he does (and he lets you). he literally can’t help himself when it comes to getting new hats. and when he decides to bring one up to the counter you always have to remind him that he has at least 6 just like it.
he’ll send you into gas stations with a crumpled 50 from time-to-time, telling you to go ham as long as you make sure to get him a case of beer. you’ll sometimes get yourself a gag gift out of boredom, showing it off to him with a smile.
you bought him a gag hat one time that read “#1 MILF.” he found it funny at the time, using it to push back his fringe once the sun started beating down on you two. he ended up forgetting that he had it on by noon, sitting through an entire meal at an ihop not knowing why everyone was giggling at the two of you.
keychains! he loves giving you the ones with little snow globes attached, you have a key ring where you keep all of them. they always change depending on what season you’re in. if it’s cold he tends to go for winter themed charms, and if it’s warmer he likes to get you the kind with pressed flowers.
bottle caps: random sobriety checks are frequent depending on where the two of you are driving through, so toji knows not to let himself get caught with alcohol in his system before the two of you have gotten to your destination for the night. when he finally gets to crack open a case, he’ll give you the bottle cap to fiddle around with.
you’ve since started saving them in a jar after learning they could be exchanged for cash! you’re saving up to buy him something for his birthday.
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Splatoon 3 Weekly Fashion Challenge - Week 63:
*stumbles into the room in a frenzied panic* Hi everyone how are you I forgot about the challenge because I spent all of yesterday playing Dark Souls 3. Oops.
Anyway, there are only a couple of weeks left of Sizzle Season 2024, so we're beginning the Sendoff challenges, which naturally means that this week's theme is:
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Last Stop, Lemuria!
Assuming the writing on the wall is correct then Lemuria Hub is the last stage being added to Splatoon 3, and personally I'd say that it's not a bad choice for it! After all, what is a train station if not a place of endings? It's also a place of beginnings, so you better begin being inspired by it to put together some outfits!
Special Rule: Put together an outfit inspired by Lemuria Hub. A train station is the temporary home of all kinds of people, so there is plenty to choose from. Train attendants, engineers, station staff, travelers, tourists, you name it. Get creative!
Put together an outfit of any kind that you feel matches this week’s theme. Be sure to give it a name, as well!
Send it to me via ask or submission, please don’t add it to a reblog, that makes it very easy to miss! Also, please make it clear that it is a submission for the challenge and not just a regular submission.
Only one outfit per person! You can submit multiple photos of that single outfit, though.
Please include the gear you picked in the submission. It makes my life just a touch easier!  
Since I am a day late, the deadline for outfit submissions is 10 PM UTC on Wednesday!
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Nova’s Notes - North and South Weekly - Chapter 6
In which the Hale family says goodbye to Helstone….
The poem at the beginning, which is part of a larger poem known as In Memoriam, really sets the scene for a lovely place like Helstone and what’s it means to leave it. The larger poem’s theme is about understanding and working through grief — a fitting theme for this chapter.
“The rooms had a strange echoing sound in them,—and the light came harshly and strongly in through the uncurtained windows,—seeming already unfamiliar and strange.”
I love how Gaskell captures the surreal feeling of seeing a place you’ve lived in, now empty. It is strange to hear more echoes (due to the lack of furniture — acoustics, am I right?) and every room gaining more brightness from the windows with no curtains. When this happens, it feels almost as if you, in the simple act of moving furniture and other objects of living out, have removed all of the life out of it as well. It is a very strange feeling and it’s one I’m glad Gaskell touches on!
“Mrs. Hale’s dressing-room was left untouched to the last; and there she and Dixon were packing up clothes, and interrupting each other every now and then to exclaim at, and turn over with fond regard, some forgotten treasure, in the shape of some relic of the children while they were yet little. They did not make much progress with their work.”
I know they have work to do, but this is such a sweet image. And I’m glad Mrs. Hale is at least given a bit of time to look over — and think about — old memories with the children. It’s nice :) and relatable, I’m the same way with my old stuff lol.
“Down-stairs, Margaret stood calm and collected, ready to counsel or advise the men who had been called in to help the cook and Charlotte. These two last, crying between whiles, wondered how the young lady could keep up so this last day, and settled it between them that she was not likely to care much for Helstone, having been so long in London.”
Yikes, so once again, Margaret is judged by an expression she has on her face. As if everyone expresses emotion the same way!!! Also, Charlotte is the same maid who caught Margaret crying two weeks ago so…what about that? She obviously knew why (you can’t tell me she didn’t — news travels fast in a house as small as that, and I’m almost certain Dixon said something about that being the reason for crying), so it’s pretty unfeeling of them to judge her for not crying when she’s working to get her household moved practically on her own!!!
This also made me notice something: we’ve seen characters come to the wrong conclusion about someone else’s thoughts or feelings a few times now in this book, including our protagonist. Margaret is the only one so far who has rethought her judgement and came to the correct conclusion upon second reflection. I’m not sure if that’s going to be a running theme, but it’s something I want to keep an eye on! It’s definitely something that stands out to me about Margaret’s character and judgement, that’s for sure.
“They could not understand how her heart was aching all the time, with a heavy pressure that no sighs could lift off or relieve, and how constant exertion for her perceptive faculties was the only way to keep herself from crying out with pain. Moreover, if she gave way, who was to act? Her father was examining papers, books, registers, what not, in the vestry with the clerk; and when he came in, there were his own books to pack up, which no one but himself could do to his satisfaction. Besides, was Margaret one to give way before strange men, or even household friends like the cook and Charlotte? Not she!”
I love this peek into her logic for not crying. I immediately figured she was trying to keep it together in order to make the move go smoothly, but I always love her inner voice. She’s so determined and braver than I think she gives herself credit for :))) and interesting note that she won’t cry in front of her “household friends”. I’m probably reaching here, but could this be tied to when she was silenced by that maid all those years ago in Harley Street? Or simply because she won’t cry in front of anyone except her family? Hmm…
“a robin was singing,—perhaps, Margaret thought, the very robin that her father had so often talked of as his winter pet, and for which he had made, with his own hands, a kind of robin-house by his study-window.”
This is cute! And sad. It’s always the little things you think of when saying goodbye to a home :(((
“Margaret went along the walk under the pear-tree wall. She had never been along it since she paced it at Henry Lennox’s side. Her eyes were on that late-blowing rose as she was trying to answer; and she had caught the idea of the vivid beauty of the feathery leaves of the carrots in the very middle of his last sentence”
I know she’s been busy since Lennox’s departure, but her not coming back to this spot feels intentional to me…eep!
Also, love that she sees part of the garden and remembers a specific part of his conversation. Memories are so often like that and Gaskell is masterful at putting this relatable experience to paper. I once asked a professor why she enjoyed studying the classics so much, and she told me it was because she could sometimes feel like the authors were speaking to just her, across the time and space of so many years. This is one of those times I know just what she means!
“Even now, while she walked sadly through that damp and drear garden in the dusk, with everything falling and fading, and turning to decay around her, he might be gladly putting away his law-books after a day of satisfactory toil, and freshening himself up, as he had told her he often did, by a run in the Temple Gardens, taking in the while the grand inarticulate mighty roar of tens of thousands of busy men, nigh at hand, but not seen, and catching ever, at his quick turns, glimpses of the lights of the city coming up out of the depths of the river. He had often spoken to Margaret of these hasty walks, snatched in the intervals between study and dinner. At his best times and in his best moods had he spoken of them; and the thought of them had struck upon her fancy.”
I love how it’s a quirky little detail like this that Margaret touches on and thinks of fondly. I often wonder what my friends remember about the stories I tell them!
Suddenly, Margaret hears a “stealthy, creeping, cranching sound”. She “knows” it to be a poacher that she has no fear of but…
“to-night she was afraid, she knew not why. She heard Charlotte shutting the windows, and fastening up for the night, unconscious that any one had gone out into the garden. A small branch—it might be of rotten wood, or it might be broken by force—came heavily down in the nearest part of the forest; Margaret ran, swift as Camilla, down to the window, and rapped at it with a hurried tremulousness which startled Charlotte within.”
I can’t blame her: I’d be spooked too!!! I think this also speaks to the larger issue of Margaret no longer feeling comfortable here: with the house being unfamiliar all packed up, is it any wonder she finds the outside noises, once so normal, strange as well?
“Margaret sat down on the rug, partly to warm herself, for the dampness of the evening hung about her dress, and over-fatigue had made her chilly. She kept herself balanced by clasping her hands together round her knees; her head dropped a little towards her chest; the attitude was one of despondency, whatever her frame of mind might be. But when she heard her father’s step on the gravel outside, she started up, and hastily shaking her heavy black hair back, and wiping a few tears away that had come on her cheeks she knew not how, she went out to open the door for him. He showed far more depression than she did. She could hardly get him to talk, although she tried to speak on subjects that would interest him, at the cost of an effort every time which she thought would be her last.”
Poor Margaret! Here she is, so despondent and melancholy herself, yet the minute she hears her father, she immediately straightens up and tries to act cheerful for his sake. How long can she keep this up?
I’m going to put this through a neurodivergent lens again, but this time it’s more metaphorical. So, for many ND people, they often have to “mask” themselves in order to fit into neurotypical society. This can include things like eye contact, saying things they don’t feel, pretending to express an emotion they’re not actually feeling at the moment, and more. At best, it’s exhausting and uncomfortable. At worst, it can lead to questioning sense of self and burnout. Margaret is, more and more often, putting up a kind of “mask” and setting aside how she feels about leaving Helstone. She had to do it when her father initially told her, she did it for her mother (all day, no less!), then Dixon (when she interrupted her crying session), for the mover and her household friends (love that term fyi), and now for her father again. At some point, something will have to give way and she will need to express her real feelings. Luckily, she has been able to deal with some of her emotions in private, but she has been interrupted and forced to quell it every time, which is not good! I’m worried she’s going to burn herself out if she keeps this up.
Margaret asks what her father has been up to and finally gets an answer:
“‘I went to see Widow Maltby; she is sadly grieved at not having wished you good-bye. She says little Susan has kept watch down the lane for days past.—Nay, Margaret, what is the matter, dear?’ The thought of the little child watching for her, and continually disappointed—from no forgetfulness on her part, but from sheer inability to leave home—was the last drop in poor Margaret’s cup, and she was sobbing away as if her heart would break. Mr. Hale was distressingly perplexed. He rose, and walked nervously up and down the room. Margaret tried to check herself, but would not speak until she could do so with firmness.”
And so the dam breaks. I might have spoken a bit too soon, but it still needed to be said. Again, poor Margaret :(((((( I would be crushed at hearing this too!!! Mr. Hale, why are you surprised she’s upset??? Of course she’s upset!!! I guess he doesn’t understand how long she’s been holding it in. I just want to give her a warm blanket and hugs (if she likes hugs).
“She heard him talking, as if to himself.
“‘I cannot bear it. I cannot bear to see the sufferings of others. I think I could go through my own with patience. Oh, is there no going back?’”
So, the first time Margaret cried and then sadly wished for this to be a dream, you told her (basically) to get over it and that she needed to be brave, your mind was made up — and now you’re moved to change your mind??? What happened??? It’s a little late, buddy!!!!
“‘No, father,’” said Margaret, looking straight at him, and speaking low and steadily. ‘It is bad to believe you in error. It would be infinitely worse to have known you a hypocrite.’ She dropped her voice at the last few words, as if entertaining the idea of hypocrisy for a moment in connection with her father savoured of irreverence.
“‘Besides,’ she went on, ‘it is only that I am tired to-night; don’t think that I am suffering from what you have done, dear papa. We can’t either of us talk about it to-night, I believe,’ said she, finding that tears and sobs would come in spite of herself.’”
Margaret :((((((((( she’s right though, he’s spoken to the entire village of his plans at this point, to go back now would make him look pretty bad! Also, the need to tell him she’s not suffering from his choices…when we know the opposite to be true 😭😭😭 she’s too good for both of these parents sometimes, I hope they appreciate how good of a daughter they have. Don’t get me wrong — they have their good moments — but she is so kind and giving!!! And she seems to get so little in return for that at times, at least in this moment.
Also, yeah, I can tell she’s emotionally draining herself to the limit because she’s starting to cry despite her holding it in. Speaking from personal experience, that’s not good!
“A sting at Margaret’s heart made her strive to look out to catch the last glimpse of the old church tower at the turn where she knew it might be seen above a wave of the forest trees; but her father remembered this too, and she silently acknowledged his greater right to the one window from which it could be seen. She leant back and shut her eyes, and the tears welled forth, and hung glittering for an instant on the shadowing eyelashes before rolling slowly down her cheeks, and dropping, unheeded, on her dress.”
Again, another example of her being so selfless. Oh Margaret, things will get better :((((
“Poor Mrs. Hale had cried in her way nearly all day long; and Dixon showed her sorrow by extreme crossness, and a continual irritable attempt to keep her petticoats from even touching the unconscious Mr. Hale, whom she regarded as the origin of all this suffering.”
LOLLLL that’s so petty of Dixon. I could analyze this to oblivion but…you know what? I’ll let her have this one. It’s funny and doesn’t really harm anyone — Mr. Hale’s literally asleep.
When they get to London, Mrs. Hale is remembering all of the places the last time she visited, but she also points out to Margaret: HENRY LENNOX?!?!?
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LOL, that’s so funny he’s just *right there* when she gets into London. Would some people call this cliche? Perhaps. I call it “seeing the exact person you don’t want to see/maybe do (it’s complicated) at the exact wrong time” phenomenon. It happens to everyone.
“Margaret started forwards, and as quickly fell back, half-smiling at herself for the sudden motion. They were a hundred yards away by this time; but he seemed like a relic of Helstone—he was associated with a bright morning, an eventful day, and she should have liked to have seen him, without his seeing her,—without the chance of their speaking.”
She’s so real for that. Keep the memory good, Margaret! Who knows what he would’ve said had he actually spoken to you.
“They alone seemed strange and friendless, and desolate. Yet within a mile, Margaret knew of house after house, where she for her own sake, and her mother for her aunt Shaw’s, would be welcomed, if they came in gladness, or even in peace of mind. If they came sorrowing, and wanting sympathy in a complicated trouble like the present, then they would be felt as a shadow in all these houses of intimate acquaintances, not friends. London life is too whirling and full to admit of even an hour of that deep silence of feeling which the friends of Job showed, when ‘they sat with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spake a word unto him; for they saw that his grief was very great.’”
Very true!!! “Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone”. You know who your real friends are because they will help you through times of grief, not treat you like a “shadow”. I think the fact that Margaret instinctively knows they would be treated that way at all of the places she thinks of tells me they’re not true friends and she knows that, even if she won’t fully admit it. And quoting Job to cap off the chapter is very telling of how grieved she feels!!
That’s all for this chapter (on time for once — yay!). Hopefully, they’ll have a bit of a better time in the next chapter.
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sterekfests · 1 year
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Welcome to our Summer round of Sterek Fests! Sterek Summer Fest will run from May 28th - August 5th in celebration of Summer, whether you’re getting out for school at the end of the school year and have two months to travel, or love the heat and spending it locally with your pack, enjoying a staycation. There’s a little something for everyone!
Check out our Rules and FAQs. 
We also have a Discord you can join that has events running such as @sterekbingo and @sterekweekly.
How to Participate:
Participating in Sterek Summer Fest is easy and stress-free! This is a no-commitment fest where you can participate as little or as much as you want. Participate in one week and none of the others if you so fancy, or participate in all of them!
We have an AO3 Collection for you to post all of your creations in! 
This fest is open to both Fic and Art, so create to your heart's content!
How to post:
You can post your creations to any website that you want, as long as they are viewable to the public, whether that’s Tumblr, LiveJournal, DreamWidth, or our AO3 Collection.
@sterekfests so we see your creations to reblog them.
Use the tags #sterekfestssummer2023, and #sterekfests for generic tags.
For weekly tags: #sterekfestsbreak, #sterekfestscoastal, #sterekfestsstay, #sterekfestscamp, #sterekfeststent, #sterekfestslake, #sterekfestsroad, #sterekfestseuro, #sterekfestsisland, #sterekfestsBTS
Late Posting:
Late posting is always welcomed! The collection will stay open for late submissions.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an ask!
- Liam (@sterekbros) & Dori (@evanesdust) 
Keep reading to see all the awesome theme weeks ahead!
May 28-June 3: School is out for the summer!  
School is out for the summer! It's time to relax, have fun, and enjoy the warm weather. Are Stiles and Derek looking forward to swimming, surfing, visiting friends, or just taking some time off? No matter what they do, it’s sure to be a summer to remember. 
June 4-10: Coastal Celebration
What better way to celebrate the summer than hitting the beach? Are Stiles and Derek watching the sunset in Santorini, Greece? Swimming in the clear waters of Hawaii? Maybe they’re taking a pack trip or sailing around the world together for the summer. Take us on their coastal celebration!
June 11-17: Staycation
It’s summertime in Beacon Hills! From the bowling alley to the indoor ice rink, there are a lot of fun places to hang out and explore. Will Stiles and Derek dance the night away at one of the local clubs? Or maybe they spend their time walking through the preserve, taking in all nature has to give. Who knows! It’s up to you to decide how Stiles and Derek spend their staycation.
June 18-24: Camping Anywhere
Stiles and Derek are going on a camping trip! Are they going to a National Park? Hiding out in the preserve in a den? Sleeping in the Jeep because the rain flooded them out of their undisclosed campsite? Maybe they’re taking a pack trip during the full moon to run under the moonlight together, hunting deer while Stiles and Derek renew their mating bond. Only you can tell us where their camping adventure will take us! 
June 25-July 1: Tented Elegance
It’s that time of the year when fabulous parties happen in large, elegant tents! Maybe Stiles and Derek are having a summer wedding on their property at the rebuilt Hale house, renewing their vows; or they’re having a pack get-together escaping the heat in style. Wherever they decide to spend their time, it’s under a large, elegant tent! Take us on their adventure this summer!
July 2-8: Luxe Lakeside
It’s time to hit the lake! Lydia Martin is known to throw the best parties at her lakehouse! But this one is going to last all summer. Is it pack party time? Or are Derek and Stiles alone at the lakehouse after everyone left the party? Maybe Stiles borrowed the key from Lydia and there is no party, so the mated couple is getting away and spending time alone. Or they’re taking a trip out of town to visit a lakehouse in a beautiful secluded place that is owned by Derek’s family. Only your imagination can tell us! 
July 9-15: Road Trip to Anywhere
Pack your bags for a road trip to anywhere! Stiles and Derek are getting the heck out of Beacon Hills this summer. Pick a destination, whether by Camaro or Jeep and show us their journey! Are they going to a state or national park? Visiting the hot springs in Yellowstone? Hitting all the cheesy roadside attractions with no destination in mind? Only you can show us! 
July 16-22: Backpacking Europe
Grab your backpack and your passports! Stiles and Derek are trekking across Europe this summer! Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, Greece… there are so many beautiful places the boys can visit this summer! Take us on your fantasy trip, or give us some insight if you live or have visited European destinations! 
July 23-29: Island Getaway 
Stiles and Derek are heading to an island getaway! It sounds like a great time to visit Cancun for the first time. Jamaica, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Cuba, Honduras, the British Virgin Islands, Bora Bora, Fiji, Greece, Italy… There are so many places to visit, laying on a beach, catching some sun! What are Derek and Stiles doing on their island getaway? Are they on their honeymoon? Taking a pack trip? Take us away to their island getaway!
July 30-August 5: Back to School
Summer is over and it’s time to head back to school! Are Stiles and Derek the same age and in high school together? Are they attending the same university? Maybe they’re pledging the same fraternity or they’re freshman roommates away for the first time at school. Maybe they met at summer camp and have to leave since summer is over and find out they don't live that far from each other. After all, it’s a small world! Take us back to school with Stiles and Derek!
@thebigbangblogproject @teenwolffandomevents @sterekevents
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ewingstan · 2 years
So the whole idea of Twig’s setting is that instead of writing Frankenstein, Mary Shelley figured out how to reanimate and stitch together life. I have some ideas for how this would go if he chose a different author:
Tick: Instead of writing The Time Machine, H.G. Wells creates a....you get the picture. The Lambs are agents of a British Crown who want to ensure a future goes their way. Think Ars Paradoxica if the government didn’t just use time travel to ensure things went their way, but to ensure the world looked the way they wanted it to. Also would probably have a lot of future beings/technology taken from potential futures that will now never be.
Bite: Instead of writing Dracula, Bram Stoker discovered how to use blood for longetivity and enhanced abilities. The lambs are thralls for a vampiric Crown Empire, ruling over a populace they see as cattle. Wildbow gets in weekly Reddit arguments disputing any perceived antisemitic themes.
Maze: Instead of writing House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski figures out how to use people’s own psychology to bend the geometry of 3D spaces, creating rooms larger on the inside than on the outside and able to grow in novel ways. This gets adapted into attempts to improve housing, create unlimited storage, etc., but the psychological nature of the process creates a memetic chain reaction in which people who learn about the existence of such abnormalities accidentally impose it on other rooms and buildings in less-controlled fashions. The result is a world where most inside spaces are inhospitable labyrinthine worlds unto themselves, occasionally collapsing in on themselves as their inhabitants die and leave no psychological imprint to continue growing off of. The only known way to impose some control over your living space is to create layers of meta-narrative over your own relationship to your home, which allows for more nuance and control to be wielded against the expanses. The lambs are a group of specially engineered psychologies meant to impose meta-narratives onto psychological spaces in ways that render the spaces more habitable (or at least more useful) to their handlers, but run into problems as the narrat[  ] begin to get [         ] by the spaces they’re depl[   ] against.
Meta: Instead of writing Worm, John C. “Wildbow” McCrae figures how how to use tissues from a dead space entity to give others—
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nottyourlover · 1 year
Broken Bonds - ch 2
a/n: prolly 4 ch's now :) sorry this took 800 years i kinda put off writing this bc i didnt want to disappoint but here it is.
series summary: as azriel leaves for a long mission in vallahan, you find that clinging onto old bonds does nothing to heal them.
contains: angst, still mental health themes, pregnant y/n, off-page death, language. slowburn ???????
word count: 8506 (oh gosh)
ch 1 // ch 3
Many weeks passed, and with each day, the void left by Azriel's absence grew wider, but luckily you found yourself surrounded with some of the best people in the world, you thought. As always, Feyre was wonderful; she helped you get out of bed, she re-ignited your passions. She listened to you vent about your relationship, gave you advice and she constantly surprised you, always with a little gift from a new store in The Rainbow. However, one of the best surprises you received didn't come from Feyre.
About two weeks after Azriel's departure you had received a letter from your childhood friend Aiden and his now fiance, Malakai. You couldn't believe it, because it had been centuries since you'd seen Aiden, let alone been contacted by him, but on the other hand you saw Malakai weekly. He was Cassian's right-hand man, and you learnt from him after the wedding that Aiden had become a healer who travelled around Prythian, practicing in all the courts. Their jobs were different in every way, but they complemented each other perfectly.
It was unexpected, the letter, but you couldn't have been happier to hear from them, especially because the envelope held an invitation their wedding.
The wedding was a modest celebration, but all the Inner Court members attended to show their support for the happy couple. Kai had known Cassian, Rhys and Azriel for years, since training together for the Blood Rite, and had stayed in touch for centuries after. He was now Cassian's Lieutenant General who commanded the Night Court's forces where Cassian was otherwise preoccupied with Inner Circle business. You knew him from the occasional training session, and you were glad that the two of you had gotten a lot closer after the wedding. He had become fast friends with the rest of the Inner Circle, and after the wedding Aiden also befriended them. It was almost laughable how you had managed to miss that the male Kai talked so fondly about, the healer that had stolen his heart, was your friend. Your Aiden.
Even if the last few months of your own life were less than ideal, the newly-wed couple had become your rocks, and you knew they would eventually become amazing parents since they were so doting towards you and your baby.
You were still early in your pregnancy but careful nonetheless. Although you still planned to work for as long as you could in an attempt to maintain some sense of normalcy, you quickly realised that it was going to be somewhat of a struggle hiding your pregnancy from the rest of the Inner Circle for any longer. Training was not any easier as no one suspected anything, and Mor and Cass still held their monthly game nights when they drank like there was no tomorrow.
Under Feyre's insistence, you had lessened your field work and so majority of your days consisted of writing letters to the other High Lords and leaders in attempt to strengthen alliances and unite the various factions within Prythian, hoping that it would create a better world for your child to grow up in. Due to past efforts, relations with the Day, Dawn, Summer and Winter courts were strong, and you were certain you had their support. The Spring Court with Tamlin, and Autumn with Beron were other matters, however. Perhaps you would ask Feyre to use her sway with Lucien who could convince Tamlin to at least reply to one of your letters, but you had recently heard Lucian say that he had not visited Spring in a long while, instead opting to stay with the Band of Exiles. Then you thought about High Lord Beron. He was a grumpy, disagreeable High Lord, and also a problem for another day, you had finally decided.
The first week and a half after Azriel's departure, you had rarely gotten out of bed, even when Feyre had tempted you with tarts. You felt bad that Cassian looked so regretful when he couldn't cheer you up when you neglected morning trainings those first few weeks. He thought it was because you were missing Azriel, and you were, but even more so, you were worrying over your pregnancy. When Feyre had finally managed to get you out of the house, the two of you mainly walked up and down The Rainbow, visiting the old bookstores and trying all the new bakeries.
Aiden was staying in Velaris for his honeymoon, but he still insisted on working, the kind male he was. You found happiness in visiting his healing clinic, helping him organise records and patient data. Listening to stories of his travels had inspired you like nothing else could. He told you about the catacombs under the Dawn Court, the unique architecture and history of Day.
His stories made you miss your mate, of the adventures the two of you had planned for the future, but you vowed that one day you'd travel with Azriel again. You tugged on the bond softly, something you had been doing since he left to feel connected. You weren't even sure if he could feel it though, since he never 'replied'.
Over the course of around two and a half months, you started to feel lighter. When you thought of your mate's return you started to feel optimistic. Maybe a break was the right decision, no matter how unplanned it initially was.
You had been spending most of your Sundays in Aiden's clinic, him helping with the pregnancy and keeping you company. You were browsing his bookshelves when you stumbled upon a book about Illyrian anatomy. It hadn't fully dawned on you yet that the child you were bringing into this world was likely going to come out with wings, but Aiden assured you the birth was not going to be too difficult seeing that you were half-Illyrian yourself. Your father had been an awful person, but at least he gave you the gift that would allow you to start a family with the one that you loved.
Obviously, a lot of trauma and pain occurred at a health clinic, but there was lots of warmth and beauty too, and it was becoming more apparent to you than ever. The young fae that lived in Velaris would occasionally come knocking to sell their sweets, or on quiet afternoons, Aiden would seek them out and give them some harmless (but hilarious) potions that would do crazy things, like temporarily turn their bodies invisible, colour their hair an electric blue, or even make them grow scales. Aiden was the finest healer in Prythian, and you were disappointed he could not stay for much longer than his honeymoon period before he needed to return to the road.
One such Sunday, the 12th week of your pregnancy had finally arrived. You were looking at your reflection in the full-length mirror, hand on your stomach.
You were showing. This was real.
You admired the swell of your stomach under the light, flowing dress. You looked... healthy. Glowing, even. Your features were not so hollowed out anymore, your cheeks fuller and eyes brighter, filled with shine. You felt better than ever.
But it was heartbreaking that your mate's absence had caused this, in a roundabout way. You closed your eyes, taking in this special moment. You reached to tug on the bond, and you swore you felt a glimmer of warmth before the string in your mind felt cold once more.
Aiden's voice dragged you out of your haze. "Y/n, are you ready to do the scan?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
An "ultrasound" is what Aiden had called it. On his travels to the mortal lands, he had studied in the most advanced medical institutions on offer and was bringing this human technology to Faerie. This ultrasound was supposedly a sort of test they did on mortals with child, to verify the health and gender of the baby, and he was going to perform one on you today with the help of some of his healer magic to help.
"Just lay back on here, your dress should be stretchy enough for you to just lift it up..." Aiden trailed off as he fiddled with a tub of gel and a weird device, he explained he was going to lightly put on your stomach.
"In the Mortal Lands, they have these screens that show the mother the baby, but since I couldn't lug back a large computer, I'll compensate with a simple incantation. Unfortunately, this does mean you won't be able to keep any physical images of your baby."
You frowned slightly. You didn't even know it was on the table, to keep pictures of the little one growing inside you. You sighed a little as you readjusted the pillow and Aiden got to cleaning up. They would've been nice for Azriel to see, you supposed.
"Oh. That's okay, there's nothing you can do about it," is what you settled on saying. It had been centuries since the you had seen Aiden again, and after being somewhat abruptly pushed into each other's lives again... it was awkward, sometimes.
"I trust you," you added, "But exactly how many times has this magic-and-mortal-device combination been used for ultrasounds?"
Aiden flashed you the same boyish grin that got the two of you out of trouble when you were younger and given that your mother was... well, who she was, that was a difficult feat indeed. It was one of the reasons you had stuck with the slightly infuriating male who stood before you today; he would always protect you. Of course, this was until you had lost touch. "Well..." he pretended to do a thinking pose. You hoped he was joking.
You narrowed your eyes at him, but you doubted he could even see you. "Aiden? This is safe, right?"
"Just kidding, y/n. Of course, it is safe for use and has been trialed numerous times."
"Not funny." You muttered to yourself.
Under Aiden's instruction, you lifted up your dress until it was just under your bust. The masses of fabric were somewhat blocking your vision, but even so, you lifted your neck slightly to try see what Aiden was doing.
"It's interesting how mortals compensate for not having magic, this gel is especially interesting," he mused. He had become such an intellect, always curious and ready to learn. You were somewhat shocked to see what he'd made of himself, so different from that class clown you used to know.
You couldn't do more than make what hopefully came out as a sound of interest, as you weren't really able to see what "gel" your friend was even referring to.
"This might feel a bit cold," Aiden said, before he applied a thin layer of a wet, smooth mixture to your stomach. "It'll help this little machine to see your womb."
"Sure," you reply. What else could be said?
"Oh! Wait." You add abruptly. Aiden stopped his movements instantly. "I... don't want to know the gender." You finished, chewing your lip slightly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yet. I mean, yes. I don't want to know yet. I'll find out when everyone else does, whenever that is."
Aiden sent you a confident smile. "Okay, y/n/n."
After that, he seemed to sense your nervousness, and so after the gel was applied, Aiden placed a comforting hand on yours, which were busy pulling at the seams of your dress. The clothing suddenly felt too thick, and the breezy material no longer cooled your skin, but instead made it itch, and the back of your neck felt hot. He changed the positioning of your bed with a small flick of his wrist, in a swift motion. Slowly, your upper body rose to a sitting position while your legs stayed flat. This way, you could see what was happening.
Then you heard it, and suddenly, there was too much to say.
Unmistakably, there was thumping. Muffled thumping that seemed to echo around the room.
Aiden had big grin on his face. He met your eyes only for a moment before returning to the task literally in front of him. You realised he was concentrating hard on a small floating projection, a clear screen that showed all sorts of charts and figures. In the center of the clear screen there was a black rectangle that had something moving in it. Different shades of greys and white danced across the screen in pixelated motions but they all moved together, as if they were forming something whole.
"Is that...?" you asked softly. You couldn't get the words out, because your heart was in your throat. It was difficult to see, from the weird angle that you observed the screen in, but it couldn't have been anything else.
Just like when you were kids, he read your mind.
"Yes, y/n," he breathed softly. His fingers floated across the keyboard on the bedside table. which you suspected was somehow connected to Aiden's magical projection.
The perfect mix of fae magic and mortal engineering.
At last, Aiden spoke.
"That's the heartbeat."
It had been 2 weeks since that first ultrasound, and you were talking with Feyre about breaking the news to the rest of your friends. The two of you were sitting in the courtyard, the late afternoon sun casting its warm, friendly glow. You marveled at the beauty of the gardens a "Oh, I'm so excited for you! Your baby is going to be spoiled like crazy," your friend exclaimed fondly, a big grin on her face.
Hearing Feyre's enthusiasm calmed your nerves immensely, and you reached for your High Lady's hand. "I wish Az was here," you admitted, "if he was, I'd do something bigger. I think I'm just going to tell everyone at dinner."
Feyre's glance softened at the mention of your mate. "That sounds good, but y/n, I hate to mention this now but when are you going to tell Azriel?"
You bit your lip, averting eye contact. "I'm not sure, actually. Whenever's best, I suppose."
"You can be honest with me, y/n/n. I just think you should tell him."
"Of course I'm going to tell him."
"But your baby's going to be born before he gets back, surely you're not going to have him come home blind-" Feyre said insistently.
You started to get a little annoyed. "I will tell him, Feyre. He will not 'come home blind'."
But were you sure? Would Azriel even reply to your letters? Would he care enough to write more than his usual 5 sentences? A pain ran through your heart as you recalled the last time you wrote was about a month ago. He hadn't replied. You didn't want him to be distracted on the mission, or worse, hurt himself because he was worrying.
Feyre could read your expression. "Are you really thinking about lying to your mate? About your child. His child, y/n. It's Azriel's too."
You fought the urge to roll your eyes. "Gods, Feyre. You think I don't know that? Stop pushing this, it's my decision and if I want to leave it until he comes back... then that's on me." But deep down you knew she was right.
Your words just hung between you as the conversation ended. You didn't believe what you just said, and by the silence that fell, you could tell Feyre didn't either.
The two of you sat in your respective chairs and avoided eye contact, Feyre was fiddling with the sash on her dress, and you were looking into the sky, eyes squinting as you immediately regretted staring straight into the sun.
"Feyre, darling?" called Rhys' smooth voice. You glanced at your wristwatch, which indicated Feyre and Rhys' meeting was about to start. You sighed a little; you would have to apologise later.
"Here, Rhys!" Feyre quickly gathered her things but put a comforting hand on your shoulder as she passed. "Bye, y/n."
Then Rhys whisked Feyre away, leaving you alone in the courtyard.
You didn't want to keep sitting in the courtyard rethinking your conversation with Feyre. Or perhaps was it an argument? You quickly left the gardens as soon as the sun started setting, in hopes you would bump into another one of your friends. You walked towards the door to the main house and luckily, the moment you turned around after closing the door, there was Kai, gathering some items in a satchel, looking like he was about to leave.
You wondered if you should bother him as he looked busy, but before you could sneak off, it seemed that Kai used his big-brother senses because he turned around and spotted you.
"Y/n! My favourite person." He beamed, tucking strands of his golden hair behind his ears.
"I think Aiden might take some offense to that statement." You approached him smiling, yet slightly embarrassed he had almost caught you jumping over a couch.
"I'm sure he agrees with my sentiment." Your friend smiled.
"Going somewhere?"
"Just off to the Night Markets to buy a sheath for Aiden's present. It's a dagger, from my last mission overseas," He cocked his head slightly, as if trying to see if you were okay. "Would you like to join me?" Kai broke into a beaming smile. "We can get ice-cream."
You couldn't help grin as his words lit you up. The two of you used to always get ice-cream together, it was your thing. The ice-cream stores in Velaris changed their flavours daily, always a mix of aromatic spices and exotic fruits that somehow blended perfectly together. It was well-known amongst all your friends that Night Court ice-cream was one of your favourite things, and almost every birthday you got a tub of your favourite flavour, whatever it was. It reminded you of happier days, and some of your favourite memories consisted of you, laughing along with Kai over large cones of the sweet, icy treat.
"Really? I'd love to!" This is exactly what you needed to help you take your mind off your disagreement with Feyre. "I hope I'm not intruding though."
"You could never intrude. Besides, I could use another set of eyes. You've seen my wardrobe; I don't exactly choose the most stylish things." He bumped your shoulder affectionately.
You snickered. "That I have. Then you're lucky I took pity on you and offered my services to you."
Ever the drama queen, Kai lowered himself into a deep bow, "I thank you then, y/n."
Being with Kai had lifted your mood almost instantly. You had confided in him through your highs and lows, and when you had shown such intimate parts of yourself to another, it was easy to settle into comfortable companionship. He was like an older brother to you, one of your closest friends.
You watched Velaris' bustling marketplaces in awe as Kai soared through the air, his wings flapping. It had been a while since you had come out to see the signature Night Markets, but it was just as breathtaking as you remembered. There were crowds everywhere, and each store had twinkling lights. It was dark now, the light from each stall was illuminating the air around it, the mountains were shining a soft white from the snow, and you felt like you had returned home to the familiar sights, sounds and smells.
Kai led you to a few shops, and gods, it was lucky you were there. Somehow, he managed to pick out some of the strangest, weirdest designs that there were. It took almost 20 minutes of convincing before Kai discarded a sheath that was covered in ridiculous dyed fur that also had googly eyes stuck to the front, with eyebrows that jiggled when you removed the dagger.
"It's like an adorable fluffy animal!" He exclaimed.
"Kai, no. It looks like a mutilated toy rodent. I think I see bugs moving in the fur, and it smells like Cassian after training."
Kai whistled. "Harsh critic."
You shrugged, looping your arm through his to drag him back through the door. "I just saved your marriage, my friend."
Eventually you two of you picked a simple design. A sleek black design with silver buckles that was functional enough to store a pen or two, as well. Perfect for Aiden. Knowing him, he probably would use the sheath to store some of his equipment for operations, and the like.
"Thanks for helping me tonight," Kai smiled. "I owe you one."
"Don't mention it. All you ever need to owe me is some ice-cream." You almost jumped when you saw the old gelateria where the two of you frequented decades ago. Had it really been decades?
Kai seemed to be thinking the same thing because the moment the two of you sat down, he smiled, wistfully asking, "Do you remember the last time we came here?"
You hummed in thought, trying to come up with an answer. "I don't think I do. Must've been to celebrate something?"
Kai grinned. "No, not to celebrate. I remember," he started.
"Shocking how someone so old has a better memory than me." you smirked.
"Hush, y/n/n. Surely you remember, as it concerns your favourite person."
"My favourite person? So, not you then," you laughed.
"I'm wounded." Kai replied, deadpan. "No, anyway. I mean Azriel. You came to me after a big fight with Azzy."
You opened your mouth in shock. "I can't believe you still remember that!"
"Well, hard to forget," he said, dryly. "I had never seen you so upset." His expression turned pensive and worried, as if he was sensing the truth in your expression, which had turned from shocked to anxious with one sentence. He was sensing that maybe you weren't letting on exactly how saddened you were regarding the situation with Azriel. Of course, only Feyre and Aiden knew you were with child, and this factor contributed greatly.
"You know, because now you two are doing a lot more than just argue..." Malakai tried to lighten the mood, and for a second it worked. Then he did that stupid thing that mortals do; he made a "kissy face"... and then some.
Your eyes widened, but you had a big grin on your face. "Gods, Malakai! You did not just do that in public!" but your friend just smirked, innocently shrugging his shoulders. You wouldn't stay mad at him anyway. Never could.
The two of you finished your cones in silence.
"Let's walk around for a bit," Kai said, wiping his hands with a napkin.
"Okay, sure."
You and Kai walked behind the bustling marketplace to a lone bench where the two of you used to come all the time. It was your spot.
"I do have something to tell you, though."
"Oh yeah?" Kai looked as if he was trying to guess your news.
You took a breath in to steady yourself. "I'm telling you before most of the others... because I trust you. And I love you, you've always been..." another small inhale. "Maybe you can help me figure out what to do."
Kai swiveled so he was facing you more. "Of course," he smiled. "You know I'd do anything for you."
You smiled gratefully. "You may know that Azriel didn't really leave me on the best terms... Well, uh, he didn't leave me, specifically, you know, but I just mean that we'd argued before he left." You rambled. "A lot, actually. We argued a lot."
Kai put a comforting hand on your arm. "You don't have to tell me if you're not ready," he said gently, kindly.
Kai kindness overwhelmed you, but lately it had felt like Feyre was treating you a bit like a broken doll, and she was just waiting for you to finally crack. Being doted on wasn't a bad thing, but it felt suffocating especially now, and you felt Feyre's time was wasted when you realised that only one thing would make you feel better about this situation, you were too much a coward to do. It should've been easy, telling Azriel he was going to be a father. You were good at writing, letters especially. So why couldn't you tell Azriel?
Everything is just more complicated when love is involved.
You cleared your throat. "Sorry. I'm fine. I'm ready to talk about it, I promise."
"Okay," Kai nodded. "No pressure."
"I'mfourteenweekspregnantandAzrieldoesn'tknow." The words spilled out like a waterfall. A small brook, perhaps. All in one motion but in a low whisper. There was no going back now, but it seemed Kai hadn't heard your jumble of words.
"You're... what?"
"Pregnant. I'm 14 weeks pregnant and Az- Azriel doesn't know." you were dangerously close to tears, but you felt a million times better now that you had told someone else.
Kai was silent for a dangerously long time. Then his mouth curved into a small grin. "Wow, y/n. I'm so happy for you!" and then he clarified, upon seeing your slightly startled expression. "I know you've been wanting to start a family for a while now, and you're the most deserving person to have your dream come true." He took a deep breath in. "I'll admit it's difficult that Azriel doesn't know, but you're strong, and we can work through this together."
You had started to cry. "S-sorry, I'm happy too, I- I don't know what to do. I've been k-keeping it from you for so long, and I just don't know what to do." Your voice broke.
"You don't need to apologise, I get it. It's going to be difficult, y/n, but you don't need to do it alone."
"You've kept a pregnancy from Aiden before?" you sniffed.
He smiled softly, wiping a trickling tear. "No, but I know relationships take work. What you and Az are going through is only natural, and you're both the strongest people I know. I see the bond you two have, and it's like no other I've seen." He stretched over the table to wipe away a tear falling down your cheek. "It's beautiful, y/n. I know you, and I know Az. He will support you, and whatever you choose, so will I."
You sniffed again, wiping away more tears. Gods, there were a lot of tears on your face. Kai pulled a large, thick handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to you.
"Aiden makes me carry it around, the massive thing. A real inconvenience. However, I've been told it makes an excellent torniquet." the warrior shrugged.
You managed a laugh. "Thanks."
Kai's expression softened. "Are you happy?"
His question caught you by surprise. "I've been processing these part few weeks. We were fighting because just noticed Azriel got increasingly unenthusiastic about our dates. About me," you felt the lump in your throat as you spilled your heart out. "S-sometimes I feel the b-bond go cold. Since he's been gone I can barely feel it, Malakai. I have to reach oh-so-far for something that should be permanent. Something that should be natural, and easy."
Kai wrapped you up in a hug, and you rested your head on his shoulder.
You took a pause. "But am I happy? I think so. If I can work this out with Az, then I will be. Really happy." You smiled slightly at the thought.
Kai nodded knowingly.
"Looks like you've only gotten wiser with age," you noted, slightly sad. Where'd all the time gone?"
"I guess we've both just gotten busier these past few centuries. You were sorting out your... confusing friendship with Azriel," you let out a laugh at that. Confusing was certaintly one word you could use to describe the relationship you and Az had before mating. Kai continued. "Well, and then you found out you were mates, but I was busy training here while trying to keep my relationship from my parents."
Your smile dropped a little. "But they were at your wedding, are you guys still okay?"
"Thanks for your concern, but we're all good. It's just that when I was younger, I saw how the villagers treated my sister when she confessed to me she favoured females, and word got out. It was a miracle no one blabbed to my parents before she finally told them decades later," he smiled. "I'm lucky my family are so supportive."
"I have a pretty great family too," you squeezed his hand.
The two of you sat in silence for a beat, smiling.
"Wait, before you said '"most" of the others know about your pregnancy. Who else knows?" Kai asked after a moment.
"Well, Madja, obviously, and Feyre and Aiden."
"My Aiden? He kept this from me?" The Lieutenant's eyes looked like they were going to bug out of his head. Aiden was definitely about to receive a stern lecture about how his wedding vows promised no lies.
You laughed. "Well, smart guy, your Aiden is a healer, and I couldn't exactly go visit Madja because Rhys is always there on High Lord business, and Cass occasionally brings his soldiers there for checkups, you know this. Besides, Aiden's clinic is more private, and I like getting priority service," you replied, smug.
Kai sighed, "And here I was thinking that I was the only one getting that service. When you think you know someone." he tutted.
"Well, people surprise you." You couldn't help but bitterly think "Just like my mate did."
"But I know your news before Cass?" When you nodded, he did a celebratory fist pump. "I always knew I was your favourite. $5 for me, baby."
"Don't be silly, I love you Illyrian babies all equally. Wait, you guys bet on me?"
Kai snorted, choosing to ignore your latter comment, but the gleam in his bright blue eyes told you all you needed to know.
You just rolled your eyes. "When do you think I should tell the rest of our friends?"
Kai composed himself as he realised you were jumping back to serious conversation. He cleared his throat, and said, "Well, you want to tell them all together, right?"
When you nodded, he continued. "So, logically, unless you want to tell everyone while they're drunk playing board games, or drunk, dancing at Rita's, I'd say your best bet is at our group dinners, but you know, tell them early, so they're not too drunk." He gave a small smile.
"That's what I was thinking. Gods, when's the next dinner again?"
You counted what day of the week it was in your head. If you guys usually gathered for dinner on Fridays, but the Velaris Night Markets occurred on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays... but Thursdays were when Feyre and Rhys had their meetings (which you remembered Feyre had gone to that afternoon), it would mean that the next family dinner was...
"Tomorrow," Kai finished helpfully. "Friday."
"That's soon," you tried not to sound too panicked.
"Luckily you have me to help you then."
The Inner Circle sat around the grand dinner table in the beautifully adorned dining room of the Night Court. The soft glow of candlelight danced on their faces, creating an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Feyre and Rhysand were engaged in a lighthearted banter, their eyes filled with affection, while Mor, Amren, and Cassian laughed along, their spirits high. Nesta had her hand on Cassian's shoulder, and Elain was talking with Nuala. Aiden and Kai were sitting across from you, Kai's eyes trying to meet your own. Tonight would be the big night.
As the conversation lulled, your heart pounded in your chest, your hands clammy with nerves. Taking a deep breath, you gathered your courage, your voice slightly shaky but resolute, and cleared your throat to gain everyone's attention. Feyre's eyes met yours with a flash of concern, then understanding. You sent her an unsure smile and nodded slightly, notifying her that you were ready to share the news with your family.
"I... um, I have something important to share with all of you," you began, your eyes flickering with a mix of vulnerability and determination. You looked towards Kai and Aiden; both of them looked ecstatic, and you could tell Kai was reigning in his emotions. The room fell into an expectant silence as every member of the Inner Circle turned their gaze towards you, their expressions a blend of curiosity and concern.
Your eyes darted around the table, locking with each person's gaze, drawing strength from their unwavering support. You continued, "I'm pregnant."
The room erupted in a cacophony of reactions. Cassian's jaw dropped; a half-chewed bite of food forgotten in his mouth. Rhysand, startled by the unexpected news, coughed and choked on his wine, while Feyre, caught between annoyance and concern, hit his shoulder. She caught your eye and sent you a look that apologised for Rhys' behaviour.
"He doesn't mean it like that!" she mouthed. For the first time in your life, you hoped your expression betrayed your thoughts. "I'm sorry", you were trying to convey. "I love you". Feyre nodded once and smiled, and you knew she understood.
Mor was the first one to say something. She let out an excited gasp, clapping her hands together. "Y/n, that's amazing! You're going to be a wonderful mother," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with genuine joy.
You felt everyone else's eyes on you. Amren had narrowed her eyes, and Varian was looking quite uncomfortable. Oh dear.
You felt a bittersweet mixture of relief and apprehension wash over you as you glanced around the table, searching for comfort amidst the tumultuous sea of emotions. Everyone looked pleased though, it seemed the extra 5 seconds of processing time had done wonders. Even Amren had a slight smile on her face now, and Varian looked less... strange.
Rhys, having gathered himself now, spoke next, a beaming smile on his face. "I'm so happy for you, y/n! You and Azriel deserve this. How'd he take the news?"
You hesitated, your eyes dropping to your plate, tracing the intricate patterns etched onto the fine China. You could feel the glances of Feyre, Aiden and Kai on you.
"I... uh.... haven't told him yet," and then there was silence in the room again.
The weight of your words was sinking in for your friends.
"I don't want to get into it now, and- and ruin our evening," you said, voice shaking slightly. Perhaps you'd already ruined the evening, if the heavy silence was any indication. "But we haven't exactly been on the best terms lately. We were fighting all up until he left, and I- I can barely feel the bond anymore. He hasn't written me back in a month.
With that bomb dropped, you looked up to the ceiling, blinking away tears.
"I'm scared."
Cassian, recovering from his initial shock, reached across the table, placing a comforting hand on your trembling one. "We're here for you, y/n," he reassured you, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. "And when Az comes back, we'll figure it out together. You won't be alone in this. I can't believe it. You're pregnant." He finished with a joyous laugh.
Aiden chimed in, "We love you, y/n. As long as we're here, you don't have to do anything alone."
"You have the best support system possible; one that has been formed through years of hardship. No bond is stronger than this group bond, y/n." Kai continued. "Your pregnancy will be a beautiful thing."
Nesta spoke up next. "You can count on us for anything, y/n/n. I know you must have concerns, but now you don't have to carry them alone." You sent her a grateful smile, to which she returned.
"It'll fly by, the 10 months. Enjoy the process. Plus, you'll look great with the pregnancy glow." Feyre laughed.
Then Elain cleared her throat - daintily, if that was possible. "I'm happy for you too, y/n. Your child is lucky to have you as a mother, and... I know we're not too close, but you can count on me." She smiled; her cheeks rosy as all the attention turned to her.
You were in shock. That was the most you'd ever heard Elain speak, especially in front of everyone. You reached across the table and lightly put your hand on hers.
Surprisingly, Amren said, "You're in capable hands, y/n. It'll be such a joy having another Nyx around." The table chuckled at her sarcasm, but you knew she meant it with no malice.
"That means more than you could know. Thank you, everyone."
"You know how Azriel is. He may draw back, but he is always there for the ones he loves and trust me when I say you're on the top of his list." Mor said. "I don't know how he'll react to the news,"
Your smile dropped a little. Thanks for the confidence boost, Mor.
"But I know that every relationship has its ups and downs. You've been there for him since the day you arrived, and he's been there for you, too. I can promise you that this experience will only help the two of you grow closer." Mor's words were sincere.
As the Inner Circle rallied around you, offering support, reassurance, and a safe space to share your fears and uncertainties, you felt a flicker of hope ignite within you. Even Varian had bowed his head in respect. In that moment, you realized that you were not alone in your journey. With your loved ones by your side, you knew you had the strength and resilience to face whatever lay ahead. When the time came to reveal the news to Azriel, they would help you navigate the delicate path, giving you the support and courage, you needed.
And so, amidst the clinking of cutlery, the sound of Feyre's exasperated sigh as Cerridwen chased after Nyx (who'd run into the room looking for his mother), and the warm laughter that filled the House of Wind's dining room, you embraced the love and acceptance that you had received, finding solace in the knowledge that no matter the challenges you faced, you would never have to face them alone.
You tugged on the bond once again. Once. Twice.
And then you felt it. A pull from Azriel. Stronger than you'd felt in months.
"You guys really didn't have to plan all this," you smiled fondly at your friends, who insisted on throwing you a baby shower. Feyre later told you that she spent almost an hour explaining the mortal concept to Amren and Cassian, the latter thinking it was about hygiene. It had almost been 3 weeks since you told your friends at that fateful dinner, and they had embraced your news with love and kindness, just as Aiden, Feyre and Kai all insisted they would.
"Nonsense, y/n. You deserve the best baby bath achievable." Cassian beamed.
"Shower, Cassian." Feyre reminded him.
"I just showered," Cassian rolled his eyes. Nesta slapped his shoulder, and he quickly stopped his jokes when she gave him a kiss. You suppressed a snicker as you watched her. Cassian looked at her so lovingly, and Nesta, however annoyed she may be, always returned that look with equal fierceness.
You looked to your High Lord and Lady. Rhysand was sitting in a plush armchair, and Feyre was perched on his lap, his hand draped across her waist, fingers fiddling with a loose thread on her cream sweater. Nyx's addition to their family had only made them closer, and you could only pray that your little one could provide the same effect.
It was obvious to a total fool that Varian was irrevocably in love with Amren. His gaze was constantly on her, his eyes soft and longing, as if he knew something everyone else didn't. Amren rarely shared personal stories with the Inner Circle, but maybe she'd told the prince of Adriata something she hadn't yet shared with everyone else. You had a feeling Amren was going to find her eternal happiness with him. After all, he was here casually lounging with the Night Court's elite Inner Circle, wasn't he?
Then you looked to the pile of presents that your closest friends had prepared for you. The pink and blue streamers your friends had pinned around the room. Feyre said she was incorporating another tradition into this baby shower, something called a 'gender reveal', that she said was a celebration where loved ones of the mother gathered so she could make the gender of her child known. The room laughed as Rhys recited some adorable thing Nyx had done that morning, and for a second you were just lost in the haze. These wonderful people had chosen to spend time with you, and all vowed to support you.
The baby shower and gender reveal passed in a blur. It was just a mess of happy memories. You opened and accepted everyone's gifts (even the sharp "toy" Amren had gifted for "teething purposes". Perhaps Azriel would like that one.), and Nuala, Cerridwen and Elain had done an amazing job with the cake, which had either pink or blue frosting inside.
Since you wanted Aiden to keep the gender a secret, you had no idea what colour was in the cake either, and you were equal parts excited yet slightly nervous. If you thought hearing your baby's heartbeat made it real, celebrating this moment with your friends made it unreal. This was truly, really, definitely, happening.
You cut into the cake and it was...
"Pink!" you exclaimed. "Pink! She's a girl!"
Your friends whooped and cheered, Feyre rushed up to hug you, and Cassian immediately bobbed down to your stomach.
"A baby girl! Aw," he cooed. "Uncle Cass is going to spoil you!"
You laughed at Cassian, but he had lifted the mood tremendously. You couldn't believe it. You were having a girl, and you knew she would be perfect.
After the celebrations, Kai came and found you flipping through a photo album. It had detailed most of your and Azriel's relationship, and now there was a chapter all about your pregnancy.
"Thinking about him?" Malakai asked.
You smiled sadly, thinking about the huge milestone you had just celebrated without him. "I can't help it. I miss my mate." and sent another tug down the bond.
This time, it wasn't reciprocated. Something felt different, this time. You almost thought you heard a cry of pain.
“You know, maybe it would help to get out of here a little,” Cassian said one day at training. You were in the middle of sparring with him and Nesta, sweat dripping down your face, but you could tell they were going easy since the birth of your daughter only 5 weeks prior.
"Yeah, y/n,” Nesta smiled as she thrusted the dagger upward. "No harm in a holiday, you work so hard."
You stopped, mid-jab into where Cassian's shoulder would've been as you considered the idea. You hadn't left the Night Court for leisure in over three decades, and a small part of you did long to explore the other courts. Back when you and Az still talked of the future, the two of you had dreamed of holidaying in all the seven courts.
"Do you ever think of the future?" you asked, playing with your mate's hair. Azriel paused his reading and thought.
He hummed softly, replying, "Of course, one with you."
You smiled, hands resuming their tousling of Azriel's hair, "I think one day I would like to travel. See all the places that the stories told me about when I was younger."
"That sounds perfect," Azriel replied, now fully sitting up and facing you. His book was discarded, and his hands were drifting up and down your arms. "I am content everywhere with you, but I hear the Winter and Summer courts are especially beautiful year-round."
You made a noise of happiness. "How much wine do you think we would need to buy Rhys for him to gift us one of his luxurious holiday homes in the Winter Court?"
Azriel's laugh ricocheted through the empty house, "My darling mate, I bet it's more wine than we can afford."
You laughed softly, "Well, I guess we better start saving. When I mend relations with Spring and Autumn, we must visit all the courts! Oh, just imagine it, Az."
Azriel's eyes softened. "Have I ever told you how much I admire you?"
You tilt your head, "You tell me every day, Az, but I think I admire you more." you said in a whisper, as if it were a secret, but how could it ever be, with a mate like Azriel?
Azriel smiled but shook his head. "Your job is amazing, y/n. Co-ordinating all these alliances, responding to our people's concerns and solving their problems. Velaris would really be nowhere without you."
You blush under Azriel's heated gaze, and say, "Well, someone's got to make the bribe money for Rhys' wine."
Azriel laughed deeply, the sound warming your soul. "Well, good thing I make up for my immense lack of income with other skills."
You watched the corner of Azriel's mouth curl up in a smirk. "Wouldn't you agree, my love? Or would you like a reminder?"
When you named your daughter, you cried.
Cerise. Cerise Beatrice Singer.
Beatrice was your mother's name. A mortal name. She was half fae, as her mother was mortal. The courts gossiped for your entire childhood, from when you were six up until at least seventeen. They didn't even stop when she died. Seventeen was the year where you couldn't take it anymore. The year you finally left your 'family' and fled into the centre of Prythian. You travelled around from court to court for 2 years until one day, you arrived in the Night Court.
The people of your old village called her horrible names. They'd hiss at your mother as she walked across the street, throw all sorts of things at her. They were horrified that a mortal walked the streets of Prythian freely, no matter the fact she had never actually been in the Mortal Lands. No matter the fact she grew up the same as them. No matter the fact that she learnt the same faerie customs in the same faerie schools. No matter the fact that she grew up eating faerie food and wearing faerie-produced clothing.
No matter any of that.
Once, there was a rumour that you heard at school. People were saying your mother used witchcraft to lure herself a man "as great as that scum's father". You hid behind a wall, eavesdropping. The voices were muffled, the pitch all weird, but it was clear they were talking about you. Aiden was there with you. When he saw you were on the verge of tears, he told you to cover your ears and he hugged you tight. But even his hugs were never as tight as your mother's.
You are remembering thinking that you had never heard such foul language coming from 11-year-old children. You had dared a peek into the classroom, and when you saw the towering figures huddled, you realised. It was the teachers. The teachers using slurs and the teachers belittling the one woman who actually cared about you. About everything.
Decades from that day you thought of your past. You thought that, maybe it was true that once, your father had felt love for her. Beatrice bore him 4 children, after all. You knew your mother married him soon after meeting, and when she would brush your hair, back when you were young and the world was simple, she would tell you stories about how he courted her. Oh, how he courted her. Before the age of eight you used to wish for a love story like theirs. But as you grew up, it was plain to see that he felt nothing for her. In the end, one of your father's drunken rages had led to her death, and she died protecting you.
She cared for you when no one else did, in your family. Not your older siblings, and certainly not your father.
When you named your daughter, you cried.
Love and passion. That's what her name meant.
You were going to make sure love was all she felt from her family. Cerise was going to grow up with love. You loved her, your true family loved her, and Azriel would love her. You were sure.
Her raven hair was just like his, her eyes were like his too. Sometimes a piercing green, sometimes a calming brown. Beautiful, just like her father. She had your mouth though; Feyre had told you. When she smiled it was like the sun brightening the sky after a storm, and you had never seen anything better. She loved to laugh, her small eyes crinkling at the corners, her nose twitching. She was beautiful.
Cerise, she had wings. Small, baby Illyrian wings, but wings none the less. Wings like Azriel. Not wings like your father, but wings like Azriel. Majestic and powerful, with the ability to give what you had lacked; freedom.
It had almost been 9 months since you told your friends at that fateful dinner, and they had spared no expense, treating you and Cerise like royalty.
Feyre could tell you were drained from your new motherly duties and said she would be happy to take care of your daughter for as long as you needed, but you had refused her offer.
"Oh no, Feyre, that's so kind," you smiled gratefully at your friend. "It's okay though, I will pick a place suitable for the both of us."
You had picked up Cerise from eager Auntie Mor's that morning and had decided. It was time for a holiday.
Feyre's eyes were scanning your face, waiting to pounce on any sign of hesitation. "Besides," you continued. "You have Nyx to think about!"
Upon hearing her son's name, Feyre beamed. "Yes! Oh y/n, I am so excited to have them grow up together." Her eyes softened. "It may seem hard now, but I know you'll be a great mother."
You reached for your friend and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you, Feyre. I learn from the best."
When you pulled back Feyre grasped your hands, grinning excitedly. "Now for the fun part. Let's pick a holiday destination; where are we sending you!"
Rhys walked in about an hour after you and Feyre decided to research to find Prythian's best Court for a vacation.
"How about the Day Court?" He suggested. "Helion loves you, and I'm sure both you and your daughter would enjoy the sunshine."
You looked at Feyre who was beaming.
"That sounds perfect."
That's how you ended up holding your daughter, watching as Helion - ever the show-off - had insisted you fly to the Day Court in his finest white carriage, led by the horses with manes of flame. When Rhys had heard about this plan, he just rolled his eyes, telling you that once, he had banned Helion from coming into the Night Court in that carriage, but Helion's loophole was to take you out of the Night Court in it.
"Go easy on the flying, okay? You have a post-partum mother and a baby on board," you said to Helion, only half-joking.
Helion raised one dark eyebrow at you in reply. "Of course. I promise you a mellow ride." He smiled and turned his attention back to his horses. A quick tug on the reigns from Helion, and the three of you were gone.
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@ladyescapism 💗💗
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critter-genfic-events · 7 months
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This week, we have seven clothing fics recced! Some are perfectly light and fluffy, and some are heart wrenching in all the best ways. Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
Ornaments by Crykea (1002,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Mollymauk Tealeaf does not know who he was, and frankly, he doesn't care. Along with his family at the Fletching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities, Mollymauk discovers who he is.
Reccer says: A cute pre-campaign story about Molly finding himself through clothing and accessories
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What You Have And What You Hate by sheerdelight (1683,General) Warnings: Canonical Major Character Death Pairings: Beauregard Lionett & Mollymauk Tealeaf
Beau dons Molly's coat.
Reccer says: A loving look at Beau's grief after Molly's death, shown through her taking his coat
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The Tale Of The Amazing Technicolor Gravecoat by Angel Ascending (angel_in_ink) (2380,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
A bard tells a tale in a crowded tavern, not knowing that a group of renowned adventurers are listening....
Reccer says: A great outsider point of view and an original idea!
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As Though It Were Made for Me by remi_wolf (3345,General) Warnings: Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Caleb Widogast
Jester might have meant the offer to Caleb of one of her dresses as a teasing joke to lighten the mood, but Caleb never actually said that he was opposed to the idea. Even if she had forgotten in the madness that was the rest of the day, Caleb certainly hadn't, and now that they were resting for the evening at the Xhorhaus, he could finally see if Jester could make good on the offer outside the gates of Zadash.
Reccer says: Some thoughtful genderfuckery involving Caleb, extremely fluffy
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the brightest shade of sun (when i saw you) by genesis_frog (496,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Caleb WIdogast & Nott the Brave
Her clothing is rags, purposefully inconspicuous and purposefully plain, as if she were trying not to think of her body at all. She buys a yellow dress in Xhorhas
Reccer says: It's absolutely sweet and heartbreaking
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Ribbons and Poison Blossom by Beauteousmajesty (1008,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Orym & Fearne
On the skyship over to Jrusar, Fearne injures her arm. In helping her out, Orym gets the delight of figuring out how her clothes go together.
Reccer says: I love Orym and Fearne's friendship but also how Fearne's dress stays up is a mystery for the ages
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The Titan's New Clothes by MasterQwertster (440,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Ashton gets their new clothes and does some reflecting on their personal growth.
Reccer says: Just a fun little introspection on the Lvl10 outfit upgrade
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring time skip/future fics!
Then, it'll be pranks, Ashton focused, and game nights!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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Welcome to Choices September Challenge!
Hello everyone! I'm Aura (@midnightmelodiz ). This is my first time hosting this monthly challenge, so I'm really excited about it. I really hope you all will like the prompts chosen for this month.
This is a prompt based contest. There's a prompt given for everyday, using which you'll have to create a content. Some days have multiple prompts, and different types of prompts. Feel free to use them all in the same work if you want.
You can use multiple prompt for the same work if the prompts are for same day. Don't mix and match prompts from different days.
Almost all kind of contents are acceptable. List of acceptable contents : fanfictions, drabbles, short-story/one-shot , poetry, microtale, art, mood board, theme, banner or other graphics etc.
Work based on any book from the Choices universe are welcome.
Submitted works will be featured on a weekly masterlist.
You can participate as many times as you want throughout the month.
Multiple entries for the same prompt, or same day prompts are allowed.
If your work contains NSFW/mature or triggering content, please use appropriate warning.
Mention/list the prompt(s) you are using in your content.
If possible, in stories, drabbles etc., write the prompt(s) in bold.
You can use the tag #choicesseptemberchallenge2023 & #choicesmonthlychallenge .
Please tag @choicesseptemberchallenge2023, feel free to tag me too : @midnightmelodiz . You can dm me your entries as well since Tumblr glitches a lot. Honestly I'd prefer if you dm your works, as Tumblr tags don't always work.
If I don't mention your work in the weekly masterlist, please send me a dm with the link.
🍁 DAY 1 : Memories •||• "I can't be who you want me to be"
🍁 DAY 2 : Stars •||• Two people who keep crossing paths but miss actually meeting.
🍁 DAY 3 : Sea, Ocean •||• "You really like it?" "No, I was kidding."
🍁 DAY 4 : Moonlight, Moon •||• They have been secretly in love with each other for a long time.
🍁 DAY 5 : Diary, Journal, Notebook •||• "We're here now. Everything's alright."
🍁 DAY 6 : Dreams, Day Dream •||• "I'm in love with you!"
🍁 DAY 7 : Hope •||• Sharing something personal about them that they've never shared with anyone before.
🍁 DAY 8 : Coffee, Hot Beverage •||• "Come back! I'm not ready to get up yet. So you aren't either."
🍁 DAY 9 : Date Night •||• "I'm home, sweetheart!"
🍁 DAY 10 : Gift •||• "I care about you. I always will."
🍁 DAY 11 : Travel, Holiday , Vacation •||• Sharing an ice-cream together.
🍁 DAY 12 : Books, Reading, Writing •||• "You and me, it's never going to happen."
🍁 DAY 13 : Flowers •||• "I want to be with you." "I don't."
🍁 DAY 14 : Polaroid, Picture •||• Clicking candid pictures of their S/O to capture the special moments.
🍁 DAY 15 : Childhood, Nostalgia •||• "I love you. It's always going to be you."
🍁 DAY 16 : Cooking, Baking •||• Pretending to date each other to get out of a situation.
🍁 DAY 17 : Picnic •||• "That's all I really need. Some time with just you."
🍁 DAY 18 : Cuddle, Snuggle •||• Taking care of the other when they're sick or feeling low.
🍁 DAY 19 : Museum, Library •||• Picturing a future together even though they know it might never be true.
🍁 DAY 20 : Blue •||• " Are you saying that there's hope? Maybe in the future-" "No."
🍁 DAY 21 : Love, Kiss •||• Sending love letters to the other.
🍁 DAY 22 : Friends, Friendship •||• "It feels like I've known you forever."
🍁 DAY 23 : Fall •||• "I'm seeing someone."
🍁 DAY 24 : Serene •||• "Guess all those romance novel paid off after all, huh?"
🍁 DAY 25 : Secret, Surprise •||• "Is that my shirt?"
🍁 DAY 26 : Chocolate •||• Predicting the other's words or moves.
🍁 DAY 27 : Sunset •||• "Why did I know you would say that?"
🍁 DAY 28 : Wedding •||• "I always knew you would get together someday. What took you two so long?"
🍁 DAY 29 : rêveur, rêveuse •||• " You are all I could ever ask for."
🍁 DAY 30 : Home, Heart •||• "I'm here for you. Always."
**{Credit for most of the dialogue prompts goes to this blog~ @youneedsomeprompts}**
Have fun creating!
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
Grian's been travelling his whole life, since he ran away from home at 6. And he's been doing it alone.
Scar's been travelling since he was 20, and decided he was going to see as much as he could. He usually had a few friends with him, but he went alone once or twice.
Running for your life and travelling for fun are two very different things. Although, the two of them keep meeting each other. They swear it's accidental.
Despite wanting to meet, they never exchange where they're going next. For Grian, it's dangerous. He's fairly sure now that Scar won't harm him, but that doesn't mean somebody won't hurt Scar. He can't risk bringing others into his mess.
As for Scar... He just forgets. A lot of the time. The rest of it, he's not even decided where he's going next! Every time he kicks himself that he didn't tell Grian until they somehow still end up in the same place at the same time.
Scar insists it's fate. Grian rolls his eyes, but even he can't help but wonder if it's more than meer coincidence anymore.
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Happy Triangle Strategy 2nd Anniversary!! To celebrate, here are the translations from the foreword and the first illustration provided in the artbook.
Foreword translation:
Thank you so much for picking up this book! We've put together a collection of art—a war chronicle filled with the “battles and wars” we waged to create the designs used in Triangle Strategy.
I’d like to reflect back on the beginning of Triangle Strategy's art development.  . . . I’ll recall it bit by bit.
The first time I heard about this project was several years ago, when I was working on art and design for Various Daylife and Bravely Default II on a weekly basis.
The first words I received during the early planning phase were Mr. Asano’s, “What if war came to a world like Octopath Traveler?” and Mr. Arai’s, “Salt . . .  Iron . . . ”
They were simple words, but they captured my heart and filled it with excitement. From there, I began to draw, and it was as if those feelings grew and spilled out of me.
And, as is natural, a story about war will have many characters . . .  The depth of the worldview was crucial as well. I had to add a lot of details to really get across the project’s heavy themes! I very much enjoyed the challenge. However, our time was short, and thus it was the beginning of a war for the artists. We were thrilled by the magnificent setting and plunged headlong into drawing each day.
The art team fought alongside me. This included Mr. Urushihara, an old comrade-in-arms who has a cool head, good sense, and substantial analytical and drawing ability; as well as Ms. Yoshiura (a student at the time the project started), who was positive, fun, and worked very hard on everything. Without them, I don’t think I’d have been able to do anything like this. Thank you very much!
Mr. Morimoto, who brought the characters over to neat, orderly pixel art . . .  Mr. Matsumoto, who was over the UI and worked steadfastly through trial and error . . .  Everyone at Art Dink for bringing art and design to life on the game screen and creating a wonderful world . . .  Everyone who has been involved in and supported Triangle Strategy—I apologize for not naming you all. Thank you so much! And Mr. Asano, who always provides me with new opportunities and challenges. It was a great experience for me to be entrusted with the art for this project. I’d like to thank you again! I look forward to making use of this knowledge in my future work.
For those who are interested in this project, we hope you can play the game and find your favorite character!
I hope the world of Triangle Strategy continues to expand. Best regards, and thank you for your support!
- Naoki Ikushima
My name is Urushihara and I was given the opportunity to serve as an assistant on this project. Thank you very much for your support!
Several years ago, Mr. Ikushima introduced me to Mr. Asano’s team, and the first project I got involved with was Triangle Strategy.
I recall that, as someone who was greatly influenced by Square's games from the SNES/PS era, the chance to work on a project that has the same feel as those classic simulation RPGs had me shaking with excitement.
I've had the opportunity to work on a wide variety of projects during my career, from background designs to characters, illustrations for advertisements, etc., and this project has incorporated all of my experience! It’s turned out to be a monumental work.
I hope that it will be a profoundly memorable experience for all of you.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr. Asano, Mr. Arai, the development teams at Square Enix and Art Dink, and above all to Mr. Ikushima for giving me this opportunity and for providing me with so much guidance every day!
We’d also like to once again thank everyone who purchased the game software and this book! We look forward to your continued support of the Asano team's works!
- Tatsuaki Urushihara
Translation notes, and image ids under the cut.
Translation notes:
"SNES" was actually the letters "SFC" (you can see them in the foreword text in plain English) but it was referring to the Super Famicom, which was the Japanese version of the SNES, so I decided to localize as SNES.
"Salt...... iron......." really was just like that. I'm not sure if there was some formatting/grammatical thing I missed or if Arai really did just send over two words, but. either way it's really funny to me!!
I've recently looked more into Japanese grammar and all the particles that are used, and since I'm feeling a little more confident in what things mean, I inserted more filler words than normal to help things sound more natural. For example, "something along the lines of 'a fleeting instant made up of infinite possibilities'" would probably read more directly as "something that feels like 'a fleeting moment of infinite possibilities'." It's not a huge difference, but I guess I just wanted to make a note that I've taken some liberties with the grammar and the exact phrasing.
Image ID
[Image id: The first image is a picture of the foreword (written in Japanese), which includes a small drawing of Serenoa, Roland, Frederica, and Benedict's faces. The second image is a drawing of Frederica, Benedict, and Roland standing with their backs facing Serenoa, who holds the Scales of conviction, along with the illustrator's note in Japanese. The third image is the translated illustrator's note, which reads, "Frederica, Benedict, Roland… Serenoa has to determine the path he should walk while knowing that the three of them each have their own individual desires concerning what should happen. In this picture, I wanted to illustrate a weighty moment, something along the lines of 'a fleeting instant made up of infinite possibilities.'' (Naoki Ikushima)" /end id]
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enbyleighlines · 2 months
Some more miscellaneous Ike/Soren/Ranulf thoughts to kick off the weekend:
In a modern AU where they have just decided to move in together, they plan a trip to IKEA and spend over an hour picking stuff out for their new apartment. Soren is mainly concerned about staying within their budget. Yes, he wants stuff that is durable, and he isn’t entirely without an eye for aesthetics, but for him, respecting the budget is the main priority. Meanwhile, Ranulf is the most concerned with comfort. When it comes to furniture, he has to try it out by lounging in a bunch of different positions. Also, he wants to also shop for some decor, so that their apartment actually feels like home. However, Soren and Ranulf have rather different tastes in terms of decor. Soren prefers a simple, industrial, borderline minimalistic style. He likes dark, muted colors, and hates obnoxious patterns. Meanwhile, Ranulf wants to commit to a costal/nautical theme. He’s not afraid of bright colors or patterns, and wants their home to feel like a vacation: a place where they can both relax and have fun. And where is Ike in all of this? Well, he just wants to skip to the part where their new apartment is already fully furnished, but he is trying his best to stay patient while his boyfriends have their petty squabble about the curtains. However, his patience can only last so long. Eventually he abandons them so that he can stuff his face with Swedish meatballs.
Post-canon, after they settle down in Hatari after their long journey around all of Tellius and beyond, they have a peaceful life… for a few years, at least. Then one day, Ranulf brings home an orphaned girl, a wolf Branded. He’s been suffering from baby fever for a while, so to him, this is fate at work, providing them with a daughter. At first, Soren panics. He has no idea how to be a father. But the little girl imprints on Ike almost immediately, and he decides that he wants to adopt her. And despite Soren’s initial misgivings, he very quickly grows to love her, too. Their daughter eventually becomes a valkyrie, like her aunt, after learning swordplay from Ike and healing magic from Soren. Once she gets old enough, she decides to set out on a journey as a traveling mercenary. Soren manages to convince Mia to “bump into her by accident and suggest traveling together” because he’s worried about their spitfire, stubbornly independent daughter biting off more than she can chew.
After Ranulf and Soren start cooking together, Soren learns that he has a knack for baking. It’s science, after all, and he is great at following directions. At first he doesn’t bake too often, because Ike’s not really into sweets or pastries, so Soren doesn’t see any reason to put in the effort. But Ranulf keeps begging Soren to make stuff that they can enjoy together, and while Soren is a little reluctant in the beginning, eventually baking becomes a part of his weekly routine. Cooking/baking really becomes a bonding activity for Ranulf and Soren.
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See first photos of 42 new Hallmark Christmas movies (Entertainment Weekly) - Hallmark Channel Part 1
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Checkin' it Twice Premieres: Oct. 20, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Kim Matula, Kevin McGarry Contains: Ice sports, new neighbors Official description: "A journeyman hockey player (McGarry) falls for a real estate agent (Matula) in a career crisis when he's traded to her hometown and moves into the cottage in her hockey loving family's backyard."
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Where Are You, Christmas? Premieres: Oct. 21, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lyndsy Fonseca, Michael Rady, Jim O'Heir, Julie Warner Contains: A sprinkle of holiday magic, unexpected consequences, Garry Jerry Lenny Larry Terry Gergich Official description: "Addy (Fonseca) wishes for a year without Christmas and she wakes up in a world of black and white. She must work together with the town mechanic (Rady) to restore Christmas."
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Under the Christmas Sky Premieres: Oct. 22, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jessica Parker Kennedy, Ryan Paevey Contains: A life-altering accident, an out-of-this-world romance Official description: "Kat (Kennedy) is an esteemed astrophysicist, who is scheduled for her first trip into space next year until an accident grounds her.  While on leave, coming to terms with the reality that her dream of being an astronaut is over, she volunteers at the local planetarium.  There, she is paired up with by-the-book David (Paevey) to work on an exhibit opening right before Christmas. Will the stars align to bring these two together at the holidays?"
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Christmas By Design  Premieres: Oct. 27, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rebecca Dalton, Jonathan Keltz Contains: Christmas couture, learning what matters most Official description: "A fashion designer (Dalton) gets accepted into a Christmas challenge to create a new holiday-themed collection and not only finds the inspiration for her next line but decides to redesign her approach to what's most important in life."
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Mystic Christmas Premieres: Oct. 28, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jessy Schram, Chandler Massey, Patti Murin, William R. Moses Contains: Mystic Pizza-adjacent, fish friends, Mystic, Conn.  Official description: "Juniper (Schram) travels to Mystic, Connecticut during the holidays to work at the rehabilitation center and aquarium. She reconnects with Sawyer (Massey), the owner of the pizza shop."
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Joyeux Noel Premieres: Oct. 29, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Jaicy Elliot, Brant Daugherty Contains: France, a mysterious artist, an editor and reporter on the case  Official description: "When a romantic painting of a Christmas market captures the imagination of copy editor Lea (Elliot), she is sent to France with pragmatic reporter Mark (Daugherty) to uncover the mystery behind the artist."
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Flipping for Christmas Premieres: Nov. 3, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Ashley Newbrough, Marcus Rosner Contains: Real estate agents, a supposedly simple house renovation Official description: "It's almost Christmas when busy realtor Abigail (Newbrough) agrees to help her sister with the 'simple flip' of a recently inherited home. Unfortunately, co-beneficiary Bo (Rosner) has other plans in mind."
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Never Been Chris'd Premieres: Nov. 4, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Janel Parrish, Pascal Lamothe-Kipnes, Tyler Hynes Contains: Reunited BFFs, a reignited high school love triangle  Official description: "Home for the holidays, BFFs Naomi (Parrish) and Liz (Lamothe-Kipnes) reconnect with high school crush Chris Silver (Hynes). A complex love triangle forms, forcing them to take stock of their lives and find the value of friendship."
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The Santa Summit Premieres: Nov. 5, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Hunter King, Benjamin Hollingsworth, Amy Groening, Stephanie Sy Contains: A Santa convention, chasing down a lost Claus  Official description: "Jordin (King), Ava (Groening) and Stella (Sy) are three best friends who head out for a night on the town to take part in the annual Santa Summit, an event where revelers don Santa suits and visit local spots on the circuit to eat, drink and be merry in true holiday fashion… and set out to find a secret Santa (Hollingsworth) Jordin connected with at the start of the night's festivities."
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Everything Christmas Premieres: Nov. 10, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Katherine Barrell, Cindy Busby, Corey Sevier, Matt Wells Contains: Holiday road trip, unforeseen circumstances Official description: "Lori Jo's (Busby) love for Christmas takes her on a road trip to Yuletide Springs with her roommate Tori (Barrell), where Christmas is celebrated year-round, to participate in a longstanding town tradition to honor her late grandmother.  Along the way, the friends meet Carl (Sevier) and Jason (Wells), and the foursome make stops during their journey to enjoy more small-town Christmas attractions. But when a series of events puts a damper on their plans, a little Christmas magic may put this trip back on the right path."
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Christmas Island Premieres: Nov. 11, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rachel Skarsten, Andrew Walker Contains: Inclement weather, a career on the line Official description: "When a snowstorm diverts Kate's (Skarsten) first private flight en route to Switzerland to Christmas Island, she must team up with an air traffic controller (Walker) to secure her dream job as the family's pilot."
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A Heidelberg Holiday  Premieres: Nov. 12, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Ginna Claire Mason, Frédéric Brossier  Contains: Germany, a holiday market, getting in touch with one's roots  Official description: "Heidi Heidelberg (Mason) receives the dream opportunity to sell her beautiful, handmade glass ornaments at the prestigious Heidelberg Christmas Market in Germany. While there, she meets Lukas (Brossier), a local artisan who helps her reconnect with her lost heritage."
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Navigating Christmas Premieres: Nov. 17, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Chelsea Hobbs, Stephen Huszar Contains: A divorcée, ringing in the holidays on a remote island, a hot lighthouse operator Official description: "Recently divorced Melanie (Hobbs) and her son Jason visit a remote island for Christmas, only to find themselves running a real working lighthouse where she connects with the curt but cute owner (Huszar)."
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A Merry Scottish Christmas Premieres: Nov. 18, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lacey Chabert, Scott Wolf Contains: A Party of Five reunion, a brother-and-sister duo, Scotland, hidden secrets Official description: "When estranged siblings, Lindsay (Chabert) and Brad (Wolf) Morgan travel to Scotland at Christmas to reunite with their mother Jo, a big family secret is revealed."
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Holiday Hotline Premieres: Nov. 19, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Emily Tennant, Niall Matter Contains: London, love at first phone call, a secret connection Official description: "After leaving London, Abby (Tennant) connects with an anonymous caller while working at a cooking hotline. The caller is single dad 'John' (Matter) who Abby unknowingly has become smitten with in real life."
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Catch Me If You Claus Premieres: Nov. 23, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Italia Ricci, Luke Macfarlane Contains: An ambitious news anchor, a home intruder purporting to be Santa's son, a high-stakes Christmas caper Official description: "Avery Quinn (Ricci) is an aspiring news anchor who's finally getting her big break on her station's Christmas morning newscast. But that's put in jeopardy when she captures an intruder in her home wearing a red suit claiming to be Chris (Macfarlane), Santa's son, who is on his first mission. A night of adventure ensues as they find themselves being pursued by the police as well as some shady characters. Along the way, they connect over living in the shadow of their parents and inspire each other to go after their dreams."
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Letters to Santa Premieres: Nov. 24, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Katie Leclerc, Rafael de la Fuente Contains: A wish-granting pen, children of divorce Official description: "When young siblings receive a magic pen from Santa that appears to be granting wishes, they request a Christmas gift they want more than anything – for their separated parents (Leclerc, de la Fuente) to reunite."
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Holiday Road Premieres: Nov. 24, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Warren Christie, Sara Canning Contains: Inspired by real events, canceled flights, unexpected allies, holiday road trip Official description: "When bad weather leaves each of them stranded at the airport for the holidays, a tech entrepreneur (Christie), a travel writer (Canning), a devoted mother (Enid-Raye Adams) and her son (Kiefer O'Reilly), a stubborn senior (Trevor Lerner), an enigmatic woman with a hint of mystery (Brittany Willacy), a couple traveling from Beijing (Sharon Crandall, Ryan Mah) and a social media influencer (Princess Davis) all agree to rent a shared van to embark on a road trip to Denver. When their unexpected journey brings them into uncharted territory, they navigate a series of misadventures together and form a deeper bond that just might change the trajectories of each of their lives. Inspired by true events."
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Christmas in Notting Hill Premieres: Nov. 25, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Sarah Ramos, William Moseley  Contains: Haddie Braverman and Peter Pevensie, London, a famous footballer, an American on holiday  Official description: "Famous soccer star, Graham Savoy (Moseley), has always been too busy for love, but when he comes home to Notting Hill for Christmas, he changes his mind after meeting Georgia (Ramos) – a visiting American and the one person who has no idea who he is."
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Haul Out the Holly: Lit Up Premieres: Nov. 25, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lacey Chabert, Wes Brown, Stephen Tobolowsky, Melissa Peterman, Ellen Travolta, Seth Morris, Jennifer Aspen Contains: A sequel, new neighbors, lots and lots of holiday decorations Official description: "As the holidays approach, Emily (Chabert) and Jared (Brown) are looking forward to celebrating the holidays together again, this time as a couple. Emily, now embracing Evergreen Lane's uniquely festive spirit, is ready to work with Jared, Ned (Tobolowsky), Mary Louise (Travolta) and Pamela (Peterman) to make this year's Christmas celebrations the best yet – even if being the HOA president's girlfriend doesn't stop those dreaded decorating citations.  When a house on the block goes up for sale, it causes quite a stir with residents.  When the soon-to-be neighbors turn out to be holiday royalty (Morris, Aspen), it looks like this year's competition is about to heat up. As the welcoming committee prepares for the new arrivals, only one thing is certain – this Christmas, Evergreen Lane is going to sleigh!"
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Our Christmas Mural Premieres: Nov. 26, 6 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Alex Paxton-Beesley, Dan Jeannotte Contains: Home for the holidays, single mother, a holiday art contest Official description: "Olivia (Paxton-Beesley) is a single mom who returns home for Christmas. Her mom secretly enters her into a mural contest; she wins but partners with teacher Will (Jeannotte) to create a Christmas masterpiece."
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A Biltmore Christmas Premieres: Nov. 26, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Bethany Joy Lenz, Kristoffer Polaha, Jonathan Frakes, Robert Picardo Contains: Star Trek and One Tree Hill stars, the Biltmore Estate, a screenwriter penning a classic holiday film reboot, time travel, a 1940s film star, a time paradox Official description: "Lucy Hardgrove (Lenz) is a screenwriter who lands the job of a lifetime when she's hired to pen the script for a remake of the beloved, holiday movie classic, His Merry Wife!, which was filmed in 1947 at the beautiful, historic Biltmore House. When the head of the studio isn't satisfied with the ending Lucy wrote because it deviates from the original's feel-good conclusion, he sends Lucy to Biltmore Estate for research and inspiration. While there, she unwittingly discovers the ability to travel to the 1947 set of His Merry Wife! through the help of an hourglass. While on set, she and Jack Huston (Polaha), one of the film's stars, spend time together and become close. But her sudden appearance has set off a chain of events that put the production in jeopardy. Before she can return to the present, Lucy must make things right or threaten to alter the future forever."
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My Norwegian Holiday Premieres: Dec. 1, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Rhiannon Fish, David Elsendoorn Contains: Christmas in Norway, a mysterious connection, troll history Official description: "JJ (Fish), grieving the loss of her grandmother and seeking dissertation inspiration, stumbles upon an unexpected holiday destiny. Meeting Henrik (Elsendoorn), a Norwegian from Bergen, their connection deepens when he discovers she has a troll figurine from his hometown. To explore the troll's history and her grandmother's ties, JJ agrees to join Henrik on a journey to Norway. In Bergen, they're drawn into Henrik's family Christmas and wedding traditions, with his sister's wedding the day before Christmas Eve. JJ embarks on a holiday adventure, uncovering the troll's origins and finding her own path to healing, love and family."
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A Not So Royal Christmas Premieres: Dec. 2, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Brooke D'Orsay, Will Kemp Contains: A journalist tracking down a story, a hidden identity, missing royalty Official description: "Tabloid journalist Charlotte (D'Orsay) attempts to land an interview with a reclusive Count. In response, the royal family has a groundskeeper (Kemp) pose as the Count since the real one fled years ago."
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Christmas With a Kiss (working title) Premieres: Dec. 3, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Mishael Morgan, Ronnie Rowe Jr., and Jaime M. Callica Contains: Home for the holidays, a family-run Christmas carnival Official description: "A Mahogany presentation. A woman (Morgan) returns home to help with her family's Christmas Carnival and romance ignites. A photojournalist (Rowe) curates a surprise reunion."
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Magic in Mistletoe Premieres: Dec. 8, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Lyndie Greenwood, Paul Campbell Contains: A curmudgeonly author who sparks backlash online, his well-meaning publicist, and a Christmas festival  Official description: "Harrington (Campbell) is the author of a popular book series but commercial success has left him a bitter recluse. As he returns to his hometown for an annual Christmas festival celebrating his books, he's joined by April (Greenwood), a publicist for the major publishing house he works with.  April is there for damage control after Harrington's recent comments on social media have ruffled some feathers. But as she gets to know him better, hope springs that April can unlock Harrington's guarded heart and help him rediscover the spirit of the holiday."
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Christmas on Cherry Lane Premieres: Dec. 9, 8 p.m. ET/PT, Hallmark Channel Cast: Catherine Bell, Jonathan Bennett, John Brotherton, Erin Cahill, James Denton, Vincent Rodriguez III Contains: Aaron Samuels, a neighborhood coming together for the holidays Official description: "A young couple preparing to welcome their first child (Brotherton, Cahill); an empty-nester (Bell) and her fiancé (Denton) ready to start a new chapter; and a couple (Bennett, Rodgriquez III) who unexpectedly have the chance to expand their family on Christmas Eve celebrate the holiday as they navigate these turning points in their lives."
Click these links for more, ew.com, today.com, tvinsider.com
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cherry-choc · 3 months
W.I.P. | The Sun and The Moon
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Major updates (Polt, Draft/Book progress) are weekly with Mini updates (Characters, Settings) anytime during the week.
Status : Early Planning
Genre : Fantasy, Drama, Action, Medieval Times, Mystery
Themes : Human nature, Abuse of power, Fear, Darkness and light, Circle of life, Ideology
Content Warnings : General body horror, Toxic/complex romantic, platonic, and familial relationships, Cursing, Child abuse, Murder
Synopsis : Five orphans travel the world of Vitluc. They work together to survive harsh wastelands and dense jungles, never staying in one place and taking odd jobs.
While on a job, they come across a small town. Everything is charred to a crisp, and not a living thing is to be seen. The destruction, seemingly without reason, starts to spread sporadically across all of Vitluc. Panic spreads all across the lands; people everywhere call it The Burn. Nobody knows what all the cities have in common, but they know it could come for them at any time.
Though the orphan's expeditions became more frequent, more and more of them became dead ends as whole communities started to vanish, and their cities burnt to black. No people, animals, or plants left. As they travel, things unravel; every ruin they explore opens one door and closes another. Something pulls them towards the mystery, and now it is their job to find the source of The Burn.
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