#wednesday in the wild
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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Must be a Sugondese joke.
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lialivingart · 4 months
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Work in progress
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markscherz · 1 year
Found your account from one of my mutuals reblogging that one mini frog post, could I learn about some fucked up frogs :D
Everybody is always banging on about Pipa pipa. Nobody is ever talking about how fucked up Hemiphractidae reproduction is
Like, they range from concealed carry, like this Gastrotheca orophylax
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which they achieve with a pouch that has a weird ass opening (lack of hyphenation intentional) (not actually anywhere near the cloaca of the frog) (this has earned them the common name 'marsupial frogs' for a very obvious reason)
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…to open carry, like this Fritziana goeldii
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which hatch out but remain glued on until developing sufficiently, like this Cryptobatrachus boulengeri
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Pretty fucked up, if you ask me.
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faunandfloraas · 6 months
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Seungmin's perfect pitch at the match between Team Korea and the LA Dodgers.
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tampic0w0 · 2 months
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Shakes itself to remove water from its coat
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: parrotfish
Which fish hangs out on a mermaid pirate's shoulder and repeats what she says in a high-pitched voice? The parrotfish, of course. Or at least in fiction they should (certainly will in my D&D world). But even in real life, parrotfish are still pretty interesting.
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(Image: a common parrotfish (Scarus psittacus) seen from the side in front of rocks and corals. It is a brightly-colored fish, mainly light blue but with patches and stripes of yellow and pink on the fins. Its mouth is open, revealing what appears to be a beak. End ID)
Parrotfish are fish famous for their mouths and eating habits. There are about 90 species known. While they were historically considered their own taxonomic family, they have since been reclassified a subset of the wrasse family and there is still some debate on how to classify them. Most species are on the smaller size, but a few can get very large. The largest species is the green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) at 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) and 75 kg (165 lbs) while the smallest species is the bluelip parrotfish (Cryptotomus roseus) reaching 13 cm (5 in). I could not find an average weight for the bluelips. What makes parrotfish really stand out visually is their colors and their mouths. Most species are very brightly colored, with distinct markings and males are usually more brightly colored than females. Their mouths are dominated by what appear to be beaks, which gave them their common name. These beaks are actually made of approximately 1,000 teeth arranged in 15 rows. As the teeth wear out, they drop off and are replaced by the row behind them. The teeth are made of fluorapatite, the second hardest biomineral int the world. To support their hardness, the fluorapatite crystals that make up the teeth are woven together in a structure very similar to chainmail, resulting in very hard teeth that measure in at a 5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. For reference, iron is a 4 and higher numbers are harder. The teeth can also handle 530 tons of pressure. You could put the weight of 200 black rhinos on a tooth and it would be fine. The beaks are powerful enough to bite through rock. Which is what they use it for, but more on that below. Another unusual feature of parrotfish is how they sleep. Some species make their own sleeping bags, which would be adorable if they weren't made of mucus. The mucus is produced using glands in the gills and looks like a transparent bubble. The fish sleeps in the mucus cocoon and when it wakes up, it eats the cocoon. There have been several proposed benefits of the cocoon. It contains chemicals that harm skin parasites while also providing a barrier that keeps new parasites from reaching the fish. It also likely blocks the fish's scent, helping it hide from predators.
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(Image: a green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) swimming over yellow coral. It is large and mostly a uniform green color, except for the front of its head, which is pink. It has a large, fleshy lump on the top of its head. End ID)
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(Image: a close-up of a parrotfish's beak. The top and bottom beaks are divided into two halves, left and right. The beak is bade of small, circular teeth that overlap each other. End ID)
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(Image: another common parrotfish seen from the front. It is inside of a mucus cocoon, which appears as a transparent bubble around the fish. Bits of sand dot the cocoon's surface. End ID)
Parrotfish live worldwide, though the majority of species are found in the Indo-Pacific. They live in warm, shallow waters with lots of rocky reefs, especially coral reefs. They use those powerful teeth to eat and what they eat most is algae. There are three main types of feeding behavior: excavating, scraping, and browsing. Excavators bite into rocks to get their food, scrapers crape food off of the surface of the rocks, and browsers go after larger food sources like seagrass and sponges. Some of the larger parrotfish species also make coral a large part of their diet. When they eat, they naturally get rock in their mouths, moreso in excavators. Because their food clings to the rock, spitting the rocks out would deny them food. Instead, parrotfish use pharyngeal teeth set in their throats to grind the rock into sand, which then passes through the digestive tract. When it exists the digestive tract, it is in the form of fine grains of rock. Or to put it another way, parrotfish eat rock and poop sand. A single parrotfish can produce up to 40 kg (88lbs) of sand yearly, and bigger species can produce even more than that. The process of rock being broken down by living things is called bioerosion and parrotfish are one of the most famous sources of bioerosion. The sand they produce can serve as the basis for new growth of coral or other species and helps reinforce nearby islands. In places like Hawai'i, the Caribbean, and the Maldives, it's estimated that up to 80% of the famous white sand is produced by parrotfish and they serve as a major source of incoming earth to support the islands. This makes parrotfish ecosystem engineers. Their eating of algae is also majorly important to their ecosystems. Algae can overgrow and smother delicate ecosystems like coral reefs and seagrass beds and decaying algae draws oxygen out of the water. Parrotfish help the health of their environments by keeping the algae population at healthy levels. Parrotfish also eat seaweeds and sponges that grow much faster than coral and can smother coral reefs. Parrotfish are considered keystone species in many reefs, including the great barrier reef and their population dropping correlates with reduced health of reefs. Damaged reefs tent to have larger parrotfish populations and those populations drop as the reef recovers.
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(Image: a group of many parrotfish feeding on coral. They are all the same species and are mostly blue, with yellow heads and stripes on the face. They appear to be biting the the coral. End ID)
Parrotfish are protogynous sequential hermaprodites. This means that all parrotfish are born female and can become male later in life. The transition is usually triggered when there are too many females or not enough males in a location, though in some species any fish that reaches a certain size will become male. Some parrotfish are solitary while others are social. In social species, the social groups consist of a large male and a harem of females that he protects and claims mating rights with. Other males will attempt to fight the male for dominance via headbutting and threat displays and occasionally one of his harem members will become male to challenge him. Males are usually more colorful than females, which they use to woo females, but also puts them at greater risk of predation. If the harem leader dies and is not replaces, one member of the harem will transition to male and replace him. Many species perform courtship dances during nights of the full moon. In non-social species, males will perform displays and fight with each other to attract females. In social species, the dominant male will mate with his harem while smaller males without harems will try to sneakily woo claimed females or sneak in and mate without being noticed. Parrotfish are broadcast spawners. The female releases her eggs into the water and the males releases sperm to fertilize them. The eggs will drift on the current until settling, after which the larvae will hatch. As with most fish species, only a very few of the larvae will reach adulthood.
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(Image: a Mediterranean parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense). It is mostly bright red, but with a yellow patch above the tail and a yellow stripe around the eye that runs down to the belly. A large patch behind the eye is blue. End ID)
Thankfully, most parrotfish species are not particularly endangered. The largest threat to them comes from habitat loss as pollution and climate change harms coral reefs. Reintroducing parrotfish to damaged reefs helps them recover. All species are edible, though there is no commercial fishery for them. While parrotfish are capable of delivering powerful bites, there are few reports of humans getting bit. That being said, I found one case where someone had skin on his penis bitten off by a parrotfish. And yes, that link has pictures. Enjoy.
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(Image: a blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) looking at the camera. It is a blue fish with darker patches around the eye. Its snout is bulbous and the beak points downward. End ID).
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azen13 · 3 months
CW: Yandere Themes, Stalking
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Yandere!Alhaitham, who at first is as blissfully unaware of his growing interest in you as you are. After all, it's completely illogical. He barely talks to you, barely even sees you, besides a few random meetings here and there at the House of Daena and on the streets of Sumeru. It's not even your intellect that intrigues him; it's some mysterious force working its way into his entire being, permeating his soul, his heart, his brain, and his body. Alhaitham quickly decides he needs to study whatever this fickle thing is.
Yandere!Alhaitham, who starts with simple things: your favorite color; what you're studying at the Akademiya; where you live; your daily schedule. If he's going to understand what's drawing him to you, he needs to understand you so thoroughly, down to the very atoms that comprise your being. Yandere!Alhaitham, who realizes that he can't conclude, theorize, or even, to his chagrin, guess, as to what it is about you that he finds so attractive based on his observations. He decides more in-depth studies need to be conducted. He sets up an experiment, planning to "bump" into you on your morning commute to work. The conversation is mundane, but it's an opportunity to climb into your mind, and see what makes you tick. The moment he gets home, he records as much as he can remember of the meager conversation in an empty journal. Yandere!Alhaitham, who accumulates page after page of information on you after weeks of these "chance" encounters. They can hardly be called chance anymore, with how you wave at him, so trusting in him. Kaveh tags along with him one day, watching how he interacts with you. Yandere!Alhaitham, who spirals simply from an offhand comment Kaveh makes the instant you are out of earshot. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were in love!" Yandere!Alhaitham, who is drowning in the throes of love and completely unused to these feelings and desires. Yandere!Alhaitham, who decides to be logical about this. He already has all the information he needs. He knows you in such painstaking detail that he could be your perfect partner. He will be your perfect partner.
Yandere!Alhaitham, who invites you for coffee and lunch, discussing your research, your family, your friends, everything and anything. Of course, he already knows much of this, but the more he knows, the better; besides, from the research he's done, active listening is a great way of building trust. Yandere!Alhaitham, who begins to ask you out for similar meetups on a weekly basis, nodding along as you chat about all sorts of things, and offering his opinion only when you ask him for it. Yandere!Alhaitham, who comforts you on one of these brunch dates when you break down. Your request for your thesis proposal—which centered on a topic you had been interested in since childhood—had been rejected. He consoles you to the best of his abilities, ignoring the slight clench of guilt in his heart at knowing that he is the reason for your tears: a few days earlier, he made an offhand comment to your professor, planting the idea that your topic had already been studied too much by others. He reminds himself that he needs a way to infiltrate the most vulnerable parts of your heart. Yandere!Alhaitham, who offers to help you find a new topic. He makes sure to lead you to a topic you might have some knowledge on, but not enough to where you can do it all on your own. If you're going to be Alhaitham's, then he needs to introduce the idea of being dependent on him to you slowly. Yandere!Alhaitham, who is careful to manage the balance between weaponizing your insecurities and vulnerabilities, and giving you comfort and compliments at key points. You're plenty capable, but so is Alhaitham. He can help you. He wants to help you. He needs to help you. Needs you to be utterly and completely his. Yandere!Alhaitham, who slowly draws his grasp tighter and tighter around your life, his influence leaking into every facet of it, every relationship, everything. He knows he's crazy, but so are you now. It's the way you look at him with such complete trust, your hand in his as you walk around the streets of Sumeru City, blissfully unaware of how the man next to you is dangerously and crazily in love. Yandere!Alhaitham, who appears completely normal and stoic on the surface, but beneath it all, is completely dead-set on his goal to have you in his control. Don't try to fight it. After all, he knows everything about you. He'll do enough research on how to be a great lover that you won't ever want to leave his crushing embrace.
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twiggyrogue · 5 months
I swear if Jace ends up having a religious reverence for Porter, I'll perish. If it ends up that he was the one who put the idea of killing a god in Porter's head, perhaps because then everyone would be able to see the man he's known the way he always seen him. And any worship that happens now is so zealous in the presence of overwhelming rage that devotion and obsession looks like one and the same. If that's their dynamic I'll fuxkinf scream
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Big fan of boyfriend Jake reminding you how much he loves and respects you before (and after) he fucks you like he doesn’t :)
Jake kissing all over you, really slow and sensual, so sweet and gentle. His kisses become deeper and rougher, his hips pressing into yours, "I just want you to know how much I love you," He whispers against your neck, giving you more kisses, "and how much I respect you," another kiss. "because I'm gonna fuck you like I hate you."
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alexsshittyworld · 2 years
Yoko: I don’t know what to do because I like Divina but I think I might also like Bianca.
Enid: I don’t know what to tell you…
Wednesday: You do know polyamory is a thing, right?
Enid: Of course we do, my question is how do you ?!
Wednesday: There is a reason why principal Weems is in most of my childhood pictures, Cara mia.
Enid: Say what now?
Yoko: wHoT?
Ajax: Am i high again?
Xavier: I have so many questions.
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voltstone · 5 months
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what the fuck.
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eiochevart · 10 months
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TWO WIPs this Wednesday to make up for the lack of posting! I’m finally done with my final exams.
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stevenrogered · 6 months
911's been on tumblr's top trending for 5 straight days lmao
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jamevaa · 4 months
Happy Wincest Wednesday!
Prompt: This dynamic right here. It's hard to see, but there is maybe a shoulder-pat or something going on in the background. A job well done, even if Dean's intervention probably wasn't necessary (Sam's loom and glare would probably work on its own). But look how happy Dean is; of course he deserves a headpat for a job well done.
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