#webster sustainability
starbright349 · 7 months
You Didn't Know? (Adam X Seraphim Reader)
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In the celestial realm of Heaven, where ethereal beauty and divine beings reigned, lived a Seraphim angel named (Y/N). She had the sacred duty of caring for the children who had passed away and ascended to this heavenly abode. (Y/N) was a compassionate and gentle soul, radiating a warm light that comforted the departed souls in her care.
In this divine paradise, an unexpected love story unfolded between (Y/N) and Adam, the first man created by the Almighty. Adam, despite being the progenitor of humanity, had a penchant for mischief and a reputation for being a total prick. Yet, somehow, the celestial forces intertwined their destinies, and love blossomed between the seemingly mismatched pair.
After a few hundred years of dating, the two got married in Heaven. It was a beautiful wedding, and Adam didn't have to worry about losing his third and final wife to Lucifer, since she couldn't leave Heaven.
One day. when Lucifer's Daughter, Princess Charlie Morningstar. Came into Heaven for a meeting; (Y/N), Sera, and Emily greeted her at the gates of Heaven. "Greetings daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of Heaven. You're gifted to be here." Emily squealed and walked up to Charlie.
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim. You can call Em, Emi, E, whatever you want. I go by anything." Emily giggled nervously, she wanted to say more but (Y/N) stopped her and put her hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily. We talked about this; we don't want to scare them off, now do we?" (Y/N) turned to Charlie. "Hello Princess. My name is (Y/N), I'm the other, other seraphim. It is our duty and pleasure to welcome you to Heaven."
(Y/N) and Emily showed Charlie and her girlfriend Vaggie around Heaven for a short while. (Y/N) even led and showed them to their room where they would be staying until the trail.
It wasn't until then that Charlie noticed her wedding ring, she found it strange since Sera, nor Emily had a ring. "(Y/N), may I ask you a question?" "Of course, Princess. Ask me anything?" (Y/N) said with a smile. "Are you married? Because I noticed that ring on your finger and none of the seraphim's have it." (Y/N) looked at her ring finger, she smiled as a wave of nostalgia hit her.
She remembered how Adam confessed his love to her, the day he proposed to (Y/N), and the day they got married. All of Heaven showed up, Adam removed his mask for that day, Sera walked (Y/N) down the aisle, Emily was her maid of honor, and God himself was the one that pronounced them husband and wife.
"Yes, I am married. My husband and I have been for about almost 100 years now." Charlie's eye lit up with joy, "Oh~. And who is this lucky guy, hm?" (Y/N) chuckled and walked to the door. "You'll see him, I'll be sitting next to him during the trail. Good luck to you both." (Y/N) said and closed the door behind her.
*A few hours later*
As the trail was about to start, Charlie and Vaggie took their seats, while (Y/N) flew and sat down next her husband Adam and his friend Lute. "Hey babe." Adam said and gave (Y/N) a kiss on her check. Charlie started to (Y/N) in shock, and all (Y/N) could give was a little smile and shrug her shoulders.
Charlie leaned to Vaggie. "I didn't know such an asshole like him HAD a wife."
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?", Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
(Y/N) looked down to Charlie, holding hands with her husband underneath the booth. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her "Objection, lame and unoriginal". (Y/N) sighed at his immature behavior and let go of his hand and bumped his chest gently with her elbow.
"Sustained. No further dictionary references please." Sera asked with a kinda sad look. "Right." Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He asks, glaring at Charlie. "We have a patron right now and he's making incredible progress."
Charlie defended and (Y/N) smiled, "Really? Then tell us Princess, who is this lucky patron?", (Y/N) asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the porn demon. Yeah, he's totally worth being redeemed". (Y/N) looked at Adam. "Adam! Language!" Adam gave (Y/N) a confused look. "What?"
(Y/N) suddenly stood up, "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?", she spoke. It was quiet until Sera asked if Adam was okay.
He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a quill, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?", he then started writing and gave Vaggie the paper as she read it out loud, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", (Y/N) looked at Adam with a raised eyebrow and sat back down. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure, got me here...didn't it? Right babe? Sera?", Adam ask as he looked his wife then Sera, seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed everyone the improvement of this soul called Angel dust. He did everything what Adam wrote on his list. He was selfless, he stopped one of his friends from stealing, and he stuck it to that awful man called Valentino, but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as a failure and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. (Y/N) sat there with my head hanging.
She felt bad for Angel Dust, Charlie, and all of the other demons who wanted to try and make themselves better, especially when she looked over to Emily, who held the paper that Adam had written earlier with a sad look.
(Y/N) and Emily had always been very close, they considered each other to like sisters. Which why (Y/N) had asked her to be her maid of honor at her wedding, and if the time came, (Y/N) would be Emily's maid of honor when she would meet that special person.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve.
(Y/N): (Y/N) stood up again and flew next to Emily) He saw the light, Sera.
Emily: Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance.
(Y/N) Emily flew around the court room.)
(Y/N): Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think.
(Y/N) and Emily looked up and Sera and flew up to her.)
Sera: Not everything is spelled in ink.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands.)
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
(Vaggie places a hand on Charlie's shoulder)
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
(Charlie pulls away)
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
(Y/N) and Emily were on each side of Sera while still flying the air.)
Sera: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
(Lute interrupts Sera.)
Lute: What are we even talking' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
(Adam and Lute flew to Charlie, as Adam held her face.)
Lute and Adam: There's no question to be posed! He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
(Lute and Adam, flew on top of the crystal ball)
Adam: A man only lives once; we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
(Adam flew off the crystal ball and stood Infront of Charlie,)
Sera: Adam…
(Sera's eye widened but she was interrupted by Adam.)
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
(Y/N) and Emily's eyes widened.)
Emily and (Y/N): Wait!
Adam: Shit…
(Y/N) and Emily flew down in front of the crystal ball)
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight.
(Y/N): You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie: You didn't know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
(Y/N) looked up at Sera)
(Y/N): Sera, tell us that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
(Y/N) put her hand on Emily's back for comfort)
Sera: You both have to listen; it was such a hard decision.
(Sera flew down to (Y/N) and Emily)
Sera: I wanted to save you; the anguish it takes to do what was required.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands, she had flames in her eyes. (Y/N) and Emily looked at Sera with shock for a moment, until their looks turned angry.)
(Y/N): To think that we admired you, well we don't need your condescension.
(Y/N) and Emily tore their hands away from Sera, while they both flew in the air.)
Emily: Were both not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension?
(Y/N) looked at Adam, who gave a worried look, she flew Infront of him.)
Adam: Babe listen-
(Y/N): Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
(Y/N) flew away from Adam, who had sadness in his eyes. She flew next to Charlie and Emily.)
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
(Chalie held (Y/N) and Emily's hands. They flew on top on the crystal ball.)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!
(Adam and Sera were trying to talk to them. But Emily and (Y/N) wouldn't listen.)
Sera: Girls
Adam: (Y/N)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Charlie: I was told not to trust in angels.
(Filled with rage that Charlie had turned his wife against him, he decided to reveal Vaggie secret.)
Adam: By her?
Lute: Ha! She should know.
Vaggie: We should go.
Charlie: No! Don't you see? We've come so close. Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats.
Adam: Don't you act all high and mighty. Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
Vaggie: Don't, Adam please!
Adam: What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?
(The Crystal ball revealed Vaggie's old look as an exorcist angel. Charlie stared at it in shock, and fell to the floor)
*End of the song*
(Y/N) looked at Adam with disgust in her eyes, Adam looked at (Y/N) but his smirk was quickly feeling off his face when he saw (Y/N) with a disappointed look.
He tried to reach out and explain, but (Y/N) stopped him and flew up next to Emily and Sera. Sera had to breath in out to collect herself, she then spoke. "I'm sorry, but the court finds there is no evidence that souls in Hell can be redeemed."
(Y/N) and Emily were disappointed, they looked at each other with worry. Adam then stated that when the extermination comes, he's coming to Charlie's Hotel first. He snaps his fingers causing Vaggie and Charlie to be sent back to Hell
"Charlie don't give up on this!" (Y/N) said from above as Emily chimed in "We will figure something out, we promise!" (Y/N) held Emily in her arms, trying to comfort her. "That was uncalled for Adam." Sera said will looking down at him. "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces." Adam said while laughing, but it stopped when he saw (Y/N) disappointed face again.
Adam face softened for a moment, "Sorry." That was thing said until he flew up Infront of (Y/N) face while she was still comforting Emily.
"I'll see you at home tonight, right babe?" Adam said while putting his hand on (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) just pushed his hand away. "You shouldn't expect me to be home tonight... or any night for that matter." Adam wanted to try and convince (Y/N) to come home, but he knew it would be a bad idea with other seraphim's watching.
He flew away, leaving (Y/N) with Emily and Sera. It was a short silence when (Y/N) released Emily from her grasp. Emily spoke, "Extermination of human souls. Demon or not there is no reason to be doing this."
Sera spoke, as they eye of her hair and halo opened. "They were upraising, girls. It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect these souls at all costs."
Sera's eyes closed as she placed her hands on (Y/N) and Emily's shoulders. "It is your job to keep them happy and joyful and (Y/N)'s to care for the children of Heaven." "How can we fulfill our jobs when we now know that were causing so much pain to souls down in Hell. And me knowing that my husband is keeping secrets from me, his wife." (Y/N) said.
Sera quickly had answer for it. She told (Y/N) and Emily to let her about this and told them to go back to their jobs.
That night, (Y/N) made true to her word and refused to come home. Adam laid on the bed that he and (Y/N) shared, waiting for his wife to come home so he could explain himself. He never meant to keep secrets from her, he just wanted to protect her and everyone else in Heaven.
And despite his fuckboy nature, Adam really and truly loved (Y/N) and would anything for her. Even if it meant killing demons just to protect her.
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vieshiftsx · 2 months
talking about my drs (but i prefer calling them "lives") that are not based on movies/tv shows:
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: ̗̀➛ cafe owner life
my name is blaire rosewood and i own a bakery cafe in a small town. on the ground floor, it's just like a normal cafe with tables and chairs. on the second floor, it's a blend of library and cafe, where people usually go to, to study or work. multiple bookshelves are also provided for anyone to borrow or read books in the cafe. while i work mainly as the barista, my (soon-to-be) s/o works as the baker. all his pastries and cakes he makes are really good and they always get sold out by the end of the day.
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: ̗̀➛ singer/songwriter life
my name is phoebe webster and i'm 23 years old. my first EP, "dreamer" was released in 2018 and most of the songs were about my celebrity crush at the time: ruel (I LOVE HIS MUSIC AND I LOVE HIM). this first album had a fair amount of listeners, but it was the only album that i never got any award for. then, in 2021, i released my debut album, "goddess" and i won my first ever grammy. at the time, i was 2 years into my relationship with ruel (he was LITERALLY my celebrity crush and i ended up dating him AHHHH). ALSO, my artist besties are laufey, olivia rodrigo and gracie abrams!!! there's a lot of things that i scripted to happen in this life, but i'll refrain from explaining everything bcs i don't want it to be too long 😭
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: ̗̀➛ fashion designer life
i'm genevieve estelle and i own a fashion brand, "estelle". all my designs are sustainable because they're mostly recycled from used materials. on top of that, 20% of the profit will be donated to organizations that contribute to taking care of the environment. there isn't much i can talk about for this life because i decided to just follow the flow and not script any major scenarios that could happen. this is one of the lives that i don't script an s/o in.
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: ̗̀➛ youtuber life
my name is phoebe claire and i'm a youtuber who mainly posts vlogs on my channel. i live in nyc and i have an apartment of my own. in my current life, i've always loved watching vlogs (esp the alexander siblings, saranghoe, michelle choi, daiz, alex bondoc, etc.) but i know deep down i can't be a vlogger like them based on my current circumstances. at least i can do it in another reality. plus, vlogging looks so fun.
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dreamcubed · 2 years
miss americana & the heartbreak prince | sirius black x reader
song; miss americana & the heartbreak prince [taylor swift] pairing; sirius black x fem!american!gryffindor!reader genre; s2l, fluff, slightest touch of angst word count; 3,2k timeline; marauders' sixth year warnings; swearing, references to sirius' bad childhood summary; after making an impromptu transfer from ilvermorny to hogwarts, you are thrust into a world of british boys and pranks - with one in particular catching your eye
a/n; i'm not american so sorry if y/n is ooc for an american!
"voted most likely to run away with you."
"Welcome to Gryffindor! I hope we were the house you wanted," were the first words that came out of the curly-haired boy with glasses who approached you at dinner.
"Uh, I mean, I guess?" you replied, "I think Gryffindor and Wampus are equivalents."
"Why did you transfer?" the red-headed girl stood next to him asked, tilting her head out of curiosity.
You looked down at the ground ashamedly: you had already decided honesty would be the most sustainable way of making friends, "I got expelled."
"Yes, you did," an elderly voice said sternly from behind you, making you jump. You had to admit that the Gryffindor head, Professor McGonagall, scared you a bit. "And you should be very grateful that Professor Dumbledore agreed to offer you a fresh start. Don't waste it, Miss L/N."
"I won't, professor."
"And considering the reason for your expulsion, I suggest you avoid Mr Potter here, along with Mr Black, Mr Lupin and Mr Pettigrew, otherwise we may have to worry about a repeat offence," she continued, "I have high hopes for you, Miss L/N, but you must understand that you are going to be judged much more harshly than the other students."
"Yes, professor," you said, head hanging low. Webster, had she had to embarrass you like that before you'd even had a chance to make friends?
"What was the reason for your expulsion?" the Potter boy asked after McGonagall had left. You couldn't help but notice that three other boys had joined the conversation now: likely the other three the Gryffindor head had mentioned.
You continued with your truthful streak, "Oh, I just- a prank backfired."
"You do pranks?" one of the newly joined boys said excitedly. His hair was long and black, and you could smell his cologne more strongly than the others.
"Yeah, I guess- probably not anymore, though. My parents would kill me if I got another expulsion."
"Ah, don't worry about that," the black-haired boy batted a hand, "McGonagall can be scary, sure, but only Dumbledore has the power to expel, and he's all bark, no bite."
The red-headed girl rolled her eyes, "That mindset will get you expelled, Black-" so that was his name, "-I'm Lily, Lily Evans," she held her hand out to you, and you awkwardly took it.
"Y/N L/N," you replied, though they already knew that. They had heard your name be announced during the sorting ceremony, during which you had stood out like a sore thumb next to all the first years.
"You'll be in the same dorm as me," she said, "I hope we can be friends."
"Woah, slow down, Evans," Black interrupted, "Our good friend L/N here has just told us she's a prankster, and we know you don't approve of that."
Lily rolled her eyes, "If you want me to stupefy any of them, just let me know. C'mon, Lupin, we have head boy and girl stuff to do."
The tallest of the four boys followed her over to the first year section of the table.
"Sirius Black," the boy grinned, lifting your hand to press a kiss to the back of it, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." He dropped your hand, "This here is James-" he gestured to the Potter boy, "Over with Evans is Remus, and this is Peter." He pointed towards the final boy, whose last name could only be Pettigrew.
"We would absolutely love to hear all about your pranking genius," James said as he looped an arm through one of yours, Sirius doing the same on your other side.
The latter nodded enthusiastically, "And we would adore an in-depth retelling of your expulsion."
Okay, maybe you wouldn't be unpopular just because you were a late transfer with a bad record.
Somehow, some way, the boys - self-named as the Marauders - had roped you into committing another prank. They had described it as the "initiation prank" that would solidify your place in the group and allow you to be included in all of their secrets (of which you could tell there were many).
It was only your second week at Hogwarts: you could tell McGonagall wasn't so pleased when it came to your blooming friendships with the infamous pranksters of the school, although she was happy to see you were also forming a strong bond with Lily. Also, your grades were good - after all, creative pranks didn't come from a stupid mind.
"Are you all set?" James asked just as you had rushed around the corner, completely out of breath.
You nodded, "I almost got trapped in it myself."
From the distant corridor, sounds of people cursing and in general making loud exclamations began, and one by one you and the Marauders peered around the corner.
You had charmed the floor to have the solidity of an (overly bouncy) bouncy castle - and now you could only watch in satisfied glee as people lost their balance and began bouncing around higher than they could control. Many had fallen over and were completely helpless, meanwhile a select few were beginning to get the hang of it but ultimately failed when a helpless one crashed into them. A crowd had formed at both edges of the charmed floor, meaning it was a matter of time before a professor showed up.
"We should get out of here," Remus whispered, suppressing his giggles in the process.
You all nodded in agreement and began backing away from the situation when a stern resounding cough echoed around you, making you freeze in your tracks.
"Just where do you think you're going?"
You all slowly turned around to face your angered head of house.
"Detention, the lot of you," she then turned to you, "Miss L/N, I am incredibly disappointed that this is the start you're getting off to."
You bowed your head in shame.
Detention involved scrubbing every single cauldron in the potions classroom by hand - an immensely tedious task. Though, truthfully, with the Marauders there, you were having at least some amount of fun. Plus, Professor Slughorn was mostly out of the room, only checking in every twenty minutes or so, meaning you could converse relatively freely.
"Your prank was so good," Sirius, who was stood next to you as you cleaned, said, "I was very impressed."
You couldn't stop the heat from rising to your cheeks and ears, "Thanks, I just hope I didn't hurt any-"
"Oh, speaking of the prank!" James interrupted from across the room, "You're now officially initiated! You want to know our secrets?"
"I mean, sure-"
He reached into his satchel and pulled out a piece of parchment, slamming it down on the table as he unrolled it.
"Prongs, be careful, Slughorn could be back any mi-" Remus tried to say, but James made another interruption.
"He was just here two minutes ago, we've got a while," he gestured for you to come over and look at the paper, so you obliged.
You frowned, "It's blank."
"That, Miss Americana-" their favourite nickname for you, coming from Sirius' mouth this particular time, "-is what you're supposed to think."
James pulled out his wand and waved it over the paper, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
To your pure amazement, a map of Hogwarts' many corridors and rooms formed on the page in a maroon ink colour. Not only that, but there were names as well: student and professor names that you recognised, and some of them were moving around on the parchment.
"This is our most beautiful creation," Sirius said to you with a charming smile, "The Marauders' Map."
"It displays every single secret room and passageway in Hogwarts," Remus said, "Plus the locations of all the students and professors."
"That's amazing," you said, genuinely astounded, "It must have been so difficult to make."
"About as difficult as becoming an animagus," Peter said, which made you furrow your brows at the oddly specific choice of simile.
"Which brings us on to the next secret," James continued, "We're animagi."
"It's what our nicknames our based off of," Sirius beamed, "I'm a dog - a black dog - hence the name Padfoot."
"I'm a stag," James said, "'S why I'm Prongs." He put his hands on his head in a way that symbolised antlers.
Peter sighed, "I'm sure you can guess what Wormtail is."
You thought for a second, "...Rat?" You felt bad guessing it, but the boy simply nodded.
You then turned your eyes to Remus, who had been particularly quiet during this part of the conversation.
"What's Moony then?"
"Wolf," James said with no further explanation.
And you simply thought that Remus had a wolf animagus: why would you think any differently?
"Alright, we're back," Sirius announced, immediately plopping a pouch of sweets into your hand, "Here's your request, Miss Americana."
"Thanks, Siri," you said, giving him a warm smile which he returned before following the other Marauders up the stairs. They had, of course, snuck down to Hogsmeade through one of the secret tunnels: you had been invited, but due to the amount of catch-up work you still had to do, you declined, staying with Lily instead.
That exact redhead sighed at you, "I see the way you look at Black, L/N. I'd have to advise you not to go there."
You were flustered at her having caught on to your feelings so quick, but pushed that aside in favour of asking, "Why?"
"He's the heartbreak prince to put it lightly," she said, "Never had a long-term relationship. Dates a girl for two weeks, gets her all attached, then dumps her so her friends can find her crying in the toilets."
Your heart sunk: was he really that selfish?
"Great friend, don't get me wrong. Just not a great boyfriend."
You sighed, "Thanks for the warning, I guess."
"I don't wanna see you get hurt," she said, "Especially when I could've done something to prevent it."
You gave her a soft smile.
"This doesn't seem like a good idea," you said sceptically, watching as the boys tied some string across a section of the corridor in a spiderweb sort of fashion.
"It is, trust us," Sirius said, winking at you, "Now grab that string and help us."
You sighed, but couldn't say no to Sirius so agreed and got to work. Eventually, when the pattern was deemed complex enough, James put his hands on his hips in triumph.
"Step one is complete," he said proudly, moving over to a satchel in the corner to pull out a small potion, "A special thanks to Y/N for creating and cooking this potion for us."
You bowed sarcastically at the following applause.
"Now for step two," James continued, grabbing more bottles from the satchel and passing them around, "Douse the string in this."
You got to work on one of the ends of the string while Peter used his rat animagus to easily complete the task in the middle. After what felt like ages, the task was finally finished, and the potion was in full effect: the string was entirely invisible to the human eye.
"Quick, it's almost six," Remus said, glancing at the sun about to rise over the horizons, "We need to get out of here."
Strategically, you all split into different directions as you always looked more suspicious when you were altogether. You found yourself heading the same way Sirius was and did very little to change course.
"Yet another brilliant prank set up," he said gleefully, tugging on your arm to pull you in the same direction as him when you reached a T-junction.
"If I get expelled because of you guys, I'm suing," you spat, although your tone held no real malice.
"Relax, relax, Miss Americana," you rolled your eyes at the nickname, "We've told you a thousand times. Dumbledore doesn't expel unless it's legally required."
"What if this falls under the legal requirements?"
He shook his head dismissively, "It doesn't. I've read them."
You frowned, and before you could ask why he explained.
"Wanted to see what loopholes I could find."
"Even if I don't get expelled my parents will still slaughter me if they find out I'm back to pranking."
He hummed, "Well that's parents for you."
As he said that, you passed who you had learnt to be Regulus Black in the corridor: you hadn't been told the details, but you knew that the Black brothers did not get along. The external differences were obvious, with Regulus being cold and closed-off - accentuated by his Slytherin tie. Sirius, on the other hand, was sociable and warm - accentuated by his Gryffindor tie. Difference in personalities was seldom enough reason for two brothers to avoid each other like the plague, though, so you knew it was something deeper.
On a separate note: what Regulus was doing up so early, you had no idea.
"Where will the others be headed?" you asked, trying to get the good mood back into Sirius after seeing his brother.
"Godric knows," he said with a shrug, "We didn't plan this far ahead."
"Where are we headed?"
He paused in his movements, "Where do you want to go?"
You thought for a moment, "The Astronomy Tower."
"Bit weird to go there during daylight."
"I never claimed to be a mastermind."
He chuckled a bit, "Okay, let's go. It's this direction anyway."
"No, you're lying," he laughed, "So you charmed your headmaster's beard to mimic worms?"
You couldn't help but snort, shoving Sirius slightly from your position sat cross-legged opposite him. You both had been up in the Astronomy Tower for roughly half an hour by that point.
"And that still didn't get you expelled?"
"Yeah, in hindsight, I was pushing it way too much."
"I'll say. What possibly made you think that the dragon prank would be a good idea when you were already on thin ice?"
He was referencing the prank that had ultimately led to your expulsion, which you had already told the Marauders about in great detail.
You shrugged, "I told you, it was meant to be a non-physical illusion. I didn't mean to fuck up the spell and temporarily create a fully solid dragon."
"You must be an incredible witch if you could accidentally create such a powerful illusion, Miss Americana."
"I guess, I mean... it's not like the illusion had firepower or sharp claws or anything."
"Still hurt people though."
"Yeah, when a heavy-as-fuck being barrels into you at full speed some damage tends to be taken," you scoffed, "I'm just lucky I didn't kill or permanently disable anyone."
"And you apologised."
You smiled, "Yeah, but I reckon some of them will never truly forgive me."
"Ah, well, you live and you learn."
"What about you?" you asked, "That's the most interesting thing about my backstory, what about yours?"
"My family are elitist pure-bloods," he said, taking you by surprise, "They hate me for disagreeing with that and not being exactly like Regulus."
You hummed, "Old Reggie's the favourite then?"
"I mean, yes, but that doesn't mean they're particularly nice to him either."
You chewed your lip in thought, understanding what Sirius was implying. The friction between him and his brother now made sense, as well as his aversion to talking about his home life.
For a few moments, your eyes locked on to Sirius', and just when the cliché moment to lean in for a kiss arrived, you quickly looked away and awkwardly coughed. It's not that you didn't want to kiss the ridiculously handsome boy, but you just couldn't get Lily's words out of your mind. Sirius sensed your apprehension and avoidance, making him frown.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."
"I just thought maybe we were having a- we were going to-..." he trailed off, bringing his lower lip between his teeth.
You remained silent.
"Sorry, I must've read the signals wrong."
Shaking your head, you sighed, "I can't."
"Why not? Strict parents?" he asked, "I mean, if that's the case, I don't think you could make 'em anymore pissed."
"That's not it, Padfoot," you said quietly, "Lily told me about you."
"What about me?"
"That you're the heartbreak prince," you said simply, "Never had a relationship longer than two weeks."
"Okay, that's true."
"See? I can't get myself hurt."
He pushed his long hair back messily, "No, no, let me explain."
You gave him an expression that told him to continue.
"Yes, I've had a lot of short relationships... it's not because I'm bad at commitment and move on quickly, I swear."
With a sceptical expression, you folded your arms.
"Whenever I get asked out, I just can't say no. So I just... say yes and then avoid them as much as I can until they break up with me... which normally takes a couple weeks."
"That's bad in a different way, Sirius," you scoffed, "You got their hopes up for nothing. That still makes you a heartbreaker."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I feel shit about it."
"Look," you sighed, gazing at his handsome face in the sunlight, "I like you - I really do - but I can't date a guy that's hurt so many people without fixing it."
"Godric, Miss Americana, you really are the queen of morals, huh?"
"Someone in this group has to be."
He smiled at you, and despite the previous conversation, the atmosphere didn't feel awkward.
"Morning," you yawned, sitting down by Lily on the Gryffindor table. She didn't reply, instead giving you a dumbfounded expression that had you waking up a bit more. "What?"
"What the fuck is Black doing?"
"Hm?" you said confusedly, looking around to try and spot the black-haired man.
"Miss Americana," you heard James call, hurrying over to you, "What did you say to Padfoot yesterday? He's like a completely different person."
"What are you talking about?" you responded, finally locating Sirius in the room. He was moving about, going from one girl to another after exchanging a few words with each of them.
"He's apologising to every single girl he's ever left heartbroken," James explained, "What did you do?"
Your heart suddenly warmed at the realisation of what he was up to, and you now understood that maybe he was in fact serious about you.
Eventually, he came over to where you had been blatantly watching him from and sat down at your side. All of you, including Remus and Peter who had joined since, stared at him blankly as he began tucking into breakfast like the previous events were nothing.
"Padfoot, you feeling alright?" Remus asked.
"Never better, Moony."
"How come?" James ventured to ask.
"I can finally start a clean slate," Sirius beamed, turning to you, "One in which I hope Miss Americana will agree to go on a date with me."
You stared at him, your mouth slightly agape.
"You really did that just for me?"
He nodded enthusiastically, "I realised I had to show you how serious I am - no pun intended."
You sighed, "Okay. I'll go on a date with you."
He didn't need to know that butterflies were swarming in your stomach.
written; 08/11/2022 —> 24/01/2023 published; 25/01/2023 edited; —/—/——
taglist ; @workinatdapyramid @iluvweasleys
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
Decadent: A Miguel O'Hara Story Masterlist
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This is the masterlist for my story Decadent
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 - Finale!
My Masterlist
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De-ca-dent* (de-kə-dənt) 1. characterized by or appealing to self-indulgence a rich and decadent dessert 2. marked by decay or decline an increasingly decadent society
Summary: You are new to the city, starting a job at a the research facility of your dreams. Speaking of dreams, your dreamy boss, Miguel O'Hara leaves an impression on you you'll not soon forget. But this brilliant scientist hides a dark secret - will his darkness drag you under? Or is love strong enough to overcome anything?
Pairings: Miguel O'Hara from the film Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse x female reader
Warnings/notables: AU-ish story. 18+, please note the warnings for each part/section of this story. Some things are canon accurate and some are not. The secret Miguel hides requires him to do dark deeds to sustain his own life. Therefore there are non-con "vampiric" elements, but all sexual activities are consensual.
Co-workers to co-workers-with-benefits to lovers. Slow burn on the feelings, fast track on the smut.
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Dividers by saradika
*as defined by Merriam-Webster
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist
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Crowley's Rejection of the Label "Nice"
Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 below. Also, it's been a really long time since college, so if anyone wants to take this and run with it, I would be thrilled!
So, Crowley explicitly rejects being called "nice" multiple times over the course of season two. And on the one hand, this is because he has to go along with his side as far as he can/keep up a proper demonic appearance to keep both himself and Aziraphale safe.
But here's the thing. "Nice" can mean kind (which he is) or polite (which he isn't). But as Anathema Device knew at the age of eight, "nice" can also mean "scrupulously exact".
So, I want to talk about that definition of "nice", and then discuss it as a whole as it does or doesn't apply to Crowley.
Merriam-Webster online lists two definitions of "scrupulous".
The first is "having moral integrity; acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper".
Crowley meets half of this definition, but only half. A lot has been written (both in the context of Good Omens and the context of real world religion) about what morality means in the face of an absent or ambiguous God. Crowley explicitly, canonically has moral integrity. He goes along as far as he can, and no further. He acts in many cases as the moral center of the show-- I'm thinking in particular of the Job minisode and Elspeth and Wee Morag.
Crowley does not (and will not) "act in strict regard for what is considered right or proper". It is, in fact, his refusal of accepting Heaven's (and Hell's) way of doing things that allows him to have moral integrity.
The second definition Merriam-Webster gives for "scrupulous" is "punctiliously exact; painstaking". Crowley has been making an effort (not /that/ kind of making an effort) to keep his and Aziraphale's Arrangement secret for 6,000 years at this point. That takes a lot of attention to detail. But Crowley also tries to be nonchalant about the whole thing. Admitting that it takes effort is not something he wants to do.
Also, you know what takes being "punctiliously exact"? Creating freaking astrophysics. A sustaining and expanding universe that appears to be much older than it is. But you know who Crowley isn't anymore? The angel who created the stars. Crowley stopped being that angel slightly before he began sauntering vaguely downwards. He does not want to be that angel any more. This is kind of the crux of the final fifteen.
I don't have an ending paragraph to tie this up neatly, but it's just some things I have been thinking about
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beardedmrbean · 1 month
A 29-year-old woman who stabbed to death a man who "loved and supported" her because he ran out of money has been jailed for at least 25 years.
Lauren Harris, of no fixed address, murdered David Mark Wilcox at his flat with accomplice David Webster, who bludgeoned him with a vodka bottle.
Webster, 43, of Lacey Street, Widnes, Cheshire, was jailed for at least 23 years after the pair were convicted last week.
Mr Justice Pepperall told Harris at Mold Crown Court the killing of the 65-year-old, who "had loved and supported you,” was "brutal and senseless".
A third man, Thomas Whitely, 33, of Colwyn Bay, had also been charged with murder but was cleared.
The jury heard that North Wales Police went to a property in Bay View Road, near Colwyn Bay town centre, in Conwy county, where Mr Wilcox was found stabbed and battered to death in an armchair.
He had been punched, kicked and stamped on and had broken ribs.
During sentencing Mr Justice Pepperall said: "I detect no remorse."
At one point as she was led into the dock Harris sang Shania Twain's Man! I Feel Like a Woman!
Andrew Ford KC, prosecuting, told jurors she had previous convictions for assault, including an unlawful wounding in 2022 in which a knife was used against a partner in a block of flats in Old Colwyn.
CCTV footage was played to the court and footage was also played of her assaulting men in the centre of Wrexham and Colwyn Bay.
Mr Ford said Harris also had a string of convictions for theft.
Harris had used Mr Wilcox’s bank cards at two ATMs in a bid to withdraw cash for drugs.
The judge said the murder may have happened out of anger that the money had dried up. Harris had crashed and abandoned Mr Wilcox’s car soon after the murder.
The court heard Harris took a “leading” role.
But the judge told Webster, who had a history of violence: "You were a willing accomplice in this brutal crime. It was you who bludgeoned your victim with a vodka bottle."
Mr Justice Pepperall said Webster lied about how he had Mr Wilcox’s watches.
"The appalling truth is you stole one of the watches from a dying man’s wrist," he said.
The court heard Mr Wilcox had moved to support Harris as he sought to turn her life around, but he started to struggle with his finances.
In the days before he was killed she began a relationship with Webster.
The court heard they spent money on drugs.
“This was a sustained and vicious attack in which you showed Mr Wilcox no mercy,” the judge said.
"From his defensive injuries it was clear the victim suffered greatly.”
Dean Quick of the Crown Prosecution Service said: “Mr Wilcox was stabbed in his own home, suffering injuries that proved to be fatal.
“The CPS placed all the evidence before the jury who have returned guilty verdicts for Harris and Webster.
“Our thoughts remain with the family and friends of Mr Wilcox who have had to deal with a terrible loss.”
Supt Sarah-Jayne Williams of North Wales Police called the killing “violent and senseless".
“Harris and Webster callously murdered Mark in his own home in a sustained attack, where he should have been safe," she said.
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mollymurakami · 1 year
if you don’t mind me asking, what kind of programs & brushes do you use?
of course! these days i'm working primarily in procreate on my ipad and i am partial to the dry inker, 6b pencil, and shale brush (under calligraphy, i think) for drawing/lining. i've also been using baskerville and mercury inkers for coloring and dabbling in using them for line art, too :)
in photoshop i love kyle t. webster's mr. natural inker and just his whole catalog, really (if you're a pshop subscriber you can download most of these for free, but also ik adobe is the pits). my goal for the next year or so is to learn clip, bc i know that's a more sustainable/affordable program that has a lot of good tools if you know how to use them.
hope this is helpful!
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accessibleacademia · 4 months
noun, pronounced "jist"
Meaning: Gist almost always appears in the phrase “the gist” and means the general or basic meaning or message of something written or said—in other words, its essence or main point.
In a sentence: "I didn’t catch every word, but I heard enough to get the gist of the conversation."
In history: Gist was borrowed from the Anglo-French legal phrase laccion gist (meaning “the action lies/is based [on]”) in the 17th century, and it was originally used in law as a term referring to the foundation or grounds for a legal action without which the action would not be legally sustainable.
From Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day 1 June 2023
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ingek73 · 1 month
Extremist or mainstream: how do Tim Walz’s policies match up globally?
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Ed PilkingtonFri 16 Aug 2024 12.00 CEST
Within hours of Minnesota’s governor, Tim Walz, being chosen by Kamala Harris to be her Democratic presidential running mate, Donald Trump and team began attacking him as a “dangerously liberal extremist”.
Trump surrogates seized on Walz’s record of expanding voting rights for former felons, combatting the climate crisis, and other measures as proof that Harris-Walz would be the “most radical ticket in American history”.
If you step back from the melee, and look at his gubernatorial acts through a global lens, they appear anything but extreme. From the perspective of other industrialised nations, what Trump denounces as leftwing radicalism looks little more than basic public welfare provisions.
Far from being militant and revolutionary, initiatives such as paid family leave, free college tuition and rudimentary gun controls – all championed by Walz in Minnesota – have long been regarded as middle-of-the-road and unremarkable in large swathes of the world. Through this frame, it is not Walz who is the outlier, but his Republican critics.
Here are how some of Walz’s most impactful reforms compare with the rest of the world.
Free school lunches
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View image in fullscreenTim Walz gets a huge hug from students at Webster Elementary in Minneapolis after he signed into law a bill that guarantees free school meals on 17 March 2023. Photograph: Star Tribune/Getty Images
‘On fire with excitement’: Tim Walz’s former students react to nominationRead more
Walz’s record: “What a monster! Kids are eating and having full bellies so they can go learn.” That was Walz’s sardonic reply to CNN when he was asked about having introduced free breakfast and lunch for all Minnesota schoolkids. The 2023 measure puts Minnesota among just eight US states that offer school meals at no cost to all children, no matter their family’s income.
Around the world: Several countries provide free lunches for their children nationwide. Sweden, Finland and the three Baltic nations all provide meals at no cost for all schoolchildren irrespective of income, and many more European countries provide targeted or subsidised meals. Even a developing country such as India ensures access to lunch for more than 100 million kids daily.
“The idea of offering free meals to all students during the school day is hardly new – many countries already do so,” said Alexis Bylander at the Food Research and Action Center, a US anti-hunger organisation. “Numerous studies show the benefits, including improving student attendance, behaviour and academic success.”
Combatting the climate crisis
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View image in fullscreenPublic works employees run a water pump to prevent flood waters from coming up through the storm drains in Stillwater, Minnesota, in 2023. Photograph: Nicole Neri for The Washington Post via Getty Images
Walz’s record: In February 2023 Walz signed legislation committing Minnesota to having all its electricity produced by wind, solar and other clean energy sources by 2040 – an even more ambitious timeframe than adopted by California, America’s sustainable energy leader. The legislature also passed more than 40 climate initiatives, including expanding charging infrastructure for electric vehicles and introducing a new code for commercial buildings to cut energy use by 80% by 2036.
Around the world: By global standards, Minnesota’s ambitions do not stand out. Some 27 countries have written into law target dates by which they will become net zero – that is, stop loading additional greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. In the developed world, Finland is leading the way, pledging to be net zero by 2035, and to begin absorbing more carbon dioxide than it produces by 2040. In December, almost 200 countries at the Cop28 climate summit in Dubai agreed to call on all countries to transition away from fossil fuels and for global renewable energy to be tripled by 2030.
Child tax credit
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View image in fullscreenTim Walz reads a story to a group of kindergarteners in St Paul on 17 January 2023. Photograph: Glen Stubbe/Star Tribune via Getty Images
Walz’s record: Last year the governor signed into law a child tax credit program for low-income Minnesota families. The measure sought to fill the hole left by a federal scheme that expired in 2021 after Congress failed to extend it. The Minnesota plan is the most generous of its type in the US, offering $1,750 per child and reaching more than 400,000 children.
Around the world: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the forum of high-income democracies, reported in 2018 that 34 of the 35 countries with available information provided their people with some form of family benefit including tax credits. The OECD compared the value of family benefits for two-child families, measured as a percentage of average earnings, across 41 countries and found that the US came in at No 40, with only Turkey being less generous in its support.
Basic gun controls
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View image in fullscreenTim Walz hands out pumpkin bars to a gun safety advocate before the first day of the legislative session in St Paul in 2023. Photograph: Abbie Parr/AP
Walz’s record: The governor identifies as a proud gun-owner and hunter, and he accepted Harris’s invitation to be her running mate wearing a camo hat. That didn’t stop him in May 2023 enacting a slew of gun safety measures, including requiring all private sales of handguns and semi-automatic rifles to go through an FBI background check that looks for evidence of criminal or mental health risks. The changes also introduced a “red flag law” that allows relatives and other interested parties to intervene when someone is in danger of injuring themselves or others with guns.
Around the world: International comparisons show that Americans own vastly more guns than civilians in other rich countries – 121 guns per 100 Americans, compared with five guns per 100 people in the United Kingdom. The number of gun killings per 100,000 people is also vastly higher: 4.12 in the US, 0.04 in the UK.
Other countries also have much tougher gun controls that make those introduced by Walz look weak by comparison. Canada requires gun buyers to wait 28 days before acquiring a firearm, and imposes mandatory safety training and a ban on military-style rifles that does not exist in the US. The UK also bans some semi-automatic rifles and most handguns. Japan tightly restricts gun ownership, banning most guns other than air guns and a few other special categories and even then requiring owners to submit to annual inspections.
Paid family and medical leave
Walz’s record: House File 2, enacted by the governor last year, gave Minnesotans access to up to 20 weeks in every year of partial wages to cover medical leave after a life-changing diagnosis, mental health leave, or time off to care for a new baby. “Paid family and medical leave is about investing in the people that made our state and economy strong in the first place,” Walz said as he signed the bill.
Around the world: The US is the only OECD member country without a national law giving all workers access to paid leave for new mothers. Thirty-seven out 38 OECD countries offer national paid maternity leave – the only exception being the US. France, which holds the top spot, allows mothers and fathers to take paid leave until their child is three years old.
The US is also one of only six countries with no form of national paid leave covering either family or medical leave in the case of a health concern.
Voting rights for former felons
Walz’s record: The governor signed a bill that restores the vote to more than 50,000 Minnesotans who have been convicted of a felony. The Trump campaign denounced the measure as evidence of Walz’s “dangerously liberal agenda”, which is ironic, given that Trump himself, as a convicted felon, will only be able to vote for himself in November thanks to a similar reform in New York.
Around the world: A report released by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in June concluded that the US was an “outlier nation in that it strips voting rights from millions of citizens solely on the basis of a criminal conviction”. In 2022, more than 4 million people in the US were disenfranchised on those grounds. By contrast, when HRW surveyed 136 countries around the world, it found that the majority never or rarely deny the vote because of a criminal record, while those with restrictions tend to be much less draconian in their approach than US states.
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tears-that-heal · 10 months
To My Dear Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ....
The term, mindfulness (or mindful), has become a loaded word in our modern day. According to Webster dictionary, mindfulness is defined as such. 1. the quality or state of being mindful. 2. the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basis; also  : such a state of awareness. So this formal definition seems to be a great word to describe one's mindset or outlook on life. Personally, I strive to be "mindful" on the daily, but what this word is strongly associated to eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism.
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I touched on these two religions, and their practices on yoga and meditation in a previous post, but adapting their practice of "mindfulness" hasn't needed to happen because within the church. As a Christian, we gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding through the Holy Spirit, a.k.a Yeshua/God. To achieve "mindfulness" without God is what I'm mainly addressing here. This post is a loving warning for you to be alert and sober whenever you come across this word in the world. Do not fear it, but definitely ask the Holy Spirit for Discernment and Wisdom if you come inbox contact with this subject; especially in Psychology and other Wellness-related services in the US. While still in California, I worked in high school education for a time and "mindfulness" was brought up alot in multiple mandatory meetings. *sigh* Basically, "mindfulness" is the practice to achieve awareness on your own human knowledge and understanding, and to also sustain it on your own will. Truly its more of an awareness of oneself, then awareness of others. Which ties into what I said in my previous post on yoga and meditation.
Mindfulness meditation is, of course, a thing too. It's the "how-to" to practice becoming and being "mindful". For Christians, we mediate/ponder on God's Word, the Holy Bible. Then through prayer, we receive knowledge and understanding from the Holy Spirit of what we've read. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." (Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT) We are instructed to not depend on our own human knowledge and wisdom because our understanding is limited and flawed. Compared tp our God/Yeshua, who's All Knowing and Perfect. I personally strive to live by this biblical passage as humanly possible. Of course, my efforts are imperfect and God know that too. He simply asks us to look to Him as we wholeheartedly, try daily. So please, be weary of the practice of "mindfulness" as you travel through this life on earth. God Bless <;3
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Sin Separates Us from God
1 Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.
3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath uttered perverseness.
4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
5 They hatch cockatrice eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.
7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood: their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths.
8 The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whoever goeth therein shall not know peace.
9 Therefore is judgment far from us, neither doth justice overtake us: we wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness.
10 We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.
11 We all roar like bears, and mourn bitterly like doves: we look for judgment, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us.
12 For our transgressions are multiplied before thee, and our sins testify against us: for our transgressions are with us; and as for our iniquities, we know them;
13 In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
14 And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
15 Yes, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.
Salvation is Only of God
16 And he saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it sustained him.
17 For he put on righteousness as a breast-plate, and a helmet of salvation upon his head; and he put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, and was clad with zeal as a cloke.
18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompense to his enemies; to the isles he will repay recompense.
19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.
The Covenant of the Redeemer
20 And the Redeemer will come to Zion, and to them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD.
21 As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the LORD; My spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed's seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever. — Isaiah 59 | Webster's Bible Translation (WBT) The Webster Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 4:15; Leviticus 26:28; Numbers 11:23; Numbers 32:23; Deuteronomy 7:10; Deuteronomy 28:29; Ezra 9:6; Job 5:14; Job 8:14; Job 16:17; Psalm 55:2; Psalm 61:5; Psalm 82:5; Psalm 98:1; Psalm 125:5; Proverbs 4:19; Isaiah 1:15; Isaiah 1:21; Isaiah 3:8; Isaiah 5:7; Isaiah 5:23; Isaiah 10:2; Isaiah 28:20; Isaiah 33:2-3; Isaiah 34:15; Isaiah 38:14; Isaiah 46:12; Isaiah 50:1-2; Jeremiah 7:28; Matthew 2:16; Matthew 8:11; Matthew 10:33; Mark 7:21-22; Luke 1:79; Acts 2:38-39; Romans 11:26-27; Ephesians 6:14; Ephesians 6:17; Titus 1:16; James 1:15
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siilverwiitch · 3 months
In reference to this post as promised I'm elaborating
Alive is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as;
(of a person, animal, or plant) living, not dead Alert and Active; animated
Merriam-webster defines Alive as;
Having life: not dead or inanimate
Both of these fit what we see with characters such as Boothill, but in biological science, there is more complexity regarding what is or can be defined as alive.
Throughout my science degree, I must consistently refer to the expanded definition. Because of that, I have struggled to define certain organisms in a strictly 'alive' or 'dead' definition. The definition of life is complex and multifaceted and is typically defined by 7 key characteristics, these are
Cellular Organization: All living organisms are composed of one or more cells, which are considered the basic units of life.
Metabolism: Living organisms undergo chemical reactions that allow them to transform energy and materials from their environment into usable forms. This includes processes such as respiration, digestion, and photosynthesis.
Growth and Development: Living organisms grow and develop according to specific instructions coded for by their DNA or RNA.
Reproduction: Living organisms have the ability to reproduce, either sexually or asexually, to produce new individuals of the same species.
Response to Stimuli: Living organisms can respond to environmental stimuli, such as light, temperature, and touch.
Homeostasis: Living organisms maintain a stable internal environment, regulating factors such as temperature, pH, and hydration to sustain life.
Adaptation and Evolution: Living organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment through the process of evolution by natural selection over generations.
These criteria form the basis of our understanding of life. However, some entities like viruses challenge these criteria, as they exhibit some but not all characteristics of life, such as having genetic material and evolving, but lacking cellular structure and metabolism on their own.
Now back on topic, Boothill is in a way pseudo-dead/alive. Shrodiger's cowboy if you will. He exists in the grey area between the definition of living and non-living. Now if we work through the list above and work out the rough percentage of the scientific definition our favourite galaxy ranger fits into. I'll start from the top, as far as we are aware (please correct me if I'm wrong) Boothill is lacking a majority of his original cellular makeup, excluding what's left visible of his skin which I assume isn't synthetic. Assuming all of this he fits the first characteristic poorly and therefore I'm giving him an F+ for effort. The second characteristic is metabolism... I'm going to just instantly fail him because I don't think bullets truly have any nutritional value and therefore he gains no energy from them (I also highly doubt he needs more than a phone charger cable to stop himself from powering down with the Windows shutdown noise). Growth and Development, unless he's made of a biological metal that can grow he also fails in this department, he also lacks a majority of his original biological makeup which also means he fails.
(Boothill isn't doing so well so far...)
Reproduction... I think this one is pretty self-explanatory. I highly doubt there was any need for there to be any reproductive organ and therefore he has no way to reproduce. (Sorry to all the fanfic authors out there that have just had a field day coming up with as many different ways this man can get some, keep being as delusional as you wish I won't judge). Finally, we reach one Boothill can do (YAY!!!) response to stimuli. despite him not having any or very little feeling in his mechanical body parts there is still his face and very pinchable cheeks. I'm also going to treat his lack of feeling as being similar to people with severe nerve damage, still alive and just can't feel shit. Now, fanfics also enjoy this one, homeostasis, it makes sense that he would be able to regulate internal temperature especially because overheating would fry him like a chip in oil. So I'm fully on board with this man being able to sound like my laptop when I use it for too long or open a million different AO3 tabs. (plus a flustered Boothill sounding like an overheating laptop is a hilarious thought to me). the last characteristic is adaption and evolution, this to me links to reproduction as it typically refers to the entire 'species' not just an individual. another fail.
Out of the seven characteristics Boothill fits at best two. This means he's at best 28.5% alive, not a good mark if it were a test but interesting. As far as I'm concerned he's similar to a virus in the sense that despite not fitting into the characteristics that well he's still very much alive.
Apologies for the long read, I had a brainworm and needed to free it.
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antebellumite · 4 months
At the end of the day, because I'm a sucker for these plots ( and these dynamics ):
Modern AU where Calhoun, Clay, Jackson, Hayne, and Biddle are all adopted siblings and prospective heirs to the Virginian Dynasty, a multi-industry multinational conglomerate run by the eccentric, famous, well-meaning, and multi-millionaire James Monroe. Monroe, according to public gossip, is planning to retire soon, leaving his behemoth of a company behind to one of his five sons-all of whom are known political enthusiasts ( Monroe himself was adamant about nonpartisanship ). This fact is what draws much of the public's attention to the inheritance of the VD, since depending on just which of the five inherit the VD, certain aspiring politicians may just have received for themselves a very powerful sponsor indeed.
Yet, despite this attention, neither the public nor the potential inheritors themselves know who will end up taking control of the company after Monroe's passing-leaving the five men to duke it out between themselves.
Enter Daniel Webster, an everyday lawyer who through his connections with Hayne, manages to worm his way into this family drama. His goal? Find out the inheritor of the company, latch onto them, and siphon as much wealth out as possible for hightailing out. His original plan was to take advantage of Robert Hayne's easy nature, making sure he inherits the wealth, but as his stay in the family sphere elongates, Webster finds himself uncovering secrets, threats, plots, and more plots under the shiny veneer of normalcy that is the Virginian Dynasty. Beyond just ensuring his true intentions aren't found out, Webster is trying his best to endear himself to everyone in the family-which might be working too much, considering that all of them are now trying to get him on their side. One thing is clear, soon enough, it might not just be his gold-digging tendencies that'll be at risk, but his very life.
James Monroe: The eccentric, high-society, slightly air-headed, optimistic, and utterly filthy rich CEO of the Virginian Dynasty. His aim is to retire in the near future to write a memoir, dote on his family, and pass on his legacy in peace.
Henry Clay: The golden child of the VD, a fantastic lawyer and speaker, known for his Wild Lifestyle, filled with parties ( drinking, dancing, snuff, drugs, gambling, women ) and accusations of corruption and promiscuity, as well as his promising political career. Perhaps the most open about his aims to inherit the corporation, and to many, the most reasonable and expected option.
John C Calhoun: An equally politically prominent figure of the VD, and famously is allying himself with Clay in order to share the VD profits among themselves once they get the money. The somber, cold, humble, puritanical, and serious moon to Clay's flamboyant sun, the two of them make a good team...for now.
Andrew Jackson: Unlike Clay or Calhoun, Jackson's fight to take control of the VD stems from the fact he doesn't trust Clay or Calhoun an inch with the power the VD holds. In fact, as a self-proclaimed champion of the working class, Jackson vows to bring down this corporation once he gets his hands on it, reforming it to better pay and protect employees, remaining bipartisan, etc. As an already established military leader who owns quite a few newspapers himself, he's by far the most widely known and admired of the potential inheritors.
Nicholas Biddle: Perhaps the only one here who actually knows how to run a business to be sustainable, let's face it. But alas. Biddle here is perhaps the heir to the VD with the most conflicting accounts. Just as famous as the others, to many, he is a conniving, corrupt, and sinister figure, aiming to do anything to take control of the corporations for his own aims, even if it means utterly destroying his own siblings in the process. Others say that he is righteous, amiable, bubbly, and kind- some argue, even an idiot who could do nothing of that sort. Some say he is the best option for inheriting the Dynasty, and others say he is the worst. Whatever the case, it won't due to overlook him.
Robert Hayne: To be honest, no one really knows if Hayne even wants to be in the running for the corporation. An idealist, Hayne, like Jackson, believes he can reform the company, but in a way not as extreme as him. Yet from the looks of it, it appears that Hayne would also be more than glad to just let Clay and Calhoun take control of the company instead, if he is granted a subordinate position. Perhaps the least well-known of the successors, he is an associate of Daniel Webster-and a link for getting him involved in the drama.
Daniel Webster: A man with a plan. Webster's an up and rising in popularity and fame lawyer and orator. His intentions were to get into the family to find out who was going to inherit the company, seducing/latching onto that inheritor somehow, and siphoning money out that way. Originally, Webster's target was Hayne, though, due to Hayne's oblivious and idealist nature, it soon became clear that there was no way that he would be inheriting the business. So instead, Webster finds himself playing along with the other potential heirs instead-finding himself attending poetry sessions with Biddle, parties with Clay, intellectual discussions with Calhoun, and military speeches with Jackson, weaving himself closer as a potential ally to all of the heirs, and deeper and deeper into the dramatic events as they unfold.
Martin Van Buren, Thomas Cadwalader, Thomas Benton, Theodore Frelinghuysen, John J. Crittenden: Friends, allies, and bodyguards ( not all at the same time ) of either Jackson, Biddle, Hayne, or Clay. Varying levels of importance.
John Quincy Adams and John Marshall: Advisors to James Monroe, and the guys who're actually running the company. ( Also is this a spoiler? This is a spoiler: JQA is the guy who's actually going to end up inheriting the business. Sorry Clay, Calhoun, Jackson, Biddle, but whilst you all were bickering amongst yourselves, I was already forming diplomatic ties with trustbusters and unions to make sure none of you idiots and demagogues got your hands on this multimedia corporation. )
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elvencasket · 8 months
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I took a photo of my bed to represent the word “utopian.” I might be exposing myself a bit with this photo as you can see things like my clothes, receipts, clean chopsticks, my bag, lights, and the place that I sleep every night.
According to Merriam-Webster, “utopian” can mean “impossibly ideal.” When I see this area of my dorm, that’s the feeling I get from it. The messy things you see in the picture are artifacts of a life lived and being lived. Those clothes, I wore them the other day. That receipt is from buying gloves so I can go skiing with my friends. I used those chopsticks to eat hot pot with my friends when we came back to school. That bag, I carried all around NYC over the break. Those lights, I spent so much time and tape to put up. What is more ideal than knowing and seeing you are living your life the way you want to?
I took a photo of this symbol on my wall to represent the word “realistic.” It is the symbol trogoautoegocrat, related to the Greek ouroboros. It is simply– eat and be eaten, sustain and be the sustainment. This is what life is about, definition three on Merriam-Webster is “based on what is real rather than on what is wanted or hoped for.” The picture itself reminds me of all organisms on earth, the ones that fly above and the ones that wriggle below. The eating circle brings in the ideas of ouroboros, which stands for infinity and oneness. This circular process of being given life, consuming and being consumed metaphorically, and then at the end literally, which repeats for infinity for all organisms, is the most ancient rule and the most real anything can be.
The Merriam-Webster page for “utopian” has a little blurb below the definitions, a part of which states, “He created the name from topos ("place") and ou, Greek for "no", since he was well aware that nowhere so perfect was likely to exist on earth.” I gravitate heavily towards symbolism, because I love creating meaning in my life. So when I describe a receipt as “an artifact of a life being lived,” creating that symbol is the closest I can get to utopia. Of course, I established earlier that the trogoautoegocrat/ouroboros is a symbol itself, and carries a lot of meaning that is applicable to reality. I think similarly about the objects on my bed, and I realize that maybe we look too vastly and into the future for utopia when really that feature can be found in the real things that have been here.
I think most people have seen that post with the word “sonder,” meaning briefly, “the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.” You are the main character of your own life, like everyone else is the main character of their own. And they have their own bag they took to a big city, or clothes laying around they wore the other day, and you might never know.
There is a certain beauty in knowing there is a oneness in the ouroboros process. It is so natural to decay, it is so natural to die, it is so natural to be consumed, in fact you might have already been blown in the face with this process, and everyone is going through it with you.
In both, it is just beautiful to recognize the ways that we are not truly alone in the world!
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twiggyscrazylife · 1 year
Thrifting. A guide.
Hello, all my sweet bees! I decided that because I see lots of people around me struggling with finding thrift stores, clothes from said stores that they like, or not even trying because they are overwhelmed, I want to write a how to thrift guide. 
So I will go over what thrift stores are, why I thrift / shop second hand, how to find clothes you will actually wear, and the different kinds of stores. 
Firstly, what is a thrift store? According to Merriam - Webster (my dictionary of choice, you can look this up on any one you like), a thrift store / thrift shop is ‘a shop that sells secondhand articles and especially clothes and is often run for charitable purposes’. Pretty good definition, let me add onto that. There is nothing you cannot buy at a thrift store. It is sort of like a store version of a flea market. I have bought cameras, clothes, bags, and such, but have also seen tableware, furniture, other tech items, legos, books, movies, toys, ect. If you are looking for something, chances are you can get it second hand or from a thrift store. So yes, thrift stores are sometimes big warehouses / buildings with multiple floors, or small boutiques (but we will get to that later). 
Now, why do I personally thrift shop? There’s multiple reasons to this. Firstly, I love to go shopping, but sometimes, my allowance does not allow me to go to H & M or Zara every week (I promise I don’t shop this much, I’m just saying). So enter thrift stores. The clothes at bigger places are oftentimes very cheap, and considerably good quality if you go to the right neighborhoods to thrift. Another one is obviously sustainability. I love shopping sustainably, and if it means that I don’t buy a super trendy glitter crop top today but instead a sweater from the thrift store, then that’s okay (I don’t condemn the actions of people who like sparkly glitter clothes, I too, am a magpie, I’m just saying). Repurposing old clothes that you don’t wear but that could make other people happy is so cool, so genuinely cool. And same goes for buying clothes that people have worn before. I don’t personally have a problem with that. 
Now, how do you not enter the thrift store and buy all sorts of clothes that you will actually never wear? First, let’s make a secret pact: make a Pinterest board. My best thrift finds have come from inspiration off a pinboard on that hell site, so… But yeah, and also be sure that you’re not looking for clothes that are on trend in this very moment. Yes, there are often a lot of fast fashion companies out there whose clothes get donated into a Goodwill, but that does not mean that they are fashionable right in that moment. So instead, try to find clothes that are easy to style or a good statement piece, functional clothes, or really just something that you love. Besides that, check the garment you want to buy for holes, tears, and such, to make sure you don’t have to mend the first item you buy from the thrift store. There is obviously nothing wrong with mending your own clothes, it is a part of the clothes cycle to make a pair of pants or a shirt last longer, but make your life easy for now. 
Finally, the difference between different thrift stores. Firstly, you have secondhand boutiques, bougie people thrifting. If you have a couple hundred (or more) in your pocket for a secondhand LV Speedy, alright queen, go off. But I find these stores to have less of a variety and be vERY expensive. Secondly, the trendy thrift stores. We are talking kilo sale, hippie thrift spots. Pretty cool, I have found some nice things in those thrift stores, but understand that each item in those stores was filtered through, from the shirts and jackets to the bags. Each item was pulled to be trendy and cool, which ups the price a LOT. I like to go for the weirdest thrift stores, the Goodwills, the bins. This is where clothes are dirt cheap and either you find a vintage real leather jacket or a half ripped polyester shirt that was once a soccer jersey. But that’s all personal preference. Just understand that because you see a nice, hot, cool thrift store online, that doesn’t mean the clothes there are super cheap. 
But on we go. Thanks for reading, my little bees, and I hope this whole post has given you some ideas on where to go shopping next. And also as a side note: understand that wearing clothes other people don’t wear also counts as a thrift situation. If you don’t want to go head straight into the thrift experience, host a clothing exchange at your house with your friends! Bring some drinks, some snacks, and just try on clothes. The whole idea of this is to repurpose clothes and give them a home where they will be worn with joy. So that’s it! Hope you have fun!
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dannapicon-06 · 1 year
English Project: "Preserving the Flow: A Water Conservation Crusade"
It was 2046 when all the news around the world brought up an alert of water scarcity. 
“The rivers are dry, the oceans are just a memory and humanity gets by for survival" ,said my lab partner Mel worried.
“This was going to happen, I knew it long time ago, so what if we developed a machine capable of open a portal at any time?, and we get the best team to take on a crucial mission to the past, to 2020, to save the water?”, I said to Mel and she just agreed.
Therefore, that's how we put together the best people for this mission. The team consisted of Karla, a talented engineer; Malena, a brilliant scientist; Cristhian, an astute strategist; Gabriela, a technology expert; Daniela, a passionate biologist; and Alejandro, a skilled communicator. In addition, giving them a specific task to carry out before entering the portal.
Moreover, drew up a simple goal: to convince the people of 2020 to keep up water safety. But making sure not to alter the past in a big way as any small change could affect our present catastrophically. Cautiously, we infiltrated the society of 2020, looking for ways to look forward to the importance of water.
Thus, Karla uses her knowledge to improve water filtration and purification systems, showing 2020 scientists how to make technologies more efficient. Malena educates students about the water crisis, inspiring future generations. Cristhian and Gabriela hack databases to find irrefutable evidence of the devastating impact that lack of water will have in the future. Daniela creates sustainable gardens, demonstrating how every drop counts, while Alejandro uses his gift of the spoken word to mobilize entire communities.
In this way, working together, we brought about a change in people's mentality. The citizens of 2020 find out to appreciate water differently, understanding it as a finite and valuable resource.
Finally, we returned to 2046. Mel welcomed us.
“They did it! You saved our world, you did an incredible job in unity and determination”, she said, smiling. I nodded, feeling a deep satisfaction for our shared victory.
“In short, our world has changed. Brought about, the rivers are flowing again, the oceans are overflowing with life, and humanity is learning to live in harmony with nature. Thanks to you, getting over the water scarcity.”, I said with shining eyes and in gratitude for their hard work. 
This being the end of our journey.
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I created this image in Canva: https://www.canva.com/ai-image-generator/
STORY (noun)
An account of incidents or events.
A statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question.
A fictional narrative shorter than a novel.
The intrigue or plot of a narrative or dramatic work.
TALES (noun)
A story, especially one that might be invented or difficult to believe.
Books, films, or cartoons about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets.
A type of writing about imagined developments in science and their effect on life esp. in the future.
Definition of story. (2023). En Merriam-Webster Dictionary. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/story
Tale. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/tale
Science fiction. (2023). https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/science-fiction
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