#weather bender zuko
stardust948 · 29 days
The Storm episode,
And zuko is not worried about the storm coming because "we had many storms before and survived, this one will be no different"
Anf instead of the Wani crew finding a calm spot through it, its zuko who literally opens up a sunny spot Iin the middle of said storm after calming himself down ( he had no idea he could do that)
Yes! I love that idea!
He sees Appa use the break in the storm to fly off, but instead of chasing them, he helps the crew instead. The Wani crew also started to see Zuko differently, who they all thought was a spirit cursed brat, unable to control his powers.
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@muffinlance​ I tried. They still haven’t come into their colors or feathers and instead are literal balls of fluff!
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do I think they are fierce AND fuzzy? yes
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melzula · 5 months
Heyaa, when the requests are open can you maybe do a princess x Zuko where the princess is always clinging to Zuko when she's cold? Just a random thought that came into my mind since Zuko is a firebender hehe :)
pairing: zuko x princess!reader
a/n: this is technically part of the fire lilies series but can also be read as a solo piece independently
summary: princess and zuko go penguin sledding
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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The rush of cold wind against your cheeks is exhilarating as you glide down the snow covered hills. Your delighted laughter carries through the air and brings a smile to Zuko’s face as you enjoy a day penguin sledding out in the palace courtyards.
Being kidnapped by Gilak and having your life threatened once again had been a traumatic experience for both you and your boyfriend, so Hakoda and your mother had advised you take a much needed day off for yourself. He could handle the work of drafting plans for an eco friendly oil rig and the foreign embassies while Pakku and Katara took on the school for the time being. Though you were hesitant to take a day off knowing there was so much to be done, Zuko had been the one to finally convince you that you desperately needed a break.
Today would be his last day in the South before he had to return home, and so you figured the best way to spend your time together would be with a trip through memory lane. You hadn’t been penguin sledding together since you were kids, so it seemed like a good idea to both of you to revisit your favorite pastime from when you were children.
You slow to a stop as you reach the end of the hill and land onto the plush snow below you with a laugh. The chill of the ice sends shivers down your spine but you choose to ignore it. All the back and forth traveling you’ve been doing hasn’t allowed your body the chance to acclimate to the weather of your home yet, but you try not to let it bother you.
“Having fun?” Zuko asks with a laugh as he helps you up off the snow. You immediately cling to his figure in an attempt to steal some of his heat, prompting the Fire Lord to raise a brow as he wraps his arms around your frame. “You’re not getting cold, are you?”
“Of course not,” you scoff indignantly, though your subtle trembling says otherwise.
“Maybe we should head inside-“
“No!” You immediately cry out in protest before he can finish his sentence. “We’ve hardly just begun the day. Don’t you want to keep penguin sledding?”
“Of course I do,” he assures you with a comforting kunik, “but I worry the cold might be too much for you.
“Too much?! I’m Chief of the Southern Water Tribe, I don’t get cold.”
“Alright,” Zuko relents with a chuckle at your adamant rebuttal. For a water bender you’re surprisingly stubborn, but he loves your headstrong nature more than anything. “Let’s keep sledding.”
Your face lights up with glee when he finally relents and allows you to carefully pick up your penguin and carry him back up the hill while showering the creature with praises and pets. He’d forgotten just how much you enjoyed the activity, and it was nice to see that same smile from your childhood again. It had been years since you both went sledding, since you both were just two kids unaware of what the future held in store for you, since you both were free of fear and responsibility and hurt. The war had taken a lot from you, forced you both to grow up too fast, so he was grateful for the fact that you both could just be kids again, even if only for a day.
“Y/n,” Zuko calls as the sun begins to set and the day begins to end, “I think it’s time we head inside for dinner. Your mother said she was making five-flavor soup for us.”
“Just one more time down the hill?” You plead with your best pout, though you know it doesn’t take much to convince Zuko to give in to your requests.
“Alright, but that’s it,” he tells you with a chuckle before following you up the hill. The courtyard lanterns begin to glow beautifully below as the moon starts to overtake the sky, and you exchange playful smiles with one another before beginning your decent down the snow.
Zuko’s hair blows wildly away from his face, his grin the biggest you’ve ever seen it, and you’re so caught up in admiring him that you don’t even notice the large pile of snow you’re about to crash into.
“Princess, look out!” Zuko tries to warn you, but it’s too late. You can do nothing but pull the penguin to your chest and shield it from the impact as you collide into the snowy mound. The Fire Lord winces on your behalf before quickly rushing to your aid. The otter penguin emerges after a moment and shakes the snow off its body before waddling away, but you fail to do the same. Zuko has to dig through the slush to pull you out, and as he lifts you up and into his arms he’s able to feel just how cold to the touch you are.
“Th-Thhere’s s-snow e-every-wh-where,” you complain through chattering teeth as you wrap your arms as tightly around his neck as possible in a desperate attempt to feel his warmth.
“Let’s get you inside before you freeze to death,” he comforts while carrying your trembling figure back inside the palace. If not for Zuko’s body heat, you’d surely already be feeling the effects of hypothermia taking place.
Thankfully, your boyfriend is able to swiftly make it back inside the palace and carry you through the halls towards your room. The heat of Zuko’s embrace melts the ice inside your clothes, but the dampness only seems to worsen the feeling of cold. You shiver incessantly, and he can only look on guiltily as he tries his best to ease your discomfort.
Finally, he swings the door to your bedroom open and carefully sets you back on your feet before helping you remove your heavy coat. He sets the wet material aside to dry before coming up to your trembling figure and rubbing his hands up and down your arms in an attempt to spread heat across your limbs.
“I’ll go find your mother and tell her what happened. You stay here and get out of those clothes before you catch a cold,” he advises you with a meek smile, a red blush tinting his cheeks when he realizes he probably should have phrased his sentence more delicately. Zuko presses a tender kiss to your forehead before leaving to give you your privacy and shutting the door behind him.
Your skin feels like ice as you peel off the rest of your ensemble as quickly as you can. You were so used to beach days at Ember Island and swims in the lakes with your friends that you’d forgotten just how cold the water could be. Considering you grew up in the South, you’re a tad embarrassed to know how easily it gets to you now. You’d been away for so long, and even when you returned home you still found yourself venturing out often, so a part of you wondered if maybe you’d never fully readjust to the climate.
“Y/n?” A voice calls from the other side of the door followed by a gentle knock. “Zuko sent me to check on you. I have the warmest blanket I could find. May I come in?”
“Just a second, Mom,” you reply as you scramble to throw on a fresh set out of clothes and make yourself decent for visitors. After slipping into the warmest dress you can find, you open the door and allow her into your room.
“Someone got a little carried away penguin sledding, I hear,” she says with a teasing smile before draping the blanket around your shoulders. “You’re like ice! Thank spirits Zuko has that natural fire bending warmth to him or you might have frozen out there!”
“Yeah,” you murmur in agreement with a dejected frown, one that your mother notices right away.
“My little koala otter, what’s the matter?”
“I’m just a little embarrassed, I guess,” you admit with a sheepish laugh. “I thought I’d gotten over my aversion to the cold.”
“I think anyone who managed to get snow in their clothes would be cold,” she notes with a faint smile before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’m just happy to see you having fun again. You had to grow up very fast, something your father and I should have worked harder to prevent, so it’s nice to hear your laugh again and see you sledding like you did as a little girl.”
You smile at her words before pulling her into a tight hug, hoping the action conveys all your appreciation for her. Zuko walks in then with a tray of steaming five-flavor soup and tea in the hopes it will return some of your warmth to you.
“I’ll let you both enjoy your dinner alone,” she says after removing herself from your embrace. Exiting the room, she pauses to give Zuko’s arm a light squeeze. “Make sure she stays warm.”
“Yes, Kira,” he replies with a nod before returning his attention to you. “Let’s get you settled in.”
Setting the tray aside, Zuko escorts you back to bed and tucks the blanket around your figure as best as he can with you sitting up. Once you’re comfortable, he presses a tender kiss to your forehead before handing you the cup of tea. It’s the same cup from the set Iroh had gifted you some time ago, and the sight of it brings a faint smile to your face as you take in the smell of jasmine.
“You’re already starting to feel warmer,” Zuko notes pleasantly before trading your cup for the bowl of soup. “I should have warned you about that pile of snow sooner.”
“It’s okay, I don’t regret a thing. I had so much fun today, the most I’ve had in a while. I wish you didn’t have to leave tomorrow.”
“Don’t worry,” Zuko assures you as he uses his bending to reheat your tea before it can grow cold, “the day will come where we’ll never have to be apart ever again.”
“I can’t wait,” you confess with a smile only for it to fall at the sudden sneeze that leaves you.
“I think you might be catching a cold, my love,” Zuko notes with a frown.
“Will you stay and keep me warm?” You ask with a pleading look, one that makes it impossible for him to deny your request. How could he say no to your sweet face?
Climbing into bed with you, Zuko envelops himself around your figure and allows you to steal his warmth. He’ll never get tired of being your personal heater, and he’d be happy to spend the rest of his days like this.
You’ll never reacclimatize to the cold, because no matter where you go, Zuko will always be there to bring warmth to your life.
| zuko tags: @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @taeeemin @livelaughlovekuni @lovialy @alexatiu @aerikim246 @heartfully10 @creationcitystreet-em
| fire lilies tags: @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch @rinalsword @cipheress-to-k-pop @potato87123
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ATLA ten years too late AU :)
yayayayay thank you for asking :)
this is basically an au where aang wakes up 10 years later than canon and there's no one there to meet him out of the iceberg.
He almost dies of hypothermia on appa's back because he's too exhausted to sustain himself in the cold weather with airbending, but is saved by a mysterious non bender who is actually maybe a firebender (something he is unsure but suspicious of).
this 'non bender' is actually just 26 year old zuko who can't firebend anymore and also has suspicious motives. he's very unsocialised and doesn't seem to be on the fire lord's side but also seems to be on SOMEONE'S side, and whoever's side that is they seem to want aang for something that zuko doesn't like.
i haven't written a lot of it, but the start of it is all from aang's pov until zuko's motives become clear. it's also kind of funny cause zuko's 26 years old and has been in his depression era for over a decade and has VERY COMPLICATED FEELINGS ABOUT HIS VERY MUCH CHERISHED UNCLE and then aang comes around and he's like uhhh this is my 12 year old emotional support airbender and i really don't want to see him become like me.
at some point the rest of the gaang comes together but i haven't planned that far yet rip. katara and sokka are involved in an attempt to assassinate ozai and toph is a bounty hunter on the verge of a character arc. also considering making the fic toph/zuko cause i think these complicated adult versions of them in a relationship would be really funny.
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unevenpatterns · 5 months
Extra scene - Jet learns about the scar (Jetko)
"Ehh, he's pretty in is own way. The scar just adds a bit of character," Jet said lightheartedly.
Mai stiffened and locked eyes with him. "Don't ever say that to him."
Jet held his hands up in defense, "I won't, I'm not an idiot. He does not like being called pretty," he tried to joke to easy up the suddenly icy mood coming off of her in waves. She looked at him in a weird way.
"Did he... not tell you how he got his scar?"
"No? And it's not really polite to ask about where people got scars in wartime, is it?" he shot back.
"Like you ever cared about being polite." Mai mumbled.
"Besides, I figured it would be pretty common to get burns, I mean you guys have fire everywhere," he said and gestured around him, at the frankly obscene amount of torches placed on the walls of the palace. He didn't even want to think about how expensive that must be to keep lit all the time.
"No, it's actually the opposite. It's difficult to burn firebenders. They are better at resisting heat," something in her voice caused small alarm bells to go off inside his head. He let that piece of information and the implication settle for a moment.
"Okay, so what you're saying is that had he not been a bender, it would have been an even worse accident?"
"It wasn't an accident," her voice was tight and controlled. Only those who knew her would notice the difference between this and her normally flat tone.
Jet blinked. There was a weird feeling bubbling up in his chest. Zuko had that scar as long as Jet had known him, and it had been old and weathered from the beginning. As if it had happened a long time ago. Jet wasn't great at math, but he wasn't sure he wanted to get this equation right.
"Someone did that to him. On purpose."
She nodded and looked away. "There's a reason why even the servants like the new Firelord better."
Jet stared at her refusing to understand was she was saying.
"They're not afraid that he might burn half of their face off if they speak out of turn."
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ivnxrori · 6 months
When Sun and Moon meet - S1
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: Fighting (again)
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 3 - Dangerous Gale
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I felt the calming breeze flow through my hair gently on the floor of flowers. The sweet scent of flowers went through my brain, a peaceful aura surrounded me. It felt like the home I dreamed of, sighing in relief. Wait…where am I? I quickly gather myself to walk around the flowers, trying not to destroy them. My breathing is growing unstable. “Hello?” I yelled out waving my hand against the breeze. I saw a figure in the distance. “Hellooo!? Do you know what this place is?” I called out to the unknown figure. Suddenly a wish of snow hit and a cold breeze struck. I shivered violently, this is nothing like I experienced before. I attempted to run towards the unknown person until I fell on top of the snow. I turned my body around to see the person, who was known above me. It was mom. 
“Y/N don't give up” She whispers, her voice echoing around me
“What…? Mom?” I couldn't get up and saw my mom left slowly “Wait! Hold on! Mom!” I cried out trying to get her attention, but it never came…I closed my eyes for a second then woke back up. 
There was a heavy blizzard outside, all I saw was the snow falling on my chin, my hood from my jacket covering most of my face. The wind was extreme and the smell of the heavy weather was icy. “Y/N?” Yue and Katara were over my unconscious body. “She’s awake!” Katara yelled at her brother and Yue hugged me. While I returned the hug “Where am I? And how long was I out?” I asked drowsily. “You were out for not too long but we’re looking for Aang at this moment” Yue informed as I groaned trying to get up. “I'm sorry” I mumbled. “It's okay Y/N you did your best” Katara’s brother said “plus I feel like we’re almost there”. I sigh in relief and lean back against…a saddle. “Who…What are we flying on?” I asked cautiously. “This is Appa, Appa this is Y/N” Katara’s brother introduced rather quickly. “What's your name?” I asked worriedly. “How do you not know my name?!” “Well Saur-re!” I said sarcastically “I have a bad memory!” “It's Sokka,” Katara introduced as he huffed in annoyance. Yue laughed sweetly which made me smile.
Time passed on and still nothing, just tons of snow which wasn't any different than before. “Don't worry, Prince Zuko cant be getting too far in this weather” Yue reassured Sokka and Katara. Zuko…so that's his name? Wait, he is a prince?? “I'm not worried they’ll get away in the blizzard, I'm worried that they won't” Katara explains disappointingly that they haven't found Aang any sooner. “They’re not gonna die in this blizzard! If we know anything, it is that Zuko doesn't give up” Sokka said. That sounded somewhat familiar. “They’ll survive, and we’ll find them” He continued. “I agree, plus he is the avatar, I'm confident he will survive.” I spoke up. A few minutes later a bright blue beam flew by us landing in a specific area. “Look! That's gotta be Aang” Katara yelled as we pointed towards the beam. Immediately Appa flew down to the area we were pointed at. We saw Aang, wiggling his way in the snow with Prince Zuko behind, grabbing him. Once we landed he let go of Aang. 
“Ready for a re-match?” Zuko announced.
“Katara let me handle this.” I got down in the blizzard, using the snow around me to catch his fireball and throwing the ice cold water towards him, circling him. Finally knocking him down with an ice block letting him fall in the cold padded snow. “Easy” I muttered under my breath, Katara helping me up to get on Appa. “Wait, we can't leave him here,” Aang said sympathetically. “Why not?” Sokka retorted as I deeply sighed. “That's on him for trying to fight a water bender in a snowstorm, hear me? A snow-storm” I enunciated. “But if we leave him here, he will die.” I internally face palmed, wasn't that the whole entire plan? Aang carried Zuko on top of Appa, tying him to prevent him from dying and we set off again.   ҉   ☾ “The moon spirit” I gasped at the change of atmosphere from a calming blue sky to a striking red environment. Once I had ingested the new area a pounding headache seeped through all parts of my head, Katara immediately came to my side. “Are you okay?” Sokka asked Yue as she also felt the pounding headache “I feel faint” She responded. “I feel it too” Aang held his head against his hand “The moon spirit is in trouble”
“I owe the moon spirit my life” I looked up at Yue and she corrected herself “We owe the moon spirit our lives” “What do you mean?” Sokka questioned “When we were born we were both unhealthy” Yue continued “Most babies cry when they are born but when I was born, as if I was asleep.” She sighed “Frankly, the total opposite happened to Y/N. When she was born she couldn't stop crying. Our healers did the best they could but there was no cure for both of us, we were bound to die. But that night our father pleaded with the moon spirit, underneath the full moon he brought us to the oasis and placed us in the pond. Our hair went from dark brown to white, that's when we were able to live.” Yue explained the situation we both went through. Both pitiful looks came from Katara and Sokka. “Sivoy was the only one who was born healthy and didn't need the moon's blessing, however our father decided to pray for his luck in the future as well.” I said. “That's how we three have white hair, it wasn't genetic.” I laughed breathily trying to keep it light hearted. “I assumed that you would have gotten it from your mom,” Katara said but we both shook our heads.
“Speaking of which, I had a dream in which my mom was in it” I told Yue, who was immediately intrigued following Katara and Sokka. “But…nothing happened, she just told me to not give up and left.” I said sadly. Katara patted my back. “Our mom died as well, she died protecting me” Katara said sorrowfully, holding her betrothal necklace while Sokka kept his head down. I felt nothing but sadness for them. “Hey, at least they’re both in a better place now”. I reassuringly patted both Katara and Sokka's backs as they both exhaled, leaving a cold breath. I turn my body towards the bloody moon, anxiety filling my senses.
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a/n: Sorry if this chapter is shorter than the others I just couldnt mash it up with chapter 4. Additionally chapter 4 is going to be the last episode of season 1 (the masterlist gave hints). ALSO I keep adding stuff to the layout so if my reblogs look different dont worry. I constantly keep making additional changes LMAO. Also who knew that chosing names for chapters were really difficult 😭 I spent a good 10 minutes chosing a name for each chapter. However I think it turned out great!! I think season 2 might be my favorite season of this series CAUSE YOU SEE ZUKO WORKING AT THE TEA SHOP. I think a lot of the bickering will start from there definitely HOWEVER I shouldnt get ahead of myself since chapter 4 isnt released yet. Thank you guys for reading! The 2 chapters already got 100 likes WHICH IS LIKE?? WHAT?? I wasnt expecting that at all. But thank you :) Have a nice day and take care of yourself!! Also if you want to be added to the taglist comment or share to my inbox! Or just share anything to my Inbox I really dont mind!!
-- Taglist: @luvkvni @katovano @karmaswitch @someonesmember @velvet-spider @sh3sa1dwhat @nerdisthenewcool @meiraloves2dmen @fqnfics101 @iluvme547 @leaderwon @yukihatesreoyo @heart4hees @4l3x1s @kkissaku
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oneatlatime · 1 year
The Waterbending Master
Finally! Only took the whole season to find one.
This one apparently also has commentary. I'll leave it off for now.
After countless episodes without, we finally have another hybrid animal. Behold:
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A koala Sea-otter? That makes noises like a Raven. Alright.
Sokka saying "I'm not one to complain" is a) pretty damning evidence of his amount of self-awareness b) self-deprecating sarcasm c) a funny line that I'm reading too deeply into
Why is Appa flying so low anyway?
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Subtle signs that these guys are way too used to relying on bending: -no railings -no alternate propulsion source (seriously, not even an oar?) -no emergency supplies in case a trip runs long (I don't even see an emergency sandwich, and come on guys, it's not like waterbending controls the weather)
Random pinball bumper style ice stabbies does seem like a good defense though.
Not so subtle exposition dump from Zhao the asshole. Avatar writers are usually better at integrating catch-up dialogue. Looks like Aang will be arriving just in time to defend the Water tribe from the invasion that, ironically, he summoned. Talk about self-inflicted problems. Do you think if Aang had found a waterbending teacher somewhere else, the Fire Nation would have left the water tribe alone for another hundred years? Aang's been learning on the run; they could have picked up a single waterbender and hightailed it back to some cave in the earth kingdom to learn there. Or the water tribe could have sent a waterbender out to find the gaang as soon as rumours of the avatar reached them. See? This was avoidable.
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Always love me some sea-bison.
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They have bending doors like Omashu. Actually is this a door or a lock? I think the water level is changing.
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Is this a hybrid animal? The yak thing, not the two legger.
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Last time you got a hero's welcome, Suki's village burnt down. Foreshadowing?
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How often does this lady see sea-bisons? She just passed by one and didn't even bat an eye. Is there a secret sea-bison colony that's spent the last 100 years hiding from the fire nation in the north pole?
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Music Night! Need a better lyricist.
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What's going on here? Did they roast a giant turtle thing and now they're cooling it to serve by dunking it in water? Did they feel the need for a steam effect for the guy's speech so they heated up a giant thingy and dunked it in water? Is it a weird boat thing? It looks like it has a face. I bet it's a ritual object.
Are these pot stacks the water tribe version of Totem Poles?
Oh nuh uh. Nope. 16 is way too young to marry.
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This girl is so into him I can feel it through the screen, the dvd player, and the 15+ years since this aired.
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Even the head guy's like "yeah, he's an asshole, What can you do?" Let's put this asshole and Zhao the asshole in a room together. They can out-asshole each other. Should be fun.
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Remember back in episode three when I said that Zuko needed to learn how to lie? This is why.
Nevermind, we don't need to put Zhao and Paku in a room together to out-asshole each other. Paku wins. As far as I've seen, bending is not gender specific, either in who gets it or how it's taught/used. What kind of idiot would tell someone born with the ability to wield an incredible weapon that, actually, they aren't allowed to? How did this attitude get instilled in the first place? Why didn't the first guy who ever said this get slashed to death by ice stabbies thrown by the ten nearest female benders? Are these northern water tribe people so unbothered by the war that they can afford to sideline 50% of their forces? More than sideline, render incapable of defending themselves or others? Obviously this tribe is far too privileged if they can afford this attitude. And also far too bored. I guess hiding behind that giant ice wall for 100 years left them so understimulated that they turned on themselves.
Bad attitude? Fucking bad attitude!?! There's only one guy in this episode with a bad attitude and it isn't Katara. Zhao looks downright pleasant compared to this Paku guy.
Question for Paku: why would the Northern Water Tribe's rules apply to a Southern Water Tribe member?
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My god these two are so cute. Sokka could propose they disembowel whale carcasses for their activity and the princess would say yes.
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So the parrot lizard did survive the fall over the waterfall.
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They're little tiny children. Katara, who has spent her whole life wanting to learn to bend to fight, has literally been shoved back into the igloo with a bunch of babies to learn lady-bending (no offence to the babies). How how HOW is she so calm right now? If I were in her situation, I think I'd be so angry I'd be ugly crying. And also plotting how to murder that Paku guy.
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Paku the asshole is apparently a proponent of the tell don't show philosophy of teaching. The Tell-while-doing-unspeakable-things-to-my-lunch don't show philosophy.
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Unexpected backstory. This lady must have been pretty close to Gran Gran if she recognises a carving she presumably wore for maybe a few months about 50 years ago or more. Also this lady is shockingly dumb if she can't see why Gran Gran left this misogynistic hellhole, but I guess it can be hard to see it while you're in it.
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Nitpick time: How does the teacher recognise this? Isn't this just the water tribe symbol? Probably the most common symbol in the whole north pole?
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Nosferatu Zuko. Nosferzuko. Zukoratu? Iroh's pause here was so long that I checked in case I had muted by accident. And how does your crew being taken by Zhao the asshole make your crew traitors Zuko? Orders are orders.
So we're adding asassinating royals to our list of reasons Zhao is an asshole. I think he's won the title back from Paku.
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Fuck this port I guess.
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Zuko's dead. Huh. Bye then. Gotta say I don't get why he's so big in the fandom.
This princess sure does send some mixed messages. At least she didn't ghost him.
"Master Poophead." My God. It's perfect. Why didn't I think of that?
Aang passing on what he learns to Katara. Why didn't I think of that either? My plan was to get Katara to launch unprovoked attacks on Paku's students and study how they defend themselves until she can copy / surpass them. Mostly so I could watch Katara beat the crap out of sexists.
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Die mad about it you troglodyte. Disrespect? How nice it must be to have enough of your culture left that it can be disrespected. And you're going to deny the avatar training, thus dooming the whole world to death via fire nation, because you're butthurt? Freakin manbaby.
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"I know. I don't care." + "I'm not doing it for you." = I'm officially in love with Katara. I took a while to warm up to her, I admit the first few episodes were a little rough, but this seals the deal.
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This screenshot sparks joy. Last episode Aang bitchslapped a fire nation guy with air. This episode it's Katara's turn with water. The Firelord Uber-Bitchslapped Zuko with fire a few years ago. All I need is an earth bitchslap and my collection will be complete. Avatar: master of all four bitchslaps. Also this wouldn't have worked to goad Paku into fighting if he was half as mature as he thinks he is. Although he gets points for being harder to goad than Zhao in the Deserter.
In an episode where the A plot is Katara, the B plot is Aang, the C plot is Zuko, and the D plot is Sokka's love life, the writers still manage to fulfill the Beat up Sokka quota. Good job guys.
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If only she'd aimed a couple of inches to the left. This show already includes a kid getting his face burned off. Surely a Poophead being separated from his nose is ok?
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That's twice now she's lost her necklace. If the carving has lasted 50+ years, surely it's earned a metal chain rather than a hair ribbon?
Gran Gran! Bullet dodged! Excellent call!
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That's a lot less beat up than I was expecting. And Iroh has never once given the impression that he isn't quietly ride or die for Zuko, so why would Zuko not expect Iroh to help him? Because Zuko isn't terribly perceptive? Because the writers needed a way to deliver yet more exposition?
I did notice that the healing lady specified that Gran gran was in an arranged marriage but Poophead was talking about love. Again, why was Gran Gran leaving a mystery?
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Underrated moment of wisdom from Aang here. He gets why the princess is upset and he's twelve! But I'd bet good money that the idiot on the right has no clue what's going on.
Princess ran so far away that it's night time now. This episode is not subtle anywhere, so I figured that the princess being engaged was the cause of this whole blowing hot and cold thing. Despite being 16 and fictional, Sokka handles mixed signals and rejection with 10000% more maturity and kindness than many unfortunately non-fictional grown men I've met. Kudos to Sokka for being honest and respectful.
Even redeemed, Poophead is still an asshole.
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Well that's a problem.
Fire Nation ships would be a lot more intimidating if they didn't look like shoes.
Final Thoughts
This episode was a lot of exposition, a lot of set up, and even some catch up. And it was not done as gracefully as this show usually does it. More than once the dialogue between characters felt like two actors lecturing the audience rather than the characters we know.
This episode also had twice the concentration of assholes. A Zhao episode I can deal with. An episode with a one shot asshole where Zhao doesn't appear? I could also deal with. But TWO grade A assholes in ONE episode? No. Too much.
My whole-hearted congratulations to Gran Gran for seeing Poophead for what he was, and refusing to put up with it. Leaving his ass didn't make him get the message. 50+ years alone didn't make him get the message. The granddaughter that ought to have been his being so disgusted by his conduct that she attempts to cut his face off didn't make him get the message. There was no way that this idiot was going to change. So congrats to Gran Gran for making an excellent call, leaving his ass to freeze, and getting two most excellent grandchildren instead.
I also have to applaud Sokka and Katara for not being bitter about the Northern Water Tribe. I can't help but notice the spectacular architecture, complete with embellishments and unnecessary non-structural doodads. Let's do a quick comparison (ignore the ship):
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Left has one waterbender. Right has all the waterbenders. We know that Northerners can travel south thanks to Gran Gran. The North couldn't have sent one sneaky waterbender to at least make the south a ship-proof wall? That chief guy has some audacity calling Katara and Sokka their brother and sister or whatever when they've evidently left the south to rot for a century. And I know the Fire Nation, the War, bla bla, but you guys are so bored behind your walls that you're cannibalising your own capabilities based on gender just for fun.
Since I'm on the topic, can we talk about how STOOOPID it is to separate your combatants from your medics? Here's a secret about combat medics: they're both. They learn the basics of combat, and they learn the basics of emergency medicine (And a LOT of other stuff besides). Basic training includes basic first aid for EVERYONE.
Because here's the thing. People who get hurt beating the shit out of other people are usually hurt in an environment where beating the shit out of people occurs. If they are injured enough that they can't get themselves out of the 'beating the shit out of other people' zone, then unless they can treat themselves on the spot or their fellow soldiers can administer first aid or get them out, they die.
Alternatively, if they can't get themselves out of the 'beating the shit out of other people' zone, then medics have to be sent in. A medic who doesn't know how to fight who gets sent into the zone will - guess what? - get the shit beaten out of them. Now you're two men down at present, and who knows how many more you're going to lose over the next few days because you're down a medic. So unless every single waterbending fighter in the Northern water tribe is going to go into combat with a waterbending healer literally attached to them, there will be mountains of unnecessary losses and avoidable injuries.
Now let's look at this from the other angle. What happens if the enemy breaches your defences (because all your defenders are merrily bleeding out from wounds their bending could heal if only they'd learned how) and then makes their way to your combat hospitals? Which are full of soldiers who are too injured to fight and healers who don't know how to defend themselves? Apart from the whole living surrounded by their element thing, waterbenders' greatest advantage in a fight appears (to me) be to be their miraculous healing powers. Katara completely healed her burnt hands to the point where there wasn't even scar tissue and she had no training at all. A skill that can erase burns (the thing firebenders give you) negates the fire nation's greatest weapon - their fire. Any fire nation general who's not an idiot would therefore target waterbending healers, maybe even over waterbending fighters. So any fire nation commander would absolutely put 'capture field hospitals' as one of their top priorities. This is a kids' cartoon, so let's ignore historical precedent as to what happens to nurses caught in field hospitals behind enemy lines and say that the fire nation would defeat the waterbending healers.
Let's paint a quick picture here: in the background, a field full of waterbending fighters sidelined by treatable injury. In the middle ground, an inexorably advancing wall of firebenders. In the foreground, a field hospital full of defenseless waterbending healers. Just peachy isn't it?
How fucking UNSTOPPABLE would a bender able to shrug off a fireball to the face then turn around and take out a firebending platoon be? Get one hundred - no fifty - benders who can both heal and fight, have them advance in two rows: Front row fights, switches with back row when they're injured, gets healed up, rotates back up to front row as a replacement. Functionally unstoppable barring the need to eat and sleep (so long as they bring their own water). The Northern Water Tribe had decades to develop that. Unlike the south, they had the time, the resources, and apparently so little going on that they took up sexism to pass the time. The wasted opportunity here burns. See kids? Sexism hurts the sexists too.
This northern attitude is just dumb. It's illogical. It's stupid. I'd call it a ham-fisted unsubtle after school special of a plotline if it weren't a fictionalised version of something that's literally baked into to many cultures worldwide, past and present.
What else can I say about this episode? Aang and Sokka had like three lines each, but they were very in character. Sokka and the princess are cute together. Zuko and Iroh had a good dynamic when they weren't acting in service to exposition. This whole episode really feels like part one of a two parter.
I think something might have been off with the narrative weighting of this episode. There was an honest to god assassination attempt and I forgot.
While the shot of Paku looking put out that the ice disk landed so close to his face was funny, I would have preferred it if Katara had gotten in one hit beyond her bitchslap. Just one. His ego needed the beating which it got via the necklace thing, but I would have liked to see actual beating too.
If I had seen this episode as a child I absolutely would have lost my mind over Katara getting to beat up a sexist. I'd bet good money that this episode did lots of good for the self-esteem of little girls who saw it.
Katara's plot line is like the plot of the Waterbending Scroll episode, but in a positive light. In that episode her selfishness regarding bending got them in trouble; in this one it helped. Seen in that light, the fact that it's the necklace rather than Katara's skill that gets through to Paku is a bit undermining, but if "magical girl has such impressive skills that the sexist dinosaur throws away decades of sexism for the chance to be her teacher" had been the plot instead, I'd probably be complaining about cliches instead.
All in all, a bit clunky, a lot of set up, and too many assholes and frustrating idiocy for it to go on my rewatch list. Feminist beat downs are good for the soul, but I'm not sure they outweigh Poopheads.
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ultfreakme · 10 months
Can I ask your top 5 (or top 7) favorite moments from Avatar : The Legend of Aang?
Hi Anon! Sorry I took so long on this one. This was kinda hard to answer because in my head, I think of ATLA as like, in story arcs rather than in moments, and it's 3 seasons so I felt a bit overwhelmed in trying to pick specific moments. BUT. I have an answer!
In no particular order:
Sokka with Bato when he learned to sail the boat: It was a really good character moment for him. People usually hate that episode and that part but we got info on Southern Water Tribe culture and more details into how Sokka dealt with the war so I enjoyed that.
Katara bending her sweat to slice through prison bars: I mean. Come on. That's fucking badass. I was so shocked when I first saw the scene, my brain broke, it opened up about a billion possibilities. I was finally paying attention in middle school chemistry classes about liquids and molecules because of that scene.
Aang defeating Ozai: That entire fight is AMAZING. It's the culmination of everything we've witnessed up until that point and it all comes to a head HERE. On first watch it's an extremely tense moment because I didn't know energy bending was a thing! No one did! So everyone's thinking oh god oh god he's going to kill him. and then. He takes his bending away. WILD. I was just as shocked and confused as Sokka and Toph. Also we get Aang getting Ozai to kneel to him by pulling down his beard. BADASS.
Aang standing up and saying there was no 'Air Nation', there was Air Nomads and there was no army: This was my first exposure to the idea of propaganda. I was so shocked, because I didn't even catch that the Fire Nation teacher was saying "Air Nation" and not "Air Nomads" until Aang pointed it out. It is such an impactful scene and influenced me so much. I've often been isolated in classrooms for pointing out certain biases(religious bias, misogyny, teachers favoring people of certain backgrounds). I was not a confident or outgoing kid, I never spoke in class but at these time I just blurted it out and suffered consequences for it but I remember Aang from that episode, standing alone. Correct but mocked. And I find the courage to stand up(ah, kid me was a lot braver, I need to be more brave now).
Hama v. Katara: This entire episode was epic. The sense that something is wrong, the reveal for the true power of waterbending, Hama's past, the FINAL FIGHT. It was heartbreaking to see Katara have to learn to bloodbend and Hama have that victory. Now that I'm older, I appreciate the episode and can empathize with Hama as well. I hate that the show condemned her for doing what she had to do and painted her like that but I think the episode was trying to show that no element is inherently good or bad. They just are. I think even blood-bending can be the good guys' weapon. It gave me a lot to think about more recently and as a kid.
Katara stopping the rain: Do I need to explain? The girl can control the weather. Holy shit.
Toph v. Every Earth Rumble participant: I was terrified, I was hyped, I was losing my goddamn mind. The way she moves, the way her power is portrayed through the seismic waves! Amazing!
Honorable mentions; this is from the comic but the storyline where we find that Fire Nation baited Air Benders through stealing and placing Air Bender possessions. Horrific and barbaric and way too close to reality. The Painted Lady speaking to Katara. Zuko talking to a frog in the middle of the woods.
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palmviewfm · 2 months
mw counterparts?
this  list  got  a  little  bit  longer  than  anticipated.  as  there's  soooooo  many  counterparts  to  consider  choosing  from  !  so,  i  put  it  under  a  read  more  for  you  !
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counterparts:  monica  geller, ross geller, joey  tribbiani,  chandler bing, janice litman, mike hannigan, ursula buffay, aria  montgomery,  emily  fields,  spencer  hastings,  mona  vanderwaal,  alison  dilaurentis,  caleb  rivers,  maya  st  germain,  toby  cavanaugh,  betty  cooper,  veronica  lodge,  cheryl  blossom,  archie  andrews,  reggie  mantle,  toni  topaz,  tabitha  tate,  quinn  fabray,  rachel  berry,  brittany  pierce,  olivia  baker,  layla  keating,  jordan  baker,  jaymee, spencer  james,  lucas  scott,  peyton  sawyer, brooke  davis,  quinn  james,  julian  baker,  anna taggaro, rachel  gatina,  blair  waldorf,  serena  van  der  woodsen,  dan  humphrey,  nate  archibald,  callie  adams  foster,  mariana  foster,  buffy  summers,  willow  rosenberg,  tara mclay, kendra young, faith  lehane,  cordelia  chase,  heather  mcnamara,  marissa  cooper,  summer  roberts,  seth  cohen,  angel, anya jenkins, ryan  atwood,  taylor  townsend,  elena  gilbert,  caroline  forbes,  bonnie  bennett,  stefan  salvatore, anna zhu, enzo  st  john,  sandy  olson,  betty  rizzo,  frenchy,  danny  zuko,  marty, jan, sonny,  jackie  burkhart,  donna  pinciotti,  eric  forman,  laurie  forman,  belly  conklin,  sloane  peterson,  ferris  bueller,  duckie  dale,  bianca  stratford,  kat  stratford,  patrick  verona,  mia thermopolis, sabrina spellman, harvey kinkle, libby chessler, barbie  roberts,  ken  carson,  jenna  rink,  allie  hamilton,  noah  calhoun,  brandon  walsh,  david  silver,  brenda  walsh,  kelly  taylor,  donna  martin,  conrad  fisher,  jeremiah  fisher,  steven  cokin,  taylor  jewel,  sarah  cameron,  jj  maybank,  john  b  routledge,  kiara  carerra,  pope  heywood,  cleo, topper  thornton,  prue  halliwell,  paige  matthews,  piper  halliwell,  phoebe  halliwell,  meredith  grey,  arizona  robbins,  jackson  avery,  callie  torres,  april  kepner,  derek  shephard,  alex  karev,  cristina  yang,  lizzie  stevens,  callie  torres,  jo  wilson,  addison  montgomery,  lexi  grey,  atticus  lincoln,  nancy  drew,  lucy  grey,  sam  montgomery,  austin  ames,  jen  lindley,  pacey  witter,  dawson  leery,  katherine  pierce,  rebekah  mikaelson,  hayley  marshall,  tatum  riley,  sidney  prescott,  casey  becker,  tara  carpenter,  samantha  carpenter,  beca  mitchell,  chloe  beale,  jessica  day,  winston schmidt, cece  parekh, laney  boggs,  dewey  riley,  gale  weathers,  georgina  sparks,  elle  woods,  francesca  bridgerton,  daphne  bridgerton,  penelope  featherington,  sookie  stackhouse,  karen  smith,  regina  george,  gretchen  weiners,  janis  ian,  cady  heron,  aaron  samuels,  dj  tanner,  stephanie  tanner,  marcia  brady,  cindy  brady,  greg  brady,  carrie  bradshaw,  cher  horowitz,  kirby  reed,  jim  halpert,  michael  scott,  kelly  kapoor,  pam  beesly,  peter  parker,  mary  jane  watson,  analise  keating,  olivia  pope,  tony  stonem,  effy  stonem,  joey  donner,  john  bender,  allison  argent,  scott  mccall,  lydia  martin,  olive  penderghast,  maggie  greene,  marty  mcfly,  bella  swan,  alice  cullen,  charlie  swan,  emmett  cullen,  jacob  black,  carlisle  cullen,  esme  cullen,  jane  volturi,  morticia  addams,  donna  and  sophie  sheridan,  lorraine  banes,  jennifer  parker,  sam  winchester,  luke  danes,  dean  forester,  tristan  dugray,  lane  kim,  paris  geller,  logan  huntzberger,  jeanie  bueller,  simon  basset,  kate  sharma,  colin  bridgerton,  shiv  roy,  gerri  kellman,  roman  roy,  olivia  benson,  clary  fray,  isabelle  lightwood,  jace  herondale,  simon  lewis,  daphne  blake,  shaggy  rogers,  velma  dinkley,  fred  jones,  cinderella, ariel, tiana, jasmine, tom  wambsgans,  kendall  roy,  greg  hirsch,  lestat  de  lioncourt,  louis  de  point  du  lac,  and  claudia  !
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influenzalake · 10 months
Batfam and Superfam + as ATLA Benders
totally original idea nobody has ever done before 
also only going on the original series, we dont talk about Korra
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Bruce: Firebender
- Bruce would be a firebender because of the burning within him. Similar to how Zuko only found his power through pure rage, a young Bruce had to train, meditate, and suffer even more to find his strength elsewhere. His rage still plays a part in his power, the more he loses it the stronger he becomes. I see Bruce hiding his bender abilities for a very long time, refusing to expose his power as Bruce Wayne. As Batman however, here are rumors and whispers about the Bat being a Combustion style firebender. Little do they know, their Batman has mastered every sub-group of firebending possible. Bruce would specialize in combustion though. Great for keeping the mystery of the Bat and causing distractions when Bruce is in public and Batman is needed. 
Selina: Waterbender
- Water, free , flowing , always changing. Adaptable and versatile. Selina has not mastered any specific sub-group of bending, but has heard about bloodbending and uses healing waterbending for herself. Selina uses the cold, unpredictable weather of Gotham to her advantage. Any rain, any fog, any humidity is a Gotham waterbender's dream. She specializes in freezing the water. She uses frozen water as makeshift keys, spikes as weapons, and ice / smoke walls for her getaway. I think Waterbender Selina would change the color scheme of her Catwoman suit so she could use the water to her advantage. Black against ice and water does not blend well. She would make her own custom suit to blend into the Gotham darkness and to reflect her waterbending skills. 
Alfred: Waterbender
- Master Alfred, wise, powerful, and experienced in the world of waterbending. He specializes in Healing waterbending and mastered this ability in his youth. Now sharing his knowledge with Firebender Bruce and guiding his ward the best he can. His healing comes in serious handy when said ward arrives back at the cave barely in one piece. Wayne Manor always has tolerable weather despite what the reports say, as Alfred puts a dome of water for protection. Alfred is a formidable adversary and can incapacitate enemies in an instant. Alfred is also an advanced bloodbender, something even Bruce doesn't know. Alfred discovered his power during his time in the M16, but has sworn off such an act unless absolutely necessary. Alfred prefers to completely freeze his enemies, from near or far. 
Dick: Airbender
- "The element of freedom" , Dick is an airbender that can use the power of flight to some degree. His powers came to him naturally, as both of his parents were airbenders and invested a lot of time into their bouncing baby boy. He loves the flowing rush of wind in his hair and the thrill of being high in the sky. As a young boy, he used his airbending abilities with a "now you see now you don't" style. He was energetic, playful, and full of life.  As a young man, Dick uses his airbending abilities to keep his enemies off balance and to disorient them. In emotional outbursts, he is capable of huge whirlwinds. He is focused and has centralized his power. Dick either uses his power in a lower intensity to toy with his foes or goes all out there is no in between. He likes to tease younger heroes in a brotherly way, blowing their cape over their heads or uses the wind to mess up their hair. Dick has said the "breaking wind" joke over 100 times. 
Starfire: Despite the title, I see her as a Nonbender and despite her name, i don't see her as a firebender either, for the sake of the fic she will be an airbender
- In the crossover in my head, Starfire shares qualities with Ty Lee. Adding to this idea, the theories that state Ty Lee is or is a descendant of an airbender helped figure out what bender Starfire would be. Starfire has a free spirit and shares her joy with the world. Her airbending style is of Tameranean influence not found in any corner of the Earth. For that reason, she has not mastered or successfully attempted any of the airbending sub-groups. Tameranean Airbender Starfire can fly without needing to airbend and her favorite airbending move would be air currents. 
Jason: Firebender
- Due to his early life, Jason would have discovered his firebending at a young age. This early discovery and practice makes him a very strong very dangerous firebender before he even hits double digits. Bruce would notice his potential to be a force for either good or evil, and relate a lot to the rage inside of young Jason. Unlike Bruce, Jason never felt the need to control his anger and tame his fire. Jason feels that trying to calm him is restricting and his emotions are his most important quality. Any chance of him subduing his feelings and finding his firebending from his diaphragm instead of his rage went out the door after he died. He now cherishes his anger and feels it is more important than ever. He feels another layer of betrayal from Bruce, being a fellow firebender and daring to try and change him. The Red Hood would now have a tertiary meaning, with him as a firebender. He would retain everything from every trainer and experience he has ever had though, keeping his true power a secret. Jason can lightningbend and redirect with extreme effort. 
Roy: Earthbender
- Earthbender Roy would never be truly comfortable with his bending. Earth is solid and steady, something that was never granted to Roy in any way. Roy has tried to bend the earthbending subgroups, but failed. It didn't help that his mentor was Airbender Ollie that struggled to relate with and properly teach his earthbending sidekick. Roy could not connect with the earth, the source of his power, and found his bending abilities to be a useless burden. Roy's earthbending breakthrough didn't happen until later in his life. He eventually got his grip through his isolation and by practicing alone. Roy developed his own bending methods and has unique moves. He now loves the smell and feeling of dirt. Roy can do minor metalbending. 
Tim: Waterbender
- Tim is a prodigy waterbender. Able to move small bodies of water as soon as he got to stand on his own two feet. Tim would fill the room with glittering snowflakes when he was alone as a boy. He has some experience with healing, but even less experience with spirit and blood bending. Those subgroups required test subjects, and young Tim did not want to get in trouble. He feels it in his bones that he is capable of such feats. He instead turns his attention to refining his waterbending. By the time he becomes Robin, his waterbending has advanced so far Bruce is impressed and Alfred is so proud. Alfred is secretly ecstatic to have another waterbender in the manor and shares whatever tips he can with the prodigy. With Tim as the newest member of the Batfam, Dick jokes that all Bruce needs now is an earthbender Robin and he would be the Avatar. 
Conner: Earthbender
- Conner is strong, rigid, and very heavy. Earth is strong, rigid, and very heavy. (lol jk) Conner had some trouble with his bending abilities in his early stages. He could barely earthbend steadily, much less start on a subgroup and people would joke that he should have been a firebender. Jokes like that only made Conner fight more with his bending side. Conner would compare himself to other benders who took so quickly to their affinity. Con felt spited, as he had questions but never got the answers. He wanted nothing more to be like Clark, one with the earth. Conner had no mentor in his beginning. Conner's fighting and bending style came from surges of emotion, which made his bending unpredictable and unreliable. Over the years, Conner spends more time with himself. He works to accept his creation and who he is. With this self reflection, Conner finds peace. He finds that the world is not against him and he is not a mistake. Conner, as an earthbender, feels like he can finally breathe. He feels stronger than ever, that strength coming from his personal security.
Damian: Firebender
- Born of two strong firebenders, Damian had no doubt in his mind that he would be the best in the nation. Damian's first introduction to firebending was that it was a force for dominance and destruction. Damian internalized that perspective upon himself, only thinking himself capable of doing harm with his bending, never learning it could be more- or used for anything different. Due to the pressure of his LOA upbringing, Damian mastered firebending, every subgroup, and bends blue fire. He has studied endlessly about other elements and has a superiority bias against nonbenders. He thinks himself as higher than the Firelord, and believes that when the LOA's plans are complete he will be. 
Jon: Airbender 
- When Jon was born, his parents would always guess what kind of bender he would be. They looked at all of his behaviors as an infant and toddler, waiting for their precious child to start showing signs. There were bets from all of their friends and family. To everybody's surprise, he was caught floating to the top of his nursery by his parents. The news was out! Jonathan Samuel Kent was an airbender. This fact would have drawn some questioning stares, if Jon wasn't the spitting image of Clark. Turns out Lois had some airbender from her mother's side. His parents are shocked but overjoyed nonetheless. Clark is determined to learn everything about airbender culture and power to give his only son the future he deserves. Jon grows up to be a spoiled, friendly, and gifted airbender.
Clark: Earthbender
- Clark is an earthbender alien to nonbenders Martha and Jonathan Kent. Even being from another planet, Clark feels the earth as an extension of himself. Mastery of the art came easily to him. He spent a lot of time in nature as a young boy and he taught himself how to feel the earth. His heightened senses were a blessing and a burden. Clark was aware of every rumble coming from below and had to learn how to concentrate. In his young teens, Clark learned how to use both his Kryptonian and Earthbending powers safely and reliably. As an adult living in Metropolis, he spends less time  in nature, but can still remember his roots and feel the movement of the world all around him. Clark says he is not the power, but the earth is. As Superman he doesn't use earthbending in his fighting very often. If he does use it, it is in desperate moments and pretends it was not him. Everybody thinks Clark Kent is a nonbender.
Lois: Waterbender
- Lois has a complicated relationship with her bending. She never felt the need to use her bending nor did she feel any interconnection with water and what it represented. Lois knows some bending moves, but never spent too much time worrying about her bending. Her father wanted a firebender or at least an earthbender, but above all wanted a son. Lois grew up feeling that bending was not important. 
Jimmy: Either an airbender, earthbender, waterbender, or a nonbender. For fic's sake, Jimmy will be an airbender. 
- He's never had any formal training, so his bending isn't that strong. Jimmy likes using his bending for fun, he can make himself float, saving items before they drop, and it helps him go faster when he's running around for work. He likes being a casual bender.
Bizarro: (being the opposite of Clark) Airbender 
- Bizarro's bending is very random. He doesn't control it very well. When he does airbend, it is pure strength. Powerful, but it is messy bending. He kicks up dirt and other debris, also bringing into his attacks. Bizarro can fly without the help of his bending. He hasn't tried to practice any  airbending subgroups. Bizarro idolizes the avatar, he fanboying is very cute.  
Diana: Earthbender
- Diana is an incredible earthbender. Diana has trained alongside ancient masters and studied their techniques back on Themyscira. She masters earthbending and all their subgroups. Her favorite subgroup is lavabending. Part of her training included rumination, focusing on becoming one with the Earth. It was said to bring an earthbender closer to the source of their power. Diana has never revealed this to anyone, but after leaving the pristine island, Diana felt like her power was weakened. The Earth was truly suffering and she felt the ground beneath her as sloppy. As Wonder Woman, Diana uses earthbending sparingly. She knows her raw fighting power is strong enough. Diana doesn't want to aggravate the Earth any more than it already is. 
Barry: Airbender 
- Barry was not a natural born airbender. Funnily enough, it came after his superspeed powers. Due to this, his power is limited. His hypothesis is that the access to the speed force also made this possible. Acquired bending is a very rare phenomenon, but then again, the man was struck by lightning and became a superpowered being. When running, Barry feels the air around him dissolve and he goes FAST. After some time as the Flash, he learned the difference between the speed force and airbending. He tries to airbend but the mix of his speed powers only allow him to create sharp blasts of wind. Barry has tried all of the airbending subgroups, but physically cannot. He finds that his greatest airbending strikes come from his legs, not his hands. 
Arthur was already a waterbender lol
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
happy halloween!!! 🎃 🎃🎃🎃 FMA, or ATLA?
a continuation of 1 2
Lu Ten is not a powerful fire bender.
He's more deadly with a blade then he's ever managed to be with a flame and watching Zuko in the palace he'd assumed that his cousin was the same.
He'd assumed wrong.
Zuko is fourteen, they're caught in in a storm they hadn't been able to outrun, and Lu Ten is terrified. A huge wave crests over them, ready to drag them all under even if the boat manages to stay afloat.
Zuko snaps into a firebending form he hasn't had reason to use for years as easy as breathing, but flames do not leave his hands.
Heat does.
Lu Ten's skin feels too hot and tender and irritated from the exposure and he can't even focus on that because as the wave hits wall of heat that Zuko has erected, it sizzles, then dissipates into steam.
"Fucking hell," someone mutters.
Water douses fire.
That is the natural way of the world. In a fair fight, firebenders fall to waterbenders and a single bender is no match for the ocean.
But Zuko does brute forces his way through, and they still have a storm to weather, but no more waves crest over the ship and threaten to pull them overboard.
He'd worried that he'd stunted Zuko's firebending ability by forcing him into a life onto the sea. He'd forgotten the nature of fire.
No matter the circumstances, it finds a way to burn.
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stardust948 · 29 days
Oh sorry, Pepa from encanto, her gift!
Zuko controls the weather with his emotions instead of having firebending
Oh yeah! That would be so cool!
But also devasting for Zuko in the early years of his life. I can see Ozai and even Ursa to some extent pressing him to remain emotionless and calm, so he doesn't cause a huge storm. But of course, that doesn't work out.
After Ursa disappears, it rains over the palace for weeks. When Zuko speaks out in the war room, there's a lightning storm. And during the Agni Kai, it rains hail, an especially bad afront since it's viewed as a bad omen (being the opposite element of ice). And during the Avatar hunt, The Wangi is plagued with bad lightning storms.
Lightning storms becomes associated with Zuko and often alert the Gaang that he's close by. This especially frustrates Zuko since this is the only way he can summon lightning unlike his father and sister.
Iroh is the only one who really stays around Zuko during his emotional storms. During their wandering days in Book 2, the weather is often foggy to reflect Zuko's inner confusion on what's right and wrong. After his angst coma, it's sunny and brighter now that Zuko has somewhat found peace.
Until Azula returns and imprisons him with Katara. When they talk about their mothers, it's starts to rain again. Not the harsh lightning storm, but a softer drearier rain that fell when Ursa disappeared. Katara stays with him under the cloud, instead of moving away to avoid the rain.
After the betrayal and returning to the Fire Palace, Zuko's emotions are stunned. There are no storms, or fog, or anything... Ozai sees it as an improvement. Zuko's weather doesn't return until he admits he's angry at himself on the beach and a lightning storm breaks out.
On DOTBS when Zuko confronts Ozai, there's more storms. But instead of fighting or repressing it, Zuko leans into it and kind of weather bends?
Anyway, as he spends more time with the Gaang, he embraces his emotions more and learns how to work with them. Much like Storm from X-Men.
In conclusion, Zuko becomes a weather-bender at the end with the help of friendship and therapy.
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
hello cutie bean! saw that prompts are open and decided to ask about platonic Zuko x Toph (ATLA) tickles c: scenes with the incredulous tsundere-Toph and trying to 'melt' her Zuko stuck deeply in my head, so I'd wanted to go back and read about this couple. if you don't mind, of course!
Avatar The Last Airbender ~ (tickle fic) 🔥 🪨
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Lees: Zuko & Toph
Lers: Toph & Zuko
Author’s Note: These two are so freakin funny and adorable. Of course! Thanks for your patience and hope you enjoy! 💖
“So, what do you wanna do?” Zuko asked awkwardly to the blind girl next to him.
The two were sitting beside each other outside. The sun keeping the temperature warm while a cool breeze made the weather perfect. They didn’t have anything to do so they decided to take a walk before sitting down in the grass.
“I don’t know. We didn’t really have a plan when we started walking.” Toph sighed with a shrug.
“How about… we get to know each other with questions. That’s what people do right?” Zuko rubbed the back of his neck.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” Toph placed her hands behind her head laying down.
“You wanna go first or should I?” Toph asked.
“O-Oh. Uh… you can go first.”
“Okay.” Toph thought for a moment, snapping her fingers when an invisible lightbulb lit up above her head.
“Okay I got one. What makes you laugh the most? Or makes you really happy? Personally I love fighting and hanging out with the others. Fighting because, well I get to beat people up, and hanging with them because they’re my family. And they never fail to make me smile.” Zuko was surprised at the question.
“Uh. I don’t know actually. I haven’t really genuinely laughed in a while. I don’t know what makes me happy either. The only thing I thought would make me happy was getting my honor back. We all saw how that went” Zuko sighed.
Toph could tell from the tone in his voice that this was something that made Zuko feel… alone. He didn’t know where his uncle was and the gang was still trying to get used to him. His uncle could get him to smile a bit when Iroh knew he needed it but genuinely laugh? He couldn’t even remember what that sounded like.
“That’s just sad. I know you had a tough childhood and all but man. Not even knowing what makes you laugh.” Toph suddenly sat up quickly. “Hey! What if I make you laugh?”
Zuko looked over at the earth bender.
“I doubt you can. But you can try.” He laid still, too down to move.
“Okay then. Uhhhh- how do you make a tissue dance?”
Zuko lifted an eyebrow in confusion and shrugged. “Don’t know.”
“You put a little boogie in it!” Toph made jazz hands.
“That wasn’t very good was it? It was Sokka’s joke anyway.” Toph let her hands fall to her lap.
Zuko let out a pity laugh. “Yeah. It was pretty bad.”
Suddenly, Toph had the perfect plan. A sure fire way, no pun intended, to get Zuko to laugh.
“Hey, Zuko. I know how to make you laugh.” Toph said moving closer so she was sitting next to his side.
“And what would that be?”
“This!” Toph yelled as wiggling fingers found Zuko’s sides.
“Gah! Wahahahahahait!” Zuko sat up and began to shove at the tickly hands.
All efforts were futile when Toph moved up to his ribs. He fell back with a squeal, his feet drumming against the soft grass.
“Tohohohohoph! Wahahahahahahait! Hehehahahahahaha!”
“Wait for what exactly? For you to stop being so ticklish? Sorry to break it to ya Zu Zu but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” She smirked.
Zuko continued to twist and turn, although not trying that hard to get away.
“Do you like being tickled?” Toph asked while moving her hands to his stomach. He curled up on his side, high pitched giggles filling the air.
“Because I’m not even holding you down and I know you have the strength to fight back.” She massaged circles into the sides of his stomach, a spot that got great reactions from Aang.
“Please what? Please keep tickling you? Sure thing!” Toph quickly pulled up his shirt and blew a giant raspberry on his lower ribs.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TOHOHOAHAHAHA!” Zuko pushed and shoved at Toph but his arms turned grew weak and limp.
“Thihis is hilarious. You’re soho ticklish.” Toph laughed. This time, she went down to squeeze his knees.
His laugh resided back down to giggles, but he stopped trying to push her away. Instead, wrapping his arms around his waist so the happy tickles wouldn’t end.
“You actually sound kind of adorable when you laugh. And you’re not even trying to get away.” Toph scribbled under his knees, cooing at the squeals and light kicking of his legs.
“Okahahahay enohohohgh. Plehehehease.” Zuko wheezed. Toph pulled her hands away and helped him sit up.
They sat in silence for a few moments while Zuko caught his breath.
“So…” Toph started. “You like being tickled, huh?” She smirked.
Zuko blushed then smirked right back.
“Yeah. I do. But you know what else I like?”
“What?” Toph asked not being able to see his already wiggling fingers.
“Getting revenge.”
He lunged forward and darted his hands up and down the girls sides. Watching as she curled in on herself and snorted up a storm.
“Nohohohohohoho! *snort* Zuhuhukohohoho!” She fell back against the grass, immediately regretting it when he targeted her tummy soon after.
“What’s wrong? Can’t take what you dish out?” He vibrated his hands along her ribs, slowly inching his way towards her underarms.
“Sohohohoho mehehehehan! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!” Toph squealed when he pinned an arm above her head and used his free hand to scribble under her arm.
“Not here? Not under your arm? Why not? Are you ticklish under here or something?” Zuko released her arm and used both to tickle the hyper sensitive area.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* GAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* HEHEHAHAHA!” Toph covered her face to hide her blush and hopefully block out those snorts.
“I didn’t know you snort when you laugh.” Zuko giggled, moving back down to her stomach.
“Ihihit only hahahappens when IhIhI’m tihihickled.” She lightly smacked at his hands.
Zuko pulled his hands away, smiling at the way she fell back against the grass.
He did the same, laying beside her looking up at the sky.
“I guess we know what makes you laugh now.” Toph punched his arm.
“I guess we do.” He rubbed where she punched him remembering what she said back at the play.
They laid like this till it was time to head back to eat, smiles still plastered on their faces.
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
"you look like something's bothering you. you can talk to me about if... if you want to" for zutara !!!! 😳
Ah geez these prompts are taking me a hot minute my b lol.
62- "You look like something's bothering you... You can talk to me if you need to." Zutara
Katara sighed glumly as she swirled the water in the pond, watching a leaf get caught in the current she had created. She loved the warm weather of the Fire Nation, but it wasn’t helping her to feel better in this moment. So much for her mini vacation.
“You look like something’s bothering you.” Zuko sat down next to her on the soft grass, bumping her shoulder. “You can talk to me if you need to.”
She smiled at him ruefully, “I know.”
They sat in silence for a little bit, until Katara sighed and spat out, “I’m being pressured to marry.”
Zuko blinked in surprise, “What for?”
The Southern Water Tribe wasn’t like the North. They didn’t arrange marriages for their women.
“To pass on water bending. I’m still the last water bender in the Southern Water Tribe. The Elders want me to start having children soon.”
He frowned at that, but he supposed it made sense. Zuko leaned back on his hands, stretching out his legs.
“I know how you feel. I’m also being pressured to marry to produce an heir to the throne,” he said glumly.
Katara hummed, “Yeah, that’s probably a more pressing matter.”
Zuko chuckled humorlessly, “Yup, the line ends with me since Azula forfeited her right. My council will probably arrange a marriage for me with some Earth Kingdom noble. Agni, it better not be Toph.”
They laughed, imagining her angry reaction to the idea of being Fire Lady— or being told to marry at all. Mountains would crumble.
“Do you have to marry a noble lady?” Katara questioned. It seemed so old-fashioned.
“That’s what the council would prefer. And it’s not like I have a girlfriend anyways, so I don’t have any ammo to fight them with.” He sighed, having accepted his fate.
Katara stared at him for a moment. “What if—”
She cut herself off, flushing and directing her gaze to her lap. Her fingers trembled as they began to play with her braid.
“What if what?” Zuko furrowed his brows.
Katara blushed and slowly met his eyes. “What if… we… got married?”
She watched as his face became as red as his robes. His jaw dropped open, and his eyes were wide in shock. Katara immediately back-pedaled, “Sorry, that was stupid, I shouldn’t have—”
“No, no!” His hands flailed, reaching out for her before thinking better of it. “That’s not stupid at all!”
Katara stared into the pond, mortified. He totally did not like the idea and she was probably creeping him out. How could she suggest such a thing to her friend— he obviously didn’t see her that way.
Zuko rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “I’m not… that’s— well. Would you… even want to be Fire Lady?” He finally landed on an actual sentence. “This nation has hurt you so much. I would never ask you to live here and have to lead these people if it would hurt you.”
She gasped, “Zuko! I don’t hate this nation! Even if it has hurt me in the past, we fixed it, didn’t we?”
He didn’t know if she was talking about them ending the war and defeating Azula together, or their efforts since then to bring the nations together, or even before that, when he helped her to face her mother’s killer or worked hard to earn her trust and friendship. Or maybe, she just meant all of their efforts, and all of the history between them.
“I didn’t mean to insinuate that you hate my nation, just… that I would understand why you wouldn’t want to become their queen.” He sighed and looked into her eyes, “Wouldn’t it be cruel to ask you?”
Katara huffed playfully and shoved his shoulder lightly. “I’m a little tougher than that, Z. I could do it.”
Zuko smiled. Of course she could. She could do anything she put her mind to.
She stood then and held out her hand to him, “Come on. I spouted that without thinking, so let’s process that and talk about it again later. For now, I want some food.”
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chosenimagines · 3 years
Agni Kai (Zuko)
Fandom: [7] (A) Avatar The Last Airbender Teaser: Admiral Zhao has taken Zuko and the Reader taken as prisoners. Now he wants his revenge on Prince Zuko taking it all out on the Reader Prompts:  (H) 33 Take me! Hurt me! Not him/them/her. AU: - Tropes: (18) Love Confession OC: Reader named Kayla Warnings: - Language: German/English Request: Yes/No by  Emmacata
Link for Request board & the request
A/N:  My requests are open on Wattpad and Tumblr
▪️❤️▪️🧡▪️💛▪️💚▪️💙▪️💜▪️ ____________________________________________
It was almost ridiculous how beautiful this day was! The sky was coloured in every imaginable shade of red and orange. Not one cloud could be seen. There was no breeze while the rays of the setting sun colored the place. There were no better conditions for fire bending! This was an ordinary day. But the weather only made the situation more difficult and dangerous! Admiral Zhao forcibly dragged a girl of about 16 years to the middle of the court. She fought back with all her strength. Her long, black hair flew back and forth, blocking her view. Nevertheless, she did not give up her resistance. "KAYLA!" Zuko jumped up. Metal chains rattled. His will to fight back flared up in him more strongly than before as soon as he saw the girl. "Take me!", pleaded Zuko. "I beg you! I beg you, Zhao! Take me! Hurt me! Not her. Please not her..." But Admiral Zhao dragged Kayla on without paying attention to the teenager on the side. He pushed the girl towards the middle. When Zhao exposed his upper body, Zuko immediately knew what he was up to. Panic rose inside of him.
He hastily closed his fingers tightly around the links of the chain and pushed them forward, pulling on them as his hands were tied behind his back. Zuko fought with all his might against the chains that held him in place. But it didn’t help! Zuko could not release the chains anchored in the ground and he could not use his bending abilities in this way. Zuko had no choice but to watch what Zhao would do to Kayla. But he would never accept this fate for Kayla and himself! He then shouted at the admiral and pulled the metal chains. It didn't help. The prince's brown eyes followed the scene infront of him. Zhao pressed Kayla onto her knees. "Be ready!", Zhao hissed at the frightened girl. Now the same though Zuko had shot through Kayla’s head, what would follow now. Her anxiety level rose. Now it was getting serious! The thought only made Zuko go crazy even more. "I BEG YOU! SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU, ADMIRAL! SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY TAMING SKILLS! SHE IS NOT A TAMER! LET ME TAKE YOUR PLACE! I'M TO BLAME AND I'M FIGHTING TOO! BUT PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING!", shouted Zuko in deep despair. Zhao paid no attention to his words. But Kayla did! She heard his anger, his despair and, above all, his pain. There was nothing in the world that Kayla wanted more than to be able to free Zuko from these feelings. Especially because she shared his feelings! But Kayla couldn't get rid of them for him! Now she had to participate in an Agni Kai as a non-bender. Internally, Kayla had already said goodbye to Zuko, the world and her life. She was well aware that she was going to die, because against a fire bender she had absolutely no chance of winning in such a duel in this environment, let alone surviving. Kayla was defenseless against Admiral Zhao! Kayla took a deep breath before she stood up and turned to her opponent. Now it was going down! The first attack was immediately shot. Kayla narrowly escaped the fireball that flew towards her. But the Fire Nation girl didn't have a second to breathe. The next attack followed on the foot! Again, she escaped within a hair's breadth. Kayla ran for her life, while Zuko repeatedly called on Zhao's humanity and offered to exchange. But Zhao just laughed and continued his merciless attacks on Kayla. There was nothing left to do for Kayla to run for her life and try her best to hid behind things Admiral Zhao hadn’t destroyed yet. Everything looked good until Kayla stumbled over a stone, scraped her leg and felt on the floor. That was the end... "NOOOOOOOOOO!" A flame flew over Kayla without grazing her. Zhao had to stop his intended last and supposed to be deadly attack, otherwise he had burned himself. Zuko stood behind the injured girl, who was still lying on the ground. Melted chains dangled from his wrists. His hands were still hovering in front of his chest from fire bending. In the last second, Zuko had managed to free himself and save Kayla from a burn or death! "Thank you...", Kayla gasped in a painful voice. Zuko said nothing. He couldn't risk laying eyes of Zhao for even a second. A moment of inattention could cost Kayla her life -him as well, which was secondary. "Answer her, Prince Zuko!", Zhao told his opponent spitefully. "Then you can also tell her why she has to be responsible for your mistakes!" Zuko swallowed hard. "She doesn't take responsibility for anything! I have not been guilty of anything concerning you, Zhao.", Zuko replied, trying to keep a firm voice. The prince did not break off eye contact with his opponent. "Oh really? She fights your battle, Prince Zuko. In the end, you will be solely to blame!" Zhao strikes a new blow. It should be the finale one! Zhao wanted to end two lives right here, right now. Two lives that he considered worthless and useless. But that did not happen! The admiral of the Fire Nation was suddenly covered with water. At the same moment, the water on him froze from his feet upwards to his chest. Kayla's hands were stretched out infront of her. Horrified looks lay on the girl. She as well stared at her hands in complete horror! Did she just... That was not possible! How could this be possible? It just couldn't be true! "Kayla, you bend water?!", Zuko escaped in shock. The black-haired one said nothing and continued to stare at her hands. As the child of two fire benders and she just bended water? That could not be true! "You bend water," Zuko repeated. His voice sounded firm, soft -almost tender -as he knelt on the floor. "I didn't!", she replied perplexed. "Kayla, you're obviously a bender after all. You are apparently a water bender!", Zuko emphasized once again. He took Kayla's arms and put her on her healthy leg before helping her to a stone on which Kayla finally took a seat. In disbelief, the girl looked at her palms. Then she remembered something. "Could we" Kayla gave Admiral Zhao a sideways glance. "Could we talk in private for a sec?" Without further ado, Zuko put his arms under Kayla's knees and carried her a few meters aside. Again, he dropped her off on a piece of broken stone. "Admiral Zhao said that I am fighting your battle for a reason!" Kayla Zuko recalled Zhao's words. Then she looked Zuko straight in the eye. "What is this reason?" Ironically, the prince's cheeks took a fiery red color. "That's unimportant...", he murmured to himself, evading Kayla's gaze. " I don't think so! If the reason were so unimportant, you wouldn't tell me." Zuko sighed. He knew he had to tell her now. Now or never! "Zhao kidnapped you because I- I- I-" Zuko broke off. Then he raised his head and looked Kayla straight in the eye. "Because I love you!" Before he understood what was going on, Kayla had his head back. Zuko had received a soft, innocent kiss from Kayla. "I love you, Zuko." Kayla confessed to the speechless boy and went into a tight hug.
▪️❤️▪️🧡▪️💛▪️💚▪️💙▪️💜▪️ ____________________________________________
Always @the-second-tonks
Avatar The Last Airbender @reader-inserts-and-others-thing
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ofherlionheart · 3 years
mannnn before i even STARTED the boo chronicles i got pretty damn deep into The Zukka Graceling AU That No One Asked For™. basically, almost any character who was a bender was a graceling and the non benders were not graced. for those of y’all who have impeccable taste and read graceling, you’ll know what i mean when i say yue is my katsa, and she has the whole katsa arc of realizing what her grace is + liberating herself from her shitty uncle, but, alas, that’s all just groundwork for setting the zukka scene here (sorry, yue)
zuko is graced and azula isn’t, and due to Bad Traumatic Shenanigans when they were young, ozai finds out his son has a grace and that grace is poisoning. ozai thinks he can use this grace to his advantage so instead of handing over his son to the king, ozai destroys zuko’s gold eye and burns half of his face in the process. eventually zuko poisons ozai and runs away from the shame/trauma of patricide and azula finds him two years later b/c she’s like, the dumbass will surely expose his secret without my help and i don’t want ANY of the corrupt kings getting their hands on my graced brother.
over in lienid, sokka and katara are from a long line of sailors, where the first child inherited the ship and the captaincy and the second child became first mate. however, katara is like 1 when they find out she’s graced, and not long after they realize her grace is for predicting weather conditions (yes, katara’s grace is based on that one rando lienid captain from graceling lol). it makes much more sense, w/ her grace, for katara to be captain instead of sokka. and he’s fine with that! it makes sense! she doesn’t mean to cast a shadow on him with the grandeur of her personhood and abilities! 
and FINALLY the fic starts with lady yue showing up at zuko’s shady apothecary with a dying man thrown over her dainty little shoulder. the man’s struggling to breathe and z’s like ‘does the poison have to look like an accident’ and yue’s like ????? no i want u to save him?? z’s like i’m not a healer and yue’s like pls. the locals told me you are the best bet for this man’s survival. z slathers some gunk on the man’s gums and is like, pls leave. yue’s like … u know. my grace [redacted for graceling spoilers]. z’s like idk what that has to do with me
aaaanyway the whole gist of it is, z’s blackmarket poisons get into the wrong hands when azula (who runs the business, z just makes the poinsons) is captured. luckily z is friends with aang, an abandoned graceling b/c the king of sunder couldn’t figure out his grace, and aang works for yue’s council. when the council steps in to help the accidental victims of z’s loose poisons, yue and suki ask katara and sokka to host z on their ship and take him from port to port to heal the ppl he fucked over in the first place. katara hates z on sight b/c kya died from poisoning and katara thinks ppl who makes poison are the scummiest and least respectable of nefarious criminals. s doesn’t trust z but is like … he seems like he’s not evil incarnate? the whole gaang works together to heal ppl and find and save azula and z & s fall in love along the way and z realizes the truth of his grace, blah blah happy ending smooches
Put “📓” or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I’ll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven’t written but daydream about.
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