#Dammit Hedgi Day 2024
hedgiwithapen · 19 days
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Prompts are now OPEN
What is Dammit Hedgi Day?
Dammit Hedgi Day, the 25th of September, marks the 9th anniversary of the first "Dammit Hedgi" tag on one of my angst fics. Every September I accept [angsty, typically] prompts for three weeks, and then post a massive amount of oneshots and ficlets. Prompt fills range from 200-2000 words, and as the Poll dictates, will start being posted on September 25th
What Fandoms can be prompted for?
Dammit Hedgi Day started with the Flash and DCTV, but has grown! Previous years have seen ficlets for: The Flash (up to mid season 6? I make no promises after that) Supergirl (season 1) Legends of tomorrow (first 2 seasons) Stargirl (all three seasons) Leverage+ Leverage Redemption Blue Beetle (2023) Into the Spiderverse (ish) My Adventures With Superman Young Justice Big Hero 6 Avatar the Last Airbender The Librarians Books of Bayern and assorted original RPG character content That said, I'm not strictly limited to these! I've started watching Stargate SG1, and will accept prompts based on that UP TO MID SEASON 4. Do NOT ask me about things beyond the end of s4, I'm trying to be unspoiled. If you've seen me talk positively about a media, you can ask for it, essentially. I may not fill everything, but I'll try.
What kinds of prompts?
Originally an ANGST fest, it can get a bit more broad especially in recent years. Ideally: send me a fandom/ two characters and a line of dialog like one from a promptlist below OR fandom/ characters and a vague concept-- "Sokka in a time loop" is vague! "Leverage, Daemon au for the Big Bang job" is vague. "Stargirl, Rick and Cindy: "I'm never going to trust you" " is vague. Two full paragraphs that detail who says the line and everyone's feelings on the matter and the outcome is not vague. If you're not sure if something is too detailed, you can always send it in and see, though. Crossovers welcome. DHD is a smut-free zone, and it’s my day so  I will write about characters with my viewpoints so prompt with caution if you like a character I do not :)  You may attempt to rig your prompts for fluff but do not count on it. Do not expect shipping, this is a genfic event. A few ships may slip through at my discretion, y'all know who I Like. You can send me a couple characters and an angst prompt from a list like  this one or This one,  Or this ….or  if there’s a whump post out there that grabs at you, you can use that. If we've talked about an AU, you can prompt that! If I've made a post like " hey neat concept for [show]:...." you can ask for some of that! If there was a prompt from past years you liked and want More Of? (roundups for 2020 , 2021, 2022, 2023) hell yeah! Canon suffering!! Aus make everything worse!! Missing moments, what-ifs, alternate perspectives! As always, everything will be tagged with Dammit Hedgi Day and Dammit Hedgi Day 2024 for blocking the tag purposes.
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hedgiwithapen · 3 days
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Killing characters I haven't killed before is fun! One week till Dammit Hedgi Day, and Prompts are still open!
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hedgiwithapen · 14 days
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hello yes we are 6 days into Hedgi gets back on her bullshit and UHHHH
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hedgiwithapen · 17 days
Twice now I've written a prompt fill ( 13/21 now, guys, so feel free to keep em coming) and gone " awwww, shoot, this other Idea I just had would be WAY better for this.... don't wanna waste 500 words though.... dang..." so like. might post multiple fills for the same prompt? or don't be afraid to send something you think is obvious and surely someone else has already asked for it because hey! maybe! I'll do it twice!
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hedgiwithapen · 16 days
Me: yeah I got a prompt that will work for the Bad Thing [that i mentioned at lunch] Roommate: I am resisting the urge to throw Kettle (stuffed dragon) at you because Kettle doesn't deserve that and you have many legos in front of you.
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