#we'll date and be happy
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sweetnnaivete · 9 months ago
whens it my turn
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inhuman-obey-me · 2 months ago
Thirteen + 75: "Catharsis" - Motionless in White
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The dark silhouette casts a long, frightening shadow in the bright light of the window — tendrils of softly curling hair flowing in waves, a slender figure, curving down to the loose fluttering of hanging fabric.
"Are you an angel?"
"Of course not. I'm a reaper." Thirteen shakes her head as she steps forth, trying not to roll her eyes. She gets the question far too often, and she's more than tired of it.
As she steps forward for the old bedridden woman to see better, she sees a mix of emotions cross the frail human's face. There is shock, first. Then confusion, taking in Thirteen's certainly untraditional appearance. Fear, followed by disgust and anger. And then, as it always happens, grief. Deep, despairing grief.
The woman looks ragged, face wrinkled by the pushing and pulling of age.
"You've come to take me, then."
Against her will, a tiny sympathetic part of Thirteen always rises when they do this — and they always do this. Despite humans being defined by their mortality, they never do find themselves truly ready for it when it comes. And no matter how many times she's done this over the thousands of years, it always tugs at her a little more than she'd ever admit. Candy tells her it's best to just do the job without interaction, to just collect the souls and go. But Thirteen thinks that's stupid. She's always preferred the rhythm of rebellion, and doing things her own way.
Her voice softens. "I'm not your enemy. But it is time."
"Will it hurt?"
"Not for much longer. Not the way it hurts here." Thirteen gives the woman a reassuring smile, putting a hand on her hip, the narrow slits of her pupils focused on pulling out the shining essence of the woman as she works. She is drawing the old woman's soul out already, but she doesn't need to know that. It's better for them when they don't realize it. So she keeps talking to hold onto the woman's attention. "It's a place of peace, away from all the noise. A place where you can feel completed. All that you always needed."
The human trappings of the soul fall away as it emerges, emotions and memories sliding off like rainfall until it shines alone, cleansed of its earthly existence.
What remains reminds her of aventurine — an interlacing web of sparkling facets threading through a green as deep as the ocean floor. As the breaths stop in the body below, the last of her life courses across the shimmering shape, a rippling light the texture of crashing waves sweeping over each surface inside, twisting it all up into a small sphere that floats easily into the reaper's hand. A flick of her scythe-charmed bracelet sends it on to the realm where it belongs.
Huffing with satisfaction at another job done, Thirteen pulls out her reaper's list and marks the woman's name off, chewing the tip of the pen as she skims over the rest of the names again. That's the last one for the day, which means…it's time to blow off a little post-work steam.
She smiles to herself as she whips out her D.D.D. to shoot off a quick message to her favorite apprentice sorcerer:
"Hey, are you free now? I feel like going shopping, so let's get Mephisto to carry our bags and hit Black Cat Market! Meet you there?"
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blank-house · 4 months ago
Hello, hope the team is doing okay during this time of stress and excitement!
I wanted to ask if you guys have an estimated time of release for the summer season? Because when I look at the rewards, it says Summer 2026. I know I'm putting the cart before the horse when I ask this, but if you do make the rest of the seasons (and I really hope it happens!), does that mean it will take a little over a year for each? Will KF be fully out in 8~ years?
haha, i know. wouldn't it be crazy if we literally spent almost a decade making this game? the short answer is: hopefully not!
the long answer is: we landed on summer 2026 as a release date just to be exceptionally generous with the production schedule! this is after seeing how long it took us to complete the first spring, which was about a year and a half with the three of us being the main folks working on the script (which is what usually takes the longest).
now, assuming that the kickstarter gets funded (which we would find out in late november), we wouldn't really start full production until january. but, the hope is that we'd be able to hire on more freelancers to get us through the pipeline faster. it takes a lot of work to get it to the level we had it in spring, and we'd rather be generous with our time so we could theoretically release earlier than have to delay.
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shopwitchvamp · 2 months ago
Restock preview's up now!
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These will go live tomorrow, 1/16, at 5pm CT! Also, just to start warning everyone now: We'll be temporarily closing the shop from 1/29-2/13 (at least this is when I'm hoping to reopen, exact return date TBD because our closure may get extended) while we move across the country 😱 Wish us luck, and be sure to get any orders in before the 29th!! 🖤 witchvamp.com 🖤
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libertyreads · 8 months ago
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Came back to Tulsa for a couple of days and decided to hit up Magic City Books.
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absoloutenonsense · 1 year ago
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Coming October 31st…
When the Trouble Comes by nonsensedarling
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | 80k | Explicit
Official fic post is HERE.
The Queens Trafficking case is the biggest one of Louis’ FBI career so far; eleven reported missing girls all disappeared under a similar set of circumstances. Louis has done everything he can to try and solve this case over the last nine months... while also absolutely ruining his marriage. Harry has been co-host of Banter at Breakfast for five years now and finally has the opportunity to create his own radio show with the network. Unfortunately, it comes at a time where Harry's thoughts are consumed with his impending divorce from his (caring, loving, infuriatingly thoughtful) husband of eight years. Harry and Louis have both been willing to lose themselves in their work… but are they willing to lose each other?
Or a story of (almost) exes-to-lovers.
Chapters will post on Tuesdays of each week, starting on October 31st (20 chapters in total).
(If you would like to be notified by email when it starts posting, you can subscribe here.)
Snippet under the cut:
With a copy of the case file in his backpack, Louis sticks his key in the door, unlocks it, and steps inside, trying to be as quiet as he can because he knows at this time of night, Harry will definitely be asleep.
Except when he shuts the door, he sees the living room light bleeding out into the hallway, a shadow moving back and forth. There’s the sound of footsteps – lots of them, very quickly. Louis stares at the light and for a brief moment panics that he’s walked into their apartment to find Harry with someone else.
He hears light murmurs. Louis leans forward, feet frozen but his ears straining, until he recognizes the murmurs as Harry singing. Louis sighs in relief. Harry isn’t with someone else. He’s singing and probably dancing in the living room, maybe with his headphones in, which is why he hasn’t stopped or popped his head out between the doorframe when Louis opened the door.
Louis isn’t going to look in. He’s going to walk right past the doorway and head straight to the guest bedroom and review the file again, and then go to sleep so he can meet Perrie early in the morning.
He isn’t going to look in.
He really doesn’t mean to look in. A motion pulls his attention in his peripheral vision and his head turns without him realizing it, then his whole body stops moving.
Harry is dancing, wireless earbuds in and a glass of deep red wine in his right hand. There’s a pink tint to his cheeks, which tells Louis that the one in his hand is at least his third. He’s wearing just his boxer briefs and one of Louis’ hoodies.
Well, it was technically Harry’s hoodie originally. It’s heather grey, worn in to just the perfect amount of softness with a faded Greenbay Packers logo on the front. The first time Louis stayed over at Harry’s, he got cold just before they were going to bed. Harry took the sweatshirt from where it was draped over the top of the closet door and passed it to him.
When Louis pulled it on… he can’t really explain it, but there, in Harry’s dreadfully small room in his four-roommate apartment, wearing a hoodie that smelled exactly like him (like he’d been wearing it all day, soaked in the scent of his shampoo and body lotion and fabric softener)... Louis had the same feeling he got when he first visited New York when he was a kid. Like he was home. Harry had agreed. “Looks better on you then it ever has on me,” he’d said with a smirk. And from then on, it was Louis’ hoodie. Harry never tried to take it back.
So the fact that his husband is wearing it now makes Louis feel all sorts of things. Before he has even a second to figure out what any one of them is, Harry opens his eyes.
“Shit fucking Christ,” he exclaims, opening his hand automatically. It’s like Louis watches in slow motion as the glass falls and breaks, shattering in so many different directions. He pulls his earbuds out quickly. “Hell, Louis, you scared the shit out of me!” he scolds.
Harry rises up onto his tiptoes, and Louis’ hand immediately goes out in front of him in a stop gesture.
“Don’t, don’t move,” Louis says. “Stay there.”
He turns quickly towards the kitchen, throwing his backpack somewhere off to the side as he rushes to grab the dustpan and broom, as well as the roll of paper towels.
“I’m coming, stay still,” Louis shouts as he starts jogging back.
He keeps his eyes on the ground as he puts one paper towel down to soak up the wine there, then balls it up so he can sweep away the shards. He does the same as he works his way towards Harry’s feet.
There’s red wine all over his toes, that’s got to be uncomfortable. Louis grabs one of the paper towels and goes to dab his feet to wipe it off.
“Stop,” Harry says. He sounds angry.
Louis glances up and sees that he looks angry. He holds his hands up in a surrendering motion, not wanting to upset him anymore.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“Well don’t,” Harry spits out.
He stands up slowly. Louis doesn’t know if he’s ever seen Harry this angry with him. Even the time Louis accidentally threw out his favorite pair of boots it wasn’t like this. Louis isn’t prepared for this bitterness coming from his husband, and he didn’t think divorce brought on something like that when it wasn’t there before, at least not before they’d even filed the paperwork.
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sabraeal · 3 months ago
so, like... do you think Sorata is actually pushing to swap the main couple in AnS to Obi and Shirayuki? I know that being in this corner of the fandom imparts some bias and that ships don't have to be canon to be good, but Shirayuki and Zen have seen each other, what, twice in the past 50 chapters? It doesn't really seem like she's terribly interested in maintaining their dynamic.
It has been forever since I had the chance to dig into my asks, so let the record show, this ask came to me pre-ch 136, and I'm glad I sat on it because I think I would have given a much more equivocal response in August, and now I'm like:
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Sorata did not give us 28 pages of Obi feelings for me to doubt her now 🤣
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
chaggie snuggle struggles with painful backs and painful-er puns
Vaggie: “Ow- shit-”
Charlie: “Aw Vaggie, your back..?”
Vaggie: “Yeah I don’t… I don’t think I can do the ‘laying down’ thing right now, sorry.”
Charlie: “Don't be sorry, it’s- ah- Oh! What if I did?”
Vaggie: “You?”
Charlie: “Here look- Ta DAAA~! How’s this?”
Vaggie: “Charlie.” (chuckles) “Why’re you so sweet?”
Charlie: “Well, a beautiful woman is looking at me and… I kinda wish she always would be.”
Vaggie: “Kinda hard to look at anything else.”
Charlie: “Heheh. Specially when I’m on my back?”
Vaggie: “You always look good.”
Charlie: “Buut..?”
Vaggie: (laughing) “Alright, fine. You look extra good like that.”
Charlie: “Mm~ And how’s YOUR back doing right now?”
Vaggie: “Eh kinda stiff, could use some warming up.”
Charlie: “I am VERY good at the warming things up, you know. I even set stuff on fire sometimes!”
Vaggie: “I know you do babe."
Charlie: "And you're very hot."
Vaggie: "I- thanks-"
Charlie: "But I could help you with the other kind of hotness~"
Vaggie: "Uh, are the, are the sheets even fireproof?”
Charlie: “No idea! Wanna find out?”
Vaggie: “We should probably stop and check that out first actually…”
Charlie: “Vaggiiiiieeeee.”
Vaggie: “Kidding.”
Charlie: “Oh har har, ‘kid-ing’."
Vaggie: "Heh."
Charlie: "It’s not nice trying to get your hell goat girlfriend’s goat like that.”
Vaggie: “Catch me being el chupacabra, the way I chupar on my cabra until she-”
Charlie: “Vaggie, if you make it so I can’t look at a goat-blood sucking demon without getting horny, I’m never forgiving you.”
Vaggie: “What kind of horny?”
Charlie: “That’s it, not another word- talking privileges revoked! You’re only allowed to kiss me now!”
Vaggie: “…”
Charlie: “…ah-hem. Now.”
Vaggie: “Love you, Charlie.”
Charlie: “Those were all words! Wait, wh-”
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kimmiessimmies · 1 year ago
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (63/64)
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"Sorry, I brought the mood down, didn't I?" Malte asked.
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Rachel looked over at him and smiled, "No... I actually really like that you care about animal well-being so much."
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He smiled back at her, and for a moment, all they did was look at each other.
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Rachel then lay back against the cushion and turned her gaze to the sky again. Malte followed her example. "It's such a clear night... Look at all those stars..." Malte nodded, "I love looking at the night sky, especially on cold nights. The stars seem to spark more on a night like this."
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They sat quietly and closely for a while, and Rachel wished this night would last forever. "You're lucky you got to grow up here, and your family sounds great," Malte then said. Rachel nodded, "I know..."
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She hesitated. She was curious about Malte's father but still wondered if she should ask. Her curiosity won. "If you don't want to tell me, that's okay, but... you didn't mention your father much when you told me about your family, yet you did say your mum came to Saarqartoq because that's where your dad was from, so I know you have a father... Will you tell me about him...? She asked. "You really don't have to you if you don't want to!" she hastily added, already sort of regretting her question.
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Malte smiled softly and sighed, "My father is a man who made some horrible decisions in his life, and the memories I have of him are not happy ones... But it's in the past, and I'm not particularly eager to dwell on it. I much rather focus on the happy memories we've made today."
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Malte created by @nornities
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ab-horror · 4 months ago
god i cant believe we're ALL the gay cousin
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funky-dealer · 10 months ago
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have you even watched iterator logs because I feel really bad giving you a false idea of what the actual thing is like
nope 😊
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 1 year ago
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pepi-nillo · 2 years ago
i just came home from watching barbie with my bff and i don't want to take off my pink outfit or my makeup
like i don't think anything will get even close to giving me the feelings i experienced today, so i don't want it to end
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alarrytale · 2 years ago
New pics of Harry in Italy, in Civita where his house is. Larry really don't seem to care if they spend time apart.
Yes, i've seen the pictures. It's the cheapest trick in the book. Take some 'candid' photos to have on hand placing you somewhere. Then you unleash them when you are somewhere else you're not supposed to be. Voila, people think you are somewhere you're actually not.
They've done this at least twice a year since 2010. Both H and L. These pictures tell you nothing about H's current whereabouts. He might still be in Italy, might be in London or he might be with Louis in the US. He might still be in Italy, still having work or stunt obligations, or he's waiting there for Louis to come to him (which is possible like in three days time?) Or he's gone to LA to wait for L there? Or he's with L right now making him an english breakfast 😉
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t0ska-luvletters · 5 days ago
yk it's bad when all of my friends know him by name and actively ask for updates...
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dragons-and-yellow-roses · 5 days ago
"I'm not hypomanic," I say at midnight after spending a day downing a huge coffee, energy drink, and soda, on the first day in months I got to experience sunshine
#i normally sleep by 10/11 bcuz i have to wake up early for my unfortunate adult job#but now its midnight and i have both the energy and the drive to stay awake#i really want to stay up all night again. its my favorite#its fifty degrees out right now at midnight. i have my window open and its comfortable. if not a bit warm#and when i got my huge coffee this morning they gave me a free energy drink that they made to take a picture of#and then i had a soda with dinner. dont tell my psychiatrist#my psychiatrist is right about a lot of things. my caffeine intake is one of them. unfortunately i am a problem#so we'll continue telling her i only have a morning coffee#i get to see her tomorrow!! i have to tell her my meds are making me feel like shit#i hate meds but unfortunately my mental illness will murder me if i dont find a med or two#fortunately we're heading into an easier season to be mentally ill in. when theres sunshine and i can go outside the illness eases up#so it would be less dangerous to be figuring out meds if we decide thats necessary. i also get to tell her that im moving!#a couple sessions ago i had a breakdown and told her i actually hadnt been taking my meds for quite awhile and my home life was bad#so we got me back on my meds and she gave me some tips to get out bcuz tbh half my mental problems come from living with my family#so i get to tell her I'm leaving!! yippee! but also that my meds are murdering me. oh no#also sorry this is completely unrelated but i just realized its been twice now that ive been dating someone snd thought all was fine#and then like a week later they leave me very suddenly. i figured this out cuz someone liked a personal post from three-ish years ago#i was talking about how my then-gf wss helping me move and she was so sweet and i loved her so much#and then a week after that she told me she felt trapped and didnt see a future with me. wild! that wasnt her breaking up with me btw#she seemed legit surprised when i broke up with her after that. but it happened again with my recent gf!#i told my therapist we were great and then a week later she left. but tbh in both of those scenarios looking back im not surprised#the first. i had to beg while crying to help me move. she was actively an obstacle to me moving. and we had a shit anniversary right before#the second had been checked out for awhile and i was considering breaking up with her too. but it seems like all will be fine#and then suddenly it wont be. weird! i think i will become a nun. but anyway! def proba hypomanic#but i dont care because thats the only way i get to feel happy!!!!!!!
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