#we'll come up with a better name for this au i promise
soul-rillo · 17 days
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Character Change: Dexter and Tek Part 1/?
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queenie-ofthe-void · 5 months
A Desperate Fool - Part 2
written for @steddiemicrofic
Prompt: 'top' | wc: 510 | rated: T | cw: hurt/no comfort (comfort is coming I promise!), mentions of child abandonment, breakup fic, AU-Modern Rockstar!Eddie
Part 1
“Hey, Teddy Bear!”
Eddie quickly scans for the voice piercing the buzzing swarm of paparazzi outside his home. It’s a cold winter night, yet after his public outburst with Robin a week ago and the ensuing onslaught of viral videos, they never seem to leave. Attention that used to have him feeling on top of the world now only leaves him feeling like the scum of the earth.
The overtly personal nickname rings through his memories, filling him with hope and dread in equal measure.
If I’m your baby, Eds, then you’re my Teddy Bear.
A swath of red hair and a high fade catch his gaze against the light snowfall. The boy’s usual charming smile’s been replaced with a cold stare, while she’s actively scowling. Eddie rushes through the crowd, excited to see them after so long despite the circumstances. He pulls them into the safety of his home, slamming the door behind them.
“Did you honestly think Steve was the only person you abandoned?” Max asks, before Eddie can even say hello.
Abandoned. A low blow, throwing Eddie’s childhood in his face, at least before he was adopted in all but name by the Wheeler’s. But coming from Max, he thinks maybe it’s fair play. She’s always been more Harrington than Mayfield, Lucas too. Out of the bunch, they’ve always been Steve’s kids.
“Mike had to go back to therapy! Nancy actually cried,” she spits, pacing the foyer while Lucas stands stoic by the door. 
“I didn’t think they’d-” Eddie starts before he’s interrupted.
“What? That your family wouldn’t be upset, feel as betrayed as Steve?” Lucas finally speaks up. “So when you bragged about outgrowing your roots, that wasn’t supposed to mean us too?”
Eddie shrinks in on himself. He’s being admonished in his own home, and he knows he deserves it. He knows, truly. He just can’t handle the overwhelming aches of guilt and regret, which pang louder with each disappointed loved one. Another reminder he’d surrounded himself with people who only care about Metal Munson. 
He’s foolishly desperate to win back his family, people who loved him for himself. He wants to be Eddie again. His baby’s Teddy Bear.
“What-” he tries again, forcing words around the growing knot in his throat and watery eyes. He’s cried so much lately. “Why are you here?”
Max eyes him skeptically, glancing at Lucas and sharing a look Eddie can’t decipher. They make a silent decision, and she moves to stand by her husband at the door.
“Steve’s getting married this summer,” she states, like it’s nothing. Like it’s not the end of Eddie’s world.
The tears fall, then. He loses control of a sob before he gets his voice back. “To who?” he pitifully asks, pretending he actually wants to know.
“You don’t know her,” Lucas replies.
Her. Her. Herherherher.
“Oh,” Eddie says softly. He can’t stop shaking, or is the earth quaking beneath him.
Max sighs, sympathetic, and rips his world open further still.
“Steve wants to talk, but you’ll have to get through Nancy first.”
Part Three
I SWEAR it's gonna get better!!! Some solid Eddie and Nancy comfort coming up next. Think I might keep adding on to this fic via prompts only but we'll see.
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jjungkookislife · 5 months
The Nanny [Ch. 4]
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pairing: lawyer!seokjin x nanny!f.reader
genre: established relationship, parents au, fluff, 18+
summary: Jin needs a nanny for his son, but when he hires you, he gets that and so much more.
wc: 7.9k
warnings: pet names (baby, love), implied smut, angst, miscommunication (this was the scene I was stuck on for years), self-doubt, make-up sex, unprotected sex, creampie
date: May 4, 2024
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The holidays come and go in your new home, ecstatic to decorate with Dae and Jin. Your family and his get along so well, and everyone dotes over Dae-Hyun, who shies away from so much attention. 
With his birthday coming up soon, he’s due to enroll in pre-school and it leaves your heart feeling heavy. You weren’t ready to part with Dae just yet, your life had been nothing but him for almost 2 years, and the idea of sending him off, even if it was just half a day—left you sad. 
Seokjin was faring much better though, he was used to leaving Dae at home when he had to go to work, and even though it was rough, he was having to come to terms with the fact that he wouldn’t get updates as often from his new preschool teachers. However, Dae needed to socialize with his peers, make new friends, and learn in a school setting to prepare him for Kindergarten in the fall. Seokjin wasn’t looking forward to that either, the thought had anxiety brewing in his belly. 
“What if I homeschool him?” You asked as you stroked Dae’s hair while he slept between you and Seokjin. 
Seokjin sighed, shaking his head. “He needs to go to school, baby. We can’t be his only friends.”
“But he’s my little buddy,” you pout.
“We’ll meet his teacher tomorrow and see how it goes. Nothing is set in stone just yet but he should at least go to get acclimated before school starts in the fall. We won’t be there to hold his hand and guide him,” Seokjin reasons as he places his hand over yours. 
“I guess you’re right,” you acquiesce, biting your lip before you settle into bed. 
“It’s gonna suck,” Seokjin chuckles and your frown deepens. “But it’ll be good for him, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you say, muffling a yawn but Seokjin notices it. 
“Go to bed, baby. We'll handle this tomorrow,” you nod, yawning as you pull the covers over you, making sure Dae isn’t covered from the shoulders up. 
“Good night.”
“Good night.”
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“I don’t like it,” is the first thing you say when you step into the large brick-stone building with Dae clutching your hand. Seokjin shakes his head, trying to hide a disbelieving smile. 
“It’s been two seconds,” he giggles as he places his large palm on your lower back. He grins when you reach the front desk and your heels click against the marble floor. Portraits litter the wall and a giant bouquet of fresh flowers sits on a table in the middle of the foyer. Chairs that must cost a fortune line the walls in the sitting area, and Dae clings to your side as a few adults walk from one end of the hall to the next. 
“It’s so big,” Dae whispers as he looks around. He squirms at your side and you hope he’ll be okay coming here in a few weeks without you. The thought sours your mood further. 
“Hello, I’m Kim Seokjin. We have an appointment to tour the grounds and meet my son’s new teacher,” Seokjin says to the secretary as you debate carrying Dae-Hyun and making a run for it. You take a step back and Seokjin turns to face you, raising a dark brow, jaw taut as he eyes you with a firm glance almost daring you to even try it. He lifts the car keys with one long finger and you huff. 
“Of course, Mr. Kim. Your family can have a seat, and I will page the teacher up front. It’ll just be a moment,” the secretary informs him and motions for the chairs lining the wall. Seokjin thanks her before he tilts his head in the direction of the chairs. 
Ruefully, you lead Dae to the chairs and pull him onto your lap. You squeeze him in a hug for a second as Seokjin sits beside you. 
“Baby,” he starts, sighing heavily before licking his lips. “It’s an excellent school with great reviews, and I did background checks on everyone. He’ll love it here.”
“I have to come here?” Dae asks his dad with wide eyes. 
“This is gonna be your school, buddy. We’re gonna meet your teacher in a second, okay?” Seokjin asks and Dae nods but looks at you for assurance. You plaster on a smile and thankfully don’t have to say anything as a woman walks up to the three of you, introducing herself as Mrs. Hart. 
Dae-Hyun shyly introduces himself, his manners overcoming his shyness, and you couldn’t be prouder. You set him on the floor before rising, linking your hand with Jin’s as you follow Mrs. Hart. 
The tour starts with a history of the school, but you don’t pay too much attention as you walk down the hall. You skimmed the brochure on your way here and stuffed it in the crease of your seat before getting out of the car. 
Dae-Hyun holds his father’s hand as he walks, marveling over the art that litters the walls on the way to the classroom. The four of you come to a stop at room A-1, and Mrs. Hart opens the door, allowing you inside before she follows. 
The classroom is rather large, with three tables separated by bookshelves stuffed with books, coloring boxes, and art supplies. On the opposite end of the room is a large rug, a few bean bags, and more shelves containing toys and books. There’s a play kitchen and a science center with a giant fish tank that immediately gets Dae’s attention.  
Mrs. Hart is happy to show him around the room while you stay back with your boyfriend. 
“What do you think?” Seokjin asks you in a soft tone, to not get the teacher’s attention. You take in the room, there is nothing too extravagant that stands out. It was a typical classroom, more modern than any you had ever taught in before but it was nice and it appeared clean. 
“Where are the kids?” You muse as you see the names of children written on the cubbies. 
“They’re out in the playground with my assistant, Miss Daisy. We can go out and meet them if you’d like?” Mrs. Hart chimes in and Dae-Hyun nods before asking his father if it’s okay. 
“Sure, Dae,” With Seokjin’s consent, the four of you go out the back door and down the steps that lead right to the playground. There are a lot of children running around but Miss Daisy is accompanied by two other assistants to watch the children as they run and climb on the playground. A few kids look over curiously and two come over to say hi. 
“Do you wanna play?” One of them asks and Dae looks at Seokjin, who nods. Dae smiles as he runs off with the kids and Mrs. Hart introduces the staff. 
“He seems like a wonderful child,” Miss Daisy comments as she sees Dae already laughing and playing with more children. 
“He’s a little shy but he seems to like the playground.” you keep a watchful eye on Dae-Hyun, never losing him in the array of children. 
“Is this his first time at school?” Miss Daisy asks and Seokjin nods. Mrs. Hart explains the transition process, going into great detail about their rules and policies and the assessments to see where he’s at. 
As much as you don’t like the thought of being away from Dae-Hyun, it eases your heart to see him having so much fun already. He pouts when it’s time to go back inside, talking your ear off as Seokjin handles the paperwork. 
“Can I come back soon?” Dae-Hyun asks you as Seokjin shakes Mrs. Hart’s hand once they’re done. 
“Of course,” Mrs. Hart smiles at Dae. She motions for him to join her, taking his hand and leading him to a cubbie. “This will be yours when you come back and see me. We’ll have your name right here and we’ll have all your stuff ready for you, Dae-Hyun. After your birthday, we’ll have you here with us!”
“Yay!” Dae-Hyun cheers before returning to Seokjin, who picks him up in his arms. He was getting a little too tall to keep doing so but Seokjin would carry his son until he couldn’t anymore. 
“We’ll see you in a few weeks,” Seokjin says as he starts to say his goodbye. 
“We look forward to it!” Mrs. Hart exclaims, clapping her hands together. 
“Bye!” Dae waves at his teacher, who waves back. Seokjin heads into the hallway as you take one last look around, maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. 
“We look forward to seeing you soon. You have such a lovely family, Mrs. Kim,” Mrs. Hart says with a wave. You thank her before following Seokjin, your heart fluttering in your chest. 
Mrs. Kim.
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“What did you think?” Seokjin asks you that night when he gets into bed beside you. He’s already sleepy but still wants your opinion on the school. You couldn’t talk freely until Dae had gone to bed and showers were taken before bed.
“It’s a nice school,” you say. “I think Dae will like it. It’s just hard to let him go.”
“Trust me, I know. But it’ll get a little easier,” Seokjin assures you. After all, he is his son so of course, he’d know. You just weren’t used to leaving Dae, much less after moving in with them.
“It’ll take me a bit to get used to. What am I supposed to do while he’s gone? Mrs. Jenkins already does the cleaning and packs his lunch,” you frown.
“You could go to the spa, or maybe meet up with your friends,” Seokjin suggests as he wraps you in his arms. “You’ll have more time for yourself. I know you haven’t had much lately.”
“But I like caring for Dae. That’s why you hired me in the first place,” you look at him over your shoulder.
“And now things have changed, baby. You’re still just as important as you were, just with more free time. How about we open a joint account tomorrow so you have some more spending money?”
“Seokjin,” you sigh. “I don’t want more money.”
“Okay, a car?” Seokjin suggests and you huff. You know he’s just teasing you, you’d denied every attempt of him buying you a new car. Yours worked perfectly fine and it’s not like you did a lot of driving now that you lived with him. Seokjin preferred to drive and you loathed it, so it didn’t matter much to you.
“Don’t stress about it too much, baby. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. I’m sure you’ll find ways to occupy yourself. Besides, we need to plan Dae’s party starting tomorrow, and if you want,” Seokjin grins mischievously. “We can work on making another baby.”
“That’s a big decision, baby. Are you sure?” you ask, sitting up to look at your boyfriend. He sits up as well, taking your hand in his.
“I’m sure, love. You’re the only one I’d even consider as the mother of my children. I don’t want anyone else,” he leans in, capturing your lips with his, guiding you to the bed where he kisses you until you’re crying out his name.
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The next morning is filled with ruckus. You’ve got the kitchen island in disarray as you look over notebooks and business cards, a tablet opened to a party planner, a laptop displaying your idea outlines, and Dae-Hyun on your lap telling you about all the things he wants for his party this year. 
Mrs. Jenkins hovers nearby, knowing it’s no easy feat to plan a party, especially with a child on your lap. She offers to take Dae from you but your sweet boy will have none of it. 
“And a bounce house,” Dae-Hyun finishes as he places his head on your shoulder. “We need one of those.”
“So you want dinosaurs,” you pause as Dae roars with his arms high in the air, hopping off your lap to stomp around the kitchen. “And a dinosaur cake?” 
“Please,” Dae smiles as he gets back on your lap with your help. 
“Sure, baby,” you kiss his cheek as you show him a few pictures on the tablet, liking anything he shows excitement over. Seokjin has given you a budget with promises to help here and there but he knows you enjoy planning events and schedules, so this is your domain. 
Last year, Seokjin had thrown a small Paw Patrol party with cake and goodie bags before calling it a day. This time, there would be more children attending, including the ones Dae met at school. 
Dae-Hyun loses interest after a while and you continue to plan his party and take notes while Mrs. Jenkins gets Dae-Hyun his lunch. 
Slightly overwhelmed by all the options, you decide to bookmark your favorites before setting your tablet aside and having your lunch. Soon it’ll be time to put Dae down for a nap and Seokjin had promised to get off work after lunch. He should be home any moment now. 
Just as lunch is wrapping up, the front door opens and Seokjin sings, “I’m home!”
Dae-Hyun grins giddily as he dances in his chair when his father walks into the kitchen. Seokjin greets Dae then you with a kiss on the top of your head. 
“You’re home!” Dae claps in excitement and Seokjin nods. 
“I left early to see you,” he states as Mrs. Jenkins finishes washing the dishes. Seokjin allows her to end her day then if she’d like and she thanks him before rushing out the door with a see you later. 
Seokjin shoots you a confused look and you chuckle. “Dae’s been excited over his p-a-r-t-y.”
“Oh,” Seokjin laughs. “What’s the theme this year?”
“Dinosaurs!” Dae shouts as he roars, and Seokjin pretends to be terrified. 
“This little Dino needs a nap,” you state as you pick him up in your arms, and a pout forms on his lips. 
“But Daddy,” he cries softly. 
“I’ll be up in a second, bud. I’m just getting a drink,” Seokjin assures his son as you head up the stairs to Dae’s room. 
He yawns, rubbing his eyes as he goes to grab his pajamas, heading to his bathroom to change and potty before coming to his bedroom. 
“Daddy and I will be here when you wake up,” you say as you pat his bed. Dae nods as he steps closer to you, rubbing his eyes. 
“Nap time!” You sing as you scoop Dae up in your arms. He finally squeals, laughing as you press several kisses to his cheek. His mood lifted. 
“Mommy! Stop!” he squeals, kicking his little feet. You pause, eyes wide as your heart races. You weren’t a stranger to being called mom, mommy, or any variation of it in your field. After all, it was easy for kids to get confused and when they trusted you as much as their parents.
However, this was the first time Dae had called you mommy, and you weren’t sure how to feel. You simply smiled, kissing his head as you asked him what story he wanted you to read. Seokjin lingered by the doorway, a frown on his lips.
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“And they lived happily ever after,” you read, closing the book shortly after only to see Dae-Hyun fast asleep clutching his teddy bear. You plant a kiss on his forehead and wish him sweet dreams.
Seokjin is waiting for you in the hallway, with the baby monitor in your hand as he motions for you to join him in his office.
When you enter the office, Seokjin is already in his chair, his face hidden in his large palms, and your heart immediately sinks to your stomach. You haven’t seen Seokjin this distraught since his failed blind dates set up by Namjoon.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” you ask, setting the baby monitor on the desk before going around to your boyfriend. He sighs heavily before raising his head.
“He called you mom,” he spits the word like it’s vile. 
“Jin, this happens often with children. I’ll talk to him when he wakes up,” you assure him, but Seokjin shakes his head.
“You’re not his mom and he’s calling you mom. This isn’t right,” Seokjin huffs, a hand carding through his hair. 
You step back.
“I may not be his mother, but I love him as if he were my own. Seokjin, what is going on?!” You can’t help but be hurt. Hadn’t he said he wanted a family with you? Shouldn’t this be a good thing? You weren’t trying to replace his mom, nor would you ever abandon Dae, so what was going on?
“I just don’t want Dae to get confused,” Seokjin says sharply.
“I thought you wanted us to be a family? Wouldn’t you want him to see me as a mother figure?”
“No, you obviously don’t know what you want. You can’t tell me you want me to have your kids and then get all out of sorts when your son calls me Mommy. What is it you want? Because I can’t take your mixed signals, Jin! Either you want us to be a family or you don’t! I already said I’d talk to him, but what’s so wrong with him calling me his mom? I’ve been here for him for half his life now and I don’t plan on going anywhere! What’s wrong with you?” You can’t help but hiss, stepping out of his office.
“Baby!” Jin calls after you, but you ignore him, heading to Dae’s room to cuddle him. He may not be your biological child, but that didn’t mean you loved him any less. 
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It’s awkward.
It’s been two days since your discussion with Seokjin. Your feelings are still hurt by his harsh words and tone. You’d tried your best to be normal around Dae, but you could tell he was noting the tense atmosphere.
You’d taken to sleeping with Dae or in the guest room, something Seokjin had protested the first night, but let it go when you glared at him. 
Seokjin felt bad, and he apologized when Dae had gone to bed that night, but you couldn’t forgive him just yet. He’d hurt you and you needed some space. You tried your best to plan Dae-Hyun’s birthday party, spending your days planning and calling businesses to book them for the day of his party.
“We’re going to my mom’s for a bit,” Seokjin announces when he walks into the kitchen with Dae-Hyun in his arms. For a few seconds, Dae wiggles in his father’s arms before Seokjin sets him down. His son doesn’t hesitate to run to you, your arms open and ready to welcome him in. 
“Come here, baby.” You press a kiss on his head. “Are you gonna have fun tonight?”
“Can you come too?” Dae asks as he hugs you close. 
“Not this time, buddy. I got secret birthday stuff to do,” you whisper, kissing his cheek as he giggles. 
“It’s almost my birthday, right? We’re having a party!” He exclaims as he runs back to Seokjin. He takes his dad’s hand, waving as he talks about his party and the cake.
Seokjin gives you one last look before he heads out of the kitchen with his son. You watch them go, sighing as you shake your head in a poor attempt to clear it.
Papers lay scattered on the kitchen island, most of them were the final decisions for the party. You’d chosen invitations with Dae, showing them to Seokjin for approval, but he had said he’d love whatever you chose for the party.
The little T-Rex on the sample invitation stared back at you, Five-a-Saurus. 
Sighing, you hope you can have a serious discussion with Seokjin to find out where you both stand. You had honestly believed you were heading toward marriage and what about all that talk about being a family and expanding it? How would that work if he didn’t want Dae to see you as his mom? Had you done something to make him think you weren’t up to par? 
You needed to get this cleared up as soon as possible.
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Seokjin’s been at his parent's home for an hour now, making small talk and whatnot until his father takes Dae to the backyard to play. Seokjin waits until his son is completely distracted before turning to his mother. 
“I don’t know what to do, Mom,” Seokjin sighs, his chin resting in the palm of his hand as he watches his son through the glass door playing with his dad. He had explained the entire conversation with his mother over text this morning, nearly in tears as he asked to come over to see her.
“You can’t let one bad experience haunt you for the rest of your life, Jin. So what if Lena didn’t want to be a mom? It’s her loss. She can’t keep you from loving someone else. Has Y/n ever given you a reason not to trust her?” Seokjin’s mom asks. 
“Well… no?”
“She loves you and Dae so much. Anyone could see that. She loves both of you so much, and that’s all I could ever ask for. It broke my heart when Lena walked out. She left Dae without a mother and then Y/n walked into your life like a breath of fresh air. There’s no doubt about it, son, she’s in it for the long haul. She treats Dae like her own, and she loves you immensely. Even I can see that,” she chuckles, placing her hand over her son’s. 
“I fucked up, didn’t I?” Seokjin asks, feeling remorseful.
“Language!” His mother exclaims but nods. “You fucked up.”
Seokjin knows it must be true. This is the first time he’s ever heard his mother cuss, so he knows he totally fucked up, and now he’s got to fix it. 
“Can you keep Dae for tonight? I’ve got a lot of groveling to do.” Seokjin rises from his stool, the stool screeches against the floor. 
“Sure, call when you can,” his mother calls after him as he rushes out to the backyard, kissing his son’s forehead and promising to get him in the morning. 
Dae is ecstatic to be spending the night with his grandma and grandpa, knowing he’s in for a day of being spoiled and maybe ice cream for dinner.   
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“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the door after him, careful with the bouquet he had picked up on his way home.
“In the kitchen!” you call back, sending the last email you needed for Dae’s party. Dates were confirmed with the bakery, the party supply store, and the caterer. You felt lighter now that most of the party is taken care of and despite your fight with Seokjin, you’re hoping he’ll like everything you’ve picked out for Dae.
Seokjin is timid as he steps into the kitchen. You glance up from your laptop, raising a brow when you see the bouquet in his hands.
“What’s up?” you ask cautiously.
Seokjin bites his lips. “I wanted to apologize for how I reacted the other day and for what I said. I was out of line, and you’re right, I was sending mixed signals.”
You remain silent, shutting your laptop to give your boyfriend your undivided attention. 
“The truth is, I got scared.” Seokjin pauses, licking his lips as he crosses the room. He lays the flowers on the kitchen island. “Dae’s never called anyone mommy, and I got scared you’d leave like she did.”
“Seokjin,” you start, but he stops you. He shakes his hair out of his eyes as he inhales deeply. You rise from your seat, going around the island to take his face in your hands, his eyes locked on yours.
“I’m not her, Seokjin. I love you and I love Dae. I’m here to stay, but I need you to be in this with me. You and Dae can decide what he calls me. He can call me mom or he can call me by my name. I love him as my own and I want to give him siblings someday, but I need you to be sure of what you want, Seokjin. I know I’m not Dae’s mom, I know. I’m here to be your partner, to be there for Dae, and to build a life with you if you’ll have me. But we need to be on the same page, Jin.” you say as you stroke his cheeks.
Seokjin nods, a hard feat when you’re cradling his face in your hands. “I’ll talk to him, baby. I’ll do what he says and I am sorry for what I said and for the way I reacted. I do want us to be a family and you’ve done nothing but love us from the get-go. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Jin.”
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Seokjin hadn’t taken your fight lightly. That same day, he had scheduled an appointment with a therapist to work through his issues. He didn’t want to start a marriage (in the future) with doubts and insecurities hanging over his head.
He’d allowed Dae to stay the night at his parent’s house while the two of you went over his birthday party timeline. You were excited to show off everything, giggling when Seokjin would say he liked what you picked out.
That night, Seokjin takes you out to dinner, apologizing again as he holds your hand in his. He delicately strokes your ring finger, imagining what it would be like with an engagement ring. He flushes. He truly was lucky to have you in his life, and he wouldn’t let this relationship fizzle because of him.
“Tomorrow we’ll pick up Dae and ask what he wants to call you,” Seokjin whispers as he leads you to your bedroom, his hand in yours as he loosens his tie.
“I think that’s a great idea,” you agree as you take your earrings off and place them on the dresser along with your pearl necklace. 
Seokjin approaches you, looking at your reflection in the mirror as his arms wind around your waist. His lips press a kiss on your shoulder and you move your hair out of the way to allow him more room. 
“I love you,” he murmurs against your soft skin. His large hands grip your hips and squeeze. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to us. You know that, right?”
You smile. “You know I feel the same way, right?”
Slowly, Seokjin kisses his way to your neck. His hands move over your body to your zipper, where he pulls it down enough for your dress to fall forward. He’s pleasantly surprised to see you’re not wearing a bra when he meets your eyes in the mirror.
“Oh?” he raises a brow as his fingertips brush your skin. 
“Figured there would be make-up sex,” you shrug with a smirk as you turn to face him. Seokjin wastes no time in kissing you, his hands cradling your face as your fingers work on taking his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt.
Fiery kisses meet your neck as his hands grip the back of your thighs to lift you onto the dresser. Your fingers run through his hair, tugging on it to pull him into a kiss that leaves you vibrating. His tongue pushes past the seam of your lips and you moan softly against him.
You want to savor him, take things slowly but you’re also in need of a rough, quick fuck that makes your eyes roll back. 
Panting, Seokjin presses his forehead to yours, almost as if reading your mind when you get off the dresser.
Turning you quickly, your palms grip the edge of the dresser as Seokjin hikes your dress up to bunch at your hips. With a lightning-like quickness, Seokjin is undressed and the head of his cock is pressed to your wet folds.
“Oh, fuck,” he curses. Seokjin’s forehead rests on your shoulder. Your eyes meet his in the mirror and he stares intently at you for a moment before he turns your head and his lips capture yours in a deep kiss that leaves you breathless when it ends. 
Seokjin grips your hips, moaning into your skin as you tighten around him, his hand between your thighs rubbing your clit. 
You tremble beneath him, his name escaping you repeatedly until you’re falling apart for him. 
“That’s it, baby. Come all over my cock,” he grunts, moaning your name as he cums right after you. 
“Fuck,” you groan as you try to hold yourself up on shaky hands. Seokjin chuckles, kissing your shoulder before he pulls out. 
“I love you,” he states as he looks at your reflection in the mirror. You lace your fingers with him, squeezing them. “I love you too.”
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You were running around the house like a chicken with its head cut off, a weird expression but it seemed to fit the mood. 
Dae-Hyun was at his grandparents' home. He had spent the night so he wouldn’t see the preparations for his birthday party in a few short hours.  
Seokjin had a therapy appointment in the morning but he would be back in plenty of time to help set up and welcome the caterer and decorator. You were handling the cake delivery, moving everything in the fridge to make room for the three-layer cake you had ordered. 
You hadn’t slept much last night, too stressed about everything going right today. You wanted everything to be perfect for Dae-Hyun. 
“Baby, I’m home!” Seokjin calls as he shuts the front door and you inform him you’re in the kitchen. 
He appears moments later with a grin and a large bouquet. “I knew you’d be freaking out over the party so I got you these.”
Your heart melts, thanking him with a kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you, babe. It’s my first party for Dae and I need everything to be perfect for him,” you pout. 
“It will be. Relax,” Jin chuckles. “Just let me know what you need me to do.”
“Have a look at the cake,” You tell him as you grab a vase and fill it with water for your flowers. Seokjin does as he’s told, grinning when he sees the dinosaur cake sitting on a shelf. 
“Oh, he’s gonna love it! Hell, I love it! That’s the coolest birthday cake I’ve ever seen!” Seokjin is smiling from ear to ear. He knew you’d throw an amazing party for Dae and he hopes as the day goes on, you’ll be able to enjoy it. 
“Guests will be here in three hours and Dae in one. Your mom will get him dressed and he’ll have time on the bounce house before everyone shows up,” you inform Seokjin. 
“Awesome,” Seokjin nods. The doorbell rings and the decorator shows up with her team. They get to work and in less than two hours, your home is decorated to the brim, the main focus being the backyard and kitchen. 
The caterer shows up shortly after and Seokjin finishes preparing the last of the goody bags. 
Dae-Hyun comes running straight to your arms and you cover his eyes with a laugh. 
“You little Rugrat,” you scolded playfully. “You weren’t supposed to come in here yet.”
“He’s a quick one,” Mrs. Kim chuckles as she enters the kitchen with her husband. A gift bag is looped on her wrist and she sets it on the gift table at the opposite end of the kitchen. 
“I wanna see,” Dae whines and you exchange a look with Seokjin as you both head out into the backyard. Excitement fills your body as you count down from three and move your hand off Dae’s eyes. 
“Wow!” Dae is in awe as he looks around the backyard. There’s a giant bounce house and decorations all around. There’s an area where the kids can dig for “fossils” and another where they can learn about dinosaurs and make their dinosaur masks. And of course, Dae’s playground where kids can run around all day. 
Dae grabs your hand, pulling you to the bounce house. Seokjin follows the two of you, laughing when Dae urges you into the bounce house with him. You hold his hand and jump with him for a bit. 
“Mom!” He squeals and you grin. After your talk with Seokjin. The two of you had sat down with Dae-Hyun and allowed him to choose what he’d call you. Dae had immediately wanted to call you mom, and that was that. Seokjin was grateful he hadn’t ruined your relationship with his panicked outburst and he was working on his issues with his therapist. He was doing well and he knew someday he’d want you to be his wife. To spend the rest of your lives together. 
“Come on, Dae, Mommy has to go change!” Seokjin exclaims and Dae pouts. 
“Do you want Daddy in here while I change?” You ask Dae as you stop jumping. Dae nods and Seokjin looks at the bounce house entrance. 
“Babe, I don’t think my shoulders will make it through,” he states with worry.
You cackle, dropping to your knees to open the entrance a little more for your boyfriend’s wide-ass shoulders. He thanks you as he slithers in with a grunt from the struggle. 
“I don’t think this was made for adults,” he comments as he tries to stand and ends up falling and bouncing Dae in the process. You shake your head, scooping up Dae-Hyun. 
“You watch out for Daddy, okay?” You press a kiss on Dae’s forehead before heading out. Dae stomps to his father, who is struggling to stand before giving up and sitting in the middle while Dae hops from one end to the other, his laughter filling the bounce house.  
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By the time the party is in full swing, you’re busy playing host while Seokjin tries to get you to enjoy yourself. His parents have taken the time to help out and yours have arrived shortly after. They both dote on Dae-Hyun, and he hugs them tightly before he runs off with children from his preschool. 
You’ve met a few of the parents, speaking more to the ones whose children have taken an interest in Dae. A few of the mothers eye Seokjin longer than necessary and you bite back your jealousy knowing he’s yours. Nobody would take your little family away from you. You wouldn’t allow it and neither would Seokjin.  
When it’s time to cut the cake, Dae-Hyun is speechless as he sees Seokjin carefully carrying it outside to the table. Dae stares at it with huge eyes, fingertip gently touching one of the dinosaurs. He claps his hands when Seokjin lights the candles and you make sure none of the kids are close enough to ruin your son’s moment. You guard him, and Seokjin bites back a smile as he stands beside you. Mrs. Kim is taking picture after picture while her husband films on his phone. 
“Make a wish,” you whisper to Dae, who closes his eyes and makes his wish before blowing out the candles. Cheers and applause fill the backyard as Seokjin cuts the cake, handing the first slice to his son before the caterer whisks the cake back into the kitchen to cut it and her staff serve it to the guests. 
Dae-Hyun takes off running with his friends after he’s had cake and you're wary as he enters the bounce house. 
“That seems like a bad idea,” you whisper. Seokjin agrees as he scoops his son out of the bounce house with his friends. They protest but are soon occupied with Mr. Kim in a T-Rex inflatable costume as he chases the kids around the yard. 
You laugh as you watch from the sidelines with Seokjin at your side, his hand on your lower back. He kisses the top of your head, “Thank you for doing this. It’s the most I’ve seen him smile.”
“I’ve got bigger plans for next year,” you admit with a shy smile. Seokjin shakes his head, smiling. “I knew you would. Care to share?”
“Nope,” you stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes playfully. 
“Ever the tease,” he snickers, kissing your cheek. 
“I think it’s time we handed out the goody bags and sent everyone home,” you state as the kids start falling asleep on their parents' lap after a while. 
“I think you’re right, baby,” Seokjin agrees as he steps away to thank everyone for coming. A lot of the parents are grateful, taking their children who are worn out from all the fun and sugar to go straight to bed. 
Your parents and Seokjin’s are the last to leave, offering to help clean up but you’ve got a cleaning service stopping by tomorrow to take care of it. Dae comes straight to you, his head on your shoulder and his eyes barely open. 
Seokjin kisses his cheek, smiling when he wipes some frosting off his son’s face. “Well, he’ll be sleeping through the night.”
“Definitely,” you agree as you take him upstairs to bed. You change him into his pajamas, promising to open his presents in the morning when he’s more alert. He dozed off within minutes and soon you’re back downstairs with Seokjin. 
“Is he asleep?” He asks as he places the leftover food in the fridge. He had encouraged the guests to take home plates of food and cake but there was still a bit left over. 
“Passed out. He ran around a lot today. He can use the bounce house tomorrow for a bit before they come to pick it up,” you inform Seokjin.  
“He loves that thing. Me? Not so much,” Seokjin grimaces as he rubs his shoulder. 
You walk closer to him, your arms draped over his shoulders. “Does it hurt?”
“Nothing you can’t fix with those pretty lips of yours,” Seokjin teases. You smack his back lightly and his laughter fills the kitchen before he turns to face you. 
“Thank you for today. Dae-Hyun had the time of his life,” Seokjin says seriously. His hands grip your hips as he holds you close. 
“You don’t have to thank me, babe. I would have done it regardless. I love him,” You respond as you take his hands in yours. “I love you too.”
“Come on, let’s go to bed.” 
“But I’m not tired,” you protest. 
Seokjin smirks. “Neither am I.”
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“Nope! I h-a-t-e it!” You cross your arms over your chest as the car stops. 
“Baby, come on,” Seokjin whines as he unclips his seatbelt. “He’s gonna know you’re nervous.”
You sigh, sucking it up as you get out of the car with a frown. You allow Seokjin to get Dae-Hyun out of the car, taking his hand to lead him into the school. 
You stomp your way up the front steps after them, not wanting to leave Dae-Hyun alone all day. 
“He’ll be fine,” Seokjin assures you as you walk down the hallway to room A-1. Dae is bouncing with excitement, eager to see his friends again after his party. 
Once you reach his classroom, Mrs. Hart welcomes you with a bright smile as she greets Dae. Shyly, Dae greets her before she walks him to one of the tables where his friends sit, all of them waving and greeting him cheerfully. They're having breakfast at the moment and you wish you could stay by his side all day. 
“Come on, love. We can’t stay,” Seokjin reads your mind and you sigh. You blink back the tears that burn at the corner of your eyes and wave gently at Dae. Seokjin is faring slightly better but he clears his throat and takes your hand in his before leaving at Mrs. Hart’s suggestion. 
“We’ll call if we need to,” she promises as she sends the two of you off. 
In the hallway you lose it, stopping near the entrance to cry. Seokjin holds you to his chest, rubbing your back. 
“It’s okay, baby. You can come get him at 2. He’s gonna be okay,” he assured you and you cry until you can’t anymore. Seokjin leads you to the car, grabbing some tissues from the glove box to dab at your eyes. You blow your nose and sanitize your hands after. 
“I miss him already,” You pout. 
“It gets easier,” Seokjin promises. “I miss him too but he can’t be isolated. Me, you, and Mrs. Jenkins can’t be the only ones he sees, baby. He needs his friends.”
“I know you’re right but that doesn’t change the fact that I miss my little buddy,” you sniffle as Seokjin pulls out of his parking spot. He’d taken the morning off for Dae’s first day of school but he’d be back in the office in an hour or so. 
“You know,” Seokjin muses as he drives further and further from the school. “I always thought when this day came, I’d be the one sobbing my eyes out.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” you whine pitifully and he smiles. 
“I’m not, baby. I just think it’s sweet you care so much about him,” he states as he brings your hand to his lips. “But no, you can’t take him out early on his first day.”
“How did you-?”
“I can read your thoughts, baby,” he laughs as he drives you home. You use the ride home to calm yourself but you’re frowning the moment you walk through the door and realize you’re on your own. 
“It’ll be okay. It’s just a change in routine,” Seokjin assures you before he’s heading out for the office. You sit on the couch after he leaves, turning the TV on and placing your phone on your lap.
You count the hours until you can pick Dae up.
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“Mommy!” Dae squeals when he sees you at pick-up. You hug him tight as you take his backpack and carry him out of the classroom. 
“Did you have fun?” You ask as you take him to your car. Now that Dae was in school, Seokjin had suggested he get you a new car and the more you thought about it, the more you considered it. Besides, if Seokjin had plans of making you a (biological) mother, you’d need more space. Which was why you’d be going car shopping this weekend. 
“Luke and Max are my friends!” Dae exclaims as he tells you about his day while you situate him in his car seat. You place his backpack in the footwell and get in the driver's seat. You immediately lock the doors once you’re inside the car, looking in the rearview mirror before you pull out of your spot to head home. 
“And tomorrow we get to play outside!” Dae cheered.
“That sounds fun!” You exclaim as you turn into your neighborhood. “Do you want a snack when we get home?”
“I ate at school,” he assures you as he tells you what his snack was as you pull into the driveway. You listen intently, helping him out of his seat before grabbing his backpack and leading him inside the home. He greets Mrs. Jenkins, filling her in about his day at school. She listens intently, asking questions about all his friends while you sit on a stool and text Seokjin. 
[You]: got my little buddy back!
[Seokjin 🥵]: good! I’m wrapping things up here so I’ll be home soon. We can get dinner later
You agree before placing your phone down. Mrs. Jenkins ruffles Dae’s hair before he runs off to the living room to play. 
Mrs. Jenkins gives you a warm smile. “It gets easier.”
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And it does get easier as the days turn into weeks and months. You still get sad when you drop him off and you’ve been picking up new hobbies now that you’ve got the time but none of them seem to stick. 
Pilates and yoga weren’t for you. You tried jogging, archery and badminton. Tennis, soccer, volleyball, and hockey. Jujitsu, Karate, and kickboxing, that one was Jin’s least favorite. He hated seeing you bruised after a few sessions. 
You then switched to knitting, embroidery, painting, and pottery but you quickly realized you weren’t good with your hands outside the bedroom. So you turned to baking and decorating but that proved to be a challenge and you soon ended up back on your tablet and TV, binge-watching every show you could find to keep yourself occupied. 
Seokjin tried his best to help find something you’d enjoy that wouldn’t put you in harm's way but everything seemed to be challenging and you quickly lost interest. 
“What about party planning?” Seokjin suggested one night while Dae was asleep on your chest. 
“Party planning?” You asked, puzzled. 
“Yeah,” Seokjin nodded. “You did a fantastic job with Dae’s. What if you did it part-time on the side? Start small with friends and family and build yourself up from there if you’d like.”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly. “I wouldn’t have a lot of time for Dae.”
Seokjin blinks before laughing, stopping when his son stirs in your hold. 
“My parents' anniversary is coming up. I’m sure my mom would love some help,” Jin offers, and you give in. 
“I’ll give it a chance,” you agree hesitantly. 
And slowly you build your little business. It starts with a few parties, but soon word of mouth gets you booked and busy. You only work when Dae’s in school, and limit the amount of weekends you can attend the parties you plan to make sure they run smoothly. You’re not sure if it’s a career you want to do long term, but you enjoy it when Dae’s at school.
“We’re going away for the weekend,” Seokjin announces on a Friday evening. 
“Last minute?” You ask as you grab a duffel bag. Seokjin nods.
“I think we should go to the beach house. My parents have one nearby and Dae can stay with us or them if he chooses.”
“Hmmm?” You muse as you pack your bag. “Suspicious.”
Seokjin laughs. “How is that suspicious? You said you wanted to go back with Dae?”
“I do, but It’s out of nowhere,” you reply as you grab your toiletries.
“Work has been a bitch,” Seokjin admits. “I just want to relax at the beach with my girl and my son.”
“Fair enough,” you give in as you finish packing your bag. Seokjin has his ready to go along with Dae’s and he’s soon carrying them down the stairs and into the car. 
Your new car is a shiny black SUV with 3 rows of seats that you insisted were too many. Seokjin, however, had pulled you aside and promised to fill every single one with one of your babies. You bit your lip and met his smoldering gaze, thighs pressed together as heat flushed over your body. 
Seokjin smirked knowingly, licking his lips as he stepped away to talk to the salesman. And that had been that.
“Do we have everything?” You ask as you get into the passenger seat. Seokjin straps Dae into his car seat, nodding as he finishes and gets in the driver’s seat. 
“Yes, baby. I got the sunblock and all his toys and extra clothes, just in case. Anything else we can buy,” Jin assures you as he starts the car. “My parents left this morning so they’ll be there already.”
“Okay.” you yawn as you lean against the window. You try your best to stay awake, but soon you and Dae-Hyun are asleep.
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© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
157 notes · View notes
cre8inghavoc · 2 months
What are friends for?
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PT. 14
Status: ongoing!!
Updates: no set date.
WC: 9141
Pairing: megumi fushiguro x FEM!reader
Genre/Warnings:[18+] Characters are aged up. This story contains toxic boyfriend, cursing, name calling, self-doubt/hate, angst, breaking up, post-breakup, alcohol, drug use, drunk moments, new friends, dating!au, college!au, no curses!au, dark humour, dark jokes, SMAU (not always), smut, violence
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"How long will you be staying in the hospital?" Inumaki asks, his voice soft but filled with genuine worry.
You glanced at the nurse, who had been quietly observing the group, before turning back to your friends with a small smile. "I'm not sure yet," you admitted, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "But hopefully not too long."
Inumaki nodded, his expression thoughtful as he processed your response. "We'll be here for you, no matter what," he assured you, his words a silent promise of unwavering support.
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"She'd have to stay for an extra night so we can keep watch over her, just in case," the nurse said to your friends.
"She's too weak to go home right now, and we'll see how she is tomorrow before we determine whether it's safe for her to leave or not."
Your friends nodded in agreement as the doctor continued.
"It's getting pretty late now, so it's best if Miss L/N gets some rest for tonight."
"Okay, sure," Maki says as she steps closer to your body and gives you a gentle hug, careful not to move you too much.
"We'll be here first thing in the morning, Y/N!" Itadori chimes in, joining in for a hug as well.
"See you later!" they all say as they head out the door.
But Megumi stays behind, sitting beside your bed with a small smile on his lips, still gazing at you.
"Hey, you heard the nurse, I need my beauty sleep," you say in a teasing tone, playfully nudging Megumi's shoulder. His smile widens, but a serious look remains in his eyes.
How could someone look genuinely happy yet serious at the same time?
"I'm not leaving your side, not again."
"Megs… you need to stop blaming yourself."
Megumi's gaze softens, and he reaches out to hold your hand. "I can't help it, Y/N. I should have been there for you," he murmurs, his voice filled with regret.
You squeeze his hand reassuringly. "You've always been there for me, Megumi. This isn't your fault. Sometimes things just happen, and we can't control them."
He looks down, taking a deep breath before meeting your eyes again. "I know, but it doesn't make it any easier. I just want to make sure you're safe."
You nod, understanding his concern. "And I appreciate that, more than you know. But right now, I need you to take care of yourself too. We both need to be strong, okay?"
Megumi nods slowly, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "Okay. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here if you need me."
"I'll sleep on the couch. I'm not leaving your side, Y/N. That's final," he insists.
"Don't be stupid. Come here," you say, tugging his hand and hinting for him to get into the nursing bed with you.
Megumi hesitates for a moment, looking conflicted. "Are you sure?" he asks softly.
You nod, patting the space beside you. "Yes, I'm sure. I don't want you sleeping on that uncomfortable couch. Besides, I sleep better when you're close."
After a brief moment of contemplation, Megumi finally relents and carefully climbs into the bed beside you. The bed is narrow, but the closeness is comforting. He wraps an arm around you, pulling you gently against him, mindful of your injuries.
"You know, this feels a lot better," he admits, his voice a soft whisper in the dim light. He leans down and kisses your forehead, a gentle, comforting touch that sends a wave of warmth through you.
You close your eyes, feeling the tenderness of the moment. "It really does," you whisper back, your hand resting on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
Megumi's embrace tightens slightly, and he rests his chin on top of your head. "Get some sleep, Y/N. I'll be right here."
With a contented sigh, you let yourself relax completely, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with you. As you drift off to sleep, the last thing you hear is Megumi's steady breathing and the comforting feeling of his arms around you, a silent promise that he won't leave your side.
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"Well, well, well…" A familiar voice echoes through the hospital room. You open your eyes and look toward the door, only to be met with the one person you never wished to see again: Haruta.
"What—how?" you say frantically.
He smirks, "How am I still alive?"
"How!? Why?! It's not possible," you shout back in fear.
"I'm not alive, Y/N," he says, his voice dripping with malice.
"What? I don't understand—"
"YOU killed me. You're a murderer, Y/N."
"What the fuck!? I didn't fucking kill you!" you scream, your heart pounding in your chest.
"If it weren't for that you and that dumb boyfriend of yours, I would still be alive. I would have kidnapped you and taken you to my father to prove I was worthy of becoming a leader," he sneers.
"You're fucking sick," you retort, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.
"Am I really, though? Doesn't it make it worse that you dated me then?" he taunts.
"Fuck you," you spit back, your fists clenching.
"You're lucky I can't hurt you anymore," he says, laughing evilly.
"How the fuck are you here? How am I seeing you right now? You're not real. You're just in my head!" you shout, desperately trying to convince yourself.
Haruta laughter echoes in the room, chilling you to the bone. "Oh, I'm very real, Y/N. And I'll always be a part of you. Remember that."
"Fuck you, you're not real. You're not a part of me, you never were and never will be," you snap, your voice steady with defiance.
Haruta smirk widens. "Perhaps I'm not alive anymore, but Toji is."
"Toji? Megumi's dad? What the fuck does he have to do with anything?"
"Oh come on, Y/N… You really think that Megumi's all innocent?"
"What are you talking about?" you demand, feeling a knot of unease forming in your stomach.
"He's a Zenin, just like his father, and luckily for me we're all on the same side."
"That's not true. Megumi's not like that! He would never hurt me."
"Right, but he told Toji to kill me to keep you safe, yeah? But then, somehow, I'm still alive and kidnap you right after your fight with Megumi."
"What are you getting at?!" you shout, panic rising in your chest.
"Toji let me go. He wouldn't kill me. Not for you. Not for Megumi. Not for anyone but himself. The truth is, he had no real reason to kill me—it was just an act. You're the target, Y/N. Actually, our biggest target," he laughs.
"W-what? But you were his target—"
"Oh come on, Y/N, you think I didn't know about that 'plan' he convinced Megumi about?"
"You knew all along?" you ask, your voice trembling.
"That I'm Toji's target and he would sell drugs to me in order to kill me because I'm a big target? Yeah, that was all a lie. A very believable one, if I may add," he sneers.
"You're the number one most wanted target for our mafia. Your father is our worst enemy, and you just so happen to be his little precious daughter. Killing him or even harming him was not easy, so instead, we decided that what other way could we hurt him if not physically? Something much, much worse… and to do that, we had to find his daughter… oh right, that's you."
"But—my father's dead…" you stammer, confusion and fear swirling in your mind.
"That's not exactly true. Your father just gave you away in order to protect you at all costs. Well, looking at it now, he failed at protecting you and failed as a father too," he says, laughing cruelly.
"No… that's not possible," you whisper, tears welling up in your eyes.
Haruta's image starts to fade away, his laughter lingering in the room. "Believe what you want, but the truth is out there." he taunts as he disappears.
You jolt up from the bed, tears streaming down your face and your breath coming in heavy, frantic gasps. Megumi quickly wakes up, placing one hand on your back and the other on your face, gently turning your head towards him. He starts wiping your tears, his voice soft but slightly panicked.
"Hey, hey, hey," he whispers. "What happened?"
"H-h-he wa—" you try to say, but your panic attack worsens, making it difficult to speak.
"Shh, shh, Y/N, look at me," Megumi says, his voice soothing. "It's okay, just breathe, okay?"
"He was he—" you start again, but the words catch in your throat.
"Shh, baby, It was just a bad dream," Megumi murmurs, his tone calm and reassuring. "Just focus on breathing first, okay? Look at me. You're going to be alright. I'm right here."
You lock eyes with him, his steady gaze grounding you as you struggle to control your breathing. His thumb gently strokes your cheek, and slowly, your breaths start to even out.
"That's it," he encourages softly. "Just breathe. You're safe. I'm here with you."
As your panic begins to subside, you lean into Megumi's touch, drawing comfort from his presence. "It felt so real," you whisper, your voice still shaky.
"I know," he replies, holding you close. "But it was just a nightmare."
"He was here…" you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Who? Who was here?" Megumi asks, his eyes wide with concern.
"Haruta," you manage to say. As soon as the name leaves your lips, you can feel the way Megumi tenses up, his body rigid with anger.
"What happened?" he asks, his voice low and controlled.
"It felt so real, Megumi, like he was actually here… or like his ghost. I think it was his ghost. He told me things… things that seem too real to ignore," you explain, your voice trembling.
Megumi's grip on you tightens protectively. "What did he say?" he asks, his voice filled with both concern and a simmering anger.
"He said that Toji didn't kill him, that he let him go. And that I was the real target because of my father. He said… he said my father isn't dead, that he gave me away to protect me," you say, the words spilling out in a rush.
Megumi's jaw clenches, his eyes burning with intensity. "Y/N, listen to me. No matter what he said, we'll find the truth together. You're not alone in this. We'll face whatever comes our way, and we'll figure it out."
"But what if he's right? What if my father is still out there?"
"Then we'll find him," Megumi says firmly. "And I'll make sure you're safe. I promise you, Y/N, I won't let anyone else hurt you."
"Now come here," he says gently, lying down and bringing you down on top of him with your head resting on his chest as he wipes your tears away. "Look at me, baby," he says softly. You tilt your head up to look at him, and he lets out a soft chuckle at the way you start blushing.
"That's new," you murmur.
"What is?" he asks, still smiling.
"Calling me baby."
He chuckles again. "Yeah, you like it?"
You shyly look down and nod, your cheeks growing even warmer. "Mhmm."
He smirks and moves his hand to your chin, tilting your head back so you're looking at him again. "Stop hiding from me. I wanna see your beautiful face."
"You're making it hard not to look away," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"And why's that?" His smirk growing wider.
"Meg... stop looking at me like that…"
"Like what?"
"Not sure I follow."
This mf. He's teasing you.
"You know... that look."
"Hmm, I can't read your mind angel."
"That look you give... like you're holding me with your eyes, making me feel like I'm the only one you see," you admit, your voice trembling slightly.
He pauses, his smirk softening into something more tender. "You are the only one I see, the only one I want to be with," he says, his voice low and filled with an intensity that makes your heart race.
You were caught by surprise. You didn't expect him to say that. Not that you didn't feel it was true—you definitely knew he only had eyes for you—but the way he said it made your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Am I making you nervous again?" he teases, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Shut up," you reply, trying to sound annoyed but failing as a smile tugs at the corners of your lips.
Megumi chuckles softly, his hand gently stroking your cheek. "I can't help it. You’re adorable when you’re blushing."
You roll your eyes playfully but can't deny the warmth spreading through your chest.
"You're impossible."
"And yet, you’re still here."
"Yeah, looks like I am."
He leans down until your lips are inches apart, both of you feeling each others hot breath against one another.
"Good," he whispers and smiles as he closes the gap between your lips. The kiss is soft and tender, filled with unspoken emotions.
"Because I wouldn’t want it any other way," he says, making you both smile. Then he's back to your lips once again, the kiss was slow and gentle at first. But the temptation became too strong to resist, and the kisses grew deeper and more passionate, each one conveying the depth of your feelings for each other.
Your hands find their way to his hair, tangling in the soft strands, while his hands roam your back, pulling you even closer. The room seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you lost in each other.
"Fuck," he moans out, his voice heavy with desire.
"Maybe we should stop… we could get caught," you manage to say between kisses, though your heart isn't fully in the suggestion.
"Y-yeah," he agrees breathlessly.
"Yeah…" you repeat, but neither of you make any move to stop. Instead, your kisses become even more passionate, a hunger taking over that neither of you can ignore.
You start to roam each other's bodies more freely, your hands exploring every contour and muscle. Smoothly, you maneuver yourself on top of him, straddling his lap as he lies on the hospital bed with his hands firmly on your waist.
"Are you sure you're okay to do this?" Megumi asks, genuine concern in his voice. You simply nod, then lean in and kiss him hungrily, letting your actions speak for you.
The closeness and heat between you both intensify, and you decide to take it a step further, slowly bringing your hand down to the tent in his pants.
"Fuck baby… you really are such a tease," he groans, his eyes dark with lust and admiration.
You smile, feeling a rush of confidence. "And you're loving every second of it," you whisper back, leaning down to capture his lips in another deep kiss. His hands roam over your back, pulling you even closer, and you can feel the electric connection between you both.
You remove his shirt, and don't even realize how long you've been staring at his abs until he says, "Like what you see?" while smirking. You quickly look into his eyes, embarrassed for being caught in the moment.
"Come on, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, angel," his smirk widens, but you're not about to let him have that over you. You smirk back and, in one swift motion, take off his pants and boxers, catching him by surprise. His eyes widen slightly, not expecting you to be so bold.
What surprises him even more is when you place your hand over his hard cock, moving your hand over his tip and using his pre-cum as a way to lubricate his length. He gasps softly, his hips instinctively bucking into your touch.
"Oh...fuck" he groans, his voice heavy with desire. "You're driving me crazy."
You smile, feeling a surge of confidence at his reaction. "Good," you reply, your voice low and seductive. "I want to make you feel good."
"You already do," he murmurs, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that makes your heart race.
"Mm, you're so big," you murmur, your hand moving with increased speed and firmness along his length. Each stroke grows more intense as you apply a bit more pressure when reaching the tip.
Lowering yourself, your face inches closer to his throbbing cock. You lean in and let a trail of spit fall onto his shaft, the wetness adding to the sensation. With a delicate kiss, you tease his sensitive skin.
"S-shit… don't tease me like that, please," Megumi groans, his head leaning back against the pillow, eyes half-closed with desire.
"Hmm, no fun," you tease, a playful glint in your eye. Slowly, you begin to lick from the base of his cock to the tip, savoring every inch. Finally, you open your mouth, inviting him inside.
"Oh fuckkkk, baby" he breathes out, his voice thick with desire.
As your mouth envelops him, you feel him shudder beneath you. You start with slow, deliberate movements, letting your tongue dance along his length, exploring every ridge and vein. His moans grow louder, and you can sense his growing desperation.
You take him deeper, creating a rhythm that drives him wild. Your hands work in tandem with your mouth, stroking and squeezing, heightening his pleasure. Every gasp and groan from him fuels your desire, encouraging you to go further.
His fingers tangle in your hair, guiding you as his hips start to move in sync with your motions. The intensity builds, and you feel him throbbing against your tongue. You know he's close, and the anticipation only makes you more eager to please him.
Suddenly, he holds your head still, making you unable to move. You look up into his eyes, a bit confused, as he starts to push your head off his length. "F-fuck- I can't...I need you," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. "I need to be in you"
Megumi’s eyes are dark with longing, and he gently guides your hips into position. You follow his lead, your body buzzing with excitement and need.
He pauses for a moment, his gaze locked onto yours, searching for any sign of hesitation. "Are you sure you're okay to do this?" Megumi asks, genuine concern in his voice.
You nod, swallowing hard. "I'm sure," you reply, your voice trembling with a mix of fear and anticipation.
"We don't have to if y-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off with a kiss, your lips curving into a smile against his. "I want to do this with you," you whisper.
Then you lean back and slowly begin to remove the hospital gown you were put in when you arrived. The only piece of clothing left underneath is your panties. Megumi's eyes widen as he takes in the sight of your bare skin. His gaze travels over your perfect curves, lingering on your beautiful thighs and smooth skin. He watches your chest rise and fall, and his breath catches as he takes in the sight of your breasts—so big, round, and perky. "So perfect..." he mumbles, his voice husky with desire.
He places one hand behind your back, pulling you closer to him. His hand moves back to your breasts, his touch gentle yet firm. He leans in, bringing his mouth to your nipple, and you shiver as his warm tongue flicks against the sensitive bud. He begins to gently suck and lick, his hand massaging your other breast, ensuring it doesn’t go unattended.
Your breath hitches, a soft moan escaping your lips. You run your fingers through his hair, arching you back to press yourself closer to him, losing yourself in the sensation. His touch is electric, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You can feel his desire growing, matched by your own.
You whisper his name, your voice barely audible, but he hears you. He lifts his head, his eyes locking onto yours with a smoldering intensity. "I want you," he breathes, his voice raw with need. "All of you."
You respond with another kiss, more passionate and urgent this time. Your bodies move in sync, a perfect dance of desire and longing. 
With a deep, reassuring breath, Megumi grips your hips and helps you lower yourself onto him.
The sensation is overwhelming, and you gasp as his length enters you, your body adjusting to the unfamiliar feeling. He moves slowly, his hands steadying you, ensuring you're comfortable with each inch.
"You okay?" he asks, his voice strained with the effort to control himself.
"Yes," you manage to whisper, your body beginning to relax. "I'm okay."
"Mmm you're so fucking tight, angel." He moans.
You start to move, finding a rhythm that leaves you both breathless. The initial discomfort fades, replaced by a growing pleasure that builds with each movement. You find your pace, your hips rolling in slow, deliberate circles.
Megumi's eyes never leave yours, the intensity of his gaze matching the sensations coursing through your body. You lean forward, your hands resting on his chest for support, feeling the rise and fall of his breath beneath your palms. Each movement sends sparks of pleasure through you, the connection between you deepening with every thrust.
Megumi's grip tightens on your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as he meets your movements with powerful, upward thrusts. Your moans grow louder, mingling with his as you both lose yourselves in the rhythm.
"God, you feel so good," he groans, his voice husky with desire. "You're so tight, so perfect."
His words spur you on, driving you to move faster, harder, your body chasing the release you both crave. "That's it, good girl" he whispers, his grip tightening even more on your hips. "Take all of me. All of me. Just like that."
"Been thinking about tis f'so long, y'know?" he manages to say through grunts, his voice thick with desire.
"Yeah? Thinking about me, huh?" you moan out, teasing him with a playful tone.
"You have no idea."
"Enlighten me."
He lets out a low chuckle and leans in closer, his breath warm against your ear. "I imagine how I'm balls deep inside you, how your body arches against mine with each thrust. You ridin' me like a dirty little slut. Just like right now."
Your breath hitched at his words, arousal surging through you. You don't even know how it's possible to get more turned on than you already are, but you do, and he can easily tell by the way your cunt clenches at his words.
"You like that, don't you?" he chuckles again, his eyes dark with lust, his touch sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Each thrust sends waves of pleasure through you, his movements perfectly hitting all the right spots. Your mind becomes blissfully foggy, making it impossible to think clearly or form a sentence. The intensity of the sensation overwhelms you completely, leaving you lost in the euphoria he brings.
When he notices your fucked-out expression, he laughs, a deep, throaty sound. "I'm really fucking you dumb right now," he teases, his words only intensifying your arousal.
"Shit, baby, you know you're making it so hard to hold back..." he groans, his voice strained with pleasure.
His hips move with a fierce intensity, the sound of skin against skin filling the room. Every thrust brings you closer to the edge, the friction building a delicious tension inside you. His eyes lock onto yours, a mix of raw hunger and deep affection in his gaze, fueling the fire within you.
As he leans up, his eyes never leaving yours, he captures one of your breasts in his mouth, his tongue flicking over your sensitive nipple. The sensation is electric, a jolt of pleasure that makes your back arch and your eyes roll back in ecstasy. You're gasping for air, each breath a struggle as the pleasure builds and builds.
Just when you think you can't handle any more, his free hand slides down your body, his fingers finding your clit. He starts to draw circles around it, the touch light and teasing at first, then firmer, more insistent. 
You can feel the tension building within you, a tight coil of pleasure ready to snap. His thrusts become more urgent, his breathing ragged as he continues to drive you both towards the edge. The sensation of him filling you completely with every thrust, combined with the exquisite pleasure from his fingers and mouth, pushes you closer and closer to your peak.
Your moans grow louder, your body trembling with anticipation. You cling to him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you lose yourself in the overwhelming ecstasy. The world around you fades away, leaving only the intense connection between your bodies and the sheer, unrelenting pleasure that consumes you both.
You can feel him tensing beneath you, his breath coming in ragged gasps, and you know he's close too. "I want you to come for me," he says, his voice raw with need. "I want to feel you come around my cock."
"Fuckkkk gumi" you manage to moan loudly.
The pressure builds within you, coiling tighter and tighter until you feel like you might burst. You move with increasing urgency, your body demanding release. "Gumi," you moan, your voice trembling. "I can't hold it."
"Don't hold back angel," he commands softly, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Let go. Come for me."
He starts thrusting up into you harder, meeting your movements with a powerful rhythm. "God, you look so beautiful riding me," he growls. "Just like that baby, take it all. You’re mine."
You moan louder at his words, the raw passion in his voice pushing you closer to the edge. "I love how tight you feel," he continues, his hands gripping your hips firmly, guiding your movements. "You're doing so good, baby. Keep going."
Your body responds to his encouragement, moving faster, the pleasure intensifying with every thrust. "Gumi, I... I need you," you gasp, the words barely coherent through the waves of sensation.
"I'm right here," he murmurs, his voice strained. "I’m not going anywhere. Let go for me angel, come all over me."
His words finally send you over the edge.
With a final, shuddering thrust, you reach your peak.
"That's it baby... ugh- shit," he moans as you hit your peak. 
"You're clenching 'round me so tight... oh fuckkk," he manages to say before he quickly reaches his peak right after you.
Your body convulses, your back arching off the bed as you cry out, lost in the throes of your orgasm A chorus of cries filling the room as you collapse onto his chest. Both of you are gasping for air, trying to catch your breath after the intense moment. Your chests rise and fall heavily, each breath a struggle against the exhaustion settling in. You're drenched in sweat, muscles trembling from the effort. Slowly, your breathing starts to sync up, a steady rhythm emerging as you both work to calm your racing hearts. Megumi holds you close, his touch tender and reassuring.
"Are you still okay?" he asks softly, his voice filled with a mix of concern and satisfaction.
You smile, your heart still racing. "More than okay," you reply, snuggling into his embrace. "That was incredible."
Megumi kisses the top of your head, his lips lingering there. "You were perfect," he murmurs, his voice low and tender. "I want to make you feel this good every time."
His words make your heart flutter with warmth. "I want to make you feel good too," you admit, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought of being with him like this again.
He strokes your hair gently, his touch reassuring and comforting. "We have all the time in the world," he says softly. "I'll always be here for you."
You close your eyes, soaking in the moment, feeling safe and cherished in his embrace. "I'm glad," you whisper, feeling a sense of peace settle over you.
He pulls you closer, holding you tight against his chest. "Lets get you cleaned up," he murmurs, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
Luckily, your hospital room is equipped with a shower. With gentle care, he helps you up from the bed, your legs still shaky from the intensity of your climax. You both made your way to the bathroom, the cool tile floor a stark contrast to your heated skin.
The shower is spacious, designed for comfort and accessibility. He turns on the water, adjusting the temperature until it's just right. He guides you under the spray, the hot water cascading over your bodies, washing away the sweat and making sure you feel good.
As he washes you, you can't help but feel a deep sense of warmth and security. For the first time in a long time, you feel truly loved, as if someone genuinely cares for you. Megumi's touch is more than just physical; it's a promise of constant appreciation, love, and care. In contrast to your past experiences, filled with lies, deceit, and neglect, this moment is a revelation. You realize that you deserve this kind of tenderness and devotion, and it fills you with a profound sense of peace and happiness.
As the water cascades over you both, washing away not just the remnants of your passion but also the lingering pain and hurt from your past, you begin to understand the depth of your feelings for Megumi. Each gentle caress reassures you that you are valued and cherished. His fingers glide over your skin with such reverence, it’s as if he’s memorizing every curve, every line, to hold in his heart forever.
The contrast between this moment and your past relationships is stark. Those previous experiences were marred by betrayal and indifference, leaving you feeling hollow and unworthy. But with Megumi, every touch, every glance, is filled with a sincerity that heals those old wounds. His actions speak volumes, louder than any words could. He’s showing you that love doesn’t have to hurt, that it can be pure, gentle, and unwavering.
You lean into him, feeling the strength of his body and the steady beat of his heart. This is what it feels like to be genuinely cared for, to be held in someone’s thoughts and heart.
Megumi's eyes, soft and filled with adoration, meet yours. In them, you see a future where you are never alone, where your happiness is a priority. His smile reassures you, making you feel seen and important. You close your eyes, letting the sensations wash over you. The sound of the water, the feel of his hands on your skin, the warmth of his body against yours.
As the water continues to cascade over you both, Megumi gently kisses your forehead, his lips lingering there for a moment. When he pulls back slightly, his eyes search yours with a tender concern. "Something wrong, angel?" he asks softly, his voice a soothing balm.
You look up at him and smile, your heart swelling with emotion. "I've never been more happy. You make me so happy, Megumi."
His face lights up with a smile that warms you from the inside out. He kisses your forehead again, his touch filled with love. "You make me happy too," he replies, his voice filled with sincerity. "Come on, I'm gonna get you dried up, brush your hair, and give you a new set of clothes."
"But I don't have any other clothes..." you say, a hint of worry creeping into your voice.
He smiles at you again, a reassuring and tender look in his eyes. He reaches over and turns off the water, wrapping a towel around you quickly to keep you from getting cold. He dries himself off with his towel and wraps it around his waist before stepping out of the shower. "I told Itadori to go to my place to grab a few of my clothes before, just in case you wanted to be in something more comfortable. I would've went but... I didn't want to leave your side," he says, his thoughtfulness touching you deeply.
You watch him as he moves with care and consideration, feeling a wave of affection wash over you. This is exactly why you're falling more and more in love with him, you think to yourself. Wait... you love him? Holy shit, you really do love him. The realization hits you like a bolt of lightning.
I mean... what is there not to love about him? He's kind, caring, generous, thoughtful, he's... perfect.
Megumi comes back and gently grabs your hand, leading you out of the bathroom, he then moves his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close.
"Hope you don't mind wearing boxers and oversized clothes... didn't really have anything else," he says with a nervous laugh.
You can't help but smile at his thoughtfulness. "No, it's perfect, Megumi. I love wearing your clothes."
He grins, a playful glint in his eyes. "It looks good on you," he says, smirking.
"Better on me anyways," you tease, wanting to see his reaction. As you catch his gaze through the mirror, you see pure adoration reflected back at you.
"It really does look better on you," he says softly, before stepping closer and hugging you from behind. His chin rests on your shoulder as he stares at you through the mirror. You place your hands over his, feeling the warmth and security of his embrace. Turning your head slightly, you look at him, and he meets your gaze before kissing your lips gently.
The kiss is soft and sweet, a tender moment that makes your heart flutter. When he pulls away, he grabs the hairbrush from the washroom counter and starts to brush your hair gently.
His movements are careful and deliberate, ensuring you feel no pain. He starts from the bottom, working his way up, and places his hand on your hair to make it hurt less as he brushes higher. His touch is soothing, each stroke a reminder of how much he cares for you.
As he finishes, you feel a profound sense of contentment. Megumi's kindness and attention to detail make you feel cherished and loved in a way you've never experienced before. The way he cares for you, even in these small moments, fills you with a warmth that goes beyond physical comfort.
"Thank you, Megumi," you say, genuinely appreciative.
Megumi holds you close, his embrace warm and reassuring. He glances at you through the mirror, his eyes filled with love and concern. "Let's head back to the room and get some rest. I know you're tired," he says softly.
You nod, feeling a wave of fatigue wash over you now that the adrenaline has subsided.
As you both step out of the bathroom, he suddenly scoops you up into his arms. "Megumi!!! What are you doing? Oh my god!" you exclaim, your voice a mix of surprise and laughter.
He chuckles, looking down at you with a playful grin. "Just taking care of my angel," he says, carrying you effortlessly toward the bed.
You can't help but laugh, feeling the lightness and joy of the moment. When he reaches the bed, he gently places you down, his movements careful and tender. You settle onto the bed, the soft blankets enveloping you.
Megumi adjusts the covers around you, making sure you're comfortable. He climbs in beside you, wrapping his arms around you once more. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, feeling safe and content in his presence.
"Thank you for everything, Megumi," you whisper, your eyes growing heavy.
"Anything for you, baby," he replies, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. "Just rest now. I'm right here."
With his reassuring words and the warmth of his embrace, you let yourself drift off to sleep.
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As morning light streams through the window, you stir slightly in Megumi's arms, feeling the warmth and comfort of his embrace. The peace of the moment is interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Nobara and Maki are the first to walk in, eager to see how you're feeling.
"Good morning, sunshine—" Nobara starts to say, but she quickly closes her mouth again when she sees you and Megumi sleeping together in the bed. Her eyes widen in surprise, and she quickly nudges Maki to get her attention.
Maki looks over and raises an eyebrow. "Gross," she whispers, her tone playful yet slightly teasing.
Nobara shoots her girlfriend a death glare and nudges her again, harder this time. "Ow, what the hell was that for?" Maki whispers, rubbing her arm.
"I'll literally kick you if you find this disgusting, as if we don't cuddle every night," Nobara retorts, her voice a mix of irritation and affection.
Before Maki can respond, the door opens wider, and Itadori, Yuta, and Inumaki make their way inside, their voices loud and animated as they discuss the video game they played together last night. They are so engrossed in their conversation that they don't immediately notice the scene before them.
Yuta is the first to catch on. As he steps through the door, he suddenly stops talking and moving, his eyes widening in surprise. "Shhh, guys, look," he whispers urgently, gesturing towards the bed.
Itadori and Inumaki stop mid-sentence, their gazes following Yuta's gesture. They see you and Megumi asleep, intertwined in each other's arms, and their expressions soften.
"Well, looks like someone had a good night," Itadori whispers with a smirk.
Inumaki simply nods in agreement, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
The group exchanges knowing looks, their initial surprise giving way to quiet smiles. They move more quietly now, careful not to disturb the two of you. Nobara and Maki find seats nearby, settling in with a gentle whisper and an occasional glance in your direction. Itadori, Yuta, and Inumaki follow suit, their previous excitement tempered by the tender scene before them.
Megumi stirs slightly, his arms tightening around you protectively as he begins to wake. You open your eyes, blinking against the morning light, and find your friends gathered around, their expressions ranging from amused to affectionate.
"Morning," Nobara whispers with a grin.
You and Megumi both flush a deep shade of red, realizing your friends have witnessed you sleeping together. Megumi sits up slightly, trying to maintain his usual nonchalant demeanor, but the embarrassment is clear on his face.
Maki rolls her eyes playfully but says nothing, while Itadori can't suppress a chuckle. "You guys look cozy," he teases, giving Megumi a knowing look.
Megumi sighs, a mix of exasperation and fondness in his expression. "Yeah, yeah," he mutters, trying to brush off the attention.
Yuta, ever the peacemaker, steps in. "We just wanted to check on you and see how you're feeling," he says with a gentle smile.
Inumaki nods in agreement, his eyes kind and concerned.
Inumaki nods in agreement, his eyes kind and concerned. "Glad to see you're doing better," he says, his voice sincere.
You smile at him. "Yes, I am! I feel like I can probably go home today or something, as long as the nurse lets me."
"Oh! Oh! If they let you out, we should all go out for dinner to celebrate you!" Itadori exclaims enthusiastically.
"Celebrate me for what?" you laugh. "Getting out of the hospital?"
"No, silly, for being strong and staying with us..." Nobara says.
"She means not dying," Inumaki adds with a joking tone.
You, Maki, and Itadori laugh, but Nobara, Yuta, and Megumi give him a look. "What, too soon to make jokes?" Inumaki asks, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You smile reassuringly. "It's fine, it was funny. But that sounds like a plan."
As soon as you finish your sentence, the nurse makes her way into the room. She smiles warmly at the group. "Oh, I see everyone is here to pay you a visit. Well, I have good news for you. Your test results came back clean, your blood pressure and heart rate are normal, and all your other stats look great. We'll just need to finish some paperwork and get you set up with any discharge instructions. But if everything continues to look good, you'll be out of here soon."
Your friends cheer quietly, excitement lighting up their faces. Megumi squeezes your hand, his eyes filled with relief and happiness.
"Looks like dinner is definitely happening," you say with a smile, feeling grateful for the love and support of your friends.
Nobara claps her hands together. "Yes! We have to find the perfect place to celebrate."
"Somewhere with good food and a great atmosphere," Yuta adds, nodding in agreement.
"How about that new restaurant downtown?" Itadori suggests. "I've heard great things about it."
Maki shrugs. "As long as they have something other than salads, I'm in."
The nurse chuckles at the animated conversation before turning her attention back to you. "I'll be back in a little while with your discharge papers and instructions. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy your time with your friends."
"Thank you," you say, gratitude evident in your voice.
As the nurse leaves, Megumi tightens his grip on your hand, his expression softening. "I’m really glad you're okay," he murmurs.
You smile at him, feeling a rush of warmth. "Thanks, Megumi. And thank you all for being here."
"We wouldn't be anywhere else," Nobara says firmly. "Now, let’s make sure we get you out of here and somewhere fun for dinner."
"Agreed," Inumaki says with a grin. "Tuna mayo."
You all laugh at Inumaki’s familiar quirk, the mood in the room light and filled with camaraderie. Megumi helps you sit up a bit more comfortably, making sure the pillows are arranged just right behind you.
Your friends exchange knowing side-eyes and smirks as they watch how attentively Megumi is taking care of you. Nobara and Maki share a quick, amused glance, while Itadori raises an eyebrow and grins. Even Yuta can’t hide a small smile, and Inumaki gives a subtle nod of approval.
Megumi, noticing their reactions, clears his throat and tries to maintain his usual nonchalant demeanor. "Just making sure you're comfortable," he says quietly, his cheeks tinged with a slight blush.
Nobara can’t resist teasing. "Aww, look at you being all caring and sweet, Megumi," she says with a playful wink.
Megumi rolls his eyes but doesn't let go of your hand. "Shut up," he mutters.
You smile at him, feeling the warmth of his care and the support of your friends. "Thank you, Megumi," you say softly, leaning into his touch.
As the hours pass, your friends keep you entertained with stories and jokes, the conversation flowing easily. Every so often, Megumi glances at you with a soft, reassuring smile, his presence a constant source of comfort.
Finally, the nurse returns with a stack of papers. "Alright, everything looks good. Here are your discharge instructions," she says, handing you a folder. "Make sure to follow up with your doctor as recommended, and don't hesitate to come back if you feel unwell."
"Got it. Thank you so much," you reply, taking the folder.
Once all the formalities are completed, Megumi helps you gather your belongings. He stands beside you as you slowly get up, his hand steadying you.
"It feels so good to be leaving," you say with a relieved sigh.
"Let's get you out of here," Megumi says, his voice gentle yet firm.
Your friends fall into step around you as you make your way out of the hospital, each one offering support in their own way. As you step outside, the fresh air fills your lungs, and you feel a renewed sense of freedom and hope.
"Alright, where to?" Itadori asks, looking around at the group.
"How about that new place downtown?" Nobara suggests again. "It sounds perfect for a celebration."
Everyone agrees, and you all head towards the restaurant.
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As you walk, Megumi keeps a protective arm around you, making sure you’re okay every step of the way.
At the restaurant, you’re greeted with warm lighting and a cozy atmosphere. The group quickly settles into a large table, laughter and chatter filling the space.
Throughout the evening, you feel the bond with your friends strengthen even more. They celebrate your recovery and the fact that you’re all together, making memories that will last a lifetime.
Megumi leans in close, his eyes shining with affection. "I’m so glad you're here," he says softly.
"Me too," you reply, squeezing his hand. "I couldn’t have asked for a better group of friends."
Megumi leans in close, his eyes shining with affection. "What are friends for?" he says softly.
You smile at him, feeling the warmth of his care and the support of your friends. 
As everyone settles in at the restaurant, the conversation flows easily. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing. The waiter comes to take your orders, and you all discuss what to get, excited by the variety on the menu.
"Everything looks so good," Nobara says, her eyes scanning the menu.
"I think I'll go with the steak," Itadori decides, looking pleased with his choice.
"I'm in the mood for pasta," Maki says, flipping the menu closed.
Inumaki points to his choice, and Yuta nods in agreement. "I’ll have the same," Yuta says.
Megumi glances at you. "What about you?" he asks.
"I'm thinking the pasta as well" you reply, and he nods approvingly.
The orders are placed, and as you wait for the food to arrive, the conversation continues. Your friends share funny stories and jokes, keeping the mood light and enjoyable. Megumi stays close to you, his presence a comforting constant.
When the food arrives, everyone digs in with enthusiasm. The dishes are delicious, and you savor each bite, grateful for the moment of normalcy and joy after everything you've been through.
"This place is amazing," Yuta comments, enjoying his meal.
"Definitely a good choice," Nobara agrees, giving Itadori a playful nudge.
Eventually, you all finish eating, and the waiter brings a single bill. Before anyone can reach for their wallets, Megumi grabs the bill.
"I've got this," he says firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument.
You immediately protest, "Megumi, you don't have to pay for everyone. Let me at least cover my meal."
He shakes his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, it's on me. Really."
Megumi cuts you off gently but firmly. "I want to do this. Just let me."
Your friends exchange amused glances, knowing better than to argue with Megumi when he's made up his mind. Itadori raises an eyebrow but doesn’t object, and Nobara smirks, nudging Maki.
“Thanks, Megumi,” Yuta says appreciatively, and Inumaki nods in agreement.
Once the bill is settled, you all gather your belongings and prepare to leave the restaurant. As you step outside, Megumi gently pulls you to the side, away from the group. He looks into your eyes, his expression serious yet soft.
"Hey, can I take you someplace else?" he asks.
You glance up at him, slightly surprised. Behind him, your friends turn around, watching you both with curious expressions, waiting for you to continue walking. "Yeah, sure, let's go ask the others too. Where were you planning?" you ask, completely oblivious to his intent.
"I mean just the two of us, alone..." he clarifies, his voice gentle.
"Oh! Yes, of course, Megs," you say, smiling warmly at him.
You both turn around to face the rest of your friends. Megumi speaks up, "You guys go ahead. We'll meet you back at our place in a bit."
Everyone glances at each other, their expressions lighting up with knowing smiles. Nobara gives you a thumbs-up, and Itadori winks playfully.
"Have fun, you two," Yuta says, his voice teasing.
"We'll see you later," Itadori adds, nudging Inumaki.
As your friends head off, you and Megumi turn in the opposite direction. The anticipation of where he might take you fills you with excitement. Megumi takes your hand, leading you away from the bustling streets and into a quieter, more serene part of town.
The night air is cool and refreshing, and the stars twinkle brightly above. You walk in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. Megumi's hand in yours feels reassuring and steady, he then suddenly stops in front of an old building. He looks up, then glances back at you with a mysterious smile. "Megumi, where are you taking me?" you ask, a bit confused but excited too.
"Just follow me," he says, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Are you taking me away to murder me?" you joke, trying to lighten the mood.
He chuckles slightly but shakes his head. "Do you trust me?"
"100%," you respond confidently.
He smiles, his eyes reflecting the fading light of the day. He starts to climb a ladder on the side of the building, and you follow him, your curiosity piqued. When he reaches the top, he helps you up safely. Once you're off the ladder, you finally look around and see the breathtaking city view spread out before you.
"Wow... this is so beautiful!" you say excitedly.
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Megumi grabs your hand and walks you closer to the edge of the roof. There's a big wall just above your waist, ensuring your safety, but Megumi still stands behind you, pulling you closer to his body and holding you tight. He’s clearly protective, especially as you both look down at the busy streets below.
The sun is just starting to set, painting the sky with pink, orange, purple, and blue hues. The view is mesmerizing, and you both watch the sunset in peaceful silence. After a while, Megumi takes off his backpack and opens it up. Inside are two small blankets. He takes one out and places it on the floor, then sits down, waiting for you to follow his lead.
He then takes off his hoodie and places it under your heads to make it like a pillow as you both lay down and watch the stars beginning to appear in the sky. He grabs the other blanket and places it over both of you, ensuring you're not too cold. Even though it's summer and hot, it tends to get a little chilly late at night.
You both get so lost in conversation that you don't even realize how much time has passed. The topics range from light-hearted memories to deeper, more personal reflections. Megumi listens intently, his eyes never leaving yours, showing just how much he cares.
Eventually, he turns his face towards you, and you look at him and smile. "What?" you say.
"I'm so proud of you, you know?" he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
"Megs—" you start, but he cuts you off gently.
"Y/N, you're the strongest person I know. From what you went through, the trauma, the pain—I can't even imagine how you're feeling. I just want you to know that you're not alone. You have us, as your friends, to help and support you. You have me... and I'll always be here for you no matter what."
His words hang in the air, heavy with emotion. You feel the tears welling up in your eyes, the raw sincerity in his voice touching a part of you that has felt so vulnerable and exposed. The memories of your struggles flash through your mind—the moments of pain, the feeling of being lost and alone. But now, with Megumi's words, it feels like a balm to your soul.
He continues, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "I’ve seen you face everything with such courage and grace. Even when things seemed impossible, you never gave up. That kind of strength is rare, Y/N. And it inspires everyone around you, especially me."
You can feel the warmth of his body against yours, his heart beating steadily as he holds you close. The city below buzzes with life, but up here, it feels like you two are in your own little world. The stars are beginning to twinkle in the night sky, creating a beautiful backdrop to this intimate moment.
"Thank you, Megumi," you whisper, your voice trembling with emotion. "I don’t know what I would do without you."
He gently wipes away your tears with his thumb, his touch soft and caring. "You don't have to thank me. I'm just glad I can be here for you."
He leans in and places a tender kiss on your forehead, his lips lingering for a moment. It's a gesture full of affection and promise, reinforcing his words. The gesture makes you feel safe and cherished, more than you ever thought possible.
After a comfortable silence, Megumi turns his face towards you, his eyes reflecting the starry sky. "Y/N," he begins, his voice soft yet filled with emotion, "I’ve always admired your resilience. Even when you were at your lowest, you found a way to keep going. That’s something truly special."
You reach up and brush a stray hair from his face, your fingers lingering on his cheek. "I couldn’t have done it without you and our friends. You all gave me a reason to keep fighting."
He smiles, a soft, tender expression that makes your heart skip a beat. "And we’ll always be here for you, no matter what."
Megumi takes a deep breath, as if gathering his thoughts. "You know," he starts, his voice slightly trembling, "I never felt the way I feel towards you with anyone before. You're the first person I think of when I wake up and the last before I sleep. The only one on my mind constantly."
His eyes lock onto yours, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and sincerity. "Your laugh replays in my head, your smile is something I look forward to seeing every day. You are the reason I want to be a better person. For you, I'll do anything."
He pauses, taking another deep breath, his gaze never wavering from yours. "I know I'm not really good with words or expressing how I feel," he continues, his voice now steady and resolute. "But I guess what I'm saying is... will you be my girlfriend?"
The world seems to stop for a moment as his words hang in the air. Your heart races, and you feel a surge of emotions. Tears of joy well up in your eyes as you look at him, seeing the genuine love and hope in his expression.
"Yes, Megumi," you whisper, your voice choked with emotion. "I'd love to be your girlfriend."
He smiles, a radiant smile that lights up his entire face, and pulls you into a tender embrace. His lips brush against yours in a gentle kiss, and you feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and love.
As you both lie back down, wrapped in each other's arms under the vast, star-lit sky, you know that this moment marks the beginning of a beautiful new chapter in your lives.
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hi guys sorry for going ghost... ive been extremely busy w life but i worked on this part for like three days, this def could've been done in one but i have a super tight schedule and also i just kept coming up with more stuff to add which is why this story is SOOO LONG lol oopsieee
there is one part after this and the series will be done!!! (next part will be shorter)
stop i feel so bad...
anyways hope you guys enjoyed bc i loved writing it :) ill try to be a bit more active but it will be hard for the next few months since i have a lot going on!
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@lavender-hvze @xbarrjallenx @atinymonbebestay @1l-ynn @chilichopsticks @dr-fluff-meow @lost-resonance @maya-maya-56 @ichorstainedskin @luciiferslover @madaqueue @vanitywoo @hazedganyu @skunabby
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pachu09 · 2 months
Isekai, Historical, Magical AU
Tobirama wanted to bash his head onto the nearest hard object his eye could spy. But! He didn't want to furthermore traumatized the child that was contently sitting in his arms.
He was so sure this didn't happened in the manga. The Emperor should have arrived after he successfully rescued Kagami!. So why did the bastard arrived way too early than the plot stated?!. Did he do something wrong?. So far nothing noteworthy happened when he transported in this world. Other than of course he had to learn how to use his Chakra. Which is pretty amazing in itself....
Tobirama cuts off his wandering thoughts and eyed suspiciously the Emperor and his entourage behind him. He better act like he's ignorant of the man's identity. Who knows what the Emperor would do to him if he revealed he knew who he is?.
" I don't really trust a man with a small army at his back not to kill me the moment I handed this child to you. "
The Emperor laugh loudly made Tobirama tensed in fear. " Fair enough, stranger.  Would you mind telling me what is your name so I could properly thank you for singlehandedly rescuing my nephew?. "
Tobirama pursed his lips. He decided to not tell his real name in case the Emperor tried to seek him out. " Call me Bito. " The Emperor face smoothing blankly made Tobirama warily eyed him. He carefully avoided the man's eyes when it seems his carefree attitude had suddenly vanished and then he turn to Kagami again.
" Little one. Your Uncle is here. Don't you want to go Home?. "
Kagami looked up to him with wide eyes. " But Bito!. You promised you'll go Home with me. "
Tobirama twitch. " I didn't promise anything little one. Go on. Your Uncle is waiting. Its rude to make him wait for you. "
Kagami suddenly clutches his neck and kisses his cheek affectionately had made Tobirama nearly drop the child.
" Okay Bito. But promise me you'll come visit me!. "
Tobirama deadpan and just went along in twining his pinky finger to that of the whining child. He then carefully handed a sleepy Kagami back to his Uncle who still had that emotionless look on his face.
He really need to skedaddle out of the Uchiha Kingdom if he doesn't want to end up beheaded like the original owner of this body. Nevermind in breaking his promise to Kagami but his life is on the line here!. Time is ticking and the sooner he's far away from this murderous Emperor the better it is.
Oh!. And he should probably find a noble Husband ( on paper only! He's straight as fuck thank you very much ). Just in case he needed a political backup. He heard the Water Clans like their spouses with Water Affinity. Surely, with how powerful he is he could easily snag a rich Noble there?.
" Thank you again, Bito–san " Tobirama ignored the strange intonation of the Emperor uttering his false name. " I hope we'll meet again soon. "
Tobirama felt chills running down his spine at that innocent remark.
" I don't think so. Since I'm just a passerby in this City. "
The Emperor's dark eyes pinning him on where he stood made Tobirama tensed up again. He's ready to teleport out of there in case the Emperor went nuts.
" Is that so?. And pray tell why you're visiting this...specific City?.
Tobirama scratches his cheek in embarrassment. " Ah. I was hoping I could find a suitable Husband but sadly I find none appealing. So I'm on my way to the next country. "
The Emperor blink and tilted his head at him. " That's strange. No sane City folk would dare to release you if you proposed to be their Spouse. "
Tobirama carefully back away. " Well thank the Gods they don't find me appealing. Goodbye good Sir and take good care of Kagami. That boy is quite a handful at times. " he quickly climb up on his horse and directed it to start walking. He never even look back at the small army behind his back. He's quite afraid to trigger the mad Emperor. He must make sure he can even journey out of the Fire country without any further incident.
Afterall, the original owner of the body he was occupying was unfairly beheaded by that insane Emperor and Tobirama who had read the manga several times had felt pity and sadness at the person who triggered Kagami’s slow descent to insanity. The manga Tobirama ( he's unnerved that he shared the man's name and even physical looks aside from the long hair, which he will surely chop off as soon as he had the chance ) had died because of a wrongful accusation.
Manga Tobirama had paid the false accusation with his reputation and life. And it started as a Catalyst for one Kagami to bear a hateful grudge to his whole Clan and most of all to his once beloved Uncle. The little child that he just met had grew up hating with every fiber of his being the people who made his Sensei suffer needlessly and in the end he managed to rebel against his Uncle but he also lost his own life in the process of trying to kill his own kin.
At the time when he read that particular scene he felt so sad at Kagami’s fate. The boy shouldn't have gone down the path of his hateful revenge. Because he knew one hundred percent that the Tobirama in the manga would have sacrifice his own life again and again just to make sure Kagami would live a happy life.
Tobirama sigh loudly, at least at this time he wouldn't be too close with Kagami and the boy will never go down his dark journey again. As long as he wasn't in the picture. It probably is for the best since he himself need to make sure he wouldn't die in this world.
He tap his horse on its side so that it could gallop faster. He suddenly felt unnerved when he activated his Sensing and it told him the Emperor and his entourage hasn't move from where he left them.
Tobirama decided he better not turn off his Sensing. He feared that there's a tail behind him. Unless he's finally near the Water Country then and only then will he turn it off even though the price of using such Chakra draining technique is tremendous. Ah, he'll makes sure he'll spend a week in Water Country recovering from overusing his Sensing.
With that clear plan, Tobirama gladly proceeds to rode his horse to the nearest small settlement.
A week later.
Tobirama stared at the expensive scroll the innkeeper had handed to him. He nearly drop the thing when he saw the Royal seal of the Uchiha. He decided he had to feign ignorance. Because he didn't really want to read whatever in it.
" I think this letter isn't really for me is it?. "
He donned his serious facial expression. The innkeeper stared confusedly at him.
" The Uchiha General outside the Inn told me to give it specifically to you. "
Tobirama instantly tensed up. The Uchiha General?. Why did he track him down? Shouldn't the Emperor had lost interest in him the moment he crossed over the Water Country?. What did he want from him?. Its not like he'll go back to the Fire Country in his own volition. He likes living and with his head intact. Thank you very much. He then glared at the damning scroll, sighed deeply and unrolled it.
He twitches on his place as he read the Emperor's message. The man is asking if he arrived unscathed to the Water Country. So far so good. Until the next paragraph made him want to scream in frustration.
Apparently, the Emperor is formally inviting him to be Kagami's personal Sensei. He shuddered in fear. No thanks. He better write up his reply quickly and give it to the General outside. His eyes then quickly scan the P.S beneath the Emperor's signature and stamped seal. He felt his Soul literally leaving his body as the message rang across inside his skull painfully.
P.S. If you try to deny my request. I will personally hunt you down and dragged you to my palace. There is no place in this world you can hide from me, Senju Tobirama.
Tobirama thinks it's time to implement his drastic plans. If the Emperor thinks he'll just roll over and do his biddings. He'll prove him wrong by making sure he won't ever catch him!.
A month later, Tobirama was unaware as he was carried back by the Emperor of the Fire Country back to his palace. He was left heavily unconscious as he tried to fight one on one the most powerful man in the Elemental Countries. He was also unaware as he was given a seal on the back of his neck. Stating that he was the Emperor's most prized treasure or that he was installed in the Empress Chambers.
Come morning, Tobirama will wake up to a joyous Kagami jumping on him and the Emperor's Brother personally telling him that the entire Fire Country court was in a political meltdown because the Emperor had gotten rid of his dozens of Concubines because of him.
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sexysapphicshopowner · 10 months
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🤎 Context/AU (Alternate Universe): Modern AU- You and Sevika are coworkers turned best friends at her mechanic shop. She's having a little trouble telling you...something. She uses her Secret Santa gift to you to tell you.
🤎 soft!mechanic!Sevika x bubbly!mechanic!reader
🤎 CW/TW: lesbians being lesbians, Sevika is Sevika but you make her feel things...she's not sure what to make of that, blossoming relationship, pining, christmas, santa, fluff, pet names, first kiss, mistletoe, suggestive talk (you gotta close your eyes though), no use of y/n, not proofread
🤎 A/N: I know I should be writing part 2 to 'Our Love' but this idea (and Sevika period) is giving me serious brain rot. Enjoy my probably ooc ass version of Sev. This sucks ass, butttt I'll make up for it with a better post later, I promise!!
🤎 Notes: most times, I will be explicitly writing a black reader. this is not one of those times. this is a fully ambiguous reader save for the gender- female. I'm a firm believer in the beauty of Sevika's scars so to keep them in this we'll say she's a surviving burn victim.
🤎 Word count: 2.7k
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🤎 You were one of the first people to apply for work when Sev first opened her shop
🤎 It was basically run by the two of you the way you became quick friends
🤎 You had come in, already dressed in a worker's jumper, the top half off and wrapped around your waist with a black cami on
🤎 If it weren't for how you were dressed, she wouldn't have even realized you were here about the job posting because she was too busy focusing on how pretty she thought you were
🤎 You started the same day
🤎 It wasn't like you two didn't notice each other, but you both put into your heads that it would be unwise for you to let your attraction go anywhere due to you guys basically running a business together
🤎 So every time you caught yourself drooling over Sev as she worked under the hood of a car, muscles rippling, grease covering her in smudges here and there....whew boy, let's just say you take a lot of....water breaks
🤎 She's no better either
🤎 The way her eyes follow your curves every time you bend over to pick something up
🤎 She stares at your lips whenever the two of you are talking, be it inside or outside of work
🤎 Speaking of which, you guys hang out- a lot
🤎 Within the first month of you working for her, she had already invited you over for dinner- as a friend
🤎 Once you guys become besties, you're over her place more than your own
🤎 You two will talk about any and everything together
🤎 At some point you call yourself trying to ignore your raging crush on your best friend and get a girlfriend
🤎 It ends in you being cheated on serially
🤎 You go to cry at Sev's the night of the breakup
🤎 This is the first time....something happens between you two
🤎 You're both drunk of your asses, you moreso than her
🤎 She's watching you intently as you curse out your ex and ramble on about all the things she wasn't meeting the bare minimum with
🤎 It's not until you've been silent for a while, lips no longer moving, that Sevika looks back up to your eyes, the two of you now dangerously close to one another
🤎 "What's wrong? I was listening I swear," she starts to defend herself
🤎 Your pupils are blown, your eyes glassy and your face flushed- whether from the alcohol, your proximity to Sevika, or a combination of both, you were too inebriated to tell
🤎 You reached up, fingers just barely grazing her jaw as you spoke
🤎 "Your face is so....you're beautiful..." you slurred, fingers ghosting over the scars that were etched into the lower left side of her face, trailing down her neck and disappearing underneath the collar of her t-shirt.
🤎 Her ears burned red hot as she just let you talk
🤎 You continued to slur on, but she chalked it all up to you being drunk until you said some words that made her heart beat faster in her chest
🤎 "'M not....s'posed to....I think....I like you...." you whispered as you leaned against her chest
🤎 Had you been a little more sober, you would've noticed the way her heart started to beat out of her chest at your words.
🤎 Actually, had you been a little more sober...you wouldn't have said that, but shhhh....
🤎 You were out like a light afterward
🤎 It wasn't until that night that Sevika started to get worse with hiding her feelings for you
🤎 She was taking you on more...friend dates
🤎 Buying you flowers because she knew you liked them and "I know you don't have anyone to get them for you right now, so..."
🤎 If you have a hobby like reading or maybe art, she's buying you new sketchbooks and supplies or she's getting you the newest editions of your favorites- all signed because hello??? she's that type of bitch fr
🤎 She gets you guys matching bracelets for your birthday after 2 years of friendship- yes, it's been that long now
🤎 Then comes Christmastime
🤎 You talked her a long time ago into doing Secret Santa with the peeps at the shop
🤎 She doesn't really see the hype, not having much experience with Christmas and it's traditions given her rocky relationship with her father, but she does it (only for you though)
🤎 This is the second annual Secret Santa for the shop
🤎 Just your luck, you don't end up getting Sevika like you wanted
🤎 That's okay though because Sevika got you
🤎 And you know she got you because of how much she's suddenly stressing the secret part of Secret Santa
🤎 Last year, she told you who she had gotten immediately, the two of you picking out your gifts for your respective people together and everything
🤎 Not this year
🤎 This year she doesn't tell anyone, not you, not anybody in the shop- and you know it, you asked around about it
🤎 She racking her brain trying to decide what to get you
🤎 Doesn't help that you're starting to render her useless
🤎 You're catching her spacing out while staring at you more often
🤎 She gets this fuzzy feeling and this misty look in her eyes whenever you're around
🤎 You kinda have an idea that she likes you back, you play into it
🤎 6 months ago, you had started returning her actions- buying her little gifts, making her lunch everyday because she'd forgotten one so many times that now she 'doesn't even have to worry about it', you plan a few friend dates yourself, you cuddle up to her more often whenever you two have your annual movie nights every week
🤎 It's all making her think maybe you know, but...last she checked you kinda liked someone
🤎 You hadn't told her who, even though you knew it was her, but in her mind she was competing with whoever this mystery crush was
🤎 She just wants you to look at her the way she looks at you
🤎 Back to Secret Santa though
🤎 The Christmas party is fast approaching and you still have no clue what the hell you're gonna do to figure out what Sevika's gotten you since you know she's your Santa this year
🤎 You've tried begging, bribing, snooping, everything at this point
🤎 She's keeping her lips locked tighter than a chastity belt at this point
🤎 The party is being hosted at Sevika's penthouse this year
🤎 You aren't allowed to help set up
🤎 You are not happy about that fact
🤎 "Relax, sweets...can't have you snooping in the gifts while we put them under the tree. You might accidentally see whatever your Santa got for you," she teased, running her finger playfully down your cheek
🤎 It was a trick. Your gift is in fact not under the tree
🤎 You decide to play her at her own game
🤎 If she wants to flirt and do all of this stuff for you, you'll do a little something for her as well
🤎 Everybody knows Sevika's got a thing for your body
🤎 You two are best friends
🤎 Best friends.
🤎 You know...those best friends that share a bed like they're a married couple
🤎 The touchy ones that make people question if they're actually secretly in a relationship
🤎 She's never shy about grabbing or smacking your ass- I mean you aren't shy about doing the same to her so it's fair
🤎 The two of you will regularly poke each other’s breasts in passing 
🤎 Whenever she’s driving you to you guys’ “friend dates”, she has to hold your thigh- will 100% make up some lie that it’s for your safety (“How does you caressing my thigh make me safer, Sev?” “You’re asking too many questions here, sweets. Do you want me to move it?” “.....no.” “Then let’s ride.”) 
🤎 So, with all of that known, you decided to show off said body for the party tonight 
🤎 You wore a form fitting dress that was advertised as a sexy Mrs. Claus dress 
🤎 The soft fabric clung to your body like it was practically painted on, the cute little fur trimmings not helping cover the fact that the hem stopped right at your mid-thigh 
🤎 The spaghetti straps and plunging neckline were hidden underneath your dramatic (faux) fur coat 
🤎 You topped it all off with a Santa hat and your matching bracelet Sev had gotten you 
🤎 Needless to say she wanted nothing more than to see what you had on under that coat when you were the last to arrive to party- a detail you made sure you kept since she refused to let you come over to help with set up for the party 
🤎 Her jaw actually dropped when you finally did take your coat off 
🤎 You teasingly closed her mouth, smirking almost knowingly at her, “You’ll catch flies, hotshot.” 
🤎 She’s flustered all night 
🤎 Not only because you seem to be genuinely flirting with her, but because she knows what she has in store for you
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Sevika was a bundle of nerves every time you looked up to catch her staring at you. You were drinking a glass of champagne, talking to...someone...she didn’t know, she was too busy looking at you to figure out which of her employees you were fraternizing with at the moment. 
The time to exchange gifts couldn’t come any sooner for her. 
She had been trying to work up the courage to just tell you that she’s in love with you for weeks now, and you with your games weren’t making it any easier. 
You’d take all her gifts with such a grateful smile, throwing your arms around her neck, pressing a kiss to her cheek, but then the very next day you were talking about your mystery crush again. 
You hadn’t said anything to the effect that you didn’t like all the advances she had been making, so she knew you at least felt...something for her...but she needed you to know exactly what she felt for you. 
You looked up to catch her looking at you again, throwing her a bright smile before you excused yourself from conversation with Danny and his girlfriend who’s name you forgot the second he’d introduced her, moving across the living room to go talk to her, “Hey you.” 
Boy if you could feel the way her heart was pumping and how sweaty her hands were the second you walked up. 
It took her a few moments- which you noticed- to find her voice, but she managed to smile back at you, “Hey yourself, Ms. Social butterfly. You’ve talked to everyone already.” 
You gave a soft shrug, “I mean, it’s not that hard to talk to them, I do work with them all, save for the people who brought their partners. Besides, I haven’t talked to you yet, hence why I’m over here.” 
“Hm, true, true....How come you didn’t bring your little secret crush? Not serious enough for that yet?” 
If only you know, huh? 
You gave a half-hearted shrug, “It’s...complicated.” 
“I see. W-” before she could continue, the alarm on her watch went off, signaling that it was time to exchange gifts. 
Seeing as she was hosting this year (you had hosted last year), she was in charge of pulling every gift from under the tree and giving them to whoever’s name was on them, that person then trying to guess who bought their gift. 
You didn’t get anything. 
There’s no way you couldn’t have been chosen. And no one else had gotten their gift from Sevika. 
With everyone else focused on their gifts, she pulled you aside into the kitchen, once again fdgety and nervous, “So...” 
“About your gift....before I....before I give it to you...I have to say a couple of things....” 
She looked at you for a few moments, you could see her contemplating in her mind what she wanted to say. 
She had spent hours in her mirror rehearsing this moment, yet now that it was here, she couldn’t remember a single word she had wanted to say to you. 
She blinked as your hand came up to cup her cheek, “Huh?” 
You gave a soft chuckle, stroking your thumb over her skin, “I said what’s wrong? You’ve been acting all weird with me all night. You’re nervous. Just tell me, babes, you know I’ll love whatever it is, especially if it’s from you.” 
That did not help her calm down. 
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking back to you again, “Okay, so...I know that we’ve been really good friends for....a while now....but lately I’ve been thinking and....I....I like you...you’re nice...and you’ve managed to make 2 years feel more like 20...so...what I’m trying to say is that I....I’m-” 
Your lips pressing to her cheek in a fleeting kiss cut her off as she stared at you baffled, sputtering. 
You giggled again when she couldn’t come up with something to say, pointing above her head, “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” 
She looked up to find herself standing underneath a sprig of mistletoe. Her cheeks flamed red as she looked away, pulling a small box out of the pocket of her slacks, “Here.” 
You eyed her for a few seconds before opening the box, gasping softly at the necklace inside. 
You knew that necklace anywhere. 
She told you about it the first time you slept over at her place. 
She had drawn up the design years ago, saying she was going to get it made when she fell in love with a girl. 
You were not emotionally prepared for more than a n ‘i like you’ tonight. 
Neither was your makeup when you started crying. 
She looked up worriedly, “You don’t like it....” she mumbled under her breath, sounding so unbelievably hurt. 
“No, Sev....I love it.....I love you.....” 
“You do?” 
You chuckled through your tears, “Yes, you idiot. Who’d you think my secret crush was? I thought you would’ve gotten it when I said ‘she brought me flowers yesterday’, but instead you brought me an even bigger bouquet the next day as if you weren’t the only person that had gotten me flowers.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Look, I just knew that I really, really liked you, and if I had to compete with someone else to show you how I felt, so be it.” 
“You’re cute.” 
“And you look like a drowned rat, stop crying sweets and let me put the damned thing on for you.” 
You rolled your eyes, turning around anyway as she took the dainty necklace to clasp it around your neck. You punched her in the shoulder, “That’s for saying I look like a drowned rat.” 
She took the jab in stride, pulling you closer to her as she lifted your chin with her other hand, “You’re the prettiest little drowned rat I’ve ever seen...” 
You bit your lip, looking away, “You’re gay.” 
“As are you, your point?” 
“My poi-” 
“Look at me when you talk, sweets.” 
She knew what the fuck she was doing. 
Even still, you brought your eyes back to hers, your voice soft as you whispered breathily, “I love you...” 
“I love you too....” 
“What now?” 
She looked back up to the mistletoe above her head, pulling you forward so that it was over you now, “I show you how to actually kiss under the mistletoe.” 
Kissing Sevika was instantly your new favorite thing. 
She tastes like bourbon and cigar smoke with a hint of cinnamon. 
Her hands went straight to your hips, pulling you flush against her, her lips were surprisingly really soft- you had yourself to thank for that for helping her “discover” lip balm- sucking you in and drawing all the air from your lungs. 
You had a giddy almost drunken smile as she smirked down at you, “I think that may be my new favorite tradition.” 
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🤎©️ All work belongs to sexysapphicshopowner. Do not use or repost my content in any way without my consent or permission. Thank you! 🤎
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staytinyville · 11 months
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Stay Alive (27)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: smut (MDNI), piv, unprotected sex (we don't do that here),
A/N NOT BETA. Honest opinion yall what you think of my smut lol
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For some odd reason or another, you had stopped by Namjoon and Jungkook’s room to find them missing. When you went to search the other boy’s room it was the same happening. It wasn’t until you checked Jin’s that you found them all huddled up around the elf’s bed. 
“Namjoon?” You softly called. “What's going on?”
As you walked further into the room, you took notice of Jin laying in bed looking paler than normal. He had a few tubes connected to his inner arm, giving you a reassuring smile. There was an IV drip on the other side of the bed. You began to frown deeply at his state.  
“Hello, beloved.” He called to you.
“Jin!” You gasped out, rushing to his bedside. “What's going on!? Have they not given you anything!?” You cried, looking at his body for any kind of injuries or reason as to why they had to attach him to an IV. 
“Hey, it's fine.” He told you, moving a hand to run through your hair. “I just need fluids.” 
“Jin, you look pale.” You softly spoke, rubbing your thumb against his cheek.
“I'm fine, beloved.” He repeated. 
“What happened?” You asked, turning to the others. 
“They took too much blood from him yesterday.” Hoseok answered you. “He's just resting for now.”
“Blood?” You frowned. You turned back to Jin, running your hands through his hair. You remembered how Namjoon said that the company took his DNA through his blood. That must have meant he had tests yesterday. 
“Have you guys not given him anything to heal?” You asked.
“I've done the best I could but for now it's just about him getting enough fluids.” Hobi answered. 
“Jinnie, I'm sorry.” Tears began to well in your eyes, causing the man to look at you with wide eyes.
“What for?” He asked, reaching a hand out to wipe at your tears. 
“For not being here. For not doing more.” You sniffled, dropping your head down. 
“You're doing more than enough, my beloved.” Jin told you, scooting closer so he could hold onto your cheeks. “Your presence alone gives me enough joy to keep going. You mean so much to us. Don't ever think you aren't doing your best.” He told you. 
“(Y/N), we promise you we are doing what we can to find a way out.” Namjoon told you softly. “Just wait for us.”
“I know I need to wait.” You sighed. “But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna cry about seeing any of you in pain.”
“It'll be worth it in the end.” Hoseok gave you a small smile. 
You tried to calm down after hearing them, telling yourself you should listen to them in order to keep both yourself and them safe. They had been here longer–they knew how things went on. 
“We'll leave you alone then.” Namjoon spoke up, pulling everyone along to give you time with Jin. 
“Do you need anything?” You asked, coming to a stand next to Jin’s bed after the others had shut the door. 
You felt anxious watching him just sit in the bed. Jin was always doing something at one point or another. The boy hardly ever rested–wanting to make himself occupied to keep from thinking about the negative of everything. 
It was sad to see him lying in bed doing nothing but wait for his body to get better. He seemed fine from what you could tell. The only thing off about him was the fact that he was pale and a bit cold. 
“I'm fine, my beloved.” He smiled gratefully. 
“I like that name.” You chuckled lightly, sniffling. You wiped at the last of your tears, sitting down on his bed next to him. 
“Do you?” He grinned. “Well then, it is yours.” 
Your lips began to wobble again as tears wanted to drop from your eyes again. You moved to wipe at them, looking away from Jin.
“Don't look so sad.” Jin told you, pulling at your arm so that you would lay on him. “I'm still here.” He said, wrapping his arms around you.
You cuddled into his chest, wrapping your own arms around him. You moved your legs to between his own, allowing yourself to lay on him completely. He began to pet your head, softly massaging your scalp and neck.  
“For how long?” You spoke quietly. “Even if I do wait, I worry it'll be too late.” You told him. 
“Never.” He pulled your head to look up at him. “Namjoon knows what he's doing. He has everything under control.”
Jin gave you a kind smile, slowly moving his hands down to your neck. “I know you worry about us and you have feelings of anguish but you have to trust us.”
Your eyes drifted down to his lip as he talked, quickly looking back up at his eyes. “I trust all of you more than anything.” You admitted. “I want to protect you.”
“That means so much to all of us.” He dipped a finger across your forehead, softly trailing down the shell of your ear. You shivered at the feeling, pulling yourself up and closer to his lips. 
“There has never been someone as kind as you. You are much too precious for anything to ever hurt you.” He lowered his head, his nose touching yours. “We want to keep you safe for all those monsters out there.”
As he finished his sentence, you leaned up to his lips. They were as soft as you had thought the first time you had met him. They covered yours completely, but it made you buzz at the feeling. Jin was not a harsh person–not unless he was scolding you. With his kisses though, he allowed you to move at your own pace. If he wanted something from you he would test the waters first. He was huge on consent it seemed. 
So when he allowed his tongue to zip against your lips, you granted him the wish of exploring your mouth. You pulled yourself up from his legs, moving them so that you straddled his lap instead. Jin scooted up along the bed, leaning back on the headboard for better comfort. 
Your knees were placed on either side of his hips, the thin material of your scrubs brushing up against your core as his length began to harden in his sweats. As Jin slowly moved his hands behind your back, he felt you arch away from his touch as your hips pushed forward into his. 
As you moved from his lips, your mouth fell open as hot breaths came out. Jin swallowed to keep his throat from going dry as he watched your face fall into one of bliss. His fingers gripped onto your scrubs, pulling them up to expose some of your skin. 
His fingers were cold but your heated skin quickly warmed them up. His fingers massaged into your sides, thumbs moving up to rest under your breasts. As you let go of his lips again, he watched with large eyes as you moved to take your shirt off, allowing him a view of your naked torso.  
You giggled quietly as you watched him seem to freeze for a moment, only staring at your bra covered chest. 
“Jin?” You spoke up.
“Sorry, my beloved.” He flinched for a moment, giving you a flustered smile as he looked back up. “You are just–” He paused, hands caressing you again. “Magnificent.”
You gave a smile, your cheeks starting to hurt from how much your muscles were stretching. His hands went around your back, fingers playing with the straps of your bra clip. He looked up at you expectantly, waiting for consent to take it off. When you grinned down at him, he took the chance to pull the buckles together to unfasten them. 
As you took off the clothing piece, Jin didn’t look down at you, instead he pulled you closer to his body, one hand holding your back and the other on your thigh as you got comfortable. You felt his length nudging between your thighs which made you moan. 
Jin’s head immediately snapped up to look at you, his hips rutting forward out of instinct. As he did that, you felt him hit your heat more. You dropped your head forward as you began to move your ips back and forth.
Jin looked down at your heaving chest, lips pulling between his teeth for a moment before he stuck out the tip of his tongue to swipe against your hardened nipple. You gasped quietly from the cold of his spit. You looked down at him for a moment, watching as his eyes looked hooded and he nosed at the skin of your chest. 
You moaned out when he moved his hips upwards again, closing your eyes and shoving your chest forward. This time he didn’t bother to lightly touch you, he fully wrapped his mouth around one of your nipples. His tongue flicked the bud back and forth, your hips moving as you tried to find stimulation in your core that was heating up quickly. 
Jin started to groan, his hands moving to your hips as his fingers dug into your skin. He was panting against your breasts, moving back and forth between the left and right. His hips were rubbing against you in a delicious way that had both of you panting. 
When you noticed one of his hands flying down to the bed to grip the sheet and head pulled back you realized he was close. His hips began to move faster, which made you pull back from him. He gasped out when the pressure of you on top of him left, looking at you with a hurt expression. 
When he watched you start to take off your pants, he was quick to remove all of his clothing as well. He growled at the IV drip that was still attached to his arm, quickly ripping it out and flexing his arm as his skin healed over quickly. 
“Jin!” You screamed out, rushing to check on his arm. 
When you noticed all that was left behind was a drop of blood and no bruised or cut skin you looked up at him incredulously. 
He only gave you a teasing grin. “I’m fine. I wouldn’t have done it if I wasn’t.”
“But Jin–” Your eyebrows pulled together. 
You squeaked as he grabbed onto your waist, pulling you onto your side and crawling on top. You panted as the bedsheets cooled your heated skin, squirming against the comforter. When Jin crawled between your legs, you felt his cock sit against your thigh, making you whine. 
“I promise you. I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t fine.” He whispered, leaning forward to press his lips against yours lightly. “You give me a high rush.”
He pulled back to sit on his knees, softly running his hands along your legs. He ended at your ankles pulling them upwards and together. You leaned your head to this side to watch him, squirming from how he guided his tip along your folds. As his head got caught at your entrance, you gasped quietly, head falling back onto the pillows. 
With slow movements that allowed you to feel everything, catching Jin’s attention as you seemed to cry out. Your ankles fell onto his shoulder as he moved his hands to hold your hips down. The moment his hips started moving, all the air left your lungs and you were left a moaning mess. 
Everytime Jin would move back into you, you could feel your core clench around him and pull him deeper. With the small slits you could open your eyes to, you saw how Jin’s eyes were clenched shut and his mouth was hanging open as pants left him. When he opened his eyes and found you staring at him, he began to grin, leaning down to your lips. 
Your thighs burned for a moment as he stretched your legs back and onto your chest, but that didn’t seem to be much of a bother as his lips wrapped around your own. The teasing kisses and sly giggles leaving his lips made your head spin. He knew what he was doing and you were living for it. 
As his lips finally fell open and his eyes squeezed shut, you felt him moving faster. He shifted his hips and suddenly began pounding into your sweet spot. If you were seeing stars before, now you were seeing them explode behind your eyelids. 
Jin’s pants reached your ears just as you began to clench tightly around his shaft and your orgasm hit you. As it did, Jin groaned from having to pull out quickly and allowed his cum to paint your stomach and back of your thighs. He saw some of his cum land on your core, making him breathe deeply. He moved to wipe it off you, causing you to flinch from how sensitive your entrance was at the moment. 
“I’m sorry, my beloved.” Jin whispered, slowly stretching your legs out to pull them down. 
“It’s okay.” You smiled tiredly at him. 
With a kiss to your lips he got up to go to his bathroom to get something to clean you up. As you laid in the bed, you began to frown over the IV machine that was still there and dripping. When Jin came back, you turned to look at him. 
“Jinnie,” You called to him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He gave you a dazzling handsome smile, nodding his head. “I’m good now.” He told you, moving in to cuddle your side. 
“I might need that drip now though.”
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Series Masterlist
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291 notes · View notes
xhoneygirlxx · 1 year
Still Adore You (With Your Hand Around My Neck)
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Epilogue: Destroy Myself
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
summary: this is the beginning of the end. the start of a chaotic relationship you just can't seem to leave.
warnings: Eddie and Reader are in their 20s. Modern Au! kind of mean Eddie. rated R for smut, 18+ only Minors DNI!! unprotected p in v. cream pie. swearing. shitty writing and grammar errors.
*if i miss anything let me know*
a/n: hello my loves! this is part one to my still adore you series! i hope you guys like it as much as i do. thank you all for the love and support you've given me, i love you all so much <3
Also if you are an ageless/faceless blog you will be blocked. please have something on your profile so I know you are not a minor and are not a bot.
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I pray my salvation makes it to the pearly gates,
Bring the suffering that I face,
All the things that I face,
Destroy myself just to wait for you.
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When God created the Earth, he picked two of his children to live amongst the paradise he built to be our parents - Adam and Eve. The Garden of Eden was beautiful, a place like no other. The only rule that God gave was for them to not eat from the one tree, the tree of knowledge of right and wrong, good and evil.
They had plenty of other trees to eat from, other fruits to feast on, but when the serpent came speaking words of temptation, Eve gave into him and took a bite from the forbidden fruit, Adam would soon follow after her.
Because of the rule was broken and they went against God, they were banished forever and were cursed with the pain of mortality. Their children and their children's children would face pain and sorrow, hurt and sickness, and ultimately death.
Like Eve, you gave into temptation as well, the warnings you received and how you ignored them all for the name of love. From the very first time you met Eddie Munson warning signs flashed, blinding you with the bright lights. Caution tape blocked you from crossing that line but you inevitably ignored it, ducting under it and continuing on your way.
You walked straight into the line of fire for the promise of nirvana, for just a taste of the sweetness of his love. For the longest time you thought Eve was stupid for falling for the devil's tricks but when he came to you with the prettiest brown eyes and lips that you wanted to kiss for hours, you finally understood.
Dying by the hands of the man that you love is probably the worst death. His strong grip squeezing the air out of you so slowly, smiling at you as he did it felt like torture, but what a way to go. You'd still adore Eddie with his hand wrapped around your neck, with his heavy palm crushing your windpipe, and you'd die so full of love.
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The night breeze cools the heat of your skin, hitting your sweat soaked hairline and creating chills that ran up the skin of your arm. The night was still young as they say, the party inside still going in full force. Sweat bodies and clouds of smoke filled every room, creating a sort of heat that quickly became too unbearable.
Quickly finding refuge in crackling embers of the firepit. Unknown people and nameless faces fill the chairs around you, mingling with one another. Despite the happy nature and good vibe of the atmosphere around you, you sit with a permanent frown. Pissed isn't even the word you'd want to use for how you feel at the moment.
Furious, enrage, even spitting angry would be a better description for how you felt towards your friends right now. A random house party in a random place was not how you wanted to spend your Friday night, but then Annika and Nikki looked at you with their big pleading eyes and the end was history.
"We'll stick next to you the whole time," they said, "We promise we won't leave."
Only an hour in and their promise was nothing but a lie, leaving you the minute you stepped through the threshold shouting that they'd return shortly. You didn't expect any less honestly, Annika only wanted to come here for the possibility of hooking up and Nikki was more interested in the arrival of her possible new girlfriend Val.
You always found something to do whether it was people watching or drinking until your vision began to blur. Tonight was different however, being the designated driver you were banned from drinking any alcohol and people watching was only fun for the first forty five hours.
Now you sit playing on your phone, scrolling through every app on your phone until your friends finally arrived. You continue to look at the bright screen in your hands reading through old notes that you had yet to delete, too engrossed by the amount of grocery lists to realize that half of the group left the circle.
"You know this is a party, right?" A gruff voice asks.
Lifting your head slightly, you look up from under your eyelashes to the man across from you, scowl written on your lips. The orange glow highlights him in the best of ways, making him even more alluring.
Brown curls fall from the the bun that sits on top of his head, framing his face so beautifully. His lips pull into a smirk, making the deep crevice of his dimples pop out. Big doe eyes sparkle at you, glimmering in the heat of the flames.
His outfit is basic, a band tee with a faded logo, showing off how well loved it was. The holes in his black skinny jeans show off the tiniest hint of black ink that hides beneath the fabric. The fire and moon fight over the rings that sit on his hands, both going back and forth on which one glints in the silver. A loose cigarette sits tucked behind his ear and a sweating bottle of beer rests in his strong hands.
He's captivating, alluring you like the serpent did Eve. You don't engage, promptly scoffing and then rolling your eyes back down to your phone.
"You know my uncle always said if you roll them hard enough, they'll get stuck."
You hear it before you see it, the grin that sits on his face. It adds gasoline to the already burning inferno that rests inside of you adding turbulence, causing roaring flames.
"Good, hope they do." It's bitchy, ice cold like a winter's breeze. Instead of hurling an insult that you, he laughs. A true genuine laugh that you'd compliment if it weren't for the anger pumping through you.
Shutting your phone off, you drop it into your lap and cross your arms over your chest. Sighing loudly, you look at the curly haired man across from you unimpressed, eyebrow arching sharply.
He takes your challenge of a stare down, watching you over the glass of his beer bottle as he puts it to his lips taking a swig. His gaze in unfaltering but yours isn't. It's not your fault though, not when his neck looks so delicious as he swallows every last drop.
Removing the bottle from his mouth, he catches you eyeing the plump of his lips. Even though you've been caught, your stare doesn't waver, only moving the line of your sight back up to his eyes.
"Ya know, it's not really nice to be mean to your friend." His statement causes another eye roll from you, another loud scoff pulling from your throat.
"You're not my friend," Your words swim with annoyance and it only fuels the man in front of you even more.
Gasping loudly, a ringed hand clutches his chest as if he'd been insulted to the fullest. "I'm not you're friend? I thought the warmth of the fire cemented our relationship."
He curls his lips inwards, biting back a laugh that threatens to sneak it's way out. You're not any better, your bottom lip stinging with the pressure of your teeth that sink into it.
Silences covers the two of you, begging for one of you to break first. Although you put up the toughest of fights, you're the first to lose, a small giggle escaping the lock on your lips. The man isn't far behind you, snorting loudly into the quiet night air.
"First of all, I don't even know your name." You counter, mentally berating yourself for letting a laugh squeak out.
"Oh, you need my name?" He asks, eyebrows raising curiously.
Your eyes squint at the absurdness of his question, "Yeah, that's how making friends works, genius."
Batting his eyelashes, he waves a hand at you in flattery. "I love it when you call me sweet names."
His voice is flirty teasing you to the fullest and if you don't do something fast you're going to melt, and not because the heat of the flames.
"That's my cue to leave." Pushing yourself halfway up from the chair, you're immediately stopped by his arm waving you to stop.
"No, no I quit, I promise." It's said between breathless laughs, his eyes crinkling at the sides when he does.
Smirking ever so slightly, you bask in the sound of his voice. Sitting down slowly, you sigh as if you'd rather not be here regardless of the growing smile tugging at your lips.
Once sat back in your seat, you wait with a tapping foot and crossed arms, trying your hardest to look annoyed. He looks at you smugly, like he's enjoying the little performance you put on.
"If I tell you my name, you gotta tell me yours." He demands, you don't respond just pulling your hand out to inspect the acrylics that rest on your hand.
"I'm Eddie." He beams at you, rolling his tongue over his bottom lip.
You purse your lips, looking him up and down as if you're bored. When you give him your name, he nods slowly and repeats it like it's the prettiest thing he's heard.
"Well there you go, now we're friends." The depth of his voice makes the beat of your heart skip, cheeks burning the more you get flustered.
Shaking it off, you give him a look that the kind that reads "really?", and he only answers by returning a look that says "of course". Sucking your teeth, you look down at the blue fabric of your jeans.
"We can't be friends if we don't even hang out." It's shy, your confidence subsiding harshly under the heat of his eyes.
Now he scoffs, shaking his head back and forth causing the loose curls to move with him. "Don't do me like that, Pookie. Just gimme your number and I'll hang out any time your little heart desires."
"You did not just call me fucking Pookie." You laugh, throwing your head back and clutching your stomach.
You don't see him but Eddie just looks at you like you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen, adoration swimming in the dark color of his eyes.
When your laughter ceases and you fall back into your normal position, you open your eyes to see him looking at you. For the first time in your life you finally see what it's like to be looked at as if you hung the stars in their place. It feels good, heart racing and air catching in the back of your throat.
Blinking out of your trance, you nod shakily. "Umm, you said something about my ugh number?"
Eddie reaches into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out his phone and tapping in the code to unlock it. Handing it over to you wordlessly, it's already open to the new contact screen where you punch in the ten digit number. You ponder for a moment before typing in a name, flicking back and forth between the options you have, until you ultimately adding it under your given nickname with a black heart.
Handing it back to him, he looks at it smirking and then puts it back into its rightful home of his pocket. Opening his mouth to say something Eddie is interrupted with the sound of the backdoor opening and the rush of the music inside pouring from the doorway.
"Hey, we've been looking for you!" Annika shouts, stumbling towards you on unsteady feet.
Looking at the clearly tipsy girl, you turn back around to see give a sympathetic look to Eddie, quietly apologizing for your drunken friend.
"I guess that's my que to go." You shrug, moving from your spot on the chair.
Eddie only looks at you tenderly, dimples on full display for you. "Go ahead, Pookie. I'll see you later."
Sending you off with a wink, you walk away from the sanctuary you found. Walking over to your friend, you can't help but look back at the pretty boy you met finding him already smiling back at you.
Threading your arm in your friend's, you allow her to put her weight onto you so she doesn't fall. Unfocused eyes scan to where you keep looking, squinting to find the person.
"Who's that?" She keeps squinting, trying hard to see the man's features.
When her eyes seem to make out what she looks like, she perks up with a dopey smile. "Oh my fucking gawd, he's hot."
Saying it a little too loudly, you instantly clap your hand over her mouth and look back to make sure Eddie hasn't heard. You find him shaking his head, shoulders shaking with a clear laugh as he lights the cigarette that hangs between his teeth.
"Hope you got his number, would be a shot missed if you didn't." She chastises once you remove your palm from her lips. You sigh loudly and pull her along and make your way into the house.
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Eddie kept his promise, using all his free time over the summer to see you. It started off innocently enough, late night drives down to the lake, midafternoon hangouts in the Dairy Queen parking lot where you’d sit in the bed of his beat up truck, and hanging out in his apartment watching him play video games.
Friends, that’s all it was in the beginning. Two people opening up to one another, bonding over their shitty childhoods and laughing at jokes that no one else ever understood.
As the heat of the roaring sun became more intense, so did the relationship between the two of you. Touches became lingering like the tickle of the tall overgrown grass by the lake. Kisses were light and airy, reminiscent of the lightning bugs that flew around in the dark summer sky. Eddie’s scent lingered with you even after you’d gone home, similar to sunscreen.
Tangled sheets and messy hair, flustered cheeks and dopey smiles. The two of you shined so bright even the stars that hung from the dark blue night were jealous.
But when the sunsets came sooner and sooner, so did the end of your fairytale. Calls became unanswered, hangouts were no more, and hand holding became totally off limits. What was once warm and sickly sweet smiles, was now cold shoulders and icy attitudes.
You felt stupid, falling for someone that wasn’t even yours. Giving Eddie your heart on a platter when he never even asked. When this all started you knew what it was, signing your soul over to the devil using your blood as ink.
The risks were in plain sight, the rules agreed on with the locking of pinkies, and yet you still broke them. Eddie told you over and over again this wasn’t anything other than some fun, a way to pass the boring summer days faster.
And although it hurt, you still plunged the sword deeper and deeper. What is love without some loss?
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The mahogany teakwood candles that burns on the top of your dresser does nothing to get rid of the smell that you and Eddie have created. Notes of dark oat and frosted lavender are being drowned out by sweat and sex.
Cotton sheets soak up the perpetration, the outline of his body imprinted to remind you that he was once there, the only lingering memory of him when he inevitably leaves. Cheeks flushed with red, screaming claw marks on alabaster skin, and bruises in the shape of teeth.
"Fuck, squeezin' me s'good, baby." Eddie's all gritted teeth and panting breath as he wiggles around underneath you.
The ache in your knees is no match for the burn you feel in the pit of your stomach, your hole clenching around the thickness of his cock. Switching between bouncing and rocking your hips, you're hurdling closer and closer to the edge.
Sentences aren't even forming in your brain, only random blabbering falls from your lips in loud whines with the way he punches into your cervix.
"S'good, shit you feel so good." It comes out like a sob, ripped right out from the depths of your soul.
Big strong hands grip at the plush of your hips, finger prints threatening to leave a mark for the next day. A wicked grin forms on red kiss bitten lips, basking in the glory of you crumbling on top of him.
"Yeah? Is it good, princess?" Arrogant and cocky, two traits that only he can pull off without it being a turn off.
Your head wildly bobs, drool escaping from your parted lips. "Uh huh," the only real response you can give him in this very moment and it's all he needs to know he's fucked you dumb beyond repair.
Bending his knees, Eddie starts to fuck up into you with unwavering force. The thatch of course hair that sits at the base of his cock catches deliciously on your swollen and neglected clit, resulting in harsh mewl.
With your own eyes screwed shut you don't see that his have rolled into the back of his head, jaw unhinged with the pleasure of you clasping around him tightly. Regardless of his own peak nearing, Eddie continues to keep up with his facade, making sure you finish way before he does.
"I'm so deep huh? S'deep, shit- so deep in this tight f-uhh, fucking cunt." Teeth bite down on the fat of his bottom lip, holding the whimpers from escaping from his mouth.
The speed of his movements, the loud squelch of your juices, and the intensity of him hitting into your g-spot is enough to make your head dizzy. He's everywhere, his touch, his scent, his voice. He's everywhere, all around you and you don't think that anything else in the world could create the same euphoric feeling he does.
"M'gonna-, ah I'm gonna cum." The end is closing in on you, the wave of ecstasy crashing into the shore. Although it feels so good crossing the finish line, you know when it's over he'll be gone all too soon.
"Me too, sweetheart. Motherfuck-, cum for me." The act that he had put on has finally faltered, cracking right at the seams.
That does it, pushes you right off the edge into the blissful waters of your high. Your already weakening knees have now failed you, letting you drop onto the slick soaked skin of Eddie's tattooed chest.
The two of you continue to whimper and moan as your highs ripple through you. Both of you create lightning, a pair of super bolts roar in the middle of your quiet bedroom. In the heat of your bliss, you're completely ignorant to the consequences of such strong power being created. No matter what the outcome is, at least it was beautiful and for the smallest of moments, it was real.
After the glory has finally wore off you remove yourself from him, letting out a strong hiss when the feeling of him is completely out of you. Letting your body fall to the plushness of your mattress, you allow yourself to cycle through the memory of it all.
Naked chests heave, a silence pulling over both of you like a heavy quilt in the winter. It's comfortable like this, the heat radiating off of your skin mixes with Eddie's, the pumping of hearts syncing into the same rhythm pattern.
While your body settles into the softness of your bed, Eddie's is quick to jump up from his spot with a loud grunt. Fresh red marks flash at you, decorating the smooth skin of his back along with the pretty freckles you used to trace with the soft flesh of your finger tips.
As he sits on the side of your bed catching his breath, you wonder if he misses the feeling of your touch the way you miss his skin. You wonder if he misses the intensity of your body next to his, arms and legs tangled together buried underneath the shelter of his comforter. You wonder if his bed misses the shape of your body the way yours misses his.
The springs of your mattress groan when the weight of his body leaves and for a moment you feel the same way. Footsteps are muted by the fibers of your carpeting. You watch from your spot as Eddie grabs a tissue from your vanity, wiping himself free of any evidence of you and then disposing it into the garbage can with a careless toss.
Muscles flex as he begins to redress himself, hiding the masterpiece that you left on his skin. You hope that they sting when he's under the heated water of his shower, a pang that will go away within a few days while the pang of your hurt will last a lifetime.
His messy curls pull from the neck of his shirt, shaking with the motions of his head trying to get rid of the unruly hair that masks his vision. From the singular foot away that the two of you stand, you pray that he won't leave, that this isn't the end.
"Do you wanna stay? W-we could watch a movie or something." Behind the sincerity of your voice is a girl that mourns the loss of her once best friend, begging him to remember what the two of you had in the beginning.
The clang of his belt ricochets through the room, an uncomfortable hallow sound that you wish to forget. Spinning on the socked heel of his foot, he gives you a blank face. One so devoid of emotion, cold and vacant.
"Don't start doin' this, Pookie. You already know what this is." A clear warning given with a strict tone.
The nickname that used to cause butterflies only brings mountains of sadness. It used to have meaning, a funny inside joke between the two of you now dwindled down to the name of a place holder.
"I just thought-" Going unfinished by the sound of Eddie's deep sigh.
"Not tonight, kay?" He says as nicely enough to placate you and even though you know nothing will come from it, you're still full of hope.
Bending down, he begins to slide his feet into his shoes, the same one's you gifted to him only so many months ago. Watching him tie the browning shoelaces of his vans, you wonder if he remembers the way you smiled while handing him the box, or how he felt when you said you got them just because.
It tugs at your already bandaged heart, the sticky adhesive of band aids doing their absolute best to keep the muscle intact. The rattle of the remaining broken pieces rattle in your ears, muffling everything else around you.
The lanky man stands to full height, grabbing his beloved leather jacket from your floor where it was left in the tornado of excitement. Rounding the end of your bed he makes his way to you, standing over your still naked body.
Bending at the waist, Eddie places a wet kiss on your forehead and pulls away with charming smile.
"I'll text you, pook."
You nod at his words, gripping on tightly to the faith that this whole thing will work out the way you hope. Giving you a wink, Eddie quickly exists your room and just like that you crumble.
On the wet sheets of your bed you curl into yourself, naked and vulnerable in more ways than one. Tears leak from your eyes and sobs rip from the depths of your stomach. It hurts watching him walk out because you never know when it'll be the last time.
You try to think back to when everything changed, where it all went wrong. All of the flashbacks and memories flood your brain, a film wheel of all the happy moments. More tears flow, a nonstop river of all the heartache.
You miss him, what your friendship used to be. At this point you don't even care if he loves you the way you love him, you just want him to care for you like he did all those months ago.
You wish you could go back to that warm summer day where you handed over your heart and let him carve his name in it, so that no matter what you did you'd belong to him for the rest of your days.
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thank you all for reading!! i hope you guys like part one :)
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lexa-ocean · 8 months
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(last seen at the tmnt au comp u _ u)
Leo had been walking all by himself, when the Other Version of Him (holy yokai, there really had to be a better way to name all these other turtles-that-were-technically-him-but-not-really) stopped him.
It was odd to him, to be caught unaware like that. Thanks to his... apparently unique connection with his brothers, they could never sneak up on him without him feeling their presence. Everyone else he knew (well, except his father) weren’t ninja, so he could casually hear them coming a mile away. However, now he was surrounded by a bunch of turtle ninjas who he didn’t share the Turtle Twin Sense with (he still kind of hated Mikey a bit for naming it that. They were quadruplets not twins), so people unexpectedly walking up to him and fraying his nerves was becoming normal.
Which, was definitely not helping his anxiety any. Sure, when his father had asked him if they should stay or not, he had said yes, but he was starting to regret it. It was so… off-putting, to have so many eyes on him from so many different people, people who immediately clocked him as a 'new guy'. To see these older turtles who, more often than not, looked (heh) shell-shocked, scarred and jaded.  To be surrounded by people but alone, because his siblings and friends an even his father had gone off to talk to their alternates, and he couldn't because there was a lingering fear the he didn't 'fit in', which was stupid because he was in the one place where he should feel accepted and included and not judged, but he was his own worst enemy so how could he be sure that these other versions of himself would be kind to him–
Suddenly, he realized he still hadn’t  answered the other him, and– Okay, so maybe this whole time he had been at the edge of a panic attack, and maybe this little walk through the whole room was a cheap excuse to distract himself, and just maybe he had been half-dissociating for a while now, not bad enough to stop and stand still in a single spot staring at nothing (not bad enough to trigger his siblings' Sense and ruin their fun), but maybe bad enough that he wouldn't notice a winged, maybe violent, tutu-wearing Donnie wandering the place alone.
So, he had nothing to offer this Other Him, but…
…Damn, they were kind of in the same boat, weren’t they? Alone, away from their siblings, and utterly, completely anxiety ridden.
Except, Leo did know where his siblings were. It was a matter of closing his eyes and taking deep breaths, and the Sense would show them exactly how to find them through this sea of mutated turtles.
This Other Him, like (he assumed) everyone else in the competition, didn’t have that advantage.
This Other Him needed help. And Leonardo René Hamato would always provide help to those who needed it.
“I haven’t, but I'll help you look for him,” he promised the Other, straightening up, offering him his most calming ‘Eldest Brother’ smile. “We'll find him, it'll be alright, you’ll see…”
It was easier to ignore the anxiety when there was an important task at hand. When someone else needed him.
When he needed to be a Leader.
Maybe it wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism, but. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?
@tangledinink Reptile Rampage!Leo has joined the Swan Hunt!
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luveline · 1 year
Hi jade I’m the anon that asked about the non zombie au Steve blurbs! I just thought of a story idea: Steve with a gf that’s recovering from ED?
hi babe!! hope this is ok<3 fem!reader
cw implied eating disorder recovery
"Ready?" Steve asks. 
You lean back in his bed and cross your arms over your tummy. "No… are you sure we have to go? I'd way rather stay and watch a movie here. Please?" 
"Please," he says back. "I really wanna see this one, he's, like, a tomb raider."
"You realise there were two movies before this one, right?"
"Yeah, but I didn't know you knew that. I think you'll like it too, babe. You think that Ford guy is handsome." 
"I think you're handsome, and I can see you right here." 
Steve takes his jacket off. As soon as he does you feel awful, throwing your legs over the side of the bed to stop him undressing further. "I'm kidding. I'll go. Come on, you're right, Harrison Ford is really handsome." 
"Are you sure?" he asks, jacket held in his hands loosely. "I know you haven't been feeling the best, so if you don't wanna go, it's fine. We can go later in the week." 
"I– I don't wanna–" You hate stammering around him, but admitting how you feel about this carries an awkward weight. A fettering kind of shame. "We'll have, like, nachos and popcorn and stuff, and movie food is really–" 
"I get it," he says, nodding.
Steve puts the jacket down on his dresser and grabs your hand, pulling you back enough to sit with him again on the bed. Sheets crumple under your hands. You're in for a Harrington pep talk, you can tell. You need it so much you don't try to fight it.
"Stuff like that sets me off," you mumble, though he already knows, "and I've had a really good week this week, I don't wanna ruin it." 
"The week isn't ruined if you have a slip up, you know that," Steve says gently.
It's just hard. Even though he loves you. Even though he understands. It's raw to be seen at what you feel is your worst, while you trust Steve to be kind about it, because something tells you that your worst is the worst. You know you aren't lesser for having this problem, but knowing and feeling don't align when it comes to this. 
"I don't want to go somewhere that's going to make you feel shitty, though, seriously," he says, his arm slipping behind your back. He kisses your cheek, and speaks warmly in your ear, "if you don't feel like you can do it tonight, then you don't have to." 
"This is silly. I can't keep interrupting our lives because I'm worried about how eating butter is going to make me feel." 
Steve rubs your back. "Don't do that, honey. You don't have to make it smaller than it feels."
"Steve," you say quietly. 
"I know this isn't small for you. I promise it's not small for me, either, and it isn't disrupting my life. You getting better is a thousand times more important to me than seeing a movie, so if you feel like you can't be there, we won't go." 
"Are you sure?" you ask. 
Steve hugs you. "Yeah. Yeah, of course I am. I'm proud of you. Not everyone understands it, I know, 'n' I know that makes it harder, but I'm on your side." He pulls away to make sure he's said the right thing. 
You smile at him fondly, reaching up to brush rogue strands of hair off of his forehead.
"Let's stay here and have the dinner we planned," he says, nodding hopefully. 
You nod back. "Okay… Thanks, Stevie. I promise we'll see the movie soon." 
"That's alright. I don't like that you knew that guy's first name anyway. Can't have a movie star stealing my girl, I can't compete with that." 
You snort and flick his arm. He flicks you back. 
"You sweep him completely," you tell him. 
The total and inarguable truth. You don't need a movie star when you have him. Steve hugs you again, this time pushing you down into bed to rub his face against yours. "That's what I like hearing."
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elvendria · 1 year
Clean (formerly Love is a Battlefield)
AU Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Part Three
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(i was planning out the story and realised the name no longer suited, so here we are)
You return to Hawkins after a few years in the middle of the night during the summer with your 4-year-old sister in tow, thinking the two of you could fly under the radar and settle in at Forest Hills Trailer Park. You thought you could get by without bumping into your old enemy, Eddie Munson, the town freak.
But you weren't always enemies, in fact, there was a time when you two were closer than anything.
Eddie dreams of making it big, you just dream of making it out of here alive.
\\enemies - lovers//
((Warning I'm not from the US, so bare with me when it comes to states and such))
tw: smut 18+ oral (m receiving) 18+ MINORS DNI or I will be busting kneecaps, E.D, physical abuse, child abuse, runaways, the reader Joyce's ex-step-niece, Will and Johnathan's cousin, Joyce is Queen, Wayne is King, slow burn, gambling addictions, the reader is 20 and Eddie is 21, Chrissy is the villain but we stan Grace. Reader has a small scar on her lower torso. underage drinking, allusions to smut, no details of smut for obvious reasons, eventual smut in upcoming chapters,
Word Count: 5226K
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part one part two part three part four
Days turned into weeks, and soon it was the middle of July, and still even then, his touch lingered on your lips. It was as soft as you'd remembered. He still tasted like mountain dew and toothpaste, only now with the added taste of cigarettes.
It made your chest lurch at the memory.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Those words echoed in your mind late at night, the way his eyes widened, red-rimmed from being told the news. The feel of his hands on yours, both of you centimetres from crossing the line of no return.
-flashback to sophomore year-
You'd just been told you were moving across the country, and your heart currently resided in your feet. You were 16 but you were convinced your life was over. Everyone you knew, everyone you loved, was here. Your home was Hawkins, and despite your wishes to leave, you never wanted to leave like this.
You wanted to leave with your best friend, the guy you'd been crushing on since you met him. Eddie Munson, your guy, is the only person who saw you for you. Who knew you better than you knw yourself. And now you were expected to leave him behind with the promise that you'd fucking write every week.
And that's how you ended up sitting on his bed and staring at his posters, your hands wringing together in your lap. He was silent on the other side of the room, processing your words..
"So this is it." You could tell he was doing his best to maintain composure and to be strong for you, which was fruitless because you were already a mess. You just needed your best friend to hold you and hug you and tell you it would be okay.
"I guess that deal we made in freshman year is null and void now." You tried to lighten the mood, but it was near impossible, because your predicament hung like a heavy cloud in the room, threatening to open and rain down on everyone beneath it.
It took him a while to remember the deal, or at least he let on that it took him a while. The truth was that it was all he ever thought about. He plagued him late at night, and whenever he saw you smile. Hell, it was on a loop in his mind whenever he saw you in general, he just didn't think it was something you'd remembered making.
It had been your first high school party, Eddie had snuck you both in the spring of your freshman year, and you'd gotten quite drunk. Jason Carver had tried to kiss you but your fist had given him the message, and so he stopped. Besides that, the party was uneventful. Eddie stayed sober to make sure you'd get home okay, but he told you it was because he didn't like any of the alcohol there.
"Promise me we'll be each other's firsts, okay?" You had murmured out, stumbling into his arms. He knew you were gonna be killed if you went home this way, he wasn't blind to your bruises.
"Firsts? First what?" He didn't register it until moments later, too focused on how pretty you looked in the moonlight. Like something, someone, from a fairy tale. You were gorgeous, effortlessly so. He didn't know why you didn't see it. "Oh... sure, I mean it's not like I'm gonna find anyone else."
You continued to mumble as he led you back to the trailer park. He so badly wanted to kiss you at this moment, the stars the only witnesses, but he wasn't a creep, and he wasn't going to try something if he felt you wouldn't remember or worse, didn't want it.
Now fast forward a year later, and he's sitting, staring at you like you'd just told him you knew about his best-kept secret. "You... You remember? You were so drunk, I thought-"
"No matter how much I drank that night, I don't think I'd ever forget asking you to... well you know." You didn't want to carry on saying it, afraid that if you do he'll laugh, tell you that you're crazy or stupid. You were so caught up in feeling this way, in being in your own head, that you didn't realise he'd moved closer to you until suddenly his hands were on yours, his body between your knees.
"What... What if it wasn't null and void. What if we still did it? Only if you want to of course..." He wanted to tell her how beautiful you were. You'd known each other since they were kids, and in his eyes, you'd only gotten more beautiful with each passing second. Every moment with you was a moment he used to study the colours in your eyes, counting the small freckles on your arms. He knew you better than you knew yourself. He knew what you were capable of, of all your potential.
He'd always known you were more than Hawkins, more than the parents that would drag you down and squash your dreams in a heartbeat. He'd always known that if your heart ever broke, he'd replace it with his own in a second. He'd always known it was yours, ever since he'd seen you that first time.
You didn't know what to say. Your eyes were trained on his, and his eyes burned with something... unrecognisable. Something that made you feel warm. All it took was a nod of your head, and slowly he moved you onto the bed, ridding you both of your clothes.
His lips ghosted over your own, taking your breath in heavy pants, his arms steady by your head
And then he spoke those words. The ones that haunted you still. Those three small words would run through your mind late at night.
"Are you sure?"
"Are you sure?"
"Are you sure?"
You sometimes wondered what your life would be like if you changed your mind. If you told him you weren't sure. But late at night, when your mind won't turn off, all you can picture is his alabaster skin, his hands on you, holding you, cradling you, caring for you. The feel of his lips on yours. He tasted the same, it almost made you mad. Your skin still tingled from where he touched you, just like it had before. It almost made you scream.
All these things, the small details that should irritate you, instead warmed you. Knowing he had changed in appearance only, something about that made you feel... some way as you stocked the shelves at work. But you couldn't, he was dating that overly preppy girl who would come around all the time. He was taken, spoken for, and in love with a girl who looked nothing like you. Pushing your thoughts and feelings aside, you gathered up your things as your shift ended.
You were due to collect your car from the garage of Waynes' friend. You hadn't spoken with him, but Wayne promised he was a good guy, best in Hawkins. And you trusted Wayne. He'd told you it was just a ten-minute walk from your job, which you were grateful for. As much as you'd come to like Simon, there were only so many times you could listen to him complain about the kids who delayed him in the mornings.
Stepping off the bus, you let out a long sigh, tired from the long day. All you were looking forward to was getting home so you could curl up on the couch with Willow, watching a film you let her pick out from Family Video. The guy from behind the counter was familiar, but you just couldn't place him.
Trudging along the street, feet barely lifting off the ground, you were sure Wayne had gotten it wrong and in fact, the garage was ten miles, not ten minutes.
As you walked you made a mental note of what you had to do once you got your car back. Laundry was top of the list, the downside of getting a trailer so soon and on such short notice is that you had no washer or dryer, leaving you to rely solely on the laundromat in town.
Trekking into town had been a nuisance, especially lugging the clothes to and from the laundromat. You were thinking of investing in a washboard and going all 1800s, but you knew that you wouldn't be able to keep up with the mountain of washing, or the pain it would cause your arms. Thankfully Wayne said you could start using his after mentioning that idea to him, so you didn't have to worry about it anymore after this load.
The garage was a rusty building, looking like it would collapse with one good gust of wind. But Wayne said that the guy working on your car was the best, although when you stepped inside you began questioning his judgement for the first time in your life.
Your car sat in the middle of the room, with no mechanic in sight. Loud banging could be heard, drilling and hammering, metal clanking off metal echoed and bounced around the room. You looked around and felt slightly exposed, worried the guy servicing the car would be a creep.
Due to the heat, you had opted for an off-the-shoulders top crop top and shorts, and if Greg's comments were anything to go by, you were showing a lot of skin.
"I'm uh... I'm here to pick up my car?" Your voice was meek, tiny and quiet as you attempted to call out, although thankfully someone heard you because you could hear footsteps coming towards you.
"Yeah, no problem, which one is i- Oh, it's you." He stood there, white muscle shirt clinging to his body and suddenly you forgot how to breathe. You weren't sure how you hadn't noticed it before, but despite his slender frame, he was actually pretty buff. Combined with sweat from working in the heat all day, every crease and dip and curve became all that more defined. You felt your mouth go dry as your core goes wet.
What were you supposed to do, he was standing there looking like someone out of a Playgirl magazine. a sweaty oily rag tossed over his shoulder and a grease smudge on his cheek.
His dark hair was a mess of loose curls, only made worse by his hand running through them, fussing with it and pushing it back. The majority of it was tied back in a bun, but there were a few stray pieces that framed his face, now sticking to it.
You stared at him for a few seconds without speaking, your mind blank. You were at a loss for words, which was very rare when it came to him. Most of the time you were cursing him from a height, or calling him every name under the sun before Willow even woke up in the morning. Just as you expected though, it didn't take long for you to find it again.
"Wait, you're looking after my car?" You were slightly annoyed, you had hoped to never run into him again if possible. You were also annoyed with Wayne, knowing without a doubt he had set this up. Had Eddie asked him too? Had Eddie done something to your car so you'd have to go to him? Okay, that may have been a stretch, but it couldn't be ruled out.
He looked at the ground, shuffling his shoes on the concrete and twisting his rings. You could feel his smirk before you could see it. That same damn smirk that used to make you weak in the knees. Turns out that some things never change. He crossed his arms over his chest, turning his head up to look at you like he was some kind of winner in this situation. Like he knew something you didn't. "This is the car I was assigned, why, is that a problem?" He looked down at your shoes and back up at you, eyes raking across your body and taking slightly longer to stare at your chest. Back in Nevada, you would have slapped a boy for doing that, but with Eddie, you felt... alright about it? You mimicked his stance, arms crossed under your chest, unknowingly pushing them up more.
"Shouldn't be, as long as you actually work on it and don't, you know, throw yourself at it with no warning." You glared daggers into him, letting him know exactly what you thought of his actions a few weeks ago. You would never admit you liked it. No, you would go to the grave with that secret.
You watched as his face fell, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck as he looked... almost ashamed. Strangely, it made your heart sink. Did he regret it? Did he hate it? Did he hate that it was you? Maybe he thought it was going to feel different, maybe it wasn't the same for him as it was for you.
You couldn't take this anymore, you could feel tears brimming your eyes for some stupid reason and just needed to leave. You shouldn't care, he clearly didn't. "Look, just tell me how much I owe you and I'll be on my way." You didn't know why you were upset, you had filled your quota of tears over him in the months that followed after your last letter.
The letter where you told him to call you. That you had something you needed to tell him and that it didn't feel right to put it in a letter.
The letter he never responded to. The letter he never heeded. The letter that was the last time you spoke to him. You were terrified, going through a truly horrific time in your life and needing the man you loved, only for him to blank you.
"You, you don't owe me anything. It's um... it's on the house." He looked down at you with soft eyes. It hurt, the way he looked at you like an injured dove, pitying you.
"No, no I'm not taking your handouts, I'm paying for the service." You fumbled for your wallet in your bookbag, searching for it and getting irritated when you couldn't find it.
"Hey no, look I'm ser-" He began to try and get you to stop, trying to get your hands from your bag.
"So am I Eddie, I'm not going to be in debt to you." You pulled out the wallet finally, pushing a few dollar bills into his chest.
"Take the money, Eddie." You slammed it into his chest again and again, positively seething at his refusal. "I'm serious take the-"
He'd had enough. Clearly, words weren't getting through to you so he did the only thing he could think of. Grabbing your hands as they connected to his chest, he held your wrists, pinning you to a wall with the hands above your head, the cash falling from your fingers.
"Jesus Christ, do you ever shut up.'' His voice was dark, his forehead creased and his brows drawn together. He looked mad, annoyed almost, but not in a way you'd seen before. And you'd seen Eddie mad before.
You wrestled against his hold, not as hard as you could have. Secretly you didn't want to leave, you didn't want him to let go.
"Nice to see you're still as feisty as ever. At least that hasn't changed." He leaned in, speaking so close to you that his breath fanned your face. "God, I want to kiss you so bad right now." His eyes were fixed on your now trembling lips.
You don't know what came over you, you felt your eyes widen, breath catching in your throat, and suddenly... you got a hand free.
You should have pushed him, you should have stood your ground. But you didn't. Instead, you grabbed the back of his neck, pulling his lips to yours in a heated moment of passion.
A surprised noise came from him, his hands dropping your own before recognition overcame him, and he was back in the moment, drowning in you. God what a way to die. But before he moved in further, he pulled back away and looked at you, the three words hanging in the air.
Are you sure?
Your delicate fingers latched into his hair before you had a chance to register it all, a hunger burning inside of you that had lay dormant for four years. A hunger that was only satiated by his lips on yours, his tongue exploring your mouth as a soft moan left you.
"You taste better than before, how the fuck do you taste better than before?" He spoke with an almost disbelief. You weren't sure what he meant, but then again you kind of did. Eddie used to taste like toothpaste and the knockoff cola Wayne would buy from the dollar store, but now... now he tasted of weed and cigarettes. The mint and cola were still there, buried in the back, but overall it was all him, it was all. Undeniably, unbelievably him.
He hummed against your lips, swiping his tongue along your lower one. "Mm, is that chapstick? Tastes nice." He swiftly devoured you again, and before you knew it, you're hands were on his waist, tugging his white shirt out of his jeans.
"Someone's hasty, at least buy a guy dinner first." He spoke mockingly, teasingly, as his lips devoured your own.
"Now who's the one who can't shut up?" As you said that, you felt his hand sneak up to your throat, holding you back to the wall in a show of desperation, eyes boring into yours. He didn't say a word, just letting you sink into the sticky pools of his eyes, allowing you to get stuck forever.
"You better watch that fucking mouth of yours." His voice held a mocking seriousness but was dark enough to make you inhale sharply.
In this moment, right now, you weren't in a mechanics shop, hell you weren't even in Hawkins. You were somewhere else entirely, some universe where nothing had ever happened. A world where your needy kisses, your flustered movements along his body held no deeper meaning.
Dipping his head, he kissed along a piece of your neck that makes your knees buckle beneath you. His hands found your elbows, holding you up and caging you in. You could feel his teeth grazing your skin, soft sounds spilling from you, your voice full of eagerness. You were a mess, a puddle in his hands.
You couldn't take it anymore. Once you found your feet, you pulled him off of you, a look of shock and worry appearing on his face. That was quickly wiped off when you pushed him back against your car, his hands splayed behind him on the door as you dropped to your knees.
You didn't know why you hadn't stopped yet, you were like a woman possessed. You knew you shouldn't do this, that this time of your life was meant to stay in the past, and you shouldn't fall back into old routines of pining for him. And yet all you wanted was to feel him. Feel his pulsing skin in your hands, feel each tremor and twitch and curve of his body against yours.
You looked up at him with serious yet comforting eyes. "Do you want this?" All he had to do was say the word, and she'd get up and walk away.
God she really didn't want him to say the word.
"Wha- what are you talking abou-" You cut him off as you put your hand on his denim-clad thigh. You were nervous. You'd never been with anyone apart from him. Things had gotten in the way. You knew he'd been with others, hell you saw girls leave his trailer just two days ago, and you had to admit it hurt like hell to see them.
"Do. You. Want. This." You spoke matter of factly, eyes wide and stern. Your heart felt like it was beating 100 miles a minute, your palms sweaty and your stomach in knots. You wanted this so bad, but you didn't know what it would mean if you went through with it. You pushed that thought to the back of your mind, your eagerness to feel him winning you over.
"Ye-Yes... I want this... I want you..." He spoke quietly, under his breath so you wouldn't hear the last part. "I've wanted you."
You nodded your head, looking back at his jeans where you saw the fabric strain a little. Hooking your fingers into his belt loops, you popped the button before pulling them down, his boxers following suit. Before you had a chance to react, his large leaking cock made a soft thump against his stomach.
Big didn't begin to describe it. Sure you'd felt it last time, but you never really had a chance to see it, nerves overcoming the both of you to the point that you just wanted it done and over with. Now, however, you wanted to savour it, you wanted to take your time.
He was thick too, he had to have grown because there was no way that it would have fit before. You must have been staring for a while because you heard a dark chuckle come from above you, his hand coming down to stroke your cheek, gripping your chin.
 "What are you looking at?" His thumb brushed your bottom lip, fiddling with it. "Go on, you can tell me. Used to be able to tell me anything."
You took a breath, reaching a tentative hand out to touch his skin. "You... I'm looking at you..." You were truly speechless, unable to say much, your mouth watering at the sight of him. Gently, you went to touch his cock. You had his permission, you knew he wanted this just as much as you did, and soon that mind-fogging monster returned to cloud your judgement.
He groaned out as you wrapped your hand around him, his tip a fiery red as it presented to you. You stroked his shaft, soft and tenderly, eyes fixed on it. You got the same feeling as when you'd run the mile in high school, desperately thirsty.
Slowly, you slide just the tip of your tongue up the underside of his shaft, so light he can barely feel it - it's mostly just the sensation of your breath. You can sense his cock twitching, and feel it pulse in your hand.
Once you reach the head, you slide your lips over it ... just the head ... sucking it in, swirling your tongue around it. you can hear his breath catch as you suck a little harder.
"Shit babygirl, fuck..." His breath was heavy, chest heaving as he looked down at you, the way you rotated your hand along his shaft, suckling away at his head. "S'good, S'so good."
You were in a haze, you don't know what came over you, but you liked seeing him this way. Wanting you, needing you, calling you that name. You moaned as you heard it, feeling the vibrations in your hand as you took him in a bit more.
You tapped his cock on your tongue a few times, before placing sloppy wet kisses along the sides of him, moving lower and lower to his base. As you got to the bottom, you looked up at him with innocent, angelic, doe eyes, and sucked his balls into your mouth as you pumped his shaft.
"Holy shit... fuck yo-you're going to kill me, gonna drain my soul right out of my fucking balls baby." He was ashamed to admit how close he was. The feel of your warm wet mouth combined with the lingering taste of you was sending him into overdrive. "Fuck... come on, be a good girl and suck my cock for me."
You said nothing, you just tenderly licked his balls while warming them up with your mouth. You looked up and saw him, the way his body was tensing, the muscles in his hips contracting slightly as he bit his bottom lip, indicating to you that he was desperate not to cum yet.
You grinned, before removing your mouth from his balls and without a second's warning, you shoved his length deep into your mouth. You had returned to his cock, sucking like a slut in heat. You wished you could deepthroat him, but the burn in the back of your mouth where you'd managed to get him to was almost too much.
"Shit shit shit... fuck I love your mouth, never had one like it, baby." He was almost jealous. No scratch that, he was insanely jealous. There was no way you'd gotten this good at sucking someone off without any practice. No way. He pushed that image aside though, choosing to live in the moment.
As you bobbed your head, hollowing your cheeks around him, you almost dared him to cum, begged even. You wanted to know how it tasted, wanted to feel that sweet nectar running down your throat. Your eyes said as much, a pleasing look as tears stung the corners of them.
"S'good for me, oh...fuck...I'm gonna come soon, gonna cum down all in your mouth aren't I?"
Your pace and intensity grew with each movement up and down his shaft, making loud slurping and sucking sounds with your mouth, and tongue running along his underside. His cock was throbbing, you could feel it shaking in your mouth. You could see it now, the white-hot cum filling up your mouth, dribbling from your lips.
No sooner had you thought that than your cheeks were filled with him, the salty taste of him enveloping your senses. As you stared up at him, his eyes full of curiosity as if pondering your next move, you swallowed it all, licking your lips to clean up any that spilt.
You could tell he wasn't expecting that, because his mouth hung open a little as he caught his breath, chest heaving up and down as he tried to recover. "Jesus Christ, I didn't think you were gonna-" He was fastening up his jeans when he heard the click-clacking of a familiar pair of heels.
You however weren't familiar with the sound, yet you threw yourself together as fast as possible. The last thing you wanted was rumours spreading and having attention drawn to you. You grabbed a piece of blue tissue paper, cleaning off your spit just in time for whoever it was to come in.
"Hiya baby!"
Baby? Who the fuck was calling him baby? Turning around to face the person, your heart stopped. Standing before you was none other than Chrissy Cunningham. She'd been a star athlete when you were in middle school and from the looks of things that hadn't changed. You shot Eddie a look of confusion as she sauntered in, jacket draped over her arm.
"Oh... Chris, I didn't think you'd show up at my job." He wished she'd get the message that a casual fuck doesn't mean they're together. She was waltzing in here and ruining his chance of happiness.
"Oh course I'd show up here, can't miss seeing my hunky man in action." She hadn't even bothered to notice the other person in the room, she was always so used to having them try to talk to her first that when no one but Eddie spoke to her, she simply assumed they didn't exist. Although that was hard to do when those idiotic nonexistent people made noises like coughing. Or breathing.
You had cleared your throat, an apparent side effect of having given a taken man a blowjob, when the redheaded devil shot you daggers. Sweet, sickly daggers that pierced your skin with smiles. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there, and you are?"
It hurt almost. Almost. Chrissy had made your life hell when you were in school together, something you didn't like to talk about given that she was not one but two grades below you. You remember when you got your period, having bled through your white jeans, and she tauntingly called you Bloody Mary until you left.
That was the same day Eddie had given you his prised jacket to cover yourself till you got home. The same jacket that he never took back. The same jacket that you gave to Willow that's way too big for her.
And now here she was, calling Eddie her man and acting like she didn't remember you. It stung, it made you feel belittled, and irrelevant. You felt invalidated by her response.
"I'm just here to get my car." As you spoke, you could feel the once passionate bond between you and Eddie splinter like glass before cracking into fragments. He must have felt it too, because he turned to look at her, taking her by the elbow to guide her from the garage.
"Look Chrissy I really don't have time to feed into this right now, I have work to do." He spoke with her quietly, when they reached the entrance, and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, she kissed him.
And he kissed her back.
You felt your gut sink to the floor as you watched them exchange goodbyes as she left. You don't know why you felt this way, you knew he was sleeping around, you just didn't know he was also in a committed relationship. One thing you did know for certain, was you weren't about to be another one of his side pieces for him to call up in the middle of the night looking for a piece of ass.
"Sorry about that, I wasn't expecting her to be here. She normally never stops by." He walked over to the table, grabbing your keys to hand them to you. "So, next time you really need to let me go do-"
"There won't be a next time." You snatched your keys, fiddling with the lock on your car. You could sense him, the way his body stiffened at your words.
"What do you mean? bunny she means nothing!" He held out his hands in defence but it was useless, you saw the way she looked at him, how in love she was. You even saw with your own two eyes. If it meant nothing, he wouldn't have kissed back.
"I mean, there won't be a next time because this was a mistake, and from now on I think we should only see each other when I'm getting Willow from Wayne in the evenings." Finally finding the key, you get the door open. You slide in and turn it on, the sweet sound of the engine filling your ears.
"And stop calling me Bunny, you lost that privilege when you never called me." Before he had a moment to register your words, you were gone, your body drained of all its energy, sucked dry from you as if he was some sort of... energy vampire or something. Overall you had to put this down as one of the worst days of your life.
And you still didn't get to do the laundry.
part one part two part three
@vintagehellfire @1paire2vans @introvertedmouse
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chuurroez · 1 year
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the letters
↳ ... pairing: bestfriend!kim gyuvin x bestfriend!gn!reader
↳ ... genre: fluff w a tiny bit of angst? (happens in university au!)
↳ ... warnings: none ! :D
↳ ... sypnosis: ever since you met gyuvin a few years ago, you couldn't help but fall in love with him more and more as each day passes, but what happens when love letters from a secret admirer shows up in your locker?
↳ ... notes: hi!!! this is my first time making this so there might be a few mistakes? this fic includes new jeans' hanni & minji and other zb1 members like gunwook and ricky! english isn't my first language. thanks for reading this in advance!!!!
↳ ... word count: 1.4k
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-you, hanni, and minji's conversation-
"why does he have to be like that!!!" you say, "who y/n??? why do you keep your crush a secret from us??" hanni replies with minji agreeing after her. "it's because you guys might make fun of me if i tell you who it is!!" you say, "we won't y/n, we SWEAR!" minji responded, "yeah! we're your friends along with gyuvin! you can tell the three of us you know?" hanni adding to what minji said with you quickly blushing hearing his name. "ahh..I know now" hanni and minji both say at the same time. "shh!! don't be so loud! he's here too you know?" you say trying to cover your very much red face with a book. "i am officially ignoring him from now on!! i can't even talk properly with him without looking so flustered and weird!" "hey hey y/n, it's okay, we'll help you, but you know...you guys are a pretty good pair if i do say so myself hehe" hanni quickly says with you hitting her lightly, "ow!" hanni states to your action. "okay okay, let's settle down now, class is about to start!" minji tells the both of you and listen to her as the teacher comes inside the room.
-gyuvin, gunwook, and ricky's conversation-
"hey um, do you guys mind helping me with something?" gyuvin asks gunwook and ricky, "what is it this time? this better not be the both of us letting you copy our homework'' ricky scoffs. "it's not like that this time, i swear!" gyuvin pleaded, "that's what you said last time but we'll help you out just because we're good friends." gunwook states and rolls his eyes after with gyuvin thanking the both of them. "okay now what do you need help with?" gunwook asks, "i need you guys to help me deliver these letters to y/n's locker." gyuvin replies with ricky spitting out the water in his mouth because of utter shock, "us? deliver these letters to y/n's locker?!" ricky says with shock, "i can't say i'm surprised actually, you don't notice how gyuvin slowly starts getting red whenever he talks with them?" gunwook states, "not really, i'm shocked..and i thought i knew everything about him" ricky answers the question, "okay but are you guys gonna help me out now?" gyuvin asks, sounding annoyed. "of course, we'll try our best, do you know their schedule? one of can sneak out to go to the bathroom and put it in their locker." gunwook asks gyuvin to which gyuvin nods and sends them both your schedule for the day.
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-a day later-
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''hey minji, hanni! come here, i have something to show you guys!'' you tell hanni & minji with them quickly coming to your side, you show them the love letters that was left inside your locker by your secret admirer. "do you guys see this?? i wonder who gave this to me.." you tell them, the both of them in utter shock. ''hey, what if this is from gyuvin" hanni says with you almost immediately blushing at the thought of him liking you back. "stop, i don't want to overthink, exams are so close! what if i get distracted!'' you state worrying, ''hey, dont worry much! what if we investigate? become detectives!'' minji asks with hanni agreeing with her, "i'm not sure..i do wanna know where these letters come from but if it's not from him, then i don't wanna know because what if i hurt their feelings!" you tell them. ''that won't happen!! we promise you, right minji?'' hanni states, "yeah! we'll make sure that investigation: find y/n's secret admirer won't become chaotic!" minji says enthusiastically. "fine, but promise me you guys won't mess up?" you ask the both of them, "we promise you we won't!'' hanni assures you and with that you guys walk to the cafeteria to eat lunch but little did you know that there were 3 people listening to your conversation with your friends, ricky, gunwook, and most importantly, gyuvin, "oh my god, y/n likes me back! oh my god, i'mnot dreaming, right?" gyuvin happily asks with ricky and gunwook assuring him that he wasn't. ''but what if they think it's not from me and think it's either one of you because you guys slipped the letter in their locker?'' gyuvin sadly asks, "bro, if the three of them think that way and find out, we'll tell them the truth!" ricky reassures his friend with gunwook agreeing with what he said, "but for now, let's eat lunch? i'm really hungry, i didn't eat breakfast" gunwook asks with the other two nodding and all of them go to the cafeteria.
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-a week later-
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''guys, do you guys know why y/n has been ignoring me? i tried talking with them multiple times but they keep ignoring me or saying they have other things to do! what if they lost feelings for me?" gyuvin says with a sad tone, ''bro, i can assure you that y/n like likes you a lot! i keep accidentally hearing their conversations with hanni and minji and they keep talking about you!'' ricky tells gyuvin to comfort him, ''really?? what'd they say?" gyuvin asks, his face lighting up again, ''well...that's the thing, i'm not sure, sorry man'' ricky sadly says to his friend who becomes sad again. ''what if you give them another letter? you know maybe telling them more about what you feel or maybe finally meeting up with them to actually tell them what you feel?" gunwook says as a way to cheer his friend up, ''yeah! i can do that!'' gyuvin happily states once again, ''but this time, you're gonna give them the letter.'' ricky says as a way to bring his friend's confidence. ''b-but i can't! not yet!'' gyuvin defends himself, ''do you really want your worst nightmares to come true?" ricky threatens gyuvin, ''n-no! but isn't it too fast? what if they're not ready yet for this?" the boy asks, thinking about the future, ''they've known you for 5 years now gyuvin! it's impossible for them to not like you back!'' gunwook reassures gyuvin to boost his confidence into confessing properly to you. ''fine! i'll make a letter to them asking to meet up with me by that school garden, i hope everything will go well, i've never been THIS nervous before.." gyuvin says nervously, ''good luck man, if you need help, we're always here'' ricky assures gyuvin. ''thanks guys, i don't know what i could've done without your help.'' gyuvin thanks the two.
-a few hours later-
"guys, guys, guys, guys!!! i got another letter!'' you shout at hanni and minji, the three of you both excited and nervous at the same time. ''i wonder what it says! come on tell us!'' minji enthusiastically tells you with hanni happily agreeing. ''okay, okay, so it says 'dear y/n, hi! it's me again, i wanted to tell you this time that i'm finally showing you who i am, meet me at the back garden at 4:00? from, your dearest admirer' omg!!! i'm finally going to know who it is!!'' you excitedly say, ''OMG!! i''m so happy for you! but...what if it isn't who you expect..?'' hanni asks you, ''i..i don't want to think about that right now..'' you sadly tell her, ''but whatever happens y/n, we're here by your side! we'll help you no matter what'' minji says as a way to comfort you. ''yeah! we'll never leave your side no matter what because that's what friends are for, right?'' hanni tells you, ''thank you guys, i really am,i don't what or where i could be right now if it weren't for the both of you''
-time skip to 4:00-
''wow, it's 4:00 already? i haven't been this nervous in a long time..'' you said to yourself, walking to the back garden, once you were getting a bit closer to garden, you start to see a familiar face, kim gyuvin, were you right after all? was he the one writing you the letters? was he your secret admirer? ''gyuvin! what are you doing here? i thought you went home already?" you nervously asked him, ''I..i was your secret admirer y/n! I was the one writing you these love letters, I've liked you for 2 years now!'' gyuvin confessed, you couldn't help but blush at him knowing he liked you back. ''I..i like you too gyuvin..!'' you shyly told him, his face lit up, knowing that his worst nightmares didnt come true! ''so..does that mean were together now..?'' gyuvin asked you, you gave him a quick peck on the cheek and told him "yes, yes we are kim gyuvin"
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likes, comments, feedback, and reblogs are really appreciated! &lt;3
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alittlextrathatway · 9 months
Line: "And the saddest fear comes creeping in." Location: HGTV taping.
Alright time for a brand new AU universe.
You guys don't know it but I have an AU idea in my head for HGTV Brettsey for YEARS.
I am not throwing away my shot.
Sometimes Sylvie feels guilty about the lie she and Matt are perpetrating for the world, but then she remembers what it felt like to essentially be blacklisted from working and decides a lie is better than being homeless and starving.
Besides, this lie hurts no one but themselves. They're the ones who have to forego love lives in order to pretend to be an engaged home renovation power couple.
Their friends Severide and Stella introduced them years ago. Matt's business-partner-slash-ex had left him in the lurch. She sold him her half of the business, which was great, but she left him without an interior designer. Sylvie's ex and former best friend had taken all of her clients and run her out of town so she was an interior designer without any work.
She met Stella on her first night in Chicago while the latter was bartending at a firefighter bar named Molly's. Sylvie literally cried into her beer about her misfortunes and Stella was quick to help.
"You know, you're an interior designer with no clients and my husband's best friend is a contractor with clients but no interior designer. Maybe the two of you could help each other out?"
It was the suggestion that changed her life.
Kelly and Stella hosted a dinner to introduce her to Matt and they got along like a house on fire. Matt is funny, genuine, and thoughtful. The opposite of her ex. They also had similar visions for a few of his current clients. His design ideas for construction reflected her favorite interior spaces to decorate. Professionally speaking, they were a match made in heaven.
And their clients' feedback reflected that. As business grew so did their friendship. But since things went horribly wrong with Harrison and Hope, Sylvie promised herself never to mix business and pleasure. Matt felt similarly, considering his history with his own ex. Which meant, no matter how close they became or how her feelings evolved, they would always only be friends.
Even when the world and HGTV thought otherwise.
They hadn't meant to perpetrate a fraud but they got the offer for the tv show, signed the contracts, and then found out about a terrible misunderstanding.
HGTV thought they were married.
That was the real reason they wanted to offer them the show. They wanted half reality television and half home renovation. If they weren't married then the show would have been cancelled.
It was a shot in the dark that they would be picked up for a full season anyway. So, after a lengthy discussion, they went along with the story and decided not to fully correct their misunderstanding. As a compromise and an attempt to assuage their guilt, they told HGTV they were engaged instead of married.
By some miracle, they bought it.
And now, three years later, their show is still going strong and the American public thinks they're happily engaged and on their way to wedded bliss.
Only in Sylvie's wildest dreams.
Of course over the last three years, her pretend love for Matt Casey has become full blown, head over heels, unconditional love. Not that he knows that. She's pretty certain he's none the wiser.
Sylvie's jarred from her thoughts by the sudden yell and shakes herself back to the present, taking in Matt's concerned face.
"Hey, guys," he requests, smiling politely. "Can you give us a second?"
The director nods and sighs tiredly. "Yeah, sure thing. Take five, everyone! When we come back we'll pick back up with the initial property walk through."
Once the crew has dispersed, Matt gently pulls her aside with a guiding hand on the small of her back. "Are you okay?"
She bites her bottom lip and idly spins her engagement ring, a habit she's developed when she's anxious. "That meeting we had with the network this morning..."
"I thought we said we weren't going to worry about that today?" He asks her, with a soft scolding stare.
"We say a lot of things, Matt, but that doesn't mean they're all true."
He snorts and chuckles at her, taking her left hand in his to stop her from twirling her ring. "We'll work something out."
"Work something out?" She says in a harsh whisper. "They want us to set a wedding date. A wedding date for our extremely fake engagement. A wedding date that will be used to market the renovation deadline of our future home that we're going to take on in the midst of all of our other clients and responsibilities."
"They'll compensate us appropriately so we can scale back our clients and focus only on our house. The workload will be fine," he assures her.
Okay, but that's not even the biggest part of her concerns! How is he so calm? How is he okay with marrying her, a woman he doesn't love? "Great, I'm glad to hear about the workload," she replies dryly. "Nevermind the huge wedding they want us to have, film, and then promote as a tv special. That's not a big deal at all."
He sighs and the sound comes off as hopeless and wistful all at once. His callused fingers grip her chin and lift her face until they’re eye to eye. Once he has her full attention, he brushes a loose tendril of hair out of her eyes and tucks it behind her ear. The gesture makes her stomach swoop in the most delightfully nauseating way.
Ugh, why does she have to be in love with her best friend and business partner? Why is nothing in her life ever straight forward?
"Look, I get it, no one wants you to marry a guy you're not in love with, least of all me. But we'll find a way to stall them. We've gotten pretty good at it over the last few years. We'll think of something. For now, though, let the network think they're gonna finally get that wedding special they've always wanted. It'll keep them off our backs for a little while at least."
She doesn't like his tone. He doesn't sound like himself. Not the flirtatiously playful version of himself he usually is when they're filming anyway. This is solemn Matt Casey. The one she sees most often when he’s stressed or anxious or in some sort of emotional turmoil.
He was fine until she let her fears get the better of her and got distracted during a heavy filming day. For his sake, she needs to get it together. She can sort out how to bury her feelings for Matt and get them out of this mess later.
"You're right," she says, taking a slow and soothing breath. "We'll figure out. We always do. I mean, whatever else our fans think we are, we've always been a great team." She smiles warmly at him, hoping the expression leaves her faith in the two of them on full display. From the day they met, he's been nothing but exceptionally good to her. Even if his feelings have never gone beyond platonic. "I don't see that changing anytime soon."
He squeezes her hand with an earnestly devoted look on his face that's too beautiful to be misread. "Not if I can help it. There's no one else I'd rather be partners with than you."
He means business partners. She knows he does, but is it terrible of her to internally swoon anyway? God, she's so screwed. How did she let this happen and how can she get out of it unscathed?
Matt Casey's going to break her heart and he'll never even know it.
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 7 months
walks into inbox despite being able to message
ahem fish and madcom
In a world where life is land and sea... A harmony is formed in most places with their balance. Though, some folk believe it to be a sin to be caught with a sea-breather. Some view it sinful for them to even exist, let alone fall to love with one. A group of sailors follow this code, actively hunting ones that they catch sight of...
A young child born onto land. They know not their father, being told he had died out at sea. Their mother warned them of the dangers of the water, and despite such, they were drawn to it. They ran away from waves coming to shore, still fearing what could hurt them, however they wanted to be a sailor more than anything.
Playing upon the beach, they made a friend. They were shy meeting their new buddy, and their new friend was full of energy.. They called eachother Clam and Scruffy. They made a promise to eachother. A song.
"When it comes to sunfall, and the sky goes dark,
Sailing out we can light up a map of stars,
'Cuz we two are the strongest, with the promise in our hearts,
We'll always be together, even if we're seas apart!"
Scruffy and Clam.
Clam and Scruffy.
They would play every day from dawn to dusk, growing together.
One day Scruffy had to leave to go to the big city. Far, far away from their little land. The two didn't want to say goodbye to eachother, they would have held eachother for hours if it wasn't for the boat getting ready to leave.
Clam gave Scruffy a final gift.
A necklace made with a perfectly intact shell. Those are hard to find on the beach. Especially finding two that matched, it would be a rare chance... Something to remind them of eachother.
Clam grew up to become their mother's son. He grew to be a sailor, too. He wasn't aware of the crew's views, he just loved the wind and the waves. The skies, the sounds, the thrill, the songs and celebrations... Felt like a whole other family.
He'd taken on a new name. Sanford.
The little land changed as he grew. He noticed ships with stuff coming in more often, and now it was normal to him. Though, it was only stuff they didn't have, prefer to grow it fresh if they can. Tastes better. Same goes for fishin'.
"Sanford! Come down over here! We've got a newbie!"
Somebody new? Huh. Been a while. Last newbie was, well, Sanford.
perhaps I am tired and can't read but mermaid au?? if so, FUCK YEAH. if pirates, FUCK YEAH. nice little intro you've got going dude
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greypetrel · 9 months
I was gleefully telling my friend about you and showing her your art (she's super into LOTR so I was trying to find those, but got in the wrong tag🤣) and found/shared your Vespa comic. We had a good laugh and she said: "Wait till someone tells them about ROLLER COASTER" and I immediately came over here. WHAT IF someone tells Dorian and Aisling about ROLLER COASTER?? 🤣🤣🤣
Forgive me if it took too long, but this made me laugh so much that I HAD TO draw something.
Also: I'm leaving you the correct tag down here, but the Dark Lady one is "aisling the dark lady AU". You can find all my aus and tags in the character masterpost!
They'd LOVE the idea, of course. A little too much. They. Not most people around them.
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They'll ignore Josephine begging them to please, PLEASE reconsider, think of your reputation, and rush to the Undercroft. Dagna will be over the moon with the plan, of course. Here's the blueprint, and under the cut some other details:
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They found plenty of materials to build it in the Exalted Planes. Someone will have to dispose of all that rubbish after the war ended, right?
"Can't you build it in the Exalted Planes?" "But Josie, if we build it there, how would we experiment on gravity? We'll need to travel there and you see, that would be a great bother and will hinder our research. Also if we have it here, it would improve the moral of the troops greatly! :D"
Dorian's calculations were right. Solas discovered it with the first trial run. Not that any of the -very elated- science bros knew, but he actually started to think that maybe the Veil wasn't that bad of an idea, right there and then. Because can you imagine them WITHOUT THE VEIL? CAN YOU? Thedas wouldn't survive.
In order to make Josie happy, they'll come up with other rides to install around Skyhold:
Teacups will be installed in the upper courtyard. Except they're still a scientific experiment on Centrifugal Force, so they're fast. So fast that the game promises a free foal to everyone who manages not to puke on them. Since the foal is one of Little Brother's, Aisling horse (he made a name for himself in the Western Approach, biting on Venatori's butts, and is generally a prick), the excessive speed is actually considered a good thing. So nobody will win a foal of that horse or will have to tell Aisling that her beloved horse is an asshole.
Cullen's tower will be turned into a haunted house (thanks @ndostairlyrium for the idea). He'll actually contribute in painting the place, and will say that it's very useful to dissuade people to come looking for him if the report isn't REALLY important. "Aren't you scared, tho?" "Please, I was a commanding officer in Kirkwall."
Whack-a-mole in the Tavern's courtyard. The Iron Bull and Cassandra monopolize it and they're so-called nemeses. One day, then, the TRAGEDY: a mysterious person beat their record. No one knows who they are, there's a whole weekend of them playing Sherlock Holmes interrogating everyone around the Keep. (it's Krem.)
Josephine needed one joy, or ONE THING that she can use to sell the Inquisitor to the aristocracy. So Aisling organised something cute and nice for nobles to see and participate in. With horses! She named one of the horses Josephine! Josephine is moved, and from how Aisling describes it, calling it "giostra" because she heard the term from Dorian in vernacular Tevene and can't remember it in Trade for the sake of her, Josie thinks it's a carousel.
It's actually something better, and Josie loves it. (In Italian, "giostra" means a carousel, and also what happens in the video)
(Aisling is the unbeated championess. It's not that people let her win, is that she just can't be beated.)
One day, Dorian will eventually use all the data to calculate how much force they will need on the roller coaster to send a cart into orbit. Aisling will read his notes and find a way to propel the cart strong enough to actually do it.
Sera greatly approves.
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feathersnflowers · 1 year
so I wanted to try writing something because idk it's fun and I decided to start a little fanfic on an au. Basically (I'm still working out some of it) Philip is Hunter's abusive Uncle that keeps him locked up in the old house then one day he finds a little girl (vee) out on her own so he decides to kidnap her so hunter can have a little friend (I mean he doesn't really care about hunter being happy he just hopes he'll be a little less clingy) then about two months later the authorities find out who kidnapped vee and arrest Philip. Also Sorry if there's anything in it that doesn't make sense or is incorrect I didn't really know how this kind of stuff would work and I didn't want to research.
Chapter 1
Hunter woke up to the sound of people arguing; which was strange, there was never anyone else in the house besides him, Uncle Philip, and Vee. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and looked over at Vee, peacefully sleeping. He was tempted to go downstairs and investigate, but he though it better to stay with Vee. Plus, his uncle would probably get mad if he did.
Since Vee wasn't awake and he couldn't go see what was happening, he decided to clean up the area a little. Uncle had let Vee and him make a pillow fort in their room the other night, meaning there were pillows, blankets, and toys strewn about all over the floor. He was almost done picking up when he heard footsteps, followed by knocking on the door.
"Yes?" he asked softly, holding on to a pink frog plushy.
The door creaked open and a tall woman with short, dirty blond hair, held up in a ponytail walked in. She was met by the ten-year-old boy looking up at her. The women crouched down to his level before speaking.
"Hey there buddy." she smiled "I'm here to help you. Have you seen a little girl by the name of Vee around here?"
Hunter tensed up a bit. "Yeah, she's sleeping right there." he informed her quietly, pointing to where the girl was sleeping in a pile of pillows.
"Thank you." she said getting up and moving over to the girl, picking her up gently. "Come, follow me." she instructed. Hunter looked around nervously before timidly walking close to the women, still hugging the plush tight.
They snuck quietly down the stairs to the dimly lit living room, the house seemingly empty.
The women led him outside. He squinted in the bright sunlight, trying to shield his eyes with his hand. When he adjusted he looked around, taking in the scene. There were a couple of cars, and people going in and out of the house while talking. They all looked so serious.
The women set Vee down on the ground, shaking her carefully to wake her up. Vee opened her eyes slightly and rubbed the sleep out, looking up at the women. "Hey there Vee, I'm here to get you back to your mama, alright?" she told the girl.
"Mama." Vee smiled, then sat up, looking around. " Wait, where's Hunter?" Vee asked "Is he ok?"
"Is this him?" The woman questioned, reaching behind herself, gingerly grabbing Hunter's arm, and pulling him over into Vee's vision. He had been watching all the grownups going in and out of the house.
Vee smiled "Yeah." she said.
Hunter looked around again
"Where's Uncle?" Hunter asked, looking up at the woman.
"Oh, well, he's going somewhere far away, and you won't be able to see him for a while, but you'll be ok I promise we'll find you a good home with loving parents." she said, puting a hand on the boy's shoulder.
"What?" he asked, starting to shake a little. "D-did he die?" Hunter's voice cracked.
"No no no, he's not dead, he's just in jail" the woman reassured, seeing the boy's panicked face.
"Oh..." he said, looking down.
"Hey Bree, Camila said she's almost here, so get Vee ready-" said a voice from behind them. He paused before speaking again. "Who's that?" He asked, limply pointing to Hunter.
"Oh this is Hunter, I think he's Philip's nephew." She answered, rubbing the boys arm gently.
"So what do we do with him?"
"Well, we could bring him to an orphanage or foster care?"
"Actually, I should probably go tell Gary about the kid, this is his kinda stuff."
The man then walked away.
"Did you hear that, Vee, your mama is coming." Bree smiled, looking back at Vee. "Let's move closer to where she'll be coming from."
With that, she helped Vee stand up, putting her hand behind the girls back, and started walking towards the curb in front of the house. But Hunter didn't move. When Bree noticed, she looked over her shoulder.
"You too, Hunter. I'm not just going to leave you alone."
Hunter startled at that, then walked towards her and Vee, still standing close, but not touching.
After a couple minutes of standing there, a car pulled up and a short woman got out. She had curly brown hair, dark tan skin, and glasses.
"Vee, baby!" She cried, running over to Vee and hugging her tight.
"Mama!" Vee sobbed into the woman's shoulder.
"Oh my sweet baby, I'm so glad you're ok." The woman sighed with relief, pressing a few kisses into the girl's forehead.
The woman looked up at Bree with tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much." She smiled, holding the girl close in her arms
"Just doing my job." Bree answered. "I'm glad she's safe too."
The woman gave Vee one last kiss before standing up, still holding the girl. "Are you ready to go home, Mija?" She asked, looking at her daughter.
Vee opened her mouth to say yes, but remembered Hunter. "Almost, I just need to say goodbye to someone." She hopped out of the women's arms and walked up to Hunter, before hugging him. "Goodbye Hunter."
Hunter's eyes were wide and full of tears. "V-vee?" He choked, trying not to cry. "W-Where are you going?." he asked, knowing exactly where.
"Home." She said simply. "I'll miss you."
She was about to go, when Hunter wrapped his arms around her. "Please don't leave." He sobbed
"I'm sorry." She apologized, before freeing herself from his grasp. His knees started wobbling and he crumpled to the ground, shaking and sobbing, tears pouring down his cheeks.
Vee looked at him, then to her mom, not knowing what to do.
Camila looked over at the small boy with a soft expression, then looked over at Bree. "Does he have any family coming for him?" She asked with a gentle tone.
"No, he's Philip's nephew" Bree informed her.
Camila smiled "Then I'll take him with me." When she looked back to the boy he was looking up at her with disbelief. She smiled warmly at him and crouched down at his side.
"So, what do you say? Would you like to come home with Vee and I?" She asked, stretching her arm out to him.
His eyes filled with more tears, and he covered his face as he started crying again. Camila gently wrapped her arms around the boy and he snuggled in close, soon joined by Vee.
Bree smiled. "I think that'll be just fine."
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