soul-rillo · 2 hours
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An Untimely Distraction
Chapter 4 out now!
Rye Whiskey on the Rocks
Click here to read on Ao3.
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soul-rillo · 7 days
Hello hello! Rillo here.
I wanted to give a really quick update on my fic An Untimely Distraction.
Chapter 4 is well on its way. We're currently sitting at about 4000 words as of writing this post (not as of posting, as that'd be on Soul's schedule). I can see this chapter easily getting up to 6000 words with what I have left to write, and on top of that, it will be getting more art than the other chapters have. For what I've already got written out, I have 3 - 4 pieces of artwork planned.
That being said, it might be a little while longer before it gets posted. The writing will likely be done within a few days from now, but the art will set us back a teensy weensy bit.
Here's what goes on in my mind while I write this fic:
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And just to keep y'all going, here's a tiny snippet from the chapter:
Vox’s gaze trailed after her before catching a glimpse of a pair of brown eyes observing him over the rim of a whiskey glass, partially hidden behind auburn bangs. They briefly flicked down to an open newspaper. Why was Alastor watching him?
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soul-rillo · 9 days
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Polite tots stick their pinky out when sipping make-believe tea!
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soul-rillo · 10 days
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Of Candied Pine and Cherried Smoke
Chapter 11 out now!
Click here to read on Ao3.
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soul-rillo · 16 days
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You, My Everything
Chapter 16 out now!
Click here to read on Ao3.
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soul-rillo · 17 days
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Character Change: Dexter and Tek Part 1/?
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soul-rillo · 19 days
Quick Content Update
Hi all! Just wanted to give you a little heads up that fic updates might be slightly slower than usual. The reason for this is an exciting one: I'm focusing on getting part one of a human radiostatic comic out. If you're a fan of mafia AUs and Shugo Chara, I think you'll greatly enjoy it!
The next fic chapter due is for You, My Everything, which is currently at 1.2k words as of writing this post. After that is Of Candied Pine and Cherried Smoke, then An Untimely Distraction—the order I've been typically writing in. I know it seems like a long wait between chapters but please understand I'm trying to consistently update three fics!
The animatics have been on pause for a bit. I suspect I'm a little burnt out (as I usually get from animatics). I also have a bad habit of jumping from project to project. Oops.
Anyway, I hope you guys can bear with me for delayed fic updates. I'm still working on the chapters here and there so they're not on hiatus or anything drastic like that.
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soul-rillo · 20 days
I saw someone ask you about merch. I must say, i would srsly buy it if you ever finished any or all your radiostatic fics and selled their printed book copies somewhere. With the illustrations, maybe on some nice paper, these are so good i would love to pay for them however much they would cost!
I don't think I'd ever consider selling my fanfiction, but you're free to print and bind them yourself! Obviously don't sell the binded copies, though.
As for my art, I've certainly sold prints, stickers, etc. in the past so I'm not unfamiliar with the process. I appreciate that some of you want to buy them and I'd be more than happy to make them when there's more demand for it. The best I can offer at this stage are preorders, but they'd have to be a tad pricier to cover shipping and printing (likely) small batches.
I mean, if I do go for it, would y'all want the art I've made for fics (that's super niche, I fear), or more canon radiostatic fanart? Or not fic related, but still human? I do like the idea that human radiostatic would be a little more subtle haha.
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soul-rillo · 22 days
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"I look like a fucking clown."
✦ An Untimely Distraction, Chapter 3 ✦
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soul-rillo · 25 days
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An Untimely Distraction
Chapter 3 out now!
Ostrich Feathers and Corset Tethers
Click here to read on Ao3.
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soul-rillo · 26 days
Are the toddlers remembering (part) of their pasts or are they blank slates, so to speak? Or did they revert back to their toddler stage self, as if you time traveled there and took them?
Do they remember traumatic events? Or is it like a dream to them?
Hiya Soul here!
The toddlers remember bits and pieces like their names and a bit about their powers, but they don’t understand most of what has happened or anything traumatic about being in hell or their past lives. So Alastor remembers his mother and knows Lucifer is not his mother. He also knows he loves the radio and that Husk and Niffty should always listen to him but doesn’t have any recognition of owning their souls. 
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soul-rillo · 28 days
hi! question for rillo: first, i just wanna say i absolutely LOVE your art as well as all your stories! would you ever consider selling merch of your art? like keychains, prints or anything of the sort?
Hello hello! Thank you for your kind words hehe.
I'm not sure I have enough people who'd be interested in buying merch of my radiostatic/hazbin art, but never say never. Maybe if enough people expressed genuine interest!
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soul-rillo · 28 days
Since Al is a kid now, does that mean he keeps his Southern accent or does he still talk like a lil radio show host?
Hi Soul here!
Little Al is very shy with a bit of a lisp and doesn’t talk much except to Rosie. When he does have to communicate, he uses his microphone rather than his voice, which has a transatlantic accent. When he does actually use his voice he has a southern accent but his preferred communication style as a feral tot is biting and growling. 
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soul-rillo · 29 days
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"I couldn’t think of a worse fate than to be bound to you by nature."
✦ Of Candied Pine and Cherried Smoke, Chapter 10 ✦
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soul-rillo · 1 month
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Of Candied Pine and Cherried Smoke
Chapter 10 out now!
Click here to read on Ao3.
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soul-rillo · 1 month
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One out of the two new banners for my fic You, My Everything.
I really, really liked how it looked in black and white but it didn't make sense to have it that way as a banner, so you guys get to see it here.
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soul-rillo · 1 month
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You, My Everything
Chapter 15 out now!
Click here to read on Ao3.
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