#we’re mostly going to be in ohio and maryland!
sciderman · 2 months
how SHOULD WolvPool been gay if you were writing DP 3?
Also american roadtrip? Oh i'd LOVE to say hi hopefully y'all go to at least 1 midwestish place (thought that sounds like a curse aloud lol)
I mean it’s kind of tough to beat the “you remind me of my wife” lip balm application scene of deadpool 2 when it comes to homosexual representation but I think for starters I would have probably? written wade and logan as having at least some kind of history. like the best thing about their dynamic in the comics is that they have some begrudging history. they’re not just strangers. like how. fun and interesting could it have been if wade and logan weren’t strangers - or maybe, okay, this specific wade and logan were strangers (because multiverse, sure) but wade knows his logan and logan knows a wade. like - that could’ve been a surefire way to make their dynamic more interesting. AND it would give fans this interesting “hoooh they know each other imagine all the team-ups they’ve had that we never got to see” sort of a thing. rather than wade being just this annoying stranger to logan that kind of never stops just being an annoying stranger, even at the end of the movie when we’re meant to believe wade is more than just an annoying stranger (I don’t believe it)
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whereareroo · 1 year
WF UPDATE (10/6/23).
Tonight, I’m broadcasting to you from a funky little town called Hancock, MD.
We’re in the middle of our 2023 Fall Tour. I’m calling it the “Special Assignment & Biking Tour.” We’ve completed Special Assignments #1, #2, and #3. Special Assignment # 4 doesn’t start until October 19th. Until then, we’re doing the “biking” phase of the tour. We hit Hancock on October 3rd.
Hancock, with a population of 1,500 or so, sits along the extreme western edge of Maryland. How extreme? Very. In this area, the border of West Virginia almost touches Pennsylvania. Between those two states, there’s a little strip of Maryland that’s only 1.8 miles wide. That’s Hancock.
We’re here to do some biking on the C & O Canal Trail. It runs, along the Potomac River, for 185 miles from Cumberland, MD to Washington D.C. Today was our third ride on the C & O.
The trail has an interesting history. Once upon a time, there was a plan to dig a canal to connect Washington D.C. to the Ohio River. To deal with the elevation change of almost 700 feet, the project called for 74 canal “locks” and a 3,100 foot tunnel through a mountain. The primary purpose was to ship coal from the Allegheny Mountains. The work began in 1828. Digging stopped in 1850, even though the 185 mile canal had only reached Cumberland, MD. The goal of reaching the Ohio River was abandoned.
Why did the work stop? I can answer that question with one word: trains. The rise of the railroads made canals obsolete.
Despite the rise of the railroads, the canal operated until 1924. The canal boats were pulled by teams of mules that walked along a “towpath” that ran adjacent to the canal. At this point, let’s jump ahead 100 years and focus on 2023. The towpath is now a bike path. That’s the path that we’ve been biking.
The path isn’t paved. It’s mostly crushed stone or packed dirt. We were worried that the surface would be tough to bike. It isn’t. We’ve been pleasantly surprised.
So far, over three rides, we’ve covered about 35 miles of the trail By car, we take the bikes to a parking area near the trail. We ride out for about 12 miles, and then we turn around a ride back to the car. So, even thought our round trip is 24 miles, we’re only seeing 12 miles of trail each day. Our actual total mileage so far is about 75 miles.
The trail is beautiful. It’s totally flat. Most of the time, we have a view of the Potomac River. We’ve generally been in isolated woodlands. The entire setting is very rural. We’ve only seen a handful of other bikers. The weather has been wonderful.
On two of the days, we biked with some wayward bikers from Pennsylvania. Like us, they have a connection to South Carolina. I guess it’s a small world. I’m a bit suspicious about the pair. If we go missing, please tell the FBI to investigate two very fast cyclists from Chambersburg, PA. Of course, their whole story is probably fabricated.
Hancock is a good base of operations. It sits right next to the trail. One day, our car ride to the nearest parking area was less than a mile. We drove because our rental house is on a big hill that’s very long. Who wants to bike up a big hill at the end of a fun day?
Let me close by telling you about our rental house. When we pulled up the street, we both thought that we were in trouble. The street itself is about the width of a single car. I don’t know what happens if two cars need to pass each other. The street is a “dead end” that’s about a half-mile long. A handful of shacks are scattered alongside the street. For the most part, the shacks don’t look habitable. Most of them are vacant. Our rental is the last house. It sits at the “dead end.” The exterior is very, very rough. We were tempted to drive away without stopping. Mrs Travelarranger assured me the the interior pictures that she saw online were fine. We were brave and took a look inside. The interior is totally fine. It has three big bedrooms, two baths, a big kitchen, a nice dining area, and the big living room. The furniture is nice. The appliances are new. It’s not the Ritz Carlton or the Four Seasons, but it’s totally adequate. We’re enjoying our stay. We lead a simple life. We’ve seen a few bikers who are sleeping in tents.
This trail is so nice that I’m contemplating a future trip to do the whole 185 mile run from Cumberland to DC. That will take some planning. It looks like the accommodation situation could be a slight challenge. We haven’t seen many buildings near the trail. I’ll figure it out.
I hope you’re enjoying our ride. You’re probably enjoy the fact that I’m not blabbing about Trump, or McCarthy, or the economy, or the stock market, or the Pope, or some obscure aspect of pop culture. I tend to ignore serious topics when we’re off having fun. Feel free to enjoy the break from the normal fare.
I’ll see you on the trail. Look out for strangers from Pennsylvania.
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96thdayofrage · 4 years
The parent company of some of America’s largest fast food chains is claiming credit for convincing Congress to exclude a $15 minimum wage from the recent COVID relief bill, according to internal company documents reviewed by The Daily Poster. The company, which is owned by a private equity firm named after an Ayn Rand character, also says it is now working to thwart new union rights legislation.
The company’s boasts come just a few months after a government report found that some of its chains had among the highest percentage of workers relying on food stamps.
Inspire Brands — which owns Jimmy Johns, Arby’s, Sonic, and Buffalo Wild Wings, plus recently acquired Dunkin’ Donuts for $11.3 billion in November — on Thursday sent employees and franchisees a review of its government lobbying activity that highlighted its success in keeping the $15 minimum wage out of Democrats’ American Rescue Plan, the COVID-19 relief bill President Joe Biden signed earlier this month.
“We were successful in our advocacy efforts to remove the Raise the Wage Act, which would have increased the federal minimum wage to $15 and eliminated the tip credit,” reads the report.
Further down, the report notes the company’s ongoing lobbying campaign in the Senate against the PRO Act, which recently passed the House and contains a laundry list of organized labor’s goals, such as eliminating right-to-work laws and banning mandatory company-sponsored meetings that are designed to discourage union activity.
“Under this proposed rule, franchisors could be considered the direct employer of the franchise owners in their system, as well as the restaurant workers those owners employ, taking away the independence of small business owners,” the document said.
“You get the impression that they’re actively spitting in our eye, saying ‘Yes, we worked to suppress wages of our employees and we’re just going to brazenly tell you,’” one Inspire Brands worker told The Daily Poster. “I really do think that a line was crossed. You’re just going to brazenly tell your employees, ‘not only did we work to kill wages, but going forward we’re also going to make sure that the PRO Act doesn’t pass either.’”
Inspire Brands did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Government Report On Low Wages Spotlighted Inspire Brands’ Companies
During the 2020 campaign, Democrats pledged to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, which would boost the wages of 32 million workers nationwide, according to a recent report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI).
However, efforts to include a $15 minimum wage in Biden’s pandemic aid bill failed after the Senate parliamentarian advised Democrats such a hike should not be passed by budget reconciliation and Vice President Kamala Harris declined to use her authority to override the decision.
Inspire Brands’ success in eliminating the minimum wage hike from the bill follows Dunkin’ Brands’ then-CEO Nigel Travis saying in 2015 that a $15 wage would be “absolutely outrageous.” At the time, unions noted that Travis was being paid more than $4,000 every hour.
The minimum wage defeat also follows an October 2020 report from the Government Accountability Office finding that low-wage workers at Dunkin’ Donuts, Arby’s, and Sonic were among those relying most heavily on food stamps in states where those franchises operate. In 2019, some Sonic workers walked off the job in Ohio in protest of low pay.
While paying many of its workers below $15, Inspire Brands’ franchises are generating $26 billion in annual revenue and enriching top executives. The founder of Jimmy John’s — which has been accused of busting worker union drives — recently boasted on his website that he was named one of the planet’s wealthiest men.
In the year before Inspire acquired his company, Dunkin’ Brands’ CEO was paid millions and then made millions more when the deal closed.
In government filings that year, Dunkin’ Brands warned investors about the prospect of low-wage workers being paid better.
“A significant number of our franchisees’ food-service employees are paid at rates related to the U.S. federal minimum wage and applicable minimum wages in foreign jurisdictions and past increases in the U.S. federal minimum wage and foreign jurisdiction minimum wage have increased labor costs, as would future such increases,” the company wrote. “Any increases in labor costs might result in franchisees inadequately staffing restaurants. Understaffed restaurants could reduce sales at such restaurants, decrease royalty payments, and adversely affect our brands.”
The company also bragged that “none of our employees are represented by a labor union, and we believe our relationships with our employees are healthy.”
“Our Name Signifies Our Admiration For The Qualities Embodied By Howard Roark”
Inspire Brands is majority owned by Roark Capital — a $23 billion private equity giant named after the self-centered protagonist of Ayn Rand novel The Fountainhead, which is considered a foundational conservative text for the defense of billionaires and economic inequality.
“Our name signifies our admiration for the qualities embodied by Howard Roark,” the firm says on its website. “We are committed to being a good partner in good times, and an even better partner in bad times.”
Donors from Roark-linked companies delivered more than $800,000 of campaign contributions in the 2020 election cycle, mostly to Republicans, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets.
Several state and local retirement systems have invested public employees’ retirement savings in the Roark funds involved in Inspire Brands’ takeover of Dunkin’ Brands last year, including the Oregon State Treasury, the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System, and the Los Angeles City Employees' Retirement System.
In its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Roark advised investors that “portfolio companies of the type targeted” by the firm can be “adversely affected by changes in governmental policies” including the minimum wage.
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starcloud-nova · 3 years
states off the top of my memory since we’re getting a new one apparently
okay let’s do this. under the cut ↓
pacific northwest:
washington - contains seattle and multiple of my friends and i think some fancy tall building as well. not to be confused with washington dc. both are named after our first president
oregon - tbh not much here. no sales tax which is wild. has the city portland idk if you’ve heard of it. 
california - technically not part of the north west but its okay dw about it. has different laws from most of the country for some reason????? really specific stuff like pollution wise and a few other things. cities LA, san diego, san fransisco. has good sushi
the north bit of the country that i do not know the area of:
montana - named after the hit tv show hanna montana
nevada - las vegas and casinos and shit. fairly sure there’s quite a bit of native land here. has the city of reno
north dakota - mount rushmore. definitely native land here
south dakota - this state might as well not exist
idaho - potato land
the states next to california:
arizona - hot. dry. desert. it snows there too but eh who cares. grand canyon state
new mexico - idk it’s just kinda there
utah - that weird square shaped state. uhh i think salt lake city is here??? idk
colorado - square state with farms. flat as fuck. same as wyoming
wyoming - square state with farms. flat as fuck. same as colorado
the middle of the country whoohoo:
texas - cowboys horse shows hot weather. cursed state. dont ever go here. has the cities dallas, austin and houston. nasa station here i think. we’ve reached the deep south 
oklahoma - texas’ arch nemesis. shaped like a pan and has a part known as the panhandle. tbh i mostly know of this state because of the outsiders book. has city of tulsa! (native land)
nebraska - i think grows corn
kansas - flatter than fuck. legitimately forget we have this one. america is like the cat hoarder with too many cats
what i’ll kindly refer to as east of texas:
louisiana - home to new orleans! ppl associate this state with mardi gras i think. hurricane katrina go brr because NO is a fucking bowl. 
arkansas - ‘america explain’ vine
minnesota and missouri - these are the same state idk what to tell you
iowa - too many vowels to be legal. pronounced “eye-oh-wah”
illinois - there is no s in this tate. home of chicago
wisconsin - ????? idk what this one does
michigan - has those lakes which are oceans
indiana - i dont know what to tell u
ohio - i think this is self explanatory
the daughters who live away from home:
alaska - cold
hawaii - hot
where it all started:) (the 13 colonies) :
georgia - peach state ;) home to atlanta
florida - swamp and beach. there is no in between. melbourne is the most depressing city you’ll ever see
alabama - we have reached the even deeper south
mississippi - still remember learning to spell this when i was 6
tenessee - dont remember learning to spell this at all
kentucky - fried chicken
south and north carolina - idk what made them split tbh
new york - the only city that exists in hollywood apprently
delaware - first state
rhode island - smallest state
virginia - right under dc
maryland - right over dc
west virginia - okay so you know the reason why this exists? during the civil was viriginia was wondering if it wanted to secede and join the south or not. their western part had no need for slaves due to their geography and they were split on what to do. so they split the state where the appalachain plateau (coal mine shit) started and made wv. and then virginia sided with the south
massachusetts - too many letters
connecticut - fun to say:D
maine - cold
vermont and new hampshire - the same state
pennsylvania - liberty bell and hershey’s factory go brrrr
new jersey - hell
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The Real 2020 Season: Week 2
Hello everyone, welcome to Week 2 of The Real 2020 Season! We’re imagining how things would have gone in the 2020 football season if COVID hadn’t ruined everything.
Week 1 featured a few big games amid a sea of tune-up matches without much excitement. Nothing too earth-shattering, but we’ve got some real good matchups this week.
If you want to start from the beginning here is Week 0.
The Rankings
Week 2 AP Poll
1. Clemson 1-0 (1-0) 2. Alabama 1-0 (0-0) 3. Ohio State 1-0 (0-0) 4. Georgia 1-0 (0-0) 5. Oklahoma 1-0 (0-0) 6. LSU 1-0 (0-0) 7. Penn State 1-0 (0-0) 8. Florida 1-0 (0-0) 9. Oregon 1-0 (0-0) 10. Notre Dame 1-0 11. Auburn 1-0 (0-0) 12. Texas A&M 1-0 (0-0) 13. Texas 1-0 (0-0) 14. Oklahoma State 1-0 (0-0) 15. Washington 1-0 (0-0) 16. UCF 1-0 (0-0) 17. Minnesota 1-0 (0-0) 18. Utah 1-0 (0-0) 19. Indiana 1-0 (1-0) 20. USC 0-1 (0-0) 21. Cincinnati 1-0 (0-0) 22. Iowa State 1-0 (0-0) 23. Iowa 1-0 (0-0) 24. Tennessee 1-0 (0-0) 25. Michigan 0-1 (0-0)
The Narrative
The Big Ten took one on the chin in Week 1 as Michigan fell to Washington and the Wisconsin was upset at home by Indiana. Two of the league’s better programs already have their Playoff hopes on life support after one week. It’s not a good look for the conference. The ACC similarly had a disappointment after North Carolina fell at UCF, leaving Clemson the only team in that conference in the polls.
The SEC and Big 12 didn’t have many marquee games so not much changed for them. Besides USC’s scheduled loss to Alabama in Dallas, the PAC-12 actually had a pretty good week thanks to the Huskies’ win combined with Utah’s victory over BYU. Oregon also didn’t get upset by North Dakota State which should count for something.
UCF’s win over the Tar Heels is another big win for the G5 and the American specifically. The Knights are once again charging for the NY6 spot. I’d say they’re gunning for the Playoff but we know that the committee probably won’t let them in unless something very weird happens.
The Games
Week 2 still has a high number of bodybag games, but we’re still going to see some high profile out of conference matchups.
Winning teams are highlighted in bold.
Ohio at Boston College Louisville at #1 Clemson Samford at Florida State Mississippi State at NC State Syracuse at Rutgers Appalachian State at Wake Forest Elon at Duke Gardner-Webb at Georgia Tech Wagner at Miami FL #11 Auburn vs North Carolina (Atlanta, GA) Pittsburgh at Marshall VMI at Virginia #7 Penn State at Virginia Tech Kansas at Baylor #22 Iowa State at #23 Iowa North Dakota at Kansas State #24 Tennessee at #5 Oklahoma Tulsa at #14 Oklahoma State Prairie View A&M at TCU #13 Texas at #6 LSU Alabama State at Texas Tech Eastern Kentucky at West Virginia Western Kentucky at #19 Indiana Northern Illinois at Maryland Ball State at #25 Michigan Michigan State at BYU #3 Ohio State at #9 Oregon Connecticut at Illinois Tennessee Tech at #17 Minnesota Central Michigan at Nebraska Tulane at Northwestern Memphis at Purdue Southern Illinois at Wisconsin Norfolk State at Charlotte FIU at #16 UCF Indiana State at Middle Tennessee Hampton at Old Dominion Louisiana Tech at Southern Miss North Texas at #12 Texas A&M Army at Rice Alabama A&M at UAB UTEP at Nevada Akron at New Mexico State Robert Morris at Bowling Green Saint Francis at Buffalo Kennesaw State at Kent State Arkansas-Pine Bluff at Miami OH Coastal Carolina at Eastern Michigan San Diego State at Toledo Western Michigan at #21 Cincinnati Boise State at Air Force Colorado State at Oregon State New Mexico at #20 USC Southern Utah at Utah State Wyoming at Louisiana Fresno State at Colorado Fordham at Hawaii UC Davis at San Jose State Arizona State at UNLV Cal Poly at California Stanford at Arizona Sacramento State at #15 Washington Houston at Washington State Montana State at #18 Utah Kentucky at #8 Florida East Tennessee State at #4 Georgia Vanderbilt at Missouri East Carolina at South Carolina Georgia State at #2 Alabama Arkansas at #10 Notre Dame Southeast Missouri State at Ole Miss Campbell at Georgia Southern Troy at Massachusetts Howard at Arkansas State North Carolina A&T at Liberty
Now that’s more like it. Week 2 produced some incredible games and huge upsets that shook up the Playoff picture. Three top ten teams fall as #9 Oregon held off #3 Ohio State in Eugene to give the Buckeyes a horrific blow to their Playoff candidacy. Meanwhile, #13 Texas came to Baton Rouge and managed to beat the defending champions. In the biggest upset of them all, #7 Penn State was downed by a Virginia Tech team that was supposedly reeling from a loss to Liberty in Week 1. The rest of the usual suspects did just fine but the top 5 is going to look different.
To further the embarrassment for the Big Ten, #25 Michigan was upset by Ball State of all teams, completely humiliating the 0-2 Wolverines. Perhaps less surprisingly, Nebraska and Purdue were upset by Central Michigan and Memphis respectively. It was a blood-letting of a week that could very well keep the Big Ten out of the Playoff entirely. The only silver lining was #23 Iowa’s close victory over rival #22 Iowa State.
The other ranked vs ranked matchup saw #5 Oklahoma shake off a slow start to beat #24 Tennessee in Norman. The third Chick-fil-A Kickoff game in two weeks saw #11 Auburn beat UNC. If the Tar Heels hadn’t lost to UCF in Week 1 it would have been a ranked vs ranked affair but oh well.
The G5 had a very good week overall. UCF and Cincinnati continue to roll as the spearhead of the AAC. Marshall beat Pittsburgh at home to announce their candidacy for the NY6 bowl. The MAC is on fire, following up Buffalo’s Week 1 upset over Kansas State, meanwhile Ball State and Central Michigan recorded upsets. Toledo beat San Diego State as well, likely knocking one of the Mountain West’s more consistent programs out of the NY6 race. Appalachian State, the usual torch bearer for the Sun Belt, lost to Wake Forest.
Outside of perhaps two dozen interesting matchups the rest of the games aren’t worth talking about. Week 2 still means that plenty of teams were playing snore inducing tune-up games.
The Standings
We’re still mostly in non-conference play so the standings won’t change too much yet, but here they are if you’re curious. Each league is already having a storyline develop.
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The Big Picture
By far the biggest story of the young 2020 season is the apparent complete collapse of the Big Ten. For over five years, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, and Wisconsin dominated the league and each had squads capable of making the Playoff if they weren’t beating up on each other. In just two weeks, all four of these teams have lost a game they were favored to win and it looks like the Playoff chances for the entire league are on life support already. Michigan’s loss to Ball State is extra embarrassing, and starting out 0-2 is not good for Jim Harbaugh’s job prospects.
The other huge event is the home loss of the defending champions. LSU lost a ton of talent from their 2019 team and struggled to keep up with a Texas team that gave them trouble the year before. On the flip-side, it finally looks like the Longhorns might be back. It definitely is one of UT’s best true road wins in a long time. Time will tell if the Big Ten will rebound and if the Horns can capitalize on their victory.
At the G5 level, the MAC is making a big push for the NY6. Long considered one of the weaker G5 conferences, the MAC already has three P5 scalps only two weeks in. Gotta love that MACtion. On the other side, the Mountain West, usually the #2 G5 league, only has one unbeaten team left in Boise State. The Broncos are of course the favorites to win the conference, but it still hurts the league’s image. The American is still the top dog with 4 unbeaten teams led by UCF and Cincinnati.
The New Rankings
Week 3 AP Poll
1. Clemson 2-0 (2-0) 2. Alabama 2-0 (0-0) 3. Georgia 2-0 (0-0) 4. Oklahoma 2-0 (0-0) 5. Oregon 2-0 (0-0) 6. Florida 2-0 (1-0) 7. Texas 2-0 (0-0) 8. Notre Dame 2-0 9. Auburn 2-0 (0-0) 10. Texas A&M 2-0 (0-0) 11. Ohio State 1-1 (0-0) 12. Oklahoma State 2-0 (0-0) 13. Washington 2-0 (0-0) 14. LSU 1-1 (0-0) 15. UCF 2-0 (0-0) 16. Minnesota 2-0 (0-0) 17. Utah 2-0 (0-0) 18. Iowa 2-0 (0-0) 19. Indiana 2-0 (1-0) 20. USC 1-1 (0-0) 21. Cincinnati 2-0 (0-0) 22. Penn State 1-1 (0-0) 23. Missouri 2-0 (1-0) 24. Liberty 2-0 25. Memphis 2-0 (0-0)
Polls usually change wildly following such a bloody week. Ohio State is knocked out of the top ten, but only just. Oregon now replaces the Buckeyes as the fifth real Playoff contender outside of the usual suspects. Even with LSU and Tennessee’s losses, the SEC still dominates the polls. Five of the top ten come from the SEC and Missouri jumped into the top 25 to replace the fallen Vols. The Big Ten is completely outside of the top ten which is a staggering sight to see. With Iowa State’s loss to Iowa it looks like the Big 12 is going to be fought over by Oklahoma and Texas, just like the old days, unless Oklahoma State has anything to say about it. The Big 12 has 3 teams in the top 15 so they have a great case to be the #2 conference in the nation following the SEC at this point, though even the PAC-12 can start making noise with Oregon and perhaps even Washington in the mix.
The American is still the only G5 league represented in the polls, but they now have three teams in the top 25 with Memphis joining the party. UCF has even cracked the top 15, this early in the season it might give a bit of hope for G5 fans that they could even make the Playoff if, say, the Big Ten and one more P5 conference can’t fill the slots. Liberty joins the AP poll for the first time ever thanks to their week 1 win over Virginia Tech and the Hokies’ upset of Penn State. How high can the Flames fly?
So that’s Week 2 of the Real 2020 season. Things are just heating up, so tune in next time for another exciting installment!
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nwbeerguide · 4 years
Learn how Tavour has holidays like St. Patrick's Day covered.
Press Release
Are you a fan of St. Patrick's day? Well, this year may not be so green.
For many of us, St. Patrick’s Day means green beer, packed bars, and corned beef and cabbage for dinner. For those who work in the alcohol industry, the holiday is an annual boon that provides a much-needed revenue boost during the long winter months.
According to Neilson, overall beer sales for St. Patrick’s Day 2018 increased by 174% compared to an average day. And typically, a significant percentage of that extra revenue goes to small, craft breweries. This year, many need an influx of cash more than ever as they struggle with COVID-19 restrictions. 
With St. Paddy’s parties on hold, many breweries are turning to online retailers like Tavour to get their St. Patrick’s Day-themed releases into the hands of thirsty craft fans. 
It’s a trend that’s been on the rise since the pandemic started — more than 130 independent craft breweries have begun offering their Stouts, IPAs, and a whole range of other styles through Tavour over the past year alone, bringing the total to over 600. As much of the industry continues to struggle, and beer drinkers celebrate their holidays at home, online sales have provided an outlet for many in the industry.
“From a sales standpoint, we’re going to sell more Shamrock Shake [Irish Cream Stout] than we did last year,” says Jason Brewer of Ohio’s Listermann Brewing Company. Although, he also points out that profit margins on cans are significantly lower than those achieved with draft beer in the taproom. 
“It’s not going to be the fun taproom party that we usually have,” he says. “It’s going to be mostly people partying at home.” Those who choose to celebrate in quarantine will still be able to access Shamrock Shake Stout and Pot O’ Gold Shamrock Shake Golden Stout in 25 states through the Tavour app. 
Maryland’s True Respite Brewing will also offer their annual release of Irish Eyes, Irish Red Ale, through Tavour, although co-founder Brendan O’Leary says that the loss of St. Patrick’s Day isn’t the problem in and of itself. 
“We have plenty of other holidays we celebrate that offer nice bumps in the taproom, but I wouldn’t say any one of them is so essential to our business,” O’Leary explains. “It’s the accumulation of ALL the lost holidays (and the plain old normal days) that are adding up and making things really tight right now.”
True Respite will be skipping their beloved St. Patrick’s Day party this year (the aptly named ‘St. Paddy’s O’Leary-Palooza) but the brewers still encourage beer drinkers to join in the celebration of Irish culture. 
“Join a virtual tasting. Order for home delivery. Mask up and grab some beer to go,” he says. “And once you have your beer, do something that’ll last… like learning an Irish folk song on the penny whistle.”
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/2OzJMRy
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hansoulo · 4 years
“A pandemic has taken the lives of more than 100,000 Americans and put more than 30 million out of work, and to top it off, there has been an almost 30-day, caught-on-tape spree of police and vigilante violence against black people. For some, it may feel like the nation is on the brink of near-biblical levels of chaos.
The responses across the nation, whether you call them riots (and you shouldn’t) or whether you call them protests, uprisings, unrest, or rebellions, are being covered by local and national news and social media. As a journalism professor who has studied and experienced media coverage of protests for years, I have watched repeatedly how poorly these events are conveyed by the media and understood by the public. Here’s what people watching the news must understand in order to get what’s truly going on, and keep your faith in America nominally intact in the process.
First, it’s important to understand the mandate of the news, and that is to get eyeballs on the screen, whether that is your television screen or the one in your hands. Networks focus on spectacle: fires, people crying, and broken windows, instead of the larger story. In most cases (such as with the Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, protests a few years ago), property damage and fires are limited to a small area, and even during those times many people are just milling about, but shaking camera angles and tight shots want you to believe that every reporter is an extra in Saving Private Ryan and every protest looks like Kanye’s “No Church in the Wild” video.
In reality, these protests are usually not completely consumed with chaos. Nighttime coverage will seldom show a full city map demonstrating that, two blocks over from a street that looks like a “city engulfed in flames,” there’s a CVS still open for business. The press flocking to dramatic images as a protest metaphor is not a new phenomenon.
Further, much of the property damage attributed to protesters is often the result of police action or inaction in the face of lawful public behavior, something I’ve witnessed from Ferguson to the far-right protests in Charlottesville, Virginia. Tear gas canisters can still burn your hand hours after they’ve been launched by police, flares are thrown by riot response teams with reckless abandon, let alone live munitions and flash grenades.
Sometimes buried at the end of post-protest reports by local authorities is the fact that police munitions often start fires at protests, but this is seldom reported by the press, and there have been surprisingly few protesters arrested for arson relative to the fires that erupted during the unrest. Which is more likely to set row houses ablaze, three teenagers in face masks with “No Justice, No Peace” signs or two smoldering tear gas shells sitting on a pile of dry leaves and newspaper for two hours?
This is not to suggest that some protesters don’t cause violence or property damage, but observers, let alone journalists, should be making distinctions between the various actors that are actually on the scene during civil unrest. You have the aforementioned police who are armed. Then you have chaos agents and anarchists who infiltrate peaceful protests with their own agenda. This isn’t conspiracy theory; in Minneapolis alone, videos have emerged of strangely dressed people just engaging in wanton property destruction. No one knows who they are, but it seems unlikely that they are protesters.
Then you have your run-of-the-mill opportunistic criminals. When the police are so occupied harassing and corralling peaceful protesters and the streets are filled with smoke, it’s pretty easy to break into a Verizon store, a beauty shop, or a grocery store and take what you want. These people are often conflated with actual revolutionaries, who are protesters that target actual structures and symbols of abuse and oppression. For protesters who are angry about violent, unaccountable police in Minneapolis, overtaking and burning down the Third Police Precinct is a specific act of revolt. This is a fundamentally different action than using the chaos from two blocks over to raid a liquor store.
And, of course, none of these actors should be confused with the hundreds of men and women peacefully protesting who are usually subjected to violent reprisals by police. Which is why “they’re burning their own community” narratives are so misleading and dangerous. It’s irresponsible to not distinguish which “they” is being talked about.
Which brings us to perhaps the most important thing to understand about how to watch protests: the context of what kind of protest garners police response. Over the past three months, the 24-hour cable networks have extensively covered mostly white armed men and women threatening police and politicians at state capitols across the nation over coronavirus lockdown policies.
How often have you seen police in riot gear? In fact, police seldom use force or even present in force (protest shields, black helmets, etc.) when conservative or right-wing groups protest. When is the last time you saw a group of anti-abortion activists get tear-gassed? Yet with left-leaning groups, and especially groups of minorities, their protests are often met with shows of force. Right-wing groups spit in the faces of police in regular gear in Michigan, while SWAT teams show up like Storm Troopers for chanting teens in Minneapolis.
This lack of context is even more corrosive when national press coverage chooses one staging area of protest over another. People are marching in Phoenix, Arizona; Columbus, Ohio; and New York City in solidarity with George Floyd, and in Brunswick, Georgia, for Ahmaud Arbery, and in Louisville, Kentucky, for Breonna Taylor. Seven people were shot during the Louisville protests, but 24-hour news coverage is blanketed with images of burning buildings in Minneapolis as if that’s the default of protests instead of the outlier.
So what should be your main takeaway as an American concerned about the future of the country? Protests are not simply stories of “good guys” and “bad guys” no matter where you fall on the political spectrum. There are actors all operating simultaneously, and all too often local and even national reporting only covers the story of the local politicians and police who have a vested interest in presenting themselves as overwhelmed and beleaguered as opposed to negligent and incendiary.
Former Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin, who pinned George Floyd by placing his knee on the man’s neck for almost nine minutes, has been arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter by local authorities. By all accounts, whether it’s Minneapolis (or Louisville or Brunswick), if the police and vigilantes who committed these acts of violence were consistently arrested and charged, it’s highly likely that these protests would be less volatile.
More importantly, the focus and amplification of property damage over the lost lives that sparked unrest to begin with is a reflection of the press’s ghoulishly misplaced priorities. As a news consumer, you don’t have to feed the beast. You can choose to follow men and women on the ground covering events as concerned citizens. You can sift through the dross of hot-taking, moralizing pundits and pay attention to the data on the ground about what causes protests. (This was all but predicted five years ago.) You can refuse to submit to goodthink and stop using words like riot, protest, and resistance interchangeably.
In other words, you can be a sincere, informed American citizen, and recognize that your fellow Americans are hurting and expressing their pain. It does not have to be filtered and sanitized through the state or the press to be legitimized.”
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effyoutrav · 6 years
I’ll get the lights on the way out.
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On this, the last day before Tumblr turns into something completely different, I give you a lot of my thoughts.
I created this blog in March of 2010 under the first of many names -- effyoutrav begat futureslick, which begat whatwouldtravisdo, which begat travsucks, which begat bronamicode. This, surprisingly enough, started as a passion project of mine: I was going to watch every movie on the AFI list of 100 greatest American films (both versions) and review them, one by one. Obviously, my thoughts on American filmmaking in 2010 became the ramblings and photo journal of a kid in love in late 2010, then again in 2015, then again in 2017, before settling into a repository of butt pics, vine compilations, and non-sequitur memes-slash-general bullshit.
This blog, over the course of eight and a half years, has seen me go from the 23-year-old kid in the first two pics above (my first two Tumblr selfies!) to the...whatever the hell you wanna call the 32-year-old in these last two pics. Apparently all I’ve learned is to lean my head in the other direction for a selfie. Along the way, I’ve moved from western Maryland to Boston, gone back to school, switched careers, come out of the closet, dated three guys, gone through four breakups, and made a lot of friends.
That latter bit is the most important to me. Through the wonders of this here website, I’ve met and befriended so many amazing people. From New Mexico to Ohio, Michigan to Baltimore, Houston to right here in Boston, I can’t put into words how thankful I am for the friends I’ve made because of Tumblr. And hey, maybe that’ll continue through other social media means! Just because this avenue will be a lot different doesn’t mean everything else will.
And hey, a lot of my growth is because of the guys I’ve dated, and a solid amount of that had to do with this site as well. I know I’ve had (and caused) my fair share of heartbreak, but I also had a lot of really fucking amazing times and a *lot* of personal growth. Paul might read this since we’re back to friendly terms but to Brett and Kyle, if you ever end up stumbling upon this: thanks for helping me be the guy I am today. I wish you all nothing but the best.
When we were together, Brett introduced me to what has become my favorite webcomic ever: A Softer World. It’s the perfect blend of nihilism, nostalgia, wistfulness, and wit -- it’s honestly a creepily-close window into my stream of consciousness. On their last official day (http://www.asofterworld.com/index.php?id=1243) back in 2016, the text went “The sun is shining/and the birds are singing/and because today is the very last day/they will sing forever.”
So, with that, this will be my final post on Tumblr. It’s been a good run, but I think it’s time to let the birds sing forever. I’ll probably leave this up for posterity’s sake for a while -- it did, after all, take a few years after my final LiveJournal entry to finally take it off the internet -- but this is gonna be it for me with regard to new material. I think I’ve said enough.
From, simultaneously, the closeted weirdo of 2010 and the snarky overconfident weirdo of 2018: Thanks for the follows, the messages, the reblogs, the likes, the love, the friendships, the laughs, the emotions, and everything else. Mostly, though: thanks for being completely fucking awesome, you guys.
insta: thetraviskingexperience
twitter: effyoutrav
switch: SW-0457-5409-7790
pokemon go: 9207 7673 7986
psn: thegood_tk
xbox live: theTKexperience
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theliberaltony · 6 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
For the second time in less than two years, partisan gerrymandering is back in front of the Supreme Court. Last term, the court seemed like it might rule that some partisan gerrymanders are so extreme that they violate the Constitution. But instead the justices punted, issuing a narrow ruling in June that rejected the cases on procedural grounds. Today, the justices will consider a pair of cases — a new case from North Carolina and one of the cases from last term from Maryland — that could, in theory, change the way electoral maps are drawn.
But the chances that the court will create a standard for unconstitutional partisan gerrymandering seem even lower than they did last year. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was long viewed as the swing voter on the issue, retired last summer. Now the challengers need to convince a court with a conservative majority that it can — and should — declare partisan gerrymandering unconstitutional. And that won’t be an easy task. “In general, ideologically conservative judges aren’t sympathetic to the idea that courts should get involved — they think it’s a political question,” said Daniel Tokaji, a law professor and election law expert at Ohio State University. So if the court again chooses not to rule on the constitutionality of partisan gerrymandering, where will activists take the gerrymandering fight next?
Some groups that are trying to change how redistricting is done — like the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, founded in 2017 by former Attorney General Eric Holder — have begun working on other strategies. Often, these approaches are hard to separate from partisan politics — Holder’s group, for example, is aligned with the Democrats and primarily targets gerrymandering that favors Republicans. But some Republicans, like former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, have also made the issue a priority, and reformers on both sides are aiming to take map-drawing out of the hands of state legislatures. “We’re approaching this like a jigsaw puzzle,” Holder said. “If we have the federal courts open to us, that’s a tool we’ll use. But we’ve never seen litigation as the only way to attack the problem of partisan gerrymandering.”
That means that if the Supreme Court doesn’t decide that extreme partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional, the battle will likely shift to the states. Several strategies are already being tested, but are these alternatives to the federal courts likely to bring advocates more success?
Tackle gerrymandering in state courts
Court challenges to electoral maps aren’t limited to the federal courts — they can also happen on the state level. For example, North Carolina’s Republican-drawn congressional map is before the U.S. Supreme Court today, but it is also being challenged in state court. And it’s not unprecedented for a state court to weigh in, independent of the federal courts: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled last year that the congressional map drawn by the Republican legislature in 2011 ran afoul of the state constitution, saying that the map — which benefited the Republicans — violated the state’s guarantee of “free and equal” elections. The court ended up releasing a replacement map that helped the Democrats but also more closely reflected the political makeup of the state’s electorate.
For groups like Holder’s, this win in Pennsylvania created a blueprint of sorts for attacking partisan gerrymandering in states with similar constitutions. In a recent paper, Bernard Grofman, a political scientist at the University of California-Irvine, and Jonathan Cervas, who just completed a political science Ph.D. there, pointed to a tally by another scholar that showed that there are 12 states with constitutions that have provisions basically identical to the one the Pennsylvania court relied on, while another dozen or so states have similar language in their constitutions. Not all of these states have conditions that allow for partisan gerrymandering, but the language in their constitutions makes these particular states theoretically ripe for a challenge. “I think it’s fair to anticipate that we will be seeing more litigation over this issue in the state courts, regardless of what happens at the Supreme Court,” Grofman said. That’s because most state constitutions protect voting rights more explicitly than the U.S. Constitution, giving state courts more latitude to strike down partisan gerrymanders.
But going through the state courts won’t necessarily solve the problem the Supreme Court has struggled with for decades — identifying when a partisan gerrymander has gone too far. “I don’t see why this will be easier for a state court to deal with,” said Derek Muller, a law professor and election law expert at Pepperdine University. He acknowledged that state courts might be more willing to weigh in because the judges who sit on them are often elected, rather than appointed, but said that might not be a good thing: “In a sense, you’re just fighting partisanship with partisanship.”
Grofman thinks that state courts may be able to outline workable standards. But, he said, once courts make the rules, state legislators will likely try to find ways to get around them, an approach he has termed “stealth gerrymandering.” For example, after the Pennsylvania map was deemed unconstitutional, Republican state legislators initially proposed a substitute plan that was still criticized as maintaining an advantage for Republicans. Pennsylvania’s governor, a Democrat, rejected the plan, and the court ended up using a separate map. Grofman anticipates that more subtle attempts to maintain an advantage for one party over the other will be difficult for courts to police.
Put gerrymandering on the ballot
Another approach that reformers could take is to turn away from the courts altogether and engage with partisan gerrymandering in the system that made it: electoral politics. In the 2018 midterms, voters in four states approved ballot measures creating independent redistricting commissions, which can make elections more competitive.
However, not all states permit voters to put initiatives directly on the ballot. And as Tokaji told me, a well-funded opposition can be deadly to a ballot initiative campaign, which means that bipartisan support is key. “If voters are confused about a ballot initiative, they tend to vote no,” he said. “And it’s not hard to confuse people if you have a lot of money.”
Of course, elections can also diminish lawmakers’ ability to create gerrymandered maps — especially if one party loses control of the governorship, since in many states, governors have veto power over how district boundaries are drawn. These electoral efforts mostly involve targeting Republican governors and legislatures, since the GOP controlled the process in more states in the most recent round of redistricting. “Electing a Democratic governor who has veto power over the state’s maps in 2021 — that’s a powerful check on a Republican legislature,” Muller said. “The same thing when you’re able to flip one house of a state legislature.” But because there are only so many competitive state legislatures or gubernatorial seats, he said, there are a limited number of states where this kind of strategy is viable.
Raise public awareness
Another tack is to organize grassroots activists to put pressure on state legislatures to improve transparency when they’re drawing political boundaries. Holder’s group, which recently merged with Organizing for Action, former President Barack Obama’s political committee, is doubling down on this approach ahead of the redistricting that will take place after the 2020 census. “One of our goals is to ensure that these maps aren’t being drawn in back rooms and then quickly pushed through the legislature,” said John Bisognano, executive director of Holder’s group.
But some experts I spoke with were skeptical that increased public awareness would have an impact, at least in the short term. “It’s pretty easy for legislators to have a dog and pony show where you pretend to be transparent but then keep the actual plan close to the vest,” Tokaji said. That said, he thinks growing awareness could have a bigger impact in the long term and is already changing the conversation around gerrymandering. “Ten years ago, people weren’t talking about this the way they are now,” he said.
One thing is obvious — none of these strategies is a silver bullet. The possibility that the Supreme Court will decide whether a partisan gerrymandering is unconstitutional may have made changing how states draw electoral district boundaries seem deceptively simple. But that’s a difficult and inherently piecemeal task. So advocates who want these changes may need to engage with electoral politics or the state courts regardless of how the Supreme Court rules — and if the justices do, once again, decline to rule gerrymandering unconstitutional and set a standard, expect states to become the new ground zero for gerrymandering challenges.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Democratic divides take center stage at first debate
SOULESS Trump 😢😭🖕👉“BORING!” he tweeted as the candidates began discussing the deaths of a father and daughter at the border.
Democratic divides take center stage at first debate
By Toluse Olorunnipa and Michael Scherr | Published June 27 at 12:16 AM ET | Washington Post | Posted June 27, 2019 |
Deep divides over health care and economic policy dominated the first Democratic presidential debate Wednesday, as 10 candidates jousted in Miami over the best formula for beating President Trump and fixing the economic struggles of the middle class. 
The result was a prime-time display — the first national event of the election season — showcasing economic and regulatory differences that have riven the Democratic Party, including transformative plans to eliminate private health insurance, fund free college for most Americans, break up giant corporations and impose sharp tax increases on the wealthiest Americans. 
The ambitious slate of proposals highlights the Democrats’ leftward shift, a trend Republicans are seeking to take advantage of by linking the party with socialism and government control. The generally sober event also highlighted one of the key dilemmas that Democrats face in their attempt to oust Trump — a bombastic showman whose name was only occasionally mentioned but whose presence loomed large over the proceedings.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), standing center stage with the most early attention from moderators, drove much of the debate with a passionate defense of disruptive plans that would face long odds of passage in Congress. She framed each of the issues as a question of determination, saying she was willing to fight and take on the “corruption in this system” that had created the problems. 
“We’ve had the laws out there for a long time to be able to fight back. What’s been missing is courage, courage in Washington to take on the giants,” she said. “I want to return government to the people, and that means calling out the names of the monopolists and saying I have the courage to go after them.”
Her rivals were forced to respond, though they avoided taking her on directly, trying to explain their plans as different routes to the same goal. 
“I do get concerned about paying for college for rich kids; I do,” said Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.), a thinly veiled reference to plans supported by Warren to make public colleges free for all Americans.
But the two-hour debate proceeded without a significant viral or humorous moment to rival the kind of spectacle created by Trump during the 2016 debates that were dominated by the real estate developer’s shocking comments, off-color jokes and biting attacks on his rivals.
Trump’s campaign characterized the debate as “the best argument for President Trump’s reelection,” arguing that Democrats were proposing “a radical government takeover of American society that would demolish the American Dream so many are gaining access to under the growing Trump economy.”
Rather than paint a hopeful vision of the nation’s future, the Democrats onstage focused on the grim challenges facing the country — warning of a long list of serious threats to the nation’s well-being, such as corporate power, global warming, the humanitarian crises on the southern border and the growing economic power of China. 
Perhaps seeking to introduce themselves to a national audience, the candidates only rarely addressed one another directly or strayed from well-rehearsed lines.
When Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.) was asked about previous comments criticizing politicians who pledge to break up specific companies — as Warren has — he seemed to shift in Warren’s direction, saying “I don’t think I disagree” that corporate consolidation is a problem.
Former Texas congressman Beto O’Rourke gave his first answer in both Spanish and English, but he struggled to respond directly to the question about how high he would bring the marginal tax rate for the wealthy. He spoke instead about ending gerrymandering while bolstering the Voting Rights Act and same-day voter registration. 
“I would support a tax rate and a tax code that is fair to everyone,” he said, after the question was repeated to him. 
Wednesday’s debate marked the first of 12 scheduled by the Democratic Party, including at least two split over two nights, with 10 more candidates scheduled to appear in Miami on Thursday. Polls show a wide-open race, even as most of the 23 candidates struggle to register even 2 percent support.
Warren was the only candidate to appear polling in double digits, with clear momentum after months of tireless campaigning. Three other candidates, O’Rourke, Klobuchar and Booker, have been struggling to maintain the early expectations of their campaign announcements. Six more, including Rep. Tim Ryan (Ohio), Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee, have found themselves struggling to be noticed in the crowded field. 
But all of the candidates were given a chance to weigh in on the key divides in the party. Only Warren and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio raised their hands when asked whether they would get rid of private health insurance.
“I understand: There are a lot of politicians who say , ‘Oh, it’s just not possible.’ . . .,” Warren said, fully embracing the single-payer health-care plan backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who will be onstage Thursday. “What they’re really telling you is that they just won’t fight for it. But health care is a basic human right. And I will fight for it.”
The issue of immigration, an area of relative agreement in the Democratic Party, prompted one of the few fierce exchanges of the night — between the two Texas politicians on the stage. Former housing and urban development secretary Julián Castro sought to draw a contrast with O’Rourke by saying the former congressman opposed repealing part of U.S. immigration law that allows for criminal prosecution of migrants who come to the United States without proper documentation. Castro has called for decriminalizing undocumented immigration, a position Republicans have branded “open borders.”
“I think that you should do your homework on this issue,” Castro said, turning to O’Rourke. “If you did your homework on this issue you would know that we should repeal this section.”
O’Rourke said he favored immigration policies that ended the family separations that have taken place during the Trump administration, and to ensure that migrants seeking asylum are not detained.
For most of the candidates onstage, the debate marked one of only two chances they will have, in addition to the July debates, to spark the interest necessary to get them on the September debate stage, when the polling and donor qualification requirements will dramatically tighten. 
Several candidates made clear attempts to grab and hold the spotlight in the hopes of breaking through. 
At both ends of the stage, de Blasio and former Maryland congressman John Delaney, who poll the lowest, forced their way into the conversation repeatedly, with the former arguing he was the most passionate liberal on the stage and the latter playing the role of the most practical moderate.
“What we are hearing here already in the first round of questions is that battle for the heart and soul of our country,” de Blasio said. “This is supposed to be the party of working people. Yes, we’re supposed to be for a 70 percent tax rate on the wealthy.” 
Delaney responded by calling such ideas unrealistic. “I think we have to do real things to help American workers and the American people. Right?” he said. 
Booker’s strategy in the debate was to repeatedly personalize the issues that were raised. When talking about guns, he spoke about his Newark neighborhood where seven people were recently shot. “I live in a low-income black and brown community,” he said when asked about corporate consolidation. “I see every single day that this economy is not working for average Americans.”
Candidates focused mostly on policy but also spent time attacking Trump for his governing style and his record since taking office in 2017. Trump’s erratic approach to foreign policy came in for blistering attacks.
“I don’t think we should conduct foreign policy in our bathrobe at 5 in the morning,” Klobuchar said.
“This president and his chicken hawk Cabinet have led us to the brink of war with Iran,” Gabbard said. 
“The biggest threat to the security of the United States is Donald Trump,” Inslee said to applause. 
Ryan was one of several candidates who blamed Trump for conditions at the border, where migrants from Central America have been traveling in family groups, overwhelming U.S. facilities meant to house adults. Lawyers visiting some of the facilities have said that children in the facilities were living in squalor without access to basic hygiene items.
For his part, Trump weighed in from Air Force One, where he was en route to the Group of 20 summit in Japan. He focused on technical difficulties that forced NBC to cut to a commercial break when audio problems surfaced.
“.@NBCNews and @MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown in the middle of the debate,” he tweeted from over the Pacific Ocean.
The president didn’t attack any specific Democrat during the debate, instead focusing on a candidate who was not on the stage.
“Ever since the passage of the Super Predator Crime Bill, pushed hard by @JoeBiden, together with Bill and Crooked Hillary Clinton, which inflicted great pain on many, but especially the African American Community, Democrats have tried and failed to pass Criminal Justice Reform,” Trump tweeted from his presidential plane before the debate even started. “Please ask why THEY failed to the candidates!”
 The president has repeatedly weighed in on the Democratic primary, and he spent part of Wednesday doing the same. His focus has largely been on Biden, who in early polling has been leading Trump in some key states. Biden will join Sanders and eight other Democratic candidates at Thursday’s debate.
On Wednesday, with Biden not on the stage, Trump appeared less interested in the actual substance of the debate.
“BORING!” he tweeted as the candidates began discussing the deaths of a father and daughter at the border.
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cookinguptales · 6 years
As an addendum to that last post, my parents are pretty okay, but while I was growing up, they were trying to unlearn a lot of that stuff themselves. They grew up in an environment even more batshit insane than mine. Honestly, sometimes they still say things that absolutely take my breath away when it comes to being judgmental over sex and sexuality, but they definitely try hard, especially my mom. My life would be much more difficult if they were like the rest of our family. I don’t want to make it seem like everyone was completely awful, even though my parents were definitely uh. Not always supportive or progressive in their statements while I was younger.
Their parents, though, jesus christ. And all my aunts and uncles... Most of my cousins... 
(cut for some uh. some shit.)
Like the family’s largely from, like, Virginia/Carolinas/Tennessee/Maryland, I grew up in rural Ohio, North Carolina, and then lower central Florida (which is very old and conservative)... They’re very conservative areas. I honestly don’t think I even met an openly queer person until I was in like 8th grade, when I started going to an art school and started meeting the “artsier” people. No one talked about it when I was little, except for vaguely disparaging terms I didn’t understand. The best you’d get is basically, like, “well, people shouldn’t hurt them, but why do they have to be so loud about their weird relationships and their ‘rights’, isn’t not being attacked enough?” And the worst was uh. A lot worse.
(My grandfather was a comic book artist who went viral online because he was so fucking homophobic. It’s bad when he makes my grandmother look mild by comparison -- like, this is the lady who boycotted Disney because they hire gay people.)
Growing up where I did, it’s not like... It’s not like oh, everyone’s talking about how all gays should die 24/7. It’s just this ever-present background hum of religion and disparaging of “liberal political correctness” and talking about queer people in hushed tones like their existence is a dirty word. It’s being told that they’re very progressive compared to the rest of their congregation! They love the sinner, but hate the sin! They just keep going to all the gay people they know and telling them they should be asexual or try conversion therapy because they love them and it’d be such a shame if they rotted in Hell for eternity. It’s not like they want gay people dead like their friends do. They’re so progressive.
It’s just this absolutely oppressive knowledge in the back of your head. And the worst part is that for so much of my life, I believed them. When you grow up in an environment with fairly limited internet and media intake and everyone has very similar political beliefs, well. They tell you something is true and you believe them. I didn’t get my own laptop until I was about 18 years old. I wasn’t allowed to use my parents’ computer without extensive blocks until I was like 13 or 14, and even then, it’s not like I knew what to search for. My science teacher taught us to be critical of climate change research, for god’s sake. So I believed them.
Funny story. You know how I collect tarot decks now, right? lmao I was taught to be so scared of them when I was a kid. Not just by the uber religious ones, either! Even the moderate ones! Straight-up “this is witchcraft, you’re playing with dangerous forces, you’re letting Satan in”, etc. My first semester of college, my roommate pulled out her tarot deck to play with her friends and I LEFT THE ROOM. Like this was a thing. And then I kind of accidentally fell into all the religion and witchcraft classes and the rest is history. (I’d been interested in ancient religions before then, and also historical magic, and my parents were kind of :/ about that sometimes. Myths were fine as long as I knew they were False Stories, but the occult stuff, hmmm. They were a lot more :/ when I came home like Hard Agnostic lmao. They let me keep doing it, though, bless them.)
College was great because I finally got alternative history and politics and I learned how much bullshit I’d been taught, but I mean. It’s not like it was perfect. Before my classes even started, I tried to make friends with some lesbians who were already active in our school’s LGBT house and they were talking the usual biphobic shit. You know, you can’t trust them, they’ll cheat on you, they’re only interested in men, they only experiment in college and then marry the nearest dick, etc. So I guess. That was kind of a wake-up call. I always assumed that as soon as I got away from my family and Florida, everything would be fine and I could find a group where everyone would accept me. Easier said than done, I guess. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that all the letters of whatever word salad we’re using today all shit on each other all the time. And that’s exhausting.
Anyway, I’ve said it before and I’ve said it again. The hardest part about growing up religious is even figuring out what to ask about once you get out. Once you realize that you’ve been lied to, like... What else was a lie? How deep does this go? What should I even be questioning? This natural history thing was wrong, what about this other thing? Was this historical fact a lie? Holy shit, there was an entire civil rights movement for PWD? Like how do you even google Stonewall if you’ve never heard the name?
idk. I mostly started this post bc I realized I made it sound like my entire family was All Homophobia And Sexphobia All The Time, but like. I guess it was (and still is) like that with my extended family, but it wasn’t always like that with my parents. Don’t get me wrong, they were super clear that they did not want me to be gay and they didn’t believe gay people deserved the same rights as straight people, but they also told me that I didn’t have to be as freaked out about sex as my grandmother. (They told me that I should enjoy sex -- but only after I was married! To a man! I’d dated a long time! To have any other sex is to devalue it and disrespect myself and I’d get divorced and probably die in a ditch or something. Of AIDS. The fun is a pleasant side effect of making babies, okay?? So in other words, they were like 1000% better than my grandmother!!!) I think dad had a gay friend when I was little, but he never talked about her to me until I was an adult. So again. 1000% better than my grandmother.
They’ve uh. They’ve improved. They don’t tell me that I need to beware of bisexual people anymore, which is uh. Great. They are all in favor of marriage equality now. They have come around to me being queer. Mom especially is really, really trying, which I appreciate. She just grew up in a radically Christian environment (like as in she had to listen to Donny Osmond in secret bc her mom said it was devil music) and she had to do a lot of unlearning herself for her own mental health.
....seriously tho guys I have family members who like. think it’s ungodly to cut their hair and wear makeup. I GOT THOSE.
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racingtoaredlight · 4 years
College Football 2020 Season Week 9 TV Watch Em Ups: the weekend college football truly became president
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Before we get into these games that you lot have already picked over on your commenter zoom call, I just want to marvel at this beautiful correctness from last week’s post: 
Michigan State at 13 Michigan                       12:00pm                FOX
Michigan is favored by 21.5 against a bad Michigan State team. If that’s not the set up for a great punchline, I don’t know what is.
Now let’s get back to being mostly wrong.
I could attempt to make humor here or set up the rest of this post or just wallow in whatever feelings right now but the only thought I’ve actually got in my head is “Woohoo! Miami’s 6-1!” With that in mind I’ll try to get through all of the rest of this shit. Theoretically I’m putting you up on games you wouldn’t otherwise care about but realistically this whole pandemic situation has wiped out my desire to watch all the bad football and the commenters here are much more informed on the gambling and degeneracy that I so long to wallow in. 
I don’t even have an RTARLsman going right now because all of this still feels like a long dopey preseason. And it isn’t improving. Just look at the long list of games of the week this week. Up from only one listed last Friday night! I’m looking forward to some surprise games of the week at that.
Saturday, November 7
Matchup                                                     Time (ET)               TV/Mobile
North Carolina at Duke                             12:00pm                  ESPN2
Eternally hilarious that this isn’t a season-ending rivalry game. I’m keeping my TV far the fuck away from this one but Carolina should run wild on Duke.
Nebraska at Northwestern                       12:00pm                     BTN
Frost shoulda stayed in Orlando. There’s no way to win in the B1G with Nebraska for the foreseeable future.
Michigan State at Iowa                             12:00pm                    ESPN
For the kids. Whoo.
23 Michigan at 13 Indiana                         12:00pm                     FS1
Michigan is favored again. Huge mistake.
Arkansas State at Louisiana                     12:00pm                  ESPNU
West Virginia at 22 Texas                           12:00pm                    ABC
If West Virginia goes with their classic look this is a great uniform matchup, if nothing else.
Tulane at East Carolina                              12:00pm                  ESPN+
In the good times this is a beautiful expression of degerate football love.
25 Liberty at Virginia Tech                          12:00pm                   ACCN
There it is. A ranked Liberty team on the road against an unranked Virginia Tech team. The home team is favored by 17 if you wonder what oddsmakers think of that ranking.
USF at Memphis                                          12:00pm                  ESPN+
This is a get right game for Memphis after they got smoked by Cincinnati last week. What a world we live in.
ULM at Georgia State                                  12:00pm                  ESPN3
Not interested.
18 SMU at Temple                                        12:00pm                  ESPN+
SMU being ranked ahead of USC is beautiful and I hope it never changes. A few years ago, when they had Haason Reddick, Temple was really fun to watch. They are not fun to watch this year.
Arizona State at 20 USC                              12:00pm                    FOX
First game of the year in the Pac-12. The o/u has fallen a little and I can’t tell you exactly why but I would load up on Herm Edwards kids at +11.
Troy at Georgia Southern                             1:00pm                    ESPN3
One of the worst games on TV (or whatever) this week.
Boston College at Syracuse                         2:00pm                RSN/ESPN3
Nobody is going to trick me into seeing any of this game under any circumstances.
UMass at 16 Marshall                                    2:30pm                    ESPN+
Marshall’s #16. What the fuck is this season doing?
Appalachian State at Texas State                 3:00pm                    ESPN+
Highly do not recommend.
North Alabama at Southern Miss                  3:00pm                   ESPN3
Stephen F. Austin at Eastern Kentucky         3:00pm                  ESPN3
Uh uh, no way.
Fresno State at UNLV                                      3:30pm                  CBSSN
Some serious West Coast trash here. Might not be the most boring game with this kickoff time.
8 Florida vs. 5 Georgia (in Jacksonville, FL)     3:30pm                    CBS
Watching Florida play Georgia in football is one of those things that seems like it should be good but in reality is the equivalent of solving the lament configuration.
Maryland at Penn State                                    3:30pm                    BTN
Holy shit does this sound like torture.
Vanderbilt at Mississippi State                         3:30pm                  SECN
All that fucking interminable two years of presidential campaigning ends and this is what we get for it?
Minnesota at Illinois                                          3:30pm                    BTN
3:29pm Eastern on November 7th, 2020 might be the perfect time for the world to end.
Texas Tech at TCU                                             3:30pm                    FS1
More bad news.
Kansas at 19 Oklahoma                                    3:30pm                     ESPN
Can our plucky Jayhawks beat the 38-point spread? That’s at least funny either way it turns out.
Houston at 6 Cincinnati                                     3:30pm                      ABC
This is the best of the bunch that are starting at 3:30 but it’s hard for me to expect much entertainment value out of this game. Unless Holgo has cooked up some real wacky shit. That’s at least possible.
Pitt at Florida State                                             4:00pm                     ACCN
This has all the makings of a real “why do we pay attention to any of this shit?” game.
14 Oklahoma State at Kansas State                  4:00pm                       FOX
I’m not sure if this is actually true but it seems like it: Chuba Hubbard could become the first Canadian-born Heisman winner.
Angelo State at Abilene Christian                      4:00pm                       ESPN+
Miami winning last night is the only thing I like so far out of this week’s games.
WKU at Florida Atlantic                                       6:00pm                     Stadium
I’m just shrugging and grimacing at my computer.
Baylor at 17 Iowa State                                        7:00pm                         FS1
There is something about Baylor that intrigued me a few weeks back but now I can’t remember it and we’re still not at a point in our nation’s history where I feel comfortable saying nice things about Baylor.
7 Texas A&M at South Carolina                           7:00pm                       ESPN
I really hate Jimbo Fisher and I go into every week hoping his team will lose on account of him.
 UCLA at Colorado                                                 7:00pm                      ESPN2
Did Rick Neuheisel go back to coaching?
Rutgers at 3 Ohio State                                         7:30pm                       BTN
Justin Fields bores me less than his predecessor at QB for Ohio State but he still bores me.
Stanford at 12 Oregon                                            7:30pm                      ABC
There are some rumblings about this game getting cancelled.
1 Clemson at 4 Notre Dame                                   7:30pm                      NBC
Clemson has seemed listless the last couple of weeks but I’m expecting them to beat the piss out of Notre Dame even with Trevor Lawrence still on the rack with COVID.
Tennessee at Arkansas                                           7:30pm                    SECN
I’m glad this is relegated to ESPN’s shitty conference imprint channel, at least.
South Alabama at 15 Coastal Carolina                  8:00pm                  ESPNU
Coastal Carolina is a perfect candidate to finish undefeated and ranked ninth.
Washington State at Oregon State                         10:30pm                  FS1
Washington State was in absolute hell before Coach MAGA Pirate showed up and they might be back there now.
New Mexico at Hawaii                                            11:00pm       Spectrum PPV
There’s some trick to watching these Hawaii PPV games for free and everybody in Hawaii knows how to do it but nobody on the mainland knows it because why would they go out of their way to watch Hawaii football? The GoGo offense, that’s why! Well, maybe. I don’t know if they’re actually letting the WR coach give input into the play designs yet.
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Air Force at Army                     Postponed
FIU at UTEP                                Canceled
Tulsa at Navy                             Postponed
UTSA at Rice                             Postponed
Purdue at 10 Wisconsin             Canceled
Arizona at Utah                           Canceled
Washington at California           Canceled
Charlotte at Middle Tennessee  Postponed
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Holzer Files Season 2 Returns to Travel Channel on Oct. 29
The Holzer Files season 2 went through reams of files to choose all-new investigations into Hans Holzer’s paranormal mysteries. The investigative series launches with a special Halloween week premiere on Thursday, Oct. 29 at 11 p.m. ET.
The team, led by investigator Dave Schrader, psychic medium Cindy Kaza, equipment technician Shane Pittman and researcher Gabe Roth, investigates true hauntings from the recently discovered case files of America’s first ghost hunter, Dr. Hans Holzer.
“We knew when we greenlit The Holzer Files, we had something special on our hands, but we didn’t realize just how much of a paranormal pandora’s box we’d opened until we started filming,” Travel Channel general manager Matthew Butler said in a statement. “Hans was a prolific chronicler of hundreds of ghost hunts, preserving everything from photographs, case notes, letters, film footage and chilling audio recordings from his interview subjects and trance mediums. Most of this material has never been seen before and we’re just getting started.”
Born in Vienna in 1920, Dr. Hans Holzer is one of the most famous parapsychologists in this dimension. Recognized as the “father of the paranormal,” Holzer’s legendary four-decade exploration into hauntings helped spawn a generation of supernatural enthusiasts, including Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, who were inspired to write Ghostbusters.
A gifted magical practitioner, Holzer was a master of the Craft, training with “King of the Witches” Alex Sanders who founded the Alexandrian tradition, and receiving his degrees from Maxine Sanders. Holzer’s works Witches: True Encounters with Wicca, Wizards, Covens, Cults and Magick, and Wicca: The Way of the Witches, helped codify modern witchcraft. The author of 138 books, mostly on the occult, Holzer is best known for inspiring The Amityville Horror.
In January 1977, he and Ethel Meyers, a medium, investigated the Long Island property reputedly haunted by previous owner Ronald Defeo Jr., who murdered his family at the home in 1974. Meyers determined the house was built over a Native American burial ground, and the killings happened because Defeo was possessed by Rolling Thunder, a Shinnecock Indian Chief enraged at the desecration.
Holzer’s daughter, Alexandra Holzer, helps Travel Channel reopen her father’s most captivating case files by “digging into thousands of documents, letters, photographs and chilling audio and visual recordings dating back to the 1950s,” according to the official synopsis. The team picks up where Holzer left off to re-examine the terrifying hauntings that he dedicated his life to researching.
The Holzer Files is a “cryptic mystery, bound by threads of truth, the voices of the past and the exploration of modern paranormal pioneers,” according to the advance press. “Viewers will experience a chilling chase, fueled by Holzer’s rediscovered archival files and haunting cinematography.”
The second season comprises 13 brand new one-hour episodes. The series will explore legendary cases. The famed ghost hunter’s original case files included an investigation which trailed President Abraham Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth to a tavern in Maryland which hid the assailant after the assignation. The paranormal team will also probe the case of a serial killer in Ohio, and an elegant mansion in New York City, which is “home to one of the world’s most infamous hauntings.”
For every installment, the crew scans thousands of Holzer’s recently discovered documents, letters, photographs, audio and visual recordings dating back to the 1950s. Using his findings, team members track down recent developments from each haunting and head back to the location to reinvestigate with a fresh perspective, harnessing their own research, skills and expertise.
The premiere episode, “Phantom Hand,” explores a 1963 incident where the Todd family of Cleveland encountered “a ghastly hand reaching toward them from the basement door in their Mason Court apartment,” according to the official synopsis. “Despite nailing the door shut, the appendage pushed through and terrified the family for weeks before they finally fled with their young son. Though the Todd family moved out, more people in the Kingsbury Run area of Cleveland continued to contact Dr. Holzer about similar disturbing activity, finally prompting him to bring his trusted psychic medium, Ethel Meyers, to conduct an outdoor reading of the entire area. Her findings were vivid and terrifying, but nothing matched up with the city’s known history, so the many paranormal cases of Kingsbury Run were never closed.”
As the investigator’s hidden case file is finally reopened, new patterns emerge. The team studies the original letters to consider “the hauntings may point to a new central crossroads for the spirits,” according to the press statement. “However, as they unearth the area’s haunting past, they soon discover that they are likely dealing with restless souls that may have all died at the hands of the same infamous killer.”
Upcoming Holzer Files episodes include:
“Tell Me No Lies” – Premieres Thursday, November 5 at 10 p.m.
“Hans Holzer believed a sensational tale of heartache and murder hid the real story behind one of his most famous cases,” reads the official synopsis. The investigators travel to the Old Merchant’s House in New York City to “uncover the terrifying truth of this Victorian-age haunting.”
“Death to Tyrants” – Premieres Thursday, November 12 at 10 p.m.
Holzer’s case of the Surratt Tavern in Clinton, Maryland, the infamous first stop of John Wilkes Booth after assassinating Abraham Lincoln in 1865 will be dissected by Dave Schrader, Cindy Kaza and Shane Pittman.
“Final Word” – Premieres Thursday, November 19 at 10 p.m.
“Hans Holzer visited Ohio’s Franklin Castle many times, each time experiencing terrible technical difficulties, and never able to pinpoint the exact cause of the uncanny happenings plaguing the owners of the house for years,” according to the official synopsis. “Now, Dave Schrader, Cindy Kaza and Shane Pittman return, witnessing the troubled spirit manifest before their eyes. But their biggest discovery is something Holzer himself missed. They restore his jumbled audio recording to find a hidden voice, and the key to the castle’s haunting.”
“Edge of the Veil” – Premieres Thursday, November 26 at 10 p.m.
Hans Holzer had a lifelong obsession with Rockland County, New York, the site of his first case. “Half a century later, the team attempts to decode the region’s rampant paranormal activity,” the synopsis reads. “Does it stem from a revolutionary past or something far more sinister?”
“Blood in the Water” – Premieres Thursday, December 3 at 10 p.m.
The father of paranormal study heard rumors of spectral activity Staten Island’s Conference House. The historic site was famous for peace, but it had a “dark and bloody past,” according to the official synopsis. People reported noises, murmurs, moans, and pleas going back several generations. Holzer conducted two investigations. “Though his mediums, Ethel and Sybil, sensed the murder of a young woman on the staircase by an imposing man from the American Revolution,” the synopsis reads. “Holzer felt there was more to the case.” When the investigative crew return to the site, “the spirits guide them to the water’s edge where a terrible truth awaits.”
“Devil in the Rock” – Premieres Thursday, December 10 at 10 p.m.
The team follow up on Hans Holzer’s 1964 investigation of the Bates Ship Chandlery, on the coast of Massachusetts. “As they delve deep into the property’s past, they uncover a chilling undercurrent of darkness anchored in the rocky shores,” the synopsis explains.
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The Holzer Files season 2 premieres Thursday, Oct. 29 at 11 p.m. on Travel Channel.
The post The Holzer Files Season 2 Returns to Travel Channel on Oct. 29 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3nFVgj1
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2019 Top Games of the Week: Week 3
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Not much is changing at the very top of the sport, but usually that takes more than a few weeks to figure out, but everything else, man, we’ve got a season on our hands. I mean, my god, Virginia and Maryland are ranked. Week 2 was packed with big games and near-miss upsets. I hope the trend continues as the weeks go on.
The Top Ten Games of the Week
10. TCU 1-0 (0-0) at Purdue 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
I’m a fan of this nonconference matchup, mostly because I can’t place either of these teams just yet. TCU has only played one game against an FCS opponent which doesn’t tell us a thing. Purdue has lost to Nevada but beat Vanderbilt pretty handily, so I really can’t say I’ve made up my mind about the Boilermakers except maybe Vanderbilt is worse than I thought.
9. Kansas State 2-0 (0-0) at Mississippi State 2-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Neither team has played much competition so far, so this game could end up telling us a lot about each squad. Both are hoping to crash their respective conference races and could use some momentum going into league play.
8. #24 USC 2-0 (1-0) at BYU 1-1 (Saturday 9/14)
Well I’m very curious what’s gonna go on here. USC seems to have found themselves a gunslinger in true freshman Kedon Slovis at QB. Meanwhile, BYU has become the latest non-P5 team to go to Knoxville and come away with a win. The Trojans have to be the favorites here but Brigham Young, despite its best efforts, almost never gets a shot at a team like Southern California in Provo. This is a huge statement game for the Cougars and they should give SC their best shot.
7. #9 Florida 2-0 (0-0) at Kentucky 2-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Do you believe in miracles? How about twice in a row? Last year Kentucky beat Florida in Gainesville for the first time since the 70′s. Now the Wildcats are tasked with taking down the Gators in Lexington for the first time since 1986 and with winning two in a row since 1976-77. It’s a tall order, but the seal has been broken. UK has the ability to beat Florida again, let’s see if they can take advantage.
6. #2 Alabama 2-0 (0-0) at South Carolina 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
I don’t think I’d have put this game on the top ten if it was played later in the season, but here we are. Alabama will probably crush South Carolina, but the Gamecocks just outdid their all-time scoring record on UT Martin, so maybe they can make something happen on offense. And besides, they aren’t playing Clemson yet, it’s not like this is the hardest game on the South Carolina’s schedule.
5. #1 Clemson 2-0 (0-0) at Syracuse 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
This one felt a lot more interesting before last week before Syracuse got blown up by Maryland. Clemson should probably knock over the Orange with little effort, but that’s what we all thought the last time the Tigers went to the Carrier Dome, and we all remember what happened then.
4. North Carolina 2-0 (0-0) at Wake Forest 2-0 (0-0) (Friday 9/13)
How can you not be fascinated by this game? North Carolina has turned from out and out loser to serious ACC Coastal contender in two weeks. Mack Brown has somehow resuscitated the Tar Heels in just two short weeks. Meanwhile, Wake Forest keeps plowing along, punching well above their weight in the past few years and looking to further improve up the Atlantic hierarchy despite massive institutional disadvantages. These long time, in-state rivals wanted to play each other so badly that they scheduled a non-conference series against each other to take the field this Friday night. That’s right, this isn’t even an ACC game and doesn’t count in the league standings. My god, this is just wild that we’re seeing this.
3. Arizona State 2-0 (0-0) at #18 Michigan State 2-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
This part of the season is so fun because narratives about each team are just starting to crop up. Not for Arizona State though. The Sun Devils are the only team in the PAC-12 South to have absolutely no buzz around them positive or negative. So we’ll learn a lot from them this week. Michigan State, meanwhile, needs a good challenge to see if the Spartans are the real deal or not. Against Tulsa they looked moribund, against WMU Sparty looked kind of scary on offense. Imagine if MSU had an offense, just the thought sends a chill down my spine.
2. #20 Washington State 2-0 (0-0) vs Houston 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Boy, the PAC-12 could actually sink lower if they lose this one. They really shouldn’t if they want any part in the national conversation. This one is being played at NRG, allegedly a neutral site, but I don’t think anybody is buying that one. Oh yeah, it’s the Cougar Bowl. That’s kind cool.
1. #19 Iowa 2-0 (1-0) at Iowa State 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
As the prophesy foretold, one day, the Iowa-Iowa State would grab the nation’s attention. God I’m so mad that the AP took the Cyclones out of the top 25, even if it was warranted by almost losing to Northern Iowa. This could have been a top 25 matchup! That would’ve been so cool given that this game is usually either ignored or laughed at. Oh well, you’re missing out if you don’t watch this one. Iowa is one of the two serious players in the Big Ten West race and ISU has been among the three best teams in the Big 12 the past two years.
Top 5 G5 Games of the Week
5. Miami OH 1-1 (0-0) at Cincinnati 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
I’m a sucker for longstanding rivalry games, which explains why this matchup is in the top 5 and not something like Air Force at Colorado. I remain unrepentant. The Victory Bell is one of the G5′s best (and only) non-conference trophy games and it’s fantastic that these two still play every year. Also Cincinnati could use a tune-up after getting thrashed by Ohio State.
4. Southern Miss 1-1 (0-0) at Troy 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
I really like this regional non-conference matchup. Southern Miss and Troy are both hoping to win their respective conferences and a victory here would help out a great deal despite not counting in the official standings.
3. Hawaii 2-0 (0-0) at #23 Washington 1-1 (0-1) (Saturday 9/14)
I think Washington is going to use this game to remind people why they’ve won the PAC-12 twice in the last two years, but Hawaii has won two games already against PAC-12 opponents. We can dream.
2. Stanford 1-1 (0-1) at #17 UCF 2-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
UCF might have another big season here. The Knights are getting to play two P5 teams in a row and should be the favorites both times. Stanford started strong but ended up getting hammered by USC last week. KJ Costello should be back as QB but the Cardinal’s issues on offense and defense probably won’t get covered up fully against an experienced team like Central Florida.
1. #21 Maryland 2-0 (0-0) at Temple 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Temple’s relatively innocuous game against Maryland has suddenly gained some importance now that the Terrapins have shown themselves to be severely underrated. The Owls have the chance to knock off a high flying opponent with a lot of momentum going their way.
FCS Games of the Week
I didn’t include the FCS vs P5 games this week, mostly because the FCS teams are all severely overmatched by P5 opponents. I mean, I think it’d be cool if they won, but it’s not very likely.
5. #13 Illinois State 1-1 (0-0) at Eastern Illinois 0-2 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
The Mid-America classic is one of the FCS’s most played rivalries outside of the Ivy League. Illinois State is probably Playoff bound, but the Redbirds have to win on the road against the rebuilding Panthers.
4. #6 Weber State 1-1 (0-0) at Nevada 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Let’s get the transitive wins going. Nevada beat Purdue already. We could do some real damage here. Idaho State > Ohio State?
3. #4 Eastern Washington 1-1 (0-0) at #17 Jacksonville State 1-1 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Two perennial FCS powerhouses square off in this Playoff preview. Jacksonville State might need this one a bit worse, though. The Gamecocks’ loss to SELA in Week 1 really took the wind out of their sails.
2. #1 North Dakota State 2-0 (0-0) at #18 Delaware 2-0 (1-0) (Saturday 9/14)
Two perennial FCS powerhouses square off in this Playoff preview. This time without a qualifier.
1. #8 Towson 2-0 (0-0) at #6 Maine 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/14)
The CAA has gifted us with a great Top Ten matchup early on in the season. The only one in D-I football this week. Might as well watch it right?
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We also have a summary of fake vape cartridges you prefer to to Consider to stay away from the copies. We do offer the most effective outstanding vape oils over the internet. This suggests There's a great probability the oil is of shallow top quality quality. STIIIZY PODS Battery might be a easy, latest Functioning working day vaporizer that provides you a chance to get to your prescription when, anyplace. Stiiizy provides dozens of strain-centered pre-crammed cannabis oil pods. They reintroduce stress precise terpenes to their cannabis oil to end inside a vaping capabilities that is definitely reputable to the initial worry. Usually, the thin oil is the outcomes of slicing or mixing in various solutions and methods Combined with the oil. It doesn't matter if you purchase Pods on-line or inside a retail outlet, you’ll have The chance to guarantee that each cartridge is lab-experimented with without any fillers or chopping operators delivered.
They declare to have about ninety% THC of their Juul pods. The THC proportion printed on Dank Vapes Formal account is usually previously mentioned ninety% and very attractive for purchasers by using a huge tolerance. You will see there is Minimize in Weed Production On account of COVID-19 in consequence, All Bulk Specials Is likely being Around In… EDIBLES founded with care, pursuing all rigid foods development methods. All of our excellent tasting marijuana-infused edibles and Rather a lot of our distinct cannabis-infused treats reminiscent of Gummies, Cookies, Brownies, and Chocolate Bars utilizing a regular THC/CBD dosage.
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Now We now have likely the greatest producers of cannabis prerolls available on the market out there. Have your cannabis vaping involvement inside the puff of Stiiizy. Double wind stream burrows within the mouthpiece of the situation are incredible for vaping huge measurement mists. Stiiizy delivers a programmed puff enactment ability which makes vaping all the extra a beautiful working experience; it’s considerably additional awesome than other vape pens that desire a capture to squeezed when vaping.
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The vaping overall performance of Stiiizy pods are excellent, Which i rarely professional any concerns.
They claimed that their oil contains eighty five% THC and maybe this was authentic Every time they initial unveiled their solutions and options. Possessing reported that, lab checks exposed the particular THC data to receive A good deal reduced. I was a massive lover in their premium jack and would only vape that for a handful of months just in advance of I found a modify.
The improve was so unpleasant which i had to vary to another pressure And that i on no account repurchased it.
Stiiizy pods enable for simple vaping movement without any draw resistance. Just one concern is there often stays a little bit quantity of buy stiiizy online , buy stiiizy pods online , buy stiiizy batteries online cannabis oil that you simply gained’t provide the capability to vape. The little quantity of THC oil will remain in the middle of the pod (on all sides within the pod). It’s not lots of squander, but it surely definitely can add up when you vape a terrific deal.
It is achievable to refill the vape cartridges from Stiiizy a few times. For an outstanding vape come upon we advocate you to not fill it increased than at time. Refilling Stiiizy pods with other THC oil types will let you help save heaps of cash. The typical marketing value for merely a 50 per cent gram Stiiizy pod in California is $30 proper before tax. A Full gram averages $sixty a gram.
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The most crucial forms of pre-filled oil cartridges are 510-suitable cartridges or pods. Watch out for bogus Hefty Hitters vape cartridges. The Pleasing vape pen has many temperature configurations, not like every one of the Some others which may be restricted to at the least a single. It’s essential to observe which the packaging with the supreme cartridge has unexpected tints in contrast Along with the just one we endeavored. Because of this it’s so fast to evacuate and embrace 1 amongst their dispensable prefilled cartridges. We incidentally dropped this cartridge in surplus of scarcely any situations without difficulties that we might have had that has a glass prefilled truck.
The Weedmaps critiques about their prefilled carts are superb. These are generally 500 mg Flavrx cartridges, We have now several flavors. Rapidly ahead to 2019 and they have designed significant improvements to their vape cartridge. Invest in stiiizy vape cartridge on the net from stiiizy pen carts Web page. Buy Stiiizy Pods Online from stiiizy pen carts webpage. Most effective Location to Get STIIIZY Pods For sale?
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Considering the fact that persons are searching for it, we built this listing of among the finest remain resin cartridges. Their Reside resin cartridges are creating their method of stores and won't be obtainable in every single place at the time of the submitting, but should be shortly. I can also recommend their dab selection of dwell resin focus, extremely high quality hash. I was a sizable supporter of their high quality jack and would only vape that for any handful of months ahead of I found a alter.
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It’s best to are aware that stiizy carts are special and transportable vaporizers that seem like a pen, which makes them a little bit more sophisticated than unique vape gadgets, and correspondingly, They are really clear-cut to Screen in plain sight. one Very best stiiizy pen On line , You have to know that stiizy carts are distinct and portable vaporizers that look like a pen, that makes them a tad much more classy than other vape devices, and correspondingly, they are easy to exhibit in basic sight.
These are generally simple to slide on to its battery and straightforward to pop out, a functionality way more efficient than the standard 510 thread screw on carts. Stiiizy has an automated puff activation ability that makes vaping further of a pleasing practical experience; it’s a great deal more fulfilling than other vape pens that require a button to pressed when vaping Obtain stiiizy carts on-line . Having said that, lab tests expose the precise THC material to generally be a great deal lessen. Nevertheless, all flower loses its luster in excess of a brief although.
Conserve my discover, Digital mail, and Site In this particular browser for the following time I remark. 420 Mail Order dispensary affords several varieties of vape pens and cartridges, along with with vape pens made for concentrates, oil cartridges and dried marijuana flower, we also provide wholly different styles of indica, sativa and hybrid force, hash oil cartridges. Your orders are processed quickly and hash cartridges are transported fast to meet your needs with accountability. I’m privileged to reside in California in which these prefilled pod cartridges can be found and I attempted out 8 diverse strains.
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Soon after striving Stiiizy, we didn’t want to return to my formal favourite. Hits from vape pen cartridges are constantly continual all over the life of the vape pen cartridge as very long because the pen battery is charged. It doesn't matter whether you purchase Pods on the web or in a very retailer, you potentially can guarantee that every cartridge is lab-tried using with none fillers or chopping operators bundled. Our champ with the easiest-prefilled THC cartridge in 2018 is the Stiiizy vape pen as well as their airtight units. The Stiiizy pen seems sleek and futuristic like Apple designed it them selves. Where by Can I Obtain STIIIZY Pods On the web? There isn’t a other strawberry taste THC oil that will compete with this particular superb mix of terpenes and cannabis extract.
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