#we wish you a turtles christmas
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TMNT Month: Turtle Tunes and We Wish You A Turtles Christmas: Not So Erotic Nightmares Beyond Any Measure and Christmas Fever Dreams to Treasure Forever (Comission for Emma Fici)
Hello all you happy people and welcome back to turtles month. Thanks to a schedule change, we're looking at another piece of weird turtles media coming as the franchise was loosing steam and someone was huffing that steam to try and come up with new ideas.
As a result we got two direct to vhs specials, designed to try to eat into that sweet sweet DTV market that was starting to really take off at the time and would do so long into my childhood and long after. These specials go for a younger audience, I suspect trying to get some of that barney money. They did not and we only got two and the world was spared the third that would've triggered the end times.
As you can see just looking at the covers for these things they had the budget of a paper clip and a piece of string, and it shows. The turtles have horrifying barley moving heads that insure they'll be your sleep paralysis demon for years to come. But beyond the terrible costumes what do these specails have? Well not a lot and everything respectively so let's talk about them, and hopefully make my night terrors worth the money under the cut
Turtle Tunes has an objectively weird premise. It's not a horrible one for doing some goofy less actiony videos as these costumes would tear apart if the wind blew on them slightly, I can't imagine them doing full on fight scenes like the movies, but it's still weird for the nonexistant budget this thing has.
So the turtles got a hookup from april to host their own show on channel 6 and were this just a tmnt version of waynes world i'd have watched this years ago. Also something to keep in mind for the mutant mayhem verse. Just saying.
But no their instead just counting down their faviorite songs.. and rather than say use the ones from out of our shells which are actually pretty good, or make some up they decide to do covers of various public domain songs and still present it like it's TRL. Do kids still know what TRL was? I.. I feel old.
Anyways, the Turtles rather than have April, who agreed to this in the first place, Splinter or Casey help out, instead have a bunch of random kids serve as their crew and boss them around. Also Mikey runs off and apparently does this all the time. Just goes to skateboard around the park and do mushrooms, living his best life.
As for the rest of the plot
This vid is just an excuse to do terrible covers of public domain songs.. and a loose one of Rick Springfield's don't talk to strangers. I'm dead serious. I mean the song IS a mild banger and using it for an actual anti stranger message and not Rick Springfield desperatly trying to stop his girlfriend from leaving him, but it's left as atonal garbage.
I don't have much for this one. I mean it has Leo on a rowboat as he slowly dies inside, that's kinda funny and it's weird they chose to do that one to yankee doodle dandy instead of row row row your boat, but I stand by their dumbass decision. At least Leo struggling to breath as he rows a boat is funny. Everything else is just bland: the turtles talk over each other, announce videos and somehow get renewed, though I think the renewal is really an excuse to get them out into the open and into a woodchipper.
Turtle Tunes proves, in the words of our prophet huey lewis, sometimes bad is bad. Sometimes cheese can be really funny, this is just 20 some minutes of my life I won't get back.
Thankfully We Wish You A Turtles Christmas, which emma and I watched before is so bad it's good. It's gloriosuly stupid, cheap and while still using music videos to pad things, is far more creative with them. This feels more like a tmnt product.. one that was written by a sentient mound of cocaine, but still a thing people put actually efort into at least feeling like a tmnt vide0 Turtles tunes could have any obnoxious mascot jammed in it. It could've been Busby Tunes... imagine him announcing videos and doing stuff and
Okay maybe it's thanks to saftey regulations we got the turtles, but still you could've also just.. put an opossum on screen to music. There's a line and a few layers of hell between TMNT and Bubsy
We Wish You A Turtles Christmas is the good kind of crack to Turtle Tunes shard of glass they tell you is crack, taking a straightforward tale of "the turtles forget to get a gift and have to go get it" and making it baffling as it is hilaroius.
So our story begins with We're the Turtles, the theme song for both tapes where their turtles and their on the look out for a friend in need that's what their about... and never actually find one too busy as they laugh and sing and do their thing their the turtles. Their the turtles. It's this weird durge that gets glued to your brain.
So it's christmas eve and the turtles are joking, putting presents under the tree while Leonardo sings Reggage, you know what everyone does every christmas. Or else.
Leo is horribly out of character in both these specials, taking being a stern big brother type who leads the team and tries to keep them on task and making him a dick who insults his brothers and also the mutant equilvent of Ras Trent.
As for the reggae song itself it's deck the halls but TO A REGGAE BEAT MON. CULTURAL APROPRATION POWER! It's the clear seperation from this special and turtle tunes; Turtle Tunes is KINDA weird, We Wish You A Turtles Christmas is FUCKING weird. You have a scooby dooby doo doo laden song about decking the halls that both is happy Bebeop and Rocksteady aren't here yet wishes a merry christmas to the shredder, while also having a beat drop for some reason. It's beautiful and I never want to hear it again.
The turtles then have a horrifying relization: WE FORGOT TO GET A GIFT FOR SPLINTER. I do like HOW this comes about as it's the only part of this special that's not written by a guy who was told the basics about the turtles then told to write a christmas special or they'd release the bees. The boys all thought one of the others had the duty: it's a sitcom cliche sure but one that would happen to a family.
So they have to go shopping on christmas eve with a rousing rendention of over the river and through the woods "up through the sewer"... or sleep inducing. Let's go with coma-tastic, sounds snappier.
We get to the surface for what's the best song of the special. A subterranian bar but it's the upbeat and peppy gotta get a gift for splinter. It has dancing, random children out on christmas eve busking, ryming gotta gift for splinter with "I hate shopping in the winter", and suggesting they get him a go cart "a go cart in the sewer baby!" while aruging. This sibling bantering and bickering at least is a little fun.
We then get to the most inexplicable part of this special.. and yes
As Mikey decides to sing opera. And this alone would be amazing just for the sheer what the fuckery.. but the turtles annoyed reactions and implication he does this a lot just sell it. The bit's dumb, but like this special it's also fun. No one not even the characters know why the fuck this is happeing.
After that our turtles return home to wrap they also decide.. TO RAP. Yes it's time for the Rap every bit of 90's childrens media thought they could do. It's as painfully awkward as you could hope for. Not as awkard as the rasta bit because it has a little bit of a beat but it sure does exist, i'll give it that.
So with that we get the climax as the turtles all get vauge gifts and give Splinter a 12 days of christmas themeed barrage of gifts while awkwardly sings about them. I do love how he looses pace towards the end and looses his space and his delighted "nailed it" when he catches up. Splinters singing is stiff as it's clear his actor cannot sing int he character voice, but I'll give him points for enthussim
So the gifts they got are
Twelve April O'Neil autographs
Eleven pairs of sneakers
Ten yellow yo-yos
Nine narrow neckties
Eight chopsticks
Seven silk kimonos
Six frisbees
Five video games
Four man-hole covers
Three skateboards
Two comic books
And a pizza with pepperoni
It's a bizzare assortment something you notice while listening but really looking at the lyrics, thanks turtlepedia for having those so I didn't have to listen to this song in full again to find em all, you see just how slapdash it is. It's in character but it dosen't make it any less bizzare as this list is not played for laughs. So we have 12 autographs from someone they know and likely got in a rush, elven pairs of sneakers which.. is honestly quite nice they found them in his size as while it's not his style of footwear i'm sure splinter would love some shoes after walking in the sewer barefoot for nearly two decades, ten yellow yo yos clearly from the dollar store, nine narrow neckties which while the specitfication weird is a classic parent ot child they don't know too well gift, eight chopsticks which is just.. .did you guys go for chinese and realize you missed a gift for your schitck, seven silk kimonos which is kind thougthful and a good gift, six frisbees because they went back to the dollar store, five video games all copies of the first NES game no one wanted, four man hole covers because theft is okay if it's christmas, three skateboards because splinter can shred man, two comic books which is just aweirdly low number and a pizza with pepperoni which is the most self serving as we all know Splitner prefers sushi.
Finally we have the title song.. which is eh. I don't have much to say its there for a moment, it's gone and they all rock out ending the special.
We Wish You A Turtles Christmas is something you have to experince at least once: it's baffling, stupid and hilarious and i'm glad to share it all with you. I encourage you to watch it.. and leave turtle tunes in a dumpster where you likely found it. Thanks for reading and remember i'm pullin for you, we're all in this together.
#teenage mutant ninja turtles#we wish you a turtles christmas#turtle tunes#leonardo#michealangelo#raphael#donetello#splinter#live action#vhs#christmas
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It’s that time of year

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Ever seen "We Wish You a Turtle Christmas"?
Okay so I googled it because it sounded familiar but it rings no bells I'm sorry. I'm guessing what I was thinking of was the 2003 series Christmas episode (s03ep1 according to turtlepedia or s03ep12 on Paramount +) which is a very cute episode.
Turtlepedia's summary sounds wild that's for sure, apparently it's a musical? Mikey sings opera?? Is this true? lol sounds like a wild ride, I hope it's a fun one and not the kind that makes you cringe and hide your face. I hope you love it but seeing what the turtles look like I don't think I'll watch it anytime soon.
#ask me anything#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#we wish you a turtle christmas#they look creepy im sorry
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Turtle Christmas, Rise Style
We Wish You a Turtle Christmas is living rent-free in my head, so I decided to draw the Rise turtles and Splinter in some of the scenes. First up, Splinter breaking down the 12 Days of Christmas.

Then, Leo jamming out to Deck the Halls (one of the most absurd scenes in the whole special, if you ask me).

Mikey singing opera (also quite absurd).

And finally, the Wrap Rap.

I'd love to see some of the official Rise team make a parody/otherwise dunk on this crazy part of TMNT history.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise of the tmnt#rise donnie#rise leo#rise raph#rise mikey#rise splinter#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#we wish you a turtle christmas#save rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#save rise of the tmnt#save rottmnt#unpause rottmnt#unpause rise of the tmnt#unpause rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles
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Were drugs legal back in the 90s?
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We wish you a Turtle Christmas! We wish you a Turtle Christmas! We wish you a Turtle Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🐢 🎄 Happy Holidays! 2003 Leo and Mutant Mayhem Leo are besties now.

#leonardo tmnt#leo tmnt#tmnt leonardo#tmnt 2003#tmnt movie#tmnt#tmnt leo#leo 2003#teenage mutant ninja turtles mutant mayhem#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt mutant mayhem#mutant mayhem#mutant mayhem leo#mutant mayhem leonardo#mm leo#rottmnt#rise of the tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#save rottmnt#rottmnt leo#rise leo#rottmnt movie
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How do I deal with the fact that the Bay movies are so fucking terrible but the turtles are the hottest like this is so fucking terrible I might harm myself (exaggerating)
Hah! I agree that they're not master pieces, but I thought the second one did a decent leap in quality, both in looks and story. It's still very flawed and glosses too quickly over some interesting themes, but I will more easily pop on that one then the first one. At least they're not even in the top-3 of the worst TMNT movies/TV we've gotten, we can take some comfort in that (only good thing to come from "We wish you a Turtle Christmas" is "the Christmas hip hop album" joke)
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TMNT Month Finale: The Christmas Aliens (TMNT 2003) (Comisson for WeirdKev27)
Merry Christmas all you happy turtles! Christmas time is here again, so it's time for hog chocolate, nog, and christmas specials and we're beginning the Christmas season and ending TMNT month with a damn fine one.
I'm happy to end this look at TMNT on my faviorite of the 5 cartoons so far. I love the others: 87 has goofy charm and tons of creativity, 2012 does the second best job in the franchise of crunching down years of diffrent continuities into one and updating a lot of 87's ideas, Rise is a feast for the eyes and has plenty of belly laughs and weirdness and what i've seen of Tales matches the film best it can while expanding on it, letting the brothers breath as indivduals.
2003 however just has that magic to me. Part of it was nostalgia: while I grew up with leftover 87 turtle toys, 2003 was MY turtles, with 12 year old me consumed by it's style, the best voice actors for all 4 turtles, and it's gripping story. At a time when not a ton of cartoons were seralized TMNT 2003 embraced longterm storytelling, with Season 1 largely following one storyline with the next and most having consequences, with a sprinkling of fun one offs sometimes adapting single issues of the comic sometimes doing their own thing. It's one long epic saga I definitely need to revisit more often both on this blog and just for funsies.
It also is a stellar adaptation, taking a good chunk of the Mirage Comics that TMNT came from and faithfully bringing them to screen while still giving them depth and clarity the original comics sometimes lacked. That includes today's episode, an episode i'm shocked i'd never saw and thank Kev for suggesting when I needed a smaller review to finish out the month and for sponsoring.
The Christmas Aliens adapts the Michealangelo Micro Series. Micro Series were a bunch of one shots, the label a fun jab at how many mini series marvel put out in the 80s and 90s. The Microseries issues are important though as they helped flesh out each turtle on their own, and with the exception of Donetellos where he teams up with Jack Kirby to fight aliens
Each one had some impact on the universe as a whole: Raph's introduced Casey, Leo's lead into the Foot Clan's return, and Mikey's introduces his cat Klunk. It's a tradition the IDW comics picked up and ran with, having one shots not only for the turtles (as always plot relevant) but also April, Casey, Splinter, and the Fugatoid, with a second 8 issues focusing on their foes: Krang, Shredder, Baxter Stockman, Aloplex , Hun, Old Hob, and of course sharing an issue for their debut, Bebop and Rocksteady. It's something I love as it gives character spotlights easily, the micro series name is fun and it's something I wish IDW had done more with or would bring back, as it spread to Transformers and MLP and could easily be used with TMNT again or any other properties they pick up.
All four mirage micro series issues were adapted for the series: Raph's was adapted as "Meet Casey Jones", Donnie's as "The King" Leo's as "The Shredder Strikes Back Part 1", and Mikey's with this episode. In fact Christmas Aliens is weirdly the only one not adapted in season 1, being adapted in season 3 instead. I do get the wait as Mikey getting Klunk meant their being driven from the lair in season 1 would of been harder to do knowing a sweet innocent kitten would be left behind at best, though I still tilt my head at why it took till season 3 when there seemed to be room in season 2 for a fun runoff. Regardless it's a fun adaptation i'm glad to have finally seen that captures mikey as a character and the christmas spirit all in a tight 22 minutes. And you can join me in unwrapping this christmas present under the cut.
We open with our usual cold open, with Mikey in a car chase putting the hammer down and giving some random goons hell. I would've preferred if they started slightly earlier in the plot, not giving away that Mikey has to end up driving the truck but it dosen't harm the story either.
One kickass theme song and Mikey is enjoying Christmas Eve drinking in the warm glow. It's adorable as hell, and ripped directly from the comic. In fact his whole subplot is pretty much a panel for panel remake of the comic with some very slight changes to fit with the series better or just because i'll point out as we go.
It's infectious to see Mikey so excited, enjoying the snow even if he has to wear an itchy scarf to blend in, and how happy everyone is. It's a part of Mikey I wish got emphasized more in adaptations, with even this one slipping on it from time to time: his heart. Mikey may be the goofiest and usually the one to keep the surfer dude accent as a not to his 87 self, but he's also the kindest of the group, the one trying to reform enemies and who takes the violence and losses the hardest. He's an empathetic kind young man who just wants to help. It's why the IDW version is my favorite as while still quick with wisecracks and youthful energy, he has an innocence and tiredness from the fight I love.
2003's a close second though. Wayne Grayson has my faviorite voice out of the Mikey's so far, a nice mix of sarcastic fuckboy younger brother and kind weirdo. This episode is a perfect showcase as it gives him some more range, just being happy and innocent as he enjoys a winters day, borrowing a sled from Ash Catchem to do some sick tricks and just being a big old kid. It's also a nice moment of peace in the turtles chaotic lives.
Along his shenanigans Mikey finds a tiny kitten, cold and in the snow and picks him up, adopting the little guy on the spot. It's something I'm glad does seem to be a consistent thing for mikey, adopting a pet cat, adopting Klunk in this cartoon, the mirage comics and the IDW comics and adopting ice cream kitty in the 2012 cartoon
Clap, clap for the best 2012 TMNT Chracter CLAP!
So as Mikey gets a forever friend, the turtles spend the b plot getting ready for christmas, which is an addition to the cartoon and a truly great one. The bits back at the lair are just the turtles enjoying each others company and basking in the season: Donny bakes cookies, April brings a tree with a grumpy casey's help.. for which he gets the door shut on him.
There's also a nice variety of guests from other episodes: We have Angel, casey's little sister figure from the episode of the same name, the Professor, a kind homeless man who trades the turtles various things for clothing and who they helped save from the Junkman, two other homeless persons from the same camp, and the Silver Sentry, a superman style hero who Michealangelo idolizes and worked with during his career as the turtle titan. We also get one big non sequenter of a guest apperance as the Grand Daimyo, head of the battle nexus arrives. The Battle Nexus is a once every few years tournament and the site of the best arc of the series, the Big Brawl. it also allowed the turtles to meet our two final guests: Miamoto Usagi and Gen.
Usagi is the star of Usagi Yojimbo, a long running indie comic. Creator Stan Sakai met Eastman and Laird as the furry books tended to get put at the same tables and became fast friends. As a result Usagi has had guest appearances in the Mirage comics, IDW COmics, and the first three cartoons, with 2003 having easily the most. He and Leo exchange swords
And in general it's a charming subplot. We get fun antics like Casey trying to get a smooch with mistletoe with the help of Raph and Angel, and Raph and Casey arm wrestling the Sentry, who takes a dive so april can win as a joke, and gets cookies as a reward. It's fun seeing Sentry here as he's so delightfully awkward. He and the homeless folks are blindfolded with Sentry noting he can see through it but going along with it for Splitners sake, and delighting in the cookies. It's great holiday fun and a nice use of the supporting cast, as well as a kind reminder of how many friends the turtles have picked up.
The rest of the plot is all Mikey as he goes through one hell of a Christmas Eve. He doesn't have to free Nakatomi Plaza but he might've wished it. He goes to the toy store. In the original story it was to shop , here it's to gaze adoringly, something Leo correctly guesses. I love this Christmas Story style window gazing and it just adds to it and removing the present thing isn't a bad factor as we really only need one Ninja Turtle stories where their shoping at the last minute. He presumibly sung some opera on his way there.
However his winter fest ivies are interrupted when he hears some noises and finds some goons hijacking a truck of little orphan alien dolls. The goons are the same ones as the pilot minus the blue haired guy what got murdered who also what got a spotlight in the dreamwave comics.
Mikey follows after they knock out the store owner and tucking Klunk in his coat, proceeds to fucking ski after them, grabbing a loose extension cord hanging out of the truck. It's not only a nice case of chekovs gun for the sledding earlier, showing he can winter sport well, but it's also a really fun action set piece, with mikey easily dodging and only stopping when the guy at the wheel smartly brings him forward so the others can shoot.
Mikey is a ninja turtle though, so he simply dodges, dips inside the back of the parked car and ambushes the two assholes before jumping into the back to do a beverley hills cop. He dose'nt spend long burning doing the neutron dance though as he heads up front and saves the car. Unfortunately the thug called for backup and in a change from the story Mikey has to out drive a speedster.
I love how he gets out of this too: when the car tries to ram him, he decides "what would raph do" and picks up speed, the car darting out of the way and getting taken by the cops. Unfortuantely said cops, who mikey called for, think Mikey's a robber and he has to avoid them for a few minutes.
Having successfully evaded the police Mikey returns to his family who are all pissed.. mostly Raph. Which isn't a high achievement but given he nearly killed mikey for less earlier in the series, best not to test him. Mikey gives a speech and then says how they can all help out. We cut hopefully after dinner to the orphanage where all the turtles are dressed up as elves, along with Usagi, and splinter as santa, a touch I could not love more. The guy from the toy store is also there so presumably the cops still aren't looking for mikey. Ther'es only room for one turtle in jail and it's steve. Steve knows what he did. Fucking steve.
So we end heartwarmingly as the turtles pass out presents, an orphan gets to pet a cat and Casey gets a kiss because why not it's Christmas. A wonderful end to a wonderful episode.
The Christmas Aliens is one of the best episodes of TMNT 2003 i've seen, a delightful Christmas episode oozing with Charm. Focusing on Mikey was a brilliant choice in the comics and a fun christmas subplot for everyone else was a great way to get the story to episode length without padding it out. It allows the original story to be adapted as is with only one additional action set piece and klunk becoming a ginger (He was grey in the color verison of the black and white comic), but still be a satisfying episode and it's fun to see the best family in fiction just have a nice moment of piece. I'm shocked there hasn't been that many other turtles christmas adventures; Two in the IDW comics, both versions of christmas aliens and we wish you a turtles christmas are it and we frankly could use more. Perhaps we could get a mutant mayhem special. Until then though we've got possibly the best you could get out of the premise to keep us warm and I intend to revisit this one each winter. Thanks for reading, i'm pullin for you, we're all in this together.
#tmnt 2003#teenage mutant ninja turtles#donetello#raphael#michaelangelo#leonardo#tmnt leonardo#tmnt#april o'neil#casey jones#usagi yojimbo#miyamoto usagi#gen#silver sentry#christmas#cartoons#4kids#fox box
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Cinemassacre: We Wish You a Turtle Christmas
#Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles#TMNT#We Wish You a Turtle Christmas#Christmas#Xmas#YouTube#1994#90s#2010s
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Deck the halls with pepperoni. You understand
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We wish you a turtle Christmas!
#teenage mutant ninja turtles#teenage mutant ninja turtles mutant mayhem#mutant mayhem#tmnt mm#tmnt mutant mayhem#tmnt movie#mutant mayhem fanart#tmnt leo#tmnt Donnie#tmnt Raph#tmnt mikey#mutant mayhem leo#mutant mayhem Raph#mutant mayhem Donnie#mutant mayhem mikey#april o'neil#mutant mayhem april#master splinter#bebop and rocksteady#bebop tmnt#rocksteady tmnt#Christmas#holiday#ducktales#teenage mutant ninja turtles fanart
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season 2 episodes 6 (christmas) and 7 (jury duty; i watched this one before watching the rest of the show but i have context now) of elsbeth!!!
tbh i don't care that much about christmas murder couple (not that i mind) although it is funny as fuck that the lady is colorblind
after receiving validation from my follower (the only one i have lol thanks for being here) i will be continuing to ship elsbeth and donnelly (donnelsbeth?)
kaya trying so hard to cheer elsbeth up about being alone on christmas is melting my heart
relatedly i often find hugs in visual media a bit lacking like elsbeth and kaya are besties and elsbeth is sad why are you doing like half a step up from a saying goodbye to relatives at the christmas party hug? for a hug to be comforting it must be cozy and for a hug to be cozy it must be tight and last longer than two seconds!!!
lowkey i thought captain wagner was gonna invite elsbeth to spend christmas with his family? my grandma did that with her friend once and we all kinda hated it so i'm not upset that wasn't what happened but it would've been cute
i find the fireman gag confusing but i am concluding based on this episode that elsbeth really wasn't that into the guy from the space episode (i think kaya found him hotter than she did lol)
i can only hear "two turtle doves" in fozzie bear's voice (because of the john denver and the muppets christmas album)
kaya (and wagner?) finding teddy because elsbeth is sad is actually so sweet oh my god
my dad made some really good meringues which isn't relevant to the jury duty episode except that we ate some while watching it
also my mom said something about why elsbeth carries around all those tote bags so i gave basically the same response i give when asked why i carry so much stuff around with me (albeit not in tote bags) and my dad was like "ohhh" and my mom was like are you just now realizing why she likes this show so much
(i generally prefer they/them if you're not already used to she/hering me but i don't care that much)
anyways i love everyone at the precinct being like oh my gosh teddy the man the myth the legend
the first time i watched this episode i didn't like understand who any of the characters were but kaya in particular is like a whole new lens
i want more than ever to understand what lieutenant connor's deal is
kaya giggling at wagner asking her to cover her food better is so much funnier with context
usually i’m good with names i don’t know why i have so much trouble with the characters in this show. i still can't remember the millennial detective's name although when connor mentioned it i was pretty sure it was her (i have no idea what sex or money guy's name is by the way)
it's the defense attorney past plotline again i wish i were more invested (although i am invested in taking down evil judge man)
also as i've mentioned before i have ace attorney brainrot so the whole "if she didn't do it who did" "it's not our job to figure that out we just have to decide whether she's guilty beyond reasonable doubt" exchange in the jury room gave me so much whiplash
especially cause in this series we do generally have to find the real killer but that's because this isn't a mainline game it's ace attorney investigations: elsbeth tascioni
oh i don't care that much about the defense attorney past in the sense it's usually been presented to us but i am quite interested in teddy being like mom what the fuck why did you just up and leave chicago like that's a fascinating angle
anyways that's all for now stay tuned for hopefully more elsbeth posts although the nature will change once i'm caught up
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So... "We Wish You a Turtle Christmas" is a thing.
I'm only a minute in, but I'm so sleep-deprived that I almost started cackling at the aggressively '90s font used for the word "Christmas" in the title card. I can't wait to see what else it has in store.
#tmnt#teenage mutant ninja turtles#we wish you a turtle christmas#sleep deprived af#nightmare fuel#i can't wait to watch the rest#Youtube
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Rise stuff I wish I saw more on fics/crossovers because the comedic potential is amazing:
The boys can glow. Imagine them being in a mission and one of their counterparts goes "We need a non-flammable light source" and either everyone turns to them or one of them goes "I got ya' fam" and starts glowing like a Christmas tree.
The Hamato Ghosts. You can't tell me these dramatic theater kids would not go "Need to scare a bad guy so hard they piss their pants and change their ways? Time to summon Grandpa." They start to do it because Big Mama does it and it looks cool.
Also imagine April doing this when someone questions her being a Hamato.
TODD. Let the turtles from the other universes meet Todd. He is the turtle's funny uncle that has a lemonade powered super mode.
The Brownie Clan. You think since Casey joined the fam, the Brownie clan became like a branch of the Hamatos? Imagine they use them for espionage missions and stuff.
They start calling CJ the Brownie Prince or something since he is the heir to Casey's empire
"We got our espionage team on the case" "How do you guys have a special team for that" Cue them showing the rabid girlscouts
Besides the missing turtle siblings we were robbed, the turtles also have sis Piebald and technically Sloppy Joseph
Shredder is their grandpa. Peepaw Shredder is canon.
The Hidden City's use of tiny pink unicorns as currency
And there is probably more and I just love how silly this show can be and if you have any fic recs pls tell me I'm starving
#rottmnt#tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#the rise turtles basically had to wrestle with their grandpa#imagine they call other universes Shredder like that just to annoy them#some guy goes “I will not rest until Shredder and his bloodline are over” the rise turtles: sweating profusely#tmnt 2012#tagging them cus they are the ones the boys have the most crossovers#and i want to see raph making fun of their glowy selves
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