#we stan margot robbie in this house
mediabubblepod · 1 year
Good day Kens and Barbies and Alans! I've finally figured out how to embed podcasts into the post aahaha
Anyway today we talk about the summer extravaganza that was the Barbie movie. From sneak peeks to announcements, casting choices and plot, to all the promotional goodies that were released before and after the movie.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
I, Tonya (2017)
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They could make a hundred movies about Tonya Harding and there would never be another like I, Tonya. This stylish, sometimes exaggerated telling of the figure skater’s story may actually be more authentic than a real-life documentary could ever be.
Cruelly raised by her mother (Allison Janney), skating prodigy Tony Harding (Margot Robbie) suffered years of emotional and physical abuse but nevertheless emerged a champion. The film, based on contradicting testimonies from the Olympic skater, her mother, her no-good husband Jeff Gillooly (Sebastian Stan), his best friend/Tonya’s bodyguard, Shawn Eckhardt (Paul Walter), and her skating coaches explain how it all went to pieces.
If you don’t know the Tonya Harding, you’ll probably be able to piece what’s going to happen to her career about 40 minutes in. That's not a flaw. This film is the rare instance where knowing how it ends actually makes the movie better. Director Craig Gillespie knows why the audience is tuning in. “Tonya Harding? Isn’t she the one who attacked Nancy Kerrigan and bashed her knee with a baton right before the olympics?” Some of that is right but not quite and even if you know what actually happened, this movie’s still got ya. It’s an outrageous tale you’d swear was fiction. I mean, come on. They made Shawn Eckhardt (Paul Walter) into a moron whose head is so thick he’d have trouble getting out the house in one piece. There’s no way… oh wait. Is that a clip of the real-life guy? Well. I guess they nailed it then. The more you know, the more you realize how many stars had to alignn for this to happen the way it did. You’re ready to laugh, and you will… but then the movie’ll turn around to face you and damn if it doesn’t deliver a bombshell that’ll stop you dead in your tracks.
They don’t make movies like this. Whenever we see the words "based on a true story", you know you're in for an inspirational movie; it’s that one time the team caught lightning in a bottle or the one time the odds were beaten. I, Tonya is not that story. Tonya Harding was born into trash and the world never forgot to remind her of that. Every time she managed to claw her way up the cliffside of poverty, something or someone was there to knock her back down again. Frequently, it was her mother or her husband but more than once, it was the very sport she loved so much and maybe one time… it was even us. The movie gets downright savage but it’s also so outrageous, so funny you happily jump on for the ride. In every scene that breaks the fourth wall, director Craig Gillespie seems to suggest that no matter how bad things get - and they will get bad - it only makes sense to laugh a little. It’s not as if one person no matter how talented or determined can really change our destinies, after all.
Repeat viewings keep revealing fresh and tasty decisions made by the filmmakers. You get to fully appreciate the performances, for instance. Margot Robbie plays Tonya Harding from a teenager to a grown woman and you buy her all the way because she’s so utterly committed to the role. Allison Janey is so evil you expect her to turn up with a suit made of Dalmatians… but she’s too trashy even for that. Everyone we see is great.
I, Tonya hilarious and heartbreaking. The performances alone would make this movie great even if the story was boring, which it’s anything but. There’s just no other movie like this one out there. (June 7, 2019)
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having seen barbie twice, all i can say is that the movie's even funnier the second time around. the jokes land and the serious parts are good.
let me get this out first: the main reason i went to see it again was for the ken dance/off / beach/off number. oh boy on the pre-premiere night this got a round of applause in my theater. it was spectacular and the song's a total banger. needed to see this again so i did.
which leads us to the second point, ken steals the show in all his scenes. ryan gosling is beyond perfect in the role and he dominates his scenes easily. the physical comedy of the dance blowout in the barbie dream house was just a morsel of the full meal RG provided.
he's so funny and so engaging and so plastic and perfect and insecure and overall i'd say major awards contender. he made the movie his with sublime! ease
the second viewing changed that perception a bit, because i was able to focus on margot robbie (who i unequivocally stan). she's also stellar as the regular stereotypical barbie, and that's the point. her whole shtick (as barbie) is to be pretty and perfect, but she struggles with being boxed in even if she says she doesn't want change.
i guess this is the only decision the movie makes that i don't fully understand: she wanted to be the same, the pretty perfect barbie, claiming this throughout the movie, but then at the end, she wants more. even on the second viewing, i found the ending with her convo with ruth the weakest part (although it's still moving and well acted) and it only pays off for the closing line, which is incredible.
the SPEECH felt more natural on my second viewing, whilst the first time it just felt we were being spoon-fed feminism (a thing that american movies do all the time, in a "MESSAGE!" sort of way).
overall, a top marks experience and i NEED the OST like right now.
strike that last part. i finally got the MESSAGE! no-one can be JUST pretty, with nothing else going on, not even stereotypical barbie. looks are not important, being perfect is not the endgame.
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iokoye · 7 years
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“Growing up I never had a perfume. I was like oh, one day when I’m grownup and have money I’m going to wear perfume. I had one perfume and I would save it for really, really, really special occasions. Which meant I never actually wore it. So now it’s one of those things like, I can wear perfume everyday. I can afford to buy another one, I’m really lucky that I can. Now when I have nice stuff I don’t save it anymore, I try to use it.” - Margot Robbie
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strangethetimes · 4 years
a movie i didn’t know i needed until listening to nina simone’s feeling good at 2:38 am: ana de armas as a james bond type + an enemies to lovers dynamic with lupita nyong’o + a much darker, unhinged version of bonnie and clyde villain duo but with margot robbie and ben barnes
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liberty-barnes · 4 years
Just Breathe
Tom Holland x Female!Osterfield!Bisexual!Reader
Summary: Childbirth waits for no one, not even the Oscars.
Warnings: fluuuuuff, pregnant reader, mentions of childbirth, good press articles, BISEXUAL READER WOOOHOOO
Word Count: 1.5k words
Estimated Reading Time: 6 minutes
A/N: heeeeey look @peterspideyy​ @parkersbliss​ that crazy idea i ranted to you about like six months ago finally got done! i can’t believe i did it... this feels too good to be true, is the world gonna end or something?
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"I don't think this is a good idea."
"Me neither."
"Please, just stay here."
You looked up to your brother and husband, frowning as you smoothed your hand over the soft black fabric of your gown.
"I am not missing the Oscars, Tom. I've still got two weeks until I'm due, it'll be fine."
You sat down on the bed and looked dejectedly at your shoes, then proceeded to throw puppy dog eyes your brother's way until Harrison had no choice but to kneel and help you put on your comfortable trainers. There's no way you're putting on your heels at 37 weeks of pregnancy.
"But what if Baby decides to come sooner? You could go into labour at any moment!"
You rolled your eyes and only raised your arms so they could help you out of bed.
"You guys are being over-dramatic. Nothing's gonna happen. We're just going to the Oscars, we'll have a good time, and hopefully, I'll leave with a little statue under my arm."
With that, you waddled out of your hotel room, ready to get into the limo.
"(Y/n)! It's so good to see you! You look radiant as always!"
You smiled at Kaitlyn, an interviewer you knew and trusted and rubbed your belly comfortingly. 
"Thank you, I feel like a whale, but Baby'll be here soon so it's worth it."
She smiled and asked you a bunch of questions about your movie and how you were feeling about being nominated for Best Actress.
"But anyway, how far along are you now?"
"I'm a little over 37 weeks, they should be coming soon. Tom and Haz were actually really apprehensive about me coming here since I'm so close to my due date."
She smiled and looked over at the two men, obviously on edge.
"Well, I wish you all the best and I sincerely hope you win."
You hugged her goodbye and posed for a few more pictures before being led inside by your husband.
"And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for..."
Everyone watched with bated breath as Brie Larson, last year's winner, got ready to announce who would take home the trophy.
"This year's winner, and taking home the Oscar for best actress in a leading role..."
Tom took your hand and you squeezed it tight, ready to applaud one of the other amazing actresses on their win.
"(Y/n) Holland, for her brilliant performance in Two Sides of the Same Coin!"
You felt like your heart was gonna beat out of your chest, run to that stage, kiss Brie, then promptly burst to flames out of sheer, unadulterated enthusiasm. Tom was hugging you and whispering how much you deserved it while your brother gently guided you to the podium. None of them would ever allow you to go up there on your own. Always one in front of you in case you trip forward and one behind you to catch you if you fall back.
Overprotective much?
As soon as you reached Brie, you hugged her tight (or as tight as you could with a human baby house separating you), taking the award while the two boys hugged her too.
"Holy Louis Tomlinson in a crop top."
The audience laughed, most of them already familiar with your strange One Direction inspired expressions.
"Wow, I didn't actually think I was gonna win this, everyone had such amazing performances. I-It's an honour, really. Two Sides of the Same Coin was a project very near and dear to my heart, so I'd like to thank the amazing Drew Barrymore, who wrote and directed the movie."
The room erupted in cheers and the woman smiled at you from her place on the front row.
"Bisexual representation is something we don't get very often, and when we do, it's always misjudged. So thank you for showing the world what bisexuality really is, and for giving me a chance to live out my dreams of kissing lots of people. This idiot tied me down too soon."
You pointed behind you at Tom, hearing his appalled squeak along with Harrison's guffaw of a laugh. 
In other news, the baby was starting to inconvenience you slightly. Baby had been going crazy since last night (not that you'd tell the boys) and the Braxton-Hicks were killing you, but it only got worse now.
"I'd also like to thank my amazing costars, Zendaya, Bella Thorne, and Owen Patrick Joyner, it was awesome to make out with you all..."
The crowd laughed while you felt something trickle down your legs.
You'll never live this down, that's for sure.
"Uh, before I finish can one of you idiots call the car and get them to come to the exit please and thank you? Now as I was saying-"
"Wait, why?"
You turned to your brother and smiled innocently.
"Oh, my water just broke."
The crowd cheered.
Tom screamed.
Harrison fell to the floor, unconscious.
You sighed.
"New plan, can anyone try to wake my brother while my hus-" 
You looked at Tom, frantically doing small back and forths between you and his best friend, unsure of what to do. 
"-While someone else calls the car because both of them are apparently useless."
"We need to get you to the hospital!"
His terrified scream could be heard all through the room, even with no mic.
"What? No! I need to finish my acceptance speech, then go back to the hotel to shower and maybe take a little nap and then go to the hospital. My water just broke, Thomas, we have time, calm your tits."
You turned back fully to the mic, facing the hysteric faces of the crowd, very entertained by the exchange.
"Now as I was saying, I want to thank the amazing team that worked on this movie, you're all amazing and it was such a good experience. I'd also like to thank my family for always being there for me and supporting me and Haz in our acting careers. Thank you to my brother, even if he's unconscious right now, he'll just watch it on Youtube later, for literally forcing me to go to the audition. And lastly, I'd like to thank my wonderful husband, who hopefully hasn't passed out yet, for always supporting me and being my biggest rock through everything. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to deliver a baby, you know, just normal Saturday night stuff."
An Oscar in hand and another... down her legs?
(Y/n) Holland sure gave the Oscars something to be entertained by on this last Saturday. The wife of fellow actor Tom Holland looked radiant in her custom-made Valentino dress, looking ready for a night of fun.
(Y/n) was nominated for this year's Best Actress in a Leading Role award, alongside Meryl Streep, Margot Robbie, Cate Blanchett, and Tessa Thompson, but the Oscar went to her from her brilliant performance in Two Sides of the Same Coin. But it was during her acceptance speech that things got... slippery.
At 37 weeks of pregnancy, the Holland baby was ready to come at any minute, but apparently, theatrics run in the family. The actress was in the middle of her speech when she felt her water break, pausing in her talking to request a car be called.
You'd think her husband, Tom, and brother Harrison Osterfield, overprotective as they are, would be fully prepared! Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for our entertainment, they were not. Harrison went unconscious after hearing the news, dropping to the floor and earning himself a minor concussion, much to his sister's amusement
@ynholland: "Don't worry, when you go into labour, I'll be with you every step of the way." Said Harrison Osterfield, then proceeded to pass out, get a minor concussion, and miss the whole delivery.😂 Good job, little bro👍
And just when you thought she couldn't get any better, she finishes her acceptance speech with: "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to deliver a baby, you know, just normal Saturday night stuff." We have no choice but to stan this iconic queen!
But for the news you've all been waiting for, Oscar Robert Holland (yes, the middle name is a homage to Robert Downey Jr. himself, we're not crying, you are!) was born just twelve hours later. Tom let know through a beautiful Instagram picture that he is in fact "perfectly healthy and loved by everyone already".
@tomholland2013: I present to you, my best creation to this date: Oscar Robert Holland. Thank you all for your prayers and kind messages, our boy is perfectly healthy and loved by everyone already❤️
But of course, Uncle Haz wouldn't stay behind.
@hazosterfield: Since I know you've all been worried sick and desperate to know how the baby is... I'm doing just fine, it's just a minor concussion :) Oh and my godson's great too.
And just to prove that the Osterfields are indeed the royal family of comedy, we leave with this wonderful picture posted to the happy mum's very own Instagram.
@ynholland: Guess I was so good they gave two Oscars instead of one ;)
-Written by Kaitlyn Storm
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so anyway, Two Sides of the Same Coin is a movie idea i got a while ago and should maybe try to write one of these days but oh well or something. anyway, i’m not gonna rant about it here cause it’d be too long but i hope you enjoyed this and don’t forget to like/comment/reblog if you feel like it!
-Love, Miah
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gncrevan · 2 years
Details as to the Joker sequel’s plot have thus far been kept under wraps, though we know that Todd Phillips is returning as director. As was the case on the original film, he co-wrote the script with Scott Silver. We hear that Gaga will play Harley Quinn — the Arkham Asylum shrink who falls in love with her patient Arthur Fleck aka Joker — though her version of the character will be a DC universe apart from Margot Robbie’s in the Suicide Squad films.
i say this as an OG jokerharley stan: please stop. nobody wants to see this. gaga made some epic jokerharley amv songs, she deserves better than this. we all deserve better than this.
this whole project sounds bad on so many levels. it completely defeats the purpose of the joker movie, which was to stand on its own in a universe that does not have any of the batman lore & characters. at least that was a somewhat original concept, unlike telling the same story over and over again for the purpose of cashing in on one of the batman universe's most iconic storyline. but the reason mad love works in b:tas is that it's cartoon violence and cartoon logic. adapting it for the silver screen ends up just telling a story of abuse.
(and like i wanna be clear that there is a way to make this less a descent into violent madness and more an access to freedom through positive nihilism, but let's be real let's be honest that's never what the films do, is it? and even then, their relationship would never be healthy, would it?)
the most likely reason suicide squad so heavily re-cut the scenes of joker and harley, to the point of dubbing in an explanation for him pushing her out of a helicopter, is that they were just too violent and depressing. you can't portray their dynamic realistically, with real people, without it getting very hard to watch very fast. the only way i could see an adaption work is either in heightened comic style, or as a dark psychological thriller about obsession (the most appropriate film version of their general character concepts that i've seen is actually "she's so lovely", which adds its own layer of horribleness given sean penn's history of domestic violence, and the film co-starring his then-wife, but i digress.)
jokerharley is for comics, animation and gritty videogames. please just leave it there, nobody needs to see a bisexual woman manipulated and brutalized right now, do we
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amidalis · 5 years
Birds of Prey was excellent and I will not shut up about it! We stan Margot Robbie in this house! THANK YOU, MA'AM! REAL QUEEN SHIT!!!!!!
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020
It’s been a weird and often devastating year, and our social media has reflected that. Tumblr has just released its top fandoms of 2020 and it’s fascinating to see how a year of pandemic and quarantine has affected transformative fandom and broader cultural trends. In a year when almost everyone spent a lot more time at home, Animal Crossing: New Horizons was the most blogged about topic on the social media platform, followed by animated dramedy Steven Universe, Belgian SKAM adaptation WtFOCK, K-pop supergroup BTS, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. We talked to Tumblr’s Trend Expert Amanda Brennan about how she interpreted the biggest trends of the year, how this was a big year for animation and international media, and why 2020 was the year everyone stopped worrying about what was cool and just embraced what they love. But, first, some 2020 Tumblr statistics:
Top 20 of 2020 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Steven Universe
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
Artists on Tumblr
Critical Role
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Boku No Hero Academia
Black Lives Matter
The Witcher
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
The Magnus Archives
Reylo Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe
Sanders Sides
Catradora Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Zuko | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Top 25 Ships 
Rey & Kylo Ren, the Star Wars universe (m/f)
Catra & Adora, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (f/f)
Richie Tozier & Eddie Kaspbrak, It (m/m)
Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier, The Witcher (m/m)
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens (m/m)
Zuko & Sokka, Avatar: The Last Airbender (m/m)
Luz Noceda & Amity Blight, The Owl House (f/f)
Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl (f/f)
Park Jimin & Jeon Jungkook, BTS (m/m)
Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural (m/m)
Live Action TV
The Witcher
The Mandalorian
Good Omens
Skam France
The Umbrella Academy
Doctor Who
The Untamed
Killing Eve
Animated TV
Steven Universe
Avatar: The Last Airbender
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
The Owl House
Invader Zim
The Dragon Prince
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Gravity Falls
TV Characters
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Adora | She-Ra
Geralt Of Rivia
The Old Guard
Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
Birds Of Prey
Little Women
Sonic Movie
Lord of the Rings
Movie Characters
Kylo Ren
Harley Quinn
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Richie Tozier
Chris Evans
Henry Cavill
Sebastian Stan
Adam Driver
Tom Holland
Pedro Pascal
John Boyega
Robert Pattinson
Tom Hiddleston
Timothee Chalamet
Katie Mcgrath
Jodie Comer
Daisy Ridley
Margot Robbie
Lili Reinhart
Naya Rivera
Brie Larson
Florence Pugh
Jodie Whittaker
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Warrior Cats
The All for the Game series
Pride And Prejudice
Midnight Sun
The Secret History
The Raven Cycle series
Carry On
Six Of Crows
Authors of Books
J.K. Rowling
Rick Riordan
Erin Hunter
Nora Sakavic
Jane Austen
Stephenie Meyer
Donna Tartt
Maggie Stiefvater
Rainbow Rowell
Leigh Bardugo
Video Games
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Among Us
Pokemon Sword And Shield
Sims 4
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Persona 5
Video Games Characters
Obey Me Lucifer
Obey Me Mammon
Tom Nook
Cloud Strife
Arthur Morgan
Animal Crossing Villagers
Anime & Manga
Boku no Hero Academia
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
One Piece
Fruits Basket
19 Days
Anime & Manga Characters
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Wei Wuxian
Aizawa Shouta
Todoroki Shouto
Kirishima Eijirou
Lan Wangji
Levi Ackerman
And, now, our chat with Brennan. (This Q&A has been edited for clarity and length.)
Den of Geek: I’ve heard you refer to the users as the Tumblr hive-mind or the orchid, whatever it is. I was just hoping you could generally talk about what the Tumblr hive-mind is to you? Which is the way of saying, who uses Tumblr generally? And how and why? If you can even extrapolate those things. Go!
Amanda Brennan: Most of our audiences is Gen Z; it’s at 48%. Our new user registration with Gen Z is even higher; I’m pretty sure it’s 60%. These are people who come to Tumblr because they love something so much they just want to share that love with people who love it as much as they do. I know that feels like a giant umbrella, but that’s the thing: Tumblr is what you make of it. If you love sports, sports Tumblr is intense hockey Tumblr, so good. If you love TV, you’ll have all of that. K-pop Tumblr, totally amazing. Furby Tumblr is off the hook and they make these incredible creations. I’ve recently gotten into Stained Glass Tumblr.
There’s layers upon layers. No matter what you love, there’s something on Tumblr for you. That’s both the easiest thing and the hardest thing about it. You have to go in being like, “Alright, I’m so into this thing, what does Tumblr have for me?” It’s not like the other social media networks, right? It’s really about what you love rather than who you know.
Yeah, I like that. I did want to ask you specifically about the process of how you track trends and how you make decisions about what to track?
We built the whole taxonomy that powers fandom metrics based on what Tumblr talks about. I’m a librarian, as you know, and I kind of reverse engineered it. My first year in review at Tumblr in 2013, they handed me a spreadsheet and they’re like, ‘OK, go to town.” So I was like, “Cool, let me pull out the threads that I see.” We really let the data tell us how to analyze it, if that makes sense. So when it comes to what we track, I have a running notebook that I’ve kept all year of the things that I’ve wanted to have in year in review.
The Witcher has been on my list since it came out. Animal Crossing has been another one. The Old Guard had a huge moment. I was just writing notes, like, “Oh, what is this thing? And we’ll keep an eye on it.” I have an amazing team. We all are into our own pieces of Tumblr. So we’ll all work together to just keep an eye on different fandoms. I don’t know if you know about Minecraft YouTuber fandom?
Yeah. I was actually listening to the latest Fansplaining last night and they mentioned it in that. I was just like, “OK, a new thing.” There’s always a new thing to learn about.
There’s always a new thing. That’s the beauty of Tumblr. It’s so fluid in fandom. You can go from one fandom to another and then you’ll see like, “Ooh, what is this thing?” I’ve got Supernatural on the brain, as who in the fandom doesn’t right now. [This interview was recorded on the day of the Supernatual series finale.] I was telling someone, the whole reason I got into Supernatural was because I saw a gif from the show on Tumblr and I was like, “What is happening? Let me go back and watch this entire series.” That’s the vibe of Tumblr, right? You see a thing and you’re like, “Oh, I need to know everything about that.”
Read more
Supernatural Series Finale: Why Dean’s Fate Works
By Juliette Harrisson
Supernatural: The Internet’s Best Reactions to the Series Finale
By Kayti Burt
Hmm. Yeah, for sure. I was interested in talking to you or getting your insight into how trends you saw or data you saw that were maybe tied to the very unique experience of being in the middle of a pandemic.
Yeah. I was looking back at the predictions that I had made last year and like four of those things didn’t even come out. It was just so unexpected. There’s two things that we really saw tied to the pandemic. The first was “cottagecore” as an aesthetic. It kind of touched everything because it’s soothing, it feels comfortable. In March and April in the early days, when you didn’t know what to do, you’re stuck in a forest isolation. Cottagecore has got this vibe of chosen isolation. It was very fantasy-driven and something to reach out for.
That evolved also into nostalgia. I think this year’s really big theme is nostalgia and comfort. We saw huge returns to fandoms like Twilight and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Avatar going on Netflix was such a world-breaking moment. Not only did it introduce a new, younger fandom to the show, there’s a lot of Avatar content once you get into it, but it brought people back to a younger time in their lives. Remembering and rewatching. The Avatar fandom, as you see, it’s all over all of the lists. Zuko is number 20 on all of the things on Tumblr this year. Avatar was able to redefine people’s year. Because you know what, we’re all at home, I’m going to binge Avatar. Reignite my love for this fandom.
A lot of TV too, because TV is episodic, you get lost in it. Movies had a really rough year. When we look at the movies, movies like Megamind were trending this year. That comfort movie that you go back and watch 17 times.
Yeah. I was curious about that too. The balance or proportions between older fandoms and newer fandoms, like the Avatar example. I was curious how much that changed this year? How much you thought it was tied to the pandemic? How much is tied to accessibility and things, like Avatar coming to Netflix? Do you think that is an interest in older fandoms? Or that it’s going to continue past the pandemic?
Yeah. I think another high-level theme of this year is the rejection of cringe culture. I’m getting a little ahead of myself, but I’ll tie it all back in. I think people are realizing what their values are and not being afraid to admit that they like a thing. Not caring what other people think of the things they like. Unabashedly loving the things they love. That’s why I think we do see a resurgence in these older fandoms.
Because people who may have loved them their whole lives, or may have been nervous to share that they liked it when they were younger they’re not afraid anymore. They’re like, “You know what? Twilight, it’s not that great, but I love it. This is my emotional support vampire.” Recognizing that you can be critical of something. You can see where its flaws are, but you can still love it. That duality of fandom is something that is going to persist into next year. That freedom to just like a thing, because you like it. Be able to see its flaws, but still be like, “You know what? Overall, this brings me joy and the world is melting down.”
I’m on board with that mission, that plan for 2021. I did want to ask about the role of non-English language media, especially live action stuff. Generally because I was someone who fell into The Untamed this year, but I saw that there were two SKAM remakes as well that are on the top 10. In general, have you seen over your time at Tumblr, and maybe especially in the past few years, an increase in non-English language content? Do you think that is mostly English speakers and Americans being more open to that or being able to find it easier? Or do you think it’s also an influx of people from outside the United States coming to Tumblr? Or both?
Interesting. The data that we work with is actually stripped of all user information. I don’t really have an insight into where these people are coming from. I do think that users in general are more open to content in any language. Tumblr is more interested in characters than where the story comes from. Thinking about The Untamed, it’s just such a compelling story, it doesn’t matter if you have to read subtitles.
To parallel it to something in major pop culture, Parasite. People are becoming more open to just watching content because it’s good. SKAM is really fascinating to me because the number one live action show is wtFOCK. Then, I think two years ago, 2018, the original SKAM was number one at some point. This show really transcends language barriers. It transcends geographical barriers. At the core, the story of the teenagers is just so relatable to anyone. We’ve seen lots of translation happening and not just into English. Translation of SKAM into other languages, just because people want more of these characters and their iterations, no matter what locale they’re based in. I’m waiting for some professor to have a class on it, because it’s so fascinating to me.
I also wanted to ask about how you thought the election cycle affected Tumblr this year, if there were any trends or data that you were like, “Yes, of course this is what people were doing on Tumblr this year.”
Tumblr has always had this backbone of social justice. This year, it came out stronger and in more force. No matter what fandom you were in or interests, everyone I know on Tumblr was participating in sharing social justice stuff. Even politics, if they weren’t from the US, those kinds of memes that were like, “I feel for you”. The way that fandoms do. I see your show is ending and I’m sorry.
The one thing that Tumblr really had leading up to the election was such an appreciation for the postal service. Especially Gen Z, their world is so much larger due to digital connection. Mail order, just as well as sending letters and keeping in touch with your digital friends is just as important as keeping in touch with your IRL friends. All of the artists on Tumblr, so many of them turn to mail order to replace cons. This is their livelihood. By the time the fall hit and the postal service was having all these issues, people are ready to jump in. There were the Transformers dressed like mail people.
There were all these comments like “support your postal workers,” “support the USPS.” It really boils down to the fact that we are all connected and the mail service is something in the US that connects everyone. Even overseas. Supporting these artists whose livelihood went from IRL to online and having to deal with all of this.
And the “Super Putin Election.” The confluence of those elements. I was just surfing on my personal computer and I was on Tumblr and I saw a post being like “Destiel’s canon.” I’m like, “Excuse me?” I immediately texted my team. I was like, “Open up your work computers, let’s go.”
It’s time.
We all signed on trying to figure out what’s going on and watching the numbers. That, to me, is thrilling. I said this to someone else, but it felt like the night of The Dress. To have that moment where everyone on the internet is feeling the energy. The things that kept getting layered on top of it. Putin and Sherlock and all the anime mysteries. It was breakneck speed, and it was really thrilling just to be in that moment, and so Tumblr.
I did want to ask you about an increase in animated fandom and potentially anime fandom. A lot of these things I’m anecdotally or just observing things in my own little corner of the internet. It just seems like animation and anime, probably at least partially because Netflix has accumulated a much larger anime collection and seems to be investing in these sorts of things. Have you seen that increase? Could you talk about it, if so?
It plays into what we were talking about earlier, twofold. That nostalgia vibe, the late nineties anime vibe, that art style. Also your comfort zone and being open to more stuff just because it’s good. Not worrying about reading subtitles and stuff like that. But anime in general had a huge year. Haikyū!! ending also transposed into other fandoms because that moment of the final panels, it brings people together. People being so excited to see this massive thing come to a close. You might not be familiar with Haikyū!! in general, but you’ll see the fanart and be like, “Oh, I feel that.” It’s the emotion of it.
The popularity of Avatar did also open people’s doors to like, “Oh, well, what else can I watch? What else do I want to learn about”? Boku No Hero was consistently on our Week In Review every week. BEASTARS is another Netflix anime that’s at the top. Then Mo Dao Zu Shi, thinking about The Untamed, the story of Mo Dao Zu Shi is so fascinating. I don’t think I can name another piece of content that has that storyline. People are just ready to take it all on.
I did want to ask you, I think you’ve probably talked about some of these already, but what were some of the biggest fandom moments for you on Tumblr this year?
Oh boy. So many things going canon. Catradora was a huge, huge moment. I cried watching that. The Witcher, Jaskier, introducing this whole new world to Henry Cavill. I saw a post yesterday that was like once Superman was goth, a lot more people realize that he’s hot. Repurposing and looking at things in a new way. Among Us, so huge. There is a user who is doing a comic about White and Pink being in love. She’s giving them lore. She’s giving them backstory, personalities. It is amazing.
Unus Annus, I am not very into streamers, but I’ve caught some of those videos. When they had their final stream, I was tuning in. I was like, “Are you really going to delete the channel?” Then they did. Just watching the fans have that moment, even though I am not in that fandom, it was wonderful so meaningful.
Harry Potter being taken by the fans. Fans own Harry Potter now, and that’s what matters. The Old Guard also came out of nowhere and really blew Tumblr away. The Immortal Husbands. I love that ship. I’ve got to touch on almost all of the places, MCR, My Chemical Romance. Those fans have woken up and they didn’t get their tour, but they will. They’re not going to sleep until they do.
Because we maybe all have Supernatural on the brain, to a certain extent. I’m just curious how you think, that show’s been on for 15 years. The fandom has gone through literal generations. How do you think the fandom is going to change?
There’s always going to be a supernatural gif for everything. People will continue gifing it. It’s going to surpass what it is and it’s going to become that comfort show. This is a personal anecdote, but when I go to the dentist, every single time supernatural is on. It’s just like, “Oh, I get to watch my boys while I’m getting my teeth cleaned. That’s good.” It’s always going to be there. It’s always going to be there for people when they need it the most. We’re going to see a lot more fan creations. People love these boys, men now they’re adults. People love these characters. I haven’t watched this season. I am going to watch the finale tonight. I’m going in almost cold. I know that a lot of fan favorites have returned. My prediction for Supernatural fandom going forward is seeing these side stories come through in fanfiction even more than they already do. Lots more Charlie. That’s personal of mine because I love her.
I don’t think you’re alone in this.
Yeah. Who doesn’t love Charlie? Seeing these smaller characters come out and just shine in their own fan works, more so than the world might’ve provided them in canon.
It feels dangerous to make fandom predictions based on what happened this year, but if you have any predictions and or hopes for the coming year in terms of Tumblr and fandom?
Where we’re at now and going forward, it’s all about true authenticity. Screw what people think. We’re rejecting our old ways of thinking. We’re about flipping perspectives and forgetting what you thought was important in exchange for what you truly love. 2020 has helped us all figure out what our values at our core are. It’s about choosing something that makes you happy, that supports you, and your people. Choosing the happiness of those around you and making sure that you’re fighting for the goodness in life. Which sounds really sugar sweet, but one of the things, again, that I love about Tumblr is it is about putting people first based on the things they love. That’s what I see happening.
Explore the rest of Tumblr’s Year in Review lists here, and let us know what your biggest 2020 fandoms were in the comments below.
The post Tumblr’s Top Fandoms of 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kinglegolas · 4 years
i was tagged by @romaanovas​ & @florenepugh​ (thanks harls & ashlyn! 💖) to answer the following 73 questions!
answers are under the cut x
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? well there’s not really a lot going on at the moment and idk wtf i’m doing so i would say a low 5 lol
describe yourself in a hashtag? #couldbeworse
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? oof chris evans i guess
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? idk lol
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? most people irl know this, but i donated my eggs to my cousin a couple of years ago. the kid is the spitting image of my brother lol
what’s your wake up ritual? i lay in bed for a while on my phone then i get up, use the bathroom, wash my face & brush my teeth (if it’s the weekend or i don’t have work i might even have breakfast lol) (also at the moment since i’m literally just at home all the time, i’ll shower in the morning before i brush my teeth (i’m usually a night showerer))
what’s your go to bed ritual? i might watch a tv and then spend way too long on my phone, realise i should’ve gone to sleep hours ago and then spend ages trying to fall asleep lol
what’s your favorite time of day? evening
your go to for having a good laugh? brooklyn nine nine probably
dream country to visit? i wanna go to the us (specifically florida so i can go to the wizarding world of harry potter), but i’d also love to go back to australia
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? umm i can’t think of like any times i’ve had a surprise, but i guess there was the time when i really wanted niall horan m&g tickets but missed out, then someone was selling hers and was gonna give it to me but then didn’t (thank GOD bc she ended up scamming her OWN FRIEND, bitch that could been ME getting scammed!), but then one of my friends ended up having a spare that she sold me and the seats we had were MIDDLE FRONT ROW. also it was the day after my birthday and niall wished me happy birthday and it was the best even though i was so awkward when i met him lol. does this count as a surprise even though i did have to pay her back coz i mean i didn’t expect the seats to be middle front row and also didn’t even expect to get m&g at all lol
heels or flats/sneakers? flats/sneakers, my go to is my white converse, love those lil bitches. i do think heels are gorgeous but ouch my feet
vintage or new? both!
who do you want to write your obituary? idk
style icon? zendaya probably
what are three things you cannot live without? books, internet, family
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? honestly just mixed herbs lol, depending on the dish of course
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? chris evans, sebastian stan & harry styles
what’s your biggest fear in life? dying lol. also spiders
window or aisle seat? window
what’s your current tv obsession? terrace house
favorite app? instagram
secret talent? it’s not that secret? but i can sing ok i guess... don’t love to actually sing in front of people though lmao
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? idk, probably just going to sydney with my cousin? w/o like actual adult supervision lol
how would you define yourself in three words? sarcastic, nice, homebody
favorite piece of clothing you own? hmm, maybe this blue jumper i’m wearing rn
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? denim jacket
a superpower you would want? teleportation! imagine the places you could go and the money you would save! alternatively, general magic would be cool (hp style, then i could apparate too lol)
what’s inspiring you in life right now? uhh nothing really lol
best piece of advice you’ve received? idk
best advice you’d give your teenage self? be more confident and do more fun things
a book everyone should read? the harry potter series
what would you like to be remembered for? being a nice, good person
how do you define beauty? i think beauty is different for everyone, especially in terms of aesthetics and appearances, but there’s also inner beauty which i think comes from generally being a good person
what do you love most about your body? idk? my eyes maybe?
best way to take a rest/decompress? self-care! face masks, baths, listening to music or reading
favorite place to view art? galleries i guess
if your life was a song, what would the title be? idk lol
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano! i took lessons for like two terms when i was in primary school but gave up bc i though the songs i was learning were boring and basic BUT I WISH I’D JUST STUCK WITH IT! also if i could actually get better at guitar, that would be nice too
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? i already have one on my upper back but i would love for it to be changed into something else, otherwise maybe below my inner elbow?
dolphins or koalas? koalas
what’s your spirit animal? i just took some random quiz and got deer so that i guess lol
best gift you’ve ever received? my mum got me a guitar for my 15th birthday (which, by the way, was almost 10 years ago and i caNNOT believe that)
best gift you’ve given? i made two of my best friends scrapbooks about our friendships for both of their 21st birthdays
what’s your favorite board game? game of life or cards against humanity
what’s your favorite color? lilac
least favorite color? brown
diamond or pearls? diamonds
drugstore makeup or designer? bit of both
blow-dry or air-dry? both
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? coffee but i also love tea
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? lackadaisical
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk chocolate babey
stairs or elevators? elevators
summer or winter? summer
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? nachos!!
a dessert you don’t like? banana split. i HATE bananas
a skill you’re working on mastering? i can’t really think of anything in particular?
best thing to happen to you today? it’s like 12:30pm and i’ve not done much, but i’ll be watching prisoner of azkaban with @thewinterrsoldier​ soon so that’ll be fun 😊
worst thing to happen to you today? nothing yet lol
best compliment you’ve ever received? idk, i’m struggling to think of times i’ve been complimented tbh (i also don’t have that great of a memory tbh)
favorite smell? rain, or the smell just before it rains. or this strawberry poundcake body moisturiser i had. ooh or the raspberry body butter from the body shop lol
hugs or kisses? both
if you made a documentary, would it be about? animals or space or something lol
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? harry potter lol
lipstick or lipgloss? lipstick
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? margot robbie
how do you know your in love? no idea
a song you can listen to on repeat? it’s hard to narrow it down! i’m just gonna with clean or blank space by taylor swift
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? maybe margot robbie? just so i could see what it’s like to be THAT beautiful wow
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? figuring out what the fresh fuck to do i guess but that’s also kind of scary lol
tagging: @louvegoods @buckyperalta @damerondjarin @james-barnes @vintersoldier @vcastiel @yodababe @ctrls @tomhollandd @romanoft @astoriamalfxy + anyone else who would like to do this. also feel free to ignore! x
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crystallinee-waters · 5 years
This blog is not going to partake in any further discussion about Birds Of Prey. I hear you, I feel you but it’s a waste of my time.
That movie and Margot Robbie make me sick and I can’t stand to see her face. I want to focus on positive stuff that makes me happy, for the sake of my own peace of mind.
So yeah, in this house we stan loving mutual relationships, give disabled characters their rightful space, etc etc and that’s that.
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withallthingslove · 5 years
the handmaid’s tale s2ep11 thoughts
under the cut because spoilers
overall a pretty decent episode. it felt very much like old handmaids tale which was nice
this show’s pattern seems to be very slow start and then everything happening at the end
eleanor is quickly adding to my list of favorite characters in this show. Even if she is unstable i love that she sees through the bullshit and knows that even though lawrence was raped in this situation as well that june was raped because of him and the society he created. eleanor sees through everything in gilead and i love it
june saying she wants to kill him too you go queen
the scene with lawrence and june drinking.... while june is a motherfucking badass and she has bounced back from hitting rock bottom i dont think she’s well. and lawrence knows that too which is why he made the mental health comment. this season is definitely about changing june. there have been hints of it in previous seasons but this is when she goes through more of a personality transformation
wow the marthas really run gilead we stan
i think it’s pretty obvious from the start that serena is setting up fred. the way she said goodbye to rita, she knew she wasnt coming back. and I think her beginning nerves were because she was nervous about what would happen to fred not really tuello betraying her
and of course fred is his cocky normal self but its heightened even more when they are alone. I’m conflicted on how serena acted with fred... part of me thinks she still loves him. Because they’ve always been this delusional power-hungry team that have a connection. But then part of me viewed it like the end of the wolf of wall street where margot robbie’s character gets leo’s character to fuck her one last time and butters him up and then shes like “i want a divorce”
the scene in the woods with them at the econo family’s house was beautifully shot. the scenery, the camera work. beautiful. The conversation that took place... solidified more to me serena was setting him up. It seemed like she was saying goodbye in a way. She brought up what she was unhappy with and reminisced with him, and when he said he didnt need to live in dc i didnt believe him and i dont think she did either
but fred admitting he was sterile..... um wow if he wasnt such a terrible human i would be proud of his character development
more proof serena was planning to cross him though is that her reaction was very sad instead of like rushing to comfort him
glad they didnt show the waterfords having sex because honestly dont need that in my life and any scene of them doing it is a waste of time to me 
for a second i freaked out when it looked like lawrence had abandoned them because i hadn’t read that in the spoilers for the episode
are they coming after lawrence because of his liberal tendencies? or because he wasn’t performing the ceremony?
june walking through jezebels like she owns the place. i love her confidence
the bartender being concerned about beth made me happy i feel like she’s really well liked and i hope nothing bad happens to her
also the bartender knowing about lawrence robbing all the museums is another good way of showing he isnt really that much better than the other commanders considering fred and serena did the same thing
ugh winslow.... 
june trying to give herself the speech and then snapping. It’s interesting because in one way it shows she has lost her humanity the way emily and moira had. one thing about june in the book was that she always “kept her humanity” and that was shown in the second season when june couldnt bring herself to kill the waterfords. But the longer june stays in gilead the more unhinged she becomes. BUT I would also argue she has more humanity now because she cant suppress her disgust anymore and so she reacts. So while its more unhinged I think its also more like a new aspect of her personality being born
love that the martha helped her and that the marthas literally cleaned up the entire scene they really are bomb ass bitches. QUEENS
lawrence giving june the gun.... what are they gonna do shoot off whoever comes to the house? or is that for when they try to escape
if june is staying and not escaping after this season i could see her truly going underground/on the run at the end of the season and not going to someone’s house to be a handmaid
mmmmmm tuello is fine and still stand by the idea that he and serena will fuck 
fred immediatly doesnt trust him which is actually smart of fred but i also think that it was more fred was insecure about himself and projected. not that he felt something was up. just my personal opinion
fred is such a dick the way he yelled at tuello once they parked but its the way ive seen every privileged white man get mad about anything small so it was perfect delivery
when tuello said they had crossed into canada and all the soldiers came out... YESS WE STAN A KING
It was so satisfying for tuello to say what fred was being arrested for as the americans looked on. SOOOO satisfying
As for Serena.... I think my question from earlier was answered in how she looked at him. She does still love him and so part of her felt terribly guilty for playing him. So the way she was treating fred earlier was because she does love him still but also knew she was betraying him
For the next few episodes... im guessing serena defected and gave fred up or gave them both up hoping doing so would let her see holly. Which ugh. If this season ends with serena in hawaii with holly instead of nick and june in hawaii with holly im gonna fucking riot. 
anyway based on the preview moira, luke and holly visit fred and serena and fred is in a jail cell and its said serena betrayed him. but I couldn’t tell if serena was in a jail cell too. My guess is kind of what i predicted earlier in the season and that serena’s long term plan when she left canada was not to get holly back to gilead but was to find a way to leave gilead and take holly with her so i imagine she will try to get custody of holly ughhhhh. 
If nick and june can’t be there to parent her then luke and moira should. not serena
im interested to see what happens in the next few episodes because so far this season has been all over the place and so who knows how it will end (i know some of what will happen but not everything and i want more spoilers)
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Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify!! 
is your room messy or clean? ...depends if i don’t have company, or i haven’t been made to clean it, it’s relatively messy. well. it’s not messy to me, because i know where everything is and why things are...not...put away, but messy to Literally Everyone Else
what color are your eyes? brown!
do you like your name? why? i Love my name mostly because i chose it and i like how it sounds I Just Think It’s Neat
what is your relationship status? taken! i have two beautiful partners that i love very very much
describe your personality in 3 words or less Chaotic Disaster Gay
what color hair do you have? also brown dkjbsgalk
what kind of car do you drive? color? i don’t drive! don’t have my license yet
where do you shop? anywhere and everywhere alksjdb meijer? ig?
how would you describe your style? Grunge
favorite social media account discord! ‘s how i talk to my babies :3
what size bed do you have? a twin! v comfy, v bouncy
any siblings? unfortunately two brothers both are Assholes
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? switzerland honestly first of all, lgbtq+ has been legal there since 1942 like look at them Go oh my gosh also! i love german, it’s such a fascinating language but the biggest reason? that’s where moje rojena wants to live
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t have snapchat, and don’t really plan to kjasbdl
favorite makeup brand(s) don’t wear it! the only thing i use is chapstick lmao a wonderful vanilla chapstick by Eos
how many times a week do you shower? sometimes every night, but mostly every other night! so three or four
favorite tv show? oh gosh there are so many she-ra is probably at the top i love supernatural, and elementary, bbc sherlock, person of interest, steven universe there are a bunch of amazing shows i love!
shoe size? i think i wear like a ten and a half quadruple e do with that as you will
how tall are you? 5′4 i think probably
sandals or sneakers? flip flops!! or barefoot kadjbsgl
do you go to the gym? i don’t think i’ve ever even seen the inside of a gym
describe your dream date cuddle pile some show or movie on tv So Many Blankets but the most important thing the Most Important thing is that my babies are with me and that’s all i really need
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? i don’t have any cash, but i have like a little over $50 on my card
what color socks are you wearing? white with gray designs
how many pillows do you sleep with? normally three, but i’ll bring in another three if i want to build a Nest:tm:
do you have a job? what do you do? no job! i think my first job will be working at my local library
how many friends do you have? uhhhhhhh no idea a dozen? idk maybe half a dozen i really have no idea, and i have a horrible memory
what's the worst thing you have ever done? I Will Not Divulge Such Information
what's your favorite candle scent? there’s this one candle we have that’s tide+kelp scented but it just smells like a speedstick it’s awesome
3 favorite boy names Leo (obviously) Tobias Axel
3 favorite girl names L(again, obviously) Celeste i’ve always loved the name Andromeda as well! 
favorite actor? Ezra Miller!! they’re a nonbinary icon, first of all, and they’re an amazing actor in my opinion! they’re Credence in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Barry in Justice Leauge
favorite actress? hmmmmmmmmmm probably Margot Robbie tbh love her stuff also? have you seen the trailer for Birds of Prey? we Stan
who is your celebrity crush? don’t have one kjdsablg
favorite movie? oh gosh I Cannot Choose A Favorite Anything Okay i love Avatar(the one with the blue aliens not the Disgrace Of A Movie), and The Dark Knight, Captain Marvel, Abominable, and so many others
do you read a lot? what's your favorite book? i do! i used to read almost a full book every day Finding Me by Katheryn Cushman is really good, and so is Five Feet Apart, i love the Divergent series too!
money or brains? brains duh, if you’re smart you can make more money but if you’re an idiot with money what happens when you run out
do you have a nickname? what is it? not really kjabdsga my partners have their nicknames for me of course, but with my actual name you can’t have a lot of nicknames Leo calls me Q, i’ve been called Stefano and Viktor, one friend used Quimberly for a while akjfgbslkdfg
how many times have you been to the hospital? other than when i was born, i think only the once!
top 10 favorite songs Here We Go sweet tooth-Scott Helman adderall- Max Frost bambi- Hippo Campus roxxane- Arizona Zervas grixtronics- GRiZ iSpy- KYLE truth hurts- kidz bop (fuck off it slaps) walk man- TMG mr.clean- Yung Gravy peach scone- Hobo Johnson
do you take any medications daily? nope! 
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) definitely oily
what is your biggest fear? Ya Boi Out Here With Abandonment Issues
how many kids do you want? i’ll stick with my fur babies thank you very much
what's your go-to hairstyle? in my face covering my right eye so i can’t see with it because it annoys my mother and i think i look Hot
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium i would think? we don’t have a second floor or a finished basement, but i’ve never had to bunk with either of my brothers so
who is your role model? no one specific! just, kind people, yk? 
what was the last compliment you received? i think it was on...monday? when Leo kept telling me i was adorable XD
what was the last text you sent? to a gc with my partners saying i was going mia because I Have The Right To Not Interact With Anyone For Several Days And Watch Movies  no i will not be taking criticism
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? like somewhere from seven to nine i think i have no idea dude, i have the memory of a goldfish
what is your dream car? .... 1967 black chevy impala
opinion on smoking? bad for you, love the smell, not gonna tell you to stop, will just worry quietly in the corner because i won’t tell you what to do with your life
do you go to college? nope! still in high school, i probably won’t go to college tbh
what is your dream job? owning my own bookstore! with a cafe a cat cafe i have it planned out to a concerning degree
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? i’ve lived in one place my entire life and it’s on the side of the highway with no neighbors so Suburbs Be Like Scary
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? oh absolutely
do you have freckles? no and i’m salty about it
do you smile for pictures? of course! never with my teeth tho because my canines are halfway up my face :)
how many pictures do you have on your phone? don’t have a phone! i have a Whole Bunch on my computer though
have you ever peed in the woods? did not work out tried once Never Again
do you still watch cartoons? of course i do i’m gay it’s legally required
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald's? i’ve never had McDonald's nuggets but Wendy’s has the best for sure
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch or campfire sauce
what do you wear to bed? pajamas???? in winter it’s long sleeve tees with fuzzy pants in summer it’s basketball shorts and whatever twenty-year-old shirt i can find in my closet
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never entered one so no homeschool for the win
what are your hobbies? Anything On A Screen and books mostly books on a screen but i’ll occasionally pick up a paperback also food and swimming
can you draw? s o m e t i m e s
do you play an instrument? i played guitar for a while, but i broke one of the strings and don’t have the tools to replace it i really want a ukelele
what was the last concert you saw? i went to a college campus for four days with my youth group, and a band named Sing Love played every night
tea or coffee? Neither
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Also Neither i’ve been to starbucks one time and it was the most disappointing drink i’ve ever had i am a loyal biggby customer  even though i haven’t been there in over a year
do you want to get married? not in the traditional sense i couldn’t even if i wanted to because the us said No Polyam Rights
what is your crush’s first and last initial? L.R. + L.G.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? probably! or we’ll both take a new one together
what color looks best on you? warm colors!! i do look Fabulous in a nice cool forest green though
do you miss anyone right now? Of Course I Do I’m In A Long Distance Relationship With Two People
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed if it was open my asshole cat would eat all my hair ties and my fairy lights
do you believe in ghosts? nope! 
what is your biggest pet peeve? uh people who assume? ig?
last person you called? Leo XD
favorite ice cream flavor? mint chocolate chip!!
regular oreos or golden oreos? The Golden Ones  they taste like lemon even if they’re not the lemon ones i love it
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? i don’t like sprinkles because i’m a Monster
what shirt are you wearing? i’m Not It’s Hoodie Season
what is your phone background? my tablet backgrounds are Leo and L because i’m a Sap
are you outgoing or shy? Both i’m getting a lot better in the confidence department, but i still get nervous and overwhelmed sometimes!
do you like it when people play with your hair? I Cry Every Time and so does Leo it’s adorable
do you like your neighbors? if i did i would hate them because i Can
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? not outside of the shower
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? nope
last thing you ate? leftover itallian mac n cheese
favorite lyrics right now ..... ................. raindrops on rose and whiskers on kittens~ sTICKING-
summer or winter? winter!!
day or night? night, of course
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk! or dark with sea salt
favorite month? hm maybe august because it’s just starting to get cold, but you can also still swim on the warm days
what is your zodiac sign pisces! as i’m sure is obvious
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mother Because Leaving Me Alone For Five Minutes Is Impossible
thank you Luxet for the questions!
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ofcosima · 6 years
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- ̗̀✰ •【 MARGOT ROBBIE / CISFEM / TWENTY-FIVE 】announcing the arrival of her royal highness, VITTORIA COSIMA , the  CROWN PRINCESS  of  ANDORRA . I’ve heard that she is VOLATILE  &  MENDACIOUS  but can also be  ADAPTABLE  &  FERVID .  COSIMA  is arranged to marry SEBASTIAN STAN, ALEXANDER SKARSGARD, MICHAEL B JORDAN, OSCAR ISAAC, ANY MALE . Rumor has it SHE’S PLOTTING TO KILL HER HUSBAND-TO-BE FOR THE SOLE RIGHT TO THE CROWN . We hope you enjoy your stay at London!
eek sorry i dipped yesterday !! ngl . im plannin on dippin again ,, so theres that . for some reason i can’t stop yawning ?? rip to my sleeping schedule . anyway ,, i’m barb from the sad gmt + 4 !! i honestly have no idea where im going with cosima but !! i have a board for her here if ya wanna check it out wink wonk . so ya . like this & ill come to u for plots !
uhh idk where to start .
im sure you’re all familiar with the basic “im raising u so u can give me the world in return” trope . ya . “ur a woman . use ur body , men dont like smart women .” same shit here .
though cos is a crown princess , bc of andorra’s unpopularity ( besides from being a rich ppl get away spot ) , she was almost raised as a commoner ?? 
growing up , her mom tried to make sure her beautiful lamb would one day become the wolf in sheeps clothing . 
from the beginning she knew that was just a dream . considering how her mom became the queen ,, ,,, flashback to mama marrying her dead sister’s widow , #anything4thethrone cersei lannister who ??? 
one word : yi k e s
at first she rly thought she could break free, yknow ? become the person she truly wanted to be , rule her smol country in her own way . nah . nada . impossible .
as years passed cos began to understand that she lit had no matter in the say , and only way to break the cycle was to become the person mother wanted - powerful enough to become her own master .
its ur basic storyline tbh creativity ? we dont know her in this house .
anyway . cos’ biggest dream is to snatch a powerful king , and well .. to get rid of him . when i say she has no business with love , i mean it for real . 
spoiler alert - she should fall in love hdfjjghdfjg give me all the damn angst . 
uhh so yea . personality wise ... terrible . srsly . just . terrible
hoe lies so easily :~) its become an habit for her . its like .. she feels forced to lie ? like its her destiny & other bullshit . um
v cordial . will charm ur socks off , or at least try to .
then backstab u . she can’t handle it , its the genes™
all abt the “hidden & patient” motto . 
uuhhhh . ok so she started this game of winning for personal gains , but shes beginning to see the appeal ? “her people” . the only thing that matters to her more than her , breaking free . 
um i suck
this sucks
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rosewoodmeadow · 3 years
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Welcome to Mount Meadow, Raya! Before you get stuck in, make sure to check out our new members’ checklist. Once this is complete, you have 24 hours to send in your account. We’re so happy that you’re here!
Name: Raya
Preferred Pronoun: she/her
Celebrity Name: Sebastian Stan
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday: 13 August 1982
Profession: actor
Housing District: Long Pine with Margot Robbie
Personality: Sebastian is a pretty reserved individual. It'll take him a while to open up to people but he's still friendly and won't hesitate to help someone if needed. He's dedicated to his work, his wife and his family. Basically, he has a heart of gold and when he trusts you then be ready to have a loyal friend for life.
Relationship/Family: married to margot robbie.
MANDATORY: Why Mount Meadow and what brought you to town? Margot and I got married and decided we wanted to settle down outside of LA so here we are. Know a few people here which made the decision a lot easier, too. Unfortunately Tom Holland is here, that's the only downside.
In addition to answering the above question, so we can get to know your celebrity better, create a playlist of 3-5 songs that relates to or describes your celebrity!
Wanted Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi
Sweet Child of Mine - Guns n Roses
Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley
Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
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hollywoodfamerp · 5 years
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We’re heading to Santorini, Greece! On July 7th - July 13th the entire roleplay will be located in Greece for our annual summer trip! Please remember, this event is mandatory. So whether you are on hiatus or not, you must state that your celeb is/was there.
Celebs will be staying at the Santorini Luxury Hotel Ambassador! The Santorini Luxury Hotel Ambassador will have all celebs stay in vaulted suites that have a private pool in each room and a private patio that will enthrall guests with front row seats to the island's world famous sunsets, as well as great panoramic views of the caldera, with villages comprised of traditional white cube houses scattered along the cliff's edge. Guests can sit back and enjoy amenities that include: spas, lounges, bars, indoor and outdoor pools, 5 star restaurants, babysitting, and fitness center. 
Under the cut you will find your roommates! Please know, your roommate is also your SYNC partner for the month of July. That means you will have the entire month (until July 31st at midnight EST) to get a thread done with your partner! Because we are giving the entire month to get this done, everyone is included on the list regardless if they are on hiatus or not. However, those on reduced activity were NOT included. The subject of your thread does not have to be about the Greece trip! Please remember the following:
This is a mandatory thread. We will be keeping track, please do not make us give out strikes :(
Please tag the main in your chatzy, para, gif chat or f2f when you reach at least 8 notes. 
Texts also count! Please send your text thread to the main via IM once you reach at least 12 notes since those don’t require as much.
No matter what type of thread you and your partner choose, please make sure it has substantial replies (on both ends) and not just a three word reply - the point is to build new connections!
New members coming into the group will be added up until July 10th. 
After that they will not be added into the list since it wouldn’t be fair to hold them to the same requirements with less time.
If your partner goes inactive or decides to leave the rp - we will message you and you can decide if you’d like a new partner or you can just be removed from the current list.
Please do message us if your roommate has not replied to you to plot or if they are on the verge of going inactive, as we will take everything into consideration <3 
If you got paired with another FC that you play, please send us a message and we’ll fix that for you right away!
If you cannot find your FC in the list, please let us know so we can fix that as well!
All pairs were made with a random generator!
Please be mindful that this list can and will change because of unfollows, activity checks, and/or new members being added into the group. So please make sure to like this notice so you can keep track of things :)
If you’re reading this list, go ahead and reach out to your partner! Please do not wait to for them to reach out to you.
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date! :)
* Bold means waiting for account Strike through means account was unfollowed in activity check. Will be removed 24 hours after activity check.
Dacre Montgomery and Nick Jonas
Ashley Tisdale and Candice Swanepoel
Winston Duke and Kim Taehyung
Blake Lively and Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins)
Connor Franta and Anthony Mackie
Pierce Brosnan and Brandon Flynn
Keanu Reeves and Zendaya Coleman
Charlotte Flair and Gigi Hadid
Matt Bomer and Emma Stone
Melissa Benoist and Taylor Swift
Harry Styles and Zac Efron
Nina Dobrev and Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
Joe Jonas and Michael B. Jordan
Shawn Mendes and Meryl Streep
Dylan Minnette and Ryan Higa
Priyanka Chopra and Paul Wesley
Shay Mitchell and Suzy Berhow
Charlie Hunnam and Minatozaki Sana
Selena Gomez and Dianna Agron
Ben Barnes and Hirai Momo
Jesse Lingard and Ashley Benson
Margot Robbie and Kim Dahyun
Sophia Bush and David Dobrik
Sophie Turner and Brie Larson
Lauren Jauregui and Bebe Rexha
Adam Levine and Evan Rachel Wood
Kristine Froseth and Kendall Jenner
Beth Behrs and Adelaide Kane
Naomi Scott and Arin Hanson
Jeremy Jordan and Kelley O'Hara
Khloe Kardashian and Jerome Flynn
Perrie Edwards and Nikki Bella
Jon Hamm and Mark Fischbach
Rami Malek and Jeon Jeongguk
Natalia Dyer and Jesse Lee Soffer
Brendon Urie and Zoey Deutch
Aubrey Plaza and Scarlett Johansson
Kim Seokjin and Park JungSoo (Leeteuk)
Aaron Tveit and Christopher Gorham
Ashton Irwin and Normani Kordei
Emma Watson and Jung Hoseok
Hailey Baldwin and Cara Delevingne
Kit Harington and Jade Chynoweth
Kim Hyuna and Bella Hadid
Tessa Thompson and Emilia Clarke
Camila Cabello and Becky Lynch
Armie Hammer and Chris Hemsworth
Richard Madden and Jade Thirlwall
Sebastian Stan and Demi Lovato
Sam Claflin and Maisie Williams
Keith Duffy and Byun Baekhyun
Luke Hemmings and Chloe Bennet
Kate Middleton and Alex Morgan
Marzia Bisognin and Michael Clifford
Timothée Chalamet and Lights Poxleitner
Hunter Hayes and Leighton Meester
Mena Massoud and Rihanna
Lee Chaerin (CL) and Ansel Elgort
Jake Gyllenhaal and Fergal Devitt
Dylan O'Brien and Adria Arjona
Lily Singh and Madelaine Petsch
Danneel Harris and Park Chanyeol
Park Jimin and Maryse Mizanin
Chris Evans and Niall Horan
Gal Gadot and Jensen Ackles
Ariana Grande and Kim Nanjoon
Takumi Kizuckson and Marina Diamandis
Bill Skarsgard and James Rodriguez
Nathan Sharp and Sarah Drew
Dove Cameron and Jennifer Morrison
Maia Mitchell and Kim Yongsun (Solar)
Vanessa Hudgens and Saoirse Ronan
Miles Heizer and Kristen Bell
Debby Ryan and Dan Avidan
Jared Padalecki and Pedro Pascal
Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot
Zayn Malik and Jesy Nelson
Kehlani Parrish and Min Yoongi
Behati Prinsloo and Daisy Ridley
Joe Keery and Tyler Posey
Lucas Wong and Jeremy Irvine 
Jennie Kim and Karlie Kloss
Carlos Valdes and Brie Bella
Liza Koshy and Jackson Wang
Seán McLoughlin (Jacksepticeye) and Chyler Leigh
Florence Pugh and Kim Jisoo
Lee Donghae and Bae Joohyun
Alex Fitzalan and Kang Seulgi
Lea Michele and Troye Sivan
Gina Rodriguez and Kim Heechul
Katherine Langford & Louis Tomlinson 
Kathryn Newton and Camila Mendes
Taika Waititi and Christen Press
Marcus Rashford and Maya Hawke
Jessica Chastain and Joe Dempsie
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