#we should advance the setting for fantasy
aetherictree · 1 year
Reading Raising Steam, and I'm mildly disappointed that Sir Ptrerry, like so, so many fantasy authors, skipped straight from the medieval period to the industrial revolution with nothing inbetween.
Ankh Morpork and Sto Lat are on a plain, no? A plain is flat land. Flat land is ideal for digging a canal. There should have already been waterborne trade between them. And canalboats are far less odius to the neighbours than trains.
We need more authors to take a standard fantasy setting and sprinkle in a few, pre 1800 developments. Canals, potatoes, power looms...
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reflection-s-of-stars · 6 months
One really subtle, fun thing about the locked tomb is how they talk about “generalist” necromancy.
Judith says in Cohort Intelligence Files that Abigail’s necromancy is “generalist,” though we later find out her real skill lies with spirits. No matter how true it is, this is one of a few things in CIF that paint Abigail as a less-than-stellar necromancer (another one is the idea that her political power is what sets her apart from the others).
So “generalist” necromancy is seen as less advanced than a specialization, like Harrow’s in bone or Ianthe’s in flesh.
You don’t see a ton of that in fantasy media. In A:TLA, normal benders like Katara, Toph and Zuko are far less powerful than Aang, because he can bend all four elements. In Aurora (my favorite ever webcomic that you should all read), Erin has more prestige than any other living mage because he can do every type of magic. The Owl House shows wild witches like Eda, who do multiple kinds of magic, to be outlaws and outcasts. I could go on.
The reason fantasy authors do this is because they want to present magic as a skill/ability, whether it’s inherent or learned. It’s like sports or an instrument: the more you practice, the more things you can do, and the more things you can do, the better you’re considered.
And that’s the big difference between these examples and the Locked Tomb: instead of a skill to learn, TLT presents necromancy as an academic field.
In academia, specialization (like a college major, or being a specific kind of doctor) is common and expected. You’re encouraged to dive deep into one area of expertise, rather than being a jack-of-all-trades. That’s what necromancy is.
“Yes, Pent is a ridiculously powerful political force and talks to ghosts on a regular basis, but she’s a generalist. Not like Ianthe, who’s good at flesh magic!”
It’s really subtle, but it adds to the tonal blend of sci-fi and fantasy that helps make TLT so cool.
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Emperor | Yandere Qin Shi Huang
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (4/7) | Master List
“Mao Mantai!”
The Chinese club supervisor and professor for advanced languages was quite the character
Oddly enough slamming through the shoddy facilities he’s allowed to have classes in
That is when he doesn’t find a neglected classroom on the elite side to teach his kids or hold club activities in 
“Mr. Huang you cannot teach your classes in here!”
“Ha! As the emperor of the Chinese club, I see no reason I should leave. In fact, I think you should leave on the account that you’re irritating me. Students!”
“Yes sir!”
Because of his…emperor complex(?) he’s the hardest person to reign in when it comes to the average teachers attempting to ‘unionize’ 
Not that he doesn’t believe in the cause
He’s just so set on just existing where and with what he wants because he can
He’s not one for all the legalese
At least that’s before you petition him
“Uh Qin are you in here? I was told the club gained some new exploits….”
“Qīn'ài de rén! Glad you finally decided to come by you’re just in time for your fitting!”
He’d stolen one of the elite lounges for himself 
filled with all the luxuries they shared lounges or just the average lounge in general
Coffee maker, shaved ice maker, half a kitchen, 
nice furniture–courtesy of those dedicated club members
He was quick to make sure it screamed Chinese royalty in here
Shooing off the students and some teachers who were always at his beck and call 
You make your case
“Qin I think it’s great that you got this room but I heard that you beat up the guidance counselor and that one teacher that came to confront you—we really can’t have you—”
“Red or green, Bǎobao?”
“You really set the group behind because we–wait what?”
“Red or green for your hanfu! Now that I think about it maybe I should just have you match mine!”
“...why does this matter?”
“Every emperor needs his empress!”
“What?! But I’m a–”
“As an emperor, the path is where I lead!”
Honestly, he’ll have you eat, play board games with you, and have you sit in his lap before hearing you out
It’s a real negotiation when he’s being serious
As an emperor, he doesn’t feel the need to go through paperwork or intimidate the elite side into respect because he’s more than prepared to do whatever he feels like to get what he wants
You might have to just back up Brunhilde and have her debate with him 
And through much deliberation
He’ll finally agree
…with some conditions
After all, they were all fighting the same foe
“Hǎo! Now let’s talk about my conditions!”
“Whatever you want we can do it. It’s a pleasure to officially be working with you.”
His first manner of business is making sure you wear some article of Chinese fashion that matches his
“Do I have to wear this? Some of these are just so…out of my style.”
“It’s either that or I could cover you in another mark of mine…that actually might be better…”
“Ah! On second thought I’ll let you overhaul my closet.”
The second demand is that when you’re on break you’re doing your work on his lap
Wherever that might be
Third, should anything happen to you average or elite he better be told, and he’ll deal with it himself
“I think these are reasonable terms.”
“I agree thank you for being merciful, Emperor Qin!”
“I’ll say! Brunhilde don’t play up to his weird fantasies!”
“Oh Huánghòu, you’re anger makes me want to ravish you!”
“N-n-not here!”
“The path is where I lead!”
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physalian · 2 months
“How do I know if my story needs work or if I’m just being hard on myself?”
As I sit here accepting the fact that at 70k words into Eternal Night’s sequel while waiting for my editor for Eternal Night itself, that I have made an error in my plot.
Disclaimer: This is not universal and the writing experience is incredibly diverse. Figuring this out also takes some time and building up your self-confidence as an author so you can learn to separate “this is awful (when it’s not)” and “this is ok (but it can be better)” and “this isn’t working (but it is salvageable).”
When I wrote my first novel (unpublished, sadly), years ago, I would receive feedback all over the chapters and physically have to open other windows to block off parts of the screen on my laptop to slow-drip the feedback because I couldn’t handle constructive criticism all at once. I had my betas color-code their commentary so I could see before I read any of it that it wasn’t all negative. It took me thrice as long as it does today to get through a beta’s feedback because I got so nervous and anxious about what they would say.
The main thing I learned was this: They’re usually right, when it’s not just being mean (and even then, it’s rarely flat out mean), and that whatever criticisms they have of my characters and plot choices is not criticism of myself.
It did take time.
But now I can get feedback from betas and even when I hear “I’d DNF this shit right now unless you delete this,” I take a step back, examine if this one little detail is really that important, and fix it. No emotional turmoil and panic attack needed. I can also hear “I didn’t like it” without heartbreak. Can’t please everyone.
The only time I freak out is when I'm told "this won't need massive edits" followed up by, in the manuscript, "I'd DNF this shit right now". Which happened. And did not, in fact, require a massive rewrite to fix.
What might be some issues with your story and why it “isn’t working”.
1. Your protagonist is not active enough in the story
You’ve picked your protagonist, but it’s every other character that has more to do, more to say, more choices to make, and they’re just along for the ride, yet you are now anchored to this character’s story because they’re the protagonist. You can either swap focus characters, or rework your story to give them more agency. Figure out why this character, above any other, is your hero.
2. Your pacing is too slow
Even if you have a “lazy river” style story where the vibes and marinating in the world is more important than a breakneck plot, slow pacing isn’t just “how fast the story moves” it’s “how clearly is the story told,” meaning if you divert the story to a side quest, or spend too long on something that sure is fluffy or romantic or funny, but it adds nothing to the characters because it’s redundant, doesn’t advance the plot, doesn’t give us more about the world that actually matters to the themes, then you may have lost focus of the story and should consider deleting it, or editing important elements into the scenes so they can pull double-duty and serve a more active purpose.
3. You’ve lost the main argument of your narrative
Sometimes even the best of outlines and the clearest plans derail. Characters don’t cooperate and while we see where it goes, we end up getting hung up on how this one really cool scene or argument or one-liner just has to be in the story, without realizing that doing so sacrifices what you set out to accomplish. Personally I think sticking to your outline with biblical determination doesn’t allow for new ideas during the writing process, but if you find yourself down the line of “how did we get here, this isn’t what I wanted” you can always save the scenes in another document to reuse later, in this WIP or another in the future.
4. You’re spending too long on one element
Even if the thing started out really cool, whether it’s a rich fantasy pit stop for your characters or a conversation two characters must have, sometimes scenes and ideas extend long past their prime. You might have characters stuck in one location for 2 or 3 chapters longer than necessary trying to make it perfect or stuff in all these details or make it overcomplicated, when the rest of the story sits impatiently on the sidelines for them to move on. Figure out the most important reasons for this element to exist, take a step back, and whittle away until the fat is cut.
5. You’ve given a side character too much screentime
New characters are fun and exciting! But they can take over the story when they’re not meant to, robbing agency from your core characters to leave them sitting with nothing to do while the new guy handles everything. You might end up having to drag your core characters along behind them, tossing them lines of dialogue and side tasks to do because you ran out of plot to delegate with one character hogging it all (which is the issue I ran into with the above mentioned WIP). Not talking about a new villain or a new love interest, I mean a supporting character who is supposed to support the main characters.
As for figuring out the difference between “this is awful and I’m a bad writer” and “this element isn’t working” try pretending the book was written by somebody else and you’re giving them constructive criticism.
If you can come up with a reason for why it’s not working that doesn’t insult the writer, it’s probably the latter. As in, “This element isn’t working… because it’s gone on too long and the conversation has become cyclical and tiring.” Not “this element isn’t working because it’s bad.”
Why is it bad?
“This conversation is awkward because…. There’s not enough movement between characters and the dialogue is really stiff.”
“This fight scene is bad because….I don’t have enough dynamic action, enough juicy verbs, or full use of the stage I’ve set.”
“This romantic scene is bad because…. It’s taking place at the wrong time in the story. I want to keep it, but this character isn’t ready for it yet, and the vibe is all wrong now because they’re out-of-character.”
“This argument is bad because…. It didn’t have proper build-up and the sudden shouting match is not reflective of their characters. They’re too angry, and it got out of hand quickly. Or I’m not conveying the root of their aggression.”
There aren’t very many bad ideas, just bad execution. “Only rational people can think they’re crazy. Crazy people think they’re sane,” applies to writing, too.
I just read a fanfic recently where, for every fight scene, I could tell action was not the writer’s strong suit. They leaned really heavily on a crutch of specific injuries for their characters, the same unusual spot getting hit over and over again, and fights that dragged on for too long being unintentionally stagnant. The rest of the fic was great, though, and while the fights weren’t the best, I understood that the author was trying, and I kept reading for the good stuff. One day they will be better.
In my experience beta reading, it’s the cocky authors who send me an unedited manuscript and tell me to be kind (because they can’t take criticism), that they know it’s perfect they just want an outside opinion (they don’t want the truth, they want what will make them feel good), that they know it’s going to make them a lot of money and everyone will love it (they haven’t dedicated proper time and effort into researching marketing, target audiences, or current trends)—these are the truly bad authors. Not just bad at writing, but bad at taking feedback, are bullies when you point out flaws in their story, and cheap, too.
The best story I have received to date was where the author didn’t preempt with a self-deprecating deluge of “it’s probably terrible you know but here it is anyway” or “this is perfect and I’m super confident you’re going to love it”.
It was something like, “This is my first book and I know it has flaws and I’m nervous but I had a lot of fun doing it”.
And yeah, it needed work, but the bones of something great were there. So give yourself some credit, yeah?
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How Shadow and Bone trilogy should've ended
The most popular solution in fantasy genre to an evil monarch seems to be replacing them with a less evil monarch and having trust that they will make things right. We accept this easily since the story is usually set in medieval times and the idea of forming a government seems unrealistic given the setting. But Leigh Bardugo lost the right to use that excuse when she decided to set Grishaverse in late nineteenth century/early twentieth century.
The setting
Leigh Bardugo was inspired by imperial Russia and decided to make it more edgy, giving it the nickname "tsarpunk" (God give me strength). The time period or the year is never mentioned in Grishaverse, but since it's closely based on the real world, I'll draw conclusions from the text. She might've specified in interviews, but most people never read all the declarations an author makes, so she should've made things more clear in the books. The world-building is frankly, rather flimsy, even for YA.
Most fans seem to think the story takes place in 17th/18th century. It does not. Even though the technological advancements can't be measured the same as in the real world since the Grisha are primary reason for it, cars and tanks already exist in Grishaverse. Even this doesn't make any sense because according to the text, Fjerdans invented tanks first, cars second and submarines third. In reality, the order of the events is the opposite: submarines (1620), cars (1886), tanks (1915).
The events in Shadow and Bone trilogy seem to be very loosely based on the death of Czar Alexander the third (1894), reign of Czar Nicholas the second (1896-1917), Rasputin's murder (1916) and the February revolution (1917) which ended monarchy in Russia.
2. The fictional world setting
Besides barely mentioned Wandering Isle and saints-know-whose Southern Colonies, we have Fjerda and Shu-Han with absolute monarchies, and then we have Kerch and Novyi Zem, which are framed as more "progressive" countries by the narrative. We don't know much about Novyi Zem, except that it's a newly established country with growing economy and doesn't have monarchy. Kerch is ruled by the merchant council (*cough* oligarchs *cough*) - also doesn't have monarchy. So why is it such an outlandish idea for Ravka to abolish absolute monarchy? It isn't.
3. The monarchy is only as good as the monarch
Monarchy had been causing more damage to Ravka than the Fold. Incompetent Kings waged and lost countless wars, emptied royal coffers and made a significant amount of soldiers desert the first army. Regular people lived in poverty, lack of education made them prejudiced and easily controlled, and no effort whatsoever had been made to integrate Grisha in regular people's lives. The Kings preferred them bunched up in one place in the Little Palace to better keep an eye on them (it's canon, the little palace was patrolled) or on the front lines.
"I’ve always cared about good work. Polnya’s had a line of good kings. They’ve served their people, built libraries and roads, raised up the University, and been good enough at war to keep their enemies from overrunning them and smashing everything. They’ve been worthy tools. I might leave, if they grew wicked and bad."
-Uprooted, Naomi Novik.
Ravkan Kings haven't been doing any of those things. But it's okay to keep the outdated tradition that does more harm than good because Nikolai is charming and better than his rapist father(who he gave a nice retirement and more servants to rape, btw)? What about his descendants?
Since it's always been that way, it should continue to be that way? Why is the change in status quo perceived as something bad?
"- Who invented this vehicle? The Frenchman asked between laughs, pointing to the postcart on which the sleepy "yamshtchik" was stupidly nodding. - The Russians, I answered. - I imagine nobody is likely to dispute the honour with them. I pity you to be forced to addle your brain and shake up your stomach on a thing like that.
- What's to be done? If the whole of Russia travels in this manner, why should I complain?
-That's why Russia doesn't advance more rapidly. God give you a safe journey. As for me, I tell you frankly I would not risk my life by getting into it."
-Ilia Chavchavadze, Notes of a Journey from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis.
4. Abolishing the monarchy would actually solve problems
If Nikolai really wanted what's best for Ravka, instead of putting himself and then an impulsive living nuke with anger issues on the throne, he would create a parliament, a council of sorts, where he would still be the head figure as the King, since the nation wouldn't immediately take the change well , and the members would be the Triumvirate and the nobles he trusted, like Count Karigan. Over the years, the flow of power would pass more to the council, and eventually the monarchy would be abolished and Nikolai's children wouldn't take the throne. Regular people would be given an opportunity to have an education and later, the otkazatsya part of council wouldn't consist of just nobleborns. A part of the council would always have to consist of Grisha, which would bridge the division between them and otkazatsya.
But no, who wants progress and democracy when we can have a cool slay queen dragon (an emotionally unstable vessel for an ancient being).
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
Oml those nsfw promps?? 👀
Would you be interested in any one of the following:
Zeke with 72 “That is kinky even by my standards…”
Levi with 207 “Don’t give me that look”
Geto with 38 “I think you deserve a treat.” …Because maybe you deserve a treat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
oooo, options!!
i'm going to attempt levi because i've never really written him before and hey, what better time to try than a sunday evening when i'm resting in bed w a tummyache? 🙈 apologies in advance if it's horrible
list of prompts ⋆ masterlist
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╰┈➤ smut prompts - 207. “Don’t give me that look.”
ft. levi/gn!reader cw. unedited, not proofread, explicit sexual content (handjob, mention of masturbation, sexual fantasies), explicit language. 1,759 words.
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Levi pinches the space between his brows, sighing heavily as Hange speaks -- trying to give some sort of pathetic excuse for their mistake.
"There's only one bed?" Levi grumbles in frustration.
"Well, no, there are three, Levi -- if you had been listening to me, you would've heard that."
"I heard you, four eyes," he says with a sigh before gesturing between himself and you. "But there's only one bed, for us."
Hange nods, pushing their glasses up the bridge of their nose. "Commander Erwin needs his own room -- for privacy reasons, of course -- and I'm staying in Eren's room for observational purposes so --"
"So, that leaves one bed," Levi repeats, glancing over at you, standing nervously to the side, "for us."
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"It'll be fine, you don't even need a full bed, anyway," Hange snickers. "Get it, because you're short?"
"I get it," he hisses, pushing past Hange into the bedroom.
Hange offers you a sympathetic shrug before walking off to their shared bedroom with Eren, whistling a cheerful tune.
Swallowing thickly, you follow Levi into the bedroom and shut the door behind you. "I can find somewhere else to sleep, Captain."
"That won't be necessary."
Levi is already searching through the dressers and closets for extra bedding. He finds some quickly, pulling out blankets and pillows and then throwing them onto the ground.
"I'll just sleep on the floor."
"Captain, I --"
"That's an order."
You furrow your brows at him in confusion and he responds by quickly turning away from you to hide the blush as it grows across his face. It's bad enough that he's stuck sharing a bed on this mission -- but did it have to be with you of all people?
Levi found himself flustered around you more often than not. Misspeaking during drills... dropping things... stupid little mistakes that he had never been guilty of before.
Not until you joined his squad.
"We have to be up early for tomorrow's mission," he says, kneeling down on the ground as he makes himself a place to sleep. "You should get some rest."
Even with his back turned toward you, he can tell you're fidgeting -- unsure of what to do.
"Relax," he insists. "Go to bed."
You hum in response and he hears you start to work on unbuckling the straps of your ODM gear. Levi swallows thickly and keeps his head low, fluffing up his pillow needlessly as he hears you undoing belts and straps -- his face burning hot.
He starts to work on his own straps quietly, still respectfully keeping his back to you as he pulls off his ODM gear. He sets it down next to his bed before pulling off his boots and then crawling into his makeshift sleeping bag.
You walk across the room, still dressed in your clothes from today, and blow out the candles in the room. Levi watches you carefully through narrowed eyes as you blow out each candle with a soft puff of your breath -- stepping up onto your toes to reach a particularly high candle -- Levi bites his lip just as the two of you are submerged in darkness.
"Goodnight, Captain."
Levi wakes to the sound of his own teeth chattering.
He pulls the blanket tighter around his shoulders and breathes out a slow sigh. Even as his eyes adjust to the darkness, he can see his breath and he realizes that the temperature must have dipped drastically overnight.
He curls into himself and cups his hands around his face, breathing steam into his palms in an effort to keep himself warm. He looks around the room from his position on the floor for some kind of heater or fireplace -- but there's nothing.
"Captain Levi?" you whisper from above him. He hums in response, clenching his jaw hard to prevent his teeth from knocking into each other. "Are you ok? It's gotten really cold."
"I'm fine," he says, but the trembling of his jaw betrays his true feelings.
He can hear you moving on the bed beside him and although his back is still turned toward you, he can tell you're leaning by the edge of the bed, now.
"Do you... want to come up here?"
"That wouldn't be appropriate."
"You're... really cold."
The concern in your voice makes his face burn hot and despite his pride, his toes are going numb and he knows he won't be able to get back to sleep when he's shivering like this.
"Move aside," is all he says when he sits up, before crawling into your bed from the ground like some kind of animal.
Instantly, he feels much warmer, whether due to being off the floor or the heat radiating from your body. But he's still trembling.
"Should we, um..."
Levi already knows what you're about to suggest and the thought has blood rushing down between his legs.
No, no -- he cannot allow himself to get hard next to you right now.
"Should we --"
"I'm fine," he snaps, and it's harsher than he had intended but he needs you to stop because now his body is shaking from how tightly wound-up he is and he needs to just go to sleep before he embarrasses himself.
But then Levi feels you shuffling closer to him in the bed until your chest is pressed against his back. His breath catches in his throat when your arm slides around his front, pressing firmly into his stomach.
"Captain, you're shivering," you say, whispering into his ear and sending jolts of electricity down his spine. "Commander Erwin will kill me if you die of frostbite tonight."
Despite himself, he snorts, melting back against the warmth of your chest. His heart thunders in his chest at the same time that his cock throbs painfully in his slacks -- did you even realize what kind of an effect you had on him?
You rub your palm across his stomach -- a warming gesture, Levi thinks -- but it only serves to build the growing ache between his thighs. He releases a shuddered breath, squirming slightly to subtly adjust himself, but then you slide one of your legs between his, bringing your thigh up between his legs.
"Captain, I --" your hand seems to dip lower, fingertips brushing against the waistband of his slacks and Levi feels his mouth go dry. "I hope this is not too forward... but I've always admired you."
Levi says nothing in response -- he can't. He's too busy hyper-focusing on the way your hand seems to be gently working open the button of his pants.
Was this a dream?
"I begged to be put on your squad," you admit, breath hot against the shell of his ear as you drag his zipper down. "But you never even look at me."
"I look at you," he hisses when your palm presses against his hardened bulge. "I look at you -- all the time."
It feels like you're smiling against his neck, lips pressing softly into his skin as your hand moves, sliding back up to the waistband of his briefs, only to dip inside.
"Is that true?"
When your fingers wrap around him, he can only groan in response. His body shudders at the feeling of your warm, soft palm grasping his cock and giving him a firm squeeze.
"You do so much for us, Captain," you whisper, as if you already know he's about to protest. "Let me do this for you."
Levi trembles forward, every inch of his body lighting up at once when you start to stroke along his length. It's embarrassing how quickly you're able to bring him to the edge with just your hand on his cock and your mouth on his neck.
You run your hand up his length, swiping your thumb across his tip to smear the spilt precum and he moans at the feeling, hips bucking forward. You kiss him softly behind the ear and he shudders -- you hold your hand steady as he fucks your fist, breathing quickly growing erratic as his gut tightens.
"Feels good," he groans when you squeeze him a little tighter. Levi throws his head back against your shoulder as your mouth latches onto his neck, licking and sucking the sensitive spot where his shoulder meets his neck.
He's fantasized about this moment -- about having you touch him like this -- for longer than he's willing to admit. Hunched over in the showers, hand fisting his own cock to thoughts of you. The way the sweat glistens on your face after a day in the sun, how you smile around mouthfuls of food when the others joke around during dinner.
He wants to ruin you -- cover every inch of your skin with his cum, marking you as his. He's fantasized about having you wait for him in his office after each mission, down on your knees with your mouth hanging open -- ready to please him. He's pictured bending you over his desk and sinking inside of you, plunging his cock into your warm, wet hole, and using you until you're just babbling his name out in ecstasy.
Levi cums with a guttural moan, body tensing as his cock shoots ropes of cum across your hand. He gasps as you keep stroking him through it, milking his cock for every drop until he's just a whimpering, trembling mess in your arms.
The two of you lay there for a moment, wrapped up in each other with Levi's cock softening in your hand, until you pull away -- reaching behind you for a cloth to clean up the mess on your hand and the front of Levi's pants.
He relaxes into you with a sigh, still never once turning to face you throughout the night, and the two of you fall asleep in the warmth of each other's bodies.
"How was your sleep, Levi?" Hange asks cheerfully when the two of you exit the bedroom. Levi is still adjusting the tightness of his straps as he looks over at them, brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Fine," he says and Hange's smile grows.
"Did the bed feel good, last night?"
"I slept on the floor," he insists, but his face burns in embarrassment and there's a sinister glint in Hange's eyes.
"The walls are pretty thin," they knock on a nearby wall for emphasis. Levi tries to push past them but they stand firmly in the way, waggling their eyebrows at Levi in delight.
"Don't look at me like that," he snaps, swallowing thickly to hide his shame as Hange cackles.
"Oh, but Levi, I'm always looking at you."
"Shut up!"
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Would you write a jemily xFem Reader where the Reader just joined the team and the two women find out that reader has never had a threesome so they have one with reader…? Thxxx so much in advance! Do with this what you will (:
-a writer you chat too <33
One for the books 18+
*Authors note~ Jemily smut has been long awaited and very much missed, I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to get our requests I’m getting ready to go to school seeing a lot of family and still trying to book a driving test *
A/n p2~ I know who requested this one and considering I look up to them and admire their work I really hope this is okay
Trigger warnings~ virgin r soft switch JJ and dom Emily, mommy and daddy kink oral degrading praise kinks cum filled strap vibrator bindings body shots gagging drinking? Masturbation?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
Ladies night with the BAU was always interesting, but this was your first one as a member of the team. After all what a better way to get to know you. Truthfully JJ had her eye on you for a while, but her wife was adamant you weren’t even gay at this point. The little fantasy of finding another to introduce into the bedroom at least would have to be with someone who was definitely gay, no matter how much they truly wanted you. But a few drinks later and a few probing questions had you spelling that you were in fact a lesbian and very much single. The green light for the women to proposition you. A quick conversation decided that JJ should be the one to approach you due to her motherly nature.
That was how you ended up sat next to JJ as you had a hushed conversation, Emily keeping Garcia busy which gave the plan a violent shove. “I’ve never um I’m a virgin” you whispered to the blonde. “It’s okay baby, we can teach you everything you want to know, need to know and probably some things you haven’t even thought of” JJ reassured which had you nodding in agreement and admitting how badly you wanted the women. Your fantasies at night would be real and that was sure to be one for the books.
Perhaps that’s enough of the story to explain how you had been taken to the women’s hotel room with the promise of a nightcap and a conversation. The very conversation that had a very drunk you had your top off, revealing a pretty navy blue bra to the women. JJ preparing you with salt and lime juice, all the way from the middle of your bra to the waistband of your skirt, before she pours the liquid along your body and allows Emily to lick up the trail, ensuring to get every last drop of the liquor. The feeling of the raven haired woman’s tongue was unlike no other and you couldn’t bite back a whimper when she gently nipped the smooth skin of your stomach.
From there you were ready to beg them to ruin you, to take your innocence as long as you had them. But Emily already knew how much you needed them, so she set JJ to work. The blonde agent happily stripped you bare and used soft silky material to tie your wrists to the bedposts. From there she spread your legs and with the nod from Emily took an experimental swipe of your slit. Meanwhile Emily had appeared by your head to shower your breasts with her kisses. Truly you had to have died and gone to heaven? Because nothing has ever felt like this, real or not.
Your little whimpers and whines of need were turning both the other agents on to no end, so it was rather hard for them to keep up their little game. Emily had JJ stop and untie you, not wanting to push any limits but giving you a crash course on certain elements. Then she helped you tie the blonde woman up with a skill you seemed to lack. Only then did you watch Emily take your discarded panties and stuff them in the other woman’s mouth to stifle a protest. “Angel, your next lesson is to make your mommy feel good” Emily purred kissing your neck. “Em, I uh I don’t know how” you whispered feeling slightly embarrassed about that. “Oh but you will learn to be a good slut for mommy right?” Emily was pleased to see you nod In response, “then go eat mommy out angel, don’t be rough darling she doesn’t like that too much, gentle licks and kisses like a good girl.”
It took a few trys to find the right pressure and speed and also to get use to the taste of her pussy on your tongue but as soon as you did, you were eating her cunt like a pro, Emily couldn’t be prouder, watching her wife’s face contort in pleasure as her moans were muffled buy your panties had the woman dipping her hand into her own panties to play with her own puffy clit. Truly you couldn’t pinpoint when both the woman stripped down to nothing but maybe that’s because you were busy being fucked by Jays talented tongue. But hearing the praise and encouragement mixed with moans tumbling from Emily gave you the indication that she was very much playing with herself as you pleasure her wife.
“Oh fuck! Y/n good fucking girl, daddy is so proud, oh fuck Jay I’m coming with you, come for us” Emily demanded and be the tone alone Jay was instantly following the command, soaking your face with her cum as it gushed from her fluttering core. You helped her down the best you could before Emily instructed you on how to untie the spent woman. A few moments later JJ was back and ready to confine so Emily demanded she helped position you, after all the guest of honour hasn’t came yet. Once in position Emily lubed up her cum filled strap on and asked for your consent. Of course you gave it willingly, Emily prentiss wanting to deflower you? Any gay teenage girls dream come true.
It hurt at first, your little pained whimper causing JJ to coo at you from her place in the room where she was digging through her bag, Emily kissing away the few stray tears that escaped. But some time and patience had you begging her to move, to fuck you. You wanted to be hers. “Fuck angel, who would’ve know you were a slut? A pretty fucking whore for everyone to use. Dirty girl for daddy” she panted as she began to find her rhythm pounding into your needy cunt.
“Oh but what about mommy’s precious girl? Don’t you wanna be a good girl for me too” JJ teased coming over to you and handing Emily a small little vibrating toy. Emily seemed to get rougher with her thrusts and when you mewled out loudly JJ would silence you with kisses or sucking on your breasts. But soon enough not even that would quieten you so she slipped two fingers in your mouth and pressed on your tongue, causing you to instinctively suck on them. “Oh fuck baby, keep doing that. You should see the way she’s clamping around my cock, wanna cum pretty?” You attempted to answer around her fingers, “oh wait that’s right, our little whore is too busy sucking on mommys fingers to speak, did we dumb you down baby?”
The tightening in your lower stomach was getting stronger the more Emily drilled into your awaiting cunt before you felt it suddenly snap and your body convulse as pleasure shot through you. “That’s it angel, good girl, you’re so fucking pretty” Emily panted before squeezing the balls of her strap on to cum inside of you. Now all three body’s covered in sweat and on the come down from a blissful night, yet Emily was the one to want to clean you both up, to get water and snuggle, JJ opting to curl up and nap leaving you and Emily alone to talk. She reassured you this wasn’t just a fling for them. And that you were so good, she reassured you for any worries you may have until you drifted off to sleep between them both.
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markantonys · 1 year
i already made a joke post about it but genuinely, the whole "wot s1 sucked, which was 100% the show's fault and not the source material's, but now s2 is so much better! shocking! who could've seen that coming!" narrative is SO annoying
like, the eye of the world is boring as shit! it's generic as shit! of COURSE an entire season based on it is not going to be the most groundbreaking or thrilling fantasy television you've ever seen in your life! how on EARTH can the readers who've been saying for decades that the books don't start to hit their stride until book 2 or 3 or 4 fail to grasp the correlation with season 2 being better than season 1? but even so, s1 alone IS more groundbreaking and thrilling than book 1 alone, because the showrunners knew that book 1 is boring and generic as shit and did their absolute damnedest to pull in as many unique elements from later books as they could conceivably fit in this early on.
second, s1 had to do a HUGE amount of heavy lifting in terms of setting up characters, relationships, lore, and worldbuilding. s1 did all this groundwork so that s2 could have the payoff you're enjoying so much, s1 constructed the basic building blocks so that s2 could explore the more advanced concepts you're gushing over. s1 ran so that s2 could soar! put some respect on its name!
third, stakes tend to get higher, characters to get deeper, and plotlines to get more exciting as you go along in a story. this is how stories work. why are you shocked that s1 only built the basic foundation of the story and s2 has the space to grow and deepen that story? that's how stories work, that's how TV works, and that's most certainly how the WOT books work.
fourth, practical constraints s1 had that s2 had less of
budget: s1 was starting from scratch, whereas s2 had more budget to spare since some things could be reused from s1 AND it got a bigger budget than s1 in the first place.
experience: second seasons almost universally tend to be better than pilot seasons, simply because everyone involved in making the show has gotten into the groove and solidified how they want to do this thing. this is how television works.
covid: it should go without saying that s1 would have been One Million Times more difficult and expensive to make than s2 due to covid stuff. whatever effect we may think covid had on s1, the true effect was probably astronomically higher than what we imagine. the majority of "looks too cheap" "looks too empty" complaints likely come down to this (notice that most of those complaints are about episodes 6-8 and not the early episodes; 6 was filmed pre-covid, yes, but i wouldn't be surprised if some covid-related restrictions were starting to rear their heads before production was officially shut down).
the worst part is the people who end their above-mentioned take with "they must have listened to audience criticism of s1 and made changes accordingly." [moiraine voice] the arrogance. s2 had already been written and filming was WELL underway (if not finished or close to finished?) by the time s1 even started airing. if you're impressed by what a great season they've delivered, the credit for that lies entirely with the people who made the show, not your stupid ass.
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dice-wizard · 2 years
Hello everyone looking for a new fantasy tabletop game!
You can buy Exalted Essence now.
What's Exalted you ask?
Exalted is an epic fantasy TTRPG where players play the titular Exalted - humans elevated to superhuman/demigod status - in a wild and unique setting that draws inspiration from the ancient world rather than medieval Europe. Creation (the setting) draws key inspirations from the entire world. If you're used to having to make yourself visible on your own in other fantasy, there's probably some representation in Exalted.
It has explicit queer and trans themes about finding your people, creating your own identity, and having the power to punch back at the people who hate you. This isn't incidental. The writing staff is queer as hell. You can hear me break this down more here.
Curious to learn all you can? Well you can get a detailed overview of the entire game on the podcast Systematic Understanding of Everything hosted by myself, @presidentofbirds and @phillycuriosity
If I'm used to D&D 5e why should I pick this up?
Well, I presume if you're reading this post you're already interested in trying something new, so:
The entire game in one book. Exalted: Essence is self contained, character types, equipment, enemies and all!
An exciting style of fantasy that's different than classic D&D but like, textually gay, and very easy to have scenes like ballroom fights, epic galas, and touching homoerotic healing scenes - no house rules required.
But also, tactical depth and combat you can really sink your teeth into if fighting monsters and villains is your bag.
An excuse to use all your d10s at once
Character building and advancement mechanics designed to be familiar to a 5e audience. Characters "level up" based on story beats, and have Advantages, which are functionally similar to class and race features.
A world welcoming to most heroic archetypes, so it's easy to convert your favorite OC.
Extremely kissable dragons, demons, gods, elementals, ghosts, faeries, and unnamed ancient horrors
I'm a fan of a previous edition, what's Essence got for me?
Design focused on alleviating some of the previous versions' missteps
Virtues are back, baby
2e fans will find it an improvement from second edition's mechanical strengths - it's pretty easy to convert all your favorite 2e Charms to XS.
Streamlined versions of familiar rules to make it painless to introduce new friends to the game we love.
The Cliff's notes on Ex3's new Exalt types.
Did I mention it's all of Exalted in one book?
How does it play?
d10 dice pool looking for 7,8,9 as successes. 10s count as two successes, which can lead to explosive, heroic outcomes
Combat system designed to keep all players engaged the entire time - even characters who aren't focused on fighting at all.
Combat also narrows the gap between experienced and new players and players who want to win at RPGs and players who just wanna vibe so GMs aren't tearing their hair out trying to balance encounters.
Social system designed to resolve in a single roll so you can be immersed in role play and not interrupt it with constant rolling - without sacrificing a variety of social approaches
"Ventures" system for characters working on long term projects from traveling across the world to crafting magical wonders to building communities without forcing this to be "downtime" activity
Characters have access to Charms - exception-based special powers that make them extremely good at whatever they focus on.
It's easily my favorite game (and the project I developed that I'm the proudest of), so I'm excited for everyone to try it out.
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Fairy tales have to be at least somewhat vintage, but it doesn't actually matter what time period they're set in as long as it's in the past. All fairy tales used to be 'long ago and far away, in the days of knights and lords'. Then it was the days of kings and queens. Now you can set them in the Victorian era, a whole fairy godmother or whatever in an age where the lightbulb was already invented and no one bats an eye. Part of this is technological advancement; at that time there was this feeling that the new technology had replaced wonder, but we no longer feel that way about their ancient tech, instead it is quaint and homely and mysterious; why should an iron sewing machine have less mystique than a spindle when neither are modern?
The more magic the farther in the past it has be. You can already put soft magical realism in the 80's. Some day they'll be setting fairy tales in 2023 and it won't be ironic, 'urban fantasy', or a joke just a heartfelt romanticization of our age
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 years
Second, do you have any good fantasy RPGs set in a non-european focused or at least not medieval-European world? It can be based off of a real-world culture or something brand new
THEME: Non-Western Fantasy
Hello friend! For this recommendation, I wanted to highlight games made about non-western fantasy by authors who hail from the cultures that inspire the games. For that purpose I really want to shout-out to rpgsea and rpglatam, two community/movements that have made it much easier for creators from Southeast Asian and Latin American cultures to advertise and publish their games. Not all of my recommendations come from these communities, but they’re a great jumping-off point to find more games with unique settings, fresh ideas, and beautiful, beautiful art.
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Nahual, by Miguel Angel Espinoza.
Nahual is a tabletop roleplaying game about brjos nahuales, humans of mestizo and indigenous ancestry that have the power to shapeshifter into an animal form. These nahuales hunt angels to make a living, running a changarro - a business - together to sell the products they make from the bodies of the angels they have killed. These are stories about underdogs, struggling to find their place in a Mexican world of fantastical and overwhelming forces.
Miguel Ángel Espinoza is a Mexican layout artist and game designer, and the head of Smoking Mirror Games. His ttrpg Nahual really picked up steam on Kickstarter, unlocking stretch goal after stretch goal. At its core, this game is PbtA game about underdogs going up against celestial parasites. Angel Dust is a potent drug, and angels are used by corporations, politicians, and the Church to lure in worshipers and make money. You play the labourers at the bottom of this pyramid, aching for freedom but trapped inside a concrete jungle. Your biggest asset? The special gifts you’ve inherited from your ancestors, watered down as you’ve lost your cultural memories. 
This game is more urban fantasy than anything else on this list, but if you want to explore a game about reclaiming something that you’ve almost lost, you should definitely check out Nahual.
ARC, by momatoes.
Ready Yourself. For Tonight, we save the world.
The RPG to slay the apocalypse. Capture your imagination with near-inescapable dooms that threaten infinite worlds. Be a hero or be the guide to facilitate a heart-racing story to remember.
ARC enables people wishing to run a game with limited experience. The Doom and its Omens help create tension and manage the story’s pacing. The rules are approachable so you can focus on helping make the best story for the table. Additionally, the last chapter of the full book is filled with tips for building a good experience for you and your friends. 
The creator, Momatoes (aka Bianca Canoza), is from the Philippines, and is the custodian of RPGSEA, as well as a Winner of the Diana Jones Emerging Designer Award. Her game, ARC doesn’t have a lot of setting decided for you - instead, you decide elements of the setting yourself. There's even a license for creators who want to publish their own content! The biggest selling point of ARC is the Doom, a terrible event that the Heroes want to prevent at any cost. The GM will set up Omens, which are pieces of the story that advance the Doom - pieces the characters will need to investigate and interact with in order to resolve. Finally, the Doomsday clock is a tool that can be used to keep the sessions tight and focused: every moment on the Doomsday clock has the GM roll 1d6 per unresolved moment - the higher the roll, the closer you tick towards catastrophe! If you want a beginner-friendly game that allows maximum creativity, you should definitely check out ARC.
Arunika, by Anonymocha.
Darkness and gloom threaten to shroud the entirety of this world you call home. Or perhaps, it already had. However, there's hope.
You are a Light Bearer. This beacon of light you hold is the key to reviving the world's gleam and hope, through your own. You are bestowed with the pursuit of rekindling the world, forging bonds with its inhabitants along the path, and freeing it from the murk with what you can offer.
Arunika is a TTRPG of maintaining hope, sharing it with the world, and most importantly, caring for yourself while you're at it.
The rulebook reflects a world's journey towards revival from the characters who escalate it. It is made with the vision of a game that has a non-violent, narrative-first, and feelings-focused system which can be interpreted in many optimistic, creative, whimsical, melancholic, or introspective ways.
Mocha, the creator, is an Indonesian artist with a beautiful and unique art style, visible in the projects they create and contribute to. One person plays the Light Bearer, a character who holds the Light, a beacon that needs to be used to rekindle the world. Other players can play the Companions, friends and old foes that accompany the Light Bearer on their journey. This game can be run with just a GM and one player, with all of the Companions as NPCs. The stats of your character will fill or deplete depending on the events of the game, so Heart will increase when the party has a positive interaction, while Hurt will increase from suffering harm, or decrease when your character is comforted. If you want a game that is easy on the eyes, gives you the basic premise and lets you build your own world, you should check out Arunika. 
Hearts of Wulin, by Lowell Francis and Agatha Cheng.
Hearts of Wulin is a game of wuxia melodrama, Powered by the Apocalypse. Players take the role of skilled martial artists in a world of rival clans, conspiracies, and obligations. The game emulates films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Chinese wuxia TV series like The Smiling Proud Wanderer and Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain, and Chinese martial arts novels from the second half of the twentieth century. In these tales, romance is as dangerous as a blade. Everyone has ties to factions, loves they can’t quite express, and secrets which will shake them to their core. As in the source material, stories in Hearts of Wulin are driven by the characters’ duties, romantic desires, and entanglements with other characters.
You get everything you need to play the game in three different styles: Core, Courtly, and Fantastic. The core game is as described above: a game of wuxia melodrama featuring wandering wulin warriors. The courtly style of play sets the game in a world of politics and factional scheming. The fantastic game adds strong elements of the superrnatural to the story. Each style of play has its own playbooks and moves—it's like having three games in one! 
Agatha Cheng is a cultural consultant and a podcast host, on top of being a co-author of this wuxia-inspired game, in a genre she’s loved since childhood. Hearts of Wulin is an homage to melodramatic stories about protagonists, torn between equally treasured relationships. You may be in love with your teacher’s greatest rival, or perhaps your master and your father despise each-other. The PbtA system that Hearts is built on prioritizes emotional conflict and failure that moves the story forward, while slimming down the mechanics to simple 2d6 dice rolls. If what you’re looking for is story beats that rip your heart up and make you feel all of the feelings, you should check out this game.
Gubat Banwa, by makapatag.
Gubat Banwa is a game of rapid kinetic martial arts, violent sorcery, heartrending convictions and bouts of will. Warriors that channel gods face sorcerers that master black arts, martial artists who have unlocked a new form of cultivation clash swords with those that perfect the night alchemies.
Gubat Banwa is a  Southeast Asian fantasy martial arts Role-Playing Game, inspired by the refulgent cultures of Southeast Asia. Raise your spears, KADUNGGANAN, you elite warrior-braves and asura-knights who travel The Sword Isles to prove their conviction and dictate the fate of the world. Revel in larger-than-life war drama like in Asian Dramas, ballistic tactical martial arts grid gameplay in the vein of Lancer or Final Fantasy Tactics, and find glory beyond heaven. Wield the Thunderbolt of Liberation! Rejoice! In the Glory of Combat!
Makapatag, or Waks, is a Filipino creature who loves creating tactical ttrpgs. All of their games have strong Southeast Asian inspiration, but Gubat Banwa is what you’re looking for if you want good old fantasy. Rules-wise, the author credits Lancer, Pathfinder 2e, ICON, Ryuutama, Apocalypse World, and so many more iconic, well-loved games for their inspiration. This game is made to specifically centre Southeast Asian cultures, and the setting is not solely based in a specific historical setting, but is rather inspired by many cultures and stories of these cultures. I strongly recommend you read the Note On Intended Audience on page 4 if you get this book.
And what a book it is. 400 pages, with maps, roll-tables, an extensive dive into the lore and terms created for this book, and pages and pages of gorgeous gorgeous art. Character creation is heavily involved, incorporating the culture you hail from, the ideal you’re fighting for, major life events and debts, as well as different Disciplines, combat arts that each have their own styles, weapons, and techniques. Fighting in this game is not just a matter of survival - it is a science. If you want a game that gives you in-depth characters and hours and hours of material in a world in which every piece of lore has been carefully thought out, I heavily recommend Gubat Banwa.
Mangayaw, by goobernuts.
Mangayaw is an RPG for one facilitator (the Mangaawit) and at least one other player. Players act as Binmanwa, adventurers and survivors in an archipelago of bloodshed and goldlust. This game is inspired by Philippine legend, folklore, culture and history. The game and its setting is still a work-in-progress. Based on and inspired by Cairn, Into the Odd, Mausritter and numerous other games. 
Benj, the creator, is a member of RPGsea, and draws heavily from Philippine folklore and history for this game. This is absolutely for OSR fans, with delay fast combat, class-less and level-less characters, and a ton of equipment and magic items inspired by Philippines folklore.
Whereas many OSR games present the rules with the assumption that the GM knows what they’re doing, Mangayaw contains a page of principles for the Mangaawit, outlining narrative focus, the purpose of danger and treasure, and advice on how to present the characters with choices, NPC motivations, and the benefits of random generation. It also contains principles for the players, and principles of the World, providing guidance for folks who may be unfamiliar with the culture that inspires this setting. There’s suggestions for names, descriptions of unique items, and tables for magic and sorcery. If you love roll tables, you’ll love Mangayaw.
Brave Zenith, by Roll 4 Tarrasque.
Brave Zenith is a post-fantasy tabletop RPG, set in a world inspired by Brazilian culture and long summer nights playing JRPGs on a pirated PS1. With a set of simple interpretative rules, that focus on player creativity and imagination, explore the ruined world of pastpresent, meet colourful (and deadly) creatures, see the sights of the Second City, partake in delicious Monkey Oil and become an adventurer.
Roll 4 Tarrasque is a team of Latinx creators whose efforts won Game of the Year for 2022 at the Indie Groundbreaker Awards with this game. Brave Zenith is a game about fantasy odd-jobs, rather than epic quests - your characters are cleaning up houses, hunting ghosts, stealing from the rich, etc. The people and creatures of the world are unique and enchanting, from the friendly Jelly shopkeeper to the slippery butter construct, to little porcini goblins. 
Characters have 3 stats, gain abilities based off of their occupations. There are three suggested origins to help you determine what your character looks like, but you’re also welcome to create your own! There are typical hallmarks of dungeon delving here, such as loot tables, monsters to fight, and spells to cast. For the GMs, there’s a chapter full of advice on how to prepare for a session, quick NPC generation, and tables to help you write an adventure on the fly. Finally, the rulebook itself is bright, colourful, and fun - perfect for communicating the kinds of games it’s designed to run!
Lutong Banwa by Sinta Posadas (Diwata ng Manila).
We, the Tamawo, we have no concept of hunger, food, or of a nuclear family. We wandered aimlessly for a long time. Then, we met a Giant Grab. She took us in like her own children. Clothed and sheltered us like we were her kind. We call her Mama Kasag. She showed us more about the people that came before us. The ones she calls “Humans”. 
Lutong Banwa is a cooking game, where you set out to adventure and find ingredients from Spirits and recipes from old civilizations. Embark on this anti-canon storygame adventure with its own custom system and play to find out just what sort of zany adventures you can get up to in this weird, wild world. Do whatever you want.
Sin is a Filipino game designer who loves designing games that incorporate magic realism. Lutong Banwa is no different. You play Tamawo, who have bodies that appear similar to humans, but live in an age in which humans are long gone. Humans are strange beings of a past age, with unfamiliar customs, such as cooking. You’ve picked up cooking as something to explore, and thus go out on errands to find new ingredients for Mama Kasag. This game is charming and small, quick to learn and easy to play. It even includes recipes to get you in the cooking mood! If you like cozy games with low stakes and a charming setting, you should absolutely check out this game.
A Thousand Thousand Islands.
This is not a game, but rather, a collection of system-agnostic zines for use in fantasy tabletop games. This collection is designed by a trio of Malaysian designers, and contains places such as Mr-Kr-Gr, a river kingdom ruled by crocodiles, Korvu, a maritime nation of tenant mercenaries, and Ngelalangka, a market inspired by Southeast Asian bazaars. If you have a game system that you’re already comfortable with and you want to explore fantastical places within that system, I heavily encourage you to check out these zines.
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
No, but can we talk about how, despite allegedly being a "feminist" movie, Barbie 2023 actually mocks the idea of a female fantasy and Barbie being an inspirational role model for young girls?
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It's so upsetting that not enough people bring this up, even the other haters of Barbie, but it needs to be addressed. Barbie was meant to provide an empowering fantasy for young girls. A lot of people have differing opinions on whether Barbie is feminist or not and what she represents. But at the end of the day, Barbie was designed to give girls a role model to see themselves in, to show them that they could pursue any career, that they can be the heroines of their own story, and reach their fullest potential. She was meant to tell girls that anything is possible. And the movie not only shits all over that, it makes that feminist message out to be something unrealistic and bad, and even worse, portrays it as something that oppresses men and makes THEM victims, because everything needs to be about men. And it's fucking disgusting. Allow me to explain how.
(spoilers for the Barbie movie below...I mean, if you even care, lol.)
We start out at the beginning of the movie with an introduction to the magical world of Barbieland that our well-known and universally familiar dolls live in. Barbieland is a feminist utopia, one that many women would be eager to live in. Women have all the power, are well-respected, can and do pursue any career, and support and uplift each other rather than tear each other down over their differences(aside from Weird Barbie, who they do apologize to in the end). They are happy and free in their female-empowering land, they don't fear the leers and catcalls from men as they walk down the streets, they dance together happily late at night, and they are confident in their bodies. There is diversity in the Barbieland. There is a plus-sized Barbie, a transfem Barbie, a wheelchair Barbie, and plenty of Barbies of color. The President of Barbieland is a Black woman. And none of these differences hold the Barbies back from being able to have power and they are not treated any differently from the other Barbies.
Femininity isn't seen as a weakness. Neither is expressing emotion, and in fact the fat Barbie even has a miniature speech about how she can balance her emotion with her logic and this makes her a smarter person, which the other Barbies support. It's a world where women are empowered and have unlimited potential to achieve their dreams and live freely without fear of their oppressors. Stereotypical Barbie isn't even afraid to reject Beach Ken's advances, she doesn't fear being stalked, raped, or killed by him for saying no. She just turns him down, and not only that, but she turns him down in favor of having girls' night, showing that in this world, girls support each other and value their female friendships over heterosexual relationships with guys(I'll touch on this point again later). I don't know about you, but that sure as hell does sound like a world that I dream of living in. Minus the fact that all the food and drinks are fake.
But the story doesn't frame this matriarchy as empowering, like they should. It portrays it instead as something ridiculous and far-fetched, something that the audience is meant to laugh at rather than support, which becomes more blatant as the movie progresses.
And then we get to the "real" world. Where men instead rule over women in a patriarchy, and we see Barbie experience misogyny for the first time. And this was the moment I started fully hating the movie, and realized it for the sloppy, anti-feminist mess that it is. The first part of the movie set in Barbieland was campy and fun and happy and feel-good, providing the exact type of feel that Barbie brings. But the moment she steps into the real world, everything becomes sad and hopeless and cynical.
And I get that the patriarchy does exist and women are oppressed by it every day, but the way the movie executed this was really overexaggerated and cringeworthy. They made it seem as if women are constantly and completely powerless in every aspect of life, like seriously they didn't even show ANY women in positions of power and the only women we did see with jobs besides a female doctor, were Gloria who works an office job at Mattel and Ruth who is already dead and is for all extents and purposes relegated to the fucking kitchen. They made the world out to be a complete and total dystopia where women aren't capable of achieving anything and the only two women of importance who are from the real world are Sasha and her mother Gloria, the former is portrayed as bitter, cynical, and constantly angry, the latter is portrayed as stressed-out, depressed, and somewhat suicidal with her thoughts about death. Is this all that the Barbie movie thinks that women can achieve in our world? Being miserable and frustrated with no hope of achieving our dreams and desires? With no power or satisfaction in our day to day lives? Is this all that this shithole movie thinks that women can amount to?
And the worst part is how Barbie is derided and mocked for thinking that she has provided a female role model for women and girls. The start of the movie mocks Barbie for thinking that it solved all women's problems and completely advanced women's rights/feminism, even though Barbie/Mattel has never claimed that. Yes, she was meant to be a role model. But she was never portrayed as the be-all, end-all of feminism. Even people who look up to Barbie and were encouraged by her aren't naive enough to think that a twelve-inch tall plastic doll is enough to smash the patriarchy. The movie makes this up solely so they can tear down Barbie for something that it never claimed to do in the first place. When our main Barbie leaves to go to the real world, the other Barbies encourage her(as Barbies tend to do) by saying that they bet all the women in the real world will thank her for giving them rights. Which is obviously meant to be an overexaggerated and satirical jab at Barbie once again, for thinking that it has created feminism or whatever, and that sexism is over solely thanks to the Barbie franchise. Cute. Too bad no version of the Barbie brand has ever claimed that in the first place. Again, it's a ridiculous and false claim that only exists to further unnecessarily jab at Barbie and propel this backwards-thinking message.
And then when she gets to the human world she is mocked even more. Sasha and her friends laugh at her when she claims to be Barbie and asks them to thank you for inspiring them, and then when she says she loves and wants to help women, Sasha aggressively informs her that EVERYONE hates women. This movie actually has a pretty nihilistic view of womanhood, when you think about it. The Barbie world is portrayed as an empowering world where women can achieve anything that they set their minds to, and aren't held back by sexism, causing them to have full power, reflecting the female fantasy that Barbie was always supposed to represent. But that's just a fantasy land, and is portrayed as cheesy and superficial. When Barbie gets to the real world, she is confronted with the supposed "reality" of being a woman, and comes to realize that it's not actually about empowerment and being smart and capable after all, but about suffering and never having your voice respected, and never having any power and freedom but instead losing your idealism and optimism as you age, causing her to break down in tears upon realizing how stressful it is to be a woman and that she never actually empowered them like she hoped. Seriously, whose idea was it to make Barbie constantly crying and miserable and incapable of doing anything on her own? Is this the Barbie I know? No, it's a pathetic, nonsensical knockoff. I'm telling you, they were TRYING to tear Barbie down.
This is especially true when Gloria gives her entire speech to Barbie about how contradictory and painful being a woman is, ending it with "not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault!" Come on! What is this? It's such a painful and harsh message to try to send through BARBIE of all things, that the essence of being a woman is just pain, pain, pain and guess what else? More pain! How being a woman sucks because all you do is get hated by everyone and treated as an object worthy of scorn and ridicule. It's just so unnecessarily cruel, how they violently ripped away any feminist empowerment Barbie was meant to possess in favor of forcing her into a depressive world where women have no rights or value, and had the nerve to portray this as "realistic", because obviously more negative automatically means more realistic, right?
Rather than provide a middle ground where women face hardships and adversity but are still capable of rising above their struggles and finding the strength within them to make their voices heard and get what they want in society, they opt instead for a stupid false dichotomy: the world is either a stupid frivolous Amazon utopia wrapped in pink and glitter with girl power up the wazoo or a bleak, heartless, and grey dystopia where nothing good ever happens to a woman and only men can do anything important. And it portrays the second one as clearly more realistic and the "better" option. Which, in doing so, sends the message that a world where women rule and are respected and have power and are encouraged to have ambition and pursue any goal they want in life...is unrealistic and impossible, if not outright deserving of scorn. It's so miserable and aggravating. When Barbie said "the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy" I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes. THAT'S how badly the movie annoyed me with its nihilistic and negative preaching. I watched the movie in two days and when I stopped watching it on the first day I felt such a frustrated, hollow feeling in my stomach. I felt so unsatisfied. Like, is this it? Is this all I can dream of having as a woman? All that praise this shitty capitalist crapfest received for being so feminist and eye-opening, ultimately led up to this? For real? So disappointing.
But that's not even the worst part. The worst part is when the movie introduces the KENdom, aka, when Ken brings about the patriarchy...and if the movie hadn't already been hot stinkin' ASS, this is when it would've REALLY started to drag, and where it REALLY reinforces the idea that women can never have any actual power and authority and must instead constantly suffer under the patriarchal status quo.
Ken comes back to Barbieland and introduces the other Kens and Barbies to the patriarchy and horses(ig no one told him that horses are a matriarchal animal, but whatevs), and within hours, revamps the world into a patriarchal hell, just like the real world(except it's portrayed as very childish and simplistic because the witers don't actually take the patriarchy seriously and think it's just "boys think girls have cooties".). And the other dolls instantly buy into it? First of all, am I really expected to believe that the Barbies, who have been established as champions of strength, power and dominance, and who have always ruled the Barbie world, would instantly and easily give in to Ken's brainwashing and allow all of their power to be ripped out of their hands, becoming the happy devoted sexy slaves of the Kens? You think they would casually be like "I for one, welcome our new male overlords!" and let the Kens have all the power? Am I really supposed to accept that shit? And am I also supposed to accept that the other Kens in Kenland, including the Asian one who competes with the white Ken over Barbie, would easily leap at the chance to oppress their female counterparts, rather than laugh at Ken for being silly and tell him to sit his ass down somewhere? Really? Don't piss me off.
The only way you could accept this series of unfortunate events as plausible is if you accept the fact that we're supposed to laugh at Barbieland for being a girl power feminist matriarchy in the first place. If we're meant to laugh at the women for being in power and at this imagined society for being so gynocentric and girl-positive, then of COURSE we're meant to laugh at them for getting their power ripped away that easily, as women could never hold power for so long realistically! Eventually the men would realize their true potential and make society work in favor of them! It's natural and inevitable! The Barbie movie said so!!! And so we watch as the intended "humorous" scenes go on and on, of the men happily running around, flaunting their muscles, and chugging down beers like it's going out of style, while the women happily submit to this newfound male authority, massaging men's feet and serving them drinks. Because obviously a matriarchy could never last long, women are so weak and fragile that any sense of power that they think they possess could easily be ripped away from them within a moment's notice. Peak feminism, everybody.
But it's cool, because eventually the Barbies prove me wrong. They DO get their power back, and establish their rights again. But how do they do it? Do they stage a coup and violently and angrily fight the Kens? Do they march for their rights, as real life feminists have done? Do they balance logic and emotion, as fat Barbie praised herself for doing in the beginning of the movie, and reason with the Kens that oppressing the Barbies is not the right thing to do? No, no, they...put on sexy skimpy outfits and pretend to be dumb bimbos so as to lull the Kens into a false sense of security and think that THEY are in control. And later on they let the Kens sing to them a song about how they want to control women, before turning them against each other by pretending to be in love with different Kens than the ones they were originally listening to. Are you kidding me? This is supposed to be a feminist revolution! But instead of actually using their genuine power to put the men back in their place, they instead use their feminine wiles and dumb themselves down so that the men can feel strong. It is literally leaning into the sexist trope that the only weapon women have, especially against men, is their sexuality, and that this is the only way that women can get their way. Despite this going against EVERYTHING that Barbie stands for! She is supposed to be a strong, smart, and capable woman who can do it all and look glamorous while doing it! She is NOT supposed to be a fucking femme fatale, vamp, or sex object!
So not only do they have their matriarchy easily ripped away from them, but they also are forced to abandon their actual female empowerment and instead conform to the patriarchal status quo to get ahead. By using their bodies, stroking men's egos, and allowing men to mansplain to them. Because the only weapons women are capable of using are the ones men gave us. Because women are just bodies. And this is portrayed as a GOOD thing. Seriously, two of the Barbies even high five each other as they trade Kens at the fireplace, as if to say, "go girl, you are doing it!" Like, seriously, are we supposed to see this as a girlboss moment? Because I sure don't. It's giving "weaponized femininity". It's giving "eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man". It's giving "men are visual creatures." It's giving "kill me with a chainsaw right fucking now because I'm done with this shit." Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on how the Kens have a violent manly war, while the women only get to flutter their eyelashes and use their sex appeal. Because men are strong, women are pretty. Of course.
And then the worst part in the entire movie, the part that really infuriated me and let me know that this movie was the antithesis of feminism, arrives...the Barbies get their matriarchy back and are in power again, and everybody cheers and is happy, except for Beach Ken, who runs away to go sulk. And then...Barbie...fucking apologizes to him. She apologizes to him for casting him aside and making him feel unwanted and unvalued, and even says outright, "not every night has to be a girl's night." Why the fuck, movie? Do you remember earlier in this post when I mentioned how Barbie blows off Ken to hang out with her female friends, because it's girls' night, and female friends matter more than a guy? Sisters before misters, and all that jazz? Well, fuck that. Near the end of the movie, Barbie ends up apologizing to Ken for having a girl's night all the time, as if she was a bad person for not seeing how much she owed him and not hanging out with him all the time when she simply didn't want to. Here we have a woman apologizing for putting her girl friends over a man. The man doesn't apologize for making women his and his brethren's personal slaves. The woman apologizes for making him feel the need to go there by not catering to him, by being too focused on herself to the point where she ignores him, by being so empowered and strong that she makes him feel overshadowed, dare I say, emasculated, and thus need to reassert his fragile, threatened masculinity.
Because this isn't a feminist movie, not really. This is an MRA movie. This is a movie that, rather than focus specifically on the women and their problems, brushes their problems under the rug so as to remind the audience that "men matter too" "men have issues too" "men also suffer under the patriarchy!" And other such claptrap. I don't understand why the fuck cishet Reddit incels/conservatives/right-wingers/other such reactionary groups hate this movie and think that it's anti-men when actually it is pro-men and aligns fucking PERFECTLY with their bullshit line of thinking. That feminism oppresses and victimizes men, that men are the REAL victims of sexism/oppression, that women being granted rights is ultimately more harmful to MEN, that women need to be nicer to and pacify men and apologize for having too much power, that we all need to be quiet and listen to MEN and their experiences more. And I FUCKING HATE that. MEN have been listened to ENOUGH. And I am SICK of being forced to include them and their viewpoints more. How about instead of centering the Kens, we focus more on the Barbies and exploring THEIR issues, and using THEM as templates to convey issues about misogyny? Instead of focusing on Ken and his issues and his unrequited love for Barbie??? Instead, it was made all about the Kens and how oppressed they feel because the women are at the top of the hierarchy, to the point where THEY got the fun little dance number near the climax, RATHER than the actual fucking BARBIES that this movie was NAMED after. Because last time I checked, this WAS the BARBIE movie. NOT THE KEN MOVIE!!!
Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on that shitty ass parallel the movie tries to pull between the Barbieland matriarchy and the real world patriarchy. The movie tries to make the claim that the Barbies being dominant and the most powerful in the Barbie world is just the same as men being dominant and the most powerful in the real world, because the Barbies oppressed Kens just like men oppress women in our world. It also tries to raise the point that the Kens felt insecure and overshadowed by the Barbies and were treated as second-class citizens, thus they installed the Kendom. AND I FUCKING HATE THAT comparison for two reasons. The first is that the Barbies never oppressed the Kens or treated them as inferior in any way. They were simply more important because...it's the BARBIE company. Not the KEN company. Barbies are toys meant to be sold to little girls to inspire THEM. So of course the women are going to be the ones in charge! Why is that such a bad thing?
And the second reason is because I haaaaate the dumb fucking trope of "matriarchy bad because woman oppressing man is just as bad as man oppressing woman!" that this movie and countless, endless other pieces of media also try to push. Like, do you know why female-dominated societies(particularly utopias/positively portrayed ones) are so often represented in media??? Because the world we live in is so heavily male-dominated in almost every society and culture, and has been this way for centuries!!! Sure, there are and have been a few matriarchal cultures in society, but they are few and far between. The overwhelming majority of the world is run by men! Sad but true! And this allegedly feminist movie is for real gonna sit down and tell me "okay, but we can't allow ourselves to dream of a world where women are the ones with positions of power and men are not the privileged ones"? Hell no, fuck that. This movie is giving multiple people, both men and women alike, the opportunity to argue that sexism against men is "just as bad".
But women should be allowed to dream of our matriarchy. We should be allowed to fantasize about a world where we are in charge. We should be allowed to dream about a world where we are protected, respected, and catered to, and can live freely and without fear and oppression, without being told to "think of the men." It doesn't mean that men should be abused, mistreated, or oppressed just like women are and have been. But then again, the Barbies didn't even do that either, like I said. This movie, in its shallow attempts to "critique" the matriarchy(lol) ends up reinforcing exactly why the two aren't comparable in the first place. When the Barbies were in charge, they didn't oppress the Kens or treat them as second-class citizens. They simply lived their lives, going about their day and having fun while pursuing awesome careers.
The Kens, on the other hand, actively oppressed Barbies when they were in charge. The second they were given power, they leaped at the chance to treat Barbies like garbage, the same way that they somehow believed that they had always been treated. They treated the Barbies worse than the Barbies ever actually treated them, to be quite honest. They were the real oppressors, not Barbies. It ironically enough sends the accidental message that the world actually IS better off with women in charge. Can you really blame the Barbies for taking their matriarchy back again(I certainly was happy when they did!)? But no. Instead, the movie expects us to sympathize with the Kens, after everything they've done, and tries to portray the idea of a matriarchy as "just as bad" as a patriarchy. And if that's not an EXCELLENT example of a false equivalence, then man, I don't know what is. Don't even get me started on the audacious slap in the face that was "the Kens will one day have as much power as women do in the real world." As if women got rights and seats in high office because they asked the men kindly? Barf.
And then at the end of the movie, Barbie of course leaves the false, silly matriarchal utopia to live as a boring ass regular human in the "real" world. She no longer gets to live in a world where she is fully liberated and empowered and not relegated to a lesser human being with lower status. She now must live in the "real" world, the hopeless, bleak, and oppressing real world where she will be faced with relentless misogyny and looked down upon by men and society. The movie could have had her form a bridge between the Barbie world and the human world, trying to mend the problems in both worlds while still staying true to who she is at her core. But instead, she is forced to say goodbye to her past life, abandon all her female friends and her old home, in favor of living in a world where she is denigrated to a second-class status in society. Because the female empowerment Barbieland trumped? Is a lie. Nothing short of a sweet, comforting lie designed to shield girls from the bleak and cynical realities that womanhood actually entails. Real womanhood is adorned with thorns at every corner.
But it's all right, because at least she gets to see the gynecologist! That's her ultimate ending. Not actually improving life for others and herself and making the world a more equitable place for women with the help of the other Barbies, as well as Gloria and Sasha. It's going to the gynecologist. Because having a vagina makes you a woman. Yay! Some people have tried to reclaim this as a trans metaphor, but I highly doubt a movie as shallow and lacking in intersectionality as this was aiming for anything near close to that. And it's a crying shame that this is what the movie thinks is an empowering and satisfying ending to Barbie's arc. How pitiful, sad, and pathetic.
It's such a shame, as well, because the Barbie movie could have actually had genuine critiques of the patriarchy and how it affects women without making everything out to be pessimistic and dreary, and without trying to center the Kens and coddle their male fragility. It could have discussed beauty standards and the expectations to always be conventionally attractive and perfectly presentable to a tee for women(something that Barbie has oft been criticized for, and with good reason, and has also been brought up in the movie too, but of course got dropped and barely mentioned again). It could have tackled gender norms and compulsory femininity, and showed Barbies who subvert or have complex/unique relationships with femininity(esp women of color and queer Barbies, who have different relationships to femininity than white and/or cishet women), even include some masculine/tomboyish/butch Barbies who aren't portrayed by the narrative as the butt of the joke. It could have used Weird Barbie to portray both of these messages and given her a more complex arc and concrete role in the narrative besides being just a comic relief character who gets called ugly all the time(by both other Barbies and herself, which is just sad, self-deprecation much?) and then at the end of the movie gets an apology thrown at her by President Barbie(and also, who was she before she became Weird Barbie? The movie doesn't say, and that is such a let-down, that we never get to know who she was before.).
They could have showed lesbian and sapphic and aroace Barbies, whose characters could be used to challenge amato/heteronormativity and compulsory heterosexuality. They could have explored what Barbie meant for women of color, trans women, fat women, disabled women, and mayyybe not? Cast a conventionally attractive white cis thin blonde woman as the main/regular Barbie? Especially if they were going to make that joke about how a woman who looks like that shouldn't be casted for a character who cries that she's ugly(which raises unfortunate implications as to what type of woman would be correct to cast in that role...but like every other genuine aspect of feminism in this movie, it gets forgotten about and erased as soon as it's brought up.) But they didn't do any of that. Because this is a white "feminist" movie written by a white woman and created in partnership with a capitalist company for one specific purpose: To sell toys.
Which wouldn't be as much of a problem if they didn't try to slap a feminist message on top of that, and then fail at delivering their message, hard, so hard in fact that they sideways-shuffle all the way into (trans)misogyny. For all the hype this movie gained(from the same people who will then turn around and silence genuine critique of the movie's shallow portrayal of feminism with "it's not that deep, it's just comedy, you shouldn't have expected Barbie to ACTUALLY be introspective and profound despite everyone claiming that it was!"), the actual contents therein gave us NOTHING to chew on. Just an empty parody of feminism that was more about the Kens than the actual Barbies, and portrayed suffering in silence and manipulating men with your looks as the ultimate pinnacle of womanhood.
I can't say I'm surprised. I'm just disappointed.
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boredtechnologist · 8 months
Bally Midway's "Spy Hunter" arcade - Attract mode
Analyzing Bally Midway's "Spy Hunter" from a philosophical perspective involves delving into its thematic elements, gameplay mechanics, and narrative, to uncover the deeper existential, ethical, and sociopolitical implications it may present.
1. The Duality of Identity and the Spy Persona: "Spy Hunter" places the player in the role of a secret agent, a character inherently associated with dual identities and deception. This duality raises philosophical questions about the nature of identity and self. The spy, living a life of constant masquerade, embodies the existential inquiry into what constitutes one's true self. Is identity a fixed essence, or is it an ever-changing construct shaped by circumstances and roles?
2. Surveillance and Paranoia in Modern Society: The game's spy theme also taps into the broader philosophical and ethical discussions around surveillance, privacy, and paranoia in modern society. The player, both the hunter and the hunted, navigates a world of constant surveillance, reflecting real-world concerns about the balance between security and privacy, and the ethical implications of living in a surveillance state.
3. The Morality of Violence and Justice: "Spy Hunter" involves a significant amount of violence as the player combats enemy agents. This aspect of the game brings to the fore philosophical questions about the morality of violence and the concept of justice. Is violence ever justified in the pursuit of a greater good? The game’s setting in the world of espionage, where moral ambiguity is commonplace, encourages players to ponder the ethical complexities of such actions.
4. The Illusion of Control and Determinism: The game's driving and combat mechanics, where players must continually adapt to changing environments and threats, can be seen as a metaphor for the human desire for control in an unpredictable world. This reflects philosophical debates around free will and determinism. How much control do we truly have over our lives and decisions, and how much is dictated by external forces?
5. The Role of Technology in Human Conflict: "Spy Hunter" heavily features advanced vehicles and weaponry, highlighting the role of technology in modern conflict. This aspect raises philosophical questions about the relationship between humans and technology, particularly the ethical implications of relying on technological means in matters of security and warfare. It prompts reflection on the extent to which technology should be integrated into human conflict and the potential consequences of such integration.
6. Escapism and the Fantasy of Power: Lastly, the game offers players an escape into a world of intrigue and power, where they play a dominant role as a spy with advanced capabilities. This escapism can be viewed philosophically as a reflection on the human desire for empowerment and agency, especially in a world where individuals often feel powerless or constrained by societal structures.
In summary, "Spy Hunter," though primarily an entertainment medium, serves as a platform for exploring deeper philosophical themes. It touches on the duality of identity, surveillance and paranoia, the morality of violence, the illusion of control, the role of technology in conflict, and the human desire for escapism and power. These themes resonate with broader philosophical inquiries, demonstrating the capacity of video games to provoke thought and discussion on complex, real-world issues.
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aninkwellofnectar · 5 months
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You can call me Cammie.
Here I’ll be sharing updates and information about my existing and upcoming publications in The Essence of the Equinox series, as well as other stories set both in and out of the universe.
In Pursuit of Perfection in Fall into Fantasy 2022 (Download free on Payhip) Amira has always demanded perfection—of herself and those around her. Her quest for absolute control takes her on a journey to the hot deserts of Seraj where rumours permeate that humans may have rediscovered the ancient phoenix. Should its power be harnessed, the fire witches will be unmatched. Amira thinks it time they re-learn who the true supreme being on earth is. 
When The Stars Alight (16 June 2023) Book 1 in The Essence of the Equinox (Buy Signed Paperback From My Store | Unsigned version | Other vendors) The court of a heartless demon king is no place for a star princess. Caught in the middle of his two sons' deadly rivalry, she must use her wits to survive. But can she sway them to her side and save herself from an uncertain fate?
Two Halves Of A Whole in midnight & indigo (31 October 2023) (Purchase) Lucille Bonnaire finds herself becoming the new bride to vampyre prince Ilya Likhanov. Unfortunately, she is unaware of just how nefarious his intentions are towards her and her magic.
The Sanguine Sorceress (1 December 2023) Prequel in The Essence of the Equinox (Other vendors | Buy Signed Paperback From My Store | Unsigned version ) A blood-soaked tale of feminine rage following the journey of Serafina Stilia, as she attempts to claw agency for herself in a male-run imperialistic regime. After her reputation is left in tatters by the unwanted advances of a suitor, Serafina must carve a path to liberation from the fury of her honour-driven father, or die trying.
We Will Devour The Night (22 September 2024) Book 2 in the Essence of the Equinox (Pre-order on Amazon | Pre-order signed paperback | Unsigned version) Laila returns to Mortos with a mission: salvage her dynasty from those who seek power through magic-driven bigotry. As she crosses paths once more with an old lover, the whirlwind of emotions unleashed will be cataclysmic!
And The Age of Summer Will Rise (Winter 2025) Book 3 in The Essence of the Equinox Summary to come
As an addendum to this I do have a ko-fi account ☕. If you enjoy what I do here and would like to support me by becoming a member or donating to my publishing fund it would be very much appreciated.
You can support me also by signing up to my author newsletter. Content will include insights behind the scenes into my writing process, exclusive snippets, deleted scenes, media musings, publishing opportunities I am pursuing and much more!
Feel free to ask me anything regarding my books, my short fiction, my self-publishing journey and anything else you’d care to know about!
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piratekane · 3 months
june reading wrap up
it's that time of the month again, folks.
the mission: read only queer books the side mission: read more than just sapphic books the side-side mission: read something besides fantasy/romance mission status: sick
some stats for those following along at home:
- i read 19 books - i attempted one buddy read (but my wife quit on me, guys) - 100% OF MY BOOKS WERE QUEER - still no audiobooks but there's a freshly peeled month ahead of us
here's the reviews:
the bad: - Written in the Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur, bisexual rep people in the circles i've been traveling lately love this book, but i just... didn't. the characters did a complete personality switch about three chapters in. one of them was a manic pixie dream girl. the other was so flat i dreaded reading her perspective. also the brother had NO boundaries and i hate third act breakups due to miscommunication. 1 star - Something Wild and Wonderful by Anita Kelly, achillean rep people also loved this one but my struggle is that i don't think gay men are it for me and also there were some things about Alexie that i just didn't jive with. there was, yet again, another third act breakup that felt contrived. the writing was good and it was clear Kelly knows hiking and they have a love for it. so i enjoyed that part! 2.5 stars - The Prospects by K.T. Hoffman, trans achillean rep everyone and their freaking mother LOVE this book but it just didn't have enough baseball. like, for a book about the first trans baseball player in the professional league, this book was about his love interest's anxiety. gimme baseball!!! and gene straight-up backstabbed luis, i stg if no one else thinks so. 2.5 stars
the great: - The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher, lesbian rep this is lit-fic and you should know that going into it. once i got used to the writing style, i was hooked on this book. it's an interesting POV and the love story is really the complex love between a daughter and her mother, and the daughter and get great-aunt. like, my brain is still bending around this one. 5 stars - The Z Word by Lindsay King-Miller, queer rep this book emerged from a tumblr prompt and it's incredible. tons of rep (sword lesbian, motorcycle lesbian, drag queen, bisexual mess, nonbinary pizza delivery person) and just a fun fucking time. it's all centered around Pride weekend and begs the question: just what do you do when a zombie outbreak fucks up your festival? 5 stars - Here We Go Again by Alison Cochrun, lesbian rep two teachers go on a road trip with their terminally ill mentor and gosh, this is a specific setup but it works. i cried at the end like a little baby. the characters were fantastic (my favorite was their mentor) and the writing was superb. there's also really great ADHD rep in this and the growth of each character felt natural instead of forced. 5 stars - The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas, trans rep i knew this book existed and my cousin loves it but i never gave it a fair shake because i was like ONLY SAPPHIC NOVELS ONLY SAPPHIC NOVELS and was averse to reading anything but that but this one. this one is so good. the setting (a contemporary-fantasy latin america) is so lush and rich with detail. teo, the main character, had me rooting for him from the get-go. and the plot twist was so so good. i requested an advanced copy of the sequel through NetGalley and i'm hoping it'll come there. (i also bought Thomas' other novel, because now he is auto-buy author me) 5 stars.
honorable mentions: - A Swift and Sudden Exit by Nico Vincenty, bisexual rep also born from a tumblr prompt and just so much fun. i recommend purchasing this because it's just too good. time traveler meets and immortal (maybe you've seen the prompt). you won't regret it - Elatsoe by Darcy Little Badger, asexual rep an Indigenous girl who can see ghosts goes on a trip to hunt down her cousin's murderer. the writing is so punchy. i loved this one. - On the Same Page by Haley Cass, bisexual rep best friends become lovers through miscommunication. hilarious stuff. i will also read Haley Cass again because the characters were so funny and the plot was so good. - Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore, nonbinary rep this one was a mind bender in a good way. each of the characters were really fleshed out in a fun way. the timeline hopping was a little trippy, but i got my feet under me quick. - A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland, lesbian rep a selkie wife retelling. do i really need to say more?
okay this is long i am congratulating you if you got this far. now i need to go hibernate and slow down because i read too much and this month i want to write!
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a-midnight-rest · 1 year
Fixing the T'au empire part 2
So, in the first part I explained how the T'au were fine as they were, because their relatively hopeful outlook on the galaxy shone bright in contrast of the rest of the setting, how that turn the rest of the setting even darker, and how I love the idea that the solution to the Galaxy's problem is a truly different, alien approach to our individualist societies.
However, I have come to realize something, a reason as to why the T'au Empire may not feel at home in the 40k universe, and I thought about it by watching Indiana Jones 4, so sacrifices have been made.
The T'au Empire is not mythological.
The 40k is not a sci-fi setting, it is a dark fantasy setting with guns. And part of what makes the grandiosity of it is how mythologized every faction is. And I do not speak about religion, I speak of myths as in the stories we, right now, tell ourselves are the foundations of the world, the archetypes of what is and is not.
The Imperium incarnates the various mythologies of vast empires. Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, the British Empire, vast swats of lands combining different people united by righteousness and oppression. And also how all those empires fell. It's the idea of "things were better before" (even when they were not). Moreover, the equipment used by this faction is deliberatly old, centuries old, technology is religiously taken care of, weapons are blessed, vehicles are passed down from generation to generation. It is all very old, marked with that myths of the old Empire on its last leg.
The Orks are the Barbarians At the Gate, the savages who relish only destruction, like Attila the Hun, but british. In truth, it's not like barbarians actually existed, those were just foreign countries, but the myth is there.
The Tyranids are the Monsters in the Dark.
The Craftworld Eldars are the Atlanteans, the Utopians, the Babelians, the Old Civilization who fell due to their own hubris, and is now a superior people with no place to call home and no way back their transgression.
The Dark Eldars are the Feys of old, trolls, goblins, fairies stealing children in the night, playing cruel and horrific pranks, eating people. And following them to their home is a death sentence.
The Chaos is the Evil of Man, the primordial sin, the dark part of Humanity that eats itself to death, self destructive and perverse (They should have western dragons, that would fit them).
The Necrons are Death, or at least they try. They are like the Craftworld Eldars in a sense, but in a more Inevitable return way.
But the T'au? They do not fit any myth, in fact they specifically are immune to myths and the Warp. They are no none-sense, they do not play by any rule. As they were written, they would be better as a recurring joke than a faction. Everything about them is bright new, from theme to lore, and it makes them feel shallow.
There is one exception to that, and that is Farsight, who fit the myth of the Virtuous Rebel, an archetype that is not really coined by any faction as far as I know. In a way, he could also be kind like King Arthur, with his magic blade and his knights around him, but the clash of eastern/western reference hide this interpretation of him.
So... how to fix it? Modern problems requires modern myths.
As I said, myths are not about what is actually old, myths are always modern, visions we have right now about the past. So what Myth could fit the T'au Empire? I think we must look to a very modern work of literature: The SCP Foundation. A collective work written like articles depicting how an advanced and secret organization captures, study, and contains supernatural entities. They are much like the Men in Black, or the government in X-Files. They gain they mythology not through what they are, but what they deal with.
I think we should make the T'au Empire's main armies kinda fade in the background and focus on an organisation within the the T'au Empire that would approach the other mythological faction with a saavy appraoch based on tech to contain and use the horrors back at the horrors. A cold scalpel who knows what they are dealing with, knows they are outmatched, and use secrecy, focused efforts, and unconventional tactics to deal with it. The T'au Empire already have the foundation for it, they are technologically advanced, learn from their mistakes, and have authoritarian ruling cast shrouded in mystery.
They could pop up bio/cyber/solar-punks units, highly specialised and modified modern soldiers. Not the WW1 Kriegsmen, not the WWII Cadians, not the Catachan Rambos, not the Angelic Space Marines. People, with modern, recognizable equipment, turning to extremes in order to deal with demons, and civilizations using farming equipment more ancient than their prehistory.
In that perspective, the T'au main armies would kind of become the background, the necessary fight force to win actual battles and hold ground. Their stories could develop nicely on their own until they become established enough to have their own mythos. But the main event would be the Secret Cadre, the Black ops, the Foundation, the Men In Black of the T'au Empire, using not ancient techs and beliefs against demons like the Inquisition does, but developing Reality anchors of their own, sending modified Tyranid viruses into the other faction, using Soul Traps to capture and send daemons to corrupt enemy tanks.
Fire warriors spawned from tyranids biopools, weapons build by engineers trapped in time distortion to produce more advanced stuff faster, ships recycled from Space Hulks...
To mythologize the T'au, the T'au must, I believe, become Myth users to become Myth Breakers.
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