#we really just sat tru him
myurucrie · 2 months
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why is he more of a mom than my own mom
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the-kneesbees · 2 years
omg transphobic kid had a civil conversation with trans kid AND asked for their pronouns?? character development
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damianwayne0 · 8 months
In the Drawer ||
Pairings : Damian Wayne x reader
Summary : Damian and Y/n had been dating for 3 years . Damian is 19 and reader is also 19
After a long eventful mission, Bruce invited the justice league and the titians in the manor for a well deserved break. Everyone was just chilling since it was stormy outside.
Beast boy, excited : let's play a game!
Everyone : Yes let's play a game
Dick , hopefully: Are u also playing Damian?
Damian: I don't want to play with you all imbeciles.
Tim, rolling his eyes: whatever
Dick : please Dami it will be fun!
Damian: no-
Dick, ✨giving his puppy eyes✨ : And you owe me a favor
Damian, irritated : Fine.
" So what game are we playing ?" says Starfire .
"oh! oh! I know! I know! Truth and dare lets play it" says beast boy with an mischievous grin.
Jason took a bottle and spinned it , it landed on Dick.
Jason : Truth or Dare?
Dick : tru-th
" Were you the one who put fart spray in to the batmobile and blamed replacement for it?" Says Jason smirking know it was really dick.
"ye-s"says dick as he looks at Tim and Tim looks back at him with an betrayed look.
"I am sorry Timmy" says dick feeling a lil guilty.
" hahaha dude ! You really did that to batman ? That's so cool! " Says beast boy in disbelief.
" oh, that's why you were smelling so bad that day?" says Starfire with an disgusted look on her face.
"yeah " says dick with an small nervous laugh.
"By any chance was it also you who put glitter all over my bag?" Says Damian glaring at dick. He would have forgotten about that incident, if the gift he bought for you wasn't cover in glitter . And yeah you thought it was still cute regardless of the glittery mess it had become.
"uhhh" says dick nervously knowing he is screwed.
"you- " says Damian as his chasing dick with an fork begins and everyone was laughing at the sight.
After Damian literally hunted down dick , they came back and sat down , This time Tim spinned the bottle and it landed on Starfire.
" Truth or Dare Starfire?" Says Tim , smirking.
Then on then dick knows he's screwed.
"uhh dare?" Says Starfire hesitating a bit.
" ha! Don't kiss dick for a week " says Tim knowing he got his revenge.
Dick with an betrayed just stares at him . While he just shrugs.
Damian is a tiny bit impressed but he won't admit it .
Raven , impressed says " hmm he can't handle that one .
"Damn replacement you got him" says Jason to Tim while looking at dick who now has a defeated look on his face.
" hahah look at his face " says Beast boy pointing at dick, who just glares at him.
" fine, no kisses for a week I see" says Starfire giggling a bit.
Now its dick turn to spin it and it's lands on Damian.
"truth or dare Dami?" Says dick pressing his lips together so he wouldn't laugh.
"Truth." Says , Damian glaring at dick.
"How many girls have asked you out ?" Says dick already praying for his life .
To everyones suprise Damian begins to count and count and count not stopping.
"Damn dude we understood " says beast boy a shocked and maybe a tiny bit jealous.
" I don't know, I never counted" says Damian shrugging.
" yeah because who could even ask you out". Says Tim smirking.
Damian glared at Tim and Tim glared back.
" okay enough of your staring competition. It's my turn now" says Jason as he spins the bottle and it again lands on Damian.
" Seriously I got demon brat?" Says Jason disappointed.
" whatever just ask already" says Damian rolling his eyes.
" Fine , Fine demon brat. Truth or Dare?" Says Jason.
"Truth" says Damian as he sighs.
" do you hate replacement?" Says Jason with an smug
"I don't hate him but I would pull off his life support to charge my phone" says Damian.
Everyone seems shocked then they all crack up .
"Damn replacement got roasted by the gremlin"says Jason rolling on the floor while holding his stomach from laughing.
"Good one Dami" says dick out of breath from all laughing.
Tim just looks as if he saw a ghost. After everyone calmed down,they all say down and it's was Starfires turn and the bottle landed on raven.
"Truth or Dare raven?" Says Starfire smiling.
"umm dare?" Says raven hesitating .
Everyone than continuous to play. After sometime the justice league comes up from batcave to see the young heros playing. After the game ends. Damian goes into his room for sometime.
Damian than calls you and almost instantly you pick up.
"beloved, I miss you" says Damian wanting to be with her. It's not like he doesn't want to spend time with his family and friends but with you he finds peace that he cannot describe.
"My love, I miss you too but what happened?" Says Y/n worrying that something might happen to the love of her life.
"Nothing, beloved I am just missing you that's it" Damian sighs .
"I wish we could meet but this storm is not stopping anytime soon"
"you're right , beloved"
" I have a little surprise for you when you come back" you say seductively. You were waiting for him for so long because of that mission. You can't lie that you didn't miss his touch, his kisses during your time apart.
" beloved, you really love to make me suffer" Damian frowns
"hehe be patient my love, you will get your reward don't worry. Byeee love ya" and then you cut the call before he would say anything.
Damian heart beating so fast that it could beat the flash in a race . He than heard his brothers calling him for dinner. He goes down but he can't stop thinking about his reward that you were talking about. But he shook it up as his family and friends were watching him.
At the dinner table:
Everyone was seated. When Tim asked Damian if he had the cards game he took from Tim.
" They are in my room , in one of the drawers" says Damian, stabbing his vegetable with fork.
Tim than gets up to go to Damians room.
"So , Bruce did you know someone asked Damian out yesterday?* Says Jason smirking at Damian.
" oh I see , I mean he is a charming boy" says Bruce smiling.
Jon who just arrived flying says : ohhh that girl ? Damian told me about her. Apparently she tried to kiss him but he pushed her off ."
Bruce chokes on the food and Damian drops his fork due to shock and Jason just raises an eyebrow and well dick ,well he is cheering like those cheerleaders as Starfire tries to calm him down.
"He is a charming boy" says Clark repeating Bruce words.
Damian than speaks up.
"she was the daughter of Logan family and shes been trying to get my attention but I was putting her off"
Logan family are one of business partners of Bruce.
"hmm her mother tried the same" says Bruce as his scowls ,remembering those stupid attempts to get his attention.
Dick: where is Timmy? He certainly is taking his time.
Just as he said that Tim came running in and sat down on his seat. After sitting down Tim stares at Damian.
"what are you looking at imbecile?" Says Damian raising an eyebrow at Tim.
Tim with an straight face than says " Are You a virgin?"
Bruce for the second time chokes on his food. Jason starts laughing and dick is just horrid. Clark passes water to Bruce.
"Drake ,what actual heck!?"says Damian standing up .
"I mean , can you than explain why is there two packs of condoms in your drawer?" Says Tim as he puts up those boxes up in the air.
"TWO BOXES!?" says Jason
"CONDOMS!?"says Dick
"I don't think that's any of your business" says Damian. He was quite irritated but mostly embarrassed.
Damian than gets up and goes to his room
"Timmy, I don't think you should've done that"says Dick
"yeah dude"says. Beastboy
"I guess but what if he has a girlfriend?" Says Tim
"Who's gonna like that brat?"says Jason
The next day ,after the teen titan and the justice league left. Damian didn't come down for the whole day .
In Damians room
"Beloved, stop now"
"ahahaha I can't- I swear I can't-"
"ok ok fine . But really? They saw it?" Pressing your lips together to try to not laugh.
"yeah and now I don't know what to do".says Damian,still irritated and somewhat angry.
"it's okay my love. That doesn't really matter"
"hmm but are you gonna wear that green one or the black one ?"
"...... really?"
" perv" You could literally hear the mischievousness in his voice.
"Oh come on "
"Nope , you gonna have to find out"
"Fine "
"Damian, you know, we have been dating for a long time now"
"Yes , beloved I understand what you're trying to say.And I also know it's time"
"really!?", You have been dieing to meet his family for a quite time now, and he already met your family so it's only fair if you meet his.
"Yeah, I also been thinking about this. And I can't imagine my life without you anymore"
"Me too , Damian"
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sunflowers4life · 3 months
Marauders - Remus - Furry Little Problem
@blondwhowrites based on their blurb abt Mattheo being a werewolf - I was considering this but with Remus, hope this is ok
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Art of Remus by @sophithil on instagram
When Remus had first met James Potter and Sirius Black on the Hogwarts express in first year, he immediately felt a sense of want to protect and care for. Through his short amount of research at the time, he knew it had to do with packs, where his wolf felt bonded to certain people around him.
Hence, currently, in seventh year, his pack was made up of 5 other people. James, Sirius, Peter, Lily and finally, you. Remus first met you in fourth year, hiding in the back of the library, adorning yellow and black uniforms, a small plate of brownies he’s sure you had taken from the kitchen, that familiar pull took over. Remus wasn’t confident like James and Sirius, didn’t have the people skills of Lily, but Moony didn’t seem to really care. He could feel the wolf inside him nudging him slowly, and so, for the first time in a while, Remus had to be confident.
“Hi, sorry, do you mind if I join you?” You almost jumped out of your skin, looking up, before you cheeks blazed pink, making eye contact with the caramel eyed boy you had had a light infatuation with since 1st year. He was cute, kind, confident in his own reserved way, and unlike his counter parts, he was peaceful, and not as chaotic. Quickly, you nodded, shuffling in your seat so as to give him more room. “I’m Remus, and you are..?”
At that, Remus noticed the slight shell shocked smile on your face fall a little bit, and he could feel his wolf mourn, howling pathetically, and Remus had to fight the urge that was trying to take over and to gather you in his arms. “Y/n.” You muttered quietly, eyes being captured by the book in front of you as a distraction, trying to keep your eyes from highlighting the slight hurt that in the 5 years you had shared classes with him, and had a small school girl crush on, he didn’t even know your name. You considered for a moment, that it was foolish to believe the boy knew who you were. In most classes, you sat in the back, often alone or next to someone who had unwilling been separated from a trio. You didn’t put your hand up much, too scared that your answer would be incorrect, and would cause a roaring laughter to mock your ears.
“I’m sorry, do we have any classes together?” Remus was trying desperately to bring back that smile on your face, or to return your eyes to his own, and he didn’t particularly know what else to ask. Again, your eyes stayed trained on the same word, the book infront of your for the essay due for your herbology class. “Uh, yeah. We have DADA, herbology and care for magical creatures.” Remus’ eyes quickly widened, feeling foolish and a bit ignorant that he had no clue that you had been in so many classes with him. For a minute, silence filled the library, the only sound being your quill quickly etching the paper, trying desperately to not show any emotion.
“O-oh, really? I thought I would have noticed some as cute as you.” Remus was shocked at his own response, and suddenly realised, he had spent far too long with Sirius in his life. He noticed colour returning to your cheeks, a pink appearing just under your eyes. “So hey, would you possibly want to go to hogsmeade this weekend? We could discuss the herbology essay, possibly look at some books?” It was then your head raised, finally making eye contact, and Remus quickly realised he never wanted to let you go. The sparkles in your eye at the mention of books made him melt slightly, and he could hear moony rambling about innocent, and needing protection inside himself. “Oh, I, I mean I guess? I mean sorry, I’d love to.” You tripped over your words, but when a reassuring smile graced Remus’ face, you returned it with your own, before again your cheeks turned pink, and burrowing your head back in your book. “I’ll meet you this weekend at the Three Broomsticks?” Not trusting yourself to speak again, you nodded your head quickly, before Remus wished you a good night, the ridiculously tall boy wandering off, leaving you feeling lost in the interaction.
In your years of observing the marauders, you had expected for Remus to be relatively shy like yourself, and had not expected that level of confidence. It was then, you decided, that herbology essay be damned, Remus had completely disrupted your study time, and it was now that you needed to retire to bed, and instead of considering herbology, daydreams of your date with Remus filled your head.
“Now what time do you call this?” Sirius quickly yelled out from his spot on his own bed, spread out like a starfish, with James laying above him. In his third year, Remus had come clean to the boys about how he consider them his pack, and had forced the other 3 to merge the beds together. Often Lily was invited over, as Remus found it comforting to know his entire pack was there, where if there was any danger, he could protect them. Tonight was one of those nights, and Lily + Peter were sat together on Peters bed at the end, reading alongside each in silence.
“I met someone.” That quickly brought the attention of all 4 to the lanky boy, and James immediately noticed the love sick look that encapsulated Remus’ face. With a quick gasp, James jumped onto Remus, the burly boy e capturing the 6’8 boy in a complete hug. “How’d Moony react?” Remus’ cheeks were completely red. “He had a few things to say.” Remus’ words were muttered, which caused Lily to tut at the boy with glasses, yanking him off. “James Potter, you are not the only one who wants to hear about Remus’ new love life. Now sit down on the bed so we can all hear.” James, like a dog, looked as though he had his tailed tucked between his legs, before clambering onto the bed, getting comfortable with his head in Lily’s lap. The redhead spoke up again “So, who is it?”
“Uh, Y/n, the hufflepuff in our year. She’s in like 3 of my classes, and I never knew, and I felt really bad, but she agreed to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend!” That caused everyone to gasp, but Sirius quickly clutched his pearls. “That’s my son! See, he does learn stuff from me! I never thought I’d see the day you’d be so brave” Sirius continued to wipe fake tears from his eyes, Remus couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
The day had taken a toll on Remus’ body, his back killing him, so he quickly laid down in bed, feeling the strands of sleep tugging on him. Pj’s adorning his body with a flick of his wand, and his pillow, aka Sirius’ comfortable chest, got into position. Moony enjoyed having something of all of his pack on him at all times. Like, right now, his Pjs were made up of a mix of James’ Gryffindor hoodie, Sirius sweat pants, Lily’s t shirt on underneath, and Peter’s stuffed rat, Remus was expecting a great nights sleep. Except, that is not at all what happened. Once everyone else had retired for the night, Remus tossed and turned, Moony mournfully circling inside him, and the lack of you around him left him restless.
When James awoke, an early bird at heart, the extra energy he gets from Quidditch, he makes eye contact with Remus. Concern immediately takes over. Remus was always the last to awaken, an old man truly always. Remus frowned, before looking at the clock next to him, groaning at the realisation it was 6 am. It was only Monday, Hogsmeade was Saturday. How in the world could he wait until then?
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vintagepresley · 2 years
Oh my gawd?! I have a brilliant request for you dear! Remember in the Elvis movie Elvis and his buddies are on the road and his mother calls him non-stop because she is worried about his safety from all the fangirls and he gets a visit from a mysterious woman at his door walks into his room where the music Craw-Fever begins and you know the rest 😏. Instead the role is reversed where the reader and her gal pals are having a road trip or a girl's night out including watching Elvis in concert. The reader and her overprotective mother had a conversation on the phone at a hotel saying to watch out for men to take advantage of ya since we are a virgin/beauty looking and knows what's best for us etc. And we know for the billionth time and telling her not to worry etc. We kind of feel lonesome confided in our room laying on the bed until we get a knock on the door and lord and behold Elvis Presley shows up with a smile walks in our room as we are so shocked along with feeling a trance at the same time as the music Craw-Fever plays!!! I imagine this with Austin Elvis 😍 and he did saw us at his concert thinking we are the most beautiful woman ever to lay eyes on knowing we are a virgin from our body language and will show the reader what real love feels like - passionate, sensual, fun, and wild telling us that we have nothing to fear as he is very gentleman and kindhearted- he does want us to be his bestest girl!!!!!
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Having an overprotective mother was a blessing and curse at times for you especially because you felt so sheltered from the actual world at times. While all your friends were going on dates and dating guys, you were at home in your room listening to your favorite Elvis records daydreaming of him being your boyfriend. Just getting the chance to see him in concert would be a dream come true. You lived in the same part of Memphis the he did but only caught glimpses of him. He was traveling and playing all sorts of concerts within the south most notably the Louisiana Hayride. You wanted to go so bad that a few of yours friends talked about taking a small road trip down to Louisiana which you knew was going to take some convincing when it came to your mother. She was always so worried that something was going to happen to you and sometimes it felt as if she didn't trust you or your better judgement. But after speaking with your friends some more and pondering the idea and the fact that it was a once in a lifetime sort of thing, you decided to ask your mother while the two of you had dinner.
You nervously slipped out of your room as she called you down once the food was ready and you took inhaled softly and sharply exhaling as you got downstairs and waltzed into the kitchen sitting down at table and smiling as your mother prepared your plate and sat in front of you, once you were both sat the table you picked at your food a bit taking small bites as the question you wanted to ask her lingered through your mind that you couldn't bare to eat. "You aren't eating.. What's the matter, honey?" she asked sweetly. You picked at your food some more as you stared over at her and letting out a soft sigh. "I.. I have something I wanna ask you, mama." you mumbled. She furrowed her brow worriedly. "What is it?" she questioned. "A couple of my friends want to go down to Louisiana to see Elvis Presley.." you mumbled. "That boy who does all the wigglin'?" she interrupted. You couldn't help but laugh softly. "Mhm.. They invited me.. I was hoping to go..." you whispered.
Her eyes widen at your words. "I don't know about that, Y/N. A bunch of young beautiful girls traveling to Louisiana by themselves?? It does not sound safe." she uttered. "Mama, please.. We will be safe. It's a whole group of us. I really want to go. I'll just die if I can't see Elvis!" you said dramatically. She raised an eyebrow, shaking her head. "Stop with the dramatics. I don't know.. What do their parents say?" she asked. "They're fine with it because they trust them. Pleaaaaseeee. I never ask to go anywhere. Just this once, please?" you begged. She let out a soft sigh seeing how much this meant to you and as hesitate as she was about this whole thing she decided to let you have a bit of freedom. "Fine.. Okay, you can go. But there's going to be a few rules." she muttered. Your eyes widen at her words and you hopped out of you, giving her the tightest. "Thank you, thank you! Whatever the rules are I'll do!" you beamed. She laughed softly as she hugged you back and kissing your cheek. You settled back down in your seat and began to eat your food happily as she went over the few rules she had for you. Those rules being that she expected you to call her at each stop you made on the way there and also remembering to call her every night. Those rules seemed simple enough to follow so you agreed.
That night you excitedly called your friends up and told them the good news and then you got your suitcase packed double checking that you had everything because you were so overwhelmed with excitement that you thought you may forget something. It was a long night of tossing and turning because you couldn't sleep just the very thought of seeing Elvis, breathing the same air as Elvis had you completely over the moon. You eventually were able to fall asleep and the morning had come quick and despite only getting a few hours of sleep you sprang right out of bed and got yourself ready for the day knowing that your friends would be coming to pick you up shortly. It was humid day out Memphis and you could only imagine how it was in Louisiana. So you wore pair of black and white checkered shorts with a white blouse with a pair of white flats to match. Your friends pulled up in the car and the muffled sounds of he horn blowing got your attention and you glanced outside the window waving to them with a wide smile. You grabbed your suitcase and luged it downstairs with you. Your mother already standing by the door with a worried look on her face and already doubting her decision to let you go.
You smiled at her and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek as you hugged her tight. "Don't worry, mama. I'll be fine. I'll call you as soon as we stop" you whispered to her and giving her a tighter hug. She nodded and watched as you headed out of the house and throwing your things in the trunk of the car as you hopped in with your friends and waving to your mother with a wide smile. She waved back with the same worried look on her face just praying that her daughter would be okay. You felt a sense of freedom as you went on this mini road trip with your friends knowing that this was probably very hard for your mother to do and so you wanted to be as cautious and safe so she didn't need to worry. The trip was going smoothly as you and your friends laughed and sang Elvis songs together and once you made your first stop to get gas you used the pay phone to call your mother and to let her know how the trip was going so far and how long you had to go. As the trip continued on and you made a few more stops for gas and snacks you called her and you could tell she sounded a bit more relieved knowing that you were okay.
You finally got to your desired destination that evening and checking into your hotel and finding your rooms the moment you got inside you called your mother letting her know that you got there safe. After getting off the phone you began to unpack and the only thing on your mind was what you were going to wear for the concert tonight. You wanted something that would catch Elvis' eye but you knew it was a long shot for him to even notice you in a sea of girls, but you had high hopes it was everything you ever dreamed of. You decided on a pink checkered dress with small buttons that went down along the middle of the dress and spaghetti straps. Once you had showered and did your hair and makeup you slipped on the dress and soothing it out along your curves that it hugged so well and then paired with some heels. You grabbed your purse and headed out of your room to check and see if your friends were ready. You quite relieved when they were wanting to get close enough seats at the show. You all excited drove to where the Hayride was being held and bought your tickets for the show and hurried into the auditorium getting a few seats right at the front.
Your heart was racing and your cheeks felt flushed as you exhaled softly at the anticipation of Elvis. They had started having him perform last because of how the chaos in the crowd he caused and so the other acts before him appeared dull and a bit boring to everyone because they mainly came here for Elvis. It was finally the moment of truth and back stage Elvis was a nervous wreck no matter how many times he's done this now he was always still so nervous and shaking like a leaf, he stepped out onto the stage and roar from the crowd was wild all the girls including yourself standing up to their feet as the screams went wild. You were shaken up and in shock and awe by the very sight of this beautiful man who came out dressed in a white suit with a black lace top, his leg was already shaking a mile a minute before he even started to sing but the moment that voice rang out it was madness. You were screaming and jumping up and down in place it was not like you to act so out of character, but he brought this out in people. You did your best to get his attention wanting him to see you, notice you, anything.
There was a moment when the two of you had locked eyes and a small smile formed on his lips at the sight of you but that lasted for just a second and that second meant the world to you. You didn't know it but that moment he saw you he fell in love. You couldn't stop smiling he was so handsome, more handsome than what he looked like in all the pictures you've seen. The way he moved and wiggled around the stage, the way he sang and grinned as if he had no idea what he was doing to all the girls in the crowd only made your crush on him deeper, the very sight of him had you in love and by the time the show was over you felt like you were in a trance, everything felt so surreal that on your way back to your hotel room you felt like you were on cloud 9. He smiled at you and that's the only thing you thought about. You let out a soft sigh as you got back into your room, changing into your nightgown as you got ready for bed and making sure to call your mother one last time before the night ended and you told her all about the concert and then when you both had said goodnight you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling feeling so confided in your room wishing that every night could be as fun as the one you had.
Elvis was winding down from the great show he just had but he didn't forget about you not for a second when the two of you had locked eyes, he was memorized by your beauty and he needed to know who you were, so he asked around about you describing you to everyone who might of seen you and finally coming across the person who sold you a ticket that had actually struck up a conversation with you and your friends and he told Elvis that you had come all the way from Memphis which that only made his face lit up knowing you were from the same place he was and when he found out where you were staying he wasted no time searching for you. When he got to the hotel he of course got recognized and he used that to his advantage a bit to find out what room you were staying in. He nervously looked for your room, fixing his hair and soothing out his suit and hoping that it wasn't weird of him to have asked around about you.
You continued to just lay in bed and the surreal feeling finally wearing off that you felt a bit sad now what you had really hoped for was that you could've met Elvis, but you were grateful nonetheless. You reached over to turn on the radio and tuning it a bit until you heard one of his songs playing on the radio a smile forming on your lips. Suddenly there was a light knock on the door and you furrowed your brow a bit wondering who that could be. You slipped out of bed and grabbed your robe, slipping it on as you went to answer the door and you cracked it open a bit, peering out of it. Your eyes widen at who it was and you opened the door wider now, completely stunned to see Elvis Presley himself darkening your doorway. "Oh my god.. I.. Your.. Is this real?" you asked nervously, confused at how Elvis even found you or let alone remembered you. He cleared his throat softly, letting out a soft chuckle. "I know this is a bit weird.. But I saw you at the show tonight and I-I couldn't stop thinking about you. Y'know when we had that moment together.." he smiled You blushed a bit knowing exactly what he was talking about but still in shock that he even remembered and that the moment you shared prompted him to come out searching for you.
You weren't sure what to say because you couldn't stop blushing. "It's not weird at all.. I remember the moment.." you said shyly. He grinned widely. "C-Can I come in?" he asked. You stared at him completely in a daze that this was actually happening and you snapped out of it, giggling softly. "Yes.. Of course.." you said softly, inviting him the radio humming softly in the background as you shut the door closed. He turned to face you and he was standing so close that you felt like you couldn't breath with how beautiful he looked, his hair was tussled and his eyes so blue that you felt like you could melt right there. "You were the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on, darlin'. Where have they been hidin' you in Memphis?" he said with a soft laugh. You felt your face heat up from how flustered you were, trying to cover your face with your hands, raising an eyebrow at the fact that he knew you were from Memphis. "You must of really been searching for me." you giggled. He began to blush now and he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Maybe a little.." he smirked. "Well, my mama doesn't really let me go out much. She's super protective. Just being able to come see you was a miracle." you laughed.
"I don't blame her. Pretty lil' thing like you, it's not safe out here." he said lowly with a curled up little grin as he reached over to brush his hand along your cheek. You closed up your robe a bit more as he moved closer and you backed up a bit, becoming more nervous and blushing like a school girl. He noticed your body language and he wasn't surprised that you probably never been alone with a guy before and he smiled warmly. "No need to be nervous with me, honey." he said softly. You chewed on your bottom lip as he towered over you and you stared up at him innocently as the two of you stood there in silence as your faces drew closer to one another until your lips hovered each other's and you swallowed harshly never even kissed a boy before, but he took the lead and placed a soft kiss to your lips and you were frozen in place and in your mind telling yourself this whole thing was a dream, there was no way Elvis was kissing you, but he kissed you once again which snapped you out of your racing mind which made the whole thing feel so real, kissing him back slowly, it felt like a dream come true kissing your first boy and that boy being Elvis Presley.
You felt his hands slip around your waist and he carefully and gently pulled you against him, but you pulled back a bit feeling like things were moving too fast for you. "Elvis.. I-I've never.. I don't do things like this.." you mumbled a bit embarrassed. He smiled at your words and he nodded slowly. "I know, honey.. I know, if you want me to stop I will." he whispered. You let out a soft sigh as your hands rested against his chest and you took a moment to think knowing that despite how nervous you were that a small part of you wanted to do this and wanted to give in to his desire. But another part of you was scared, nervous, and confused as to what this was and why it was happening. "I just.. I want to, but.. I don't want to give myself to someone if this is just one time thing and I'll never see you again.." you said hesitantly. He pulled back just a bit as he took your hands into his, he nodded understandingly. "I promise this is not that, baby. I know this is going to sound crazy, but that moment I saw you from that stage and we locked eyes.. I-I was in love. Just knowing you're from Memphis I feel like I know you already." he said softly as he intertwined your fingers with his. You were speechless, completely utterly speechless.
"Elvis.. Why me? There's nothing special about me.." you shrugged. He furrowed his brow at your words, shaking his head. "Are you kiddin'? Out of all the girls in the crowd you were the one that caught my eye, that nearly had me distracted and basically in love at first sight. You're beautiful and a good little girl, I can tell.. I'd do anything to make you my bestest girl.." he said with a wide smile forming on his lips, every word sincere. Your eyes nearly welled up with tears of joy and you couldn't help but think how crazy this all was but in that moment you felt so many deep crazy feelings for him. You squeezed his hands in yours as you exhaled sharply. "I want to... I want you.." you hummed. He pulled you right back into his embraced holding you against him as his lips traced against your cheek and pressing soft kisses to your face. "I promise you I'll be gentle and show you exactly what love feels like.. Passionate, sensual, fun, and wild. I won't hurt you, baby." he whispered into your ear.
You despite your nerves you believed his every word and you wanted nothing more for him to be the one to show you those things. You slipped your arms around his shoulders as you stood up on your tiptoes as you captured his lips in a deep kiss and he slipped your robe off from around you, letting it fall to the floor and he smiled at the sight of your nightgown. "So cute.." he mumbled as lifted you up from the ground just enough to carry you over to the bed with him a small squeal escaping your lips, this was everything you ever dreamed off to have a man sweep you off your feet and the moment he laid you down on the bed it felt like a scene out of a movie when suddenly the song 'Craw-Fever' started playing softly from the radio. You couldn't help but giggle at the wild coincidence as you slipped your arms around Elvis' torso and he raised an eyebrow at your giggle. "What?" he grinned. "Nothing..." you smiled and he leaned up to kiss him slowly, your legs parting as he moved himself between them. His lips trailing along your jawline and down your neck as one of his hands carefully ran along the curves of your body, feeling every inch of you as his hands caressed the gentle fabric of your nightgown.
You let out a soft gasp as you felt his hands all over you and his soft lips on your neck and the weight of his body on top you as you pulled him closer. He lips moved further down kissing over your collarbone and he reached up to slide the straps of your nightgown down your shoulders as he pressed soft kisses over both of them and he continued this cute little teasing of his, the more he tugged your nightgown down the more kisses he pressed against every inch, every curve of your body until he slipped the gown off and tossed it to the side and you laid there in just your panties bringing your arms up to cover yourself shyly. Elvis smiled at your shyness and he grabbed a hold of your arms slowly removing them as he shook his head. "I wanna see you.." he whispered. You took a deep breath and the thought of being naked in front of any man especially Elvis made you painfully shy, but with how sweat he was being and caring those feelings faded and you rested your arms back around him and his eyes wandered over your body with a wide smile. The soft sounds of the music playing so perfectly with this moment.
He cupped your face in his hands and pressed several kisses to it mumbling the words, "You're beautiful.. So beautiful." under his breath. You blushed at his words and you ran your hands up and down his chest and tracing your fingertips along the buttons of his black lace shirt and carefully unbuttoning each one until his shirt was wide open and you slowly slipped it off of him and it fell to the side and you ran your hands over his bare chest, tracing your fingers along his soft skin and he smiled as he leaned down and pressed gentle kisses against your chest and your arms slipped back around him, running your fingertips along his back. His lips tracing over your breasts and the moment he cupped them in his hands a gasped and captured your bottom lip between your teeth feeling his lips wrapping around one of your nipples and your nails dug a bit into his skin at the enticing feeling that came over your entire body, and a soft whimper escaped your lips as his and he sucked hungrily at your nipple and you tossed your head back against the pillow letting out another gasp as your eyes rolled shut at the intense feeling.
He grasped your other breast in his right hand as he pinched and tugged at the sensitive bud between his fingertips, the more he pleasured you the more you craved, yearned and desired him to be inside of you. It was a feeling you had never experienced before and now that feeling was burning inside of you that you could feel the liquid pooling between your legs that you could feel the mess it was making on your panties. Elvis slowly released your nipple from his mouth and he dragged his tongue across the other and playfully biting at it that it caused you to squirm beneath him and let out small whines and then he kissed along your breasts and made his way down your abdomen and the feeling of his lips on your stomach tickled that you couldn't help but giggle quietly and he glanced up at you with a smirk. You watched with curious eyes as his lips reached your panty line and he kissed along the hem of your little white panties.
The feeling satisfying in so many ways that he had your head spinning and the two of you were just getting started. He hooked his fingers beneath the delicate fabric and he slowly tugged your panties down that clung to your soaked pussy and when he caught a glimpse of the mess you had already made in your panties a sly smirk formed on his lips as he tucked them inside of pocket. He ran his hands along your thighs and he could feel you trembling in his light grasp. "It's okay, little one.. I'm going to be gentle with you.." he whispered. You so badly wanted to just cover up and hide because he was so close to the most private area of your body and the way he looked at you like he was ready to devour his very last meal made everything even more intense. He spread your legs open wider for him as his head moved further between your legs and he pressed light kisses against each of your thighs as he kissed his way up with excitement to the aching heat that only became more and more soaked by the minute for him and it became more visible the close he got.
You shivered at the very touch and as you inhaled sharply with anticipation and once he had finally reached the area he wanted the most he pressed loving kisses against it. He meant what he said that he would be gentle with you. Your hands reaching down as you tangled your hands into his soft raven colored hair, letting out a airy breath as your toes curled against the bed and you swallowed slowly. His tongue slipped between your sopping folds and your breathing hitched as a shaky gasped left you and you whimpered at the arousing feeling that washed over you as you felt his warm tongue buried deep between needy pussy and lapped up every bit of your sweet nectar. You tugged at his hair as your back arched and your head tilted back as you moaned out in ecstasy. His tongue circled around your swollen clit, flicking his tongue back and forth against it before wrapping his lips tight around the sensitive bud and he sucked greedily as if he had an insatiable hunger for you that he couldn't control and that only caused your moans to grow louder and your whimpers leaving you in a soft cry as your hands tugged hard at his hair.
He held onto your thighs as he wrapped your legs around his shoulders and he buried his face into your pussy the more he sucked, saliva gathering at the sides of his mouth as it dripped down your pussy and he felt your legs shaking around him as you tried your best not to squeeze them around him. "Oh god... Elvis..." you mewled. Your eyes rolled back in pleasure, you had no idea what to expect from this but it was better than you could've imagined, the places he was taking you as he pleasured you and pushed you further into your bliss. He smirked at the sounds that escaped you and he brought one of his hands between your legs and he took two of his fingers and he dragged them between your slit and playing in your slick until you got his fingers coated in it along with his saliva. He released your clit from his mouth and lifted your head up and glanced down at him seeing your slick glistening across his face. "Just try to relax for me, baby.." he mumbled. You nodded slowly at his words so desperately needing more of him.
He placed a kiss against your right thigh with a smile as he teased his two fingers around your untouched virgin pussy, he slowly, carefully inched his two fingers into your tight hole and he felt you clench around him immediately and your body tensed up, he rubbed his other hand over your right thigh to try to relax. "I'm not gonna hurt ya, little one.." he hummed. You did your best to relax at his reassuring words feeling the pressure of his fingers trying to slide inside of you and once he was able to get you to relax again he continued to push his fingers further inside of you feeling you tighten around him. "Fuck.." he hummed. As he very slowly pumped his fingers inside of you, he wanted to get you ready for his cock and wanted to ease you into it. You pursed your lips together tight from sharp pain you felt and you grasped at the sheets beneath you clutching onto them tight. "Taking my fingers like such a good girl.." he whispered. His words of praise and the linger sounds of Craw-Fever playing in your head even as it had ended on the radio helped you to take your mind off of the stinging pain. You felt as his long fingers moved further inside of you until they were buried inside of you.
He pumped his fingers just a tad faster watching as his fingers moved in and out of you and each time that they did his fingers were completely covered in your slick making it easier for him to move his fingers in and out and soon you were moaning out once again the moans sounding like soft cries but you were enjoying every minute of it. He did his best to try to stretch you open enough for him with your fingers and when he felt that you were ready he carefully slipped his fingers out of you, smirking at the sight of his messy fingers as he took them into his mouth and sucked you off of them and he moved back up so that he was hovering about you once again and he kissed your lips. "You ready, baby?" he whispered on your lips. You took a deep breath and you nodded in response. "Yes, I-I am.." you said nervously, running your hands slowly along his sides. He kissed you once more planting a soft passionate kiss to your lips and he felt your hands move down to his pants, unbuckling his belt and then unbuttoning his pants.
You had no idea that he rarely wore underwear that when you tugged his pants down his hard cock came springing out and hitting right up against your thigh and you placed your hand over your mouth, giggling softly from the feeling. He chuckled at your reaction thinking it was the cutest thing and he removed his pants kicking them off to the side as he pressed right up against you, grinning as he combed his fingers through your hair. "I hope little Elvis didn't scare ya.." he chuckled. You laughed softly, shaking your head at him and a slight blush forming over your cheeks. "He didn't scare me at all.." you whispered. "Y'know and not to pressure you into anything.. I was wondering if you'd.. Maybe..." he didn't know how to ask and you raised an eyebrow. "What?" you questioned. "If you'd suck my cock a little.." he mumbled. "Oh.. I-I don't know how to do that.. Will you teach me?" you asked shyly, you didn't want to say no especially with him going down on you. He tried to hide his smile at your question. "Course I will, little.." he hummed.
He climbed off of you with a boyish grin and he sat beside you as he leaned up against the headboard and you turned over onto your stomach as you rested up against his thigh, your eyes widening at the sight of his large cock and licked over your lips as you stared up at him with your innocent doe eyes. He combed his fingers through your hair as he grabbed one of your hands and wrapped it around his cock and you could feel him pulsing with your grasp and you hungered for him more wanting so badly to feel him inside of you. "Just stroke it a little and I'll guide you through the rest, baby." he muttered. You nodded and your hand slowly stroked his cock which caused a low groan to escape his lips at the very touch. You watched as the precum leaked from his swollen wet tip. "Put your lips around the tip, little.." he mumbled softly. You slowly moved closer to his cock and parted your lips just enough to wrap them around his aching tip the saltines of his precum gliding across your tongue. he
He choked back a loud groan as he began to quietly pant at the feeling of your warm mouth around him and he inahled deeply as he watched you so innocently sucking on the tip and staring up at him as you did. His hand tangling within your hair and the sounds of your sucking only furthered his arousal, he carefully pushed your head down just a bit further to take more of him into your pretty little mouth you didn't try to stop him seeing the pleasing expression on his face as you pleasure him, your hands grasped a bit tight onto his thigh as you bobbed your head slowly on his cock and sucking just a little faster just enough that some of your saliva that gathered in your mouth drooled down his cock and you moaned softly around his cock. "Goddamn.. You're doing so well, baby.." he praised as he clutched onto your hair. He titled his head back against the headboard of the bed as he groaned out louder and soft whimpers leaving him as his breathing grew heavier from the feeling of your mouth sucking harder and swirling your tongue around his sensitive tip. "S-Shit.. Y-You're gonna make me cum.." he moaned.
When you heard his words you popped his cock out of your mouth, staring up at him as your saliva dripped down your chin. "I-I'm sorry.." you mumbled. He chuckled softly, shaking his head at you. "Oh darlin', that's a good thing. But I don't want ya making me cum just yet and I haven't gotten a chance to make love to ya." he grinned. You smiled widely at his words wiping your mouth clean with the back of your hand. "Lay down, honey." he mumbled. You nodded at his words and you turned back around to lay on your back and he moved to climb back on top of you the weight of his body on you was something you craved. He reached down to wrap his hand around his cock and he teased the head between your folds and you whimpered softly at the feeling. He nuzzled his face against your cheek as he whispered into your ear. "It'll only hurt for a moment, my love.." those reassuring words of love were all you needed to know that you were one hundred precent ready for this. "I trust you.." you whispered back.
As he lined himself up with your entrance you took a deep breath as you prepared yourself and as soon as he pushed his cock inside of you that's when you exhaled sharply from the sharp and tense pain of him taking your virginity and making you a woman and that same song playing in your head at the most perfect moment once again, but you realized it wasn't in your head it was actually coming from the radio, it was playing again at such a beautiful moment with a beautiful man that you now deemed it as your song that you would share together. His groans snapping you back into reality and you pursed your lips as he pushed himself further into you and you let out a crying whimper, feeling him thrust himself inside of you slowly. "Y-You okay, baby? Do you need me to stop?" he whispered softly as he tried to choke back a moan. "N-No.. D-Don't stop.. Please.." you begged. He smirked as his face buried into the nape of your neck as he shoved himself all the way inside of you and you moaned out so loud that it came out in almost a scream as he plowed into you at a steady pace, his hips hitting against your own as you wrapped your legs around his hips tight and your hands gripped onto his strong arms, pulling him close against you as you clung to him as you buried your face into his left shoulder blade.
Your moans coming out muffled against him as did his own as he kept his face buried in your neck, sucking softly and leaving his mark on you as he picked up the tempo within you and plunged into you harder, deeper completely stretching out your pussy around him as his cock forced you open the feeling of your tight wet pussy felt as if you were made just for him. "F-Feel so damn good around me, baby.." he mewled. It felt as his the song was playing along with the rhythm he played within side you, his cock slamming against your cervix and it felt as if he bruising your insides, but every thrust, every moment inside of you felt like pure bliss that the moans that escaped you were nearly inaudible as your mouth formed an O shape. "E.. Oh god, baby.." you whimpered. You couldn't do anything else but whimper against him as he fucked you senseless, your nails clawing at his skin as you fought desperately to keep yourself from screaming from pleasure. He grabbed a hold of your thighs holding them tight as he held you still and now he couldn't control himself as his forcefully made you take him balls deep, your body aching, quivering beneath him as you heaved softly, it felt like someone had turned the heat up in your hotel room, but you soon realized it was the heat radiating off the both of you and the beads of sweat that formed on your bodies.
Your body began to tense and grow numb a fire in your belly growing stronger and stronger as you felt those pleasurable feelings so intense that you felt like you were going to explode, that's how strong your orgasm had felt. Your legs began to shake around him and felt like the room was spinning the way he through you into a frenzy. "I-I.. Elvis.. You're gonna make me cum.." you cried. He lifted his head and grabbed your face with his hand and forced you to look at him and you stared deep into his piercing eyes that were full of lust and love for you. "That's right, baby.. Cum for me.. Cum all over what's yours, what belongs to you.." he mumbled. You clenched your jaw as you choked back your noises but it was all too much that you couldn't do it any longer and within an instant your orgasm hit like tidal wave and your eyes rolled back and your body froze as you cried out his name as came all over his cock. "Ah fuck.." he grunted out. It only took seconds for his orgasm to hit right after that he didn't have time to pull out before his thick warm cum came spirting out and coating your insides white. His hips stirred inside of you as he came to a slow stop.
He collapsed on top of you his cock still leaking inside of you as he took a moment to catch his breath and you clung to him not wanting him to move as you breathed heavily. It didn't even both of you that he hadn't pulled out the euphoric feeling still washing over you that you didn't care about anything else in this beautiful moment with him. He reached down to pull himself out of you and he groaned softly and you whimpered at the sudden empty feeling, his cum seeping out of you. As he tried to move off of you to lay down you shook your head with a pout. "No.." you whispered. He smiled warmly. "Okay, baby, I'll stay.." he whispered sweetly as he caressed your face. "Honey?" he mumbled. "Yes, Elvis?" you hummed. "I-I know it's sudden. Very sudden.. But will ya be my girl?" he asked shyly. The widest smile formed on your sleepy face and you captured his lips in a deep kiss and mumbling softly, "Yes, of course I will!" you beamed.
He grinned devouring your lips with his as he kissed you passionately and sloppily and you let out a soft noise against his mouth before you pulled back and giggled quietly. "Mama is going to freak when she finds out I'm coming back with a boyfriend. She'll probably faint when I tell her who it is." you laughed. He chuckled softly. "We don't want that.. We'll ease her into it." he said softly as he nuzzled his face into yours. You let out a soft content sigh feeling so safe within his embrace and knowing that you had nothing to fear with him, that he truly was a sweet, kindhearted southern gentlemen and that one thing was for sure you were his bestest girl...
Thank you so much for the request babe. I got a bit carried away. This was so cute and sweet and I hope that I did your request justice! ❤️
@purejasmine I finally did another Austin related fic!
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mowbrayvongothe · 20 days
Late live episode due to me panic baking!
The Magnus Protocol - 29 Keyed in spoilers below.
Oh Sam is alive that’s nice poor Celia for tripping over her.
Samama “it was a Bentley” Khalid.
It was searching for something? It wanted information about the Institute.
Do you think that ERROR was what the old man was creating?
God this is traumatising for Sam.
Celia I need you so bad you don’t understand.
Ah the ladies are arguing love that.
missing Norris
Hm Homicide. Wonder what that’s about
Currently sat on the floor behind the door to really create the desperate atmosphere ( art shit is all over my bed)
Yeah how does this turn into a homicide sweetheart?
Oh they’re old and inlove. How is there murder.
The music. Oh nice new words
“Odemknout své srdce”
Sigh this is a code isn’t it.
The key to the lock?
Nevermind lock gone.
“Unlock your heart” I see.
Hm Chester so much passion and character in Open. This is a damn journal.
Ah the wooden door has the key.
My brownies are nearly ready damn.
Lock room? It’s the lock museum why am I confused.
Strange -> Simple.
Aha. Why is there the noise of moving a locked handle ahaha what.
Sharp lock with blood nice
Their lock was in the Lock Museum. And the simple one was bloody. Hm
Picked up the lock and then obviously everything went to hell.
Oh so they translated it.
Oh so to get out is to kill the other.
‘Unlock your heart’ meaning to kill your loved one to escape.
Oh so he just died from slipping.
No he begged for help.
The fear here was their death. And using their love to seal both their fates. Nothing really to guess.
The key unlocks anything after they sacrificed their love. She believes it can remove her grief.
Brownies are ready :3
Oh Chester is losing the Jon-ness
When she killed Stanley her love for him left as she unlocked her love. Sweet
His new job???
What is it???
Oh Sam
For fucks sake Sam
Alice dyer the woman you are
Teddy yk we love you dearly
“I can’t let you pass without a ticket :|”
Alice what’s going on
Alice dyer
ERROR. oh that’s it’s. NICE!
Well time to get my burning brownies
So those were some episodes
My brownies didn’t burn they were still gooey after 30 minutes in the oven which is nice (not)
So Sam passed out the prior episode and survived which we all can yippie at that. Passing out and having no control of your body is very traumatising and for Sam to instantly panic and decide that dealing with ERROR was his priority is. Concerning. But god he is going to do the exact same thing as Jonathan. Celia not wanting for him to go alone but while also hating the idea of even entertaining ERROR at all seems like an accurate response. I feel like people experiencing the horrors together feels more relevant in this rather than TMA but still all the inescapable horrors happen alone anyways. I had something i was meant to add one but ill mention it in another post
The case the case the case. Chester read it thanks Jonathan for that. Two old lovers went to their most important place of travel where Stan proposed and they had locked their love on the bridge. They then went into a ‘Lock Museum’ and gained an ivory key and looked at all the locks there. A saying was found Unlock your love which referenced the act of killing your lover and setting your love for them go to escape. We can assume she didn’t love him after escaping as she said she “wouldn’t miss him”. Nothing too alchemy themed here really and it was just a case about two lovers who had to sacrifice the other to escape the horrors oh it’s Jmart again of fucking course. No words after that fuck you Chester. Bring back Norris 2024.
Alice my love you care so so much you have such a big heart and you’re such a little shit. Nothing wrong with Alice truly. Alice seems slightly bitter about Sam’s new adventures in the OIAR, enough to express it to Teddy who HAS MYSTERIES OF HIS OWN???? What’s up with his new job is it like tha Magnus institute from the hit podcast The Magnus Archives????? Whats that about Teddy boy what’s going on. But realistically I’m assuming he’s having trouble keeping a job after leaving the OIAR. I wonder if it has to do with the horrors that lurk. Maybe he’s having troubles in his jobs so he has to turn to the OIAR? Would make sense. Also Dammit Alice truly cares she heard Sam was going on that train and decided to really leave her lovely pint. and last but not least ERROR IS ON THE TRAIN????????? Either a) Error paid a very, very expensive ticket. Or b) jumped the metro like a boss. Either way, way to go Error way to go.
Now after an hour of listening taking a break and screaming online my brownies are still NOT DONE!!!!!!
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shadowqueenjude · 4 months
Azriel-Eris wedding as part of my Azriel-Beron fic
Azriel had contemplated the repercussions of killing his husband-to-be for a good thirty seconds before he decided it wasn’t worth it.
Eris didn’t look smug or even remotely happy, and Azriel wasn’t sure why he was so convinced that he would be.
But in fact, Eris had pulled him over, hissing in his ear, “I don’t want to do this any more than you do. I am perfectly aware that you despise me, and for good reason; I murdered your brother. But understand that both that and this have one thing in common: I was ordered by my father. I have no choice. But once we’re married, we need not speak to each other again. I care not how many lovers you take, and you will not care how many I take. So long as you do not disrupt me, I do not give a shit what you do. Ok?”
Well thank god to that, at least. But it wasn’t his husband to be he was worried about.
It was his mate.
Looking smug as a cat overseeing his wedding to his son, Beron Vanserra had just trapped Azriel in a very new and creative way. He may well be stuck here forever.
Azriel told himself that he couldn’t find a way out of here within the next fifty years, he would end his own life.
Azriel had sat dully in a chair as people had washed him and dried him and prepared him to be married. He caught a couple of the servants wrinkling their noses as they washed his wings.
“Something wrong?” Azriel had snarled at them.
“Don’t you ever clean your wings?” a blue faerie chastised him. “And for the Mother’s sake and ours, please clean in between these folds of your wings too.”
Azriel’s wings had been adorned with lovely sparkling gold cloth that made his wings look as if they had feathers. Right; bat wings were considered quite ugly here.
After he had been dressed, Azriel cringed in horror at the mirror. Robbed of his usual simple black clothes, he had been thrown into a heavy red and gold ensemble that did not suit him in any way. Oh, he couldn’t wait for this nightmare to be over.
Beron tried to send him feelings down the bond. Azriel blocked it out. He was growing better at suppressing the feelings the bond caused. He wondered if he would one day be able to suppress the feelings completely.
The ceremony was rather simple; Autumn Court weddings were similar to the universal mating bond ceremony, only there was no kiss, no ribbon, no throwing one’s hands into the fire, and only three turns were taken around the pit of fire rather than the seven for a mating bond.
Azriel’s head was elsewhere as the priestess began reciting mantras. His broad, dark, calloused hand was at odds with the pale, smooth, slender hand he was holding. He didn’t let that fool him; Eris Vanserra was as vicious a killer as they come. Mere nepotism would not prompt Beron to appoint him general of the Autumn armies, and besides, Azriel had seen him run his sword through his brother. Hated him for it.
Azriel recited his practiced vow at the priestess’s prompting; his voice was dull and monotone, unable to muster up the energy to maintain the mask of sanity and joy. Eris’s speech was far more eloquent and his voice was smooth and vivacious, but Azriel observed his smile. His grin did not meet his eyes. His face was too frozen, as though he was determinedly keeping his own mask on. And for the first time, Azriel felt bad for Eris Vanserra.
Despite living most of his life without him, this little time Azriel had spent with Beron had damn near driven him insane, filled him with rage, and had prompted him to do terrible things. He had tortured Eris. He had kidnapped Nora Barranach, an innocent daughter of Spring and Day. Despite how much he was determined not to let Beron break him, he couldn’t help but wonder if he already had.
He couldn’t imagine having grown up with Beron his whole life.
Ultimately, was Eris Vanserra really any worse than him? Was Azriel thinking objectively or had his close connection to one of Eris’s victims blinded him to the truth: that they were both prisoners in a glorified cage forced to become monsters to survive?
Azriel held Eris’s hand as they walked around the fire. He leaned in, not at all noteworthy for the front they were putting up. And he whispered to the Autumn Court heir, “I’m sorry that Beron forced you to become a monster to survive.”
Eris’s lip twitched ever so slightly, the only sign that he had heard or understood anything Azriel said. “We may be monsters now,” Eris answered equally quietly, his lips barely moving. “But once we are free from our restraints, we shall endeavor to be better.”
Azriel suddenly realized that Beron had made a terrible mistake. Beron either did not suspect his own son of being a usurper, or he did not think him strong enough to attempt it.
Well, he was wrong on both accounts.
Because Eris was no longer alone.
He had Azriel.
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12romy · 10 months
Here's a little present for @my-brain-dump for the prompt game!! Sewis with a crossover of Criminal AU and accidental marriage! Thanks for the ask, I promise I'll tru to write the other asks soon ;)
The plan was simple. Get in, get the goods, get out. Lewis should've known things never went smoothly - but then again, maybe it was on him for trying to rob a priest. A very much not innocent priest, but still.
Sebastian wasn't one to do a sloppy job, but they might have underestimated Padre Fernando. It was really their luck, to enter the church and find themselves in the middle of a meeting of the local mafia instead of finding it empty like planned.
Lewis panicked a little, but Sebastian made his the discreet code gesture of"follow me" and started to talk.
"Padre!" Sebastian cried out dramatically, and took Lewis' hand. "Please, marry us!"
How Lewis managed to keep his pokerface was a miracle.
The priest made a movement and his men sat back down, a frown on their face but no guns out yet.
"You... Want to get married?" the old man said slowly, suspicious.
"I am leaving the country tomorrow," Lewis blurted out, taking over. "I have this job offer and I don't know when I'll come back... We want to get married before this, in front of God. Please, Padre..."
There were some hushed talk between him and his goons, and Lewis was tempted to run away right now. Sebastian's hand was moist, but maybe it was Lewis' own hand.
"Alright, but I'm afraid we will have to do this quickly."
Fuck. Lewis thought he'd refused, and they'd be able to go on their merry way.
"Oh, thank you so much, Padre!" Sebastian exclaimed, with a unnerving enthusiasm, and Lewis forced a smile on his face.
"Thank you," he breathed out, and if he sounded emotional, it was probably because he was just a little upset with this turn of events.
Lewis might be a thief, and a criminal, but he was a fervent catholic. Marrying was no joke, especially marrying in front of an altar, blessed by a priest.
It was done in a ten minutes. Padre Fernando had made a short speech, read a passage of the bible, the usual "until death do you part". Lewis had said the I do, then Sebastian, and it had felt so... Ungodly.
"You may now kiss," the Padre said, with a peaceful and innocent smile on his face that made him look like a nice grandpa and not the mafia boss he was.
The kiss felt... Rather less ungodly - which was a little surprising considering the amount of tongue it involved. Sebastian was a very good kisser, and Lewis would lie if he said he hadn't thought about kissing him a few times before. Just not in this context exactly.
The priest barely had the time to say the last prayer to conclude the wedding when suddenly, the door opened, and a whole squat of policemen entered, heavily armed.
"Hands in the hair, Alonso!" one of them cried, then took in the situation, Lewis and Sebastian in front of the altar. "Civilians? Come here, quickly!"
The priest started to draw his gun and Lewis pushed Sebastian on the ground. It left the line clear for the policemen to disharm him - by shooting a bullet through his arm.
The rest was a bit of a blur. They were interrogated - as witness, of course, and innocent bystander. The police bought their story, and they received several congratulations on the wedding.
They made it out of the station unscathed, and unarrested, which was quite a feat.
"It's only a matter of time before they realise we're not innocent. They might check," Lewis said worriedly.
"I guess now's a good time to leave the country, huh?" Sebastian smiled. "Tell me, what are your thoughts on the Caribbeans? I hear it's lovely at this time of year, and well... We do have a wedding to celebrate."
Lewis groaned in despair. "This is serious, Sebastian. We got married for real!"
"It's fine, we didn't sign any-"
"We married in front of God!" Lewis screamed out, pointing at the sky. "You hardly get a more important witness! Who cares about pieces of paper!"
Sebastian hesitated for a second. "Well... Might as well do it seriously, then, no?" he offered with a smile.
Lewis searched in his eyes, hesitant.
"Cool!" Sebastian grinned. "I'll get us fake IDs with matching family name!"
"This is not a cover story, Seb, this is serious!"
"I know it's not a cover story," he huffed. "That's why we're going on a honeymoon, and that's why we're wearing the same last name from now on. We should also get rings, I know exactly a nice jewelry store where we can steal them from."
Lewis was just a little bit charmed.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Anything for you, kid
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • They/Them Pronouns • Big brother Daryl would do anything to keep that smile on their sibling’s face. Even if it involves a bit of color • SFW/Angst • TW: Scars / Offensive Talk / Domestic Abuse / Injuries / Canon Violence [Mentioned]
Requested by: Anon
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“Since when did yea become even more of a pansy?” Merle shakes Y/N’s own hand in their face indicating the nail polish. “Yea get on our asses when you came out as a fucking IT and now you’re showing your girly side again with that stupid ass paint on your nails”
“Merle. Shut the fuck up” Daryl snaps as he rises from the table in their small one bedroom apartment about to deck the eldest.
“What? What are yea gonna do huh?” Merle got up from the couch after letting go of Y/N’s wrist as their attention couldn’t help but stare at the redness. They didn’t wait another moment and ran into the bedroom that was given to them by both their brothers deciding. Or more so Daryl threatening Merle. “See! It’s hiding from the tru—-“ and without another word to escape his mouth, Daryl’s fist met his jaw as the eldest stumbled onto the floor.
“Don’t yea dare be an asshole to them or say another fucking word about what they do. Or I wouldn’t hesitate to fucking end yer life” Daryl snaps towering his brother as the two glared at one another.
The sound of the front door shutting rang through the place as Y/N hid under their desk shaking slightly. The yelling never leaves one’s mind from their time as a child and your father used words with the stinging pain of his cigarettes in your wrists. They kept in their spot when the door opened and Daryl slowly approached their curled up state.
“Don’t listen to him. Yknow he’s an idiot”
“…it just..makes me happy D.” They frown hugging themselves tighter. “My lab partner Kristen did it and I…I don’t know. It looks nice…”
Daryl brought himself to sit on the floor across from them as he held his hand out for them to extend their hand so that he can get a look.
“Didn’t take yea as a yellow person. Maybe ask this Kristen for black, or that forest green yea like” He comments. “Maybe I’ll ask June to teach me to paint yer nails. Get your own colors”
“You’d really do that…for me?”
“Of course, kid. I’d do anythin’”
Daryl sat on the bench closest to where they parked the vehicles at the prison knowing his sibling is out on a run with Michonne. He obviously trusts them more than he does her but at least they’re with somebody who knows to watch the other’s back. He just wishes they didn’t go on these week long runs.
The archer perks up when he heard the gates opening and the Grimes taking care of said action. Letting the warrior on the back of the horse come through first before another motor bike came roaring through and immediately up to him.
“Yea need to slow down”
“Yeah yeah” Y/N hopped off the bike taking their helmet off revealing the head lac. Daryl instantly shot up from his seat taking their face into his hands. “Hey stop—-“
“What happened? Who hurt you? What hurt you?”
“D—-Let go” The sternness in their voice made him do such given he was being a bit too much, but the worry radiated out of him. “I went hunting one of the days we were out and my face got met with a tree branch”
Daryl in that moment tried not to laugh but at least it wasn’t a walker or a bad guy. “Why didn’t yea patch it up out there?”
“I didn’t have any bandages…”
“Y/N. I told yea to bring your first aid if you’re gonna head out with Michonne and not let me come with”
“The kids here need it more than me! At least I cleaned it while I was out there…” Y/N frowns hugging their helmet knowing they disappointed their brother but the man couldn’t be mad forever.
“Get Hershel to check it for stitches. Then see Carol about food, alright? I’ll meet yea then” Daryl told them to do exactly that while he took care of putting away their bike.
After a while Daryl found himself sitting with Carol at the outdoor grill they made while people came and went for food. He thought Y/N would’ve been out by now but as he got anxious, it grew worse when Hershel stepped out of the prison heading toward the two.
“Daryl, you’ve got a minute?”
Daryl gave Carol a worried look before getting up and leaving to talk with Hershel.
Next thing to occur was obvious. Daryl rushing into Y/N’s room, room being an old office since being locked in a prison cell didn’t sit right with the youngest dixon just like the now oldest—they managed to use one of the empty offices used for probation hearings as their resting place. He stares at their current state finding them without their long sleeve on or the button down they wear like a coat over it. Just sitting at the table in their tank top with a bandage on their forehead and their right arm wrapped. Even if he did barge in, their attention was elsewhere.
“Why did yea lie to me?”
“Lie about what?” They kept their attention elsewhere, growing frustrated at something.
“The fucking tree branch. Now yea gonna tell me what happened out there or am I gonna have to snap at yea with what Hershel told me” Daryl frowns crossing his arms getting frustrated himself when they weren’t looking at him.
“The tree branch is true. Didn’t think it’d swing back like that. As for me sliding on my bike? Walkers were in the way and got a nasty road rash. Michonne cleaned it out to avoid infection. It’s the reason we’re here a day early.” They struggled to set something down given their hands were shaking still after their crash. “Fucking hell…” they dropped what looked to be a small brush on the table spilling whatever was on it.
“Y/N yea need to be—-“
“For fucks sake Daryl! I get it. I need to be more careful but I’m just trying to lighten my mood. Not think about the itching and burning sensation happening on my arm.” Y/N frowns keeping their attention away from Daryl who couldn’t help but feel bad about raising his voice.
Daryl went around to the other side of the table dragging one of the few chairs in the room. Given Y/N didn’t really do much to make it their own except for one of the cell mattresses in the corner with their things. He brought the chair over so he could take a seat finding that what he noticed on the table was nail polish and that they were trying to paint their nails but it was difficult given their body is still trying to calm down after the crash. Hence the shaking in their hands.
“Where’d yea find this?”
“On day one. Surprised it survived my crash…” Y/N watches hold out one of his hands while the other took the brush.
Daryl started to chew on his lip while trying not to make a mess given this is his first time doing something like this. But he’d do it all again to see that smile of theirs.
“Ok. Your turn”
“What? I didn’t sign up—-“
“You yelled at me, it only seems fair”
“Stupid reasoning but only if yea stick around until it’s healed” Daryl gestures to their arm watching them nod in agreement before taking one of his hands. “At least it’s black”
“Think I raided a punk rock shrine of a house. There was a lot of Kiss stuff” Y/N laughs taking their time just to paint his nails on one hand. Not going to make him suffer having both done.
Daryl honestly didn’t mind it and didn’t care about the subtle teasing from Carol or Rick when they noticed the paint job. He simply enjoyed the moment with his sibling and wouldn’t mind it happening again just to see them smile in a whole world of hurt.
Even after Terminus…or more so after the return of the Governor and the separation from everyone he loves, Daryl thought back to that moment as the paint started to chip and when most of the group reunited…he started to get mad that the paint was almost gone and Y/N still hasn’t shown up…he was losing everything.
Until this stranger brought the group to a gated community…of course, Daryl being who is always is, he didn’t trust it. Didn’t care for it and felt awful that he got this luxury when his sibling didn’t. But when his interview with Deanna was over, he heard crying the second he stepped out of her house seeing few of the group hugging an individual he couldn’t make out who at first.
Then Rick saw the archer’s confusion grow as he carefully pulls Carl toward him, given he’s the latest to hug the one Daryl instantly dropped his crossbow because of disbelief.
“Y/N.” He calls out as they instantly cut through the group pulling their brother by the vest into their embrace.
Daryl dropped to his knees with Y/N holding them for dear life. He sobbed as he didn’t let go for what felt like hours. He lost too much, and wasn’t going to lose them either.
“Maggie told me about Beth…I’m sorry” Y/N frowns sitting across from Daryl on the porch of the place the group was given. “This world just…keeps taking”
“How’d yea get here? Where’d yea go when the fire started?”
“I honestly don’t know which direction I was going…I just ran as fast as I could and when the firing stopped, I came back. Hoping someone was left. But it was just…walkers. Corpses.” They drew their attention to their nails and picked at the polish they refused to remove since Daryl did it. “Then I was tracking something…lost my hatchet and ended up running past walkers until my legs gave out from how exhausted I was. And the guy that found y’all, Aaron?…his partner Eric found me passed out in an abandoned convenient store. And I woke up here..”
“…Were you tracking one of us and lost the trail?”
“From the looks of it. Y’all scattered before reuniting. Too many things to look for and no offense to the others but I just wanted to find my brother…” They cross their arms keeping their gaze glued to the wooden flooring as tears started to blur their vision. “We separated from Merle and lost him…I didn’t want to lose you too…”
“I promise yea. I ain’t leavin’ any time soon…not without you” Daryl gently wipes away the tears that spilled. “I promised yea when we were kids. I ain’t breaking that any time soon”
“Good! Cuz who else am I gonna torture with painting my nails?”
Daryl rolls his eyes smiling as he brought them into another hug taking it all in. If they kept them safe here…maybe he can bend a little.
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coryothesub · 3 months
Idk if I can make this request. But can you do Coryo having his first time with Lucy Gray and performing very badly (pain during sex) and then him asking Sejanus to help show him how to have sex ft. Anal fingering, lots of foreplay, bottom!Coryo and innocent! Coryo and lots praise kink and toe sucking on Sejanus 's end?
Sorry anon, there's no toe sucking, because I couldn't think of the right way to fit it in.
Anyways, I hope I'm back from my little writers block and determined to start regular posting again! Also it's my birthday today and I got rid of the cast (still not allowed to walk though) so I'm in a good mood tonight.
nsfw / mdni / pk!sub!coryo / pk!softdom!sejanus
Coriolanus had persuaded Sejanus to purchase a bottle of posca at the Hob and find an empty barn where both young peacekeepers could enjoy the burning liquid undisturbed.
Sejanus would have preferred to hang out at the Hob, listen to some music and mingle with the locals instead, but Coryo's gloomy face over the last couple of days signaled to him that it wasn't the best idea.
Coryo had been tense, easily annoyed and overall insufferable and after a few shots of posca Sejanus finally gathered the courage to ask him what was the matter.
“I won't discuss that,” Coryo pursed his lips giving his friend a stubborn look.
Sejanus passed Coryo the bottle and waited for him to take a big sip. 
“And now?” He asked after Coryo had flinched and coughed a few times. The boy wasn't too good with the alcohol. Turned out it wasn't the only field where he lacked expertise.
“Okay, but I will kill you in your sleep if you tell a single living soul about this.”
Sejanus chuckled and nodded. Coryo was definitely being overdramatic.
“I was with Lucy Gray the other day, we kissed and then things went further,” a red blush was filling Coryo's cheeks and he hesitated before continuing.
“She wanted me to finger her and I went a bit too rough. I think I hurt her by accident. Nothing else happened, she just got up and left. But how was I supposed to know? I had never even done it before!”
Sejanus noticed tears welling up in his eyes and sat right next to him, putting his arm around Coryo’s shoulder.
“Oh Coryo, it’s alright. It's not your fault, I’m sure Lucy Gray will understand… She’ll give you another chance.”
“But what if she doesn't?” Coryo inhaled deeply, trying to hold back the tears. “What if she finds someone hotter and more experienced?”
“What are you even talking about?” Sejanus placed his both hands on the sides of Coriolanus's neck, his thumbs gently caressing his jawline.
“You are gorgeous, Coryo! There's no one more enchanting than you round here.”
Coryo looked at his friend with slight disbelief. Perhaps his touch was a bit too intimate right now. But the blonde boy didn't feel the need to break away from it. Instead his baby blue eyes darted from Sejanus's passionate dark eyes to his plump lips and back.
“You think so?” He blurted out.
Sejanus took the bottle from Coryo's hands and took a big sip.
“I know so,” he replied and before Coryo managed to register what was happening Sejanus's lips were smashed into his in a long passionate kiss, one that made his heart pound and his knees feel weak.
After their lips finally parted, Coryo just sat there blinking slowly, then he brought his hand up to his freshly kissed lips and for a moment it seemed he was about to wipe them in disgust.
“I'm sorry, I…” Sejanus tried to look for the right words to try and undo what had just happened.
“That felt really nice,” Coryo broke the silence with a shy smile on his face and a slight blush in his cheeks.
“Can you do that again?”
Sejanus sighed in relief. He had wanted to do it for years, but the possible reaction had always terrified him, especially now with Lucy Gray in the picture. A flirtatious glimmer appeared in his eyes.
“You know that you're allowed to kiss me too right?”
Coryo didn't reply, instead he took a large sip of posca and cupped Sejanus's face before kissing him with true passion and insatiable hunger, his tongue breaking in between his friends soft lips and exploring his mouth impatiently.
Coryo's hands found the hem of Sejanus's shirt and started wandering around his toned torso, tracing each muscle with his fingertips.
“Coryo, I’m not sure about this, you’re currently emotionally unstable and we’re both pretty drunk,” Sejanus muttered against his friends lips after breaking the hiss. Although this was a dream come true for him, it also felt somewhat wrong.
“Oh Sej, stop killing the mood,” Coryo chuckled.
“We are both grown up men and I’m pretty sure I'm single now since I presented myself as the worst lover. I feel much more at ease with you, at least I don't have to try to hide how shamefully inexperienced I am.”
Sejanus cocked his eyebrow. 
“But what if you tried once more with Lucy Gray. You know, I could teach you a thing or two. I wasn't the most popular guy in the Capitol, but I’m doing pretty well here, with both girls and boys…”
Coryo's eyes widened at his suggestion. 
“You mean you could teach me how to use my fingers properly?”
Sejanus gave him a slightly cocky grin. 
“I could teach you everything…”
Coryo looked at his friend like a lost puppy. He was so damn attractive when he was honest and vulnerable like that.
“Would you really do that for me?”
“I would do anything for you,” Sejanus felt like it was the time for him to be honest too.
He caressed Coryo's cheek and started peppering little kisses along his jawline and neck, while his hands pulled his friend's shirt over his head.
“I'm gonna need you to undress for this lesson though.”
Coryo rushed to obey, quickly unzipping his pants and getting rid of his underwear. After a couple of moments he was sitting naked in front of his best friend in all his glory, his half hard cock resting on his thigh.
“Good boy,” Sejanus cooed. “Now let me get you more comfortable.”
He spread Coriolanus’s clothes on the haystacks they were previously sitting on and instructed him to get on his knees. 
“Don't worry darling,” he whispered after gently nipping at Coryo's earlobe. “I’ll be gentle.”
“Please, I need you to demonstrate, you know, how to…” Coryo was already begging, Sejanus couldn't believe his adorable neediness.
“Not so fast, tiger, first we're gonna need some lube. You know, with Lucy Gray you just have to find the little love button on the upper part of her folds and then she'll produce some sweet nectar you can use as a natural lube. But since you don't have a little love button, we’re gonna need some help with that.”
Sejanus pulled a small bottle from his pocket and poured its contents on Coryo's tiny asshole, smearing it around with his fingers. The blonde boy shivered at the sensation.
“Coconut oil,” Sejanus explained. “Don't worry I use it to keep my hands soft.”
He pressed small kisses on Coryo's butt, marveling at his pretty little hole, it was just too tempting to resist and after a short moment Coryo felt Sejanus's tongue inside him.
“Oh,” Coriolanus whimpered softly. This warm, wet sensation was completely foreign to him, but he did thoroughly enjoy it.
“Do you like it?” Sejanus spoke teasingly. He could already tell the answer by the series of cute little moans that escaped his friend's lips.
“Yes, yes, it feels so good,” Coryo panted softly. “P-please I need you to…”
“Use your words, darling. What do you need?” Sejanus cooed, still teasing Coryo's hole with the tip of his tongue.
“To p-put your fingers in there,” dark shade of red filled Coryo's cheeks as he said that. Sejanus found it simply adorable.
“Alright then,” Sejanus kept narrating the whole thing like a true sex professor, his finger pressing against Coryo's entrance. “Just start very, very slowly. Slow and steady…”
He started pushing inside the small opening, making Coryo tremble.
“Is this okay?” Sejanus stopped for a moment. “You always have to check if she's okay.”
“Yes,” Coriolanus let out a single word that sounded almost like a moan.
Sejanus pushed his finger deeper, gradually establishing a gentle pace. 
“Mmmm, Sej,” Coryo whispered. “This feels good…”
A cocky smile adorned Sejanus's face.
“Since you're being such a good boy for me, I’ll allow you to touch yourself.”
Coryo wrapped his hand around his hard, needy cock as soon as he heard that. Sweet sigh of relief escaped his lips.
“When you're with Lucy Gray, you can rub her clit,” Sejanus continued his lesson. “Or let her rub it herself. It will be a pretty sight. Just like you right now.”
Coryo closed his eyes and moaned softly, his hand still pumping his cock.
“Please, please,” he pleaded so sweetly. “I need more, I need you to go harder!”
Sejanus chuckled at his despair and carefully added another finger before reestablishing the pace.
“Before you add more fingers,” he instructed. “Always make sure that she's wet and needy enough, you’ll feel that.”
Sejanus pushed his fingers deeper until he managed to hit his sensitive spot, eliciting a loud moan from Coryo's lips.
“That's it, baby, such a good boy, am I making you feel good?”
“So, so good,” Coryo echoed him, dazed from his praises. He was pushing his ass towards his friend's fingers in need to chase the amazing feeling of them touching his prostate again and again. His hand was firmly wrapped around his own throbbing cock as he felt his climax approaching.
“Oh fuck, Sej, you’re so good at this…” Coryo moaned as his friend kept fingering him relentlessly, feeling his tight warm hole clenching around his fingers.
“S-sejanus please… I-I can't hold this for much longer,” Coryo kept mumbling desperate pleas, feeling like he was about to explode from pleasure.
“Shhh baby… You’ve been doing so good. Just cum for me, okay?”
Coryo's hole clenched around Sejanus's fingers as he came hard, thick ropes of cum spurting out of his dick and messing up his own shirt that had been laid under his knees. He didn't care as all the rational feelings had left him at this moment and he was just a panting moaning mess, milking his cock desperately as his best friend's fingers were still shoved deep inside his asshole.
It took a moment for Coryo to come back down from his heights and his eyes met Sejanus's soft smile as he turned back around and sat back on the haystacks.
“Goddammit Sej, that was amazing! You're a literal sex god.”
“Am I now?” Sejanus chuckled. “I'm sure you can do that too. You can make Lucy Gray very, very happy. Now, why don't you go find her now and show her what you’ve learned.”
Coryo shook his head. 
“That can wait,” he replied, making Sejanus raise his eyebrow in surprise. “It's best friends time now and we need to make that count. I want… That!”
Sejanus's eyes followed Coryo's determined look with curiosity just to find out that his friend was pointing right at his… Cock.
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epitomeofadisaster · 4 months
It's just a coincidence.
Dave Husker enjoyed working the bars at the casinos, he was 38 still in what he considered his prime, the casino was owned by a big shot from new York, it's said he was mafia but Dave didn't care the place was everything he had wanted, a steady job, a good pay check and stability which he needed since he had not long got married. The day was like any, Dave was closing up and organising the shelves before heading out when a skinny man in a suit showed up. The owner lived in New york but sometimes his son would show up to check on the casino, he was a bit of an odd ball, to skinny and a bit on the unhinged side, he slid up to the bar and waved Dave over "hey I need you to do me a fava" Dave nodded his head giving the dark haired man his full attention. "Add a new thing to the bar it's called an angel shot, anyone that orders that you help em, whether it's callin security or gettin em in a cab out the back you got it" his eyes where burning into Dave and he noticed the man's hands where balled up tight. "Yeah boss whatever you need, I'll have the other staff put that in, uh can I ask why?" The man gave a bitter smile to the bar top and lit up a smoke taking a long drag before speaking "ma nonna used to say if we ever needed help angels would come, they didn't help my brother none but maybe, maybe I can do some good in my miserable life fa once" Dave watched him trying to search for the words but the man just walked away with a single wave, Dave never saw him again and heard a rumour the big man in charges youngest son died, the casino was sold a year later.
It's just a coincidence
Huskers life had gone down hill he was 59 divorced twice and now spent his days either to drunk to function or hustling tables at the casinos that now resembled tourist traps, the old days truly gone, he was sitting at the bar nursing a whisky when a family walked over a dad and mom looking exhausted and a young teen her hair covering one side of her face and a smile that looked like a Cheshire cats. They sat down the dad ordered drinks, and the girl bounced on a bar stool right next to Husker. "Aw, this is epic! Can't believe we are really in the States, hey hey, do you live here! I'm from Australia! We came all the way here, isn't that cool!!!" Husker turned his head slightly to her, her face was as bright as a strobe light and he let out a not so enthusiastic "yippee" the girl didn't seem to mind she was bouncing around so much Husker found himself wearing his drink he abruptly got up looking down at his now wet shirt "what the fuck" the girl didn't apologise instead she got angrily "hey don't yell I'm just a kid you old fuck!" Her parents immediately jumped in."Chelsea apologised right now!" Her mother looked pleadingly at her and apologetic to Husker the girl let out a roar and kicked the stool before storming off her mother close behind, her father stepped forward with a napkin "I'm so sorry let me buy you another drink" Husker shrugged and sat back down he would never turn down a fresh drink the man sat next to him looking exhausted "I'm sorry about my daughter, she, Chelsea has had a rough time of it she was born blind in her right eye and we'll you know kids can be mean, she struggles to make friends we brought her here to just get away from it all" Husker sipped his new drink and gave the man a sympathetic nod "I get it my anger issues ain't to great neither, I guess no harm done since you got me a new drink" the man smiled and grabbed the drinks he got for his family leaving with a small wave, Husker never saw them again.
It's just a coincidence
Husk was old, his body ached all the time, cancer was a bitch but he guessed he only had himself to blame, he spent most of his days indoors now a run down house to go with his run down body, the times changed around him but his home was still very much stuck in the 50s an old tv set that never caught up to colour and his radio, he often spent his evening listening to true crime his favorite being the tales of the bayou killer from the 30s a cannibal taken out by a hunter, the true number of his victims was never identified. Tonight though he was listening to the tale of the Japanese house wife who killed her husband by stabbing him over one hundred times she didn't stop stabbing till the police shot her 3 times. Husk was in his bed the sounds playing over the speaker lulling him to sleep. Husk woke to the sound of the radio once more it was familiar the last broadcast from the bayou killers radio show back when he was a host, Husk blinked in confusion, he was sure that wasn't what was playing when he went to sleep, he tried to sit up but his body was stiff, he tried to roll but the pain was to much. A coughing fit over took him and Husk was unable to move to clear his air waves he started slipping into unconsciousness the sounds of the bayou killers voice wishing his audience a goodnight and a peaceful rest.
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
What happens to slasher I am starving for a new chapter 😭😭
Alright, I finally have a new chapter!
Rodolfo leaned back on the couch while he watched Alejandro pace. “It’s an FBI agent, so what?” Ghost spoke up, sighing. “I doubt they’re going to look in our direction.”
“They already are.” Soap shook his head, looking up from the handheld game console he was playing on. Neither he nor Rodolfo were particularly interested in this conversation, it seemed.
Rodolfo just shook his head and looked down at his phone, taking deep breaths as he saw another text. Don’t keep ignoring me, Rodolfo. I know you know more about that night than you’re letting on. -Todd.
Rodolfo just blocked this number, too. He wasn’t going to give in to a sick joke by someone being an asshole. “I just don’t want this to impede the wedding plans.” Rodolfo crossed his legs, looking up at the ceiling.
“No, no, of course this won’t mi amor…” Alejandro quickly came over, taking his hands and softening. “We will still have our wedding on time. I will just…” He pulled away and got out his phone, shaking his head. “I will call someone to keep this Detective Graves distracted.”
“Who?” Rodolfo frowned.
Alejandro shrugged. “I have a few people in mind. I mean, I have no doubt Alex could keep him busy while we figure something out but I was more thinking-” Alejandro paused and looked at Ghost, furrowing his brows. “I don’t think he would…”
“You could always call him.” Ghost shrugged. “He likes to play with people. I think he’ll think it’s fun.”
“Who??” Rodolfo repeated, now alarmed. He met eyes with Soap, who suddenly looked a lot more interested in what was going on. “There’s not a fourth one of you guys, right?”
“No.” Alejandro laughed. “Just, let me make a call, Mi cielito, and I will explain when I’m done.” He waved his hand, leaving the room.
Rodolfo sat back, not appreciating constantly being treated like a child. In fact, the irritation built in his chest until he was shaking his head. “Tell Ale not to fucking bother.” He muttered and got up.
“Rodolfo-” Ghost sighed but Rodolfo just threw a glare at him as he went to the room. Once he was in the room, his irritation faded to exhaustion and he stared at the bed until he was trudging to it, pulling off his clothes and climbing into it. 
He was lucky he could even get out of the damn thing most mornings. The last almost 2 months had just exhausted him and now he felt like he was constantly running on fumes, barely hanging on by a thread. Oh well, he’d get better, eventually.
Admittedly, the murder wasn’t much of a hurdle to get over. He couldn’t tell Soap that, obviously, and he certainly wouldn’t tell Alejandro that but… he could just not think about it. It was more that his entire relationship felt like it’d been built on a lie. It was a pretty big lie, too. He’d spent most of this relationship believing that it’d been built on them both surviving something horrific together and the fact that it was Alejandro’s fault…
The terror Rodolfo had felt, the nightmares he’d gotten… and Alejandro had been there for him every moment. Of course, Rodolfo had tried to be there for Alejandro but it felt like Alejandro had only pushed him away and now he knew why! Well… oh… Alejandro hadn’t wanted Rodolfo to put in emotional work that wasn’t necessary… this is why his mind was so confused and what likely contributed to his exhaustion. Alejandro was so sweet and so wonderful and… maybe it made Rodolfo feel special that Alejandro had went through all of that in order to win him over. 
Maybe it felt slightly romantic… okay, maybe it felt really romantic. Rodolfo closed his eyes and shook his head, curling up. He opened his eyes when he heard the door open, unsurprised to see Alejandro had entered. “Mi cielito… why are you hiding from me?” Alejandro asked, sitting on the bed. 
“I am not hiding. I am in our room, I was just resting.” Rodolfo answered, closing his eyes. “I’m just tired, Alejandro.”
“I know that’s not true.” Alejandro shook his head, taking Rodolfo’s hand. “There’s something wrong, what is it?”
Rodolfo shook his head. “Alejandro. It’s the same thing that’s been wrong. This is a huge adjustment and everything is going so fast, I don’t- I’m just exhausted.”
Alejandro frowned and furrowed his brows. “But we have our wedding and-“
Rodolfo made a frustrated sound. “That’s contributing! I feel like I’m under all of this pressure to have a good wedding and now some fbi agent is poking around and I’m- I’m frustrated, Alejandro! I haven’t attended a physical class in months! I don’t talk to people anymore because I’m terrified of them finding out and I just- it’s- I’ll get over it. I will. But it’ll take time and I- I wish you could understand that but sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a robot when I try to explain these things.” Rodolfo rolled onto his back, looking up at the ceiling. “I thought we’d… we’d grow old together and have little dinner parties to entertain your business partners and I- that all feels fucked up now.”
Alejandro was silent and Rodolfo worried he’d upset him. “I’m sorry, Rudy. I… I… I wish I was normal. I really do.” Alejandro finally said. 
“I know, Alejandro. I really do.” Rodolfo did. He empathized with Alejandro’s lack of empathy, his lack of understanding. Maybe not the killing aspect, but he understood why Alejandro was like that. “I don’t want anyone else. I wouldn’t take you any other way. Well, maybe with less murder. But… it’s frustrating. I’m depressed. I’m- im tired.” 
Alejandro looked at Rodolfo and then he was laying by him and wrapping his arms around him. “I’d make it all go away if I could. I’d spend all the time in the world trying to make it better.”
Rodolfo smiled and curled up to him, because he knew Alejandro was telling the truth. “I know.” He nuzzled his chest and closed his eyes. 
His mind drifted back to Todd. He couldn’t let Alejandro take care of that. He was going to have to stop it, himself, because he didn’t want Alejandro going scorched earth over it. 
“Let’s take a nap, okay?” Alejandro murmured and kissed Rodolfo’s hair. “I know it won’t help much, but it’s a start.”
“Okay.” Rodolfo nodded and closed his eyes. A nap sounded nice. 
Alejandro pet his hair and so he melted, quickly dozing off. 
“Why are we walking through the woods??” Soap asked and Rodolfo sighed. 
Rodolfo considered lying but he shook his head. “Just… meeting up with someone.” He’d finally given in and texted whoever was playing this cruel joke on him to meet him around here. It was a small road that Rodolfo knew ran through the property that he was pretty sure Alejandro had forgotten about. 
When they finally made it to the road, Rodolfo saw a blue car parked on the side of it and a man- no. It couldn’t be. “It’s really you??” Rodolfo said as he approached Todd, surprised. “I thought it was someone fucking with me!”
“Who is this?” Soap raised an eyebrow. 
Rodolfo did not have time to explain. “He’s an old friend’s brother.”
“Ouch, not even a friend?” Todd huffed. “I felt like we were more than that.”
“We weren’t.” Rodolfo glared at him, suddenly remembering why he hated Todd. “Why did you keep reaching out?”
“Because I saw in your Universities paper that you got engaged. To Vargas.” Todd chuckled. “How romantic. Does your friend know he’s a psychopath?”
“Yeah, he does.” Soap answered, crossing his arms. 
Rodolfo shook his head. “He’s not a psychopath. We were both left with scars from that night.”
Todd laughed. “Yeah, sure. That’s why you never told the police you were there.”
“It was traumatic…” Rodolfo defended, hurt. “I didn’t know what to do, Alejandro didn’t, either. We just wanted to forget the whole damn thing! We didn’t know you were alive or we’d have gone back to you!”
Soap gave him an odd look but Rodolfo just ignored it. Up until a few months ago, this was the truth. So, he was telling it. 
Todd rolled his eyes and then he was stepping forward and Rodolfo gasped as his throat was harshly grabbed. “We both know you’re full of fucking shit, Rodolfo.”
“Hey!” Soap called but Rodolfo waved him off. 
Rodolfo glared up at Todd, not moving. “I am telling the truth.”
“Your fiancé killed my sister. I don’t know why he spared you- well, Nevermind, I guess I do.” Todd laughed, rolling his eyes. 
Rodolfo didn’t let his expression change. It didn’t matter that Todd was telling the truth, Rodolfo needed him to believe he wasn’t. “Alejandro wouldn’t do that! He’s been through therapy because of that night!”
Todd squeezed Rodolfo’s throat. “You’re lying.”
Rodolfo shook his head. “I’m not-“ He gasped as his air was cut off. He tried not to look at Soap too much, noticing he was moving. 
Todd looked into his eyes and then he was softening as his hand relaxed. “Maybe Vargas never told you the truth…” his other hand reached up to stroke down the side of Rodolfo’s face and Rodolfo tried not to think of how nauseous that made him feel. “Do you want to protect your fiancé?”
Rodolfo frowned. “But he didn’t do anything wrong-“ Rodolfo was struck across the face and he gasped, slightly. Already, the skin stung and burned. Rage boiled up in Rodolfo’s chest and he tried, desperately, to push it back down. 
“Answer the question.” Todd practically growled at him. 
Rodolfo stared up at Todd and he just couldn’t keep the rage down. He was sick and tired of being pushed around. He wasn’t small. He wasn’t pathetic. 
Rodolfo glanced over and saw Soap had somehow unearthed a bat from Todd’s car. Todd glanced over as well, likely following Rodolfo’s eyes, so Rodolfo shoved him down as hard as he could. 
Todd stared up at him in shock and then his expression hardened. “You stupid little whore, I’m going to tell the police everything about that night and you’ll both go to prison.”
Rodolfo’s blood ran cold. And then it boiled again. It was a painful change, but… no. Rodolfo wasn’t going to let that happen. Soap was staring at Todd, holding the bat in his hands and Rodolfo clenched his jaw. He held his hand out for the bat. 
And… shockingly, Soap handed it to him. Rodolfo expected to have to explain himself, but Soap’s own expression had just hardened. “I'm not a whore.” Rodolfo spoke evenly. “Say it.”
“Yes you are. Vargas gave you five seconds of attention and you were all over him.” Todd shook his head. “You’re not going to-“
Rodolfo brought the bat down hard across Todd’s torso, hearing a sickening crack as Todd screamed. It invigorated him. He wanted to do it again. “I’m not a whore!”
Todd held his torso and panted, rolling over onto his side. “Fuck you!”
Rodolfo didn’t make a sound as he raised the bat and swung it back down, this time slamming it across Todd’s side. “Say it, you disgusting piece of shit! Im not a whore!”
Todd had again screamed and he coughed up blood this time. “Fine! You’re not a whore!”
Rodolfo didn’t relax. He continued to stare at Todd. “Soap, do you really think he’s going to tell the police?” Rodolfo looked at Soap.
Soap’s own expression was deadly neutral. “No. But does it matter? You’ve already started. Don’t stop now.”
Rodolfo blinked at him and then nodded. Soap was right. Rodolfo was rarely one to leave things unfinished. 
Todd shook his head. “I won’t- I won’t go to the police- I promise! I won’t go to the police!”
“Soap is right. I already started. I might as well finish.” Rodolfo readied the bat, gripping it carefully. He brought it right back down, having to hunch over he realized. That probably didn’t look great so he took the time while Todd was recovering to drop to his knees and then-
It all blurred. He just started to hit Todd with the bat over and over, ignoring his cries, his pleas, his sobs. He just continued to hit him, slamming the bat over and over into his body. 
At some point, he’d gotten up and moved around to Todd’s head and then he’d just started on that until he was now staring at a bloody pile of mush and blood. He barely blinked as he looked at it, standing up and looking down at the blood on his body. 
Soap was smoking a cigarette, having a small amount of blood splattered on his own being. “So, are we telling Alejandro and Ghost?”
Rodolfo looked down at the bat. “No. Not yet, anyway. They’ll be… too excited.”
Soap snorted. “I didn’t expect to feel so… neutral.” 
Rodolfo looked at Todd’s body and then at the bat. “Me neither. It’s an odd feeling.” He wasn’t sure he liked it or not but he felt… energized. Renewed. “I want to take a shower before they get back.”
“What about his car?” Soap raised an eyebrow. 
“There’s a cliff nearby. We’ll put his body in it and then drive it over and push it off.” Rodolfo shrugged. 
Soap snorted. He put out his cigarette and then started to follow Rodolfo back.
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Code Blue Ch.5 "2:22"
Summary: Lee and Jo share a sweet texting conversation. He later hangs out with Dr. Bloom and soon after finds himself in another mess. Jo worries when her texts go unanswered. She pays Lee a visit and gets more than one surprise.
*Warning* Angst, language, alcohol/drug use, graphic descriptions, mentions of death, child loss, domestic dispute
Stories Masterlist
Salem, Massachusetts
February 3, 2023
After you left, Lee went upstairs to crash and sleep the day away after eating pizza he had delivered. Lord knows he needed the rest after what he had just put his body through last night. He found himself tossing and turning into the night hours...with relentless thoughts of you. Thoughts of the loss you had suffered. He still worried that if you knew he was the doctor that tended to your brother, would you still look at him the same because he couldn't save him? He eventually just laid there talking to himself....and eventually to God, whom he believed in whole heartedly, although he had went through the first few years of being angry with him after Jacob's death.
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Lee then picked up his phone to find a text message from you. When he had used your phone to call his so he would have your number, he actually texted it instead, knowing you would see the message he sent from your phone. It was a simple "Cherries are my favorite fruit btw."
Your reply conjured the biggest smile upon his face.
"So I gathered from the fact of u saying u liked the taste of my cherry chapstick and then dashed off singing about it. How r u doing? R u alright?"
Lee rubbed his eyes and sat up, staring at his phone in the darkened room, contemplating his reply. It was 11 pm, twelve hours after you had been there and he had only slept merely three of it at the most.
He swung his bare feet across the bed and placed them on the wood floor as he yawned and turned on his bed stand light, then put on his reading glasses.
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"I am fine. A bit sore and bruised but ok. I just woke up actually. Gonna get up and continue cleaning this money pit lol. What about u? R u alright? How did things go with your mom?"
You had tried so hard to fall asleep but Lee's cologne was all over you, teasing your nose and other parts of you that ached for him. As you placed your hands on your face to inhale his remnants, you were startled by the sound of your phone chiming. You instantly hoped that it was Lee. Fumbling to look at the screen, his name appeared and awoke your butterflies from their dormant state.
"Hey u. Yes, I am fine and I am so glad to hear from u. My mom is drugged up on sleeping meds right now. We have to go to the funeral home tomorrow which I am dreading. I just woke up too, right before u texted me. Weird lol."
Lee softly chuckled. "Clairvoyant maybe? Ur not a witch are u?🤔"
If you had told him about your dream of him being hurt just eight hours before you found him passed out cold on the floor, he might actually think that you were. Hell, you even wondered sometimes, as this wasn't the first time you've ever had premonition like dreams.
"Well, I do live in Salem in one of the witch houses my father bought. I'll let u ponder on that. 😉"
"Oh dear lord. Well that is just perfect. I love witchy stuff."
"Really? Me 2. I actually write about things like that, fantasies and fairytales etc...it's just a hobby but it keeps me grounded, a coping mechanism per se. I kinda like escaping life for awhile."
"Well no shit? I don't write but I love to read. Your genre is right up my alley. I no what u mean about wanting to escape, even if only for a little while. I guess we now have another thing in common."
"It looks that way. So cool. So....do u believe in wishes?"
"Witches, maybe. Wishes....not so much. Why do u ask?"
"Because it is 11:11 right now."
"Ahhhh. Let's just say I have wished upon it before, but I never was granted my desires."
"Well...hurry. Make a wish right now before it turns and I will too. Maybe if we wish at the same time, it will come true lol."
Lee chuckled, then decided to humor you and closed his eyes. The wish he would have liked to make, he knew would not come true...ever, for it was for Jacob to be alive. He had wished it so many times, he lost track. The wish that invaded his mind in that moment stunned him. He wished for you. He had actually wished for you in the past. Not you literally per se as he never knew you, but someone just like you he longed for. It seemed to him that wish may already have been answered but he wanted to do it again, to maybe seal the deal...He then laughed at himself for being so ridiculous. He knew these things weren't real.
In that same moment, you made the same wish. You wanted him. You wanted him so bad it hurt. If only you both had realized that you wanted the same things, a wish would not even be needed, for destiny would take it's course regardless.
"Soooo...what did u wish for?" Lee asked.
"If I tell u, it won't come true. Ha ha."
"Alright. So if it does come true, u will tell me right?"
"Most definitely. Hey, I'm gonna let u go for now so u can go do ur cleaning n stuff. I gotta get up early for all the funeral stuff and what not. Talk later? I hope."
"Oh fo sho girl. Get some sleep...and...thank u so much for everything. Goodnight witchy woman. 😂"
"Omg lol....ur so welcome. Ok. Goodnight Lee. ttyl."
"Sweet dreams lady luck."
Lee began his cleaning while he was wide awake and in the mood. He knew this was going to take him longer than the two weeks he had off because he still had other priorities. He needed to visit his father and still check in on patients by consulting with the covering physician. Plus he had farm animals to tend to along with a cat and a dog, which he would go do each day at some point, and if he absolutely could not do it, he had well paid trustworthy people to take care of it.
He laid his phone on the table with pandora app set on the 80's pop rock station. A song came on that got him in a spunky mood as he started singing while collecting trash from the back porch.
"Josie I've got your number. IIII'm gonna make you mine. Josie don't change your number 867530 ni eee yiiiine." He laughed to himself in amazement at how well that fit with everything.
The doorbell rang in a frenzy. Lee opened it to find Orlando with booze in hand. Wine and whiskey, and of course, munchies.
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"Banando!! Come on in man and give me some of that."
Lee grabbed the bottle of whiskey from Orlando's hand and trotted into the kitchen.
"Man, you weren't kidding bro. They really did a number on this place." Dr. Bloom said as his eyes scoured the living room.
"Tell me something I don't know...and if you tell me you open mouth kissed a horse once, I am going to kick your ass."
"Ha ha ha. No...I didn't do that...not recently anyways." Orlando grinned and poured himself a large glass of wine as Lee sat down with the Jim Beam, drinking it straight from the bottle.
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"Why does it smell like women's perfume in here dude? You got some chic here somewhere??"
Lee was taken aback that your floral scent still lingered after an entire 12 hours had passed. He figured he must of become nose blind to it, but then he did slightly notice it after Orlando brought it up. The reason he could now smell it was because it was all over his tee shirt from when you had your body against his to help him off the floor...and when you had hugged him, which then explained why Orlando smelled it. Now Lee knew why he could not sleep, besides the fact that you had clouded his mind with your golden eyes and his ears with your angelic voice....and his nose with your succulent sweet scent. He seriously needed a shower, he told himself...a cold one.
"I wish." Lee chuckled. "I think it's your cologne."
"Oh, that's hilarious Bee Gee Lee....Seriously man, I smell it. Who did you have here? What's the big deal?"
"Exactly. What's the big deal?" Lee snarked and took a swig of his whiskey and swiped his finger over his phone., then glared at Orlando as the song by the bee Gee's played called Massachusetts.
Orlando set down his glass and stared at his best friend. "Ok...like...did I just strike some invisible nerve here? What are you not telling me? It's me man. Why do you act like you have some classified secret or something?"
Lee swigged another drink. "Because it is...technically. Doctor patient confidentiality." he smirked.
"Oh hellls naw. Are you shitting me? You're fucking a patient?"
"Whoa, hey. I never said that."
"Uh...you didn't have to. I see it now. It's written all over your sexually deprived face. Who is it? You know you gotta tell me."
"No, I don't."
"Don't or won't?"
"Can't. You know that. If it's a patient...well technically, she's not but.."
"There's that word again, technically. And what?? So there is a...she? Damn it man, spill it."
"Stop getting your also sexually deprived self in a twist. It's just....a girl...that I met at the hospital."
"A girl...a.... girl? Lee mother fucking Pace has met...a girl?" Orlando raved. "Ok, this is news worthy stuff here."
"Ok. This topic is closed. I gotta get this shit hole cleaned up. You helping or not?"
"Yep...I will help....when you tell me who this girl is that has you so damn secretive. Since when have you kept these things like this from me?"
Lee gazed down at his bottle. You weren't just a thing to him, that was why. He respected you, how could he not?
"Since now. I just don't want to talk about it alright? I got too much shit on my mind as it is."
"I'm sorry man. I know how hard this time is for you. I haven't forgotten what yesterday was."
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Lee immediately deflected. "So, judging by your attire, I see you just came from the hospital. How are things going there?"
"Oh, you know, the usual. Nurse Theresa always up my ass about my handwriting. You know she rudely came into a room when I was tending to a patient and scolded me right in front of her. Such bullshit man. It's how I write. If I try to change it, it will literally take me forever to get things done. Even the patient was pissed off by it. Called her a bitch after she had left the room." Orlando chortled as he pictured that moment.
The good doctor knew that patient was you and he still didn't tell Lee that you had requested to see him, even after he told you he would when he saw Lee again. Orlando wanted his own chance with you and he knew he wouldn't have a prayer against his best friend, since he could tell you were into the ridiculously gorgeous Dr. Pace. Even Nurse Theresa didn't give Lee a hard time and his handwriting was far worse than his. Dr. Bloom had always secretly walked in Lee's shadow.
"You know what I always say to that." Lee coaxed.
"Yep. Fuck em."
Both men bellowed in laughter and continued chatting and drinking for about another hour before attempting to get some work done. It was 1 am and Lee was heavily feeling his tippling inebriated state affecting him. He had never been much of a drinker until the accident and he could usually do it in moderation until the anniversary dates came around, and it certainly didn't help with him by being in that house with all of Jacob's memories and belongings.
Lee just wanted to sell it. Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing. Stupidly he went upstairs to drunk dial Elizabeth and tell her he decided to do it. She had no claim on the property so why he wanted to inform her was even beyond him as he avoided her like the plague. But as usual, his intoxication would always make him do stupid things. Such as drunk texting you as well.
"P.S. I don't want u to let me go." His thumb hesitated over the send button...and then he pushed it. What did he have to lose at this point, he thought. It's relevance was to the end of your prior texting session when you told him you were going to let him go so you could get some sleep.
Then, he called Elizabeth.
"Lizzy...it's me."
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"Jesus Lee, it's after 1 in the morning. What the fuck do you want?"
"Do you always have to be such a bitch? I need to tell you something."
"And it couldn't wait till morning? We haven't even spoken in over a year. What could you possibly have to tell me that I could even care about?"
"Ahhh morning. Yes..I am in mourning...still. How about you mommy dearest? Sleeping like a baby at a time like this..."
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe. So? What's it to you? It's how I cope...unlike you who don't give a shit about what happened to your own son. New man less than a month after, new house and a new baby. You've got it all, moved on without a care in the world. Speaking of, that's why I called. To tell you I am going to sell this place. Then all of it will be non existent to you. Oh wait...it already is. My bad."
"And this involves me how exactly? I don't give a shit is right, about what you do with that dump and I am certainly not going to sit here and listen to your drunken rants. You need help Lee. I suggest you get some."
"After what you did to me? To our son, oh sorry, I mean your son. So is your child even the new guy's kid? or are you going to make him believe it is like you did to me? Then drop the bomb on him at the most inopportune time? And if anyone needs help Lizzy, it's you, to learn how to buckle a fucking seatbelt!"
Lee slammed his thumb on the end call button and hurled his phone against the wall as he roared in rage.
Orlando came running up the stairs to find Lee in a panic induced state.
"Lee, man what just happened? I heard you yelling."
Lee slowly turned to him seemingly disoriented.
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"Lee! Are you alright man?" Orlando proceeded in concern as Lee wouldn't speak and began to breath heavily.
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"Lee, snap out of it man! You're scaring me. I hate it when you get these attacks. You need to breathe..."
Lee knew in that moment how you must have felt just before you passed out. Orlando's words echoed and faded as Lee raced down the stairs and then all went black as he crashed to the floor.
February 4, 2023- 5 am.
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Your hand blindlessly fumbled to disable the screeching alarm clock and then you laid back with a sigh after turning the light on. Up you finally went to go get a shower and begin the dreaded day.
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Another hobby and talent of yours was ice skating and you were damn good at it too. So good that you could have went down that path professionally, but that wasn't what you wanted as a career. To you, it was just a sport that you began as a child and it became a huge stress and anxiety reliever as you got older. It was all for fun as well and twice a month, you even taught lessons at the ice rink downtown, and one of those days was today. You always went early so you could skate alone with the music blasting and you certainly needed it before you had to go with your mother to make funeral arrangements.
You quickly checked your phone, solely to see if Lee had texted again for any reason and there it was. The one he sent at 1 in the morning telling you he did not want you to let him go. You had to sit back down on the bed for a moment as it had taken you aback. Staring at his words, you pondered on how to even reply to that. What did he mean? A smile formed on your face as you felt a bit flirtatious and sent a simple reply.
"I wasn't planning on it 😉"
Finally, off to the shower you went but not before placing your shirt up over your nose and breathing in his lingering fragrance one last time. You swore you would never wash that shirt.
When you came out, immediately you checked your phone but there was no reply. Of course, though, it was 5:30 am and surely he must be sleeping, you thought. Out of curiosity, you checked the status of the text. Sent but not received. So now you figured his phone must be off and decided to text him later.
It was 7 am when you got to the rink as first you made breakfast for you and your mom, making sure there wasn't enough for Megan when she got up, which probably wouldn't be until late afternoon anyways as she was absolutely unproductive in every aspect of her miserable life.
You unlocked the door and turned on the lights, kicked on the music then sat down and put your skates on.
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An oldies genre you picked today, 60's to 70's. You were just in the mood for something different than your usual rock genre. A song came on you hadn't heard in quite awhile. Massachusetts by the Bee Gees.
"Perfect." you said and went gliding out onto the ice. The cold breeze felt so good on your face as you did twizzles around the arena. Your thoughts instantly drifted to Lee and how much you already missed him. As the song concluded, you did a few axle jumps and then whirled around in a camel spin and merging into a sit spin.
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You skated until 8:30, then sat down for a break as the class wouldn't begin until 9, which consisted of a dozen girls ranging between the ages of 11 and 13 and would last roughly two hours.
Checking your phone again in hopes to see a text from your dashing doctor, a frown devoured your face to see nothing. Probably still sleeping, you thought. You spent the remaining of your break thinking of him and the way his firm body felt against yours. God, you wanted to see him again so bad.
The class was finally over at 11 am and you then went home to change into something more appropriate for the funeral home appointment.
Lee awoke on the floor to a raging headache and a broken phone laying beside him....and Orlando asleep on the couch. He grimaced at the sunlight shining on his face and laid his arm over his eyes as he moaned and groaned in agony.
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Memories of the prior night were vague but one thing he clearly remembered was stupidly texting you.
He painfully propped himself onto his elbow and saw the shattered screen on his phone. He then recalled throwing it against the wall upstairs after his heated conversation with Elizabeth. Orlando must have brought it down and laid it beside him.
He tried to power it on in desperation to see if you replied but it was dead and most likely trashed.
"Shit..." he muttered through his foul whiskey breath and let it drop from his hand.
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Orlando heard the clunk and sprung up with a gasp. He had barely slept as he kept checking Lee throughout the night and early morning to make sure he was breathing. Lee's loud obnoxious snores had assisted in leaving Orlando sleepless so he knew he was going to be alright, but he still had to make sure and monitored his vitals. Dr. Bloom had witnessed these episodes on more than one occasion, even without liquor being a factor, and knew a trip to the ER was not warranted. Lee would have kicked his ass if he had called 911, but Orlando would have done it regardless if he felt it necessary.
"Well look who's up!" he shouted intentionally with a grin.
"Fuck you." Lee snarked and grunted as he placed his hands on his head.
"Oh I am sorry. Am I too loud?" Orlando snickered.
"Yes and I would prefer it if you did not speak at all."
"Well I am going to, to tell you what you already know. That you're a dumb ass. Why the hell do you keep doing this to yourself?? I am always saving you, from high school up to now."
"I was taller than you then, and I still am. I think I can muster the strength to come over there and kick your scrawny ass if you don't shut the hell up."
"Duly noted."
Lee staggered his way up to a standing position and quickly leaned on the wall. He still felt drunk.
"I think I am going to be sick."
He ran off to the bathroom just around the corner and upchucked yesterday's pizza and last night's booze. The taste made him continue his vomiting until he was doing nothing but heaving bile. He laid with his arms draped over the toilet seat and his head hanging almost inside of it.
"God...somebody kill me please." he exclaimed in a growl as he dropped to his butt and leaned up against the bathtub. Orlando peeked around the corner with a now serious and concerned face.
"You're doing a good job of that all on your own. Take some Tylenol with a shit ton of water and go try to sleep. I'll stay. I don't have a shift today. I can make lunch later if you're hungry then."
Lee moaned and laid his head on his knees. "God...no...no food. Man, my phone. It's history. I need it. I have to explain to her..so she understands...."
He abruptly stopped as he remembered exactly what he had said to you.
"Explain what and to whom? Lizzy? I assume that's who you were screaming at since I couldn't help but hear what you said."
"Fuck no...just forget I said anything. Can you go get me my other phone??"
"Just use mine man, if it's that important. It's that girl isn't it? The one you won't tell me about. Damn....you got it bad. I've never seen you act this way over any woman."
"No..." Lee blurted out and raised his blood shot eyes to Orlando. "I...I need one anyways...like now... so could you just do that? Go to the farm and bring me back some soup and crackers or toast. I think I can handle that and keep it down....and feed the animals please? I think my phone is in the kitchen....on the table."
"Alright. I saw Tylenol in the cupboard. Go take some and lay down. I won't be long."
Orlando left and Lee made his way to the kitchen to chug down ice water and take some pills. He stood over the kitchen sink with his hands on the ledge holding himself up and let his head hang as the humiliating events of last night scrambled through his pounding brain.
Off to the couch he went to lay down and try to sleep. All he could think of was you and what you must be thinking due to his blatant text. And he thought of Orlando's words. Yes, he was so right. He had it bad and he didn't know what to do about it.
You ravaged through your wardrobe in disgust. It wasn't that you hated dressier clothing, but the fact of what it was for. What you did hate was heels. You were a boots kinda girl and saved the murderous spikes and unstable wedges for when you had to work on the Haunted Star, as it was a fancy party venue. It absolutely amazed you that you could balance perfectly and gracefully as well as be on spot with coordination on a thin sheer blade over the slickest surface but could twist your ankle or fall at the drop of a hat in a pair of high heels. It wasn't even just the footwear that was a problem, as you were just uncoordinated as hell off the ice. Accident prone was your middle name and you had the scars and bruises to prove it.
You finally chose a long sleeved burgundy button down shirt to pair with your cream colored skirt, completely annoyed with the flimsy material as you fought with trying to find the sleeve.
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Then you kicked off your boots and slid your feet into a pair of boring black heels, then pinned up your hair in a messy bun. Mismatched as hell you felt but were running late so it would have to do.
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"Jo! Come on...it's time to go. What on earth are you doing up there??" your mom hollered up the stairs.
You sat in a chair at the funeral home waiting on the director to come out. Your mom sat beside you with a kleenex clenched tightly in her hands and said nothing until she saw your nose stuck in your phone. You were texting Lee to check on him since it was now 12:22 pm and you had heard nothing. All the usual assumptions ran through your mind as the status still showed sent only. His phone was clearly off. Was it dead? Was he ignoring you? Did he change his mind about wanting to be friends? Did you do or say something wrong? But then your mind wandered to worry. Was he alright? The anxiety was sneaking up. What if he was hurt again? You decided that if you did not hear from him by the time you left, you were going to go check on him.
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"Josephine LeeAnn March! Is that all you can do is play on your phone right now?" your mother snapped. She only called you by your full name when she was fed up and meant business.
"Mom...calm down. It's not like we're doing anything at the moment."
"Calm down? Your brother's body is somewhere in this building where we sit and you are more concerned with texting whomever in the hell it is that you are texting. It's that damn doctor isn't it? Why can't you just be happy with Dave? The man adores you and you won't even give him a chance."
You ignored that last part of her ramblings as you were not going to discuss your love life with her.
"Mom...can you not say it like that? His...body."
"How would you have me say it then? That's what it is. You know, I had to see it don't you? To identify him. I couldn't even do it! His face was unrecognizable. All I had to go on was his clothing and his ring. The rest of him was badly burned. Do you know what a sight that was for me??"
"Thanks Mom, I didn't know but now I do after that detailed description. You do remember that I was there when it happened? You so did not need to tell me all this. I have enough anxiety as it is."
"Well maybe you should try taking your medicine and then you wouldn't have that problem." She turned her head and said no more.
God you couldn't take this. No one understood how the medicine made you feel. No one but Lee. You put your phone away to please her and sat with your head turned away as tears burnt your eyes.
It was finally over and you all went back home with a funeral date only days away. You didn't even bother going inside and quickly got in your car, taking off like a bat out of hell with a destination of Lee's place. One more time, you attempted to contact him by calling this time. It went straight to voicemail. You contemplated on leaving a message as his beautiful voice flowed into your ear.
"You've reached Dr. Pace. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If this is an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital."
It was an emergency. You needed him but how ridiculous was it that you felt that way over someone you barely knew. Maybe you should just call Dave instead, you thought. No, you couldn't. You didn't want to. Something felt off and you were extremely worried about Lee after how you had found him...and even more so after his strange text in the early morning hours. Had he been drinking again?
Trying to compose your voice, you left a brief message.
"Hey Lee, it's me...I mean Jo...just wanted to check on you. I'm actually on my way to your place right now. I hope that is alright. Please all me back...or text. Ok...bye."
Your voice started to break up as you had told him to call you back. You hurried and ended the call so if by chance he got the message, he wouldn't hear you being a big baby. You honestly thought you should just turn around but something wouldn't let you.
You cried all the way there after a song played that struck every chord in your soul. You had noticed the clock when it had started. 2:22 pm. Strangely, it was the time you were born. You had this thing with seeing numbers in various ways and at certain moments, wether it was the time, catching the microwave's countdown or even the total on a purchase just to name a few. It was always double or triple digits of the same number. 11, 22, 33, and 44 were the big ones for you, and the 3's came in other ways too, such as the eerie pattern of celebrity deaths. The clairvoyance probability really wasn't that far fetched.
The first time you ever kissed his mouth, you absolutely did feel the earth move in your hand like the trembling heart of a captive bird....just like the lyrics said. You were in way over your head with this man. He had awoken something in you and made you feel alive again. He made you breathe....and without him, you would suffocate.
You pulled into the driveway behind his car and noticed the clock at 2:44. You released a stunned giggling sigh, wiped your eyes and got out, quietly closing the door.
As you came to the front door, you could see Lee through the three small windows it held, sitting on the floor playing catch with a ball against the wall.
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You could hear soft muffled music and him singing from inside as you knocked but he didn't hear you, so you walked in.
He then heard your voice and turned his head.
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When he saw that it was you, he eagerly staggered his way up and almost ran into the wall, in which he then leaned on as a crutch. You could tell he had been drinking or maybe even on something else.
"Miss Massachusetts. What are you doing here?"
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You sucked in a breath and began rambling.
"I'm sorry, the door...it was open and you didn't hear me. I..I wanted to check on you...your phone...is off or something. I....I hope it's ok that I came."
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His body moved unsteadily as he tried to balance and seemingly didn't want to look you in the eyes.
"Yeah...that. Sorry.. I kinda broke my phone. Seems it can't handle the impact of a wall. But my other one should be here soon. Of course it's alright that you came. I am glad you did Jo March. Sucks being here all alone."
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'Ohhh...yeah. That can happen." you lightly laughed. "Lee...are you alright?"
"Never better...now that you're here anyways....So...you came all the way here to check on me? Why?"
"I...I was worried about you when you didn't respond to my texts and call."
"You...texted and called? Shit...I am sorry. My phone...I broke it."
"So you already told me. Lee, what's going on?" You sat your purse down and walked over to him as you were worried he was going to fall.
His eyes looked you up and down and then he just gazed at you. His eyes were so glassy and his pupils dilated. He was definitely highly intoxicated, or just high....maybe both.
"My god, you...you are so beautiful it hurts."
Your lips slightly parted as a small gasp escaped them. How were you going to respond to that?
As you went to offer a simple thank you, the door opened and in walked Dr. Bloom.
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acatinafancyhat · 1 year
Watched Chess Netherlands today because... well, I can 🙃 It was surprisingly not all horrible. Definitely flawed and problematic but it had some parts I really liked! Of course I had lots of thoughts again so here is me venting them. 99% sure no one else cares about Dutch Chess but what the hell, tumblr is for screaming into the void right? ✨️
Act I
- You can instantly tell this is a Dutch production because the championships take place in what looks like a school gym. I mean we do our rubiks cube tournaments there. Is fine for chess, no?
- Explaining chess to the audience bc that's what the show is really missing
- Many Svenska Vibes
- Anatoly with an i is the most Dutch Soviet Russian i've ever met. Just, no nonsense. 'go take care of my children woman.' Calling each other names is how we show affection <3
- I will say the boys (Anatoli's kids) playing chess during the opening is a nice touch
- Story of Chess also has very to the point lyrics. "chess requires reticence so u don't kill each other" see now this actually sets up the show real well :)
- Awkward humor no one laughs at ✅️
- Anatoli's kind of a downer
- Freddie's sort of charming but his relationship with Florence is gonna be garbage i can tell
- strike 1: ableism
- (honestly he just reminds me of every Dutch white guy on tv)
- strike 2: assault
- Florence is already so done with his shit good for her
- also "with me there, he is brilliant" tru tru
- Singing Nobody's Side while random people have a lil party behind her?
- oh it's an excuse for karaoke ONIB
-Are they really gonna do the whole song though do we really need that
-lol Freddie pushes karaoke guy off stage so he can finish the song. honey this is a little early in the show to be getting this drunk what are you doing she hasn't even left you yet
- Arbiter leads morning exercise... ok well why not
- No dancing during the chess game. It's cool we can just watch two guys play chess from a distance for a couple minutes. Fun times.
- Freddie sticks his gum under the table real subtle like he hasn't got multiple cameras pointed at him right now
- Actually on second thought i think the chess game might be better without the dancing. Characters are doing interesting things. The contrast between Anatoli sitting stiffly at the table while Freddie is prancing around fistfighting the cameras is Most Amusing :)
- Did he just try to make Anatoli's move for him omg 🤣
- Freddie @ arbiter "uh it might be time u keep things under control around here" and off he runs HE'S SUCH A LITTLE SHIT ngl i kinda love him here
- However Florence's defense of him just seems completely unreasonable considering toli literally just. sat there. the whole time.
- Anatolyi gets the 'i'm ridiculous' monologue like in Svenska
- 'Hey my people killed your people oops now let me sing a song in the language you probably don't remember and it's somehow romantic and not creepy or overstepping any boundaries at all :)'
- Running away from Molokov in a shittier version of Svenska. Meh. But again they are aware of the lack of embassies in and around Merano which I do appreciate bc i'm pedantic like that
- Freddie: hey what's she doing with that Russian
Freddie: hmmm idk
Freddie: they're definitely talking abt me tho 🤨
- Flo & toli have a healthy conversation about the fact that he just left his kids behind i support that!!
- However this timing/setting for Anthem sucks. He's just singing it to Florence. And it's literally about how he misses his family? Weak. This needs to be an epic declaration of love for his homeland to all the world not whining to your girlfriend. Ugh can't believe they fucking ruined Anthem!
- So far all of this strikes me as discount Svenska but without the investment in Flonatoly and the only thing it's really got going for it is a handful of good lines BUT we'll see about act 2...
Act II
- Why the fuck would you start your second act with Merchandisers?
- Nice audience interaction though, it doesn't completely not work
- But following it up with Heaven Help My Heart is hmmmmmm really not ideal pacing-wise.
- Freddie's woman verse is even more cringe in Dutch i can't accurately translate it but it's so..... yikes..... The word he uses instead of "woman" ("popje") literally means "little doll/puppet" (but with slightly different connotations). It's sometimes used as a term of endearment but in this scene it is very much derogatory and ew.
- "here I stand wondering / if I ever knew you / have I ever really known who you are?" I like this translation!
- Pity the Child pulls no punches (does it ever?) He's so pathetic, he's such an asshole, and as a teacher I weirdly feel this one (at one point he talks about how no one ever noticed him at school either and just... oof don't get me started). Also the desperate rapid-fire chess game he plays against himself in the musical break and during the final verse--that needs to be in more versions holy fuck go watch this bit it's GOOD!!
- The Deal but without a political angle. Fascinating.
- No
- no. no no no i hate this i hate this Freddie wouldn't sacrifice his game not even for Florence NO. CANCELED.
- Interestingly instead of honey/parner, Freddie uses the same word as in the woman verse when he's talking to Florence during The Deal but this time it's the endearment variant. That's a little bit problematic.
- Molokov's plan is still to bring Flo and Sveta together even though Anatoli is now supposed to win 🤷‍♂️
- Anatoli casually downs several shots of liquor (vodka?) during Soviet Machine. not sure this will help him win the game but at least he sleeps through Russian Guy screaming that final whoooooooo high note in his ear
- Florence tests Freddie's chair... demands they bring a different one... is she still working for him? idk. I'm guessing it's meant to be sweet but it just looks silly to me idk
- Fuck reverse I Know Him So Well honestly. "he wants me / no he wants me" boo fucking hoo. You two deserve each other.
- Oh! Oh! Talking Chess, yay! 😁
- Gosh this is actually really cute?!? Freddie literally just came to discuss this random chess gambit he came across and thought was interesting? Nothing even to do with their current game just 'hey found this thing i thought you might like and i like and can we be friends now i really like chess 😶'
- Unlike in Svenska and RAH, I actually don't know for sure who is going to win this game. They do a good job of making this really about chess in the end. I like it.
- Freddie reminding toli it's about chess even during their match now that is the freddie i came to see!
- He calmly sips his water as Sveta and Florence are physically removed from the premises
- It is Quite Unfortunate that this production hates women...
- Really they seem to only be here to get in the men's way. Ugh.
- I don't support any of the relationships except Freddie and Toli being pen pals and playing long distance chess for the rest of their lives.
- Ending feels a little OOC but still nice to see some healthy Freddie & Flo interaction for once 😌
tldr; not the worst production out there, worth watching if you've already seen Svenska and don't mind Freddie being the most likeable character. (okay likeable is not the right word he sucks but, you know. He reminds me of RAH Freddie but slightly more yike.) PTC and Talking Chess are highlights!
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anonymousfoz · 11 months
The incident
Ty vs Tumblr Masterpost
Day 1
"I'm here!"
Day 6
Xeon started appearing in my room, appearing in the shadows during those days. Walking around out of the view of everyone but me. I never really met Xeon, but I knew he was hanging out with Twitter since September.
"What are you, Xeon?" He didn't respond but went through the walls. I couldn't follow him, I was still reeling in the madness.
"Are you going to sit there and cry? Or do something about it?" I remained alone as he walked away.
Day 17
It had been 16 days since the incident. I had seemly disappeared to the human eye but not to the pets. The past 16 days drove me insane yet Tumbles managed to get me out of that shadow hellhole. What it was? How they get there? No one knew, but I knew Twitter but more importantly Xeon was involved.
Xeon remained in my dreams, the shadows and out of view of Tumblr. He followed me like an angel on my shoulder.
"Ty?" I looked over at Tumblr as I was now in the living room. I had scribbled all over my notebook, random letters, and symbols in the middle of my writing of a project I was planning. Some greek mythology story, it was inaccurate as using the computer made me nauseous with a buzzing headache. "What happened while you were gone?"
"I was here… Xeon was there and Jaws could see me and 196. 196 kept trying to get your attention while Jaws kept starting… those yellow eyes with murderous intent. I can't explain it." Tumbes looked confused as they looked down at the cat. Jaws stared at me again, the same intent in his eyes. He was wanting me to stay quiet and I knew it.
"I think we need to take you to Xeon or a therapist." I could hear the concern in their voice but I knew they trusted me.
"Don't. I don't trus…. I trust you, just please go into my room, you will understand." I handed Tumblr the scribbles of writing I had worked on while zoned out. Jaws watched the exchange of paper. I went to grab the cat, he seemed to want to get away yet he allowed me to pick him up. His ginger fur felt thicker than I remembered, coated in some liquid that wasn't visual. Tumblr left to go to my room and I looked at the cat before throwing it across the room. Black liquid covering my hand and blood coming out of my fingertips. Pouring all over the floor, rug and couches. "YOU DEMON! ABITE! ABITE!" The cat hissed back as it began to grow before 196 ran across the room distracting the large cat and leading it astray. The liquid coated the wall like ink. The blood had stopped and dried up, yet like the ink on the wall. I was no longer having blood pour out of my skin but the black ink substance, it was slow and painful yet I felt numb. I sat down in fear, questioning what I just saw. I was going to get behind this but I needed Tumblr to help me out. I wondered how they were doing being sent into my room.
Tumblr looked inside Ty's room, black and red substances coated the walls with symbols. Tumblr looked down at the sheet of paper Ty had handed them. It was a cipher code. Tumblr saw the symbols appear during the 16 days that Ty was gone, randomly appearing. It was Ty talking to them. It was a code to keep whatever Ty wanted to say out of others hands. Tumblr began deciphering the symbols. Lines such as "Don't trust the silence" and "I am here!" were to be expected but then some became more concerning.
"The shadow king wants blood"
"Do not trust Xeon!"
"Jaws is a demon among men"
"I will protect this home"
It didn't make sense but one struck Tumblr as important.
"Jaws is Xeon's..." Xeon's what? They assumed pet but wasn't sure.
Tumblr figured that Jaws was always a stray who they took in. But if Jaws was not only something else but Xeon's, something had to be up. After all, Xeon only appeared once Ty went missing and Xeon was interested in the disappearance. Tumblr folded up the paper and put it into their pocket before seeing a strange pair of glasses. It didn't have lenses but had their familiar t shape on it. It appeared to be a gift but the symbols above said a phrase that made Tumblr put them on. Loud thuds drew them out of the room and they saw 196 being chased by an orange cat who slowly became a large ink like creature. Tumblr quickly took the glasses off to see Jaws before seeing the ink creature again once putting the glasses back on. Tumblr quickly grabbed 196 and put him on the counter top before fixing Jaws some cat food. Ty was back watching TV or writing one of their stories but something was different. Tumblr turned over his shoulder to see Xeon on the couch peaking over Ty's shoulder. Tumblr gave Jaws the bowl of cat food before joining Ty on the rug and changing the television, trying to ignore Xeon's presence.
"You found the gift I left you. I hope you like them." Ty commented but didn't look up from the writing, almost like he was shielding it from Xeon. Tumblr felt uneasy, yet this was far from over. Xeon disappeared, and Ty began to relax and went over to hug Tumblr before falling asleep on his shoulder. Ty felt safe and was finally back, but the horrors he had seen had clearly messed with his mind, something Xeon and Jaws had caused. Ink and blood were all around the living area, yet it seemed to be magically disappearing. Tumblr knew he had to reach out to some familiar foes and family, but it wasn't going to be today. With that, Tumblr let Jaws out. Tumblr was heavily against outdoor cats, but they could not leave Jaws inside knowing what the cat now was. Jaws managed to get outside either way, possibly heading to Xeon. Ty was shifting in his sleep. It made carrying him to Tumblr's bedroom harder than it normally was, but 196 followed, giving Tumblr much needed time to think everything through.
Day 18
Tumblr couldn't sleep, nor did 196. Ty's body continued to ooze ink across the room to the point that it started to form waves and currents. Ty had been experiencing things like this for the past 2 weeks. How Ty had some part of sanity left was a miracle. 196 looked over at Tumblr, sensing their discomfort and attempting to do something to make the adult laugh, but it only ended in the lizard falling into the ink. The two were left to think about what they had seen before Tumblr eventually fell asleep at 4 am. Meanwhile, 196 stayed awake, waiting for Jaws to come back. For the lizard grew to hate the cat, if it even was a cat.
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evan-witch · 1 year
Lilith Clawthorne x gn.reader (part 1)
Y/N Pov.:
Our kind used to live peacefully on the isles but the emperor caught most of us and used us to satisfy his hunger for palismen. Even if we looked almost like every other witch, he used the little differences of ours to justify his discrimination and terrible behaviour against us.
We are related to the palismen but called nylem. Our bodies are similar to the average witches but we have black tattoolike marks which covers almost our whole back. Its in form of 2 big wings. In the night, when the sun in completely gone we can let the marks transform themselves into actual functional wings. But when we try to to this in the day, the skin on the back peels slowly off and the wings grow out of our backs which is very painful. The reason why the emperor wants us is simply because we release similar magic to when you break a palismen when we transform during the day. So he thought it was his right to look us up in his personal prison and force us to transform during the day. A few staff members would come and feed us every once in while. Im not sure but i think a few nylems had refused to eat because they were to tired and couldn’t bear the pain anymore. But its just a rumour. I wouldn’t really know since we all live in separate cells in order to keep us from making plans together. Maybe i was the last one alive. Maybe i will be the first one to die. I layed down in my cell, waiting for another faceless guard to throw the food to me but instead a blue haired woman opened my cell. I sat up and looked at the woman. She was very pretty. She slowly walked towards me as if she expected me to attack her. I’m chained to the floor and the wall behind me but sure…. After she realised this too she kneeled in front of me. “The emperor wants to try and talk to you in a few weeks. You’ll be able to take a hot bath, eat normal food and wear clean clothes if you cooperate and behave.” She gave me a skeptic look. She turned to the guard outside the cell: “They understand me right?” “ nobody really knows. Its said they used to talk once but we haven't heard one talk in months” , the guard said with a deep voice. She looked me in the eyes. “If you can understand me please nod or give me a sign.” I shook my head and tilted my head toward the guard. “You want him to leave?” I nodded. The guard turned to us. “Ms. Clawthorne, i don’t recommend staying with this beast alone. Its not worth it.” She waved at him signalising him to leave. He listened obediently. “We are alone,” she said. I nodded and smiled. “What else does the emperor want from me. Do i not serve enough already?” My voice was shaking and it hurt to speak because it has been so long since i last talked. She seemed furious and stood up. “The emperor allows you to stay in his castle and provides you with food, water and medical supplies. How dare you-” “Well i don't know about the others, or what is left of them, but i have a slightly different perception. I mean you do see these chains right?” “They are there so you don’t attack the castle again and hurt us!” Now thats it. I stood up (as well as these chains allowed me to). “We are tortured 3 times a week for hours, we are chained to the walls and grounds-“ i stopped because my throat started to bleed and i had a metallic feeling on my tongue. “We?” She looked confused. “How many of us are left?”, i asked. “You are the only one. The last one died 2 months ago. They all stooped eating and drinking after a while. We think it was a disease you are immune against.” “A disease? Really? Are you really that naive? You do realise we are tortured right? Or do you think we are just dramatic wannabe vampire-werwolf fans or something?” She looked down and seemed to think about it. “Even if you are speaking the truth…. How do i know i can trust you?” Seriously? How do i prove my suffering to the obedient and naive guard of the emperor. A tear ran down my face. I looked at her. “You dont have to trust me, but please, if you cant get my out of here-“ I was ready to give up.
Give up on hope. Give up on life… "Please….. if you can't let me leave…" i stoped and looked at her face. My face was covered with tears that rolled down uncontrollably. "If you can't get me out of this misery……. kill me." I whispered the last part but she seemed to understand. A tear rolled down her face. She stood up and left. Closed the door. The guards returned. And i still sat on the ground of my prison cell. My face was still covered in tears, Everything turned to normal. Nothing changed. I waited. One day passed. Two days passed. Then a week. And a month. Nothing. Nothing fucking changed. I ate less and less. I just wasn't hungry anymore. Did seriously nothing change. Everyday hurt like hell. Till i heard a loud groan and several punching noises. The door slammed open and a woman rushed towards me. I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. I could barely see her. I was too weak and too tired. She quickly took of my chains and carried me out. Once we were outside and she sat on her staff i saw black. Everything sounded muffled till i heard nothing. Everything was black and quiet. I felt nothing. It was such a relief. It was like this for hours till i heard muffled noises again. "I did everything i could but i don't when they will wake up. That poor thing was starved, dehydrated and hurt like nothing i had ever seen before. It's a miracle they made it till you reached me." "I know," a familiar voice said. I groaned. Everything hurt. I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't let me. My hand slipped of the edge and i fell off what seemed to be a couch. My face kissed the floor. It was hard. "Urrghhhhh", i groaned. "Shit", i heard the familiar voice call. Footsteps rushed towards me. Cant everybody just leave me alone. “Oh my titan, Luz, Eda i need a little help”, the familiar voice called is soon as she reached my side. I lifted my head a little to look at the woman next to me. “Ms. Clawthorne?”, i asked hysterical. “Yes, darling. Don't worry well get you back on your feet in no time. Just hold on.” She turned to the door. EDALYN CLAWTHORN IF YOU DONT COME DOWN THIS INSTANT I WILL THROW YOUR APPLEBLOOD INTO THE OCEAN.” Only a few seconds later a white haired lady bursted into the room with a brown haired child under her arm. “I am here” she huffed exhausted. Lilith started to give the two of them instructions on what to do while she helped me to get on the couch again. Ms. Clawthorne sat next to me and seemed really annoyed. After a few minutes passed the two dorks returned with bandages and other stuff. They put the things down on the table next to me a and left the room. The lady looked at me. “I’m going to have to take your shirt of.” The woman said. She saw my concerned look and added: “Your back is probably infected since transforming rips your actual skin. You’ve lost a lot of blood over the last few weeks…. and months… but until a while ago your body was able to regenerate. But now… your as weak as an abandoned stray kitten.” I didn’t say anything. She slowly took of my shirt, trying not to hurt me. I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them, trying to hold back the tears. So she did come back to me. The naive lady was nice after all. “Im sorry but this will hurt a little,” Ms. Clawthorne interrupted my thoughts. Shortly after a sharp pain echoed through my back. I hissed and sank my nails into the couch till the pain softened. I felt her warm fingers on my back. While she took care of my wound i just enjoyed her touch. It was a little comforting. I placed my head on my knees while she put some sort if glued stripes and cotton on my wound. Her hand stroke my back one last time before she tapped my shoulder and said she was done. I put on my shirt again and bowed to hear, signalising my thanks. She smiled and bowed a little too. “You have nowhere to go right? You can stay as long as you like. I’ll prepare a second bed in my room. That way i can keep an eye on you wound… if thats alright with you of course.” I nodded. It would be great to have a place to stay in till i can repay them.
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