#we needed more analysis because even with all the amazing analysis people have done it still feels off
twilightarc-gm · 6 months
Why do you like jiang cheng?
At the risk of liking him for the wrong reasons, let me be verbose and annoying about it.
A short anecdote: I finished the donghua before the novel and I liked JC's aesthetic so I was happy to have that imagery in my head for the novel, but mostly I came out of the donghua like "cool story, the ending was frowny face though" and I came out of the novel like I was lost in the IKEA store "there's stuff here but it's not what I want and it's organized in a way that's hard to navigate through." Bit like giving me a puzzle to solve.
Anyway, imagine a cat bapping at a thing trying to get fandom to show me what to do with MDZS (i.e. reading fanfic) and then I come across anti-Jiang Cheng stuff.
//record scratch
I'm sorry what?
I started then on Shuangjie reconciliation fic and quickly evolved into Jiang Cheng "Apologist" ((I actually don't think he has anything to apologize for even if he would do so anyway.))
I've been in the xianxia/wuxia sphere of media consumption for a year or so before trying out MDZS and JC just fits so well as the main character of his own story; destined for a position of power through birth, friends with someone in his life that causes conflict, seemingly betrayed by said friend when needing that friend the most, losing and losing and losing as his trust in said friend proves unfounded because the friend walks a path he can't follow, and then he's left with the tragedy that befell the world because--ultimately he trusted this friend too much.
It's a classic story of love and attachment and how good intentions can have massive consequences. Two men entwined by fate and in the end there's a battle on a hill (off screen in this case) where one is forced to "kill" the other.
MDZS could have ended with the past timeline, and I would have liked it more but at least in the present timeline we get Jiujiu and a-Ling.
Anyway: Excerpts and Commentary Below about WHY I LOVE JIANG CHENG, courtesy WANYIN
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Of all the clans to offend, you don’t offend the Jiang Clan, and of all the people to offend, you never offend Jiang Cheng.
We stand by a badass mf in this house. The first thing we learn is that he gets credit for killing a big baddy and the second thing we learn is how fierce the rest of his reputation is. He brooks no shit and leaves no quarter. Amazing 💜
Well, I was done for at "gaze like two streaks of cold lightning" so RIP me, I guess. Reminds me of some antis that are like "you only like him because he's hot" which isn't true but it is a nice plus. He's described as inferior to LWJ so like, if it was only about hotness then wouldn't I like LWJ???
“I am his uncle. Do you have any last words?”
At the sound of that voice, every drop of blood in Wei Wuxian’s body seemed to surge to his head but then immediately drained away again. Thankfully, his face was already a mess of ghastly white, so it didn’t look strange when he went a little paler.
A man in purple attire strode over. He was dressed in a narrow-sleeved light robe, with his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. A silver bell dangled from his waist, yet there was no sound when he walked.
This young man had fine brows and almond eyes, with a chiseled handsomeness to his features. His eyes were deep and intense with a hint of aggression, his gaze like two streaks of cold lightning. He stopped and stood three meters away from Wei Wuxian. His expression was like that of a nocked arrow on a bow, ready to shoot, and even his composure was suffused with arrogant pride.
Jiang Cheng ruled the Jiang Clan of Yunmeng alone, so it could have been said that he was in a state of isolation.
🥺 Alone?? And he could still afford 400 Immortal Binding Nets? Self-sufficient king 🤩 And like, his reputation is so fierce and he's boiling over with anger in that scene, but still he restrains himself because he did the cost-benefit analysis! And then later he takes a huge risk on WWX, like he always does for WWX, and that doesn't work out for him--like it always does.
Seeing that nothing had happened to Jin Ling, Jiang Cheng was greatly relieved. However, that relief soon turned into a furious reprimand:
Parent behavior. Enough said.
He has a twisted smile when encountering a trigger for his PTSD and then he decides to fight it instead of letting it paralyze him. He's such a doer. Like, every other moment of the day he's carefully calculating pluses and minuses to every choice (valid) but when it comes to facing his personal demons he's ready to throw down. Excellent.
A moment later, Jiang Cheng’s lips pulled into a twisted smile. His left hand subconsciously began stroking that ring once more.
He said softly, “Excellent. Back, are you?”
He let go of his left hand, and a long whip dangled from it.
“Oh? Then please enlighten me, what is your type?”
Walking A-Spec flag very concerned about what the man who might be his shixiong thinks about him, more at eleven!
Wei Wuxian waved him off and then hooked his arm around Jiang Cheng’s shoulders. “Who cares? I’ll tease him a bit more before I go. You’ve already collected my corpse so many times. Once more won’t hurt.”
Okay but big lol that JC doesn't get to collect WWX's corpse that final time. //sounds of sobbing
A smile appeared on his face, but then he immediately humphed.
He's so grumpy and adorable! I love him! pre massacre JC is precious and I just want him to have someone to bring out that smile again.
He literally didn't have to do this. He makes all these excuses how he'll be embarrassed if WWX is rolling around 😂 Perfection. Boy, you are still carrying him and he doesn't want you to stop.
Jiang Cheng, walk slower, you’re gonna throw me off.”
Not only did Jiang Cheng want to throw Wei Wuxian off, but he practically wanted to bash his head into the ground to create a human crater. “So fussy even though I’m carrying you!”
“I didn’t tell you to carry me,” Wei Wuxian reasoned.
Jiang Cheng flew into a rage. “If I didn’t carry you, I think you’d hang out at their ancestral hall all day, rolling around on the floor. I can’t afford this embarrassment! Lan Wangji took fifty more strikes than you, but he walked away on his own, and you’re not embarrassed, pretending to be an invalid? I don’t want to carry you anymore. Get the hell off!”
“No, I’m wounded,” Wei Wuxian said.
Alrighty, like I'm just going through the entire book at this point.
Let me see if I can make this more concise:
Sacrifices himself despite his very dutiful nature that would oppose this. He throws away all his responsibilities for WWX, again and again, carrying on a tradition of favoring WWX over his own health and happiness. Citing: JFM favoring WWX to the detriment of his marriage, JYL dying to save WWX, and JC (exhausted and with little or no power) running into danger to save WWX ala distracting the Wen patrol and 2nd Siege.
Can't be honest in his affections and makes up excuses to do nice things for others.
Loves and understands his sister. She wanted JZX so he made it happen when LLJ had absolutely no reason to reinstate the marriage contract between Xuanli. JGS notes in the CR arc that he didn't want the marriage for his son in the first place and that there were better options than YMJ, and that was before the war! JC helped her get to Yiling to show off her wedding dress! Even though she married out he still felt so attached to her son he couldn't not co-parent Jin Ling.
Yes, he has Zidian, but he also has a second horsewhip that he keeps on him which is very exciting to know.
The narrative hates him but he survives. (He survives because the narrative hates him).
Most BAMF entrance in the novel at the temple scene with the busting the temple doors down and coming in from the rain with an umbrella. Like sure the narrative hates him but small blessings that rule of cool still counts for something.
Mama's boy.
Just some dude, shows up late to treasury room nonsense, knows all the gossip, no one has faith in him including himself, but he keeps going and doing what needs to be done even when he's so so tired and his shixiong shows up 3 months late with a ghoul lady and a latte, or disappears to liberate slave property without warning first and now he's called into a midnight meeting after trying to get some much needed rest and now he's got consequences to deal with. Someone help him!
An expert at sneering. Threats as a show of worry and care. This makes all the little and brief smiles so much more endearing.
Sandu Shengshou is an amazing title, get out of here if you don't agree. Holy Hand of the Three Poisons? Brutal, perfect 💜 It gets used like, ONCE. Crime against me personally.
Link to Blorbo Sheet for JC
He loves, he hates, he wants to hate he's not allowed to love. Zero middle ground, he's all in and there's no way out.
//is shot and dragged off stage
But just as the Wei Wuxian of the past who’d extracted his golden core for Jiang Cheng had been unable to tell him the truth, the Jiang Cheng of the present could no longer bring himself to speak up.
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chamiryokuroi · 1 year
My thoughts on Tim Drake: Robin #10 heavy spoilers under the cut
First of all got to say it wasn’t a bad ending if we consider they had to wrap up this arc in such a short amount of time, gotta give it to Meghan she managed to figure out a way to answer as many questions as possible and give us a relatively good ending for a series that I feel was canceled with no reason.
You can definitely feel that the story was planned to be done in more issues, the building blocks are all there for an amazing arc and it is sad we had to condense it all in one issue.
Now into a more in depth analysis of the comic of my favorite parts.
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The Labyrinth was such and interesting point I wish we could have seen more of, specially with the fact this is the cult if Dionysus.
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I absolutely adore the fact that Bernard is fully aware of Tim’s identiry because we get such funny interactions like this where Pie honestly thinks Tim is cheating on Bernard with Robin, and that panel of Bernard laughing because of that is one of my favorites for sure, boy is having so much fun, as he should.
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Now in a more serious tone, this two panels tells us so much of how Tim feels, how insecure he is of his own place, not only on his family, but in the world as a whole. That second panel specifically where we see Bernard having fun while Tim is just on the bg, knowing how hard it must be for Tim to wrap his head around his sexuality even now, a year after coming out and starting dating Bernard, this feels realistic, sometimes when you come out later in life it feels as if you do not fit exactly with the community, and it can be hard to find your place.
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If I had a nickel for every time a creepy cult tried to recruit Tim into their ranks I would have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it is weird that it keeps happening.
This is honestly another point that feels like it was meant to be explored for longer before the cancelation notice came. At least it gives us an explanation of why Kate was acting the way she was, it took me a while to get it but basically after Tim saved Bernard from the cult back in Urban Legends Kate went around hunting down those that managed to escape, one of them being the son of this man that appears to be the leader of the cult, the son then took his own life and Kate was taken into the labyrinth, were we know Tim was being pumped with some hallucinogen gas of some sort, depending on how long she was on the labyrinth before managing to escape that might explain her memory loss, again this is all theorizing with what we are given since there wasn’t much space for it to be explain as it should.
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And now we go back to Bernard who is looking around for Tim, going to all the people that knew him as Robin, and then those words “Tim takes care of everyone… but sometimes he needs someone to take care of him” hits me straight on the feels, Bernard is such a supportive boyfriend, he is definitely what Tim needs, someone that is there for him, not only for Tim, but also Robin.
Also the fact that Bernard is making his own homemade bat-signal with his hands is just adorable to me. Boy could had probably drove to Bruce’s house, but he doesn’t need Bruce’s help right now, he needs Batman.
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And of course Batman responds. Bruce why were you following Bernard? Anyways, yet another great speech from Bernard “I thought you might be a ghost. Or you weren’t real. But the truth is you look sort of normal. Like regular-people normal.” Leave it to Bernard to understand exactly what Batman is, just a normal man trying to help as best as he can.
And then he says Tim needs help, not Robin, Tim. This is just Bernard out right telling Bruce “I know, and I don’t care, because Tim is in problem and you got to find him”
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And then we get the best thing, Bernard, and Tim’s friends and family, rushing in to save him, just as he was losing hope of managing to leave the labyrinth alive. Absolutely in love with Bernard’s long ass coat.
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And then we get to my favorite page. The uncertainty if it is really him or another hallucination, the confirmation that it is him, it is Bernard, here to save Tim. The hug, the way Tim is holding Bernard’s face, the only thing that would had made this better would had been a kiss.
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And then we get to the ending, not much to say here, I just love these two pages, Tim just finally realizing he doesn’t need to be anyone else, that he can be himself and that he is right where he belong, and that he can be happy with that. The best ending we could have hope for with what we were allowed to have.
There are obviously many questions left unanswered.
What was exactly the Cult of Dionysus? Where did it came from?
What’s going on with Bernard’s parents?
What’s up with Moriarty? Who was his boss? What was his deal with Robin/Tim??
I am sad TD:R ended the way it did, had it been given the time to develop I feel it would had gotten better. But I am glad we managed to get as much as we did, now we just have to wait and see what will DC do now with Tim, and if Bernard will stay relevant or will they brush him under the rug.
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weirdo09 · 4 months
hobie brown
i’d just like to say, i hope y’all never meet a black boy nor man because y’all’s behavior over one black teenager is honestly disturbing.
like the racist headcanons, the not taking accountability for your disturbing fics about him because “HIS AGE ISNT MENTIONED!!” like don’t act dumb, you know them people said that he’s a slight older boy than miles which would be like 1-2 years, making him 16-17. it’s also just the “i want his dick inside of me” “i want to have his kids” and the sex hcs where it’s like “he’ll fuck you hard and not give you aftercare, just leaves you to take care of yourself.”
i’m not really bothered by the smut fics and hcs cause he is attractive and i will read them every once in awhile but y’all be taking it to the extremes, calling him toxic, making him out like some abusive boyfriend, he’s only sweet when he wants you to have sex with him, he only wants you for sex, he’s a full person but only cool because he’s in a band and has sex with you, he lets his band mates fuck you without your consent, he rapes you for whatever reason (y’all’s writings not mine), he doesn’t care about stopping to see if you’re okay or if you need a break.
basically what i’m seeing is that he’s only good for sex and some of the good fics about him only portray certain parts of him. like i’m all for writing about your favorite characters n what not but if you’re basically gonna treat his character like you’re personal boytoy and not see him as anything else, it’s really harmful. especially with y’all not tagging your fics correctly and the smut fics i previously mention get seen by a minor who would want to read smut of him but not that bullcrap.
y’all literally write him being abusive to his partner, not just physically but call it “teasing”. i’m sorry but if my partner said something about breaking up with me or that i’m not good enough, would i think that that’s just “teasing”? like honestly, if you treat all your ‘blorbos’ like this then i feel sorry for you because hobie’s an amazing character that isn’t just there for you to dream about fucking and getting pregnant by him.
he’s there to show you how corruption and fascism impacting your way of life can lead to you wanting to rebel and become an anarchist to that society. he’s there to teach you that you can make your rules, that you’re more than what one person tells you, you tell yourself what you wanna be. he’s a symbol for black people who don’t wanna follow the rules of a white supremacist, fascist society, for the people who’ve ever just been like “fuck the government, i’m my own person.”
i really feel like y’all take him for granted and he is a character for a children’s type of media so the “well minors shouldn’t be looking for his smut!!” doesn’t work here. honestly, do y’all ever care about characters that aren’t perceived as “fuckable” or “attractive” by your standards? it just really pisses me off because y’all act like that’s all he’s there for, your yearning for BBC has really dimmed your perception of this character. HES A IMPORTANT CHARACTER FOR YALL TO ROLE MODEL CAUSE ITS OBVIOUS YALL DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE MOVIE’S CHILD AUDIENCE BUT YOU GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIM SO
if you care about hobie, please remember that there’s more to him than you wanting him to fuck you and he would hate the things that you’ve done to him because you have bigger issues in the world than “he would fuck you with his big cock.” LIKE WAKE THE FUCK UP WE COULD BE MAKING ANALYSIS OF HIS CHARACTER BUT INSTEAD YOU THINK THAT HES JUST THERE TO BE EYE CANDY LIKE OMGGGG
just please for the sack of everyone, learn more about his character and stop tryna be antiblack and sex crazed over him. if you love hobie, just stop being the way that you are because it’s honestly disgusting to have to see grown adults wanting a canon minor to fuck them. you ain’t slick, the fact that i even have to write this is disgusting. do better, fandom is more than saying that you would fuck a character, care more about the teenagers on this site that are in the fandom with you as well. stop being selfish and start caring about the other people in the fandom.
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storiesofsvu · 7 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 12
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, alcohol, canon typical conversation, smut. This ch feels a little it jumpy, partially because it is, partially because of how it needed to be. Each of the breaks represent a time jump, just little pieces of our girls lives while they figure out how to go about it. Two to three chapters left until this series is finally done with!
“Fuck…” Emily muttered with a small huff, flipping the cover to her iPad closed before she gently tossed it onto the coffee table.
“You good?” You asked, glancing between the television and her.
“Yeah, just lost another round of scrabble.”
“Cheeto breath’s the blonde, right?” You asked, redirecting your attention towards her as you picked up your glass of wine.
“JJ.. yeah..” Emily’s eyes drifted out the window for a moment, reminiscing about her memories with Jayje over the years.
“I take it you two were good friends?”
“Yeah.” She cast you a small smile.
“You know… you are allowed to talk about them.”
“I know.” Emily sighed softly, picking up her own drink, “it just almost feels surreal now. Like that part of my life was some kind of fever dream, the years between Doyle were reality but the way things worked out it almost seems like the fake memories were it, not the time with him.”
“Did you go straight from that undercover gig to your team?” You asked your brow furrowing.
“Basically.” She laughed, the grin staying on her face, “a few months to recuperate, make sure all the loose ends were tied.”
“How does that work on a resume? I mean, you can’t exactly put an entire fake identity on there.”
Emily laughed again, taking a bigger swig of her drink while she mulled over the entire topic, “the bureau and international teams have their way of covering things up. It wasn’t really me who did all that, it was Lauren, so Emily Prentiss came off a desk job, well recommended to the BAU.”
“And they believed that?” You raised a brow in her direction. It didn’t take a federal agent to notice the way Emily behaved, the little things she picked up on that made her seem like someone with extensive experience.
“Everyone had their walls up, they weren’t ready for a replacement on the team yet, it wasn’t exactly welcoming. Not to mention Hotch seemed to have it in for me, thinking my mother had swindled the job for me.”
“Hmm.” You replied over the rim of your wine glass, “it didn’t stay like that though?”
“No.” She smiled softly, “they became family. I spent more time with them than anyone else in my life, we all did, even outside of work. If I wanted to have a girls night I knew JJ and Penelope would always say yes, Derek was never going to decline a visit to the gym or shooting range, Rossi was always dying to teach someone his latest recipe…..” She trailed off, her eyes slowly misting with tears as she thought about how likely it was that all of that continued despite her absence, how they were all coping with her death, with their grief while she tried to figure out her own on the opposite side of the world with only one person by her side. “We were all a better family to each other than our own ever could have been.”
“They sound amazing.” Your hand reached out, squeezing at her elbow and she cast you a grin.
“They are.”
“So aside from being a total bad ass federal agent chasing down serial killers, what is it exactly that your unit does?”
“Behavioural Analysis, it’s more psychology based, figuring out trends, triggers, history, patterns, geographical locations,” she waved her hand with each statement, “putting it all together to figure out who our unsub is.”
“That’s honestly really neat. I kinda wish hospitals had people on staff to help with that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah.” She laughed, “me too.”
Thick flakes of snow were drifting down through the air, coating the city in a fluffy white blanket, which meant going nowhere. Emily crossed her arms over her chest, letting out a huff as she looked out the balcony window. The temperature had been decreasing daily and she was getting pent up, cabin fever increasing and had been hoping to get out of the house this weekend.
“You okay?” You asked from your spot in the kitchen, packing up leftovers to toss in the fridge before pouring out a couple fresh glasses of wine.
“I’m bored.” She practically whined, turning around to face you, “if I have to watch another episode of The Bachelor I will blow my brains out.”
“Okay…” you laughed, picking up the wine to move back into the living room, handing her her glass. “You have anything else in mind? New show, game?”
She chewed on her lip, eyes darting around the room while she tried to find something to entertain her and you knew you were in trouble when they shot back up to you with that dangerous glimmer in them. “How about poker?”
“We’ve played every night this week, you think that’s gonna cure this?” You asked, grabbing the deck of cards from behind you before you settled on the couch.
“How about we up the stakes?”
“What? Play for real money?” You asked with a laugh, nearly gulping at the look she gave you in return.
“Or… we could make it strip poker?” She offered with a wild grin and you couldn’t help but roll you eyes.
“Fine.” You started to deal the cards out, “but you better take it easy on me, we all know you’re the poker champ.”
Emily in fact, did not take it easy on you.
It didn’t help that the cold bothered her more, her body aching at the temperatures meant she was bundled up, thick socks, leggings, tank top, thin pullover, hoodie. You preferred cool temperatures, meaning you were already down to just a pair of lace panties while she still had pants and a bra on.
“This is not fair.” You grumbled, letting out a little shiver as you crossed your arms over your chest and she laughed, draining the last of her drink. “You were wearing so many more clothes than me.”
“Sounds like someone’s a poor loser.” She chuckled, the cards in her hand finding home on the coffee table as she shifted toward you on the couch, “but I’m pretty sure I can make it up to you…”
You let out a small laugh as she caged you into the couch, your back hitting the arm in the same moment her lips hit your neck and you were suddenly out of complaints. Her hands toyed with your chest, groping and pinching at you, her lips smirking up into a grin as your hips rutted up against hers. It only took a few moments before her hand was sneaking into your panties, gently rubbing at your clit.
“Fuck…” You muttered, your head dropping back against the couch, eyes fluttering shut as her mouth wrapped around your nipple.
Your moans became louder when her fingers slipped into your pussy, twisting and curling just where you needed them. Emily’s breath hot on your neck, her teeth scraping against your skin as you fluttered around her, whimpers leaving your lips as she toyed with you, getting louder and louder until you hit your peak and losing a poker game was the furthest thing from your mind.
Emily let the apartment door swing shut behind her, flicking the lock before dropping the bag of groceries on the counter. After hanging up her coat and kicking off her boots her eyes finally swept through the living room, her head tilting when her gaze landed on you. You were perched in your usual corner of the couch, fuzzy blanket over your lap, mug of coffee in your hand but instead of staring at the television, your gaze as focussed on the corner of the room. She watched you for a couple of minutes, wondering if you were just zoned out, off on some tangent of medical language in your brain but you didn’t even blink to notice that she’d even come home.
“Okay you’re freaking me out. This is like when your cat is staring at the wall and the only explanation is a ghost.”
“Should we get a tree?” Your head titled to the side but your gaze remained in the corner.
“Uh… what?” She asked, laughing awkwardly and you finally looked over to her.
“For Christmas.” You explained, eyes sweeping through the living room, “every where’s all decorated, lights, garland, trees, I could do without the Christmas music at the hospital constantly but it’s a little drab in here, don’t ya think?”
“And you want a tree?”
“Not a real one,” your nose scrunched, “too much work, and it doesn’t have to be a big one, a mini one, just some lights to make it a little festive in here.”
Emily crossed through the living room, dropping down onto the other side of the couch as she looked through the apartment, “you’re right. We should decorate, even just a little, make it feel more homey in here.”
“Yeah?” You looked up at her and she couldn’t help but smile at the excitement in your eyes.
“Yeah.” She squeezed at your leg through the blanket, “we watch enough tv as is, we could be marathoning Christmas movies. I picked up hot chocolate,” she nodded toward the grocery bag.
“Now that, sounds like a festive night.”
“After decorating though.” She grinned and you raised a brow, “there’s so many little celebrations going on out there.” She gestured toward the window, “I walked past two separate Christmas markets today, we should go check them out, pick up some stuff for the apartment, maybe some treats.”
“You wanna go now?”
“Well I was gonna make baked ziti for dinner, but that could wait cause I have a feeling you really love Christmas.”
“Yeah…” you nearly winced with a small smile on your face and Emily laughed.
“Well c’mon.”
Five hours later the two of you were curled up under the same blanket on the couch while The Holiday played on the television. Empty pasta plates sat on the coffee table and mugs of steaming hot chocolate spiked with Baileys were cupped in your hands. Multi coloured lights from the tree and the tops of the wall cast a warm glow throughout the apartment, the smell of gingerbread wafting from a candle burning on the kitchen island.
“You were right.” Emily mumbled “this is much better. I guess I forgot how just how nice actually embracing the holidays can feel.”
“Oh really?” You glanced up at her with a small grin and she raised a brow in your direction.
“I’m just saying, I saw an ad for a really cool looking ice sculpture festival next weekend.”
She laughed, nudging your shoulder with hers as she shook her head at you, “alright, fine. It’s not like I have much else to do anyways.”
“Exactly.” You settled back into the couch with a satisfied sigh, “though we need to get some presents for under the tree.”
“If you don’t hurry up, you’re gonna miss the countdown!” Emily shouted over her shoulder, puling her sweater tighter over her shoulders, her eyes sweeping through the stars sparkling in the night sky. A dreamy look on her face, no doubt partially thanks to the bubbly the two of you had been drinking since dinner.
“I know, I know!” You scoffed back, hurrying back onto the balcony and handing her a flute, “but you absolutely cannot start a new year without champagne, and this is legit champagne.”
“Classy.” She replied with a laugh when she took the glass from you.
The streets below you were filled with laughter, cheers and the general sound of celebration as midnight ticked closer and closer. You shivered and Emily tugged you closer to her, her arm linking into yours as smiles broke out on both of your cheeks while you joined in on the countdown echoing from the street below. The clock hit twelve and choruses of ‘Happy New Year’ and cheers bounced through the air as the two of you clinked your glasses together and took a swig of your drinks fireworks exploding in the sky above you.
“What?” You asked when Emily swiped your glass, putting it along with hers down on the small table.
“C’mere.” She tugged you to her, “you can’t not have a new year’s kiss.”
Her arm wound around your waist, lips meeting yours tenderly, moving with grace against each other as your arms wrapped around her shoulders. Her tongue slipped into your mouth and you let out a happy sigh into the kiss.
“You know, you’re really good at this.” She murmured, lips curving into a grin and you chuckled.
“I’m good at a lot of other things too.” The smirk on your lips pulled a laugh from Emily.
“I like this.” She replied, stepping backwards and you let out a squeal when she pulled you down onto the couch behind her, your legs settling around her hips as she adjusted you on her lap, her lips meeting yours once again.
The kiss was full of little laughs, happy breaths, satisfied sighs as you held each other tighter to combat the chilliness of the now January night air. You could only hope that if this was how you were starting the year off that it would end up being a better one overall than the last.
Emily was in the kitchen scrounging up what she could for dinner out of leftovers when you finally emerged from your bedroom. You glanced up to her with a happy smile,
“I take it the meeting went well?” She asked.
“Yeah. The hospital wants to fly me out for a couple of consults on Tuesday.”
“That’s amazing!”
“You’re good then..” your brow scrunched, “like… if I take off for a few days? It feels weird to leave you… unsupervised, for lack of a better word.”
Emily barked out a laugh, “I’ll be fine, I’m sure I can handle a few days on my own. You go save some lives.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged, “you’ve cleared me, the shrink has my med load decreased, I was cleared at the beginning of the month by PT to up my workouts. Hate to break it to ya, but you’ve been downgraded from babysitter to roommate at this point.”
“Okay, okay.” You laughed, sliding onto a stool at the island.
“I’m guessing this is the same research you’ve been working on?”
“Yeah, finally found the right place with the right fit and resources.”
“So you’re moving then?”
“God no, I don’t even know if there’s an actual job available. They might just want my research, might offer me a grant to keep working here, fly me in when needed. I could probably do ninety percent of it over Skype, it’s all about collaboration at this stage.”
“Well whatever happens I hope it’s good.”
“Me too.”
While Emily did actually enjoy her solo time in the apartment, she found it feeling just a little strange. Knowing that you weren’t coming home those nights, that noise out in the hallway were just the neighbours making their way to their own apartments. That she wasn’t waiting for you before starting dinner, she could eat whenever she wanted and that there was no one to start the coffee for her in the morning. Your absence was felt, even if you were still keeping in touch over text the three days you were gone.
It was barely noon and there was already a sense of urgency shooting through the apartment as you practically jumped out of your bedroom into the living room.
It wasn’t even a second later that she came barrelling out of her room, duffle over her shoulder, still open so she could grab her phone charger and tablet from the kitchen island to shove into it.
“I, uh.. I think I need to go.”
“What?” You asked and she stalled suddenly,
“The guardian I had for Declan, he just called me. Declan tried to call him, there’s something going on, I need to get back stateside.” She took a deep breath, feeling the jitters in her chest starting as her pulse started to race, “oh god…” She suddenly dropped to a squat, her elbows on her knees so she could bury her face in her hands, “I really didn’t think this was gonna happen so quick.”
“Em…” you stepped toward her, a hand resting on her shoulder, squeezing softly and she was able to take another deep breath, calming her racing heart enough to bring herself up to standing and you could see the misting in her eyes.
“I… I know you’re not my therapist or anything, but you have honestly been the closest person since we got here, and I… I don’t know if I’m ready to go back.”
“If Declan needs you…”
“What if this is some kind of trap? What if Ian got to Tom, and this is just a fucking set up?” She ran a hand over her face, turning back to you, “sorry, I’m freaking out. You were gonna say something when I first came out.”
“Yeah,” you smiled, “you don’t have to worry about Ian. Your team has him.”
“What?” Her eyes widened and you gestured to your phone in your hand.
“Hotch called; they want you back to help break him.” Reaching out you squeezed at her wrist, “you’re ready. They need you, the real you... you get to be yourself again.”
Emily couldn't help the warmth flowing through her at the thought of that, at getting to return to her real life after all this time. “And you what, keep playing pretend here?”
“No.” You laughed, “actually right before Hotch called, St Thomas’ called…there was a job and they just offered it to me. I move to London at the end of the month.”
“Oh my god, that’s amazing.” A smile burst out on her face and she pulled you into a tight hug until you were nudging her away.
“You need to go.” You practically laughed, “there’s a jet waiting for you, a car will pick you up on the other end.”
“Fuck, right.” She quickly zipped up her bag, double checking that she had everything she needed.
“Text me if you’re missing anything crucial and I’ll ship it out.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” She paused, looking up at you with genuine gratitude written across her face, “and I mean that, both literally and figuratively. Thank you, for everything.” Stepping toward you she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, placing a kiss on your cheek before she stepped away.
“Yeah well, you can pay it back to me by not ruining all my hard work in your first day back in the field, okay?”
“Stay safe.” You warned her and she cast a smile back to you while she opened the door.
“I will. And don’t be a stranger.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
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flaresanimedump · 3 months
Why Fukuzawa is the Hottest BSD Character
*Cracks knuckles* ok here’s “what’s likeable about Fukuzawa/Why would Ranpo like Fukuzawa” because I saw that again recently
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Twunks are agelessly hot. Don’t pretend you didn’t think movie stars 10+ years older than you were attractive as a teen. And everyone currently thirsting over BTS - he was the same age as they are when Ranpo met him.
2) You like strong, warm hugs where it feels like you’re swallowed up in the other person’s arms? You like the safe feeling it gives you?
What if those strong warm arms belonged to a bodyguard??
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3) Ok now what if those strong arms belonged to a bodyguard who was also once a bad guy.
You know those hands can kill because they have before. But they’re gentle with you, careful. He’s on his way to being reformed but you’re seeing the good that was always there to start with, if only the world hadn’t pushed him into violence. This is Bungo Stray Dogs so just go ahead and briefly imagine this as a dog rescued from dogfighting that’s the absolute sweetest thing you’ve ever met. Now transfer that feeling to Fukuzawa, a man who was used by the government in a war Ranpo was too young to be part of, a rogue who’s learned the error of his ways and seeks to repent, a reformed bad boy with a heart of gold, you might say??? Incredible I’ll take 12.
4) Before we get into the long character analysis stuff I am going to try to impart to you the allure of an older man who isn’t a creep.
4.1) They’re wise and confident. They can offer help nobody your age can.
4.2) They stay calmer under pressure. An island of serenity.
4.3) When they get mad they usually get shit done. Way less drama. Fukuzawa may be a slight exception because of his former boyfriends but he has done his best to kill them both himself so I stand by the statement.
4.4) They’re still very human. Fukuzawa specifically gets passionate and loses himself in emotion when he’s worried or afraid, but it takes a lot to crack his exterior chill. It’s extremely hot when you get a reaction you had to work for.
5) Fukuzawa is about the most dependable husband-type we have in BSD.
He built up a whole agency to support his and Ranpo’s life together (a lifestyle they both wanted to continue, as mentioned in 4th anime opening Shirushi) despite initially being bad at 90% of the skills required.
(Rough Shirushi lyrics in question below)
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Fukuzawa's described as "afraid of strangers" and thinks to himself how everything about leading a company is something he could never do in Origins,
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and then we see him 12 years later and he's worked really hard to be able to do it. We get all these hints about how connected he is now
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and we see how good he is at leading the ADA but there are times when it's clear it's something he adopted and not what he was born for, like when Mori started asking about strategy books and he'd only read the most common one, or how he plays Go but was reading a book about the rules in one of the official arts set in present day.
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Of course, Tsun Tzu isn't exactly light reading, but I don't think Asagiri would make the character based on the most notable proponent of education in Japan be less well read than his opponent if it wasn't core to Fukuzawa's character in BSD. He's worked so hard to be what the ADA needs and wasn't/isn't a genius at it but still does well, and he basically switched careers on a whim at 33 to support Ranpo. Imagine if somebody did all that for you. If Ranpo wasn’t in love with him before I think that would be the killing blow.
6) Even if Fukuzawa’s not a genius, he’s able to understand and accept others more than any of the "normal" people in Yokohama.
He thought Ranpo was amazing when everyone else thought he was annoying (Fukuzawa also thought he was annoying of course, but the amazing part won out in the end). He experienced the full brunt of Ranpo’s observation and felt bad that he got upset over it when literally every other person who’d encountered Ranpo over the course of 2 years had been angry, shouted, and in the case of the Police Academy dorm head and presumably Ranpo's classmates, beat him for it.
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We can guess from the agency members Fukuzawa employs that he’s a freak magnet and it’s probably because of this trait of his. I’d say he has ‘clear vision’ in that he’s able to see if someone is good or bad beyond societal norms even though he is aware of them himself.
Basically, Ranpo doesn’t like “common sense,” and while Fukuzawa is familiar enough with it to function normally in society, he’s one of very few like that who aren’t governed by it.
7) Fukuzawa is a genuinely good, kind person.
He listened to Ranpo more than anybody but his parents would, took him in when nobody else would. He refused to become a soldier, to go and kill other soldiers with no power over the outcome of the war, in order to assassinate the officials actually responsible for continuing the war.
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I’d argue that Fukuchi was trying to follow in his footsteps with his grand war-stopping plan – that he felt Fukuzawa’s decision to kill the fewest possible people to end the war was correct. And Fukuzawa made personal sacrifices to do that, letting his best friend go to the front alone, not knowing if he’d live or die. Losing friends and losing the respect of those who did come back when he quit.
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But even though there’s a good chance that what Fukuzawa did saved a lot of lives, and even though the people we're aware he killed were unquestionably evil, he still felt that his feelings at the time put him in the wrong. He was still horrified at what he was capable of and quit once all the officials who could restart the war were dead.
There aren’t many characters in BSD with that kind of moral fiber. Dazai’s not trying to repent in the ADA, he’s just there to do good because a friend said he should. Ranpo’s not a bad guy but he’s not exactly caring or in possession of a strong moral compass.
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Atsushi’s obsession with doing good is so tightly wound into his own self-worth it’s almost involuntary, which takes away some of his agency in his actions. We know Tanizaki is willing to commit murder without fear, Kunikida was fine with letting Atsushi be kidnapped, and everyone in the Port Mafia is morally gray at best. Even the Special Operations Division is governed by a “needs of the many over the needs of the few” mentality.
Arguably the only other characters who even come close to this level of humanity are Oda and Chuuya, but Oda's not in this essay and even Chuuya doesn’t care as much about collateral damage. The only characters in the cannibalism arc who drew a line to stop their groups from killing each other and anybody who got too close were Fukuzawa and Mori, and Mori’s morality would require another essay. So I’d argue that in a series where many are great, Fukuzawa is a very rare good man.
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As illustrated by his scene with Fukuchi and Teruko. Fukuchi is a great man willing to work himself to the bone and die for others, but he’s also willing to “curse” Fukuzawa, as Ranpo said in the finale, with the long-term burden of his plan, and to kill innocent people to make it all happen. Teruko is a great girl willing to carry out Fukuchi’s orders out of either devotion to him or to justice, but she’s willing to kill and frame a man she knows isn't a villain to do it. The ends justify the means.
(To be clear I think this makes her a great character, but not one whose allegiance is to simple good-ness.)
Fukuzawa isn’t willing to kill someone who isn’t evil. He WAS willing to kill his evil mad friend to save his other friends. We saw that when he first struck Fukuchi down, so it wasn’t the closeness of their relationship that stayed his hand after he understood Fukuchi’s plan. It was that he felt the ends did not justify the means.
Virtually every other character in this series would have done it, thus: Fukuzawa is a good man in a series full of great people.
And that is what I ultimately think made Ranpo attach himself to Fukuzawa and listen to him without question despite Fukuzawa being an idiot in comparison. Let's face it, Fukuzawa's a bit of a himbo. But Ranpo realized he could trust Fukuzawa to know right from wrong at the same time he realized he couldn't trust himself to know: when Fukuzawa shouted at him after his rescue in Origins.
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Ranpo was in the process of doing exactly what all the other characters do: whatever it took to catch the bad guys/stop the bad thing from happening. He allowed himself to be kidnapped and accepted the risk that he might be shot in order to find the hideout of the men responsible for, so far, a murder and a kidnapping conspiracy with Very Bad implications for the peace in Japan (kidnapping Natsume is not something they would do JUST for a ransom).
Objectively, without considering the human element, this appears to be the correct choice. Ranpo being in temporary danger isn't a big deal when the grand scheme has such major red flags for national security. Many many more people were probably in danger, and we now know the group was somehow tied to Fyodor so yeah, he was on a Very Troubling Thread. But even without knowing Fyodor's connection it seems sort of brilliant and ideal.
The ends justify the means.
But Fukuzawa didn't see it that way. He didn't care about catching the bad guys, he didn't care about efficiency or Ranpo's plans or anything of the sort. He was the only guy in the city whose main focus was on the human element - on Ranpo. Fukuzawa presented a fundamentally different way of thinking that Ranpo and the majority of the cast just aren't capable of, and it's natural to him. And I think Ranpo understood that in a split second when Fukuzawa said he shouldn't put his life in danger and decided that even if Fukuzawa was essentially blind compared to him, Fukuzawa's decisions would always be better than his.
SO that's what I think Ranpo would like about Fukuzawa and what makes Fukuzawa attractive!! Also he's really sexy :D
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
How do I decide a career field?
I mean my entire self esteem, self worth and self confidence is destroyed. I hate myself. I don’t think I’m capable of doing anything. I like art, even though it’s very hard for me to do I’m pushing myself to explore as much as I can. I am thinking of going into data analysis but it’s so overwhelmingly scary for me.
I have an MD, but i can’t pursue it because of my mental health issues.
Okay so I might not be the best person to talk about this, because I figured out that career just isn't important to me when I'm just trying to survive, so I don't think any field is worth chasing or putting effort into, for me at least! Job is just something that gives you the means to get survival resources and that is it.
Otherwise I really relate to what you're saying, I also don't feel like I'd be good at any field, don't feel like I'm made for anything and can't see myself doing anything specialized seriously. It's also very difficult to choose a field when you've never gotten to try bunch of things, never had experience doing stuff and you don't really know what you'd enjoy, what you like, or at least what doesn't feel too stressful, overwhelming and impossible.
It's incredibly impressive that you have a MD, that alone signifies great endurance, persistence and intelligence on your part, and it's awful that mental health issues prevent you from doing anything related to it (I feel the same tho, my degree is in the closet, never seen or used at all lol)
I think the best way to decide is to talk to people who work in various fields and ask them what their day-to-day work is like, and figure out where you see yourself, where you fall in easily, or at least what seems doable, not too stressful, not overwhelming. What doesn't make you hate yourself. I'm just doing cleaning but I couldn't be more pleased because it's very obvious when I've done well and it's so low stakes that pretty much nothing can go wrong. Nobody ever complains either. In fact yesterday I got a text message from a client saying I did amazing, I mean that kind of stuff is ideal to my mental state.
I think we're raised to believe that our career needs to be something very significant, something that creates a place for us in the world, the proof that we're useful to society and that we made something out of ourselves! We need to show off our success and our identity needs to be tied to what we do. And we need to be good at it and make a difference in the world with it.
Well in the current capitalistic climate, this is bullshit. The only socially useful jobs are the ones which get no recognition, no social acceptance, no praise, no acknowledgment, in fact you're looked down upon if you just do manual jobs that are incredibly necessary to keep the society going.
The jobs where you can reach high success and high paycheck - are the ones that make rich people richer, and that is not what I'm about. I mean it's not what anyone really wants to do, but it's the only thing that is considered successful and admirable, and I hate it, don't want to participate in it, makes me want to run away from capitalism.
And also it's a myth that you need to be really good at your job because people do bad jobs constantly and get paid and they don't feel bad at all, lots are bad on purpose and use their jobs to do evil, and get away with it, so there's no pressure to be perfect at your job. If it gets done thats all that matters.
So if you can find anything that just fulfills the purpose of getting your survival resources to you, go for it. If you feel like data analysis is what makes you pleased and happy, go for that. If art makes you feel good, you can do that too! You don't have to have only one job, you can change jobs multiple times during your life, it doesn't need to define who you are, you are not here to serve the society, you're here to survive and you can do your job for yourself only. It's supposed to serve you, not the other way around. You don't exist only to do your job. You exist to be safe, and happy, and fulfilled, and safe. A job is supposed to do this for you, and it doesn't matter which one, as long as you're not being tormented by stress and fear, it's fine.
So what I'm trying to say, the world should not pressure you into making a quick decision, you should take your time trying out stuff and finding what works for you, and what doesn't make you feel awful about yourself. And also if it helps, everyone has a sort of a low confidence when only starting! Everyone is bad at everything when they're starting. Confidence will come with experience, when you see yourself getting better at something trough the years, you will get a chance to gather some faith in yourself and know you're doing well. You can follow any interest you have, regardless of how well or bad you're at it, as long as it can secure you some income. It's okay to be bad at first too because everyone is kinda bad at first.
Also, I've seen some people incredibly confident in their work while doing an awful job at it, it was pretty scary. Like they were doing active harm to society and didn't understand how anything actually worked but boasted about how capable they are because they were picking up a high paycheck. When I think there's people like that, and then others are worried about not being good at anything, it makes me stunned. I truly believe that no matter what you do, you'll never do as much harm as some high-paid people out there.
I hope you don't have a horrible time deciding anon! It's a difficult spot in life for anyone, so don't worry if it takes a bit of time or if you choose something and then quit, it just brings you a step closer to what you actually like doing, and it's a good thing to try things out and pick out the one that works best for you.
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lucianalight · 10 months
Loki S2 Review
I rewatched S2 and I liked it even more on the second watch. I'm giving it a 6 out of 10 in average(8 for the finale). Since I didn't post a review week by week like for S1, I'm just going to talk about the main things I liked/disliked
The Improvements & Things I liked:
The pace and the narrative's tone and framing have changed. While the pace drops sometimes, these moments aren't as boring as S1. Meaning you don't want to constantly check when it's going to end(like you know, S1 and especially 1x06). The narrative is neutral and doesn't villain code Loki and hero code others. It doesn't turn Loki into a clown, a punching bag or someone who deserves humiliation(I guess they've done enough of that in S1). On the contrary the characters are shown as flawed people, with Loki being the most moral, considerate, logical and heroic amongst them.
They stated bluntly in episode 1, that what TVA used to do, were atrocities. That they were killing numerous innocent people who had a right to live their lives as they chose.
The characters were three dimensional, likable or tolerable despite their actions in S1. They showed remorse for the things they had done. Although the way the narrative chose to go about it in S1 still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It shouldn't happen to you for you to realize sth is wrong. But at least it was shown that the characters weren't slaughtering people mindlessly and some of them deep down knew it was wrong. Although the fact that they still did it, because of the "greater good", and "woe is me! It's not a comfort it's a burden" attitude about it is repulsive.
OB, Casey and Timely being funny, cute nerds and fanboys :D
Loki using amazing magical stuff and DID YOU SEE THE GREEN MAGICAL GLOW IN HIS EYES?*incoherent screaming*
No Romance. It was unnecessary and rushed in S1. This time they focused more on Loki needing friends and that was definitely a better choice imo and what they should have gone for in S1 too.
Sylvie's actions and personality framed as what they were. She wasn't put on a pedestal as this amazing different FeMaLe version of Loki. She was framed as a flawed character with wrong and right actions and beliefs.
Loki and Sylvie's talk in the pie land, about change, hope, fixing what's broken and being gods. That sigh before Loki saying "We are gods" with all the weight of the world on his shoulders. Wonderful acting.
The ending and its epic soundtrack.
Topics & Things That Could Have Been Handled Better:
The Topic of New York Invasion
"Sometimes a rage builds up and you just gotta let it out. Do you remember that time I was so angry with my father and my brother, I went down to Earth and I held the whole of New York city hostage with an alien army? Tried to use the mind stone on Tony Stark? It didn't work so I threw him off the building. It wasn't tactical. I lost it"
On the surface it looks like Loki's saying that's why he attacked New York and probably most people accept this without a second thought.
But the context of the scene matters. We see during the interrogation Mobius loses his temper. He was worried about Loki getting angry, but he was the one who loses his temper and hits Brad. Loki tries to calm him down by sympathizing with him to try and see what caused his behavior. It's the same thing he did for Thor in the first movie, before coronation and after it, while Thor was nervous and angry. What he says about New York while isn't the whole truth, it also isn't untrue. He was angry with Thor and Odin but as we know his anger and thoughts were influenced by the scepter. We also know Loki doesn't like to talk about his time with Thanos or being tortured. Instead he uses a half-truth, sth that is in character for Loki.
So the scene can be rationalized by this analysis but it's still annoying that this analysis is even needed. They should have been clear about the scepter's influence especially when mcu confirmed it.
Loki thinking about Thor's change as being a weakness. While both Thor and Loki were groomed and taught to consider being soft as a weakness, that wasn't Loki's true feelings. At least I don't think someone who prefers words and magic-that are considered a weakness in Asgard-over brawn thinks like that. His goal in the first movie was to goad Thor into fighting him. So the line should have been sth like this: "Asgard taught us being soft is a weakness, so I used that against Thor to goad him into a fight. I said he's gone soft…"
Plotholes and things that weren't explained.
Why Loki and Sylvie weren't sent to their original timelines like others? And why neither of them showed any interest in seeking their family? You're telling me Loki wants to see these people he knows for 10 seconds more than Frigga or Thor? OOC.
Sylvie's sudden mastery of magic since 1x06 isn't explained. She didn't know much, but then suddenly could do everything Loki did. I mean I can headcanon that her and Loki linking their power taught her some things but these sudden developments without any explanations are annoying.
Loki's genderfluidity. No mention of it at all. Although I believe that no representation is better than bad representation. And you should leave a topic alone if you don't understand it, otherwise you're gonna mess it up. Because bad rep can be more harmful. And so maybe it was a good thing mcu let that one go. But they could still fix it with some shapeshifiting, explaining its difference with illusions and Loki confirming that he is comfortable in her female form.
Loki's clothes. It's probably not that important in comparison with other issues but I really hate that beige suit. Why Sylvie who doesn't even want to be Loki and wasn't in Asgard since childhood changes into an Asgardian outfit for a fight and not Loki? Yeah I get it. It was because of the last reveal and transformation and finding his identity blah blah blah but at least they could have gave him his old Asgardian clothes or he could change the suit's color ugh
Criticism & Things I didn't like:
The ooc moments for Loki in some comedic scenes. Especially in episode 5. While the character has a comedic potential, it's not based on clownery or clumsiness. The best humorous moments for Loki are the ones where he outwits others, use sarcastic language or he is being outwitted despite his careful plans.
Certain emotional stakes aren't clear from the start. The audience know that saving TVA is the right thing because it protects all the freed timelines but they don't know why they should care? Or more accurately why Loki is so emotionally invested in this goal. That gets answered in episode 5 and while Loki's talk with Sylvie is a good emotional scene, the fact that it's stated so late in the story, makes the first few episodes boring when it comes to saving TVA.
The main reason the emotional stakes aren't clear(at least for me), I believe is because most of the people Loki call them his "friends",  haven't done anything to either deserve his friendship or aren't close enough to be considered a friend. Let alone someone Loki tries to move heaven and hell to be with them, instead of for example trying to find his brother and family. It is an issue which again is rooted in S1 and carried to S2. What happened in S1 wasn't therapy or a healthy friendship.
However, Loki being loyal to anyone who show him an ounce of affection or him being moral enough to try to save people are in character for him and that's sth good about it.
The torture scene.
The trick Mobius and Loki pulled was predictable as hell. I didn't even doubted Loki in TDW, let alone here. And even though I didn't believe for one second that Loki's actually going to hurt the guy, and he wasn't shown enjoying it, I still hated that he went along with the torture idea Mobius had come up with. Especially considering the fact that he was a victim of torture himself and never shown any sign in canon that he would torture someone. So yeah I hated that scene.
And why that scene was even necessary? Loki could get into X-5's mind when they weren't in TVA. We know he is capable of it. He did it both through mind stone in Avengers and in TR. how else they were going to delve into Mobius' problem though smh
But alright let's say they needed a scene like that. Still the whole Brad believing Mobius is against torture, and Loki's the one who would be in favor of it, is so fucking ridiculous. Any way you look at it, it has always been TVA and Mobius who did any torture we've seen during the two seasons. The tortures that Loki endured might I add. Even in the previous scene, it was Loki who didn't hit Brad and only tried to intimidate him non-physically by acting as a villain. It was Mobius who hit him, who was shown more affected by Brad's insults. So logically the scene they had planned to fool Brad, should have been played completely the opposite way. By having Mobius do the torture. At least it was recognized that the torture idea was from Mobius and both he and Loki gave the credits for it to Mobius.
Verity Willis. Hunter B15 unlike the Verity in comics, doesn't have a close friendship with Loki or truth detector powers. Not having a good friend like comics Verity for Loki, was such a wasted opportunity in the series.
Mobius saying to Loki "You're a man of action...". That was such a stupid, unnecessary line. As if the main difference between Loki and Thor wasn't Thor acting before thinking, and Loki thinking and planning before acting. While Loki is also a man of action, he is first and foremost a man of strategy. The only plausible explanation imo is that Mobius said it to not feel useless in comparison with Loki and his skills.
"Thor's not that tall". Yeah, no. I don't think Loki's reaction to seeing Thor and Odin's statues would be that. Knowing his brother and family were murdered by the very same people he's working with now. Remind me again why he's considering them "FrIeNdS"? Someone really needs to explain the concept of friendship to Loki. Or rather the writers of this show.
And while we are at it. Let's talk about how Loki's past and identity issues were completely swapped under the rug as if they were all magically fixed and didn't matter anymore. As if those weren't the most important part of his journey. Another issue rooted in S1.
Final Thoughts(for now :D)
Season 2 was definitely better than season 1. Not perfect, and not for those who care about OG Loki's issues. They set him on a completely different path in S1 and they messed up any chance to actually delve into his problems. So in S2 we're having a character that we're supposed to accept has moved on from certain issues, and now tries to find what he wants and where he belongs. Still, I think that they listened to the criticism for once as they tried to fix some of the problems of S1. After many years it didn't feel like that the creators hate the character, or using him as a prop, or a plot device. It was a story about Loki. A bittersweet story for the god of stories.
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elijah-loyal · 7 months
on the kick of movies, i ALSO forgot how good Hunchback of Notre Dame is (analysis ahead btw)
yes, it's a Disney movie (that's why we pirate it lads) so it won't have the same conformation to the novel that another corporation MIGHT have done (still highly doubtful) but it's still so good and holds up so well???
I prefer the musical's nuance when it comes to Frollo, but in the Disney movie he doesn't really need a reason to be "evil" other than just power-hungriness, racism and being a predator. I find it incredibly interesting how they divided the two aspects of his character into Frollo (Judge Version) and the Archdeacon, because when you know the background of his character you understand that complexity even when it's absent from the movie. Also I'm a SLUT for "Hellfire," because not only is the animation sequence DELICIOUS ASF, and the music and lyrics ASTOUNDING, but the overlaying Latin that just contradicts his convictions is SO good, as well as the predatory ideas he's grappling with, and his justification of them through religion and how he's "purer than the common, vulgar, weak, licentious," people of Paris. Even in the cut-and-dry Disney version, he's still a fairly layered character.
I also find it refreshing that Quasimodo's jealousy of Phoebus doesn't cause him to try and tear him down or hurt him; no, he doesn't love Phoebus, especially at first when he thinks he's chasing Esmeralda to hurt or arrest her, but he holds no grudge against him because it's unnecessary. I can't tell if I just got used to other bad movie jealousy plotlines, but it's nice to see that Quasimodo isn't petty as hell just because he's jealous of Phoebus.
Speaking of Phoebus, what a chad
Of course, the score for the movie is brilliant (excluding a guy like you, I'm sorry but i fucking hate it) and the repeating themes of different characters make it feel more like a live theater musical than some of Disney's other musical works. Frollo's "Kyrie Eleison," theme (which is so fucking funny to me by the way, having the Latin/Greek phrase of "Lord have mercy," be Frollo's theme, who doesn't have mercy whatsoever and really just reflects his last moments) is SO so scrummy, I eat that shit up every damn time.
The animation sequences are fairly good throughout the movie, but I find them ESPECIALLY amazing for particular songs like "Hellfire," "Out There," "And He Shall Smite the Wicked (Score)," and "Sanctuary (Score)." The movements are VERY smooth and flow well, and the usage of color in "God Help the Outcasts," is STUNNING.
All in all, I still really enjoy this movie after a long time of not seeing it, and just really enjoy the themes and general collective story of the Hunchback of Notre Dame
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Hi yes I need you to know that your analysis on Jaden and Yusei (June 16, 2022, idk if you’ve done multiple on them but that’s the one I’m talking about) is the realest thing I have EVER read and you’re so right and you should say it MUCH louder that is the greatest take op it’s amazing and I’m screaming /pos
Jaden is my favorite character like,,,, ever, and you have nailed him I’m going bonkers
Another thing, I love your Groupchat AU but you have made me become aware that there is???? Another???? YGO show????? I was like who on God’s Green Earth is Yudias and then Google attacked me with information. I still remember. When Vrains was new. To me Vrains is still new. It came out 6 years ago. I feel old. I am not okay. I have yet to acknowledge the existence of Sevens and will continue to do so with Go Rush. Oh I got off-topic, whoops-
Anyways, love your Groupchat AU but I saw the one part with the Eldritch language that Jaden and Yuya are both fluent in and I humbly request more of their dynamic???
I had an epiphany last night, they’re so similar I’m actually losing my mind. All I can think about is that one audio of Batman and that girl on the swings and it’s like “They got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood” “I know what that’s like.” “You do don’t you?” Tell me that’s not them I am dying /pos
Much love <3
Oh my gosh, thank you! <3
Jaden and Yusei, my beloved blorbit. The painfully monstrous and the painfully human. The narrative foils of all time. Jaden Yuki, the creatchur autism boi of all time. <3 I need to write about them more.
I know what you mean about the new shows. I'm still a ways off from watching them, but I still want to remember they exist but keep forgetting. What do you means vrains is six years old??? (<- was not even a yugioh fan when vrains was airing) You're telling me there's probably going to be new one after that??? That the days start coming and they don't stop coming?????
Shoutouts to the sevens and go rush fans. They are the mightiest of soldiers. I know nothing about their shows but I'm hesitantly penciling them into the groupchat au anyways because I have seen maybe three clips but I know this funny little alien guy is near and dear to my heart.
Obviously there's a bit of a shift between Vrains and the Sevens era, being made for new audiences, a little tone shifting (which we LOVE, because any franchise that stays the same forever is no bueno.) and that makes it easy to group the first six shows into one group. But I also think there's a fascinating dialogue between shows 1-3 and shows 4-6. I didn't realize it until I was a good way into Arc-V, but each of the second trilogy protagonists sorta reflects the first three.
With Yuma and Yugi, it's very purposeful, a stated "return to form" with the chipper kid and his ghost companion who lives in his special necklace. And when I was gushing over Yusei in 5Ds, I got a lot of people saying "Man, you're going to love Yusaku." They're both the rbf hacker protags who fight the government. Lots to love.
But Jaden and Yuya????? Did not imagine I would come out of Arc-V going "omg they're foils. They're the same story through a different lens. They need to TALK to eachother and bond over their shared experiences."
Even leaving out my pet theory of "Zarc Was An Incarnation Of Jaden In The Original Timeline", they're just so. *clenches fist* The childhood trauma of being a weird kids and masking with an overly bubbly personality only to learn the great anger they've been trying to hide is powerful enough to rip apart reality and they're secretly harbingers of destruction.
By the end of GX, I think Jaden has wonderfully come to term with that. By the end of Arc-V, I think Yuya hasn't.
Their dynamic in the gc AU is very much to me Yuya is still struggling with Z-arc stuff, but not saying anything about it because that'd be weird, so he just kinda frets about it until he hits a breaking point and Jaden gets to offer his advice on dealing with all this.
I am so interested in exploring this that it actually got me started writing fic again,,, which I haven't done in like a year, so wish me luck. I'll keep y'all updated :)
Angst aside, they're also just. One braincell between them. Theatre kid and guy who has never once acted natural in his entire life. Kid making a scene at a Waffle House while his friend slowly eats the entire menu and offers suggestions. Jaden is a pokemon fan and Yuya is a kingdom hearts girlie, I've decided this, and they takes turns infodumping to each other. Jaden summons duel spirits so Yuya can ride around on Hiphippo even when he's not dueling. They trade funny things they've heard their dragons say. They're eldritch and inhuman and best friends, your honor.
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messrsbyler · 1 year
Hello!! what do you think about the tag those days? do you have a fav blog? who do you think is saving the tag from dying with posts and theories?
i think the tag is slowly dying tbh and it's sad to see? the reality is that for the past year or so the tag has been kept alive (from what i've seen and my personal experience here) because of art/fic creators and analysis blogs. however, it's been a year since s4 dropped and as i've seen some people around the tag say, everything that could've been analysed or said about byler in the last season or all seasons has already been said. now, i personally LOVE doing analysis even to this day, doesn't matter if i'm probably repeating something someone else spotted and blogged about two months ago. it's fun to make those posts, but we can't ignore that they are becoming repetitive and that side of the tag is burning out. because of that, things like fics/art/headcanons/ficlets/aus are so important now.
we don't have to run out of content to enjoy in our tag, but people should be willing to step outside their comfort zone and accept that canon is limited to what can he done and said about byler. aus however open new doors that this tag hasn't really explored yet, and for some reason there's a bit of resistance? and that leads us to a dead end because then there's no new not repetitive content and the tag starts dying even with its huge following.
another issue is definitely the lack of rb in the tag. i can jump on any post in the byler tag and check the notes and i know the ratio between likes and rbs will be ridiculous. ofc i can't force anyone to rb if they don't want to, but liking a post and not rb kills a post bc it stops reaching new people who will then engage with said post and then it will reach even more blogs. liking does nothing, it's a dummy button.
rb not only allows a post to stay alive, it's also a great opportunity to create conversations in the tags and engage with other people on this side of the internet. and well if you aren't into that or don't like to add tags to every rb, a simple rb still does much more than a like.
i have many fav blogs and i'll probably forget some, but from the top of my head i have @andiwriteordie (writer and au lover) @foodiewithdahoodie (amazing takes and headcanons) @astrobei (writer and artist) @wiseatom (amazing writer) @doriandrifting (analysis and amazing takes) @emblazons (amazing takes and gifs) @mayahawkins (one of the best gif creators in the tag) @perexcri (amazing writer) @likegoldintheair (amazing writer and amazing headcanons/ficlets) @elekinetic (amazing writer and amazing scripts) @kidovna (beautiful art and aus and comics) @noodles-and-tea (art art art i am obsessed) @nnilkyway (again beautiful art) @strangeswift (writer and a fun blog to check out) and many more that i'm probably forgetting right this moment.
if you (anyone who is reading this) have a blog rec pls lmk!!! i'm always looking for new byler content!!
(if you have stonathan blogs recs uh also lmk i need more stonathans on my dashboard thanks)
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sageistri · 4 months
I think a lot of armys are going to use the fandom doesn't care about this music genre excuse again when rpwp doesn't do great the same way they've been using that excuse for rapline about hiphop and also for Tae about blues / jazz. That might be true to some extent but I'm going to say though, I'm an alt girl. I love Tyler the creator, Mitski, Gnarls Barkley, Blue Scholars and many more amazing artists. I don't like this album. It's ok - it's not awful but it's nothing special. Armys are a huge fandom - a lot of people (like me) check out these releases when we normally wouldn't just because it's from someone in BTS. You're telling me that in this global fandom whose numbers they keep bragging about, nobody likes alt hip hop or jazz? Armys don't care for rap but they bring up ugh and ddaeng every other week.
Armys will make excuses as they will but if any of the members are going to grow from this, I hope they don't reach these kinds of conclusions. They're young guys and being a part of BTS gives them the privilege of continuing to be able to put out solo releases even if they actually totally tank (which none of them have done even if some of their numbers are less impressive compared to other groups). The reason RM sometimes rubs me the wrong way is because he'll say something like I see other people achieving that and I want it too or something like that but the intention of self growth is unsaid. Maybe it's implied but it's also unseen. Yoongi too has an ego the size of a hot air balloon. Of course they should hold pride in being a part of a band as path breaking as BTS, but RM and Yoongi have both put themselves on a pedestal in their own minds in my opinion. Just because you've done good work doesn't mean every idea or song you make is genius. Just because you have a fanbase of sychophants doesn't mean you've achieved the pinnacle of artistry and now you only have to wait for the accolades for your work to come rushing in.
I might be projecting - I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into what the two of them say in the past. I just feel like their ego from all the success they've achieved as BTS is really holding them back from breaking down why their solo releases may not be charting as they want it to. And again this might be a projection because of what armys say all the time but rapline does seem treated like they're more "responsible" for being the architects of BTS compared to vocal line. Yeah vocal line is handsome and popular and the dance line means we can take it easy in the back but in terms of music - of the thing that really matters in our legacy - it's us rapline and esp us RM and Yoongi that have built it.
I think if that's the kind of mentality they have then growth as solo artists is going to be very difficult. I'm not sure if this is an astute analysis or some fanfiction I just wrote but I hope my points made sense
But at the same time, we all have different artists we go to for different genres of music. Armys do not have to like namjoons version of alt music if he doesn't do it as well as the other artists they listen.
Also the question about rapline not doing as well as vocal line or maknae line is pretty simple. Il
First of all rapline just arent as popular as vocal line, and Armys are first and foremost lovers of singing before rap, and even if rapline attempts to sing, it's not going to work because they are not singers. Not even hobi, doesn't matter how much armys try to push the "hobi vocalist" schtick because he can sing only in small doses and he can't sing a full vocal heavy song.
At this point they just need to wait for a time when they finally release a song that the fandom and the GP resonates with. Because not even taehyung as popular as he is has found any worthwhile solo success that isn't pushed by Thai fans streaming.
And they are capable of it, they just need to find that one song. I think some members of BTS have almost gotten huge solo songs but they/the company fumbled.
Daechwita, it would have been a hit especially on kcharts if it was promoted and available on kcharts at the time of release.
Super tuna as silly as it was would have probably gotten Jin something close to a pak and good Spotify numbers if it wasn't just released on YouTube.
Filter would have been way bigger than it was and would probably have gotten Jimin a pak if it wasn't just a bside on a BTS album, if Jimin had been allowed to promote it.
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writing-for-life · 9 months
Thank you for an amazing 2023!
About metas, fics and sparkly things…
This won’t be short, but you wouldn’t expect that from me, would you? 🤣
I’ve been on Tumblr for just a bit over a year because I needed to get off my family’s back after my three decades long Sandman brain-rot got worse again due to the Netflix series. I hovered around a handful of followers for months until things exploded (I still don’t know why tbh, I think it was one particular meta that kicked things off a bit), and I somehow ended up with hundreds of followers, which might not be much to some, but it’s a lot for me.
So to all of you I’d like to say: Thank you for being here. I don’t always manage to stay on top of things because my notifs are a mess and I lose track, plus I have a rather busy life and can often only write in batches and then queue, but each of you is appreciated, even if I accidentally forget to get back to you or if we aren’t mutuals.
I’ve made such lovely connections over the last year—my interest in The Sandman definitely does not align with the main focus that shan’t be named, and I’m glad that you folks are out there. You probably know who you are.
Now to the obligatory “your posts wrapped” thing—and I’m only doing it because I need to make a point (of course I do 🤣).
News and art
My by far most successful posts have been casting/shooting news and pretty pictures (two examples are linked). And I’m grateful for all the reblogs and likes of those, but apart from curating them, they’re not really me. They’re someone else’s work.
Meta analysis
Then you have my metas, which make up the bulk of the other posts that are doing quite well (you can find all of them in my pinned post).
Even if it wasn’t my most “successful” one (what does that even mean?), this one meant the most to me:
I love writing metas, whether they cover literary concepts, psychology, music or art because I’m a permanently brain-frazzled multi-hyphenate who has to talk about everything that won’t leave her alone.
I also love when you’re sending me asks btw. For the latter, I hope they pick up again in 2024 because they really nosedived since I switched off anonymous asks (which I won’t change, soz) after some people just thought it’s good sport to be an arse about my not being here to pray at the altar of the ship. I guess we have briefly covered the ugly side of Tumblr, too, then.
But what I'm most proud of when I think of all the things I've done in 2023 is my fiction and poetry. And that's both a happy and slightly sad thing to address.
My 31 Haikus for Sandtober started as a bit of fun, but they’ve developed a life of their own, and people seemingly liked them. The post also contains a bit of my fan-art:
I still intend to turn them into a hardcover at some point, but I won’t be able to create all the artwork myself, so if you’re a fan-artist and want to know what I’m thinking of, please get in touch (I’ll still talk about this in more detail at some point though).
The other thing I’m incredibly proud of is “The Light of Stars”.
I started it as a NaNoWriMo project in 2022 (I always use NaNo to do something that is less stressful than my professional writing projects), wrote it in a bit more than a month—and then did nothing with near 80,000 words until June 2023.
And then I thought “Fuck it,” and published it on Ao3. It’s a canon x OC fic, and this is where it gets a bit sad. Because for most of us writers, these are never the posts that get most engagement (the ratio is really something like 100 : 1 — 500 for a shitpost, 5 for an average writing post).
On Ao3, it gradually picked up because I published chapter after chapter, and I think I can say that it’s done fairly well over there in terms of engagement for an OC fic, and above all how people engage with it. Because it’s a bit deeper despite being romance, it deals with heavy topics like grief, and I’m so glad to have touched a few people’s hearts with it, and that it was meaningful to them. So much so that you all convinced me to write a sequel.
But here’s the thing: The general engagement with writing, especially non-explicit, non-ship, non-readerY/N on Tumblr is very, very low.
Writers who write canon x OC are still struggling to be heard through the noise (it’s not just me, I’ve had many conversations about this, so I’ll just say: I’ll speak for many of us). There are basically hardly any events for us to participate in (most of us only ever do so if we shift to canon one-shots, poetry or metas. If we don’t: Again, no one cares), and fandom often actively chooses to ignore us because “all OCs are self-inserts, ew.” Which is patently not true, and I could go on a long rant now why many canon x canon fics are very obvious self-inserts, which I won’t.
But even if all OCs were self-inserts, even if all characters were—so what? All writing is to a degree based on self-insertion because it comes from our brains—it’s not a bad thing. But apparently, it becomes a bad thing if the character is an OC, heaven knows why.
So if I had one wish (I’m allowed one, right?) for 2024, it would be that people engage more with OC fics and include them more in community events. That fandom, which prides itself in community, includes writers who don’t write for (the main) ship/s a bit more, especially if they don’t write smut (which I personally even do professionally, but I don’t want to have to do it in fanfic just to get engagement). I’m not holding my breath because I know that’s not where fandom’s oft single-minded focus lies, but a girl can dream, right?
And with that, I want to get to my proudest accomplishments of them all:
Being the curator queen of the sparkle realms:
Being one (arguably the main) instigator of the maddest crack ship that has ever graced (?) the face of the earth, spawned the most unhinged discussion (much truth in it though 🤣) and even NSFW fanart. I promise I’ll write that fic about Murphy and his Cool Hat:
Have a lovely 2024!
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cyborg-empress · 1 year
I really wanted to make a post about The Magnus Archives because I'm going crazy about this podcast and need to share my thoughts. Season 4 spoilers under the cut!
Ok so this is about Jon in Mag 142 - Scrutiny.
I love this episode. The voice acting is amazing and the statement/complaint is super well written.
First off, what Jon did is awful. He completely ruined her life and that's so not alright. The statement giver said she was doing fine and he took that away from her. Like dude, not ok, what the hell.
But the problem is I just go so dang excited when I listened to the episode. I like Jon so much he's totally my favorite character and this episode actually just made me love him more. Not as a person, cuz he's getting more morally grey by the second, but as an amazing character.
I realized that this is the first statement we got where Jon is actually the "evil" force of the episode. It's always him taking the statements of the horrors of the Fears and Avatars but now it's a statement about him. And I just ahhhh I love it so much. Horrifying? Absolutely. But I love the fact that he's losing his humanity to the point where he really is becoming a monster! It is just so interesting and exactly where I was hoping the podcast would go from a story perspective. Like oh no my poor guy but also just yessss. I just love slow corruption arcs (not the fear, the moral kind) so so much. I think villains are so interesting and seeing Jon go in that direction a bit makes me very excited, even if it's really not good for him as a person and I do actually want him to be happy.
Also the fact that he is using his powers? Just so cool!!! He's so freaking creepy I love him. Just sitting in the corner like a weirdo?And "He's all eyes" ? I am kicking and screaming. (To be clear I am in no way excusing his actions I just think it's neat).
The Martin and Daisy convo about Jon's trauma response was also just so *chef's kiss*. Him being reckless to feel in control and because he's self destructive due to guilt is simply amazing character development that makes me just feel worse for Jon. And make me love him more of course.
From what I've read under the tag for this MAG, this episode made a lot of people like Jon less but it just made me love him more.
I know I'm super duper late to the podcast but I'd love people's thoughts! I'm totally aware that I'm just rambling on and being a Jon apologist. I just didn't feel the need to do any super insightful media analysis because so many other people have done some excellent break downs of this episode.
No spoilers please tho I'm only on MAG 157 as of writing this (but I hope to finish the season really soon).
Thank you so mush for reading my ramble! I'm so obsessed with this podcast. I love Jon so much.
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ohromeoraine · 3 months
Here are some reasons why I feel like most heroes in training should have support gear and functional, armored costumes. Also, a rant about quirks in general.
First of all, quirks are just tools that most of the population is born with, which means if you’re born without one, you’re essentially lacking a tool you could use if you consider a career in heroics. We see this stigma that quirkless people are “weak, useless, and fragile,” but in reality they’re just lacking a tool they could use to defend themselves and others. That being said, it’s clear that “villainous,” “weak,” mutant quirks and people who lack any powers are discriminated against heavily in the mha world. It would be more difficult for those specific people to be provided resources such as quirk training or self defense classes, just because they’re “different” from the general population.
How is one that faces discrimination supposed to get the resources and tools they need? I saw in the beginning of joining the mha fandom how people hated on Midoriya Izuku aka “Deku” because they claimed that “he could’ve done more to prepare himself before joining UA,” but with the blatant discrimination that we saw in the manga/anime, how could we know if anyone would even teach him how to defend himself? He learned a lot of skills from hero analysis itself, and that’s an incredible asset to have in the field while strategizing how to defeat an opponent. Unfortunately, Midoriya probably didn’t have any resources to turn to, simply because he was deemed “worthless,” or “fragile”.
That being said, he never had a tool to rely on besides his hero analysis, and his need to save others. Was he reckless about some of the actions he took to save others? Yes. You have to remember that he was told for a decade of his life that he was worthless, and that essentially his life didn’t matter as much as quirked people’s lives. Which is pretty fucked up. I think in his mind, he doesn’t value his life as much as people around him, and it’s pretty heartbreaking if you think about it.
Gaining a quirk from All Might was like gaining a tool to help him save others, even if he did break all of the bones in his limbs to do so. It still helped him get a step ahead more so than if he were still quirkless. Though, I feel like Midoriya Izuku could’ve been a hero regardless if he was given a quirk or not. Fuck realistic.
There are other tools to help defeat an opponent besides a quirk. Weapons for example. Strategy is often something that is overlooked when it’s essential to knowing what’s at stake and what cards to play. Of course, there’s always martial arts and self defense classes to help strengthen your body and mind.
Next, I want to talk about the disaster that happened in the battle trials at the beginning of mha. I know I said support gear/equipment is a necessity for most heroes in training, but those giant grenades should not have been cleared to be used in a training exercise. It was clear after the fact that Bakugou was having a fucking panic attack, so I’m almost one hundred percent positive that he had no idea the damage that much of his sweat could cause. Don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing gear to use in an actual battle, but for a first training exercise with clearly no experience using said equipment, it’s extremely dangerous.
I don’t fault anyone for making that decision in the costume department, but that could’ve ended so much worse than it did. So, yes, support gear is helpful in the appropriate environments.
But, what do I know? I don’t have a way of teleporting to the mha universe, so I don’t know exactly what procedures and methods are in place there. For all I know I could be completely wrong, but I digress.
Kirishima Eijirou, please tell me you’re not just relying on your quirk as armor. Oh, you are. Okay then. Y’all, we have to agree that he at least needs some extra padding in his costume just in case he doesn’t activate his quirk on time. He really has the best intentions, but good god please give this kid some extra protection. Same with Hagakure Tooru. She shouldn’t be completely naked. There are DNA fabrics that could be used to make her a costume, but instead she doesn’t wear anything except gloves? Hell nah. Get the people who crafted her costume on the phone right now because I have words for them.
Not only could this costume be made(we’ve seen it with Mirio aka Lemillion), but it also makes her extremely vulnerable to weather conditions and villains alike. It’s seriously a huge issue that should be addressed and resolved. Please, Horikoshi. I’m begging you. Give this girl a proper hero costume if she ever gets shown from reflective light again.
Having the proper gear and costumes could help prevent injury to heroes in training and even the pros. I just realized how much I ranted here oh my god-
Remember, these are my personal opinions and are not put here to target anyone! I just thought I’d share my input on quirks and hero gear/costumes!
Stay groovy, friends!
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Hello Dani , this is a response to the ask about TNLD Alec .
I am so glad that we are now talking about it .
The hate toward Magnus really made me uneasy because I felt like the people defending Alec where acting as if Alec’s emotions had more value than Magnus’ LIFE. It gave me major « online mirroring real life «  type vibe where the white man’s feelings are all that matters
i didn’t say anything because I did not want to make the situation more unpleasant for you and did not think that the people critiquing would have been able to have a real conversation about the topic.
I had a really hard time with TlND Alex . I could not understand why Magnus got back with him and stayed all these years . He gave me huge toxic WHITE man vibes and I read the story for Magnus and Max (and also your amazing writing and treatment of mental health as a topic)
I never understood why there where so much hate towards Magnus because he was the one who suffered and sacrificed the most for this angry, oblivious white man -like bro could have done so much better.
Like asking your boyfriend to tolerate your racist parents and getting mad because he refused ?? Automatic breake up. He actually carried that lack of consideration when it came to race after he was married to a certain extent too 😤
Let’s not even talk about his jealousy problem, and tendency to »say hurtful things he doesn’t mean « like this excuses the fact that u are willfully hurting someone u claim to love .
Annnnnywwwwways , I could write an essay ..
I am very curious about the demographic of the TLND Alec stans
I myself is a Caribbean woman not raised in the US in their late thirties.
Love this.
Let's discuss further.
Because I can't just mind my business and write fics, I not only analyse my characters, but I also analyse my readers. TLND - in that case - is very special.
BECAUSE, if you followed the discourse around the fic, you might notice that some of that discourse also made it into the fic. I've even directly quoted some people because it was SO interesting how people started to take sides (expected!) but the way in which they started to defend their fave and attack someone else was basically what was happening in the fic itself.
This fic started to mirror reality and vice versa and for a minute it got a little surreal for me tbh.
But in my analysis and observations, I noticed four kinds of Alec stans in TLND.
Please note these are merely my observations and don't mean anything beyond that so don't take it personally y'all 😇
People who liked Alec and Magnus and believed 'they were both wrong' - The concept of 'both sides are wrong' is a paradox. It doesn't exist. Yes, two people can be wrong. But in the event of a conflict, because of the power dynamics involved, one side becomes the aggressor.
In TLND, this changed from time to time, but it was very clear that Alec had the upper hand in the relationship. It's how I wanted it to be (for plot reasons) which is why Alec is significantly older than Magnus and richer (in the beginning) and many other things.
I firmly believe that neutrality doesn't exist. So, the "both Magnus and Alec were wrong" gang took the easy way out. Sometimes, one person is more wrong than the other, and we need to learn to admit that.
People who liked Alec even when they knew he was a bad guy but didn't hold him accountable - Well, at least they are self-aware. But not holding people you like accountable is a dangerous habit. Did you know (fun fact) that marginalized gender identities are more likely to face violence and intimidation by people they know than people they don't know? In many cases (as that initial ask that started this conversation pointed out), Alec was one of the people who hurt Magnus too. It's just hard to see that (for many) because Alec was also one of the few people who loved Magnus a lot. I will not go on a rant about how emotional violence in intimate relationships is completely normalized (and statistically proven) but it is.
Also, this bit reminded me of this quote from rwrb because it's one of my favourite quotes ever.
 “God, I want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you, but it was me too, wasn't it? All that time. I'm so sorry.” - ACD
ALSO - I've encountered so many "Alec should've moved on and Alec should've dated someone else" readers. They also fall into this category. One of the reasons I never let Alec date anyone else was Alec wasn't ready to date anyone else. That relationship, even simply sexual, would've been extremely toxic. Alec didn't need another boyfriend. Alec needed to learn how to be a better boyfriend. I said what i said. I would've never let Alec date someone else without working on himself (and guess what, I think he knew that too. One of his better qualities).
People who liked Alec, knew he was a bad guy, but wanted him to get better and were rooting for him - Totally valid people. I like these people. I'd fall into this category if I was a reader. I think, these were also people who felt it wouldn't be the end of the world if they didn't end up together. I think people who were in the category would've enjoyed the fic the most.
People who liked Alec, and because of that, started to hate on Magnus - Wish they hadn't found the fic 🫠
But here's the deal though. Not all readers fit into one of these categories. It just doesn't work that way. If I had been younger and you said you hated TLND Alec, I would have been hurt and offended. But I'm not now. At all. Because I'm old enough to know that the way we perceive characters depends on our own values, experiences and identities. So, it's impossible for the readers to like all the characters and like the fic the same way.
While I didn't mind that TLND got all these different kinds of stans, what I did mind was when people started to get abusive and hurtful - to the characters, to me, and to the people who didn't agree with them.
That was just juvenile, and unnecessary and made me realize they were simply reading the fic without understanding the themes because if they did, they would've realized their mistakes by now.
I'll stop now though.
Thanks, always, for engaging critically with my writing. I love it and appreciate it a lot.
PS - if it helps for context, I'm a south asian woman in her late twenties :)
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TF-fandom is unfair about original Star Saber and here's why.
The post of cosmic injustice addressed to Star Saber and what was done to him.
Quite often there is an opinion among fans, at least in the Western fandom, that Star Saber is either the most boring of all the Autobot leaders, or a copy of Optimus from the first cartoon (for some reason, Optimus is not considered boring).
And I categorically do not understand the reasons. It feels like no one has watched the original animated series, but has formed their opinion from someone else's opinion.
Firstly, I can't say that Optimus was originally some kind of particularly three-dimensional character, but we need to understand at what time those cartoons for children were made, and even more so representing advertising toys – thank you that someone has at least some distinctive character traits (Super-God Masterforce is an amazing exception where the characters had characteristics and development). But at the same time, people try to do character analysis even on such meager material, while Star Saber is called a cardboard and that's it.
Secondly, where is Star Saber copying Optimus? Yes, he is already an established leader here, this is not the formation of a character like Ginrai, but even so his control of Autobots is shown differently. There are 3 main differences:
1. In my impression, Optimus and Star Saber share a type of command and control known as "father to soldiers" (of course, a cartoon light version of it), that's just shown from a western and eastern point of view. Optimus is shown as a softer (not in a bad way) and companionable leader, forgiving mistakes and disobedience of his soldiers, allowing himself to have fun with them, but when necessary, he is strong-willed and serious. Star Saber represents his father's indisputable authority, he still cares about his soldiers, forgives them combat failures and is ready to protect them to the last, receiving in return universal respect, love and willingness to help at any moment.
2. Of course, Optimus is often called the main father because of how he protected Spike and hugged Bumblebee, but Star Saber is still the canonical foster father for Jan, and this is a different level of responsibility.
3. Star Saber was going to kill Goryu or even the entire Dinoforce squad, which, for certain reasons, did not happen, but more on that below, and still killed Deathsaurus. Yes, it's all about the difference in ratings in America and Japan, but the fact is the fact.
It seems that there are enough differences not to consider Star Saber a copy of Optimus.
But it's one thing when this is the opinion of fans, another when the people responsible for canonical works hated and spoiled a good character. Yes, it's about IDW.
Of course, it is in principle noticeable that the authors of these comics love Decepticons more and dislike Autobots, but with Star Saber there was a case devoid of any logic and meaning. Only the name and appearance remained of the character's past, everything else was not even perverted or elevated to the absolute, but completely remade, leaving nothing of the character of the original.
And yes, transformers very often represent only a shell with a name, which can change the appearance and character from toy to toy or from cartoon to cartoon. But some characters most often retain at least a couple of features inherited from the original. And here no one tried. Moreover, the reason why Star Saber from IDW could not be an original character is unclear – there was neither a cartoon nor a toy that needed to be advertised and inserted into the comic, as happened with some characters, it was clearly a conscious decision of the authors to make it so.
Someone may say: "But Star Saber is cardboard, of course, they had to invent everything from scratch!". It was explained from above why this is not the case. Star Saber had good starting points for character development. With your permission, I'll offer a couple:
1. Taking custody of a human child. Don't want to include a human? Indeed, these are transformers comics, hatred of human characters is the first point for hiring authors. We are developing it. Could this indicate his heightened sense of responsibility? In the original, he did not have time to save Jan's parents, maybe he decided to replace his parents for this reason? Overcompensation of failure, the desire to fix everything at any cost.
2. Star Saber did not finish off Goryu, seeing how the rest of Dinoforce protect him. What can be extracted from this? Respect for the enemy? Some concept of honor – is it more honest to kill in battle than to finish off a recumbent? Did he not finish them off just because he saw in their behavior a reflection of his team, ready to do anything for their commander?
3. Universal respect. Maybe his squad is so loyal to him that among the entire Autobot command, he is the only authority for them? And that in the name of their leader they are capable of any actions, including not particularly good ones? This could lead to a conflict within Star Saber over both controlled and uncontrolled soldiers.
To come up with these not the most brilliant ideas, I needed to watch the cartoon with my eyes, and not in another place, and maybe think for 10-15 minutes. The one who prescribed him for the comic book either didn't think for even a minute, or hated this character for some reason.
Most of all, it is unclear where the religiosity came from. At the time of the release of the series, there was no Primus in principle, it was not invented yet in Japanese continuity. Is the author hooked on the fact that he sent Jan to study at a monastery school? Maybe because it was closest to some base? Maybe an alien robot is not so familiar with the culture and sent his son to this school because it's still a school? What did the author from IDW think at all, if he thought in principle? Was the desire to shock the audience beyond common sense?
The most annoying thing is that it's okay if in one work they change the characteristics of a popular character that appears often and represents the same thing. But Star Saber is not one of those! He is from an old cartoon, the same old manga and some materials in Japanese that no one translates. Why do this to his possible fans who would like to see their favorite character, who rarely appears anywhere? I have no answers, only an additional minus to IDW and what they have done.
In conclusion, I can't say anything good. IDW and everything they wrote has gained such incredible popularity in the fandom that future works will surely look back at their work to reproduce the success. As for me, undeservedly. And, unfortunately, this may mean that in the future, if we see a Star Saber, he will be inspired by a late image, and the early one will remain of little use to anyone.
I would like to believe the opposite, but it's hard to believe.
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