#we need universal Healthcare
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funcoolchickie · 2 years ago
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I wish we had universal healthcare including dental and vision care in America. It's ridiculous that we don't. ⚕️🦷👓
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syfja-katterdyr · 2 years ago
I'm sharing this across all my media platforms. Please, even if you don't donate, help get her story out. I didn't mention this in the story but our employer isn't working with her to give her the benefits they offer such as short and long term disability and sick pay. In fact, they denied her short term disability.
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hms-no-fun · 6 months ago
Why do you, as a marxist, talk like a liberal
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void-thegod · 1 year ago
We need a new civilization.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year ago
This story is WILD. And so infuriating.
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barklikeagod · 2 months ago
says a lot that people are resorting to using an ai program for therapy
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thislittlekumquat · 4 months ago
About to go into a long weekend for veterans day in the USA - happy USA military industrial complex hero worship day! Don't forget to celebrate by ripping an american flag in half like you're george von trapp in the sound of music and then burning it to ash. To really get into the holiday season, give every current and former service member you encounter the bird ❤️🤍💙
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ignatius-pennyfeather-ix · 1 year ago
i fucking hate how in the us you have to justify not wanting to have your uterus in your body. like…it’s in my body, and i don’t want it there, you have the skills to take it out please & thank you should be the full discussion. why the absolute fuck is there anymore to it. but nooo impossibile. of course, if you want botulism injected into your face, totally fine!! right away!!
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vamppeach · 7 months ago
how do I politely tell my boss that she needs to either stop giving me so many hours, give me a 10 dollar raise, or start providing healthcare
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itstimeforstarwars · 1 year ago
I wish I could drop down to part time because I need to write soo many stories.
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bloodydeanwinchester · 1 year ago
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oh wow. just got the bill for when i went to the hospital last week. if i didn’t have health insurance i’d have to pay nearly 15k i think? but because i have health insurance i pay $50 and my insurance pays 4k. i didn’t even stay for more than 5 hours. got some drugs, blood work, and a ct scan and im sure this covers the cost of the doctor who saw me and the nurse who helped me. this is insane how could anyone who doesn’t have insurance ever afford this???? and it wasn’t even like a major hospital visit…..
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ookaookaooka · 2 years ago
just had a thought that universal healthcare would be better for the environment because if there’s more people like me who want to live out in the countryside or who want to try homesteading or living off the grid but are tied to the city because of their job benefits, giving everyone free healthcare would free them up to live wherever they choose and something something less people in cities the better
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doessjusticeexistt · 2 months ago
In countries with universal healthcare it's the same but are the hospitals (which are public companies) who do that instead of the insurances (not the norm but it happens often). They come and tell you they don't have money for that or that such therapy (even those recognized and proven as necessary/life saving) and that they can only give you a similar not equivalent, less expensive medicine even though it has been proven not effective on you (which is just the same as not giving you anything and it's what they end up doing, logically).
Even if you, for example, after years of having been extremely symptomatic to the point of total disability and risking your life, have your condition finally under control, they take the medication away from you motherless, after only even a couple of months, and make available to you only a cheaper medication that you must try (I mean you can refuse and stay without any med but cannot and will not be given back the medication you where using up until that moment. Staying without necessary medication is unthinkable ofc). If it doesn't work they may consider going back to the older one but, once a similar drug comes out or becomes available to the hospital, they start the game again. Even if your own doctor believes and writes down that you should take X medicine that is different from the one the hospital is making available to give you, it's his boss the one who decides (this way doctors have no longer freedom to choose as it's actually guaranteed by the law in Europe, at least on paper). This is the face of universal healthcare few people know about, especially outside of the EU.
The problem comes from the fact that hospitals are companies. They cannot be. Not like the others. Then in Europe the hospitals pay for all the therapies and meds of fertility (because there are lots of money to be made there), as if having a child (biological) had anything to do, whatsoever, with being in good physical health. While, people who got actually ill with something they couldn't have prevented, can happen to be accused, *by doctors*, of asking them to use public money that are necessary for other ill people (but it's just an excuse, they say this to anybody and things like this have been said to patients in very serious conditions) as if you weren't one yourself and you don't pay your taxes.
So don't ever think that universal healthcare is the solution bc is not. It might be slightly better than the American healthcare but definitely not the answers to a rightful, human, respectful healthcare.
It's so in England, Canada (idk about Australia) and in the EU.
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wickedhawtwexler · 9 months ago
is there anything more powerful than listening to solsbury hill by peter gabriel when you're a little wine drunk
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condensedmatters · 10 months ago
I think what's funny about the Catholic AI post and the recent Rap Discourse is that it just kinda reveals that tumblr users are way more racist and way more predisposed to siding with fascists than they think, and then tumblr users deny it because they want universal healthcare or some other really basic liberal thing or whatever.
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runesinthenight · 27 days ago
American here. We're not okay with this. We're actually really angry about this. The problem is that the legal avenues we're given don't really work and the most productive thing that's happened in terms of health care costs was to shoot a CEO in broad daylight. So no, we're not okay with this at all.
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This shit costs 200rs... 2.1 $ or something... Why the fuck Americans are okay with this...
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