#we need more Nikolai and Gaz interactions
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nekrosmos · 3 months ago
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aew-kun-age-regression · 1 year ago
How you cope..
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Pairings: Caregiver!Captain John Price + Caregiver!Simon 'Ghost' Riley + Caregiver!John 'Soap' McTavish + Caregiver!Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick.
Summary: The team finds out you're a Regressor. Heck. You find out you're a Regressor. You had never known there was a name for it...
Warnings: Subtle hint that Ghost regresses (Soap as a CG), Regressor!Gaz mentioned, they're in a helicopter for this one so honoury Nikolai mention :D, Not really knowing what regression is, slipping after a mission, nicknames (Soldier, little one, kiddo, sweetheart), Ghost calls Soap Johnny.
(Gender Neutral Reader)
A/N - I do fully intend to write a part 2 to this!!!
NOT Proofread
The military was an interesting place, with this came different coping mechanisms be it working out till you drop or something else it was easy to dismiss what you'd see as long as the individual was coping.
As the Captain of the taskforce Price was acutely aware of how his team coped. (Mainly so he could help if needed and in some other cases so he knew that his family team were actually coping and not just ignoring their issues. Simon trained. He trained until he couldn't anymore which was when Soap would step in and comfort him. A lot of Soaps coping came from being able to comfort Simon, he thrived at being able to help his friends. And Gaz, well Gaz regressed and Price looked after him as his Caregiver.
That was probably why after a particularly hard mission on the helicopter ride back Price instantly noticed something was wrong. You had been awufully reserved, normally you'd be chatting with the team but that wasn't the case today. Originally everyone brushed it off as you just being tired, it wasn't unbelievable. The mission had been difficult, exhausting.
After a while of your had clumsily lolling to the side, bumping the wall of the hellicopter Price decides to speak up.
"Are you feeling okay Soldier..?"
"Fine Cap'tin..." You mumbled.
That had got everyone's attention. Even when tired you never slurred your words like that. It's then that it hits Price. You were regressing. Well actually more like you were regressed. He was used to this in his team, it was a coping mechanism that he had learnt briefly about before joining the military however upon Gaz struggling Price had learnt more so he would be able to help.
Price's tone turned fatherly (as though he didn't permanently sound like a dad)
"Are you feeling small..?"
You normally always shut down when you felt like this, it was easier to just sleep it off. Although you were well aware that it didn't really work.. You shrug wordlessly.
The others had been watching this interaction take place. Soap moved from where he had been sitting with Ghost, kneeling down infront of you. There was a gentle smile plastered on his face.
"Well what do we 'ave here? Jus' a wee little one?"
"Think that might be the case Johnny" Ghost replies, his voice somewhat softer than usual, although if you had been an outsider watching you'd never have noticed the slight change in tone.
Price got up and headed to the front of the helicopter, quickly conversing with Nikolai. When he came back he addressed everyone letting them know that it wouldn't be too much longer before you'd all be back at base.
It was now Gaz's turn to speak.
"Has this happened to you before kiddo?"
You nod but don't speak.
"Okayyy, do you have any items back at base?"
You give a confused head tilt, confused on what he meant by items"
"..things like plushies, paci's, colouring books.. things like that?"
This time you gently shake your head. Ghost sighs, he understands that...
Price then speaks up again.
"Well then we'll just have to change that, now won't we Sweetheart?"
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laswells-ashtray · 3 months ago
Lmaooo can we get THIS interaction?
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Fuck yeahhhhh, I wasn't sure anyone would think twice about that little tidbit. Also sorry for taking ages to respond to this.
"Kate- Kate, fucking calm down. Christ, don't you fucking- Kate."
He grabs the other omega by her shoulders, holding her in place in an attempt to stop her from sending an e-mail that details how she thinks a certain bald-headed man should gargle a dildo made out of razor blades.
Shepherd had sent her out onto the field last minute with barely enough time to warn Sarah and then promptly hung up before she could protest. Even a passing-by alpha had stepped back after hearing the string of utterly vile curses and threats Kate had let out. So, John was on impulse control duty.
"Kate, take a second and breathe before you end both of our careers. Please."
Nikolai was watching from a distance. For a split second, he suggested that Kate calm down, and the omega had thrown her phone off of his head. Luckily, the phone wasn't broken. Nikolai however? He was less important in these circumstances.
"Take your breathing and stick it up your ass, John. I fucking missed it last year and Sarah was less than happy and he pulls this shit? Last fucking minute? We had an entire fucking day planned. That stupid, haircut like a shaved pussy, patriotic prick." She snaps back at him, pushing herself forward and promptly knocking his ass back a few steps. She was a lot stronger than most people would've expected, John knew better. He'd swung a pillow at her once while they were drunk and he still saw the little scar above his left eyebrow whenever he looked in the mirror.
"Sarah will forgive you, it's not something you can help and she knows that. It's not like you're doing it on purpose." He's holding his hands out like you do when trying not to scare a stray cat and he's unsure if it's working.
"No, you don't- Fucking- Fuck. Sarah was going to ask me to renew our vows."
Oh shit.
His face falls, as do his stray cat hands as he rests his hand on her shoulder yet again with a far more comforting grip.
"I wasn't supposed to know but her sister slipped up and mentioned it at Easter, it's why she was so insisted that I be home and I swore I would. I fucking promised, John."
He's never seen Kate look so guilty in his life and it makes him far angrier at Shepherd, he would hunt the man down and put a bullet between his eyes at that very moment if it weren't for the look on Kate's face.
He pulls her close to his chest, letting the other omega rest her head on his shoulder as she mutters frustratedly under her breath and thinks. And then he makes possibly the most stupid decision of his life.
He dislocates Kate's thumb.
"Hmm, shite. Looks like you're injured, Watcher, Doesn't seem suitable for the field. I suppose you'll have to go home and Ghost will be so forced to do overwatch." He says dramatically, looking at her thumb with an utterly Shakespearean act of concern.
He watches for the exact moment Kate stops thinking about kneeing him in the balls and instead, a look of realisation washes over her face.
"John, I can't-"
"You see this, lads? Oh, it's a career ender for sure."
The other four men don't even try to pretend that they hadn't been listening in, much to John's amusement.
"Oh, how will she survive?" Ghost comments dryly.
"Christ, Laswell. Ye need an ambulance for that?" Soap cuts in, barely hiding his amusement.
Gaz steps forward with an utterly comedic look of shock. "Someone find some morphine, she looks about ready to drop."
Nikolai doesn't but in, instead he offers her the phone she'd tossed at him back.
He looks down at the other omega, nodding back to the direction that had come from before abruptly stopping. "Go home, Kate. Don't go upsetting the missus." His tone is non-negotiable.
Kate stands for a second with a blank face, he can see the cogs turning in her head before eventually, she lands on what to do. "Think I can still get back in time."
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gothicflowers · 1 year ago
Call Of Duty x GN!Reader
How they would react to you telling them about your anxiety disorder.
Warnings: talks of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This is inspired by my own struggles as a diagnosed individual with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Please do not self diagnose or glamorize mental disorders or illnesses.
Sitting down for lunch after this mornings long meeting felt like heaven. A much needed battery recharging time for you. Taking a moment to practice your positive affirmations and breathing like your therapist said you felt the anxiety simmer down. Only to be interrupted by a tray being placed on your small two person table.
“You’re kinda quiet and shy. It’s actually kinda nice being around someone that doesn’t feel the need to be the loudest voice in the room.” He nonchalantly hands you an electrolyte drink and takes a seat across from you before continuing his rambling. You look back down at your half eaten sandwich diverted your eyes from his. Eye contact is a struggle you’ve been working on. Still listening to his words you nod your head so he doesn’t think you’re ignoring him.
“I mean we all have to know how to be assertive in this line of work, but I can really appreciate your demeanor as a person. You have a calming energy about you.”
You laughed at his description of you and couldn’t help the words from spilling out. “Thanks, it’s actually just a disorder.” You let out a faint laugh. You always tried to find the humor in your situation.
He was too stunned to speak or finish putting his sandwich in his mouth. He put it back down on his plate before trying to find the right words. He was worried his words had came across as rude and disrespectful. All of which he was trying to avoid.
After realizing your blurted out confession you took a brief moment to compose yourself and your thoughts. Looking up at him you gave a faint smile trying to show you’re not upset. “I have what’s called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. People with the condition can struggle with different things.” Trying to describe your struggles isn’t something you’re great at but maybe he’ll understand? “Personally, I don’t do well in social situations, interactions or speaking up. It sometimes leads to anxiety, stress, overthinking and panic attacks if it’s real bad. I prefer to be hidden in the background away from everyone’s attention. I know my comfort zones and when to push myself. But it’s never affected by ability as a soldier.” You nod your head at your own explanation.
He smiles and nods. “I appreciate you telling me that so I understand you better. I do apologize if me saying your shy or quiet came across rude. I genuinely find you to be a great person to be around.”
“Actually you probably went about it in possibly the kindest way I’ve ever experienced. I’ve been told my quietness is rude or snobbish. Which is far from how I want to be perceived. So I actually appreciate someone taking a liking to it.”
It was nice being able to have a conversation about your disorder without feelings judging. Nor did he offer unsolicited advice. Instead he recognized that it was something you don’t openly share and appreciated your trust in him. And his opinion of you didn’t change. After feeling closed off from your team you felt a little more comfortable, with him at least.
Alex Keller, Rudy (Roldofo) Parra, Gaz (Kyle) Garrick, Roach, John Price, Nikolai, Logan Walker
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shkretart · 2 years ago
I love that in your Price/Nik posts, Gaz is usually there just watching his dads go. He's so sweet looking I wonder if they accidentally forget that he's there sometimes though ;////;
You draw Kyle to look so adorable but I almost wonder if you can draw him creepy-
Because like, him going ham and just looking back up to his dads with blood on his face is like... a fun thought![fun??? That's not the word but oh well-]
Military dads watching military son go apeshit on the battlefield
First of all, thank you very much, I am very glad that you like my drawings!
Because of that mission, where there were only Nikolai, Price and Gaz (CoDMW 2019), I often draw them together. I think they look very good, they are very funny. Especially when Gaz wonder exactly how Price and Nikolai work. I love watching them interact and wish there were more moments like this.
I would like to draw more Gaz, but my drawing skills are not that good... I think Gaz can be both cute and tough when needed. I love his character and I'm glad we see him develop from the very beginning (In general, I can talk a lot about the characters in this game, it can drag on for a long time haha).
Of course, I can draw Gaz more rigid, but for this you need to try hard. I will try to become better.
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mayflora-18 · 11 months ago
Fact Drop #2
Sherlock has black-brown hair. When she was in school she had bowl cut bangs and thinner eyes so she was made fun of for being Asian-American (even though she isn’t really Asian-American)
Yellow lab energy
Wears wireframe aviator glasses when doing paperwork; has a black and silver pair
Favorite toy: grizzly bear plush
Normally prefers violence as a last resort; “Ask first, shoot later” kinda girl but will fight if 💩 goes south
Nik usually keeps her out of the field if he can. If he can’t however then she HAS to either be with him or communicate with him on a regular basis
Incorrect quote #3
Graves: Who’s that?
Nikolai: Her? That’s Sherlock, our resident background investigator.
Graves: Cool, she’s mine now.
Nikolai: The fuck she is!
Graves, hoisting a very confused Sherlock over his shoulder: Try and stop me!
Sherlock, knowing Graves can’t be trusted but he’s got her in a fireman’s carry: Unhand me-
Grizzly bear plush (named Logan) was given to her by Nik as a “signing bonus”. Has another bat plush named Morty that she’s had since childhood and doesn’t leave her desk
Will offer Morty to whoever needs something to hug
Doesn’t receive as much bullying as she thought she would; either because of Nik’s almost constant presence giving her scary dog privileges or because of the slap incident
Has various handmade soft blankets/pillows/plushies
One of the few people that wasn’t afraid of Ghost when she first met him because she loves skulls
She wins him over with jokes
Nikolai’s niece through his little sister ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️
Has trust issues because of mentor in Army
She has unusually high ESP. Price tested it once by calling her a busybody in his head, and she asks him, “Is that a nice thing to say?”
Lucky to get > 4 four hours of sleep due to insomnia
Reads books to fall asleep
Is a night owl and requires a full pot of coffee to fully wake up and go about her day
Counters everything Nik is (Cory Matthews x Shawn Hunter vibes)
Sherlock is that person that will do parkour to get things off the top shelf and ultimately scare the 💩 out of the taller military men
She’s also the person that will pick you up and carry you away if you’re annoying her or there’s danger
Is less a background investigator and more of Nik’s assistant
Incorrect quote #4
*Nik and Price are having an argument over something ridiculous*
Gaz: Should we do something?
Sherlock: I’m already smoking and laughing. What more do you want?
Tries to avoid operating on the field whenever possible
Visits family when on leave (if she has leave)
Breakfast food and dirty chais are the way to her heart
Sherlock is a believer of what she calls Lightman’s Law: “Every Homo sapien can and should be trusted to lie.” As a result it is very rare for her to approach anyone unfamiliar for the first time with any hostility or distrust
König wants to be friends with Sherlock but doesn’t really know how to approach her. He’s seen her interact with the field operators in Chimera and TF141 and really wants her to be his “mom friend”
Incorrect quote #5:
Random soldier: *talking down to König for some stupid reason*
König: *stopped trying to appease them a while ago and is now hanging his head*
Sherlock: *walking by and sees this* Hey! Are we on a coffee break?
*Random soldier and König both turn to look at her and see that she is irritated by what she sees*
Random soldier, dumbly: I-I don’t drink coffee-
Sherlock: Well then I guess the break is over. Get back to work, thank you!
Random soldier: *bolts out of there, embarrassed*
Sherlock: You’ll get there, sweetie, you just gotta put a little zing into it. *walks away*
König, thinking: I can’t believe I just talked to a woman!
(He didn’t talk at all.)
Makes blankets that are soft enough to tranquilize upon drapery
Avoids conflict but will fight/kill when provoked (hit on, friends in fight, loved ones at gunpoint)
Exercise = morning walk + yoga + powerlift
Can carry grown men like toddlers
Abby Sciuto + Spencer Reid love child energy (ft. Penelope Garcia and Radar) at work
Nik & Sherlock = Grunkle Stan & Mabel Pines energy
High tolerance for extreme temperatures/pain/painkillers/alcohol
Her dad loves her. He just doesn’t know how to cater to her happiness and mental well-being
Loves Halloween so she can jumpscare her second eldest brother
Is capable of shovel talk
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laswells-ashtray · 3 months ago
Can we get some Kate and Boris interaction that later gets sent as blackmail to John? I think Sarah and John team up to torment Kate as much as possible.
"You have to."
"No, I don't. In fact, John, out of all the people who have to do it, I'm the one who has to do it the least."
"That's not- Right, Kate, you have to. Sarah said you're not busy for the night."
Kate internally curses out Sarah and her fucking mouth, what kind of woman teams up against her wife with a British man?!
He'd asked her to attend an event with him, Nikolai was busy and he hadn't wanted to ask any of the lads. Kate was good at talking bullshit, as was John so they could talk the people around them in circles. And she knew they'd be entertained. Gaz had once described them as bitchy, Kate liked to think they had certain descriptive skills.
"Okay, I wasn't going to do it but you're giving me no choice."
"Oh? Do what exactly?"
She watches as John pulls out his phone and types in his passcode, it's Nik's birthday backwards and it's obvious, or at least to those that aren't fucking idiots.
He fucks around for a minute with barely concealed amusement and Kate almost feels herself smirk until he turns the phone to face her. She recognises the scene before he even presses play. It's her talking to Borris, the scruffy old man who "mrowed" his way into her heart.
He presses play and for a split second Kate swears she's going to break her wife's phone.
"No. You can't sleep on my laptop no matter how badly you want to nap. Oh, don't look at me like that, if you wanted gentle parenting then you would try to sleep on Sarah's laptop."
The black and white cat is lying on her closed laptop and Kate is standing in front of him, hands on hips as she scolds him. The cat. She's scolding the cat.
"Don't give me those eyes, I'm not your Mommy and I won't fold."
"You're right, that was insensitive. Your parents are probably dead, as are mine. But I don't go around lying on the laptops of people who need to respond to e-mails."
She watches the smaller version of herself on the screen sigh and step forward to scratch behind Borris' ears as the old man purrs back at her.
"You think he'll respond?"
"Fuck- Sarah, put your phone down."
"I'm sending this to John."
"You can do that when you spend your night on the couch."
The video ends and she glares at John, resisting the urge to smack the positively gleeful look off of his face.
"You're gonna do it or I'm gonna send it to the lads. Nik's already seen it."
"Your threats don't scare me."
"You're right but Soap will send it to Rudy and then Alejandro will see it. And God forbid Gaz shows it to Alex, he's always thought highly of you. More highly than he thinks of the rest of us, Farah excluded."
Sarah was back on the couch for the night, maybe even the week. Her conversations with Borris were private, he was her little old man.
"When does it start?"
"Good choice."
"Your hair is thinning in the back."
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thecherubangel · 10 days ago
Run. A. Train.
Fuckin Nikolai whispering Russian praises in your ear, holding you in place and Gaz is just suckling on your clit, pushing you into orgasm after orgasm.
Or the reverse. Gaz is holding you, keeping your hands pinned to your chest while Nikolai fucks into your tight wet cunt.
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