#we love you <3
windybreeze12 · 20 days
My friends, today is a day of mourning. Today we celebrate the life and love of Dead Boy Detectives. Today, we grieve. Today we raise our middle fingers to Netflix and everyone involved in cancelling this show. Today, we weep.
But tomorrow we fight. We continue supporting and loving this show. Keep drawing fanart, keep writing fanfics, keep interacting, keep supporting the actors.
The show may be gone, but in our hearts, in our creations, in our conversations, it still lives. We keep this show going, people. Never stop loving them.
We love you, Dead Boy Detectives. And thanks for being a part of our lives <3
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
This post is a @wraenata appreciation post. Comment or reblog if you appreciate Wren and love seeing her in your tumblr feed. Right now.
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pushing500 · 5 days
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Kwahu is going on a different psycasting path than his adopted twin, aiming for something more akin to a powerful lightning mage than Mechi's technomancy.
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We've figured out how to turn off the corrupted obelisk, but we haven't actually turned it off yet. It's been behaving itself so far, and we want to save the shards in case we need them for something else.
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We also now have a pet bison named Tequila, so that's nice.
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And Randy Random finds it in his heart to smile upon us and gift us a meteorite of solid plasteel. We're going to be swimming in cool mechanoids now!!
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Echo looks like he's holding a compact mirror 🤣
Echo: Ah yes, beautiful as always. Look at me 🥰 And Hunter sold me for only 3000 credits 🙄😒
Hunter: Echo... What the kriff... we have a mission to do 😐
Tech: If you don't stop looking at yourself right now I will rewire your legs so that you'll be dancing all the way to Mustafar 😐
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cold--carnage · 1 month
get home safe mutuals
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bylerweek2023 · 2 years
William Byers 💛
This character, that is so much more than a character to us. A strong, selfless boy. A boy who went through a lot, who struggled in so many ways, and even so, remained with this beautiful heart and soul. A boy who lights up our lives and exhales magic. Not gonna mention the fact that he gives us the strenght to fight on, but yeah, he does.
We're writing this message to you, because you've done a lot to us, even if you will never know it. You're so loved, so appreciated and so admired by your family, by your friends and also by everyone here.
Thank you, Will Byers. Thank you for being who you are.
We love you.
And we hope this message is a big hug from us, to you.
Happy Birthday!
And thank you for everyone who's here, celebrating this day with us!! This boy deserver the world!!
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changguworld · 1 year
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200618 | cube_ptg update with yeo one: "thanks again for cheering on us universe, and again. just like now, let's always be together. i love you universe♥️‬"
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fancycolours · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Walter Parazaider! 🎷🎂🎈💖
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acewithobsessions · 1 year
Asexual PSA
Never, never, let anyone tell you that you're "not ace enough".
All asexuality is is a lack of sexual attraction. Nothing else is required. Some aces do experience sexual attraction! These can be aceflux, acefluid, demisexual, grey-ace - on and on.
You can be ace and still want to cuddle. You can be ace and still like kissing. You can be ace and still like sex. You are ace enough for us.
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goldiipond · 10 months
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if there's anything i've learned from the current state of social media it's that this is one of the worst possible notifications you can receive upon opening an app
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amalgamezz · 9 months
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lyraofthestarsss · 21 days
You’re the number one fan of epic the musical??
That title belongs to Jorge Rivera-Herrans!!!
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fioffu · 11 months
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• PAIRING — hunter
• WORD COUNT — 1235
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — @yuniniverse @oikookie
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With the constant course lapping and the friend groups combining, hunter and yuni have grown fond of each other, even if they dont bond much. It wasnt like they had something against each other, as they share brief moments of them small talking, or saving a cup of coffee for the latter.
It felt like something was holding them back from getting to know the other better, as if a invisable barrier was pushing them back when they got too close. Some figured that the latter has grown a small crush for the other, and didnt know how to talk to them. This topic almost always came to light when the friend groups were together, followed by some teasing as the pair brushes it off, their cheeks warming up.
But todays reaction made hunters eyebrows furrow, as yuni stomps her foot. "Would you stop talking about that??" Her arms were crossed, and her tone was laced with this unfamiliar annoyance. The table goes quiet as she looks down, reflecting on her actions. It wasnt like her to get mad at something randomly, even though she knew the teasings were coming.
But she felt this pain in her stomach, something that squeezed her tight, unable to sleep during the night. Hunter just looked so.. urghh while she looked so.. meh. There were so many pretty girls out there, yet they always shipped them together. A prince and a homeless rat, the beauty and the beast.
But yuni didnt want it to seem like she didnt like hunter — because oh she did, a little too much. So she sits there conflicted, trying to think of a way to undo her actions, finding a small loophole that would make everything go back to normal.
Hunter was the first to notice how much quieter yuni had got in the week, and it pained him; even though he didn't show it well, he loved yuni's talkative self, listening on some of her silly storytelling, a lovesick smile on his face. And after he saw yuni avoid the friendly interactions from the others, he knew he had to take matters in his own hands.
So he decided to show up at her apartment. He didnt want to break any personal bubbles but would and could not feel sane knowing that yuni was basking in her thoughts, so deep that she doesnt know how to pull herself out.
Hunter could pull her out, his hands stuffing into his pockets as he walks to the backyard, watching her mindlessly play with a flower. "Yuni.." her name rolls off his lips as she looks up, her eyebrows furrowing as she adjust her glasses. What was hunter doing here?
"Hey.." hunter pulls up a seat beside her, a small smile on his face for coming unannounced. "Hey? What are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to... talk?" Hunter nervously scratches his neck. "It kinda feels like we dont see each other often." Or maybe you felt down about something. Hunter wanted to say, but kept it to himself as yuni stares at him, before mindlessly nodding her head. "Okay."
They didnt talk after that, but the silence was comfortable as they listened to the birds chripping, the wind swaying their hairs lightly as they felt strangely full with content. They didnt even say anything but they felt strangely at home, this at-ease feeling flowing throughout their limbs.
Yuni feels herself glance at the calm boy, his eyes close as he rests his back against the chair, her heart inwardly swooning at his actions, even though he wasnt even doing anything. Thats when hunter opens his eyes, his head turning as he instantly finds hers as she feels her body warming up, getting caught.
Hunter gives her a soft smile as she quickly looks down, scooting his chair closer to hers as he moves a strand of hair out her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Whats wrong?" He finally asks, his soft voice sending shivers down her spine.
"Come on, there is something clearly wrong." His fingers lightly grazing her arms, leaning his face closer to hers as a breath gets caught in her throat. She finally looks up, their eyes meeting again as he sends her a reassuring smile, her mouth opening as she tries to find the right words.
"I just.. feel like im not pretty enough. As if god took his time with everyone else but when he saw me, he just threw me to earth. I look like I'm homeless, im ugly, but when i look around i find these pretty people wherever i go, and it makes me wanna hide. Put a trash bag over my face so others wouldnt feel so disgusted." A tear runs down her face as a sad smile appears, hunter mouth dropped open.
"W-what thats not true.. you a-are s-so pretty and-"
"See? You're having a hard time talking right now, everything that i said was true."
But it wasnt it true, it would never be true. If only you saw yourself through my lens.
Hunter cups your cheeks, his fingers hovering her glasses as he slowly takes it off, the action sending her shivers as he wipes her wet eyes, his lips pursed together. "I wanna say something — do something.. but i dont know if it would make you feel better or worse." He warns, staring deep into her eyes.
"Do it." Yuni whispers, "i dont have anything to lose anyways."
Hunter cautiously looks at the girl, before lifting up her head to lay a soft peck on her lips. She melts in the small moment, her body warming up as her eyes shut, wanting to feel more of him. So he lays another kiss on her lips, much longer than the pervious peck as his eyes flutter shut, a hand moving down to wrap around her waist as he tilts her head for better access, passionately moving in sync with her.
His brows furrow lightly as he breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connecting on their lips as he wipes it off, bringing her head to eye level. "Ammu, dont you ever, EVER say that about yourself. You should never compare yourself to others and even at that, you are so beautiful, all those other people would bow down to you. If you hid yourself.. i would have never been able to met someone so kind, so pretty like you."
"No buts." He presses a kiss on her lips again, a smile forming. He opens his arms out for her as she lays her head on his chest, his hands coming up to run his fingers through her hair. And without knowing, she falls asleep, her soft snores feeling hunters ears.
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Yuni wakes up to find that hunter had disappeared, a letter near her head.
Just here to remind you that first of all, you are an absolutely gorgeous girl! If you want, you can be a rat or a homeless person, but you're the prettiest, most beautiful, stunning rat/homeless person ive ever seen -3-
And second of all, you're literally amazing. I always felt so happy when we started talking and im glad i met you through my friend group. You make me feel so comforted and happy so i hope this makes you feel happy too.
I love you so, so much ammu. You are my angel ♡♡
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sophfandoms53 · 24 days
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qsmpmiraheze · 1 year
Hi (wanted to keep my fandom identity separate from my main blog which is why I'm on anon but this is @silverware-drawer ) I saw that the timeline page has been added to the wiki and so I wanted to offer a resource!
I started a timeline as a personal project but I have not had time to update it more recently and I have even less time to add the information to the wiki. However, I will drop the link here if anyone wants to access it.
It's pulled both from my own knowledge and memories and from the Fandom timeline page, condensed and clarified for brevity by me. I started adding notes from individual character pages but did not finish.
The tone might be a little sillier than the wiki calls for (I was trying to make it entertaining to read) but I hope it can be helpful in some way! Also it's color coded .
This is a huge resource, thank you so much for sending it to us! (it's such a pretty doc too.... color coding my beloved)
Anyone who wants to hunt down citations, this document is grouped by days making vod hunting that much easier. We are currently working on getting all this information into the wiki.
We can't thank you enough @silverware-drawer!!!!!
(link for easy access)
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myrkulitescourge · 10 months
the way that one line from the new epilogue in an astarion romance is going to HAUNT me
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just. what a profoundly intense thing to confess to someone.
like, just these six months of newfound happiness with you exerts a force on his heart equal and in direct opposition to two centuries of endless torment, the gnawing hunger and exploitation. this flashbulb-bright fraction of his long life holds the same gravity to him as years upon years of darkness and suffering.
in all likelihood, he hasn’t even known his lover for as long as his worst memory lasted, that year sealed away to go mad from starvation and sensory deprivation, yet he still tells them this brief time has been so fundamentally and powerfully important that the weight of even that unimaginable hell is vanishingly small compared to this present he has now and the future ahead of them both.
how am i supposed to act normal about this.
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