#we love our farm witch friends
farm-witches-fic-recs · 4 months
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The winner of the inaugural Farm Which poll was enemies-to-lovers!
The coven thanks you for your participation as we try out some new things. We hope you will enjoy these trope-tastic recs and leave the authors some love!
baby, just say yes - LFTPD
Death of a Socialite - @Obsessedwithdavrick
Good Fences - @agoodpersonrose
Grew up out of ice-frozen ground - yourbuttervoicedbeau ( @kiwana-writes)
I Kissed Ruth Clancy - doingthemost ( @sarahlevys), @lilythesilly
Push and Pull - @samwhambam
Rose from the Ashes - @Likerealpeopledo-on-ao3
Strike Anywhere - @MadLori Weathering the Storm - iola17 ( @beaiola)
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⤹ 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐖𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲
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(( what the summer has looked like in my recent shifts! ))
(( this is a long post I'M SORRY I RAMBLE A TON))
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✯ Ginny and I always read the new editions of Seeker Weekly when they are delivered on sunday mornings. this usually consists of her running into my room and flopping onto my bed, teasing me with the magazine if I am not awake already. otherwise, we read it together at the kitchen table while keeping it away from the boys until we are done reading!
✯ in the first two weeks of summer, Bill was staying at the Burrow and telling us all about his adventures in Egypt. let's just say that every single breakfast with him ended on a super mysterious note or with Molly (mum) passing him more food and giving him a look of "motherly protection"
✯ with Arthur's (dad's) help, I have been building my own broom over the summer. I have always had the idea in mind, and with the collaboration of many different wizarding families, it is turning out really well!! I still have no idea if anyone will actually allow it in quidditch games though :')
✯ this might be very mundane, but I always help with the farm chores every morning. we have lots of chickens (and we have had pigs in the past), and it is so refreshing to use grounding techniques while listening to the radio through the open window
✯ speaking of radio... that is one thing that is always going in the Burrow. I look forward to walking downstairs in the morning and hearing the latest hits or listening to the WWN news broadcast.
✯ also, mum always has the Witching Hour (with Glenda Chittock) going in the mornings. in the wizarding world, there is kind of a love-hate with that talk show, as many younger people see it as something that only older women listen to.
✯ however, the Witching Hour was one of the first things I listened to in my first shift, so the memories are all positive and I find myself listening most mornings (despite the incessant teasing from the boys)
✯ in my first shift, I found out that the Holyhead Harpies made it to the League Cup against the Kenmare Kestrels. Ginny and I are obsessed with the Harpies' new seeker (grace belling my lovee <3) so you know I had to script that we would go to the game!!
✯ because this is the first summer where Fred, George and I can do magic outside of school, they have been tinkering away at new joke projects while I work on magically designing the labels and packaging! many late nights with that one!!
✯ my best friend Iris has visited many many times, and sometimes we invite Angelina too and we all bunker down in my room reading our silly witch magazines and looking at photos until the late hours. usually this ends with Ginny knocking on my door and she too curls up on the floor to talk <3
✯ Ginny also found this antique book of muggle victorian slang in the work shed, and she has been saying extremely ridiculous things in random conversation and it has honestly become a bit at this point. we are all on the edge of our seats wondering what that girl is going to say next, especially during meals!
✯ Hermione and Harry visited once, but Ron has such a sporadic schedule and he ended up doing the most random things and dragging them with him. I kid you not, they went and looked at the garden? for no reason??
✯ between Ron and Fred, those two would sleep past noon if we let them. mum will absolutely not have that though, so after she has called them down for breakfast multiple times, she tasks George and I with waking them up. some days we are kind and we gently shove them awake, but those are becoming very rare and I find absolute joy in being a morning menace <3
✯ when Bill was over, we had these fake broom races at dusk in the back field, but they were mostly so we could see the sunset on the horizon and that was a moment when I felt the most alive.
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talking about the burrow is my favorite and my mum is tired of hearing about it every time i shift back! so, i guess you all will be graced with my rants AND I HAVE A LOT OF THEM
thank you for reading if you have made it this far!
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littlemoriflower · 7 months
Mori Book Recommendations, by littlemoriflower
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Hello, dear-friends!
It's been a while since I have done one of these "longer" posts. I have been very absent, not only from this blog, but from the internet at large. School has been killing me lately, and I let the tiredness get the best of me more often than not.
However, I'd like to state that I continue to love AND wear mori everyday. not that anyone was accusing me of not doing it lmao I've simply been lacking the motivation to make more posts, but I hope that that's about to change! I won't be posting every day, but I'll try to come by and be more active in the community where I found so much happiness and lovely people in!
On another note, I have noticed more people joining the community! ^^ That is so exciting!!! I welcome all of you to our humble corner of the internet, and I hope you find peace and happiness in mori kei, as much as we mori folk do! (✿◡‿◡)
Now, to the post!
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The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Mary Lennox, a spoiled, ill-tempered, and unhealthy child, comes to live with her reclusive uncle in Misselthwaite Manor on England’s Yorkshire moors after the death of her parents. There she meets a hearty housekeeper and her spirited brother, a dour gardener, a cheerful robin, and her wilful, hysterical, and sickly cousin, Master Colin, whose wails she hears echoing through the house at night.
With the help of the robin, Mary finds the door to a secret garden, neglected and hidden for years. When she decides to restore the garden in secret, the story becomes a charming journey into the places of the heart, where faith restores health, flowers refresh the spirit, and the magic of the garden, coming to life anew, brings health to Colin and happiness to Mary.
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Anne Of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery
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This heartwarming story has beckoned generations of readers into the special world of Green Gables, an old-fashioned farm outside a town called Avonlea. Anne Shirley, an eleven-year-old orphan, has arrived in this verdant corner of Prince Edward Island only to discover that the Cuthberts—elderly Matthew and his stern sister, Marilla—want to adopt a boy, not a feisty redheaded girl. But before they can send her back, Anne—who simply must have more scope for her imagination and a real home—wins them over completely. A much-loved classic that explores all the vulnerability, expectations, and dreams of a child growing up, Anne of Green Gables is also a wonderful portrait of a time, a place, a family… and, most of all, love.
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Howl's Moving Castle, by Diana Wynne Jones
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Sophie has the great misfortune of being the eldest of three daughters, destined to fail miserably should she ever leave home to seek her fate. But when she unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Sophie finds herself under a horrid spell that transforms her into an old lady. Her only chance at breaking it lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Howl's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Sophie must handle the heartless Howl, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, she discovers that there's far more to Howl—and herself—than first meets the eye.
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Inkheart, by Cornelia Funke
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One cruel night, Meggie's father reads aloud from a book called INKHEART-- and an evil ruler escapes the boundaries of fiction and lands in their living room. Suddenly, Meggie is smack in the middle of the kind of adventure she has only read about in books. Meggie must learn to harness the magic that has conjured this nightmare. For only she can change the course of the story that has changed her life forever.
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By Ash, Oak And Thorn, by Melissa Harrison
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Three tiny, ancient beings - Moss, Burnet and Cumulus, once revered as Guardians of the Wild World - wake from winter hibernation in their beloved ash tree home. When it is destroyed, they set off on an adventure to find more of their kind, a journey that takes them first into the deep countryside and then the heart of a city. Helped along the way by birds and animals, the trio search for a way to survive and thrive in a precious yet disappearing world...
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Alice In Wonderland, by Lewis Carrol
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When Alice sees a white rabbit take a watch out of its waistcoat pocket she decides to follow it, and a sequence of most unusual events is set in motion.
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catindabag · 8 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (77)
Hilarius: Wovey! Hey, Wovey!
Wovey: Mr. Rich Clown?
Hilarius: Yes, it’s me!
Wovey: What are you doing here?
Hilarius: I need to tell you something very important.
Wovey: But it’s the middle of the night and I’m going to bed now-
Hilarius: Hear me out, master!
Wovey: No, I’m going to sleep.
Coryo: *joins the scene* Hi, Birdy.
Lucy Gray: Hi, Coryo!
Coryo: Here’s your very expensive facial masks and hair spray.
Lucy Gray: And the cucumber?
Coryo: What cucumber?
Lucy Gray: Did you bring the fresh baby cucumbers?🥺
Coryo: They were too expensive.
Lucy Gray: This bird is sad now.
Sejanus: Here! *throws a bag of vegetables at Lucy Gray* I bought you your stupid baby cucumbers.
Lucy Gray: Thanks!
Sejanus: Pay up.
Lucy Gray: Free cucumbers! Yey!
Coryo: Are you going to eat them?
Lucy Gray: No, I’ll just put them in my eyes and then feed the rest to a sleeping Jessup.😊
Coryo: You do you, Birdy.
Lucy Gray: My squirrel friends also want me to tell you and your rich sugar daddy to buy them a new pair of the Capitol’s coziest socks!
Coryo: For what?
Lucy Gray: for my new puppet show!
Coryo: Your size or mine?
Lucy Gray: Bird size.
Coryo: Noted.
Marcus: What a weirdo.
Sejanus: Hi, Marcus!
Marcus: *goes back to sleep*
Sejanus: Marcus, wake up!
Marcus: No.
Sejanus: Don’t die! I’m here to support and feed you!
Marcus: I would rather die!
Sejanus: Really?
Marcus: If you don’t shut up and leave me alone!
Sejanus: But do you like to eat some baby cucumbers before I go home and cry my heart out again?
Marcus: Ew. No. Go away.
Domitia: I brought cake! Happy birthday, Tan Tan!
Treech: Who’s Tan Tan?
Tanner: Me. I’m Tan Tan.
Marcus: Nice. Let’s eat.
Mizzen: Cake! *screeches like a feral cat* Give! Give it to me!
Domitia: No. This is for Tanner.
Persephone: Hi, Mizzenmast!
Mizzen: Give me the cake, Percy! Give me the cake before the evil sea witch steals it from me!
Coral: Festus, give me a knife.
Festus: Plastic or paper?
Coral: Stainless steel.
Mizzen: Cake! I want cake!
Tanner: My cake ain’t for you, gremlin! It’s for me!
Mizzen: I’m me!
Tanner: It’s my birthday.
Brandy: No, it’s not! Your stupid birthday was last month!
Tanner: I have 2 birthdays.
Brandy: Then I have 4!
Lucy Gray: I have 12.☺️
Mizzen: Everyday’s my birthday!
Reaper: That doesn’t make sense.
Tanner: I’m special.
Mizzen: I’m special too!
Tanner: I’m the birthday boy!
Mizzen: It’s my birthday too!
Tanner: Liar!
Mizzen: You’re the one who’s lying!
Coral: Can somebody give me a f*ckin’ knife?! I need a knife!
Festus: How about a trident?
Coral: A big fork?
Festus: A golden fork.
Coral: You’re the best, bro.
Festus: I’m the best.
Tanner: Excuse me?! I’m the birthday boy. I’m the best!
Sejanus: *starts singing* Happy birthday, Tammy!
Tanner: It’s Tanner.
Coryo: *joins in and claps* Happy Birthday, Tony.👏
Domitia: Happy Birthday!
Festus: Happy Birthday!🎉
Persephone: Happy Birthday, Tommy!
Tanner: It’s Tanner!
Festus: Whatever you say, Tambourine. Now make a wish!
Tanner: Thanks.😑
Domitia: What’s your wish?
Tanner: To marry a super rich farm girl and live a happy life with our cute children and cows.
Domitia: Nice!
Hilarius: Can we sing again?
Lucy Gray: Let’s sing again!
Jessup: *suddenly wakes up* Is it morning already?!
Tanner: No! Go back to sleep.
Jessup: Oh, okay. Goodnight.😴
Tanner: Night.
Wovey: Mr. Rich Clown, I want a strawberry cake. Can you buy me a strawberry cake for lunch tomorrow?
Hilarius: Anything for you, master!
Bobbin: Oi! Oi, you, shoo! Go away!
Hilarius: But-
Bobbin: Do you see that sign?! *points at a random wall*
Hilarius: What sign?
Sejanus: Is it a love sign?😀
Coryo: There’s no sign.
Bobbin: No Capitol idiots allowed after supper!
Hilarius: I’m not an idiot!
Festus: Yo, stop bullying Hilari! He’s already homeless!
Bobbin: No homeless idiots allowed!
Hilarius: I’m not homeless!
Tanner: Let’s eat!
Domitia: So who wants the first slice?😀
Coryo: Me. I’m hungry.
Tanner: I’m the birthday boy!
Mizzen: And I’m Mizzen!
Sejanus: Let me feed you, my love!
Mizzen: You’re ruining my cake!
Tanner: That cake is mine.
Coral: Gremlin, shut up!
Mizzen: Be gone, evil one! Be gone!
Domitia: Here’s a big slice for you, Tan Tan!
Tanner: Thanks, love.
Persephone: Mizzen, my bro, do you want a slice of cake too?
Mizzen: Yes, please. All of it.🥺🙏
Coral: None of it!
Sejanus: Marcus, do you want-
Marcus: I’m sleeping!
Sejanus: It’s chocolate! It’s your favorite!
Marcus: I’m allergic to chocolate.
Sejanus: It’s lactose free!
Marcus: I love milk.
Sejanus: It’s vegan friendly!
Marcus: Do I look like a f*ckin’ vegan to you?!
Sejanus: No.
Marcus: Then shut up!
Sejanus: Marcus, please!
Marcus: I’m going back to bed!
Sejanus: Coryo, help!😫
Coryo: Fine. Marcus, buddy, do you want a slice of Tanner’s cake? It’s chocolate and it’s really good.
Marcus: Make it 2. I’m hungry.
Coryo: Sure. Anything for 2.
Marcus: Thanks, Blondie. You’re the best.
Coryo: Of course I am.
Marcus: Whatever you say, love.
Sejanus: Coryo’s mine! He’s mine!
Marcus: Obviously! I’m not blind, Plinth! Your freaking “love marks” are all over Blondie’s neck!
Lucy Gray: They’re called hickeys, you uncultured swine!
Marcus: I know that!
Sejanus: That’s normal.
Coryo: Unfortunately.
Lucy Gray: Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!
Wovey: What’s a love mark?
Lucy Gray: It’s when-
Dill: Birdy, shut up.
Sejanus: So what do you think?😀
Marcus: About what?
Sejanus: The cake!
Marcus: Ew. I don’t like cake.
Sejanus: But you said-
Coryo: Babe, let me do the talking.
Sejanus: Okay.😞
Coryo: So how’s the cake, bro?
Marcus: It’s super delicious!
Coryo: I know, right?
Marcus: I really love the chocolate cookies and the strawberry filling.
Coryo: True. Love them too.
Marcus: So who baked it?
Coryo: Domitia bought it from an exclusive expensive fancy little cake shop earlier this morning.
Domitia: For Tanner!
Tanner: Thanks, princess.
Domitia: I’m the Dairy Queen.
Tanner: My Dairy Queen.😘
Domitia: Are you my Dairy King?
Tanner: The ever handsome Dairy King of your heart, my love!
Mizzen: More like the diarrhea king!
Tanner: Mizzen, you little sh*t, shut the f*ck up!
Brandy: Yeah! Shut the f*ck up!
Mizzen: I’m the Food Emperor! Fear me and my bacon pizzas!
Coral: I give up. I’m going to bed.
Domitia: I love cows.
Tanner: I love them too.
Domitia: I hate ducks.
Tanner: I hate them too.
Domitia: You’re perfect!
Tanner: I’m special.
Treech: Boo! Get a room!
Reaper: Bro, be normal!
Tanner: I’m special!
Lamina: Can I eat in peace?!
Treech: *bites Lamina’s cake*
Lamina: My cake!😭
Treech: Thanks.
Brandy: By the way-
Tanner: No.
Brandy: Where’s my big ass monster chicken?!
Persephone: No whole chicken today. Sorry.
Mizzen: Feed me more, Percy Price! Feed me more!
Persephone: Airplane or train?
Mizzen: Thomas and friends please.
Persephone: *sighs* Fine.
Wovey: I want strawberries.
Hilarius: Anything for you, master!
Wovey: That’s right!
Bobbin: Is Mr. Rich Clown your personal servant or something?
Wovey: Duh.
Bobbin: How?
Wovey: Bobby, unlike you and your stupid corn dog, I’m not a poor peasant who sleeps in a smelly cardboard box.
Bobbin: Curse you Juno Phipps!
Marcus: Can I have another slice?
Coryo: Sure. Here you go.
Marcus: Thanks. You single now?
Coryo: No, I’m still kissing and marrying my Seji Pie.
Sejanus: That’s right!
Marcus: Why are you even dating idiot Plinth in the first place?
Coryo: To be fair, we’ve been dating since. . .
Sejanus: Forever and ever and ever!
Coryo: Yeah, since forever.
Marcus: That’s rough, buddy.
Coryo: It’s fine. He’s super rich and he really loves me.
Marcus: He’s obsessed with you!
Reaper: Unhealthy obsessed.
Coryo: Same thing.
Treech: I’m super single. Wanna date me, Blondie?
Coryo: Sorry. I can’t. I’m not single.
Sejanus: We’re married!
Lucy Gray: I’m single!😀
Reaper: Thank Panem.
Treech: Thank you, Panem! We don’t need to see more weird talking rainbow birds in the future.
Lucy Gray: Too bad! I’m going to marry Panlo and his hair curlers!
Coral: Lol. The weird bird is going to procreate with the Panini Man!
Lucy Gray: I like bread anyway!
Sejanus: Mine! *hugs Coryo from behind* My Coryo! Mine!
Coryo: See. He loves me.
Marcus: Did idiot Plinth ever f*cked you or what?
Coryo: Literally or figuratively?
Marcus: You tell me.
Coryo: Both.
Marcus: Was he good?
Coryo: He stole my virginity.
Marcus: That’s unfortunate.
Coryo: It’s fine. He gives me a lot of money every time we fu-
Marcus: I don’t want to know!
Lucy Gray: I want to know!
Coryo: He’s sweet.
Sejanus: I’m sweet!
Marcus: He’s a menace.
Coryo: We’re working on it.
Sejanus: Coryo, let’s fu-
Treech: Boo! Get a room!
Sejanus: But I want to-
Treech: Not in front of my cake!
Tanner: It’s my birthday! It’s my cake! I’m the special one!
Treech: Don’t care!
Lamina: Can I have another one?🥺
Mizzen: You’re ruining everything!
Coral: Treech, get the ropes again!
Treech: I’m not your servant!
Coral: Get the duct tape too!
Treech: Ugh! Fine!
Coral: Thanks, peasant.
Treech: Curse you Juno Phipps!
Coryo: Juno is not even here.
Sejanus: Kiss me, my love!
Coryo: In front of Marcus?!
Sejanus: Yes!
Marcus: What a loser.
Sejanus: I’m not a loser! I’m baby!
Marcus: Loser.
Sejanus: Fine! I’ll just crawl under a dark hole and die then!
Marcus: Good!
Sejanus: *starts crying*
Marcus: Cry harder!
Coryo: Bro, please stop bullying my sugar daddy. He’s very sensitive.
Marcus: Do better, Blondie!
Treech: I’m better!
Coryo: I’m doing my best!
Sejanus: I’m the best!😭
Coryo: Whatever you say, Babe.
Dill: Seriously, why are you guys even here?
Coryo: To celebrate Tan Tan’s birthday. Duh.
Dill: Is that all?
Coryo: No, but I can’t tell you.
Lucy Gray: Am I going to sing my love songs on stage now?
Reaper: No.
Lucy Gray: Can I sing on stage now?
Coryo: Maybe.
Reaper: I hope not.
Lamina: I’m scared!😭
Treech: I can backflip.
Tanner: No, you can’t.
Treech: Jealous, Tan Tan?
Tanner: Bobby Corn Poppy can backflip better than you, peasant.
Treech: I’m not a peasant!
Coral: Yo, servant, where’s the duct tape and ropes?!
Treech: I’m not a servant!
Coral: Of course not! You know that you’re not just a regular servant in my eyes, Lumberjack.
Treech: That’s right!
Coral: You’re my servant.
Treech: Curse you Juno Phipps!
Mizzen: Cake! Cake!
Coral: I’m stealing your plate.
Mizzen: Evil! Evil!
Wovey: Can I go back to sleep now?
Hilarius: Fine! I’m just gonna say it! I’m just gonna say it once!
Festus: Hilari, don’t!
Lucy Gray: Say it, clown boy! Am I going to sing on stage while the Magic Man’s cameras are rolling?!
Hilarius: You’re all going to-
Lucy Gray: Sing on television!
Reaper: Heck, no!
Lucy Gray: With the bees and birds!
Treech: I’m allergic to birds!
Hilarius: There’s more!
Coryo: Heavensbee!
Hilarius: You’re all going to perform on live television the day after tomorrow! There! I said it!
Reaper: Perform?!
Lucy Gray: Weewoo! I can’t wait!
Lamina: I’m not ready!😭
Coral: Perform what exactly?!
Hilarius: Anything! Free style! Backflips! Somersaults! Magic tricks! Card games! You tell me!
Treech: Nice!
Reaper: Panem, help me! Panem, help me! *starts praying again*
Dill: But why do we need to perform for the Capitol anyway?
Lucy Gray: Free money!
Coral: I do love money.
Coryo: We need sponsors.
Bobbin: Sponsors?! But you’re rich!
Coryo: I’m poor and so is Hilari.
Hilarius: I’m temporarily poor.
Sejanus: You were disowned.
Hilarius: Temporarily disowned.
Festus: And I have a whole family of rats to feed. So I’m also poor.
Persephone: My werewolf wannabe daddy needs his medication. So I can’t afford anything too fancy or too expensive at the moment.
Domitia: And I’m just a farm girl.
Coryo: A rich farm girl.
Dill: But what about my Mentor? His evil family’s rich, right?
Festus: True. However, our poor Class President’s very powerful mommy will never allow him to sponsor all of you.
Coryo: She won’t even sponsor us.
Dill: Why? She hates you?
Hilarius: She hates me.😔
Sejanus: She likes me. I’m rich.
Coryo: We know, Babe.
Festus: The mad madam is tragically allergic to charity, poor people, mole people, and homeless Hilari.
Reaper: Good for her! I’m allergic to idiots, birds, and weird people.
Lucy Gray: Oh! That explains why you hate yourself so much, Reaper!
Reaper: I don’t hate myself!
Lucy Gray: Poor miserable Reaper.
Reaper: I hate birds! Weird talking birds who can’t seem to shut up!
Treech: Same.
Coral: Me too.
Lucy Gray: That’s so sad! Do you want me to sing a beautiful love song for you?
Reaper: Go away, Baird!
Lucy Gray: I’ll sing a lovely song about weird talking birds then.
Reaper: Break a leg!
Lucy Gray: Thanks, bestie! I Hope you’ll like it!☺️
Reaper: Ew.
Dill: But is that the only reason?
Coryo: What reason?
Dill: The sponsorships and all that television stuff?
Coryo: No, our “prestigious” school is currently facing bankruptcy and we need a lot of money to pay off our debts but don’t ask why.
Reaper: Did you burn a big ass building down or something?
Festus: There was a flood.
Coryo: A man-made flood.
Persephone: It was my fault.
Coryo: Our fault.
Wovey: So what’s a vegan?
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
Supernatural life simulation game Moonlight Peaks to be published by XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe
From Gematsu
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XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe will publisher supernatural life simulation game Moonlight Peaks in North America and Europe, respectively. It will launch for PC via Steam in 2026. A demo is currently available.
“We always look for projects that offer our audience diverse new titles with our indie publishing efforts, but this time we’ve found a project that’s much closer to home,” said XSEED Games executive vice president Kenji Hosoi in a press release. “Moonlight Peaks is a supernatural fit given our deep experience with the farming / life sim genre, and we look forward to working with the team at Little Chicken to bring their game to life, and our fans!”
Little Chicken Game Company president Yannis Bolman added, “Partnering with Marvelous and their group of companies for a worldwide release was an opportunity we were excited to accept. As pioneers in the farming and life-sim genre with Story of Seasons and then the Rune Factory series, we were thrilled to be invited into their family. Moonlight Peaks will fit seamlessly into their publishing portfolio, and we hope to introduce fans of those series to our own innovative and unique ideas for the genre.”
Here is an overview of the game, via XSEED Games:
Moonlight Peaks takes place in its titular town, home to vampires, werewolves, mermaids, and other supernatural denizens who mostly come out at night—where the unnatural is the norm. As the grown-up progeny of Count Dracula, players will have to prove to their skeptical father that an (un-)life of compassion is possible, even for the undead. While players design their perfect vampire lair and learn the art of farming magical crops and witchcraft, they’ll get to know the eclectic mix of human and supernatural residents that also call Moonlight Peaks home, and maybe even find their eternal love! More information about the setting and features of Moonlight Peaks will be revealed at a later date, but players can download a new demo on PC right now for a glimpse at the haunted haven that awaits.
Key Features
Live the vampire life in the magical town of Moonlight Peaks.
Master the art of potions and spells.
Manage your supernatural farm.
Make friends with the local werewolves, witches, and mermaids, and find your eternal love in the supernatural dating scene.
More to come!
Watch an old teaser trailer below.
Teaser Trailer
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After about a decade of building up my crystal collection, I can no longer close my eyes to what I've been supporting. Far from the good vibes that crystals are purported to have, I need to be honest that their trade funds the same human rights abuses and environmental destruction that I've spent most of my life decrying. I need to address this cognitive dissonance within myself, and can no longer endorse buying mass-market crystals anymore. I call myself an earth-worshipper, or nature-worshipper, yet I'm contributing to the destruction of the Earth and her people. This no longer sits right with me. Yes, there are likely minerals in my phone that were mined using less-than-ethical practices, however a cell phone in this day and age is kind of a necessity. Decorative crystals and fossils, though, are more difficult to justify in this way.
I'm still going to keep the ones I have for now, because, welp, the damage has already been done, and getting rid of them now won't undo what I've been endorsing with my dollar. I still have a box of gems that I bought to make wire-wrapped jewelery with, and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with those, so they're tucked away until I can decide.
If there's interest, I may make some pieces with them and put them up for sale as a Crystal Clearout sale, since I did spend a lot of money on those supplies. Or I might wear or gift them. We will see.
Back to my spiritual practice. What am I going to use instead?
River rocks!
Or lake rocks. Park rocks. Parking lot rocks. Farm rocks. Forest Rocks. Anything except store-bought is fine. Look at these cool rocks I've found in my city so far! These are geologically tied to the place I live, they carry the history on the land I'm on, which is not mine to live on. It is Treaty 6 territory—the traditional and ancestral territory of the Cree, Dene, Blackfoot, Saulteaux and Nakota Sioux. This territory is home to the Métis Settlements and the Métis Nation of Alberta, Regions 2, 3 and 4 within the historical Northwest Métis Homeland.
These stones carry the memory of the people who were here before me, and that of a not-so-distant history I need to address time and time again, examine my own biases, and do what I can to address inequalities right here, right now. They are a connection to this land, and those who live on it.
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These stones can also hold my own memories, for instance this petrified wood reminds me of a day a friend and I went rock-hunting by the river, and on a trip to Ontario with this same friend, we found some jade (I think). Which brings me to another point. I am not a geologist. I plan to learn about minerals local to me, but I'll never have the assurance of some shopkeeper (whatever that's worth) that what I'm holding is 100% a piece of pure amethyst, and here is a list of its properties. Instead, I'll be able to find my own meaning in the stones, feathers and flowers I find while walking in the world, and use them in my practices the way I feel intuitively guided to.
In spiritual practices, what we are working with is energy and intention. The rest are simply tools, symbols for our brain to understand what we are channeling towards or away from. The most important quality you can develop as a witch, a pagan, a yogi, a spiritualist, whatever you wish to call yourself, is self-trust. Trust that you are enough. Trust that this stone made its way to you so that you would find it exactly when you did. Trust that the herbs you lovingly grew, watered, bundled and dried are sufficient for clearing any stale energies. Learn from those who came before you, but at a certain point, you have to free yourself from reliance on corporations, merchants, readers, authors, course creators, and anyone else looking to make a buck off your lack of experience and confidence.
When you have a true need, harken not to others' greed. (the Wiccan Rede)
Consumerism has its hooks in us to such a point where we feel like we have to buy our way out of all of our real or perceived inadequacies.
Feeling down? Buy this sun lamp!
Tummy hurts? It's this scary new syndrome I just made up! Peer review, what's that? Nevermind. Buy this supplement!
Want to feel really cool and attractive? Buy this new outfit!
Want to make friends? Learn a new hobby! Oh, but this hobby requires you to buy all this gear before anyone thinks you're serious about it! And make sure you buy a t-shirt that says you're into this hobby while you're at it, so you can talk about it to everyone!
McSpirituality works the same way. Feel like you don't belong? It's definitely a past life thing, buy a reading with me to find out! Looking for love? Make sure you buy a rose quartz to send a lover your way within 24 hours. Hmm, it didn't work? It must not be big enough. Make sure you buy this one instead! Trying to get into meditation? You'll need to buy a zafu, some mala beads, and a buddha head with some very questionable history Are you broke after all these purchases? You can just buy this abundance generating spell kit, and this $10K course (I have seen this price point, it's not hyperbole) on dissolving your subconscious blocks to abundance!
It's not your fault, it's the system we all live in. I was, and still am, immersed in it too. If you're in a tough place, it can be so easy to be swept up by the promise of a quick fix, because spiritual work is hard. You'll have to confront yourself in some tough ways, work through traumatic experiences and spend years building discipline and focus.
It's a lot easier to just walk into a crystal shop and pick the one you like, isn't it? But I want to remind myself that life doesn't work that way.
Do you just walk into a store and pick out the partner, the job, the house, the experiences, the circumstances that look prettiest?
Okay, maybe some of you do if you're very lucky or have certain privileges, but these choices aren't always the ones that guarantee long-term compatibility or happiness.
In real life, it's a lot more like walking down a riverbank with a friend, catching up on life, and showing each other the cool thing you found, maybe deliberating on what it might be. Your rock might look different than hers, but you found it and it feels good to you. Maybe the shape feels satisfying and built just for your hand. You feel like it was waiting for you all this time.
Or maybe it's like walking home after a difficult day, and seeing the little sparkle of something glimmering in the sunlight. Maybe this represents hope and silver linings. Maybe a bird eyes you as you examine your rock, offering you company and understanding in a way that words fail to.
That feeling certainly isn't for sale in stores, or online. If I find it at a garage sale, I'll let you know.
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literaticat · 5 months
Hi Jenn. I know you haven't read my book or my query so this might be hard to answer, but I was looking for some tips on how to construct feedback. I've gotten feedback that my query letter(s) read more like "high-level back jacket blurbs" instead of "what is needed for the query". They also said they almost moved on from the letter in their inbox but was hooked by the time they read it all. Could you break this down a bit for me and offer any advice? I can parse most of it but am still confused. (It also says at one point that that there should be more about the MC.) Does this mean I've written nice-sounding blurb that would entice a reader but not an agent? Why would a blurb entice a reader but not an agent? If it would entice a reader, surely it could hook the agent too? I kind of see what they're saying - but I'm also confused and not sure I'm analyzing the feedback right. Thank you so much.
As you note, it's hard to say really, since I don't know what the material is, and also I'm not sure what kind of "feedback" this was -- like was it a paid critique from an agent or editor? A friend just giving advice? MULTIPLE friends? Input on a writer's forum? Random offhand comments from different agents you actually queried put together? (Something else?) -- I feel like all these different people or groups might have different kinds of feedback, and I'd take some of it more seriously than others, you know? BUT ANYWAY:
When I see "high-level back jacket blurbs", that implies to me that you've given a big-picture kind of set-up in the pitch. ("High Level" not being synonymous with something like "Fancy and Sophisticated" or "Gifted and Talented" -- but in this case meaning more like "birds-eye view" kind of thing). Combined with them wanting "more about the MC", I suspect you are giving us a taste of the setting and world and a broad-strokes indication of the problem -- when what tends to be more effective is giving us a way in through the main character, and what THEIR problem is and what the stakes are for them, personally.
It would be like if you described the Wizard of Oz by telling us about how this is a fantasy about a magical world ruled by four witches, two of them good, two of them evil, and when a girl gets sent there from Kansas by a tornado, and accidentally kills one of the witches, she must go on a dangerous quest with her band of misfit friends, meeting all kinds of munchkins and whatnot along the way to meet a wizard in the Emerald City who might be able to grant them all wishes, but they face a variety of perils and all is not as it seems. In other words, the focus here is "big picture" and mostly setting up the world and the main thing that happens, but not setting up the main character or the stakes.
When what would probably be a more compelling pitch is focusing more on DOROTHY, what she wants, what her problem is, etc. She's the reader's way in to the story -- we want to care about her and find out what happens to her, right? So you might start by asking yourself some questions about her.
*** [ETA: It wouldn't hurt you to follow this "But" and "therefore" advice, either -- the literal "buts" and "therefores" do NOT have to be in the query itself, but it might help when writing out the story beats as below to help you from falling into a boring "and then" trap where you are just listing off events.]****
WHO IS OUR HERO? She's Dorothy! A plucky, resourceful farm girl who lives a hardscrabble existence in Dust Bowl Kansas, but has big dreams of a bigger and brighter world.
WHAT DOES SHE WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING? To get tf out of dusty old Kansas and find rainbows and happiness!
WHAT'S STOPPING HER FROM GETTING IT? She's a child, she has to live with her family, she loves her family but her family lives in Kansas, etc.
WHAT PROBLEM DOES SHE FACE? First there's a massive storm, which is scary -- BUT, her wish to leave Kansas actually DOES come true -- her house is swept up in a twister and deposited in the glittering realm of Oz! YAY! BUT, unfortunately, her wish came true at a cost -- her house crushed a witch when it landed. THEREFORE, though the people of Oz are happy about the witch thing, actually, she's now a murderer, and has been separated from her family with seemingly no way home. :(
SO WHAT CHOICE DOES SHE HAVE TO MAKE? Will she stay and embrace her new life as the pampered Hero of Munchkin-land with every treat and beautiful, magical thing she has ever dreamed of? Or put herself in danger and give up the lollipops to find a wizard nobody has ever even seen who MIGHT be able to help her get back to the farm and her family?
OK, THAT'S BAD -- BUT HOW DOES HER PROBLEM GET WORSE? Not only would the journey be lengthy and hard under normal circumstances, it's made significantly worse by a witch hell bent on killing her and her friends as retaliation for the death of her sister.
If you can answer these questions about your main character in the pitch, I suspect that it will help it feel less "High Level" and more High Stakes, and get the reader wanting to know what happens to the MC more quickly. (Maybe???)
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Past Mistakes Part 9: Complicated - Mike Duarte x Reader
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Tagging: @spooky-pomegranate @julieelliewrites @telepathay @nessamc​   @xmoonknightlyx​   @jayblackpanther​   @crazy4chickennuggets​   @annetje​   @mysoulisasunflower​    @littleone65 @thesandbeneathmytoes​    @storiesofsvu​  @kabloswrld @xoxabs88xox @katluke25 @mydarkestsecretlol  @bbyxoo @evee87  @adesertdaydream  @the-hinky-panda @kimm4710 @wooshwastaken @justreblogginfics @hearthockey @justreblogginfics @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @multilin21 @letty-olaya @rosaliedepp @storiesofsvu @guitita @smellsliketeensspiryt @legit9thlunaticwarrior @giuls-ver @witches-unruly-heart @melaniecraig80 @elizabeththebat
Part One: Try  
Part Two: Hope (NSFW)
Part Three: California
Part Four: Favours
Part Five: Choices
Part Six: Truth Hurts
Part Seven: Sharing
“You’re going after him.”
Mike almost couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth as he sat in Benson’s apartment, surrounded by the paraphernalia of her family life. No one had the balls to take on McGrath, but then again when he looked at Benson, she didn’t need them. He knew if they played this wrong this was career suicide for all of them, he was prepared to put everything on the line for you. However these two, Benson and Murphy, they didn’t know you. They didn’t know that you liked to sleep curled up in his arms because it made you feel safe, didn’t know that the left side of your mouth quirked up when you were trying to hide a smile, they didn’t know anything about you but here they were still going to bat for you because truly they believed it was the right thing to do.
“We are.” Benson confirmed before clasping her hands together. “But it’s complicated, everything she told you about the assault…”
“There’s no evidence.” Mike said, filling in the blanks. “Back then I should have realised, I saw the dress and…” He sucked in a deep breath trying to steady the tremble in his voice. It weighted on him that he had missed the signs, it left a bitterness on his tongue. “… it’s long gone in a landfill somewhere.”
“I’ve got Muncy trying to chase down the security footage from that night.” Benson told him.
Mike sagged back in the chair, raising his eyes to the ceiling.
“But three years is a long shot.”
He was a pragmatist at heart. What were the chances of someone keeping something like that? McGrath had probably taken care of it the morning after, brushed it under the rug like he did everything else.
“Do you think she’s strong enough for this?” Murphy asked him, leaning forward. “We’re gonna have a hell of a fight on our hands and when this comes out, it drags out everything. Your relationship will be in the spot light, the defence will claim it’s a pattern of behaviour, she’s ambitious, trying to climb the ladder…”
The look Mike gave the other man was murderous. To his credit Murphy didn’t flinch, he maintained eye contact before Mike spoke.
“We were going to get married in the fall after she passed her Sergeant’s exam.” Mike told Murphy, his heart splitting in two as he remembered the ring you used to wear on a chain around your neck. “It’s not a pattern of behaviour, we fell in love.” His voice was rough as he stared down at his hand, at the space where he had once imagined his own wedding ring would reside. He sighed. “I don’t know if she’s strong enough to do this. Everything he has done has been to break her and I don’t know how much more she can take.”
“Do you have somewhere safe for her to go once we extract her?” Benson asked him. “Somewhere she feels safe? Somewhere McGrath won’t be able to find her?”
Mike thought back to his original plan tonight. The two of you driving off into the sunset and all the way to L.A.
“Yea.” He said, thinking back to the plans he’d made with Chris Alonso. “We have friends who are willing to help.”
“With the evidence that she has collected, we have enough to take down the First Nationals including Ryan Rousseau but what SVU is interested in is the breeding farm, getting out those trafficked girls. That’s what Rousseau’s big tour around the states has been about, we thought they were recruiting but he’s been rolling out the model for his breeding farm, inviting leaders from other branches to see it in action so he can franchise it. They pay him, he provides the girls.” Benson informed Mike, her mouth twisting in distaste.
“I have an alias.” Murphy revealed. “It’s from my time on the West Coast. I’ve set up a meeting with Rousseau, I’ve told him I’m only in town tomorrow night. He’s looking for a partner to expand into Utah and Nevada and he thinks I have the connections. From what I gather the main players will all be there from the other charters. It’s his big chance to show everyone his enterprise.”
The term made Mike feel sick. Turning out girls like that, knocking them up so that could develop their own master race, making a profit from the fucking misery of it. It made Mike want to burn the whole fucking place to the ground.
“Once Declan is in and we have confirmation of the girls, we’ll be launching a joint raid with Hate Crimes on the breeding farm. We’ll be scooping every single one of them up including your girl. Here’s where it gets sticky. As soon as news of this raid hits, McGrath is going to know what’s happening and we need to move her as quickly and as quietly as possible.”
“McGrath has ties to WITSEC, so I’ve taken the liberty of transferring her over to Hate Crimes for the time being.” Murphy told Mike. “We have the budget and the space, if she wants to stay after all this my Chief is happy to make it permanent. She thinks with her knowledge of organisations like this, she’d be a good asset. Once we get her out, my Chief is going to push through the paperwork for medical leave due to her time undercover.”
“Can we trust her?” Mike asked him.
Murphy fixed him with an even gaze.
“My Chief would sooner set herself on fire than do anything to help McGrath.” Murphy told the other man. “There’s a lot of bad blood between the two of them, there always has been.”
“He’s going to be gunning for you.” Benson said quietly to Mike. “Every phone call you make, every time you step out of your apartment, he’s going to have eyes on you. Everything will have to  through Velasco, there can’t be any contact between the two of you.”
He’d seen it coming. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that he’d get the happy ending he wanted but hearing the words out loud still felt like a gut punch. His chest felt tight with anguish, because you were slipping through his fingers all over again. It was the right thing to do, he knew that, but it hurt like hell.
“It’s for the best.” Benson said in low tone, her hand coming to rest on his arm.
His eyes stung as he swallowed hard past the well of emotion that ached in his throat.
“Yea.” He said, his voice raw as he stared down at his ring finger once more. “I know.”
Love Mike Duarte? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1113: All in This Together (RWBY)
Pyrrha Nikos. A huntress very well known by many to have a promising future ahead of her. A future that was taken too soon by the hands of Cinder Falls during the Fall of the Becon Academy.
She was believed to be dead after that, as hard and heart shattering for her closest love ones to accept overtime. But in some, twisted miracle, she was given the second chance in the living....but as Salem's emotionless puppet whose sole purpose is to physically mess with our group of heroes, Jaune especially. But fortunately, after a long, emotional fight, the gang was able to break their friend free from the witch's control and get to live oit the continue her to live her previously taken life with the people she holds dear, but even that has it draw backs.
Recurring nightmares, anxiety over the future ahead.....It wasn't easy for the young woman to endure, even with the help her friends and family provides for her, which she is eternally grateful for. Try as she might, the past memories would always find some way to mess with her in her dreams until it was too much for her to handle. Like tonight for example. It was bad enough to make her wake up and leave her bedroom without waking up three of her teammates/lovers.
As Pyrrha sits herself down on the living room sofa, letting the TV play on mute, she closes her eyes and let out a sigh, wondering how she's going to handle her recurring problem for good.
?????: Pyrrha?
Pyrrha: (Quickly Opens her Eyes to See a Familiar Farm Boi Standing by the Hallway Entrance) Oscar? What are you doing up so late? Is everything okay?
Oscar: (Sighs While Making his Way to the Living Room) Not completely. (Sits Next to Pyrrha on the Sofa) I just woke up from another bad dream of mines.
Pyrrha: (Starts Getting Worried) Another dream of yours?
Oscar: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Yeah, it....has been ongoing for a while now I'll admit-ack! (Gets Pulled into a Loving Hug by Pyrrha)
Pyrrha: Oh my poor baby. Why didn't you tell anyone of us about it sooner? What have you even been dreaming about?
Oscar: Mostly everything Salem related. And everything I've been through up until we've finally took her down fpr this time. Kidnapped, tortured, being left for dead....It's a miracle I managed to survived all of that.
Pyrrha: And I'm very thankful for that....(Gives Oscar a Motherly Glare) But still, you should've told us about this sooner! You know as well as I do that we would've done everything we can to help.
Oscar: I-It's not like I wanted to keep this under wraps! You guys are already having a lot on your plate to deal with: rebuilding becon, forming new alliances, hunting down any remaining Grimms. (Looks Away While Frowning a Bit) The last thing I wanted to do is to have you waste your time worrying over me.....
Pyrrha: It's true that we all have been a lot more busier since the world is finally at peace. But you have been through just as much pain and suffering as the rest of us here, if not more. The least any of us can do is provide you all the care and support you need.
Oscar: I know. (Turns Back to Pyrrha) And trust me, I appericate everything you guys done for me so far. I just wish I could return a favor.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly) You've being in our lives is far more of a favor than we could ever ask for. And I don't think I need to explain how much we love you to pieces now, do I?~ (Starts Kissing on Oscar's Cheeks)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly by Pyrrha's Kisses) Okay, okay!~ I love you guys too~ B-But seriously though, what are doing up in this hour? You had bad dream too?
Pyrrha: (Frowns a Bit Sadly) I did unfortunately....It was sort of a back and forth between what happened back at the academy to me becoming Salem's pawn. Among other things I.....don't feel uncomfortable talking about right now.....
Oscar: I see. How are you feeling now that you're awake?
Pyrrha: ('Sigh') Well, I dom feel the need to cry my eyes out this time around, so there's that at least.
Oscar: But the thought of everything that happened to you is getting too difficult to ignore completely.
Pyrrha: Exactly. (Looks Up at the Ceiling) I should blessed, thrilled even, to be given another opportunity to live out the rest of my life with all of you. But as wonderful as this experience has been so far, these thoughts.......(Softly Balled up her Fist Together) the memories........They continue to find ways to haunt me and make me lost sight of what I'm fighting for and needless to say, I'm quite frankly getting tired of all of this
Oscar: Pyrrha.....
Pyrrha: So after giving it some thought, I figured.....maybe it might be time that I take Glynda in on that offer of hers.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Offer?
Pyrrha: (Nodded in Agreement) It's high time I take therapy sessions. And I want you to do so as well, Oscar.
Oscar: Okay, time out for a second. You're telling me that Ms. Goodwitch is a psychologist now?
Pyrrha: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm. She actually gotten a master's degree on psychology years before becoming becon's headmistress, even started doing this kind of profession as a part time occupation for quite sometime now.
Oscar: Good to see her do something other than trying to fix the acemdey up back herself. That must've taken a lot out of her.
Pyrrha: I couldn't imagine what she was going through during that time, but that's neither here or there at the moment. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) I know this will probably take a lot of getting used, but if we really want to continue living our lives without the harshness of our past holding both of us back going through, then we have to start from somewhere. I can't really guarantee that it will solve our problems completely......
Oscar: But it could us help us gain the confidence we need to conquer our own fears, am I right?
Pyrrha: Yeah, exactly. Or....at least I hope that'll be the case.....
Oscar: (Place his Hand on Top of Pyrrha's While Giving her a Reassuring yet Determined Look on his Face) Then let's give these sessions a fair shot then.
Pyrrha: (Stares at Oscar For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back With a Determined Nod as She Gently Squeezes the Top of his Hand) Right. Let's. (Let's Out Another Sigh) I'm really starting to feel a lot better now that you're here with me for tonight, Oscar.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I'm just glad I was able to help you in some way. You seemed really out it when I first saw you sitting here minutes ago.
Pyrrha: You weren't entirely wrong on that assumption. All this thought about the future has got me feeling on edge as of late.....
Oscar: Make sense. No one can tell what the future has in store for each of us. The best we can do now is keep living the present and see where it takes us from here. (Rests his Head Onto Pyrrha's Shoulder) And honestly, I don't really mind do that so long as I get to live it with you guys.
Pyrrha: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Ruby was right about you.
Oscar: Hm?
Pyrrha: (Happily Hugs Oscar Once More) You really are the biggest sweetheart ever!~
Oscar: (Starts Snickering) And you're almost as bad as Nora when it comes to smothering~
Pyrrha:: (Smirks Playfully) Oh come now, how could Nora possibly be worse than me, hmm?~
Oscar: The woman literally declared that I'm her son the moment we first saw each other. And don't even get me started on all the times she hug tackled me so far.
????: Hey!
The duo turns to see the rest of their teammates and family standing by the living room entrance way.
Nora: (Pouts at Oscar With her Hands on her Hips) I thought you love my motherly affections!~
Oscar: I do. Doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
Pyrrha: (Smiles Softly at her Three Lovers) You three are finally awake.
Ren: We've noticed you two weren't in respective beds at the time.
Jaune: (Frowns Worryingly) Are you guys okay in here?
Oscar: We are now that we have each other's company.
Pyrrha: And you three are more than welcome to join watch TV for the rest of the night if you like.
Nora: (Smiles Brightly) Would I!?~ (Rushes Over to the Sofa Sitting Next to Oscaron the Other Side) Whatcha you guys watching this time of hour?
Oscar: Uh.... (Takes a Look at The Screen) A western movie I think? We barely even paid any attention to the to.it really.
Nora: (Notices Oscar's Head is on her Shoulder Now) What's this? (Playfully Crosses her Arms) I thought you said my motherly affections was embarrassing~
Oscar: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Nora, we both know that doesn't either one of us from loving each other any less. Besides.....(Starts Blushing a Little) I love having you as a mom.....
Nora: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Oh Oscar!~ (Finally Hugs Oscar Very Lovingly) Momma Nora loves you sooooo much!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Love you too, Nora.
Pyrrha: (Starts Pouting at Oscar) Hey!~ You're supposed to be my cuddle partner for tonight, you traitor!~
Nora: Oh don't be such a crybaby, Pyrrha, I don't mind sharing~
Pyrrha: Oh well if that's the case.....(Smiles Brightly With her Arms Spread Wide Open) Don't mind if I do!~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh boy......
Pyrrha happily joins in on the Oscar Hugfest.
Jaune: (Starts Chuckling at What's in Front of Him and Ren) Awwww~ It looks like the girls form themselves an Farm Boi sandwich~ Really wish my scroll isn't charging right now, I would've a billion pictures. Pretty sure you'd do the same too, eh Ren?
Ren: (Too Busy Staring at the Trio) ...........
Jaune: Uh... Ren?
Ren: (Immediately Comes Back to Reality) Oh! S-Sorry. I couldn't help but notice that Pyrrha is still here with us right now.
Jaune: (Smiles Softly) I know, right? We've been living together for a while and I still can't believe it. We'll do better in looking out for her this around.
Ren: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. In the meantime......(Pulls Out his Scroll his Pajamas Panrs Pocket With a Bit of a Sly Smirk on his Face) I believe we got some pictures to take, don'tcha think?
Jaune: (Smiles Brightly at his Boyfriend Next to Him) My man.
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 3 months
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You decided that this week's recs should be "OMG they were roommates", so here are some fics we think you should check out. Give them a read and leave the authors some love!
A Secret Power - @distractivate
oh, we've got trouble now - foxtails ( @ratchet)
Reservations - @obsessedwithdavrick
Sand and Stone - @streetlampsunset
Seating Arrangements - @grapehyasynth
Thin Walls - @ahurston This Modern Love - barelypink
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raraeavesmoriendi · 3 months
Hey, I haven't read the books, I love Lestat tho and thanks for pointing out the books where he gets more emphasis. Can you tell me about the other ones, tho? Is every book just the POV of one character or do they have multiple POVs? And who gets the focus on the other ones? I know IWTV is mostly about Louis and The Vampire Armand says it all, but I want to know what to expect from the series before I read them. Do they have more books focusing on them? What about other characters that haven't appeared on the show yet? I want to know who has the potential of appearing in future seasons as a main character hehe. Anyway, I hope the question made sense because English is my second language and thanks. :)
Sure, no worries! And it made perfect sense, babe, you nailed it 🖤
so what I used to double-check a lot of this (bc I did most of my Rice reading as a teen and it’s been a hot minute; my memory is kind of fuzzy and people are welcome to chime in with corrections/additions if need be) is the Vampire Chronicles Wiki, but it’s run by Fandom the company and they can be kind of scummy, so you might try an Anne Rice fansite or regular wikipedia if you want to read more about the books in depth before you start them.
putting these descriptions below a cut for some broad but light spoilers
The Queen of the Damned is a group POV book, where Armand, Louis, and Molloy are three of the narrators, along with other characters you haven’t met yet but likely will next season. Lestat is in it but he’s kind of in a weird hostage situation, it’s complicated
The Vampire Armand is exactly what you expected, yes! That’s his spotlight book. Just keep in mind, book!Armand is a ginger guy from 15th century Kyiv, so he’s going to be different from show!Armand in certain specific ways. It should still be fun to read just to see where they could adapt it to fit show!Armand though
Merrick has Louis and Lestat in it, but it centers on a descendent of the Mayfair Witches from the other show, as well as a man named David who some people are wondering if Molloy will get one of his plotlines from another book, so idk how much he’ll be involved. Louis has sought the witch Merrick to ask about resurrecting Claudia somehow, which is the most significant thing for our lot, but most of the book is about Merrick and David’s adventures for the Talamasca, who appear more in Mayfair Witches and are apparently getting their own series at a later point IIRC
Blood and Gold is the spotlight book for Armand’s maker Marius, but we meet him all the way back in Queen of the Damned so it’s not like he comes out of the blue. We hear about his life in Rome, his mortal wife Pandora (who shows up frequently throughout the series in earlier books and later gets her own spotlight book in “The New Vampire Chronicles”), and eventually his side of turning Armand.
Blackwood Farm is another crossover with Mayfair Witches, this one featuring a handsome young Mayfair man who’s looking for Lestat to help him get rid of a spirit that haunts him. Merrick also shows up, and they have a Time doing magic and stuff.
I hope that helps, nonny! These aren’t very in-depth, but there are quite a lot of books, so I hope you don’t mind that lol. keep in mind that these books have been coming out since the 1970s, so some things might not have aged well in the decades since, and they definitely won’t be as diverse as the show. I will also be the first to say that Rice’s prose can be hellaciously flowery, and not always in the fun way. but if you want to get into the series, they can be fun and even kinda wacky at times with all the weird shenanigans. I tell my friends a phrase I cribbed from Cleolinda’s livejournal Twilight recaps, “[Vampire Chronicles] means never having to say you’re kidding.”
have fun, and I appreciate you taking the time to ask! I’m always happy to help a fellow fan 🖤🦇
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townsenddecades · 3 months
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Introducing the Challenge
Three households, all alike in dignity, in fair Praaven, where we lay our scene -
Alright, let’s not get too Shakespearean here. The man won’t even be born for another around 264 years or so. I just couldn’t resist the allusion. An allusion is all there will be, however, for although I love the dramatic, I am neither as good a storyteller nor as good a wordsmith as our Elizabethan friend.
What I am, at least as regards this challenge, is The Watcher, alleged deity, narrator and occasional snarky commentator. I will be the one to take you on this journey through the (hopefully) centuries.
One thing wasn't just a cheap gimmick, however. Praaven really is gorgeous. Some evidence:
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Beautiful, isn't it?
This medieval world, which I've decided plays the part of northern England for the purpose of the challenge, is the place where the Townsend family’s story will begin. Which means I should introduce the Townsends. Let me show you a family portrait, ca. 1300 (not an actual portrait, however, as they are neither rich nor important enough for one to be painted ot them).
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The Townsends are a family of humble peasant farmers. They are not serfs, as Benedict’s father managed to free himself and his son, but they are beholden to their liege lord, the Earl of Petersmarch, and make their livelihood on their land. A small overview of its members at the start of the 14th century:
Benedict (24 y.o.): Benedict’s family is of Scottish ancestry but has lived in England as serfs for some generations. His father was a very prudent, amicable man, and was able to buy them their freedom through his dedication, hard work, and cunning in winning the friendship of their lord. The family of two promptly relocated to the outskirts of the city of Praaven. Sadly, Benedict’s father didn't get to enjoy his freedom for long, as he fell ill and died a few years later when Benedict was still a young teenager. He was determined to not let his father’s sacrifices go to waste and to make sure to give his eventual family a life his father could be proud of. While seeking guidance at the local abbey, he met Anne Howe, an orphan, whom he fell in love with and married. In the years hence, the couple has had three surviving children, and has tried to open up avenues to make their small farm more prosperous for the big family they want to build.
Anne (21 y.o.):  Anne was made an orphan at a young age, when both of her parents died due to illness and she and her remaining siblings were scattered. She herself was raised in the Abbey of St. Wright in exchange for earning her keep as a maid. When she was 13, she met Benedict Townsend, a farmer from the nearby village of Tovar, whom she married at only 15 because the couple had been a bit…overly excited in their affections. She was happy to make a life with him tending to their farm, and even happier to welcome their children, Anna, Edith and Benjamin, into the world. Even as a wife and mother, she can’t rein in her flirtatious attitude sometimes, although she loves her husband deeply and rarely means anything by it. Benedict has never seen this as a reason for jealousy.
Anna (5 y.o.): The elder of Anne’s and Benedict’s twin daughters, born suspiciously soon after their marriage. She is a kind-hearted, personable girl that likes to see others happy, and especially loves making people laugh. She takes her role as the eldest very seriously and is always helping with the livestock and the crop. Absolutely unafraid to walk up to strangers and talk to them.
Edith (5 y.o.): Younger than Anna by minutes, Edith shares her sister’s chores on the farm and her adventurous spirit, but in her case, this spirit makes itself felt by her keen interest in all things occult. Not that there are many occult things in her life, but she is certain that they are out there! Luckily, she is too dutiful and too loyal to her family to go running off to search for witches and ghosts.  
Benjamin (2 y.o.): The proverbial baby of the bunch. At his tender age, Benjamin has not yet had much opportunity to express a personality, but he is always underfoot on the farm and keen to explore everything.
But this is only one of the three households I promised. The other two are far more “alike in dignity” to each other than they are to the humble Townsends. The first of those households is that of the Earl of Petersmarch, Ralph Dudley, and his Countess, Elizabeth. Lord and Lady Petersmarch have three small children: Ralph Jr. (the heir), Clement and Lady Elizabeth the Younger.
Their residence is Praaven Castle, at the far end of the city, although the Earl is frequently absent on royal business, leaving the Countess to rule in his stead.
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The other noble family of the area is that of Peter Pelham, Baron Elbenhawke, and Alice Pelham, his Baroness. Their family seat, Elbenhawke Hall, is located in the hills above the village of Tovar, close to which the Townsends live. Lord and Lady Elbenhawke, although no less fashionable, are a bit older than the Earl and Countess, and more reclusive in their lifestyle.
They live with their eldest son and heir, also named Peter, Peter Jr.’s fiancée, Cecilia Grey, and their other children, Joan, Richard and Mary.
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We will only follow their stories from afar, but it is important to be acquainted with the local nobility, wouldn't you agree? One never knows where their paths might cross those of our humble protagonists.
And that should be enough to get you started in the world of Praaven. Now it’s time for the story to begin.
Prev <---> Next: 1300, Day 1
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mysticdreamcafe · 6 months
Tarot, Oracle, Organized Religion
In my pinned post you'll see a link to the Mystic Tarot Cafe. I do a daily single card draw, unless I need to do a spread because I have a specific question, and will try to remember to do an Oracle spread once a week. Daily for those I feel is over kill. If interested check it out.
I had a post planned but it started to become to broad and religious. I know what I believe and honestly, I don't care what you believe. As long as you don't shove it in my face or hurt people.
To me religion is like nutritional intake, sexual preference, hobbies, etc. It doesn't affect me so I don't care. Gay? I don't care. The only thing I care about is if a lady asks me out and I say no they need to respect that. Just like if a man asked me out and was turned down. If you are vegan and we go to lunch. I won't say nasty things about your food if you don't mine. I'm scared of heights so if you want to jump out of a plane feel free. Just don't try to bully me into joining you.
Makes sense and pretty easy isn't it. What anyone else believes, wears, eats, or does is pretty much ok as long as it doesn't affect my life and wellbeing or those of others without their consent.
It took me years to understand why I felt the way I did and knew the things I did. I'd get a feeling about something and push it aside. Most times I should have listened.
I hid tarot cards and crystals from everyone but my family, and a friend that's a witch who helped me pick a deck and understand the cards, because of the backlash they can still bring. If someone is highly into their religion then I'm playing with Satan and demons or just crazy and in need of conversion.
It's been a year or two since I've opened myself to trusting my inner voice and using the cards when I'm uncertain or curious. What amazes me is how accurate they are. Even when I don't understand how a daily card I pulled blends into my life it becomes apparent on it's own throughout the day or I text my friend and ask for help.
It always seems to come together. I know the "if you look for something you'll find it" but around 2 years ago, a few months after I got my first deck we got a puppy. She was a beautiful Australian shepherd that drove my nervous system crazy because she wouldn't slow down or stop. Seriously, the 10 week old puppy wouldn't nap during the day unless I crated her. I should mention we aren't crate people but with her we were at the start.
Each day I did a spread asking "Should we take her back" or something along those lines. She had me so wrecked that I wanted to rehome her though she was a great and beautiful, overly energetic puppy. I've had working dogs and high strung dogs but she made my head swim.
Sometimes I did 2-3 spreads a day asking, in various ways, if she should stay with us. Each time I basically got a suck it up she's here to stay, you got what you asked for so shut up, etc. The cards told me in no uncertain terms she was staying. I tried to get the cards to say he should rehome her or take her back to the farm we got her from but they kept shutting the idea down.
I'll just say my daughter laughed her ass off, she adored Mika, with each read I did and told everyone she could that I couldn't get the cards to say what I wanted them to. She doesn't even believe in Tarot.
Mika was hit by a car shortly after she turned 1 yr old. It was heart breaking and devastated all of us. I was surprised how much I cried for that dog considering how hard I tried to move her on. But she was ours and we loved her, even me, for the energetic goofball she is.
The cards have always been honest with me even when I don't want to hear it. Sometimes, they don't say anything at all. At least it seems that way at first. That's why I do my draws and readings in the morning. I don't want to be influenced by what has happened. I want to see how the card plays out that day. Sometimes it can be surprising.
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enchantzz · 2 years
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Mitchell’s Diary - Autumn Reflections
One-shots in the series of Art & Vampires. Excerpts from Mitchell’s diary.
Words: 1028
Mitchell reflects upon the past and his relationship with New York City.
References to stories in the Art & Vampires series - 1. New Orleans and 6.New York
Art & Vampires is about the relationship and developments around Mitchell, a vampire and Amy (Ames), a human. It’s about the vampire world, the supernatural, but also about history, cities around the world, art, antiques and adventures.
Face claims vampires: Aidan Turner - John Mitchell, Richard Armitage - Rick Marlowe, Jaime Murray - Alana (Lana) Lenoir and Ben Barnes - Ben Sheldon. Humans: Mila Kunis - Amy (Ames) Quinn, Bianca Lawson - Lena Parker (witch).
List of Mitchell’s diary One Shots in the Art & Vampires Master list
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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We went back to New York, just Rick and me. Ames wanted to come, but we told her she couldn’t. That didn’t go over too well, but it was just business, you know and I didn’t want to linger here too long, since I’m not very fond of the place.
But I must admit that it wasn’t as dreadful as I had imagined it to be. I didn’t really want to come back here after what happened to Ames last year, being held hostage by those vile vampires just because of some dark relic. And of course because of the sad memories of the time after I lost my beloved Belle just after the turn of the century, the 19th century that is. I thought that I would be miserable with all those bad memories, but it was actually quite nice. It was just me and Rick again and we actually had a good time.
When we didn’t have to work, we met up with old friends,  we enjoyed good dinners, some theater, art exhibitions and strolls through the park. We reminisced about the past and how everything has changed so much. I mean, I can talk to Ames about it but Rick and I, we lived through those years, you see, and we have seen it change with our own eyes. It’s just different talking about it with him.
But next to the fun times, there was plenty of time to reflect as well. Of course I haven’t forgotten the old days, how could I? New York and I have a history and it wasn’t always good. So much happened here on an emotional level. They say you forget physical pain, but emotional pain will always remain and I agree.
The other day, I took a stroll through Central Park. It’s beautiful this time of year, in autumn, or fall, as they call it here. Autumn sounds so much better in my ears though. It has a certain  warmth to it, I think.  I love the colors and the soft rays of sunlight making their way through the foliage to illuminate the fallen leaves on the ground and making the dew drops sparkle.  
It was early and not too busy yet. I was taking in the fresh autumn air, my mind wandering to memories of old times like I wandered the paths of the park. It was so much different back in the day with all the carriages and horses. But even then, people were escaping the busy city, only to find themselves among everyone else again, but just in the park. In that respect nothing much has changed.  I guess that when you live in a busy city like New York, there is no way of escaping people, really.  
I stopped and took a moment to admire some of the old trees, the same trees who were planted here when the park was created or maybe have been here even longer, like us vampires. They too have seen the world change, from a sparsely populated marsh area with a couple of farms, to this, a rectangle piece of land, boxed in by all these skyscrapers. It’s not less pretty though. I quite like the contrast between the park and the shiny tall buildings surrounding it.
But as I stood there, taking in all the beauty and the relative calm, my mind wandered back to the old days, when we arrived here, after I lost Belle. It was like a switch was flipped in my mind back then. The human in me no longer cared if the beast in me came out and it sure did. 
I remember watching the people gather in this park, observing the crowd, waiting until I found the right victim. I never fed on anyone here though. No, I carefully picked them and followed them back into the city at the end of the day, when darkness fell. There, in the dark and deserted alleys, I would feed until the pain of my memories was reduced enough to feel alive again and I was ready to go home and do it all over again a couple of days later, until finally, Rick, Alana, Ben, they succeeded in quieting the beast in me. It will always be there, but I had it under control, for a while. But I don’t want to go there with my thoughts right now.
Those were very dark times, but experiencing New York like this, relaxed, happy, more human than beast, it healed my feelings about the city. I don’t dislike it as much as I used to and I’m even thinking of taking Ames Christmas shopping here, since she didn’t get a chance last year. She will love that.  
I’m happy that my feelings towards New York have changed. We have a special bond, me and her and I think that there is hope for us. After all, she has been my home in a time when I needed a refuge, a place to heal. And she still is, even though New Orleans feels like my real home now and I will be happy to return there and to my beloved Ames tomorrow. I can’t wait to hold her in my arms again. We have only been apart for one week, but it feels like an eternity. 
PS. I’m debating if going Christmas shopping is really something I would like to do or if it is a strategy to avoid Amy’s cold treatment when I get back. I mean, she made it pretty clear that she was very disappointed that she couldn’t come with us and that is putting it lightly. Maybe I’m just dreading her reaction. I just hope that the gift I bought her and the promise of Christmas shopping will redeem me. I know that I am supposed to be a vicious, scary and strong vampire, but somehow Ames has the power to make me forget all that when she is angry with me. Being human is very complicated sometimes. Or maybe love is. And I don't think that being immortal and living forever will be enough to figure out either one of those.
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a compilation of Yakshini references (thank u oasisstrings)
this is a sister post to my noore-yakshini-kali post because i wanted to keep all the yakshini quotes in some place and i figured why not do that shit here and save myself the trouble LOL
My friends, I am proud to announce that I am now the valley's premier Raksi distiller. I am hard at work, brewing tirelessly, so that everybody can take their mind off this miserable and futile war. Sure, it's no Shangri-Lager, but it will still have your lover looking more Yakshini than Yak scrotum, and the army won't burn down your farm for drinking it. - Sarbajit
so she's really hot. go figure
The Faithful, As you know I only station my most elite, my most feared, and my most faithful here at Baghadur. The Golden Path may have gathered their troops and made some advances in De Pleur's territory but we can't let that stand in the way of the work we are doing. His men are weak and know nothing of the ways of Yakshini. You are fully anointed, you have pledged your souls as hers. Remember to look into the fires and sing to the dark mistress, you will be rewarded in this life or the next. - Noore
this one has to be my most emphasized one because noore is the only character in the game to talk about her? and nobody else about yakshini either... this also confirms yakshini's involvement as a member of the kyrati religion's pantheon, but not as a goddess. wild
Yakshini speaks and the wind blows through my head. Thoughts scattered like loose papers. They had an order and an end in mind I'm sitting here with the wind blowing through my head. With no way back to my thoughts. I hear myself laughing. I feel the claws in my arm. Yakshini whispers me into a sweet sweet sleep.
ooh... i'll have whatever he's having LMAO
We paint their feet and offer them to the beasts for cleansing. We, who have succumbed to desire, offer these gifts so that you would give us more of yourself Yakshini. Do not abandon us, dark mistress. -The Faithful
blood sacrifices right...?
We offer this tribute to you, Yakshini, dark mistress of the moon. May you long serve over this land. May you long linger over our skin. -The Faithful
again with the mistress huh...
Do not be fooled by the old dead gods. The dark mistress, Yakshini, will take you to heights of pleasure that your quivering lips will not be able to give words. Head West of here, toward the bell tower, you'll find her chamber. -The Faithful
huh... "old dead gods" and the constant referral to yakshini as a mistress rather than a goddess...
My mind is with Yakshini, but my body can hardly follow. She is exhausting me, like no other woman ever did. Is she even human? I feel compelled to satisfy her every need. Whatever she wants me to do, I have the urge to obey. I am her dog, her slave and I will always follow her command. Blessed be the witch of the dark moon shining over my sweaty skin. - The Faithful
jesus christ chill bruh (take note of the "is she even human?" line)
Yakshini, my dark mistress
title says it all ig
Yakshini appears in the shadows of fever dreams. She exists only in the moment, I have difficulty recalling our moments in the haze.When I wake it's like a great pain and I count the moments until I let her take me again, her soothing love coursing through my blood, warming my very heart. I am consumed. I am hers. Blessed be the witch of the dark moon shining over my lustful soul. -The Faithful
interesting idea... the goat definitely doesn't like the blood lmao
also... witch...?
In this place we keep the very best for the dark mistress herself. These offerings are not for your hand. Remember restraint, and look into the fires. Yakshini will answer you. Let the poppy's grace sooth your hunger until the mistress takes them for her own.
the last of the text.
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hey, I was thinking about what you said of Isaac becoming a marriage candidate and how we may end up simping for him, so do you have any Isaac headcanons?
*rubbing hands in anticipation* yessssss!
Yeah, Flash has confirmed that Isaac and Alesia will be the marriage candidates in 2.0, and I'm pretty sure we'll fall in love with them as quickly as we did with Lance (even if they're not your type of spouse, they'll still be very interesting characters). Anyway...😃 here's some random headcanons about our fellow adventurer bitch Isaac.
⚔️Random SVE Isaac headcanon:⚔️
Isaac is a very strict and disciplined adventurer with vast experience in battles under his belt. Honor for him is not an empty word, but he has his own concept of honor. After all, young people very often confuse honor with pride.
I don't think he's that much of an asshole. Sure, a little bitchy, but not completely a bitch. He just saw too many self-confident young adventurers in his life who either died in the first battle or simply ran away from battle.
And maybe that's why he treats the Farmer like that: because he considers them the same. But they are still alive, and still fighting dangerous monsters, so now Isaac will treat them a little tolerantly. This, of course, is not friendship, but it's at least better than nothing.
Since they're still on their feet and managing to keep the world safe from the monsters (and somehow manage to run the huge farm, how the fuck), he can offer some survival advice. Pretty harsh advice, but the world is also a harsh place.
Definitely followed in the footsteps of his father/mother, who, I think, were also adventurers who died defending the village.
He will never allow himself to drink on duty, but in his free time he does not mind drinking mead or beer, mostly alone.
Got a scar on the first encounter with the corrupt serpent. Not very pleasant experience. And don’t ask him about the scar: if Isaac wants to, he will tell, in another case - fuck off, it’s none of your business.
Deeply respects Marlon. Considering that Marlon actively helped Castle Village in the battles with monsters in his youth, and still helps, Isaac shows his respect to Marlon, when he helps to clear the mines from monsters in Stardew Valley, with or without Alesia. Even if it's not an independent impulse, but an order from Camilla who sends support to Marlon and Magnus, I still believe that Isaac respects Marlon as an old, honored warrior.
Alesia is the only adventurer with whom Isaac gets along pretty well or even befriends. He considers her a brave warrior and a skilled strategist who effectively controls the setting and leads the defense of Castle Village. Even if they're not friends, Isaac definitely respects her.
Maybe he even have romantic feelings for her? If you're the idiot who says this out loud, Isaac will NOT like it, believe me, and I advise you to sleep with your eyes open from now on.
Also deeply believes in Yoba, as does Alesia
He has a pretty good collection of melee weapons in his house/guild room. For the most part, he prefers swords. And if you're really lucky, Isaac might even tell a story about where he got that sword. Don't count on a long story though, he is a man of few words.
For some reason, I think that Isaac will write at least one book about survival in the Crimson Baldlans, or will keep a bestiary with detailed descriptions of various monsters and creatures.
Despite the fact that our lone wolf uses magical weapons and items, Isaac does not trust wizards. Maybe because of the witch of the Castle Village, Camilla, who is rather flippant about everything, or maybe because of the arrogant nature of some of the mages he worked with. In any case, he doesn't trust them (he won't say it out loud, of course).
To me, Isaac seems like a tragic character: a warrior who defends his home and guild, while not striving to make new friends, because deep down he is afraid to relive the loss of a close friend/comrade. Isaac knows from bitter experience that few adventurers die peacefully in their bed. And he knows that such a fate is prepared for him, when he took an oath to protect people, his home and observe the traditions of his guild.
plz don't throw tomatoes at me if there are grammatical errors, I was writing a headcanon at 2am I didn't expect the headcanon to be a bit sad, but that's how I see Isaac. I wonder how his character will be revealed in the 2.0 update. Well, hope you enjoy the headcanon, thanks for asking😊
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