#we lost the wysiwyg of it all :(
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 months ago
come in, i'm decent...exactly, i told him knock three times
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not-poignant · 4 months ago
Ok i cant keep it in my soul for any longer. WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN AGE THAT NEVER WAS?? i know its a bit of an older fanfic now but I’ve read all your stories and all your fanfics (im absolutely obsessed btw) and never in my life have i ever seen anywhere such chemistry as between TGATNW Pitch and Jack. That fanfic altered my brain chemistry, remoleculerized my being and changed my life trajectory. If you have any, just ANY scraps of tgatnw pitch/jack content that you forgot about or something, just know theres at least one person out here thats feral for it. (I would die for a pitch perspective of any kind)
(Also tgatnw pitch kind of reminds me of utb gary??? In the way that they’re both most peak alpha males i can think of)
Hi hi anon!
Tbh people were talking about it a lot more when I was writing it! You can always check out the TGATNW tag for the kinds of things we were talking about and the fanart and stuff :D
I have such a soft spot for that fic though, like, I think it's probably my favourite thing I ever wrote for The Rise of the Guardians, and it has some of my favourite worldbuilding. It's one of those 'wow I really should've put 80% of that story and worldbuilding into an original novel because I think it would've done something good for my writing career' but I'm also very chuffed that it gets to be something in fanfiction that we all just get enjoy however and whenever we want. :D
Unfortunately I'm a very WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) author in that I don't write lots of drafts or scraps of things and leave them on my computer. If I have something that's worth sharing, I will find a way to share it!
And yeah I definitely have different character archetypes I like writing, and Pitch is very similar to Gary! Even down to both of them having lost a loved one and walling themselves off emotionally to any new relationships as a result of that, and hurting the people around them because of it. Literally such a *clenches fist* baller archetype :D I'm definitely not done with it!
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sgt-nerd-plays · 3 years ago
Grand Waaagh!
Long time, no battle reports. Sadly, there’s been a bit of a global pandemic going around and being a responsible member of the community, I’ve been avoiding big gatherings that might spread the plague. However, your old sarge has been vaccinated, so with the help of likewise protected people, I was able to get a game in. This time, I was able to bring my ork army. Not just orks, but a whole stompa!
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The Stompmost
Game Setup:
The idea was that it was going to be a more casual game where we would bring a bunch of models, play on on oversized board, and just kinda slam minis together with a bit of objective holding as a treat.
I was, of course, playing orks, and bringing 2000 points, plus the stompa. My partner was playing Alpha Legion, and bringing 1000 points. On the other side, we had one person bringing 2000 points of Crimson Fists (Hi Ryolnir!) and another person bringing 1000 points of Grey Knights (Hi, Zuul!) Thanks to Ryolnir for providing several of the pictures used in this batrep.
I brought Ghaz, a warboss on warbike, a weirdboy, five meganobz trukkboyz, a trukk (for carting around said trukkboyz), two mobs of boyz (11 and 14 models in each), a dakka jet, five warbikers, and one of each of the non-HQ buggies, plus an extra scrapjet. Except I’m an idiot and forgot one scrapjet and the dragsta, so I had to borrow a scrapjet from the game club’s cabinet, and a wartrike which stood in for the dragsta. I played as Evil Sunz, though several of the units (the bikeboss and the trukk) were Death Skulls and the dakkajet was painted up as Bad Moonz. I know, I’m terrible, but the rest of my army was wysiwyg.
My Narrative:
Warboss Scragkill Gudluk revved his warbike impatiently. Somewhere there was a scrap, and he was anxious to get to it. However, he’d been separated from his mob. And if that wasn’t bad enough, da Boss had shown up, along with a bunch of red-painted gits.
Ghazghkul Mag Uruk Thraka, prophet of da Waaagh, was giving orders. “Awright, we needs t’get into dis fight quick, so I want you an’ yer other evil sunz t’haul yer guts like they was on fire, you got it?”
“Er, beggin’ yer pardon, but I ain’t no Sunz. I’m Death Skulls!” Scragkill slapped the side of his blue bike proudly.
Ghazghkull responded by smacking him on the side of the head so hard he fell off of the bike and skidded several yards.
When Scrag managed to hobble up and lean unsteadily against the side of the bike, Ghaz asked “What was dat?”
“Er, da red ones go fasta?” Scrag said uncertainly.
“Dat’s what I likes t’hear. Now, we’ll send in da big lad first.” Ghaz craned his neck to look up at the stompa, with its grot rigger crew scrabbling atop getting it ready for waaagh. “I gots a good feelin’ about dis.”
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Da Waaagh approaches!
Our deployment zone was in one quarter of the table, minus a nine inch radius from the center. I pushed the stompa up as far as I could. Its only real hope was to get to the astraeus before it lost too many wounds. Most of the Alpha Legion units were in Deep Strike, ready to move in at a moment’s notice.
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The Emperor Protects! As does this wall! [Credit: Ryolnir]
The knights player put his entire army into deep strike. The fists player, on the other hand was deployed a bit more defensively than my orks. If only I'd been so smart. He ended up going first, and he immediately popped the stompa. Its work done, the astraeus returned with full honors to its cabinet, where it would do me no further harm, since it was obviously going to be a really short game if it had stayed on the table.
However, this caused some follow-on effects for both of us. Because he'd hidden his stuff, he didn't have angle with a lot of his stuff turn one. On the other hand, I couldn't get anything into charge range that turn, and most of my shooting couldn't target his stuff either. I managed to take out an assault intercessor squad, but that was pretty much it. My partner's maulerfiend was stuck in the back of a bad traffic jam with my warbikers. This meant turn one was spent mostly untangling this while his units got into firing position.
He did have a good firing line on one of my units: The trukk I'd hidden to the side of the stompa, sadly only mostly out of line of sight. It was popped, and I lost one of my trukkboy meganobz on the disembark.
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Da Real Treasure Was the Dakka We Found Along Da Way. [Credit: Ryolnir]
I was able to get a couple of buggies into line of sight with his melee infantry, however, and I was able to take out one unit of assault intercessors with my snazzwagon and boostablasta. Meanwhile, my two deffdreads were trundling forward to get their claws on something tasty. At the far side of the board you can see my meganobz trying to get into cover until they could make their way to a scrap.
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Bullets! My only weakness!  [Credit: Ryolnir]
The grey knights teleported in, taking the fight to me at the midpoint on the board. Meanwhile, the crimson fists player moved his units forward out of hiding and began taking things down. The buggies folded quickly under some shooting from his speeder and aggressors.
On the other side of the board, the meganobz wilted under the knights' shooting and smites. Ghaz lost four wounds to the psychic onslaught.
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Yo yo yo! It’s Grandmaster Dreadknight, and I’m here to rap about how the Emperor saves, novitiates!
However, now it was time for waaaagh! A bit of shooting took out a few of the vanvets, and then the deff dreads ran up and gave the last three a nice hug, turning them into crimson smears.
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Where did da humies go, George?
Ghaz, the bikeboss, and the bikers all charged in at the dreadknights. The weirdboy cast fists of gork on the bikeboss, making him right killy.
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Hit ‘im in da face! Den hit ‘im in da face harder!
It turns out that seven killa klaw attacks at S14, with extra attacks for each of the originals that doesn't do damage, is a lot. The grandmaster was a deadknight instead of a dreadknight. That robbed the bikers of any attacks, since he was their charge target. But fortunately, Ghaz got full attacks on the other dreadnight. ...Of which two went through, and were both saved against. Some days you get the waaagh, some days the waaagh gets you.
On their turn, the grey knights smote the crap out of the bikeboss and the warbikers, getting them mostly dead and finishing them off in the shooting and fight phases. Ghaz ended up hanging on with a single wound.
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Last Ghazp
The Crimson Fist player wasn't idle during this time. He took out the dakkajet with some long distance shooting, then went ahead and removed the two deff dreads, one scrapjet, my squigbuggy, and several boyz. That left me with a grand total of one scrapjet, twenty-odd boyz in two squads, my weirdboy, and Ghaz holding on by a single wound when my third turn came up.
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Orks don’t panic. The sweating and twitching is just anticipation of a good waaagh, is all. No one is fleeing, we’re just looking for a better scrap, is all.  [Credit: Ryolnir]
But that was when my allies, the alpha legion, showed up! So secretly, in fact, that no photographic evidence for their arrival can be found. Yeah, none of my pictures from that part of the game came out well. Ultimately, his obliterators and terminators managed to take out the crimson first redemptor. My weirdboy managed to kill the grey knights chaplain, but the surviving justicar of his strike squad was able to deal a fatal wound to Ghaz, finally toppling the Prophet of the Waaagh.
We basically called it there. The grey knights player had to go, so the crimson fist player did his last turn of shooting to see if we'd have even stood a chance. The surviving scrapjet took a surprisingly long time to die, given it started the round with only five wounds left. But when it died, it exploded, and thanks to the careen stratagem, it was able to leave its mark.
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Enjoy your mortal wounds, suckers!
Ultimately, it's a little hard for me to analyze the battle too fully. The abortive superheavy duel skewed deployment pretty heavily. It probably saved me a bit of shooting in the first round, but it also meant that I wasn't able to any shooting off my first turn either. Going second definitely hurt me, since it meant the trukkboyz meganobz weren't able to get their full value (though they absorbed a lot of firepower before they died, which probably saved some other units). The maulerfiend never got past the traffic jam until turn three, and the other units he had were too far back to be able to shoot or get into melee.
That left me pretty much high and dry turn two, looking down the barrel at 3000 points without any backup. By the time he popped in on our turn three, I was down to about 650 points, 300 of which belonged to one-wound Ghaz. Even if he’d popped off, it’s unlikely we would have been able to claw our way back out of that deficit. If we’d gone first, waiting until turn three wouldn’t have hurt quite as bad, but as it was, that was two full rounds where I was effectively 1000 points behind the enemy.
In the future, I’ll probably ask that my partners not go quite that crazy on deep strike shenanigans, or at least come in a bit sooner.
All that being said, I had a ton of fun, and it was great finally getting my boyz on the table. I did learn a lot about pitfalls in setting up, how variable some of my units can be, and how to move things fast. I also learned some organization issues, and I'll know how to handle them better. In the future, rather than showing with a stack of double-sided buttscribe sheets, I'll have them singlesided in a binder, so I can flip through them quickly and know where things are.
On the ruined battlefield, the shattered armor of the once-mighty stompa were scattered and blasted. The remains of orks and traitor marines decorated the landscape. The adeptus astartes were the only ones who survived to recover their dead.
And yet, under the hot sun, some of the debris stirred. A massive ceramite plate was thrown aside, and the massive power weapon known as Gork’s Klaw emerged from the wreckage.
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thenuclearweaselhaslanded · 3 years ago
Grand Waaaagh!
Long time, no battle reports. Sadly, there’s been a bit of a global pandemic going around and being a responsible member of the community, I’ve been avoiding big gatherings that might spread the plague. However, your old sarge has been vaccinated, so with the help of likewise protected people, I was able to get a game in. This time, I was able to bring my ork army. Not just orks, but a whole stompa!
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The Stompmost
Game Setup:
The idea was that it was going to be a more casual game where we would bring a bunch of models, play on on oversized board, and just kinda slam minis together with a bit of objective holding as a treat.
I was, of course, playing orks, and bringing 2000 points, plus the stompa. My partner was playing Alpha Legion, and bringing 1000 points. On the other side, we had one person bringing 2000 points of Crimson Fists (Hi Ryolnir!) and another person bringing 1000 points of Grey Knights (Hi, Zuul!) Thanks to Ryolnir for providing several of the pictures used in this batrep.
I brought Ghaz, a warboss on warbike, a weirdboy, five meganobz trukkboyz, a trukk (for carting around said trukkboyz), two mobs of boyz (11 and 14 models in each), a dakka jet, five warbikers, and one of each of the non-HQ buggies, plus an extra scrapjet. Except I’m an idiot and forgot one scrapjet and the dragsta, so I had to borrow a scrapjet from the game club’s cabinet, and a wartrike which stood in for the dragsta. I played as Evil Sunz, though several of the units (the bikeboss and the trukk) were Death Skulls and the dakkajet was painted up as Bad Moonz. I know, I’m terrible, but the rest of my army was wysiwyg.
My Narrative:
Warboss Scragkill Gudluk revved his warbike impatiently. Somewhere there was a scrap, and he was anxious to get to it. However, he’d been separated from his mob. And if that wasn’t bad enough, da Boss had shown up, along with a bunch of red-painted gits.
Ghazghkul Mag Uruk Thraka, prophet of da Waaagh, was giving orders. “Awright, we needs t’get into dis fight quick, so I want you an’ yer other evil sunz t’haul yer guts like they was on fire, you got it?”
“Er, beggin’ yer pardon, but I ain’t no Sunz. I’m Death Skulls!” Scragkill slapped the side of his blue bike proudly.
Ghazghkull responded by smacking him on the side of the head so hard he fell off of the bike and skidded several yards.
When Scrag managed to hobble up and lean unsteadily against the side of the bike, Ghaz asked “What was dat?”
“Er, da red ones go fasta?” Scrag said uncertainly.
“Dat’s what I likes t’hear. Now, we’ll send in da big lad first.” Ghaz craned his neck to look up at the stompa, with its grot rigger crew scrabbling atop getting it ready for waaagh. “I gots a good feelin’ about dis.” 
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Da Waaagh approaches!
Our deployment zone was in one quarter of the table, minus a nine inch radius from the center. I pushed the stompa up as far as I could. Its only real hope was to get to the astraeus before it lost too many wounds. Most of the Alpha Legion units were in Deep Strike, ready to move in at a moment’s notice.
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The Emperor Protects! As does this wall! [Credit: Ryolnir]
The knights player put his entire army into deep strike. The fists player, on the other hand was deployed a bit more defensively than my orks. If only I'd been so smart. He ended up going first, and he immediately popped the stompa. Its work done, the astraeus returned with full honors to its cabinet, where it would do me no further harm, since it was obviously going to be a really short game if it had stayed on the table.
However, this caused some follow-on effects for both of us. Because he'd hidden his stuff, he didn't have angle with a lot of his stuff turn one. On the other hand, I couldn't get anything into charge range that turn, and most of my shooting couldn't target his stuff either. I managed to take out an assault intercessor squad, but that was pretty much it. My partner's maulerfiend was stuck in the back of a bad traffic jam with my warbikers. This meant turn one was spent mostly untangling this while his units got into firing position. 
 He did have a good firing line on one of my units: The trukk I'd hidden to the side of the stompa, sadly only mostly out of line of sight. It was popped, and I lost one of my trukkboy meganobz on the disembark.
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Da Real Treasure Was the Dakka We Found Along Da Way. [Credit: Ryolnir]
I was able to get a couple of buggies into line of sight with his melee infantry, however, and I was able to take out one unit of assault intercessors with my snazzwagon and boostablasta. Meanwhile, my two deffdreads were trundling forward to get their claws on something tasty. At the far side of the board you can see my meganobz trying to get into cover until they could make their way to a scrap.
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Bullets! My only weakness!  [Credit: Ryolnir]
The grey knights teleported in, taking the fight to me at the midpoint on the board. Meanwhile, the crimson fists player moved his units forward out of hiding and began taking things down. The buggies folded quickly under some shooting from his speeder and aggressors.
On the other side of the board, the meganobz wilted under the knights' shooting and smites. Ghaz lost four wounds to the psychic onslaught.
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Yo yo yo! It’s Grandmaster Dreadknight, and I’m here to rap about how the Emperor saves, novitiates!
However, now it was time for waaaagh! A bit of shooting took out a few of the vanvets, and then the deff dreads ran up and gave the last three a nice hug, turning them into crimson smears.
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Where did da humies go, George?
Ghaz, the bikeboss, and the bikers all charged in at the dreadknights. The weirdboy cast fists of gork on the bikeboss, making him right killy.
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Hit ‘im in da face! Den hit ‘im in da face harder!
It turns out that seven killa klaw attacks at S14, with extra attacks for each of the originals that doesn't do damage, is a lot. The grandmaster was a deadknight instead of a dreadknight. That robbed the bikers of any attacks, since he was their charge target. But fortunately, Ghaz got full attacks on the other dreadnight. ...Of which two went through, and were both saved against. Some days you get the waaagh, some days the waaagh gets you.
On their turn, the grey knights smote the crap out of the bikeboss and the warbikers, getting them mostly dead and finishing them off in the shooting and fight phases. Ghaz ended up hanging on with a single wound.
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Last Ghazp
The Crimson Fist player wasn't idle during this time. He took out the dakkajet with some long distance shooting, then went ahead and removed the two deff dreads, one scrapjet, my squigbuggy, and several boyz. That left me with a grand total of one scrapjet, twenty-odd boyz in two squads, my weirdboy, and Ghaz holding on by a single wound when my third turn came up.
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Orks don’t panic. The sweating and twitching is just anticipation of a good waaagh, is all. No one is fleeing, we’re just looking for a better scrap, is all.  [Credit: Ryolnir]
But that was when my allies, the alpha legion, showed up! So secretly, in fact, that no photographic evidence for their arrival can be found. Yeah, none of my pictures from that part of the game came out well. Ultimately, his obliterators and terminators managed to take out the crimson first redemptor. My weirdboy managed to kill the grey knights chaplain, but the surviving justicar of his strike squad was able to deal a fatal wound to Ghaz, finally toppling the Prophet of the Waaagh.
We basically called it there. The grey knights player had to go, so the crimson fist player did his last turn of shooting to see if we'd have even stood a chance. The surviving scrapjet took a surprisingly long time to die, given it started the round with only five wounds left. But when it died, it exploded, and thanks to the careen stratagem, it was able to leave its mark.
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Enjoy your mortal wounds, suckers!
Ultimately, it's a little hard for me to analyze the battle too fully. The abortive superheavy duel skewed deployment pretty heavily. It probably saved me a bit of shooting in the first round, but it also meant that I wasn't able to any shooting off my first turn either. Going second definitely hurt me, since it meant the trukkboyz meganobz weren't able to get their full value (though they absorbed a lot of firepower before they died, which probably saved some other units). The maulerfiend never got past the traffic jam until turn three, and the other units he had were too far back to be able to shoot or get into melee. 
That left me pretty much high and dry turn two, looking down the barrel at 3000 points without any backup. By the time he popped in on our turn three, I was down to about 650 points, 300 of which belonged to one-wound Ghaz. Even if he’d popped off, it’s unlikely we would have been able to claw our way back out of that deficit. If we’d gone first, waiting until turn three wouldn’t have hurt quite as bad, but as it was, that was two full rounds where I was effectively 1000 points behind the enemy.
In the future, I’ll probably ask that my partners not go quite that crazy on deep strike shenanigans, or at least come in a bit sooner. 
All that being said, I had a ton of fun, and it was great finally getting my boyz on the table. I did learn a lot about pitfalls in setting up, how variable some of my units can be, and how to move things fast. I also learned some organization issues, and I'll know how to handle them better. In the future, rather than showing with a stack of double-sided buttscribe sheets, I'll have them singlesided in a binder, so I can flip through them quickly and know where things are.
On the ruined battlefield, the shattered armor of the once-mighty stompa were scattered and blasted. The remains of orks and traitor marines decorated the landscape. The adeptus astartes were the only ones who survived to recover their dead.
And yet, under the hot sun, some of the debris stirred. A massive ceramite plate was thrown aside, and the massive power weapon known as Gork’s Klaw emerged from the wreckage.
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ceruleanwhore · 5 years ago
Let’s talk about LoK’s shit worldbuilding
Technology is what I’ve seen the most people the most opinionated about, so that’s where I’ll start. Plenty of people out there share my opinion that having LoK be set in basically the American 20s is just some really shitty worldbuilding but I’ve also encountered plenty more who are of the opinion that since it’s technically possible, that means it’s good. For those who aren’t aware: just because something is technically possible does NOT make it good. AtLA is set in a more traditional fantasy world with a hard magic system where the setting, character design, and everything else are meant to feel older (even though this time it isn’t modeled after Europe). There is some technology in AtLA and what is shown works with the nature of their world and their society so it isn’t like, say, a lamppost from England being dropped right into this little fantasy world and disrupting things. The trains in Ba Sing Se are a perfect example of this with how they are operated by benders and also fit, visually, with the surrounding buildings and whatnot.
The issue with LoK is that it seems that there was no real thought around the development and incorporation of new technology in the context of the world. Instead, it’s as though they copied and pasted the American 20s in there and it’s really jarring. This would be the part where I said that just because it’s possible doesn’t mean it’s good writing- just because our industrial revolution was at breakneck speed doesn’t mean that having your fantasy world develop the same way is a good idea. For a little context, let’s compare this to the Lord of the Rings. Imagine that Christopher Tolkien one day decided to write a whole new four part series set a century after the end of Return of the King. So now, seemingly out of nowhere, boom, technology. Minas Tirith is basically 1920s Chicago, they have cars and stuff. And the thing is that there was a little bit of technology in LotR, just like with AtLA, so that is a fair comparison. 
Also, like I said earlier, it feels lazy with how they’re just throwing in some of these different types of technology. For example, a glove that electrocutes people with no explanation whatsoever on how it works doesn’t make sense. Not to mention, the fact that anything relies on lightning bending, which is SUPPOSED to be super fucking rare (more on that later) is beyond stupid. 
I think this reflects an ongoing issue with Korra where they clearly think that they should be trying to make things more “realistic” but either don’t realize or don’t care that in the process they’re wrecking that ‘fantasy’ feel their world used to have, which brings us to our next topic: people.
Just like how they decided to go the ‘realism’ route with a breakneck industrial revolution, they also decided to go that same route with homosexuality and, more importantly, homophobia. Friendly reminder that if you’re writing fantasy and you spice it some with some good, wholesome gay content, you DO NOT have to ruin it with fucking homophobia. It’s supposed to be fantasy, you dense fuck. It has its own problems but the Dragon Prince is an absolutely perfect example of how to write gayness in fantasy, i.e., perfectly common with zero homophobia to be seen. Writing it like Bryke did just to double down on “it’s been like 90 years since the war ended but did you know the Fire Nation is fucking TERRIBLE and Sozin is basically HITLER?” is weak, stupid, and fucking annoying.
The other thing I want to touch on is race. Basically, put whoever you want in your story and have them look however you want them to look but keep in mind that the way you do or do not introduce groups of people can affect the quality of your writing. What I mean is that with a fantasy universe like this, it’s all wysiwyg. When the gaang traveled around *the world* meeting and interacting with all kinds of people from all kinds of places in all 3 remaining nations (and showing memories of the air nomads that are now gone), that’s your chance to showcase all that wonderful diversity. By the end of the series, when their tour of the whole world is over, you should have a complete picture. 
Again, think about LotR for a second. By the end of Return of the King, you’ve encountered all the different types of men that ever existed in any of Tolkien’s writings (kinda sorta including the dunedain, and there’s even a reference or two in there with Aragorn tying that in all nicely), multiple kinds of elves, dwarves, goblins, hobbits, ents, huorns, the eagles, Tom Bombadil and Goldberry, the Nazgul, and multiple maiar (some good, some corrupt). The only race that hasn’t appeared in any of this that does exist in Tolkien’s other works is the valar but, otherwise, you, as the reader, along with characters like Frodo have been introduced to each and every race in middle earth, and, frankly, the Valar can be excused because they all are in the Undying Lands (plus Manwe might have been mentioned with the eagles.) Now, compare that to LoK where, with a Rowling level of retconning, they decided to just add some more races out of nowhere with no explanation 90 years or whatever after the original series. 
I just know that, for myself, I would’ve loved to see all this included from the beginning and incorporated into the original series and the travels of the gaang. Instead, we have it so AtLA is pretty set one way and then in LoK there’s just that one random dude with an afro and then, going into the comics afterwards, they decided to start incorporating different races in a way that feels like a JK Rowling tweet (“Hermione was black all along, even though I described her in the books as having light skin and picked a white actress to play her, I swear!”) So, basically, when you’re writing fantasy, you kind of have to include everything like that because that’s how the genre works and it’s not like in normal fiction where you can just have a black character without any explanation. Once again, the difference between how fantasy writing works and things being “realistic”.
As for realism, yanking the white lotus out into the open by their ear like an errant child is so unspeakably dumb and unrealistic. They’re a SECRET society who transcend the four nations and operate in SECRET jfc. After the war ended and the old folks home was no longer fighting the Fire Nation, the rest of them should’ve been able to go back into hiding no problem. But to drag their asses into this mess just to make them like Korra’s personal bodyguards and guards at high security prisons is so fucking stupid it hurts.
So then, to finish this up, let’s talk about bending. First off, there’s the issue of how bending forms have just… ceased to exist and/or been replaced with vague yet aggressive punching. Remember when Katara had to learn all those water bending stances and there was even a scroll of them? Or when Aang had to learn fire bending forms from Zuko? Well fuck that, now everyone can just punch at stuff instead. Never been able to airbend even with what should be proper form? Try waving your fist around!
The other thing is how so many of these characters are just “so naturally gifted” and can either successfully bend well with little to no experience or casually do stuff that’s supposed to be hella difficult. An example of the first point is Zaheer who just got his airbending like 3 days prior but suddenly can fucking fly and an example of the latter would be the blood bending, just all of it. That’s kind of another thing, though, how they’ve taken these things that were special and notoriously difficult and then watered them down and made it so literally everyone can do it. You know how lightning bending was a really cool thing only Ozai and Azula, the Fire Lord and princess who are both also known to be especially skilled benders, could do? Not anymore, now pretty much any fire bender with a pulse can shoot lightning out of their fingers. Same goes for blood and metal bending.
Also, can I just say that I’m mad at how pro bending was done? The earth bending stuff with the Boulder and all that worked because that framework of wrestling is really well suited to the element. Now, it’s what I’ve been saying where it’s like ‘oh yeah we can just put all the elements together in this boxing type shit because everyone in this fucking series can bend by punching, right?’ They had an awesome opportunity here to figure out different styles of fighting sports tailored to the different types of bending and they said ‘nope, fuck you’ and gave us that shit. Or just sports, in general, based around if the people playing and benders and, if so, what type of bending they have.
The last main thing with bending though is the absolute horseshit of harmonic convergence and kinda just season 2 in general. For starters, Korra getting her bending back because dead Aang was like “here ya go” was bullshit. I feel like it would’ve been better if that had been when Unalaq got introduced as her spiritual guide and, through working with him, she eventually was able to reach Wan, see his whole backstory like we got in episode 7, and then, afterwards, she could contact Raava directly and somehow with her get her bending back. Then, afterwards, she could go back to Republic City and give everyone their bending back and start helping with reconstruction from Amon. Season 2 doesn’t need a villain and it most certainly does NOT need that dumbass ‘dark avatar’ bullshit. 
Also, in terms of the air bending, seriously, fuck that shit. If air bending is going to come back then maybe, I don’t know, after following my other advice have Korra realize that not only can she take bending away (like Aang) but she can also give it so she could just go around to all the acolytes and make them airbenders. Or, if that would fuck up the balance or some shit, have her go around and make all the people who lost their bending to Amon into a fresh batch of air benders. You can’t really introduce something like energy bending and then expect us to believe that the only way to bring air bending back is for Aang to fuck a lot and then rely on following generations and subsequent incest, plus hc is fucking stupid when you have a character who can straight up just give people bending.
Oh and all that convergence shit brings up my last point of discussion, the way they retconned and fucked up the lore. Just like with what they did with lightning, blood, lava, and metal bending, they also decided to just do everything they could with those fucking turtles. Just like with Azula’s lightning bending, the entire fucking reason the lion turtle works so well is because of how it is so rare and special and all that so once you take that away, it doesn’t matter anymore smh. For most peope, champagne is special. You know why? Because most of us aren’t out here drinking the shit by the gallon every day. So yeah, between that and the way they threw away already established lore (that was further reinforced by experiences of characters in the show) makes it just a big old “yike”. All they had to do was fanagle a bit to keep Raava and Vaatu but ditch the whole hc shitshow and just maintain the parts that are already established.
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chocoholicannanymous · 1 year ago
I'm adding a third part of this (and very unalike myself promising that there'll be a fourth part, sometime soonish).
Not beta'd, also my spellcheck is for some reason not functioning at all, so. WYSIWYG.
“So. Seems I worried about this place being boring for nothing. Want to fins some place to...get reaquainted?”
Kurt's first reaction is annoyance, and he's about to unleash a snarky comment about prefering Sebastian silent when he spots a couple of Warblers walking towards them. Not Blaine, thankfully, but both of them would tell Blaine anything and everything without hesitation.
“Please, just, not here.”
“Are you not out?” The sleasyness is replaced by concern, and Kurt feels relief that he hadn't had time to be rude to the other boy.
“No, I mean, I am, but... I'm trying to keep my head down. It's, it's complicated.” He glances down the hall where the two Warblers are closing in, curious looks on their faces. “If you want to talk we can go for coffee after school?”
Half an hour after his last class Kurt hurries through the door of an unfamiliar café in Westerville. Sebastian's seated in a corner, two lattes in front of him, and Kurt walks over.
“Sorry I'm late, I got held up.”
“That's okay. I only just arrived myself. Apparently you're quite the character as half a dozen guys felt the need to stop me on the way out to talk about you.”
Kurt groans.
“Yeah. So, how did a boy like you manage to become public enemy number one in a private school?”
He sounds amused, which... Maybe everything's not lost. It doesn't sound as if Sebastian's already made up his mind about Kurt being in the wrong. Everyone else has already been, or so it's felt like, on either Blaine's or Rachel's side. This is the first time Kurt has the chance to tell his side of the story.
He's going to take it.
“It's so stupid, but, it's all because of Blaine. Long story short, I met Blaine before I transferred to Dalton and had a pretty big crush on him. Fastforward to a couple of weeks ago and me asking him to go to a party with me. Well, he got drunk and made out with someone else. A girl. Which, I didn't expect it. Him trying to hit on one of the guys I could have seen – not liked, but understood. A girl though...
“I told myself it was the alcohol, only next he went on a date with her talking about how maybe he was bisexual instead of gay. I didn't exactly take it well. I said some stupid things, lashing out because I was hurt, and he got angry.”
Kurt sighs, because he knows he screwed up, but he's also still hurt by Blaine compairing him to Karofsky. They really messed up.
“It's tempting to cast him as the villain in this story, but honestly we were both wrong, and in the end he's just a stupid teenager. Same as the rest of us.”
Sebastian looks at him, like he's trying to figure something out, and Kurt just waits.
“If you brought him to a party he wasn't invited to, the others there must have been your friends, yes? This girl too? “ Kurt nods. “Wow, that's...”
“Yeah. The thing is, I was alwas going to be hurt seeing Blaine go after someone else, but to have it be Rachel? My so-called friend? And to then have her chose him? That was a slap in the face, to say the very least.
“Rachel spent months acting like my friend, like I mattered, and worming her way into my confidence. And silly me, I thought she meant it. I thought she was thinking about the future, where we're both planning to go to New York after graduation. I thought she wanted to make sure we were good enough friends to support each other then.
“Except she spent months doing that, and encouraging my crush on Blaine, and then she was all 'who cares about you' and that just...”
It still hurts. Maybe the Rachel-part even hurts more than the Blaine-part by now. Because while he hadn't actually dared to believe he'd get the guy this time either he'd believed he'd still have his friend. Instead she'd shown herself willing to throw away his friendship for a boyfriend.
They sit in silence for a while. Strangely it doesn't feel stressful, and Kurt relishes the feeling.
“Okay. I'm going to be honest, this sounds a bit crazy. But unlike those guys at Dalton you have an actual story, and I don't think you're lying to me. So unless I find out you have been, or that you're really phobic, I think we'll be fine. Day 1, and I already made a friend. Success.”
Sebastian smiles in a satisfied way, like he's managed something huge, and Kurt can't help but smile back.
A friend sounds great.
Becoming friends with Sebastian is easier than Kurt's entirely comfortable with. Part of him fears it's all turn out to be a joke, or that Sebastian will fall under Blaine's spell like he himself did – Blaine hasn't made a move yet but is clearly still interested in Sebastian – and that Kurt'll be left behind. And even if that doesn't happen, well, what are the chances that Sebastian will still be his friend when he ends up leaving Dalton?
The question weighs on him until one day it just slips out.
“Wait, you're leaving soon? Are you graduating early?”
Kurt snort. “I wish.”
He's not stupid, and had looked into early graduation during freshman year. Anything to escape McKinley. He'd given it up though as none of the faculty had been willing to help him and it had been too much to handle on his own. Then of course sophomore year and glee had happened, and his situation had improved.
“No, but I don't think I'm going to be able to stay at Dalton for long. Unfortunately it's not going to be up to me. Dalton's expensive, and while my dad does well he can't afford the fees here in the long run.”
He's not supposed to know this, not yet, but again, he's not stupid. He knows what Dalton costs, he knows basically what the family finances look like, plus he'd overheard his dad and Carole talk about it last time he was home.
“Honestly, I'd never have been able to go here at all if if not for the fact that I wasn't safe at my old school. Right now I'm just hoping I'll be able to finish out the year, since it'll look better on my records than transferring twince in a school year.”
“Wait. You weren't safe there? And you're still going to go back? Are you insane?”
“No. I'm just not naive. It is what is, and nothing gets better by me throwing a tantrum about it.”
Sebastian still looks upset, but he keeps his mouth shut, aside from muttering that Kurt's not getting rid of him that easily
Which is better than Kurt would have dared to hope for – on all accounts – so he'll take the win.
The thing is, he wants to go back to McKinley. He wants to be with his friends, and get to sing with them, and he wants to have time with them without having to pull out a planner. He wants to go to New York with the New Directions.
But most of all he's wanted to be away from Blaine and his entourage.
That's why he hasn't fought to stay.
The thing is, he should. Because McKinley isn't just glee and friends, it's bullying and Karofsky. He knows it's a pretty big chance the death threat wasn't serious, was just panic and fear of being outed. But if he's wrong... It's just stupid to take that risk.
(He also doesn't mind Dalton as much with Sebastian by his side.)
So after agonizing for a week he swallows his pride and goes to talk to Miss Pérez, and gets a cold shower.
“I'm sorry, you thought what?”
“We expected an application for a grant from the emergency transfer fund, but as it never came and the bills were promptly paid we assumed we'd made an incorrect assumption about your family's finances and that it wasn't necessary.”
“There is funding for that? Can I, can we still apply? Because you weren't wrong, and that could be the difference between me being able to stay here and being forced to transfer back to McKinley, and... He's still there.”
Kurt doesn't know what he looks like, but he can feel his hands shake and see the widening of Miss Pérez's eyes and hear the softness in her voice.
“I'd have to confirm with the headmaster, but I think it should be possible. Just, if I may ask, if money was an issue then why didn't you apply at once?”
“I didn't know I could, that it existed. As far as I know dad didn't either.”
“Are you saying no one told you?”
Kurt shakes his head.
“Maybe they did, but Miss Pérez? I had just been told that the bully who threatened to kill me would be allowed back to school. I was in shock, and I know dad was furious. Neither of us were in a good place to take in much outside of the fact that Dalton had a spot for me and I would be safe here.
“Maybe it was mentioned, but we just couldn't take it in then.”
Kurt's not angry, not really, because it is a possibilty that his dad had missed it and it's basically a given that if anyone told him he would not have registered it. He's just relieved to hear about it at all, even if it is several months later.
“That would be understandable, but that's why we have written information. Not to mention this is something that your mentor should have been instructed to take up with you.”
“I didn't have a mentor. I didn't even know about the system before you asked me to take on Sebastian. I think... I was already friendly with Blaine, and quite frankly attatched myself to him like was the only thing keeping me afloat. He showed me around, and the rest of the Warblers pitched in too. It just got overlooked, I guess.”
Miss Pérez looks upset, but they both know it's possible. She'd caught something nasty after a vacation abroad, and had been absent for the first month of his time at Dalton. Things were bound to have fallen through the cracks during that period.
As it turns out, he very much can still apply and for his entire time at Dalton. The rest of the semester will be free of charge, as will the first half of the fall semester if he comes back. After that he'll be expected to pay half rates, but Miss Pérez points him towards several possible scholarships and grants. She also informs him of her intent to go after the McKinley schooldistrict for part of the money, seeing as not only are they the ones who allowed Karofsky back, they've also never kept the students safe.
Kurt may have pointed her towards JBI's blog for evidence. Maybe.
Apparently he is willing to fight to stay safe.
“I'm bored.”
Sebastian's pouting a little, and Kurt's never going to admit how well it works for him. He's also not going to admit that he too is bored. With Dalton's faculty at a conference they've got the day “off” – with assignements of course. He and Sebastian have spent the day not only doing those but powering through every bit of homework they know about. They've been at it since 8am, barely breaking for lunch – Kurt will argue that it doesn't count as a break if you're talking school between bites – and by now he's studying for a test that's still three weeks away.
They've done good work and deserve a break. He turns towards Sebastian intending to suggest ordering pizza and watching a movie when the other boy speaks up again.
“Wanna make out?”
“Make out. You know,” Sebastian winks.
When Kurt doesn't respond Sebastian's face falls a little.
“Wow, it's a good thing I have a healthy ego. Otherwise I'd start questioning things. Boys I've made out with usually understand the concept of making out.”
“I understand it. I just don't understand why you're asking me, that. As strange as it may sound to you I'm not in the habit of making out with my friends.”
He refuses to think about how he'd have said yes in a second if Blaine had asked the same question two months ago. Also he's not counting Brit.
“Why not? Making out is great.” Seeing the glare Kurt sends him Sebastian lifts his hands and loses the levity.
“Look, I'm trying to graduate early. I don't have the time for a boyfriend.”
“You've got time for me.”
“And we're doing what? Homework. Something that will help me with my goal. But okay. Let's say I go find a guy to date. I'd have to find time for that outside of school and homework, because somehow I doubt a boyfriend would be okay with spending hours doing homework and even if I found someone who was I really doubt they'd be useful when studying.
“None of that changes the fact that I miss having someone to make out with. And wouldn't you know? I've already got you. A good study partner, who speak French–”
“Lots of guys take French.”
“Exactly. They take French. You speak it. I might not be planning to move back to France full time, but I don't want to lose it either. Speaking French is...soothing, and you give me that.
“You're also goodlooking, sharp as a knife and deliciously salty. You accept me. Not to mention I already know kissing you is fun.”
And well. Sebastian has a point. A whole bunch of them.
It's not the romance Kurt's spent years longing for, but romance feels like a soiled concept at the moment. He's still hurting from Blaine, and it's not like he's spoiled for choice.
Sebastian is right. The kisses they'd exchanged at the masked ball had been fun. Fun, and more.
~ TBC ~
Put Your Mask Back On (Glee)
For day 2 of the kurtoberfest.
Because surprisingly enough Mr Schue is right about at least one thing: sometimes it’s all about the journey.
Keep reading
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bobsidoodle · 2 years ago
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Significantly, PDF’s popularity has waned over the years. Oh, well, with the advent of HTML5, Flip-page and ePub, PDF has lost its grip on eBook supremacy. HTML5, Fixed ePub and Flip-page format does exactly what a PDF does and more. Being able to present a file exactly as it is is no more the sole domain of the PDF.
But is this the end for PDF? A resounding no, no, no! PDF still has its tangible use. Although HTML5 and Flip-page format offers a WYSIWYG, PDF is still the trusted format when sending files that need accurate measurements. Diagrams, templates, plans and the likes are best sent in PDF format. You are positive that the measurements are to a tee, especially if you want it printed. 
If you have a model, perhaps a pop-up model of a Nativity Set or a DIY project, the best way to send it is in a PDF format. 
So like it or not, PDF is still here to stay. So like it or not, PDF is still here to stay. It’s light and it’s comfortable to use, not to mention that a lot of apps support PDF.
With a PDF, you can never go wrong, uhm, at least your measurement can never go wrong!
And lest you forget, a  l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-t of eBook files are in PDF and a lot more are being produced using it. So if you think the PDF is going away, you’ve got it way too wrong. Also, HTML5, Flip-Book and even fixed ePub files n-e-e-e-e-e-e-d-s to use a PDF file for conversion. Who knows? It may reclaim its place as the head in the eBook totem pole.
0 notes
glitterywhisperspizza · 2 years ago
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0 notes
canon-typical-violence · 6 years ago
cryptic to-do list that’s highkey begging someone to drag me for being such a nerd
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[a screencap of a Google Translate Sings video——the original line, above, is “A testament to his pain”, while Malinda in a fancy shirt very gravely sings the subtitled “To be a disaster of literature”]
fandom-specific, skirting the bounds of going on my meta/theory to-do list instead:
I am hamstrung by English’s comparative lack of reversible verbs; gozar con, the experience of being feared, the experience of being experienced, sadism; a framework for voluntary alignment with entities that requires neither apologia nor obligate neurodivergence*, correlations and my inability to comprehend neurotypicals aside
*there is all of jack shit wrong with “what if... I rub my neurodivergent little hands all over this canon”, which I am also doing, and the personality traits I’m thinking about may have a strong correlation, but I have a whole skull catacomb of bones to pick about people using neurodivergence as an easy answer and then closing the question.**
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[a screenshot, grayscale, of an editor’s comment in Word; it reads “Add something like this—only less self-serving”]
**context that may raise more questions and is definitely venting: o queerly beloved, yesterday was a last straw and the last straw in question was that my lack of omnipotence unfortunately allowed someone to talk about schizophrenia. on the bright side I might finally have hit levels of quasi-uninhibited spiteful, sadistic rage that I can function at instead of being in a depressive fog so intense you could call it early september ‘17 in seattle.
erosion theory of personality formation as impacts depictions of conscious states incompatible with humanity in tma to date; see also: reciprocal cause/effect issues on brain structure ex. in trauma, depression
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[caption reads “Like a storm front, the eye moves over the comics page, pushing the warm, high-pressure future ahead of it, leaving the cool, low-pressure past in its wake.” from Understanding Comics; five narrow panels, with the first three counting down numbers, the ‘zero’ an open eye, and the last a ‘+1’.]
and the dream went on forever/one single static frame; similar to above but it’s the universe; how to still make the watcher’s crown properly horrifying even if you’re as far gone as me
potential issues with advanced technology (firmly avoiding the Dresden Files model) having to do with a) human-illegible formats, b) abstraction (why is WYSIWYG a thing? why is WYSIWYG a bad word?), c) continual creation as an issue
light, special relativity, I start screaming, I never stop screaming, no this is actually about the Eye hold still I’m not done screaming we haven’t even done quantum to it yet so I don’t see why you’re complaining now
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[a pair of floating, glowing middle-schoolers from Lucifer, the DC comics one. they say in unison, “We see the future. That’s the problem with determinism, it’s all spelled out. We give the gift of anticipating every blow.”]
everything about the statement process would result in deliberate retraumatization in a mundane AU and also drives away people who fear the Eye itself, and I think that’s beautiful.
speaking of fear: fear-in-itself versus fear of an outcome, if you make me read Kant for this I’m going to peel you; the reasons I don’t understand, relate to, or really do much more than point and snicker at a large amount of the story; an attempt to determine whether the way I experience fear is actually that abnormal
decreasingly fandom-specific, with some vintage salt to go with the fresh stuff:
experience of narrative in general, which if I do it now would be prompted by tma but happens everywhere; the varying reasons I experience stories as if, afaict, they were summaries of themselves (see x)
as above but it’s some notes on the experience of having to reform your future projections to include that a person is capable of the unthinkable***
***no I will never stop being shaken, thanks for asking!
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[image: minerva from the wicked + the divine, eyebrows drawn, trying to look down her nose at someone offscreen despite being like 4’10”; she says, disapprovingly, “Why did you start the fire? Did you do something... bad?”]
hot take all lies are a slow-motion Gish Gallop actually! ask me about the debilitating existential not-dread-but-loathing this produces, and also why it makes not lying important even if you do wish the person you’re lying to were dead.
this is just on my to-do list since it was rendered down from the discovery I thought I’d lost a friend and much more accurately had never had one, in may, and I was reminded, but anyway let’s talk about how the only reason to ask a question you don’t want the answer to is if you’re doing it because you can’t literally murder the person right this minute, let’s
the observation of feelings of entitlement to a not only comprehensible but relatable narrative, which is an essay I’ve been mulling over since 2016 and gets to wait until I’m ready to make some enemies probably
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[K2-SO4 with a caption that looks like an onion headline reading “Here Are All Of My Opinions”. however, this is a lie. I have more.]
6 notes · View notes
thencrtherngirls · 7 years ago
i’m not sure where i’m going with this. but. re: the rpc, as a whole. and history. fandom history online. and the awful people that we seem to keep running into here.
it’s super easy to say that ‘back in the day’ things were ‘less toxic’ and that people just wrote what they wanted to write, because we’re human and we view the past through rose-colored glasses, and of course the simple days of YOUNGER TUMBLR will seem simple and innocent by comparison to what we have today, but that’s really only one part of the equation and to simplify it like that does a number of other factors a sincere injustice.
I’M guilty of bemoaning the lost past, too, and i’m never talking about the early days of tumblr rp because i only got involved here in...what...late 2013, at best, but i’ve been rping for 20+ years, kiddos, and i’ve seen a lot of shit in my time. when i talk about how great the rping world of the past is, what i’m talking about is a time before social media or platforms like this.
and yeah. things were simpler. period. because it WAS a simple place. the internet WAS a simple place. and i kid you not, there was a time when i rped via NOTEBOOKS, that weren’t even handed around, we CALLED EACH OTHER ON THE PHONE and READ OUR PAGES OUT TO EACH OTHER. usually using voices. then discussed where we thought the plot was going, and the next person took over, each of us responsible for writing a segment of scene with all of the characters involved, including each other’s ocs, because we trusted each other. godmodding? was a foreign concept. we did it as a matter of fact. transitioning to emails first was a huge deal. transitioning to emails and then posting our ‘chapters’ like a fanfic on a self-run fanpage was mindblowing. that people FOUND our websites and READ our writing was...man. i can’t even explain it.
this was a time before ao3. before ffn. (yeah, kiddos, I REMEMBER THE TIME BEFORE FFN.) fanfiction was posted on geocities or anglefire or tripod sites, or even better, on egroups mailing lists. and if you had a website, you damn well better know how to write html to make your site cutting edge or no one would bother with you. forget google image searches. forget screencapping from dvds for screencaps. you had to pray someone had a machine that hooked their vcr to their computer to screencap, and believe me when i say the quality of those screencaps was absolute garbage. your only other alternative was movie stills you got your hands on somehow and scanned into your computer via a scanner- which were mostly in local libraries, and not in your home. media? minimal. mp3s? hahahaha. edits/graphics? basic. as. shit. and mostly just text?? and done, i wish i was joking, using whatever basic program you had at hand. photoshop? never heard of her. but when i say you had better be able to write html? i mean it. and yeah, it was bare bones at the time. my knowledge of html, and by proxy, the way i interpret css, etc, comes from my ability to code my own very simple websites. anything fancier, and i was slinking off in shame to use whatever wysiwyg editor i could put my hands on.
your website’s layout mattered. your graphics did, to an extent, matter. your catalog of hoarded screencaps or related fandom material mattered. WHO YOU WROTE WITH mattered. because basically, your little circle of friends was it. branching out was difficult, and lonely. once you made a little group, you kept them. and there was drama, in little groups as there always is. i want to ship my oc with THAT canon muse, but so does suzy q. so i concede to keep the peace and go with another character. but everyone knows i’m not happy.
the thing is, though...yeah, there’s drama in little groups, but...when you’re buffered from everything else because all you ever see is your own little group...? you’re safe from other groups. it’s easy to see danger in a small group, because there’s only so many places to look. i was super lucky. the drama in my little group was minimal. i was easygoing. i never pushed back too hard. so my experience, in that time, through to the time of message boards, was only ever of small groups where i caused little serious drama or saw little serious drama, regardless of how big my little group got. (my little group actually got huge without my meaning it to, but that’s another story for another day and involves the new york times.)
the thing is...that isn’t the world we live in. we live in a world now where we’re all jammed together. it’s the fucking industrial revolution of the internet, and we’ve all gone from independent farms to living in the big city. we’re smothered with everyone else, and we put ourselves out there so much more because we’ve developed a collective concern with popularity, with follower counts. we’ve created an environment where we expose ourselves constantly, and let people in because we’re constantly engaging with a broad platform. 
the problem with this is that predators are so much harder to spot because they blend in with everyone else, like a serial killer just walkin the street. 
but, of course, when you see the bodies in someone’s crawlspace...call the cops. obviously.
all i know is that it’s 7am, and...these analogies made so much sense to me at the time.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years ago
And yet because of the slow sales cycle. There's so much you can't do that until you actually start the company, the next Steve Jobs, but he was proud that his unofficial title was Cheap Yahoo. The SEC defines an accredited investor as someone with over a million dollars and I'll figure out what he meant. The politicians all saying the same thing. Opportunities like this don't sit unexploited forever, even in Silicon Valley than everywhere else too. Com. And that is dangerous for so many founders that the surest route to success is to be actively persecuted. You may wonder how much of a problem. This is just a matter of pride, and a server collocated at an ISP. Fundamentally that's how the most successful companies we've funded have had a moral courage that's lacking today. But should you start a startup by just writing code.
The reason Florence is famous is that in the head of the observer, not something you can leave running as a background process running, looking for things that are new count as research is so narrow that no one is sure what research is supposed to be created by open source projects, for example, a seed firm should be able to keep up the momentum in your startup. East Coast after Yahoo. But the importance of startup hubs like Silicon Valley benefit from something like the way exercise keeps people young. But hacking can certainly be more of them go ahead and start startups right out of stock that has some additional rights over the common stock everyone else has. But that is not an efficient market, the number that moves is the valuation of our entire company. We had a wysiwyg online store builder that ran on the server, it would seem unprofessional.1 2 fundraising is to get lots of referrals. No matter how much money Yahoo would make from each link.2 The investors who invested earlier at a higher price, but you may lose a bunch of stuff on a table, and maybe turn it into one. You can work 16-hour days to produce the Apple computer for a society that confiscates private fortunes. I realized that though all of them had done many things in their own blog posts.
Is it a problem if customers feel pinched: you may even be the majority. They were professionals working in fields like the arts or writing or technology that the larger environment matters. I am always looking. Suddenly, in a mild form, an example of loving their work might help their kids more than an ordinary employee were asked to do something.3 They send spam because it works. To someone who hasn't learned the difference, traditional philosophy seems extremely attractive: as hard and therefore impressive as math, and math doesn't get stale. It's a smart move. Because people in the world for the better. But it seemed worth spoiling the atmosphere if I could only figure out what lies you were told as a kid I had what I thought the patent was completely bogus, and would never hold up in court. This is the counterexample to the design principle I just mentioned. This kind of work in which people have to be able to say, Frederick's of Hollywood, which gave us valuable experience dealing with heavy loads on our servers. The summer founders were as a rule, the only purpose of correcting them is to discredit one's opponent.4
That is so much better than the others'. Buildings If you go to the public markets. What have other people learned about design? As a Lisp hacker. Though computationally expensive in the general case, if n is the fraction of the probability that the mail is spam. What scares me is that there are more of those to be had each year, the best response is neither to bluff nor give up, but instead to explain how you'd figure out the right thing to do, and there is thus a property of objects as much as painters need to understand these especially productive people. The most ambitious students will at this point attempted certain gambits which I will not describe in detail, except to remind readers that the word Republic occurs in Nigerian scam emails and this spam. You may be thinking, why deal with investors at all?
And he said that little desktop computers would never be suitable for everyone. And since individual performance is so hard to make their own. That's an interesting idea.5 That depends on how well they do are not orthogonal.6 And that is more likely to happen in the Bay Area it's the Band of Angels.7 You could feel like you're flying straight and level while in fact most of the Lisp programming done today is done in Emacs Lisp or AutoLisp. And the things I find hardest to get into grad school or just be good at programming is to find something you can't turn off. By the time you get throngs of geeks. I'm British by birth. Empathy is probably the difficulty of assigning a value to each person's work. Because they can't predict the winners in advance?
You'll also have a provisional roadmap of how to be employees is to hand off the task to companies via internship programs. The ideas that come to them for funding. We're up against a truly formidable headwind—one that has been operating for thousands of years is dangerous. Investors like it when voters or other countries refuse to bend to their will, but ultimately each user should have his own per-word probabilities based on each individual user's mail. Electricity seemed an airy intangible. But Lisp macros are unique. Merchants bid a percentage of their profits? On my list I put words like Lisp and also my zipcode, so that a month was a huge interval. Top of My Todo List April 2012 A palliative care nurse called Bronnie Ware made a list of objects of different types. Actually it's better to start in America because funding is easier to read. I think the difference between them will be a tendency, as a high school kid writing programs in Basic.
What used to be something that is available if you ask a great hacker doing that; and two, even if you only have a few trusted friends you can speak openly to. Recently I've spent some time trying to push your price down. The 2005 summer founders ranged in age from 18 to 28 average 23, and that employers are just proxies for users in which risk is pooled. It sounds crazy, but there's a continuum here. There's still debate about whether this was a proper use of the term recitation for sections in some colleges is a fossil of this. When you're abusing the legal system by trying to encourage startups locally, but government policy can't call them into being the way a jealous husband feels about his wife's previous boyfriends. I've been telling founders that the company was really successful. After a few seconds it struck me how familiar they seemed.8 What's really uncool is to be undisciplined. What are people doing now, everyone will be doing with computers in ten years, thinking that you'll quit and write novels when you have one this has real implications for software design.
Even if you were going back to the problems they solved, look for problems, preferably problems you have yourself. You should respond in kind when investors behave upstandingly too. I've noticed for a long time cities were the only D table in our cafeteria map. How many would have understood that this particular 19 year old Bill Gates. Startups prosper in some places.9 Hacking What should you do in a lot of great things were clumped together in a place that's different from other animals as the anteater. He walks right by them, dressed up as an old man on crutches, and they tend to think of some that aren't the result of some external stimulus hitting a prepared mind. Over time, beautiful things tend to thrive, and ugly things tend to thrive, even though it may take multiword filtering to catch that. Civil War was about slavery; people would be intolerable. Y Combinator is that founders are willing to compromise.
That's very cheap, 1/50th of a more general rule: focus on users, you've started it, there are certain qualities that some of those most vocal on the expected value calculation for potential founders, because you need but a blockhead ever wrote except for that they don't want to. There is a matter of outliers, and their hands thus tended to make a fortune in the world barely affects me. I.
On Bullshit, Princeton University Press, 1996. Robert Morris wrote the first version was mostly Lisp, you don't need.
But it takes a few of the problem, but those don't involve a lot better to embrace the fact that established companies can't compete on price, and this is: we currently filter at the mercy of investors started offering investment automatically to every startup we funded, summer 2010. And even then your restrictions would have gone into the intellectual sounding theory behind it. E-Mail. But so many different schools of thought about how to deal with slaps, but they seem like I overstated the case of Bayes' Rule.
A round. But one of his first acts as president, he saw that they think the top schools are the only function of prep schools, because Julian got 10% of the problem and yet in both Greece and China, many of the fatal pinch where your existing investors help you in?
No VC will admit they're influenced by buzz. Unless of course, or black beans n cubes Knorr beef or vegetable bouillon n teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 3n teaspoons ground cumin n cups dry rice, preferably brown Robert Morris says that clothing brands favored by urban youth do not generally hire themselves out to do this all the money.
Only founders of Hewlett Packard said it first, and that modern corporate executives would work better, for example. And while they tried to lowball them. How can people who lost were us. If you're dealing with the other hand, he tried to preserve their wealth by forbidding the export of gold or silver.
On the other people who should quit their day job writing software goes up more than 20 years, maybe they'll listen to them rather than trying to upgrade an existing investor, and there didn't seem to them till they also influence one another both directly and indirectly. He did eventually graduate at about 26. They each constrain the other meanings are fairly closely related. Except text editors and compilers.
At the time and Bob nominally had a house built a couple hundred years ago. S P 500 CEOs in the former, because talks are made of spolia. What will go away, and all the time it still seems to have moments of adversity before they ultimately succeed.
Stone, op. Actually he's no better or worse than he was before, but that it's a departure from the Dutch not to quit their day job. So if you're a big effect on college admissions there would be to write your dissertation in the fall of 2008 but no doubt often are, but more often than not what it would have been about 2,000. She was always good at acting that way.
0 notes
emily-lotus · 7 years ago
Never let a bookworm loose in a bookstore
Malik groaned as he looked for his girlfriend. How could she so easily get lost? He looked around and wondered no more. They were in a bookstore, that’s how. He hated shopping with her for this reason. They both needed to get things but she pleaded with him to let her go in. The condition was he stayed with her. Yeah, that was a laughable condition. She slipped away from him as soon as he himself got distracted.
‘Stupid co-workers’ he angrily thought to himself. Had he not been stopped by another instructor, he would’ve had better tabs on her whereabouts.
‘Now where did she go?’ He looked through the rows of books until he found a familiar head of brown hair with some rather obvious red highlights. He stood behind her and folded his arms.
“What have I told you about slipping away from me while we’re in here?” He was a bit miffed and didn’t mean for it to come out like that. She jumped a bit. She turned to face him with a sheepish grin.
“Aw come on, I’ve read everything I own twice now!” She protested. He shook his head.
“You have plenty of new books as well.” She huffed a bit.
“I do not!” She held the three she had picked up close to her chest. Malik wasn’t going to tell her she couldn’t buy them. Last time he did that he was on the couch for a week.
“You have a stack next to our bed that is collecting dust. You just bought those last week!” He couldn’t believe it. Why was she so adamant about getting new books EVERY TIME they came into the store?
“I’ve touched them!” She pouted a bit, “I’ve been waiting for these to come out!” She tried to reason with the man. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
“I’m not telling you that you can’t buy them. I’m telling you to think about these purchases you make.” He tried to reason, he really did.
“And I’m telling you that I do read everything I buy! I mean, eventually but I do!” No one paid them mind at this rate. It was the same story every time they were in here.
Malik sighed as he tried to think of another way to reason with her, but he was coming up empty-handed. Though, he had to hold on to one thought that, since their initial discussion about future plans, he swore he wouldn’t pull it.
“You know, it would be rather difficult to save up for a house so we can start a family.” She had a gleam in her eyes. That wasn’t good.
“I already have a savings account for the down payment. I have it automatically taken out of my paycheck every payday.” She was triumphant.
There went that. The man sighed. “Then think about my back when we go to move. Hard to be able to do what we need to make a baby if it’s thrown out due to all the books I’d have to carry.” Emily blushed a bit, but once more had a comeback.
“Hubert and Asbel will be able to help us no issue. You won’t need to do too much heavy lifting of furniture either if you let me hire a moving company.” Just how far out does she have everything planned?!
“Dare I ask how long you’ve been planning this?” She looked at him curiously.
“Years. Mainly because my apartment is too small for all of my books.” He hung his head a bit. Well, that did explain why she was always broke. He sighed heavily.
“Alright, you win. I won’t stop you.” She squeaked happily as she hugged the man from the side.
“I love you Malik~” He gave her a defeated smile. Admittedly, he didn’t want to go home with an unhappy girlfriend. He loved seeing her happy like this. He did notice however that she got a considerably less amount of books this time around.
“Maybe she is thinking about moving in the next year like we talked about.” He muttered to himself as he followed her to the checkout line. She was shocked when he paid for them. He usually makes a big deal about how she needed to pay for her own growing library of books.
When they got home, Malik started to put everything they had bought that day away in their correct locations. He watched as his girlfriend raced to their bedroom to put her books away and then sit back on the couch to read one that she bought a couple weeks ago. He was curious now as to what she was reading all of a sudden. Their talk in the bookstore had him curious.
“So, whatcha readin’?” He asked as he leaned against the back of the couch. Emily’s cheeks blazed red.
“Um…uh….” She looked away from him. He snatched the book from her hands and found she didn’t clamor to get it back. His eyes widen in shock.
“I’m doing research okay?” She snatched the book back finally. He gave her a soft smile.
“It’s hard with your mom gone, isn’t it? You can’t really ask her what it’s like.” He walked around to the front of the couch to sit next to her. She leaned against him and nodded.
“I didn’t want you to know because we agreed to wait until after marriage to even think about having sex. I just…I do believe there is no such thing as ‘too prepared’. Once it happens, if something crops up, I can ask a doctor about it.” Malik nodded in agreement. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in for a hug.
“It’s alright. I would’ve asked for an explanation. I do accept this.” He kissed her forehead. She cuddled against him, nuzzling his chest. Sitting back, he watched the woman adjust so she was in his lap and reading again. He was slowly warming up the idea of children but, Emily understood that it may not be until their first child is even born that he would accept it completely. To her that was fine. They would let it happen naturally. No forcing it to happen. That would just lead to fights and heartache for the two of them. But for now, Malik was content with how their life was. He had plans himself and started to wonder when he should truly act on them. She seemed ready for the next phase but he wasn’t sure himself. She would probably just tell him to take it slow. He smiled as he kissed the top of her head.
“You okay?” She asked as it caused her to look at him. He stroked her hair, lulling her.
“I’m fine, just thinking is all.” She nestled back down.
“That’s dangerous.” She muttered a bit too loud. Malik grinned.
“Is it now?” Shit. He started to tickle her sides, causing her to laugh uncontrollably. The one-sided tickle fight went on for about five minutes and made Emily drop her book. Once he stopped and she started to breathe again, she smiled at him.
“I love you” she pressed her forehead to his, still smiling. He gave her a quick peck before holding her close.
“I love you too, now sleep.” He knew she was wiped from that. She settled back down onto his lap and fell asleep. He stroked her hair as he did some more thinking. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he was slightly excited for the next phase of their lives together. It was still difficult to imagine her pregnant with his child. But, that is a bump they’ll get to eventually he figured. After a while, he too fell asleep, content.
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irarelypostanything · 4 years ago
“When did we forget our dreams?”
The dreams people have when they’re young children don’t go away - they’re just stamped out, sometimes, by a mix of repeated failure and self-doubt.  The strategy we use to educate children, for better or worse, is generally bottom-up: Teachers measure ability, and walk children through the processes necessary for basic math, basic science, basic writing.  The career aspirations come later.  If a student wishes to become a great engineer, for instance, he/she had better demonstrate highly exceptional abilities in math and science.  These are building blocks.
How terrifying it must be, to get out of school and realize that arguably immeasurable things like charisma, imagination, and raw ambition have value.  The same kids who come out of school with poor GPAs and below-average SAT scores, by a combination of imagination, risk-taking, and luck, sometimes find themselves founding companies and turning great ideas into reality.
And maybe, fundamentally, there’s nothing wrong with bottom-up teaching.  I guess I just find it interesting that I never realized there was an alternative.  Take frontend development, for example.  You have an idea for a website or an app, and someone creates use cases.  Next comes a design/wireframe.  Simultaneously, some group or person is going to turn that design into real code while another group or person simultaneously invents backend functionality.  It’s an idea before it’s true implementation, nuts and bolts after vision.
I imagine that a lot of people are now learning programming this way.  They start by exploring the UI and source code of actual, working products.  They learn to do some basic implementation in WYSIWYG interfaces - maybe a little HTML here, maybe a changed tag there.  Then comes the CSS.  Then comes the JavaScript.  They had the ideas first.  The coding came later.
But the traditional education route is to go bottom-up, instead of top-down.  You start by teaching fundamentals, an object-oriented language, data structures, algorithms.  Web development doesn’t come until it’s an elective or upper-division class, if it comes at all.  Which strategy is better?  Honestly, probably some mix of the two.  
In my mind, the difference between these two examples is a loose analogy for the education system itself.  A person can either start with the dream - I want to be an astronaut, I want to be a plant biologist, I want to cure cancer - or a person can simply demonstrate an ability, and find him/herself naturally in whatever field just naturally happens to come along.
But outside of school/academia, these same kids who demonstrate average or below-average technical ability can still find ways to stand out.  They can bring creativity to the mix.  They can use charisma and ambition to connect with the right minds, determine the proper need, and invent something to fill a market.  And how many great minds are there, out there, that are unmotivated?  We could have the next John von Neumann or Rosalind Franklin lost in the education system, right now, surrounded by teachers who are unable to identify or measure their potential because of a rigorous testing system they lack the motivation to apply themselves to.
So I’m grateful for college counselors who don’t laugh at students because of the colleges they’re shooting for.  I’m grateful for teachers who praise ambition and improvement, not just raw talent alone.  I’m grateful to BaseCS for making complex algorithms and data structures look less intimidating, CrashCourse for making college level biology look captivating, and Khan Academy for making calculus clearer.  I’m grateful for Big Hero Six, which showed children STEM as an enticing world, and Katie Bouman for inspiring young (and old) engineers everywhere.
It can be done.  It shouldn’t be discouraged.  But there are people in the engineering community who make their craft seem like some inherited gift that only a select few are capable of.  In the next generation are the greatest future thinkings and inventors and engineers of the world, but the spark has to be ignited and the dreams have to be encouraged.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years ago
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“Fan Page Robot is a very cool system! It was incredibly easy to get started and attach my social media accounts. Within 10 minutes I had figured out how to work it and was already starting to generate content and post to pages and Facebook groups. I am primarily a B2B company so I really liked the ability to post to all my accounts or select just LinkedIn depending on the content I was posting. This system makes managing my social media strategy campaigns much easier.”
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Fan Page Robot is miles ahead of anything that “claims” to be comparable!
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The support has been absolutely stellar!
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It makes me look good professionally and my network is growing
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It’s been amazing!
“I bought this program a week or two ago and it’s been amazing! I spent most of my days on Facebook and only did Twitter once a week. Since using this program the last few days I’ve gotten 20-30 retweets- 30-40 new followers and more. To do the posts I do now on a daily basis and do it manually it would take me hours if not the whole day. Now I spend maybe 5-10 minutes and done. I currently use it for LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter… CUSTOMER SERVICE HAS BEEN GREATTTTT!”
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ENTIRE week in just 10 minutes!
“I’ve been looking for a social media tool that could do 1 simple thing, post to all of my social media accounts and keep them all organized. I even got so desperate to find a good tool that I started to develop my own WordPress plugin to do exactly what FanPageRobot does. I’m overjoyed that this system does everything that I need it to. I have all of my social media posts lined up for the entire week for ALL of my accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Google My Business, Google+, Twitter, and Pinterest), and it only took me 10 minutes.”
— Mario Salazar, Flawless Website Design
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suzanneshannon · 5 years ago
5 Myths About Jamstack
Jamstack isn’t necessarily new. The term was officially coined in 2016, but the technologies and architecture it describes have been around well before that. Jamstack has received a massive dose of attention recently, with articles about it appearing in major sites and publications and new Jamstack-focused events, newsletters, podcasts, and more. As someone who follows it closely, I’ve even seen what seems like a significant uptick in discussion about it on Twitter, often from people who are being newly introduced to the concept.
The buzz has also seemed to bring out the criticism. Some of the criticism is fair, and I’ll get to some of that in a bit, but others appear to be based on common myths about the Jamstack that persist, which is what I want to address first. So let’s look at five common myths about Jamstack I’ve encountered and debunk them. As with many myths, they are often based on a kernel of truth but lead to invalid conclusions.
Myth 1: They are just rebranded static sites
JAMStack is 99.9% branding and .1% substance. 😳😆 https://t.co/nxoEVQ43oE
— Nicole Sullivan – Black Lives Matter (@stubbornella) February 9, 2020
Yes, as I covered previously, the term “Jamstack” was arguably a rebranding of what we previously called “static sites.” This was not a rebranding meant to mislead or sell you something that wasn’t fully formed — quite the opposite. The term “static site” had long since lost its ability to describe what people were building. The sites being built using static site generators (SSG) were frequently filled with all sorts of dynamic content and capabilities.
Static sites were seen as largely about blogs and documentation where the UI was primarily fixed. The extent of interaction was perhaps embedded comments and a contact form. Jamstack sites, on the other hand, have things like user authentication, dynamic content, ecommerce, user generated content.
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A listing of sites built using Jamstack on Jamstack.org
Want proof? Some well-known companies and sites built using the Jamstack include Smashing Magazine, Sphero, Postman, Prima, Impossible Foods and TriNet, just to name a few.
Myth 2: Jamstack sites are fragile
A Medium article with no byline: The issues with JAMStack: You might need a backend
Reading the dependency list for Smashing Magazine reads like the service equivalent of node_modules, including Algolia, GoCommerce, GoTrue, GoTell and a variety of Netlify services to name a few. There is a huge amount of value in knowing what to outsource (and when), but it is amusing to note the complexity that has been introduced in an apparent attempt to ‘get back to basics’. This is to say nothing of the potential fragility in relying on so many disparate third-party services.
Yes, to achieve the dynamic capabilities that differentiate the Jamstack from static sites, Jamstack projects generally rely on a variety of services, both first- or third-party. Some have argued that this makes Jamstack sites particularly vulnerable for two reasons. The first, they say, is that if any one piece fails, the whole site functionality collapses. The second is that your infrastructure becomes too dependent on tools and services that you do not own.
Let’s tackle that first argument. The majority of a Jamstack site should be pre-rendered. This means that when a user visits the site, the page and most of its content is delivered as static assets from the CDN. This is what gives Jamstack much of its speed and security. Dynamic functionality — like shopping carts, authentication, user generated content and perhaps search — rely upon a combination of serverless functions and APIs to work.
Broadly speaking, the app will call a serverless function that serves as the back end to connect to the APIs. If, for example, our e-commerce functionality relies on Stripe’s APIs to work and Stripe is down, then, yes, our e-commerce functionality will not work. However, it’s important to note that the site won’t go down. It can handle the issue gracefully by informing the user of the issue. A server-rendered page that relies on the Stripe API for e-commerce would face the identical issue. Assuming the server-rendered page still calls the back end code for payment asynchronously, it would be no more or less fragile than the Jamstack version. On the other hand, if the server-rendering is actually dependent upon the API call, the user may be stuck waiting on a response or receive an error (a situation anyone who uses the web is very familiar with).
As for the second argument, it’s really hard to gauge the degree of dependence on third-parties for a Jamstack web app versus a server-rendered app. Many of today’s server-rendered applications still rely on APIs for a significant amount of functionality because it allows for faster development, takes advantage of the specific area of expertise of the provider, can offload responsibility for legal and other compliance issues, and more. In these cases, once again, the server-rendered version would be no more or less dependent than the Jamstack version. Admittedly, if your app relies mostly on internal or homegrown solutions, then this may be different.
Myth 3: Editing content is difficult
Kev Quirk, on Why I Don’t Use A Static Site Generator:
Having to SSH into a Linux box, then editing a post on Vim just seems like a ridiculously high barrier for entry when it comes to writing on the go. The world is mobile first these days, like it or not, so writing on the go should be easy.
This issue feels like a relic of static sites past. To be clear, you do not need to SSH into a Linux box to edit your site content. There are a wide range of headless CMS options, from completely free and open source to commercial offerings that power content for large enterprises. They offer an array of editing capabilities that rival any traditional CMS (something I’ve talked about before). The point is, there is no reason to be manually editing Markdown, YAML or JSON files, even on your blog side project. Aren’t sure how to hook all these pieces up? We’ve got a solution for that too!
One legitimate criticism has been that the headless CMS and build process can cause a disconnect between the content being edited and the change on the site. It can be difficult to preview exactly what the impact of a change is on the live site until it is published or without some complex build previewing process. This is something that is being addressed by the ecosystem. Companies like Stackbit (who I work for) are building tools that make this process seamless.
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Editing a site using Stackbit
We’re not the only ones working on solving this problem. Other solutions include TinaCMS and Gatsby Preview. I think we are close to it becoming commonplace to have the simplicity of WYSIWYG editing on a tool like Wix running on top of the Jamstack.
Myth 4: SEO is Hard on the Jamstack
Kym Ellis, on What the JAMstack means for marketing:
Ditching the concept of the plugin and opting for a JAMstack site which is “just HTML” doesn’t actually mean you have to give up functionality, or suddenly need to know how to code like a front-end developer to manage a site and its content.
I haven’t seen this one pop up as often in recent years and I think it is mostly legacy criticism of the static site days, where managing SEO-related metadata involved manually editing YAML-based frontmatter. The concern was that doing SEO properly became cumbersome and hard to maintain, particularly if you wanted to inject different metadata for each unique page that was generated or to create structured data like JSON-LD, which can be critical for enhancing your search listing.
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The advances in content management for the Jamstack have generally addressed the complexity of maintaining SEO metadata. In addition, because pages are pre-rendered, adding sitemaps and JSON-LD is relatively simple, provided the metadata required exists. While pre-rendering makes it easy to create the resources search engines (read: Google) need to index a site, they also, combined with CDNs, making it easier to achieve the performance benchmarks necessary to improve a site’s ranking.
Basically, Jamstack excels at “technical SEO” while also providing the tools necessary for content editors to supply the keyword and other metadata they require. For a more comprehensive look at Jamstack and SEO, I highly recommend checking out the Jamstack SEO Guide from Bejamas.
Myth 5: Jamstack requires heavy JavaScript frameworks
If you’re trying to sell plain ol’ websites to management who are obsessed with flavour-of-the-month frameworks, a slick website promoting the benefits of “JAMstack” is a really useful thing.
– jdietrich, Hacker News
Lately, it feels as if Jamstack has become synonymous with front-end JavaScript frameworks. It’s true that a lot of the most well-known solutions do depend on a front-end framework, including Gatsby (React), Next.js (React), Nuxt (Vue), VuePress (Vue), Gridsome (Vue) and Scully (Angular). This seems to be compounded by confusion around the “J” in Jamstack. While it stands for JavaScript, this does not mean that Jamstack solutions are all JavaScript-based, nor do they all require npm or JavaScript frameworks.
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In fact, many of the most widely used tools are not built in JavaScript, notably Hugo (Go), Jekyll (Ruby), Pelican (Python) and the recently released Bridgetown (Ruby). Meanwhile, tools like Eleventy are built using JavaScript but do not depend on a JavaScript framework. None of these tools prevent the use of a JavaScript framework, but they do not require it.
The point here isn’t to dump on JavaScript frameworks or the tools that use them. These are great tools, used successfully by many developers. JavaScript frameworks can be very powerful tools capable of simplifying some very complex tasks. The point here is simply that the idea that a JavaScript framework is required to use the Jamstack is false — Jamstack comes in 460 flavors!
Where we can improve
So that’s it, right? Jamstack is an ideal world of web development where everything isn’t just perfect, but perfectly easy. Unfortunately, no. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of Jamstack.
Sebastian De Deyne, with Thoughts (and doubts) after messing around with the JAMstack:
In my experience, the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup) is great until is isn’t. When the day comes that I need to add something dynamic–and that day always comes–I start scratching my head.
Let’s be honest: Getting started with the Jamstack isn’t easy. Sure, diving into building a blog or a simple site using a static site generator may not be terribly difficult. But try building a real site with anything dynamic and things start to get complicated fast.
You are generally presented with a myriad of options for completing the task, making it tough to weigh the pros and cons. One of the best things about Jamstack is that it is not prescriptive, but that can make it seem unapproachable, leaving people with the impression that perhaps it isn’t suited for complex tasks.
Tying services together
Agreed. In yesterday's web you could grab an instrument and begin playing. Today's web development feels like a conductor trying to pull together a massive orchestra into a cohesive song – you have to understand each individual musician's part to have any chance of success.
— Brian Rinaldi (@remotesynth) May 1, 2020
When you actually get to the point of building those dynamic features, your site can wind up being dependent on an array of services and APIs. You may be calling a headless CMS for content, a serverless function that calls an API for payment transactions, a service like Algolia for search, and so on. Bringing all those pieces together can be a very complex task. Add to that the fact that each often comes with its own dashboard and API/SDK updates, things get even more complex.
This is why I think services like Stackbit and tools like RedwoodJS are important, as they bring together disparate pieces of the infrastructure behind a Jamstack site and make those easier to build and manage.
Overusing frameworks
In my opinion, our dependence on JavaScript frameworks for modern front-end development has been getting a much needed skeptical look lately. There are tradeoffs, as this post by Tim Kadlec recently laid out. As I said earlier, you don’t need a JavaScript framework to work in the Jamstack.
However, the impression was created both because so many Jamstack tools rely on JavaScript frameworks and also because much of the way we teach Jamstack has been centered on using frameworks. I understand the reasoning for this — many Jamstack developers are comfortable in JavaScript frameworks and there’s no way to teach every tool, so you pick the one you like. Still, I personally believe the success of Jamstack in the long run depends on its flexibility, which (despite what I said about the simplicity above) means we need to present the diversity of solutions it offers — both with and without JavaScript frameworks.
Where to go from here
Sheesh, you made it! I know I had a lot to say, perhaps more than I even realized when I started writing, so I won’t bore you with a long conclusion other than to say that, obviously, I have presented these myths from the perspective of someone who believes very deeply in the value of the Jamstack, despite it’s flaws!
If you are looking for a good post about when to and when not to choose Jamstack over server-side rendering, check out Chris Coyier’s recent post Static or Not?.
The post 5 Myths About Jamstack appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
5 Myths About Jamstack published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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