#we both back here sobbin
herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Sitting in the back corner of the WH with a bowl of plain cheerios served with booze instead of milk, silently crying about strangers who can't figure their shit out.
I see your Jeff Buckley and raise you Damien Rice
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deadweightwritings · 9 months
AS IT WAS. TWD S5. [snippet]
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TWD + Dixon!reader [S5 SPOILERS]
“So, Kit, is it?” Her frame stood awkwardly, bow and arrow holster around her shoulder, still armed to the teeth. Her dirt-covered fingernail tapped on a ceramic sculpture sat on a clean wood side table, refusing to sit on the furniture:
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I understand what you’ve been through has been hard—” She could have laughed.
“Ya got no fuckin’ clue, really…ma’am.” Kit did this often, blame her dad, blame Merle but she had a way of being snappy and then bandaging it with formalities. What Deanna was aiming at could have been her life before the shit went down, or during, Kit couldn’t tell but applied her statement to both lives.
“Why don’t you tell me about it?” She pursed her lips into a thin line. Kit beat her thigh with her fist a few times, walking to stare out the window:
“No, thanks.” Deanna nodded, and followed her. Standing a few feet away from her, Kit’s shoulders tensed, hand itching for a knife.
“Have you always been with Rick’s group? Your dad?”
“No, ma’am.”
“Where were you when this happened?” Kit debated telling her the truth or a group of lies. She frowned slightly, repositioning the bow across her body.
“It was me, my dad n’ uncle. We found Rick’s group.” Deanna squinted her eyes the tiniest bit and Kit wanted to sigh heavily through her nose.
“And what happened to your uncle?” Stone replaced Kit’s features, she hardened her face, going still for a moment. She thought of Merle. She thought of the Governor. She replayed how he murdered her uncle. And how she responded by putting an arrow through his skull.
“Yeah missy, what happened to lil’ ole me?” Merle stood in the corner of the room, though this time for her hallucination, there was a bleeding bullet hole in his chest. Shit.
“All you did was arrive on scene, huh? Never saw what happened?” His smirk was something she missed, although he’s a walking dumpster fire of a person, Kit did miss her uncle. Her eyes narrowed to see the extent of the wound of his chest, wanting to walk over and see it further.
“All you saw was yer daddy sobbin’, and me.” Kit looked at his face and it was that of a walker. Skin grey, stabbed, bloodied and decaying. Eyes clouded with white, and jaw unhinged. A guttural growl came out of his mouth as he took a step forward to his niece, and Kit visibly flinched.
“Kit.” The voice of Deanna made her head snap up.
“Are you alright—?”
“Yes…ma’am.” Inhaling harshly through her nose, she pinched between her eyes and her face twitched.
“Where were you?” Kit shook her head, scratching her neck.
“Not here, fer a second—"
“No dear, where were you after Rick’s group?” Static filled her deaf ear at that question, opening her memory bank.
“Are you fuckin crazy, Don!”
“We don’t have a choice!” A cocking of a rifle fixed upon Kit’s ears, as she switched weapons. Don ran onto the grass in front of the house with said rifle and swiveled, looking right at her crouched position on the roof.
“Dix, light it up!”
Hustling down the ladder and in through the back door, her boots thumped against the wood floor, following the noise of many voices. Kit burst into the room everyone was held in, hollering:
“Everybody out and into the bunker!” The new people jumped at her sudden appearance.
“But the—” Glenn started but was quickly shushed. Lifting up her helmet to expose her face, wide-eyed and scowling, she screamed:
“You deaf, man? Move it! NOW!”
She sighed, rubbing her hand down her oily and dirt crusted face.
“I was separated from ‘em. Didn’t seem ‘em for a while…An’ then I did.”
“Rule number 6, you wanna go anywhere, do anything on this property, you go through Dix. No poking around. She says what goes.” Now that shocked some people. A Dixon being the leader? No shot in hell.
“That’ll be the day…reporting to a Dixon.” Shane muttered and Kit heard him loud and clear.
“But, where were you? Who were you with—”   
“Can I go?” Deanna was a little shocked by her sudden mood shift to leave but felt she had badgered the poor girl enough. Letting her out of the room, Kit’s strides were wide and fast as she heard the camera click off behind her.   
The muddy, bloody boots of Kit echoed, as she practically stormed out of the house they held the interview in. Reaching the front porch, she went to the banister and folded her arms onto it, dropping her forehead onto them.
She banged her head on her forearms a few times before taking a gulp of air, standing straight up and putting both hands onto the banister, exhaling shakily.
She still felt blood on her hands.
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yesyourstalker · 1 year
Just dribbles I started but never finished
Neta: sometimes I feel like I never left the pit, and this whole world is just in my head to keep me sane. Like they're going to pull my body out and poof everything is gone. My kid, my partner, my store everything. Everything I work so hard to achieve is gone and it's back to do squid roll drills and the shooting range............ that keeps me up at night...... I don't know what I would do if that day comes..... they drag me out of the pit and tell me to go back to my splatoon and run laps......... never mind I do what I'll do
Therapist: well we can't have you doing that....... I'm already down two clients
Neta: .....mmmmmm ... That's pretty fucked of you say that
Neta: That's how relationships are. Sometimes you know. My therapist once put it like this: sometimes relationships are like being in a shipwreck and both of you are left stranded in the ocean and you're paddling closer and closer to that other person. But yet they keep drifting away and no matter how hard or fast you paddle or swim towards him they keep floating away and you keep doing this over and over again until you realize that that person was not drifting away. They were actually paddling away from you leaving you stranded in the ocean by yourself and no matter how desperately you want to be with them. They don't want to be with you and you either have to learn how to swim and save yourself or you sink in the ocean alone still wondering why they didn't want you
Neta: what is that?
Mahi: Oh it's a salmonoid...
Neta: That's really cute Mahi. Do you keep them as pets? I guess he can stay. Just make sure he doesn't......uh .uh...... oh my cod!!! what the fuck is wrong with you!?
Mahi: what!?..... It's my lunch break I'm trying to eat.
Neta: you just fucking ....... You ate it whole!!!!!........
Mahi: I don't like the texture when they're cooked.... Plus the bones have a lot of nutritious values.... You want one?
Neta: no! No.... it's looking at me!.... Get that away from me!...... uhhhhh!
Mahi: Oh calm down! This is normal where I'm from....... and besides I've seen you eat octopus that's like cannibalism....
Neta: and this isn't?!? That octopus wasn't fucking alive It was dead and cooked. He didn't have to suffer!!!!
Mahi: they literally get their heads and arms chopped off! Samanoids like this. They want to be eating. right?
Neta: Don't talk to it! It's better than being eaten alive being chewed into bits!!!!!
Mahi: I'm not going to argue with you about the ethics of eating food... Okay.
Neta: I'm going to be sick....... Go to the food court or I'll bring a ramen cup next time..... Don't ever bring this again. This was unpleasant. This was a very unpleasant experience.
Mahi:........ coward
Neta: Hi Phoebe, my favorite little customer. You recognize me?! I looks different but it's me you know me the green man. upsy-daisy let's go sweetie
Phoebe: nnnnnn
Neta: aww she doesn't recognize me oh no
Mahi: here we go......... Neta you can't spend all day playing with some random baby..... We're not a daycare
Neta: shut up yes I can! .... You okay sweetie? You trying to say something? What is it?
Phoebe: NETA!
Neta: oh.... my cod.....*sniff* this is the best day of my life.... she knows my name......*crying* .......... OW!...ok ok No pulling my tentacles sweetie especially from the root that really hurts.
Phoebe: Neta hehehe neeeetaaaa!!.... hehehehe
Neta: ......oh...........*sobbing* oh my Cod she-she-she *sobbing*..... I have to call him.... I need to call
Mahi: unbelievable..
Warabi:and this is this normal?
Mahi: .....*sigh* yes
Ikkan: hey babe what's up?
Neta:.......*sobbing*....hethtehh...*sobbin*....... varbqrhqr..... BABY.....
Ikkan:............ ok............ call you back when you calm down okay? Then we can talk about this.
Neta:.... *snort*..... Ok .. bye....
Ikkan: bye.............*sigh*...... not this again
Taka: so what are you guys are just engaged now where the fuck did that come from?!
Neta: why do you still have this number?
Take: answer the question! How do you get engaged so fast?! You told me that you weren't dating and then like 5 months after our break up suddenly you're fucking engaged?!? Did you even stop seeing him?! So what were we?!
Neta: NOTHING! GET THAT THOUGH YOU FUCKIN HEAD! I DIDN'T LOVE YOU!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU! IKKAN WAS GONE AND I WAS BORED AND LONELY! OK? ARE OK WITH THAT ANSWER? I'M TRIED OF YOU CALLING AND TEXTING SENDING ME STUPID FLOWERS AND SHIT!! AS IF YOU FUCKING CARE AND ACTUALLY LOVE ME CUZ YOU DON'T!! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY TO KNOW ME!!............ Then when you did start to know me........You stopped liking me........You stop being attracted to me....... And you stopped acting like you did........ Just like I told you you would.....block my number and don't call me again......
Ikkan: *snoring*
Neta: hey ikkan?
Ikkan: yes Neta?
Neta: when we kissed was it romantically or platonically
Ikkan: romantically............
Neta: ok.....hey ikkan?
Ikkan: yes. Neta?
Neta: are we dating? Or are we friends with benefits now?
Ikkan: I think so. *Yawn* Yeah, yes we're dating........... night.... *Snoring*
Neta...ok.............. Hey ikkan?
Ikkan: um.. Yes...Neta?
Neta: thanks for staying with me........... I'm glad I met you
Ikkan: mmmmmm I'm glad I met you too......*huff*......*snoring*
Neta: hey ikkan?
Ikkan: what? Yes-Yes?....... What is it babe?
Neta: I'm sorry if I'm being annoying and needy........ I'm still a little drunk. I just really like you........ [Kiss] good night
Ikkan:......*sigh*... it's alright. I really like you too...... Good night babe.............*snoring*
Neta: hey ikkan?
Mahi @fish-at-fish-fish-resort
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with-love-from-hell · 2 years
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5 Sides of Human
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{Part eleven}
Genre: Mixed
WC: ~4.8k
CW: time skipping from main plot (I’m not doing certain parts of the canon story and/or are doing them out of order because I didn’t like them the way they were and it’s my story so there lol), brief mention of Mephistopheles (but no spoilers), anxiety, depictions of anger and verbal aggression, sarcasm, lots of hurt in Levi’s part, implications of past abuse, suggestive, kissing, gossiping, love triangle, Storm has a stutter but I am not depicting it with written word consistently, pining, spoilers for season 1&2!
Series Masterlist
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“Oooh hey you two! Guess who I just ran into!” No. 2 skipped up to Storm and Mammon as they exited the Ferris Wheel. 
Mammon scoffed. “If ya don’t say Lord Diavolo I’m gonna-” 
“Well, no...not him...” No. 2 took a step back to avoid an easy-access grasp from Mammon. “I saw some of your brothers and the other exchange students! They’re looking for you guys.” 
“What?!” Mammon whined in frustration, “How did they know we’re even here!?” 
No. 2 giggled. “The RAD Newspaper Club posted your picture on Devilgram to advertise the fair! Your brothers saw it and were awfully mad that you and Storm are having a little date here.” 
“This isn’t a date.” Storm sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
Mammon’s eyelid twitched, feeling the sting of Storm’s confirmation that they weren’t a couple, but he swallowed back the hurt. “R-right. We came here to find Lord Diavolo and my loser of an older brother for you, and yet ya’ve-”
“Excuse me? Who are you calling a loser?” 
Mammon yelped, leaping into the air in fear at the sudden interruption from behind him. Storm winced at Mammon’s reaction as her arm was tugged once more, now seriously wondering if he had already popped it out of it’s socket. 
“Also, what are you two doing here? You’re supposed to be buying things for the play, not goofing around.” Lucifer crossed his arms in frustration and glared at Mammon, awaiting a response. 
“I-well, we- uh...” Mammon stuttered, trying to find an excuse after being rattled by the eldest’s sudden appearance. 
Storm sighed. “We were shopping for supplies, but Levi, Beel, Asmo, and Sarah all ditched us to go off on their own. We bought some things- they’re in my backpack. Then we found No. 2 and-.” 
“Lord Diavolo!!” No. 2 screeched, jumping into his arms. “I’m so glad we finally found you!” 
“No. 2!? Where have you been?!” Diavolo scolded, just barely catching them as they latched onto his chest. “Barbatos informed me you had been missing and I was growing concerned when he said he couldn’t find you anywhere near the castle!” 
“Oh, Lord Diavolo! I missed you so, so much!” No. 2 nuzzled into his pectorals affectionately. 
“Pfft, whatever. It ain’t like you were sobbin’ when ya dragged us to all of the attractions here, pipsqueak.” Mammon grumbled in annoyance. 
“My Lord! It’s been awful! Truly an absolute nightmare!” No. 2 wailed in exaggeration, “Mammon’s been tormenting me in the most devious ways! And poor Storm has been dragged along as well! We’ve basically been held hostage!” 
Storm stifled a laugh as Lucifer and Diavolo both cast Mammon a warning glare. 
“Oi! Quit Lyin’!” Mammon yelled, throwing his arms up, yanking Storm’s short arms along with his. “Ya begged us to help ya find Lucifer and Lord Diavolo!” 
Storm yelped at the movement, finally hearing a pop in her shoulder. “Ah! Mammon! I told you to quit- ouch!” She yelped again as he forcefully snapped his arms down in shock, not intentionally wanting to hurt her. 
She rubbed her shoulder as Lucifer took a step closer. His jaw was tense and his brows were knitted in anger. “Changing the subject- why are the two of you holding hands?” 
“What, are ya jealous?” Mammon snickered, earning a glare from Lucifer. 
“Our hands are stuck together. I’m not sure why, but it’s been like this for at least an hour now.” Storm added, wincing when she attempted to show him proof that they were indeed stuck together. 
The tension held in Lucifer’s face, neck, and shoulders visibly lightens as a satisfied smirk plays on his lips. “Mm, that makes more sense then.” Lucifer’s eyes drift to the plushie held under Storm’s armpit, and his expression then twists in curiosity. “Storm, what is that you’ve got there?”
“I’ve got one too!” No. 2 jumped out of Diavolo’s arms and holds up his zombie iguana. 
Diavolo’s gasped in excitement, “Those are one of the hottest items in Devildom right now! Where did you two get them?” 
“Mammon gave them to us. You know, as a way to pay tribute to us.” No. 2 giggled as Mammon’s face reddened. 
“Well, obviously that’s the reason your hands won’t come apart.” Lucifer sighed. “Honestly, Mammon. With how many times you’ve had to retake Curses and Hexes, I would think you’d recognize a curse when you encounter one.” 
“Oh...it’s cursed...” Storm murmured as she cast a sad glance down at her plushie. 
“Here.” Lucifer reached out his hand and gestured for her to hand over the stuffed iguana. Once the plushie was out of her hands, the force binding her hand to Mammon’s was released, and their hands fell to their sides. 
“Wait...We’re unstuck! Like, a second ago we couldn’t pull ‘em apart no matter how hard we tried!” Mammon flailed his arms about, almost in disbelief that he had the freedom of movement. 
“Yeah, you’re telling me...” Storm groaned, whimpering as she tried to roll her shoulder back into place. 
“This is a dangerous item. I could see it being used for nefarious purposes, so we better dispose of it.” 
Lucifer held out his other palm, a purple flame igniting in it. He had barely moved the plushie over the flame when Storm screamed out a loud “No.”
Lucifer paused, quirking a brow at her as the flame in his palm fizzled out. Mammon and Diavolo stared at her in shock, not expecting such a firm command coming out of the normally timid human. 
“Aww, is it because it’s a gift from Mammon? How sweet!” No. 2 clasped his hands together, mimicking kissing noises at Storm as her cheeks turned rosy. 
“Lucifer, I think you are more than capable of lifting the curse on the item, wouldn’t you say?” Diavolo grinned, but behind it held as hint of satisfaction at catching his close advisor in a fit of jealousy. 
Lucifer cleared his throat, but Diavolo didn’t miss the slight pink hue that formed over his ears. “I suppose that is an alternative option. So, if I must...” 
A flash of light burst from Lucifer’s fingertips as he murmured under his breath. Within seconds, the light faded, and Lucifer handed the stuffed Iguana back to Storm. 
“Here, it’s just a normal stuffed animal now.” Lucifer felt his heart sink as she snatched the plushie back, holding it tight to her chest. “I don’t see what your attachment is to such an ugly looking thing, but to each their own I suppose.” 
“Hey! If liftin’ the curse was that easy, why’d ya try to burn it to ashes!?” Mammon snarled, though felt a sense of satisfaction when glancing toward Storm. 
“We have more important matters to discuss Mammon.” Lucifer growled, taking a step toward him. “I know that you have knowledge about the illegal Casino here, and you’re going to tell me what you know. Now.” 
“Uhh...” Mammon stammered, rubbing the back of his neck. “Y’know, I just remembered I got someplace to be! See ya!” 
He tried to turn the opposite direction, but Diavolo swiftly stepped in front of him with his arms crossed. “Mammon...”
Lucifer took another step closer, but Diavolo held up his hand, urging him to pause. 
“Don’t you worry, I’ll interrogate Mammon and get the information we need.” Diavolo smiled, clasping a firm hand to Mammon’s shoulder. “I think your presence will only encourage him to be dishonest just to get us off his back. And Storm’s presence would also not be wonderful, so why don’t you escort her home?” 
Lucifer nodded as Diavolo grasped Mammon by the shoulder, turning and walking toward a dark corner of the fair. No. 2 followed close behind, giggling maniacally and mocking Mammon for his whimpers in fear. 
“I have no doubt Diavolo will get the information we need.” Lucifer smiled, but it quickly faded to a frown. “My work here is likely done, so we can return home now.” 
“Wait...” Storm pressed a hand to his forearm as he begun to turn around, stopping him in his tracks. 
Lucifer sucked in a breath, nearly shuddering at how tenderly she she touched him. “What’s the matter?” 
“Well...I mean, Mammon and I were so wrapped up in trying to find you guys for No. 2 that we didn’t really get to enjoy much...and I’ve never been to something like this in the Devildom before, so...” She bit her lip, averting her gaze. “If you’d want to, I mean...could we-”
Lucifer chuckled. “Of course, Storm. Perhaps it would be good for me to have a bit of fun after such a stressful week.” 
Lucifer took her by the arm, linking it tightly in his. He lead her directly back to the Ferris wheel, and her heart dropped with anxiety. She was happy to get off of the damn thing with Mammon- the height making her feel unreasonably anxious. Though, with Lucifer holding his arm around her as they entered the line, the anxiety she felt melted away slightly. 
Once up in the air, Storm’s gaze was fixated again on her feet. Lucifer eyed her curiously, watching her try to take deep breaths. By now he was able to recognize when she was feeling anxious, and wondered why it appeared to be occurring now. 
“Seems like you were having quiet a good time with Mammon.” He noted, watching her eyes briefly meet his before dropping back to her feet. “You say you came here looking for Diavolo and me, but perhaps you two were just using it as an excuse to spend some alone time together and enjoy the carnival instead.” 
Storm furrowed her brow, slowly lifting her eyes to meet his. “I mean, it was okay, I suppose. But being stuck together and yanked around in the haunted house wasn’t exactly fun, and being teased the entire time by No. 2 wasn’t either. I’m also not exactly...fond of heights.” She swallowed turning her attention back to her feet. “Though, the games we played were fun.” 
Lucifer hummed in response, feeling relieved that she didn’t have as great of a time as he had feared. “Diavolo and I came here to investigate an illegal casino, but we weren’t actually able to locate it. The ghosts and demons who run the carnival can be surprisingly stubborn. Still, I don’t plan to give up just yet. I’m sure Mammon knows something.” 
Storm nodded, shifting her weight carefully so as not to disturb the stability of the cart. “Yeah, No. 2 said they’d followed you here to try to figure out what you’re up to, but I have a feeling they just wanted to enjoy the fair. They seemed to have a blast. And based off of Mammon’s responses when No. 2 asked him about the Casino, I’d say you’d probably get everything you need out of him.”
Lucifer nodded with a light chuckle, continuing to observe her demeanor. “Storm, there was something I wanted to ask you, by the way.” 
Storm met his eyes again, her heart flipping in her chest at the anticipation of what he was going to ask. “Oh? What’s that?” 
Lucifer crossed his arms and leaned back, causing the cart to sway slightly. Storm gripped the seat tightly, her knuckles white as a result of the strain. “You and Diavolo are becoming quite close now that you’re co-stars of the play, wouldn’t you say?”
“I suppose...” She shrugged, carefully glancing down toward the carnival and trying to relive her discomfort at being up so high. “Why?” 
“Well, ever since this whole play idea began, Diavolo hasn’t quite seemed like himself to me.” Lucifer bowed his head, the sheepishness in his appearance almost coming as a surprise to Storm. “At first glance, he seems like his usual, jovial self...but something has just felt...off.” 
Storm nodded. “Are you talking about how he’s kind of been avoiding you?” 
Lucifer shot his gaze up to her, his eyes widening in surprise. “You’ve taken notice?” 
She nodded once more. “Yeah. He’s been really dodgy on rehearsing and canceling last minute for seemingly no reason- and like, I saw how he was the past few days of rehearsal too- like his mind is elsewhere all the time.” 
Lucifer nodded rapidly in agreeance. “Yes! Precisely. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is strange. Even more of the problem though is that he refuses to acknowledge it himself, and seems to be hiding something from me...though I can’t quiet pinpoint what...Would you happen to know anything about why this might be, Storm?” 
Storm thought for a moment, chewing her lip and glancing out at the skyline. Her anxiety about the ride seemed to have melted throughout their conversation. “I’m not so sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. Something’s definitely wrong, and regardless of if he doesn’t talk to you about it, you should be there to support him. I know that it’s hard feeling like you’re left in the dark about something- especially with someone you know and trust- but should he choose to open up to it, it would be terrible for him to think you would think ill of him because of his odd behavior.” 
Lucifer blinked back his surprise at the shockingly solid advice provided by the human. “So...You’re saying Diavolo needs my support despite me not knowing what needs supporting...” 
Storm nodded. “And I mean, have you even tried directly asking him what’s up? I’m sure if you tell him you’re concern he will open up to you.” 
“Hmm...” He nods, seemingly to himself. “Yes, perhaps you have a point. I will try talking to him directly. Thank you, I appreciate your feedback and support- it was helpful.” 
“Of course.” Storm smiled at him. “After as much as you’ve provided me I figured I could eventually return the favor.” 
Lucifer chuckled, leaning back and spreading his arms over the back of the seat. “To think that the Avatar of Pride himself would rely on a human for support to this degree...It’s funny. I’d never thought of myself as needing this type of care.” 
Storm laughed. “Just imagine what your brothers would say.” 
Lucifer shook his head. “Absurd, the idea. They would probably be frozen in shock.” 
The two laughed lightly, before fading into a comfortable silence. The cart stopped at the peak, seemingly letting off riders and allowing more on. Lucifer sighed, knowing that their time would soon be up. He glanced down, trying to calculate how much longer of such a pleasant moment he had with Storm. 
Suddenly, he felt the weight in the cart shift, and Storm’s hands were resting on his knees. When he turned back to ask what she was doing, he was met with her lips gently pressing against his. His eyes widened, and then slowly closed as he met the kiss eagerly, cupping his pal one gently near her jawline. Their mouths moved gently against each others, passionately breaking the tension that had been building for the past week. When they parted, he felt his heartbeat begin to flutter with excitement, now noticing how beautiful she looked uplit by the carnival lights. 
Lucifer shook his head, smiling faintly to himself as he admired her beauty. His thoughts raced with what he could possibly say in response, wondering if she’d laugh at him for nearly praying she would take the opportunity to kiss him. “Your boldness never ceases to amaze me, Storm.” 
Storm smiled warmly, but felt a bit of nervousness from the blank reaction begin to fester in her tummy. “I hope that means that kissing you was okay...” 
Lucifer chuckled, reaching over to tuck some loose hair behind her ear. He slowly moved to kiss her again, resting his hand on the back of her neck as they both melted into each other. On the second part, he flashed a coy smirk. “I hope that answers your question.” 
She blushed, though nodded in response. Her eyes sparkled as she gazed at him, finding equal radiance in how the carnival lights lit the sharp features on his face and silky black hair.
He dropped his gaze from hers after suddenly feeling embarrassed under her observation, shaking his head once more as a deep blush sprouted on his cheeks and the tips of his ears. “I guess I really have changed, hm? You wouldn’t have pictured me like this when we first met.” 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing...” Storm teased, lightly bumping her leg against his. 
Lucifer smiled in response. He placed his hand gently over her knee, smoothing over the exposed skin through one of the holes in her jeans with his thumb. “No, it’s not bad...just...unusual.” 
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“DID YOU JUST SEE THAT!” Fern shouted directly into Vivi’s ear, causing her to smack them in the chest. 
“Jesus fuck, you didn’t have to scream in my ear!” She rubbed her earlobe, now in a worse mood than when they first entered the carnival and got their picture taken by Mephistopheles- who was also met with a swift backhand from Vivi. 
“Well I’m sorry but like...look! Look at them! They’re making out up there!” Fern groaned in annoyance, pointing to where Lucifer and Storm were leaned into each others faces at the peak of the Ferris Wheel. 
“Oh my god, that’s hot.” Sarah fanned her face, gushing over the scene before her. “We just better make sure we don’t tell you-know-who about it. Not that great wank material to be honest.” 
“Sarah, please.” Vivi groaned, trying to erase the imagery from her mind.
“I think Mammon would actually lose his mind,” Belphie noted, “but that still might be fun to watch.”
“He doesn’t deserve to be hurt like that, you ass hat.” Fern smacked Belphie on the back of the head. He glared at them, rubbing the space tenderly. “Mammon’s a good noodle, he’s just kind of a dummy.” 
“Ick. He probably stinks like booze and cigars.” Vivi fake-gagged, causing Satan to laugh in amusement. 
“What are you guys going on about?” Beelzebub gnawed mindlessly on a turkey leg, now bringing his attention back to the individuals in front of him. 
“Lucifer and Storm getting it on up there.” Sarah pointed to the top cart, where they had now seemed to have parted and sat staring at each other. 
“Ew, Sarah. I don’t need the image of an nasty old man fucking my friend, okay?” Fern groaned. 
“Gross. Both of you are gross.” Vivi sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Why don’t they just date already?” Asmo whined. “Like, seriously? This teasing is unbearable.” 
“As if you had a shot with her to begin with.” Satan scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Oh, and you did?” Asmo snickered in response. “As I recall she specifically turned you down after saying that you scared her too much.” 
“Asmo, you better shut your damn face if you know what’s good for you.” Satan growled, flushing in embarrassment. 
“Wait a minute.” Vivi furrowed her brow. “You have a thing for her too?” 
“Uhh...” Satan paused, trying to find the right words to say. “Well, I mean...I-”
“Oh, he had it bad for her alright.” Asmo rolled his eyes. “Talking about taking her on romantic dates and ways to flaunt her in front of Lucifer to make him jealous.  He even asked for my advice on a sexy gift!” 
Fern and Belphie snorted as Vivi socked Satan in the stomach. He doubled over, coughing, shortly before being kicked square in the ass. Satan was sent toppling over with a yelp, as the others began to laugh heartily at his pain. 
“Fucking Disgusting.” Vivi growled, both feeling annoyed at Satan’s behavior and jealous of the affection he clearly harbored for Storm. “She’s got enough to worry about without you crap eating sons of a fuck tryin’ to get in her pants. Lucifer is bad enough as it is.” 
“True, but anyone is better than Dracula’s bastard child.” Fern pouted. “Ugh, she’s to sweet for such a bitter old man.” 
“You can say that again.” Belphie scoffed, earning a pointed glare from Fern. 
“Well, anyone but him and you.”
Belphie was taken aback. “Wait, why! What’s the matter with me?!”
“Stinky!” Sarah giggled, nearly doubling over laughing as Belphie glared at her. “Stinky cowboy!” 
“Great.” Lucifer shook his head as he approached with Storm on his arm. “What are you all doing here now?” 
“We saw Storm was on a date with Mammon and came to crash it,” Asmo smiled evilly, “but now it seems she’s gotten a private date with both of you, which hardly seems fair!”
“We want some quality time with Storm too.” Beelzebub added through a mouth full of popcorn, the purchasing of which was not noticed by anyone there. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “Why don’t we all just grab something to eat. I doubt you all have eaten dinner given the fact that Mammon was supposed to prepare it tonight.” 
“Never mind, that sounds good too.” Beelzebub licked his lips. “I can’t wait.” 
Storm giggled, leaning forward and poking Beel in the tummy. Beelzebub gave a soft squeak in response, before letting out a small laugh. After meeting her eyes for a moment, the others distracted by talking about what to eat for dinner, Beelzebub effortlessly grabbed her out from under Lucifer’s arm. He flung Storm over his shoulder, taking off running before anyone could stop him. 
“We get to pick what’s for dinner!” Storm sang out through her laughter, bouncing on Beel’s shoulder as he bounded through the crowd, followed closely behind by the others. They shouted at Beel to slow down, trying their best to keep up with him as he turned into the pop-up cafe. He set Storm down gently at the entrance, holding the door open for everyone as they finally caught up.  
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“I hope I’m not bugging you.” Heart noted as they slid into Levi’s room, maneuvering around the piles of fabric, sewing supplies, and unfinished projects for the play. “I know you’re super busy.” 
“Oh, t-that’s okay!” Leviathan stammered, still not used to how eager Heart always was to hang out with him. “I was just thinking I needed a break, so I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Oh, by the way...” Heart reached into their sachel and pulled out a set of Anime DVDs and handed them to Levi. “I finished the series yesterday so I figured I’d bring it back.” 
“OMG.” Levi snatched the DVD’s excitedly and tossed the set on his desk. his pupils were wide as he turned his excited attention back to Heart. “What did you think of the ending?! Did you cry? Wasn’t it so sad!? 
“I can’t believe the princess sacrificed herself to save the village when the knights were only like 5 minutes away and could have saved it themselves!” Heart sighed. “I know they did it for the drama but like, damn man! How depressing!” 
“I know right!” Levi groaned wiping away a stray tear. “Gah, just thinking about it makes me emotional!”
“Thats a mood.” Heart chuckled as Levi began digging through a drawer on his desk. 
“Since you are officially a member of the Princess Agaetha of Rame, the Legendary Ghost Village of Bakareem, and the Round Table Knights Who Vow to Protect Them,” Levi kneeled, holding out his hand, “I grant you, Heart, this honorary badge!” 
Heart chuckled as they took the small button Levi held in his palm. It was the same colors as the knight’s flags in the show, and had a quote from the show, stating “Comrades indeed are the essentials to survival.” Heart smiled, finding Levi’s obscure Otaku fascinations to be charming, and something that they could bond over with both him and Sarah. 
The three had become extremely close over the past couple months, but Heart felt a special bond with Levi for some reason. They couldn’t quite place their finger on why, but they seemed to understand each other well. They also knew that they weren’t quite fit for a relationship together, but were close enough to talk about their crushes- both on shows and in real life. Levi gave Heart surprisingly sound advice on how to become closer to Asmo, and Heart in turn went out of their way to often include Sarah in hangouts so Levi could spend time with her. Though, Levi was always disgruntled when Heart would suddenly and suspiciously find an excuse to leave the room, knowing that they were doing it on purpose to give him some alone time with her. 
“Is everyone off doing their own thing? We were supposed to do fittings when I’m done with their new outfits but the house has been weirdly quiet for the past hour.” 
“They all bailed and went to the Carnival to crash Storm and Mammon’s date or something.” Heart rolled his eyes, plopping down on one of Levi’s plush bean bags as he searched for something to watch.
“Wait, they all left without telling me?” Levi paused, turning to face Heart with dejected eyes. “Why wouldn’t they invite me along?” 
Heart felt their chest ache for the hurt shown in Levi’s eyes. “I’m not sure, but It was pretty shitty of them to do that- that’s for sure.” 
Levi sighed, going back to digging through his Anime collection. He finally found one that was more lighthearted about anthropomorphic animals, and switched it on. They sat in silence for a while; the tension in the air hung thick over them as Levi’s disappointment and envy festered. Suddenly, a ping in the group chat with his brothers alerted him, and he opened up his phone to see tons of group pictures of his brothers and the other humans at the carnival, as well as a restaurant where they seemed to be having a great time...all without him. 
Levi stifled tears as he threw his phone to the side. “Can they make it more obvious that they don’t want me around?” 
Heart blinked in surprise. “What do you mea-”
“I mean exactly what I said.” Levi snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. “None of them like me- not even Storm, and She’s supposed to be my friends. They’d all rather just do things without me because I’m just an annoying Otaku.”
“Levi, that’s not true.” Heart shook their head standing up to move closer. 
“Then why is this always the case?!” Levi yelled, nearly jumping to his feet. Heart jolted back in surprise as Levi continued on, displaying his hurt outwardly in full. “It’s always that everyone else gets first dibs on dates with Storm and she hardly puts up an argument! Even Sarah is the same way- Like, you’ve had to pull teeth to get her to hang out with me! And my brothers never want me around- they all just think I’m some stupid shut in and an embarrassment of a brother.”
After finally letting it all out, Levi collapsed back down in his beanbag, burying his head in his hands.  Heart’s own heart ached at the sight of him breaking down, feeling so terrible for how lowly Leviathan thought of himself. 
“Levi...” Heart sighed, kneeling in front of him. “Just because you’re different than the rest of them doesn’t make you stupid or unlikeable. I know that, and Storm does too. If she really wasn’t friends with you, do you think all of those stories about your time with her during the first year of the human exchange program would exist?”
Levi shrugged, sniffling quietly. 
Heart shook their head, placing their hand gently on his shoulder blade. “I don’t think they would be. And maybe it is true that you isolate more than most, but that doesn’t mean that they had bad intentions for not inviting you along.” 
Levi shrugged again. “I find it hard to believe that.” 
Heart nodded. “I get that. For now, why don’t we just play games for awhile to take your mind off things. Henry and I are here, and if we would have gone alone, we would have invited you for sure.” 
Levi glanced up over his fingertips. “R-really?”
Heart nodded. “I don’t really like date crashing anyway, and I’m sure you wouldn’t have either. So lets enjoy something better.” 
Levi smiled, nodding once and wiping the stray tears from his cheeks. “Y-yeah. That sounds good. Thanks, Heart. You’re a good friend.” 
Heart smiled, handing him a controller. “You are too Levi, even if you don’t believe me.”
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ryderdire · 2 years
So like here’s my reaction post I wrote all these notes as the ep was airing it kinda goes into insanity at the end I’m sorry
Spoilers obviously
Some Amphibia notes
It hasn’t started yet but I’m already rlly emotionally vulnerable so lilo and Stich is killing me
Oh god two mintues
I’m literally about to cry and the episode hasn’t even started
I’m probs going to half to break halfway through it to eat but I’m recording it so it will be fine
Marcy AFRAID IF BEING destroyed
I’m fucking shaking
Oh oh oh oh oh it’s happening it’s happening it’s happing I
MARCY MY Beloved
JT HAS A voice
HONESTLY GOOD FOR for him for finally breaking the cycle of abuse
Anne no
What the HELL
Anne became a shadow high doll
ITS a cat
The voice of the cat
Is rlly cute
This is really sweet
It’s sending her back
Uh guys
It’s really over
They get to be okay
I mean
Sure Anne will die eventually yeah
But really it’s okay
We’re alright
I feel
Fullfilled oddly enough
Is that like werid
Like I expected to be sad but I’m okay I’m really okay
Theve been through hell together but it’s over they finally get to be happy
The credits might have some extra content but it’s okay I’m okay their okay this is the end but it’s not sad. Idk if the episodes over yet but it doesn’t matter
Okay it’s back time to cry
Helped us see
SAsha I can’t do this how dare they do this to me
I’m sobbin
don’t do this their themes
I stopped typing half way through to sob
Their rebuilding
Froog Polly
It wasn’t a leak omg adult Maddie
Oh yeah their married
Both yunan Olivia and toadie n the ex mayor
His usal spot
He’s older
He’s trying to find a way back to her I’m on my knees
Okay but what happens next for the girls
10 years
Time skip
Older Marcy
Shot haired Marcy BI FLAG BI FLAG
MY soul
So yeah domestic fluff au later
Their back together
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metaphor-cheese · 3 years
Wedding night
As happy as Buford was to be married, his wedding had to be the most exhausting thing he’d ever gotten through. The culture clash was awkward enough to find a balance with, making the planning annoying, and then the event itself was just very long and intensive and loud and generally he was Tired. Baljeet seemed to agree with him, given that they’d both face-planted exhaustedly on the hotel bed in unison.
He heard a giggle to his side and gathered all his remaining energy to force his head up enough to look at him. “What.” He asked, voice numb.
“That was the longest day of my life.” Baljert half sighed-half laughed. “I am so tired I could sleep until next year.”
“Yer tellin’ me.” He scoffed. “You didn’t have to deal with my ma sobbin’ over ya all afternoon.”
“Oh I very much did, thank you.” Baljeet rolled his eyes. “She nearly suffocated me giving me a hug.”
“Ain’t her fault yer a toothpick.” Buford shrugged, a playful smile tugging on his lips. He just got another eyeroll in response.
It seemed baljeet had finally gotten sick of half-laying in such an awkward position (the nerd was so damn tall his legs were trailing on the floor), as he pulled himself up to lay vertically in the bed and flipped himself onto his back. While he kicked his shoes off and removed his safa, buford just held out a hand to him.
“…Really?” His husband asked dryly when he noticed.
“What?” He mumbled into the mattress. “Buford tired.”
He hadn’t expected his pitiable attempt to actually work but, to his surprise, baljeet actually grasped his hand and tried to pull him up. It was extremely difficult to contain his laughter with how little progress he was making, and within a few seconds they had both burst into giggles.
“Gee, ‘jeet, ya really know how to make a guy feel good about himself.” He said sarcastically.
“Oh hush!” The other got out between chuckles. “Come here, let me try again.”
“Nah.” Baljeet had been trying this since they were kids and had never once earnestly managed to lift him (even if Buford had faked it and let him believe so a few times). He knew his fate. With a depressing amount of effort, buford crawled up onto the bed proper and collapsed onto his husbands chest in victory. The buttons on Baljeet’s sherwani dug into his face, but he was too tired to give a shit.
He heard a gentle sigh from above him and a hand gently stroked his artificial curls. (They didn’t look anywhere near as beautiful as Baljeet’s natural ones, but he appreciated the hairdresser’s efforts.) “You should wear your hair down more often…” Baljeet said softly. His heart melted a little at the gooey sentiment.
“Aw, shucks.” He muttered. Somehow even on his wedding day he wasn’t good with words. Whatever divine intervention had helped him manage to write his vows was beyond his understanding.
For a few minutes they laid there in comfortable silence. Buford almost fell asleep until Baljeet spoke up. “As much as I like this, we should probably change out of these clothes.” He softly muttered.
With a tired sigh, Buford heaved himself up into a sitting position. “Yeah.” His dress had started to annoying him these past few hours. Isabella had helped him pick out one with a skirt that wouldnt restrict his movement, but it was still a wedding dress at the end of the day and the extra lace and weight was doing his head in.
Despite being married now, they still automatically changed back-to-back. He wasn’t sure if it was Baljeet obsessively trying to respect his boundaries again, or just a habit they both retained from being kids. He was too tired to think about it, and frankly it wasn’t that important in his eyes. Who cared if others thought they were weird? They’d always thought that.
After he’d unceremoniously thrown his jacket, tie and shirt off, he reached a snag. Literally. The zipper on the back of his dress snagged when he stubbornly tried to do it himself.
“Uh, Baljeet?”
“Can you do my dress?”
He didn’t get an audible reply, but the sound of shuffling on the bed behind him was enough. He couldn’t help feeling embarrassed as Baljeet undid the zip.
“So uh…” he started, awkwardly. “Aren’t we meant to…?”
“Absolutely not.” Baljeet firmly cut him off and he sighed in relief.
“Oh thank god, I am so tired.”
There was an embarrassed chuckle behind him. “Sorry. I did not mean to sound so harsh. But yes, so am I.”
Buford chuckled along with him awkwardly, before kicking the dress to the ground (he smirked when he heard baljeet’s scandalized gasp behind him) and walked over to his suitcase by the door. As he sluggishly sifted through his messily packed clothes, Baljeet asked “Could you pass me my pyjamas as well, please?”. He knew his husbands suitcase would be neatly organised and his pyjamas very easy to find, but buford was so tired he couldnt even be bothered moving half a step to the right to get them. Instead he just grabbed two of his own nightshirts and slung one over his shoulder. Not hearing any complaint about it from Baljeet surprised him. The nerd must really be exhausted.
He nearly burst out laughing when he turned around and saw his husband in his shirt. It was a romance trope that such a sight was meant to be sexy or whatever, but honestly the extreme height and weight difference just made him look ridiculous. Baljeet rolled his eyes at his reaction, indignantly saying “I am too tired to find anything else, ok?” Buford just snickered and turned off the light on his way back to the bed.
When they got comfortable, his husband turned off the lamp and cuddled up to his side. Out of habit, buford slung an arm over him, pulling him closer. He was almost asleep again, when Baljeet smiled against his chest and muttered “Main tumse pyar kartha hoon.”
Without thinking too much, Buford whispered back “Love you too, ‘Jeet.”
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
Kinktober, 10/18: In the Kitchen
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Hello yes hi. I wanted to bring this mf back and here he is in all his glory. Shoutout to @maddiewritesstucky​ for hyping me tf uppppppp. Hope you love. 💕
Pairing: Mr. Barber and Male Reader (This is a continuation from my last work on these two, which you can find here or here. The reader is not underage.)  Tags: Intercrural Sex (aka thigh fucking), Kitchen Sex, Secret Relationship, Dirty Talk, Dom/Sub Undertones, Age Difference, Grinding 
“Jacob, you alright going to the store while we finish cleaning up from dinner? You know what I like—mint chocolate chip!”
The words bounce around in his skull like a marble, rolling around aimlessly without sticking any sort of landing, lacking comprehension. His hand stalls under the running faucet, fingers weakening on his grip on a plate, all at the seemingly cheery suggestion Mr. Barber gives his son.
Jacob’s going to leave? Leave him alone with Mr. Barber? His name being spoken rips him from his few seconds of sheer panic.
“What kind of ice cream do you want?”
He doesn’t even remember what he says, doesn’t care. All he can think about is being alone with Mr. Barber for the first time in… weeks? Surely it hasn’t been that long, he thinks, but it has felt more like months, years, and he can barely stand it. He’s never experienced such desperation before, has never been at the mercy of someone else’s touch the way he is with Mr. Barber.
They have done their fair share of exchanging heated glances, of discreet flirting, of frantic handsy makeout sessions. The thought of Mr. Barber’s capable hands on his body, his demanding lips on his own, his voice in his ear; it all never leaves. He’s consumed by the thoughts, by the ghost of lingering touches on his own skin and under his fingertips.
He’s always hard. He finds himself saving his pent-up energy for when he’s jamming his fingers into his mouth in the shower when his fist flies over his dick as he thinks about Mr. Barber fucking him.
“You gonna take it? Yeah you are, gonna show me you can handle it, c’mon—be good for me.”
He feels good when Mr. Barber touches him, feels good when Mr. Barber fucks him. He tries hard not to think about all the bad that he’s doing and tries even harder to not think about how good being bad makes him feel.
His hands tremble as he places the plate he just finished rinsing into the dishwasher. He hears the rattle of keys, the door to the garage shut, feels his chest constrict. He will not, under any circumstances, be the first one to make any sort of move or implication of so. He takes a few forks, rinses them under water that is steaming but that his hands don’t recognize as being hot, places those into the dishwasher as well.
Even when he can sense Mr. Barber behind him, can hear his shaky breathing and feel the goddamn heat of his body, he does not turn around. It’s only until a hand, not his own, reaches forward and turns the faucet off. He doesn’t mean to say it out loud, to lowly whimper out, “Fuck’, but he does just that as he shuffles on his feet. He feels lips on his neck first, but hands quickly follow suit, two large palms that sweep up his torso, squeeze at his pecs.
“Wish I had enough time to fuck you,” Mr. Barber rumbles, wet on his neck as an arm goes taut around his waist, the other hand coming up to cup the front of his throat. So direct, almost abrasive, but it has his sigh turning into a whine of relief. Mr. Barber’s lips are hot on the side of his neck, wet and loud, and in just ten seconds their shared energy is almost chaotic.
“Can fuck me, want it. Miss it,” he breathes as he is pulled away from the sink and he moans when the line of his back gets pulled against Mr. Barber’s front. God, the older man’s cock is already hard against the small of his back, the top of his ass, and he wants. He no longer has to wonder why Mr. Barber put on sweats for the evening; it’s much easier to tease and feel this way. He wants so much his own hand flies back to try and touch, to reach, but he ends up pawing at Mr. Barber’s hip with a wet hand instead.
“Not enough time, not with what I wanna do to you,” Mr. Barber states, teeth tugging at the shell of his ear. He retaliates, doesn’t like that, grinds back into Mr. Barber with a swirl of his hips and a huff.
“You haven’t fucked me in weeks,” he pouts, digging into Mr. Barber’s crotch so that his cock slots right between his ass cheeks, right where they both want him. There’s a low noise, the press of teeth against the hinge of his jaw, the hand around the front of his throat going momentarily and thrillingly tight. Through the sensations, his hips never stop moving. He takes the time to revel in the feeling and brief familiarity of that cock, also takes the time to whimper once more in disappointment of not having it inside of him tonight.
“Yeah? You upset about that?” Mr. Barber asks, a slight tease to his voice. Bastard. Before he can respond, Mr. Barber is pushing him chest-down into the counter, hand tight on the nape of his neck. He hates how good it feels to be in such a position, bent over with a cock heavy on his ass.
“Yes,” he bites out, hands moving to grip the edge of the countertop. He bites his lip to prevent himself from gifting Mr. Barber with any whimper when the older man rolls his hips forward more than a bit suggestively.
“Yeah, show me. Show me what you’ve been thinkin’ about.”
Mr. Barber’s voice is deliciously eager, both hands running down to squeeze at his waist, tight and yummy. He tugs on his hips, implies he moves, and with a heavy exhale, he’s grinding and rolling back into a sturdy torso, a firm cock. He lets himself get a little lost, lets himself feel. He stands up on his tippy toes to make the arch in his back count, making it easier to roll up and down. He mewls between his clenched teeth, wanting more while still trying to savor what he has in this moment.
“There you go, this what you’ve been thinkin’ about? Takin’ me like a champ?”
He is a fool for forgetting that Mr. Barber’s mouth is the filthiest fucking thing within the city limits, maybe beyond. It isn’t like anything he’s ever experienced with anyone else before and it has him agreeing and nodding his head immediately, stupidly.
“Yeah, fuck yeah, please.”
“More,” Mr. Barber demands, hands running up to his shoulders, and oh that bit of force makes his dick throb in his shorts. “Tell me more, get specific. Come on, baby.”
The demand makes his grumble, but the addition of the baby makes him turn his cheek sweetly into the countertop. A squeeze to his shoulders, a pull on them, and he’s melting underneath the hands and touch of Mr. Barber.
“God, fuck. Think about you every night, wake up hard every morning. I… I t-touch myself thinking about you.”
“That’s sweet, do ya now?”
“Mhmm, yeah think… think about you fuckin’ me,” he explains with a flush of his cheeks, and he has no control over the way his voice goes whiney, gets a bit breathless. His breathlessness continues, amplifies, when Mr. Barber’s hands run roughly up his sides to take hold of his neck. He whimpers, mewls, when Mr. Barber takes his turn to roll his hips, to grind in tight to the curve of his ass. When Mr. Barber doesn’t interject, he continues.
“Think about… about how good you felt inside’a me. How… how you felt so good you made me cry.”
The groan Mr. Barber lets out is one that has a heavy presence, is one that he swears he can feel within his own chest. It has the hands forcefully wrapped around his neck scrambling down to his shorts. When they catch the waistband, they tug, pulling his bottoms down his hips and over his ass. When the cooler air hits the heated skin of his backside, he can’t help but gasp.
His gasp turns into a purr of his own when Mr. Barber’s hands squeeze at the meat of his ass.
“Been thinkin’ about you sobbin’ around my cock for weeks,” Mr. Barber mumbles, voice like gravel against his ear, in his belly. He’d cry if Mr. Barber wanted it. He thinks he could cry without forcing it. With another whimper, he nods his head in agreement, in… something. He’s already forgotten.
“Yeah, I’ve been thinkin’ too, thinkin’ about the way that boy cunt looked all stretched around my cock, so hungry. Y’still hungry now, kid?”
With a luxurious stretch of the line of his back, a push of his ass, he’s moaning out, “Yes, sir so hungry.”
His briefs are next, a tug and an almost tear before they’re joining his shorts around his ankle. This move makes a blush rise to his cheeks, makes him whimper a bit in humiliation. His whimper appears to be pointless though, because Mr. Barber’s noise is so appreciative and gluttonous it takes the worries right out of his thoughts.
“There he is, fuck that’s sweet,” Mr. Barber purrs, not wasting precious seconds and immediately pressing his clothed erection tight against the curve of his bare ass. Oh, it feels good, feels so fucking good. The way that cock feels, all warm and solid against the middle of his ass, has him spreading his legs, pressing up onto his toes again to feel.
“Mr. Barber…wanna feel, wanna—”
A sharp hand coming down on his ass cheek has his words dying in his throat. Mr. Barber does it once, twice more, grabs at two palmfuls of his ass, and squeezes roughly.
“Wanna feel what? Wanna feel me?” the older man inquires in a gruff voice and all he can do is nod his head dumbly into the countertop with a whine. Mr. Barber doesn’t give him a chance to answer verbally though, instead exhales heavily himself before a hand leaves his ass for just a moment before—
“That what you wanted? What you fuckin’ missed?”
He thought backing himself and his ass into a cock inside of sweatpants was erotic. He hadn’t yet felt the hot skin of Mr. Barber’s cock smack down onto the top of his ass though. Nothing is better than skin on skin and it makes his own heavy dick twitch where it hangs between his spread legs. Mr. Barber keeps one hand on his waist, tight, the other he uses to slap his cock down onto his ass a few lewd times.
“This what you fuckin’ missed, boy?” Mr. Barber hisses, losing some self-control and guiding the head of his dick between his ass cheeks, pushing it right against his hole. It’s right where he wants Mr. Barber. Energy shifts, franticness takes over. There are the fingers of one hand taut in his hair then, tugging, and with a pained mewl he tips his ass up in response.
“Yes! Yes, sir yes. Fuckin’ missed that… that cock. Missed you!”
“Atta boy, there you go. Show me what we don’t have time for, come on, pretty.”
Pretty makes him shout. Pretty combined with the feeling of Mr. Barber’s fat cock resting against his circling ass makes the fire in his belly burn hotter. If he presses back just right, he can feel Mr. Barber’s balls perfectly, can feel the way they hang hot and push up against the bottom of his ass. He wants them in his mouth.
The more he moves, gyrates, grinds, the more he gets to feel Mr. Barber’s cock on his bottom, his backside. And the more he feels it, the more he grows to want it inside of him. Mr. Barber is behind him purring, making all sorts of rumbly noises in agreement and appreciation, and a moment’s realization of where he is and what he’s doing makes his dick turn achy, makes him hurt for any kind of release.
Everything mounts when Mr. Barber moves, when he leans down over his backside, hand reaching for the decorative container of olive oil in front of them. The pressure of Mr. Barber on his back, draped over his much smaller form, has him gasping. Watching Mr. Barber fumble with the bottle of oil makes his mind go fuzzy.
“Push your thighs together, come on. Tight. Tighter. There we go, that’s it.”
He feels like he’s wading through syrup, that heavy, sticky-sweet sensation he had not forgotten about filtering through his head, down his neck. He makes dull connections in his brain. Yes, olive oil is slick and messy. Yes, his thighs pressed together would make the perfect spot for Mr. Barber to fuck into. No, they still don’t have enough time to properly fuck before Jacob comes back from the store and they have to pretend that this wasn’t happening.
Teeth are the first thing to drag him out of his embarrassingly prematurely fucked-out brain. A dig of them into the nape of his neck, a hand pressing between his legs, Mr. Barber chuckling when his hand comes in contact with his sensitive dick. A burly arm wraps tightly around his waist as the other hand smears oil on the inside of his thighs, wets it up to get fucked.
He feels taken, feels overwhelmed, claimed. He gives Mr. Barber a throaty groan of confirmation as he’s slicked up and prepped to be used. He drags his arms up the counter, gives himself over to the moment entirely. When Mr. Barber presses a sloppy kiss against his cheek and makes space between their bodies to get his hand between them, he whimpers happily.
“Fuck, you must’a missed it. One time and that’s all it took to train this sweet ass, ain’t that right?”
He hadn’t realized he was presenting for Mr. Barber, even given their position.
While the space between them is for Mr. Barber to get a hand on his cock, it isn’t to slip inside of him. But while it isn’t to press inside of him, that doesn’t stop Mr. Barber from indulging himself and nudging the head of his cock against his hole. He almost thinks Mr. Barber is going to do it, is going to press into him without any prep and with this oil only. But with another sigh that turns into a groan, he presses down instead and slips his cock in the slot under his balls, between his thighs.
It’s different, something he isn’t used to, but it’s delicious nonetheless. To have Mr. Barber so close to where he desperately wants him, all pressed and snug up against his own balls, has him breathless damn near immediately. To feel him on almost every side, slick between his thighs, against the line of his own dick, has incoherent noises spilling from his mouth at the same rate.
“Fuck, that’s good, yeah. Keep yourself tight for me. God, you’re sweet.”
He feels like he’s getting fucked. It sounds like he’s getting fucked, slippery and lewd, the hot length of Mr. Barber’s cock sliding tight against his own achy dick. The most overwhelming part though, is the way Mr. Barber takes control of him, commands him and his body. There’s an arm tight around his waist, locking the two of them together, lips and a beard rubbing against his ear. When he goes to moan again, a bitty mewl, Mr. Barber is huskily shushing him.
“Shh practice, boy. Gotta be quiet. You don’t wanna get caught fuckin’ your best friend’s daddy, do you?”
He won’t last. He chokes on his noise, such a desperate one. Mr. Barber reaches forward and clamps a hand down around his mouth as he continues to messily fuck his cock between his thighs. With the hand around his mouth, his noises are muffled. He can’t stop them, doesn’t try to.
“Don’t want anyone knowin’ about how easy you are either, can’t have them knowin’ I’ve got a little slut on my hands.”
His moan is almost drowned out by the sound of Mr. Barber’s hips smacking up against his backside, by his own growl as he bends his knees and digs in tighter to his bent body. The constant stimulation of his balls and the underside of his dick is making him a bit delirious, is making his breaths hectic behind Mr. Barber’s palm. He thinks he might be able to feel his own spit on his chin.
“Shh, shh gotta practice, baby. For… fuck, for later when I crawl into your bed. Gonna fuck you later, gonna fill this fuckin’ ass up, give it what it wants.”
This time his noise is louder than anything else, a sob behind a hand, his own hands coming to grip at the edge of the counter. He moves with the momentum, finds himself fucking back into Mr. Barber’s body with a whine, wants more. It makes the older man groan, almost a growl, has him scrambling and pulling the hand away from his mouth and reaching for the bottle of oil once more.
“Please, god please, want it, want—”
A sloppy wet hand on his dick has him gasping, has him lurching in a strong grip. Mr. Barber’s grip is persistent, focused. The arm around his waist doesn’t falter, goes tighter to accommodate for his thrashing. Mr. Barber’s mouth runs as his big hand fucks itself over his dick and he’s left panting, holding back his whimpers, as he listens to Mr. Barber tell him all the things he is going to do to him later that night.
“Want your mouth on my cock, want you fuckin’ gaggin’ as I get some fingers in that boy cunt. Yeah? Y’like that? Gonna drag this one out, gonna put you face down just like this. You want me to fuck you face-down? Easier for you to stay quiet, better for me to get balls-deep. Think you can come more than once? Huh? Wanna find out?”
When he comes, he is unable to give Mr. Barber much of a warning. He’s almost certain that his noises give him away, the way his breath hitches and the way he spits out messy words. He shatters under Mr. Barber. There’s no other word to describe how he comes apart. He shakes and shatters and comes as Mr. Barber milks it out of him, tugs on his cock in long pulls.
The older man fucks himself to his own release, adding to the mess between his thighs with a series of guttural groans and a few pumps of his own hands to prolong his pleasure. It almost feels as if a few waves of fiery pleasure in his body are reserved for feeling Mr. Barber’s come land between his thighs, dirtying him up.
He’s a mess. He’s panting and his mind is foggy. Mr. Barber kisses him on the cheek, squeezes at his sides as he sighs. He wants to crumble to the floor and fall asleep there. He’s supposed to be young, spry, but Mr. Barber takes it out of him without even fucking him.
“Gotta get a move-on, kid. Go clean up,” Mr. Barber tells him with a pat on his stomach before a hot set of lips are on his ear. “I’ll dirty you up all over again tonight.”
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nightwingvixen23 · 4 years
Dick : *walking into Wayne manor*
Dick : *hears laughter coming from the living room*
Dick : *finds Jason and Roy laughing it up on the couch*
Dick : *takes into account the two bottles of Tequila on the coffee table and variously colored shot glasses*
Dick : where’s Bruce ? 
Dick : *rolling his eyes* that’s Mr.Sexy Ass Officer to you two
Jason : daaaamn girl, kinky
Roy : *holding his wrists out* officer, i’ve been naughty as hell. please. cuff me then ride the shit out of me
Jason : *laughing too hard*
Dick : I’m gonna ask again. where’s Bruce. doesn’t this sort of drunken party usually happen hidden away in the Lounge Room ?
Jason : *head lolling back* yeeeaaah but B is outta Gotham for a few days, an’ Alfred ain’t around, he’s on vacay visitin’ some folks er some shit. soooooo, I mean damn, why not bring the “drunken party” to the livin’ room?
Jason : *takes another shot* 
Jason : *glares at Dick* AND I AIN’T FUCKIN’ DRUNK for yer info ! I’m tipsy. NOT drunk. I can handle my liquor
Dick : mkay. 
Roy : join us, Dickie
Dick : god. i don’t wanna drink with you dumbasses, who knows what i’ll be roped into....but it has been a stressful week, and, i feel the peer pressure
Dick : *taking a seat across from them*
Jason & Roy : *cheering happily*
Jason : *pours Dick a shot* here ya go, Luscious
Dick : *takes the shot*
Roy : *already holding out another for him* here ya go again, Tasty Vixen
Dick : whoa, already again ??? I haven’t even recovered from the first shot ! slow down shit
Jason : lightweight ass
Dick : no. I’m just not an avid drinker like you two
Roy : *nudging the shot impatiently towards Dick*
Dick : *takes the shot*
Jason : *holding up another*
Dick : shit. stop. what are you trying to get me wasted or something ?
Roy : *smirks at Jason*
Jason : *smirks back*
Jason : *sarcastically* noooo baby, I’d never do that to yoooou. especially with Roy here. what ever on EARTH would we dooo ?? a THREEsome ??? ewwww. . . .
Roy : *just as sarcastically* OMG ! groooosssss. . .
Dick : get me lit enough and it just might happen
Jason & Roy : *hopeful little puppies clumsily pouring more shots for Dick*
Roy : don’t just go messin’ with my soul like that baby
Jason : yeah. shit, doll. got a mother fucker all excited’n shit....damn.
Dick : hm. sounds like a personal problem to me
Jason : *stares offensively for a second before sitting back dramatically and crossing his leg*
Dick : *sensing some bullshit coming along*
Jason : got a question for ya, sweetcheeks
Dick : oh yeah ? and what’s that ?
Jason : why you not lemme smash ??
Dick : . . .
Dick : excuse me. but what ?
Jason : why you won’t lemme hit it an quit it ??? 
Dick : *blinking*
Jason : ejaculate and evacuate, rock your box and then change the locks, shoot my jizz and then out I is-
Dick : yeah yeah I fucking GET it !
Jason : then if ya get it, darlin’ *leans forward* why haven’t ya lemme in ??
Dick : excuse yourself but i’m not just some item on a shelf. you can’t just casually pick me up and then take me home. I get to chose who I sleep with as well, and let me tell you something, I don’t just choose anyone
Jason : oh really ? ‘cause I can name at LEAST 6 son’s’a bitches that don’t even PAAAAAAAASS grade A fuckin’ rank in my books
Jason :  NUMBER 1; SLADE Yes I Kill For Pleasure WILSON !!! NUMBER 2; WALLY Horny Ass Air Head WEST !!! NUMBER 3; BRUCE I’m A Brooding Janus-Faced Crackpot With Unresolved Emotional Instability Who Likes to Put Boys In Green Panties And Then Send Them To Their Deaths WAYNE-!!!
Dick : *blushing* OH. MY. GOD. that’s enough Jason. shut up
Jason : *smug as hell* now tha’s what I thought
Roy : whoawhoawhoa 👐 hold the fuck up. you fuckin’ The Bat ?? for real for realz ?
Dick : that’s none of your business
Jason : sure as fuckin’ HELL was MY god damned business every fuckin’ night I heard that headboard hittin’ the wall in B’s room with ya sobbin’ his name like--
Dick : --okaysoumYEAH !! NEXT conversation PLEASE !
Jason : considering the fact that YOU have suuuuch poor selection in dudes....imma ask again *sexy smirk*....why you not lemme smash ??
Roy : yeah dude; knick knack patty whack let my man bone
Dick :
Dick : . . .
Dick : *pours himself another shot*
Dick : *stands up*
Dick : *grabs both bottles of Tequila*
Dick : mkay, this parties been officially canceled due to apparent derangement 
Dick : *leaves the room*
Jason : . . .
Roy : . . .
Jason & Roy : *exchanging glances*
Jason : *gets up and casually saunters after Dick*
Roy : *gets up and casually saunters after Jason*
Jason & Roy : *getting their drunk asses thrown the fuck out of Dick’s room*
Roy : shit, he really knows how to tease a guy
Jason :  tell me ‘bout it 
Roy : ‘an he took our Tequila
Jason : baby boy really knows how ta hurt a brotha too
Jason : *turns to pound on Dick’s closed door* YER BREAKIN’ MAH HEART, BABY !!
Roy : *starts singing Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart*
Damian : *comes out of his room at the opposite end of the hallway*
Damian : *starts throwing hangers at Jason and Roy*
Jason : *looks blankly at Roy*
Jason : . . . .speak for yourself
Damian : *coming at them with a sword and Titus hot on his heels as back up and noble steed* you immmoRAL BASTARDS BETTER KEEP THE FUCK AWAY FROM GRAYSON !!
Jason & Roy : AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH--!!!
Dick : *laying across his bed with his earphones in/sipping Tequila and catching up on Real Housewives*
Dick : Sabrina, you bitch, stop being friends with Kathy, she’s obviously moving in on your hot ass husband; gawd....
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ratchedspeach · 4 years
An Ever Fixed-Mark | READ ON AO3
a quick little character study about everyone’s favorite problematic duo. CW for alcohol and tobacco use. Other than that, angst abound, and not much else. Enjoy!
“I don’t feel like myself anymore.”
“How can you not feel like yourself when you don’t even know who you are?”
It’s a rare, unexpected omission - one which Cordelia Goode had not been prepared for, but her mother, apparently, had. Cordelia doesn’t look at Fiona, her eyes stay trained on a spot on the cement wall. Still, she can feel the smoke spiraling off her cigarette, and the satisfied smirk playing her mother’s features. Cordelia’s thumb worries against an ash leaf, tracing the veins and soft flesh of the plant all the way to its stem.
“I could have done without your opinion, mother.”
Fiona grunts. “Then might I suggest not saying it out loud?” She says, smoke steaming between her teeth like a serpent.
Cordelia’s thumb stops. Ash: strength, power, protector of youth, she thinks. The sapling dies - shrivels and rots in a matter of seconds. Fiona tuts, brushing past her daughter and taking the pot in her hands.
“Oh Delia,” she simpers, “always so dramatic.”
The plant hits the wastebasket with a dull thud. Cordelia thinks it should make her flinch, thinks she should feel anger, or contempt, or goddamnit something, but she doesn’t. She doesn’t, and she knows that should scare her, but it doesn’t, either.
It scares Fiona, though.
Not that she’d ever admit to it - fear is too weak, too fragile an imbalance. No, Fiona will not bend to it. She straightens her back, lips curling into something akin to a snarl as she presses the stub of her cigarette into the soft soil of another pot. Even this offense against her daughter’s most prized possessions does not faze Cordelia; and so it is that Fiona’s hand is forced.
“I need a drink; smells like shit down here.” Fiona mutters, spinning on her heels, before calling over her shoulder. “I’m not gonna drink alone.”
Fiona has never waited for an invitation to open (or finish, for that matter) a bottle of liquor, nor can Cordelia recall a time when she has been invited to join in on her nightly escapade. Were Cordelia more at home in herself, the statement would strike her as uncharacteristic. But she isn’t, and she doesn’t, so instead she merely follows her mother up the stairs into the great hall of the Academy. It’s still bright out: light pools through windows and between the crevices of the front door. Dust speckles and shimmers like snow in the air, but all Cordelia can fathom is that she should add vacuuming to the chore list. Fiona is in the study pulling the cork out of a particularly old bottle of rye; one which Cordelia is certain she’s never seen before.
“Well, are you joining me, or are you just gonna watch?” Fiona snaps as she pours the dark liquid into the second crystal glass.
Cordelia surges into motion, practically sending the whiskey sloshing onto the carpet in the fervency with which she picks it up. She stares at her mother, who stares at her own glass, and bristles under the intentness of her daughter’s pooling eyes. When Fiona finally meets her gaze, she thinks Cordelia looks like a child searching for permission. It’s not an uncommon thought for her to have about her daughter, but it strikes something in her which Fiona doesn’t expect - a sort of warmth that trickles into her stomach and burns. And so they are forced into a stalemate of sorts; each woman uncertain and protecting a secret of their own, each completely dependent on the other for their next move. It will be Fiona who acts first (as it often is), bringing the glass to her lips and swallowing the double shot in a single, unceremonious gulp. Cordelia looks at her own whiskey and licks her lips before following suit. She does not finish it, a fact which she is certain Fiona adds to the ongoing tally of reasons the woman simply could not be her own daughter.
“It’s good.” Cordelia rasps against the burning in her throat.
It isn’t a lie, though. The alcohol, though practically strong enough to make her breath fire, holds a distinct sweetness which she hadn’t expected - a smooth, buttery aftertaste that lingers on the insides of her mouth and coats her throat. She doesn’t hate it, and, well, that’s something.
Fiona pours herself another glass before gliding over to the couch and sitting. “Kentucky Whiskey. Been in this Coven since … Christ, at least since I was a kid.”
“I’ve never seen it before.” Cordelia mumbles, chancing another sip.
“Anna Leigh caught me in the liquor cabinet - yelled at me until the little gargoyle was practically blue in the face; something about finishing a three thousand bottle of tequila.” Cordelia can’t help but giggle. “She charmed the more expensive bottles in the coven’s possession after that. Only the Supreme can access them now.”
“Sounds about right.” Cordelia snorts, bringing the glass level with her eyes and studying its contents.
The whiskey is amber in color: like honey or browned butter. There’s a thickness to it, a richness even in appearance that the younger woman cannot help but marvel at.
“So,” Cordelia smiles, “how many bottles are back there, anyway?”
“Seven, I think. A couple whiskey’s, tequila that’s older than me, cognac, vodka, and a few bottles of wine.”
“Does tequila get better with age?” Cordelia’s brow furrows.
Fiona shrugs, finger tracing the rim of her glass. “Don’t know. We can try that next.”
It’s then that Cordelia realizes she is still standing, and what’s more, that were she to continue, she might topple over from the sheer volume of liquor she was about to consume. She doesn’t dare sit on the couch, Fiona having already claimed that her domain. Instead, she opts for a chair opposite her mother, and perches on the edge.
“You gonna finish that?” Fiona’s eyebrows quirk towards the liquid still sloshing between her daughter’s fingers.
“Hm? Oh, yes, I —“ Cordelia stutters, bringing the whiskey to her lips and swallowing in one fell swoop.
She tries to stifle the cough as the liquor hits her throat. Fiona, on the other hand, does not stifle her laugh. Were it not for the rare quality time that she found herself sharing with Fiona, she might have commented on the crudeness of it. Cordelia’s cheeks redden, and she holds her tongue.
“We should really go to a bar.” Cordelia scolds, mostly at herself. “I don’t know that it’s right for the headmistress to be drinking on school grounds … especially with Madison -“
“Oh Christ, Delia, you don’t really still believe she’s sober, do you? I raised you better than that”
“I … what?”
Fiona rolls her eyes, pulling a pack of half-empty cigarettes out of the inside pocket of her leather jacket. She taps the carton in the palm of her hand. “That girl is about as sober as I am.”
Cordelia’s shoulder’s tense. “How would you know? Mother, you’re never here.”
“I’m the Supreme, Delia.” You’re a drunk, is what you are. “I don’t need to be here to know that this place is falling apart at the seams.”
Cordelia catches her lower lip between her teeth in order to bite back the vitriol threatening to spill off of her tongue. Fiona takes the opportunity to light her cigarette. When she inhales, the stuttering burn of tobacco seems to mock Cordelia. Foolish girl, blind, stupid child.
“Madison Montgomery has been sober for one —“
“Day? Hour?” Fiona teases.
“One month, two weeks, and twenty-four days.” Cordelia finishes with atypical confidence.
Fiona glares at her daughter for a moment, cigarette perched between her fingers. “Alright, Cordelia. Whatever you say.”
Cordelia huffs, leaning back in her chair like a petulant child. “And to think, we were starting to have a nice time, too.”
“Speak for yourself.” Fiona dabs the cigarette on the mahogany coffee table, before huffing a sigh. “Fine, if you’re so keen on getting out of here, I’ll drive —“
“No. Jesus, no. You win. We can stay.”
Fiona smirks. “Thought so.” She pours them both another drink.
Typical Delia, she thinks, always so focused on the rules. Sometimes, Fiona wonders if her daughter understands the definition of the word ‘witch’. If she does, Cordelia does little in the way of using such a gift to her advantage. I’m not drunk anyhow. And even if she was, Fiona could think of at least four ways to remedy the situation that would take little more than a flick of her tongue, or an inhale to the right part of her ribcage.
“Why are you here, Fiona?”
She isn’t shocked by the question. Christ, if anything, she’s confused why it took so long for Cordelia to ask. Still, Fiona ponders it, if for nothing else then dramatic effect. It’s true, she had shown up at Miss Robichaux’s Academy that morning unannounced. But she was the Supreme, goddamnit, who said she needed a reason to show up to her own coven?
“Why are you, Delia?” Fiona counters.
Cordelia, for her part, sets her jaw. Her cheeks tinge red, as do the rims of her practically black eyes. She pinches the skin of her left palm. She blames herself for even considering that she could get a straight answer out of her mother.
“Because you aren’t.”
Fiona rolls her eyes. “I am now.”
Cordelia shakes her head, frustration rising like bile in her throat. “But you won’t be. Not forever. This is just a blip.” And an unwelcome one, at that.
“Christ’s sake, Delia, what do you want from me?”
“I want an answer. An honest one. Why are you here?”
Fiona gives her daughter a knowing look - the kind Cordelia has seen so many times before - the kind she’s come to expect and loath. Whatever comes out of her mouth next, Cordelia knows it won’t be the truth. Not entirely at least.
“To see you.”
And oh Cordelia doesn’t mean to laugh, but she can’t help herself. It’s just too … too potently underhanded. So she does: she laughs, and hard, at that. So hard that she has to put her glass down. So hard that she thinks she might pass out. So hard that she doesn’t even realize when she starts to cry.
But cry isn’t really the right word for it.
She’s sobbing — sobbing in earnest, and she can’t stop herself. So she buckles at the waist instead, and rests her forehead on her knees, and lets herself get lost. She’s not sure why she’s crying, but Cordelia can’t help but feel a little relieved, because at least she’s not numb anymore.
Fiona pours herself one more double shot, then puts the rye back in the cabinet. She doesn’t touch Cordelia - doesn’t dare give any omission that she know she’s done this to her daughter. Yes, she has, she’s done this, and it's not the first time. Probably not the last, either. Instead she just waits for Cordelia’s wails to reduce to low whimpers, and for her back to straighter, and her hands to wipe a trail of mascara across her cheekbones.
Then, and only then, does Fiona speak: “Some headmistress.”
“You’re lying to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Don’t play dumb.” Cordelia snarls amidst the bile rising in her throat. “You’re lying.”
Fiona scoffs: “Honestly, Delia, you’re so paranoid.”
“You aren’t here to see me. Torment me, maybe, but not see me.”
And, well, Fiona can’t argue with that. She’s not here to see her daughter. If she’s being honest with herself, she’s not sure why she’s here. To run away, maybe. To ignore her imminent death (which she still has not mentioned to Cordelia). To remind herself of where she came from — of who and what made her; and part of that puzzle is Cordelia.
It always comes back to Cordelia, doesn’t it?
“Fuck it, I’m going to bed.” Cordelia staggers on her feet.
She hadn’t realized she was drunk; the alcohol must’ve been waiting for her to exhale fully before it took effect. She has to use the banister to ascend the first flight of stairs. Her vision wobbles, her tongue is dry against her teeth. When she gets to the first landing, she stops. And there, silhouetted by the moon, Fiona sees the angel of death in her daughter.
“Do you remember the sonnet you used to read to me?”
Maybe it’s the slur in Cordelia’s voice, the promise of alcohol keeping this part of her daughter���s memory locked away, but Fiona nods. She thinks she might even smile a little.
“Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Sonnet 116.”
Cordelia’s tongue darts across her upper lip, and she mumbles something under her breath, before adding: “Your room is made up if you plan on staying the night.”
“It is?”
There’s a pause — a deafening silence. Cordelia glares at her mother in somber resignation. “It always is.”
She ascends with her back straight and a sobriety that Fiona had not expected. Maybe she really was her daughter, after all.
“Love is not love …” Fiona says to herself, eyes trained on the fading outline of her daughter.
Her palms shake. She reaches for another cigarette.
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eyfey · 4 years
Hi! I just found your account recently looking for Saiki K content and mainly for english translation of the first season’s OP & ED. May I ask if you could translate the full version of the first ED and second OP of the first season? (Ψです I LIKE YOU & 最Ψ最好調! ) I’ll really appreciate it! I also wanna thank you for all your translations for the manga content too <3
Hey thanks so much for the message! and sorry this took so long- it turns out these song lyrics are super wordy and chalk full of puns which make them EXTREMELY annoying to translate (which also explains why no one else has gotten around to translating them yet lolll)
But anyway! I did it! Here are some full translations for both PSI desu I LIKE YOU and Sai PSI Saikouchou: I tried my best to fit the rhythm of the song and keep the rhyming where I could, but it’s def not 100% perfect, haha
PSI desu I LIKE YOU (It’s PSI I Like You)
There's a PSI-PSI-PSI-psychic power we posPSIss There's exPSIlence sleeping inPSIde If we're PSIkillful, it'll be PSI-PSI-PSI-PSIplendid, but Worst case PSInario, it'll be a di-SIGH-ster
WOW! Whatever you do, never give up Your effort is proof that you're doing your best If you pray hard it'll surely get through Daydreams, fantasies, anyPSIng and everyPSIng?
Blooming SUCCESS, dreams are PRICELESS, Give me, joy and glee, what'll it be, try and see Oh my, went awry, just try, we'll understand you and I It's PSI I like you
The power to bring thoughts to life, the truth is everyone has it It's not coincidence and it's not luck, everything that you've obtained The hopes you can't say out loud, if you give them form they'll get through I'm getting a premonition, I see it coming true The one who makes the future is none other than you One more time, rePSItart!
Don't let your chance slip by by Calling a lion that doesn't try "a king" would be a lie "Li-like you" even when it's tough, say it proud
Yeeeeeah! It's a birthday secret but we're preparing a surprise Make sure they don't catch on, don't let it show on your face Falling in love, feeling down, or blowing your stack If we're not careful they'll figure out everything It’s PSI it's a PSIccess!
Swirling around, head and heart, a wonderland suddenly opened up Don't just sit there nervous and hesitating, what a waste dreamer A mystery you can't solve, there's tons and tons buried, Each one different, your hidden abilities One day you'll find them One more time, rePSItart!
If you can't quite express "I love you" Just take the quick path, the shortcut If you're in love, your feelings will get through Use your telepathy and it'll all work out
The power to bring thoughts to life, the truth is everyone has it It's not coincidence and it's not luck, just look and see
Spinning around, head and heart, a wonderland suddenly opened up Don't just sit there nervous and hesitating, what a waste dreamer A mystery you can't solve, there's tons and tons buried, Each one different, your hidden abilities One day you'll find them One more time, rePSItart!
Back to our beginning
There's a PSI-PSI-PSI-psychic power we posPSIss There's exPSIlence sleeping inPSIde, about to wake up
I'm getting a premonition I see it coming true The one who makes the future is none other than you It's PSI I like you
Sai PSI Saikouchou (Out of Sai-PSI-Sight)
Feelings are high high high Jump up and fly fly fly There's no trick here and nothing up my sleeve! See!? Pop! Step! Jump! Getcha! Yeah!
Preparations OK? You are the DJ? Everyone is welcome here today! Is it strange, peculiar, or mysterious? Let's go! With a 1 and 2 and 3, 4 GO! (Gotta go!)
Throw out your common sense (Leave it out) Change gears! (Revolution!) Screw loose? It's all good! (We don't care!) If you get all your weird friends together in a group (Be together)
Every day a new legend will be made made made! (Out of control~!) Teleport (whoosh...) walking on air (Tap tap...) It's not so weird to do stuff like that (Don't give up!) Do a boogie-woogie in your heart, it's important (So excited!) Sobbin' in sorrow? How 'bout no! Just laugh until you let it go
Magic! Psychic! High-kick! Do I want to change the world? Esper! Whisper! Njapa! I wouldn't go that far But maybe just a few things here and there You won't get in trouble just for being strange Twist it, Mix it, Serve it on a plate (Thanks for waiting)
When I'm with you all the fun stuff is more more more (Woohoo) If you laugh it off, pretty much anything can be solved solved solved no problem! If you fail, if you mess up, or if you forget Just keep the party going, big big big fever!
When I'm with you all the boring things go bye bye bye (C U) 100 points or a perfect score won't make me smile smile smile at all! Boring logic? Just throw it away! Like a boar, go charge in head-on Fumbdounded feelings piling up high Voltage is rising up it's out of sai-PSI-sight!
No matter how tall we grow we're still kids I don't wanna be an adult yet, no! no! no!
A bibbi and bobbi and bobbidi boo, might be a little too much to ask for But I don't want to be bored to death and fall behind either y'know I just want to play and dance forever, and slack off sometimes too Year-round vacation would bring world peace and smiles all around
The daily grind and routine work are getting old, so let's wrap it up If you stay still you'll get restless, keeping quiet is just impossible Pretending to be a helpless girlie ♡ is just freaky Free your mind, don't think, feel it There's oh so many things you can't understand even if you think about
I wanna take the smooth flow of every day and chop it right in half It's all the same! Every day! Fuckin' A! It's not okay! Break time's over now (But we're still goin')
When I'm with you all the fun stuff is more more more (Woohoo) But stupid things tug at the heartstrings and make us all cry My body my mind my everything, I'll share it with you I'll wrap it up nice, so please take it in (Catch me)
Negative feelings? No thank you! Bye bye bye (C U) Distortion and jealousy won't make me smile smile smile at all! Useless stubbornness? Just throw it away! With a heart like the universe, go charge ahead!
I want to see I want to hear I want to touch ALL OF YOU! Lalalalala~
If you dawdle and laze, then all of your time Will slip slip slip away and out of your hands I don't want to waste even a single second No no no no no no no no no No no no no no no no no no!
Dreamers like us will certainly be okay The Gods and Buddha's are def-def-definitely watching over us!!! No cheating or swindling needed A miracle will certainly come
When I'm with you all the fun stuff is more more more (Woohoo) If you laugh it off, pretty much anything can be solved solved solved no problem! If you fail, if you mess up, or if you forget Just keep the party going, big big big fever!
When I'm with you all the boring things go bye bye bye (C U) 100 points or a perfect score won't make me smile smile smile at all! Boring logic? Just throw it away! Like a boar, go charge in head-on
Fumbdounded feelings piling up high Voltage is rising up it's out of sai-PSI-sight!
Let's get the whole world in on this Use an illusion to pin it down! A Milky way paradise, an eternal sunrise Never ever ending, it's show time!
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Cravs, Riylli, and Rising’s friendship is tested.
(Cravendy Hound) It's not easy, but the three of them manage to hike back out of the Sylphlands without getting noticed, with Rising being dragged along on Crav's back. The trio finds their way to a Sylphic house and, with Rising's body laid out on the floor, are figuring out what to do next.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli had done the talking, likely the only one here with any experience with the sylphs, and it had not been long before they had identified the plant responsible and secured the antidote. Now that it had been applied, there was nothing left to do but wait. In awkward silence. For a terribly long time.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs taps her foot impatiently and, upon reaching the limits of the patience, whispers loudly to Riylli. "When's she gonna wake up?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising had still felt the world spin around her, even laid out on the floor with her eyes shut tight. Thing started to slow down however once the antidote was applied, eventually cracking one of her eyes open, the right amount of colors in front of her instead of every one of the rainbow. "Ugh..." she brought her hand to her forehead, rubbing it as she sat up.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli had been leaning against the tree with her arms crossed, nervously picking at the dried paint on her arm. "...Should be- now, yes." The Miqo'te hopped up, stepping over to look down at Rising. "Good morning, how are you feeling?"
(Cravendy Hound) "Right. Ye think ye can stand?" Cravs fusses in the distance, keeping herself an arm's length from Rising.
(Rising Lotus) "Ngh... the dreams were the worst part..." she blinked a few times as everything seemed to be set in place instead of spinning now, wobbling a bit as she rose to her feet but otherwise looking stable. "Ngh... that's worse than when I went in that moldy city..."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli pats the Roegadyn on the back. "This is why we don't mess around in Sylph territory... You're lucky they just like to mess with people for the most part."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs tilts her head at the mention of a city, though there was plenty more she was curious about. "They're just dreams, they ain't real. But if ye've got a 'abit of stickin' yer nose in moldy places, then I've got a problem with that."
(Rising Lotus) "I 'spose so, saw some pretty neat colors  though." she glanced to Cravs. "Well that was before I joined up with Heartwood, an' I ain't gonna go there any time soon, was kinda neat though." she glanced to Riylli. "Where did we leave off before I started losin' it now?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli hesitated before letting out a sigh. "We were ABOUT to force Cravs to tell us what mess she's gotten herself into so we can help her. So... Hope you're feeling clear headed"
(Cravendy Hound) "Ye were about to do several backflips in a row." Cravs jokes. ".......don't listen to Riylli."
(Rising Lotus) Rising clenched her hands a few times as she watched them. "Honestly I feel more focused than normal, it's weird." At least the medicine didn't SEEM to have any adverse side effects. "Anyway yeah! You gotta tell us 'bout your mess!" she jabbed a finger in Crav's direction.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli gives Cravs a rather unamused look. "...Y'better not try to run this time. Just gotta rip the bandage off, get it over with an' all that..."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs lets out a tired sigh, head hung low. "Either I tell ye, or I don't and ye both'll still butt yer 'eads in my business, potentially messin' everythin' up." She sucks in air between her teeth, headache incoming. "Fuck."
(Cravendy Hound) "Last chance. Seriously, I won't care if ye leave me to my shit. There's...a lot, and I'm..." She trails off. "I'm sure ye don't see me in a positive light, but trust me, it can get worse."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli lets out an annoyed huff. "Oh just out with it already! You know we ain't gonna leave you behind when you're in trouble, and unless you went on a killin' spree through an orphanage or somethin' I doubt we'll change our minds about bein' friends"
(Rising Lotus) "I ain't gonna talk to a loan shark with jus' Riylli, then get knocked out by some weird bandit, THEN get super blazed out of my mind in the Sylphwoods to back out now!" she said, almost a tinge of pride to this strange journey. "But yeah! You're my friend, our friend...and uh.." she starts to lose her steam a bit ".. I jus' want to help ya, an' don't want ya to leave, or have somethin' happen to ya.."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs is taken aback by Riylli's earnestness, barbed as it may be. She looks between the miqo'te and Rising, frown trembling. How, and where, to start? Cravs is certain that if she speaks now, it'll come out all wrong. Instead, she reaches into her pocket and shows an empty tranquilizer cartridge to her friends.
(Cravendy Hound) The unique design of the ammunition leaves not an ilm of doubt. Either Cravs buys the same stuff as the bandit, or...she's saying without words, that they're one and the same.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli just stares at the cartridge for a long moment, the hamster wheel in her head taking it's time to work out what it meant. Recognition eventually shone through in her eyes, and without a word the girl steps forward and slugs Cravs in the arm. "You ass! Y'know how long my head was achin' 'cuz of those things!? You better start explainin' or I'm gonna hit you again!"
(Rising Lotus) Rising clenches her fists as she sees the ammunition, her whole upper body starting to shake. She was gritting her teeth as she closed her eyes tightly. "Y-Y-You..." she said softly before her eyes shot open and stomped forward. "FUCKING ARSE" There were starting to get look at the tower they were in. "D-do you know how close I was to..." as she stared Cravs down her eyes were watering up as she looked to the side where her spear had hit Cravs. She turned away with a scowl as she started wiping eyes, streams of curses coming from her mouth about how stupid Cravs was.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs instinctively moves her hand up to catch Riylli's punch. Worry flickers in her eyes as she forces her body to go slack, to let whatever hits that come next follow through. Hits, she can take. Rising crying in front of her, she can't. Worry turns to panic. "S-stop yer sobbin', alright?! Look, I can take a beatin'! Come on, show me what ye got."
(Cravendy Hound) "If it 'elps, I didn't expect any of you to be there. If I knew, I wouldn't 'ave attacked." She mutters.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli changed it up upon gaining permission, kicking Cravs in the shin. "Rising almost killed you y'know! If I wasn't so busy takin' care of that kid you were supposed to be babysittin' you'd be dead right now!"
Rising Lotus seemed a bit more rattled if anything. "It would've of mattered if I got you where I was aiming!" she snapped back, sniffing hard as she kept her her gaze away from the two. "An' Riylli could've bashed your head in with a rock!" she brought her hands to her face, holding them there for a few moments to try and deal with this angry sobbing.
(Cravendy Hound) "Ow! Shit, 'ow do ye kick so 'ard with sandals?" She groans. Eyes downcast and pain radiating from her leg, she talks to the floor. "...Pah, I would've hung on. I won't die. Not until I've exposed Mindred for the bitch that she is."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs straights back up, ready to take another hit if it's coming. "Mindred's the one hasslin' Baldur, and I won't rest till I see 'er suffer."
(Riylli Aliapoh) "'Cuz I practice!" Riylli states, quite confidently. "Wait, that's not the point! Why didn't you just tell us? We coulda all jumped her durin' our meeting if you had actually came with us and just explained she was the one behind it!"
(Rising Lotus) "Cause we would've been put to the gallow if we did that." she sniffled a bit more as she turned around, eyes still looking a bit teary but most of her crying under control. "Those types of folk have strong connections, there's a reason why they can keep gougin' people with out gettin' caught."
(Cravendy Hound) "What, without evidence?! 'ave ye two on 'er bad side too? I thought if I wasn't with ye two, she'd get the idea that I ditched ye." Cravs growls back. "She knows who 'Singing Gull' is, alright? Shits gonna spiral, and I didn't want ye both involved anymore."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli crossed her arms. "Plenty of ways to get around that... Like, for starters, not givin' her our real names!" The Miqo'te shifted her glare back to Cravs. "And that still doesn't explain why you were tryin' to rob her caravan, or collecting drugs out in the Sylphlands."
(Rising Lotus) "Well we're past that..." she sighed. "Which means trouble might be comin' our way anyway if she thinks we're connected someway.." she takes a deep breath, grumbling afterwards. "So like it or not we're involved whether you like it or not. You planned this horribly." she rubbed her eyes a bit more to get hopefully the last tears out.
(Rising Lotus) Not one but TWO chances to like it or not! Look I'm tired xD))
(Cravendy Hound) "I attacked cause I needed to find some dirt on 'er, and I did...but I found the worst kind." Cravs looks to the side. "I'm friends with some bandits that get their goods illegally, and Mindred trades with 'em. So I'm was tryin' to find a way to prove 'er criminal ties -without- gettin' the bandit friends caught too."
(Cravendy Hound) "So I'm 'ere to find somethin' she can't resist. I guess ye can say I'm plannin' on plantin' evidence."
(Cravendy Hound) "There's always a bad apple in the bunch, but that don't mean the rest is spoiled. I figured...she'd think that way about 'eartwood. Shit, I didn't think this through, okay?!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli stares at Cravs for a moment, then tilts her head. "...You're friends with bandits? What kind of banditry are we talking..."
(Rising Lotus) Rising groans. "We need to figure out where to go from here.. otherwise we're jus' gonna run into more trouble... I jus' don't know what the in the hells to do, everything seems like it's in such a damn mess."
(Cravendy Hound) "Not just friends." Cravs turns away, hair obscuring her face as she crosses her arms tightly over her chest. "Ye could call me their.....organizer. Leader. Fuck, it was a mistake, okay? But when piratin' became outlawed, I was mad as 'ell!"
(Cravendy Hound) "It /is/ a mess. Oy, I warned ye." Cravs quips. She combs her bangs back with her hand and then groans into the sky.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "A bandit LEADER?" Riylli's eyes widen, though she seems more surprised than upset. She brings a hand to her head. "Alright, hold on, one thing at a time... What kind of banditry. Stealing? Killing? Kidnapping?"
(Rising Lotus) "So we got these bandits that we need to protect, while provin' that Rot is doin' somethin' bad, all while also helpin' Baldur out."  she rubbed her temple "What was your plan than with this toad goo?"
(Cravendy Hound) "It's more like a loose coalition of salt-eatin' pirates who want to relive the good ol' days. So, uh.......w-well." She puts a hand over her mouth. "What matters is that I 'aven't 'ung out with 'em since joinin' 'eartwood."
(Cravendy Hound) "The toad goo's like gold to a spice trader. So, after plantin' some kind of tracker in it...I was gonna give the goo to Dirtpatch, tell my bandit friends bout it, and wait till it got traded back to Mindred. Then, Dirtpatch could use it as proof that she gets 'er shit illegally."
(Cravendy Hound) "I was gonna take precautions to make sure Dirtpatch doesn't get raided or anythin'!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli kept her arms crossed, now tapping her finger impatiently. "You're avoiding my question... Are these really people you should consider friends..?"
(Cravendy Hound) "They're angry, they're stupid, but yeah, they're my friends. Look Riylli, I was one of them! Maybe I still am." Cravs spits out, self-loathing dripping from her words. "And if ye put two and two together, maybe ye'd know why Baldur 'ates me so much."
(Rising Lotus) "..Oh..." she looked away. "...It was in the back of my mind, from the little I knew about Wyda...but I thought it was jus' a coincidence." she let out another sigh, this day was full of long sighs. "So that's your interest in him then? Makin' up for killin' his pa?"
(Cravendy Hound) "Yeah. I set this all off. So I gotta make it better."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli continued tapping her finger for a long time, indecision clear on her face as she tried to come to some sort of conclusion. "You don't... have to be one of them. Not if you don't want to be..." She offered, letting out a sigh and rubbing the back of her neck. "I know it aint that easy... Just... Don't think of yourself as a lost cause, okay?"
(Rising Lotus) Between the strange substance she had inhaled, the cure, and now all of this, Rising was looking particularly exhausted. "I don't know if it's a good idea to involve Dirtpatch, I'm sure they'd find a connection to Heartwood, an' I'm sure by now they figured out we have ties there. I don't really got any better ideas though. At least not right now."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs blinks, touched by Riylli's sentiment, and then sends her a worn out smile. "I /am/ a lost cause. But that won't stop me from tryin' to make use outta the life I've got."
(Cravendy Hound) "Mindred already knows I'm at 'eartwood, but I'll do everythin' in my power to make sure that I'm the only one to face the music." She looks to Rising now, for the first time making direct eye contact with her. Then, to Riylli. "I'm doing my best, but it might not be enough. Might grow outta this, might not. Even still, would ye watch over me?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowns, then proceeds to kick her in the shin yet again. "Idiot! You're my friend, and I don't let anyone talk like that about my friends!" She shoots Cravs an annoyed glare, then pulled back to plant her hands on her hips. "Of course we'll watch over you! We'll figure this out together and get you out of this mess."
Rising Lotus broke eye contact with Cravs fairly quickly after their gazes met. " Yeah, I mean I'm involved an' all. We should probably think of a better plan, or work it out or somethin' though." she shrugs weakly, keeping her distance from the duo. "Sleep on it or somethin' I dunno... I kinda jus' wanna be alone for a bit."
(Cravendy Hound) "OW! Damnit, the same shin too?" Cravs jumps up and hugs her leg into her chest. But, despite the physical pain, she mostly feels relieved. While she wasn't off the hook yet, the fact that her friends didn't immediately disown her despite knowing about all this baggage...it was nice. It was really nice.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You better get used to it, I'm gonna keep kickin' you 'till you learn to trust us!" Riylli said, grinning at the threat. She turned to Rising, looking her up and down. "...Yeah, you probably deserve a rest after that Sylph cocktail. I'll talk to Ava, see if she can come up with anythin' to help. I'll leave your names out of it though, don't worry!"
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs sends Rising a worried look and wants desperately to comfort her. But maybe she's the cause for Rising's discomfort? Unwilling to take chances, she just sort of stares longingly at the other woman.
(Cravendy Hound) "Bugger me, I better buy some proper leg guards then..." Cravs shoots back at Riylli. "And yeah, ye do that. No more bad dreams though, ye 'ear?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising weakly shrugged again, turning to start to leave the Sylph tower. "We can meet again soon an'd plan things out, figure out a way to get her an' everything." she sounded quite drained, but nonetheless hurried on her way off without so much as a wave.
(Cravendy Hound) Though Cravs had thought otherwise, the trio’s friendship has survived the truth. Burdens shared and a chance given - one that Cravs was determined not to squander. The three of them would eventually leave the woods with much to muse over on their own.
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thatdragonaatashi · 4 years
Call me stupid, call me sad
Nora X Fem!Reader
@writing-asperations I finally finished it
(Your pov)
"Shit shit shit" I  mutter, running out of my house, keys in hand. I hop in my car and start it up, looking at the time and cursing myself for sleeping in. I was supposed to be picking up my best friend Nora from work. I was in love with her, but I  didn't want to fuck up our relationship. Both of us, along with my sister Abby, and our friends Owen, and Manny have been together since we were in diapers. They were my family, my people. When my parents died in a car crash, they were all I  had left. Luckily, Abby and her father took me in, only being 7 when it happened. I can still remember waking up in the car, on our way home from a sleepover with Abby and Nora.
The world was upside down, the smell of gas and burning rubber assault my senses. There's a stinging pain in my right arm. Looking over, I  notice large pieces of glass lodged in my upper arm. Before I  could even react, something moving catches my eye. It was my mother, her dark skin stained with crimson. From where I  wasn't sure. 
"Ma?! Wh- you- you're hurt, what's going on?" She looks at me, her eyes brimming with tears. "Darling, I need you to listen to me, can you do that?" I nod my head, not trusting my voice. 
"That's my girl. Ok can you reach your seatbelt? Good, good, I want you to unhook yourself and crawl out the window." She says, blood dripping down from her brow. I can hear sirens in the distance. Something in the back of my mind tells me they won't make it in time.
I do as she says, shuffling out the broken window. Once I make it out, I take in the scene before me. The car was completely wrecked, the front looking caved in. There was a fire spreading quickly, lighting up the road. I move over to my mother's side.
"Ma, tell me what to do, how do I get you out?" I sputter out, dropping to my knees as panic takes me in it's embrace. 
"Honey no, you've got to get away from here. The gas tank is leaking. I'm not going anywhere, my leg is broken. I'm so sorry baby, you know we love you right?" She chokes out.  
"But what about dad, he can help you. I can get him out and we can go get help. You're gonna be ok mommy. I'm strong, I can do something." Tears spill out my eyes, I knew it was worthless, there wasn't enough time. 
"No, no your father- he… just, get away from the car, ok? I don't want you getting hurt anymore." The sirens were closer now, lights coming into view. 
My mother reaches towards her neck, grasping something and yanking it free. It was my grandfather's necklace, a simple gold Ankh. She grabbed my wrist and placed it in my hand, closing it and kissing my knuckles. I hear her mutter a prayer to the Gods. 
"Go, now before it's too late. We will always be with you my little warrior. Be strong and live in the light of the Sun. I love you" with that, she closes her eyes. Despite everything telling me not to, I turn away from her and run as fast as I can, tears streaming down my eyes.
The ambulance finally makes it, the men rush out and begin to make their way to the car. Now on the sidewalk, I watch as the flames reach the gas tank and explode the car. 
Shaking my head, I pull out and begin to drive to Nora's job. I was supposed to pick her up from work 15 minutes ago, seeing as I only live 11 minutes away. I was going to take her home and cook for her as usual. She was always hungry after work. Manny and I were the designated chefs for the group, everyone else didn't know the difference between a pot and a pan. I also enjoyed the look on Nora's face when she ate something of mine that she liked. 
Hearing my phone go off, I pick it up and answer, putting it on speaker before turning my attention back to the road. 
"Hello?" I sound out, not knowing who was on the other end
"(Y/N)! Where the hell are you?! It's been over an hour! I've been blowing up your phone but haven't been able to reach you. What the fuck is taking so long?" Nora's voice filters through the car, bringing a smile to my face. 
"Sorry about that doll, I woke up late. I'm on my way, I just got side tracked with… um, some less than pleasant memories. Give me like, 7 minutes and I'll be there ok?" I can hear a sigh escape her, probably catching on to what I was saying.
"Alright, I understand. You know if you need to talk or something you've got me and the guys. You don't have to deal with this alone." She spoke, voice soft and loving. A tear slips down my cheek. Images of a time long passed flash in my mind. The smell of burning flesh is alive as though I was there again.
"Yeah I know… I'm ok though, it just catches me off guard sometimes. I promise I won't be late again." I try to keep the pain out of my voice. This was my problem to deal with, I didn't need to drag any of them down with me. It's been 10 years, I should be over this by now.
"(Y/N), it's not about you being late, I don't care about that, you're hurting. I'm worried about you, Abby told me you haven't been sleeping lately. Going on more and more dangerous jobs, coming home bruised and bloodied. You haven't even been eating properly. I know you, maybe even better than you know yourself. You're going through something serious. You keep pushing us away but I'm not giving up on you." There was a crack in her voice, great, now both of you were crying.
"I- fuck, listen, I can handle this, I'm a warrior, I'm not letting this stop me. I can fight my own demons. I don't need my friends to worry themselves with my issues. Just, leave it alone, please." By now my vision was blurry with tears. 
I stop at a red light, taking my hands off the wheel and wiping at my face. I can hear the sound of sniffling coming from my phone and my heart sinks. This is why I don't talk about these things. It only makes matters worse. 
"Listen, I'm almost there. I'm gonna pick you up, take you home, make you something to eat and maybe we can talk about it, alright? Now you dry up those tears, you're too beautiful to be sobbin on the side of the street." I manage to get out, hoping that will make her feel better. I hated when she cried. It made me feel like I failed to keep her safe.
"Ok… ok yeah, I'll see you in a sec." She breathes out, clearing her throat. "Hey (Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" The light turns green. I take your foot off the breaks and start driving.
"I love you." Three words, and my brain shuts down. I don't hear the horn honking, I don't see the car coming from my left, all I notice is my breath hitching. 
"Just not the same way I love you" I think bitterly, just the car crashes into me, full force. Everything slows down and fades to black. 
(Nora's pov)
"I love you." If only I could tell her the truth.
There's silence on the other end before I hear honking and then a crashing sound. My ears ring with white noise as fear overtakes me. She was only down the street at the light, I could hear people screaming faintly. I pocket my phone and take off in the direction the noise was coming from. 
"No no no, please. God don't do this to me." I find myself begging. To who, I'll never be sure. I round the corner and dread settles in my bones as I'm faced with a horrific scene. There's a car with it's front crushed like a soda can. I spot (Y/N)'s car a little ways away, the driver's side caved in.
I rush over to the car, her head hanging limp to the side, blood running down her face, staining her shirt. There's sirens in the distance, but all I can focus on is getting her out of the car. The window was cracked but not broken. I can't get the door to open up so I take off  my jacket, wrap it around my arm and break the glass. Reaching in I unbuckle her seatbelt and drag her out. 
By the time I get her a safe distance away from the car, a paramedic rushes up to me with a bag and a stretcher. 
"Ma'am, I need you to step back so I can assess her condition. Do you know this woman?" He asks me, dropping down to his knees to check her pulse. 
"I- yes! Yes she's my best friend, please tell me she's going to be alright." I pleaded, feeling useless as I stand there, doing nothing. I know there wasn't anything I could do, but watching her lie there, breathing shallowly, blood pooling under her, I couldn't help but let despair grip my heart. 
"It's ok ma'am it seems to me that she is only unconscious. Perhaps she has a concussion. If you'd like, you may ride with us to the hospital to get her checked out." He offers looking up and waving his hand to his partner, signaling her over.
"Yeah I would appreciate that very much. She's only 17 so I'll go ahead and call her legal guardian. He should know what happened here." I speak shakily, reaching into my pocket for my phone to call Abby's dad.
"Mr. Anderson? Hey it's Nora, I'm afraid I've got some bad news. Well uh, (Y/N) got into a wreck- no no she's ok all things considered, just unconscious. A few ribs may be broken but that's about it. Yeah I'm here with the ambulance, we're going to the east side hospital. Ok… yes sir, I'll see you there, drive safe." With that I hang up and follow the paramedics to the ambulance, getting in after them.
-At the hospital-
(Abby's pov)
"Where the fuck is my sister?!" I slam my hands down on the counter in front of me, already getting tired of this bitch of a receptionist. 
"Ma'am I already told you, I can't give that information away unless you are a relative of the patient. By your… skin alone, I can tell you have no relation to Miss. (L/N). You are more than welcome to wait until her parents come in." The woman says, turning back to her computer. 
"She doesn't have any fucking parents you stupid bitch, check her damn record!" I growl out. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder and turn to see my dad. 
"Abby that's enough, let me handle this. Excuse miss, my name is Jerry Anderson, I am (Y/N)'s legal guardian. As my daughter here was trying to say, (Y/N)'s parents died 10 years ago in a car accident, I adopted her and have been her caregiver ever since. Because of the nature of her visit here, we are quite worried about her condition and would like to see her. Now could you please direct me to my daughter's room?" Dad explained.
"Oh yes, I see what you mean Mr. Anderson, my apologies. She is in room 13, it seems she is in good condition, just a concussion. You can use those doors right there and then take a left." She instructs, pointing to a set of double doors.
We make it to (Y/N)'s room and walk in. She's on the bed with a bandage wrapped around her head and a few band-aids scattered around her arms. Sitting in a chair next to the bed is Nora, her face crestfallen as she holds her hand. When she notices us she stands up, coming over to us. I open my arms up, knowing she needs a shoulder to lean on right now.
She fell into my embrace, seemingly losing strength in her legs. I feel tears start to soak my shirt.
"God I'm so sorry, I- I was on t-the phone with her and, and t-then a crash and her car was so fucked I got her away from it but she wasn't breathing r-right and-" she stutters out, choking on her words. I shush her, rubbing circles in her back, trying to get her to calm down. 
"Nora it's ok, she's ok, it's only a concussion. You and I both know (Y/N) is a fighter. She'll be up and kicking ass in no time." I speak softly in her ear, looking up to see my dad reading the chart at the end of (Y/N)'s chart. His brow furrows at something he reads. 
I push Nora away a bit and wipe the tears from her eyes. "Come on, let go get you cleaned up and put some food in your belly, I know you haven't eaten since before your shift." I tell her, pulling her under my arm and leading her to the cafeteria. She was quiet the whole time, even after we sat down to eat. 
"I told her." She whispered softly, head down. She had barely touched her sandwich but I couldn't blame her. I didn't have much of an appetite either.
"What did you tell her?" I ask even though I had an inkling as to what she was referring to. I needed to keep her talking.
She sniffles, wiping at her eyes. "I told her I love her. Right before the car hit her. I heard the crash, I ran down the street and she was just sitting there, blood all over her, not moving. I thought she was dead. I was so scared." Nora's voice breaks at the end. Not knowing what else to do, I shift over and wrap my arms around her. Both these idiots were so madly in love with each other, I could only guess how much pain she was in. I love (Y/N) like she's my own flesh and blood, but what these two have going on? It's a whole nother level. I know for a fact (Y/N) would burn the world down for Nora. If only she could see that Nora feels the same. 
Out the corner of my eye, I see my dad approach is looking concerned. 
"Hey girls, (Y/N) is up if you want to go see her. I've already talked to her so you three can have some privacy." As soon as he said those words I stood up, grabbing Nora's arm and dragged her to (Y/N)'s room.
-10 minute earlier-
I open my eyes and immediately close them again at the bright lights. I groan and slowly open them again, taking in my soundings. I knew I was in a hospital room by the beeping of the heart monitor. I look to my left and see the only real father I've ever had. He looks up, noticing my movements and grabs my hand.
"Hey sweetie, how are you feeling?" He asks me, concern laced in his voice. 
"Like shit." I bluntly say, knowing he would want the truth before anything.
"I know baby girl, but I need to talk to you about something important before I call the doctor in." His eyes held a sadness I hadn't seen in a long time. I nod my head, having an idea where this was going. 
"While the doctors here were looking you over, they noticed you were suffering from damn near malnutrition. You had bursies and scars from before the crash. I know you tend to be quite independent, preferring to lick your wounds than ask for help. But honey, this isn't like you. Both you and Abby eat more than a pack of wolves. I want you to tell me what's going on. I know you've been upset recently, but I have never seen you like this." At that, everything I've been keeping in came out.
"I'm so fucking sorry, I'm so sorry. I've been playing somebody else and it's helping nobody. I see her in my head every fuckin day and now I'm sick." I broke down, I told him about everything. The nightmares, the flashbacks. About how I just couldn't feel anymore, how I can't eat without seeing my mother's face. We talked for a while until something hit me.
"Dad, if you're here I know Abby's here, but what about Nora? Is she here too?" I ask him hesitantly. He knew about my crush on Nora, the last thing I needed was for him to tease me. It seems I was in the favor of the Gods today because he simply said,
"Yeah she was the one who called me actually. She had been here before we got here. I'm going to go get them, I'm sure they want to see you." With that he left out the door.
A few minutes later Abby and Nora come through the door, moving to both sides of my bed. Abby looks at me, kisses my forehead, and dips out. I knew what she was doing, I definitely owed her one.
"Hey girly, sorry if I gave you a scare earlier. You know me, I'm a bit of an idiot. Heh" I chuckle, feeling nervous under her intense gaze. She didn't say anything for a bit, just looking at me. I was about to say something else when suddenly she leaned down and pressed her lips to mine.
You know that feeling when you're on a rollercoaster and your stomach drops? Yeah, that's how I felt then. All at once, my pain went away like shadows at noon. I reached up and cupped her cheek, kissing her back like I dreamed of for so many years. I don't know where this was coming from but my mother always told me not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Nothing about that saying made any sense but I understood what she meant.
Nora pulls away, bumping her head aginst mine. I winced at the contact and all too soon she was stepping back.
"Oh shit, I'm sorry I forgot, I-" she spoke with panic in her voice, eyes wide. It was at this moment I took in her appearance.
Her hair was up in its usual ponytail, clothes messy and stained with blood. It was clear she was a mess but she had never looked so beautiful to me.
"Aww, thank you darling, that's so sweet of you." She said suddenly, which was strange considering I didn't say anyt- wait.
"I said that out loud didn't I?" I squeeked, feeling my face darken with embarrassment. 
"Yes, you did, but I appreciate the thought." I've never wanted to curl up and die more than now. Actually, that's not true but whatever. There was something that was bothering me and if I didn't say anything now, I'd never find the courage to do so again.
"Did you mean it when you said you love me?" I asked quickly, not wanting to wait any longer. She blinks and pauses, looking caught off guard before laughing to her self.
"You really are an idiot sometimes. Of course I meant it, I literally just kissed you. I've been in love with you since we were 12. Maybe longer." She muttered that last bit. 
"By the Gods, you mean to tell me I could have just SAID something to you and I wouldn't have to hide how I feel?! It makes so much sense now, you're always so touchy with me, you always want me to stay over your place. I thought you just liked my food! Oh I'm such an idiot." I rant, feeling irritated with myself. 
"You're my idiot. When you get out of here, how about we go out to that new arcade you've been talking about? I was actually going to ask you out today, but ya know, that whole thing happened. Are you down?" She asked me. I look at her in disbelief, then quickly shake my head. Of course she would be the one to make the first move.
"Yeah I'd like that a lot. But you know what I'd like even more?" I ask, looking at her with a hint of mischief in my eyes.
"Hmm, what?" Nora says. I could tell she knew what I was going to say by the way she leaned closer to me.
"This." I whisper, reaching up and grab the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me. As I pressed my lips to hers, for the first time in 10 years, I felt like everything was going to be ok
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pynkhues · 5 years
Prompts for Center and Circumference if you are..... I'd love to see Rio having a tea party with the girls and Beth getting a picture of him wearing a funny hat.
Not exactly a tea party, and not exactly a hat, but I hope you like it anyway, anon. :-) 
“When do they come on?”
“Soon, pop,” Rio hums, shifting further back in his seat and glancing sideways at his son. He squints, rocks his jaw when he clocks Marcus’ heels hooked into the padded bottom of the chair, and shit, if that ain’t Jane all over. Rio makes a pointed noise in his throat, dragging Marcus’ attention back from the stage, down to his feet. He promptly drops his legs.
“We’ve been here for ages,” Danny whines on Marcus’ other side, and Rio’s basically inclined to agree. He had vague recollections of watchin’ his sisters at their own recitals thirty years ago, but it had nothing on this whole thing. Elizabeth had been stressin’ about it for weeks, and in here now – at some hired out little theater, it’s easier to see why. Ain’t exactly Radio City, but school halls ain’t got shit on it with its high stage and dark velvet curtains, bright, moving stage lights and thousand-chair audience. Not that the seats are full exactly, but it’s close, he’ll give ‘em that.
Then again, it is the girls’ dance school’s end of year revue.
It had been a big enough deal at home anyway – with double the amount of classes for the girls as usual – a fuckin’ scam if ever he’s heard one, because next thing Elizabeth’s fiddlin’ with their household budget and suspending her yoga classes until the end of the year to pay for it like they’ve got to count pennies (and shit, she’d been pissed when he’d called the club to unsuspend it, but he knows how long it’s taken her to find an instructor she likes, and he knows just how fast spots get snapped up there, and he ain’t havin’ her goin’ without for no damn reason. Not that she’d agreed with that either.
“The whole point of a household budget is to stick to it,” she’d insisted in bed that night, her freezing feet pushed between his calves for warmth. “We can’t just keep magicking up more money to pay for things.”
He’d scoffed, pulling her closer, until she was half draped across his chest, hand drifting down her back, canvassing the knobs of her spine before sliding over the swell of her ass.
“Do you even remember what trade we in, mami? Or you wanna go pick up some more wrappin’ paper with your girls for reference?”)
It hadn’t just been the extra classes though. If it was, maybe it would’ve been easier, but it was the fact that the parents were expected to make the costumes themselves – the dance school emailing out patterns and listing out fabric stores like they’re doin’ them a favour. Elizabeth being Elizabeth had gone and volunteered to make half the other girls’ in the class’ too, and shit, he feels like Halloween was yesterday (two months, but still) and now he’s pretty sure the electric whir of her sewing machine has become the soundtrack to his nightmares.
It had only gotten worse too when Emma had been promoted to head dancer for their class, something that had the kid alternately glowin’ like she’d swallowed a lightbulb and sobbin’ over her footwork not being good enough, which had only in turn gotten Elizabeth all in her head, stressin’ about this whole thing being perfect for Emma, despite Rio trying to tell her nothin’ good would come of protecting a kid from the reality of hard work and the rewards of it (like, fuck, she was already head dancer – if that wasn’t winning, he wasn’t sure what was).
Rio sighs, shifts back in his seat, resists the urge to rub at his forehead at what feels like the twentieth group of little girls in tutus skipping out onto the stage. Tinkling piano music starts up again (and he’s sure they’ve played this song before), when a dim light hits the corner of his eye. Rio twists in his seat, looking to his other side to find Kenny with his cell shoved up his shirt for cover, reading some bullshit on somethin’ or other, and Rio levels him with a look, holding out his hand. Kenny at least has the good sense to look bashful, pulling his phone out from his shirt and passing it over to Rio.
On stage, the dance wraps up, and a tall, thin woman with a head of tight black curls steps out onto the stage, still clapping as she approaches the microphone stand in the far corner of the stage.
“Wow, what a performance from our Bright Little Bees class! Now we’re moving from the backyard to the forest for our next performance with our Gumdrop Fairies!”
Marcus gasps at that, and all three of the boys sit up a little straighter, looking over the heads in front of them to get the best view of the stage, and Rio quickly passes Kenny back his phone, gesturing out to the aisle.
“Film it for your ma and your aunts and your abuela, yeah?”
Because shit, he’s already preparin’ himself for an earful from his mom for not inviting her (nothin’ personal – Emma had banned extended family, too up in her nerves), if she finds out he didn’t even tape the thing, he doesn’t think he’ll ever hear the end of it.
Kenny nods, pleased for a job, sliding out of his seat and into the aisle as the piano music starts again from the front of the theatre.
Rio’s only just had the time to turn around when a little girl dance-runs out onto the stage, a puff of white tulle and silver glitter, her hair bundled up on top of her head. She curtseys to the audience, and then behind her, another little girl does the same, and then the third is Jane, making Marcus and Danny burst into cheers beside him, and Rio grins too, watching her curtsey a little roughly to the audience, and he sits up taller, hoping she’ll be able to see them only - -
Rio frowns, because Jane spots him and Marcus and Danny, but averts her gaze, no toothy grin or proud little chin tilt to be seen. He narrows his eyes, watching as little girl after little girl dances out onto the stage, and then the fairy queen, only - -  
“That’s not Emma,” Danny says a little too loudly, making a bunch of the parents turn around to shush him, but Rio gives them all dark looks, making them quickly turn back, because that little blonde girl definitely ain’t Emma. He waits a minute, watching the stage as Marcus and Danny murmur confused beside him, and even Kenny’s looking back at him from the aisle, and finally he waves a hand at them.
“Stay and watch Jane, I’ll be back in a minute. Kenny’s in charge.”  
With that, he scoots out of the seats, glad Elizabeth had booked them closest to the aisle in case Rio had needed to take a call, before ducking out. He heads out the back doors and then around towards the backstage area where he’d seen Elizabeth briefly before the thing had started – every inch of her sparklin’ from where she’d been spraying glitter onto costumes and her hands a little bloody from pin pricks and needles.
Slipping through the door, he’s met with a mess of cheap, pop-star perfume and bouquets of wilting gas station flowers, tiny kids in tights and tutus rushing around, laughing, mothers shushing, a few running through steps, more just giggling as they pelt each other with powder puffs covered bright with pink blush. Glancing around the space, he spots the names of the group classes – following through from the Bright Little Bees to the Dancing Divas to the Princesses of Power and Rio’s rolling his eyes a little at the names before he finds the empty corner for the Gumdrop Fairies. He ducks over, briefly checking over the area before spotting Elizabeth’s bag, shoved into the corner beneath one of the little dressing tables. Crouching down to peak inside, he rolls his eyes when he finds both her cell and her wallet left in it because clearly she gets off on not listenin’ to him, and he grabs both, shoving them into the back pocket of his jeans before standing back up.
He glances across the room again, only to spot a dark-haired woman at the next class over eyeing him a little uncertainly. Rio rolls his shoulders back, gestures with a tilt of his head down to Elizabeth’s handbag.
“Yo, you see the woman and little girl who was here?”
The woman blinks, opens her mouth, her hands fluffin’ up a tutu, and her eyes drop down to his tattoo, but she firms up her step.
“I’ve seen a lot of women and little girls here,” she says carefully, and Rio huffs, tries to soften his expression.
“I’m lookin’ for my partner and her daughter. She’s supposed to be out on stage right now with her sister, but she ain’t. Just tryna figure out what’s goin’ on.”
The woman’s brow draws, her expression shifting cautiously as she looks like she’s trying to gauge intent in his expression, and she must see something she likes, because she smiles sympathetically at him, before glancing down at a little girl who can only be her own daughter, hoppin’ around in a lime green leotard.
“There’s always drama at these things, I swear,” she says with a huff, holding the tutu down to the ground for her daughter to step into. “What do they look like?”
“Kid’s cute, blue eyes like her mama. She’s brunette though – hair down to her ankles,” Rio says with a good natured huff, and at least that makes the woman laugh.
“Which one won’t let you get it cut?”
“Ain’t figured that out yet,” he replies easily, and the woman laughs all over again.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think that narrows it down. Your girlfriend?”
“Hair blonde, a little red,” he gestures to just below his jaw. “’Bout this tall. Wearin’ a dress with flowers on it.”
A look of dawning surprise crosses her face.
“The one with the - - “
She gestures a bit to her chest, and then promptly looks embarrassed, but Rio just grins, dimples and all, huffs out a laugh.
“That’s the one,” he says easily, and the woman nods, pointing out across the room.
“Her daughter was really upset. Seemed like something happened with another girl. I think she might’ve taken her into the bathrooms.”
Rio nods, says a quick thanks, and darts off across the room. He sucks in a breath, knocks a little, and when nobody says anything, he slides right in, and shit, at least that answers that. The bathroom is completely empty except for Elizabeth and Emma, who are sitting on the tiles, Emma red faced, clutching her flower crown, and sobbing at Elizabeth’s feet, her hair out of it’s sprayed-up bun, and Elizabeth, furiously combing it out. She glances up at Rio, and just - - something in his jaw sets on edge, because her expression is somethin’ between furious and grief-struck.
Striding over, he’s barely a foot away, when Elizabeth turns her gaze back down to Emma’s hair and he sees the tangled mess of it, held together with a bright, big glob of somethin’ pink and ugly. Elizabeth seems to sense he’s there in that way she does, seems to know what he’s lookin’ at too, because she sighs thickly.
“She put gum in her hair,” she says, her voice strained, and Rio frowns.  
“Who did?”
“Savannah Brinkly. That little - -” Elizabeth huffs out another breath, cutting herself off, scowling. “She’s the girl who’s out there now dancing Emma’s part.”
The words only serve to make Emma sob all the louder, and shit, Elizabeth’s face just falls apart. He leans in a little closer, drops a hand to her neck, pressing just slightly, then harder when one of Elizabeth’s hands come up to squeeze his. After a moment, she looks up at him, glassy eyed and pink cheeked.
“Is Jane on stage?”
Rio hums in affirmation, and Elizabeth exhales a breath he don’t think she even realised she was holdin’ in.
“She was almost as upset as Emma.”
“Didn’t look happy up on that stage,” Rio agrees, crouching down on the floor beside Elizabeth, behind Emma. He watches Elizabeth work the comb a little longer, but her hands are shakin’, so he pries the comb from her fingers, replacing her grip on Emma’s hair with his own. He combs a bit, but it ain’t gonna take a salon to tell them this shit is just gonna have to be cut.
“She did it right as they were about to go on. Just shoved her hand right into Emma’s hair. I’d seen her chewing gum all night, and I knew she was jealous of Emma getting the part – she’s the same girl who pushed her during class last week, remember Emma’s grazed hands? I should’ve done something.”
“What could you have done?” Rio asks her, lowering his voice, but he don’t think Emma’s listenin’. Too wrapped up in her own tears. “Can’t protect her from jealous bitches, ma.”
Beside him, he can feel Elizabeth stiffen, can feel her sigh.
“She worked so hard,” Elizabeth whispers, her voice thick. She shakes her head, and Rio glances sideways at her, his jaw rocking. He looks down at her hands – marked up from cutting through tulle and pinning fabric and weeks of work and energy and it’s strange – the feeling it tightens in his gut. He opens his mouth to reply, only for the bathroom door to spring open and another woman to run through, urgency thick in her tone.
“Beth, we need you out there right now.”
Swivelling beside him, Elizabeth blinks wildly over at the other woman, and Rio follows her gaze.
“What? Why?”
“Jane’s just, like, thrown herself at Savannah on stage.”
“Oh, god,” Elizabeth groans, and Rio passes the comb back to her.
“I’ll handle it,” he tells her, but Elizabeth shakes her head, getting up to her feet beside him.
“No, stay with Emma.”
And just like that, she’s following the other woman out, the door swinging shut behind them, taking all the noise of the theatre with them. Rio sighs, sitting back on his haunches, watching Emma’s glittery shoulders shake in front of him. After a moment, he just sighs.
“’Ey, enough of that now,” he says gently, turning Emma around, and she avoids it – tries to at least, tries to cement herself to the floor like she weighs anythin’ upwards of fifty pounds, but still. Rio moves her as gently as he can. “She worth all this?”
Emma shakes her head, but her bottom lip is still wobbling.
“No,” Emma says. “But this was supposed to be special.”
Rio hums, rubbing a few tears off her cheek with the pad of his thumb.
“This ain’t special? Can’t say I spent a dance recital in a bathroom before.”
And shit – it would’ve made Marcus laugh, but Emma just bursts into tears again.
“Ain’t sayin’ that’s a bad thing,” Rio says quickly, but Emma’s little hands are growing white knuckled around her flower crown, and Rio just sighs. “What she did ain’t right, and I’m sorry, darlin’. I’m sorry you missed your show, sorry we gonna have to cut your hair too.”
Emma sucks in a wet breath, but he thinks she might be all cried out, if the look on her tired little face is anything to go by.
“I don’t know why she was so mean, I’m never mean.”
“Nah, you ain’t,” and shit, Rio thinks, he wishes she was sometimes. He doesn’t think he’s ever known someone who smells the roses as much as this kid, and it still surprises him – how much he wants to protect it.
Protect her.
And - - not just her, he thinks, the picture of Elizabeth’s glassy eyes and sagging shoulders and scratched up hands taking up too much room in his head. He huffs, annoyed at himself before he can help it.
That woman’s fuckin’ wrecked him.  
Emma hiccups again in front of him, and Rio’s gaze drops to her face, to her hands, to the white and pink flowers in her flower crown, and he sighs all over again.
“This sorta thing, it ain’t really about you,” he tells her gently. “It’s about her, and it’s about what you have and what she don’t, and it ain’t on you to make her feel better about that.”
Emma looks up at him again, her face red and all her little dancer’s make-up practically leaking off her face, and Rio watches her hands tighter, her grip white knuckled to match the flowers, and she starts to say something, hiccupping all the while, when the bathroom door bursts open again, and Rio looks up, expectin’ Elizabeth, only - -
He laughs.
“Damn, darlin’, look at you.”
Because it’s Jane standing furiously in the doorway, her little face twisted up and her tutu ripped enough to hang off the back of her dress like a tail. She stalks over to them, dropping heavily down to the floor beside Emma, facing Rio, and he lets go of the comb to knock her up by the chin. There’s the start of a killer shiner reddening around her eye, and Rio’s brow furrows.
“Savannah do this?”
“I got her better,” Jane says sharply, tilting her chin up proudly like she hadn’t had it in her to do on stage, and Rio grins.
Say shit get hit, he thinks, amused, dropping her chin and turning his attention back to Emma’s hair.
“Where’s your mama at?”
“She’s talking to the teacher and Savannah’s mommy,” Jane says. “They’re yelling a lot. Mommy told me to come in here with you.”
Rio hums, trying to comb out Emma’s hair again, but giving up after a couple of brushes. Ain’t nothin’ but a pair of scissors left for it.
“Are we gonna have to cut it?” Emma whispers, her voice soft, and Rio nods.
“Yeah, darlin’. Your mama will do it when we get home, yeah?”
She exhales a wet breath, the sound coarse in the otherwise quiet of the bathroom, and Rio rocks his head from side-to-side, considering.
“Guess you’re a regular princess now, huh?”
And that’s enough to get both their attention, their twin sets of blue eyes blinking bright up at him, and Rio hums thoughtfully.
“Rapunzel had to cut her hair at the end of the movie too, didn’t she?”
Because shit, he’s watched it enough with the two of them now he thinks he could recite the thing – had to almost kill a guy at a drop because he’d clocked Rio humming that dumb I’ve Got a Dream song. It’s an ear worm, that’s all, burrows in your head.
“She lost her magic though,” Emma says, and Rio shrugs.
“Yeah, coz she didn’t need it no more. And you don’t need it neither – you got somethin’ better. You got skills and smarts, and you got bruiser over here to knock down anyone on the playground who says otherwise.”
Jane practically glows at that, holding up her little bruised fist, and shit, Rio thinks with a grin, she really knocked that kid out. He fistbumps her, before looking back over at Emma, turning over the flower crown in her hands. He knocks it a little with his hand, and Emma looks up at him.
“Do you think mommy can cut my hair to make it look like Rapunzel’s at the end of the movie?”
“Don’t think there’s a lot your ma can’t do, baby.”
Emma grins, dropping her gaze back down and they sit in silence for a minute, like she’s considering it, and Rio glances over at the door, wondering if he can get her out of here. He feels like it’s time to clear out – to get the girls home and happy and out of this fuckin’ place. Emma swipes briefly at her face, getting rid of a few of the shed tears, and Rio rocks back a little on his haunches.
“So what’d you wanna do?”
The words are enough to make Emma look back up at him again, and then back down at the flower crown in her hands, and Rio follows her gaze.
“Want me to get rid of that for you?”
She shakes her head, glancing back up at him, and then, after a beat, she climbs up onto her knees, lifts up the flower crown and drops it ceremoniously on his head. The action is enough to send the girls into flights of giggles, and Rio pops an eyebrow at them, playing up his shock and outrage.
“Oh, you think that’s funny?”
The girls just laugh louder, and Rio opens his mouth to reply, only to see a quick flash of light, and his head jerks around to see Elizabeth in the doorway, her cell in the air, pointed right at him, and Rio gives her an unimpressed look as she looks innocently back at him.
“Okay,” Rio says shortly, pulling off the flower crown and standing up. “Pack up your things, let’s get outta here.”
Leaping to their feet, the girls scurry out of the bathroom to collect their bags, and Rio strides easily over to Elizabeth, looking at her bite her lip at him, play innocent even as he says:
“You’re deletin’ that.”
“I absolutely am not,” she says. “In fact, I’m going to get it printed and send it out with the company Christmas cards. Seasons greetings from the boss. An honourary gumdrop fairy.”
She laughs, the sound melodic, echoing up through the bathroom, and Rio can’t say he ain’t glad to hear it after tonight. Still, he steps in a little closer, enough their chests are almost touching, enough she has to crane her neck to look up at him, enough he can just about see down the neck of her dress. He rocks his jaw, and he can see that too – the slight look of trepidation in her eyes, like she ain’t quite sure how he’s gonna play this, and shit if he don’t love that he can still surprise her.    
“Everythin’ okay with the teacher?”
And that definitely wasn’t what she was expecting, but the second the surprise wears off, she’s sighing harshly, dropping her arm and tilting her head to the side.
“No. I mean, yes, it’ll be fine, but they’re acting like Jane’s the one who did something wrong when none of it would’ve happened if Savannah hadn’t had it out for Emma.”
“Sounds like Jane still knocked the kids lights out,” Rio says with a shrug, watching Elizabeth’s chest rise and fall beneath the neckline of her dress, when Elizabeth suddenly cringes.
“And a tooth.”
And well – shit. Rio barks on a laugh at that, and then Elizabeth starts too, a little hiccupping giggle that makes him inch closer.
“I mean, it was a baby tooth! With the way Savannah’s mom was talking about it, you’d think she’d fractured her skull or something.”
Outside, Rio can hear Kenny’s voice now, and Danny, and then Marcus too (with awe in his tone, no doubt at Jane’s display, and shit, Rio thinks, it’s not like he don’t love the kids, but Jane’s trouble with a capital T). He can hear the bustle of the performers and a few mommas yelling about somethin’ or other, and there’s a whole rest of the night to get to, but still. He presses a little closer into Elizabeth.
“Tonight was a disaster,” she says, groaning. “And everyone’s gonna know.”
“Yeah,” Rio agrees, because the thought of his sisters finding out doesn’t particularly appeal to him neither, but it is what it is. He lifts his hand up holding the flower crown and pushes it down onto Beth’s head, watching the white petals fall down into Elizabeth’s curls, and he doesn’t move his hands from it when she looks up at him, her blue eyes bright as anythin’, and she looks somewhere between suspicious and entranced, which is really just the way he fuckin’ likes her, he thinks, grinning as he uses the crown to bracket her head and pull her up for a kiss.
“You’re deletin’ that photo,” he says against her mouth, feeling her breasts press soft against his chest.
Arching an eyebrow down at her, he bites her lip, just a little sharply, just until he feels her shiver.
“I got methods, mami.”
And Elizabeth just scoffs, and well, if that ain’t a challenge, he don’t know what is.
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rcris123 · 5 years
"Please hold me. It’s been a day.” whatever you feel like ;w; !
“My girl! Mylittle girl!”
Sebastian ran, nohesitation, took her into his arms, cradled her to his chest and the girl clungto his clothes. He could see, even from this distance, the way the man’s bodytrembled under the weight of his own sobs.
And Arthur’s gotta bebeside him; steps quicken after the halt they’ve come to, watching Sebastiancome undone ‘cause his daughter was somehow alive. How long he said it’s been? 3years since he thought she was dead. And then some more months he ain’t counted‘cause he got thrown out of bein’ a Sheriff and that broke him.
My lil’girl. The man won’t stop sobbing, mumbling thosesame words over and over, mingled in with her name: Lily. Gnarly hands shieldedher head, nestled it as close to Sebastian as possible, man all but bent overin his fit. Arthur knelt beside him, unsure if he should be acting on theimpulse of placing a hand on his back to rub the cries away.
Isaac steadily joinsthe bunch of them. They’re standin’ among corpses of their own makin’, but thebastards deserved what was comin’ to them.  Rustling girls like livestock? All hid in acovered wagon that they might have not even known of if it weren’t for thatscream.
Arthur pulls Isaac inand let that arm wrap around Sebastian’s shoulder. His son bundles under him justas much, havin’ left that riffle fall out of his hands. And now all they can dois wait for this storm to pass ‘em.
 They ain’t meant tostand here. The law’ll find ‘em.
Sebastian’s backsoftens, and the sobbin eases out, the tremblin’ too. A pat, as gentle as roughhands could muster.
“C’mon, buck. C’monup.”
Man clutches hisdaughter further into his arms, her head poking out from the crook of his neck,only to then bury there, not letting Arthur or Isaac see her face.
“It’s a’right lil’miss.” Arthur tries, both hands guiding Sebastian to his feet.
Isaac sprung to bringthe horses round. He helps the man mount Ashley, as he’s still holding on toLily as tight as can be.
They gotta be settingup a camp somewhere; night’s almost come.
They ain’t far fromthe Grizzlies East. Three Sisters’s just up ahead.
“There should be a pondnearby if I remember right.” Isaac says.
“Lead the way.” Arthurencourages. Moonstone pond it should be. They’ve passed by here.
 It got damn dark toofast and it was getting just as cold. They found a cabin on the other side ofthe pond, flattened by a tree, but there still seemed to be enough space insideto home them for tonight. It smelled of rain in the air.
Arthur gave Lily thesheeps’s coat he had fortunately had with him. Lil’ thing had her eyes red andpuffed out and there looked to be like a scar of her lip, trailing all the waydown to the chin. Isaac awkwardly made his way to sit by her as his father gotout the sleeping bags.
“Hi there.” Silence.Bags get unrolled on the floor, trying to fit ‘em in the small space. “I’mIsaac.”
“... Lily...”
And Sebastian’s stilloutside...
“We gonna get you somewarm tasty food, Lily.” Arthur says, getting up. “It’s all gonna be just finefrom now on.” He tries a smile; he would of pat her head if he’d be feelin’braver. But the poor lil girl’s shrunk inside the sheep coat, only a head withmessy black hair stood out.
Arthur gets outside.
A puff of smoke andthe dim licker of a lit cigarette, trembling lightly with the tremor of thehand.
Sebastian’s head doesn’tmove; whole body stands still. And there he comes, both hands on the man’sshoulders. He throws the cig, stomps on it, turns around and presses hisforehead in the crook of Arthur’s neck. A deep drawn-out breath in, a whineout. And now Arthur can rub his back proper.
“Please... hold me. It’sbeen... a day...”
And hold him he does,no questions further asked. “I know, I know.” One hand goes up, ‘round the man’sback, caressing through the hair, securing him into the embrace. “It’s okay. Wegot her. We got her, buck.”
“We...” He feels Sebastian’stears on the skin of his neck. “We got her...” Nails dig into the fabric of hisvest for a moment before realization sets in and he pulls away to look at him almostscolding. “Arthur... Ain’t you cold?”
“I’ll be fine.” Somerubs between Sebastian’s shoulderblades and a smile. Courage, pardner, they’vemade it this far. “But we should be choppin’ some wood, get a fire goin’ andget the lil’ miss somethin’ to eat. You too, buck. Ye’r getting scrawny.”
“You’re the one totalk.” Mildly annoyed, but even in this dark her knew when there was a crack oflaughter in that voice.
“Guess we need to huntourselves a bear next time.”
“Don’t you dare-”
“Scars look good onme.”
A pause, a snort. Anotherlean into Arthur. And for a moment longer his fingers find their way back intoSebastian’s hair, playing with dark strands. A kiss follows, chaste on the cheek,before it comes hungry as a reply from Sebastian. Mouth buries into mouth, theman’s hands cupping Arthur’s. He pulls him close. Closer.
The kiss is onlybroken when Sebastian pulls away: “Thank you.”
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softestvirgil · 6 years
A crappy review of Learning New Things About Ourselves, Part 2
Click here to read the first part!
"Sure, your feelings may not always make sense, but it's not your feelings job to make sense," Wow, I never thought of that.
Anytime Patton or anyone talks about dealing with feelings, Logan looks irritated.
Roman blew Virgil a kiss. He blew him a freaking kiss.
Vomity Central
"Oh my gosh what is up your butt?" "An arm!"
"Okay, I think it's clear that pointing fingers is getting us nowhere, so let's avoid that," Patton: "Agreed," *Points his finger at Thomas* "Oh! Butterfingers!" Virgil: "Huh that's not what butterfingers means..." Once again Patton doesn't get sayings.
Logan is so passive aggressive oh my god.
"Firstly there's no job security, I mean people fall out of public favor very quickly," "One! One cause of unease! Ah ah ah!" *Gets startled but ignores him* "You're balancing a great deal of responsibilities, people have limits, perhaps you cannot continue at this pace indefinitely," "Two! Two nervous thoughts! Ah ah ah!" *Ignores him again* "Your work is inessential. Some may claim they've been "inspired" by one thing you've said or another, but who's to say they couldn't have found the inspiration they needed elsewhere," "Three. Three depressing speculations. Ah ah ah," "And oh, oh I can think of another one! No one takes you seriously!" "Four... four uncomfortable characters in this room right now..." Virgil honey you did so good. You provided much needed comic relief to a really uncomfortable scene.
Logan cares way too much about being taken seriously. I get that he is logic, but not everything always has to be serious.
"Thomas, I have held back my opinions for too long," SINCE WHEN?
A real job? A REAL JOB?
"Shesh you sloppily eat some jam, accidentally make a few puns and now you're all sensitive about not being taken seriously?" "I'M NOT A JOKE!" Woah, Logan... honey...
This part of the video really shows that he is willing to be the bad guy in order to get Thomas to listen to him.
"I kind of hate you a little bit right now and shut your dirty mouth," Yeah, Logan you know he hates change.
"Thomas don't start, I have plenty of hate to go around," "Oh very funny, Virgil! You cute little muffin. Thomas you know he doesn't mean it," Patton, sweetie, stop ruining his thunder.
Patton sugar coats things too much, which is kind of like lying but less like actual deceit and more like masking the truth with positivity, which is still not great.
I appreciate the nod to Patton's attachment to memories, and also Roman noticing and helping him out of it.
"Why don't you just go get lost in a dryer!" Because he's a SOCK PUPPET? HAHAH-
"In truth, I do feel bad," Roman admitting he feels bad and saying sorry makes my heart so warm, even if he didn't appoligize to Virgil at least we are getting somewhere.
That little "Okay," thing Virgil does when he gets dismissed makes me have feelings.
"...like a stupid caveman..." Roman that isn't how you appoligize, you are trying but like try harder.
"I am responsible for my actions, and my actions alone," YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? GROWTH! I LOVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!
"Oh well that's... very kind," SAY SORRY BACK, DAMN IT!
I just love how Roman instantly took the chance to turn it into a musical again, and I have zero complaints about it.
"There are several several sides to us that may seem abstract at first until we discover where everything fits," It pans to Logan there, and he looks so... sad. Maybe he doesn't feel like he fits there anymore.
"I had this problem where I'd often hide my less than awesome feelings so when I would feel like sobbin' I'd just smile and crack jokes! I thought that, that was coping only joking never showing sadness hoping it would go away," "Did that work?" "Nope!" Logan? Were you maybe getting ideas there?
"Everybody gets sad even Dads that have people to care for, and therefore you don't have to hide your pain, life without rainy days is incomplete," I just, I love that part a lot. It's so meaningful.
"On the subject of storm clouds, because you know you need storm clouds to make... rain... okay I'm just gonna get into it," Yes, Virgil! Get it!
"You once knew me as real gloomy, this weird spooky broody dude because I knew you'd listen to me as too scary to ignore. I thought that I could take it all the hate could just be shaken but when you lo-care! for someone not much hurts more than their scorn," I love that Virgil and Patton are kind of using their story arcs to help Logan and Roman.
"...by bad I mean well mean but I did what I thought that I had to, which is bad too. I don't have to act all tough-" "Sometimes love is enough," GREAT NOW I'M CRYING COOL
"That was a quaint little review of things that we already knew," Logan, they were trying to help you!
Virgil: "You're lost," Logan: "I'm right here..." Virgil: "It's okay," Logan: "You're acting weird..." Virgil: I was lost once too but thanks to all of you life sucks less now," "We're your best pals!" This is, by far the most emotional part of the video for me. Virgil sees himself in Logan and what Logan's going through, and doesn't want him to go down that road. He cares about him, and is so gentle with his words. Then the rest all join in and reassure him that they are his friends, and that he doesn't have to fight them.
Roman literally had to air out literal dirty laundry... oh my gods.
"...it's clear you're the one that's hurting," Yes, Thomas!
Virgil: "You feel low," Patton: "It's okay," Look at my boys working together to help their friends!
"In almost any case we embrace you, no one hates you," He needed that a lot, like I really don't think you realize how much he needed that.
"This puzzles tough, I'll admit but in time we'll find where everything fits," I have so many feelings.
"... they're originating with me," Roman?
"It's so hard to create anything that I'm proud of when it's critiqued so harshly, by you," He cares what Logan thinks, a lot... and Logan was not aware of that.
"... the song was part of the conversation," NO SH*T SHERLOCK
Okay so Logan kind of gets it now, and understands that he can still play a part in things that may not seem to make sense to him, but it still feels... incomplete?
"Why did I never question people's belittling views on what I do?" I have nothing to say I just like that part.
"Don't hug me! I'm scared," Were you waiting all this time to make that joke? I know you were you creepy emo.
"...not that I was WRONG..." You were wrong, several times.
Logince is still going strong, gays.
Virgil's smile at them when he turns back makes my heart do a thing.
"Yes, you can become a puppet..." "Only if you want to," Virgil out here applying the same respect Thomas shows him, to Logan. I love.
I feel like at this rate they are all going to blind themselves soon, ouch.
"You're not made of felt," "Of course not, I've never felt anything in my life," THAT IS A VERY UNTRUE, VERY ANGSTY DAD JOKE
"Patton you were right..." MUSIC TO MY EARS
I am really proud of Virgil for being brave enough to tell Patton that he sometimes ruins his thunder, and I think even though he was brave in doing that, he was still scared that would make Patton not like him anymore. Because Patton was his only friend in this world for such a long time.
"You're all better now, right, Roman?" "Ugh well maybe not, but I will not shy away from that fact any longer!" I am, so proud right now.
"Well you, have my support," I LOVE BEST FRIENDS
Robot stretchy arm highfive, so weird and wholesome
"You did the stretchy arm!" He was so happy about that! I love it so much!
I feel like Virgil initiated the highfive to make sure he and Patton were okay, and he looked so relieved when Patton went for it. It was a bit awkward and I think that may just be because of the stretchy arms, or it's that they both feel a little bit weird about Virgil's confession and how it might change how they interact, but they still made it happen in the end... and they are still BEST FRIENDS AND I LOVE BEST FRIENDS!
I love Roman and Patton's puppet bit at the end, even though I don't get it
"I have no idea what this is, but it's highly entertaining," Me with the whole series tbh.
"Well now that, that's all settled I'm ready for a little relaxation," "Well I got some good news for ya!" "What's that?" "You'll get a lot of relaxation because it'll probably be another six months till the next Sanders Sides!" Patton, no! Not again! Never again!
"If you guys are right about that one I'm gonna freakin lose it," ME TOO
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the-settingsun · 5 years
We're all gonna die - Edward Nygma x reader. Songfic
Please listen to the song as you read.
Quick songfic about my dear Eddie. Because he needs to be protected. My precisious baby boy. Feel free to request and give feedback I'd appreciate it. Also I dont proofread so point out any mistakes to me.
Tumblr media
Gif credit to the owner.
Warnings : Blood, mentions of abuse, injuries.
The evil it spread like a fever ahead
,,What can be lost but never found?" Your boyfriend yelled at you while he took another bottle of alcohol and drank it in one go. The thunder encouraged him to put down the bottle on the small wooden table beside the window. He slowly started approaching you, you were expecting him to insult you again and his words schocked you. He wiped his nose with his hand and smirked ,,Do you like riddles?" He fake frowned ,,Or just the riddle man?". You froze, he found out about Eddie. Only man who treat you right. The GCPD was a pretty small after all. You knew what was this man infront of you capable of. ,,Please dont hurt him" you whispered looking down at your bare legs. ,,Honey, you know its for your own good" he purred into your ear. ,, Please stop" you said as quietly as possible. There was no point in fighting him, he always got what he wanted.
It was night when you died, my firefly.
After he was done with you he left like always. Broken glass, broken furniture and broken bones.
You didnt feel anything, your body wasnt yours anymore, your mind was black. But oh the floor the cold floor that make your skin crawl. Was is the floor or the blood? No one can tell. Cold, as the raging storm outside. The thunders couldnt be heard anymore but the lightning helped you see, always for a split second.
What could I have said to raise you from the dead?
Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?
As you watched the same picture appear before you for hours you gave up. The pain was not worth it. It was time to move on, past the small ligh provided by your eyes that got already used to the dark. You were ready to see the light. It was silence, you cried softly as you slowly pulled your hand from the wound caused by the glass shards.With the very last strenght you had you managed to reach broken table, with one leg missing. Your whole body weight was now relying on it. The crimson shined for a brief moment, another lightning. You fell again getting tiny pieces of wood stuck in your already bloody arm. The pain kicked in as you tried to reach the phone. Every step you took was followed by lightning, displaying the silluettes of broken window on the floor beneath your feet. You reached the phone and pushed yourself against the wall. Looking at your wound and bloody hands putting pressure on it. You sensed you had last few moment infrotn of you. And so you dialed the number
Edward Nygma
Well you do enough talk
The moment you heard the dial tone you broke down. There was so much you didnt do in life, you wanted to
tell Edward everything, have amazing dates, help your daughter with her boyfriends, cry during your son's wedding. But now it was all gone in the clouds. ,, Hello this is Ed.Im sorry I cant currently talk leave a message" you put the phone down on the ground anf sighted.
My little hawk, why do you cry?
,Ed? Are you th-there?" Your lips slowly moved ,, (Y/N) is that you? Whats wrong? Where are you? Are you hurt" Ed spoke quickly through the screen. ,,Im home, I dont have much time, I-I-I think I-I'll die Ed. Im afraid" you heard him curse quietly,the some rumbling and door opening. Meanwhile you tried to adjust your position but your hand couldnt support you. So you sat there against cabinet slowly bleeding, looking at the ceiling above, clutching your stomach. You couldnt make out anything from the call except : Jim, help and Ed's panicking voice ,,(Y/N) talk to me please)"
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
You glanced at the clock, it was past midnight. ,,Ed can you believe it? I made it to another day" you chuckled and hissed in pain right after. ,,(Y/N) please hang on, Im coming, the ambulance is coming, you are gonna make it" This time it wasnt his typical panic voice. Ed was crying. You blinked and more tears fell down on you sleeves.
,,Ed, Im sorry"
We're all gonna die
You heard him sight,,No, (Y/N) there is nothing to be sorry for. Its all my fault" he said and his voice broke ,,I should have seen it, I should have protected you" he let out a sob and began crying and sobbin more. ,,Eddie? I-I, you're right I should have told someone. But please dont blame yourself. Dont" you whined and put your hand over your mouth. You focused so much on your sobs you couldnt hear Ed. ,,-I cant lose you (Y/N), you are the only one that ever accepted me" he went silent. Or was it you?
Sitting at the bed with the halo at your head
Was it all a disguise, like Junior High
Where everything was fiction, future, and prediction
Now, where am I?
My fading supply
It was all too much, everything too fast and too slow at the same time.
Your cries overpowered the sound of now returned thunders as you heard cars going by below your window. ,,It hurts" you screamed in pain as you moved your arn away to overlook the injury again. ,,We're almost there (Y/N) just hold on."
,,Did you actually mean it?" Once again you asked but now with smile on your face. ,,Or is it just faded memory?" Remembering events of last weekend when you two attended police ball, he pretended to be your ,,scary" boyfriend infront of bunch of arrogant officers. Ed cleared his throath and gulped
,, The ball?" there was silence. You knew you couldnt stand up so you carefully started sliding yourself closer to the floor. ,,I did, you (Y/N) are the most beautiful, trustworthy and inteligent person I know" you stopped, only youd neck was now againt the cabinet. ,,Funny I thought you were just bluffing"
Did you get enough love, my little dove
Why do you cry?
,,What happened (Y/N) I thought you two were happy" you went silent letting the thunder be answer. You used your free habd to push yourself away from the cabinet. Now you were just laying there ,,I thought so too Ed. I loved him I did. I told myself" he kept silent you presumed he was close. Despite thunders you heard a train on the other line. The train station. He wasn't gonna make it. There wasnt enough time for him to hold you in his arms. ,,I love you Ed" you whispered loud enough for it to be heard. He took a deep breath. You messed up, but he deserves to know.
,,I love you so much (Y/N), now you cant leave here alone. I-I cant make it withouth you"
And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best
Though it never felt right
My little Versailles
,,Isnt it funny? I was always too scred to tell you and now" you coughed and gasped for air ,,we cant be together anyways. Maybe we could be another tragic pair of lovers like in the books" you softly laughted before you strated coughing again. It was blood, but at your state there wasnt place around there wasnt blood. ,,(Y/N) It was me who bought you the flowers not officer-" you stopped him ,,I always knew, the wws this little voice in my head that i-i-it was y-you." You winced as breathed. Last minutes.
The hospital asked should the body be cast
Before I say goodbye, my star in the sky
Such a funny thought to wrap you up in cloth
Do you find it all right, my dragonfly?
,, Eddie, we both know how is it going to end. I just do-do-ont want you to blame yourse-lf" you both inhales sharply. You because speaking makes you weaker and Ed because he was having a war with himself right now.,,No" you were silent. ,,No, there will not be anything I'd have to regret!" He yelled and cried at the same time. Poor Eddie, you knew how vulnerable he was. ,,If I die" I dont want you to visit me. ,, I wouldnt want you to dwell on the past. I'll be a dead end. Literally" you giggled a little before Ed screamed through the phone ,,FOR GODS SAKE (Y/N) YOU ARE DYING. STOP JOKING ABOUT IT."
,,Sorry, sorry. I am serious. Do-Do not attend my funereal, dont bring me flowers, dont get involved in the case." whispering you wiped your tears for the first time.
,,Why (Y/N)? So am I supposed to forget about you? If you are telling truth and you do love which I certainly hope you do. You are the love of my life (Y/N)." Once again the muffled cried from the other side of the phone were drown out by the now stronger storm. ,,Because I would break you"
Shall we look at the moon, my little loon
Why do you cry?
,,Tell me a-a-a ridd-d-riddle Edd-Eddi-Ed" you sighted as you felt your breath slowing down every minute. ,,What are the three words that are said too much, but not enough"
,,I love you"
,,So do I"
Make the most of your life, while it is rife
,,H-H-El-Hell-Hello?" You coughed so hard your head raised from the ground only to fall back there.
,, Im here (Y/N), Jim is here. You are here. Im not losing you now."
He hanged up.
While it is light
The front door opened and the lights turned off. It shocked your body and you gasped. A figure was kneeling next to you. It was Edward Nygma. The one you loved.
Well you do enough talk
,,I wanted to grow old with you
(Y/N). I still want to. Dont.leave.me" Ed held you tighter and put his hand on your cheek and as he slowly sobbed. Hie glasses were wet from his tears and rain. He was a shaking mess. You looked into his eyes. And smiled.
My little hawk, why do you cry?
Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn?
Or the Fourth of July?
We're all gonna die
You lifted up the hanf that was on your wound. Ed quickly put it back, applying the pressuee back. Being confused and still pouring his soul out through tears. You sturggled and released yourself from his grip. You hand was now cupping his cheek. With every little strenght you had you barely leaned forward and pecked edwards lips he was just starring at you, knowing its the end. With that, he pressed you towards him harder and frantically held you thinking you could disappear in every second. With that the ambulance arrived and...
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
Name : (Y/N) (L/N)
Date of death : 4th of july
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