devilscreekballad · 1 year
i want spoilers ❤️
Spoilers you shall have then:
Current Easter Egg names:
Arthur Morgan (this will get some special text in ch7)
Dutch van der Linde (works with the surname written as in canon and as one word; no special text yet)
John Marston (no special text yet)
Kieran Duffy (no special text yet, but you'll probably have an easier time getting along with Bullsnot and Misfit)
Sadie Adler, SeanMacGuire, Javier Escuella (no specil text yet, might actually remove them from the list)
Caleb Quinn (special text with the next update, when viewing the wanted posters in the sheriff's office)
Eda/Edalyn Clawthorne (no special text yet, but she'll prolly have a fieldday down the line when there's more talk about the cult)
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yami--malik · 5 years
Arya: *posts literally anything*
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rcris123 · 5 years
(screw) "The Rules" with Sean, please, i beg of u-
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Donegal man says “Fuck you” and burns down a mansion
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fangirl-ramblings · 5 years
charthur for the ship meme uwu
Who is more likely to fall asleep on the couch
Arthur - he can fall asleep anywhere and anywhere.
who makes meals and who is more likely to hoard take-out menus
Arthur will try to cook, but Charles is a bit more of a perfectionist in the kitchen and will shoo Arthur away if he's doing something
who gives nicknames
It comes more naturally to Charles and it's usually related to animals or nature (probably something like "my handsome Stag")
favorite non-sexual activity
Hunting - gives them time to just enjoy each others company without the hubbub of camp
who leaves notes for the other to find
Arthur will leave notes and Doodles all over the place for Charles
Charles will make things for Arthur and leave them next to his bed
who crosses the street to pet a cute dog
who takes notes on the other’s favorite foods and makes sure the fridge is stocked
Both - they love doing small things for each other
who initiates sex most of the time
Charles, Arthur's doesn't want to seem like he's pestering so will just sit there fidgeting until Charles takes notices of his plight.
who apologizes first after a fight
Charles will always apologise if he knows he's in the wrong. If it's not his fault and he's really upset, Arthur will be given the silent treatment until he apologies
who is more protective
Both are equally protective of each other
who says “I love you” first
They've never actually said the words - but they feel no need to as they both know how the other feels about them with all the small things they do.
Though I imagine one day it just slips out one of their mouths in conversation and the other just smiles and nods saying "me too"
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whumpster-dumpster · 5 years
I love ur blog uwu thank u so much for the help and all the content!
Aw, sure thing! ❤️
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anna-morgan1901 · 5 years
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1. Breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close you're murmuring into each other's mouths ................................................ "Mrs. Callahan." That was the name she used when the proper-seeming fellow at the front desk cocked an eyebrow at the purchase of a single co-ed room between her and Arthur Morgan. The very idea of such impropriety between two shady-looking characters sent one bushy, dark brow sharply up, nearly hitting the ceiling with thinly-veiled judgement as he drew conclusions quicker than a gunslinger draws his six-shooter. Colette herself had no qualms with being mistaken for a working girl-reveled in it even-though Arthur, bless him, was a bit more bashful than that. Cole couldn't fault such a blunt conclusion, though, dressed as she was. She'll swear she dressed properly as to not draw attention, but her short, thick body didn't allow sharing clothes with the other girls at camp and nothing she owned of a feminine persuasion covered her chest to the neck or the tattoo of a pistol on her collarbone. It wasn't for lack of trying, though. Her blouse lost those buttons at the top long ago, the lacy collar standing around her neck, plummeting into a deep V and playing a lascivious game of peek-a-boo with her cleavage and tattoo. The skirt was a bit better, though the heavy material only further accentuated the stark difference between the width of her waist and of her hips. Her homestead heels added an inch of height to her short body, putting her at the ideal height to snake her arm around Arthur's, drop her head against a strong shoulder like a girl in love. And Cole would do anything for Arthur, including spare him the embarrassment of confrontation that she so adored. That included less hesitation than clothing worn on her part when she extended a heavy, corded arm and wiggled her fingers in a coquettish introduction, "Mrs. Cassandra Clay Callahan, how evah do you do?" in an accent decidedly more Northern than her Lemoyne cadence (not that this Strawberry bumpkin could tell otherwise as he took her hand, eyeballing the large, stolen ring on her finger but thinking it better to say nothing.) "My husband is heah on some impohtant business-" goodness she's having fun laying it on thick, in sounding like her mother-"heah in West Elizabeth and it won't do to have his little wife stayin' anywheah but the best. Isn't that right, my Arthur?" Arthuh. Cole bites back a giggle as she throws her gunmetal-grey glance up at him, eager to see him biting back laughter just the same. He wasn't. As it turns out, her little aside wasn't any easier on the poor outlaw, Cole realized a second too late, than being mistaken for a whoremonger. The top of her "husband's" ears grew red, jaw squaring and she nearly feared she upset him. Had that uppity whore Mary Linton written him again, making him sensitive to the topic? They had been engaged, hadn't they? It's a joke anyways, Arthur, Cole doesn't want to marry, you know that, don't be mad. But instead of reprimand he collects himself, gives her this: A "That's right, darlin'," in a tight tone that would sound normal to anybody but Cole. An arm tightened around hers just so-something she wouldn't mind in any other situation. A stiff nod as he takes their key. As they head up the stairs, the homey scent of lumber and acrid cigarette smoke fills her senses. Really, she wonders as her short legs struggle to keep up behind him on the stairs, is having a whore wife so bad? Least I wouldn't up and leave you. It's an odd thought, especially for somebody as noncomittal as her. She'll swear she doesn't love him like that up, down, left and right, just as she'll swear she doesn't love like that at all. It just doesn't come natural to her. Cole adores Arthur, would do anything for him, lives for fucking him and fucking lives for him but it isn't love, it's not, it isn't- He gets her in their room and in one damnably elegant motion has her swept up close, the door at her back and locked tight, and his mouth on hers. Cole is only surprised for a moment before she assumes her role, settling into intimacy like a perfectly broken-in saddle. She gets a hand on the back of Arthur's head, fingering gently the close-shaved fade at the nape of his neck as her other hand slides across his leather vest, down his side, and pulls with all her might to get him closer. He's got one big hand on the small of her back, mouth working against hers almost desperately, moaning lowly when she knots her fingers in his hair and tugs Arthur off enough to breathe for a moment, get enough room between them to shove him back towards the bed. He stumbles back, breathless and glassy-eyed as her thick, pale fingers work her blouse open with no effort at all, rutched navy-blue and lace falling away as a bird shot out of the sky. Arthur has to wonder if her riling him up was on purpose when he sees that her chemise is part of a matched set, skirt pooling around heeled boots and stepped out of with elegance to spare. Her magnolia thighs, thick and strong and tipped with pink lines near her hips, are free of any adornment, the midday sun catching like the surface of a placid lake. His eyes follow her legs from her broad calves to those tempting things to something that makes his breath catch in his throat. The accompaniment to that well-fitted chemise, a pale blue set of directoires, fit like a glove. Intentionally small and tight against her ample hips, taken in to follow the tops of her thighs and sewn with lace, taut on her soft stomach and cupping exactly what he wants his mouth on- "Arthur!" Cole said sharply, snapping him out of his stare. He had the decency to look embarrassed for the briefest moment before she pointed at her bust, "They're up here, stupid." He ducked his head, chuckling a bit as she sauntered over, pushing him to sit on the chest at the foot of the bed, taking his hat and putting it on over her crown of dark hair. She planted a heeled boot beside his thigh on the chest, hands on her hips, smirking down at him as he placed a kiss on the inside of her soft thigh. Cole sighed in delight as his hands ran along her bare skin, lips pressing closer and closer to her core as if asking permission. Denied, she thought smugly as she pushed him away with a hand to his forehead, settling instead into his lap. Arthur looked almost wounded, soft blue eyes wanting, drawing an affectionate, sympathetic smile from his lover. "Poor baby. I'm so mean to you, ain't I?" Cole sang sweetly, hips rocking gently like a sailboat. "Mean as a polecat," he muttered against her neck, biting just above the pistol on her chest. "Some wife." Cole started a bit, the admission igniting a whole new fire inside of her. The words pooled low and heavy in her stomach, a soft groan escaping through pale pink lips as she settled against his lap, grinding down and kissing him hard. One large hand grabbed her ample ass, fingers brushing along the silk and delighting in that it didn't cover her rear entirely. He canted up against her hips just to hear the way she moaned against his mouth, feel her body shudder and thighs clamp down around his to get more friction against her core. Arthur knew Cole well enough to know she was aching now, that sitting in his lap drove her crazy in the most banal of situations, much less when she was nearly naked in his arms, very aware of his cock-heavy, hard and leaking-in his pants. A hand knotted in her thick, dark hair kept her from pulling back, kept that whine of protestation against his mouth as he kissed her, got a hand between her legs, his vest being pressed back off his shoulders and his shirt being worked open and her hands on his chest melt his thoughts into an incoherent, reverent narrative as she kissed him and-oh how he loved kissing her, how she was always so ready to kiss him, so unconcerned with propriety and convention and decency and marriage, so unlike Mary and god she wasn't her, wasn't polite, wasn't restrained, she was a whole other beast, she was the untamed West, a man of a woman, ready to go off like a gun and ready to ride or die- "Take it off, Arthur," Cole finally broke the kiss, moaning into his mouth as his fingers worked against her soaked pussy. He ignored her, made her wait, enjoyed the way she played with her pierced nipples and canted against his callused hand and begged him again, whining into his mouth, the command sinking into his brain: "Arthur, fuck me!" Arthur worked a finger inside of her, kissing her before she could shout out in delight, murmuring against her kiss-bruised lips, "Yes ma'am, Mrs. Callahan."
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littlestarofthewest · 5 years
ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ – likes everything and does too many things at once
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Why would you call me out like that? ;D I was honestly sitting here earlier, writing on a story, and thought to myself, “I wish I could draw better .... or learn how to make gifs” as if I actually have like ... free time xD but yeah, me likey, this fandom, the people, the content, the game, everything!! 
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butyoulikethat · 5 years
drop the skittles!!!!
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fantasmagoriam · 5 years
pencil and cupcake pleas c:
pencil - do you own a journal?
No, I lack the perseverance required to running one and also my life is not nearly interesting enough to deserve being recorded in a written form. I do have a notebook where I write down all my creative ideas though.
cupcake - are you a good cook?
A decent one. Don’t ask my family though, they don’t know what they’re talking about 
soft ask
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tex-studmister · 5 years
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams? uwu
ooo this one seems fun!! thank you for the ask!!
Send me soft asks! Soft hours tonight 
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams?
Hmm....I don’t remember any really good recent dreams, but I’ll always remember the Pokemon dream I had as a kid. The details are a lot fuzzier now, but if I remember right, I was a Pokemon travelling with my trainer. We stopped on a bridge to look out over the town that we were going to win in the next gym. It was just a moment of pure serenity, and companionship. I wish I could continue that dream....
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asmybrother · 5 years
📱 Show your phone lock screen and/or home screen!!!
get to know me, send me a symbol.
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my lock screen is dabi from boku no hero academia, specifically this image by syrnikus. my home screen is hawks from boku no hero academia, specifically this image by sugarforkfull.
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journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read? 💚🍀
Aww those emojis 😊💚
I definitely do to some extent. Like most writers, I have a love/hate relationship with my own work, so during times when I don't want to break my laptop in half or burn several of my notebooks, I do enjoy what I've written. And like most fanfic writers, I get v upset when I start reading something of mine and realized I haven't finished it yet 😂 I can't imagine how you guys feel.
Ty for the ask! 🥰
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lucacangettathisass · 5 years
top five songs !! 💘
there we go!
ok so right now we have
a thousand bad times-post malone (ive been playing his entire album for like three days now and idk why send help)
motivation-normani (IF U DONT LIKE THIS SONG UR NOT VALID)
from eden-hozier (he will always be on this kind of list)
iris-the goo goo dolls (the quintessential otp song)
diet mountain dew-lana del rey (probs my fave song of hers)
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rcris123 · 5 years
"I'm thinking of" Arthur, because the man looks Hella Fine in red 💞☺️
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Strawberry Cowboy.
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fangirl-ramblings · 5 years
Charles for the ask meme please!
Favourite thing about them
Where to start? If I have to pick just one, I choose his loyalty to his friends (especially Arthur) without hesitation or questioning.
Least favourite thing about them
Nothing! (I can't think of anything – the man is the walking embodiment of perfection)
Favourite line
I have sooooooo many:
For the emotion in the scene - The whole confrontation with the Bison hunters? (Possibly the moment when I fell in love)
But I suppose the winner would have to be: Arthur: Will you ride with me?  Charles “Always”
Random headcanon
I saw idea this in a fic the other day and can't stop think about it: He doesn't wear his beaded necklace in the epilogue – what if he placed it with Arthur when he buried him? 😭😭😭
Unpopular opinion
Erm.... maybe that my oc ends up with him in the epilogue, they have many beautiful babies and live happily ever after? (Well it's unpopular because I'm the only person who wants this 😂) 
Song i associate with them
I can’t think of any - sorry
Favourite picture of them
How many am I allowed of this hunk? Just one? I’ll chose this one then because he looks so damn smoochable
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u popped up in my notifications, I saw u had a tag for marik and went right through it uwu sorry for spamming!!
And here we are, all reunited to celebrate the awesomeness of the youngest Ishtar. ♡
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