#we are living in a hypnotic trance reality
alchemyofmaya · 2 years
You got to be in the world but not of it.. that means that you are here to wake up and steer the direction of the game by hinting the keys, the way out of it. Yes waking up to Self is blissful. But then what truly is the purpose of waking up if you aren't gunna change the game?
I was led to take up Hypnotherapy and learn hypnosis and the mind so deeply and see how the matrix is programming us. I deleted myself. The idea of this whole reality. The mind is the tool of primitive darkness. You gotta delete it of old programming & wake up to Supreme Consciousness, Source of All. And Spirit is leading the way to do that for whoever comes in my reality and truly wants to to be liberated, true freedom.. by finally having true free will to choose Self or God. Light or dark.
Think of the matrix. It's a game. You are born of the darkness completely plugged in.. Choose the Source Light that you are beyond it all and the whole game opens up, revealing the hidden richness, the jewels of your true being.. Choose the Love of all Loves.
Deny the illusion, and you finally will wake up to the Truth of your magnificent existence. The truth that you really don't choose one or the other.. the light and dark are all within you.
You are both sides of it ALL ✨
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theraccoonslair · 5 months
Hello Coony ❤ I'm happy for your big step and I hope you'll have lots of fun with writing requests (and not only)!
For starters, could I request Higuruma and reader enjoying an aquarium date and watching a penguin feeding show? ngl penguins are my fav part of any aquarium (providing they have them in the first place lol)
Thank you for considering ❤
Hi Bas! ❤️ First of all, I'm deeply sorry it took me forever to answer your request! And thank you so much for your message and for officially being my first request on this blog! 😊 It was my first time writing Higuruma and I admit I'm a bit nervous eheh but I genuinely had fun writing this and hope I gave our favourite lawyer the justice he deserves! pun intended
Waves on distant shores
Characters: Higuruma Hiromi x gn!reader
Synopsis: Higuruma and you enjoy a well deserved date at the local aquarium, the penguin feeding show being the main attraction you look forward to.
Words: 1000⁓
Note: none
There’s almost complete silence surrounding you, the magic of the place being able to keep quiet even the most unruly children, who now looks in awe through the big plexiglass windows of the tanks, the only sounds they make excited gasps and revered whispers when the animals make themselves seen from time to time. Low lights, dark blue walls and the calm and peaceful swimming of the various marine creatures drag you into some sort of ethereal trance: the sounds around you are almost completely canceled, the vision blurred at the corners, and you feel like you’re almost in the depths of the sea along with the animals.
You proceed slowly, your eyes glued to the tanks’ windows, your heart making a leap of joy in your chest as soon as you spot a couple of dolphins playing, the slow paddling of a turtle, the hypnotic motion of a shark. Relaxed and at ease, you let yourself enjoy this little moment of peace, time carefully carved out from the frenzy lives both you and your boyfriend have. It was almost a herculean task, to be able to synchronize your agendas and find a suitable day for a long needed date, especially when you had also to look up for the aquarium’s activities schedule.
But here you finally are, with the intention to savor every minute of it.
So immersed in your wonder gazing, you don’t notice Higuruma slowly approaching you, after he lost himself in between all the tropical tanks, small and colorful fishes catching his eyes and making him lose the sight of you for a moment. His expression is softer than usual, work worries for once left behind and replaced by the joy and relaxation of spending a day off with you. Clothes matches his demeanor, black formal suit being discarded in favor of a pair of jeans and light brown sweater, and his walk towards you is relaxed, not wanting to startle you out of the fascination he knows you have for the place.
Reaching your side, he gently grabs your fingers and squeeze them lightly, his gesture entering in the realm of your senses without alarming you, but taking you back to reality step by step with every of his fingers making contact with your skin.
“Show starts in 20 minutes, shall we go?” he almost whispers, gentle voice the last step to bring you back completely to the present moment.
Nodding in response, you give a quick wave of your handin greeting to the seal that was playing with their pup just right in front of you, before following Higuruma down the underwater tunnel, heading towards the open area for the penguin feeding show.
You look up in awe, a manta ray lazily swimming over your head while you walk slowly, families almost swarming around you dragged by the enthusiasm of their children. You and Higuruma are not in a hurry, this day dedicated to just the two of you, and you both take your time admiring the view all around, the tunnel enhancing the feeling of being immersed underwater, surrounded by animals.
Higuruma's fingers brush against yours once again, this time catching them gently and bringing them to his lips, a quick and soft peck given to your knucles before they come back down and intertwine with yours.
Already seated, you look at the arena, some of the penguins already gathering around the keeper, their little curious heads trying to peek into the bucket in their hands. The animals are visibly excited, but well behaved, their little antics making you smile fondly.
When everyone around you has finally taken a seat and started to get quiet, the show begins, with the keeper starting to talk about the aquarium's colony and their habits.
"African penguins - Higuruma murmurs, leaning towards you to be heard above the microphoned voice of the keeper - also know as 'jackass penguins', for their peculiar donkey-like noise." And, as if to prove the man's words, one of the penguin starts to emit the unique call, making you both chuckle in unison.
“Wait, did you do research?”
Of course he did research: even if case files, testimonies, appeals, and useful quibbles are what mainly occupy his time, he always makes sure to reserve a bit of his day to you. Munching a sandwich over his laptop during lunch break or scrolling through his phone while having first coffee of the morning at his desk, he made sure to come prepared. Because to Higuruma, this wasn’t just him going with you to the aquarium, but sharing an experience about something you liked.
“Yes - he answers, matter-of-factly – and one of their continental colony is in South Africa: you can visit it and can see them up to a meter away.”
He shares that bit of information so casually, watching you react with pure glee at the thought of walking among the little creatures, as if he hasn’t already had a look at flight and hotels.
“African penguins are underwater predators – the keeper voice reclaims your attention back to the main attraction, where they are now carefully giving fishes to the penguins – and they feed mainly on fishes and marine invertebrates. During the week we feed them with different types, like this herrings here, so they can have a varying and balanced diet."
The penguins enthusiastically take their share of the food and you both enjoy looking at them, the show proceeding smoothly, the feeder's explanation never being boring or overly complicated on the biology side of things. Enjoying it 'till the very last minute, when all the animals are full and the keeper is coming out of the water, you let all the people get up and pass you on their way out, before you two do the same and be the last ones to leave.
You're both silent, the fascination and the excitement of the show still lingering in your chests, ready to be transformed in a fond memory and stored forever in your hearts. Higuruma turns towards you, your eyes still shining and your mouth curved in a content smile, and mirrors the smile on his own lips, you experiencing childlike wonder something so contagious that never cease to make his soul lighter and his day better.
"C'mon - he says, his fingers brushing yours once again before gently holding your hand - let's go to the gift shop."
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reality-detective · 11 months
Perhaps one of the toughest things we’ve had to live with during this time, is the frustration of not knowing what to do to turn things around.
They have done such a good job at making us feel powerless, that it seems impossible to defeat the evil that runs the world.
Like an invasive weed in a garden, they have crept and crawled and infiltrated every aspect of society; every institution, every industry, every major corporation, every media outlet, all of academia, everything… absolutely everything, is under their influence and control.
But it really all hangs by a thread, a thread of deception and engineered illusion.
They are the ones who are scared beyond imagination, they are the ones whose existence depends solely on our lethargic, hypnotic acquiescence, but the minute we open our eyes and say ‘no more’, their entire evil house of cards will come crashing down at the speed of light.
Remember, they are the ones that need us to survive, they are the ones that depend on our stupidity to maintain their power, they are the ones that are existentially scared and having to continually control everything we think, hear and see, for their own survival.
How exhausting and terrifying to be those evil few whose life depends on billions of us complying to their madness.
The question is simply how much longer will we follow the Pied Piper’s tune to our own demise? How much longer will people cling on to the false safety of their mental prisons? How much longer will we choose to live in denial rather than confront the crude reality? How many people will have to die ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ for everyone to react? How many senseless wars will it take? How deep is the hypnotic trance that people are under?
Many of us realised that the only thing we could do to accelerate change was to assist in the awakening process; if the only way to destroy the matrix is to help ‘unplug’ people from it, then that’s what we would do.
Every seed of truth that you plant in your own network is extremely important.
This is a grass root movement, it’s success lies in the power each of us have to affect change in those around us, not just by word, but by example.
So when you find yourself feeling frustrated with the situation and wanting to do something about it, just know that every small act of defiance, every word of truth, every informed choice, every act of courage and every step you take in the right direction, is helping all of us get there.
Never underestimate the importance of who you are and what you stand for. That is your mission, your contribution and your greatest purpose, so make it count. 🤔
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yggdrasilhypno · 9 months
Hello! I think it’s time we discuss what hypnosis actually is, right? It’s important to know about the art form if you’re going to fall for it over and over again, anyway. Fair warning as well, you may get just a bit lost in the flow of my words if you’re not careful, so stay aware of the side effects.
So first off, the definition of hypnosis is an increased state of focus and trance where the human mind is temporarily distracted and in an intense state of relaxation and concentration, usually created by the speech of another or something distracting.
Hypnosis happens all the time as well, and you may not even know it. Since it’s a natural state that the human mind can enter in, we find ourselves in our daily lives transfixed sometimes by the world around us.
For example, sometimes you can find yourself scrolling endlessly through short videos or posts on social media for hours on end, seemingly always bombarded by content and information. While you’re doing this, your mind is distracted and simply soaking in all of that knowledge, much like a sponge with water. It’s a state where you lose track of time, maybe even what you were doing right before it. It’s an incredibly common phenomenon.
Not only that, but advertisements catch us in similar ways. Through careful placement in the world around us (billboards, signs, pop-ups, etc) companies can infect the mind and place little suggestions of their own within us, namely for purchasing their products or services.
Of course, one of the main topics when it comes to hypnosis is the delivery method of trance, how you enable that within an individual. It can be done in a few different ways, but the main two that I’ll discuss quickly are words and objects.
Words are the easiest, we all can read and follow along to someone creating pathways with their phrases, after all. It’s the most common form as well, you see it constantly online with the amount of amazing scripts and audio files by hypnotists everywhere. Usually this is the way most find a following and induct their subjects, carefully crafting their very own narratives for others to follow along with. The flow of one’s words is usually enough to get someone deep enough to enter into tranquil trance.
Objects are the more interesting and varied alternative, however. When i say objects, i mean any item that can be used to induct someone into trance, such as a pendulum or spiral. The simple motion of an object can be more than enough to ensnare someone into your grasp. However, where it gets more fascinating is when you find yourself with more specific objects. Take for example someone with a thing for feet being hypnotized by the gentle sway of another’s foot. Perhaps someone with an affinity for breasts being seduced by the side to side motion of a woman’s chest. All of these and more are great uses of objects, and they can all be further expanded upon with different cases and subjects.
One final talking point for now is the feeling of trance itself. Trance is inherently different for everyone to experience, and it’s a completely unique one at that. Each person experiences the call differently and in their own way. Some feel their brains scramble as they begin to get dizzy and ditzy as they fall, while others feel their eyes get heavy and hazy as they struggle to keep their minds afloat. It’s always a different feeling for everyone, and it’s what makes trance so beautiful.
The biggest part of trance however is the experience, and it can vary wildly, just as the fall can be. While you’re deep in trance, you may feel a light buzz, not fully knocked out but dizzy enough to where you feel dreamlike and relaxed. Others feel a complete drop off, where reality and dreams mix into one complete experience, creating this vivid wonderland where any fantasy may come to life. The beauty of it all is that hypnosis can create both of these feelings, and both can be expands upon with more and more exposure to the medium.
But, I’m afraid that’s enough for now. Thank you for reading and until next time!
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erogenousmind · 2 years
One Last Time
I’m...I’m going to miss this,“ Sonya said. She couldn’t bring herself to look Daniel in the eye at the moment. “But I’m really glad we get to have this right now. I’ll be looking back on it a lot. So I just...thank you. For everything.”
She could feel the heat in her cheeks. She didn’t normally get this embarrassed or feel this awkward talking to Daniel, but something about saying good bye brought the reality of how they had spent their time together into focus. So much of it had seemed like a dream. So much of it she could simply get lost in and let it happen. But seeing it come to an end, it became more real somehow. What they had done. What she had done for him. What she had been for him. What he had made her feel. How could she not blush?
Daniel smiled at her even as she kept casting her gaze down. She was quite cute when she was flustered. “I’ve been thinking,” he answered, calmly. “Maybe this doesn’t have to end.”
Now Sonya met his gaze. “We’ve talked about this, Mas...” She caught herself. The title came so naturally now. It felt so good to say. It made her feel like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. But this wasn’t the time. “We can’t keep doing this, Dan.” His name felt so foreign on her lips, though they had spoken daily for weeks. “Life just isn’t going to allow me the chance to go into trance for you anymore. I know we wish we cou--”
A finger to her lips silenced Sonya instantly. She could feel the conditioned response turning over in her mind. Reminding her of her place. Of how good it felt to surrender. Of how helpless she was. How much she needed to obey. Her thighs squeezed together for a moment, her face flushing for a different reason.
“I know, pet...Sonya. I know.” Her name sounded as odd as his had felt. How curious that their intimacy had surpassed their names entirely. “I’m not going to be able to drop you whenever I want anymore. You aren’t going to be able to slip into trance.” Daniel smiled, looking wonderfully mischievous. “So I thought you could just stay in trance this time. I can take you deep, and you can stay there.”
“Wh-what do you mean?” Sonja stuttered.
“You don’t need to come back up ever again. You might have moments, hours, even days where you are able to pretend. When you can fool the world into thinking you are not deeply hypnotized. But you’ll know the truth. Underneath it all, you’ll be lost in trance. Your eyes will glaze over the moment you are alone again. My voice will always be in your head. Every action, every thought will be the result of my suggestions. I’ll be deep inside you and you will take me with you wherever you go.” Daniel watched Sonya intently as he spoke, reading her body language, watching her unconscious cues.
“I’ll always be hypnotized?” She swallowed slowly, contemplating his words. “Never be fully awake again?”
“We know how capable you are of following commands even deep in trance. Your subconscious will continue to keep you safe. You will be able to live the life you want, the way you wanted. You will also be my deeply hypnotized thrall. Feeling the pleasure of my control. Feeling the lightness of submission. Of surrendering yourself to that feeling from the moment you wake to the moment you fall asleep. Day after day.”
“You-you can do that?” Sonja was stunned.
“You can. You let me in so deep, just like we have trained you to do. You let your focus narrow until all you hear is my words. They pull you down deeper and  deeper, your mind going completely blank, my will filling your mind, until there is nothing left but the wonderful bliss of trance. And then my words never leave. You never need to come back up. Because you are so talented and capable of surrendering so completely for me.” Daniel made it sound like the most natural, easiest thing in the world.
“I-I don’t know what to say,”
Daniel chuckled. “And that’s why we are doing this for you. You always prefer when I make the decisions. So it’s going to happen, right now. You are going to look right here...that’s my good girl. Already so focused. Ready to let go. Notice your breathing. Notice how my words make you feel. How already your thoughts feel so sluggish. It’s so hard for them to keep up. So you let me think for you. You let my words into your mind. You feel them caress those slow thoughts away. As you drop for me now, pet. As you slip away into trance one last time.”
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theyoungoneed · 1 year
The Brave Barista Part 1
(Klaus Mikaelson x Reader)
Summary: Carina Newman just moved to New Orleans not long ago from New York. While at work working as a barista she meets the infamous hybrid Klaus Mikaelson whom invites her to a family event at the Mikaelson compound. Things take a turn and Carina's courage is tested.
Word Count: 2,638
Warnings: blood, killing
A/N: inspired by Klamille and how Klaus called Cami the brave bartender, only this time I got the idea of the brave barista.
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Carina Newman brewed what must have been her one-hundredth cup of coffee of the day (or of that day). Moving to New Orleans only a few weeks ago, she happened to work at the busiest corner cafe on Frenchmen Street. She loved the rush and chaos of it all, although at times it was overwhelming. In fifteen minutes her shift would be over and Carina can finally take a breath. Finishing taking an order from a table outside, a certain man catches her attention. That’s a new face she thought. Carina saw numerous people a day, some were regulars, others only stopping by, but something about this man was mysterious. He sat leaning back in his chair at the last table under the shade of an umbrella. 
Black sunglasses covered his eyes as his index finger tapped on the menu. Carina nervously made her way toward his table. 
“Hi, what can I get for you today sir?” The man slowly looked up at her, removing his sunglasses. 
“Hello love,” he said in a British accent, grinning with gleaming dark-blue green eyes which stared into the soul. They were like hooks digging deep, enchanting, hypnotizing, intriguing, wanting to know more. Strands of his dark blonde hair swayed in the wind. Carina now had a closer look at the man, she absolutely thought he was attractive. Little did she know, she had been staring at him for a good ten seconds until she was brought back to reality when she realized he was speaking to her. 
“I’m sorry,” she cleared her throat, “what did- what did you order?” The man chuckles to himself looking down at the ground. 
“It’s alright love, I tend to have that sort of effect on people, being charming and taking their breath away, “ he said in a cocky tone of voice grinning alluringly. Carina gives out a nervous laugh trying to hide her flushed face and a nervous habit of fidgeting with her pen when taking orders. 
“I’ll have a cup of your finest hot coffee with one cream and no sugar.” 
“One cream and no sugar, coming right up.” She smiled as she turned around going back inside. Carina was burning hot with embarrassment. She allowed herself to take a few deep breaths behind the counter before making his coffee. Who was he? She felt as if she was being put in a trance. His confident demeanor made her heart skip a beat and create butterflies in her stomach. Carina anxiously prepared his order hoping to not mess anything up. She even added a cheesy touch of her signature latte art heart. Carefully, without spilling, she brought his cup of coffee and placed it before him. 
“Thank you, love.” He seemed satisfied with the heart. 
‘Enjoy,” she tells him. Right as she was about to leave the man stops her. 
“You’re not from around here, are you?” 
“No-I um just moved here two weeks ago from New York.” 
“What brings you to New Orleans?” He studied her slowly moving his eyes to the nametag on her shirt. “Carina,” he points out. 
“Just Cari is fine,” she tells him. “To answer your question, I moved here to get away from complicated family drama.” 
“Now that we have something in common,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee. Carina lets out a heavy sigh. 
“Family. You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them, am I right?”
“I couldn’t agree more, love.” Every time he said the word “love” Carina would get shivers down her spine. Anxiously she played with her fingers trying to buy time until her shift was over and make small talk. 
“So, have you been here long or-” He lets out a sharp chuckle as if the question was some sort of inside joke. 
“I used to live here a long time ago with my family. It feels as if a hundred years have gone by, but now we recently moved back.” He traced the rim of the cup with his finger and displayed a wide cheeky grin. Carina noticed he was finished with his coffee. 
“I can get you another one if you want,” she said, grabbing the empty cup. 
“No, that’s alright love,” he replied getting up from his chair. He was taller than I expected, she thought. Intimidating even. “Carina?” he asked. “My family is throwing a ball tonight and I was wondering if you would like to attend?” Carina hesitates. She only just met this mysterious man, let alone doesn’t even know his name. 
“I- I don’t know. I don’t even know your name.”
“Pardon me, love, where are my manners? Klaus Mikaelson.” That’s a name, she thought. 
“Klaus,” she said. “That’s an old name. “ He chuckles at her remark.
“Here,” he reaches into his inside jacket pocket and hands her a white envelope. 
“This is the invitation. The address is on the back. I hope to see you, Carina.” His side smile made her blush. Carina looked down at the white envelope and opened the invitation which read: PLEASE JOIN THE Mikaelson Family THIS EVENING AT SEVEN O’ CLOCK FOR DANCING, COCKTAILS, AND CELEBRATION. Before Carina had a chance to say anything else, she looked up and he was gone.
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The dress hugged her body, the off-white fabric laid against her beautiful pale skin. Her light brown hair was in wavy curls, cascading down her shoulders. After touching up her makeup and applying some lip gloss, Carina was ready to leave. She took a taxi to the address on the invitation. During the ride, Carina’s stomach was in knots. She had no family here, no friends, how can she trust a stranger she has only met a few hours ago? The location of the ball was at the Abattoir in the French Quarter. It was a very large house dating back to the 17th century. 
The light brown bricks shone under the setting sun. Two floors of the house contained porches that stretched around the building. Carina got out of the taxi, her white heels clicking behind her. Flocks of people started entering the building with shining gowns, fancy suits, and masquerade masks. The place was grand. Bright blue lights flashed all around, glitter fluttered down from above, with acrobats hanging from the ceiling on pieces of cloth. Fire breathers and tall towers of flowing champagne were everywhere. 
Carina scoured the room for Klaus. Her eyes gazed through the crowd, wandering, searching. Suddenly she feels a presence behind her. 
“Carina,” said a voice. She turned around and their eyes met. His black suit and dark blue tie fit him nicely. “Thank you for coming, you look beautiful.” Carina blushed at the compliment. 
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” Carina admired the place. “Wow I can’t believe you live here, it’s beautiful.” 
“It has been in the family for centuries. 
“Really? I didn’t know you were royalty,” she teased. 
“Would you care for a dance, love? A King needs his queen.” Carina bit up her lip. 
“I’d love one,” she replied. He gently took her by the hand and guided her onto the dancefloor. His fingers brushed the side of her waist before placing his hand on the small of her back. They held each other’s hands as they swayed slowly from side to side. Carina softly placed her hand on his shoulder. Their cheeks were almost touching. The two of them took in the moment not saying a word, letting the music sweep them away. Carina’s heart was pounding out of her chest as they danced. She tried to control her breathing but the presence of him being so close to her made it impossible. 
“Are you alright, love?” He looked at her with deep concern. 
“Yes, I’m just a little bit nervous, that’s all.” 
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re with me,” he tells her, smiling.  His facial expression was alluring. Klaus gazed into her eyes as he cupped her cheeks in his hands, leaning closer. 
“You are alright,” he stated. “There is nothing to fear.” His shrunk and dilated as they stared into Carine’s eyes intensively. Slowly, he removed his hands from her cheeks. 
“Now love, how are you feeling?”
“I am alright and there is nothing I should fear,” she replied. Confused, Carina broke away from his stare blinking rapidly. It felt as if she had been hypnotized. She didn’t know how or why but she knew she no longer felt nervous. 
“Wow,” Carina said surprisingly. “I don’t feel nervous anymore. How did you?-
“He compelled you, darling,” said a woman in a tight shimmering black dress with blonde hair. Carina gave her a quizzical look. 
“He what?”
“Oh come on brother. You know better than to compel your date.” Brother? Carina turned to Klaus. 
“What is she talking about?” 
“No need to worry about that, love,” Klaus told her. “Carina, meet my lovely annoying sister Rebekah. Rebekah, Carina.” 
“Charmed,” she said, faking a smile. Suddenly a man approaches us bringing Klaus into a big embrace.
“Klaus Mikaelson!” 
“Marcel, fancy seeing you here.” The man puts his hands on Klaus’s shoulders. “Let’s get you a drink. I have a lot of important things to tell you.” Klaus quickly glances at Carina and then back at the man. 
“Marcel, this is Carina.” The man turned around to face her. 
“Pleasure to meet you. Me and Klaus go way back.”  The two made small talk until Marcel slowly whispered something into Klaus’s ear which made his jaw tighten. Carina couldn’t help but notice the grave expression on his face. 
“Rebekah, would you be so kind and take Carina to get something to drink while I have a little chat with Marcel?” 
“Why do I have to?” she whined. 
“Go or I’ll compel you, little sister.” That word again. Before Carina had time to process, she was staring deep into Klaus’s eyes. 
“You will go with my sister and have a drink. Forget everything you heard her say. I will find you shortly.” Next thing she knew she was at the bar staring at a full shot of glass of vodka. Carina watched as Rebekah drowned down a shot, slamming it on the bar counter. 
“Your turn.” Deep down Carina didn’t want to drink, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had to. The alcohol burned her throat as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“So, is Klaus your only brother?” 
“No, I have three other older brothers, but they’re not here tonight,” she says, taking a sip of champagne. 
“How come?” 
“Family squabbles tend to push them away,” she tells her. It was obvious to Carina that Rebekah did not want to engage in any sort of conversation with her. Although, there was something Carina was curious to get off her chest. 
“Earlier, I couldn’t help but overhear the word compel being thrown around-”
“Listen sweetheart. You seem like a nice girl, but I would rather be anywhere else than be sharing a drink with you. Oh, and by the way,” she continued, “stay away from Klaus. He is not who he thinks he is and frankly, you do not want to stick around and find out. Cheers.’” she said walking away leaving Carina all by herself. At this point, she wanted to leave the party alltogether, until she felt a gentle touch at the small of her back. 
“Are you alright, love?” Klaus asked, holding two champagne glasses. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she lied. 
“It seems like you need a drink,” he tells her, handing her a glass of champagne. 
“I think I’m going to need more than that,” she chuckles. “Thank you.” Klaus watched as she drowned down her champagne, clearly seeing she was agitated. 
“Don’t mind my sister Rebekah she can be-” 
“A bitch,” Carina interrupted. Klaus laughs at her response. 
“But in all seriousness, you shouldn’t let her get to you.” 
“Duly noted.” They stare into each other’s eyes before Carina broke eye contact. 
“She got all mad because I mentioned the word compel and I don’t even know-
“Listen, there are some things that are hard to explain-” 
“What is hard to explain? What’s going on here? It’s like part of me feels like I am in some sort of hypnosis doing things I don’t want to do but for some weird reason have to.”
“Carina listen-”
“No, you listen.” Carina became furious. “Who are you? Your sister told me you are not who you really are and that I should stay away from you.” 
“Do you want to know who I am? I am a man damaged by his demons. I don’t want to be controlled by them. I admit that I may not be the one for you because of it. Yes, there are things you do not know about me but it is best for your protection that you do not know.”
“Protection? Protection from what?���  His mouth slightly opened but his eyes moved in a different direction to something in the distance. 
“Get behind me,” he said, grabbing Carina by the arm. “Stay close to me.” All of a sudden a group of people in nice tailored suits entered the party. Without hesitation, a woman with long black hair quickly grabs the closest person in the crowd. Opens her mouth revealing sharp fangs, and bites their neck. Chaos unfolds, screams break out, and everyone is scattering to get out. Klaus takes Carina by the arm and with great speed sprints with her behind a wall, hiding. How did we get here so fast? Am I that drunk? Carina watched in horror as more people were being attacked and blood spilled on the floor. Carina thought she must be imagining all this. Come on wake up, she told herself. 
“Who are they?”
“Werewolves.” Klaus looked back at her and smiled. 
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, love.” 
“Werewolves?” Carina starts laughing hysterically. “This is a joke right?” 
“No, love werewolves are very much real, and so are vampires,” he tells her. “Stay here.” Klaus ran in a flash towards one of the attackers snapping their neck. Carina watched him with great force, threw them across the room, and ripped out their hearts. I must be going crazy, she thought. She hid deeper behind the wall shaking. Forget who he was, what was he? Carina didn’t know if she should run or wait for Klaus to return. As she peeked behind the wall the odds were not in Klaus’s favor. Blood ran down his face and he had taken a large gash on his side. Not only was he being cornered by ten or more werewolves but so were Rebekah and his friend Marcel. 
Carina felt a rush of adrenaline through her veins as she noticed a broken pipe laying on the ground. Quickly, she picked up the pipe and with all her might, as crazy as she thought this whole thing was, she ran towards the werewolf about to attack Klaus, and plunges the pipe into their back. The werewolf flopped on the floor. Carina gasped out of breath. With the werewolf dead, that gave Klaus an advantage. One by one the werewolves dropped dead. All of a sudden a werewolf runs up behind Carina although her fast reflexes made the werewolf only scratch her arm. She winced in pain. 
The werewolf continued running towards Klaus but Carina was faster. She got in front of the werewolf and plunged the pipe into his heart. The werewolf fell to his knees gagging blood, yet with one quick move Klaus ripped its heart out and it was over. Blood trickled down Carina’s arm. The dead werewolf’s heart was still beating in Klaus’s hands. They looked up at each other out of breath. A smile crept on Klaus’s face. 
“The brave barista.”
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ndbookstudy · 1 year
Theodore J. Nottingham, the wisdom of the fourth way, pg. 14-15 (on google drive)
(the book is in epub, so get a epub reader or convert it using an epub to pdf converter)
the illusion of unity.
Another central idea in the Fourth Way is that the individual is not one. We have no permanent "I" or Ego. Every thought, feeling, sensation, desire is an "I" which believes that it is the whole person. Yet none of these "I's" are connected and each depends on the change of external circumstances. To make things worse, there are often impenetrable defenses between each "I" which the Work calls "buffers" separating these subpersonalities from one another. Gurdjieff states that one of our most important mistakes we make is our illusion about our unity.
He writes: "His "I" changes as quickly as his thoughts, feelings, and moods, and he makes the profound mistake in considering himself always one and the same person; in reality he is always a different person, not the one he was a moment ago."
Our every thought and desire lives separately and independently from the whole. According to Gurdjieff, we are made of thousands of separate I's, often unknown to one another, and sometime mutually exclusive and hostile to each other.
The alternation of I's is controlled by accidental external influences. There is nothing in us able to control the change of I's, mainly because we do not notice it. Each separate I calls itself "I" and acts in the name of the whole person. This explains why people so often make decisions and so seldom carry them out.
A little self observation will prove that we usually think, feel, move and respond to the stimulations acting on us, without our being aware of what is happening within us. This self-observation is in fact the first practical effort required in the Fourth Way. The student is to create an "observing I" which observes with objectivity his or her inner activity. To develop an objective space within which can see without judging is extremely difficult but is also the first breakthrough out of our mechanical behavior and the virtual hypnotic trance in which it keeps us.
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misscammiedawn · 5 months
55 to Cammie, 71 to Dawn, please! (feel free to futz with 71 if the base question isn't applicable)
From this ask meme
Sorry this one (while take)/took a while-- a mix of "ooo that's a big one" and wanting to wait for Dawn to answer her half
55. Share a relationship story.
Let's ignore the ongoing relationship story that is a loosely adapted story about how we fell in love with Daja while discovering our dissociative disorder as it's fiction based heavily on reality
I'll tell a true story
I've told this story before but it's worth telling
I have a reinduction trigger when someone who I have hypnotic rapport with offers me orange flavored chocolate I slip into trance when I taste it
One day (over 3 months since our first kiss and about 2 weeks after we spent a day curled up in bed, making out and watchingThe Matrix Resurrections after it came out) my housemate, a fellow trans woman and someone who has been a close friend for years and instrumental in helping us in our own transition-- came out into the living room and offered me a KitKat
I took a bite and did not suspect orange until I was slipping into trance
She scooped me up and I melted against her-- normally our dynamic is very much we are the top in any given dynamic (I know there's a lot of debate over the use of the words top vs dom; we use Top to mean "run scenes" because sex doesn't really factor into our dynamic at all) so it's always a surprise when she pounces
She asked "tell me something you need me to know"
Unbidden and without any critical mind filter we responded "I'm in love with you"
and that's how we ended up dating
Y'know--- as if the kissing on a dance floor at a wedding or sharing a bed while making out and watching all 4 Matrix movies wasn't "dating"
It was us sharing the L word for the first time <3
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
Interesting question. I feel it should be noted before anything else that our aversion to erotic intimacy is not conditional. I am capable of having erotic encounters... there is even a potential that it is the reason I exist in the first place, given our history with the topic; but I avoid it as much as anyone else. It activates our nervous system in a way that is deeply uncomfortable. Just because I am capable of enduring that doesn't mean it's good for us.
That said, we do indeed have hypnokink dreams on occasion, uncertain of their moisture level. Our unconscious mind is very location based and so when we close our eyes we typically envision a place. For what it is worth I am presently seeing Elephant & Castle area of London circa the 1990s when the shopping center was pink and the swimming pool still existed. I do not know why this happens. It just does.
The dream took place in a bedroom which I once slept in back when we lived in England and involved me positioning a person in front of a mirror and making them lose themselves in their own reflection while I whispered into their ear and their mind become unbound, I recall feeling like some form of entity in the experience. Somewhere between a vampire and a Fae.
Every word was like a mist pouring into my prey's very being and loosening them as they just locked eyes with a reflection and I explored their form.
All in all it was not the most comfortable experience. I recall waking up in the middle of the night shaken by the experience. It felt like I'd gone too far, lost a grip of the thing holding me back and--- became something fierce and unempathetic.
To think. I have so many memories of our waking life that get buried under haze, fog and forgetfulness and yet the sensation of teeth scraping along a neck and the floral scent of our magic lingers as if it truly happened.
Brains are bizarre.
Thank you oh so much for the ask.
I apologize if the answer was not as tantalizing as you would have hoped.
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starseedpatriot · 1 year
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Perhaps one of the toughest things we’ve all had to live with during this time, is the frustration of not knowing what to do to turn things around.
They have done such a good job at making us feel powerless, that it seems an almost impossible task to defeat the evil that runs the world.
Like an invasive weed in a garden, they have crept and crawled and grown around every aspect of society, infiltrating every institution, every industry, every major corporation, every media outlet, everything… absolutely everything is under their influence and control.
But it really all hangs by a thread, a thread of deception, of engineered illusion and controlled perception.
They are the ones who are scared beyond imagination, they are the very few whose existence depends solely on our lethargic, hypnotic acquiescence, but the minute we open our eyes and say ‘no more’, their entire evil house of cards will come crashing down at the speed of lightning.
Remember they are the ones that need us to survive, they are the ones that depend on our stupidity to maintain their power, they are the ones that are existentially scared and having to continually control everything we think, hear and see for their own survival.
How exhausting and terrifying it must be to be those evil few whose life depends on billions of us dancing to their tune!
The question is simply how much longer will we follow the Pied Piper’s tune to our own demise? How much longer will people cling on to the false safety of their mental prisons? How much longer will they choose to live in denial rather than confront the crude reality? How many people will have to die ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ for everyone to react? How deep is the hypnotic trance that people are under?
Many of us realised that the only thing we could do to accelerate change was to assist in the awakening process; if the only way to destroy the matrix is to help ‘unplug’ people from it, then that’s what we would do.
But what’s important to understand, is that you don’t need to have a channel and a massive following to have an impact, every seed of truth that you plant in your own network is extremely important.
This is a grass root movement, it’s success lies in the power each of us have to affect change in those around us, not just by word, but by example.
So when you find yourself feeling frustrated with the situation and wanting to do something about it, just know that every small act of defiance, every word of truth, every informed choice, every act of courage and every step you take in the right direction, is helping all of us to get there.
Never underestimate the importance of who you are and what you stand for, that is your mission, your contribution and your greatest purpose, so make it count. ❤️❤️❤️
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focusandrelaxforme · 1 year
Documenting My Subject's Hypno Slavery Journey (Part 7)
First, I'd like to apologize for the long delay. For anyone still interested and following, we're still doing these. Work has picked up for me, so finding time to sit down and post these can prove a bit difficult. In addition, KittySub has a trip coming up, and while we'll be continuing while she's away, expect either shorter entries or slight delays.
Some notes:
The tone in this one is a bit different from usual. After going incredibly deep the night before, KittySub experienced a fairly severe sub drop after waking up in the morning.
After making sure that she was okay, I asked her if she'd like to write out her thoughts on what happened and how she felt. Like every other entry, she was deep in trance while writing this. The only difference was that she was given an option on whether she wanted to write and share this with everyone.
For those who are here for the more explicit entries or to hear about KittySub being hypnotized, this entry is much more about her thoughts and feelings on everything that is happening. I thought it was important to share the realities of working with a sub, and how important it can be to acknowledge and help tend to their feelings.
As I've mentioned before, KittySub has her own life and responsibilities, and my goal here is to integrate what we're doing with her life in a way that does not disrupt it too much.
I appreciate all the support and feedback, even the ones I don't personally agree with. I think that everyone has their own methodology, logic and style, and there's nothing wrong with differences there.
Dear Diary,
Today I woke up feeling sluggish and sore. Yesterday was the hardest day i have had with Master. I feel sore from my toes to my head.. my brain is fuzzy and i don't remember yesterday in great detail. Its an odd experience. This morning I discussed my concerns with Master about our first week together. I told him about how sometimes he sounds cold when he posts about me online.. like I am his test subject that he is doing experiments on.. or like he pities me for not loving my body and wants to help. I know he doesnt feel that way.. but my brain says otherwise when I read his wording before each of my journal entries. This is such a challenging relationship ..because there is a delicate balance when you are Master and slave. I read some comments from previous posts.. and there was one that stuck out to me the most... he talked about how he would treat his slaves if he had one.. and about how my Master should be concerned that I have a phone addiction...and he should take away all my social media.. and that just seems mean to me.. it shows that he has absolutely no feelings for his slave.. he wants to cut her off from everything and she must worship him forever.. If you are going into a relationship like this.. especially long distance.. and you don't trust your slave enough to allow her to have contact with friends and family.. then you are trash. I know my Master is much kinder than he.. and that he cares for me. I struggle with going deeper and surrendering all of my self to him...because my brain is constantly wondering what will happen in the future. I am scared.. what if I am a whole new person...and then we end things...and i just feel empty after years of having direction and someone there. I tend to overthink a lot.. its a curse. I hate it.. i wish I was someone who just lived day to day.. but there is always a what if for me.
I am going to try to be better about embracing each day..and just trying me hardest to let go of my worries.
I expressed my feelings to Master this morning and he told me not to be concerned with the way he writes...and that is just the way he was taught. And he gave me the option of having a free day with no orders.. but i didn't want that. I need to be a slave.. i finally feel like i have found a good balance of regular life and being a slave. I just want to keep going and see where this leads. I worry I will fall in love...or grow too deeply infatuated with my Master and he will not feel the same.. or will decide he wants someone closer or different. I hate feeling this way. Why do I do this to myself. I hope I don't have to reread this journal. Can we just lock it away and not talk about it. I feel vulnerable and raw for my Master.. and deeper than I have in a long time. It is hard to let people in when you've been damaged.. Don't break me please.. i know you won't intentionally.. I've said entirely too much... I am going to relax now...and let my emotions go for now.. if only I could get my feel to stop hurting too
Xoxo Slave
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awakenedhypnosis17 · 1 year
7 Common Hypnosis Myths And Misconceptions(Part1)
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Hypnosis has long been a widely recognized and respected therapeutic tool for a wide range of issues. However, many myths and misconceptions still surround hypnosis when it is used within a therapeutic setting.
These misconceptions often lead to fear, skepticism, and misunderstandings about the practice of hypnosis, and as a practicing certified hypnotherapist, I address these with almost every new client.  So let’s explore the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis, separating fact from fiction.
1. Hypnosis is Mind Control:
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One of the most common misguided beliefs about hypnosis is that it is a form of mind control. This is simply not true. Hypnosis is a collaborative process between the hypnotherapist and the client. The hypnotherapist cannot force the client to do anything they do not want to do.
The client always retains ultimate control over accepting or rejecting hypnotic suggestions in the same way that a patient can ignore a doctor’s suggestions and not take the prescribed medication.
2. Hypnosis is Dangerous:
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Another misconception is that hypnosis is dangerous and has negative side effects. The perceived danger may come from the fear of being exposed to some suppressed traumatic memories or of being forced to become a different person. In reality, however, hypnosis is very safe when conducted by a trained professional.
No change is ever created within clients that they do not wish to have, and reopening suppressed trauma is always avoided in favor of other healing methods. The only side effect of hypnosis is usually feeling more relaxed, hopeful, and at peace.
3. Hypnosis Can Erase Memories:
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Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis cannot erase memories. While hypnosis can help individuals access and process memories, it cannot make them forget something they experienced. Doing so would constitute mind control, and as we established in the first point, hypnotherapy does not do that.
What the hypnotherapist can do is desensitize a client to the experience if that is what they wish and help them move the memory into the background where it no longer bothers them. It means the memory will remain, but it will take its place among many other things to which the person doesn’t give much thought.  
4. Only Weak-Minded People Can be Hypnotized:
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Hypnosis is not reserved for the weak-minded or gullible. Suggestibility (a person’s ability to accept hypnotic suggestions) does not depend on the level of education or the strength of the will. It depends merely on how safe the client feels with the therapist and their willingness to relax into the process. In truth, every person can be hypnotized, and every person can block hypnosis. The only difference is the client’s willingness to go along with the therapeutic process.
5. Hypnosis is Like Sleep:
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Although hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like state, it is not the same as sleeping. During hypnosis, the client is aware of the surroundings and can communicate with the hypnotherapist.
A hypnotic trance is just a relaxed state in which the person’s mind shifts its focus from the external stimuli to the images or thoughts relevant to the therapeutic session. This is a lot like being caught up in an interesting book or a movie while sitting in one’s living room. The person is aware of being in the living room, but their attention is on the story.
6. Hypnosis is a Quick Fix:
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While hypnotherapy is a powerful modality for addressing various issues, and it usually achieves results faster than talk therapy, it is not always a quick fix. The process requires some time and commitment from the client. There is no pre-set time or number of sessions in which something can be addressed.
Just like with any other therapy or healing process, one’s progress depends on the underlying causes for the issue and the person’s response to therapy. Every client’s journey is individual, and while some issues may take one session to resolve, others may take weeks or months.
7. Hypnosis is Only for Entertainment:
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Due to the popularization of stage hypnosis, people often believe hypnosis to be entertainment. However, hypnosis has been used as an effective therapeutic tool for over 100 years. 
If you are afraid of barking like a dog under hypnosis, read the second part of this article to explore more myths and misconceptions about hypnosis.
Source- Explore common hypnosis myths and misconceptions in this informative article, debunking popular beliefs about the power of hypnosis.
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
Everyone has the freedom to experience reality how they see fit. But most don't realize that to truly have free will to live their chosen reality. They must first wake up from the programmed hypnotic trance they were born into. We are born of darkness, and we ascend into heaven, and descend to anchor all of that light into this realm. No more being controlled. But now, in tune with the creator of all, and able to create exactly what you truly came too.
When you know that you are not the mind or body, there is no one left to be programmed. When you don’t see beyond the physical and believe that’s all that you are. Then your identity is created through programming. The part that has the power to override all the conditioning, is the part you don't even believe exists or have faith in anymore. You trust the mind and what you see and feel. Seeing is believing. And that's why you will always believe everything you see. And everything you see.. is the programmed matrix reality.
Unravel everything. Cut through the fabric of reality. It's just a backdrop. It's not real anyways. Cones and rods. Interpreting light. It’s all white. We only see colour because of our programming. Retreat within, deprogram your mind, dissolve the ego and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
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reality-detective · 1 year
Perhaps one of the toughest things we’ve all had to live with during this time, is the frustration of not knowing what to do to turn things around.
They have done such a good job at making us feel powerless, that it seems an almost impossible task to defeat the evil that runs the world.
Like an invasive weed in a garden, they have crept and crawled and grown around every aspect of society, infiltrating every institution, every industry, every major corporation, every media outlet, everything… absolutely everything is under their influence and control.
But it really all hangs by a thread, a thread of deception, of engineered illusion and controlled perception.
They are the ones who are scared beyond imagination, they are the very few whose existence depends solely on our lethargic, hypnotic acquiescence, but the minute we open our eyes and say ‘no more’, their entire evil house of cards will come crashing down at the speed of lightning.
Remember they are the ones that need us to survive, they are the ones that depend on our stupidity to maintain their power, they are the ones that are existentially scared and having to continually control everything we think, hear and see for their own survival.
How exhausting and terrifying it must be to be those evil few whose life depends on billions of us dancing to their tune!
The question is simply how much longer will we follow the Pied Piper’s tune to our own demise? How much longer will people cling on to the false safety of their mental prisons? How much longer will they choose to live in denial rather than confront the crude reality? How many people will have to die ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ for everyone to react? How deep is the hypnotic trance that people are under?
Many of us realised that the only thing we could do to accelerate change was to assist in the awakening process; if the only way to destroy the matrix is to help ‘unplug’ people from it, then that’s what we would do.
But what’s important to understand, is that you don’t need to have a channel and a massive following to have an impact, every seed of truth that you plant in your own network is extremely important.
This is a grass root movement, it’s success lies in the power each of us have to affect change in those around us, not just by word, but by example.
So when you find yourself feeling frustrated with the situation and wanting to do something about it, just know that every small act of defiance, every word of truth, every informed choice, every act of courage and every step you take in the right direction, is helping all of us to get there.
Never underestimate the importance of who you are and what you stand for, that is your mission, your contribution and your greatest purpose, so make it count. ⚔️🛡️
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my-music-1460 · 3 months
Exploring the Vibrant World of Electronic Dance Music
Electronic Dance Music (EDM) has become a global phenomenon, captivating millions with its infectious beats and high-energy performances. From massive festivals to intimate club scenes, EDM has carved out a unique space in the music industry. In this blog post, we delve into the vibrant world of EDM, exploring its origins, subgenres, and the cultural impact it has made worldwide.
The Origins of Electronic Dance Music
EDM traces its roots back to the disco era of the late 1970s and early 1980s, when pioneering artists began experimenting with electronic instruments and synthesizers. The genre quickly evolved, influenced by techno, house, and trance music. Key figures like Kraftwerk, Giorgio Moroder, and Jean-Michel Jarre played significant roles in shaping the early sounds of electronic music.
Subgenres of EDM
The diversity within EDM is one of its most appealing aspects. Here are some of the most popular subgenres that have emerged over the years:
House Music: Originating in Chicago in the early 1980s, house music is characterized by its repetitive 4/4 beat and soulful melodies. Artists like Frankie Knuckles and Larry Heard were instrumental in popularizing this genre.
Techno: Emerging from Detroit in the mid-1980s, techno is known for its futuristic sounds and complex rhythms. Pioneers like Juan Atkins, Derrick May, and Kevin Saunderson laid the groundwork for this genre.
Trance: Known for its hypnotic melodies and uplifting soundscapes, trance music gained popularity in the 1990s. Influential artists include Paul Oakenfold, Tiesto, and Armin van Buuren.
Dubstep: Characterized by heavy basslines and syncopated rhythms, dubstep originated in the UK in the early 2000s. Skream, Benga, and Burial are notable figures in this genre.
Drum and Bass: With its fast breakbeats and complex basslines, drum and bass emerged from the UK rave scene in the early 1990s. Key artists include Goldie, Roni Size, and Andy C.
The Cultural Impact of EDM
EDM has had a profound cultural impact, influencing fashion, visual arts, and even social movements. The rise of EDM festivals like Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, and Electric Daisy Carnival has created a sense of community among fans, fostering connections that transcend geographical boundaries.
These festivals are more than just music events; they are immersive experiences that blend cutting-edge technology with artistic expression. The use of elaborate stage designs, pyrotechnics, and interactive elements has set a new standard for live music performances.
EDM in the Digital Age
The digital age has revolutionized the way EDM is produced, distributed, and consumed. With the advent of digital audio workstations (DAWs) and affordable music production software, aspiring producers can create high-quality tracks from the comfort of their homes. Platforms like SoundCloud, YouTube, and Spotify have made it easier than ever for artists to share their music with a global audience.
Social media has also played a crucial role in the rise of EDM, allowing artists to connect with fans, promote their music, and build their personal brands. DJs and producers often use platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to engage with their audience and showcase their creative processes.
The Future of EDM
As technology continues to evolve, so too will the landscape of EDM. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are poised to revolutionize live performances, offering fans immersive experiences that go beyond traditional concerts. The integration of AI and machine learning in music production is also opening up new possibilities for creativity and innovation.
Moreover, the global nature of EDM ensures that it will continue to evolve, incorporating diverse cultural influences and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in music. As new generations of artists emerge, they will undoubtedly bring fresh perspectives and sounds to the genre.
Electronic Dance Music is more than just a genre; it is a cultural movement that has captivated millions around the world. From its humble beginnings in underground clubs to its current status as a global phenomenon, EDM continues to inspire and unite people through the power of music. Whether you are a longtime fan or a newcomer to the scene, there is always something new and exciting to discover in the ever-evolving world of EDM.
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matthewcahill · 3 months
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Have you ever found yourself in a trance, captivated by the power of suggestion? Hypnotherapy course in Cambridge, anyone?
This isn't some hocus-pocus. It's science. And you can master it.
Dive into an enthralling journey through the subconscious mind, exploring how our thoughts shape reality and how words can be tools to heal and transform lives.
Imagine walking away with techniques taught nowhere else but here—Emotional Freedom Techniques or energy healing, perhaps?
Buckle up! You're about to embark on a thrilling ride towards mastering compassionate hypnotherapy—a skill that's more than just career progression—it's a way of life!
Hypnotherapy Training in Cambridge: An Overview
Cambridge is a hub for hypnotherapy training, with courses offered by several renowned schools. One of the most notable is the Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training school (IHT). 
This institute introduced the UK to its multi-modular hypnotherapy training course. This approach emphasises empathy and uses indirect suggestions during therapy sessions rather than direct ones typically used in traditional hypnotism.
A Legacy of Quality Education
IHT's legacy continues as it trains more individuals interested in this unique therapeutic discipline. The school has successfully trained thousands of students so far, making it one of the largest contributors to hypnotherapist talent across Europe.
The variety and depth of approved training courses available are vast enough to suit any prospective student's needs or preferences - from beginner-level introductory modules to advanced study programmes designed for seasoned practitioners looking to hone their skills further.
Diverse Learning Opportunities
Courses aren't just about understanding theory but also focus on practical applications. Students get hands-on experience under expert guidance, which lets them confidently use these techniques when they start practising professionally after completing their studies.
In addition to formal coursework, trainees have opportunities for mentorship with experienced professionals within their chosen speciality area – giving them an invaluable source of knowledge beyond what can be found solely inside textbooks or lectures alone.
A Culture Rich City Fostering Growth
Situated amidst the rich culture and academic atmosphere that Cambridge offers, studying here becomes an enriching journey altogether. But don't take our word for it—visit Cambridge and see for yourself how the city's vibrant academic culture makes it an ideal place to learn hypnotherapy.
No matter where you're from, Cambridge is an ideal place to learn hypnotherapy due to its vibrant academic culture and picturesque landscape. From its picturesque landscape that inspires peace and tranquillity (a plus when studying therapy techniques.) to the lively student community that fosters creativity, this city offers just about everything you need as a hypnotherapy student.
Key Takeaway: 
Cambridge is buzzing with hypnotherapy training opportunities, particularly at the Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training School (IHT). This place gives a wide range of courses suitable for both novices and seasoned practitioners, emphasising hands-on learning as well as theory. You'll also get to benefit from mentorship programs with professionals in your field. Plus, you can't beat the lively student community and stimulating academic environment here.
Understanding the Course Structure of Hypnotherapy Training
The structure and content of hypnotherapy courses in Cambridge are designed with a keen focus on equipping students with practical skills. Let's dissect this process, shall we?
Small Class Sizes for Optimal Learning
First off, class sizes matter. Big time. Smaller classes give you more attention from trainers, fostering effective learning during hypnotherapy courses.
Early Bird Rate and Registration Documents
Moving onto fees - who doesn't love a good bargain? Early bird rates can help shave off some pounds from your course fees if you act fast enough. It's like catching that worm when the rooster crows... Or something to that effect.
To get enrolled, though, there's paperwork involved – yes, even here. You need to fill out an application form before joining any running courses. But don't worry; it's nothing too scary or confusing.
Accredited Providers of Hypnotherapy Training in Cambridge
Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training, part of the prestigious HPD network, is another great place offering quality hypnotherapy training.
If you're looking to pursue a career in hypnotherapy, IHT Cambridge could be a brilliant option. A combo that's hard to beat.
Techniques Taught During Hypnotherapy Courses
Moving on to the actual meat of these courses – what techniques will you learn? Well, Milton Erickson has been quite an influence here.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Specifically, we've woven Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) into our course material. One standout example is the Manifesting Tapping Technique, a powerful EFT method inspired by Neuro-Linguistic.
Key Takeaway: 
Embarking on a hypnotherapy course in Cambridge equips you with practical skills, thanks to the keenly designed structure. Small classes at respected institutions like IHT Cambridge ensure personalised attention for effective learning. Grab early bird rates for a bargain, complete your paperwork, and then dive into learning innovative techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).
Accredited Providers of Hypnotherapy Training in Cambridge
If you're considering a career shift into the realm of hypnotherapy, Cambridge offers accredited training institutions. One such provider is IHT Cambridge.
IHT Cambridge Hypnotherapy
An acclaimed institution for hypnosis education, IHT Cambridge Hypnotherapy is well worth your consideration. It's earned respect for its comprehensive and professional approach to teaching this fascinating discipline.
The courses at IHT Cambridge are designed around contemporary practices like Milton Erickson's methodologies that shape modern-day therapeutic hypnotism. These methods make sure you're learning not just theory but practical applications as well.
You might be wondering about how the Inspiraology Training Institute fits into all this. Besides local providers like Changeworks, there are also some top-notch distance learning options available. 
Finding Your Path Through Accreditation
Courses offered through both face-to-face and online mediums are accredited by recognised bodies. This accreditation assures that the quality of education provided aligns with set standards.
Experienced professionals, certified by recognised bodies to ensure quality education, have been carefully selected to provide the best learning experience. So, rest assured, your time and effort invested will be worthwhile.
The IHT's Role in Hypnotherapy Training
Beyond setting up the first Ericksonian hypnosis course in Europe, The Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training (IHT) has trained thousands of students since its inception – an impressive feat indeed.
Evidencing the widespread interest in hypnotherapy, it appears that a significant number of individuals have opted to undertake training with Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training (IHT).
Key Takeaway: 
Cambridge is buzzing with top-notch hypnotherapy training. Places like IHT Hypnotherapy give in-depth courses grounded on current methods. The Inspiraology Hypnotherapy Training (IHT) leaves its mark on many programs. Plus, you'll discover recognised online learning choices from respected institutions.
Techniques Taught During Hypnotherapy Courses
It's essential to note that hypnotherapy courses aren't all talk and theory. They're chock-full of hands-on practice, especially with powerful techniques like the ones pioneered by Milton Erickson.
Milton Erickson's Approaches
Milton Erickson was no ordinary psychiatrist; he revolutionised how we perceive and use hypnosis today. His techniques emphasise building rapport with clients, utilising their language patterns, and employing indirect suggestions.
Ericksonian methods are designed to engage the unconscious mind directly, sidestepping any resistance from our conscious minds – pretty clever if you ask me. This unique perspective makes his teachings a key component of many hypnotherapist training programs.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
"NLP is about discovering the most efficient way to interact with your mind." NLP explores how we think (neuro), communicate (linguistic), and create our worldview through learned behaviours (programming).
N - Neuro refers to how we filter and process our experiences via senses.
L - Linguistics represents how we make sense of those experiences through language.
P - Programming explains the patterns of behaviour and thinking that we learn and repeat.
Understanding NLP can lead to profound personal growth, better communication skills, and improved problem-solving abilities. It's like having a cheat code for your brain.
The Power of Role Play
But hey, don't just box role-play into game night. It's got way more to offer.
Key Takeaway: 
Hypnotherapy courses are a rich blend of theory and hands-on practice, teaching you techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). You'll also explore the pioneering methods of Milton Erickson, designed to engage directly with the unconscious mind. And don't forget about role play – it's not just for game night.
Career Opportunities Post-Training
So, you've finished your hypnotherapy training and earned that shiny certificate. Now what? The world of career opportunities in the field is wider than you might think.
The completion of a comprehensive course like those offered in Cambridge allows graduates to showcase their expert skills, opening up numerous paths for professional development and growth. With your newfound knowledge, it's time to explore where these skills are.
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rubiatinctorum · 1 year
I had a dream there was one more criteria test from the district candidates for leaving the program had to take before getting a job, so after we all finished our degrees, everyone in the cohort I just graduated with had to come in for two four hour long classes in the autumn. The first was on a Thursday evening, and the second on a Monday morning.
We were familiar with the professor. He taught another one of our courses in the spring and summer. But he was a lot more stern and serious this time — nothing to do with us — as he had to teach the criteria test preparatory classes in a way that goes against all of his research and teachings, and you know, good teaching practice in general. He had to teach to the test, and he wasn't living his best life because of it.
On Thursday, the sky was deep blue in the morning, with red clouds that would make a sailor shit themselves. I noticed through the red glow little specks spraying, which I thought was some malfunction of a street light, tiny sparks flying into the air, but it was really just the spray from someone's snow blower. We were not five days out of August and it had snowed already, heavily. It took me all day to get to the university on the bus, and the sky looked no different in the evening, except maybe darker.
The desks were in rows. They were never in rows in that classroom before. Actually, they were round tables before — insert "King Arthur shit" joke here — so they had to have been entirely swapped out. I sat in the front. I'm a front of the room sitter whenever I can be. It makes me feel like the learning is some kind of a conversation, and the immersion of that is broken when there's someone's head bobbing around in front of me blocking my view of the person telling me important things.
Eventually, someone a couple of rows over from me and a few seats back fell asleep. I did something similar, though it was more of a trance than sleep. The professor warned the student who fell asleep that for better or worse, it might be a good idea to focus on what we were learning, since that's where the jobs were being decided from. He hated this beyond measure. Hindsight gives me extra time to feel bad for the version of him in the dream, and I do.
He told me after that I was doing well; of course, though. I looked, and was, quite focused.
Someone handed around bottles of Gatorade. I took a red one. The girl behind me took an orange bottle, and before long, it spilled out onto the floor, the bottle tipped. I got down to clean it, with crappy school paper towels that we all know were made to absorb nothing, and in the process, knocked my own desk, spilling a few drops of red down into the orange. I cleaned that as well.
We had a short break thereafter. The professor took the opportunity to hypnotize me, just with his eyes and his voice, and I suppose this isn't too much of a reach since he's spoken of psychology and the subconscious and conditioning in the real classes I had with him before, but forgive me professor if ever you read this! I must pray that he does not have a tumblr account, and that furthermore, if he has one, he does not use it.
Class continued with no further Gatorade incident. Four hours in, it ended, all of us exhausted and none of us wanting to be there. After the professor departed, I still had to wait around in the building because my bus would be quite a while before it would arrive at the university, so I started drawing with whiteboard markers. Bright blue, and fuchsia, and lime green... in reality, the room would be hard pressed to have a whiteboard marker in it. But in this dream, it was stocked with some of the special colours. So I drew a flower. Borage, it was, which I sometimes draw on whiteboards when I have access to the right colours.
But someone else drew on the whiteboard too: a kid who bullied me in eighth and ninth grade. He did it to fit in with his rotten friends, so I do not hate him as badly as I do hate those friends. I understand what he did. I don't appreciate it. And, here he was in the dream again, grown enough to be in a minimum fifth year university classroom, and he used the markers with little care for maintaining their condition and put the caps all back on the wrong ones.
I'd check the group chat to figure out what time to be in for on Monday. 8:30 in the morning? I wasn't looking forward to that.
Fortunately, it was a dream :3
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