sageisaacs · 2 years
Sage was being too nice, too much of a pushover. Sure, as a Dragon Guard she will need to be a helpful servant to the Dragon Court, but she somehow kept getting convinced to help her friends with small tasks. And as a dragon, she shouldn’t be doing errands for a witch, even one she adored. Well, her pride had lost out already, so she had to keep her honor and deliver the package.
She had never been in the school kitchens, but she was pretty sure the door by the drinks led back there. She walked in with confidence, so no one stopped her. The first person she noticed inside was definitely the guy with bright pink and purple hair. He was shrunk back, almost ducking behind the counter he was working on. Well, the hair was super cool even if he wasn’t owning it. “Excuse me, I have a package of herbs from the greenhouses.” she announced, stepping behind him. She had also been to the greenhouses a few more times after bringing the shrunken giant there on April Fool’s Day.
{Open} Cotton candy cute
“Shit!” Felix shouted as he looked at his hair in the mirror positively horrified, his hair was bright pink and purple, he looked like he belonged in a katy perry video! 
Felix started going through his potion supplies that he occasionally mixed with his baking to help people with things, he had recently made someone an eclaire that was supposed to help them with hair growth, he knew that he had sampled the custard so what had he mixed wrong? 
“Seriously?! who touched my spell components?!” Felix shouted frustrated as he abandoned the box with his components to attempt to see if he was smart enough to have a hat in his bag, he knew it was a false hope considering he really never wore hats but seriously what else was he supposed to do? This was college and everyone had their thing but he was certain that he was going to be the laughing stock of his dorm. 
Felix practically hid below his station in the kitchen as everyone ignored him and left or snickered and left, regardless he was freaking out. 
“Shit shit shit! what am I going to do?!” Felix asked not only did he have to find out how to get back to his dorm but he had to figure out what happened to the other hair spell so he didn’t end up matching with anyone. 
This was going to be a long, long day.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Sage needed something dramatic to give her mother for Wyvernhoard, and she was running out of time. She wandered around town, hoping some shop would spark her interest. She needed to one-up Basil with her gift. And maybe their father needed something, but she could passive-aggressively give him something lame. She wasn’t good with subtle, though, and she didn’t want him mad at her, just to feel slighted.
Sage noticed a flower shop and paused for a moment. Flowers were a bland classic, but maybe a shop on their magical island would have some extra flair. It was worth a shot, so she headed inside. A student was putting together some small purple bouquets behind the counter. When the worker asked for ribbon, she replied, “No I don’t. I’m a customer.” She still looked around for some ribbon and saw some laying on the other end of the counter. Since the florist had their hands full, Sage brought it over. “This?”
The dragon picked up the muttered comment and frankly agreed that it was pitiful. Where was the flair? Wyvernhoard required more...just more. Sage chose to not acknowledge the comment, however, as she wasn’t here to reinforce someone’s parental judgement.
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{Open} Petunia
That time of the year was here again, everyone was graduating, and Rosie got talked into helping to make floral arrangements thanks to her mother’s business. 
Rosie let out a long sigh as she snipped another stem with her florist clippers and wrapped the three flowers in florist tape 
“Do you have anymore ribbon?” Rosie asked not looking up from her work she was missing the white ribbon to wrap them in. She was already frustrated with this project, do you know how hard it is to find a flower that symbolizes congratulations that won’t harm a fey, vampire, siren, or whatever and goes with the school colors?! much harder than you’d think. Eventually she’d managed to just convince the school to let her do Calla lilies, purple and white carnations wrapped in ribbons of the school colors. Just for simplicity sake, lilies never hurt any magical creatures to her knowledge. Throw some babies breath in there for some filler and the little bouquets looked
“My mother would be so mad that this is the best I can do with a stupid bouquet” she muttered to herself as she pinned some more flowers in place and began wrapping them.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
“Thank you.” Nicky said, glad that they were able to work something out that allowed him to keep at least a bit of his dignity as he was carried across campus. It was a bit weird to be picked up like this, but he went along with it. “I promise not to blow out your ear drums.” Nicky promised once he had settled himself onto her shoulder. “I’m Nicky, by the way. And I really, really appreciate this. I know I’ve said that, and I probably will continue to say it, but it remains the truth.”
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Sage was relieved that she didn’t crush the small giant, and now with him propped on her shoulder she laughed at the absurdity of the situation. “You’re like a little angel on my shoulder.” Between a devil and angel on her shoulder, this guy was definitely an angel, being so earnest it was almost annoying. “I’m Sage. A dragon, as is probably clear today,” she said, holding up her blue scaly wrist. A few scales was much better than being small. She just hoped that nothing startled her and made her lose control of her lightning breath again. “You’re welcome, again. We can wait until the greenhouse for more thanks. Are you secure up there?” she turned her head slightly to see him out of her periphery, not wanting to put her whole face right in front of him. Once she was sure he was safe, Sage nodded and started walking towards main campus. “Okay, here we go!”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
“Oh I wouldn’t say that.” Phineas said, sighing internally. Well, fuck. This wasn’t going to be awkward at all. “Phineas Kaplan.” He said, and then wondered if Baz had ever mentioned him to her. “I’m- uh, friends with your brother.” And he’d kissed his sister. Because of course. I mean, it was just a kissing booth, nothing was actually going to happen between them. But he couldn’t help feeling weird about it.
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“Like Phineas and Ferb,” she commented with a smirk. He probably heard it all the time, but it was an uncommon name. Sage got “like the plant” all the time. Her face dropped. Oh. He was her brother’s friend. And she had kissed him. Baz couldn’t blame them, but Sage still felt weird about it. Social rules about not dating your sibling’s friends were there for a reason. She put a stop to any forming crush she maybe definitely wasn’t having. “That’s cool,” she said awkwardly. “Well, tell him I said ‘Hi’,” she called as she continued her exit, a bit quicker this time. Now she felt stupid for being awkward and overthinking again.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
“I think anyone is frightened, at least at first, regardless of it they have a way to fight back, or not. Like, this giant predator with sharp teeth just comes out of nowhere, that’s frightening.” ZoĂ« could handle herself in a fight and she’s pretty sure that it would take her a few moments to get her head on straight, if confronted with that sort of situation. She sympathized with the humans, even if they didn’t know the truth of the world around them, they were a tenacious bunch. Even if they weren’t always the friendliest, historically, to supernaturals. “I went to an all dragon school, it got pretty boring in it’s own right. I think a human school would have been more interesting.” Not that her parents would have ever let that happen. “Hey, it’s okay. No harm, no foul. You were excited.”
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“Startled perhaps, but I wouldn’t be frightened,” Sage declared. So she hadn’t confronted a normal wolf before, but she was confident she wouldn’t be scared of anything mortal. Maybe she had a bit of bravado, but pride in her power had been instilled in her for her entire life. “Ooh, that sounds fun! Where is it? There was never any question of us going to Katmere.” Unless they failed the entrance exam, but that was also out of the question if the twins wanted to not terribly disappoint their parents. “What could you be missing from a human school? Mine had all the drama and cliques from the movies.” Gods, did Katmere Academy ever have the most intense social structure. Sage smiled in relief at the other’s support. “I’m not usually that impulsive.”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
          Percy was not used to people recognizing him. But then again his face had been over the news all the time. That photo of him as a ten year old haunted him in his sleep. Percy didn’t know why he expected the media to let him have his privacy after his parents died. There were tons of people that came up to talk to him only because they expected something from him. Usually he just ignored people like that. Eventually they took a hint. So many people just bothered him about things with the company and he knew nothing about that. “Yeah, unfortunately. When you’re pre law that’s what you get.” He didn’t know what she wanted. “Never seen you in the library this late before.” 
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Sage started pulling out her books to make it clear she really was going to work. Now that she had gotten this far, she questioned what her goal had been. There wasn’t anything in particular she wanted from him right now, but making connections was crucial. “Pre-law? So I guess you are in for a lot of case studies--and then your own cases.” Huh, she would have assumed he would be business or econ, being the heir to a large corporation, but law was also a respectable standard rich kid career choice. Did he recognize her, or was he suspicious of her? “I really try not to be out this late,” she said with an awkward laugh, “but I really gotta finish this research paper.”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
          Honestly, Nicasia wasn’t very good at this organized thing. She was more a learner by doing than reading and studying. So all of this was new to her and she didn’t like it. She didn’t like feeling like an idiot. She didn’t feel like all of this was too much for her. The siren looked at the pile of papers in front of her. “No one told me how to write papers. Or any of this.” Nicasia looked at the laptop. She had one of those but wasn’t used to the human technologies. “I was homeschooled. Living underwater will do that to you.” There were mer schools, but she hadn’t been to them because her father wanted to teach them and they travelled too much. “Books and stuff would be helpful.” 
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Sage frowned in sympathy. That must really suck to not have been given a traditional education and then expected to function in college anyways. She really was lucky to have attended Katmere Academy, truly one of the best. It had been tough at the academy, but moving to the university had been a smoother transition. “So first, the Writing Center then. They mostly proofread, but you can make appointments to do more in-depth consultations,” she explained as she pulled up the writing center’s site. If the other didn’t know how to write a paper at all, Sage wasn’t sure what would help. “So you didn’t write like at all?” she wondered. “I guess you can’t use paper or books underwater. Or laptops either. How do you even do sea school?” It wasn’t something the dragon had ever thought about, but now she was burning with curiosity.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
          Alastríona was not one of those people to be nice when she didn’t have to be. Especially when men treated her like crap, she wasn’t going to stand for it. Honestly, if she was better at using her powers, she’d punch him in the face without worrying about damaging a nail. But that was pointless because all it took was yelling at him in a different language to get him to leave her alone. Turning to the stranger who’d walked up on the scene, Alastríona scowled at the boy one more time for good measure. “Sure, it isn’t like I don have a rainbow flag pin on mah bag.” She rolled her eyes. “I told him I’d curse him if he did not leave me alone, but in Gaelic. I think it was the accent, aye.” 
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Sage looked at the pin and smiled. “Nice pin,” she commented in the universal code for ‘I’m queer too.’ Sage’s backpack was unadorned, but she left that to her brother; no one had as many queer pins as Basil. “I bet he honestly did not notice if he was just trying to hit on you.” She was giving him the benefit of the doubt on noticing the rainbow pin, but he was probably still being pushy. Guys could not take hints in most forms, be they symbols or words. She laughed, “Like a curse curse or just cussing him out?” Witches could do some impressive damage over time. The dragon method of revenge was more direct. “I think the accent is cool.”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Nicky knew that he looked, and sounded ridiculous, but he wasn’t going to stand for this sort of teasing. “Very funny.” He said, huffing. “You wouldn’t be joking like that if it was normal sized.” Hopefully they got to the bottom of this mishap soon, because while it was fun to see the world from a different perspective it was exhausting. He supposed that now he knew how folks felt when they visited a giant city.
“Thank you, it’s appreciated.” He said, thankful that she’d agreed to stop. “I can tell you where to go, I could probably find my way there blindfolded.” At least when he was a normal height, maybe not so much now that he tiny. He looked her over, squinting against the sun. “Your shoulder, maybe? So that way you can actually hear me?”
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“Yeah, I’d clearly be making tall jokes,” Sage pointed out. He did have a point, as giants were quite intimidating, but she knew when to shut up. “You’re welcome. Great, that will be helpful.” Sage thought about his suggestion. It was probably less awkward than carrying him in her hands at least. Or like a baby, which was a freaky picture. Nodding, she replied, “Sure, but don’t scream in my ear. I could hear you from a hundred feet away.” She reached down to grab him around his torso and slowly lift him up like a doll.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
          He didn’t write books about subjects he didn’t know about, so he wasn’t going to write books about straight people. “Cheek kisses don’t count, kiddo.” And most of them had been cheek or forehead kisses. “And no, it doesn’t count double for you just because you’re bi. Lesbian kisses should count more for me because they’re like the only kisses I get.” Which was actually far from the truth, except he wasn’t going to talk about that with his sister. “Besides, you at least have a chance with double the amount of people. I don’t.” He shrugged. It was awkward, but that wasn’t his fault. It wasn’t as if he expected anyone to stand up for him. He had to do that for himself. He always had. He sighed and looked at his sister. “Yeah, just text me whenever you’re free next. You have my number. I’ve
 got to you know. Actually, work the booth now.” 
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“You’re really over-complicating the rules now,” Sage whined. While everything was a competition for her, something to do with real people like this was really a joke. She wasn’t one of those people who kept track of a “body count”. She threw her hands up in defeat. “Fine, you win this round. I guess next year I’ll have to work the booth too. But different shifts,” she clarified. Sage looked around at the reminder and noticed a few girls waiting for the booth, but doing so far back enough to not look pushy. “Will do.” She’d make a note in her calendar to reach out. Maybe they should set up some sort of regular hang-out? “Then I’ll let you get back to work, brother,” she announced loudly as she started to back off.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Sage. It couldn’t be. Could it? It wasn’t a small school, but it wasn’t exactly a large one, either. Now that he was looking more closely at her, there was something familiar in the shape of her face. Fuck. “Sage. Not Sage Isaacs?” Phineas asked her, leaning forward a bit as she was starting to walk away and he could not let that happen. Not before he got answers.
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Sage stopped. It seemed her name preceded her. “Yep, that’s me. I didn’t know I had gotten so famous.” It was such a small world, she couldn’t pin down how he could know of her. Maybe he was a fan of the Ludares team. Disappointingly, she hadn’t stood out much last year, but she was training vigorously to make her mark this year. “What about your name?”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Nicky wanted to be upset at the squealing, but he supposed that he was certainly a sight to seeing, dressed as he was. But being mistake for a fae? That wouldn’t do. “I’m a giant, not fae.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked up at the person. The person who had scales all over them. So that was something. Whatever the spell was, it wasn’t just shrinking everyone. He was a little bit disappointed, actually. Maybe he didn’t want everyone to shrink, but maybe if some of the non-giants had grown to giant size, there would be better accommodations for the giants around campus. “I woke up like this. I promise you, I was much, much taller when I went to bed last night.”
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“I would be very grateful for a ride to the greenhouse, yes. It was adventure enough getting this far on my own, I fear I wouldn’t make it to the greenhouse in time, and I have some experiments going on that I need to check on.”
Sage snorted at the indignation of the supposed giant in his squeaky little voice. It was honestly a nice change from the usual booming voice of giants. “Sorry, sorry, clearly, you’re a giant.” She then dramatically looked up and then down. “How tall? About this tall?” she held her hand at about her chin with a playful smile. Maybe she shouldn’t be ragging on a stranger this hard, but it had been a stressful day. Also she just loved being tall, so it was funny looking down on a giant. Basil will never be allowed to forget that inch she has over him.
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“Okay, okay, I’m done now. I don’t even have many good short jokes queued up,” she held her hands up in surrender. “I can definitely carry you as a big, strong dragon, but what will be the least awkward way to do this?” She knelt down in front of him. “And I don’t know where the greenhouse is.”
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sageisaacs · 2 years
While Sage had thoroughly freaked out upon being blue and full of lightning this morning, she was calm enough near lunch after talking to her brother to venture out and grab something to eat and see what was going on. She found the main campus to be a bit too full of chaos, so she chose to jog through a quieter section of apartments. She noticed a sign on a stoop and came over to check out what it said, only for there to be a little dude next to it. Sage couldn’t help but squeal at the cute little guy standing under a foot and wearing some sort of napkin toga. It was just too adorable. “Oh my god, I didn’t know fae could actually shrink that small! Are you stuck from the magic?” Sage gestured to the blue scales covering her own neck. She’d seen that shifters were also having trouble with shifts, so it tracked that fae could also be stuck in their other form. “So, do you need a ride to the greenhouse?”
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Miraculously, Nicky had managed to not only leave his bedroom, but his apartment as well. He’d only made it as far as the front step of the building before he could go no farther on his own, however. Which is how he found himself sat on the stoop, sitting on one edge of his sign to keep it from blowing away. He knew he looked ridiculous, wearing a toga made from a pocket square, a paperclip and thread draped over his shoulder, thumb tacks tucked into the makeshift belt around his waist. But he’d needed tools to aid him on his journey, and they were really the only things that he could reach. Dominick had stopped him from making some kind of pack and filling it with bread and cheese. He’d been fond when he’d stopped him, however. And he helped him write the sign, asking for help. In need of assistance, would like to go to greenhouse. With a drawing of a frowning flower, because why not?
So far no one had stopped to help him, but he also hadn’t seen many people walking past. He looked up hopefully at the sound of footsteps, fixing his posture so that he looked approachable but just pathetic enough that someone would take pity on him.
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Baz: wow. sounds like you're having a day.
Baz: check your email. there was apparently a spell mishap.
Baz: i've got random paches of blue skin.
Sage: yeah and I just woke up :/
Sage: wow that's wild, what are they even doing in those labs
Sage: thank god they cancelled class
Sage: OH :| then I guess i'm also 'feeling blue'
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Baz: you fried a microwave? lmao what did it ever do to you?
Baz: i'm feeling a little blue
Sage: i like sighed loudly and freaking lightning breathed it!
Sage: what's up with you? is there a magic bug?
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Sage: Yo, I think Im like sick??? Sage: my powers are on the fritz and I fried my microwave Sage: also the worst case of dragon rash or something
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sageisaacs · 2 years
Okay, Sage was 90% sure that that was Percival Kim studying alone in the library in the middle of the night. She ducked back behind the shelf, thinking of an attack plan, really hoping he hadn’t sensed her come up a few seconds ago. Don’t be creepy, she repeated as a mantra, thinking of the awkward situation she was saved from when she wanted to follow the fox shifter. And the Kim family was also shifters--or were they vampires? Either way, they were super rich even by dragon standards, so Sage was a bit star struck. She took his comment on his book as her cue and came around the corner with the comment, “I bet that’s all case studies, isn’t it. We had to cover so many court cases in my Inter-court Relations class last semester.” She continued to a nearby table--not his clearly--and sat down in her attempt to appear natural.
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location: library
time: late night
status: open
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          Percy liked the library at night when that many people weren’t around. It meant that there were less people staring at him and that was a good thing. Before coming to Katmere, he wasn’t really in the public eye, so it was strange, these last four years, having to be in public at all. Even if Katmere was technically on an island and only supernaturals were around, it was still strange to be in the eye of people that weren’t the staff at his manor and people he saw at the dojo. Whenever he could, Percy tended to stay up late and go to the usually crowded areas at the university when they weren’t so crowded. He kept his head down. Grabbing a book from the shelf that he thought he needed, Percy took a seat at one of the tables. “Law in American History, Volume III: 1930-2000. Boring.” As if he wasn’t the one that decided to study law. He could have studied Business. 
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