#we are experienced chemists
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chthonicathenean · 1 year ago
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Making pretzels using actual lye instead of baking soda like cowards do! Will update when they're done baking
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asherlockstudy · 5 months ago
What do you think of the line "I imagine John Watson thinks love’s a mystery to me, but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive." Particularly the first half-
The following metas provide the context for an easier interpretation of this scene.
Why was Sherlock so emotional in the last scene with Irene? Why Sherlock isn't really sexually oblivious What did Sherlock feel for Irene?
With this phrase Sherlock sort of provides the answer to the mystery: what made him miscalculate and fall for Irene's / Moriarty's trap. Throughout the whole episode, Sherlock was observing John and secondarily Mycroft worry about his emotional state. They both considered him an amateur victim of the very experienced dominatrix, who fell for her straight away. John was asking Mrs Hudson about his romantic history, then in his secret conversation with Irene he was worried that he was a person completely inexperienced in romantic matters who immediately fell in the deep waters and was tricked by Irene, he considered him oblivious about how others - such as Molly and himself - felt. He scanned the whole house to check for drugs in case Sherlock relapsed due to Irene's seeming death. John was not understanding Sherlock. He thought he was new to love and entirely vulnerable to it because of the Woman.
Sherlock, however, who is not anywhere near as amateurish or oblivious as John likes to think he is a) had picked on all the concerns John secretly had and b) had figured John had completely misunderstood how he felt.
His speculation "I imagine John Watson thinks love is a mystery for me..." is proven true a little later when John tells Mycroft he doesn't think "Sherlock feels things this way". John wavered between two interpretations; that Sherlock was vulnerable because of the Woman or that he didn't feel love at all in a conventional way.
We and Sherlock both knew that John was wrong either way. Sherlock WAS vulnerable but it was because of John. He unintentionally betrayed Mycroft's plans to Moriarty in his rush to impress John and not Irene.
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(GIF Source: deducingbbcsherlock)
Sherlock, hurt due to another evidence of the danger of loving yet determined to not disclose his weakness to Mycroft and Irene, continues: "... but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive." He is now the cold chemist again, breaking down emotions to their substantial fundamentals, the love hormones; dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphins etc. But just like Irene couldn't resist the rush of excitement in keeping a Sherlock related password in her most prized object under Sherlock's nose, Sherlock could not resist the dopamine rush once he left John speechless with his skills and brilliance again. This is tragically totally a mystery to John and even to the two other people in the room. But we the viewers were told to look for the proof, when he brought up John seemingly out of nowhere:
"I imagine John Watson thinks love is a mystery to me but the chemistry is incredibly simple and very destructive" AKA
John thinks I don't understand love but I understand it all too well and it's because of it that I nearly destroyed my brother's career.
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fareehaandspaniards · 8 months ago
Ultimative Rom post
I was going to post my headcanons, but this turned out to be basically a chronological sequence of facts about her life, almost a biography (as always, I am sorry ).
Thank you, @pyro-madder for the opportunity to finally talk about Rom! I hope you will enjoy that!
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Rom's father was a physician and biologist who researched the fauna of the Yharnam counties. He was one of the "old school" doctors - a graduate of Byrgenwerth, a conservative.
So how about the family drama? Here we go. At first he had an affair with a poor woman named Aglaya, Micolash's mother. But after learning of her pregnancy, he disappeared from her life and began a new affair, from which Rom was born. Rom spent a few years of happy childhood with her parents, and then both died in a fire. That's how Rom ended up in an orphanage.
Rom has been very curious since childhood. She was often scolded by her mother for eating grass and flowers xd And one time she even ate a bug… No evil intentions, it was just her way of exploring the world!
She has one single photo left from her parents, capturing her in a cute dress and her mom and dad. She got her red curls from her dad.
Rom's orphanage had strict discipline and focus on the old Yharnam religion (I don't want to openly call this religion Catholicism because it's not :0 But the vibes are generic. Reminds me of the movie adaptation of the novel Jane Eyre, where little Jane gets to go to school). But her extraordinary intelligence helped her stay afloat amidst cruelty and other people's malice, and then her relatives showed up - an uncle and aunt close to her dead father.
They helped Rom to enroll in Byrgenwerth, as the girl showed talent and curiosity for science and medicine. After spending a short time with her relatives, she studied the entire home library, and also at family evenings talked about her observations of the flora and fauna around their estate.
In Byrgenwerth, Rom was quiet at first. She endured ridicule for her red curls and overweight figure. A few generations ago, though, such a figure had been valued more than any other in Yharnam - it showed a healthy body and the ability to bear children.
Almost immediately Rom had a friend, Yurie, a girl who wore a male uniform. They studied at different faculties - Yurie aspired to become a chemist. And it was Yurie who had started this friendship, too. Rom didn't know, but despite her cold temperament, Yurie fell in love with her almost at first sight and was eager to protect her. And she was good at it! But she couldn't express her feelings. Therefore, she was often silent, rebuking Rom or resentful.
At first, Rom became friends with another young man. It seemed to her that she was making friends. The son of a wealthy family, an ambitious historian and future doctor, Laurence, with whom they had once teamed up to pass an exam. But Laurence quickly saw her as a competitor, and also experienced unwanted sympathy, and became her biggest bully. And created for her very many unpleasant situations, shameful and ugly. Her skirt fell off in front of everyone, her chair got dirty, rumors started, and many, many other things that silly children like to do (even if they are adults) :0
But the insults from Laurence allowed her to meet another victim of his taunts. A young man confined to a wheelchair, pale and seemingly almost dead - Caryll. Frustrated and genuinely hating Laurence, Caryll felt sympathy for Rom. So did she for him. This allowed the two to grow close. Gradually, an affection grew between her and Caryll. Rom even felt in love. One night the two of them spent together, secretly, on a Byrgenwerth balcony. They tried to kiss and tried to become a couple. But such feelings are not for Caryll, he loves differently. During that night they shared almost everything - life story, troubles, resentments, joys, secrets, and Caryll even told her about his dreams, how he often has nightmares related to multi-armed monsters (*wink wink*). They became best friends, and in fact, almost family.
Rom and Caryll also found a friend in the main comforter of all students, the librarian Damian. According to my headcanons, Damian is a former graduate of Byrgenwerth and a failed doctor. He was unable to start work as a doctor, and so he asked Master Willem to set him up at his alma mater. Willem valued him as an apprentice, so sometimes Damian got essays of Willem's written works, and those related to the research of the catacombs of Pthumeru once fell into Micolash's hands carelessly… But that's another story xd In the library Damian could do what he loved most - sorting, record keeping and, most importantly, guardianship and supervision. And there was always tea and his cookies available in his library.
There was also another man who had studied at Byrgenwerth. Unfashionable and strange to everyone, but too independent, proud and cunning to be an object of ridicule (In fact, Lawrence was very interested in him). Micolash. He and Rom talked, saw each other, though they were in different faculties, but sometimes found themselves in classes together. They were good together, comfortable. They were both drawn to each other's intellect. And… Romantic feelings were born in Micolash's heart. (Sorry, I really love love and everything related to it, in my stories crushes and feelings are VERY IMPORTANT xD It's my way of exploring characters). But her red curls kept reminding him of something he couldn't guess himself. He began to search for the cause of his embarrassment. Started looking for Rom's papers, found her last name. He found her parents' names on the paperwork. And the name of her father awakened a memory in his mind! Micolash found out about their kinship by breaking into Rom's dorm room while she was away and searching all her things. One picture in her things was enough for him to realize everything. He was hurt and offended because the only person who had attracted his mind and heart turned out to be not just a relative, but the daughter of the man who had once abandoned his mother, leaving her and little Micolash to live in terrible conditions, and also making the woman suffer for him for the rest of her life.
(Forgive me for the Santa Barbara xD)
Over the course of their studying, the relationship between them all only grew stronger. Caryll and Rom had become literally inseparable! Yurie was still wooing Rom, but from afar, without talking to Caryll. She wanted to look strong and tough in Rom's eyes, but she didn't realize that she didn't realize it. Rom had gotten prettier over the years, and that was helped a lot by Caryll supporting her and forcing her to eat food so she wouldn't get physically exhausted, bailing her out of her depression. By this point Caryll had already suffered a small clinical death, and Willem had injected him with a portion of the Great Ones' blood as an experiment. He had already started dreaming about the Runes, hearing voices, and had gotten quite a bit of insight! He even changed his wheelchair to a cane - his legs could move, but only weakly! And only worked when injected with a dose of blood. Rom became more independent and began to engage in debates with Laurence during lectures and outside of school. And even managed to shame him once (piquing his interest even more). Rom was gradually transforming into a grown woman - her body was transforming, as was her mindset. She became one of Willem's favorite students - demonstrating theories on the effects of flowers and plants on perception, as well as (without knowing it herself), revealing the unusual nature of Lumenflowers. Also during this time Damian and Micolash became a couple, and Damian couldn't devote much time to the students besides him. But he and Rom still kept exchanging things and stuff - like scented soap, cloth, and other household trifles.
Laurence had changed, too, and so had Rom. And he had gotten away from the "spoiled boy" image with what Gehrman had helped him by becoming somewhat of a father figure to him. Laurence looked forward to the future, communicated with Willem and promoted the theory of the Blood, studying it with Willem himself. Thanks to Laurence also, one day Willem took the students on a field trip to the catacombs, where Laurence was able to collect even more samples. At this time, Willem also starts working with a rebellious knight from Cainhurst, who actively helps with the exploration of the catacombs in exchange for shelter and organizes his own little order, which he named after the warrior-soldiers in Cainhurst and one of his old mentors (Logarius! I'll write about him later for sure! In another huge as Bayle post of headcanons).
There goes a visit to Fishing Hamlet! Which had already been destroyed by the hunters, Maria and Gehrman were already here, as well as Willem and Logarius. The students visited what was left. But were able to see the corpse of the Great One. And it affected each of them in its own way! But it was Kos's parasites that interested Rom. She spent a long time rummaging among the snails and worms, examining and studying. She even found the corpse of a female snail in a pile of rot. And something was keeping her in suspense. Everyone around her was grieving, and she couldn't do it. She just couldn't feel the bitterness and fear and remained calm. She felt interest and excitement. She felt not the pain of Kos, but the remnants of her spirit and desire to live that were leading her to the sea!
Laurence contemplates a future marriage, the first project of treatment with purified blood appears, and the study of sea water. And… He has a weakness for Rom, who absolutely does not care about him! He saw in her, finally, not a rival, but a beautiful young woman with a brilliant mind and extraordinary character. He even offered her an engagement, it would be beneficial to both of them. But Rom refused (and Caryll showed him a middle finger lol).
Rom hates direct eye contact. She also has a hard time understanding irony and sarcasm - she takes everything literally. Rom is great with facts and direct arguments! She's also a perfectionist. Sometimes she felt like she was forcing herself to express emotions and doing it "too" artistic? She really wanted to let others know how she felt because she was considered "ice cold" at the shelter. (Yes, she is autistic. And I haven't yet consulted with my friends who have autism about how Rom might feel. And I've only used what I've read myself (or seen) to create it. But if you disagree with my view of her as autistic person, please text me and tell me what's wrong, I need corrections)
Rom met Gehrman at Willem's request (much to Laurence's delight). And she also met the huntress Maria, originally from Cainhurst. The four spent one evening in his workshop, and Rom enjoyed listening to stories of his life. Actually, she and Maria found common ground too - with the help of blood gems. However, Maria always felt uncomfortable around Rom. Under Rom's gaze, it was hard for her to say anything, she felt guilty and ashamed of what she was doing. Rom didn't understand her feelings, but she realized that something was wrong with her.
Opening of the Research Hall. Rom was supposed to work there as a doctor. But positions and jobs don't interest her much, she cares about research. She works with parasites and injects seawater into herself. Rom researches growing eyes on people, and here she is helped by Caryll, keeping an eye on her health. Rom gradually becomes a patient of her own free will, and lives on the upper levels of the Research Hall, in a laboratory, alone, visited only by her doctor.
Rom's hair is almost impossible to put together in a neat bundle - it will always stick out in different directions. Despite the fact that she and Micolash are complete opposites, they have a lot of similarities - those protruding locks of hair, the frown, the passion for unethical research lol
Laurence, already a vicar, Willem's assistant, begins now to care for her openly. His work takes up all his time, but he carves out hours to check on Rom and ask the doctors what is happening to her. He sends her small gifts and food and tries to visit her. And… She reciprocates. I can't count how many shitpost sketches I have in my head about this. Because Caryll was horrified when he found out that Rom had forgiven Laurence for all his wrongdoings and become his lady of the heart!
The Tomb Prospectors under the command of Ludwig, a knight from the southern lands, are hard at work for the Church. Olek, Gremia and Damian are among his charges. Tomb Prospectors discover the first Augur of Ebrietas, and Laurence, as a gift (giving her food for thought, so to say) gives him to Rom to examine. Augur lives in Rom's terrarium and crawls on her hands. She discovers that it gives off vibrations similar to those she heard in the Fishing Hamlet. And she discovers that Augur has the ability to leave burns on her skin. These burns are treated by Caryll and kissed by Laurence.
Yurie also works at the Research Hall. But Rom won't let her near her. And the girl's broken heart is healed by another lady doctor of the Research Hall named Madlene (And in the future it will be Imposter Iosefka)! Also, Yurie picks up her little nephew named Edgar from the orphanage :^)
Micolash ignores his sister. He is solely researching Saint Adeline and making her his own test subject (At her own will). From the moment he found out about their sibling bond, Micolash and Rom have been distant from each other and even feuding. He now considers Rom "unhinged" and "stupid" because of her research methods. He believes that trying everything on her body is barbaric and a waste of resource.
Tomb Prospectors dubbed Rom a "hottie" when they saw her with Damian! :D
Also Rom is incredibly tall among all other women! (Except for Maria maybe who is also tall) Rom is 6′ 0″, and while Laurence 5' 5" lol... They are quite a funny couple. But Laurence never complains. Actually he has the best view when he talks to her.
Rom is the first to bandage her eyes to discover her new vision. And is the first to start seeing "more". Caryll helps her settle into life with the insight lol. Her bandaged eyes will become the basis for the Choir hat.
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Rom and Laurence go on dates when she manages to get out of her research center and he manages to get out of the Church. But Rom is more interested in discussing augurs than romance, and Laurence has to temper his own passionate feelings for her each time. Still, the two gradually come to bodily intimacy. Laurence also becomes very caring. He feels like a child with her, and suddenly begins to show guardianship and attentiveness.
Rom studies the Augurs and hears their call. She learns from their singing about the "daughter of the stars". And builds a theory about the sacredness of the mother-child bond.
She and St. Adeline had seen each other several times. And they saw each other as rivals - both aspiring to the Great Ones in their own measure. Adeline wished to have a child, she heard voices in her head assuring her that Kos was blessing mothers and families, and that would set Rom on a future idea >>>
Rom makes a plan for her own pregnancy. She wouldn't admit it, but she sees Laurence as her instrument. Her research takes her head over heels, and takes her very much away from the people closest to her. In an attempt to learn more about the Great Ones, she even rummages into Caryll's papers, waiting until he falls asleep to check what he has in his researches. Rom realizes Kos's mother nature, and tries to make contact, again using only herself for the experiment. And this idea she shares with Willem, who is proud of Romina and supportive, helping to plan for all future consequences. He becomes her new "family". And now she gets secrets from her two favorite people, Laurence and Caryll.
She does become pregnant after a night with Laurence. She hears much, much more. And one night a call comes to her, a real crying cry for help. She hears Ebrietas. (Laurence is the last to learn of this news. But he is still happy and hopes that they can become a family)
Ebrietas, discovered by Tomb Prospectors in the catacombs of Isz, is frightened and confused. She screams into the void, and Rom takes her signal as a beacon. Several Tomb Prospectors die in the battle with Ebrietas, and the survivors experience their first doubts about what they are doing. The monster that tore and trampled their companions is elevated to "Holy" by the Church, and no one mentions the dead so as not to taint the image of the new icon. Damian renounces here the teachings of the Church. But despite his resentment towards Rom, because she doesn't seem to care about his grief, he maintains a friendship with her, albeit a weak one.
Speaking of how Ebrietas ended up in the Church, or rather, in a large cave under the Upper Cathedral Ward. I think it was simply that there were ancient ruins under the Cathedral District that Ibraitas managed to "summon" to. Honestly, I have no idea how else she could have been transported xd Crawling through the catacombs and the city? Nuh uh. Teleport? Maybe. Or summoning with ritual and stuff in a certain place where the voices and whispers are particularly strong.
Rom is known as "weird" in the Healing Church, and it is known to quite a few that she is the vicar's sweetheart. Logarius is very judgmental of the vicar for allowing a woman taking up his precious time. But Laurence is a good enough leader to not let him talk about it much xd
Around this point, Micolash already has intentions of leaving the Church and establishing his own line of study of the Great Ones. Damian is absolutely on his side, for his encounter with Ebraitas has left a wound on his soul, as well as a deep aversion to the Church's perception of the Great Ones. They both choose Kos as their beacon, separating her from the rest of the Great Ones. Damian and Rom are forced to cut off their friendship for good.
The Choir was founded! And Rom becomes its idol and prophet (My version of Rom in the transparent blue dress is already relevant here. This dress was created for her by Laurence, or rather, designed for her by him). He decorated it with stars. Rom didn't do any more research. She only broadcast Ebrietas' will and communicated with her. Her body starts changing - a plate of chitin appears on her cheek, one eye darkens, and the pupil in it multiplies by eight. She begins to grow flowers that will cover her entire body in the future.
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Caryll leaves the church to pursue the study of runes at the Mensis School, and… Rom, to his surprise, feels nothing. Moreover, because of her prolonged contact with Ibraitas, she begins to forget her old life and the people she loves.
Rom's child is never born - she loses the child. But that child will return to her, becoming a multitude of spiders that appear with her during the battle. Laurence has been heartbroken - his girlfriend, his love, the one he chose to marry - has isolated herself and given herself over to an insight. He wanted to be a father. And all their shared dreams of a family went down the drain. But he doesn't complain - his feelings are less important, than coming fall of Healing Church and Yharnam that Laurence can feel. He never knew that he was part of her plan. Though Rom did love him. But curiosity was paramount.
Yurie went from the Research Hall to the Choir, following Rom. But Rom hardly noticed her attempts to protect and be near her. And this annoyed Madlene (Imposter Iosefka), who despised not only Rom's working methods but also her impulsive nature.
Rom and Ebrietas find each other as two halves. A daughter finds future mother. An orphan meets a similar orphan. They resonate with each other in the strongest possible way, and Rom learns to understand her by transmitting the Great One's speech. Rom spends all her time with Ebrietas. And will exist next to Ebrietas without reacting to anyone around her. Everyone will think she's lost her mind, but Caryll will know it's still the same Rom, just on different levels and planes.
Rom will exist already as a spider and she will be visited by Laurence, Caryll, Yurie and then Damian will come to her when his life's work proves to be a failure. Willem never came to her - he had stopped contacting anyone. But really, Rom and he didn't need to - Willem knew his apprentice had ascended.
And then she'll shelter Yahar'gul at the cost of herself. And Micolash will be annoyed - such potential, and wasted. Rom achieved what he couldn't - Contact. And wasted it, in his opinion. That's why he calls her an "idiot."
I can say that Rom has always been a loner, and even being surrounded by people - she remained lonely. Only Caryll could understand her and was practically her soulmate, but gradually they started to keep secrets from each other - secret knowledge creates jealousy and fear. She experimented only on herself, not out of fear of harming others, but more out of a desire to feel the results, even if it hurt and was bad. She is probably the most successful of scientists - she accomplished her goal.
I apologize for the amount of text! Adding my old art with Rom: (just because)
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rela-monarchy39 · 4 months ago
New Kid in the Badlands Snippet
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A/N: Posting this because I really want to share my wip of my tf2 oc Chemist
Summary: Miss Pauling takes Chemist to the RED Team Base where she meets the mercs. In this snippet she only meets Engie Trigger Warnings: None Rating: T Word Count: 800
“Are we there yet?”
Miss Pauling rolls her eyes and sighs. “I told you last time. We’re almost there. Now, please stop asking,” She replies and revs up the engine of her vespa. Rosie sighs. They’ve been driving in the brutal New Mexican heat for what seems like forever. The heat had Rosie almost regretting her decision to take this job.
The brutal heat is way better than anything Rosie experienced working at her Ma's salon. Day and night, her Ma forced Rosie to work at her salon. She said “You'll pay your debt off by making tips” and that “working there will be fun,” but no. She was wrong. Very wrong. Not only did Rosie make next to nothing, but she also hated working with hair. Rosie hated doing complex hairstyles customers asked for. She hated getting hair splinters (Yes, those are a thing). And she hated the smell of all the hair products. Rosie still shudders whenever she catches a whiff of hairspray. 
Miss Pauling takes a hard turn left and they jump through a screen that matches the surrounding environment. They pull up to a large industrial building with the words “RED Bread” painted on the side. Miss Pauling turns the engine off and gets off the bike. “Told you we were almost there.” She cocks her head towards the building. “Come on. The rest of the team are waiting to meet you,” Miss Pauling says with a slight smile. Rosie grabs her heavy suitcase from the luggage rack and follows Miss Pauling into the building. She fiddles with the science buttons on her backpack straps in a way to ease her anticipation.
They enter the warehouse-like facility into a small room. It's old and not what Rosie expected. Bright, fluorescent lightning casts a sterile yellow glow all over the room that gives off a cold and unwelcoming feeling. The linoleum flooring reflects the ceiling lights, making it look unusually shiny. The walls are made with wood paneling that looks like it's been dragged through a chainsmoker’s ashtray. The room itself smells like a chainsmoker's ashtray, a smell that makes Rosie’s nose crinkle. An old dining table with metal folding chairs surrounding it rests in the middle of the room. Reclining on the chair closest to the door is a man in overalls and a yellow hard hat. 
Once he notices Rosie and Miss Pauling, he immediately stands up and greets Miss Pauling. He turns his attention to Rosie. “Well, hi there, little lady. You a little sister of Miss Pauling?” The man asks Rosie with a grin.
Rosie holds her hand out and makes intense eye contact with Engineer. Rosie and her Ma have gone over how to properly introduce herself to adults and not come off as rude like other times. “Hi, I’m Rosie! The Chemist! I like science, The Beatles, and hurting people!” Rosie says, a little too loudly. Rosie and her Ma didn’t practice on what exactly to say when introducing herself and how to control the volume of her voice when nervous.  
Engineer takes her hand, slowly shaking it. “Um, well, I’m Dell the Engineer, and I also like science, Hank Williams, and solving practical problems,” He says slowly like he didn’t understand why Rosie is here. Engineer takes Miss Pauling off to the side, so Rosie won't hear them. “Miss Pauling, you said the new recruit is thirty!” Engineer tries his best to whisper, but the fact his newest coworker is a middle school aged girl makes it difficult to control the volume of his voice. 
Miss Pauling crosses her arms. “No, I said she was thirteen. You should already know this. Didn't you guys read her file?” She asks. Engineer rubs the back of his neck and looks away from Miss Pauling’s annoyed face. Miss Pauling pinches the bridge of her nose. “Well, the guys are in for one hell of a surprise,” She mutters. Miss Pauling wonders how the rest of the mercs will react to Rosie, especially Scout. 
“Whatcha guys talking about?” Rosie is now standing right behind them. Her voice caused the two to jump. They didn’t even hear her footsteps. 
“Nothing. It’s just… well you’re pretty young for this sorta job. Are you—” Engineer starts, but is cut off by Rosie who gets between him and Miss Pauling. She stands on the tips of her toes to try to get up in Engineer's face. Rosie puffs up her chest in a way to come off as intimidating, but to Engineer she resembles an angry kitten. 
“Hey, I may be young, but I'm just as capable of murder as you, old man! I got thirty-nine different toxins in this bag to put your ass six feet under!” Rosie warns, and jabs her finger at Engineer’s chest.  
Engineer gives Rosie a lopsided smile. “You’re gonna fit right in with the rest of us, little lady.”
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empire-system · 6 months ago
It feels like we just can’t win sometimes.
As a system, we have alters of many different ages, we have some babies at 3-4 years old, some older kids/pre teens, a couple of teenagers, some adults. And it just…no matter what age the person fronting is, it sucks.
The toddlers and kids can’t talk to people their own age and enjoy childhood innocence because the body is too old and has been subject to horrendous amounts of trauma. It doesn’t matter how many sippy cups of warm milk they drink, my little pony and bluey colourings they do, or nights of being all cosied up in a pile of pillows, plushies and blankets they have, they’ll always be haunted by the sick actions of other people and will never get to experience being a child the way they should.
The teens have to sit and watch as everyone around us stops being our age and starts growing up- going to prom, graduating, getting their first jobs, moving out on their own, but we’re just stuck here because we’re not physically capable of that. We can’t leave the house without having a panic attack, let alone go to school and do everything everyone else is doing. It’s not even about having a place in society or anything, it’s about being able to say ‘I did that. I experienced that.’ It royally sucks knowing that you can’t do something that everyone else is doing and is so excited about.
And the adults have to live as a teenager. They can’t work the jobs they loved so much, they have no authority that they’re used to, they have to deal with irrational mood swings they don’t know how to deal with anymore, and they’re constantly bored. Most of the adults in the system are either scientists or high ranking military officials. Now they’re a teenager stuck in the same two bedroom apartment all day every day, and the only real company we have is a cat.
Some days it just feels like we have nothing and no one. This isn’t the sort of thing we can bring up to our friends because they all just say we’re lucky to get to not do anything all day. But we don’t want to not do anything all day, we want to be capable of doing things. We want to be a biologist, or a chemist, or an astronomer, or an astronaut, or a mechanic, or a dog groomer, or an artist, but we just physically can’t for so many reasons and man it is depressing as hell.
All I can do is try to lose myself in playing Pokémon and watching Brooklyn nine nine. God forbid I lose interest in one or both of those things, cos at that point, I’m really screwed.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months ago
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Mayor Kurt Lidell Schmoke (December 1, 1949) is a politician and lawyer who was the 47th mayor of Baltimore (1987-99) and the first African American to be elected to the post. He is a former dean of the Howard University School of Law and was appointed as president of the University of Baltimore.
He was born and raised in Baltimore to Murray Schmoke, a civilian chemist for the Army, and Irene B. Reid, a social worker.
He entered Yale College. He played quarterback on the freshman team. He played in one of college football’s most famous games. Harvard and Yale battled to a 29-29 tie in a battle of unbeaten teams. He and his classmates started a daycare center on campus for the children of the university’s janitors and cafeteria workers.
He was acknowledged as the undergraduate student leader who helped quell the possibility of a riot on campus in the wake of the New Haven Black Panther trials. As New Haven filled with radical protesters, students demanded the suspension of classes. A divided faculty met to discuss strategy and invited a student leader to address the gathering. He was Secretary of the Class of 1971 and a leader of the Black Student Alliance and was selected to represent the students. He stated: “The students on this campus are confused, they’re frightened. They don’t know what to think. You are older than we are and are more experienced. We want guidance from you, and moral leadership. On behalf of my fellow students, I beg you to give it to us.” This moment is credited with helping to dispel the growing tensions: the university voted to bend its rules, making classes “voluntarily optional” to the end of the term, and despite small outbreaks of violence, no campus-wide unrest resulted.
He graduated from Yale with a BA in history, studied as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, and graduated from Harvard Law School.
He was selected for a Silver Anniversary Award by the NCAA in 1996.
He practiced law at the firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering. He was appointed an honorary fellow of Balliol College. He is on the board of Global Rights and a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #sigmapiphi
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sapphire-deity · 8 months ago
I just experienced such a surge of pure feeling I needed to put it somewhere and I couldn't fathom trying to write it into poetry yet perhaps this, too, is a poem, and here it is. The fact that we exist in a world with creativity, where makers and writers and artists and engineers and architects and astronomers, all of these types of people who build and create and invent for the pure joy they receive from that creation, where all of that is real? Where I can take the collection of words that lives in my brain and weave a story that compels even one other person, or an artist can take paint that was fine-tuned by a chemist in a lab and smear it on a piece of stretched canvas to make a visual image that is enough to bring a person to tears? I can take a length of yarn, woven and dyed, and loop it against itself in a continuous shape that can build into an adorable plush creature. Do you all realize how incredible it is? We are human beings, fallible and imperfect, but we can create such beautiful things in all walks of life and that is magnificent. I'm just in awe of the joy found in creating imperfect things that are beautiful despite and because of their imperfections.
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mrthenarrator · 11 months ago
Hi! Hi hello! So um- I may or may not be having a crisis right now. So it turns out the frozen human- IS me. I was scavenging documents and- I died and they- made an AI out of me. Now besides that point apparently Sarah knows im the reason she's in here- I mean- I saved her. If I left he be she would have died from the gas leaks which wasn't my fault! I can only digitize one person at a time and- okay she was the only one I wanted to digitize…
Okay so she didn't get lost she ran off- she's not trapped she's looking for a way out- and I don't know- I know there is a way out but- I'll be honest what happens is like what happens in your game with the button or whatever! I will be completely and utterly alone! And I put her in here for that reason and now I don't know if- I should let her go. She would be happy that way- I mean… she has kids… but it's not like they know she's alive… for all we know it's been minutes out there and millennia in here! I have no idea how time passes!
There is something wrong with me. Something very wrong with me… And now my name isn't even Natalie. That's just what Sarah called me…
And now im here telling practically a stranger about my problems! Well Stranger… but idol in a way. Who knew giving your main character choice would basically end your world.
I'm ready to burn this stupid lab to the ground… why did I ever keep this? Sarah didn't need to stay a chemist. I didn't have to make a little fake world for her. To make her happy. She didn't need other people. If I had just made a world for her and me none of this would have happened...
I don't even know why im telling you this! I guess- have you ever been scared of losing everything you've ever done in your existence?
Maybe I just want some insight… if you have any I guess its appreciated…
(I sincerely apologize for this I needed to just lore)
...Oh goodness.
I suppose I do have some insight on this.
When Oswin and I started talking a few months ago, he offered to work on finding a way for me to escape. At the time, the idea of leaving the Parable was something I never thought I could consider. Especially since we weren't sure we could bring Stanley until much later. And even then I wasn't sure he would even want to stay if he did manage to escape the Parable.
In addition, moving to the real world meant I wouldn't have my developer tools or abilities to help me do things. I would have to learn how to do everything without the games code to assist me. And that uncertainty scared me.
Having that uncertainty, plus Stanley possibly leaving made me absolutely certain on not leaving the Parable. At least until Stanley and I talked privately about the matter before finally deciding to try.
While I may not understand your situation fully myself, I do understand the fear of losing everything you've ever had. Hell, I'm still scared that somehow the Parable shuts down and Stanley, Lynne, and I cease to exist.
...I don't know if I have any advice on your situation. Since your circumstances are quite different to what I've experienced. But if you do end up finding Sarah, All I can offer is that you talk to her genuinely. About what may happen to your game, To you, as well as how she may feel and want. Honesty and communication is a rather strong tool I've learnt recently.
And hopefully, you two can find a solution to it, whether it's both of you leaving together, or... whatever you two come up with.
I do hope things turn out alright between you two. And sending my best wishes to you both.
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slowroadtosantiago · 2 years ago
Day 32 - Foncebadon to Molinaseca
Well, we’re in Molinaseca and all in one piece. It wasn’t as bad as was made out but still a bit dodgy in places. Jane was careful though stormed ahead of me at times, and we’ve got to here in one piece.
We set off very early this morning, up at 6 and out by half past. I had read that the sunrises were fabulous on the first part of the stretch and we wanted to see one. Unfortunately we walked up through the village in the thick mist. And it was blinking cold, down to 1 degree last night. It’s the first time we’ve had our gloves on (and I still managed to lose one on the way).
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Once we got above the village and looked back we did get some lovely skies starting to glow but that was in between the clouds rolling in. We were looking back on the flat plains down to Leon.
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After a couple of kms we arrived at the Cruz de Ferro. It’s an iconic part of the route and the highest point on the Camino. Traditionally you leave a stone to remember loved ones, so we paid our respects and Jane put her stone down for Stu, and then we carried on.
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The stones on the path were very shale like and you had to be careful to follow a pre-worn route. The lavender was out in bloom by the side of the path and we were still hearing cuckoos despite the cloudy conditions. We stayed high for a couple of miles, dipping down at one point to a curious Albergue which the notice said was closed for renovations, not surprised by the state of it!
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We also passed by lots of cows with bells on their necks clanging away on the hillside.
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So finally we started the descent. It was similar to what we had experienced on Welsh mountains, we had our poles and we took our time letting anyone faster go past. There was one Korean lad who was obviously faster so we let him by, then he would stop to take photos, fall behind then come up behind us again to overtake. I got well and truly peeved after he did it for the third or fourth time.
While I remember, Koreans are in the highest number doing the Camino. They are a very catholic country and it’s seen as a rite of passage and good on your CV to walk the route.
Just before 10 we arrived at El Acebo for our breakfast, with a rainbow marking the village. It’s a quaint place, very alpine in its looks. We were starving by then so had empanadas (like a flat pasty) with coffee, but that wasn’t enough so had pain au chocolat and another coffee as well.
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Stuffed we carried on our journey downwards. Just outside Acebo we met Laura from Germany who we hadn’t seen for a while and it was lovely walking with her to the next village where she was staying for the night. It had started raining a bit so our orange ponchos came out and we saw another huge vivid rainbow.
Leaving Laura behind we carried on downwards yet again for another 3 miles to finally get to Molinaseca. It’s a lovely place with narrow streets and overhanging balconies.
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We’re staying in a bit of luxury tonight, in that it’s only a small place and there’s only one bunk bed in our room. Jane, despite her ankle, has elected to take the top bunk (I get up too many times in the night and disturb her). The bathroom is lovely with shower gel and shampoo provided, and we have been able to get our clothes washed for free. The Albergue seems to be run as a family affair and has only recently been converted.
We pottered in the Albergue then went out for a wander. There was nothing open at 4:30 but we managed to find a very local bar full of men playing card games. We knew the wine was a bit suspect when it made our mouths go red and was somewhat cloudy when you held it up to the light. The glass was none too new either.
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A couple of drinks later we wandered around to the chemist as Jane needed some Paracetemol. I could hear some music so we followed that to see if it was somewhere serving food before 7 and we struck lucky. It was a kiosk set in funky grounds serving burgers and crepes.
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We had the nicest burgers we have ever tasted - beef with with fried cecina (dried meat), strong local blue cheese and caramelised onions. Superb! Followed by a crepe of course.
Back at the Albergue we’re chilling and will hopefully get a good night’s sleep. We’ve ordered breakfast here too before a flat 13.7 mile day tomorrow.
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magentatechnician · 2 years ago
That's just wrong!
Here's an excerpt from the GCSE Chemistry textbook we use in our school.
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There are several crimes against chemistry in these statements. However, sometimes you have to simplify in order for students to understand the general idea, so there are always going to be lines in textbooks that make an experienced chemist mumble "I think you'll find it's a bit more complicated than that".
What makes me uneasy is when we teach stuff that's not just inaccurate but incorrect. Take the third bullet point, "The liquids become more viscous". The trouble is, they don't. To the unassisted human senses the viscosity of liquid hydrocarbons barely changes from hexane (6 carbon chain) to barbecue lighter fluid (11 to 14 carbons). You certainly wouldn't be able to measure any difference in a school lab. Motor oil (18 to 34 carbons) is a bit gloopy (to use a technical term) but still flows easily. If the carbon chains get slightly longer (20 to 40) you get waxes.
This evidence-free assertion has been taught in school chemistry forever. It may be plausible, but it's still wrong, and I can't believe I'm the first person to notice. It's far from the only example in school science. There are plenty in chemistry, but my favourite(!) is from biology - the way we teach the inheritance of eye colour is spectacularly bad.
This matters. We're teaching students "facts" that are easily disproved. We're making them do practicals that don't work because they haven't been tested or the instruction sheets are badly written (there's a whole book there, let alone a blog post). And if we aren't trustworthy, why shouldn't students be sceptical about science?
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badolmen · 1 year ago
God blood isn’t as lucrative a business as it sounds - what we thought might be a panacea turned acidic and medically impotent outside of the divine body. But, it has its uses for the chemists and artificers, so we collect the crimson ichor in glass bottles. As much as we can stand to without burning ourselves, anyway.
The marrow of a god’s bones is black - concentrated sins collected from their patrons and stored away for wrathful outbursts. While not legal, everyone in the business always keeps a pinch on them, in case they need to curse an unfortunate soul. And for the right price, the right person can strike a deal for their own portion of divine fury.
From the skull we harvest Grace. It is golden, oily, and, most importantly, expensive. Kings and clergy empty their coffers for a drop, but most folk can bargain a bottle from their local Hunter in exchange for good drink and the promise of peaceful sleep.
Most Hunters don’t sleep well, not after their first kill.
Some joke that the god of sleep abandoned us out of spite, or, in an effort to save their kin, attempts to drive us mad with sleeplessness. Neither is true - the god of sleep was killed long before my time. There is no king of dreams withholding rest from us Hunters. We choose sleeplessness. We tempt madness, because that is far less certain than what sleep offers.
No Hunter forgets their first kill. Mine was far too young - by most Hunters’ standards - but I’ve lived long enough to know it was as clean as any could hope for. I’ve seen far messier deaths, for gods and Hunters alike.
There is no easy death for a god. They fight it - like any living thing - but unlike mortals they fight against a fear far greater than what we can understand. Gods aren’t supposed to die. They do not know decay or entropy, their flesh isn’t made for it. So when the first harpoon pierces a wing, or a blade cleaves into bone, it is both the worst pain they have ever experienced and a pain they could not understand before experiencing it.
Gods fight death with the fear of a child recognizing their own mortality.
Which made my first kill all the more fitting, I suppose. Two children at their first reckoning with death - one at the hands of another. One surrounded by healers, burning blood gouging through mortal hands. One surrounded by butchers, cracking open a skull for the liquid gold within.
(I didn’t mean to kill her. She didn’t know she could be killed. Neither did I, until the bullet from father’s rifle sunk deep in her gut. The flowers around her feet wilted instantly, and her blood burned the grass black. My hands are still scarred to the bone from trying to stop the bleeding.)
Some are lucky in their first kills - gods of greed, hate, malice - they can take solace in the destruction of spiteful creatures with bone marrow blacker than the abyss. Not I. I killed a nature god, eternally youthful and trusting in their divinity. Somehow that makes every kill following feel more justified, more appropriate.
(Never could I sink so low as to kill gods of love and light and hope, the way some Hunters have. They see these gods as renewable, the mortal devotion to these ideals ensuring inevitable reincarnations. I know some gods don’t come back, won’t come back - they’ve met death and pain and despair, and have no intention of returning to meet them again. I fear these god of goodness too will one day choose nothingness in the face of another mortal betrayal.)
No matter your kill, you will not sleep. Not without a home brewed sleeping draft made by a desperate man hoping to heal his ailing sister. Not without the wine of an old woman trying to remember her lover’s face. Not without the tears of a daughter saying goodbye to her father for the last time. No magic or drug can offer that peace, only found in mortal acceptance of death.
(Because no matter your first kill, you will always remember it when you sleep. You will always see it from the eyes of the one you killed, and you will know pain and fear and death the way only gods can know it: with the all-consuming fear of a child, afraid of the dark, with no candle to hold.)
Edit: Donate to Palestinians in Gaza
A fantasy world with an industrial revolution, where Gods are hunted like whales were.
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pravatchemistry · 8 days ago
Empowering Future Chemists: Your Guide to BSc Chemistry Coaching in Bhubaneswar
In today’s rapidly evolving academic landscape, the significance of specialized coaching for aspiring chemists cannot be overstated. For students aiming to excel in their Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, finding the right coaching center is crucial. This is especially true in Bhubaneswar, a city that has emerged as a hub for quality education. In this post, we delve into the benefits of dedicated BSc Chemistry coaching, the unique opportunities available in Bhubaneswar, and how Pravat Chemistry is revolutionizing the learning experience for students aspiring to master chemistry.
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The Rising Demand for Specialized Chemistry Coaching
The field of chemistry is both challenging and fascinating, combining theoretical principles with practical applications. For many students pursuing a BSc in Chemistry, the transition from classroom lectures to more complex research and applications can be overwhelming. This is where specialized coaching comes into play. By providing tailored guidance, experienced faculty, and a structured curriculum, coaching centers help bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application.
In Bhubaneswar, the demand for specialized coaching in chemistry has soared. Students seek a learning environment where they can interact with experts, clarify doubts in real-time, and gain insights into competitive examinations and advanced research opportunities. With a focus on interactive learning, practical demonstrations, and regular assessments, coaching centers in the region are helping students not only understand the core concepts but also apply them confidently in their academic and professional lives.
Why Choose BSc Chemistry Coaching in Bhubaneswar?
Bhubaneswar is fast becoming a preferred destination for students due to its well-established educational ecosystem. Several factors contribute to the rising popularity of BSc chemistry coaching in Bhubaneswar:
Expert Faculty and Tailored Curriculum: Coaching centers in Bhubaneswar employ seasoned educators who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience. They design a curriculum that is both comprehensive and aligned with current industry trends, ensuring that students receive a robust foundation in chemistry.
Modern Infrastructure and Learning Aids: With state-of-the-art laboratories, multimedia classrooms, and access to the latest scientific tools, the coaching centers offer a conducive learning environment. These resources allow students to perform experiments, engage in interactive sessions, and use digital resources that simplify complex concepts.
Focus on Competitive Exams and Career Guidance: Many students enrolled in BSc Chemistry programs also aim to clear competitive examinations and pursue further studies or research. Coaching centers provide dedicated sessions on competitive exam strategies, mock tests, and career counseling, ensuring that students are well-prepared for all challenges ahead.
Networking Opportunities: Being part of a coaching community in Bhubaneswar allows students to interact with peers and professionals, which can open doors to internships, research opportunities, and collaborative projects. The vibrant academic culture in the city also ensures that students have access to seminars, workshops, and guest lectures by eminent chemists.
How Pravat Chemistry is Leading the Way
One standout institution in the realm of specialized chemistry coaching is Pravat Chemistry. Known for its comprehensive courses and a strong focus on conceptual clarity, Pravat Chemistry is dedicated to fostering a love for chemistry among its students. Although primarily known for its NEET courses, the expertise and teaching methodologies employed by Pravat Chemistry are equally effective for BSc chemistry coaching.
At Pravat Chemistry, students can expect:
Interactive Learning Modules: The courses are designed to be interactive, combining theoretical lectures with hands-on experiments and digital simulations. This multi-faceted approach ensures that students grasp difficult concepts and are able to apply them practically.
Experienced Instructors: The faculty at Pravat Chemistry comprises experienced professionals who are passionate about teaching and have a deep understanding of the subject. Their real-world insights make complex topics more relatable and easier to understand.
Flexible Learning Options: Recognizing that every student has a unique learning pace, Pravat Chemistry offers flexible study plans and personalized attention. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, the courses are structured to help you progress steadily.
Regular Assessments and Feedback: To ensure continuous improvement, the coaching program includes regular tests and feedback sessions. This constant evaluation helps students identify their strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring they remain on the right track.
Success Stories and Future Prospects
Many students who have undergone BSc chemistry coaching in Bhubaneswar have gone on to achieve remarkable success in their academic and professional endeavors. Their stories underscore the importance of having a supportive learning environment, access to quality resources, and the guidance of experienced educators. As chemistry continues to be a cornerstone of scientific innovation, students equipped with the right knowledge and skills are bound to make significant contributions to fields ranging from pharmaceuticals to environmental science.
Moreover, the future looks promising for students in this discipline. With the ongoing advancements in research and technology, the scope for chemists is expanding. From renewable energy solutions to innovative drug designs, the potential career opportunities are vast. Specialized coaching centers in Bhubaneswar are not just preparing students for their exams—they are nurturing the next generation of scientists who will drive innovation and change.
In conclusion, BSc chemistry coaching in Bhubaneswar offers a unique blend of academic rigor, modern facilities, and personalized learning experiences. Institutions like Pravat Chemistry are at the forefront, providing an environment where students can thrive, excel in their studies, and build a strong foundation for a successful career in chemistry. As the demand for specialized coaching continues to rise, choosing the right institution becomes paramount. Whether you are preparing for competitive exams or looking to deepen your understanding of chemistry, the coaching centers in Bhubaneswar have everything you need to unlock your potential.
Embrace the journey of scientific discovery and let expert coaching guide you towards a brighter future in the world of chemistry!
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thornland123 · 10 days ago
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Thornlands Pharmacy is your trusted local chemist. They provide an expert consultation, personalized service as well as a variety of pharmacy services that will meet your health requirements.
Our award-winning pharmacy provides an experienced team that can assist you with any over-the-counter medications and all of your prescription needs.
To take care of your family and you, Thornlands Pharmacy offers personalised service and expert care.
We have a Wellness Club Rewards Program that gives you rewards when you shop with us at Thornlands Pharmacy.
Thornlands Pharmacy Thornlands Pharmacy are dedicated to making a difference in the health of our community through the same expert advice and top client service for you, your friends and family.
Website - https://thornlandspharmacy.com.au/
Address - Shop 2, 3 Cleveland-Redland Bay Rd, Thornlands QLD 4164, Australia.
Phone - 07 3488 2266
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isconlife · 25 days ago
Third-Party Pharma Manufacturing
Third-party pharmaceutical manufacturing, also known as contract manufacturing, is a strategic partnership in which a pharmaceutical company outsources the production of its drugs or formulations to a specialized manufacturer. This approach enables businesses to optimize resources, enhance efficiency, and bring high-quality products to the market faster.
Key Benefits of Third-Party Pharma Manufacturing
Cost Efficiency
Reduces overhead costs related to infrastructure, equipment, and labor.
Allows companies to leverage the expertise of established manufacturing facilities without large capital investments.
Quality Assurance
Partners typically comply with stringent regulatory standards, such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and WHO guidelines.
Comprehensive quality control and assurance processes help maintain product integrity.
Contract manufacturers can quickly ramp up or reduce production volumes based on market demand.
Flexible manufacturing capabilities support both small and large batch requirements.
Faster Time-to-Market
Established manufacturing setups minimize product development and production delays.
Streamlined processes expedite approvals and distribution, ensuring products reach consumers promptly.
Access to Expertise
Contract manufacturers often have specialized teams of scientists, formulation experts, and regulatory professionals.
This expertise ensures compliance with national and international standards, fostering trust and credibility.
Our Third-Party Manufacturing Process
Requirement Analysis
We begin by understanding the client’s product specifications, target market, and regulatory requirements.
Formulation & Development
Our R&D experts formulate products based on client briefs, ensuring efficacy, safety, and compliance with relevant regulations.
Manufacturing & Quality Control
All production takes place in GMP-certified facilities, following strict SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures).
Advanced QC checks are conducted at every stage — raw materials, in-process, and finished products.
Packaging & Labeling
We offer a range of packaging solutions that meet regulatory standards and preserve product integrity.
Custom labeling options help clients maintain brand consistency.
Regulatory Support
Our regulatory affairs team assists with documentation, product registrations, and compliance processes.
We stay updated with changes in local and global pharmaceutical regulations.
Timely Delivery
Efficient project management ensures products are delivered within agreed timelines.
Our logistics partners help streamline distribution and minimize lead times.
Why Choose Iscon life sciencesfor Third-Party Manufacturing
State-of-the-Art Infrastructure Our manufacturing facilities are equipped with modern technology and comply with WHO-GMP and ISO standards.
Dedicated Expertise We have a highly qualified team of pharmacists, chemists, and regulatory specialists to guide your project from concept to market.
Customized Solutions From formulation development to packaging design, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and brand identity.
Transparent Communication We prioritize clear and consistent communication, ensuring you remain informed about each production milestone.
Global Reach Our distribution network and regulatory know-how enable us to cater to diverse markets around the world.
Third-party pharma manufacturing offers a valuable pathway for pharmaceutical companies seeking to expand their product range, optimize costs, and ensure high-quality production. By partnering with an experienced contract manufacturer, businesses can focus on core competencies — such as marketing and distribution — while leaving the complexities of manufacturing to the experts.
For more information about our third-party pharma manufacturing services, feel free to contact us or visit our website
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pomacanthidae · 1 month ago
This is my mom's first time being alive too, even though she's been here longer that does not excuse the heartache and hard times in the same way she is not immune to new wonders and the morning sunrise.
To think she was once my age, in an apartment not unlike my own, meeting new friends and falling in love with people who were not yet my father. I knew some of her college crew, wrinkles and grey hairs decades removed from toilet papering friend's cars and traveling to the lands they studied. Arabic majors some of them; political scientists, engineers, artists, teachers, and chemists others. I imagine their laughs, younger and not unlike those of my own roommates.
We too are people living for the first time, experiencing things not even out parents could imagine, and laughing in much the way generations of our forefathers have. I do not imagine previous iterations of ourselves as dour, I do not believe men did not love their wives and children did not laugh and dance and make mistakes as we do. Yes, of course some things might have been different, but in the same way we are all human I believe the humanity would be mirrored.
My grandmother told me once her favorite year of her life was 19, before the responsibility had fully hit but the independence was enough there she could explore the world. Her childhood was spent on a farm built on the backbreaking labor of generations of her forefathers, and kept in the family though the stubborn will of her father -- the man of the family at just ten years old. That land still remains in the family, and when we visit for picnics she reminds us of the good times and the growing up.
I can't imagine her at my age, not in the same way I can imagine my mother. Neither is all that different from me, but the uncertainty of the ages I have yet to be has already passed from their minds. It is as much my first time being alive as it is theirs, but only recently have my hands been more steady at threading a needle than my grandmothers' and my eyes been better at reading small print than my mom's.
I wonder if I am becoming them, in the easy smiles shared between friends and plates of snacks awaiting visitors at the door. I wonder if my first time being alive will be as settled as theirs have been, if I will find my person and settle down somewhere as safe as the houses with open doors and warm hugs; if my porchlight will ever be left on for grandchildren and long distance friends.
I sometimes forget that everyone is alive for the first time, and my journey is not unsettled, it's just at a different point. I sometimes forget the uncertainty will not leave me, but that the joy will always remain -- and if I have to choose one, why not laugh my way through life like those that have come before me?
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triviopharmacy · 2 months ago
Pharmaceutical Chemists in Ahmedabad- Trivio Pharmacy
Ahmedabad, a bustling city known for its rich heritage and rapid development, is also a hub for quality healthcare services. Among the many facets of this vibrant city, access to trustworthy pharmaceutical chemists stands out as an essential need. At the heart of this industry is Trivio Pharmacy, a leading name in the medicine chain pharmacy sector. Known for its customer-centric approach and comprehensive product range, Trivio Pharmacy has become synonymous with reliable healthcare solutions for individuals and families across Ahmedabad.
Why Choose Trivio Pharmacy?
In a city where health and well-being are paramount, finding a medical store near me that offers quality, variety, and affordability is crucial. Trivio Pharmacy excels in meeting these expectations. Here's what makes us the preferred choice for pharmaceutical needs:
Wide Range of Medicines and Products Trivio Pharmacy is more than just a medical store in Ahmedabad. We house an extensive selection of prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, wellness products, and healthcare essentials. Whether you need chronic care medication or quick relief solutions, we’ve got you covered.
Professional Pharmaceutical Chemists Our team of experienced pharmaceutical chemists ensures every customer receives the right guidance and care. Their expertise helps customers understand the prescribed medications, potential side effects, and dosage instructions, ensuring a seamless healthcare experience.
Multiple Locations Across Ahmedabad Being a medicine chain pharmacy, Trivio Pharmacy has strategically positioned outlets across Ahmedabad. This ensures easy accessibility, making us the go-to option for anyone searching for a medical store near me in any part of the city.
Focus on Customer Health At Trivio Pharmacy, customer well-being is our top priority. We go beyond just selling medicines; we aim to build trust and long-term relationships with our customers. Our trained staff offers personalized advice, ensuring that every customer walks away satisfied.
The Role of Trivio Pharmacy in Ahmedabad’s Healthcare Ecosystem
Ahmedabad’s growing population has driven the demand for reliable healthcare providers. Trivio Pharmacy bridges this gap by offering comprehensive pharmaceutical solutions tailored to the city’s diverse needs.
Easily Accessible Locations: With outlets across major neighborhoods, Trivio Pharmacy is a convenient option for busy professionals, senior citizens, and families.
Affordable Pricing: We understand that healthcare expenses can be a burden. That’s why we maintain competitive pricing on all medicines and products, making quality healthcare accessible to everyone.
Online and Offline Presence: In today’s digital age, we have adapted to the evolving needs of our customers by offering online ordering services. This enables customers to conveniently buy medicines and healthcare products from the comfort of their homes.
Why Ahmedabad Chooses Trivio Pharmacy
When residents of Ahmedabad search for a medical store in Ahmedabad, they look for reliability, quality, and professional service. Trivio Pharmacy ticks all these boxes. Here's why we’re trusted by thousands of customers:
Comprehensive Stock: From specialized medications to everyday health supplements, our inventory is stocked to meet diverse needs.
Commitment to Authenticity: All our products are sourced from reputed manufacturers and meet strict quality standards.
Friendly Staff: Our knowledgeable and approachable staff make your visit to our pharmacy a hassle-free experience.
Building a Healthier Ahmedabad
Trivio Pharmacy believes in contributing to the overall health and wellness of Ahmedabad’s community. Our focus isn’t just on selling medicines but also on educating our customers about preventive healthcare measures. Through community initiatives, free health check-ups, and awareness drives, we aim to promote a healthier lifestyle for everyone.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is a key factor. Trivio Pharmacy provides multiple ways for customers to access our services:
In-store Experience: Visit any of our conveniently located outlets to experience our excellent customer service.
Online Ordering: Easily place orders online and get your medicines delivered to your doorstep.
24/7 Assistance: Our dedicated customer service team is always ready to assist you with your queries.
When it comes to medical stores in Ahmedabad, Trivio Pharmacy has set the gold standard. With a focus on customer satisfaction, quality products, and professional service, we have become the trusted choice for thousands of families. Whether you’re searching for a medical store near me or looking for a reliable medicine chain pharmacy, Trivio Pharmacy is here to serve you.
Visit us today and experience the difference of a pharmacy that truly cares about your health. Together, let’s build a healthier Ahmedabad!
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