#we are all sons of cosmos
thelasthippie · 20 days
I don't understand intolerant people. Have they ever stopped to think about the rubbish world we would have if different people didn't exist?
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magnusmodig · 1 year
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( ic . ) — son of odin . the crown is a heavy burden for thee . ( ooc . ) — stories that leap from the page . ( dash comm . ) — connected by the bifrost . ( crack . ) — the elevator's not worthy . ( fosterson . ) — i believe that fate brought us together . ( mischiefmodig . ) — we grew up together . played together . i thought the world of you . ( answered . ) — black feathers fall to a raven's call . ( headcanon . ) — glory to the man who toils for his land . may it ever prosper . ( iisms . ) — love like cleansing rain . rage like smoldering fire . ( meta . ) — son of cosmos . lightning flows through thy veins . ( album . ) — roots of yggdrasil . ( aes . ) — on your head a circlet . tarnished silver and gold . ( odin . ) — let my blade strike true . ( frigga . ) — the wisest woman of all asgard . ( loki . ) — round and round we go . ( thor . ) — if he be worthy . ( jane . ) — earth to asgard . ( avengers . ) — earth's mightiest heroes .
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cubbihue · 30 days
¿como fue todo el proceso del pensamiento de "si, queremos que Timmy sea nuestro hijo y lo queremos ahora"? ¿ellos simplemente se lo llevaron o le dijeron a Timmy que los cuatro irían al mundo mágico prometiendo explicar después? ¿siquiera se lo dijeron a Peri? ¿como reaccionaron lod respectivos padres de Cosmo y Wanda (junto a los hermanos de estos mismos)? Me parecería algo comico si incluso hubiera algo de apuestas para ver cuanto tardarían Cosmo y Wanda en simplemente agarrar al niño y llevarlo al mundo mágico.
Nadie que no fuera un padre soportaría todas las locuras y problemas en las que se mete ese niño y seguiría con el voluntariamente y con la misma o más cantidad de amor que cuando lo conoció (todos lo sabían menos ellos)
[Due to the size, both translations are below the Readme]
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It was a long and slow process! Peri was too young to understand, so he had to be told when he was older. Although Peri was never told the whole story.
Mama Cosma and Big Daddy knew it would happen eventually. They were very impatient to see their new adopted grandson.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Translated Ask:
What was the whole thought process of like "yes, we want Timmy to be our son and we want him now"? Did they just take him away or did they tell Timmy that the four of them were going to Fairyworld, promising to explain later? Did they even tell Peri? How did Cosmo and Wanda's respective parents react (along with their siblings)? I'd find it kind of funny if there was even some betting to see how long it would take Cosmo and Wanda to just grab the kid and take him to the magical world*
No one who was not a parent would endure all the craziness and problems that that child gets into and would continue with him voluntarily and with the same or more amount of love than when he met him (everyone knew it except them).
*This word might mean Fairyworld, but the direct translation is "magical world"
Respuesta Traducida:
¡Fue un proceso largo y lento! Peri era demasiado pequeño para entender, así que lo tuvieron que contar cuando fue mayor. Peri nunca supo toda la historia.
Mamá Cosma y Big Daddy sabían que esto sucedería tarde o temprano. Estaban muy impacientes por ver a su nuevo nieto adoptado!
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ebbpup · 2 months
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posting about this au cause i like it
more about it under here
timeline time!!
(This part is also like, a headcanon for the canon timeline) so wanda and cosmo leave for vacation, its pretty soon after they stop living with timmy, so maybe when peri is 9-10. they leave him in the care of Cosmo's parents, however it can be difficult for them so other fairies (probably some of the main ones we see outside of the family) would look after him. there were lots of expectations set on him due to how powerful he was at birth and his family history so he always pushed himself to do as good as he could! He even got a scholarship into a really good school!
now, here is where the timeline diverges, while for the canon timeline, Peri keeps trying, gets into a good college/university, becomes a fairy godparents, ect. ect. but not here, when he's about 16 he's tired of all the pressure put on him, he wants out, he envies the humans and wishes he could have a life like that. so why doesn't he? he packs his stuff and leaves. he's figured out how to give himself more human proportions but he has to wear a beanie and a jacket to hide his wings and crown. he manages to find a new family (he says his bio parents are dead), goes to a normal school and starts living a normal, "human" life.
eventually he is able to move out of home and into the apartment complex along with 3 roommates (will design them soon, probably). he gets into college/university and is able to do an online course (of what? idk). his life is good! he hasn't seen anything magical in years! nobody knows where he is (they are aware he is missing in fairy world but have no idea where he could be, not even Irep [or, still Foop since he doesn't know that Peri changed his name] knows where he is)! everything is good. everything is peaceful.
he has no idea that his parents have moved in a floor below him, he only finds out once he runs into the new family in town. Peri bumps into Hazel in her family, that's where the first comic takes place. They keep bumping into him and decide to invite him over for dinner since he seems like such a nice guy and has been very welcoming, Hazel suggests that they invite Wanda and Cosmo too since they've also been very welcoming and they decide, sure why not! By this point Hazel knows that Cosmo and Wanda think that Peri might be their kid since they have told her, and she's gonna give them the opportunity to talk to him! The dinner is a nightmare for Peri, dodging every single question that could reveal his identity, they can't know that he's their son, he can't go back to fairy world! luckily Hazel's parents don't really leave so they can't ask him directly, but the questions do get close. eventually the dinner ends and he can go home.
Que his parents constantly looking for him and Peri hiding, so many occasions of them just missing him. They've probably told others in Fairy World about how they've found him, even Irep finds out (who is now pissed at the name change). So eventually not only is he hiding from his parents, but sometimes others will also try to find him because like dude you went missing as a teenager of course they are looking for you.
also, Peri needs a job and gets hired as a babysitter to look after Dev. Dev and Hazel becoming friends is a nightmare for him.
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Danny leaned over the guy who summoned him. The blue eyed man in a hoodie and boxers, was quite fit but compared to Danny he had nothing.
“So let me see if I got the story straight. You, Richard Grayson, son of one of the most wealthy men in the known cosmos, summoned me, the high king of the infinite realms,to Bludhaven.”
Dick shifted one foot to the other as and refused eye contact.
“And you summoned me here at 3 am. Because you fucked up and told your family that you had a partner for the gala your dad holds every New Year’s Eve.”
Danny sighed and brought a hand to his temple,
“So how am I supposed to help you man? Like I can’t exactly order one of my people for this kind of thing.”
Somehow the guy seemed to get more sheepish as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Well about that-“
“No fucking- Did you really summon to me-“
“Listen, I’m desperate ok!?”
“Desperate!? My god that’s when you ask a friend or pay a hooker or something like that! Not try to seal a deal with the king of the infinite realms!”
Richard Grayson for his part started to pace, Danny didn’t know rather to laugh or cry over the absurdity of the situation.
“Any friend I could bring and pull a lie like this is already going to be there. I specifically said a plus one! My family works close with all of Gotham they would figure out a hooker before we would enter the venue.”
Dick turned and went to his knees,
“Please your majesty, I have like seven younger siblings, I will never live this down, all I ask is one night, please.”
Danny sighed,
“Be lucky that I am not Pariah Dark. He would’ve killed you where you kneel. Alright dumbass get up. I will help you but you will owe me one IOU for me to redeem whenever I wish.”
Danny knelt and offered his hand,
“Do we have a deal?”
With a shake of a hand Danny brought them both off the ground and he changed back to human.
Danny felt himself smirk as he plopped himself onto the couch.
“Alright, then let’s begin to get ready, we want to be believable yeah? So let’s get to know each other. I’ll go first my human name is Danny Fenton nice to meet you.”
Richard Grayson seemed to gape for a moment before joining him.
“I go by Dick, do you like acrobatics?”
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Anyways today is now birthday 😍🎂 (A.k.a April 4)
Can I request a whitebeard pirates x fem child reader?
Like the reader is like nezuko from demon slayer
Let's say that reader comes with ace to find a cure
So basically ace was figthing jinbe and whitebeard arrives and then ace and whitebeard starts fighting until ace pass out but before ace can pass out reader attacks then because she's very protective of her family 🥺
Then they basically distract reader so that they can aboard ace into the ship then out of nowhere reader starts running around because the sun was rising and she has no option but to go with the whitebeard pirates
So basically everyone was suspicious because why was reader wearing a muzzle? And why does reader only comes out in the night or stays in shades?
But if anyone tries to question ace gets really defensive because he thinks they'll kill reader because she's a demon
So in the end whitebeard first found out then Marco then thatch (f u Blackbeard) then izou then everyone?
Thank youuuuu ✨✨
Demonically adorable (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!reader!)
Part 2 (Reactions)
A/N, im not gonna lie cosmo, I was totally gonna skip this one and leave it for later but I got to actually reading and looking back at when ace joined and omg the ideas just started flowing, some things are not exactly as your prompt or don’t go as in depth so I really hope you enjoyed this, because I certainly enjoyed writing it
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for Reader in Japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Dokucha's eyes widen as she runs towards Ace, trying to shake him awake, growling at the giant in front of them
“Hmm? So he has a little brat with him?”
The only response he receives is the sound of hisses and growls behind the child’s muzzle
“Back down, Dokucha, you’re no match for him…my father’s rival,” he grunts out
“I won’t lose,” he growls, beginning to stand up and ignoring the worried fussing of the child
“Heh, so you've still got some fight left, huh? Look, I'm not going to kill you today; you are far too valuable to someone to die here”, the man said, gesturing at the small child next to him
“Join me and become my son,” he says, reaching out his hand to the flame man
“Don’t screw with me, old fart,” he growls, slapping his hand away and launching himself toward the Emperor, only to be knocked back
Dokucha let out a sound close to a cry as she ran towards Ace, trying to shake him awake once again, snapping her head up at the sound of Whitebeard’s steps approaching them
She growls, standing in front of Ace, shielding him, her eyes shrinking to slits as the man continues to approach the two, her eyes glancing behind him as a blue flame approaches them
She watches as a blue flame grows closer until she is able to discern the shape of a bird landing next to the man
“Are we taking him with us?” He asks, glancing at Whitebeard
“Yes, he’s knocked out. He will be no problem, but I reckon the little one won’t go as easily.”
“I can handle her, Pops; Thatch will take care of the boy and his crew.”
“So I said, but you aren’t making this easy,” he sighs, evading another lunge from the girl
“And here I thought the other one would be the troublesome,” he spoke, catching a kick that he sent his way and pushing her back
She catches herself, gripping the ground with all fours as she immediately leaps towards him again, growling at him and showcasing the sharp canines now on full display, the muzzle long gone as her body begins to mature rapidly.
He quirks his head at that,
“That body of yours, is it the Toshi-toshi no mi?” He questions, flying out of the way to avoid her attack
She grits her teeth, looking at the airborne phoenix, preparing to jump up to meet him in the air until he suddenly flew down and trapped her between his talons
He hums, glancing at her expression, noting how the angry expression she had worn at the beginning had shifted to a worried one as she kept glancing around, presumably looking for Where they had taken Ace
“Hey,” he calls, frowning as she ignored his call as she tried to free herself
“Oi, Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you,” he hollered, trying to settle her down
“You’re just trying to protect him, right?”
She pauses her attempts to free herself at the question
“We’re not going to hurt him; all the contrary, we want to help him,” he explained, huffing as she narrowed her eyes suspiciously
“I promise,” he said, returning his upper body to his human form as he raised his hands in a surrendering motion
“Listen, how about I take you to him? You can stay with him, and we can talk about this in the morning.”
She looks at him, nodding, as her body slowly returns to her original childish state
He kept her for a few seconds, trying to determine if she was really giving up, removing his talons when it was clear she had no more fight on her
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She yawned, glancing around her to take in the room she was in; remembering the events of last night, she jumped off the bed, grabbing her umbrella, and poking her head outside of the room.
“Hey, pumkin’, I see you’re awake,” a voice pipes in
She looks towards the voice, spotting a man dressed in Chef clothes smiling back at her
She looks at him for a few moments before reaching one of her hands towards him, opening and shutting it as her other hand held the umbrella
He grins and easily picks her up
“What’s with the umbrella sweetpea?”
She points her hand up
“Hmm? The sun?”
She nods
“Are you sensitive to sunlight?”
Another nod
“Well, I’ll be damned, Marco did mention you were quite unique,” he said, looking her over, deciding not to comment on the bamboo piece between her teeth
“But just as cute, aren't ya, darlin?” He said, tickling her neck
Muffled giggles escape her at the action as she nuzzles deeper into him, trying to escape the sudden attack
They both turn at the sound of a door slamming open, looking as a disheveled Ace left the room, looking around, confused
“Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up; how about we go say hi?
She leans the umbrella against his shoulder to free her hand as she pulls at his clothes
“Something wrong?”
She points at Ace, puts her hands together, leans her head against it in a sleeping motion, and then puts her wrists together, joining and separating her hands
“A sleeping crocodile?”
She shakes her head, repeating the motions
“Are you… are you trying to say he is snappy when he wakes up?”
She beams, nodding her head
He snickers at that
“I like you,” he said, walking closer to Ace as he threw himself against the walls of the ship, sliding all the way down and gripping his head only to snap it up at the sound of Thatch’s voice
“Hey, there; I'm Whitebeard’s fourth division commander, Thatch. I'm a good friend to have if you’re going to be joining us he said, sitting down on the railing, gingerly placing Dokucha on his lap
“Shut up!” He growls
“And give me back my sister he said, standing up and snatching the small girl from him, returning from his previous position as he hugged her
“Hahaha! She was right; you are kind of snappy when you wake up,” he teased as he continued to explain what had happened when he passed out, teasing him further when he questioned the lack of restraints on him, replying that such a thing was not needed on him.
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The next few weeks were but a blur to the small girl, every day following the same pattern for a while. Every day, Ace would ask her to stay behind as he would go after Whitebeard only to be launched back repeatedly. During these times, Dokucha took to bonding with the different brothers on the ship, as they cared for her when Ace was busy with his assassination attempts.
“How many times has it been already?” Questioned Vista as he watched as once again Ace was thrown out of the Captain’s quarters
“More than a hundred”
“How could such a sweet thing be able to deal with that hothead, always madder than a wet hen, ain't that right pumkin’?” Thatch questions as he bounced the small girl on his legs, smiling at the muffled laughs that escaped her.
“Stop moving so much, Izou,” grumbled as he continued to work on the girl’s hair upon her request
“There you go,” he said, backing up with a smile
She beamed, jumping off Thatch’s lap and twirling around, showcasing her new hairdo
“Say, how come you wear that muzzle all the time?” Someone questions
“Mind your own business,” Ace grumbled, dripping wet as he passed them and snatching the small girl up as he went, who gave the men behind her a wave as she left
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“I think your brother should be about done with his daily attempt. Should we get this to him?” Marco questioned the girl on his hip as his other hand held a bowl of soup, smiling as she bounced her head up and down
He chuckles at the action as he exits the kitchen and walks over to the spot where Ace laid, gently putting Dokucha and the bowl of soup next to him
A whine escaped the girl as he left, running after him as he took his leave
“Hey, what’s wrong? You can stay here with Ace. “ his actions differed from his words as he picked up the child again
“Tell me, why do they call him pops?” Ace grumbled, watching the interaction between the first mate and his sister
“Because he calls us sons, it’s just a word, but it’s nice, isn't it? Most of us are hated by everyone and don’t have families of our own, so that alone means everything to us,” he said, watching him for a moment and sighing, walking over to him and kneeling down, placing the girl next to them
“Hey, when are you going to stop this? I'm sorry to rain on your parade, but you aren’t strong enough to kill him, so you have two options: leave and start anew or stay and bear Whitebeard’s mark on your back,” he spoke
“Do try to keep your sister in mind when you make your choice, will you?
I do hope you decide to stick around; we’ve grown fond of the little miss.”
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Ace found himself deep in thought; it seemed like only a day ago he had been mulling over if he would stay or if he would go; now he found himself mulling over if he should become a commander under Whitebeard or not; he glanced behind him as Dokucha ran circles between Marco and Thatch, the men struggling to keep up with her zigzagging.
He sighed as he made his final decision.
“Dokucha, come here”
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So I don’t have full fledged scenarios on the reactions the crew members would react to the news but I do have already thought out how they would react so maybe I can do it in a headcannon format? 👀 Also I really tried to lean in into southern Thatch, without making it too much, what do yall think?
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Danny is The Doctor (Dr Who)
So! I've been on a Dr Who High for a little while now, and I thought this idea up.
Danny, as the apprentice to Clockwork, has the ability to traverse Time, and his can use his own Powers to traverse Space.
(He is not at the same level of Time Manipulation as Clockwork, but he is still very good at it. Less of a Time Master, and more of a Time Lord if you will)
So, after his family dies and he is left alone for his Immortal Life, he gets bored. Taking a Cue from Ellie and her whole Exploration Obsession, while also indulging in his own Space Obsession, Danny decides to explore Space and Time to his heart's content. (Maybe Ellie is his Companion?)
He travels the Universe, visiting different planets, witnessing historical events, and sometimes even Helping wherever he can. He is still a Protector Spirit after all.
He doesn't use his powers much these days, in fact he has mostly locked them away in favor of using his own custom built Inventions to get any task done. He is the son of Mad Scientists after all, and he likes to Own It.
Danny becomes known across the Universe in the same way that the Doctor is. To some he is a Savior, a Healer, a Wiseman. To others he is a Demon, a Trickster, a Warrior.
Danny becomes the Boogeyman of the Universe, so it's no surprise that one day someone tries to contain him, to keep him Locked Up so he can never interfere with the Universe again. To do so, they build a Device named, The Pandorica.
(Yup, I'm using that little thing in this)
Danny is trapped within the Pandorica, mulling over the Irony of being trapped by a Device named after one of his friends, for Eons. He is completely and utterly trapped.
Sealed Away, waiting for the day when someone will set him free.
Now imagine this.
The JLA has just confiscated an extremely Old and Extremely Magical Box from an Alien Cult, who were proclaiming that they would use the Pandorica Warrior to fell their greatest foe.
They call in Constantine to explain what it is, and just imagine the Doctors description of the Pandorica Scene coming him him.
"This is the Pandorica, an Ancient Magical Prison designed to hold the worst of all bad guys." Started Constantine.
"Why was it made?" Asked Superman.
"There was a Goblin, or a Trickster. Or a Warrior." Constantine explained as he paced a circle around the Box in front of them, "A nameless, terrible thing. Soaked in the blood of a Billion Galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos."
He took a closer look at the box and Continued. "And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world."
He paused and took a deep breath, "Or at least that's how the Story goes, probably why those cultists wanted it so bad. The greatest Warrior in existence on their side? It would be an instant win button."
"Is it possible to open it?" Asked Batman.
"Easily, anybody can break into a Prison. I just want to know what we'll find first."
Zatanna interrupted, "Won't need to wait long, it's already opening. Layers and Layers of Magical Barriers are dispersing as we speak. That Cult knew what they were doing, it's going to open soon. Very soon."
The Box in front of them shuddered a little, and they tensed. They waited for a few moments to see if it would do anything, but eventually they realized it was probably just a side effect of the barriers falling.
"How soon can we expect it to open?" Asked Batman, still tense.
Constantine replied this time, "From what I can tell, maybe 2 hours at most. So you have that much time to prepare to meet the Universes most feared Individual."
Just thought of this while I was binging Dr Who videos on Tiktok and thought, "this would be cool as a dpxdc idea"
Here is the Video that inspired me, give it a watch
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hughmanbean · 8 months
Titles I've Acquired
So I've decided to just jot down all of the titles I made some time ago in older posts and some more recent ones @jedipirateking helped with.
First of Holy Name, The Reluctant King, The High Queen, Queen of the Cosmos
Bringer of Balance, Embodiment of Space, Mother of Wrath and Trickery, Siren of the Stars, The Great One, The Inevitable Authority
Danno, Little Badger
Ones we made on a recent post, focused on a joke. Not meant to signify Danny's Rank:
Avatar of Outta Here, Knight of Nope, Sir Scurry Scatter and Scram, God of Getaways, Emperor of the Bounce, Queen of Quick Exits, Prince of Poof, Zealot of Zoom, Duke of Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge, The Great Gun It, Valet to Vamoose and Vacate, Baron von Bail, Scenechal of Scatter, Coup to Clamor and Climb.
First of His Name, The Wrathful Prince, The Erratic Prince, Hate-Filled Union Born Anew, The Watchful and Filial Son
First of Her Name, The Mischievous Princess, The Wandering Princess, Mirror Turned Painting, A Futile Chase of Desire Remade, The Protective and Loyal Daughter
The Avaricious Duke, The High Queen's Rival, The Greedy Interloper, Creator of Shattered Mirrors, He Who Desires That Which Is Unattainable
Lady Gotham:
Home of Many, Perseverance in Protection, The Lady Who Commands the Knight, Bird Keeper
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wonderfull-star · 1 month
In general, I want to talk more about episode “the terrible twosome”. After all, thanks to this episode, we were revealed many of Peri’s secret magical abilities that he can do WITHOUT a wand. So if someone needs it for a fanfic or comic, remember this episode.
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Interesting. It turns out that sometimes magical power can just come from his hands without using a wand.
Lasers from the eyes
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Wow I would love to see something like that in the new show (like Peri shooting lasers out of his eyes at Dale 🥰)
Changing the size of his body
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Creepy. Imagine that you just decided to look out the window while drinking tea and you see a huge baby trying to create an ice age on the entire Earth 💀
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And after all this, they decided that the only way to bring Poof back to normal was to satisfy his sadistic desires by simply hurting his own father.WHAT
Man…. now I understand why fairies really didn't want more children. This phase at 2 years old turns them into psychopaths. Cosmo was really chaotic and strong in magic while his son is the same as him but multiplied in power several times.
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sketch-twentytwo · 1 month
I'm going to get some flack for this but—despite enjoying Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish quite a lot, I find Timmy Turner was the more compelling protagonist.
Don't get me wrong, Hazel is a fantastic and lovable addition to the show, but I find a lot of her shenanigans aren't as fun or snappy as Timmy's.
I don't really see the reason why Hazel of all people needs fairies. Her brother is off at college but he visits and still clearly loves and cares about her. Her parents get busy from time to time but they're there when it matters and they also love her very much. Her mother is probably the busiest of the two, but she still makes time for her daughter.
The catalyst of the pilot is Hazel running away to see her brother because she wasn't handling the move right away, but very quickly after all this she is able to make friends and maintain an upbeat attitude.
I don't think Hazel needs to be soul crushingly miserable for the show to work, but maybe a spare line here or there about how Fairly World/Da Rules went through a MASSIVE overhaul after a certain, infamous, pink-hatted god-child shook things up could've been nice (Jorgen mentioning that the world has improved since Timmy was a kid, so the qualifications for misery have been loosened?).
It might be the childhood nostalgia talking, but I liked Timmy as a character. He was a ten year old boy who made wacky and wild decisions, whose character only got ruined from the show running too long. If Timmy had gotten the FOP:NW treatment, I think we could've had so much potential for character growth and continuity. (I've made the executive decision not to count seasons 9 and 10 as canon because everything up to that point felt OG!FOP to me).
I see posts saying that Timmy's problems were external while Hazel's are internal, but despite her supposed internal struggles, Hazel is very emotionally mature. Again, I don't think she needs to be MISERABLE and EXTREMELY insecure, but her life pre-fairies doesn't seem that different than her supposed life without. Even without Cosmo and Wanda, I'm sure she would've been able to befriend her classmates, eventually get through to Dev, and find happiness in her life.
I guess my fondness of Timmy is that his fairies were his family. Cosmo and Wanda were like his adopted parents. Poof/Peri was his brother. He had no one else. And I guess I wish I could've gotten a quality ending for him. I need closure! I wanna know how he's doing in FOP:NW. I want to see that he's happy and thriving (and maybe a reunion between him and his family).
Timmy, for all his childishness, selfishness, and pettiness, was a good kid at heart. He was ten years old for crying out loud! Ten year olds tend to be immature lil' kids. I excuse some of his wilder wishes. All he really wanted was acceptance and love and he cared for his Fairy God Parents so, so much. Cosmo and Wanda have a HALL OF TIMMY in their house, for crying out loud!
Hazel is a good protagonist and I'm glad she's in the show, but Timmy holds a special place in my heart. In my heart of hearts, the HALL OF TIMMY still exists somewhere in C+W's house/appartment and he will forever be their son.
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cande2oo6 · 1 month
😇👿The Best Godparent🧚‍♀️🦇
Haha! Looks like you could use some help From the first baby in 10000 years
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Check out your fairy glowing notes from his teachers
"Five Stars!" "Flawless!" "Greater than great!"
With just a word from your heart I Wap! Bam! Boom!
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Alakazam! Usually, I charge some sweets for the favors But you can get a special offer! "Thanks, Peri!"
Who needs a busboy now that you've got the chef? (Woh-oh-oh!) Michelin tasting menu, free à la carte
I'll help with the game you call life!
Limonade fountains Mountains of cupcakes That's just to start!
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Who's been here to truly help? Who's been faithful as a nun? Makes you chuckle with an innocent mischief?
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Your executive producer
Dev: That's true!
I'm your guy, your day-to-day Your chum, your steadfast magical being Remember when I gave that brat a miserable day?
Hazel: I thought we were friends!
Dev: It was never true!
I'm truly honored that we've built such a bond
Dev: Awww!
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You're the child that I always wish that I had
Peri: Uh, what?
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I care for you just like a son that I spawned
Peri: Hold on now!
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It's a little funny You can call me your godparent!
Peri: *fiddle* Irep: *piano* Peri: *accordion*
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They say when you're looking for assistance It's smart to pick the path of least resistance
Others say that in your needy hour There's no substitute for pure-
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angelic power!
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Who just happens to be the one chosen!
Sadly, there are times the sistem is a dud They say the family you choose is better
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Peri: What a bunch of losers!
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Irep: Can you butt out of my song? Peri: Your song? I started this! Irep: I'm singing it, I'll finish it!
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Anti Wanda: It's me! Yes, it's me! I know you were all waiting for me!
I'm here! What a gas! Took a while but I'm present at last!
It's me! It's me!
(Final reactions
Sir Pentious - Cosmo
Angel Dust - Wanda
Husk - Jorgen
Vaggie - Dev
Charlie - Hazel
Niffty - Anti Cosmo)
I don't really speak English, so if you think the lyrics can be changed, say so in the comments!
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cityofmeliora · 1 month
notes on Primo's characterization 💖
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let's talk about Primo! i think he's a really, really interesting character!
i've said before that i think Primo is the only one of the brothers who takes the whole ~satanic death cult trying to bring the end of the world~ thing seriously.
Primo was indeed very serious about the cult. maybe too serious? even some other members of the cult dislike that about him.
NAMELESS GHOUL: The first Papa Emeritus was someone very rigid, very strict, and very solemn. A real son of a bitch! (laughs) To be honest, we don’t miss him at all! MyRock #44 (2017) translated from French by @ a-wandering-ghoulette)
the best source of Primo characterization is a 2010 interview with Sweden Rock Magazine where Primo and the Nameless Ghouls kidnapped the interviewer. though i quote *a lot* of it here, i strongly recommend reading the full interview because it is truly fascinating. notably, Primo himself speaks in this interview rather than a Nameless Ghoul.
Primo is a misanthrope who believes humans are "vermin" that have doomed themselves due to their "intellectual decline". in his eyes, they are unworthy of life and will eventually be destroyed.
“Human beings are vermin, thus the end of humanity is ultimately a good thing. We play but a vanishingly microscopic role in this cosmos of nothingness.”
The devil-worshipping organization that the Ghost leader speaks of is claimed to operate on a worldwide level and among many different areas: from politics and business to religious movements, in the entertainment industry and on the street. It does not have a name, but its existence “can most easily be explained as a living and ongoing result of humanity’s intellectual decline and eventual decay.”
Primo affirms Ghost's mission statement as originally presented in the band's old Myspace page: to spread the devil's influence and convince other people that humanity deserves its inevitable end.
According to the statement on the band’s page, Ghost’s main mission is to trick mankind into believing that the end of the world is ultimately a good thing. “Our only task is to accompany the world’s downfall.”
A question comes to mind: wouldn’t the band, which with its poppy hard rock could by all means appeal to a much wider audience than ordinary black metal acts, gain more attention by engaging in more commercial modes of expression? “We have other entertainment groups within our organization who are doing just that. Our task is to emphasize the devil’s message in the part of society that has, to varying degrees, already accepted it. It’s directed at the social grouping that goes to the type of concerts that we perform. Our goal is to be able to carry out our black mass, our ritual, for them. Other members of the cult work with far more subtle modes of expressions, better suited for consumers who are not as receptive to the truth.”
though he openly calls the organization a cult, his religious belief is sincere.
to Primo, the band's anonymity and use of costumes are a way of showing reverence and humility in their task. if Satan is the Father, and Antichrist is the Son, the band is the (unholy) Ghost: the force which connects humanity to the power of the Father and the Son. for the audience to think of Primo or the Nameless Ghouls as individual people would distract from their message. when he takes on the role of Papa, he becomes one with their cause.
You refer to yourselves as a group of nameless spirits - should this be taken literally? Is the band actually something other than human? “To make it easier for mortals to deal with the fact that we, as individuals, have no significance in this experience, we have chosen to act as ghosts - hollow and diffuse.”
Why did you, as a leader, choose an outfit so similar to the one worn by the Catholic Pope? “For the Pope it is a way of showing reverence and seriousness, and at the same time humility before his task. He uses it to step into the body that is the essence and the fog, something we advocate too. It is our way of becoming one with the fog.” Things become clearer when the leader speaks of the meaning behind the name of the band: “Akin to the tripartite view so stubbornly proclaimed by the Christian faith, we too believe there is magic in the concept of three and we are part of it: there is a god, Satan, a son, Antichrist, and a ghost in the middle that is the inexplicable - the fog.”
Primo has a theistic view of Satan, believing he is real deity who speaks through / inspires the band's music. in this way, the Ghoul Writer could be considered a sort of prophet to him.
That’s right. Ghost have their music written for them. In one online interview, a so-called “ghoul writer” is mentioned who supposedly composes melodies and lyrics with the help of ungraspable powers from beyond – devilish whispers instruct him which words should accompany which chords, and so forth. “There is indeed a human individual who composes patterns of tones and words which operate ever so beautifully in unison. However, I am of the belief that there is a higher being who speaks through this individual,” asserts the Pope.
like a proper cultist, Primo cannot imagine having a life / identity outside of the cult. he remembers that there was once a time when he was not a member of the cult, but he cannot remember what it was like to be that person. his devotion to the cult has been a core part of who he is for a very long time.
How he got involved in this movement and dedicated his life to Satan, he has a hard time answering. After a long silence, the singer says: “I find it very difficult to remember the life I had before I found the darkness. It is therefore very difficult to answer your question. My memory doesn’t go that far.” Surely the Pope must remember something?           “I cannot remember a time when I did not find myself part of the dark energy. That does not mean that I remember nothing from my past life, only that I cannot remember how I felt then. This is because it was a time when I did not know very much.” Was it by coming into contact with other members of the organization that you found this darkness? “As I said, I do not remember when this happened. But I think…” He chooses his words carefully. “… I believe that, like many others, I was woven into this dark through subtle, human components found within it. Once again, my intellect was not as developed as it is now, so I have great difficulty in explaining what happened - when and where, and to what extent.”
while he cannot say exactly what happened to him or when, Primo seems to have had genuine spiritual experiences. he was always connected to the dark energy, and he feels that he became awakened and that his intellect has developed since he truly found his faith.
despite being a misanthrope, Primo admits he was brought into the darkness by some sort of human connection. he might actually have the capacity to care about some people.
in a Kerrang feature where Primo gets quizzed on "demonology, serial killers and stuff like that", he says the cult knew witches who were burned at the stake, but he doesn't like to talk about it. it stood out to me that he says he doesn't want to talk about it, because he speaks so openly and matter-of-factly about other dark / upsetting topics. at the very least, it appears he doesn't like it when bad things happen to other members of the cult.
WHAT DOES THE PHRASE MALLEUS MALEFICARUM TRANSLATE AS IN ENGLISH? A) HAMMER OF THE WITCHES B) HAMMER OF THE DEMONS C) HAMMER OF THE GODS PAPA: “That would be the witch-hammer. We knew some Witches, but unfortunately a lot of them were taken away.” KERRANG!: “As in burned at the stake?” PAPA: “Correct. But I don’t like to talk about that. (Answer: A) ✔
he seems to be quite pleased about other people dying, though. and he is certain they all go to Hell.
6. NAME ANY TWO OF THE THREE ORIGINAL MEMBERS OF MAYHEM. PAPA: “Though one was not an original member two of the band are actually burning in Hell, and they’re good guests, certainly. But yes, I will say Euronymous and Necrobutcher.” (Answer: Euronymous, Necrobutcherr, Manheim) ✔ 7. WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE SHIP THAT WAS DISCOVERED FLOATING ABANDONED AND UNMANNED IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN IN DECEMBER 1872? PAPA: “It was that ship with such a heavenly name, the lady Mary Celeste.” KERRANG!: “And can you finally tell us where all the people went?” PAPA: I’ll check the records. Obviously they’re all in Hell now, but the way they got there is a little cloudy. But then our Lord too works in mysterious ways…“ (Answer: Mary Celeste) ✔
some of Primo's other responses in this article reveal he has a dark sense of humor and perhaps cruel inclinations. when talking about possessions done by the cult, he says "sometimes you just want to do it for the hell of it" and "you want to make a bit of sport out of it", referring to a possession that (allegedly) influenced a serial killer. he refers to the victims of these possessions as "poor [name]", but his remarks on their misfortune don't indicate any actual remorse or sympathy. it might even be intentionally ironic.
5. WHICH PAINTER ALLEGEDLY UNDERWENT AN EXORCISM IN 1947? PAPA: “Poor Salvador Dali. You know we had his missus possessed as well, all in the name of Satan…” KERRANG!: Is possession something that’s done for serious reasons or just to pass the time? “Well sometimes you just want to do it for the hell of it…”  (Answer: Salvador Dali) ✔
13. WHAT AMERICAN SERIAL KILLER CLAIMS HE WAS COMPELLED TO COMMIT HIS MURDERS BY A DEMON THAT POSSESSED HIS NEIGHBOUR’S DOG? PAPA: 'That was that poor boy, the Son Of Sam. That sure was a successful possession, although it did involve far too much crotch-sniffing and turd-eating.“ KERRANG: "Is it easier to possess a dog than to possess a person?” PAPA: “Not necessarily, but you want to make a bit of sport out of it.” (Answer: David Berkowitz/Son Of Sam) ✔
also, many of the events Primo speaks about would've happened before he was born or when he was very young, so it seems he's studied the cult's history very well, and he keeps tabs on their current activities. he does his research!
and as a fun fact: Primo is pretty good at math :)
14. IF YOU’RE TRICK OR TREATING AND THREE HOUSES GIVE YOU SEVEN SWEETS, TWO GIVE YOU FOUR, AND ONE GIVES YOU NINE, AND YOUR PARENTS THEN DOUBLE WHAT YOU HAVE, HOW MANY SWEETS DO YOU END UP WITH? PAPA: “76.” KERRANG!: “That was alarmingly fast, sir. Are good mathematical skills important when you’re burning in the fiery pits of Hell?” PAPA: “We all have our different strengths, but of course the number we are most used to is 666…” (Answer: 76) ✔
there's not a lot of information about Primo, and what exists is hard to find, but i live to bring knowledge to the people 🫡. these are all the sources i have on hand that talk about Primo. if anyone else has other articles / videos talking about Primo, i'd really appreciate it if you shared them!
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anniebeemine · 2 months
our little astronaut- s.r. x fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of a complicated birth
The sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the Midwestern sky in brilliant hues of orange and yellow. You and Spencer had just finished a case, and now you were on the long drive back home. The air was filled with a quiet sense of relief and exhaustion, but there was also a shared anticipation for the journey home.
You stared out the window, captivated by the stunning sunset. The rays of sun stretched across the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. You felt a surge of emotion well up inside you, a mixture of awe and the overwhelming hormones that came with pregnancy. You reached up to wipe away a tear that had slipped down your cheek.
Spencer glanced over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Are you crying over a sunset?" he teased gently, his eyes twinkling with affection.
You laughed through your tears, nodding. "I know it sounds silly, but it's just so beautiful."
Spencer chuckled, reaching over to place a comforting hand on your growing bump. "I think it's sweet. Our son is already getting to experience some of the most beautiful sights in the world."
You placed your hand over Spencer's, feeling the warmth of his touch and the connection you shared. "I just want him to have a good life, Spencer. I want him to see all the beauty in the world and know that he's loved."
"He will," Spencer said, his voice filled with certainty. "He already is. And he's got the best mom to show him all that beauty."
You smiled, leaning into his touch. "And the best dad to teach him everything he needs to know."
You drove in comfortable silence for a while, the rhythmic hum of the car and the fading light of the sunset creating a peaceful ambiance. The road ahead stretched out into the distance, leading you back to Virginia and the life you were building together.
As the last rays of sunlight disappeared below the horizon, Spencer squeezed your hand gently. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"
You shook your head. "I'm good. Just a little tired, but that's to be expected."
Spencer nodded, keeping his eyes on the road but his thoughts on you. "We'll stop soon and get some rest. I don't want you to overdo it."
"I'm fine, Spencer. Really," you reassured him.
"Always," Spencer said softly. "I love you. And I can't wait to meet our son, but when is the next time we’ll be on our own?"
"I love you too," you replied, feeling a swell of emotion again. "And I can't wait either."
As you continued your journey, the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, casting a serene glow over the landscape. The road ahead was long, but you faced it together, united in your love and the new life you were about to welcome into the world.
With every mile you traveled, Spencer felt a deep sense of contentment. He had found a partner in you, someone who understood him and shared his passion for helping others. You had faced countless challenges together, both professionally and personally, and now you were about to embark on the greatest adventure of all: parenthood. Your hand remained on your bump, feeling the gentle movements of your son. You knew there would be tough times ahead, but with Spencer by your side, you felt ready to face anything. The future was bright, filled with promise and possibility.
A few hours later, as the night grew darker and the stars brighter, you found yourself once again overwhelmed by the beauty of the sky. Tears streamed down your face as you gazed upward, unable to contain the emotions that swelled within you.
"Spencer," you whispered, your voice trembling. "Tell me about the stars."
Spencer glanced over, concerned but gentle, and began to speak. "Well, the stars you see up there are just a fraction of what's out in the cosmos. Each one is a giant ball of gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, undergoing nuclear fusion. That fusion process is what produces the light and heat we see."
You sniffled, trying to focus on his words. "What about our star signs? Do they mean anything?"
Spencer hesitated, clearly more comfortable with scientific facts than astrological lore. "Star signs, or zodiac signs, are based on the positions of constellations relative to the Earth at the time of your birth. Some people believe these positions can influence personality traits and life events, but there's no scientific evidence to support that."
You nodded, a small smile breaking through your tears. "So you don't believe in astrology?"
He chuckled softly. "Not really. I understand why people find it fascinating, though. It's a way to connect with the universe and find patterns in our lives."
You sighed contentedly, listening to the soothing cadence of his voice as he continued to talk about the vastness of space, the life cycle of stars, and the mysteries of the cosmos. His words were like a gentle lullaby, and before long, you began to doze off, the steady rhythm of the car lulling you into sleep.
You woke up with a start as the car came to a halt. Spencer had stopped at a small, cozy hotel for the night. He stepped out to check in, and you followed suit, clutching your bag. As you exited the car, the sight of the moon and stars twinkling above brought fresh tears to your eyes. Spencer returned to find you standing there, your eyes glistening with tears as you gazed at the celestial display. He walked over, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
"It's so beautiful," you whispered, leaning into him.
"It really is," Spencer agreed, his voice soft. "And so are you."
You both stood there for a few moments longer, taking in the night sky and the sense of peace it brought. The moon cast a silvery glow over everything, and the stars seemed to dance in their celestial patterns.
Finally, Spencer yawned, and you knew it was time to head inside. "Come on," he said gently. "We should get some rest."
You nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and exhaustion. Together, you made your way into the hotel room, where the bed looked incredibly inviting. As you settled in, you couldn't help but think about the sky, the stars, and the life growing inside you.
Spencer lay down beside you, his hand resting protectively on your bump. "Goodnight, Y/N," he whispered.
"Goodnight, Spencer," you replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over you.
A few weeks had passed since the drive back from the Midwest, where you and Spencer had marveled at the sunset and the stars. Now, you were back home, adjusting to life with your newborn son. The days were a whirlwind of feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless nights, but every moment with your baby filled your heart with joy. You had experienced some complications during childbirth, necessitating an extra day in the hospital. Spencer had been a constant presence by your side, despite his occasional disappearances. The team from the BAU had stopped by to meet your son, their newest member, and you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the love and support surrounding your growing family.
Finally back home, Spencer had something special planned. "Close your eyes," he instructed as he gently guided you towards the nursery. "I want to see your reaction."
Curious and excited, you complied, feeling Spencer's hand warmly leading you into the room. The nursery had always been cozy, with soft pastel colors and a comfortable rocking chair by the window. But as you opened your eyes, you gasped in awe.
Spencer had transformed the room into a sanctuary of comfort and wonder. The walls were adorned with shelves filled with books, plush toys, and small, handmade decorations. The curtains were drawn back, allowing the soft afternoon light to filter in and illuminate the room in a warm glow. But what truly took your breath away were the stars that adorned the ceiling. Spencer had painstakingly placed them one by one, creating a celestial canopy that twinkled softly in the dim light. It felt like stepping into a night sky, serene and magical.
"So that way, he can always see the stars at night," Spencer explained softly, his eyes reflecting the same wonder that filled your heart. 
Tears welled up in your eyes, and Spencer gently wiped them away with his thumb. "Are you okay?" he asked with a small, affectionate smile.
You shook your head, overcome with emotion. "It's... it's perfect, Spencer. Thank you."
He pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you and your son close. "I want him to grow up surrounded by love and wonder, just like you do," Spencer murmured.
You leaned into his embrace, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. "We'll give him the best of everything," you whispered, your voice filled with determination and tenderness. “Our little astronaut.” 
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stra-tek · 1 year
Random spoilerific reasons to read Star Trek novels, with little to no context:
Ro/Quark is a thing
A Jem'Hadar joins DS9, tries to fit in but eventually snaps and tries to kill everybody
You learn the origins and final fate of the Borg
A thinly-veiled Dr. House clone joins the Voyager crew
Geordi briefly has 2 girlfriends at once (due to different writers not co-ordinating enough, but still)
There's a TOS book that's a musical
There are YA stories about Jake and Nog making mischief on DS9
YA stories about Worf, Geordi, Picard, Beverly, Kirk, Spock and McCoy at SFA
YA series about the Kelvinverse gang (including Gaila!) as cadets, taking on a drug problem at SFA and a very unique Borg scout in San Francisco
We very briefly meet the people who are to Q what the Q are to humanity
Janeway/Chakotay is a thing
Kirk's first mission in command of the Enterprise! Erm, at least twice.
Kirk was married between TOS and TMP
Her name was Lori
In the future, you have yearly marriage contracts that you either update or you don't and I think that's amazing
Trip didn't die! He faked his death to join Section 31 and go undercover as a Romulan
It's not great, tbh
The ENT books get better after the Romulan wars though, it's proper founding of the Federation stuff
We meet Jack Crusher (erm, the OG) when 4 timelines start overlapping and he's a bit unhinged
Teenage Kirk stole a car and his choice was go to jail or join Starfleet
What happened when Voyager got home? Seven broke up with Chakotay like 30 pages in
Kirk gets cloned, and his clone becomes the sub of an evil invincible super genius and its all very gay
George Kirk was Robert April's first officer on the first ever mission of the unnamed starship with the Naval Construction Contract 1701
Robert is a hard-core pacifist and has to turn command over to George whenever it's time to fire weapons
Data becomes fully human for a couple of days and it's really sweet
They never say "wristwatch" or "phone", it's always "wrist chrono" or "personal comm"
There are gays but they don't say that word because it's the 1990's and Rick Berman runs the franchise
Spock has a son in the past with Zarabeth
Everyone in the post-Nemesis era does spy missions all the time non stop, as if Starfleet has abandoned exploring the cosmos for doing Space Mission: Impossible
Bashir does it better than anyone else, he takes on Section 31 from the inside
Remember Control? It's from the novels, except the novels do it SO MUCH BETTER.
Remember how we never found out who Future Guy was? We do.
It's very underwhelming, nobody we know
We find out how the Romulans and Vulcans split
Surak was a Vulcan internet blogger
A Borg Cube eats Pluto
Janeway dies
Janeway gets better
At least one TOS book features a wizard
There's a Star Trek TOS/Here Come the Brides crossover novel
It had cameos from The Doctor (as in, Who), Han Solo, Starbuck and others
Whole book series about Section 31
Whole book series about the Department of Temporal Investigations
One time they do the Bill and Ted thing to escape confinement and it works
Wanna know how Riker and Troi met?
Wanna know what Picard got up to on the Stargazer?
Andorians have 4 sexes and it's very complicated
Data comes back from the dead as Data 2.0, and it was fresh and exciting because it happened long before ST: Picard did it twice.
Lal comes back too and we get father/daughter android stuff! They have a home and everything but keep having to save the universe
One time Mirror Seven is led around on a leash naked on Terok Nor
Geordi becomes captain of the USS Challenger, decides it's not for him because plot, and goes back to engineering on the Enterprise
Kirk is shot on the bridge and dies
Kirk gets better
They watch 3D holos of old Doctor Who episodes in the Enterprise rec room
The Enterprise also has an AI named Moira, which was Zora long before Zora
The TOS crew get together for one last mission. About three times.
There's a Perry Mason book except it's about Kirk's lawyer from that TOS episode
Data 2.0 owns and runs a massive gambling empire on Orion
Spock keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Scotty keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
Bones keeps randomly showing up everywhere in the TNG era
You're on Tumblr so you already know about Killing Time
There's a guy named McKenzie Calhoun and he's a total badass and captains a ship of weirdos and misfits
Kirk comes back from the dead, saves the galaxy repeatedly, has an intersex child (who identifies as male) with a Romulan/Klingon hybrid
Kirk beats up Worf
Kirk's child has superpowers
Kirk's child saves the galaxy at age 6
The Kirk stuff is 100% ignored in the other novels
About 50% of the novels are ignored in the other 50%, and the ones that are meant to be in direct continuity with each other aren't always quite
Just like the TV shows and movies, then
Lwaxana Troi meets Q, and it goes as well as you'd expect
Someone tells Data, yes you idiot you had emotions all along and he's like, oh shit you're right
McCoy is left in command of the Enterprise as a joke by Kirk, who is then immediately kidnapped
Ro Laren is captain of Deep Space Nine
Picard/Beverly is a thing, they get married and have a child named Rene. No running away and raising your kid in secret here
Riker and Troi are married, serve on the Titan together with a bunch of adorable weirdos and have a daughter named Tasha
You get to watch all the 24th century characters die horribly in the end along with their entire universe. Holy fuck it's a bleak horror show. Personally, I love it. But if that's not your cup of tea I'd skip the Coda trilogy
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⚠️ Scarlett's fandom, we got a job to do! ⚠️
I think everyone's aware of Michael Joseph Branham, the guy who's been stalking Scarlett since 2022. He knows where she lives, and sent multiple items to her house, babies toys, letters, and claims to be Cosmo's (her son) father.
Her publicist Marcel and her team are asking for our help! To send them the most information possible. Print screens, accounts, anything useful to help the police and the Law Enforcement to catch this guy.
ANY INFORMATION you have, send to @/whatsupscarlett on X (twitter), who is in direct contact with her team.
post explaining more
We can also help by reporting all of his accounts on every social media (his username is basically his full name) like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
He also tries to get in touch with Scarlett by sending dms to fanpages, thinking it's her — so also be mindful of posting about Scarlett's next events locations.
Let's do everything in our power to protect our Scarlett and put this motherfucker behind bars!!
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starreyblueberry · 16 days
Timmy’s parents are so interesting to me in writing terms for the show. If you only watch season one you’ll see that while they are busy and neglectful they still love their son, and wanna be by his side. They’re a lot more close, especially as the whole found family aspect is not fully tapped in yet. They always tell Timmy they love him and his mom even defends him against his neighbors. It’s kinda a crazy thing to see when you’re used to them being super shitty. Then season two comes along, and we see his parents be a tiny bit more mean, but they still Love their son! They still take care of him, they’re just a bit less present for him. Then season 3, season 4, and it keeps going downhill. Even before we had the writing actually turn into shit his parents were actually getting worse. I think that’s a huge reason as to why most of us see Timmy’s parents as horrible, we saw the slow progression of both his mom and dad flat out ignore his needs and his fairy god parents loving him more and more. It’s almost needed this close bond to offset how his life is going more and more downhill. There’s always been problems in early FOP but it’s so fascinating how his parents are one of the earliest signs.
Season 5 is the true marker for the fairy odd parents writing, when we really see the writing go downhill but also when we see Timmy’s parents become their worst. They insult, neglect, belittle Timmy like never before. It’s also when we see Timmy’s fairy’s become the closest to Timmy (well it’s also a build up but still). Timmy’s parents while also a victim of bad writing have been doomed form the START!! Cause Timmy needed that miserable fuel to him, or else he would never get as close to Cosmo and Wanda as we see. If Timmy had good parents why would he keep Cosmo and Wanda for so long? I think that’s why we see them be horrible and worse as time goes on, cause as the show went on, they needed more factors to be miserable, and Vicky, francis, Crocker had only so much fuel.
I just find it interesting how out of all the characters who had a downfall, Timmy’s parents had it really early. It kinda signifies how shitty they always were, it was always just played for the whole cartoon humor bit of it. Compared to the new show, we’re instead of a character who has heavy external problems, she deals with ainxety and needs some extra support that hair parents are actually too busy to really provide/emotionally dense. But you don’t see anyone really hate on hazels parents, just cause it’s obvious they love her, while it gets less obvious for Timmy’s parents as time went on. Especially as Timmy’s life was more and more centered around Magic, his parents just, didn’t want to take the time to love him like they used too.
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