knghtlock · 10 months
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i am not normal about the d.estiny show.case and i am tired of pretending that i am /pos
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pilesofpillows · 9 months
Attoye Kinktober | Free Choice: Somnophilia
Read it here on AO3
Warnings: Smut (18+), Highly NSFW, Dirty Talk, Power Dynamics (if you squint), Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Consenual Somnophilia
A/N: This fic was originally supposed be for Day 8, which is monsterfucking, but ya girl wants to fuck monsters on Halloween so I switched the two. Considering Day 31 was a free choice, I chose somnophilia 😜
It should be known, I am working on my omegaverse & bondage fics as well as a few other spicy shorts for this month. Let’s hope I get them out before Kinktober ends 💀😂
All my thanks and love to @theemfingmenace & @umber-cinders for beta reading this for me… my love for y’all cannot be properly articulated but I will always try my best & @theattoyearchive for actively encouraging my filthy writing habits 💕💕
Attuma had never met anyone who slept as deeply as his wife.
From the moment her head hit the pillow and her breathing evened out, Okoye was dead to the world. She could sleep through anything: thunderstorms, emergency sirens, even the chirping of birdsong in the mornings. At the start of their relationship, he'd made a game of trying to rouse her, attempting various things. He'd run his thumb along the divot of her spine, or press soft, shudder-inducing kisses to the back of her ear, or rain softer kisses over her cheeks and lips. There was even a time he'd mouthed his way up her neck and sucked a mark against her throat, only for her to hum soft and low, then rock her hips against him in her unconsciousness.
It was all to no avail. Anything less than the tinny chime of her kimoyo beads, and his wife remained unmoved.
"You would sleep through a tidal wave, in yakunaj," he'd rasped into her ear one slow morning. It was a rare occasion; neither of their presences were required elsewhere that day, and Okoye hadn't woken until the sun was high in the sky. He'd lain with her strewn across him, listening to her soft snores in perfect peace, nearly falling back asleep himself when she finally stirred.
Okoye sat up, thighs astride his waist, and stretched. Her voice was still thick with sleep as she chuckled, "You wouldn't let me drown, would you, sithandwa?"
Attuma smiled and sat up, adjusting them so she was seated in his lap, and kissed her forehead. "Never."
"Well then," she murmured into his neck, "I don't see the problem."
"The problem is: there are more enjoyable, exciting things we could be doing in the mornings," he replied, grasping her hips and rocking up into her suggestively.
Okoye chuckled again and leaned back, arching a bemused brow at him. "Is that what mornings are for now?"
"They could be," Attuma smirked. "Certainly sounds better than swimming or running before the sun rises." He ducked his head and began mouthing kisses against her throat and jaw. "You'd probably burn more calories on my cock anyway."
"Attuma!" she shrieked, rocking back and swatting his chest in scandal.
"Yes, in yakunaj?" he replied coyly. He grabbed two handfuls of her ass and pulled her into him, making her gasp as his mouth found the sensitive skin of her neck again.
Okoye smiled and shook her head, threading her fingers through his hair. She rocked against his hardening length and sighed prettily in his ear. The air between them grew heavy and thick, electric passion stoking the flames of their desire.
Attuma breathed her in, smelling the sweet spice of her arousal, and nearly purred. His hands encircled her waist, sliding under the tunic she'd worn to bed. His tunic. The oversized garment slid off her shoulder as she threw her head back, and he sucked a mark onto newly exposed skin.
"You know," she gasped, arching into his hold, "you don't have to wake me for that." Her hips ground against him, and Attuma could feel her wetness through the thin barrier of her thong. "You can have me anytime you'd like," she breathed, words blurring into a moan.
A quiet laugh rumbled through his chest as he drew back to pull the tunic over her head. "I doubt it would wake you regardless, ch'ujuk ba'al," he husked, sucking a dark peak into his mouth and nibbling on her pebbled nipple until she whined softly.
“Well, I'm awake now,” Okoye said, breaths coming faster as her fist tightened in his hair and her hips rocked against his stomach in search of the same sensation his mouth provided. "So I suppose you'll have to try a different morning."
It was weeks before he had the opportunity.
Attuma woke first, like he always did, slipping from their sheets to dunk his head under the sink in their bathroom and refresh his rebreathers. He grabbed Okoye a fresh glass of water and brought it back to their bedroom, stopping in the doorway to admire the slumbering silhouette of his wife.
His love for her was unfathomable, deeper than his home's most sunken trenches. It went beyond all logic and reason, defying any attempts at explanation, and stole the very breath from his lungs when he considered it. Even now, knowing he had it, Attuma coveted her love. There was nothing he wouldn't do for it, and even the gods were blind to the lengths he would go to keep it. To keep her.
Okoye loved him back with the same ferocity. Her love was sunlight in his soul, bright and invigorating, filling the darkest recesses of him with something so pure he had no choice but to revel in its glory.
He wanted her all the time.
Crossing the room on quiet feet, Attuma placed her water on the bedside table and traced light fingers over the tattoos covering her scalp. She shifted, reaching her arm from under the covers and pressing her face into the pillow he usually slept on, seeking him out even in her sleep. He grinned.
A few stray rays of sunlight streamed into their room, shining softly across their bed and illuminating the rich brown of her skin. He studied her shamelessly, eyes raking over her body's sensuous curves and lean muscles. The dark bruise on her right shoulder brought a sharp edge to his grin, the sight of his mark on her waking something almost feral and certainly dangerous in him.
He slid back into bed soundlessly, covering her body with his own, and kissed a line from her neck to the bite. Okoye didn't stir in the slightest. She was naked, neither bothering to get redressed after cleaning up the remnants of their passion from the prior evening. Attuma was glad for it; he could take his time this way.
He trailed his lips from her shoulder to her nape, then ghosted kisses down her spine, lowering himself as he went. His legs straddled hers as his tongue dipped into the symmetrical dimples on her lower back. Hands running along her sides, Attuma stroked up and down in a circular pattern, thumbs gently pressing on the edges of her shoulder blades each time they crested. Still, Okoye remained deep in her slumber.
He wondered when she would wake. Would it take his tongue fluttering around her clit, sucking the sweet nub until she woke with his name on her lips? Or perhaps he'd focus his attentions higher— would she stir if he licked his way into the tight passage of her ass? Would she gasp and shudder as her mind caught up with the havoc he'd wreaked on her body? Then again, she might wake with a pretty keen as he slid his thick cock into her, splitting her open until she scarcely had room for breath.
He damn near salivated at the thought and hardened painfully as the blood rushed to his groin.
Fingers encircling her waist and drifting over her ribcage, Attuma's hands swept downward to grasp her hips. He pulled his sleeping wife to her knees and settled behind her, continuing his kisses over the perfect swell of her ass. He traced his tongue along her outer lips, savoring her taste. Using his thumbs to spread her open, he watched her sweet pussy blossom for him, honeyed arousal glistening like morning dew. Attuma bit his lip to suppress his groan and pressed a light kiss to her clit, nuzzling his nose against her entrance. Okoye's hushed sigh was sweeter than birdsong.
Leaning forward again, he pressed his tongue flat against her clit and dragged it through her folds, sampling her fully. He circled her entrance, flicking the tip of his tongue inside, and couldn't stop his groan as her cunt throbbed for him. He repeated the motion, humming while he lapped and laved at her with abandon, losing himself in the intoxicating taste of her.
Circling, sucking, nibbling, fucking— Attuma devoured her with a single-minded focus and an almost vulgar need to possess. He spelled out his name over her pussy, glyph by glyph, tasting her, marking her. There was no part of her that didn't belong to him, and he'd make sure her body would remember it, even if her mind didn't. His little wife arched back, breath hitching as she pressed her pretty pussy into his mouth, but she slept on, ignorant to the claim he was staking.
The depth of her slumber was a heady, thrilling challenge that made his blood race and his mind war with itself. There was a deep need in him to see how far he could drive her— to see her body tremble and quake with pleasure while she was lost in the land of dreams. Yet, the other half of him wanted to wake her, if only so he could tell her all he'd done to her while she slept, what she'd let him do to her. What she was letting him do even now.
The muscles in her thighs began their telltale tremble, a signal fire of her impending climax, and Attuma was greedy for it. He lashed at her clit, listening to her panting carefully, then wrapped his mouth around the bundle of nerves and sucked.
Okoye came for him without a sound, flooding his mouth with her release. Attuma's mind buzzed with a euphoric static, drunk on the power he commanded over her body.
He drew back, watching her sopping cunt throb and clench around nothing but air. She was ripe and swollen from his attentions, but he had no intention of stopping.
He wanted to ruin her.
Okoye woke dazed and near delirium.
An aching, singing heat in her veins only added to her confusion. She tried to take stock of her body, but her muscles tensed and jumped of their own accord. A thrumming rumble of vibration rocked through her, and her hips jerked back against a firm hold. Her nerves were overshot, her mind struggling to make sense of up and down until fingers— fingers inside of her —pressed against that soft, secret place within. Her eyes snapped open as electric ecstasy coursed through her body, making everything blindingly white for endless seconds, and she keened.
Okoye buried her face in the pillows, fighting for her sanity with every breath when a throaty chuckle sounded behind her.
She felt the responding hum ripple through her body and choked out another keen as the same fingers— his fingers —moved in her again. White-hot sparks of mind-numbing pleasure raced up her spine with the sound, sending her hands scrambling, reaching, grasping, twisting for some form of purchase as she arched back against her husband's talented tongue. His tongue that was circling and sliding, flicking and darting… against her ass.
Okoye's eyes screwed shut as she realized and croaked curses spilled from her lips like wine into their pillowcases while Attuma fucked her ass with his tongue. The dizzying amount of pleasure rollicking through her body was indescribable, and the coiling tension in her muscles was indisputable. She was going to come again— hard.
"Fuck, Okoye... you're gonna come again, aren't you?" Attuma asked before she could stutter the words, feeling her walls spasming around his fingers. "Yeah, you are," he answered his own question with a grin and rocked up to kiss the small of her back. "Gonna come from having my tongue buried in your ass, huh? Filthy girl." The taunt in his voice was almost cruel, and the bite he delivered to her ass cheek certainly was. All the while, his fingers stroked her with deadly precision, moving faster, harder, dragging against her until she damn near screamed. "Ko'oten túun, in yakunaj. Ko'oten tin yaal in k'ab. [Come on then, my love. Come on my fingers]."
Okoye had no choice. She came with the force of a tidal wave. Her back arched further, spine curving almost painfully, and strangled wails were screamed into the pillows below her. Her mind blanked out, ears ringing, and she detailed the heavens as supernovas burst behind her eyes.
Her senses returned one by one as her pulse thundered in her ears. Distantly, she could feel Attuma murmuring praises into her sweat-slicked skin, his fingers slowing gradually. Okoye hissed weakly when he withdrew from her, blinking through the haze of bliss and sleep as his lips trailed up her back, tongue licking the sweat pooling along her spine. He folded himself over her, hand tracing over her arm and folding over her still-furled fist. Attuma kissed the mark he'd left on her shoulder last night.
"Good morning," he rasped into her ear, nudging her cheek with his nose.
Okoye didn't trust her voice yet, so she pressed her face into his instead, trying to catch her breath.
Attuma's hulking frame shrouded hers, and he unfurled her fist, twining their fingers. "Do you know how many times you peaked for me, ch'ujuk ba'al?" His voice was still thick with lust, and she could feel the remnants of her arousal on his chin as he kissed the shell of her ear. "How many times this pretty pussy of yours came on my tongue before you even began to stir?" She mewled, hips jerking at the feeling of his thick cockhead dragging along her swollen sex.
Bast help her; he wasn't nearly done.
"Three." Attuma answered his own question, sinking his entire length into her with one deft stroke.
Okoye choked on her own gasp, incredulous at the number and overwhelmed by the fullness of him. "Ixoki [Liar.]," she accused, tongue tripping over the word and mangling the pronunciation entirely as he began fucking her.
"Three times," he said, untwining their fingers to grasp her hips and pull her back onto his cock. "Three. Fucking. Times." Every word was punctuated with a harsh thrust from him and a strangled moan from her. "Drank you down every fucking time, too."
The desperate scrape in his voice curled deliciously at the base of her spine, sending a bolt of heat that rocked through her before spooling low in her abdomen.
"Attuma... Bast!"
"No, Okoye. Not Bast," he growled, spreading her further and plunging deeper, "Not Chaac. Not Sekhmet. Not Itzmana." His thrusts took on a possessive quality, and her eyes rolled back, fingers twisting so tightly in the sheets they almost tore. "No gods, ch'ujuk ba'al... Just me. You're just for me." His rhythm grew erratic, and his grip grew tighter, and she cried out with every slam of his hips into hers. Attuma folded himself over her body, chanting his claim like a prayer into her skin. "Mine. All mine."
His mouth was all teeth and tongue, and she shrieked his name in a sob as his teeth sank into the muscle of her left shoulder.
"Fuck! Attuma, fucking... fuck!"
"Beyech mina, Okoye."
"Yes! Fuck! Yesyesyesyesyes!"
"Tell me– Tell me you're mine."
A demand, a request, a plea.
She was keening again, so overstimulated and so, so close.
"Yours, Ah! Attuma, ‘m’yours."
A capitulance, an answer, a promise.
It was enough.
Attuma roared his release, guttural and deep, hips stuttering against hers, fucking his cum deeper into her, every pulse of his cock shoving her over the brink with him. He dropped his head onto her back, resting heavy between her shoulder blades as they shuddered and panted, chests rising and falling in tandem.
Her mind began to drift, eyes blearing with exhaustion despite having just woken up. He pulled himself from her body slowly, and she sagged in his hold, legs too weak to hold her up any longer.
"Not yet, ch'ujuk ba'al," Attuma husked, recouping his breath and planting a sweet kiss on her nape, then another to the mark adorning her right shoulder and the next to the newest on her left. The rest he ghosted down her back, massaging her bruised hips as he slid lower. He kissed the soft swells of her ass, then spread her open. Her husband held her there, murmuring low in his mother tongue, but Okoye couldn't hear him.
Her brows knit in confusion, face heating as she felt the wet rush of their combined releases dripping down her slit. She swallowed thickly, opening her mouth to voice a question that died in her throat the moment the flat of his tongue met her pussy. Her mouth stayed parted in a wide, silent gasp as Attuma lapped at her with broad strokes, too shocked to move, even from the overwhelming sensation of his mouth on her again. The breath rushed back into her lungs when he curled his tongue and speared it inside her fluttering walls.
"Attuma!" His name was half a question, half an exclamation. "What– oh!– what're you doing?"
"Shh," he hushed her protests and massaged the back of her thighs. "This is mine too, isn't it, ch'ujuk ba'al?"
Okoye whimpered weakly, jumping as he kissed her clit.
"I just want a taste."
A/N: I’m smoking an herbal as we speak… I’ll touch grass when the sun is up.
Like I said, omegaverse and bondage are still cooking. I’ve embraced my inner chaos thanks to some… wise advice and I’ll just be posting what’s ready when it’s ready. My personal life is Hot Mess Express at the moment, but I will do my best to keep writing and sharing with y’all because each and every single one of you makes my heart glow like fireflies in the bayou. 💕💕
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
Okay here me out, Yandereish reeader and JD where they are like really close and kind of flirty and then JD meets Veronica and Reader loses the absolute plot and you can choose what they do (but unhinged shit xo)-💃 (that’s my new emoji for requests 😜)
Omg I’m so here for this!!!
So I’m gonna let you, reader, choose a JD for this because I’m not sure which one the requester wanted 😘
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*first person pov*
I’ve known Jason for a while now. We met in elementary and our dads are business partners. We basically spend every last second together. So when we found out we were moving again we weren’t too upset. I mean, yeah, I made friends. Jason however, not so much. I was sad to leave them but I’ll have JD with me.
*3rd person pov*
Y/N started to unload a moving truck outside her new house.
“Y/N? Where are you”, her dad shouted.
“Outside, dad!”, she shouted back.
“Ah, there you are. The Deans will be here shortly. I’ll give you a hand with those”, says her dad.
“Thanks, dad”, she smiled.
*time skip: 20 mins*
*knock knock*
Y/N goes to answer the door.
“That’s the Deans kiddo!”, her dad lightly shouts.
She opens the door and is greeted to Big Bud and Jason.
“Hi Y/N/N, your dad in?”, Bud says.
“Yep. Kitchen. Down the hall”, she says with a small grin.
Bud steps into the house and down the hall.
“Hey! Rory! How are ya?”, Bud says. It’s the last thing she hears before they close the door.
“Wanna small tour?”, Y/N turns to JD.
“I’m down, m’lady”, he says jokingly, bowing down to Y/N and sticking his hand out for her to grab.
“Why let’s go, kind sir”, she replies, grabbing his open hand and leading him into the house.
“Living room”, she says pointing into the room. “Hallway”, she walks up the stairs, JD trailing behind, still holding her hand. “Bathroom”, they walk towards another door. “My room, dads room and Thomas’ room”, she said, pointing to each door as they walk by.
Thomas is Y/Ns younger brother. He’s about 6 years younger. She’s 17, he’s 11.
“Here, follow me”, she smirks, grabbing his hand and pulling him to her bedroom.
“Look, window goes onto the kitchen roof. We should sneak out sometime”, she grins.
“I’m so down”, JD says with joking sternness.
“So”, she sighs plopping onto the bed. “First day of school tomorrow”
“Yep, dreading it. Westerburg high. I’ve heard some rumours”, he groaned.
“Oh yeah? Did you hear the one about the 2 dudes who are practically date rapists?”, she groans back.
“Nope. Heard about the heathers. 3 of them. All called heather. They’re, apparently, absolute bitches,” he complained.
“Yippee! Goodie gum drops”, she says with sarcastic excitement.
“Wanna ride in on the motorcycle?”, he asks, plopping down next to me.
“As long as you don’t kill me, sure”, she laughs.
They stay quite for a minute. Y/N turns to look at him. He’s already looking at her. She smiles awkwardly.
“Welp, i better go wake up Thomas”, she says while standing up.
“Oh yeah, I’ll come with ya”, Jason says following her.
Time skip (September 9th)
“GET UP KIDS”, Rory, Y/Ns dad yells.
“Ughhh”, Y/N groans while stretching to get up. “Fuck this shit I don’t wanna go to school”, she mumbles, dragging on the ‘ol’ at the end of ‘school’.
She starts to get dressed, brushes her hair, washes her face and brushes her teeth, and finally, gets breakfast.
“Someone seems happy to go to school”, Rory says, laughing at Y/N.
“Dont even start, dad. I’m already suicidal and I haven’t even gotten there yet”, she groans.
“Goodmorning!!”, Thomas says, skipping down the hall.
“Now, that, that’s excitement”, Y/N laughs grabbing her toast from the toaster.
Rory laughs. “Hey Tom, excited for your first day?”
“Hell yeah! I already met a boy who lives on this street whose in my class! He said I can hang out with him and his friends!”, he says excitedly.
“Time?”, Y/N asks.
“Quarter to eight, you better get heading”, Rory says, turning to look at Y/N.
“I will. When Jason gets here anyways. I’m going with him today”, She says, checking the window for JD.
“Alright, go wait in the living room”, Rory says.
She goes and sits in the living room and starts checking to make sure she has everything.
*Knock knock*
“JDS HERE! BYE DAD. BYE TOM. LOVE YOU BOTH”, Y/N yells, getting replies of “love you too” and “have a good day honey” in return.
“You ready to go?”, Jason asks, as Y/N opens the front door.
“Yep, let’s motor”, She says heading to the motorcycle.
She holds on to Jason’s torso as the fly through the little streets of Sherwood, until they arrive at the school.
“Come on, give me your hand”, JD says holding his hand out to Y/N.
She takes in a deep breath and takes Jason’s hand as they start to walk into the school.
She feels like everyone’s staring at her, but in reality, nobody is.
They go to the main office.
“Ah hello, you two must be Jason Dean and Y/N L/N, it’s lovely to meet you both”, the secretary looks down to their hands, “awh, are you two dating? That’s adorable”, she smiles.
“No, we’re just really close friends”, Jason laughed. Y/N laughed too.
“Awh what a shame, you would look lovely together. Anyways, your first class is the same. Both in Ms Flemings english”, she says while handing the pair their timetables.
They both mutter a ‘thanks’ and wish the secretary a good day and start to walk to class.
“She was funny”, Y/N says.
“Hah, yeah, she was”, Jason replies.
They walk into the class.
They’re early.
Ms Fleming is already there. Y/N and Jason introduce themselves.
“Ah! I’ve heard about new students! It’s so amazing to meet you two!”, she says happily.
‘She’s gonna be fun’, Y/N thinks.
“Sadly guys, there is a seating plan. So, you are gonna be away from each other. Jason you’ll be sitting here”, she says walking down to a seat near the middle in the 3rd row. “And Y/N you’ll be here”, she says walking to another seat a bit further back, in the 5th row, at the very edge, next to a window.
“Dont worry, I put you next to our best, nicest students. Jason, your next to Veronica, and Y/N your next to Jamie”, she says, clapping her hands together.
The bell goes off and in seconds the class starts to fill with students.
Y/N and Jason take their seats.
*Y/Ns first person POV*
After I sit down a boy takes the seat next to me.
That must be jamie
He looks at me weirdly, clearly trying to see if he’s seen me before.
“Hey”, he says.
“Oh, hi”, I say back returning a small smile.
“You new here?”, he asks.
“Yup, just came today”, I reply.
“Awh cool, you want me to help you around?”, he asks.
I completely forget about Jason and say: “yeah, that’ll be nice. I don’t really have anyone to help me around anyways”
“Ah! We’re gonna be best friends. I already know”, he smiles.
I smiled back.
He’s really nice
I look over towards Jason and see him talking to the girl next to him. That must be Veronica.
She’s really pretty….
Jamie and I talk and laugh for a bit resulting in a few dirty flares from JD.
After class, Jamie and I walk out and I see Jason running up behind us.
I feel his arm wrap around me. “Hey”, he whispered into my ear. Wow.
“Oh, JD, hi! This is Jamie”, I said, smiling and pointing at Jamie.
“Hm”, Jason says, giving him that look.
“Well, hello to you too”, Jamie says with mock anger.
*time skip to lunch*
JD and I didn’t have the same classes after English. I had math with Jamie though, and Veronica was in my class. She kept glaring at me? It was very strange.
“Hey hey hey”, Jason says walking over to me. “Good first part of the day?”, he asked.
“Not to shabby. What about you?”
“The works”, he says.
“Hey, slushies after school today? On me”, he asks. “I’m down”, I reply, smiling.
“Hello Jason Dean”, I look up and see Veronica Sawyer smiling down at JD.
“Greetings and salutations”, He smirks.
I mentally cringed.
“I must say you’re very good in English”, she says sitting down next to him.
“The extreme always seems to make an impression”, he somehow smirks even more.
“You busy after school”, she asks.
I want to shout at her saying he has plans with me. But I don’t.
“Nope, none”, he says.
I sigh, not loud enough for him to hear.
I look around to see if I could go anywhere else. I see Jamie smiling at me, he sees i de him and waves me over.
Fuck it.
I get up and walk over to him. He’s with one other girl. She seems nice.
“Y/NNNN!”, Jamie yells.
“Hey”, I say, placing my bag down next to Jamie. “Y/N, this is Carrie, Carrie this is Y/N”, Jamie smiles.
“Hi, nice to meet you”, I say to Carrie. “Nice to meet you too! Welcome to Westerburg!”, she smiles.
I smile back at her.
I think this place is gonna change things..
This will definitely have a part 2 btw! I needed to upload something so.. PART 1!!!
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cosmereplay · 23 days
for the kiss ask game. perhaps veil/moash #7 >:)
I will write a kiss… 7. …to shut them up.
I am so sorry I went totally off the rails of this prompt and accidentally wrote maybe the opposite??? Instead of kissing to shut up they're now fucking for information 😭 This pairing gave me the chance to write a scene from this Moash longfic I've been rotating for a long time, so thank you for that! Imagine Moash and Veil in Kholinar as part of separate groups infiltrating a lighteyes party for intel. 
Veil/Moash, rated Explicit, Oathbringer spoilers but not really because it's an AU anyway. 1000 words
Moash strode haughtily around the party, feeling vaguely disappointed. So far the best part of the night had been when Kaladin blushed when he’d seen Moash’s lighteyes-style outfit, all thin smooth fabric that complemented his light tan eyes. The party itself sucked. Being raised from bridgeman directly up to guarding at Elhokar’s parties had given him a skewed view of how other lighteyes partied. The space was cramped, full of furniture and people, and the ceilings were practically as low as in his own house downtown. The food was fine, not nearly as fancy as what Elhokar used to serve.
His chest cramped a little. He had to get that stupid man out of his head.
He was here for a reason, after all. At first he’d been a novelty to them, but once they’d realized he wasn’t in the duelling lists they’d lost interest in him before he could ask any questions. So he’d been skulking at the side of the room, keeping an ear open to catch scraps of useless conversations.
He looked over the crowd again. Moving smoothly among the clusters of lighteyes was a marvel of a woman. Beautiful, with long dark hair, partially braided with tiny emeralds, and a sleek havah that showed off what assets she had. She was not curvaceous by any means, but she was working everything she had, and he could appreciate that. Her eyes flashed a pale green as she scanned the room, listening and looking around. He touched his hair, hoping it was still looking okay in the increasingly hot and humid room, and moved towards her.
“Looking for more distinguished company, Brightness?” He smiled crookedly.
She looked him up and down for a long moment, then grinned back. “In that case, you should probably move aside.”
Moash raised his eyebrows. “I find it hard to believe you don’t like what you see.”
“I’m not here for what I can see, Brightlord,” she said, and the rude way she'd said Brightlord made him start. Was she…pretending to be lighteyed? He knew of the darkeyes drops, but was there a way the other way too?
Now he was doubly intrigued. “Are you here for information? Maybe we can do a little…exchange.” He glanced to the doorway and raised an eyebrow.
She gave him a long look, then sucked her teeth in a very un-ladylike way. Oh, he was liking her more and more. “Alright, handsome,” she said with a wink. “Let’s go somewhere more private.”
He followed her out the door and down a hallway. She opened a random door and peeked inside, then beckoned him in. “C’mon. I won’t tell if you don’t.”
He grinned and went after her, into a cramped closet stuffed from floor to ceiling with shelves of seasonal knickknacks and decorations. She pulled him up against her, then pushed him back against some shelves, setting the knickknacks rattling.
“So…” she started, walking her fingertips up his chest. “What kind of exchange are you proposing?”
“Well no offense but you’re clearly not from around here,” he smirked, the touch stoking warmth between his legs. “I wanna know what’s going on out in Alethkar. Is King Dalinar making things better? Is he sending an army to liberate Kholinar?”
Her fingers stopped moving as he spoke. “You’re right, I’m not from around here,” she admitted. “I want to know what’s going on in Kholinar. What’s with the Queen? Why is the palace not admitting visitors? I heard the Kingkiller is in the city—Kaladin Stormblessed. Can you tell me where I can find him?” She eyed him appraisingly, then pressed closer against him. “I’ll tell you if you tell me. Might even do more, if you’re extra helpful.”
A groan left his body, along with his sense. “Alright,” Moash breathed. “Kholinar’s ready to explode into a revolution. The darkeyes are starting to starve and the lighteyes are hoarding food. The rumours are that the Queen has gone insane. I might be part of a group looking to help the revolution along.”
She rubbed her body against him. “Mmm, I might be interested in joining that group,” she murmured.
He put his hands on her back, sliding up to her shoulderblades, then down to her ass, giving it a squeeze. “I might just let you,” he murmured back. “There’s more to you. I know it. Now tell me about the King.”
The woman leaned up, her lips by Moash’s ear. “The King is dead.”
“I know Elhokar is dead.”
“I mean Dalinar. He died in battle when the Everstorm came. The Assassin in White got him. Renarin Kholin is King Regent now, and nobody's coming to save the people of Kholinar. You're on your own.”
The words almost killed his boner. “You’re here to rescure Gavinor, aren’t you? Are you going to take Aesudan too?”
“There might be some dissension in the ranks about whether we’re to take her out or take her out. I could use an ally, especially if he’s connected to the Kingkiller.” She grabbed his bulge, the warmth of her hand seeping through the thin fabric as she rubbed him back to full hardness.
“Storming…” The room was getting hot and he was having trouble thinking straight. He thrust against her hand, hardly noticing there wasn’t any fabric between them anymore. “You’re wrong. Stormblessed didn’t kill Elhokar. Fuck me and I’ll tell you who did.”
Within seconds, she’d turned around and lifted her skirts, and he was thrusting inside her, hot and wet and deep. She gasped, and for a second he could’ve sworn she was glowing.
Storms, was he imagining she was Kaladin? The thought didn’t stop him from pounding into her, getting off on the secrecy, the danger of getting caught, fucking a lighteyes bareback, the intrigue of this woman, the fact that he could finally say it—
“You know who killed King Elhokar?” he grunted as he fucked her against the shelves, setting the knickknacks shaking with every thrust.
“Tell me, tell me,” she moaned. She was fingering herself under her skirts, and she came hard, squeezing his cock with her body. He could hear the splashes of her cum on the floor.
He grabbed her by the back of her neck, holding her still, and thrust a few more times, long and slow, prolonging his orgasm the way he liked. “I killed Elhokar,” he moaned, and grabbed her hips, holding her flush against him as he came hard and deep into her. “Ah Heralds, that’s good, that’s so storming good.”
Moash and the spy held there together for a moment, both savouring the pleasure they’d managed to wring out of the night. Finally she pulled off him and started using her underskirts to soak up their cum, dripping down her thighs.
“Tell me your name and I’ll lick that up for you,” Moash said on impulse.
“My name is Veil,” she said with a smile, and lifted her skirts again, showing off the wet shine of her bush and lips. “Give me a little more and I might even tell you a secret.”
He squatted down, guided by her hand on his head, and he ate the cum from her thighs and lips, then moved upwards to her clit. He flicked and sucked, and she gasped, holding his hair tight. Storms, he could stay in this closet all night. She was a great lay.
Veil gripped him harder, trying to stop herself from screaming as she came dry, and smacked against the shelves, sending knickknacks tumbling down, smashing against the floor.
“Storms, woman,” Moash complained. They’re going to hear us.”
She pushed him off her, then yanked him upwards to standing. “What?” he asked, but he could already hear it. Shouts. The sound of swords clashing. They started straightening their clothes in a hurry.
“Beware, Kingkiller,” Veil warned. “Times are changing. The Radiants are returning, and they’re dangerous.”
They shared a look. “How do you know?” he asked, wiping his mouth on his sleeve.
“There are some in my party.”
“There are some in mine, too.” He started to open the door, then paused. “If you want to find me again, ask for where the silversmiths used to live. You’ll find it soon enough.”
Then he ran. If there was a fight, Kaladin was probably in the middle of it, and he would need Moash’s help.
From the I Will Write a Kiss ask game
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faegoddessog · 1 year
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch.25/41
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Chapter 25: Be Brave
Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, voyeurism, unprotected PIV (Play safe ya'll!), fingering, cunnilingus, tub play
Series Masterlist
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 25: Be Brave
It’s been a week since Elvis fucked you senseless. The countertop guys came and installed the granite countertops today. The flirty guy showed up, ‘to make sure everything went smoothly’. He asked you out on a date. You told him you were seeing someone. He backed down, but told you to look him up if it all went tits up.
You finished installing the sink today. Damn you are almost done with this kitchen! Appliances should be delivered this week too! You need a day off though, you’ve been working non-stop. You are hoping you can catch Austin soon. He has still been haunting you in the middle of the night, in the best possible way. You text him.
Me: Hey, when is your next day off? I have an idea!
You go to put your phone away, not expecting to hear from him anytime soon. Then your phone dings.
Austin: Day after tomorrow. What’s up?
Me: Do you want to go develop your film? You send a link to the Maud Street Photo gallery and Dark Room in Brisbane.
Austin: Yes please.
Me: I’ll book the darkroom.
Austin: You are a goddess.
Me: That is correct.
You book the space, and text him details. You get a thumbs up from him. Then nothing.
The next day at about 1PM, you are on your knees, installing the final trim around the living room when you hear the door open.
“Oh good! You are home!” Austin exclaims.
You stand up, brushing the dirt off your work pants and hug him tightly.
“Hi love! Oh no, you caught me in my actual work clothes,” you jest.
“Yeah but those knee pads though,” he kisses his fingertips and gestures towards the sky.
“They could come in handy,” you wag your eyebrows suggestively and laugh. “To what do I owe the honor of your presence so early in the afternoon?”
“Well,” he puts his arms around your waist, swaying side to side, ”I am off for the next two days, so go pack a bag, I’m taking you on a weekend getaway.”
“You are?!” you say excitedly, “Sweet! Where are we going?”
“Brisbane, I already set it all up, bring a nice dress. Wait, nevermind, I owe you one anyway. Can you be ready in like a ½ hour? You are driving by the way!” Austin is clearly stoked, thoughts tumbling out of his mouth as he backs towards the door, “I gotta go pack too, I’ll be back in 30 min!”
He shuts the door and you are standing there, then it hits you. He’s never taken you out on a date, let alone for a weekend. In public. Natural Bridge doesn’t count, you didn't’ encounter enough people for it to count.
“Ok,” you say to yourself, unstrapping the pads from your knees, “I guess we are doing this.”
It takes you 10 minutes to pack a bag, 10 in the shower and 5 to put on your long dress, Chacos and throw some mascara on. You are hastily tidying up your scraps from the day when Austin pops in the door.
“Ready?” he grabs your bag.
“I am, but…” you hesitate, unsure what exactly to ask, “what am I supposed to do in public? Do we need to walk separately, or something? I just don’t know what to expect and I’m all of a sudden nervous.” You hadn’t realized it until this moment just how green you are to all of this.
“Oh hunny,” he sets down the bags and enfold you in his arms, ”you don’t have to do anything differently. Just be yourself. I doubt anyone will even recognize me. If they do, well, most people are really nice. I love you and I honestly don’t care if the world sees us, as long as you are OK with that.”
“I want to say I’m OK with it, but I’m also not sure that I have any idea what that would mean,” you say honestly.
“Fuck, I’m sorry I didn’t think about this, I was just excited to get away with you. We don't have to go if you don’t want to,” he says, trying not to sound disappointed.
“Hold up, I didn’t say I didn't want to go. I just need you to remember that I’m just a civilian here in your celebrity world. I really don’t give a fuck about what people might say about me or what they see. I just don’t want to mess with your reputation or image or whatever. Cuz I love you too.”
“Awww, Kitten, thank you.” he hugs you close, ”It will all be just fine. I haven’t seen any paparazzi around here lately anyway. The way I see it, it’s none of their business. If something happens, just follow my lead. They don’t get to control us.”
You take a big breath, “Alright, fuck it, let’s go have a great weekend.”
You manage to sneak Austin out like last time, although no one was there to see anyway, which goes a long way to soothe your fears. You just don’t want to end up not being able to go to the grocery store. You remind yourself that you aren’t dating a member of the royal family, so chill out.
The one and a half hour drive is easy in the afternoon. You spontaneously stop at a little hole in the wall place called Yatala Pie Shop. Mostly because, mmmm pie. They make homemade delicious gourmet pot pies and pastries. You share a chicken mushroom pie, a sausage roll and a caramel tart. You are feeling much more relaxed. You are just two normal, admittedly pretty, people out driving.
Austin has a roll of film to finish, so he periodically snaps a photo of you. Driving, eating, laughing.
You pull up to the swanky Emporium Hotel.
“Shit Austin, I don’t know if I’m this fancy… I’m not sure I’m gonna fit in,” you look at him slightly concerned.
“I get it, but Kitten, the key is to simply act like you do,” He winks as he gets out of the car. You nod to yourself as the valet opens your door and you hand your keys to her.
A bellhop grabs the bags. Austin is right there beside you, hand on your waist, sweeping you confidently into the lobby. A fantastic white sweeping staircase dominates the three story atrium in front of a wall of glass. A huge red sculptural wall abuts the lush living wall that provides the backdrop for the front desk.
Austin leads you up with a little of that Elvis swagger in his gait. It’s sexy as hell. He checks in under a pseudonym. Everyone immediately is treating you both with that deference you thought reserved for rich people. Maybe they know who he is?
Taking Austin’s advice, you just act like someone with money. ‘These old things? Yes, these are exclusive Chacos only for sexy people. This dress, yes it IS vintage, sustainability is so posh,’ you think to yourself, trying to act bored, as though you have seen all this before, even though you are ‘wowing’ on the inside.
“Ah, yes sir, and your tickets will be waiting at will-call tomorrow,” says the concierge with a smile.
Austin also asks for information on where the best shopping is. The concierge recommends a couple places and offers to call ahead for an appointment and an uber whenever you are ready.
The bellhop has your bags on a cart and takes you to your room. You get in the elevator and go up, up, up. He makes small talk, asking if you’d ever been here before and where you were planning on dinner. He recommends the hotel restaurant as well as a couple others near. The bell dings at the top floor and the elevator opens to a beautiful foyer.
“Welcome to the Exquisite Suite Sir,” the bellhop says as he makes a show of opening an elaborate set of double doors, flanked by Carrera Marble columns. You quickly realize why they were treating you and Austin that way. It’s not that they know who he is. It’s that he booked the best suite in the hotel
It is gorgeous. Floor to ceiling windows, balcony, a huge bed, well placed mirror walls, marble bathroom, a huge tub overlooking the city, a walk-in closet and a full on bar with chilled champagne in a bucket and chocolate dipped strawberries. The bellhop opens the champagne and pours two glasses.
Austin tips the bellhop and closes the door as you pull open the balcony doors and go stand at the clear railing, looking out at the amazing city view.
“Holy crap babe, this is splashy,” you tell him as he brings over the glasses and the strawberries, offering you one. You guys clink, drink and take a bite out of the strawberries. The chocolate, berry and champagne flavors mix in your mouth. It's decadent!
“I figure we have both been working hard and we deserve it.” He wraps his arm around you, kissing your neck.
“Well, what all do you have planned to do?” you ask.
“Apart from you?” he drains his glass and sets it down on the little table and pulls your shoulder strap down, kissing your skin.
“I hoped I would be on the list, yes” you smile, leaning your head to the side so he can kiss up your neck.
“Well,” *kiss* “ I want to take you to get a new dress for tomorrow night,” *kiss* “We have the darkroom tomorrow at one,” *kiss* “And theater tickets at 7,” *kiss* “Anything else is gravy.”*kiss* “We can do that wheel thing," he points out the window to what looks like a Ferris wheel, “ we can walk the gardens, do a museum, find a club, … whatever you want hun.” *kiss*
“Damn, I don’t know what I want to do first,” you say, “ strike that, yes I do.” You set down your champagne, turn around and hands to Austin’s face, press your lips to his. “Thank you Austin,” you whisper against his gorgeous, full lips.
He looks deep into your eyes and says with a straight face, “my pleasure.”
You fucking crack up. He does too.
“Ahhh,” he says on the tail end of his laughter, “no really, I’m so grateful you were willing to come with me.” He leans in and kisses you slowly, deeply.
Your hands are on his neck, playing in his hair. God you love kissing him. The breeze kicks up and your dress billows. Austin's hands land on your naked cheeks.
“Wait a minute, have you been bare under this all afternoon?” he asks, gliding his hands to see if you have on a thong or something.
“Yes,“ you shrug, ”I wanted to be ready, y’know, if we had a chance for a little quickie in the wild.” Your hand migrates to his covered crotch. You feel a growing bulge.
“Did you now,” he says, “Well I can’t decide if that’s naughty or nice.”
“Why not both?” You unzip his fly and pull out his half hard cock. You step back, turn around leaning forward on the railing and step your legs apart. You look over your shoulder at him, then lift up the back of your dress, revealing your naked bum.
“Oh hoh hoh, Kitten,” his hands are on you, one on your ass and one cupping your breast, his mouth kissing, sucking biting your neck. His growing cock rubbing on your bare cheek. His shorts and undies fall to the ground.
His hand slips down your front, between your legs, feeling your soft lips. He presses on either side, making your moist inner lips push out. He milks your lips, going wide and pressing deep, then pushing them together while he pulls away. It makes you suck in breath and breathe out shakily.
“How ready for me are you?” he asks, easily sliding a finger between your lips. ”Oh my, quite.”
He pulls away his finger glistening with moisture and brings it to his mouth. You watch him suck your juices off his finger from the corner of your eye. Twisting, you reach up and pull him down to your mouth. Your tongue flicking on his lip, tasting the slightly salty remnants of you there.
Both of his hands reach down to pull your cheeks apart. His now hard cock slides between your legs, along the line of wetness he created when he pinched your lips. His velvety soft tip feels exquisite along your smooth labia. Luckily you had just got waxed a couple days ago.
You seep more. He slides more. You moan softly. He quietly groans in the back of his throat. He slides his arms under yours, fingers playing with your stiffening nipples.
“Do you want me fuck you Kitten?” he growls in your ear, “out here in broad daylight, with your dress still on?”
“Oh gods yes,” you moan quietly.
You tip your hips just enough to slide him into you on the next thrust. From behind he feels even bigger than usual and the angle hits you just right inside.
Buried deep in you, he laughs low and grips tight to your shoulders from the front. His hips rock back, pulling his cock almost out of you, then thrusts forward, sheathing himself in you again. He hits that spot in you again, making you moan.
Suddenly you hear voices. You both freeze, trying to figure out where it’s coming from. It sounds like from below. You peek over and see a couple on the slightly larger balcony below you. You motion for Austin to look.
You both peer over, him still inside you. The couple start kissing, after a minute, she drops to her knees as he undoes his fly. Her head bobs forward and backward as she starts sucking his cock. It’s fucking hot. You are mesmerized.
“Do you want to go inside?” Austin whispers quietly in your ear.
You shake your head, no.
“Can you be quiet?” he whispers in your ear, you can hear the smile in his voice.
You just nod.
Slowly, he starts moving in you. Both of you are watching over the balcony.
The man has taken off his shirt, his pants puddled around his ankles. He is moderately muscular. She has added her hand to the stroking of him. He is moaning audibly, hands laced on the back of his neck. You hear “That’s it mama, take it deep, daddy likes your mouth on his cock.” She keeps sucking him, making choking sounds.
You swallow a moan, pressing your lips together.
He stands her up, spit has soaked the front of her blouse. He pulls it off and kneads her big natural breasts. She undoes the bra and he leans down to take her nipples in his mouth. She is beautifully curvy, with long brown hair that falls down her back as he leans her head back, eyes closed, moaning.
Austin’s thrusts become faster.
He is wiggling off her pants. She sits in the balcony chair, her legs over the arms.
“Yeah, you get down there and fuckin’ eat that muff,” she says.
He kneels in front of her and dives into her pussy. She is moaning loudly. “Yeah, get it daddy, tongue-fuck that fuck hole. YES!”
It is so hot watching them fuck with Austin inside you. He starts breathing a little harder in your ear.
You can hear her yelling, “I’m ‘bout to cum daddy, yes, finger me, yes, yes YES!”
You look back down and she has a hold of his hair, grinding her pussy into his face.
“Look at her cumming on his face,” Austin whispers to you, fucking you harder now. Your fingers are rubbing around your clit, you hadn't even realized you were touching yourself.
The man is rising up from his knees, stroking his cock. “Daddy’s gonna fuck that sweet cunt now. You ready for me?”
You feel heat rising from your core
“Oh daddy, give me that big cock.” He does have a big cock, you notice. She is bouncing, slapping her pussy with light smacks as he leans over her. “You are so fucking hot baby,” he guides himself into her and starts fucking her hard, planking on the chair.
You are getting close. Your free hand is clutched in Austin’s hair behind you.
“Watch how he makes her tits bounce,” his low voice quiet in your ear. Austin starts fucking you in earnest, as you flicker across your clit with your fingertips.
“Fucking take it mama, take my cock like a champ. Oh fuck, I’m gonna paint your pussy like a Pollak,” you hear him say.
You hear squelching noises, you aren’t sure if they are yours or hers.
Your chin tilted up to the sky, eyes fluttering, you are so close.
“No baby, “ he gently tilts your head down, “watch them cum,” he whispers.
You open your mouth in a silent O just as you hear her screaming “OOOOOHHHHH FUUUUUUCK YEAHHH!!” He pulls out of her and jizzes all over her tits and belly.
Your orgasm mushrooms from your clit and g-spot and ruptures into your chest. Screaming silently, your whole body shakes. Austin is gripping you tightly, trying to hold you up as he slams into you, then leans back and thrusts deep, shaking as he silently pumps his cum into you.
“Fuck mama,” the man says, “ that was good, my little exhibitionist.”
“Yeah, I would love it if someone was actually watching us.” She says as they go inside.
“Should we tell them?” you ask Austin as he is pulling out of you, cum dripping down your leg.
“UM no,” he says firmly, “remember, shy.”
“Oh yeah, sorry, I forget that about you.” You kiss him.
“Let’s clean up and go get you a dress. Although you may want to wear some underthings.” He smiles at you and playfully slaps your ass. ….
You guys uber to a fancy French boutique suggested by the concierge, who made an appointment for you. It’s one of those places that they give you drinks and bring clothes for you to try on.
Austin sits down on the viewing couch with his bourbon. The lady running the shop is painfully thin, even for a French lady. She brings a handful of evening dresses. You tried on a couple, but none of them fit right and they made Austin frown and shake his head.
The lady is unzipping the dress for you in the dressing room. She makes a rude comment under her breath in French about how your muscles were too big for her evening wear, but smiles at you in the mirror.
You turn around, mouth open “Excusez-moi?” you say quietly, “oui, je parle francais,“ then louder and in English, “ My body is kick ass and strong. I’m not gonna let you or anyone else body shame me, especially in a language they don’t think I know. Plus that fucking HOT man out there loves this body.”
You grab your sundress off the satin hanger and shoes from the floor. Confidently you walk out of the dressing room in your bra and panties.
“Et peut-être manger quelque chose, dame grincheuse,” you say to her. She just stands there, mouth open in shock.
You stand in front of Austin, and step into your dress. He is frowning, not at your lack of dress, but at what he heard you say in the dressing room.
“Will you please zip me up babe.” You say calmly, although you are fuming inside.
“Of course Kitten,” he throws his drink back, and stands up and zips up your back. “We will go spend our money somewhere else," he says calmly.
You walk out the door, completely ignoring the shop lady as she stutters out half hearted apologies in French.
Down the street, he stops you and hugs you tight. “I’m sorry love, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m ok, I just didn’t expect that, especially in this day and age," you blow out a big breath.
“What did she say?” he asks.
“That I was too big and muscle-y for her dresses but in French with a smile on her face, assuming I wouldn’t know what she was saying.” You say exasperated.
“What did you say to her before we left?”
“I told her to eat something, then called her a cranky lady,” he stares at you, you stare at him. You let out a puff of laughter and you both start laughing.
“You are right though,” he gathers you to him, “I do love your body.”
You try another shop, the man running it was amazing. He knew exactly what you needed and within a ½ hour you had a dress that made Austin’s eyes light up. It was deep sparkly blue, off the shoulder and curve hugging with a thigh slit that showed off your sexy leg. It fit you like a glove.
You told Austin he really didn’t have to pay for it.
“Oh no, I insist.” then in a lower voice, “so if I ruin it later, I won’t feel bad about it.”
He hands his credit card to the man, who pretends not to hear, but winks at you as he runs the card. Austin has the dress sent to the hotel. You decided not to look at the price tag, you didn’t want to know. You thanked him profusely.
“Oh you will thank me just fine later,” he says with a wink.
As you walk down the street you see a big sign that says CLUB X. You are intrigued. You walk right in and find a sex toy store. You are giddy! You love these places!
“I’ve never been brave enough to go to a place like this,” he whispers in your ear.
“Oh babe, these places are fun! People aren’t embarrassed about sex and you can ask all the questions.” You are like a kid in a candy store.
You two wander around together at first, then you separate and end up at the other side of the store.
“Can I help you find anything?” you hear the clerk ask him.
“Yes,” says Austin, ”um, I am wondering about these,” he indicates the display in front of him.
The clerk talks to him as you check out rainbow butt plugs and new clit suction toys. You decide to buy a fully submersible vibe, thinking of the huge tub in the hotel room. The clerk talks you into some water play lube and some toy cleaner, which you needed anyway.
“Just don’t use the silicone waterplay lube directly on the silicone toy, do you need some regular lube for it?” they ask, putting your purchases into a black paper bag.
“I definitely do not,” you look over your shoulder at Austin, who is walking towards you. “He keeps me wet enough pretty much all the time. Now if you have an electrolyte drink for sex….”
You both crack up as Austin comes up behind you and puts his arm around your waist. “Oh, wow, yes I can see why, lucky girl.” the clerk says to you quietly.
“You ready to go? I’m hungry,” he says.
“You two enjoy your purchases!” they say, knowingly, as you walk out hand in hand.
“Did you get something babe” you ask.
Austin just winks at you and walks on in search of food. You shake your head and hurry after him. Boys.
You come across an Argentinian grill called La Bocca Bar and decide to have dinner there. You head to the bathroom as you are waiting for a table.
As you step out the bathroom door, you notice a man do a double take and ask Austin if he is, well, himself. He shyly affirms. You keep back and let him do his thing. You are amazed at how kind he is, taking a picture with the guy and chatting. Shaking his hand as he departs.
Once you are seated and have a drink order in, he says, “See, that wasn’t so bad, He was a really nice guy, recognized me from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. He’s a Quinten Tarantino fan too.”
You sneakily pay for dinner, you couldn't let Austin pay for EVERYTHING. He gives you a squinty-eyed, pursed-lip look and shakes his head. You just smile big and cute.
Walking hand in hand, you wander through the city’s botanical gardens as the sun sets. The gardens are gorgeous. He is gorgeous. You are fucking gorgeous too! As it gets darker, he pulls you into a dark little alcove behind a tree and plants a long deep kiss on you. His hand slipping down between your legs.
“Oh Kitten, if I were braver I would lift this dress right here and slip inside you,” he whispers into your ear.
“Fuck, be brave baby,” you whisper back, bunching up the fabric in your fist. His fingers, expecting to find the soft material of your panties, finds only your bare skin.
“Oh hohoh,” he breathes out with a curled lip, “you are so dirty, I love it.” He pushes his fingers inside you, “how are you always so damn wet.”
“You.” Your hands are wrapped around his neck, pressing your body close to his to hide this devious act from any wayward eyes.
He captures your mouth with his. Your hips rocking back and forth on his fingers, the knuckle of his thumb sparking against your clit..
“Fuck that feels good baby” you whisper in his ear. “Don’t stop.”
“You gotta be quiet again.” He lets you continue to fuck yourself on his fingers, kissing your mouth.
You can feel the sparks start to catch fire. Your breath comes short and sharp through your nose. His kiss fanning the flames. He pulls his fingers out and just starts flicking your clit with his fingers. It’s just enough to set you off, flames dancing across your nub and into your core. You quietly moan, muted by his mouth. Your hands grip his arms tight, fingers digging into his flesh. Your stomach tightens and shivers run up and down your spine.
He pulls away, both hand and mouth. Your dress drops, hiding your wet thighs. You lean your head on his chest. Recovering your breath.
You hear the crunching of feet on the pathway. You both freeze until the crunching fades. He lets out the breath he was holding.
“Fuck, that was close’ he says.
“Yeah, but thanks for being brave baby.” You lean up and lightly kiss his lips.
“Lets go back to the hotel,” he suggests.
“Yes please, I need a bath,” you declare, remembering your new toy.
“Yes you do, dirty girl” he says low, “and I need more of you.”
You decide to walk back to the hotel across the Good Will Bridge and along the river front walk. He buys ice cream from a street vendor. It is a perfect night.
Back in the room, Austin draws a hot bath. You put your hair up and sink into the freestanding, oversized oval tub. He turns off the lights and slides in behind you, the water rising to cover your tits. You watch the city lights creating contrasting highlights and shadows across your bodies. You cuddle in the hot water as he runs his fingers over your skin.
Once again, it strikes you how blissful this moment is: the feel of him behind you, the lines he is tracing on your arm and shoulder, the eddies of his breath on your neck; the warm water cocooning you both.
Fucking paradise.
You take in an enormous breath, burrow into him, and exhale the most rapturous sigh.
He hugs you tight to him, kissing your temple.
After a few minutes his deep voice rumbles in your ear, “Would you be willing to play a little game with me tomorrow?”
“What are you thinking?” you nuzzle your ear against his lips.
“Well, I am wondering if you’ll let me edge you all day,” he is cupping your breasts in the water.
Immediately you are intrigued, “Oh?”
“Y'know, play with you, get you all hot and bothered but not let you cum. At least not until I say so. I’m curious how you will respond to that,” his hand migrates to your labia, stroking you lightly under the water.
“Well, my demon may eat you alive… but I am game to try.”
“Your demon?” he asks.
“Oh, you have met her,” you smile, “remember that morning when you made me cum and cum and cum?”
Austin nods his head, “Mmm hmm, that was fun .”
“Well, right after I was squatting on your cock and came on your face,“ Austin growls appreciatively behind you pressing his palm into your vulva, “when you told me I needed to be tamed and knocked me down on the bed and I still demanded that you fuck me?”
“Oh yes,” he remembers, “ you had this wild look like I was prey or something.”
“Yeah,” you say a little self-consciously, “ you were. Prey. That was my sex demon. She can get out of hand sometimes. I usually keep her on a short leash, although you tend to bring her out.”
“I seemed to be able to handle her then, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” he seems confident, ”and if it comes to that, I will just tie her down on my own short leash.“ He rubs his hand back and forth.
“Oh my, “ the idea and pressure start another warm fire behind your clit. “Ok, on one condition.”
“What’s that Kitten,” he rubs a thumb across your nipple.
“That we don’t start until tomorrow morning,” you sit up, reach behind the tub and grab your new vibrator, “cuz I gotta play in this tub!”
“Alright,” he says, pulling you around for a kiss to seal the deal.
His lips are unfathomably soft, the tip of his tongue tickling your bottom lip. You melt into his chest, momentarily forgetting about the vibrator in your hand. Your lips open, pressing together, creating a seal to one another, tongues rolling across one another before pulling back with slight suction forming into two mouths once again with the tiniest of ingressive clicks.
“God I love kissing you,” you say looking into his eyes, “please don’t ever stop kissing me.”
“As long as it’s within my power Kitten,” he agrees, “That’s one of the first things I loved about you, that first night when you kissed me back. I knew that any woman who could kiss like that…” he shakes his head in memory, “well I knew we would fit well together.”
You acknowledge with a soft “yeah” and nod, kissing him again, longer this time. While kissing you, he takes the vibrator from your hand, and starts rubbing it against your pussy lips under the water. It’s off, but the soft silicone covering and the friction feels good.
Your kiss becomes more passionate, leveraging against the side of the tub with your foot to twist and reach up farther to him.
You can feel his hardening cock trapped in an awkward position between your bodies. You lift away from him a little, allowing space for him to rise behind you. You nestle back down against him, reaching for the vibrator with him. You turn it on to the lowest setting and help him press it to your pubis.
The fingers on his other hand drift down to your opening. There is something about the warm water and the vibrations that just hits different, while his fingers swirling in little circle motions just inside you make it all the more.
Guiding the vibe side to side, you snuggle the end down between your labia up against your clit. A moan slips from your lips as your head falls back against Austin’s shoulder as a spike of pleasure arcs up from the vibe.
Your thumb clicks the vibe up a level. Your hips shimmy against the vibrator and his fingers.
“Oh yeah.” he breathes into your ear, pushing his cock against your shaking body. His fingers start moving faster.
Another spike of pleasure shoots through you, then another. Your pussy clenches and you jolt forward, curling around your core.
“Ohhohohoh” you moan, not exactly an orgasm, but close.
Austin extracts his hand from your crotch and lifts your hips. You grab the edge of the tub, dropping the vibe to stand up. You reach for the water play lube and decide to make a show of it, stand up in the tub and bend over really far, Austin’s hands automatically go to your cheeks, spreading them apart so he can see.
“You have the most beautiful pussy, Kitten,” he says.
Before you can put lube on it, Austin’s tongue is slurping at the water dripping from your labia, reaching forward, teasing your clit.
“God I love licking you,” he says, lips against your labia and mimicking you from earlier, “please don’t ever stop letting me eat your pussy.”
“As long as it is in my power, Mon Roi.” You mimic back.
He pulls your hips towards him and delves into you, licking and sucking. He. Is. So. Talented. You mentally thank any and all previous lovers who taught him and/or provided opportunity for practice. Your ass shakes on his tongue.
He pulls away, rubbing your saliva soaked lips and utters the best five words of the day: “I want to fuck you.”
You spread some of the waterplay lube onto just your opening, in case you want to play with the toy more on your clit.
“Can you get your cock out of the water?” He pushes his hips up and since the water is lower for you not being in it, you can slather his cock in the silicone based lube. You put your feet on the outside of his legs and flip your legs underneath you, pushing your ass back towards him on your knees.
“Oh yeah Kitten, slide down on me, “ he holds his cock as he guides you down, “oh my god that feels good.”
On your knees, facing away from him, you are impaled on his cock. His hands are pushing and pulling on your hips as much as you are bobbing back and forth on him. The lube is a game changer and doesn’t wash away. Water begins to splash back and forth in the tub.
After a few minutes, you decide you feel too detached from him. You rise off him and turn around in the tub.
Lowering down onto his cock again, you take his face in your hands and hungrily kiss him. Squatting on your feet this time, you glide up and down the length of him, taking him deep.
Fuck, it feels phenomenal be kissing him and to have him so deep inside you, to be so joined, connected together as one being in the watery chrysalis that is this tub. The beast with two backs, moving together in the ancient rhythm. Water sloshes up and over the thick side of the cauldron. Whatever magic you are making, it is intense.
He pulls away from your mouth, breathing heavily, forehead to yours, hands on your face. Your hips stop moving on him.
“My god Kitten, I feel so good when I’m with you,” he says, “not just fucking, but anytime I am with you. ”
“I’m so damn lucky to get to be with you baby, you are….. beyond words, “ you say, leaning in to kiss him hard. His ass flexes and thrusts into you. Your hips start up again.
Suddenly the water is rippling as Austin turns on the wand and pushes it towards your clit. You break away from kissing him and lean back to give him space. One hand around your waist, the other holding the vibe hard to your pussy, he kicks it up one, two levels.
“Oh fuck yes,” you moan out, head back.
“Keep going Kitten,” he commands. ”I want to watch you go to pieces on my cock.”
His words fan your flames. You are riding him like a galloping stallion, hard and fast, holding to the side of the tub. His hand keeps the vibe tight against you. Water is splashing everywhere.
Deep below and behind your belly the quickening rises. Your eyes roll back in your head, your mouth is open, the tip of your tongue flipping back and forth. Suddenly Austin’s wet finger is in your mouth. You suck it, rubbing your tongue vigorously along its length. Your strokes become short and sharp but he is still deep inside you.
“Do it baby, do it,” he says through clenched teeth. He clicks the vibrator up one more level.
The rising erupts over you like lava from your belly. Steam escapes in a full on scream around this finger as you cum. Your back is alternately arching and rounding on his cock. Water swirls, turbulent, around you both.
You are breathing heavily through your nose, humped over him, still sucking his finger.
“I need you out of this tub,” his voice is low and weighty.
You rise off him and he slips out from under you. You collapse into the tub. Getting out, he almost slips on the wet floor. He throws the towel down and turns to help you out. His cock dripping with water and lube in front of you. You look up, it’s gorgeous. Maybe it's the demon in you, but god you love his cock.
He hauls you up onto your feet and helps you get out, reaching down to grab the vibe. He walks you slowly, carefully backwards off the hard, wet floor, wrapping your wet hair around his loose fist.
“Oh Kitten, you got me so fired up,” he is looking you dead in the eye, lust painted all over his face, “making me finger you in public, sloshing up and down on my cock in the tub, the taste of your pussy on my lips.”
Once you hit the carpet, his hand tightens, pulling your head back. Your pussy drenches again.
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” his lips against your exposed neck, “and when you cum again, cuz you will, I’m not gonna stop, no matter how much you beg me to.”
You shudder in delight at the thought, your demon glinting in your eye. Fuck, you want him. Now.
He pushes you down on the foot of the bed, Your wet hair splays out behind you. The cool night air from the open balcony door turns your skin into gooseflesh.
“Come get me baby, make me beg,” your demon coaxes him on.
Then he is on you with a growl, hands again in your hair. His delicious mouth is on yours, his tongue flicking and playing with yours as he finds his way inside you again.
Your swollen pussy and clit are so sensitive already that you almost cum when he thrusts inside you. You know you are in for it now.
He’s nothing if not honorable and true to his word, starts slamming into you, but with a slow rhythm.
Gripping your hair tight, he stops after each thrust, savoring your moan and your body arching, before slamming in again.
Thrust- Arch- Moan- Pull.
Thrust- Arch- Moan- Pull.
Thrust- Arch- Moan- Pull.
Each stroke is deep and hard.
Each one just a little faster than the last.
Soon he is driving in and out of you with no pause, holding you down by your hair.
You are on the brink of cumming again when he sits back onto his heels and pulls your hips on to his lap. He thrusts the vibe into your hand. You click the button several times and shove it onto your clit. He pushes himself into you and holding on to your hips he continues, dauntless in his quest of ravishing your pussy.
You can feel the heat in your face, rising red. The pulsations on your pussy expand deep into you then explode into particles of pleasure that liquefy in your veins, every cell alight.
Austin keeps fucking you.
You are thrashing on his cock now, handfuls of sheets bunched in your fists.
And he keeps going.
Wordless screams roll from you in time to his thrusts.
He keeps going.
Tears stream out your eyes as your screams turn to sobs of “I can't, no, no, no”.
“Yes yes yes!” he snarls, and he keeps going.
It’s too much, you are flooding him, flooding yourself.
He keeps going.
You are swept away, lost in the erotic pain and pleasure that is the torrent of his pounding dick.
Suddenly, he falls forward on top of you, roaring into your shoulder, thrusting hard, harder, harder into you. You rattle your own teeth with the strength of your shaking under him, clenching down so hard onto his cock.
He lets out a string of profanity, as your pussy milks the cum out of him as you clench and unclench. He is laying on you exhausted, shivering and moaning.
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ozimagines · 2 months
Do you have any thoughts on what dating Dr Gloria Nathan would be like? Also I love this blog and hope that you are feeling better soon.
Awwww you’re too sweet! Honestly made this page just because I ran out of fanfiction to read so I was like I’ll just keep my fics here. Now I’ve got some regulars who seem to enjoy my work, plus a community of people as stoked on this show as I am. And thank you! Had PT today, which was ROUGH but now I get to write this! 🥹😁
Dating Dr. Gloria Nathan would include…
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Oh she’s had bad fucking luck when it’s come to love.
She’s ready. Ready to love with everything she has and then… the rug gets pulled out from under her. Who knows. Maybe it’s just not her thing.
She’s lost a little bit of that bedside mojo working in Oz. So when she’s asked as extra hands at the local hospital, she’s told she’s a little stand offish with the patients.
“Breath in. Breath out. Breath in.”
“Shake it all about?”
Her eyes flit up to see you on the bed, smile on your face.
“Oh, you’re joking sorry. I, uh, don’t get out much.”
“I can see that. Good for my health. Bad for yours.”
She chuckled again. You were funny.
“I knew you were gonna be a good doctor.”
“How so?”
“You were 30 minutes late. I’m not being a dick. My mom always told me be wary of a doctor that’s on time. It means they care about the schedule more than the patients. If someone needs extra care, they get it. I can tell, you’re a good doctor.”
She checked how many painkillers you were on, but found nothing.
“Is this a make a wish clinic? Do I get to make a request?”
“You’re not dying, but sure.”
“One night out with the beautiful but terrifyingly serious doctor? For a dying person’s sake?”
“Again; fractured wrist. Not dying.”
She’s giggling like a school girl by the time she leaves your room. She wonders if it wouldn’t have been a complete breach of protocol to leave her number with you, but shakes it off. She’s a professional.
When you leave the hospital, you wait by her desk.
“Mr/Mrs/Mx L/N-“
“Can you at least let me bring you coffee tomorrow? Or lunch on your break? Just to say thank you.”
“It’s not just a thank you, is it?”
“Nope.” 😇
She doesn’t really expect to see you the next day, but you’re holding eight coffees.
“What happened?”
“I realized I didn’t know how you take your coffee. So I prepared seven alternatives to the black coffee I got you. All the milks and sugars.”
Sister Pete is watching from her desk and can’t help but giggle. Gloria is taken a little off guard.
Somewhere Tim is being mopey because someone else likes Gloria.
“Thank you, you really didn’t have to go through the trouble.”
You smile good-naturedly.
“Not a trouble.”
She smiled at you and tells you she has to go take care of a patient.
“One of those many cups has my number on it. Maybe give me a call?”
She agrees and then continues to work. Her and Sister Pete have lunch together.
“Saw Starbucks came to visit you at work today.”
Dr. Nathan explained the situation.
“He/she/they’re really sweet but… I don’t know. Think I’m a little too uptight for dating right now.”
“I don’t know. Starbucks seems sweet.”
Sister Pete learns your name later but all she calls you is Starbucks.
You text for a little while, her always blowing you off because she’s busy, but she appreciates the good morning texts all the same.
She gets all red faced and bashful whenever she’s complimented.
She’s grown a thick skin in Oz that’s hard to undo.
You show up at the hospital, but she’s back in Oz for the day Sister Pete tells you. You look dejected and just say “oh. Thank you.”
“Why don’t you step back into my office. We can talk if you’d like?”
“I promise I’m not some stalker. We talked and she seemed really nice. I figured if she didn’t have the time I could make it for us. I don’t know. I think I’m just annoying her. I’m gonna stop now.”
Sister Pete listens to you non-judgmentally.
“Tell you what, if you don’t receive a text by tonight telling you that she’s interested, I think you should stop… just let me talk to her first. Figure out what’s going on.”
“You would do that?”
“For you. For her. For a little romance.”💝
You’re about to leave the room when Sister Pete says; “shd likes French toast, fluffy cats, and the beach.”
Sister Pete makes good on her word to talk to Gloria.
“I talked to Starbucks today.”
“He/she/they were here?”
“Yup. Asking about you. Wondering if they should stop pursuing you before they annoy you.”
Gloria thinks for a second. She feels badly for you, really. She does like you; the kind eyes and the jovial personality.
“Why are you dragging your feet? I can tell you care about him/her/them.”
“Since my husband-“
“And Tim and O’Reily. I know, Gloria. You’ve had terrible luck. But it’s never going to get better if you don’t take some chances.”
She thinks about what Sister says all day. All night. You get a text at two in the morning.
Hi, Mr/MrsMx L/N. I’m sorry I’ve been so aloof. I’d like to have dinner with you tomorrow if it’s not too much of a trouble.
You respond with this:
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She didn’t stop laughing for twenty minutes.
You to to the diner Tim took her to.
She always gets French toast. Has a love for it but hates cooking. She gets powdered sugar and blackberries on top.
You rapid fire questions to get to know her. Her small talk is crap.
She likes berry flavored anything. Gets way too into watching Judge Vonda B. She also loves swimming.
You ask what her favorite flavor of milkshake is. She thinks for a second.
“Orange dreamsicle.”
You surprise her with one on her shift the next day.
She finds she really enjoys being at around you. You seem to genuinely care about her.
It takes her a while to talk about herself without prompting. She’s just generally very closed off.
When you guys do go out, she prefers smaller things.
Wine tastings, cafes, book stores.
She prefers just spending time around you, not necessarily the whole city.
You find out she likes having sweet snacks while she works. Sister Pete lets you into her office one day in secret.
When she comes in the next day, her desk if filled with treats.
Pulparindos, pelon pelo rico, and revocladitas (watermelon, her favorite)
The Latinos are jealous lol
Murphy and Tim tease her a little for being so smitten.
When you come to pick her up from work one day, you meet them, Tim being a little bitter about losing Gloria.
“Wow, Gloria, it’s like they’re your boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.” -Tim teases.
Gloria looks at him, and then at you, and smiles:
“Yeah, I guess he/she/they are.”🥰
You love seeing her work; she’s so passionate.
You deal with a few O’Reily jabs here and there
After a while, Gloria is able to talk about what happened to her. With Keenan.
You hold her as she cries and tell her she’s safe.
She really does feel safe with you.
Everyone at work notices her smiling more, that broken look in her eyes is gone. 😄
You learn she’s not bad at cooking, but she hates it, so you cook often.
She likes to watch you cook as she does her work at home.
She’s stupid for the Harry Potter series. Remembers reading them as she was getting her doctorate.
(Not so much after Joann’s newest rants but that wasn’t really known in the early 2000s.)
She likes to marathon the movies.
You find her novelty food like the Bertie Bots every flavored Beans, chocolate frog, popping chocolates.
She enjoys them all, especially when you dress up in your house robes for her.
She’s a Ravenclaw. All the way.
She likes gardening. Keeping a small tomato and cucumber garden. She grows MASSIVE cucumbers.
“Hey, we need to talk, Y/N.”
You get nervous.
“I just… I mean, I’ve said these words so many times I didn’t think I could still mean them. I love you, Y/N.”
You actually do dance in front of her this time. 😁
She’s a very good domestic partner. Always helps around the house no matter how tired she is.
You get married, because you decide together to get married.
She still plans a proposal.
Something small and personal.
She takes you to a secluded spot in the city. A rooftop of her old building, in her old neighborhood.
You watch the sky together, counting the birds and planes overhead.
“My life is better with you. I hope yours is better with me.”
The ring is simple. Just a band and a stone, but the stone is bright yellow like the sun. It’s a gorgeous ring.
The wedding is with all of the Oz crew. Sister Pete and Mukada congratulating you. Murphy making Tim not act like a mopey asshole the whole time. Howell is raiding the bar.
You adopt a cat together afterward. A beautiful rag doll cat that becomes your baby (even though you adopted older because Gloria said it wasn’t too late for anyone to find love)
Her/his name is Maria/Peter.
(For obvious reasons lol)
She speaks in Spanish to her little baby doll.
“Thank you, Y/N, for everything.”
“Te amo.”
“Te amo, Y/N.”😘
Bonus: You get Christmas sweaters to match every year. Usually with one half of a joke on one, and the other half on the other. No one can deny you’re a cute couple. ☺️
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captainsspnanon · 11 months
C3E66 reaction
I feel like I don't have much to say about this episode, mostly because I'm writing this nearly a full day after having watched the episode.
Seeing Liam roleplay a PC with very positive family relationships and just the gentle nature of a son visiting his home for the first time in a while was delightful.
Matt having Chetney be the maker of several of Orym's toys is a pure treat! I ain't buying the father theory (I doubt any one is with any level of seriousness) but it's leading to above-table fun :)
Why is it that I've been so much more invested in descriptions of locations when they are NOT on Marquet??? Maybe it's just because we really haven't BEEN many places on Marquet, we've had Jrusar and Yios which are cities, then the forest and place they went for the museum heist, and then Max Max place. For a campaign set here, a lot of aspects of it don't take place there, especially now that it looks like a chunk of time will likely be spent on Ruidus. I'd really appreciate more actual journeying through Marquet and seeing the landscape, though with fast travel now active, who knows.
NEW LAUDNA ART IS SO GOOD i love it so much!
What I don't love? Laudna basically being fully reverted to acting fine. After the kiss from last episode, it seemed that a lot of her behaviors suddenly reverted then as well. I'm HOPING that it's more of a case of her compartmentalizing again, but I really enjoyed the Laudna we had in Issylra and at the beginning of last episode. Her placidity is not necessary enthralling characterization to watch.
Then again, I'm being a tad harsh, as this episode really did end up being the Orym episode in terms of roleplay. Pretty much ALL the other PCs took a back seat in Zephra, which is understandable if a bit disappointing. And then we didn't have much RP in the wasteland/forest/however the hell you describe the lands, as it was stealthing and looking for tracks and then combat. I'll hold off full judgement until another episode or two has passed.
I am so excited to see the new Orym and Ashton art I CAN'T. So far, Laudna, FCG, Deanna, and Fearne's new art have been my favorites.
VERY cool combat with VERY clutch spells from Fearne.
OH AND LIAM MADE A MANEUVER THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME. I was always, ALWAYS stoked when he designed new spells for Caleb, or even just flavored them such as his Cat's Claw for Bigby's Hand. So if he keeps making maneuvers??? I am SOLD.
Still would love a guideline of how the fuck Ashton's subclass works. I get Taliesin wanting to surprise people, but I'd still like to have an idea of it, more than just confusing descriptions in combat.
30 flowers filling a third of the bag is way less that I had thought would be needed, that gives me hope of this being resolved in next episode, likely with more Zephra RP and then heading back to Marquet.
I'm a little selfishly disappointed they didn't tell Keyleth about Vax screaming. It makes sense, but look. Sometimes I just like angst for angst, okay?
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flockrest · 10 months
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biggest strength as a roleplayer? / @hyruin
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i’ve said this to you before, but i could genuinely shout from the rooftops about the level of thought you put into the worldbuilding & characterization of the rito as a whole, as well as your individual lil guys, until the end of the world. everything you write wrt to their society & community is fantastic, & it just feels like such a natural extension of the lore, to the point where when it’s not referenced in – game i’m like hm. something feels lacking here ! you’ve taken the foundation given to you, shored it up, & built an absolute palace of ideas on top of it, & it’s honestly fantastic.
that, & your sense of a character’s voice is absolutely unreal – when it comes to canon characters like tulin & molli, i can hear them, it’s the exact opposite of “they would not fucking say that” it’s they absolutely would say that & i’m dying to hear more !! & honestly, i think everyone who’s ever rp’d knows that sometimes it can feel like getting blood from a stone to get people to care about your muses, but you have gotten that one down to an art form my friend, i care about your little flock so much, i’m so overjoyed for tulin’s journey, i’m so excited to learn more about dineli, i’m so heartbroken for kido & all they’ve been through at all times !! & i haven’t even gotten into your actual PROSE, honestly !! you're doing an excellent job here friend, & it's such a joy & an honour to read your writing, & witness the magic !
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blue. i am. i have. [spontaneously combusts] WAH?? i cannot thank you enough for this?!? oh my gosh. oh my gosh. oh my goodness. ohh my god i'm!! in genuine tears, this is just. the most thoughtful thing and it means so, so, SO much to me — these are words of such high praise, from such an amazing writer!! to know that you think of my content like this, my muses especially, TRULY YOU'VE BOLSTERED MY SPIRITS, oh my god?!
but can i just shoot this love back at you? can i just appreciate you as well?? i've also said this to you before, but the wild amount of dedication and passion you put into fleshing out your muses and building them up from canon influences still absolutely blows my mind! your dossiers are so deliciously rich with detail and lovingly personalised lore, even the ones you're still working on, and it's legitimately such a wonderful treat to see!!
YOUR WRITING TOO?? we only have one thread together ( that i thoroughly delight in! that my partner thoroughly delights in!! ) but i lurk on all your other ones and ohhh my goodness. your voices for each muse come through so clearly and you do masterfully with tone! when it hits hard, whaddaheck does it hit hard, and when you're going for that fluff, i'm like. melted into a puddle! AND THE HORRORS. THEY ARE SUCH TASTY, TASTY HORRORS EVEN AS I'M OVER HERE LIKE. NOOOOOO!! crying over your lovelies, thank you for crying over mine too!!
YOU ARE SO VERY KIND, thank you again for this! printing this out and pinning it to my wall so i can see it always, because this is seriously SUCH a massive boost of serotonin!! ♡♡♡♡ i'm so stoked to keep plotting with you, and writing with you, and interacting with you!! it's been an absolute joy and honour for me with you too!! AAAAAAAA
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writer wednesday #18 - 11/02/2022
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Happy Wednesday, everyone! Apologies for falling off the bike last week with this list - I had a weird one. But I’m back on the bike now, and I’m making up for the lack of list last week by going on a massive reblog spree for the rest of this week, so if you’re looking for things to read that will make you say WOW!” start with these three, and then stay tuned for more recs and reviews!
*as always, this list is ordered by length*
This Max Drabble by @cyantomatos
Max P x GN!Reader
October Writing Challenge
WC: ~500
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Okay, first thing’s first: I typically don’t read a ton for Max P. Did I enjoy the movie? Yes, I laughed my ass off. Especially because when I first watched it, I worked in an office that was literally sucking my soul, so I found it v relatable. And would I let Max turn me or keep me as a pet or drain me as a snack in a heartbeat? You bet your bottom dollar I would. But I still don’t typically seek out fics for him - for no real reason, I’m realizing as I write this. This one though? This little drabble? It grabbed me by the throat and throttled my heart. This is certainly Max... but its Max like we’ve never seen him before, because its Max in the future, once he’s spent lifetimes living with someone who sees (and loves) him for who he is. Its a classic “love soothes the savage beast” but with a really beautiful and bittersweet twist that I don’t want to give away, but be prepared for this one to pull at your heartstrings. Yes, even though Max P is a four loko frat boy business student turned vampire boss. Trust me. 
Hunter and Prey (part 1: The Girl With the Golden Eyes) by @mandosmistress
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Spooktober 🎃👻🦇
WC: 3k
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OH BOY AM I STOKED ABOUT THIS ONE! Since this is the first part of a series, there’s some set up here, but it is fascinating. There’s absolutely great Din characterization. There’s an extremely intriguing Reader character. And there is hot fire when it comes to the chemistry between them. Because even though it’s just the beginning, there is still some intense smut here, and I for one can’t wait to see what happens when these two get their hands on one another again. And I can’t wait for him to learn who - and what - she is. I love it when Din is matched with someone who is just as capable and dangerous as he is, and that seems to be just what he’s dealing with here even if he doesn’t know it yet. Buckle in, Djarin, I think you’re in for a while ride (and I’m thrilled to get to take it, too!) 
Stunt Double by @something-tofightfor
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader (Locked Down universe)
Kinktober - Sex Toys
WC: 8.3k
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Aside from maybe a modern Oberyn, I cannot think of a character who would enjoy (and make the most of ) making their own “stunt double” more than Dieter Bravo. This man is such a sexual being. Yes, by now we all know that there is more to him - especially this version (Locked Down) of Dieter. But a large part of who he is is someone who is adventurous and open minded when it comes to sexual exploration. And now that he’s got a partner who he trusts completely and who knows him inside and out and who would never judge him and who has been there for him through ups and downs and who he is head over heels in love with? This man is ready to chart entirely new territory. I absolutely love that almost everything that happens between them, no matter if its serious or fun or simple, always boils down to the solidity of their relationship. The actual smut in this one? HOT AS FUCK. But I’m just as dazed and dizzied by reading about their love and how damn strong it is. The bonus of getting Dieter Nye the Science Guy with this one is the cherry on top. #Science. This was flipping great, and I will be reading it over and over just like the rest of LD. 
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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(is any lifetime lived a true failure? how fucked up are these guys)
SCREAMING SOFTLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER I WROTE A WHOLE ESSAY AND THEN LOST IT BUT UGHHH YES I am always here to tell people more about my reincarnated celestial gods... some might recognize them from my currently shelved project CARVE THE STARS aka that damned space novel.
It's on the docket to get a whole rewrite because it's my baby mammoth and it's always going to be getting rewrites until I'm happy with it... try number 5, baby! but I think it'll be good either way and I could write them forever tbh... ANYWAYS!!!! Putting this all under a spoiler because it is A LOT
There is actually a whole group of them--Wren, Marek, Juno, Marsden, KB, and Yeongbi--who comprise the latest cycle of reincarnation. To them, a lifetime lived is a failure when they end up fucking the universe up more than they already had when they got into the current iteration.
See, the thing about them is that they are the children of the twin Creator Gods who gave birth to the whole universe and made everything within it at the very start of...well...existence, as we know it. And don't get me wrong here: the Creator gods don't really have any sentient care or understanding of mortal emotion, right and wrong, law and justice. For a few hundred millennia they floated around the void, watching atoms do some funky stuff, lifeforms begin to toddle around on distant planets, early early alien civilizations begin to form.
But then something, something that had been in the pitch black of nonexistence before they'd come along and said "alright, let there be light" or at least, lmao, something in that vein, started eating everything that had come into creation since then. It nibbled on the outer edges. Then it ate stars. Then it started swallowing whole planets and species. That's when these gods decided to create something to combat that--again, not out of any sense of moral justice or protection. Like gardeners, they just wanted to introduce something new to the sprawling ecosystem of the universe to prune out the filth seeping in along the corners, through the roots.
They planted seeds of their magic into mortal bodies--magic that was connected back to them, even when they left the physical plane for another to avoid the dark entity trying to eat everything that had sprouted up where it had once slept. That's how their children, celestial gods, came to be. Three from each progenitor god. Because their whole reason for existence, seeped into their very core, was to "prune the garden" so to speak, effectively fight off the malevolence snuffing out stars and eating asteroid belts, at the start of their existence, their lives were pure and simple and easy.
They were drawn to the work. It was natural instinct for them, and so early on, it was easy. Save a planet, coax a star back to life. But through early cycles of reincarnation, the rest of the galaxy was evolving too. Culture budded, religions formed, and often enough, because of what they did and where they went, they came to be at the center of those faiths. And eventually, that became a problem--despite the natural draw of them to their work, because they were also always half mortal, they stoked their prides, they grew their own ambitions, and they lost sight of their purpose.
All the while, that throbbing darkness they were trimming back over the centuries was learning. After all, it didn't just eat things. Like rot, it could get inside of them, weaken them, devouring from the inside out. So eventually, it got smart enough to get inside of these celestial gods too.
There's a single god of this group that could not be corrupted by this entity--Gaia, the Verdant King, who's current iteration is Yeongbi Seo. There's an insidious nature to the rot--unknown even to the celestial gods, it can seep into the soul, follow them through iterations. Some shake it off, like a body naturally purging a toxin, because they're more stalwart and less likely to be corrupted. Ira, who's current iteration is Juno, has been corrupted before, but became self-aware of it and killed himself to stop it from taking over him in that life cycle and harming the rest of the universe.
At first when this all began too, none of them knew they were being corrupted. They thought mortal folly was at play, and in some iterations, it got so bad that they were on opposite sides of galactic wars, destroying entire planets over each other. For as much as they were revered as deities, they also began to be feared too, and inside of that fear, rebellious planets began to grow in a desire to separate from the religion that put these violent gods at the heart of worship and obedience. When these rebellious planets began to rise up... well, something really bad happened.
In fact, it was so bad that the souls of the knights were damaged. The memories that carried through each life cycle degraded as time went on with the souls in effective purgatory, unable to regenerate into new mortal vessels. A thousand years passed until they finally grew strong enough to try, and by then, they were barely embers of the cauldron fires they once had been.
The thing about the cycles of reincarnation too is that there are parameters to how they work. The first is that generally speaking, all of the new vessels will be of the same species, and physically close to one another (within a star system). The second is that one specific gods new vessel has to awaken before the others can--that's Soheil, who's current iteration is Wren. All of them will feel an incredible intrinsic pull toward each other until that happens. It will literally feel to them like a destined fate to be together, and go against their own innate desire to be apart.
CTS takes place as soon as Wren awakens as Soheil, and realizes that the celestial deity inside of them has been gone for over a thousand years. Not only that, they left the universe in ashes and ruin back then, and now what remains is determined not only to rebel against the celestial gods but to destroy them so that they can never come back.
Not to mention that of all of the celestial gods, the one most prone to the corruption is Soheil. And despite the terrible damage to their soul in those thousand years, the rot is still inside of them like a seed. Eventually, it'll start to grow again.
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dracereads · 2 years
Progress Positive Friday
Hello! How are ya'll doing today? This is my first progress positive Friday since I got back. I skipped last week because I was still figuring out my schedule and how I wanted to approach certain things moving forward. So Now that I'm at least an inch closer in another direction with that, I'm restarting. This one is kinda long so I'll stick it under a read more.
Where's the August Wrapped? So I have decided I won't be making an August Wrapped. Unfortunately, I have sat down and reviewed a lot of the content I made for August, looked at what all I finished reading, and other stuff... and I just feel like there isn't much to celebrate, and what there is was overshadowed by my cancer scare at the end of the month. So. I couldn't decide on a good way to write a wrap to conclude August in a way that I liked. so I'm just going to mash it all into progress positivity. Which is why it's going to be longer than normal. So thank-you to W1 and W2 Drace for working extensively on fixing the broken tag links in the navigation, consolidating and working on the tag list so that we can remember them more when doing posts, and making self-guides and templates so that you can just make things together in a cohesive manner. Consistency is so difficult for me and this makes my life so much easier and more organized. September Goals
Continue to work on Nostalgia November! We have made a lot of progress already, but we need to keep going!
Maybe take some time to revisit some titles? I need to start integrating storygraph and goodreads into this stuff too at some point. So maybe pay a few of my favorites a visit?? could be fun and a new excuse to take pictures with halloween decs.
just0nemorepage's traveling book project
One thing that I got in on in August was just0nemorepage's travelling book project. My own copy of my book should be arriving today, and I am very excited to start chronicling my adventures through Alexis Hall's The Affair of the Mysterious Letter!
with the book club, I am going to be waiting until the end to share additions and edits to the books that I make. I want to show them off all together. You may (or may not depending on how the others feel about them) see what I've done on the others that are part of this project. : ) I am so stoked and ready to go.
Dracereads turns one year old!
Officially, Dracereads has turned 1 this month! That's such a thrilling announcement! Unofficially though, I only started doing posts for this blog in December.
I let my anxiety and perfectionism get the better of me, and I really want you all to know that it was dumb. I've had a blast making mistakes and figuring this out. I don't know why I was so afraid to make the leap after I've made it you know?
I put out a post on Wednesday saying thank-you to everyone who puts up with me, and I want to say thank-you again here too. Why? Because I have been told I am stupidly (and overly) sincere about small stuff.
I am very happy because I have loved every second of it and this blog is exactly what I wanted it to be. My only real goal was to make a blog chronicling my adventures in books, maybe make a whole bunch of bad jokes along the way, and occasionally have good discussions with some awesome people. The past year has been a really fun dive into reading again. The habit of picking up a book and tossing back a couple of chapters to relax is a very good coping mechanism... and I am honestly glad I've gotten it worked back into my life. it has also helped me pick up a few other healthier and creative-ended habits that I can hop to and from as necessary. It's all leading to good things, I swear! Anyway, thank-you as always for reading until the end. I think saying it at the end is a bit of a cliche because like. youtubers and whatnot do it too?? but I like. get why. People really care about the things that they make, and it's always such a fucking amazing feeling whenever someone gives a little bit of their day to enjoy or appreciate in their own way the thing you've just made. Whether it's fanfiction, blog posts, crappy edits. Knowing someone cared enough to actually put the time in and read it is awesome.
--Drace Out.
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Until my posting fever goes down, it’s probably going to be one post abt how much I ate and one venting or just talking. Or it’s going to be whatever once I decide the difference is arbitrary.
Anyhow, looked at myself in a mirror at a distance and... my shoulders are so small. but I’m not happy because it’s in a feminine way. I wish I could just lose all this fat over night. If I didn’t have to get my blood checked then I would be much more open to saying fuck it and eating as little as possible. I gave up on my homework because i left myself an hour to do it and it turns out it required more effort. It doesn’t make me feel good but at least I cleaned my room today. Sigh... maybe I should just not eat, it’s really the only thing that makes me feel like I’m doing something. And it was practically alright then that I sucked at being alive. Not having a job was alright-anxiety looks so much better in skinny. I really do like stoking certain flames sometimes.
It reminds me when my mom asked me if I was skipping breakfast and then was like keep it up, it’s working. so, i don’t really know why I care sometimes about whether what I’m doing is unhealthy, it doesn’t matter until you’re skinny. Ah, the honeymoon, I want it back-I lost like forty pounds. It helped my social anxiety so much knowing people weren’t judging me as harshly. And it helps me pass- I have no doubts that my parents would be more open to accepting me if I was skinny. i wouldn’t even have to lose that much- to them I only need to lose like ten pounds right now- I want to lose at least thirty. Maybe 130 is what I can do but maybe if I really tried I could get to 117. It would be concerning to them but to everyone it’s practically the standard- or at least to us. I know realistically in the long run it’s not a body you can keep but even if you did gain ten pounds like you would still be at 127. ah but I’m being silly, longevity? this is fast fashion, fast body culture.
Ah you know my laptop notes look like this too. I just have too much to say and am not very good at saying it. but I notice here it’s about ed mostly but on my laptop it was about self harm. Which I want to do again but I lost my blade and am too cheap to buy another. I like them both because it makes me feel like my body is my own. I liked the confidence. and I felt like I was putting myself on the course that I wanted to be on, i want scars and a thin body. THinking about thighs- I want to go to bed every night knowing I did the best I could that day to get rid of them.
I could write novels complaining. Wonder where all these words go when I do want to write novels or do any productive writing. Maybe I’m just not okay enough and need to get all these loops out of my brain before I can think about stories. I can’t even read. I did a year ago force myself to read like seven books. I liked Chinese Cinderella and A Little Life the best. A Little Life made me so happy- and we share the same name- it did inspire me a little to sh but as we know you don’t get it from media, you already have to be sick to give in. I didn’t finish it- one day I will- I don’t know when but one day. Like cherry pie. Chinese Cinderella... I related too hard to her. Maybe not as studious and discounting the factors of chinese family hierarchy and living in that time period but I connected. Just her staying in her room and trying to get though it with media. I could go more into but I feel bad already and I need to go charge my phone.
I’m sorry for talking so long, it’s not like I have friends.
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k3rm1e · 3 years
cuddling headcanons! ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
this is more of a test thing to see if i like writing this way and if this blog does well
other imagines and headcanons won't include everyone i write unless it is specifically requested and is a prompt i really like
includes: wilbur nihachu karljacobs quackity dream georgenotfound sapnap p!tommyinnnit p!badboyhalo p!skeppy p!eret p!philza p!tubbo p!ranboo
cw: cursing
wilbur is a very cuddle-y guy
to me he seems very soft
i always see people saying he would like spooning, but i disagree
i feel like he would do more of a half-spooning thing with his head on your chest or the other way around
mans would DEFINITELY make you run your fingers through his hair
i feel like he would lay on your chest and just *nuzzle* into the space between your shoulder and neck
anytime you tried to leave him, whether it was because he had to do something or you had to, he would whine. so. fucking. much.
It would probably always go something like:
you - i need to piss
wilbur - no <3
but the moment he decides its time to stop cuddling its fine
and if you complain that you’re gonna miss him he’ll just call you clingy and tease you
like??? sir???
all in good fun though, no bad intentions :)
i feel like you and niki would face each other
with your head like under her chin and in her chest (this is a bad description but look at the “honeymoon hug” on the list for better explanation ;-;)
she would always want to protect you
so she does that by like almost guarding you and keeping you close
niki would definitely do the arm thing where she just lightly moves her hand up and down you arm
i’m so sorry if you don't understand that, it just feels like something she would do
if you haven't experienced that it kinda sorta feels like spiders??? but in a good way???
but generally she is very protective
she just holds you so close the whole time
even if she doesn’t want to let you go, she’s more understanding about it
she would be upset but wouldn’t show it because she doesn’t want to make you feel guilty
niki is generally just an amazing cuddle-r (is that a word?) and has a super comforting presence
karl would definitely keep your head on his chest
the whole time he would just absolutely squeeze the life out of you
he would constantly bend his neck down to kiss your head
and instead of just like leaving his head down so he could kiss you it would just be:
*inner monologue karl* hmmm i wanna kiss them on their head
and he would lean down to do so which, cute
but then five seconds later he would do it again
and again another five seconds later
and again
very cute karl but please sir, your neck is gonna be so messed up after this
when you had to leave he would be upset, but like niki, would try not to show it
except karl is very bad at that and his pouting would be so obvious
so you would feel guilty and layback down with him
immediately he just becomes (●´ω`●)
like a happy little puppy
karl is just too adorable for you to deny
now we all know this, quackity is a huge dork
which is why i believe he would DEFINITELY use your butt as a pillow
not even in a weird way
i just feel like quackity isn’t too comfortable with touch so this is sorta his way of being close to you without it being a whole serious thing
like he still is able to be goofy and comfortable without it being a whole big thing
him doing this would almost always come with a flatty patty joke from you
which always causes him to threaten divorce, even though you aren’t married
while it isn’t a very good position for things like physical touch, it is good for talking and having conversations
for some reason i feel like he’s the type of person to text someone when they’re right next to each other
so while he’s laying down he’ll just send you random photos of himself
very annoying when your phone is spammed, but also good blackmail material >:)
i don’t think he’d be too clingy
obviously, he enjoys spending time with you
but if you told him you need to go do work or something he wouldn’t throw a fit or pout
big q just seems like he’d be more rational about stuff like that
overall a 420/69 cuddle partner
one word: spooning
mans just envelops you and has no shame
very big: “no you are mine! >:(“ energy
while he’s sleeping he’ll unconsciously nuzzle his head into your hair/the back of your neck
when you guys got to bed patches usually climbs in and you hold her
i love patches so much i could write headcanons just about her
dream always wants to be cuddling you
if you try to leave he won’t pout, there simply isn't a discussion on whether you’re moving or not
incase you haven’t caught on yet, the answer is no
you need to do work? just bring the laptop to bed
he needs to edit? just sit in his lap at his desk, duh
obviously, he knows at some point you guys need to stop cuddling
he just isn’t too stoked about it
when it comes time where he absolutely can’t cuddle with you, i feel like he’d be more chill
mainly just annoyed
i feel like george, like quackity, also wouldn’t be too touchy
i’m pretty sure he has a hard time expressing emotions (please correct me if i’m wrong!!) and i think that would crossover to his sleeping habits
i think he would prefer a sort of back-to-back cuddling position
it seems cold, i know
but also he would most definitely kick at you
so every night while trying to go to sleep suddenly you would just feel *kick*
and then instead of sleep you’re suddenly playing footsie
lots of laughter and warm feelings involved
george would probably pretend that you kicked his leg hard or something and act like you hurt him
the first few times you were actually worried
but then after a few months your only response was a sarcastic “cry about it”
which just led to more laughter
sapnap and you would do a sort of leg hug thing
you both you try to go to sleep in a cute spooning-type position
but the moment one of you fell asleep it all unraveled
you would wake up apart but you’re legs would still be touching
sapnap would joking blame it on you
“wow can’t believe you don't wanna be close with me even when we’re asleep”
“it’s not my fault! i can’t control where i end up when i sleep!”
“no, no. you don’t have to lie. i see how it is.”
but it's okay!
your legs are the first thing to react in a flight-or-fight situation, so they usually react in an honest way
which is like your legs are both reaching to hold each other!
i don’t get a very touchy vibe from tommy
i feel like the most he would do is put his arm over your shoulder
not in a flirty way, just in a “hey, there isn’t a lot of space, this will make sitting down more comfortable” way
he will let you sorta fidget with his hand/arm
i don't know if that makes sense but what i mean is that he’ll pretty much let his arm go *flop* so you can control it (by like moving it around or playing with his fingers)
in the beginning he would get annoyed
but eventually he would get used to it and wouldn’t really care
it sounds a bit strange but i personally find it very comforting to just have something to fidget with while watching youtube or netflix in bed with my friends
and it’s entertaining (sometimes i do this to me sister to annoy her :>)
he would act like he didn’t mind if you left him
but holy shit he is so clingy
If you try to leave it’ll just be “no, why??? stay here dumbass”
you would be slightly annoyed when he had to leave  but knew he had to film and stream and all that so you would be okay
you would kinda sit within bad’s lap
like not on his lap, but more of in between his legs
he would have his arms around you
and his phone would be in front of you so you two could scroll through twt or instagram together
or you guys could watch skeppy’s youtube ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
rat would sit in your lap
she’s just;;;;;;;; so adorable
rat is just so soft and fuzzy in your lap and everytime you move to pet her she just melts
rat is the the superior cuddle buddy to any of these block people
skeppy, similar to quackity, is a total dork
he would make sure you guys were in a position where he could effectively troll you
so if your head was near his lap he would just flick you or some
“dude can you please stop hitting me in the head”
“it turns out i am not actually hitting you in your head because based on the perpendicularity of the bisector multiplied by the photosynthesis of the dividend, it is impossible for me to do so”
lya is so goddamn sick of you guys
she's trying to get him to actually do something but instead he’s just sitting there throwing paper airplanes at you while you sleep
he’s an annoying asshole but it's okay because he gives you money for absurd reasons
eret has such a comfortable presence
i feel like she wouldn’t be up for cuddling too much
more of like putting your head on a friends shoulder so you can see the tweet their showing you
but they do like to hold hands
holding hands isn’t very intimate but it's also just such a sweet comforting thing
she even holds your hand when you guys are out walking around
like if you guys were getting food somewhere (post-covid of course)
you most likely would get addressed as a couple
and he would just be like”...wut?”
it’s happened so many times at this point you just go along with it
“you guys look like such a cute couple!”
“oh we aren't-” “thank you!”
can you tell that i love eret?
phil always has such dad vibes
i feel like the closest he would get to cuddling is hugs and hand holding
even though cuddling isn’t inherently romantic, he is married to kristen
so i fell he would get most of his touch in with her
but with you he’s just so fatherly
hello dadza
whether you have a good or bad relationship with your father, everyone can admit that philza minecraft is dadza
this is such a dad thing, but tries to hold you hand when you cross the street
no matter the age, he just feels the need to protect you
hugs are similar
uses hugs as a way to comfort you and protect you
just so amazing all around
tubbo would love cuddling in any way, shape, or form
if you guys are hanging out at like the park or something and lying down
get ready to become this mans pillow
this is really fun to do with your friends but imagine you guys are hanging out in a field type area (with my friends we hand out in the field next to the cemetery but it can be any open grass area)
tubbo would just use your lap as a pillow the whole time
and when you guys were walking back to his house he would sorta drape his arms over your shoulders (assuming he’s taller than you)
he would do the same thing when you guys were sitting in chairs or at a desk
just drapes his arms over your shoulder with his chin on your head
if it's really late and he's tired he’ll just hug you
if you thought tubbo is bad, ranboo is even worse
not even really cuddling, he just likes having a sort of skin-to-skin contact
so handholding and laying on top of eachother
if he’s streaming he will legitimately message ou to just sit next to him
so sometimes if he’s just chilling by himself on the smp you’ll end up on his streams
he’ll have you next to him just because he likes be near someone
and so randomly it’ll just be like “chat, a real human is here, behave”
chat does not behave
(they heavily bully him)
he’s pretty clingy but when you HAVE to leave he’ll understand and just be a bit bummed out
holy shit this took me so long-
if you read this whole thing thank you!
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faegoddessog · 11 months
 Seventy Two Hours of Bliss Ch. 38/41
Chapter 38: Letters from the Ice
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Chapter Warnings: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only, talk about masturbation, separation angst,
Series Masterlist 
Series Summary:
You are neighbors with Austin Butler on the Gold Coast of Australia just prior to shooting Elvis. You become just friends because he is taken. However, after he is single again, you both find out just how attracted you are to one another and things get unrelentingly hot.
SERIES WARNING: Explicitly mature content, 18+ only,  here there be lemons.
Authors Notes: I started writing this while remodeling my kitchen, so that informed the slightly quirky narrative. It starts slow, but once it heats up, it is on fire. I have tried to pull facts from RL as much as I could, but obviously there are some assumptions and flat out dreamy wishes  involved here. 
Chapter 38: Letters from the Ice
Hey babe! 
So, yay email! Hopefully this will work for us. :) But the internet is SO SLOW. Even with barely anyone here it took 10 min for my email to load. I am told by the winterers that trying to upload a video is all but impossible. But a picture *can* go through. Thank the local deity that we don’t have to super old school it and use carrier penguins! Yay! Well we finally made it to McMurdo. I can’t believe it’s been a whole month since I’ve seen you, well except for the phone calls in Christchurch. It feels like the band aid is really ripped off now. I’m just trying to breathe through it. I hope you are staying busy or at least distracted. I am excited to finally be here after 5 days of delayed flights as is the rest of my group. We’ve taken to calling ourselves a flock. I have no idea why. So I’ve got a room all to myself right now, but we’ll see how many people show up for the mainbody season in October, I may or may not have a roommate. So, there I was trying to get settled and I opened my big suitcase and found the books and the dark chocolate and the candles and the little bottle of essential oil blend. Fuck it smells like you. It made me cry and smile at the same time. Thank you baby. This is a classic pic me in front of the station sign. It looks darker than it was, but we only had 4 hours of sunlight and there was a storm coming. Wow, I thought I'd been through blizzards at home. This was nothing compared to what they got here! I’d send you a photo. But it’s literally just white.
I do have a confession to make. You remember that freakin’ hot phone sex we had during my quarantine? Yeah… um.. I recorded the audio, yup, every time. I’m gonna listen to your amazing voice telling me to touch myself. I think I’ll lube up my butt plug you gave me and push it into my ass imagining it’s you. Fuck I miss you. I miss your body next to mine at night and your cock in me in the morning. I love you Aus, I miss you. All the kisses for you. ~Your Kitten
Kitten!!!  I’m so stoked that we still get to keep in touch. Even if only over email. That pic of you in front of the sign feels surreal. I can't even tell it's you with all the layers! The landscape looks so desolate. I’m so glad you found my gifts, that’s just stuff I don’t like to live without, kinda like you. I’m not liking living without you. Although I’m STILL finding post-it notes. You little fiend, putting them in all my clothes. Makes me smile and cry too. I did get some exciting news though. Baz, as you know, has been checking up on me since you left. I really love him, he is such a marvelous soul. Anyway he told me yesterday that we will start rehearsals next week and filming is slated to start up again in mid to late September. Thank God, I gotta have something to focus on other than this empty apartment. I’m just waiting for the rest of the crew to get back in country, then I’ll be too busy to think. Also, I’m gonna talk to your Uncle Roy this week and make sure I can still stay here. Baz says the studio will give me a stipend for the apartment and I’ll just pass that along to him. That reminds me, Kate said she had not seen anything related to us from Marissa’s channel and that she would be willing to have a meeting with her, but she won’t make any guarantees. I have a confession too, I went and developed those couple rolls of film we'd taken. It was so fucking sad that you weren’t there to play with while I waited for them to dry. Anyway, You know how I wasn’t sleeping in our bedroom yet? Well, I put the photos I took of you up all over our bedroom and it finally let me sleep in there alone, although I might’ve cried myself to sleep just a little. When I woke up hard I had those gorgeous pictures of you in that black dress to jerk off to. Fuck you are hot and fuck I miss you so much. Oh my god, just reading that you are fucking your ass with my butt plug has me hard, you are such a naughty Kitten. I might have to keep track of how naughty you are and punish you accordingly when I see you next. I wish you were here to suck this hard cock right now. I think when I finish I’ll stroke myself while looking at those closeups of you and imagine your luscious lips wrapped around me. I’d send you a pic of it, but I’m terrified it could get out somehow. I love you more, I miss you terribly, only 187 more days to go.. Roughly. ~Your Aus
Hello my love,  So how’s things? Are you ready? I’m so excited for you to start filming again. You got this babe! I believe in you! (forehead kisses) There were satellite issues again when I tried to call you last night. I’m so sad we keep getting hosed on our phone calls. Soon you’ll be too busy to take a call from me! We are pretty solidly in the groove of our workday, that’s 6 days a week. I’m on the day shift right now and it’s been a bunch of maintenance checks and rebuilds on buildings and answering calls for service. There is a big build that got delayed due to covid, but we will be starting on that pretty soon. The food is surprisingly good. The galley really loves their themes. Taco Tuesday, Asian Nights, Sunday Brunch. The pizza is pretty good too! It’s not a woodfired oven made by the hands of angels good, but when you want pizza, it’ll do. Made a good group of friends, though we are all weird misfits here it seems. Do you remember when people had to talk to each other instead of stare at their phones? It’s like that here, since there isn’t wifi, not that it would work right. It’s amazing how old school it feels, it’s kind of wonderful. Probably sounds like torture to you my shy, introverted darling.
Most of the people here are guys. It’s like 70/30. I’m the only woman in my department, not like that’s new to me. The first day I showed up for work the foreman asked if I was in the wrong place. They tried to give me shit at first until I out-hammered them all in a nailing race. Just a dumb little competition thing. But it stopped them from fucking with me. Yeah, I know my stuff assholes! Lol! Now we are all good. Except for Joe, I do not like Joe. He just rubs me wrong and won’t let the girl thing go. We may have to have a little come-to-Jesus meeting during which I emasculate him with the claw on my purple hammer! The other women I’ve met have also been surprised by the overall disappointing behavior from some of these guys. There is a saying on the ice- “Antarctica: Full of badass women and mediocre men.” This is true. Not all the guys are that way though, some of them are nice and those are the ones that get laid. Yeah, there are a lot of hookups happening and there are free condoms, like, everywhere. No one here is as interesting or as sexy as my man though. Plus, you spoiled me with not having to use condoms. I miss your skin on mine, I miss your lips on mine, I miss your cock in my mouth. Since I don’t have a roommate yet, I think I’ll light your candle, put on the sexy music playlist we used to fuck to and add some of that EO to my wrists. I’m going to suck on my dildo. I’ll start slow just licking the tip, I’ll imagine your hand in my hair and your sky blue eyes watching every flick of my tongue. I’ll make sure my lips are good and wet before I slide it down my throat. And I’ll be fucking myself with my vibrator, the one that's curved. The only thoughts I'll have in my mind are ‘it’s your cock in my mouth, it’s your hand on my pussy, it’s you, it’s you, it’s you’. I’m gonna cum so hard, moaning around your imagined cock in my mouth, I may have to do it twice. God I miss you. Tell me more about how you jerk off to pictures of me, that is so damn hot. I’m just imagining you stroking yourself, playing with the tip a little. Damn. ~Your Slutty Kitty
My bad, bad Kitty, I do not know how you do it, but are you aware of how fucking sexy you are? Even just via email you get me so riled up. How do you take the mere 26 letters of the alphabet and make them into these sexy fucking pictures in my head?! I miss my cock in your mouth too, I miss you laying out on the bed with your legs wide and my head buried between them. I don’t have anything to lick and pretend is your pussy, but I promise I will make up for it when I see you next. Oh lord I gotta go take care of this massively hard co
Hey love,  Sorry, I hit send without meaning to! You got me so hot I wasn’t thinking clearly. It didn’t take me long baby, I used that coconut oil from just before you left. The scent totally put me right back there with you on your knees devouring my cock. That reminds me, I need to get that dress dry-cleaned… It’s stopped smelling like you now so… I suppose it’s time. I’m ready- ish, the last 6 months made me feel like all the Elvis sunk into my bones. I’ve been working like a fiend with Baz and Polly and Irene and Erik. They have all commented on how it’s different now, more natural. My day is so full of Elvis again it’s hard to think about anything else. I’m so nervous all over again. I’m waking up at 3 again. I miss you. Not just for the sex baby, but you. You make me better. Please keep trying to call, my PA on set will have my phone when I don’t. I put one of your pics up in my trailer, btw, one of the clothed ones. I kiss my fingers and touch it every time I leave and say hello to it when I come in. People that see me do it still don't know who you are, (Baz and Tom are good secret keepers). That last article with the pics of you and I at the airport really threw them all off. I think Kate told me that the paps were searching the passenger lists for all outgoing planes to Europe that day to see if they could figure out who you were. It's fun to keep them guessing. I totally get the hooking up, happens on set too. People are people. I’m not worried about you Kitten. How’s your demon though… she doin’ ok? Getting out of hand at all… pun intended! Ok, early call in the morning. I love you so much. 160 days +/- ~ton Roi
My darling man,  FUCK I am still riding the high from talking to you last week! I can’t believe I caught you in your trailer too! I’m sorry I couldn’t play sexy games back with you because the phone was too public on my end. I loved you telling me how you were stroking yourself though and how you came on your stomach. I went right back to my room, to rub one out. Damn. Luckily my new roommate was at work. She asked me when she moved in why I had a pic of you and me on the wall by my desk. I told her I was in love with you. It was so funny, she sat down on the couch and started talking about you like we were in middle school. ‘ He’s so dreamy and I hear he broke up with his girlfriend and is dating a French woman!’ “was that the only time you met him?” Oh my god, it was all I could do to not laugh in her face. I’m sorry baby, I had to tell her. I hope you aren’t mad! I still don’t think she believes me, even after I showed her pictures of us (appropriately clothed of course). I appreciate you asking after that sexy bitch in my head. She is doing fine, staying on her lead. None of these people would satisfy her anyway. She’s too far gone for you. :) My daily horniness level has chilled out since I’ve not been getting fucked by you on the regular, though there are times! Oh and fun news! I’m going to be setting up a few field camps in a couple weeks, so I won’t be in touch much after halloween -ish. But I WILL be out on the literal ice. Think warm thoughts for me! At least I will get away from Joe! He is still a dick.
~your naughty Kitten (for different reasons)
Kitten,  Of course I’m not mad! Once you are back I want the whole world to know that you are mine and I am yours. Also, Kate set up a meeting with your cousin Marissa. I talked to her and got her info when I talked to Uncle Roy. (He still refuses to let me pay him.) Kate was impressed by her and is planning on offering her a paid internship. Love you baby, go conquer that ice! ~Aus
(Please read the following letter with a deep southern accent of yore) Twenty fifth day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty My darling Austin, I pray that this electronic mail finds you healthy and hale. I have been feeling dashed about by the trials and travails of my good work here on the deep continent. We no longer are a sleepy little hamlet of a mere 200 people. Oh no! A veritable influx of learned people hath arrived, swelling our little cold town to over 800! The light has arisen indeed as we currently receive a joyful 15 hours of sunlight each blessed day. My dear roommate Tabitha seems to have accepted the love that exists between us, my dear Austin, since she overheard our delightful conversation on the telephone a scant few days ago. Indeed it seems she has spread our information to the other members of the kitchen staff as one of the good ladies asked me about it the other day as I procured my nourishment. The person in question didn’t know you, but was happy to know I was dating someone, since apparently the rumor had been circulating that I was a person uninterested, sexually that is. The very idea! My darling Austin, I shall be leaving in two days time for my quest on the ice. It will be my pleasure to erect structures providing temporary shelter from which the good men and women of science may illicit new and exciting information about this oft times perplexing world that humanity calls home. And before you query, yes, I must confess my dear Mr. Butler, I have been imbibing in the devil's drink and yes my loins still burn for you. Pray for me, dear man, that I may endure such hardships that may come and be delivered forthwith into your awaiting arms. With all my love and tenderness. Miss Kitten P.S. Sorry about drunk-as-fuck girl up there, she is just being silly. Can’t wait to fuck your brains out again! Love you -She Demon
Kitten,  You are so weird. I fucking love it and you. I’m so glad you are mine. Filming is so far so good. I barely have time to think, which is perfect. Also, I was eating a mango in the kitchen last night. You know how you cut the side off and score it then turn it inside out? Well, I decided just to eat it off the rind like that, instead of cut the chunks out. And all of a sudden it was like eating your dripping pussy. I am slightly ashamed to say that I dropped my pants right there and jerked off with the coconut oil. The juice was dripping down my chin and chest and onto my cock. Oh, My. God. It was the best one yet. I’ll have to do it for you (to you?) when you get back. Needless to say, a whole new world has opened up to me. I WILL be buying more mangoes. I may not be able to see one without getting aroused from here on out. I think I’ll go have the other half now…
Good luck doing bang! bang! construction things on the ice! Stay safe and warm. I’ll talk to you when you get back. Forever yours- Austin
Aus-  Oh, Mangoes… Damn. Now I fucking want mangoes. Freshies are like currency down here, I haven’t seen a mango though. Just so you know, that last letter was a bet between me and Tabs. We did karaoke that night and I got a little sloshed and started talking in accents. She didn’t think I would do it. Lol! I tried calling you a few min ago, but no answer. I’m leaving in an hour. I’ll email and try to call when I’m back! Oh and come to find out that Joe thought he was flirting with me the whole time, he likes me. Was about to pull my pigtails, I suspect. Boys are so weird. I confronted him and he confessed he was crushing on me pretty hard. I told him about you ( not by name) and that I wasn’t available (plus I would fucking break him). He seems to have backed off and will hopefully treat me like a person. So yay! Growth! Love you tons, Tally ho! Kitten
Darling,  It breaks my heart that I missed hearing your voice. I really needed it too. We filmed some gut wrenching stuff this week and I just needed you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Austin 124 +/-
Sweet, sweet man, I love you too! I’m sorry you had a tough week and I wasn’t there for you. I promise after this, I will never be more than a text away from you again. I hope it’s gotten better! I’m going to try calling tonight when I get off work. Thank god I’m back though! We had a crazy, crazy time. We got caught in a freak storm at Amundsen-Scott. We were supposed to be there for like a day to get supplies and such. We ended up there for 5 days! But after that things cleared up, it was amazing. We set up 5 different camps. Everything from simple temporary polar escapes on wooden platforms to actual shelters that will have to stand up for the rest of the season if not longer. One was at a penguin rookery! They were adorable and came right up to us! Miss you love, hopefully we will talk soon! ~Kitten
Babe,  Those pictures with you and the penguins are unreal! I can't believe they just walked up to you. It blows my mind that anything can live down there. How are things with Joe? Did he actually change his behavior? I would say ‘do you need me to come down there?’ but I know you got this, my amazing, strong sexy beast of a woman. I hope I can pick up when you call next. Missing hearing your voice broke my heart. ~Aus 98+/- (Why is this taking so damn long! You should be in my arms.)
Dear darling Austin, Thank god we got to talk last week, I was really worried about you. Digging into the pain about your mom… I just wish I was there to hold you tight, like she would’ve been. I know I didn’t know her, but from everything you’ve said, I know I would have adored her. (hugs, hugs and more hugs) I got your package yesterday! I opened it without thinking, thank god all the things in it were wrapped! Except for the mangoes… fuck baby. They are perfectly ripe right now, if a little frozen. I’m gonna go eat some mango pussy. Would you like that? watching me eat pussy….
Did you get my package yet? It might be a bit silly. But you can open it when you get it. :) We have been digging into this new building since I got back. The guys worked on all the steel pieces and I’m lead on the framing team. It’s definitely different from what I’ve been used to doing. But I’m finding that all my skills are actually helpful because I know the pieces that come next, so I don’t let the crew fuck things up for the electricians and plumbers and drywallers that will be coming behind us in the future. I miss you baby, I know we keep saying that to each other, so much that it’s like saying something over and over again and the shape of it feels odd in your mouth all of a sudden. But even though I have made great friends here and am in a routine that pulls me from day to day, it would be perfect if you were here with me. With you on my arm, no one would try to pull my pigtails! Love you with all my heart ~Kitten
Baby Doll,  Merry Christmas!! Babe, I did get your package, and I didn’t open in until this morning. Why would you say it’s silly? It’s amazing. You painted this? I am going to take it in and have it framed so I can hang it up. Wow. If you ever wanted to stop doing construction, you could be a professional artist. Tom and Rita have invited a bunch of us up to their place for dinner. I’m about to go get ready but just wanted to tell you that yes, I get it. Saying it gets old, but it doesn't mean we don’t feel it still. Yeah, mom would’ve adored you right back. I fucking miss you. I fucking love you. And holy fuck yes on watching you eat pussy, mango or otherwise.
66 days +/- (can we make time move faster?) ~Your own personal elf- Austin
Dear Austin,  Merry Christmas!! I loved your gifts, they are perfect for here! Lip balm and sunscreen and the warmest, silliest socks. That mini humidifier is sitting on my bedside table as we speak! The running gloves for under my big ones are going to be a game changer! Now I can do fiddly bits without my fingers getting cold! Although it’s a ridiculously balmy 25 degrees Celsius out there right now. I don’t even bring my red parka out right now! Today I joined the Antarctic Polar bear club. Yup I plunged into barely above freezing water in my underwear, no not the unicorn ones, I actually had some polar bear ones I brought just for this! I was nothing if not on theme! It was fucking cold. And exhilarating! But I’m not sure I want to do it again. Luckily we went right into the sauna to warm up! Love you ever so much, give Tom and Rita my love! ~Your Xmas Kitten
My sweet Kitten, Thank you for the phone call, oh my god I needed it. I’m feeling so worn out, even though we kinda had this week off and I’ve been just sleeping as much as I can and going to the beach with other cast members, it’s just not the same without my best girl next to me. (that’s you, btw) I wish I had you with me last night to kiss. I did end up kissing Olivia, but it was just a new years eve peck thing, plus it’s not like we’ve not kissed on set. Is that weird for you? I’ve never asked you about it. Love you so much, it hurts. I def need a kiss on my heart. 59 days +/- ~Yours, Austin
Austin, When I see you, you are gonna get all the kisses on every part of you. Real talk babe: where I’d like to be there to remind you what my kisses are like and reap the benefits if you get turned on, kissing on set doesn't bug me, that’s just part of acting. Didn’t Elvis kiss like all the girls in the audience? Super-spreader much? Ha! TBH, I pecked a few people too when we counted down to midnight. How do you feel about that? Wow, that looks super passive aggressive. I’m def not meaning it that way. Just wondering cuz we’ve never talked about it and I don’t think our games with Loki or ‘the guy from Brisbane’ count as talking about it! Now actually making out with someone like not for work (that’s a crazy sentence right there!)… that we’d def have to talk about. I mean… mostly because I would want to be a part of something hot like that. FOMO!!! On a different note, I sang in Icestock last night. It’s the annual McMurdo music festival. There were comedians and skits and mini plays and bands and a chili cook off! I sang a bunch of stuff with some guys, we had to rehearse on our off time but it was super fun! I had my buddy video it. I’m gonna put it on a USB stick and send it to you, just for fun! There is some other stuff on there too, just for you, including my polar plunge! God we needed a party too. The grind was getting to us all. Yeah we have 24 hours of daylight, but I never knew I’d miss the stars so much! We are about to head into Vessel Season, that means extra people in town, mostly Kiwi and US military, to help unload the massive supply ships. From what I understand we will be pulled to help. I love you baby, soon hunny, soon I miss YOUR kisses ~Kitten
My darling love, Happy Elvis’ birthday! He would've been 86. We had a huge birthday cake on set today. I don’t really care about pecks like that, plus you are too French for me to get up in arms about that. I do feel the same way you do about making out. If you are gonna make out with someone, I want to be there too. If it’s a girl, I def want to be there. That would be hot. We filmed a kissing scene today between young Elvis and younger Priscilla. It really made me miss you so much. I definitely channeled our first kiss into the work. Remember, on the couch? This might be weird to say, but no one kisses me like you do. Love and miss you, 52 days +/- ~Aus
Kitten,  Honey, I have a confession. We were rehearsing one of the big shows where Elvis goes into the audience and kisses all the girls. I had to talk my own demon out of taking home an extra and fucking her silly. She looked just enough like you and she was staring at me all dreamy eyed when I was on stage. Then I had to kiss all these women in the audience and I was all worked up. I’m sorry babe, know that I didn’t do anything or even talk to her. But we talked about being honest with one another and I feel better with you knowing. No I’m not asking if I can do anything with her, it was just like a perfect storm to turn me on. Honestly I’ve been too exhausted and terrified to really feel horny lately, so it kinda took me by surprise. I’m so sorry if this makes you mad. Know I love you and I’m not gonna do anything to screw up what we have. ~Austin 35 days +/- (I can wait, I swear)
Babe,  Love you, not mad. Will respond more when I have time! ~Your best girl
Ok my love,  First of all, I’m sorry this took so long to reply to. It’s been so busy here I’ve not had time. Secondly, I’m not mad. You are human, despite your intrusive thoughts to the contrary. Being attracted to people is just a part of being human. It actually feels really good that you were comfy enough to tell me how you are feeling. Thank you for trusting me. I have this ideal thought in my head that I’d want to be cool with a sorta semi-permeable relationship. Like yeah, making out with a women with you would be hot… fuck I think making out with a man with you would blow my fucking mind. (would you be down for that? Kissing a guy?) But I know I’m not cool with either of us just fucking others at will, at least not when we are this far away. How could you reclaim me, or I you, when these miles exist between us? Share someone with you? Sure, but we need to actually sit down and talk about it face to face. When I'm back and we’ve talked and you and I have had our fill of one another, if that girl is game and we get along… I’m down to try it out, baby. If you are even interested in that. There are a few cute Airmen here, but my demon seems to be slumbering. Remember, the less I get the less I want it. It could also be the fucking 10-12 hour days we’ve been putting in! Which is VERY different from fucking 10-12 hours a day.  Remember our first 72 hours? Damn that was amazing. I love you baby, now and forever, Your lover- Kitten
Amazing woman of my dreams,  How are you so fucking cool, do you know how hard I had to work to get my other gf’s to be cool about kissing on set, let alone talk about sharing a person. This whole thing makes me love you even more. How do I feel about kissing a guy? I think it depends on the guy. But it doesn’t squick me out or anything. Honestly right now, if it meant getting to hold you in my arms, I’d do it and more in a heartbeat. And for the record, I don’t think I could ever ‘get my fill’ of you babe. I love you so much, 25 days +/- (is that fucking real, only 25 days???) Devoted to you- Austin
Babe,  Oh my god! I am so done helping unload and reload ships! Give me my fucking hammer and let me pound something! So I have some shitty news. Y’know how, on the phone we were talking about my departure date being end of February and being back with you by March 1st. Well, I got my departure date, it’s not until March 10th, and I can’t move it up. They even offered me a bonus to stay overwinter, but I declined. As cool as it’s been I need to get off the ice and into your arms. So I won't be back on the Gold Coast until March 12th at the earliest. I don’t know if I have to quarantine. I have to arrange for my stuff to be shipped to Greece in that time as well. You say you have to leave for London mid March. I’m freaking out that I might miss you. I’m gonna try to call tomorrow so we can talk about it. Fuck this sucks, Love you so much ~Kitten
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Euphoria 2x07 Thoughts
I’ve missed the last 3 weeks because I was in the middle of moving to a new apartment and then the Super Bowl but we back!
Lexi’s about to have her moment in the spotlight and I am so ready!
Love this opening classical music. But I know the shit storm is about to start
Is this a flashback or…
Oh shit those are the doppelgängers so this is the play
Damn Lexi, Rue’s dad’s memorial is your kick off point?
Ah geez are Rue and Jules just going to be sneaking peeks at each other this whole time?
Oh this is definitely gonna be good. Lexi’s always been the observer so she sees more then people realize. She about to spill all the tea! 🐸☕️
Lmao yes Maddie, this play is about all of you.
Even on the phone Lexi and Fezco are fucking adorable!
The fucking 4th wall break! Just like Rue does with us 😂
Suze is so stoked/proud!
Aw Fez wants to look good for Lexi 🥰
Fuck off Custer. Snitch ass bitch.
Lmao where did the drama dept get the budget for this play? That rotating set piece is wild!
Lexi you are a comedic queen! 👸🏻
Yes the audience is loving this! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Cassie as Maddie 2.0 is Big Yikes 😬
Lexi noticing Fez isn’t there is hurting me
Ok Lexi crying in the back seat of her dad’s car because she’s scared is also hurting me goddamnit
I love Rue’s little smile. She remembers this moment and isn’t mad about Lexi telling it.
Lexi’s low key right about technology
I’m liking the changes between flashbacks and play scenes
Storm Reid you’re amazing
Suze is so proud of her baby
Rue is so proud of her childhood bff
Oh shit here comes Nate’s part! This is where shits about to pop off isn’t it?!
God Jacob Elordi is so fucking tall
Nate dressing Cassie is weirding me tf out
I’ma say it again, fuck OFF Custer
Oh Ashtray about to end this man’s whole life
Faye wants to tell Fez but she scared
Rue and Fez fucking with Lexi while she’s stoned off her ass if comedic gold 😂
And the Rules peek sneaking continues
You know I wasn’t a big fan of Hunter’s haircut originally but it’s really grown on me
Jesus the longing is just jumping out with them
Damn Leslie telling Rue these home truths is rough but so necessary
“I can’t convince you that your life is important” that just fucking murdered me
Yeah Rue you miss this kinda stuff when you’re high off your ass 85% of the time
Nika is fucking killing it
Lmao the call back to season one 😂
Yes I love getting to see how Lexi feels about Maddie! She was always Cassie’s friend but she cares about Lexi too and I love it!
Oh shit the rest of the reveal confrontation
God sometimes I can’t stand Maddie but she is breaking my heart here
She’s absolutely right too, Cassie is a fucking coward.
Yeah Cassie, you absolutely should feel like shit for what you did to your best friend.
God the self soothing by trying to make herself perfect is just… God this girl has stepped off the edge into the deep end
This Cassie/Nate scene is 🤢🤮
Like really bitch?! You want that animal to fucking control you? This girl has -194749274 self worth
This looks an awful lot like the season one opening with Cal and Jules
Yeah that cements it for me. Nate is in love with Jules and is afraid that makes him just like his father who he hates.
I’m not sure if I’m glad Jules got rid of the evidence or wish she’d kept it and put Cal in prison
Is it weird that I kinda like the Samantha/Maddie relationship?
It’s the purple dress isn’t it?
Hahahaha called it!
Lexi and Ethan 😂😂😂
Poor Mick, he’s trying his best!
Ooooh Nate’s about to McFuckin lose it!
Ashtray is a fucking gangster. He about to cut this man to pieces.
Fez hoping Lexi thinks he looks handsome 😭😭😭
God the tension got me stressed
Holding Out for a Hero OMG
Rue’s face 😂
This man is about to SNAP
I am LIVING for Suze’s enjoyment of this play
Lexi you are a Queen for writing this! Holy shit!
The homoeroticism is WILD
The audience is SOLD! Our Life is 100% Certified Fresh
Maddie said it best, “Lexi you’re a fuckin’ G!”
Oop there he goes!
Zendaya’s got the best fucking facial expressions 😂😂😂
See Cassie? He’s a piece of shit. Period.
Oh shit is she about to rage/Hulk out and hop on stage to beat Lexi’s ass?
Holy fuck that episode was brilliant! All this is going to come to a head and EXPLODE next week, and I for one am fucking here for it.
167 notes · View notes
r0und3bitch · 2 years
Twin Flames ❤️‍🔥: Part 7 - Deep Blue But You Painted Me Golden
Tumblr media
Series Masterlist
Part 7 Soundtrack
Warnings: Cursing, alcohol, drug use, violence, harsh language, family tension, fighting
Word Count: 6.2k
Notes: Everyone go watch this video! (title track 💙💛🧡) Listened to this version so many times while writing this part! I think this may be the quickest I've ever updated but I am stoked to move past this gala. 😅🥴 If all goes accordingly, there 2 Blurbs (🥵) coming before Part 8. And then Part 9 we take a wild turn (literally, clue 😇) As always, I love you all, hope you enjoy!
You’re making your way up the back deck when you spot Wheezie again, making the final touches on the table settings. She flashes you a bright smile and starts to walk over, stopping dead in her tracks when she sees Rose step out in front of you, blocking you from going any further. 
“It’s turning out to be a beautiful evening!” She smiles politely at you but there’s something unsettling behind it. 
You just nod your head, looking around slightly. You know there’s absolutely no way she’s stopping to ask for your opinion on the decor choices. Rose's voice drops threateningly low. 
“What’s going on with you and Ward?” 
Of course she doesn’t know. Of course he hadn’t told her. 
While you’re not surprised, being caught in the middle of Ward's marital conflicts was quite literally the last place you needed or wanted to be. Your life was already much too entangled with the Cameron patriarch than you’d like, let alone adding his clearly psychotic wife to the mix. 
Rose however, does seem shocked by your response, obviously expecting to get the answers she demanded. 
“Why don’t you go ask your fucking husband?” You shoot back at her with the fakest smile you can muster. 
You turn to move past her, spotting Noah and Rafe just making their way onto the deck but Rose’s hand slaps down on your forearm, her grip bruising, yanking you back to her. 
“No, you’re going—”
“Rose-” your tone makes her pause as your hand painfully clenches down over hers, making her wince slightly as you go nose to nose with her. 
“Let the fuck go of me before I make the biggest scene this town has ever fucking seen…” 
Rafe and Noah are already hurrying over, witnessing the whole thing as her grip loosens and you shove her hand off you. 
Both boys hear your final response as Rose begins to stalk off. 
“Try that again and watch what happens.”
“What the hell was that…” Noah asks, Rafe’s concerned face just behind him. 
“Nothing, I need a drink.” As you push past both boys and make your way over to the bar as droves of people start to flood in. 
You didn’t mean to brush either of them off but you’re not sure how much more you can handle this evening, already craving going home and sleeping into oblivion. 
“Hi, bestie.”
When you feel Sarah’s arms wrap around you from behind, you could honestly cry. 
You turn around to face her as the bartender makes your drinks, her arms staying around you as she pulls you close. 
“Noah told me you could use a hug…”
You laugh slightly as you release her, taking your drinks from the bartender. 
“Rough day?” She asks you, lips pouting slightly as she waits for your answer.
After taking a large sip of your mai tai and handing her the second one you ordered, you finally answer her as you walk back over to both of your brothers. 
“It only keeps getting better…”
You’re surprised to see Zach off in the distance, having an obviously stern talk with Ward, some other local high profile islanders circling not far from them. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” You ask Noah when close enough, pointing over to where Zach is standing. 
He just shakes his head, clearly irritated by the situation. 
“Who fucking knows, Dad made some kind of phone call, I’m sure.” 
If Noah’s bothered, you know that whatever happened before you showed up earlier was enough to ruffle even his always chilled feathers. 
Sarah’s gazing between you, Rafe and Noah, sucking down her Mai Tai fairly quickly as she glances at her phone. 
“Who’s gonna fill me in on the events of the day…”
When none of you respond right away and just gaze around awkwardly, she knows there’s more at play than she thought. 
At that moment, Sid pops into view along the side of the bar, staying far enough back but still noticeable to her off in the distance as she chokes on her drink.
“Holy shit, is that—?”
You follow her line of vision before grabbing her arm, almost making her drop her Mai Tai as she yelps. 
“I need to pee! Let’s go to the bathroom.”
Before anyone can respond, you’re leading her down the back, dimly lit, path to the bathrooms that are off the water, mostly only used by the daily beach goers. 
Sarah’s laugh puts you somewhat more at ease, thankful you have her to lean on in all of this (even if in the back of your head that means she too is at risk — you push the thought away immediately) as she keeps her arm that you were gripping held out close to you. 
“Y/N/N, lay it on me…”
You tell her everything. About Topper showing up at your house, about what happened at the office, about the meeting, about Sid, about Noah…
You’re out of breath by the time you’re finished, the sticky evening air making you sweaty and uncomfortable. 
Sarah’s shaking her head like she understands, processing your words as she now grabs your forearm, actually leading you into the women’s restroom you were standing outside of, pulling you both into a stall once inside. 
“Okay, I know what we need.”
When she pulls the ball out of her purse, you have to do a double take. 
“What?” She asks coyly. “You left it at my house a few weeks ago.”
She winks at you as she uses a key to grab some of the white powder.
“Don’t worry no one ever really uses these bathrooms. Don’t give me that look!” She screeches at you. 
You weren’t even trying to hold back your shit eating grin. Sarah Cameron played the sweet and innocent girl next door card very well but you knew not far underneath that thin surface was a force to be reckoned with. You supposed that was some inherited Cameron trait by now after developing relationships with each Cameron sibling. 
You’d been in this exact situation with Sarah many times this summer already, long before the boys knew. The two of you sneaking off to the bathroom at those boring ass charity events, to the business trips you’d been dragged to on the mainland, a fair few other places…
“I’m not giving you any look!” You joke back at her, taking the hit she was giving you off the keychain, inhaling deep through your nose. “I’m just thankful for you, for real…”
“Well when you drop fucking bombs on me like that I figured this much was at least in order. Jesus Christ, Y/N/N, finally telling Noah too…”
You knew telling Sarah everything your second week in the Outer Banks could’ve gone very badly, but here she was in front of you, supporting you through it in ways you didn’t think possible. 
She takes a hit of her own, looking up at you once finished to search your eyes. 
“Are you okay…” 
Although she already knows the answer to that question, she still has to ask. 
“Oh and shit is even more rocky with your dad…” you add, not addressing her question. 
She rolls her eyes at the situation, not at you. 
“When aren’t things rocky with my dad…” she takes another look up at you as each of you do another line. “We’re going to get through this…”
As you inhale again through your nose, as you feel that familiar rush through your entire body. Maybe she was right. We are going to get through this... God cocaine was a hell of a drug. 
“Let’s do this, baby girl!” You grab her face, letting the coke fuel you as you kiss her cheeks, earning a giggle from her as you take the ball of coke from her and put it in your purse, worried what’ll happen if she (god forbid) gets caught with it. 
When you and Sarah find your brothers again (now joined by Topper and Kelce) it doesn’t take long for them to catch onto the reason behind your disappearance, the two of you appearing far more bright eyed and bushy tailed than minutes ago. 
Rafe hands you another Mai Tai, shooting you a knowing wink that warms your insides, as Kelce jokes with you and Sarah about your activities before turning the conversation elsewhere. 
The talking starts to die down and you’re unsure why until you turn to see Zach casually standing a foot or two from you, cursing slightly as he messes with the clasp of his watch. 
He looks up at you and it takes you a full second or two to realize he looks relieved when he sees you. 
“Hey Y/N/N…” 
You’re pretty confident the true and utter shock is plastered all over your face (and likely Noah’s too)  as you look up at Zach. You can’t recount a single time in your life that he’s ever referred to you by your nickname. 
“Can you help me with this?” He asks, motioning to the watch in his grasp. 
You look up to Noah, (having assumed correctly) to be met with the same shocked and astounded facial expression you were wearing. 
After a second or two, the initial shock wears off and your mind is able to tell your body to take steps forward as you help Zach with his watch. 
There’s no words spoken between you two, and it feels strange, standing there close to him like there’s some kind of weird sibling bonding moment finally happening between the two of you. 
Then…you remember that he was personally escorted out of the meeting at the office by security earlier, and that you went into that exact same meeting and had to fix everything, a fact most certainly not lost on your eldest brother right now. 
You manage to get the difficult clasp done around his wrist, securing it into place neatly. 
Did he just thank you? 
When you look up at Zach, it’s the first time ever that you truly allow yourself to see the similarities that make him your blood. 
And when you see the faint remnants of white powder around his nostril, you can’t help but laugh at the irony. I guess the apple(s) didn’t fall from the tree after all…
How funny it felt to be in this exact situation with him of all people, the same person who has made your life a living hell for doing the exact same thing you’d both just been caught doing. 
He’s sweating slightly, and when you grin at him, he knows you know. 
You reach your hand up to his face, brushing away the white powder from his nostrils as his eyes go wide. 
“No problem, that’s what family’s for…”
Your comment makes him uneasy as one of the Rodriguez family members summon him and Noah over. 
You hang back with the others, falling into casual conversation as you steal glances at Noah. He’s shaking hands with Mr. Rodriguez Sr, laughing plainly at one of his likely horrible jokes as the group of men surrounding them all look up to Noah, no doubt singing his praise for what you had accomplished earlier. 
It’s the usual run around, going through loops and bounds to make things happen while Noah gets the credit for it. While you’ve lived through this exact situation far too many times to count, you’re still left somewhat defeated (even with the cocaine running through your veins…) as you stare off at your brother.
Rafe, noticing your lack of engagement in the conversation, knowingly follows your gaze to Noah before his eyes, now downturned with concern, shoot back to you. 
Out of earshot of the others, Rafe leans down into your ear. 
“You okay?” 
It’s only two words but you know exactly what he’s asking you, reading you plain as day, always. 
Tearing your eyes away from your twin brother, you muster up as much confidence as you can to mask your feelings but you know it’s a meek attempt the second you’re back under Rafe’s gaze. 
“Yeah…I’m used to it.”
You’re surprised when Rafe challenges you, not expecting his tone to sit with you the way it does.
“Yeah, it looks like it…”
For a split second, you’re on the defense, ready to spit something snarky back at him but the look on his face stops you dead. He’s not challenging you. He’s not pushing you. He sees straight through you. 
Used to it or not, Noah’s credit for all your hard work is taking its toll, in more ways than one. You know that. And now Rafe knows that too. 
If anything, the look on his face is almost pleading…much too sweet and sincere, far more gentle than you deserve, as he breaks through to you, in your own way. 
Momentarily overwhelmed, you instinctively reach out for Rafe’s hand. He takes it easily, wrapping your fingers into his without a second thought, holding you steady, being your lifeline. 
He squeezes it gently as you catch Sarah wiggling her eyebrows at you, catching onto the action between you and her brother. 
“Isn’t that right, Y/N/N?” She asks, giggling slightly. 
“What’s that?” you ask, joining back in on the lively conversation amongst your friends. 
“Topper was saying he might have to go to the Bahamas with his parents next month. With your expertise of the island, I told him you could be his official tour guide.” 
Yes, cocaine was a hell of a drug for Sarah Cameron too, causing the already devilish young woman to toyingly push things to the limit. She would, you think to yourself as you laugh with her, unable to help it. 
“You fucking brat!” You playfully swat at her arm as she backs up slightly to move out of your reach. 
“That whole night was your fucking idea…” 
Your stomach twists at the memory, or lack thereof. 
“Jesus Chris, I remember hearing about that…” Topper whistles. 
“I think we all remember hearing about that…” Kelce laughs. 
“I was grounded for SO long.” Sarah laughs as she chugs the rest of her drink. “I think that was the angriest I’ve ever seen my dad in my whole life…” 
“Yeah, well…it did not bode well for me either…” you trail off. 
“What’re we talking about?!” Noah, done charming your business partners, sidles in between Sarah and Kelce, the amount of alcohol he’s already consumed quite obvious. 
“Your sisters rendezvous in the Bahamas…” as Sarah laughingly bumps Kelce’s arm. 
Noah, drunker than you thought, is clearly amused by his response. 
“Oh, you mean when Y/N just blacked out an entire evening–”
“Noah, stop!” You’re laughing but you really do want the conversation to end. Whenever the topic of this night is brought up it inflicts bad memories you’d rather not deal with, along with a sense of guilt that you can’t seem to place. 
That fateful night in the Bahamas was something you rarely thought back on. Your mind was not strong willed enough to let yourself consider the consequences of what really might’ve happened that evening. The security footage had left you with far too many unanswered questions. Questions you couldn’t answer yourself, nor to your screaming, ballistic father the following morning when he demanded to know how you got back home the night prior. 
You’d had no answers to give him, the security footage showing how you walked up to the house, inebriated beyond belief, about an hour after Sarah had come home, no car in sight nor evidence of how you got there. Your memory of that night ends with you in the parking lot of some club on the island, Sarah nowhere in sight as you hear unfamiliar voices around you…
Your father was furious when no logical explanation could be given, forcing you to draw the worst conclusions in your mind on what could have happened. Sarah had done her best to reassure you that some local cab driver or something must have given you a ride back but you knew on some level she was a little put off by the situation too. Not to mention stricken with guilt when she saw the aftermath it put both of you in, it having been her idea in the first place to try and sneak out of the house to a club, let alone try and buy cocaine in a foreign country. 
Sarah Cameron played the good girl image well, but you knew her way better than that, and you loved her even more for it. 
“Okay, okay” Sarah insisted, that feeling of guilt creeping up in her as she watched you grow uncomfortable. “Enough, moving on…”
Rafe, thankful for the change in topic, squeezes your hand that’s still held tightly within his. 
“Oh, I should warn you…” Noah glances in your direction. “Nancy Rodriguez is here, she was already asking about you.”
“What?!” You ask, clearly bewildered. 
“I know.” Noah shakes his head. “They brought the whole fucking clan. I haven’t seen any of them in ages…”
“Did they just call in everyone we know from California here?!” You ask incredulously, glancing around the grounds as more and more people make their way into the event as the night buzzes on cheerily behind you. 
“It sure fuckin’ seems like it…” he groans, signling to one of the waitier’s walking around for another drink. 
“I saw Jordan’s dad on the list of invites…”
Noah knew that would get you. 
Jordan’s DAD?!
He’s already raising his hands out defensively to you, trying to calm the emotions already radiating out of you. 
“Relax! He wasn’t able to make it but–”
“Jesus Christ, Noah!” you full on smack his arm, harder than he thought you would. “A little head’s up would’ve been–”
“What, guilty conscious?!” 
When you falter, Rafe slightly stiffens next to you. 
“Oh, Jordan, your friend out in California?” Topper asks earnestly. 
Your head is spinning as you try to catch up to the pace of this conversation, not at all ready to be discussing your past life hometown friends here of all places. 
“Uh, yeah…” 
While your father and Jordan’s father ran in quite different circles, he was still always at the top of the list when it came to wealthy businessmen in the local Cali area to try and throw at investors. 
Did Jordan know his father was invited out here?
You wouldn’t know. You’d been ignoring his calls and texts for far too long, leaving his “Call me backs” and “You alive’s?” unread, just now remembering his message from a few days prior. 
Jordy🃏: “Yo, need to run something by you…” (unread)
Maybe he had known?
“Oh fuck, incoming…” Noah groans, scrunching up his face as he shoots you daggers to try and get your attention as Nancy Rogriguez b-lines over to where you’re standing. 
“Y/N Y/L/N! Well, goodness gracious, my dear, let me get a look at you!” 
Before you know it, Nancy Rodgriuez, with her vibrant red hair and exuberant fashion choices, is swooping in next to you, taking your hand from Rafe (not without a wink) to hold it above your head so that she can step back and get a good look at you. 
Only then do you make note of Zach trailing not far behind her, his demeanor a complete flip from earlier, his face riddled with irritation. 
“My dear, it has truly been far too long! Years! I was just telling your brother over there, the last time I saw you, you were barely driving and already scamming all the boys out of their inheritances!” She laughs wickedly. 
Zach, who looks like he could literally kill you right now, attempts to fix his gaze as the rest of you just laugh. 
“It really has been awhile…” you smile up at the older woman who was always known for her ‘no filter’, wild attitude. 
“And heavens, look at you now! So grown! And god help me my dear, you truly are the spitting image of your mother!”
You feel all the air leave your lungs at her comment, not needing to turn face to face your twin brother to know that he’s just as frozen, just as caught off guard. Mrs. Rodriguez brings her jewel adorned hand up to cup your face. 
“Absolutely beautiful! God, look at you! The resemblance is truly uncanny…”
She just continues on when you don’t interject. 
“God she was so young too. Such a shame…” as she pats your cheek. “She was a pistol though, your mother, as I’m sure you’re aware…”
Quite the opposite. 
Aside from the few times you’d seen privileged glances at photos of her, you truly knew next to nothing about the woman that birthed you. That fact, mixed with her comments, just leaving you further at a loss…
“She never was one to take anyone’s shit!” Mrs. Rodgriuez is beaming at you now, “A trait I’m guessing she passed down to her only daughter…”
She winks at you but the action makes you sick, unable to process the topic of your mother being openly discussed as if this were natural….as if you didn’t spend your entire life pretending the woman, your mother, who you barely knew outside of her name, simply never existed. 
“Poor Zach…” 
Mrs. Rodgriuez is turning to him now, face cast downward as she takes pity on him. 
“I know you took her passing the hardest… you and her were always so close…”
Your jaw fully falls open as you watch Zach’s face twist, likely with embarrassment as you try and process what she just said. 
Zach…and your mother… were close? 
Zach doesn’t reply but Mrs. Rodriguez, never allowing a moment of silence, fills the void. 
“Such a pity…I’m sure she’s proud of you too…” sending a wink Zach’s way before turning to you. 
“A dance before the end of the evening, my darling! I all but demand it. I am dying to know how a smart, city girl like you ended up out here in a town like this…you better come find me!” Winking as she presses a kiss to your cheek, jaw still hanging open as you watch her walk off, the rest of the group standing behind you awkwardly. 
When you look back at Zach, he’s shaking his head at you, any type of bond from earlier nonexistent as he grits his teeth. 
Blame it on the look on his face, on the way her words twisted inside you, on all of the pressure from the day, on all of the tortment your older brother had given you in your life…whatever it is…you can’t help the down right mocking, condescending response that falls from your lips as you laugh. 
“Awww, did Zachy need my mommy more than I did?”
Noah, clearly not expecting that response from you, takes a step in your direction while Zach is already hot on the defense. 
“Who the fuck are you taking to?!” he asks angrily, voice rasing. 
“I’m talking to you, dip shit. Keep up!” As you snap your fingers. “You wanna keep pushing me, don’t be afraid of what follows…”
You chug the rest of your drink as you hear her words ringing in your ear. 
“You truly are the spitting image of your mother…”
“The resemblance is truly uncanny…”
As her words boil over to anger within you, you find your confidence as you lean into the cocaine fueling your body. 
“Is that why you hate me so much!?” You nearly yell back at Zach, tone as harsh as it can be,  “Because every time you look at me, you see her?!”
Zach’s face twists to something similar to pain as Noah speaks up next to you, “Y/N, what the fuck…” but you ignore him. 
“Dad too, huh?” As you shake your head in realization. 
“No, no!” You're fakely calming Noah down but he knows you’re actually just gearing up, seeing the anger rising to dangerous levels within you already. 
“Noah, it’s okay! It’s this new thing I’m doing where I just draw attention to the one thing no one wants to talk about, that everyone’s avoiding, so that it can’t be used against me.” 
Zach rolls his eyes, already having had enough of your bullshit. 
“…How’s my new strategy going?” You ask rhetorically. 
Your eldest brother has clearly had enough already though. 
“Can you just shut the fuck up!”
“Yo!” You hear Rafe and Noah yell in unison. 
“I can’t shut the fuck up Zach! I have to use my big girl voice to clean up your fucking mistakes–”
A few people standing around you turn towards the scene as both of your voices reach high octaves. 
“You’re so full of shit! You know that–”
You’re so caught up in the moment that you don’t take in Ward, followed by Rose, trailing closely behind you, having caught onto the commotion, rushing over to try and tame the scene. 
His presence however, does anything but…
Rafe doesn’t take his father into account either until the last second as you hear Ward’s voice yelling your name behind you, snapping any kind of rationale you had regarding this situation. 
Turning in your heel, your hand comes up lightning fast. But instead of striking Ward, it slaps the crystal glass off right out of his hand, shattering it to pieces as you hear Sarah gasp. 
Next to her, an almost immediate cold sweat breaks out over Rafe, hearing you. 
“Respectfully Ward...” your index finger pointed violently at him, your voice almost a growl, “Mind your own fucking business.”
You know you’re full on touching insanity, feeling that familiar pull but also recognizing that helpless feeling of being able to do nothing about it… 
“Ya know what….” Winding up for your release, eyes wild at Zach as everyone around you looks upon the three of you. 
“Y/N…” Noah’s voice isn’t a threat, it’s a death sentence, warning you that one more word and it’s over. 
With one final, disgusted look at your eldest brother, you release the wrath you had been saving for some time now. 
“You’re such a fucking joke!”
The second Noah sees your mouth open he knows it’s game over, already turning at his brother, predicting his reaction the second you started talking. 
Zach lunges at you hard but you’re quick, way quicker than he thinks.
“A pathetic fucking failure who needs their little sister to clean up their mistakes–”
There’s commotion and clatter behind you all as everyone moves at once, Noah slamming into his brother, trying his hardest to contain him back, even that doing absolutely nothing to stop you. 
Rafe’s already moving, only a foot or two from you now but he stops dead when he fully takes you in. Not because he’s afraid… but because that burning look in your eye set his whole world on fire, heart literally in flames as he falls short. 
“….How’s it feel to fail at everything you do? To ruin everything you touch?” You’re full on screaming now, words coming out at the top of your lungs. 
She’s so beautiful. How is she real?
“You-fucking-BITCH! I swear to god–”
“Dad may write your checks princess, but it’s my fucking money you’re earning. Not that you need me to remind you of that I’m sure!”
Then, the final straw. Sealing both of your fates, forever as the most sinister giggle leaves your lips. 
“I fucking own you…”
There’s a full on scene around you now as Kelce and Noah struggle to hold Zach back, security guards swarming over. 
“Y/N, enough!” Noah’s yelling over Zach’s curses, Ward attempting (and failing miserably) to diffuse the situation quietly and without attention. 
There’s too much happening around you to process, security all but pulling Zach away, kicking and screaming as everyone glances around at each other. 
Zach certainly wasn’t having the best of luck with security today, losing a two game battle as Ward turns, looking absolutely disgusted with you. 
Ward had given Zach one final chance to turn it around today.
His opportunity: give the highlight speech at tonight’s dinner and do everything in his power to wow and dazzle the guests in attendance. 
You laugh out loud at the likelihood of that happening now. 
“Yeah, gee… I guess I don’t know what you’re going to do….doesn’t look like he’ll be going back out there anytime soon…” tone bratty beyond belief, doing everything in your power to annoy Ward further.   
“That’s pretty rough….”
You grab your long forgotten drink off the table, casually taking a sip as if you hadn’t caused a complete meltdown moments ago, as if there weren’t dozens of eyes upon you now, the epicenter…
Everyone’s still staring right at you, your blue eyed Boy Wonder among them, eyes now burning red. 
“Good luck with that…” rolling your eyes at Ward as you glance back at the rest of the group. 
Rafe was unable to tear his eyes from you if his life depended on it, watching your figure as it stood before him, suddenly feeling as though the wind was swept out of him. 
It’s her. 
Ward’s sickening laugh is enough to put yours to shame. 
“Yeah…Rafe’s going to need it.”
You look flabbergasted as Rafe’s eyes go wide, glancing at his father as realization dawns on you. 
What have you done…
“What? No!” 
“Well you know, when things get messy, we all have to step it up…Now it’s Rafe’s turn.” 
Ward knows what he’s doing when he throws your own words back at you from earlier. 
“I’ll do it!” You yell at him, not letting Rafe get thrown to the wolves for your carelessness. 
Ward's smile is laced with malice. Surpringly, Rafe isn’t panicking like he normally would, just glancing between you and his father as an idea pops into his head. 
“No, Rafe is going to do this–”
“We’re both going to do it.” Rafes eyes are beaming when you meet them, gazing down on you like everyone else around you didn’t exist. 
Your eyes go wide, unable to help the smile threatening your lips, only making Ward more furious. 
“Yeah…” you’re still staring at Rafe in an almost dreamlike haze as he winks at you. “We are.”
When you and Rafe are walking up to the side of the stage what feels like minutes later later, you can’t help that giddy feeling rising up within you as deja vu floods your memory until you’re back in this same exact place, on your very first day in the outer banks…this time, about to walk on stage joined by the one person who got you through your speech the first time…
You follow Ward toward the stage but stop at the bottom of the steps, allowing him to approach the podium alone, waiting for his introduction and go ahead. Just breathe. You’ve done this so many times before. You’re not that fucked up. Breathe in and out. Just read the words on the paper. Your gaze shoots to the table at the front, searching for your brother’s reassuring eyes but instead instantly lock with Rafes. It’s obvious he was already looking right at you but he makes no indication of embarrassment nor attempts to thwart his gaze from you. His eyes remain boring into yours as if the rest of the room had faded away and before you can process a single thought, a smile creeps onto his face that heats your insides. He gives you a small nod of his head as if to encourage you - as if he’s saying with no words “you’ve got this, it’s going to be okay” and you can’t help the shit eating grin that breaks out on your face.
The feeling of that same man’s hand sliding down your arm pulls you back from your memory as you take a deep breath. 
“Don’t worry. We got this. I’ll try and lighten up this shit speech Zach wrote. Just follow my lead, okay?”
Rafe laughs lightly behind you. 
“I’d follow you anywhere…” 
You gaze back at him, looking over your shoulder, finding him much closer than expected. 
The lights on the stage flicker to a new shade and you see the chairman of the city council gearing up to introduce you both. 
His statement, catching you by surprise, makes your mind jump to wild ideas that don’t even seem possible in this universe… either of yours. 
You choke, his words washing over you so heavily you just want to run into his arms and cling to him forever. 
“You can’t just say things like that to me…” you whisper back at him, staring between his eyes and lips as you watch his reaction to his own words being thrown back at him. 
He wants to kiss you so goddamn bad, staring down at your puffy, beautiful, perfect lips making it nearly impossible not to. 
You hear the chairman say both of your names as Rafe whispers into your ears. 
“Let’s do this, bitch.” Earning a near snorting laugh from you before guiding you up the stage, his hand tucked protectively on your waist. 
            The speech goes off flawlessly. All of your friends in the crowd are nothing short of amazed at the chemistry between you two, earning multiple laughs and cheers from the crowd, positively beaming as the guests were literally eating from your hands, dripping at every word. The two of you dazzled the entire room, lightning it ablaze in a way only the two of you could, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. 
Rafe pulls you over to dance immediately after, not wanting to share you with the rest of the crowd just yet as multiple people try to compliment you both. 
You’re lost under the twinkling lights of the dance floor, lost in Rafe’s body as it’s pressed close to yours, breathing in every little thing about him. 
In the distance you both hear Ward’s laugh, traveling over the music. Rafe feels you stiffen slightly in his arms, knowing there’s more going on than he’s aware of. 
“Hmmm?” he asks gently into your hair, feeling your gaze travel over to his father as you shake your head. 
“It’s nothing…”
When you look up at him, you know he’s reading right through you. His gentle words that follow only confirm that. 
“I know you can’t tell me everything. But you’re gonna clue me in on what’s going on soon though, yeah?”
He sees the emotions glaze over in your eyes, the pain too, wanting instead to bear some of the brunt of it, so that you didn’t have to.  
“Please?” The way he says the word gets to you. 
“You know I want to protect you too, right? That I need to, Y/N/N. Let me, please….”
That hits you hard. You’d put so much energy and drive into protecting Rafe, giving it your all. Had you even remotely let him do the same for you? The chances of that are low and it fills you with guilt. 
He wanted to protect you. 
“I promise.” You squeeze him closer to you, arms wrapping tighter around his shoulders. “I’m sorry, Rafe, you deserve–”
You’re cut off by his lips pressing into yours. 
“Don’t even start with that, sweetheart…” he chuckles, pinching your side a little bit, earning a giggle from you that’s like music to his ears. 
He feels you lean your body weight onto him further and he thinks about how exhausted you must be if his current state is any kind of indication. 
Thinking of all the shit you'd been through today…his father…your brother…Sid. All he wanted was to fix it. 
I can’t stand this. Let me show you how you deserve to be treated. They don’t deserve you. None of them do. They don’t know you like I do. They don’t know what you need.
All he wanted to do was fix it…
Your words from the other night hit him like a bullet, ultimately leading him to his final decision. 
“You make me feel safe. You make me feel safe. You make me feel safe. You make me feel safe.” 
Your voice is playing on a constant loop in his head until it was his own voice that cut through:  “MAKE HER FEEL SAFE YOU IDIOT”
“You wanna get out of here?”
You glance up at him confused. 
“They haven’t even made all of the announcements yet though. I think it’s still going to be–” 
“Who fucking cares…” his fingers are gently caressing your back as he holds you close to him. 
“Say the words, sweet girl, and we can walk right out here and not look back…” 
He said it with such conviction that it shook you. His words alone “walk right out of here and never look back...” being sent to your long term memory to painfully sift through later…
You stop to stare up at him with the most serious, pleading look on your face. 
You slowly nod your head, getting lost in his eyes, lost in him really, your words barely audible as he literally saves you. 
Bringing his hand across your shoulders, he pulls you into his side as he presses a soft kiss onto your temple. 
“Then let’s go, sweetheart…”
With the same conviction he had that he’d follow you anywhere, Rafe Camerson was also just as certain that he would always protect you, would always keep you safe, would always keep you close to his side, no matter the costs.  ...
Taglist: @lurkymurker @mackenzielovee @mor-bs @totallynotkaibiased @aaleksmorozova @onlygetaway @itsalexwin @tsnelf7 @starkeybae @kotzmagoatz @maybanks-cupcake @goldenjo @valentinearc @valeriiecameron
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