#we all know buddie should be cannon
casually-dying · 1 year
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evilminji · 2 months
You know? I kinda wonder...
In a Self Insert type scenario, in Star Wars?
They would be MUCH more open to listening to "buddy, a storm's comin'" type warnings. Their Cannon knowledge, even if spotty, would probably echo with the Force and draw its attention to them somewhat. Because they KNOW.
KNOW what is going to happen. Not guess. Not assume. KNOW. Like the Force does. And that? Coupled with their inherent strangeness? Would make them the oddly colored duck of the flock, as it were. Not Super Important... buuuut? Easy to spot.
One of the Force's Blorbos.
Just cause, really. Cause they look funny. The Force doesn't even have a plan for um! But they turned up, ate the Force's food, and look at their wittle faaaace~☆! So it's keeping them. You know... assuming they survive.
Brings me to my point?
Since they LISTEN? The Force probably chatters like a mofo. Since a Self Insert would be anxious and constantly ASKING for wisdom. For help. A friend. Guidance of any kind. The Force would be draped around them like a particularly pleased with itself shoulder cat. A hovering backseat driver.
Because you DO keep asking, after all.
It's like muscle memory. Building strength. Not... not GREAT, in all actuality? Because Self Insert is avoiding making their OWN choices, probably out of fear? But on the OTHER hand? Both of them KNOW that there is literally a Sith Master like... less then 5 minutes away from where they live. Constantly.
And they are a Youngling.
At What Point?? Does the Force? Engage "Fuck it, we take our baby and run" protocols?
Just? FULL ON "you stop midway through making your dinner, turn off the soup, pick up your kids, leave the house, and NEVER LOOK BACK". Because? Yes. The Jedi KNIGHTS and MASTERS may have vows to try and protect the people of the Republic?
They, in fact, need to be PROTECTED.
And if the Force itself? Says "if you stay here, they WILL die."? You gotta go. Hopefully? You have enough warning to like... pack a ship. But, ya might NOT. Might just be "aaaand, everybody put down your pads! Suprise field trip to Anywhere Else! IMMEDIATELY. Single file, younglings. No running!" Like?
What would you do?
I kinda wanna see it.
Just this somber, vaguely haunted, crechling walking up to import figures like Madam Nu and Yoda going "if I tell you The Force told me we have to take the younglings, ALL OF THEM, and any history we think is worth preserving, and LEAVE... would you listen? Or would you let us die here?" With their tiny lil face and to serious expression.
Like a prophet of Doom.
And WHERE? Exactly? Are they supposed to go? Oh, simple. They are to Trust In The Force. And let it guide them. Out IN THE UNKNOWN REGIONS of wild space! Because THATS fine! Is this a joke?
No the youngling is dead serious. Terrifyingly serious. Has been studying how to pilot a shop like they will have to do so THEMSELF. Asking questions that paint a concerning portrait of a child that fully intends to take their peers on this journey, with or without them.
And the Force? The Force says they MUST. That it is impossibly important they DO.
Do they... TELL anybody?
No. Not a single soul. Specifically, not a single soul In The Senate. Ah. Concerning! Guess we're? "Losing" a ship in the war? Oh dear. Such casualties. All those lives. Oh noooooo, and such and so forth. UNRELATED note! It's been FAR too long since this temple was cleaned! Unacceptable. You, random clones definitely not assigned to that ship we definitely just lost! Help us... clean!
The power of "fuck it, we took our ball and went home/left"? Should be USED more in fics. The Force TOTALLY knows where some sweet, sweet habitable planets are. You'll NEVER fuckin find them if they don't want you too! An entire temple of Jedi asking for the SAME thing? Versus a crusty lil shit?
They asked first. And nicely!
With THIS, balance is maintained. Not through FORCE. But through walking away for a bit. Allowing OTHERS to decide if this is what THEY want for themselves. Order 66 may or may not still happen? But? At most? All you would kill is the current fighting adults. Not the teachers. Not the elders. And CERTAINLY not the young.
They? Are far away. Where the Force is still clear and the light is strong. Growing up. Reflecting on what went wrong. Farming. Building a new temple with the Clones. You know, the ones who didn't have their comms. Never GOT that dreaded order. Get to live free men on a peaceful planet.
Cause historically? You send your kids AWAY from active wars zones. Places that are priority targets for your enemies. And if the Force itself is saying "move the babies"? Welp! Guess you gotta move um, don't ya? It's scary. Uncertain.
But it is an act of faith.
And I just? Wanna see Sith's plans just COMPLETELY fuckin implode? Because they could not plan for Faith. For Trust and Community and Hope. All the things they believe so trite. So worthless. The very things that would lead grown adults, POWERFUL PEOPLE, to actually? LISTEN to a mere youngling. Then follow their lead.
It would be?
Inconceivable to them.
@legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @hypewinter @babbling-babull @hdgnj @starwarsblr @starwars
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aubaee · 2 months
class buddy — p.js
enhypen jay head cannon
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classmate!Jay whom you met as your desk mate in college.
classmate!Jay is chic with a mysterious aura around him, his demeanor drawing you closer in curiosity.
classmate!Jay who dresses fashionably in a vintage style with his favorite cologne.
classmate!Jay who asks to be your partner in the upcoming project for your class.
classmate!Jay asks for your phone number to discuss about the project once you’re outside of class
"hey, is it okay if we can exchange numbers? Now that we're partners in this project together."
classmate!Jay invites you to go to the library together, using the excuse of “research” for the project
"when are you free so we can go work together?"
classmate!Jay who you get to know as someone with a firm resolve in his beliefs.
classmate!Jay whom you get to know as someone with a unique sense of humor, sometimes pulling dad jokes out of context.
classmate!Jay who you get to know as a person with a warm, selfless, and pure heart.
classmate!Jay who saves a seat for you in class if you’re slightly late.
classmate!Jay in which you enjoy his company during class as he never fails to make you laugh.
classmate!Jay whom you get close to for the remaining of the semester despite finishing the project together.
classmate!Jay invites you to go out for drinks at a cafe he recommended since he found out about your interest in trying new drinks/foods.
classmate!Jay in which you get really close to after spending time outside of class together.
bestfriend!Jay who thought of you and sends you messages regarding a new restaurant he went to with his guy best friends
"we should go together here next time, I think you'd enjoy it"
bestfriend!Jay who matches your energy and jokes around with, occasionally bickering with each other
"let's play fair at least!!"
bestfriend!Jay is afraid of the horror genre but tries his best to watch horror movies with you because he knows you enjoy the thrill of it
"ahh I told you that would happen! now look who's being haunted next."
bestfriend!Jay who sends funny memes on social platforms to share laughter with you
"this is us" "why does it remind me of you from that one time?? lol"
bestfriend!Jay who pays attention to the smallest details of you, especially noticing your habits, which he thinks is cute.
bestfriend!Jay who’s love language is acts of service, in which he plays close attention to you a lot.
“Here, I cooked this for you since you told me it was your favorite.”
“My dish will become the best you’ve ever had.”
bestfriend!Jay who carries an extra hair tie in case you needed it because you either lost it or forgot.
bestfriend!Jay who keeps an extra pouch (comb, hair clip, pads/tampons, cough drops) of your stuff in his car glove box, just in case you forgot to bring an item you needed.
bestfriend!Jay who comforts you when you’re going through a hard time regarding your family, academics, or relationships.
bestfriend!Jay who enjoys cooking for you just to see you smile.
bestfriend!Jay plays the guitar occasionally when he comes over to your apartment complex.
bestfriend!Jay whom you have an annual weekend together to travel far outside of the city.
bestfriend!Jay who treats you out for cafe dates just cause
"let's go out"
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a/n: hi hii, hope you enjoy this really short cannon of Jay. for sure there will be more scenarios along the way~ the idea came up to me in the middle of the night as i was streaming their comeback for XO (only if you say yes). 🚨 also if you haven’t yet pls stream their XO (OIYSY) mv, esp on Spotify or Apple Music, and vote for ENHYPEN on all voting platforms (ALLCHART/U Pick/Mnet+/Superstar X/Mubeat)! Thank youu! ♡
☆ please like & reblog ☆
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nqueso-emergency · 22 days
I'm gonna be honest here, I think it's normal for these 'journalists' to have their own preferences as long as it doesn't affect their work, and if we disregard the shoehorning of buddie into every article, so far I haven't read a single work from them that you can consider outrageously biased towards that ship.
However, my gripe with them is this: You are supposed to be the smart and logical one who at the very least can read the room regarding where things on the show currently stand. You are literally paid to analyze the show. You watch the episodes days in advance before us so you have ample time to rewatch them. You have access to tons of interviews with cast and showrunners. Most of the time you even do the interviewing itself, so if there is anyone who is expected to be able to read between the lines and understand the meaning behind their words it should be you. You may even have bts scoops that we know nothing about. Also, you work in the US entertainment industry , and as controversial as this may sound I expect you to have an understanding on the current cultural and political climate of this country and I sure do hope you know who is the average audience of the show you are paid to write about.
Considering all that, considering everything that has happened the past few seasons especially the last, considering everything Ryan has said during interviews, if the first thing you do once the mustache bts has dropped was to vague tweet 'Something has shifted..Buddie Cannon!' then I am just embarrassed for you. If your main takeaway during that dinner scene is that Buck is trying to have an actual conversation and Tommy is just not having it, and that you 'needed someone to be there for Buck after an exhausting day' and he failed to do that, then how are we supposed to take everything you write next seriously? But I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you don't actually believe this and all of this is just for clout. Maybe you think that pandering to the most vile and rancid people in fandom possible is the way to go to advance your careers. If that is the case then hats off to you girls go get that money!
I mean...
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truetealtears · 1 year
So many fic writers don’t acknowledge the fact that canonically Fenris hosts a game night with Donnic at the mansion WEEKLY
Like sure he probably put them on hold for a bit after his personal quests since oof those were not good times but past that he sees Donnic once a week!
So many of you guys are missing out on A - probably one of/the only friend Fenris consistently hangs out with OUTSIDE of Hawke and Co (even though he’s Aveline’s husband lmao). And B - the closeness and hilarity of their relationship, like they do this for years, they clearly talk to each other about a lot. To the point where Donnic tells him about maybe having children and stuff, which Fenris then asks Aveline about and she goes ‘you two talk too much’ LIKE??? ITS RIGHT THERE IN CANNON
The funny part comes in when you’re romancing Fenris because everyone depicts him as like brooding about it alone in his mansion for weeks (which he definitely did ngl) but then only confiding in either no one at all or like Varric WHEN DONNIC IS CANONICALLY RIGHT THERE
Like can you imagine that at one point during one of their game nights in Act 3 Fenris is like:
“So you are married…”
“Listen Fenris, buddy, you’re right. I am happily married and as your friend I would love to give you relationship advice but you were there for the absolute mess that was Aveline trying to court me. You know full well why I can’t really help you get with Hawke. The two of you combined are worse than even my dear wife.”
“We are not that bad”
“Fasta vaas, fine. So what now?”
“Well I can offer encouragement, Aveline is close with Hawke used to have tea with her mother a lot, so I can tell you with absolute certainty that Hawke is into you and Leandra wouldn’t have disapproved. You just have to make your move… and also never tell either of them that I told you this”
*Meanwhile in the Hawke estate*
“Aveline I need you to do me a favour and get Donnic to find out if Fenris is still into me”
“You told me they hang out a lot! And I can’t just ask him that myself so I need you to find out for me Please? I really need you to return the favour here!”
I think this would be an absolutely hilarious interpretation of canon events and a really funny and sweet dynamic between the four of them. The rest of the Hawke flock could joke about them going on double dates lmao
TLDR: Donnic and Fenris are canonically really good friends and this should be acknowledged more in fics and stuff
(Fenris and Aveline are also good friends fyi but that’s for a different post. As well as something I have actually seen a couple of people talk about on here so yeah another time)
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tidbit-fanfic · 2 months
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A/N: WOW did this take forever. Did you think I’d honestly leave Forever & Always as it was? Here’s your fix-it-fic, part two to Forever & Always, but of course you don’t have to read this if you don’t want to fix things. That’s fine.
TW: 18+ Smut, protected sex (wrap your willy silly), car sex, blood, cannon level violence, angsty angst, the l-word, Micheal, mention of castration, spanking, makeup/angry sex?, fluffy fluff
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No one ever said breakups were easy. Months passed before I could even look Dean in the eye again, and more passed until we returned to how we were before the relationship had ever happened. We formed a close bond and worked together on case after case. I accompanied Castiel and Kelly when the Winchesters were arrested, and I became a major support during Kelly’s pregnancy, within the limits set by Cas. When they busted out to raise more hell? I was there to help clean up after them. 
Things became rocky when Dean began lashing out towards Jack. I slammed my fist into his jaw one time. I don’t regret it, and I don’t think I ever will. He left in a huff after, ignoring me, as Sam and I tried to make sense of everything. A whirlwind of catastrophic events later, Dean stepped forward, doing the one thing he promised he never would: let Micheal in. 
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“Anyone find anything?” 
“Sam, we’ve been searching for weeks, and every time you ask that question, what’s the answer?”
The younger Winchester pushes his hand through his hair, a deep sigh leaving his lungs. “Just hoping for something.”
“I know. You miss him, but we’re working overtime to scrounge up anything on him. Have you even slept in the past twenty-four hours?” I stand from the rickety chair I’d been sitting in for the past hour, looking into Sam’s eyes. His face quickly switched to one of guilt, a shy, school-boyish look taking over his features. My hands found their place on my hips, taking on a motherly stance. “Go. Sleep. Now.”
“Now, Samuel.” He runs off to his room to get some sleep, hopefully. I turn back to my small team of five people. They all shake their heads, a couple returning their eyes to the screen sitting before them. With no sign of Dean, Sam and Mary have become overly stressed, constantly checking in on any form of a lead. Meanwhile, Jack and Cas are out doing their own little thing, leaving me to manage this small team, checking sources daily. Micheal must be covering his tracks extremely well because our facial scanners have reported back nothing about Dean, or any unnatural glitching. 
I walk my way into the kitchen, searching for a distraction. These past few weeks, I organized and reorganized the kitchen at least three times. It’s become my solitude after losing Dean yet again. I pulled out some ingredients and began cooking dinner for everyone in the bunker, hoping that by keeping my hands busy, I could distract my mind. 
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“So, you’re going to follow this lead alone?” I cross my arms, narrowed eyes sizing up the Winchester standing in front of me, resulting in Sam shaking his head.
“I’m meeting up with mom and Bobby on the way.”
“Fine,” I say, pushing off of the table, watching as he goes to turn. “And Sam?”
“Bring him back.”
Sam looks at me, a hint of remorse playing in his eyes. He goes to open his mouth before I wave him off, making my way to Jack’s room. I raise my hand and knock, waiting for Jack’s response. The door creaks as I open it, revealing the young male who has been living with us for some time. 
“Hey, buddy. How’s it going?”
“I mean, better now. Cas is finally beginning to see that I can help on hunts.”
I nod, sitting at the foot of his bed. “Did Sam tell you…”
“He did.” 
“Oh,” I state, racking my brain for ways to keep the conversation flowing when the blonde pipes up.
“You still care for him. Don’t you?”
My eyes snap up to Jack’s. “Jack. It’s difficult.”
“It’s not though. You should tell him when he’s back.”
“I can’t do that, he’s…it's…complicated.”
The male tilts his head, eyes searching my face for an explanation. I sigh, “I, well, he was the one who messed up, and I just took it. I accepted he didn’t like me enough to work through it. Then I fell apart, Jack, and I can’t live through that again.” 
“Is that truly how you feel?”
“There is no other way. We can’t, he can’t change what he did. I can’t forgive him for making me a second choice.”
Jack reached forward, resting a hand on mine, the other to wipe away the tears that fell. “But you still love him.”
“Yes,” I whisper. “But I can’t have him.”
“Y/N, I know I may not have been on this earth for long, but I’ve seen enough to say this: if you love him, give Dean a second chance. You never know how things might go this time around.”
I stand, wiping my face. “No Jack, I can’t” 
I leave his room, returning to the main part of the bunker, not before grabbing a glass of alcohol to numb the pain. I join the research team in the library, sitting in one of the few comfy chairs while Jack’s words echo through my head. “Give him a second chance. You never know how things might go this time around.”
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 Heavy footsteps resonate through the bunker, Cas re-entering from Jack’s room, a look of shock crossing his features. “Dean?”
I watch as Cas wraps Dean into a hug, setting my glass on a nearby table as Dean’s voice rings out. “Hey, Cas.”
One of the few extra hunters walks up to Sam, running him through the information we collected since his departure. Meanwhile, Dean looks around at all the new bodies occupying the bunker. I turn my head away, beginning to make my way towards my room to avoid interaction with him, but it seems as if fate has other plans, with one of my subordinates stepping into my field of vision. “Cap? We have a couple of updates on that nest you asked about?”
“Show me what you have.” I look down at the tablet, littered with pins displaying the nest’s pattern of migration. I listen as they explain the situation, ignoring the presence creeping in from behind me. 
“Okay, send out a small group, maybe five? Check in with Sam to get it approved and run a couple of facial scans to ensure that they are where you’re predicting. Good work.”
“On it Captain.” 
“Captain? That’s an interesting nickname.” Jumping at the rough voice, I turn to meet a pair of forest green eyes I used to call home. I look him up and down, taking in the state of him, and maybe, just maybe, appreciating the archangel’s fashion taste, paired with Dean’s attempt at making it comfortable. As I meet his eyes, I can't help but force a smile, refusing to reveal my emotions.
“Dean! It’s so great to see you in one piece. Sam had us searching everywhere for you.”
“Sam did? It wasn’t you?” 
“He was driving himself sick.”
He nods, rubbing a hand across the back of his neck. “Look, Y/N, I know we—”
“Captain?” Another voice cuts through his sentence, and I turn to see Charlie holding out a tablet, nodding to Dean before redirecting her attention to me. 
“The reports you wanted just came back. Our predictions were right. Ketch’s team is nearby, just a couple of miles down the way. We’re sending them the info on the nest right now.” 
“Thank you, Charlie. And it’s really great to see you back, Dean. Especially in one piece.” I turn, heading back to my room, this time without interruptions. I close the door behind me, sliding down against it before rubbing my temples. Breakups aren’t easy, and living in the same space as your ex just makes it worse. 
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The next morning, I’m up before everyone else, starting coffee and breakfast for the bunker. A sweaty Sam enters the kitchen, grabs a glass of water, and then presumably leaves to take a shower before the hustle of the bunker begins. I relax into the routine I’ve put myself into since Dean left, mundane tasks I easily get lost in. Breakfast is finished before I return to my room, a notification lighting up my phone’s screen from Sam. I flip my phone over, opting for a couple more hours of sleep before dealing with him. 
The sound of knocking wakes me up, as my door moves slightly with the action. I open it, coming face-to-face with Sam. Taking a step back, I rush to smooth down my hair while Sam lets out a low whistle. “And I thought my bedhead was bad.”
I throw a middle finger at him, glaring as he chuckles. “What do you want?”
“Just got a case in.” He walks in, taking a seat at my desk, opening his laptop to reveal a newspaper article. Man Reported Missing By Girlfriend: Claims A Giant Woman-Bird Took Him. 
“Are we sure she’s not just crazy?”
“Yes, multiple police reports of missing men in the area have a claim of ‘giant woman-birds’ taking them. Seems like an us problem.”
I look over his shoulder at the reports, showing drawn portraits of the attackers. “Jesus, those look like harpies. Tricky little buggers, but should be a ‌simple case. Give me ten minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Good, see you then.”
Ten minutes later, I cross the threshold to the garage, eyes scanning it for the younger Winchester. The passenger side window of the Impala rolls down, revealing Dean, sitting in the driver’s seat. “C’mon, we don’t have all day. If Sam’s right about the feeding patterns, they’re gonna strike again tonight.” 
I look over my shoulder to the door of the garage. “Speaking of Sam, where is he? I thought it was just going to be us on this hunt?”
“Nope. Just me and you, princess.”
“Don’t call me that.” I open the door, tossing my bag into the backseat before climbing in, staying as far away from Dean as possible. He grumbles something under his breath, throwing Baby into drive and leaving the bunker. This was going to be a long hunt. 
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Blood hit my face as my knife sliced through a harpy’s wing. The creature let out a screech before turning to me, its teeth elongating as it prepared to attack. I raised an arm to push back when a gunshot rang through the air. She fell to the ground, revealing a blood-covered Dean standing behind her. I dropped my arm, huffing and kicking at the dead body of the woman. We had destroyed the nest,and all the harpies within it, leaving only one last step before we could head to a hotel and get cleaned up. I looked at Dean, whose eyes remained locked on me with worry. “You ready to burn these bitches?”
A smirk broke out on his face. “You know it.”
I giggled beneath my breath, grabbing a container of gasoline before returning to the building. I poured it on top of the bodies, as well as the makeshift nests, before returning to Baby. Dean pulled a zippo from his pocket, striking it before throwing it into the door. We both leaned back onto the vehicle, watching as the building went up in flames, the adrenaline slowly beginning to leave our systems. 
I turn, looking at the man beside me. While checking him over for any wounds, noticing his shoulder bleeding. Claw marks from where the harpy attempted to take him. I reach out, pulling the torn fabric from the wound for a closer look. “Crap, Dean, this looks like it hurts.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” He shrugs, tensing as my hands work over his wound. “First aid is in the backseat.”
I nod, going to get it, ready to be done with the hunt. “Alcohol incoming.”
After I ensure he won't get an infection, I thread a fishing line into place, starting the first stitch, causing a hiss to rip from his mouth. Stitch after stitch, I tend to the injury, patching over it with some hydrocolloid bandages before stepping back. 
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My eyes flutter open, revealing unfamiliar scenery. Dean looks up from his phone. “All good. Just taking a pit stop. Showers are over there.”
“I thought we were going to a motel?” I rub my eyes, reaching over the seat for my bag. 
“I thought it’d be pretty stupid, considering we’re only five hours from home. I was just gonna clean up and nap a bit before finishing the drive.”
I nod leaving the Impala and making my way to the shower building, clutching my pocket knife in my right hand as a safety precaution. I knew Dean had parked in an area where he could see the entrance, but it never hurt to be a little extra cautious. I entered the station, locking myself into one stall and starting the shower. Peeling my crusty clothes from off, I rinsed them in the water, hoping to remove some of the blood. I climbed into the shower, scrubbing away the gore painted on my body. My mind wandered to our situation. 
I had slept in the Impala with Dean many times, mostly when the motel was out of vacancies, leaving us to find a station similar to this. Sam would stretch out in the backseat while I cuddled up to Dean, safe in his arms. Back when I trusted him with my life. Now, I can’t trust him as far as I could throw him. ‘Give him a second chance.’ If only it were that easy.
I return to the Impala, devoid of monster blood. Dean’s head was lolled back, resting against the seat. I knocked on the window before opening my door, ensuring he wouldn’t shoot me. He opened his eyes, a strained smile covering his features when he saw me. I climbed in and curled up against the door, hoping to catch a little more sleep. Minutes passed before his deep timbre echoed through the car. “I know you’re still up.”
“Not the point Dean. I’m trying to sleep, what you should be doing.”
“I can’t.”
I opened my eyes, turning to him. “Why not?”
“It’s,” he swallowed. “Nothing. Sorry.”
“No, it’s not nothing. What’s wrong?”
He scrubbed his hand down his face, looking out his window. “Micheal fucked with my head.”
“I thought you couldn’t remember anything?”
“I lied somewhat. He was awful Y/N. Showing me the things he would do if I didn’t obey. I—I can’t get the images out of my head.” His voice became tight with emotion.
“Hey, hey. It’s okay. He’s gone now.” 
“That’s not the point. Micheal threatened Sam, mom, Cas, Jack, but the worst? He threatened you. God, Y/N, if you saw half of what he was going to do to you, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near me.”
“Dean. He’s gone. We’ll find him, kill him and you’ll be fine.”
“Damn it Y/N, you don’t get it do you?”
“I don’t get what?”
“I love you! That’s why he threatened you.” I look into his forest-green eyes, studying the pain and anguish hidden behind them. 
“You don’t get to say that.”
“And why not?” 
I rest my back against the door, as far from him as possible. “You dumped me, remember? For a one-month-old? Not to mention how much of an asshole you were during the whole Amara situation.”
“No Dean. You hurt me. You showed me just how little you care about me. You wouldn’t have even thought about her twice if you actually loved me. When Micheal convinced you to say yes, and you disappeared, I knew there was no fixing this. One day you're gonna find someone else and leave me just like you did the first time. I can’t go through that again. It would kill me.” I look at him, tears threatening to break through. “I love you. But I can’t do this to myself again”
“I won’t do it again, baby. Forever & al—”
“No!” My sob catches in my throat as I hug myself. “Forever doesn’t exist. Always means occasionally to you Dean.”
“Stop.” I close my eyes, the pain slowly turning into anger. “I don’t want to hear it.”
Silence envelopes the space between us, leaving an awkward feeling between us.  
A sigh echoes from him, his hand running through his hair. “I know I fucked up. The Mark made me an absolute asshole, and I knew you deserved better. I tried real hard to bottle up those emotions I had for Amara, knowing they were only because of some weird mark-magic shit. After the whole demon ordeal, I knew you deserved better, so I quit trying. I had to hurt you to get you to leave me. I couldn’t run the risk of hurting you again.”
“Dean, that's not your discussion to make.”
“Isn’t it? I’m the one who was going to hurt you. It was me who took the Mark.”
“You don’t think I would’ve done the same to save the world? You’re really fucking dense if you can’t see I would’ve done the exact same thing. The only difference between you and me? I wouldn't have pushed you away for some random creature. Especially a baby!”
“Damnit Y/N. You don’t get it.”
“Then help me understand.” 
His eyes flicker from mine to my lips. “I love you so goddamn much, that hurting you would be hell all over again. And this time, not even Chuck could pull me out.”
My breath caught in my chest. “You don’t mean that.”
“Evey fucking word.”
I look out the window, mulling over his words. “Dean. I—”
“Fuck it.” Dean undoes his seatbelt, grabbing my jaw and forcing his lips to mine. Gasping, I open for his tongue, our saliva mixing into an intoxicating elixir. I throw my arms over his shoulders, pulling on the hairs at the nape of his neck. He pulls back exposing his neck, as I kiss along his jawline. I nip and suck beautiful bruises into his skin, pulling at the neckline of his shirt to reveal more of his skin. His hands go to grip my ass, pulling me over to straddle him. I lean back, making contact with his lust-darkened eyes and swollen lips. My hips grind down, a familiar ache developing in my lower stomach. Dean bites his lip, watching my hips as I rock against the zipper of his jeans, his erection pulling the fabric taut. I bring my lips to his again, small pecks while his hand rests around my throat,wringing a whine from me. “Princess, get your ass to the backseat now.”
I climbed into the back of the Impala, Dean following right on my tail, grinding his clothed cock against my ass as the door shut behind us. I went to turn around, stopped only by the sting of his hand meeting the meat of my ass. “Nuh uh, pretty girl, hands and knees.” 
“Asshole.” A crack rings through the air, his hand meeting my butt once again. 
“What was that again? Couldn't hear it over your bratty attitude.”
I lean my head on my arms, biting my lip to keep from saying anything else. Dean played with the waistband of my leggings, pulling the band just to let it snap against my skin. I push back into him, needing him urgently. Finally, he pulls my leggings and panties down, leaving them tangled up in my knees. Hands trace up my thighs, thumbs spreading my lower lips apart. “Jesus. Why’d I give this up? Such a pretty pussy, just begging for attention” 
“Don’t tease.”
“‘M not baby, just enjoying the view.” He trails his fingers through my folds, fingertips catching on my clit with each drag. Returning to my entrance, he slips his ring finger into me, curling it upward before he adds another. Suddenly, he pulls away, the sounds of his belt being undone sending a rush of anticipation through me. Dean slides his cock along my cunt, coating himself in the wetness fund there. “Wait, wait.”
“What’s wrong?” He leans back, removing his hands from my body. 
“Right, right, shit.” Dean climbs over the seat, popping open the glove box to get the needed protection. His jeans and boxers sit on his thighs, cock bobbing as he rolls the condom over it. “Good?”
“Good. Now get in here, cowboy.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He breaches my entrance, pushing into my heat, causing a whimper to leave my lips, shaped into his name. The cool metal of his belt buckle presses against the back of my thigh when he bottoms out, his groan vibrating against my back. “Dean, move.”
He tucks his head into my shoulder, a deep groan releasing from his chest. “Sweetheart, if I move, I’m gonna cum like a goddamn pre-teen. Give me a second.”
Rocking my hips back onto him, I earn myself another breathy moan. “Please, Dean?”
“Shit. You’re gonna be the death of me, baby.” He pulls back, my pussy encouraging him to return home. His hips snap to mine, balls tapping at my clit. I arch my back, panting as I meet each of his thrusts. He sits back, hands finding their place on my hips, dragging me back. “Look at you, such a perfect slut for me, aren’t ya? All for me.”
I moan as his hips speed up, the tip hitting the spongy spot inside me. Dean lands another slap on my ass, leaning forward to kiss the place under my ear. “You’re dripping, soaking my cock so well. And you said you didn’t miss this.”
He grinds into me, the icy feeling of the buckle pressing deep into the heat of my thigh. Baby’s windows fog up, our breaths intertwining in ecstasy as he speeds up, going harder, faster, deeper. Dean’s hand slides up my back, knotting into my hair, pulling me up to my knees, without slowing down. “God baby, your pussy is the closest thing to heaven I’ve ever felt. Fuck. Such a good girl for, shit, for me.” 
  I clench around his cock, my orgasm within reach. “Dean, I, I need—”
“I know, princess, I know.” His other hand wraps around the front of my waist, slipping between my folds as he finds my clit, circling it with the right amount of pressure. My head falls onto his shoulder, shameless moans exchanged between us as my climax comes closer and closer. “Dean.”
“C’mon babydoll, cum fr’me.” With that, I reach the heavens, Dean following close behind with a couple of thrusts before he spills into the condom. We lay there, breaths intermingling as he tucks his head into my neck again, pressing soft kisses to the skin there. I pull him away, looking into those enchanting green eyes of his. 
“Fuck you, Dean Winchester.”
He laughs, pressing a kiss to my lips. “You just did, sweetheart.”
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After cleaning up, again, I curl up on his chest in the back seat, satisfied and secure, as Dean traces patterns along my back, his breath evening out. 
“Dean.” He hums. “I meant what I said earlier. I truly love you.”
“I love you too sweet—”
“But if you break my heart this time, I will cut off your dick.”
“Fair. Now can you go to sleep? I fuckin’ exhausted.”
I giggle at his wording, snuggling into his chest again. Breakups are hard, but when you’re hopelessly in love, it’s hard to remember the pain. Unfortunately, I fell in love with Dean Winchester, and by fate’s design, he fell in love with me. 
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justhellabifandom · 4 months
I'm so sick and tired of the toxicity going on currently in the 9-1-1 fandom. Like don't get me wrong every fandom has it's toxic side but this bs has just grown since Buck came out and Tommy and him started dating.
Like TommyxBuck shippers have been sending people de*th threats to people who have different opinions,or buddie shippers. If your reaction to anyone talking negative about your favorite ship is to send them de*th threats there's something really wrong with you.
Then there's all the biphobia going on. Saying shit like "I hope Buck gets HIV after breaking up with Tommy." Or "Buck isn't bi if he wasn't with Tommy." I'm begging you look up the definition of bisexual,Buck could date another woman or date another dude after Tommy and still be bisexual!! He could date a non-binary person and still be bisexual. Just because hes dating Tommy doesn't mean he's any less bisexual,and if theres ever a break up it doesn't make him any less bisexual. His journey doesn't depend around Tommy,it's his and no one's else. Also saying your hoping a character gets HIV is fucked up for a few reasons,it's stereotyping bisexuals/queer people and it's harmful. Like do people not know what that is?? How people used to use it a excuse to hate queer people in the 1980s and 1990s?? And the people we lost to it??
Now let's get to people wanting Eddie to be killed off. People generally want a cannon Latino to be killed off just so Tommy and Buck raise Chris??? Once again tf. And the fact people now want Eddie to be killed off after his actor opened up about a su*c*de attempt?? This generally hurts people who have delt with this stuff and for people to want this to happen,when we had both Maddie and Bobby struggle with it. Don't get me wrong mental health needs to be talked about more and I'm thankful for 9-1-1 for talking about it,but it's the fact people want this to parallel what the actor went through blows my mind.
Then people trying to justify Lou ferrgnio racist and grows past. I'm sorry if your using Ryans and Olivers past to validate the stuff he's done,is so messed up. What Ryan did cost him his relationship with the rest of the cast for a few years,and he got cancelled and attacked online back in 2020. It's only now Ryan and the rest of the cast have made addends,but it doesn't change the fact he was held accountable for his actions which he should be. He's apologized,showed he wanted to and made sure he would do better. Nothing will change the fact he said it. For Lou he literally kept shit up on his Instagram and never took it down,and tried to justify his characters actions. He never apologized,never took down the post,he just kept it up even though it's harmful. If someone does something they should be held accountable for there actions,even if it's from the past since it could still hurt people now. Also charging 200 dollars for cameros just to make up head cannons about his character.
Also ignoring cannon,like big plots like Buck literally hating his name,gets pissed off at his parents for calling him it. And now people are calling him Evan?
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shiplessoceans · 11 days
Ways I imagine Buddie cannon could happen before season 8 starts:
Buck and Eddie are doing something basic and domestic, like Buck is baking cookies in Eddie's kitchen using Bobby's tried and true recipe because Christopher is coming home tomorrow and Eddie is spiralling and pacing the kitchen because what if it doesn't go well and what if Christopher asks to move to Texas permanently and maybe he should have gone to Texas to get him instead of having his parents put him on a plane...
And Buck puts down the wooden spoon, wipes his hands off on the tea towel over his shoulder and grabs Eddie's shoulders to halt his pacing. He reassures Eddie it's all gonna be okay. Chris loves his dad. He knows his dad loves him.
Eddie drops his head and lets out a breath and Buck pulls Eddie into a hug while still reassuring him.
"You're family. You both love each other! And the rest? Hey, you'll figure it out."
He pulls back and looks Eddie in the eyes. Eddie blinks a few times, something behind his eyes shifts, like he's seeing something he's never seen before. Buck keeps talking.
Eddie nods and steps forward, still nodding and kisses Buck.
Buck jumps back, and looks at Eddie, momentarily confused. Eddie's face is sure and set. He's chosen a path and he's sticking with it.
A second passes, a silent understanding built from years of easy friendship.
Eddie says only one word. It has the same inflection as though he asked him if he's down to get pizza tonight.
Bucks mouth splits into that lopsided smile that could rival the sun for it's warmth.
"Hell yeah."
And they're off. An embrace, easy slow kisses, holding each other, both mesmerised, moving together easily and learning each other in this new way. They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle and it seems strange that this should be the first time they've done this given how familiar it somehow it feels. As thought they've been doing this for years instead of minutes.
Buck pulls back first, Eddie still leaning forward, trying to maintain the contact. He only just got this and is unwilling to relinquish it.
"Woah, woah. We should..."
Eddie blows out air with his words:
"...slow down, yeah."
Eddie let's his hand drop from where it's cupping Bucks' cheek and Buck nods before rushing to clarify.
"Not that I want to!"
Eddie huffs a laugh. "Me either, Buck." He pulls away entirely and takes a few steps back to the other side of the kitchen so they are no longer touching.
Buck tries not to look forlorn at the loss, reminding himself to think with his upstairs brain. He gestures between them.
"This just feels like something we should talk about before we..."
Eddie puts his hands behind his head, looking distressed and lets out a groan.
"No! You're right, I'm messing this up."
Eddie steels himself. Walking back over to gently take Bucks hands in his own.
"Evan Buckley you are my best friend. I know you love me and I know you love Chris and we both love having you in our lives. But I've been trying to figure some stuff out lately, about myself, and what I've realised is that...
Eddie's face breaks into a smile.
"I don't just love you like a friend or brother or co-worker. Buck... You are the best person I know. And I love you more than I thought possible. "
Buck looks like someone struck him with lightning again.
"Please let me finish."
Buck nods after a beat.
"So I guess what I'm saying is: Evan Buckley, would you let me take you on a date?"
Buck laughs then, while blinking back happy tears, Eddie joins him. They laugh and then kiss and hold each other.
Buck sniffs and nods.
"Yes. I would love to."
Eddie kisses him again.
Buck shoves him playfully. "Took you long enough!"
Eddie wipes his eyes discreetly and jokes: "Hey give a guy a break! Years of Catholic repression, a shotgun wedding and being made a widower will mess a guy up for a while."
Buck grins at him.
"I like the mess."
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sinsinsininning · 8 months
A little bit softer
Chapter 4
Eustass Kid x crew mate!fem!Reader
This includes Kid’s POV of the end of Chapter 3 while the reader is in the shower. 😳
Also to clarify, Badger is a made up character, I didn’t feel like incorporating a cannon character into the reader’s backstory. I spent literally 2 seconds on the name and even less time on a vague description of him which I’ll post later.
TW: swearing, voyeurism, masturbating (both male and female)
After you left him on the deck, Kid ate slowly, thinking out the details of his next steps. He had no idea where this bastard, Badger, was or even what he’d look like.
Plus the West Blue was crawling with dangerous crews and the notorious 5 Families of the West, headed up by Capone Bege. Not someone Kid was on good terms with and, depending on how deep into the West they’d go, someone they’d likely run into.
While Kid would prefer to just make this a quick mission, so they could double back and enter the Grand Line, he was excited to think of all the practice the crew would get fighting all these other crews. It’d be good training before they entered the New World.
After finishing, he pulled out the maps and started charting again. Wire eventually returned to join him and the two worked quietly. Kid was making a list of things they could get while in the West Blue when Wire spoke up.
“So what’s this Captain’s name?”
“Why’re you asking?” Kid growled. “Just chart the stupid map.”
“I’m nearly done, I just need to know where to find him, then I can finalize the map. Right now I’ve just got it charted how to get there while avoiding marines bases and included supply stops. But I need a specific area to finish.”
“His name is Badger.” Kid said after a beat.
“Is that his first name or last name?” Wire asked.
“The fuck if I know. His name is Badger, he’s in the West Blue, and I’m gonna kill him. Make the map.” Kid blustered for a moment, he felt a little silly, all this effort and he didn’t even know who the guy was. Fuck he didn’t even know if you’d been honest…. Nah you were nearly crying, you wouldn’t lie like that. Wire sighed heavily and Kid nearly smashed the table.
“Ok, I can’t finish it tonight, but I’ll go through some logs and see if I can get more info on him.” Wire relented, knowing the captain was at his limit. “We should be able to make it to the next island tomorrow, I’ll do some more digging then too.” Kid grunted an acknowledgement, head down as he finished his list, pen nearly tearing the paper.
Wire stood and started putting the supplies away, he glanced at his captain.
“Boss… you know-“ He paused and considered himself, Kid glanced at him with a scowl. Better play it safe. “Just let me know if you need anything, you know I’d help.” Kid bristled at that, but just grunted again to dismiss the tall man.
He doodled a few sketches of his projects on the list, trying to clear his head. Eventually he puts everything up and leans against the railing, watching the waves and night sky.
After an hour or so, Heat joins him to take his watch shift, but brought a few beers for his captain. Kid downs his first two quickly, then nurses the next one.
“It’s none of my business,” Heat starts off.
“Then don’t fucking bring it up.” Kid snaps.
“But I think we should get rid of the sniper rookie.” Heat continues, eyes on the coast.
“What? Why the fuck do you think that?” Kid stood to shout at him. “Thought you two were buddy-buddy?!” He could keep the jealously out of voice.
“She’s alright. But she’s soft.” Heat isn’t phased by the shouting. “She won’t make it in the Grand Line. We can’t have that type of weakness.”
“Quincy’s soft. Wire’s soft. You questioning my authority huh?” Kid gulped the rest of his drink and tossed the bottle behind him. “You think I keep a weak crew?! That what you’re trying to say?!”
“The only thing she’s got going for her is she’s cute.” Heat added nonchalantly, Kid was fuming.
“Fuck off like she’d want your ugly, stitched up headed ass!” Kid grabbed his vest, forcing the other man to look at him. “She’s staying, she’s a good sniper and a good crew mate. Fucking question me again and I’ll fucking throw you overboard!” Heat grinned and Kid felt like he’d been caught.
“I get why everyone’s been fucking with you lately,” Heat chuckled. “It’s fun. You’re so biased for her, I’m a little jealous really, wish you’d defend me this hard.”
Kid wanted to shout again but he felt like he’d reveal too much. Well, more than what he’d already done. His face was hot and he felt deflated, but he released Heat with a shove.
“Maybe if ya did your job and not play mind games I would.” He finally says, Heat resumes his watch. An awkward silence falls over them.
“It’s not that bad, Boss. Trust me it could be worse. Imagine you liked Pomp? He’s fucking insane. I heard he sold his ex husband’s kidney for cheating on him in a dream.” Heat tried to console his friend, not his forte, but he felt a little bad at his trick. Kid let out a short laugh.
“Fuckin’ hell that can’t be true…. Can it?” He started on his next beer, sitting back down. They laugh together again.
“I don’t actually think we should get rid of her. Just sayin.”
“I know.”
“Yeah she’s soft, but she saved my ass that last fight, shooting that guy trying to creep up on me while I was taking care of Reck.”
Kid just hummed in response, still hesitant to say anything about her. Heat noticed.
“I promise it’s not that bad.”
“I don’t think she’s scared of you, not really at least.”
“I heard what she said to you.”
“I think she’s scared of her ex captain. Should make her sit down with Wire, he’d sort her head out.” Heat lit a cigarette, offering a pull to Kid who shook his head.
“Not a bad idea. Just don’t want anyone knowing how-“ He paused. “She can go to Wire but I’m not gonna make her.” He said finally, Heat nodded in understanding.
“You can’t say it, I gotcha.”
“I can’t say it first.” Kid sighed, finishing his last bottle.
“Makes sense. Don’t worry,” Heat claps his hand on the captain’s shoulder. “It’ll happen.”
“Since when have you gotten this mushy?” Kid sneered. “I hate it. Go back to minding your own business.” Heat laughed as his captain got up. It was past midnight and he was tired.
He made his way down the halls, he needed to return his dishes or else Killer would bitch at him all day tomorrow. He placed them in the sink, then a thought struck him. Quickly glancing in the fridge, your plate was still there, all wrapped up nicely.
You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, he slammed the fridge shut. Fuck, you probably hadn’t finished your shit yet. He stalked down the halls towards your make shift shop room, irritated that you’d not finished yet and had still not eaten.
A small part of him was excited to have an excuse to talk to you, even if it was just to bitch at you. Maybe he’d walk you to the galley personally, to make sure you followed orders. Maybe he’d sit with you as you ate too, couldn’t let you try to skip out. After that he’d grumble at you for making him stay up late to babysit you, even though he chose to do it.
Then he may as well make you go to bed. His bed. With him. Obviously to make sure you didn’t try to sneak back to your project. He’d keep you pressed in his arms all night to ensure you didn’t try anything.
Fuck he needed to stop, he was hard in the middle of the hallway. He adjusted his belt before entering the shop room, hoping it’d hide his arousal. Somehow the shop was empty, all the weapons cleaned and stacked up correctly. He looked around for any mistakes or mess you’d left behind, anything that’d allow him a chance to speak with you.
But the room was spotless, everything put away correctly. Then where the fuck were you? He wondered if you went to bed right away, tempted to check your bunk. He headed toward it, pausing when he passed by the bathrooms, steam pouring out the door.
The doors to the bathrooms all had hatches at the top that opened to allow steam to vent. He was a little impressed that the hot water still worked after everyone’s showers.
With you in the stalls he didn’t have any excuse to bother you, you’d finished your work and unless he wanted to wait until you were out to force you to the galley, he was out of luck for tonight. Kid turned to go when he heard you moan.
Oh fuck.
He glanced around the halls, no one could hear you or see him palm his cock over his pants. You weren’t generous with your noises, obviously trying to stifle them, but some slipped out.
Your groans and whines sounded frustrated, like you couldn’t work how you wanted. He reached his hand inside his pants to grip himself, jaw clenched almost painfully to avoid alerting you. His mind filled in the gaps of what he couldn’t see. He pictured walking in and offering to help you reach your climax, since you still seemed to struggle.
He thought about how’d you’d look right then if he did, wet and naked, probably surprised and shy. Maybe you’d try to cover yourself, until you’d realize what he was offering. Or maybe you already knew he was there, confident he’d join you. Maybe you’d tell him exactly what you wanted from him.
He’d let you boss him around, at least at the start, but after you cum once or twice, then he’d be in control again. He thumbed his slit right as you let out a different moan.
Oh. That one was much more satisfied, he didn’t know what changed to make everything work for you, but he was pleased. He stroked himself faster now, checking the halls quickly, then held his ear to the open hatch. Your whines and moans were breathier, much more high pitched. He squeezed his cock, picturing it was you. When he closed his eyes and really focused on listening, he swore he could hear how wet your pussy sounds.
Your moans are getting faster and he tries to keep up, hand pumping hard to get himself off. Finally you let off a loud moan, cutting yourself off halfway through in a pathetic attempt to be quiet. He’s not quite there yet, so he moves his hand fast, but freezes when you turn of the shower.
Shit you were done. He was fucked.
Without adjusting his pants he quickly walks down the hall, his workshop is closer than his room. It’ll have to do for now, it’s not the first time he’s jacked off in there. He gets the door closed and locked before resuming.
Part of him is irritated, his high was so close just to be edged back. But more of him felt a little proud, you’d gotten off before him, as you should. Yeah it wasn’t like he’d gotten you to cum, but it still stroked his ego. He thought about that as he sat down, hand around himself again, stroking quickly.
He wondered how many times he should make you cum before he did. Hell how many times should you cum before he even fucked you with his cock. At least two times on his fingers and maybe three times of his tongue, that seemed fair.
He rubbed his tip harshly as he thought about your sounds, they were so sweet and full of emotion. Kid could basically read your mind from how expressive you were, so open and honest with your lewd moans. He could tell when you were close, when you were struggling, and even when something clicked. He wondered what it was that made you moan like that, thinking of ways to extract that info.
His climax caught him off guard as he thought about you. He came across his hand and chest with a groan, some of his spend getting on his pants. As he came down, panting as he leaned back in his chair, he could hear you walking down the hall.
Leaping up, he tucked himself back into his pants, grabbed an old rag to wipe the cooling cum from his hands and chest. He knocked over the chair and toppled a few tools in his haste. Your steps were quiet but he was hyper aware of you as you passed the door.
After a few minutes of quiet he finally exited, going straight to his room and laying face down on the bed. He wanted to shout but settled for smothering himself until he finally dozed off.
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topazadine · 5 days
Writing Research Notes: Horses
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I have complained before about fantasy writers (and others) using horses without really knowing anything about them, so I'd like to share some basic Horse Facts. These aren't things about horse physiology, because you probably don't need that for your specific story, but things that you can add into your story for verisimilitude.
I'm not a horse trainer or Horse Expert, just someone who loves horses and rides on a regular basis. This is a casual guide to help give you some inspiration (and know what to look up for more information.)
So, what will we discuss in this embarrassingly long post? This.
General horse knowledge
Approaching and sanitizing Horse
Tack, the Horse Accessory Kit
Putting the tack on Horse
Getting on Horse (second best part!)
Riding Horse (best part!)
Being nice to Horse (most important!!)
General Horse Knowledge
Horses are generally classified as hotblood, warmblood or coldblood.
Of course, being mammals, they are all actually warm-blooded. This is more about temperament and size.
Hotblooded horses are lighter, bred for speed and maneuverability. Thoroughbreds and Arabian horses are hotbloods. They're known for being a bit more temperamental, but they are also very fast and responsive.
Coldblood horses are larger, stockier, and more even-tempered. This includes draft horses like Percherons, Gypsy Vanners, and Clydesdales.
Note that a big horse doesn't necessarily mean they're a good war horse, because war horses need to be fast and light. Draft horses are meant to pull, not carry. In a military series, you can use them as cannon horses or cart horses.
Warmblood are crossbreeds of hotblood and coldblood, giving them a good temperament but also relatively good speed. They're often used for hunting, dressage, and showjumping: disciplines that require both maneuverability and a strong working relationship between horse and rider. Quarter Horses, Tennessee Walking Horses, and Irish Sport Horses are warmbloods.
Horses are herd animals and need friends.
Having a singular horse all by themselves is going to cause them distress and lead to mental problems. This is why people who only own one horse often stable them so that they can get social stimulation and professional care.
Like humans, horses have buddies, acquaintances, and enemies.
There is often a pecking order in a herd, with a leader and followers. Horses may make friends, break up with them, reconcile, etc, just like people do.
And horses, of course, have people they like more than others. To get a horse to like you, be gentle and mindful of their boundaries, pay attention to their feelings, groom them, and speak in a soft friendly voice.
Horses aren't mindless animals: they think, feel, and strategize.
They're actually very sensitive and empathetic animals who can get jealous, have their feelings hurt, or need a little bit of TLC on a hard day. And yes, they can scheme.
Similar to dogs, horses are a bit like toddlers: they need firm but compassionate guidance.
This is why you need to think both for yourself and the horse when riding, keeping your mind clear and focused on your goals. Horses can notice when you're not paying attention and they will do their own thing.
Therapy horses are chosen for both their good nature and their sensitivity to human emotions. They will notice when the rider is getting upset or losing focus, and they will stop what they are doing until the rider is back in the right mindset.
They should get as much outside time as possible.
Horses will come to accept and even like their stalls because it's a safe, quiet space for them, but they should be allowed free time outside as much as possible.
It's important to make sure that their pasture is clean, free of dangerous plants or pesticides, and safe from tripping hazards (horse legs are very delicate).
Make sure they are not gorging themselves on grass, though, as this can cause colic. Horses cannot throw up: they've got a one-way digestive system. Intestinal blockages are a medical emergency.
Horses do like working with nice humans.
This isn't cope, I promise. Just like dogs, they have been bred over thousands of years to look to humans for guidance and to see us as caretakers.
Horses who are treated well like having a job, just like dogs who are treated well will like training sessions. Jobs offer them mental stimulation, offer them praise and rewards, and keep them busy so they're not bored.
You can see this in happy horses. The therapy horse I use, Truly, used to be a jumper and hunter before she came to the therapeutic stable, and she gets really excited if she sees vaults because she loves doing that! She gears up for the trot; you can feel it in her stride. She's ready and wants to go.
But, this implies that you're treating your horses well, praising them regularly, and bonding with them outside of sessions.
Horses that are being mistreated will balk at work because they associate it with pain and fear. Horses that are treated well will happily come out of their stall, ears forward and eyes bright, because they associate work with fun and stimulation.
Approaching and Sanitizing Horse
Horses have a blind spot in front of them and directly behind them.
Unlike humans, their eyes are on the sides of their head because they are prey animals. This means approaching a horse directly from the front or directly behind them may make them spook - and, if you are by their butt, kick you.
Generally, younger riders are taught never to pass behind a horse for safety reasons, so you go around them in a wide circle or duck under their neck. You can also walk behind them if you are out of kicking distance (about 3-4 feet) or right up against them so they can't get their leg up to kick you.
When tacking up or grooming, you should keep a hand on the horse as you move.
This lets the horse know where you are if you are in their blind spot and is especially important if you are around their butt so they don't spook and wonder where you went.
With grooming, you go with the curry comb and hold the bristle brush where you intend to go next so they know what to expect.
Grooming improves circulation and is a good bonding activity.
You use a curry comb, which is a rubber comb with little nubs, and then a brush. The curry comb is moved around in a circular motion to lift dirt and shedding hair, then the brush is angled with the grain of the hair to sweep it away.
Don't use a curry comb on a horse's face, legs, or stomach, which are sensitive areas. If you do want to use a curry comb in these areas because they are super dirty, be VERY gentle and light.
Horses generally like to be groomed because they do this to each other in the wild. It's a good way to make a horse like you.
Picking a horse's hooves, and having regular farrier checks, are crucial for their health.
Like human fingernails, horse hooves grow continuously; they're made from the same material as our hair and nails, keratin. They have a V-shaped "frog" in the middle of the underside of their hoof that is sensitive, but the rest of it isn't very sensitive unless you, like, stab it.
Farriers will file down a horse's feet so they are even, and they will also apply horseshoes if necessary (not all horses wear shoes). You can't just put any old horseshoe on a horse: it has to be fitted to their particular foot. This is a specialized job that not everyone can do, so if your character is not a farrier, they're not going to apply horseshoes themselves.
Cleaning a horse's hoof involves a hoof pick.
When picking a horse's hooves, you take an angled piece of metal called a hoof pick and dig out any dirt or manure or whatever has gotten stuck around the frog, then brush it out with a small brush. If they wear horseshoes, you also need to make sure you get the crevices underneath the shoe.
Generally, we pick feet both before and after riding.
Horses need to be trained to give you their leg. This usually means leaning your body weight into their shoulder, sliding your hand down their leg, and squeezing at the soft indent right above the hoof. You might also need to say "pick it up" or whatever command they've been taught to use.
It's a little scary for a horse to be off-balance like that; how would you feel if someone made you stand on one leg while they clipped your toenails? Be mindful that they may get nervous or put their foot down before you're ready. If this happens, just try again until their feet are clean.
Keep your feet and hands out of the way of the horse's hoof!
Pay attention to where your feet are in conjunction with the horse's hoof so they don't slam their hoof down on your toes. Horses may not even realize they stepped on you because they don't have a lot of sensitivity down there.
Never curl your fingers around the horse's hoof; that's a surefire way to break your hand. Hold it like you're cradling a baby's head.
Do not wear steel-toed shoes in a stable.
It's a common misconception that you should wear work boots or steel-toed shoes; after all, big horse very strong very heavy smash on foot!
Yeah, but a furry hydraulic press will crunch that steel right into your damn foot, and then you have guillotined all your toes.
Wear special riding boots instead. These don't have the ridges that hiking shoes or tennis shoes have, so they won't get caught on the stirrup. Cheap short ones cost like $40 and will last you a few good years. No need to go whole-hog on the long dressage boots if you're a casual rider.
Horses are usually taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from one side.
This may not apply to therapy horses, who are trained to accept whatever way is easiest for the rider.
For dressage horses, they are taught to be groomed, tacked up, and mounted from the left. You should stand on the horse's left side when leading them. You'll dismount from the right.
Tack: The Stuff That Goes on Horse
No matter your discipline, you'll have these general things:
Halter. This is for leading the horse around before you tack them up. Generally, you will tie up the horse to cross-ties while you're grooming and tacking them. It is removed right before you put on the bridle.
Saddle blanket/pad. Western uses saddle blankets, but with English, you'll use a pad. Sometimes, with older horses or those that need a bit more comfort, you will have a blanket and a pad. This goes on before the saddle.
Saddle. Western saddles are very big, made for riding long distances. They are made mostly of leather, including the stirrups, which are attached directly to the saddle. English saddles are much smaller and lighter, and they have more removable parts. I won't get into all the specifics of them because it's probably irrelevant to your story.
There are also more specialized saddles, like jockey saddles.
Girth. Old-school Western saddles have cinches that you tie with the same knot you use for a necktie, but modern ones that detachable girths just like English saddles. They have buckles on both sides. One side will have leather straps; this is the one you put on first, from the left. The other side has elastic so it's a bit stretchier. This goes on the right side.
Bridle. How you control horse. Goes over the face and you hold onto the reins. This is put on last, right after you remove the halter. Put the reins over the horse's neck so you have something to hold onto after you remove the halter!
Bit. This is a metal bar that goes in the horse's mouth, over the tongue. Snaffle bits are the most common; they are made of two parts that meet in the middle. They aren't as uncomfortable for horses as other types. Some people are moving away from bits entirely and using bitless bridles.
Putting Tack on Horse
English stirrups are "run up" when tacking up and leading a horse.
The metal stirrups can bang against things and hurt the horse if they are not pulled up against the saddle by running them up the leather strap they hung from. You'll then tuck the excess strap into the stirrup to hold them in place.
Stirrups can be adjusted with a buckle hidden under the saddle seat. You'll run them up, pull the buckle down to a comfortable height, and then adjust as necessary. Then pull the stirrup down to the bottom, put your hand against the seat, and lift the stirrup up to run along your arm. It should brush against your armpit for most people.
Most dressage stirrups have numbered holes so you can remember what your height is.
Western saddles have leather stirrups that may or may not be detachable or adjustable.
Never tie a horse's reins to anything.
Don't listen to old Western movies that show this. If the horse spooks and they are tied up, they could rip the bit out of their mouth and really hurt themselves.
Horses have bars in their mouth - a blank space with no teeth. This is where the bit sits.
To get a horse to accept a bit, you can stick your thumb into this blank spot to make them open their mouth, just as you can do with dogs.
You then pull the bit up over their front teeth and settle it in there so it's comfortable.
There should be a small bit of pull you can see from the wrinkles around their mouth, but it shouldn't be squeezing them to death. Gentle pressure, happy horse.
Tighten the girth (the strap around their tummy) right before you get on.
Horses like to "bloat," meaning they suck in a bunch of air when you're putting the girth on, then relax so that the girth is loose. You don't want this, because then you can slide off. So put it on loosely at first, then put it up a few slots once you're about to get on.
Don't rachet it up to the highest possible setting you can reach, and don't yank on it, because this hurts the horse. Gently pull it up until it's tight enough to hold on, but not so much that it becomes a corset. You should be able to slide three fingers between the girth and the horse's stomach.
Getting On Horse
Lead the horse to where you want to go by bringing the reins over their head and holding them under the chin.
Do not use a death grip! You don't need to. Loose and happy. Keep the excess in your other hand so it's not a tripping hazard.
Then, of course, put the reins back over their head when you're ready to get on.
Mounting blocks are convenient and safer for the horse.
These are kind of like step stools, and they get you closer to the horse's back. Mounting from the ground puts a lot of pressure on the horse's back and should only be used sparingly.
The procedure is like so for English:
Gather the reins in your left hand, which should be placed near the front of the saddle.
Put your right hand near the back of the saddle for balance.
Put your left foot in the stirrup.
Swing your right leg over.
Settle your right foot in the stirrup.
Don't jump up; you might fall the hell over, lmao. Gentle easy swing.
The stirrup sits on the ball of your feet, with the heel pointing down.
This is true for both Western and dressage. You want it on the balls of your feet so you have leverage and can pivot your ankle to lightly tap the horse on the side, and you want your heel down to help maintain your balance.
A lot of riding boots, including cowboy boots, will have stitching that runs across the top of the foot. You can align this with the stirrup so you know that you don't have your foot too far back in the stirrup.
Your leg is slightly bent when in the saddle.
You do not have your legs straight out, because then you don't have leverage and can't maintain balance.
My instructor says it should feel like you're kneeling, and then when you post (rise out of the saddle during the trot or canter), you should feel like you're coming out of a squat. You're not springing all the way out of the saddle and standing up, because then you will fall over.
Your leg should stay as still as possible, with your heels pointing down to the ground. You shouldn't move them up or forward when you're trotting, a common beginner mistake.
When training in a ring, you don't have a right leg and left leg: you have an "outside" leg and "inside" leg.
Outside leg is the one closest to the wall (or fence), and inside leg is the leg closest to the middle of the ring. This keeps you from getting confused when you change directions.
Horses also have an outside leg and inside leg that you use to determine when to post or perform other maneuvers.
Horses need to be trained to go both clockwise and counterclockwise.
This helps them maintain balanced muscle tone on both sides of the body; otherwise, it's like doing leg exercises with only one leg. When getting a lesson, your instructor will ask you to change directions once you've done a certain exercise so that you can try it the other way, too.
Actually Riding Horse
You shouldn't yank on the reins like you're in a tug-of-war.
This can really hurt the horse and, paradoxically, make them more disobedient. It's like someone put their fingers in your mouth and then stretched your lips as far back as possible.
Keep your body loose.
Your horse is listening to your body language and will feel when you're tense. Every little movement means something to the horse. If you're tight, they think they should be nervous too.
Stay calm, upright, and loose. Legs slightly bent, elbows flexible, hands in line with the sides of the horse's neck and a bit above the front of the saddle.
Squeezing or tapping the horse is called impulsion.
It should be used lightly and with just enough pressure to get their attention. Don't kick the horse with all your might. The more movement you need from the horse, the more intense your impulsion will be.
Don't squeeze with your knees.
Pressure on the horse comes from the thighs and calves, not the knees. Your knees are there to bend.
Yes, your inner thighs will be super duper sore when you're done. It gets better though, prommie.
In dressage, you post at the trot in rhythm with the horse.
This reduces pressure on their back so you're not banging on their spine with each hootbeat. You post when their outside shoulder comes forward and lightly land back in the saddle when their inside shoulder rises: not sitting all the way down, just crouching a bit lower.
When you want the horse to walk again, you will sit down and pull (gently!!) back on the reins. The added pressure makes them not want to trot anymore because it would hurt them when you bump around on their back.
Being Nice to Horse (so Horse Is Nice to You)
Respect a horse's personal space and power.
They are big strong animals that can break your spine if they buck you, or crush your foot, or give you brain damage if they kick you in the head. Healthy respect (not fear) is crucial.
If a horse is pissed off, leave them alone. If they're scared, treat them kindly and speak soothingly. If they're not doing what you want, find a way to redirect them instead of screaming at them and making them more anxious.
And remember that they are prey animals despite their size and power! They may get nervous about things that you wouldn't even consider. Truly, the horse I ride on the regular, gets freaked out by jackets hanging over fence posts and barking dogs.
That's okay and natural; I just have to reassure her that she's going to be alright. You are the leader and caretaker of the horse, making them feel confident.
Training tools like whips, crops, or spurs should be used sparingly.
Any trainer who tells a beginner to use spurs as soon as possible is an asshole who doesn't actually know how to train horses. They don't know how to teach riders to control their body pressure, so they go right to the aversives.
I left a stable because the trainer demanded I buy spurs after like two lessons; my current stable doesn't use these at all, ever.
You should be able to control the horse with your hands and feet without these tools before adding them, and they should always be used as gently as possible: a slight tap with the spurs or crop, not beating the horse with a crop or digging your spurs into their sides. Horses are very sensitive animals and will respond well to a light kick with your heels if they are properly trained.
I've developed such a good rapport with the therapy horse I use (and she's such a good girl) that she can tell when I want to her trot. I start working her up to her "party walk" as my instructor calls it, and then click my tongue, and she's off. No kicking necessary.
Reward, Don't Punish
Same as when training dogs. Don't yell at them and say "no!! bad horse!!" Instead, offer a small correction, like checking the reins, or redirect them.
Do not hit or kick horses when they don't do what you want. They are trained that tap means go; you're going to make them gallop instead of stop.
Give them a pat on the neck and say "good horse!" when they do a good job. You can also talk to the horse while you're grooming and riding, offering them compliments and assurance.
Again, horses look to riders as leaders. They want to know the're performing correctly; if you've built up a good relationship, they want to make you happy and perform well.
Most of the time, horses are not trying to make you mad. You're just miscommunicating with them and need to figure out how to make your commands clearer.
Abusive training tactics are counterintuitive in the long run.
This makes for a nervous, flighty, disobedient, and anxious horse who may become dangerous. They're 1,200 pound animals, and if they don't like what you're doing, they will kick, buck, or bite.
Kicking, hitting, excessive use of spurs or crops, and screaming at horses doesn't make your horse respect you: it makes them fear you. You want your horse to be excited to work with you, to look forward to your training sessions, and to have fun.
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9 Years Yearning is a gay coming-of-age romance set in a fantasy world. It follows Uileac Korviridi, a young soldier training at the War Academy. His primary motivations are honoring the memory of his late parents, protecting his little sister Cerie, and becoming a top-notch soldier.
However, there's a problem: Orrinir Relickim, a rough and tough fellow pupil who just can't seem to leave Uileac alone.
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The book features poetry, descriptions of a beautiful country inspired by Mongolia, and a whole lot of tsundere vibes.
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myymi · 7 months
lost world angst, anyone?
Sonic wasn't sure what he expected to happen to Tails after he got stuck in that trap and taken away before he could save him.
But his money certainly wasn't on the kit being half-roboticized.
He wanted to puke at the sight of his brother. (Which is an idea he wasn't too entirely fond of at the moment. Amy had made him a really nice breakfast this morning and it sits better in his stomach than on his shoes.)
He wanted to say he didn't even recognize the kid, but that'd be a lie. He'd always know when he was looking into his little brother's eyes, no matter if they're drained of life or artificial.
He could imagine the screams the fox probably let out as his body was torn into, flesh and blood being forcibly replaced by steel and oil.
Eggman had gloated about the process once years ago and it still haunted the hedgehog. To think Tails, his kid, fell victim to it..
He was going to rip those stupid zetis into shreds.
“What did you do to him.” Sonic demanded, even though he knew the answer. He just needed them to say it.
He needed them to admit they tortured a barely seven year old child.
“Calm down.” Zavok waved off the obvious anger radiating from the hedgehog, not at all worried about his opponent. “We simply gave him a few upgrades. Isn't he so much better?”
How could anyone think that was better?
Sonic's face fell into a harsh glare, his royal blue quills shifting a few shades darker as he stared right into Zavok’s stupid, purple eyes.
“I'm going to fucking kill you.” He growled, angrily baring his fangs. He wasn't the biggest fan of swearing, especially not around Tails, but he'd let it slide this time.
“You'll have to deal with your little tagalong first.” The zeti stayed nonchalant as he gestured to the half-robot fox and, oh Chaos, his eye was so dull. There was no life in him.
Sonic didn't say anything in response to that, so Zavok decided to begin the fight with a simple command, “Tails, kill that worthless creature.”
The fox-robot listened to the command, lifting up its arm that now had a cannon attached to the end of it. The reality of the situation only fully kicked in when it started charging, a small purple energy or quickly growing in size.
“Oh, buddy.” Sonic knew he could fight Tails. Even if it wasn't him anymore, he couldn't hurt his brother. He promised him, “I'm so sorry, kid. I should've been faster.” He apologized, raising his paws in surrender to show the other he wouldn't fight.
Even if the fox was about to kill him, he was going to accept it. He deserved it after failing to keep the kid out of the zetis’ hands.
He braced himself for the inevitable impact of the orb once it looked like it was finished growing. It wouldn't be long before it shot, and Sonic would've left Mobius as a failure of big brother.
But then the light in Tails’ eye resparked.
With a wink, the kit quickly pivoted on his heel and dropped to crouch on his knee. He did his best to prop up the cannon as he aimed it right at Zavok’s head, “Never!” He shouted, pulling the trigger.
The blast ended up striking Zavok right in the center of his chest, the force sending him flying a few feet backwards.
Sonic could do nothing but stand and gape at his little brother. He didn't understand what happened, it all went by too fast—isn't that the craziest thing? Too fast for Sonic to keep up.
“Hold it, fuzzball.” Zeena said, stepping up as she pointed a remote at the fox and pressed a button. “You're still ours. Now do as you're told so we can end this. I need to fix my nail polish and you're delaying it with your wanna-be hero stunt.”
Tails yelped and grabbed his head with the paw that hadn't been turned into a weapon. His organic eye closed tightly in obvious pain as the other flashed between blue and red.
Sonic knew he should do something, but it felt like his feet were glued in place. No matter how much he begged, his body wouldn't move.
“No!” Tails cried out, shaking his head before just barely opening his eye. The first thing he saw was the arm cannon, which reminded him of a program he added in last minute as a backup plan.
Sonic was going to be so mad at him for this.
He didn't give his brain a chance to bail on the plan in fear of upsetting his big brother. He spun his tails as quickly as he could, doing his best to ignore how one of them felt like pure metal and flew straight into the center of the zetis.
He didn't stop flying until he landed on top of Zomom, looping his legs around the orange zeti’s neck as much as could as he pressed a hidden button on the cannon.
As the three second timer kicked off, the fox looked up to find his brother. He sent him a smile, quickly mouthing ‘I'm sorry.’ before his vision was full of white, then almost immediately fading to black.
“Tails!” Sonic screamed right before the explosion hit, knowing that silent apology couldn't have been a good sign.
The force of the bomb knocked him back a bit, but he was back on his feet in a second and running to where he last saw his brother.
One of the zetis, the depressed one, was entirely missing from the group. But, other than that, the rest of them were all knocked unconscious.
“Tails?” Sonic's voice choked on tears as he slid beside the kit’s body. The bomb had destroyed some of the metal, revealing that most of it was just show.
Tails hadn't been roboticized.
He swallowed past the lump in his throat as he gently cradled his baby brother, shoving away the haunting bits of metal.
He knew this entire encounter was going to haunt his dreams for a while.
He didn't dwell on that matter though. Tails was far more important. He needed to get him away from these monsters.
So he ran.
He wasn't sure where he was running to exactly, but anywhere away from the zetis was a good place to be.
By chance or maybe an unknowingly conscious effort, Sonic had made it to where they had parked the Tornado. She hadn't moved a muscle, her red paint still glistening in the sun as she soaked in the heat.
Feeling calmer from just the plane's presence, the hedgehog carefully climbed into the cockpit and settled into the seat.
Tails was still cradled to his chest, his grip on the fox tightening as he found a comfortable enough spot.
He didn't know what to do. They didn't really have the supplies to treat whatever happened to the kid.
He was just gonna have to wait it out. Figure out how Tails was feeling when he woke up and then go from there.
The hedgehog curled around the younger boy as much as he could when he felt his eyelids growing heavy. He nuzzled the fox's fur, making sure to lay extra attention to the sections that had been covered by metal. He planted a small kiss above the eye that had been seemingly replaced by an artificial one.
They would be fine if he took a quick nap. He'd wake up if something attacked them, and the Tornado’s keys were already in the ignition. It'd be okay.
Chaos, he prayed Tails would also be okay when he woke up.
He didn't like his slow heartbeat or his weak pulse.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 2 months
Charro! Review
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Before Elvis could start filming, numerous changes were made to the script. Everyone who has heard of this movie knows about a cut opening scene featuring female nudity as well as the director having other violent scenes cut. Elvis himself was disappointed that the script he accepted ended up changing by the time he got on set.
Fans however were disappointed for other reasons. They supposedly didn't like that Charro! only had one song. A soundtrack album couldn't even be made due to only 2 songs being recorded with one of them not even being used in the movie. Critics were also unhappy as they considered it to be a cheap attempt at a western and panned Elvis for his dull acting. But were those the real reasons why this movie is considered to be his least viewed? Did this movie genuinely fail to live up to the standards Western moves established before them, or was it judged too harshly for not living up to expectations of both Western fans and Elvis fans? Let's find out.
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"Charro" is a quintessential Western intro song. The score as a whole is a hit and it wasn't a surprise at all to see Hugo Montenegro was the composer. He is after all famous for his "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" theme cover that reached the #2 spot in US charts June of 1968. I personally don't even mind that this is the only song in the movie that plays as Elvis rides a horse into town. It would've made the movie too hokey if it was stylized as a typical Elvis vehicle.
I love the town's aesthetic. The scenery throughout the whole movie is amazing and I'm so glad they filmed on location throughout Arizona and not simply use rear screen projection. Jess speaking in Spanish so the other patrons don't get hurt is a nice touch. Even though the situation was obvious, it was great to see a character moment where he didn't want to assume anything.
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Billy Roy getting slapped adds a level of corny that's sprinkled throughout what's an otherwise serious film. It's very odd to have his line delivery sound the way it does then not even a minute later, Jess is being held at gunpoint to mount his horse. While it's true that even serious movies can have some comedic moments, the nature of this comedy here only feels out of place.
Jess' relationship with Vince is very odd. Vince claims that he's upset that Jess left because of Tracy but I personally don't think that's the only reason. Jess claims that he left because he felt that there was no future with Vince. I don't believe that either. There's a certain amount of complexity would give us a greater insight to their character motivations.
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Vince reveals that he stole Emperor Maximilian's cannon. Now his reasoning for getting Jess Wade involved makes absolutely no sense. Vince says that one of their buddies got shot in the neck. So Jess would be framed, they put out his name and branded him so he'd have the matching scar. There are a lot of factors that would have to work in Vince's favor for this plan to work. You are more likely to die from a gunshot wound to the neck given the amount of blood vessels in that area and the lack of fat covering the area. To avoid death by blood loss, let alone infection since this is the late 1800s, you would need an act of God to help you.
Vince's plan only works because the writers says it does which leads to a lot of problems down the line. The biggest issue being that he expects everyone who sees the poster to immediately associate Jess' new scar with a gunshot wound. I know the scar is makeup and might not fully reflect the injury Jess is supposed to have, but if we're assuming what we see is what the characters see, I don't think they would see a branding scar and realistically think it's a gunshot wound. Again based on the setting, people should know what a gunshot wound would look like and how it would damage the surrounding skin. Even if they're not a doctor, they at least would have functional enough eyes to know the difference.
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I love the scene of Jess taming the horse but man is it obvious at times that Elvis isn't actually riding it. However, him getting water from a muddy river is the scariest thing I've ever seen. Knowing that in real life, water like that would cause so many problems like cholera or dysentery, Jess probably is God for somehow not coming down with either of those illnesses. It's even worse when you notice that he wiped that same water on his wound. Granted a burn wound from a branding iron isn't exactly an open wound, but it still doesn't mean there's no chance of an infection. Unless the writers specifically wanted Jess to use dirty water to wipe his wounds, I would've changed how it was shot so the water didn't look obviously undrinkable.
Now what is absolutely amazing was the weather effects. Seeing Jess having to ride his horse while a dust storm is forming is incredible. I have no idea if they purposely created a dust storm or if the camera crew manage to capture the perfect moment. Either way it's nice to see that this was the real life middle of the desert as opposed to using a soundstage. Having that atmosphere really draws you into the movie. I almost wish it was filmed in that classic black in white film to really capture that old, gritty Western aesthetic.
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I love Jess' relationship with Sheriff Ramsey. Even though we don't know the full details, you can tell there's some type of mentorship role involved. It's especially clear that the sheriff is meant to be a grounding figure in Jess' life given how they emphasize the numerous lectures he had to listen to. Even when the sheriff chews out Jess for getting involved with Vince again, he at least believes him when Jess said it wasn't his choice.
Now Jess' relationship with Tracy really falls flat for me. I don't even care that her nude scene is cut, they just have no chemistry. Tracy in general not trusting Jess despite kissing him makes no sense. Especially when she's going on about how Jess is worse than Vince when she doesn't even give him a chance to tell his side of things. It only makes her look flakey to have her chew Jess out and not trust him, only to give him a gun as a means of helping him. I know she's conflicted on what to believe, but it would be best to frame it as a conflict and not something she's so adamant about.
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Billy Roy shows up at the saloon and I have no idea what to make of it. He acts all sinister with Marcie yet also acts like a complete ham with Jess. Everyone knows he's part of Vince's gang yet none of the men do anything about it. Tracy is the only one who outright confronts him about his presence being unwanted and Jess only gets involved when he's called out.
Sheriff Ramsey getting shot should've never happened. You mean to tell me there wasn't a single person in that saloon with a gun that could've done something? No one knows about Vince having the cannon so they should have no reason to be afraid. This is an example of an idiot plot where the plot only works because the writers purposely make everyone dumb or inactive. The men dragging Billy Roy to the jail shows just how easy it should be to deal with one person.
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I have no idea why we're supposed to think Sheriff Ramsey's wounds are considered fatal. Perhaps it's because the visuals don't fully reflect the extent of his injuries since it's only makeup, but I don't think it was that bad. The "bullet wounds" to me doesn't indicate that he'll die from blood loss. If anything, he's more likely to die from the infections brought on by Opie trying to dig the bullets out.
Sheriff Ramsey swears Jess in as his deputy. The fact that there's multiple witnesses shows that this is official. Since Jess is now in charge what does he do? Actively passes out rifles to the business owners so they can protect their property. And to think most of the town doesn't trust him because he was part of Vince's gang. I can understand being wary of Jess, but once he's actively taking the time to ensure the town's safety, tensions should've gone down. Especially since literally anyone could verify with Sheriff Ramsey that he sworn Jess in himself.
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It's now daybreak and we get an idea of how small Vince's gang really is. Unless there's a whole bunch of people offscreen, I can only count a total of less than 10 men including Vince and Billy Roy. Vince freaking out about his brother being gone and one of his guys saying "I didn't wanna wake youuuuu" is one of the funniest line deliveries in this movie. I can't take anything he does seriously because there's just a lot of mood whiplash between him slapping someone then immediately apologizing like nothing happened. Then again it's possible that Vince was purposely supposed to be this way as a way to showcase how scary he really is. That unlike Billy Roy, Vince is capable of having normal human emotions so showing that he's still willing to commit a significant amount of atrocities for money makes him even more dangerous.
Tracy sees Jess at the barber's shop and immediately scolds him for leaving Billy Roy unguarded and not having armed men on the roofs. I have no idea why Tracy genuinely thinks Jess is that stupid to leave Billy Roy alone and leave the rest of the town unarmed. I actually chuckled when she realized that she was wrong because it's hilarious how for someone who's supposed to love Jess, she has absolutely no faith in him.
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Because this issue happens throughout the movie, I'm only going to mention it here to avoid repetition. Vince being allowed to ride freely in town is the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen. The townsfolk know that he's dangerous. There's a bunch of them and only one of him. Jess gave them guns for a reason so why aren't they using them? Unless Jess specifically gave them orders to not shoot unless fired at first, there shouldn't be anything stopping them.
The fact that he's even allowed to be in the jail shows just how unclear his status is in this town. His plan to turn that cannon onto the town if Billy Roy isn't set free only showcases that he shouldn't just be allowed to roam freely. So Jess makes the active decision to do absolutely nothing. Even if we're supposed to infer that he needs Vince alive, why couldn't he use his power as Deputy Sheriff to arrest him? He literally admitted in plain English that he's going to commit an act of terrorism against the town. I would think that is a big enough of a crime to put him in jail so he can't carry out that plan.
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The Mexican Army arrives and Vince threatens to rat Jess out. Jess meanwhile, continues to do nothing but threaten him back into convincing them to leave. So Vince decides to lead the Mexican Army away from Jess by leading them right to a pass that results in them all getting blasted by a cannon fire. What's lost on me is that this whole scene was kept in despite being the most violent scene in the movie. I know that we needed to know why the Mexican Army just disappears but how can you claim to want a film that isn't very violent yet keep a scene that features a mass murder?
Meanwhile, absolutely nothing is being done to prepare for an evacuation. Sheriff Ramsey's the only one with sense by telling Jess to not be a coward and give into Vince's demands. It's funny how immediately after his wife is like "don't let my husband convince you to let him die because he can't be moved. Set Billy Roy free" as if that would solve everything. Vince turning the cannon onto the town already proved that he's someone who can't be reasoned with. There's absolutely no proof that simply letting his brother go would make him not attack the town. Evacuating the town is the easiest solution to have Jess not give in and let a potential terrorist get what he wants.
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It's honestly incredible how Jess is the one who's blamed when Sheriff Ramsey is killed by falling debris, when Vince is right there in front of them. Vince is the one who can tell his men to not fire. Vince is the one who gave them the ultimatum to let Billy Roy go when his actions got the sheriff injured in the first place. But no it's all Jess' fault. If you're going to blame Jess for anything, blame him for not doing anything to stop Vince when he was well within his power as the Deputy Sheriff to do something.
Mrs. Ramsey bringing out the posters as if he's a liar the whole time is pointless. No one in the town except Sheriff Ramsey ever fully trusted him, so bringing out the poster doesn't change anything. If anything it should show how irrational she is from grief because she actually believes it to be true without questioning anything. Tracy even buys into this idea despite supposedly loving him that it makes me not care that she apologized. I feel nothing for their relationship because even though she kisses him, at the end of the day, she didn't have his back when he needed it.
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Despite Jess being gone, Mrs. Ramsey still thinks he's a rat when the cannon still fires on the town. What makes it even worse is that, she herself says that Billy Roy being let go might result in the cannon fire ending. Meaning despite being so adamant that Jess should rot for not letting him go, even she isn't sure about it ending. And yet after all this cannon fire, no one leaves town. The amount inaction when there doesn't need to be is so baffling. Unless Vince somehow has invisible guards keeping everyone but Jess and Billy Roy in the town, there's no reason for them to still be there.
It's now night time and Jess has Billy Roy handcuffed around some tree branches. I love the amount of tension in this showdown. The look in Jess' eyes when he sees the cannon rolling down into Billy Roy is amazing acting. Even though the whole series of events that resulted in Billy Roy's death could've been executed better, it doesn't take away from the genuine look of helplessness on Jess' face. As soon as he took in what was happening, he knew there was nothing he can do to stop it. And he felt absolutely guilty about. It once again shows that just because Jess is this stoic character, he's not a man who is completely unable of expressing emotion.
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As much as I understand people thinking it's weak for Vince to still be alive at the end of the movie, this was the best way to go. When you look at his relationship with his brother, you know that the worst thing you can do to him is to let him live. Forcing Vince to live with the guilt that his actions caused Billy Roy to die, would be an even better comeuppance than simply killing him. Plus Jess realistically still needs Vince alive so he can have his name cleared of all charges. Killing him wouldn't have helped him accomplish that. On the opposite side, I love how Vince curses out Jess Wade but when he sees the man right in front of him, he does nothing. It shows that Vince is so broken by this death, that killing Jess wouldn't have changed anything. It wouldn't have brought his brother back. So he gives up knowing he has nothing left to live for.
I don't like how the townsfolk all apologize because it feels forced. Mrs. Ramsey especially going as far as to kiss Jess leaves a bad taste in my mouth since she was the reason why everyone ganged up on Jess in the first place. Even Tracy's part feels forced because of how she didn't show a level of loyalty that would make a happy ending feel earned. At least Jess got to ride off into the proverbial sunset knowing his name will be cleared.
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The sad thing about this movie is that it had a lot of chances to be good. The concept of a man having to clear his name over a crime he didn't commit is a classic story for a reason. The problem is that the path the writers chose to get there had more holes than the town Vince attacked. It's incredible how one little detail can result in so much chaos. I'm well aware that a novelization exists, but since it was released separately from the movie, I'm not including that in my opinion. To me, a novelization of a movie shouldn't have to make up for details that weren't included in the movie.
Despite all of my criticisms, I still give this movie an 8/10. Even though some of the acting is corny, Elvis' portrayal of Jess Wade is amazing. I know it's a common criticism that Elvis' acting was flat. That. Was. The. Point. Jess is meant to contrast the chaotic nature that is Vince and Billy Roy because he's a man that has done wrong in the past but now wants to better himself. So why do I think this movie failed compared to Elvis' more musical ones? It's because it's a victim of circumstances. Westerns have been done to death and Clint Eastwood was the biggest contemporary name in that genre since John Wayne. Even though Elvis did a great job, he just didn't stand a chance because the heart of what makes a good Western story was lost.
An: Thank you @xanatenshi for requesting this. I understand why he has a following since Elvis did a great job portraying him. If I didn't tag you and you left a note on my previous reviews, please let me know and I'll be sure to tag you for Jess Wade's rank and my next review announcement.
Tagging: @whositmcwhatsit, @hooked-on-elvis, @smokeymountainboy, @atleastpleasetelephone, @stitchlover0112,
@tupelomiss, @vintagepresley, @eapep, @almightybigbrain, @coltswael,
@cieloestrelladoluna, @huhhhhsthings, @arrolyn1114, @peaceloveelvis, @peskybedtime,
@mercsandmonsters, @tacozebra051, @valloos, @ilovequeen978, @elvisvideos,
@presleyhearted, @depressedfairie, @kawaiiwitchy, @swingdownsweetchariot, @ruggednessworld,
@southcarolinawoman, @atrophyingaphrodite, @jrbrandi13, @summer56, @elvismylove04,
@eptodaytommorowforever, @lookingforrainbows, @araiarts, @fharysa, @lett-them-eatt-cake,
@fryb0rg, @wanderlustingtomboy, @slayingjd, @wildhorseinkansas, @somethingaboutelvis,
@jhoneybees, @elvisbooty76, @iloveelvisss, @presleyheart, @anakinsvault,
@illtakeyouhomeagain, @callieselvisobsessed, @50sexyshadesfashionista, @memphisflash, @arianatheangel-girl,
@madslovesmaws, @lucy114505, @presleygarden, @earthbaby-angelboy and @nicferg068.
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hyperfixationcenter · 2 months
Josuke as your bf 💕
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Authors note: y'all I've been rewatching part 4 so it's time to bring out the head cannons, enjoy lol
Also I know the font is pink for the reader but it's for guys gals and all in between!!
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓶𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You met him at school, seen him a few times in your class but never talked to him before.
You've had a stand for years now, never used it for evil, more like to defend yourself.
Josuke didn't know that so he thought you were an enemy stand user until you explained yourself.
He asked if you wanted to join the team and since you had nothing to do you joined the gang.
He introduced you to Dr. Kujo, at first he was skeptical but eventually he found your stand to be very useful so he started dragging you with Josuke on missons.
And eventually you and Josuke started talking a lot during the missions, hanging out a lot more before Jotaro caught the both of you and told y'all to focus.
So Josuke started inviting you to hang with Okuyasu and Koichi, having a bunch of fun and being kids.
Okuyasu definitely teased Josuke and almost told you that he liked you before Josuke punched him in the gut, Koichi doesn't tease but he's supportive and hopes the two of you date.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓯𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
One day he invited you but alone, he brought you a small park where no one really went to, you saw that he was super nervous and fidgeting a lot.
You say down next to him and he took a deep breath "So...I know we've been hanging out for only a few months but..AGHH THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING", you put a hand on his shoulder and smiled "Hey it's fine! Just take your time".
He looked away and fixed his hair a little before blurting out his confession "I REALLY LIKE YOU AND WE SHOULD TOTALLY DATE" He hid his face and peeled at you to see your reaction.
You held his hand and gave a tiny peck on his cheek "I like you too" Josuke froze and you were going to ask if he was okay but he suddenly hugged you tightly, you hugged back and the both of you started dating.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓻𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
When the both of you are done with your missions Josuke will find any cut or bruise and heal you before anyone else, you are first priority.
He kisses your hand when he's sorry, or he'll go to the market to get your favorite snacks and runs right back to your house.
He always tries his best to not let you win in video games, one time you almost won and he pulled the plug, you hit him playfully and he yelled "you were gonna lose anyways!" You yelled back "your just embarrassed you were gonna lose!!"
He holds your hand EVERYWHERE, going to get a snack at the market? Not without him, going to get the mail? You definitely need your hand to be held so you don't trip and get hurt.
When you two go out to have a date every 1/3 times Dr. Kujo will drag the both of you out of the date to go on another mission, Josuke doesn't mind though, he likes to see you pull out some sick moves while fighting, he's always in awe when you pumell someone into the ground.
He really didn't want you to help the the Kira situation, he's so scared that Kira will find a way to blow you up and he can't take that risk, so while they try to find Kira he always goes everywhere with you, this poor man wants to make sure your not hurt, he knows you can handle yourself but he's way to scared to take any risks.
The both of you like to lay around on the couch when school is over, soft kisses and tight hugs all around when it's couch time.
He's the only one that will let you see his messy hair, he finds it endearing when you try to help him fix it, it gets him super flustered and happy.
When the both of you are done with school he'll try and find you so he can hold your hand and walk you home or to have you hang with Okuyasu and Koichi.
He has a few nicknames for you too
Baby cakes
Sweet cheeks
Little diamond
My favorite kissable face
Hugging buddy
Baby Jewel
•┈┈┈••✦ ♡ ✦••┈┈┈•
I hope you enjoyed this!! I had a lot of fun writing, thanks for reading!!
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♡ Here's a picture of Mc Donald's Josuke if you made it this far ♡
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Victim of the Circumstance, Part 1
Summary: You were not looking for love. You had it, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. And it was taken away. Leaving you grieving with two kids. But you finally made it to Florida and the place he had always to retire to. Living on an orange grove when your precocious daughter befriends one of the construction workers. James Mace was not looking for love. And he definitely wasn’t looking for kids.
Pairings: James Mace X Reader
Rating: 🥺
Warnings:  mentions of a character death, loss of a parent, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.7K
Series Masterlist
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“Mommy,” your littlest love runs full force into your bed, her giggly little face squishing up against your back.  “Mommy!  It’s time to wake up, Benning has got to get to school,” for four years old, and someone that didn’t go to big kid school, she was the mother hen.  
“I tried waking him up, but he said he’s waiting on you.”
“I know, baby,” you groan, taking a quick peek at the alarm clock.  You had five more minutes to sleep.  But that child that was tapping on your back was the best way to wake up.
“I’m up.  I’m up, baby,” sitting up in the bed, you take a deep yawn, stretching.  Your sleepy eyes looking at your angel that required little to no sleep.  “You want to grab some orange juice from Miss Hazel and Harley?” 
“Harley is asleep,” she crawls onto your bed, and in your lap, giving you the sweetest kisses all over your face.  For a child that had never met her father, she acted just like him.  “But I can get juice from Hazel, I can.  Did you know they’re starting the build today?” 
“I did, and I also know that Harley built you an orange juice stand.”
“Really?” She squeals, her hands going into a tight ball and her eyes squish close with how big she was smiling.  She shakes her fists around with excitement.  Her whole body wiggling around with her movements.
“Yep, so you better go get our juice.  I’m going to wake up bubba and make breakfast.  Hurry back, okay,” she jumps off the bed, darting to the door and off to the store to bring back some fresh squeezed orange juice while you go wake up your son.
Opening the door to his bedroom, your late husband’s dog lifts his head up from the floor.  “I know.  He’s getting a new bed soon.  It’s not my fault he hit a growth spurt, and grew you right out of the bed.  Don’t look at me like that, Cannon.”
“Mom, quiet.”
“Benning, it’s time to wake up.”
“Sissy came in here before the alarm, and now you are,” just like clockwork, both yours and your son’s alarm goes off, and he grabs his phone, turning it off.  “Nobody can get any sleep around here.  I don’t sleep as well since Cannon can’t fit on the bed, and Mirabelle won’t quit screaming to wake me up.”
“She’s just like your dad.  Early riser.”
“I don’t want to talk about him,” Mirabelle never got to meet her dad, while Benning remembered everything.  Everyday it was a battle of missing him.  “Get out, so I can get dressed.”
“Waffles or pancakes?” 
“I don’t care.  Mirabelle likes waffles best.  Just make her happy.”
“Maybe we should go back to…”
“Mom, dad’s been dead for four years.  I’m fine,” he didn’t sound fine.  The closer it got to his birthday and his dad’s death day, the worse his attitude got.  He hated going to a family counselor.  Hated talking about something that ‘he couldn’t change’.  And all you wanted was your happy boy that got excited to call his dad and talk about the new ultrasound pictures of his sissy.
“Mom?  Go, take Cannon with you.”
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you fed, too,” you give your big boy one final look before going into the kitchen.  Looking out the window quickly to see your excitable girl telling Hazel about her dream you were sure.  Feeding the dog, and packing Benning’s lunch, and starting breakfast all at once.  
“Miss Hazel, and then there was unicorns that exploded into butterflies, they did.  What are you doing?” 
“Squeezing out the orange juice.  These are your mom’s favorites, Clementines.  I always sneak a couple in there for her.  Did you see your orange juice stand?” 
“Uh huh,” Mirabelle responds, starting to peel an orange to have as a snack, watching the woman that had changed your life.  “Is uncle Bill going to be there,” Hazel taps Mirabelle on the nose, starting to laugh.
“You better quit calling him that.  And yes, William is going to be the foreman.  Harley put your stand under the oak tree so you get lots of shade.  And maybe you can entice those workers over to the store for sorbet.”
“Do I get commission for that?” 
“Yes, all the sorbet you can eat.  Here,” she hands the little girl her jug of orange juice, and Mirabelle swipes a small jar of marmalade, “I saw that Mirabelle.  Are you out already?” 
“Yep.  I’ve been eating marmalade sandwiches.  I’ll be back after breakfast.  Benning is very crabby today.”
“I know, angel, William and Casey are coming by for supper.  William will talk to him,” William Miller had been a godsend for your family.  Was one of the few men that Benning would even open up and talk to.  William just got it.  Of course, you being married to someone in the military you didn’t, or so your son constantly reminded you of that.  
“Okay, I can’t wait to see uncle Bill.”
“You better stop,” Mirabelle gives your landlord a chubby handed wave as she walks back towards your house.  Giving you a wave when she spots you looking out the window at her. 
Smiling when a full plate of waffle was sitting at her chair, and she hands you the jar of marmalade to open.  “Why hasn’t Benning eaten?” 
“Bye, mom.  Bye, sissy.  Sorry, I’m going to be late to the bus stop,” gone were the days of kisses to you and Mirabelle, and a walk out to the bus stop.  Independent and not needing you or his sister anymore, so he thought.  But you needed him.  Needed him to quit growing, and to turn to you when he was missing his dad.  His dad was his hero, and now all he had left was his service memorabilia.
“Hey,” you scream at him, handing his dry waffle to him and his lunchbox, “if you would stop laying in bed listening to music, you could have breakfast with us.”
“I’ll just eat this.  Sissy, you want to put some marmalade on this?”  With the biggest smile on her face, Mirabelle spreads out a layer of the sticky jam, handing it back ot her brother, and he does in fact give her a kiss to her head.  “Thanks,” you say his name again, but he walks out the door, leaving his sister to pout, missing him already.
“You want marmalade on your waffle, too?” 
“Yeah.  I want my Bubba sitting in that chair tomorrow.  That’s why I wake him up early.  He never wants to spend time with me anymore.”
“That’s because you’re four, and he’s nearly twelve.  Here, baby, eat your waffle.”
“I want some coffee, too.”
“Absolutely not.  You can settle for orange juice.”
“Miss Hazel put in a couple clementines for you.  She said they’re your favorites, she did,” they were your favorite.  Adding just the perfect balance of sweet and tangy to it.  Miss Hazel knew how to make you happy.  It was the little things now.  Including that messy smile you daughter was giving you from across the small kitchen table.
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Mirabelle squints her eyes as she looks over to the men that were breaking ground on the newer and bigger store.  She hasn’t been able to spot her uncle, but there were people everywhere, and not one was looking at her stand.  They were clearly hot, it was springtime in Florida.  She was hot, and she was drinking her product.  How was she ever going to make money or even make commission of the sorbet if they didn’t buy her juice?  
Getting fed up with being annoyed, she marches over towards the build, more like skipping because she had a plan.  Getting almost there before she’s scooped up.  “Let me go!  Help!  Kidnapper!  Stop it!  Uncle Bill!”
“Ow,” the man complains when he gets smacked on the head.  “Easy kid.”
“Uncle Bill!  I’m being tortured!”
“Hey,” the man finally says again, and Mirabelle leans back to look at him.  Noting his Miller Construction shirt and she taps on the print, “You can’t be here.”
“I can.”
“No, it’s not safe.  No kids allowed.”
“Because this is a construction zone.”
“Because we’re building something.”
The man’s eyes narrow at the little girl, and he finally sets her back down in the dirt, squatting down to get eye to eye with her, “You’re the little orange girl?” 
“I’m not orange.  See,” she points at her skin, starting to giggle.  This man was silly.  There were oranges close by.  He could tell that she was not the same color as those.
“No, you’re the little girl that Will told us about.  That lived in a house beside the grove.”
“Yeah,  see,” she points over at the house, and he spots the adorable little orange juice stand.  “That’s my house.  I live there with my mom, and my brother, Benning.  She does nails in there.  Sometimes will work in the store instead of Miss Hazel.  And that right there,” pointing at her stand, she turns to look at the funny looking man, frowning.
“That is why I am over here.  I’ve been there all day.”
“It’s nine in the morning.”
“Exactly.  I’ve been there all day, and not one of you has come to get juice. I am saving my money to get a new doll because my poor mom can’t afford to buy me one.  Hazel and Harley have her working like Cinderella, and she barely has time for me.  And you guys are out here making all this noise, and getting parched, and I have what you need over there, but nobody comes over there.”
“You’re good.  You’d make a great car salesman,” the man turns back to look at his crew.  It was too early for lunch break, but if this was the child he was told about, he didn’t think Will would be angry that he stopped her from coming onto the site.  “Fine, take me to your stand.  I will get some orange juice.”
“You will buy some orange juice.  This is a business after all, it is,” holding out her hand, he gives it an odd look, before taking it in his own.  Letting the girl guide them to her obvious stand.  “This juice is made purely from clementines, this one is blood orange, it’s great for vampires, and this one is tangerine juice, and this is what we have every morning navel with four clementines in it.  Which would you like?” 
She was a character.  Big vocabulary for such a small child, “I’ll take your special with navel and clementines.”
“Here you go, mister?” The tiny child hands him a cup of orange juice.  Watching his every move to see how he like the drink, while also needing to know what to call him.  Her hand goes to her hip, and she juts it out to the side waiting.
“James Mace.  Everyone calls me Mace though.  Mmm,” he takes a long drink of the juice.  Licking his lips after the taste.  “This is really good.”
“Has anyone told you that you look like a shaggy dog?  Harley and Hazel used to have this shaggy dog.  You look like that.  How are you ever going to find a wife with hair like that?  And this is Florida.  You know it's going to get hot.  It makes more sense to cut it off.  It’s too hot.  Summer is almost here, it is.”
“You don’t like my hair?” Making a face of disgust, she fake retches, and she shakes her head no.  Mace takes another drink of the concoction before squatting down with her.  “You never told me your name.”
“Mirabelle Nova Syverson.  My dad gave me the first name.  My brother gave me my middle name.  I guess my dad gave me my last name, too.  But him and mom did agree to Mirabelle.  Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?” 
“Yes, now stop distracting me so I can do that.”
“Okay, tell your friends about me.  And also we have the world’s finest orange sorbet in the store.  And today’s juice will be one dollar for one cup or three dollars for two cups, Mr. Mace,” Mace chuckles, pulling out his wallet, and rifling through the bills.
“Just Mace.  How much money do you lack for your new doll?” 
“She’s a really nice doll.  She’s going to cost me over one hundred dollars,” Mace gives her a grin, pulling out a twenty.  “You're my first customer. I can't make change, and I don’t even know how.  That’s big kid math, and I’m four.”
“Keep it, kid.”
“Keep it, Mirabelle.  I’ll be back around lunch, and make sure to bring some people with me.”
“That would be greatly appreciated.  Tell Uncle Bill I said hey,” Mace starts to open his mouth explaining how there wasn’t a Bill on the crew, and the little girl points at his shirt.  “Uncle Bill.  He’s not my real uncle.  He married my aunt Casey.  Casey is my dad’s little sister.  He tried to date my mom at first.  Well his parents Hazel and Harley wanted him to.  Mom won’t date a military man ever again, no thank you.  I will see you in a few minutes Mace.”
“A couple of hours, darlin’!” Mace gives a yell to the little girl who stops her retreating and looks at him.  “A couple of hours.”
“Fine, only if you come back tomorrow with better hair.   It’s too hot for that much hair.”
“You’ve got a deal.  I’ll bring you lots of business, too,” he gives her a nod and she bounces back to the store to help out with Hazel while Mace returns to the build.  Already wiping his brow from the heat.
“Mace, this isn’t kindergarten,” William looks at his newest member of the crew, “Where have you been?  I told you to follow me.”
“Met your niece.  She’s selling orange juice.”
“Ahh, the little princess.  My parents let that child rule the grove.  Watch her.  She’ll talk you out of a lot of money,” Mace chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.  Mirabelle was not some ordinary four year old.  She was smart.  He wouldn’t call it business savvy, but she was something.  “What did she use on you?  A trip to Disney is her favorite.  She likes to use toys and pouts.  Oh, one time it was to buy her mom a new car.”
“A doll.”
“You’ve been had by the sweetest little con artist,” Mace turns and looks towards the store, watching the little girl start to stack oranges on a rack.  “Don’t take it personally.  Kid’s never had a dad.”
“He ran off and left her?  What kind of father does that?”
“Easy,” not that it was anyone’s business, but Mirabelle was quick to get attached to men.  Craved something that kids in her twice a week pre-k talked about.  “Her dad didn’t leave them on purpose.  He was deployed, and was killed.  Her mother was pregnant with Mirabelle.  He never got to meet her.  Wait until you meet her son.  He remembers his dad.  Hates men, and he’s a moody, almost pre-teen.”
“Why do you say he hates men?” 
“Their mom and I went on what I thought was a date,” William laughs, shaking his head.  “She was under no such impression.  Worked out well for Benny because he hated me.  Until I married their aunt.  Now he tolerates me.  I’m not trying to take the place of his dad.  He didn’t trust me, he didn’t like the fact I was military either.  Neither did the wife.  Casey was a bit scared after her brother.  Keep an eye on that little girl though.  Make sure she stays out of trouble and doesn’t get hurt, and I won’t get so mad at you for not shadowing me, okay?” 
Mace gives his boss a head nod, and follows along with him.  He didn’t know what to expect moving to the sunshine state.  Definitely didn’t think working on a construction crew and finding a four year old going on thirty was in his future.  But here he was.  Tickled at how even talking with Mirabelle was entertaining.  It was the most he had talked in years.
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“Mirabelle Nova Syverson!” Hazel screams, looking through the store.  “Mirabelle!  Mira…” she looks out the side door, seeing the girl with a lunchbox coming out of her house.  “Young lady, when you leave you have to tell me where you’re going.”
“I went to get lunch for me and that guy.”
“That guy?” 
“Mhmm, Mace.  It’s lunch time right?  I can go back?” Hazel answers yes, and Mirabelle runs as fast as her little legs can carry her back to her stand in the shade.  Wiggling her legs around and pulling her jugs of orange juice out of her cooler as a wad of men come towards her.
“Uncle Bill!” William rolls his eyes, but waves at the little girl, “I can’t serve them all alone.”
“You going to pay me?” 
“Nope.  I’m four.  You make more money than me,” standing beside the little girl, he pours while she takes money.  Making excuses about change, and how she can’t subtract yet before the line dies down, “Mace!  This is my uncle Bill!”
“Nobody calls me that.  Nobody.  Just her and her brother, so don’t start.  Oh, you eating lunch out here, little bit?” 
“Yep.  Mace, I brought you something,” she excitedly says, pulling out her lunch box, and taps on the cooler.  William’s mouth drops open, gawking at her, “Casey packed your lunch, she did.  I didn’t need to bring you something.”
“Remember what I said,” William trusted Mace with his niece.  He just didn’t trust his niece to not get too attached.  He knew where you stood, and your need to be alone ‘for all of eternity’ because you had already once fallen in love and now your priority was the kids that Sy had left behind.  And still that angelic daughter of yours was still wanting something she had never had before.
“So my mommy doesn’t know, but I took her meal prep for this week,” laying the glass container on the stand, Mace waves his hands no, “It’s just Tuesday.  Mommy works from home, so she makes her lunches for the week.  I didn’t ask, but do you have allergies?  Owen in my class is allergic to peanuts, and Neveah is allergic to eggs, and Simon is lactose intolerant and his belly blew up like a balloon when he ate my real milk yogurt.  That has yogurt in it, can you have yogurt?  And there’s eggs and almonds.  Oh no!  And cheese.  I’m sorry, I really didn’t think this through.”
“Mirabelle, you’re fine.  Last I checked, I’m not allergic to anything.  So you’re bringing me lunch?” Giving him a shrug, her legs kick around before opening her own box complete with a marmalade sandwich, chips, and a cupcake.  “I can share that with you.  Me and mommy made those last night.”
“I don’t want to take your cupcake.  So this is what you do all day?” 
“I can share,” she gives him a little growl, placing a chip beside him before eating a bite of her sandwich.  “I know how to share.  I don’t have to share with Bubba, but I know how.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to miss Julie’s so I’m not an awkward turtle and don’t know how to interact with kids my age.  I’m still an awkward turtle and still pull my awkward balloons because I just have adults, and Bubba.”
“What are you talking about awkward balloons?” Mirabelle smiles over her full mouth, placing another chip beside him.  “I don’t understand the balloons.”
“It’s just what mommy does when we’re in an awkward situation.  She pulls invisible awkward balloons from the sky.  The more she pulls the more awkward it is.  She’s a good mommy.  Um, do you like oranges.”
“They’re okay,” Mirabelle’s eyes go large, and points at the orange slices in his container.  “They’re fine.”
“They’re the best.  I can name all the ones we have here, I can.  Hazel said if Casey doesn’t give her a grand baby that I’m the one that gets the grove, she did.  I like going out with Harley in the evening and he checks to make sure that the workers did everything right.  It used to be smaller, it did.  They built it.  Uncle Bill doesn’t care.  Casey is a nurse.  She doesn’t have time, but me?  I pay attention, I do.”
Mirabelle is able to talk and carry on a conversation all while eating.  Hardly stopping talking, but it was a nice distraction for Mace.  Not having to worry about the things in his own mind, just see things from the eyes of a four year old.  
“Oh!  How much money did I make?  Mommy is wanting to take me and Bubba to Disney World, and I need spending money.  I’ve got to get a new lanyard.”
“I thought you wanted a doll?” 
“Well, yeah.  They have those at Disney, too.  I…I…I…I don’t have a Cinderella doll, yeah.  She’s missing from my collection.  Dern.  It’s getting hot out here, and don’t tell mommy that I said dern.  And I will see you tomorrow, but it’ll be when I get back though with school.  Mommy picks me up at two, so I’ll be here around 2:30.  Also, there’s yummy orange sorbet in the store.  Tell everyone to get some, and if I’m not there, because it might be time to meet my bubba at the bus stop, just tell them to tell Hazel that I sent you.  I get a commission.”
“You swindled me for money, you little toot,” with a shrug of her shoulders, she gathers the boxes to stuff in her lunch bag.  “Mirabelle?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?  I’ll have some more orange juice.  Have a good day.  Hazel will have to help me carry this in.  Goodbye!” 
She was a mess.  Complete mess, and she knew it.  One day of knowing the little girl, and Mace was wrapped around her chubby little finger.  Clearly had been around people that were older than her because she spoke like an adult.  No kid should grow up without a parent.  Mace would know.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @elrw24 @midnightramyeoncravings 
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Man its been so long since ive commented on a fic, but damn. At first, i mostly read the fh and scarian TTSBC fics but ive honestly gotten so damn invested in all the characters and their storylines.
Ive never been interested in treebark as a ship before, and honestly this fic (and the others in this series) truly made me reconsider. i still dont think ill go out looking for more treebark fics, but the ones you post are an exception. honest to god, yours is the only series that has gotten me really invested in naturewives, soupgroup, treebark, zedango, papa pix' & his lil fam, and doc/etho. if that doesnt say something about the writing quality of your work, i dont know what does.
i love your writing and your series. youre doing super great my guy, and i hope you remember that next time you feel down about your work<3
and a question, aside from ren and lizzie (and the birb trio and bdubs lol), do any of the other people in the "undercity hooligans" friend circle actually have parents/family? or are most of them orphans too? is there an undercity orphanage where all the funky lil creatures go? if not, maybe doc n etho should get on that ;) sounds like a... "fun" retirement job for the compulsive adopters to have when they find people to take their places(*ehem* tango and fwhip *ehem*) in a few more decades or so, of course haha
Thank you thank you!!! 💖
I'm so glad I've gotten you invested into all the other little ships and family units running around! I am so honored you think my writing is worthy of such high praise!
The rest of the 'undercity hooligan' friend group, huh? They're a mixed bag, a lot of them do have parents/families, some of them are raised within a clan system that's unique to the under-city or their subspecies, we will get into their individual upbringings as we get to know them all better and worldbuild out the undercity!
As far as the orphanage thing, there is still the wardship program through the undercity lab! Except now that it's under Doc's leadership, it's actually doing what it should've always been doing, which is taking in/supporting/educating abandoned/orphaned kids...that doesn't mean there aren't still a lot of gutter rats, and the labs can't support them all or even manage to round all of them up...it's still pretty rough. As we keep saying, the undercity has claws, and just because the labs are under better leadership doesn't mean everything has changed. 😓
I think Tango is little too busy spontaneously combusting over his new texting buddy Zedaph to consider adaption at this point. Fwhip is still a loose cannon working for the mafia so who knows what he's thinking 😆
Thanks so much for your kind words and for coming by!
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imma bully you and remind you of the architect bones >:3c
Lumi, my friend, my fellow beast among men, you know exactly what you bring.
It is at long last time to “Discuss” this wretched thing
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Let’s start from the bottom and work our way up, cause I wanna get the worst of it out of the way. The fucking,.. Legs. Here’s what we see in-game;
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Technical flaws aside, this is pretty normal and reasonable. Three main segments per leg, articulated toes on the front, hoof foot in the back, an almost standard digitigrade setup. This would be fine, if not for the fact that half of those joints don’t actually exist
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There are two segments excluding foot bones
I’m assuming that ball in the front legs is a knee
Solid bones in the toes
So uhm,… yeah basically;
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And this is before I mention that these aren’t actually connected to the body! THAT’S RIGHT BABY!! THESE THANGS FLOATIN!!!
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So, when Al-an says “primitive ball and socket joints”, I must ask him back! Compared to what, buddy? Miss me with that whale vestigial hind leg bones shit. Your hips are useless and your weight is supported by nothing. Also why so many holes. I hope that’s for like, internal wiring or whatever.
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The lower back is all one solid bone
That is just a human spine. We know personally how bad this shit is at supporting vertical weight. I’m experiencing those effects right now.
Is this ribs anymore? I’ll call it frame. The chest frame is, again, solid. A very rigid structure, there’s no movement in there. Not quite as bad, considering they don’t have lungs (at least not in the same way we do) but still bad for mobility. Looks cool tho, I guess
Back to something worse now, arms! Hands!! Shoulder blades!!
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Not the worst elbow joint tbh
Forearm bones are fused. Again, no movement. They cannot twist their arms
No wrist bones. The hand is a single solid bone. The thumb/claw is also one bone
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Now what’s going on back here? Is that a collarbone? Connected to the neck and fused with the shoulder blade?? What is that spike?? I have no idea what this would do to the movement range of the arms and shoulders. Presumably bad things. Also that big bit coming off the top is the shoulder… handles?
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And finally, the skull. It’s easily the least egregious part of it all, honestly I like it a lot, save for the thick as hell neck bones. Why are they… So Large. No idea what’s going on with the skull-neck joint tho, cannot tell if it’s good or bad. Definitely weird to me at least.
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Skull pretty cool. I’d hazard a guess and say the main brain isn’t up there and it’s all sensory stuff so a lot of holes is fine (also they put armour on top of the head), and the ‘face’ is very interesting. Makes me wonder if they had vertical jaws. Of all the things to be solid bone, the horns were the last thing I’d expect (they are semi hollow tho), and the prongs give me moose vibes. Also the whole thing sits farther back in the head than I thought.
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So yeah that basically sums it up. Their legs fucking suck and the rest is anywhere from ‘why tho’ to ‘sure I guess’. The way Al-an moves ingame should be impossible for him and if this skeleton is actually cannon in its entirety then man must have some extra Secrets. And if there’s any architect skeleton defenders in existence I would love to hear from you.
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