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eightyuh · 2 months ago
vocaloid oliver GPS sound pack available now!
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💗 Have Vocaloid Oliver (best known for voicing Puppycat) give you driving directions!
🤍 This sound pack is designed to be compatible with voiceover prompts for the Waze app!
💗 Includes measurements in both MILES and KILOMETERS <3
🤍 Each of these 43 voice lines has been carefully hand-tuned with a care for quality, and the lines are delivered with natural inflections and a slower pace for those with audio processing difficulties.
💗 At the base price, 43 audio clips for $3.90 comes out to about 9 cents each :)
🤍 INCLUDES: ♡ 43 hand-tuned phrases (based on Waze audio prompts) in a .MP3 audio format ♡ Clickable links for direct import into Waze (available in .PDF) ♡ A complementary usage guide ♡ A copy of the Terms of Use
GET IT HERE: https://ko-fi.com/s/661f146943
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vivikenz · 4 months ago
thought this was so cute 😭😭 had to share
(btw this is on WAZE , the navigation app)
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 13 days ago
Omg if you have the Waze app for directions, they have this new thing where Paddington can give you polite directions and it’s the only way I ever want to drive from now on
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nana-is-dead · 11 months ago
motylki, potrzbuje waszej rady.
przez ostatnie 2 tygodnie jadlam na poczatku okolo 1000kcal teraz staram sie tak okolo 300-500, cwicze, staram sie ruszac, pic duzo wody i duzo spac. Chodzi jedynie o to ze na poczatku tygodnia waga pokazala 64,3 pozniej bylo 63,2 a dzis po zwazeniu sie gdxie wczoraj mialam bilans okolo 200kcal (zjedzone 477 spalone okolo 261) waga pokazala 64,7 :\\ zwazylam sie ofc na czco po obudzeniu i porannej toalecie jak zwykle. nie mam juz pojecia po prostu co sie dzieje. licze na jakakolwiek pomoc, bede niezmiernie wdzięczna.
musze tez dodtac ze jem caly czas zdrowo. 0 slodyczy, słonych przekąsek czy czegokolwiek takiego + ogranicxam cukry do minimum.
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Hey, Americans who are pissed at Google for the BS about the Gulf of Mexico, use Firefox instead!!
So you heard or saw the fuckery regarding the "renaming" of the Gulf of Mexico and want to tell Google to fix it's shit? Well you go to report the "error" but what's this? You can't??? Why, they've turned off the reporting function for the Gulf renaming idiocy! So you go to leave a scathing review as your next step. But lo, the review you left had been deleted!!! Absurdity at it's finest. Google won't listen to us, and won't accept criticism. So how about "Fuck Off Google" and go with a tried and true alternative?
Behold, I present to you ✨ MOZILLA'S FIREFOX ✨
Firefox has been around since the Browser Wars. And while Chrome was declared the supposed victor, Firefox still persists doing good work. Firefox has customizability like dark modes, syncing across devices, and loads of extensions, but a big plus is that Firefox also allows you to actually utilize ad blockers AND doesn't sell your information all over like Google does.
"But Wyrm, I have so many bookmarks and tabs open in Chrome" WORRY NOT, FRIENDS! Mozilla is aware of this and ready to help! They have a whole page with step-by-step processes on how to switch over and it's really easy. I did it myself years ago and they continue to update the page. You can access it here.
Also for search engines, Duck Duck Go is GREAT instead of Google
Duck Duck Go also values privacy and is very easy to use and it can easily be changed to Firefox's default search engine (or another search engine if you wish) following these steps here.
What about Google Maps and Apple Maps? (Unfortunately Apple is also renaming the Gulf it seems, so there goes using Apple too) While those navigation apps are really convenient (that's how Google and Apple have gotten so powerful. Well, that and reeeeeally good PR teams), there are options (not Waze unfortunately, that's owned by Google) but you can check out MapFactor (a bit clunky, but free and streamlined) or, for the really Olde Ones here, MapQuest is still alive and kicking (and even has an app on both Google Play AND the App Store and it works great! Only complaint I have is the ads, but a small thing to ignore so we can spite the monopolies in power) and it has the correct name for the Gulf of Mexico still.
Unfortunately Google owns a lot of shit, but it's still worth the effort to switch off where you can!
Alright, now you have some easy steps to tell Google (and Apple!) to fuck off massively without Google shutting you out. Shut Google out first!
Go forth and fight for what's good and right in this world however you can
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eretzyisrael · 1 year ago
Good News From Israel
In the 5th Nov 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
Israel has become the “Volunteer Nation”.
Two Israeli startups have donated their stress-relieving medical devices.
Six of TIME Magazine’s 200 best inventions of 2023 are Israeli.
Israel’s largest ever sale of a defense system.
Canada’s largest ever fundraising campaign for the Jewish State.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Many of my subscribers have asked that I continue to publish good news from Israel, even during these difficult times.  I have therefore compiled another reduced size newsletter, which includes a section containing some of the positive stories related to the on-going war.
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netscapenavigator-official · 8 months ago
I love Waze with all my heart, but good god girl, get it together. The block-by-block directions on Waze suck. I love using Waze, so I can find out about on the juicy gossip on the road before I get to it, but if I'm going somewhere where I really need to be spoken to like I'm five, I always use Apple Maps. Waze's total lack of "go past this light, and at the next one, turn right," or "stay in the second lane from left to turn left, and then immediately turn right after," or "stay in the left three lanes," or "at the stop sign, turn left" instructions makes it horrible to use. Waze is fine if you only need it for basic instructions, but if you need really detailed assistant on back roads or more urban areas, it's dogshit. Apple Maps's overhauls in the last few years is no joke, and it's sad to see Waze slip into last place in the Map Wars.
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enigmaue · 26 days ago
Never thought that seeing a Waze notification telling me that I did great with driving today would pick things up but here we are
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jgwentworthsbitch · 8 months ago
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he is not licensed to operate this vehicle
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amongaesthetics · 9 months ago
Although I’ve had my driver’s license for a couple years, I refuse to drive. I was anxious and uncomfortable and just didn’t want to. Until I discovered a couple of interesting things (and also now have to), which I will share now.
1: The “girl driver” videos where people talk about how comfortable a girl they know is about hitting the curb while driving makes me feel SO MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE when I make a silly driving mistake (and maybe hit a curb). Not advocating going out and hitting curbs, but things happen, and if nobody is hurt, put it past you and focus on your next move.
2: While I’ve been out here, worried I’m making other drivers upset and might make a mistake and wreck the car, mine or someone else’s, which would be pretty expensive, other people assume my anxiety is about possibly killing someone or myself. So I was just creating my own problems. If other people are upset, it’s one minute of anger, maybe a honked horn, or they go the fuck around me.
And while I can’t do much about how expensive a crash would be, it’s still fixable. Most people, when they begin driving, get into a fender bender. It happens. Make sure you have insurance and, even if it makes the other people on the road upset, don’t make the turn when you aren’t comfortable, don’t go above the speed limit if the car feels too out of control for you even if you’re on the highway. Work your way up to your comfortability level.
3: Luckily, I have screen. Obviously, many people will only have the option of an older, screen-less car for driving. But as someone who has had anxiety about driving, one of my things is “I-don’t-know-where-I’m-going-and-I’m-going-to-be-lost-and-there-will-be-no-way-back” and also gen z “can’t remember verbal directions”. Without a screen, I kept on having to look down at my phone in my lap (NOT comfortable for actually driving, do not recommend), but WITH a screen, my directions are visible AND the audio is playing to reaffirm my driving as I’m making a turn or something.
4: PLAYLISTS. I’m not a playlist person, but starting out driving with songs that I like and keep my energy up is some thing that is more powerful than you might realize. It also makes 1,2, and 3 so much easier— brush off the curb hit or taking longer on that turn because you’re jamming out to Fall Out Boy and KNOW YOU ARE HEADING WHERE YOU NEED TO (bonus points if it’s Immortals).
Obviously, people who know how to drive won’t need this, and I’m not sure if people who don’t like driving will find any of this helpful. But it worked for me!
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eightyuh · 2 months ago
✨ interest check!
would u be interested in a “puppycat” (vocaloid oliver) GPS sound pack (Waze compatible)? 🙏 let me know!
🩵 in the meantime, u can grab the Miku GPS pack here: https://ko-fi.com/s/8602066d67
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avgdvl · 1 year ago
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Valaki tegnap kimaxolta a trollkodást
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civicfeatures · 1 year ago
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While iOS and Android have offered crash detection for some time now, Waze just added alerts about roads with a disproportionate number of crashes. Nice to see Waze introducing this safety feature, since the app is better known for evading speed cameras.
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gamershoe · 2 years ago
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i felt like doodling the waze car
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giantimp2 · 7 days ago
I don't understand how Americans can both be "acab" "never trust cops" and still not use waze because "what do I need to tell people where the cops are"
What do you mean?? It's called acting as a community
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netscapenavigator-official · 9 months ago
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I would rather put my car into a ditch, but thank you Waze.
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