#wavewave kiss
how do wavewave kiss if shockwave has no mouth
I know this question has been answered before, but the idea is too cute that it bears repeating.
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emergency-vehicle · 13 days
i love the idea of soundwave being a very good parent.
my favourite soundwave is tfp soundwave because as someone who regularly goes nonverbal, i loooooove how they portray his mutism. i also just really love his exceptionally slutty design, like yas bestie, be a sleek killing machine.
anyway, off topic, soundwave as a very good parent.
he's shown to be exceptionally patient throughout basically the entire tf franchise, and i feel like that would extend to sparklings as well. he simply holds them in his datacables, letting their soft electrical hums calm them down. he nuzzles them with his faceplate and lets them babble at him. all the while he's recording their voices and clips together sentences to communicate with them.
soundwave having a sparkling with shockwave, and he just holds the sparkling with his datacables as they work together. maybe even holding entertainment with one cable and the sparkling with the other.
shockwave taking a little break because the sparkling wants to show him the crude drawing he made of them working. shockwave having to deal with the sudden influx of strange emotion that comes from his sire protocols at the sight of this little being made of pure love and light.
soundwave looking back for only a fraction of a second, witnessing this little moment between them. he starts recording their soft voices, shockwave cooing over the drawing, rubbing the sparklings head like "hm yes, you will make excellent schematics when you are fully functional." when they share a berth, soundwave plays the clip back before showing a heart on his visor.
anyway. i love wavewave. my weirdo cryptid husbands having a weirdo cryptid child.
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rubydreamsuwu · 1 year
Sitcom au stuff with shockwave being...less than healthy about housework
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bassomega · 1 year
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Girl waves for @kurxo based on their own design <3 Happy bday!
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smilingdawn · 2 years
✨ Thinking about ✨
TFP Shockwave emoting with his antenna, talking in logic, casually telling Soundwave he needs a groundbridge and calmly walking away from falling debris because he has so much trust in SW to safely teleport him
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terrorskies · 1 year
shockwave ship drops
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kiyuu-draws · 5 months
Enough of WaveWave! Have MegaSound! The two of em enjoying their break! Anyway! They are watching Cube! (idk)
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Soundwave seemed expecting this.
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And that kiss, Soundwave did not expect
I want to do a proper art of this but im too lazy and simply because I can't draw the kissing part xD
Original Sketch Below:
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I was originally going with this sketch a really quick af sketch of G1 Versions without looking at their reference (kinda) and before when I redraw the sketch but Cyberverse, I was thinking of going with Earthspark MegaSound (◕ᴥ◕) Soundwave holding a sign that reads "My Ex-Husband"
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paxarsenal · 11 months
Organic Music, Organic Love
As requested by @mx-jester, I shall write another Wavewave fanfic! This time, Soundwave gets a bit tired from working...
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Another solar-cycle passed into another mega-cycle. After Shockwave’s initial return, the work within the Nemesis grew tenth fold. Project Predicon as dubbed by Shockwave resumed continuation. The scientist’s underground project not only sucked numerous supplies and resources from the flying ship, but management became desperate and demanding. Not to mention draining every contributing bot’s Energon tank into oblivion. Recharged wasn’t a choice either.  No Transformer could escape this, not even the notorious workaholic communications officer among them. 
Soundwave limped through the hallways. He hadn’t had a dose of Energon since last 48 breems. His engine tank hissed and churned. The HUD visor screen flashed uncontrollably as a desperate call to restock his falling system. Megatron began countless affairs of servitude to the Decepticon cause while Starscream occupied himself with other tasks. It left Soundwave starved and meek, his chassis armor heaving in weight from exhaustion. His digits couldn’t even lift a rusting nail after he finished the final round of code. 
Fortunately, what seemed to be a “mess hall” came to view. Mess hall was an overstretched definition. A large hall with unordered stacks of random trinkets and tools laid in corners as numerous Vechicons crowded the space. Soundwave immediately begrudged his decision. He didn’t want dinner disturbance from the terrible gossips and chatters, no less the own voices of meddling lower mechs. 
Nevertheless, the violet bot turned to the supply table and took out a fresh Energon cube. Soundwave settled into a corner where the light won’t reach and opened his visor, quickly chugging at the drink before slamming the empty shell down. One wasn’t enough. Eventually, Soundwave found himself surrounded by ten high Energon between his desire and hunger. At the end of the cycle, two refreshments were left unscathed. 
Groups of Vechicons suddenly burst into shouts. It perked Soundwave’s attention, turning to the crowd where the one and only Knockout stood in glowing scarlet paint. That particular mech always had something to ‘go on about’ and this solar-cycle wouldn’t be his last. 
“Ah ha,” Knockout jolted slightly in barely controlled excitement. The sports car bot moved out of the way to reveal a small unfamiliar device sitting on the table. It was rusting and dull. A small antenna and loudspeaker stood out from its design. Soundwave titled his helm curiously, signaling Knockout to continue his discovery. 
“I found this machine that organics love to use as entertainment. It’s called a radio!” Knockout announced, “It isn’t like our own radio transmitters, but plays music or news! Listen and watch!” 
The red medic pressed a few buttons and static began to roll over the radio until a coherent tune played. A few Vechicons ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ while others clapped along to the music. Knockout even began to sway his metal hips as he hummed the melody, almost as if he knew the song by spark. Soundwave didn’t know what to say; he was speechless for once, even if he never said anything at all. Words couldn’t describe how much he wanted to convey… 
Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like on
A-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me
It brought him back to Cybertron. There was a refill shack down the barren streets of Kaon; Shockwave and Soundwave idly pass around and about at the bar counter, bland conversation after the next. With diluted Energon in servo, their night held up. The hangout was a few from the first, and both mechs struggled for words. It wasn’t until Shockwave introduced him to a new discovery. 
“Organic music, have you heard of it?” Shockwave said, his voicebox rough from venting in the planet’s particles of land-waste dystopia.
“Negative: Soundwave… intrigued.” 
Shockwave went on. “For mega-cycles, our scientific team detected some wave signals in search for surplus Energon. However, unlike ours, it played organic tunes and sung songs from planet Earth.”
“… Songs,” Soundwave replayed with Shockwave’s audio. 
Shockwave shook his helm. “Exactly, a worthless find but nevertheless entertaining,” he hummed. His red lens burnt a bit bright as he looked towards the violet gladiator. “Care to listen when you’re available?”
There wasn’t a next time.
The radio continued to play as it lulled to a soft jazz. 
Between the commotion and music, Megatron strode into the crowd with Starscream behind him. The Cons immediately scattered, shifting to precarious position in the mess hall whereas Knockout straightened up his gears and bowed to the warlord. Brief exchanges of information and duties were made as the mech with a bucket for helm scorched the floor. Starscream looked unequally pleased, towards Megatron or to the various Vechicons horsing around, it didn’t matter. The trio of light and dark grey plus a hint of red set forth to the control room. Soundwave assumed he wasn’t needed; Megatron would have called him over since the two exchanged brief eye contact for one another. With the three gone and most of the Vechicons returning to their initial work, it left Soundwave to temporarily freedom. He spotted the lone radio; Knockout must had forgotten it with Megatron’s unexpected visit. 
With the bots gone, Soundwave removed himself from the seat and picked up the two remaining Energon cubes. His footsteps slowed and reached for the device before disappearing out of the exit.
Soundwave strolled down the hallways towards the end-most area of the Nemesis. Unexpressive yet knowing, he thought to himself: Did Shockwave ate today? Time seemed to have past but there were no implications to how much went on. Could be solar-cycles until now. The thought only made him squeeze the Energon cube until it pulsed with glowing blue liquid.
At last, he was outside of Shockwave’s laboratory. 
“Soundwave?” His partner said upon seeing the mech enter his chambers, “What a lovely surprise.” Soundwave nodded his helm and placed the neatly stacked Energon on the lab table and slide them towards the Empurata. Shockwave gave a quick thanks before heading back to work. However, another metal click alerted the violet bot to look the rusting item.
“Ah, a radio,” Shockwave mused, inspecting the musical machine with delicate digits. “It’s a delight to see in front of me.” Soundwave nodded to his statement. He trotted to Shockwave’s berth before sitting on it. Both had became familiar again after Shockwave’s return, and to sit on his personal recharge station was another pastime for Soundwave. The action itself stood pure among the other intimate activities they did behind closed doors. 
“I’m impressed, you remembered,” the Empurata hummed, “How long ago was that? Do you recall?” 
“I’m not surprised.” Soundwave chuckled at that.
Shockwave pressed a button on the device as it played, almost like it was filled with genuine compassion. He motioned himself to Soundwave where he sat quietly and obediently. 
Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you
Both idly listened. Their visors gazing over the other for an answer. Shockwave was the first to avert his gaze, Soundwave followed. A heavy wave of exhaustion suddenly occurred within Soundwave’s frame. His helm drooped before tiling back up. 
Shocked noticed.
“Soundwave… Comms to Soundwave,” Shockwave said softly, his large figure hovering over Soundwave’s fatigued body. A gentle sharp servo cupped his helm as Soundwave swatted it away embarrassed. Of course, Shockwave didn’t know that. 
“You seem exhausted.” 
His partner fought to say no, yet his protoform betrayed his mind as he swayed once his pedes attempted to get up. Just in time, the scientist caught him in his gun arm. Perhaps he was, Soundwave concluded.
“Rest, you can borrow my berth for tonight,” Shockwave insisted. It took a few seconds before he added: “I won’t be too nosy.” 
Soundwave measly laid on the berth as told. He listened to Shockwave work. The soft music took any tension left unscathed and that helped him rest. Soon, the mech felt at peace for the first time. No code, no war, and no annoying Starscream buzzing to keep him awake. His HUD visor turned to Shockwave, his back facing him yet the purple con recognize that silent treatment.
“Soundwave… do you think this war would end?”
“Is that a ‘Stand By’?”
“… Affirmative.”
“How illogical of an answer, but I suppose as a scientist—not a time traveler, your answer is most definitely logical.”
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forevermore
You are all I long for, all I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words
In other words
I love you
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driftsart · 4 months
Tiny little post lmao: DO NOT hesitate to send me asks, it doesn't matter if you've sent me one already, feel free to send me as many as you want, I don't mind at all! It does take me a while to answer because I'm sometimes busy but I will see it and I will read it! So pls pls pls keep sending asks because you don't know how happy they make me :D
Also, It's funny to me how I get so many asks about ppl wanting Megs or others to adopt them / about the ships (especially wavewave) / offering them kisses and snacks, etc. Instead of about the plot or important events, or maybe some individual character facts. Definitely don't stop asking me whatever you want, I just wanted to point that out cause it made me smile a little lmao
Have this phone doodle for now lmao:
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pzdragon666 · 1 month
Wavewave week Day 2: Mutual Interests
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Mutual Interest
Tf fic (some lemon I guess, i dont know how tk write interface scenes 🥲)
Ft. Soundwave, Shockwave
Soundwave was being followed again. He didn't seem bothered by it. Actually, the exact opposite...
Everyone on the ship knew they were pining each other for eons. Some even started taking bets on who'd be the first to make a move. Most of the poll was on Soundwave's side because it's Soundwave. He has at least more social skills than Shockwave. And then again, Shockwave always proved from time to time to be....
Soundwave was quickly swept of his pedes when he was cornered at a part of the ship. Shockwave didn't waste time capturing him in a mouthless kiss. Soundwave didn't mind. He enjoyed the gesture very much. Small electric sparks emitted from them both as they shared the passionate kiss. Soundwave didn't notice when they arrived at Shockwave's quarters. He only realized when he landed on the large berth. Shockwave pinned both his wrists against the berth as his red optic loomed over him.
"Open." Shockwave ordered.
Soundwave opened his valve cover, pink lubricant beginning to leak out of him. Obviously, Soundwave was already aroused from the beginning of their chase.
What happened in his quarters remained a mystery to this day. Everyone found out after Soundwave reported carrying. Megatron asked him why he did it.
"/Mutual Interests/" was his reply.
@kyamo18 @chamm0y @mr-playlist @splashscreenofficial @kiyuu-draws @robomusical @bumblecow @radiatwave @lanth57
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jolyne-best-jojo · 18 days
What Stands I think the Logical Proposals wavewave family would have:
Soundwave: Hermit Purple. This one's pretty easy, it's got everything a wave of sound could want: break a camera and get photos of a picture anywhere in the world, have a screen to project onto and read minds, just use the vines on a TV screen and get a message like "x is a traitor". Or Moody Blues since being able to see and hear what happened to a singular person would make for great intell depending on who it is.
Shockwave: Gold Experience. Shockwave would love having it, funding becomes a far smaller issue if he can grow the body parts himself. Not to mention the research he'd do testing the limits, how big can the being he grows be relative to the original objects mass? Can he grow an extinct species? And he'd love finding these things out.
Ravage: Harvest. Being the only responsible child is hard, much easier when you have 500 tiny buggers to keep watch on everyone.
Buzzsaw: Kraft Work. Given his weapon building I feel like he'd find some use for being able to store however much kinetic energy in an object he desires then release it all at once.
Laserbeak: Mr. President. With the caveat that he just had the user on him at all times. Laserbeak wants a nap, just pull out Mr. President, hide it, and take a nap in the key room, he can even fill it with all his favourite blankets.
Rumble & Frenzy: Star Platinum & The World. This one's the most obvious, SP and TW stop time for 5 seconds, that's 5 seconds of free prank set up.
Enemy: Survivor. Probably a bit too surface level for his character but it makes sense. He wants enemies, Survivor makes everyone around him so mad they start beating each other to death.
Flip Sides: Sticky Fingers. It's got a pocket dimension to explore long range travel purposes with (idk if it can do that but presumably if Sticky Fingers opened a zipper in one place then went hundreds of miles away and opened another they should connect) and I think Flips would find that interesting.
Beastbox: Man in the Mirror. So long as he has a mirror shard with him he can hide away in the mirror world whenever he's feeling overwhelmed and come back when he feels better.
Slugfest: Pearl Jam. He may not be a cook, but given the positive effects Pearl Jam has on the consumers he'd absolutely learn how to cook to give healing meals to refugees.
Squawktalk: Bohemian Rhapsody. I don't know if It works if it's only audio but it turns fiction to life and what better way to tell your stories then making them real? (Just ignore the part where people are forced to play a part in the stories, usually the one who dies)
Garboil: Earth, Wind and Fire. Technically not a stand (but maybe it is who knows) the shapeshifting would be really handy for painting, don't wanna use a picture or just memory to base a drawing on? Just shapeshift into what you wanna draw.
Overkill: Scary Monsters. It can turn people into dinosaurs. He'd finally have Dino friends that the Autobots don't steal away before begging to hand them back. (Targets of it retain their sentience right? I can't remember)
Howlback: Killer Queen. This isn't because of the fact it's a cat, nor is it about it being able to turn objects into bombs or its tertiary bomb Bites the Dust being able to rewind time an hour. No, this is about Sheer Heart Attack being indestructible and as such the perfect thing to enjoy biting to no end, and honestly what more does Howlback even want in life?
Ratbat: Kiss. Sure, the duplicated objects crash back together after the sticker comes off, but so long as that happens long after he sells them it's not his problem.
Wingthing: I'mma be real, I got nothing, he got killed in the great cassette culling of chapter 36 and he was introduced in that chapter. Weather Report? Because he wanted to know how rain works?
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emergency-vehicle · 3 days
foaming at the mouth
i love my old robot yaoi
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chamm0y · 26 days
heyheyhey you got any wavewave art prompts
i wanna draw the queers but my inspiration hath flown out the window
art promts hhmmmmm im thimkinnn
maybeee first kiss? (*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *) in their own way heheheh
oh i posted some screenshots with a otp prompt generator a while ago maybe you could use those!! they where so cute
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sp1cychamm0y · 3 months
Heads up: This is about the anti-Wavewave post and why I think it’s a bit silly, your fully welcome to ignore or disagree
It’s crazy how pressed people get about ship discourse (and I’m sorry you gotta deal with that dawg that blows) like, yeah you may find ships in a character tag, it’s always gonna happen, but like you said, you can filter tags out. Plus these fictional characters aren’t even human, and while that may mean they don’t feel attraction like people do, they could still have their hot crazy alien robot sex. (Its two sides of the same coin in my opinion) It’s not like they’re teenagers in some anime that makes it a bit weird, they’re;
1). Not humans
2). Fully realized, consenting adults
And I wouldn’t view it as homophobia due to the fact that the majority of the cast are male (or male coded at least due to the whole they’re alien robots and gender’s a human thing) so obviously most ships are gonna be MLM. Plus Soundwave and Shockwave don’t really interact with female characters as far as I can recall. 🤷
What’s even weirder is the “maybe they’re bothers, they call each other brother (as in comrade)” but like, the arguably BIGGEST ship in this franchise is MegOP and they also refer to each other as “brother” but nobody bats an eyelash to that (Not even gonna start on Thundercraker/SkyWarp/Starscream which is a pretty popular ship for being the closest one to insecst, not bashing but yk)
From my experience fandom shipping is when you take the character you project onto or find relatable and the character/characters you like/find attractive and make them kiss. And people DONT HAVE to interact with that if they don’t like it, especially in NSFW spaces. I’m mean we’re all adults here (or at least we SHOULD BE if we’re in a NSFW space, but that’s a separate problem…) and should be able to handle things like adults, but I digress.
Sorry for leaving this huge rant in you inbox but I don’t think you (I know it’s not you specifically but still) should be getting second hand bashed for your opinions on who should hold hands
Anyways I hope you have a nice rest of your day/night!
no yeah thanks, and i totally agree with you. I take keeping minors out of nsfw spaces very seriously. i didnt want this to get too dramatic and i apologize if i make anyone uncomfortable but yeah i repeat, filter your tags, block me i dont care i promise
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shi-daisy · 1 year
Sleepy Secret
Day 6 let's goooo! Today on the agenda Cyberverse Wavewave cuteness! Hope you like
WaveWave Week 2023- Day 6: Secrets
Sleepy Secret
No one ever suspected anything other than a heated rivalry. And that's just how he loved it.
Soundwave glanced at the mech sleeping beside him. Shockwave's face was devoid of any light now, still he could hear the mech's steady breathing.
He wasn't sure how it started. Was it their little spats? The fact that Shockwave never turned him away despite his annoyance? The playful way in which they'd both follow eachother and try to get attention? At this rate he could never tell.
All that Soundwave knew was that he fell and he fell hard. He could no longer imagine life without his grouchy scientist rival by his side. Hopefully the feeling was shared.
He tentatively lowered his mask and gently kissed the top of Shockwave's head. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He nearly fell off the bed upon hearing that. He thought Shockwave was supposed to be asleep.
"You weren't supposed to hear that!" Soundwave protested as he wacked Shockwave with a pillow.
The scientist laughed. "Darling our relationship might be a secret. But you will never be able to keep secrets from me."
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absoluteminimum · 2 months
I'm pretty sure that the moment I stop doing long distance with my SO my productivity will temporarily plummet bc my shipping generators are directly tied to my 'I haven't been hugged or kissed in a while' meter. The less hugs I get the more I write ship to make up for it
(Unless I'm hyperfixating like I did on my wavewave animatic. Dude no amount of hugs or kisses could pull me away from my fuckin iPad back then)
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