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allpaintingnowaiting · 5 years ago
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I made a watercolour chart. And I took a photo of a watercolour sketch of a yellow house. When I can’t sleep, I try to get up and work. It makes me feel better to do something productive then to lay in bed grumpy. How do you deal with insomnia? Or any inconvenience? #art #artist #artistofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #artistoninstagram #watercolorchart #watercolor #wip #sketchbook #sketch #draw #drawing #color #colour #house #fun #funart #justdraw #sketchbookdrawing (at Truro, Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_IR_ebnBfg/?igshid=y4gwf0cy5ngf
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artbatov · 5 years ago
Прозрачные плотные жёлтые в акварели (Yndian yellow / Gamboge / Gumme Gu ...
#watercolor, #watercolorpaints, #review, #artsupplies, #paints, #ArtBatArsenal, #акварель, #краски, #обзор, #товарыдляхудожников, #ArtBatDiversion, #акварельныекраски, #mgraham #indianYellow #colorchart #выкраска #товарыдляхудожников #aquarelle #aquarelleart #colors #colorswatch #watercolorpainting #watercolourpainting  #colormixing #watercolorchart #watercolours
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eilidh · 6 years ago
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I've been meaning to do this for a while: a colour chart of my watercolours (my small travel set and extra Prussian blue and Payne's Grey tubes). I was nearly overwhelmed by the different approaches to charts but I went for this one, with a twist: gradient swatches instead of flat mixed colours. It was immensely gratifying. 💜💙💚💛🧡❤ posted on Instagram - http://bit.ly/2IT7hjq
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genna-riggins · 2 years ago
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Wondering what colors you can make with all three packs of the new Distress Watercolor Pencils? I’ve spent the last two days making a mixing chart to find out! This was all swatched on Dylusions journal paper. #artsupplies #artsupplyaddict #artsupplyhorder #artsupplyjunkie #timholtz #distresswatercolorpencils #rangerink #dylusionsjournal #watercolorchart #watercolormixing #watercolorpencils (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cigq3Z2OAKF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janicechuang · 7 years ago
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The neons you can with these watercolors! #watercolorchart #mixingchart #水彩 #水彩画 #水彩畫 #イラストレーター #イラストレーション #animalillustration #animalillustrations #watercoloranimals #watercolorbirds #barnaclegoose #bbcearth #janicechuang https://www.instagram.com/p/BmtvvPFlzOb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3cx1ngsyfduh
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cristeldesign · 5 years ago
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Creando cartas de color, usando las acuarelas @sennelier1887 #sennelierextrafinewatercolors #sennelieraquarelle con los 15 colores que usa @tribulationsdemarie en su libro Flores a la Acuarela. 🖍🖍🖍 Estoy usando un bloc de @moleskine @moleskine.spain de papel de acuarela, en tamaño A4, recomendado por @_havingfun ¡va super bien! 🖍🖍🖍 Estoy creando esta carta de color para ver todas las posibilidades de mezclar esos 15 colores con ellos mismos (una cuadrícula de 15x15), es decir que voy a sacar 225 cuadraditos. 🖍🖍🖍 Si quieres ver el proceso y el truco que uso para hacer los cuadraditos sin tener que dibujarlos en el papel, así como ver cómo voy haciendo las mezclas, hoy he grabado un DIRECTO en mis stories. 🖍🖍🖍 Siguiendo las indicaciones de creación de cartas de color de @blackchalkco #thewatercolouracademy 🖍🖍🖍 ¿Te gusta hacer cartas de color? ¿Te relaja mezclar colores? Es bastante laborioso y hay que estar atenta, pero a mí me encanta! Y el resultado final queda precioso!!! 🖍🖍🖍 https://www.cristinacastrocabedo.com 🖍🖍🖍 #workinprogress #watercolorprocess #watercolorchart #cartasdecolores #acuarelasennelier #sennelieraquarelle #moleskineart #moleskinewatercolor #moleskinedaily #acuarelasobrepapel #acuarelafacil #acuarelaparaprincipiantes #waterblog #acuarelastime #watercolorart #watercolornotebook https://www.instagram.com/p/B8dv5zhI2p_/?igshid=j2orumpb0sgc
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rueijiawang · 8 years ago
這是前幾天幫同央美術畫 [SENNELIER 申內利爾 法國專家級蜂蜜塊狀水彩] 色表的縮時錄影,有點隨興(桌面很亂&前半沒錄到XD),畫的時候一直讚嘆顏色超級美~~~~~~~~顯色度非常棒!!
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kenokibara-blog · 8 years ago
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making some colour charts 🎨
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danitaart · 7 years ago
Making swatches of my new set. #watercolor #danita #danitaart @sennelier1887 #watercolorchart #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors
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karinamorenoart · 8 years ago
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My watercolor chart! I thought I'd share it 😊 #art #artistsoninstagram #watercolor #watercolorchart #paint #paintmixing
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sarahmjohnsonart · 5 years ago
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Made color charts for my watercolors. It’s a long process, but worth it to get quick views of what the colors will look like before I paint. #colorcharts #sarahmjohnsonart #schminckewatercolor #colors #watercolors #watercolorpaint #watercolour #watercolorcharts #paint #painting #paintchart #watercolorartist #davincibrushes #sarahmjohnson (at DuPage County, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FjE2aHJJS/?igshid=qzo2zh15w9rw
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artbatov · 3 years ago
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Годичный тест на светостойкость. Из корейской серии Pinax можно обратить внимание на стойкие однопигментные, прежде всего на кадмиевые краски: W220 - PY35 - Кадмий лимонный W222 - P020 - Кадмий оранжевый (более мандариновый, чем у ЗХК) W224 - PY37 - Кадмий желтый темный W210 - PR108 - Кадмий красно-оранжевый W201 - PR108 - Кадмий красный светлый W209 - PR108 - Кадмий красный темный (Красные кадмии склонны к грануляции) W223 - PY53 - Титанат никеля желтый (самый светлый жёлтый пигмент, это первая пробная туба из серии Extra, которая пока продаётся как Artist's) W217 - PY3 - Ганза желтая (универсальная прозрачная жёлтая) W271 - PR122 - Хинакридон пурпурный (насыщенный прозрачный) W259 - PB29 - Ультрамарин светлый W260 - PB29 - Ультрамарин темный (грануляция) W256 - PB15:3 - Голубая ФЦ (очень светлый прозрачный небесно-голубой) W242 - PG7 - Зеленая ФЦ (стандартная) W229 - PY43 - Охра желтая (светлая интенсивная) W282 - PR101 - Железоокисная красная (прозрачная) W290 - PBr25 - Каштановая красная (прозрачная) W287 - PR101 - Умбра натуральная (больше напоминает привычную сиену н.) W293 - PBk19 - Кость жженая Для дидактических задач может быть интересен, универсальный в смесях, но нестойкий, красный PR83: W211 - PR83 - Краплак красный светлый (прозрачный насыщенный красно-фиолетовый) Отдельной популярностью пользуются многопигментные: W268 - PB66, PBk11 - Нейтральная W215 - PR122, BV10 - Опера розовая W276 - PB28, PW6, PB15:1 - Лаванда и белила. Мне нравится: W294 - PB15, PBk6, PV19 - Синяя темная (более сине-зелёный вариант серой Пэйна) #акварель #watercolor #однопигментнаяакварель #pinax_watercolor #акварельpinax #colors #paints #краски #акварельныекраски #watercolorpaints #pigment #пигмент #ArtBatArsenal #ArtBatDiversion #выкраска #colorchart #colorswatch #watercolorchart #artsupplies #художественныематериалы https://www.instagram.com/p/CbATuxwM4Od/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pete-polaputt · 7 years ago
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Full range 66 full pans St. Petersburg White Nights watercolors + 7 full pans Sonnet Metallic watercolor #watercolor #watercolorchart #stpetersburgwhitenightswatercolor #yarkawatercolor #leningradwatercolor #nevskayapalitra @acuarelaswhitenights #acurelaswhitenights
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janicechuang · 7 years ago
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256 beautiful hues mixed out of 16 watercolors! A color chart is used to explore the possibilities of your palette, and it’s amazing the range I discovered I have with mine—from fluorescents to smoky earth tones to glossy darks. During these many hours 😰 mixing all these combinations, I also learned so much about the quirks of each color/paint: anything mixed with Pistachio Lake ends up with a shimmery finish, Buff Titanium makes colors muted and buttery, everything mixed with Sky Blue Lake dries into ripples of subtley separated colors, French Vermilion will take over every color mixture if you’re not careful.. And that watercolors are not as easy to paint smoothly as nail polish!
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cristeldesign · 5 years ago
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Yo creo que el 2019 ha sido mi año del #friquismoacuarelil , me he vuelto loca preparando cartas de color, probando diferentes marcas de acuarela, y disfrutando con pequeñas cosas como hacer simples trazos de colores. Tengo guardados vídeos “en bruto” para ir publicando el año que viene, sobre cómo elegir tu paleta para acuarelas, cómo hacer cartas de color, etc, y pronto podré contarte más. Hoy me gustaría compartir contigo mi entusiasmo por las acuarelas, y animarte a que las pruebes, sin ninguna presión ni pretensión, sólo para disfrutar y dejarte llevar con el agua y los colores. 💚💚💚 En el blog tengo varios artículos que pueden ayudarte para empezar e inspirarte con proyectos sencillos. Visita mi perfil en @cristinacastrocabedo para acceder a la web. 💚💚💚 ¿Le has pillado el truco a pintar con acuarelas? ¿Qué te frena? ¿Con qué necesitas más ayuda? Déjamelo en los comentarios. 💚💚💚 https://www.cristinacastrocabedo.com 💚💚���� #acuarelasparatodos #acuarelasobrepapel #cartasdecolor #acuarelafacil #acuarelasennelier #sennelier #sennelierwatercolors #watercolourblog #watercolourvideo #watercolorvideo #waterblog #watercolorfun #watercolorchart #colorchart #palettiquette #thewatercolouracademy #watercolorjoy @blackchalkco @sennelier1887 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6BU4OPIn4k/?igshid=1j7n2arvt162r
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corlista · 8 years ago
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Today is #FineArtFriday , which means I'm taking a much-needed break from my usual crochet work to flex my more-artsy and less-crafty skills. I've been working on this massive watercolor color chart (50 colors!) since last week, and I'm nearing the finish line!
Savannah Mitchell: Web | Tumblr | Etsy | Facebook | Instagram
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