* have you seen this boy?
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ind. edward l. corcoran of stephen king's novel IT (1986). loved by ky.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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      “   oh…   ”   eddie’s expression is solemn, trying to wrap his mind around the idea of a sibling dying. the only encounter he’s had with death was when his father died from cancer, but he was too young to understand it. even now, he hardly has any memories of his father. but even with his own experience, he couldn’t imagine what ed was feeling.   “   what happened to him?   ”   he knows he shouldn’t ask, but the words leave his mouth before he could even bite his tongue.
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               he knows his lie won;t make him feel better, but unless he wants to be black and blue- maybe even in the same position as dorsey, he needs to stick to his parents story. “ he fell off a stepladder. my stepdaddy found him. he got his head hurt real bad, so he’s gonna die soon. that’s what the doctor said. ” ed was also pretty convinced that the doctors didn’t have a fucking clue what they were doing. nor the cops. no matter how obvious he was about his horrible life, nobody seemed to want to help. he shrugs his bony shoulders, “ that’s life. even if it ain’t fair. better dorsey dead than livin’ in derry any longer. town’s cursed. ” a morbid logic, but one that made sense in his young mind.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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    wandering the halls of the hospital had become a routine hobby of eddie’s. with the amount of times his mother has brought him in for something as minuscule as a slight cough, it didn’t take him long to realize that wandering the hospital was a good way to lose track of her and get her off his back for at least a solid forty-five minutes.
    a particularly interesting looking flyer on the wall caught his attention momentarily, causing him almost crash into another body. thank god for peripheral vision.   “   ah.. hi – my ma’s just bein’ a real pain today.. whatta ‘bout you? why’re you here?   ”
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                he stares, it’s something he often catches himself with, but for now at least, he flicks his gaze away, shoving his hands in his pockets. “ huh. ” eddie asking what he was doing here makes his skin crawl, but he speaks steadily, as if his sentences were ones he spoke daily, flat and emotionless, “ my little brother is dyin’, so. i’m visitin’ whenever i can, in case he’s waitin’ for me to be with him when he dies. ” a morbid thought, ed glances backwards into his brothers room, before bowing his head downwards.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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       HEAD  TURNS  AT  THE  SOUND  OF  another’s  voice,  attention  switching  from  the  contents  of  her  bag  to  the  boy  in  front  of  her.   the  sight  of  his  bruised  state  made  her  skin  crawl,  but  in  spite  of  it,  betty  softens.   she  knows  better  than  to  ask.    ❛    yeah,  of  course,  gimme  a  sec.    ❜   she  rummages  through  her  bag  again,  purple  binder  taken  out  and  handed  to  him.
     ❛    we  can  study  together,  if  you  want.   math’s  sort  of  hard  to  tackle  alone.    ❜   a  hopeful  (  yet  hesitant  )  smile  falls  on  her  lips  as  she  waits  for  his  reply.   he  didn’t  need  more  of  the  judging  stares  that  their  classmates  so  keenly  gave  him;  he  needed  a  friend.
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                he stares at her steadily, bruise ringed eyes squinted slightly as he takes the binder in his scab-knuckled grip, holding it against his chest for a moment. her offer to study together is rolled around in his mouth like a hard candy, chewed on contemplatively. he surveys betty a few moments longer, before shrugging, “ if ya can put up with my dumb ass, you can do whatever y’wan’, ripsom. i havn’ understood a word of what the teacher says for a whole month. ” unfortunately, he’s only been in for a week of that month.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
@shoefound / here.
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               he sits alone, mostly- edward corcoran is bad news to his classmates, with his bruised knees, arms, and face, and his penchant for being absent. his bitter honesty drives those away, and his stupidity even more so. he taps a pencil on her table at the end of class, as students disperse for the end of the day. “ c’n i borrow your notes for the night ? i ain’t been in for the past few days, so... ”
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
@lackingfaith (alex) / here.
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                “ i don’t get it. what does it mean ? i just-... it don’t make sense. ”
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
@prettieboy​ / here.
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                he exits dorsey’s hospital room on his own, holding his jacket in front of his chest. he barely has the wherewithal to catch himself as he nearly collides with another child. he knew that the other shared a name with him- eddie. “ hi. uh- wha’re you doin’ in the hospital ? ”
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
@stutterled / here.
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                 similar, in a vein. not every child in the neighborhood had a dead baby brother, but here were two boys who were the same. ed pats the back of bill’s hand, “ y’ever need anything, m’usually in the park. ” the only contrast is, while georgie wasn’t believed to be dead by bill, ed had seen dorsey before he died, sat at his bedside and held his hand as he left the earth.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
@averonica / here.
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                 “ nothin’ never lasts forever. ” he holds a broken toy in his small hands, careless shrug. he doesn’t smile.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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          ❛  am i a troubled kid ? yeah. you could say that.  ❜    
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                  “ so y’get it, then. ” it itches- he scratches at the still-healing skin of his bruise, a raccoon ring around his eye, flesh puffy and discoloured, “ never met anyone like me before. ”
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
starters are queued up, mwah!
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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                                                   EDDIE  CORCORAN  WAS  DEAD ,  ALL  RIGHT .    i'll  make  it  to  the  light ,  and  that's  all  right .  bright  light ,  no  more  fright ,  up  all  night ,  what  a  sight —
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
me, sad: i cant believe it just went and bit eddies head off
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
STARTER CALL!!! don’t be surprised if i pop into your ims to say hello and discuss a relationship for our muses!
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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                                                   EDDIE  CORCORAN  WAS  DEAD ,  ALL  RIGHT .    i'll  make  it  to  the  light ,  and  that's  all  right .  bright  light ,  no  more  fright ,  up  all  night ,  what  a  sight ---
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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               HEADCANON. love  is  something  edward  corcoran  is  not  too  familiar  with,  since  the  passing  of  his  young  brother.  he  struggles  in  finding  someone  who  actually  cares,  considering  his  parents . . .  simply  don’t.  but  in  reality,  eddie  is . .  really,  really  lonely.  it’s  a  saddening  thought,  but  true.  his  openness  and  honesty  about  the  abuse  he  was  living  was  not  something  that  people  took  seriously  at  all,  and  the  lack  of  people  taking  it  seriously  is  what  lead  to  his  death.  while  eddie  himself  was  shown  as  a  compassionate,  ‘quiet’  and  loving  boy,  nobody  got  to  experience  it  because  he  was  probably  just  one  of  those  quiet  classmates  who  got  bad  grades  when  he  was  trying  his  best,  and  because  of  his  lack  of  academic  prowess,  he  faced  heinous  treatment,  but  never  lost  the  hold  of  a  cotton-soft  heart.
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
          ❛        stop  it  !        ❜        gag  reflex  is    TRIGGERED    as  the  other’s  hand  meets  tattered  flesh  ,  eddie’s  own  wrist  lifting  to  cover  his  mouth  and  prevent  himself  from    actually  vomiting.        ❛        okay  ,  that  is    SO  NOT  SANITARY.    at  least  let  me  put  a    band - aid    on  it.        ❜
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               he  pulls  now-bloodied  hand  away ,  and  sighs  at  length ,  sticking  his  leg  out  to  allow  the  other  boy  easier  access  to  it . “ i was  tryin’  to  make  it  stop  hurting . ”  he  insists ,  before  sighing ,  “ jus’  be  careful .  you  might  get ��bloody . ”
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killerfled-blog · 7 years ago
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THAT  WAS  FOR  DORSEY ,  YOU  ROTTEN  COCKSUCKER !  WHEN  YOU  GET  DOWN  TO  HELL ,  TELL  THE  DEVIL  THAT  THE  LAST  THING  YOU  EVER  HEARD  WAS  ME  TELLING  YOU  TO  PICK  ON  SOMEBODY  YOUR  OWN  SIZE ! ! !                                                  ( it would never happen, of course. but it was an absolutely grand fantasy. ) independent EDWARD CORCORAN of stephen king’s 1986 novel, IT. loved by ky. warning for frequent mentions of abuse.
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