#watercolor paintin
sillyboysinc · 1 year
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more... my output is crazy recently its WILD. uhmm.... i can’t think of a title for this right now so Please humor me by listening to glorious by the breeders and pretend i choose a line from that to title this.
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loveyourlovelysoul · 2 years
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If you don't celebrate I simply hope you find the doodles cute enough and take care of you
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ryanoprice · 1 year
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Ancient Waterway
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angel-angles · 1 year
thin Deep scars i Love u . yummy !!!
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piers-official · 24 days
Pelipper mail! A watercolor painting on a medium sized canvas. The painting depicts an Obstagoon using the move Obstruct, putting particular emphasis on its burly crossed arms and striking red eyes. The background is blurred and indistinct, and riddled with jagged lines to convey the action of the scene. On another canvas, an acrylic painting of an Obstagoon sleeping beneath a berry tree in the Wild Area, forgoing its usual slumped posture to lean its head back against the trunk. Its long tongue lolls out of its open, snoring mouth. In the corner of both paintings is a signature, "Burgh", in which the capital B is swooping and stylized to resemble a butterfree wing and the hook of the g curls around to underline the whole name.
A letter comes with the paintings in a green envelope with gold-ish patterning. "Well, what a surprise! I'd heard about your birthday, Piers dear, and it struck me with quite the sudden bite of inspiration! I felt caught in a Sticky Web until I finished these, you see-- so I dropped my current project to work on them. Bug type pokemon are usually my muses, of course, but I thought I might show Obstagoon some sorely needed appreciation this time. But how to paint it, I wondered? The vivid picture of an Obstagoon in battle hung in my mind. However, it occurred to me that it must see its fair share of aggressive depictions already. I wanted something... softer. So, I made both! I do hope you don't mind. I simply had to show my appreciation for you, you know! Life has only gotten better since you and Marnie came into it. Why, I've rarely seen Grimsley so aflutter with joy, to say nothing of my own delight at your company! Ah, but this letter is running rather long, isn't it? A-ha, just know that you are surely appreciated.
Much love, Uncle Burgh"
Oi, uncle Bee! This is amazin' stuff, mate... Can't stop starin' at how peaceful obstagoon looks here, ya really captured their more gentler and quiet side. An' the battlin' paintin' is amazin' as well! Ya got his tough and determined expression down to a 'T'. I showed Danzig the paintin's and he seemed t'be right chuffed 'bout 'em too! Definitely hangin' these up in the livin' room, they'll really bring life t'this little apartment. Thank you so much...
I hope ya know that Marnie absolutely adores you two. She's always singin' ya praises and says how she wants to be a great gym leader and trainer like ya both. You're both wonderful Uncles, an' we're both lucky and happy t'have ya in our humble little family.
We love ya both too. Can't wait t'see ya all again!
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childhoodplan · 5 months
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Hi! I am selling my original watercolor arts on Etsy by free shipping world wide with affordable prices. Please help me to grow my small art business thank you 💓
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2700k-moogie · 2 years
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Mogy paintin arc, worked a bit with watercolor before spending time with acrylics.
Unfortunately all this painting business has made me an incredibly sleepy little animal and i have work tonight…
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phildakitty · 2 years
Today, watercolor paintin! My work has transformed a lot since I dropped outta art school. Its crazy how relievin myself of all that fuckin pressure helped push me. I have also dropped everything that we have been taught as a society, unlearnin and relearnin, and that has changed me as well. So this will be interestin. Im excited to show it.
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lmsgfbn · 6 years
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Rie Matsue
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ramirez909 · 3 years
Seascape Plein Air Painting in Hawaii (Watercolor Painting) Cheap Paints...
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enkilbcn · 2 years
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Elicia Edijanto | Natura Nihil Frusta Facit
*Roar of Thunder
*How To Love
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hyydraworks · 5 years
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So THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH.  Discovered this morn I had arrived at 2k followers, so decided to paint a smidge more realistic Blue Willow cow in celebration.  My plan is to do another giveaway once we get to 2.5. I have a few ideas of what I want to do, but feel free to bug me if you want the chance to get more ‘china’ cows, dinos, whale sharks, etc.  And thank you all again!!
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priscilla-amg · 4 years
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old thing
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It's a "float" 🍹 posted on Instagram - https://instagr.am/p/CChMlLKjJ2N/
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telogenic · 4 years
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fish painted between march and april
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