#waterboy the series
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The following post is a political propaganda over the things you loose when you pair up the actors instead of mixing up the couples

#sotus#he's coming to me#bad buddy#not me#eclipse the series#cutie pie#love by chance#make it right#not me the series#a tale of a thousand stars#waterboy#waterboy the series#and i dont think some couples here have the best chemistry#but imagine if they never had the chance to improve it? or just to change really#anyway i reach my limit in pictures#moonlight chicken
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if you’re new to this series, please check out the master list, as it has the summary + previous chapters!
Delicate Masterlist
Chapter Two : The Vulture
riordanverse characters x brooklyn 99 au!
detective!percy jackson x detective!y/n
. : 𓏲🐋 ๋࣭ ࣪ ˖✩࿐࿔ 🌊
“Jackson, where are we on the Lincoln Place murder?” Jason Grace asked as he read from his file.
“Well, like I told Captain Ramírez-Arellano earlier this week,” Percy spoke from his seat in the briefing room, “We are at the one-yard line! It’s a football reference.”
“Yes, Percy. I played linebacker in college,” Jason was unamused, similar to the rest of the room.
“In high school I was the football team’s waterboy,” Leo Valdez announced with far too much confidence.
“You really wanna be bragging about that?” Percy asked, a smile on his face that was not entirely mocking.
“Jackson, you want to loop everyone in?” Their captain asked from her corner of the room. Her arms were crossed, and her face was…unreadable.
At the seriousness in her voice, Percy let out a small sigh as he stood and made his way to the front, “Get ready for some stuff on a screen.”
As he passed (y/n)’s seat, he ruffled her hair, not enough to actually mess it up, but enough to annoy her. The glare he received from her let him know he did his job.
“Meet Chad Brunner,” Percy’s tone held false enthusiasm as he clicked through the slideshow, “Prominent citizen, lawyer, corpse. Now meet his wife, Leslie Dodds. She did not take his last name, but I believe she did take his life.”
His weatherman-esque tone earned him a few smiles from his audience.
“Nice,” Grover and Annabeth said in unison.
“Thank you, friends,” Percy pointed at them, the slightest smirk on his face, “Now, Dodds had means, motive, and opportunity.”
“So why’s the case still ongoing?” (y/n) asked, her arms crossed as she leaned back in her chair.
“Because, impatient co-worker,” Percy turned to speak directly to her, “I just need to find the murder weapon.”
“Yes, let’s save questions until the end,” Reyna announced. Percy shot (y/n) a victorious smirk which normally would’ve made her scowl, but this time all she could think about was how Percy’s green shirt really made his eyes stand out.
“For some reason, the D.A. won’t move forward with the arrest until we find the knife she used,” Percy said, addressing the whole room.
“Is that reason that they want to win the case?” One could almost detect a hint of humor in Reyna’s voice.
“Yes, and please save all questions until the end,” Percy went silent for a few moments after the words left his mouth, “Okay, I’m done.”
“Well, find the murder weapon,” Reyna ordered, “The family’s close to the mayor, and I’m starting to catch heat from the higher-ups. Jackson, I’m going to ask you again. Do you need any resources or personnel?”
“No, ma’am, I’ve got it,” Percy insisted.
“Okay,” Reyna said, “Dismissed. Sergeants, a word?”
The majority of the precinct return to their desks, with the exception of a few.
“Okay, how can we help?” (y/n) asked, crossing her arms as she, Annabeth, Piper, and Clarisse approached Percy’s desk.
“What do you need, Perce?” Annabeth asked.
“I need nothing,” Percy didn’t look up from his case file as he spoke, “I’m about to solve this case, meet the mayor, and sell my life rights to Logan Lerman so he can play my less attractive brother in the ensuing film,” he finally looked up, placing the file on his desk.
“C’mon, Jackson, Captain said to use the whole team,” Piper reminded him, picking up the case file to skim it.
“We all want this solved,” Percy was surprised Clarisse was on their side for this.
“I appreciate the offer,” Percy said, snatching the file back from Piper, “But I work alone.”
“Will you just let us help, Seaweed Brain?” Annabeth snapped, starting to get annoyed.
Percy fell silent as Annabeth stared him down. After a considerable amount of awkward silence, the green eyed man smiled. It was a smile that let everyone around him know that whatever he was about to say was not going to be helpful.
“Okay, fine,” his decided, his smirk widening, “I will let two of you help me. Grover and…. (y/n)!”
“Yeah!” Grover celebrated from his desk.
“What?” (y/n), however, was confused. She watched Percy’s expression as if she were expecting some sort of punchline.
“I’m choosing these two because Grover is the least likely to steal my thunder, and I want (y/n) to be there when I solve the case so I can rub it in her face!” Percy tilted his head, thoughtfully, “I didn’t mean for that to rhyme but I feel like it gets my point across.”
While (y/n) stared at him with her eyes narrowed, the three other girls shared a look behind her. Percy noticed this and sat up straighter in his chair, his grin faltering. His eyes flickered between the three girls, and he seemed almost nervous, “What?”
(y/n), in turn, turned around to cast her own confused look. Meanwhile, Clarisse, Annabeth, and Piper gave their own forms of shrugging the two off.
“Not a thing.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Any trace of humor disappeared from (y/n)’s face as she examined the girls behind her, and after a moment of awkward silence she muttered, “I’ll get the car.”
After an afternoon wasted on interviewing those who resided in the victim’s apartment building, Percy, (y/n), and Grover retreated back to the police car. It wasn’t until Percy was behind the wheel and the car was on the road that his cell phone began ringing.
“Oh, shit,” he muttered, his eyes quickly glancing down to where it rested in the cupholder, “(y/n), can you get that?”
Instead of answering, (y/n), who sat in the passenger seat, picked up the phone and pressed the accept button before bringing it to her ear.
“Hello?” she did her best to keep her voice somewhat pleasant.
“Seaw- (y/n)? Why do you have Percy’s phone?” The voice of Annabeth Chase filled her ear.
“He’s driving. I can put you on speaker.”
“Thank you!”
Once the phone was on speakerphone, Annabeth continued talking.
“So, I looked at the photos of your victim that you left out on your disgustingly disorganized desk-“
“First of all, stop snooping,” Percy cut her off, a frown on his face as he kept his attention on the road, “Second of all, don’t be mean, I’m-“
“-organized in your own way, yeah, whatever,” (y/n) smiled at the attitude that was prevalent in Annabeth’s voice.
“Don’t encourage her,” Percy turned to (y/n) with a sort of over-exaggerated hurt expression.
“Let her finish, and keep your eyes on the road,” she snapped, only somewhat seriously, “Keep going, Chase.”
“Thank you, my beautiful (y/n). Anyway, the puncture wounds are similar to a case Piper and I had a while back. They aren’t from a knife. We think it’s something spiral, like a corkscrew.”
The car fell silent for a moment, the sound of the engine filling the quiet.
“Shit,” Grover muttered from the backseat, reminding the others of his presence, “A knife of bad enough, but imagine you get stabbed with a corkscrew.”
(y/n) couldn’t help but agree.
“Thank you, Wise Girl, that was actually very helpful,” Percy was thinking too hard to include any sass in his tone, “We’re on our way back to the precinct right now, we should be there in less than ten.”
“If we make it,” (y/n) muttered, earning a loud laugh from the woman on the phone.
“I am not a bad driver!” Percy insisted, his head whipping around to glare at the woman before remembering where his attention was supposed to be.
“Uh oh, guys,” Annabeth’s voice had a tone of seriousness that made them fall silent, “Make sure not to crash, but get back here soon.”
When the detectives finally arrived back at the police station, Percy made a beeline to Annabeth, who in turn directed their attention to Percy’s desk. A man sat in Percy’s chair, with his boots propped up on the mess on the desk, and a hand ran lazily through his blond hair.
“Oh, hello, Jackson,” Octavian Alexander geeeted the green eyed man.
Percy let out a groan, “No, no, no.”
“I don’t know why you’re so upset, man,” Octavian said as Percy practically stomped his way across the precinct to the captain’s office, “I’m the one who had to come to this backwater stink hole.”
Grover and (y/n) trailed behind him, one of them more eagerly so.
“What’s up, little man?” Octavian gave Grover a bro nod, who ignored it.
As (y/n) walked by him, she kept her eyes ahead, taking care not to even glance at the blond demon man.
“Hey, (y/n)!” Octavian called, “How ‘bout you finally ditch these losers and go out to dinner with me?”
(y/n) stopped at Reyna’s door, and turned around to finally face the Vulture. She opened her mouth to shoot back a really good insult, but before she could, she felt a strong hand wrap around her forearm and yank pull her inside. Once Percy Jackson had closed the office door and shut the blinds on the window, he pulled led (y/n) over to where Grover stood in front of Reyna Ramírez-Arellano’s desk.
“Captain, please, please, pretty please do not let him take over my case,” Percy practically begged to the stone cold woman in front of him, seemingly unaware that his hand remained wrapped around (y/n)’s arm.
“Major Crimes is stepping in. Nothing I can do,” Reyna shrugged, “You’re off the case. All of you.”
“I can’t believe you’re just rolling over and giving my murder away to the Vulture!” (y/n) winced as Percy’s grip on her tightened with his words.
“We call him the Vulture because he swoops in and solves cases that are almost solved and takes the credit for himself,” Grover explained both to Reyna and (y/n).
“Yes, Grover, I’ve met him before and I’m sure the Captain was able to figure that out,” (y/n) said, finally pulling her arm out of Percy’s grasp.
“You are correct,” Reyna nodded at (y/n)’s words before continuing, “First of all, Major Crimes has jurisdiction over any and all cases they want to take. But more importantly,” she took a moment to point her pen at Percy, “You’re the one who insisted on working alone. I told you for weeks to use the squad, and you refused.”
“I used them,” Percy insisted, yet his tone was much weaker, “Annabeth and Piper are the ones who figured out the corkscrew, (y/n) helped navigate us to the apartment, and Grover beat my high score in Block Blast!”
“Congratulations, Detective Underwood,” Reyna’s tone had the faintest trace of sarcasm before she turned back to Percy, “You should’ve involved them sooner. Turn over your files to Detective Alexander.”
“Ma’am, can you call him the Vulture?” Grover asked, “Giving him a name makes him human.”
“Turn over the files,” Reyna repeated, adding a pause between every word to emphasize her seriousness.
“Fine,” Percy sighed. Grover left the room, followed by Percy and-
“Detective (l/n),” the sound of Reyna’s voice caused the two other detectives to stop in their tracks, “We need to have a talk.”
“About what?” asked the detective that definitely was not (y/n). Percy’s face was filled with confusion and worry.
“Detective (l/n) is going to find out,” Reyna said, her dark eyes staring holes into Percy’s green ones, “Now, unless you’ve recently filed for a name change, Detective Jackson, please close the door on your way out.”
“She’s not in trouble, is she?” Percy looked more serious than (y/n) had ever seen him, his eyes flickering between her and the Captain. A wave of confusion passed over her. Why did he care so much?
“Jackson,” Reyna’s tone was dead serious. This was his last warning.
“Yeah, yeah, close the door. I got you,” his eyes never left (y/n)’s until the dark wood of the door replaced her sight of them.
Finally alone with the captain, (y/n) let out a long exhale to help settle her nerves, “What do we need to talk about, Captain?”
As Percy packed up the various paperwork and evidence that belonged to his stolen case, his mind remained in that closed office. He had shut the blinds when they first went in, and they remained closed. There goes his chance of having Nico lip read the captain’s conversation.
Stupid Percy and his stupid need for privacy.
He hadn’t the faintest clue of what could be going on in there, and from the looks of it, (y/n) didn’t either. He hoped that she would tell him what happened when she finally got out.
“You know, before I solve this case,” the aggravating voice of Octavian Alexander, otherwise known as the Vulture, interrupted Percy’s worrying, “I’d like to thank you for doing all the super-easy work. You know, the real Nancy Drew level stuff.”
“Oh yeah? Did Nancy Drew solve a lot of murders?” Percy asked, only allowing the Vulture half of his attention as his eyes remained in the closed windows.
“Yeah, she did!” Grover exclaimed. Percy loved his best friend, but he had to admit that he paid no attention whatsoever to the little ramble he went on following those words.
“Hey!” the Vulture raised his voice as he noticed that he was losing the attention of those he was trying to instigate, “Should we take odds on how fast I’ll solve this case?”
“Absolutely not.”
“I mean, what was it with La Rue’s last “impossible” extortion case?” the blond devil asked, using air quotes with his fingers to further annoy the detectives, “What was it, six hours?”
Clarisse, who had been leaning against the side of her desk, eavesdropping, rolled her eyes, “That’s because it was 98% solved.”
“The last 2% is the hardest to get,” Octavian leaned towards her, his pale blue eyes narrowing, “That’s why they leave it in the milk.”
“What?” Percy shook his head. How the hell did this idiot outrank him?
“Oh, wow,” the Vulture’s attention was now focused on something behind Percy, “Looking good, (l/n).”
Percy’s head whipped around. He had been too caught up in Octavian’s idiocracy that he hadn’t noticed the captain’s door open.
“Go rot in hell,” (y/n)’s tone was casual despite the content of her words as she approached Percy, “I have the last file.”
The Vulture rose from his spot in Percy’s chair and took the files from the detectives as if they were children on a playground.
“Thanks, champ. Good effort,” he said, smugly, “I’ve got it from here. But hey, feel free to call me any time you losers can’t solve a simple case.”
Instead of addressing the insult as the blind man walked away, Percy turned to (y/n), his worried expression returning, “What happened? Are you alright?”
(y/n), in return, looked up at him and gave a puzzled look, “Why wouldn’t I be alright? The captain just wanted to talk to me about something. No big deal.”
“Well, what was it?”
“Are you aware of your inability to stay out of other people’s business?” The woman asked, her patience beginning to grow thin. Despite her attempt at casualness, it was clear that it had been far from “no big deal”, “Maybe if you stopped being so nosy, you could solve your cases before the Vulture was able to take them from you.”
Percy didn’t know what to say as she made her way back to her desk.
Later that night, the precinct (with the exception of the captain and the sergeant) met up at the local bar. After an hour of drinking and talking about how much they hated the Vulture, some idiot Percy came up with the idea to get revenge on the blond demon by solving the case before he could.
Deciding to take the bus since they were all various levels of intoxicated, Percy had plopped himself into the seat next to (y/n) and began infodumping the details of the case to her.
“So the waitress heard the couple arguing at dinner,” Percy explained, talking with his hands, “Apparently he was having an affair, and it was not the first time. Two years ago, she caught him with a dog walker who was “walking his dog,” if you know what I mean.”
“I do,” (y/n) nodded, an unpleased look on her face regarding the euphemism.
“Funny right?” When he didn’t get a response, he kept talking, “Anyways, we know it’s the wife.”
(y/n) was silent for a moment, her eyes squinting as she watched his expressive face, “You’re real talkative now that you want our help,” she noted.
Percy sighed at her words, “All right, it is possible that I should’ve brought the gang in sooner, but I just get so excited, wrapped in wanting to solve stuff, you know?”
(y/n) couldn’t help the smile that formed on her face, “I know what you mean. You want to be the best. We all do. You just.. don’t have to be such a butthead about it.”
Percy, for the first time since they had gotten on the bus, was silent. Too silent.
“What?” (y/n) asked, worried that she had missed something.
“I just-“ Percy’s eyebrows furrowed, “I can’t believe you just called me a butthead.”
“Shut up.”
“No, (y/n), you made a suspect cry last month because he made a degrading comment about women,” Percy reminded her, “And you just called me a butthead.”
“Don’t “Jackson” me, we’re having a nice moment,” Percy’s grin was much wider than (y/n) would’ve liked, and his green eyes sparkled in the shitty bus lighting, “Admit it, you like me.”
“I’ll admit that I get soft when I’m drunk,” (y/n) muttered, her gaze shifting towards the window across from her.
Unbeknownst to the woman, Percy’s eyes remained on her. He had only seen her off duty a few times, and each time it still surprised him how different Work (y/n) was from Off-Duty (y/n). He didn’t know what it was, but there was something that led to her keeping her guard up while in the workplace. Percy was always lucky enough to consider his precinct as his family, and he wanted (y/n) to be able to do the same. He could tell she was much more comfortable now than she was when she was first transferred, but he hoped that one day she felt she was able to be herself around her co-workers.
(y/n)’s head turned back to look up at Percy. When she found his eyes still on her, her eyes narrowed, “What?”
“Nothing,” Percy surprised himself with how smooth his tone was. He figured it was the alcohol talking, “I like your jacket. It brings out your eyes.”
He grabbed a piece of her oversized jacket, pulling it gently to mess with her. (y/n) rolled her eyes, but she didn’t turn away in time to prevent him from seeing the small smile on her face.
When the gang finally pulled up to the victim’s apartment, Percy began explaining the timeline of the murder.
“Alright, here’s how it all went down,” the tall man spoke to the small crowd of people as he led them through the apartment, “9:45, a man screams. 90 seconds later, wife goes down to the doorman, says a guy murdered her husband and then ran off. We know she’s lying.”
Once the crew made it to the kitchen, Percy turned around to face them as he continued speaking, “We’ve just gotta find the corkscrew to make our case airtight. I say we role-play, see if something sparks.”
Percy and Leo went first.
“Darling, thank you for a lovely dinner,” Percy poorly monologued, “Perhaps we should have one more drink before bed.”
“Don’t you “Darling” me, you philanderer!” Leo exclaimed, his voice far too high pitched.
“No, Leo, you’re the husband,” Percy corrected, “The husband had the affair.”
“I’m always the victim,” Leo complained, and (y/n) and Piper, who was far too drunk to really do anything, exchanged annoyed glances from their spot on the victim’s very comfortable couch, “I don’t want to be the victim.”
“Okay, Leo is the door-“ Percy turned to the rest of his squad.
“No, I’ll be the victim,” Leo quickly corrected, “Don’t make me be the door again.”
“Great,” Percy turned to the cabinet and pretended to pull something out, “Okay, so.. wife goes into the drawer. Get the corkscrew,” He pretended to stab Leo with a bit too much enthusiasm, “Stab stab stab!”
Leo fell to the floor, and Percy turned to his group of people, “What did she do with the corkscrew?”
While Piper and (y/n) were lounging on the couch, Annabeth, Grover, Clarisse, and Hazel stood at the edge of the kitchen, watching the scene.
“She dumps it in the hallway trash chute on the way to the doorman,” Hazel suggested.
“No, we checked the trash like, ten times,” Percy shook his head, “We would’ve seen a bloody corkscrew.
“The body!” Leo called from his spot on the floor, “It’s still in the body?”
“No, Leo, you suck at this,” Percy rubbed his forehead, “Go sit down.”
“What if she tossed the corkscrew out the window?” Annabeth asked, leaning on the kitchen doorframe, “And it landed on a passing car?”
“Security cams showed no one driving by at the time,” Percy shook his head again, “And nothing on the street.”
“What if she kept it on her?” Grover asked, “Like, hid it in her pocket or something.”
“No, we searched her. And didn’t find anything.”
“Okay, I want in,” (y/n) stood up, swaying only slightly as Leo took her spot on the couch, “But I want to stab Jackson.”
Percy, who had been leaning against the kitchen counter, smirked, “Fine.”
The two made their way to the center of the kitchen, and (y/n) realized how small the room was.
As Percy looked down at her, (y/n) met his eyes with an unintentional smile.
“Alright. Sweetheart-“ Percy started.
“Time to die,” (y/n) cut him off, causing Annabeth and Clarisse to laugh. She turned around to pretend to grab the murder weapon, when her eyes landed on the refrigerator. She was silent for a moment, and Percy could practically hear the gears turning in her head.
“(y/n)?” He asked, stepping close and tapping her shoulder to bring her back to reality.
“What if it was a magnetic corkscrew?” She asked, her eyes on the many magnets that adorned the refrigerator.
The room went silent as everybody else tried to get to the same idea she was on.
“If the corkscrew was on a magnet-“
“It’s stuck halfway down the inside of the trash chute,” Percy rushed out, ��I figured it out first!”
He began running out of the room, (y/n) close behind him.
“What’s happening?” a barely conscious Piper asked from the couch.
“You guys go after them and make sure they don’t kill each other,” Leo told the rest of the detectives, “I got her.”
After a successfully unsuccessful mission, where the squad was caught compromising the crime scene by some on-duty police officers, the squad anxiously waited at their desks outside the captain’s office where Reyna was getting yelled at by the Vulture.
“Oh my Gods, Reyna’s gonna kill us,” (y/n) muttered from her seat, her arms crossed and her eyes trained on Octavian, who was pacing around the room, his hands flailing in the air.
“Don’t worry,” Percy appeared behind her, gently resting a hand on her shoulder, which she promptly shrugged off, “I have a plan.”
“Because your plans always go perfectly,” (y/n) shot back, peering behind her to give him a look.
“I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” Percy walked around to the other side of her, so he was blocking her view of the captain’s window. He pulled out a small bag from his pocket, and (y/n) gasped.
“You found the corkscrew?” she kept her voice quiet, but her eyes were wide with surprise.
“I did, before those other cops dragged us away,” Percy leaned close, too close, to make sure nobody overheard them, “Originally, I was going to send this to the DA’s office so we could officially say that we’ve out-vultured the Vulture. But, after watching Reyna get yelled at for a few minutes, I feel bad. So I’m going to give him the credit so he can leave her alone, because I really like her and I don’t want her to get in trouble because I act stupid when I’m drunk.”
“That’s…really mature, Jackson,” (y/n) said, her eyes still wide.
“Well, don’t sound so surprised,” Percy gave her one of his signature grins, and she felt something strange happen in her stomach. She must still be hungover.
“Why are you telling me about this?” (y/n) asked, ignoring whatever nauseating feeling just came over her.
Percy shrugged, breaking their eye contact to glance across the room at nothing, “I dunno. I did say you could help me on the case. And it was kind of your idea that helped us find the corkscrew in the first place.”
“So you admit I have good ideas?” it was (y/n)’s turn to grin, her head tilting as Percy finally met her eyes again.
“You’re stupidly smart, (y/n).” he said, far more serious than she expected, “I have never doubted your ideas, or your ability to do your job, and I don’t plan on ever doing so.”
“Right,” her eyes narrowed, “That’s why you made the bet in the first place. You think you can make more felony arrests than me, but you don’t doubt my ability to do my job. That’s kind of contradictory, don’t you think?”
As Percy watched her, a strange expression came over him, almost like he was holding something back. Finally, he shook his head, “That isn’t why I made the bet.”
“Then why-“
(y/n) stopped speaking as Percy left her very confused, walking towards the captain’s office. He paused at the door, turning to glance in her direction. They made eye contact again, and he smiled, as if he had just made a joke to himself. A few seconds later, and (y/n) was left staring at the dark wood of the door.
hi guys i’m alive. this chapter took forever so i hope you like it! feel free to like comment and subscribe so you don’t miss the next time i upload a video! (i’ll stop now)
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#brooklyn 99 au#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson x y/n#b99#percy jackson#annabeth chase#brooklyn nine nine#luzswork#slow burn#jason grace#rachel elizabeth dare#riordanverse#grover underwood#nico di angelo#piper mclean#leo valdez#frank zhang#heroes of olympus#percy pjo#hazel levesque#reyna avila ramirez arellano#reyna ramirez arellano#isnt it delicate#delicate#clarisse la rue#rick riordan#percy jackson x fem!reader#percy jackon and the olympians#annoyances to lovers#rivals to lovers
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ok . ok . ok . im trying to have words . listen listen listen . tide lambert has never been his own person. he’s always just been one of the elementals, one of the clones, part of a series, the water one. even mark’s guilty of this- waterboy isn’t exactly a humanizing title.
the first time, the first time anyone ever percieved tide as his own person is when he started looking after pd. they didn’t think of him like one of the clones, they thought of him like Tide, their fish dad. it spread, too- people started thinking of him as “the prime defenders guardian” (or, more regularly “the guy in charge of those demon kids”) instead.
ofcourse, he lost them, because he couldn’t protect them. maybe he’s just not good at being human.
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Golden Army
In the cold light of the arena, everything gleamed like a promise. Bodies clothed in gold, every fiber of their skin-tight suits stretched over muscles worked to perfection, moved in a silent, disciplined choreography. Nothing here was left to chance. Every movement had a purpose. Every breath was a step toward a shared ideal: to improve oneself, to uplift others, to elevate the Golden Army as one.
They were brothers, all of them. No hierarchy, no judgmental glances. Every role, every position in this sacred order, had a place and an equal importance. Some were built to lift weights that defied logic, others to run faster than the wind. And I, Laurent, the waterboy, was there to support them. No more, no less. This was my place, and I embraced it with a devoted, almost religious humility.
My chastity cage, hidden but visible under the stretched fabric of my golden shorts, was both a symbol and a choice. It spoke of my renunciation, my discipline. It was my way of contributing to the Golden Army, of erasing myself while giving all of myself. What I withheld, what I contained, was not a weakness. It was a shared strength, a sacrifice that made me the equal of these brothers who ran, punched, and pushed their limits.

Marcus had explained this to me on my first night here, months ago. “No one is more or less in this place, Laurent. Whatever you do, as long as you give everything, you are a brother.” Those words had marked me. They echoed tonight, as I moved from one brother to another, offering water, wiping a forehead, or simply being there, a constant, reassuring presence.
Samuel, his breath ragged after a series of sprints, grabbed the golden water bottle without a word. His eyes met mine, and I saw that familiar glint I had come to recognize in all of them: a silent acknowledgment. Not condescending, but fraternal, pure. He drank slowly, his throat contracting with each swallow, before handing the bottle back to me with a faint, almost imperceptible smile.
“You’re one of us,” he murmured.
I nodded. Words weren’t needed.
When Marcus set down his weights, he turned toward me. His golden suit clung to his massive shoulders, his thick thighs, but it was his gaze that bore the most weight. He stepped closer, scrutinizing me as if searching for something in my eyes.
“You do more than carry water, Laurent,” he said, his voice low but gentle. “You remind us why we’re here. Why we push ourselves.”
He placed a hand on my bare shoulder. His warmth, his strength, were tangible. And yet, there was nothing domineering in the gesture. It was a silent embrace, a renewed pact.

In the Golden Army, everything was about balance. No brother was more important than another. The one who lifted the heaviest weights depended on the one who cleaned the arena at the end of the day. The one who ran the fastest relied on the one who carried the water. Brotherhood was everything. A chain in which each link strengthened the next.
When night fell and the training ended, I stood alone in the empty arena. My reflection in the mirrors showed a body tense, offered. My golden shorts, so tight they revealed everything I contained, were a silent declaration: my role was no less than theirs.
Here, in this golden fraternity, everyone gave their all. Not for themselves. Not to shine. But to make the circle stronger. United, invincible, brothers.
Ready to join the Team and be like Kit?All you need to do is contact our recruiters: @brodygold, @goldenherc9, or @polo-drone-001

#golden army#male transformation#golden team#the golden team#thegoldenteam#jockification#hypnotized#transformation#water boy
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Continuing the series of female guitarists, here's a fantastic live performance of 'Waterboy' by Odetta from 1959.
Her powerful voice and commanding presence make this an unforgettable moment in music history.
Artist biography on Britannica.com
#Odetta#Folk#Blues#Gospel#Female vocalist#Female guitarist#guitar#New York#NYC#New York City#USA#America#American#music#YouTube#live#acoustic#Waterboy#CBS
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Twisted Sleepovers
Part 2 Savanaclaw
Welcome one and all to part 2 of Sleepover Series! For tonight’s grand event we have. . .Drum Roll Please!!SAVANACLAW!!!
Leona definitely puts the SLEEP in sleepover
This man is literally only allowing this to happen because it means he has a free waterboy for magift practice the next day
He would definitely be a bit bitchy through out the whole sleepover, and nearly murders Grim everytime that fur ball opens his mouth
He’s only there to spend time with MC and will complain the whole time
Bosses Reggie around so much during the sleepover because if he has to be miserable so does everyone else
Despite acting like a bitch about the sleepover he does bankroll it using his brothers credit card. Who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth?
Mainly just watches MC and Jack to make sure they don’t do anything stupid
The first one to go to sleep and the last one to wake up
Hates sleepovers but is doing it for you, as long as there isn’t a repeat of the Octavinelle incident
He was probably the one to suggest the sleepover in the first place
While he does genuinely enjoy the idea of having a sleepover he definitely has ulterior motives, so expect to be running quite a few errands for him the day after
Organizes the whole thing and if he’s feeling nice probably cooks a few of his favorite meals with ingredients all payed for by his favorite benefactor, the Royal family, shishishi
Teases grim the whole night for being so cowardly and definitely tells a bunch of scary stories about his homeland
He’s the last one to fall asleep since he puts everything away once it’s done being used and makes sure everything is safe in the Savannaclaw dorm before heading to bed
Jack is really the only one you’ll be able to have a lot of fun with
He’s as loyal as ever, and will try his best to make this the best sleepover ever
He invited the Mc into his room and shows them all sorts of Cacti he is growing
He explains each of their significance and will probably gift one to you by the end of the night
Jack may be protective, but he has a heart of gold
There are a lot of things he misses doing with his little siblings back home taht he’ll probably try to recreate at the sleepover.
Such as making pillow forts, playing board games, and telling scary stories
He’ll pretend not to be scared by the ones Ruggie tells, but when he goes to sleep you can hear him whining the whole night
#twisted wonderland#x reader#savanaclaw#leona kingscholar#twst ruggie#jack howl#twst jack#twst leona#headcanon#sleepover#twstsleepover
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Chapter List

This story is named after the album Wasteland, Baby! by Hozier.
In the world of this fic, Hozier was a wizard who's music was released in the 1990s (bc I said so, lol)
Every other song/musical artist that I mention in this fic will be true to the timeline of the Harry Potter series.
You can find this playlist on my Spotify: ☆Mixtape☆ by NaoiseWasHere
☆Neville's Mixtape☆
▪︎ Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier
▪︎ The Whole of The Moon - The Waterboys
▪︎ Dreams - The Cranberries
▪︎ Hello It's Me - Tod Rundgren
▪︎I Wanna Be Adored - The Stone Roses
︎▪︎ Would That I - Hozier
▪︎ Ticket To Ride - The Beatles
▪︎ Dancing In The Moonlight - Thin Lizzy
▪︎ She's Always A Woman - Billy Joel
▪︎ Heroes - David Bowie
#neville longbottom fic#neville longbottom x reader#neville longbottom fluff#neville x reader#neville longbottom x you#neville longbottom#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter#wizarding schools#wizarding world#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#hogwarts#seamus finnigan#seamus finnegan x dean thomas#seamus x dean#deamus#harry potter and the goblet of fire#goblet of fire#triwizard tournament#mixtape#hozier#wasteland baby#irish music#irish girl#ireland#irish writer
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2023 Thai BL Favorites List - Mid Year Check In
Tagged by @thatgirl4815 (thanks hon!) I adapted this to my taste.
Feel free to c/p do the same!
I’m answering all these right now for 2023, because it’s too complicated for me otherwise.
Favorite Thai BL 2023:

My School President
Favorite currently active Thai BL Branded Pair:
High Heat: Net James (Bed Friend)
Established: OhmFluke (609 Bedtime Story)
New: GeminiFourth (My School President & Moonlight Chicken)
Most underrated Thai BL actor right now:
Film Thanapat. He was perfectly serviceable in To Sir, With Love but he’s a goddamn revelation in Laws of Attraction.
Pair the deserves a second chance:

Haii & Boom (Chains of Heart)
Favorite Thai BL Main Character 2023:

King (Bed Friend)
Favorite Thai BL Side Character 2023:

Thiu (My School President)
Favorite Thai BL side dishes 2023:

Li Ming & Heart (Moonlight Chicken)
Favorite scene in a Thai BL so far:

My School President calling on the spirit of Love Sick. What can I say? I love meta and I love BL remembering it’s own history. This did both.
Most Anticipated Thai BL (& why):
I Feel You Linger in the Air
I like the premise, the cast looks great. This is a time travel historical romance adaption of y-novel by Violet Rain about a heartbroken architect who is transported to the 1930s from the producers of Lovely Writer.
Guilty pleasure Thai BL 2023 series (or likely to become so):

Future the series
July 2023 Thai BL Report
ABL has watched:
My School President & Our Skyy 2: My School President
La Pluie
Step By Step
Bed Friend
Between Us
Destiny Seeker
Make a Wish
Moonlight Chicken
Never Let Me Go & Our Skyy 2: Never Let Me Go
Our Skyy 2: A Tale of Thousand Stars
Our Skyy 2: Bad Buddy
Our Skyy 2: Star in My Mind
Our Skyy 2: The Eclipse
A Boss and a Babe & Our Skyy 2: A Boss and a Babe
Cutie Pie 2 You special
Future the series
609 Bedtime Story
Our Skyy 2: Vice Versa
I Will Knock You
Remember Me
Tin Tem Jai
The Promise
Cafe In Love
Chains of Heart
Hit Bite Love
The Luminous Solution
My Blessing
Currently Watching:
Be Mine Super Star
Be My Favorite
Dinosaur Love
Hidden Agenda
Laws of Attraction
Love Syndrome III
Low Frequency
Senior Love Me
Wedding Plan
Can’t Find
Love Upon a Time
Boyband the series
Heart by Heart
Moments Of Love
House of Stars
Till the World Ends
Announced for 2023 (maybe still to come?)
After Sundown
Fake Love
Friends Forever
I Wish You Love
Lucky Love
Pisces of Me
Refund Love
Right Time, Right You
You Are My Soulmate
The Camp Fire
The Outing Series
Deep Night
Pit Babe
Rule No.1: Don’t Be Too Emotional
Future From Me
Naughty Babe
Only Friends
Buddy Line Y Animal AKA
Mystique in the Mirror
2 Worlds
Punk Spy
The Next Prince
Kemjira Will Survive
Close Friend 3 Soju Bomb
Waterboyy 3 AKA Waterboys
I Feel You Linger in the Air
Middleman’s Love AKA Middle Love
Cinderella Boys
Cherry Magic (Thai remake)
Born to be Y
Dangerous Romance
4 Minutes
7 Times 4 Days
Big Dragon 2
Big Dragon the movie
Boy Never Smiles
Chiang Mai Adventures
City of Stars
Colorful Melody
Cooking Crush
Flirt Milk
Friend. Boyfriend
Heroin The Series
Hot Bamee and Yummy Gyogung
Khemjira Will Survive
Last Twilight
Lost in the Woods
Love in Translation
Love Puzzle AKA Plengrak AKA
Love Syndrome – The Beginning
Lover Merman
Man Suang
Night Dream
Our Skyy 2
Our Story
Rule No.1: Don't Be too Emotional
Sunset Vibes
The Chinese Family
The D Project
The Hidden Character
The Internship
The Sign
The Whisperer
True Moon
Two Worlds
Wish Me Luck
Wish You Luck
Crazy Handsome Rich
For Him the series
Twin The Series AKA Twins
Casanova Begins
Marry Go Round
Venus in the Sky
#Thai bl#memes gonna meme#abl answers the call of the meme#favorite thai bl#favorite thai pairing#most underrated actor#thai BL midyear reoirt#thai bl till to come
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Pretty cool answers, got some more questions ;)
1: in a earlier post I retweeted, you said Chris tried to try out for the basketball team & got rejected, how come he got rejected & did Jake cheered him up?
2: what’s their favorite movie out of millions of them; what’s the one movie they chose for like family movie night every time?
3: what’s their personalities like?
4: do they like to watch wrestling? If they like WWE, which era do they like?
5: silly question, when sneaking into a place, do they slap each other on the butt & say ladies first?
6: do they have an OCs?
7: not really a question but one of your OCs is a evil kid kryptonian & I can see his appearance as Lor-Zod of prime earth with the half long hair & buzzcut on the other side.
All too happy to answer them in turn my friend @gothicghost2000 ;-)
1. Well, ironically Chris has his red solar watch on during the trials to play as fair and normal as the other players trying out were. The thing is without his secret powers to help him standout, the coach deemed Chris’ performance too bland and by the books when his team needed players who brought some flair and even slightly dirty tricks to their style of play.
Hence came Chris being ultimately passed over and him having to go to Bomp N’ Stomp to drown out his sorrows with ice cream. Thankfully after Jake found out about this, he remembered some words of encouragement and consideration his Uncle Vic gave him back them after his first ever attempt in joining a team. He tells his best friend that what ultimately matters is that he plays the best he can, powers or not, and to never give up playing only because the coach tells him to with harsh words. Chris smiles at that remark and maybe either later that day or the following day, the two visit the park for an all out game between them at the courts.
2. Both Chris and Jake absolutely cannot pass up the chance for watching Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith, The Incredibles I or Godzilla King of the Monsters (2019) if either happen on playing on TV. As for movies for family nights, Chris and Jake would regularly suggest any of those choices, especially The Incredibles though individually, Chris can pick out any of the MCU films, especially Thor Ragnorak while Jake goes with a less than traditional choice of more ‘mature’ selections including but limited to The Waterboy, The Interview (2014) and even if Dick can permit, the ever so infamous Wicked Scary series. The latter only if Jake promises not to eat anything too heavy as they watch for a combo of that and the movie equals real bad nightmares.
3. Chris I imagine is more reserved, not as much talkative as his brothers, often trying to shy away from situations like here he doesn’t feel confident can result in good, likes his privacy during slower moments, has an almost innate fear of being sent away and rejected by his family for any tiny mistake he can make but nonetheless does good whoever he can, selfless, brave when faced against insurmountable odds, can have a jovial side when next to friends and loved ones, in particular Jon and Jake, feels authentically proud when he does something good, and above all else is a bright, likable kid who you can’t see a true once of bad in
Then there’s Jake. Unlike his most boisterous, lively and outspoken Big Sister, he’s relatively more reserved and laid back. Often being more observant of his surroundings and curious about many things which he feels are important, Jake doesn’t give up on finding answers to those questions no matter how long he feels the need to wait for their answering. Thankfully he’s a patient and understanding sort who can see from others’ viewpoints and comes to his conclusions once he has enough to go off from. Other than that, he’s very cooperative with his allies of all sorts. He’s usually a natural born partner rather than a leader but he’s competent and skilled in whatever task he’s given. He also never truly compromises on his beliefs and goals in life as a superhero, always striving to find other ways around seemingly impossible situations and choices even against the most heinous and vile of villains. He’s also kind at heart, compassionate, optimistic and hardworking on whatever needs to be done. He’s overall what you can conceivably call an ultimate sidekick, a moniker he can reasonably be proud of though don’t call him the perfect Robin, that honor goes to both his Father and above all elseX his Uncle Tim(my) Drake
4. Oh Me Oh My they certainly do and while they have their respective issue with that company, the Duo do like WWE, at least in terms of the stories and the performers who do such. Beyond any doubt, both Chris and Jake are in solid agreement of the rather raunchy Attitude Era from 1996 to 2001 being their favorite ones. As for their favorite wrestlers, two stand out, The Undertaker and Mankind from Late 1998 to 2000.
5. Nah, they’re simply too young for that stuff lol. They be confused if someone asked them that directly
6. If you mean like character they create themselves when being artistic; they have created something of a parody superhero who gains his powers from Apple pies and duels with a robot supervillain in comics they write and draw together, then give to some of their friends at school. Of course inspired by Captain Underpants
7. That……makes a lot of sense why. I originally had in mind Vla Bol having a Blond Buzzcut Haistyle with steel cold blue eyes, a scar on his right cheek, decked out in a militaristic private’s outfit with his Logo (an X with differing colors per two arms, upper left and lower right in black and upper right and lower left in green) on an armband on his right arm, and finally on his belt, tags that belong to his fallen comrades. But the Rebirth design for Lor Zod being applied if plausible lol
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If we are both Misha, who is the real Misha?
Misha Collins (born September 9, 1966) is an American comedian, actor, screenwriter, producer, singer, and musician. Primarily a comedic leading actor in film and television, his accolades, include nominations for three Grammy Awards, five Primetime Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. In 2023, Collins was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.
Collins was a cast member on the NBC sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live from 1990 to 1995. He went on to star in Hollywood films that cumulatively grossed over $2 billion worldwide. Collins had an estimated net worth of $420 million in 2020, and signed a new four-movie deal with Netflix worth over $250 million.
Collins's comedic roles include Billy Madison (1995), Happy Gilmore (1996), The Waterboy (1998), The Wedding Singer (1998), Big Daddy (1999), Mr. Deeds (2002), 50 First Dates (2004), The Longest Yard (2005), Click (2006), Grown Ups (2010), Just Go with It (2011), Grown Ups 2 (2013), Blended (2014), Murder Mystery (2019) and Hubie Halloween (2020). He also voiced Davey, Whitey, and Eleanore in Eight Crazy Nights (2002) and Dracula in the first three films of the Hotel Transylvania franchise (2012–2018).
Several Collins comedies, such as Jack and Jill (2011), have been panned, resulting in nine Golden Raspberry Awards and 37 Raspberry Award nominations, more than any actor except Sylvester Stallone. However, Collins has also received acclaim for his leading roles in comedy-drama films including Paul Thomas Anderson's Punch-Drunk Love (2002), Mike Binder's Reign Over Me (2007), Noah Baumbach's The Meyerowitz Stories (2017), the Safdie brothers' Uncut Gems (2019), and Jeremiah Zagar's Hustle (2022), with the latter three ranked as major career highlights.
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I’ve wanted to make this post for a while but headcanons on what media I’ve consumed that various characters in Disco Elysium would be insane over:
Harry — Harry would fucking love Paradise Killer. He’d love Lady Love Dies and her whole affect and the weird vaporwave aesthetic and he’d absolutely make himself puke playing it too long (based on actual experiences). Really any detective game he’d be insane over and YES he has opinions on every one of the Nancy Drew adventure games, thank you very much. He’d also watch way too many sports movies and yell at the screen constantly when people make bad calls or plays. Probably has The Waterboy memorized tbh. Not-so-secretly cries over romances — Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts is his favorite.
Kim — Kim’s an original trilogy Star Wars fan and will never admit the massive crush he has on Han Solo. He’s also watched the entire Lord of the Rings saga as a marathon and will absolutely offer his opinion on how it stacks up to the books if you give him the slightest nudge. He’s read A Wrinkle in Time so many times he’s had to replace his childhood copy with a new one because pages were finally falling out.
Jean — Watches police procedurals because he likes to mock their sensationalism, particularly CSI: Miami and Law and Order: SVU. When he actually decides to love himself he watches pre-Marvel superhero movies, particularly Hellboy and Spiderman (Tobey Macguire edition).
Judit — She listens to podcasts because she’s a mom and a cop and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to sit and watch/read something. She likes funny podcasts like My Brother My Brother and Me best, for some levity in her life, but sometimes she’ll listen to Oh No! Ross and Carrie if they’re covering a topic she’s interested in.
Cuno — He likes torture porn horror he really shouldn’t be watching at his age. Him and Cunoesse binged the entire Saw series and are now afraid of jesters and clowns. Following it up with watching It didn’t help.
Garte — He doesn’t have a ton of time to consume media (three cafeterias!!!) but he’ll read novels under the counter during slow periods. He’s particularly fond of Charles Dickens and his many rags-to-riches stories like Great Expectations.
Klaasje — She likes non-American films like Let the Right One In (to which she says the book is better) and Pan’s Labryinth. All time favorite is The Cakemaker, which she regularly shows to people and when they comment on how sad it is she drags on her cigarette and smiles and says, “I know, it’s awful” and keeps watching.
Ruby — Mad Max: Fury Road is godtier in her mind and Furiosa is her hero. She listens to the podcast Alice Isn’t Dead on long drives even if she’s heard it a thousand times. She cries every time she watches Carol which is why nobody knows she likes it.
Joyce — Had a massive Game of Thrones phase and wrote scathing reviews after the series finale.
Evrart — I literally do not think me and this man would see eye to eye on any media ever but he’d probably turn on Fox News and shake his head at the state of politics.
Soona — she reads scientific and academic essays for fun and literally nothing else.
Feel free to ask about other characters I can do this all day.
#say more sadie#this is so self indulgent#I’m not even putting this in the tags if it breaks containment it’s because my followers willed it#feel free to ask about other characters#sadie writes meta
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Let's play a game!
Think about the oldest BLs you have ever watched. They must have been released at least before 2020. Now name 5 to 10 iconic scenes that you can't forget
1. Sotus (2016) - Okay even if we do have problems with the use of wife today. This scene will never not be iconic. In fact, Every time Kongpob Opened his mouth in the first episodes of Sotus it was pure gold

2. Advance bravely (2017) - Is it a cliche scene? Yes. But I absolutely have him fighting and walking shirtless in the rain playing in my head 24h
3. History 3 Trapped (2019) - Shao fei trying to show off with a girl (but not being able to go further than hugging) and ending up just going absolute insane when Tang yi makes out with a men is definitely top BL scenes to me. Truly they don't make enemies like this anymore.
4. History 3 Make our days count (2019) - Absolutely insane that this kiss changed my brain chemistry but nobody talks about it anymore. Traumatized so many gays that learned to not make out in the couch unless you lock the door.
5. Puppy honey (2016) - maybe because this was my first Thai BL, but this Offgun scene always makes me go "oh". I am pretty found of it. Also the shower soap scene that feels like the start of a porn hahah

6. WaterBoys - this is not a positive scene. But lives rent free in my mind why a swimming club would choose to do a snow-white play instead of the little mermaid? It is 2024 and I still want to know.
7. Make it Right 2 (2017) - when he fell in love with the smell of the other fart? Is this a fever dream or truly happened? I can't trust myself anymore

8. Yuri on Ice (2016) - leaving dramas but I can't forget to mention this scenes
9. What the duck - Idk but I always remember the wedding proposal, maybe because it was the first queer one I saw where the guys were protagonists? The show is terrible thou, I do not recommend.
10. The lovers (2015) - I don't think I can ever forget the sense of humor on this show. Made me cringe so hard and can not be scrubbed off. They watching porn together was a crazy scene thou.
Honorable mentions to; love by chance, 2moons and tharntype. Also atots, theory of love, guardian and he is coming to me that do not feel old to me so didn't make the cut.
Anyway if you are not tagged and want to take part feel free.
Tagging: @absolutebl @sparklyeyedhimbo @shannankle @thepancakelady @wen-kexing-apologist @formayhem @heiscomingtomygrave
#anyway i never know if in this case its rude to tag the fandoms? i like to keep as archive on my on tumblr if it is let me know and i remove#te tags#sotus#history 3#history 3 trapped#modc#yuri on ice#puppy honey#advance bravely#make it right the series#what the duck the series#the lovers (2015)#waterboys the series#puppy honey the series
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Lawrence Gilliard Jr. (September 22, 1971) is an actor who has appeared in films, television series, and theatre. He portrayed D’Angelo Barksdale on The Wire, a role which earned him critical acclaim. He is known for his role as Bob Stookey in The Walking Dead. He was in the cast of The Deuce, which premiered in September 2017 and concluded in October 2019. He has had roles in movies such as Straight Out of Brooklyn (1991), Next Stop Wonderland (1998), and Gangs of New York (2002). He was born in New York City. He and his family moved to Baltimore when he was seven years old.
He played clarinet and studied classical music at the Baltimore School for the Arts. He attended Juilliard School for three years as a clarinet performance student, he decided to pursue acting instead of music. He studied acting at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, The Acting Studio – New York, and the Stella Adler Conservatory.
He has appeared on numerous television crime dramas such as Law & Order, Homicide: Life on the Street, The Wire, New York Undercover, and CSI: NY. Film roles include a love-struck ghetto teen in LottoLand (1995), an earnest college football player in The Waterboy (1998), and a member of the Dead Rabbits in Gangs of New York (2002).
He is a stage actor. He received positive reviews for his role of Booth in a production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning play Topdog/Underdog.
He married to actress Michelle Paress (2004-20). #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Allow me to reintroduce myself.
My name is Margaret
but I'm Maggie, Magz or Bubbles to most people.
I’m a 38 year old mom of 4 from Ohio.
I have 4 biological children.
I am a birth mother too which means I carried a child for an awesome couple who couldn't have children.
I am a free spirit!
My 13 year old is a cancer survivor. He had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and almost died. I thank GOD every day that he is here and we have a chance to see him grow and become the awesome human that he is.
My children have ADHD and the boys have O.D.D. so it can make for some “fun” days. lol
I love my babies! They are my world.
I enjoy writing poetry, cooking, drawing, hanging out with my family, playing video games, reading, and trying new things.
Some weird things I collect include stickers, unicorns, and candles, and washi tape.
I love to skateboard.
Bam Margera, Bucky Lasek and Tony Hawk are my favorite pro boarders.
My favorite wrestlers include Jeff Hardy, Edge, Rey Mysterio and Cody Rhodes.
I like sloths, the platypus, orcas and turtles.
I make lists to keep me organized
I like to watch shows like The Flash, Supernatural, Law & Order SVU, Law & Order Organized Crime, WWE Raw, Tanked, Blue Bloods, The Chase, Wheel of Fortune, and Family Feud.
My favorite holiday is Halloween.
I love anything to do with the Paranormal and supernatural.
My favorite colors are black, red and purple.
I’m a huge Adam Sandler fan.
My favorite movies include (but not limited to) The WaterBoy, Happy Gilmore, Grown Ups 2, The Crow, Fast & Furious Franchise, The Scream Franchise, Central Intelligence, Night School, Jurassic World Series, 10 Things I Hate About You, Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, Mama Mia, and many more.
My favorite musicians include Nirvana, Korn, Linkin Park, Metallica, H.I.M., Papa Roach, Backstreet Boys, Garth Brooks, and Limp Bizkit.
I am a fan of all things supernatural and spooky.
I am a horror movie junkie.
I'm a huge bookworm. Give me a title of a book and chances are I have already read it.
I am a huge HOCUS POCUS fan and can recite the movie word for word. lol
I am pretty much an open book and get along with everyone!
Well thanks for reading this introduction and thanks for following me!
Have any questions? Feel free to drop me a line!
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SUNDAY MATINEE MUSIC VIDEO: DOOR IN THE WATER—A Micro-Documentary: This is the LP that put me on the map; my first full-length album—then described as “a New Wave concept album” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmc4JMziLrI Topically, it was inspired by a San Francisco fellowship of friends. The LP was loosely formatted after “concept albums” like PET SOUNDS (Beach Boys), LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY (Genesis), and the PRESERVATION ACT series by The Kinks. It was started in San Francisco and finished in the hilly, hipster city of Knoxville TN at a studio that The Jacksons used for a rehearsal space (they let me use their Yamaha DX7 keyboards).
The LP was released in 1985, but the record label I was signed to did near-to-nothing to promote it nor did they provide tour support. On the plus side, who knew this record would reach people across the oceans and “open doors” I couldn’t foresee? For that I am grateful. In 2010 the album was remastered by Scott Francis, and we added bonus material to the download version (such as a cover of “Spirit” by The Waterboys) + live takes of my band October w/Ron Davis, Chris Haggerty, Bridget Purifoy, Anna Valdez, and Victor Valverde. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmc4JMziLrI
#LP #waterboys #spirit #newwaverock #conceptalbum #SanFrancisco #poprock #friends #BeachBoys #PetSounds #Genesis #TheKinks #ChristianRock #KnoxvilleTN #TheJacksons #YamahaDX7 #RonDavis #ChristopherHaggerty #BridgetPurifoy #AnnaValdez #VictorValverde #CCM #firstalbum #fellowship #LambLiesDownBroadway #PreservationAct #johnnyjblair #singersongwriter #singeratlarge
#johnny j blair#singer songwriter#music#singer at large#san francisco#pop rock#New Wave#Beach Boys#Pet Sounds#Genesis#The Kinks#Christian Rock#Knoxville#Yamaha DX7#CCM
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GETTING TO KNOW YOU — answer the questions below, then tag nine others that you would like to know better.
TAGGED BY : @faithfulmaiden & @corruptedforce
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): anything pastel or a paler hue. while i like bold colors, sometimes they make me feel overstimulated idk
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): strawberry cheese cake :3
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: it depends on my mood tbh - i like all kinds or rock, pop, rap / hip hop, classical, musical theater, folk, etc
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): the princess bride, the exorcist, midsommer, bram stoker's dracula, young frankenstein, dracula dead & loving it, blazing saddles, the crow, disney movies, willow, star wars, hocus pocus, moulin rouge, garden state, the waterboy
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: sons of anarchy, btvs / angel, once upon a time, tale of the nine tailed, boys over flowers, hercules the legendary journeys, xena warrior princess, spartacus, penny dreadful, the haunting anthology on netflix, obi-wan kenobi series, the vampire diaries universe ( & even the concept of legacies just not the execution ), amc immortal universe with the mayfair witches and the vampire chronicles like i kinda fuck with that version more than the book tbh, my mad fat diary ( seasons one & two only )
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: say don't go by taylor swift shut up
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: tale of the nine tailed
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: oppenheimer
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: reread of the tower of the swallow by sapko
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: playthroughs with no commentary of gabriel knight i Need An Intervention
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: a draft or two, but i mostly just end up getting distracted & listening to the same song ten times bc Reasons
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