#watching these dumb ads evolve
mathlann · 8 months
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After a few days deliberating, Temu has officially decided im in the Grandma advertising Category 👵🏽
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lurkingshan · 4 months
I have been thinking about @bengiyo's point about the way the set up of Love Sea allows Fort and Peat to play with their established dynamic, and wanted to expand on why I liked it so much. I already tossed off a facetious post about this while watching the other day, but let me be clear: I am so serious about the class disparity in this show and how it shifts the power dynamics behind the typical MAME pursuer behavior.
Mahasamut is a working class man who has been hired by a mutual friend to watch over Tongrak--providing him with transportation, housing, entertainment, and whatever else Rak wants. He is doing a job, and that knowledge is explicit between them. Most people would be kind to someone who is providing a service as a guide and caretaker, but from the moment he arrives, Rak treats Mut with disdain, as Ben details in his post. Rak is a prick who looks down on the place he is staying and the people in it. He assumes Mut can't understand him and makes rude and disrespectful comments right in front of his face. He assumes he can get anything he wants from Mut by throwing piddling sums of money at him. He assumes he can use Mut for sex. And so Mut plays the part Rak has assigned him.
Every instance of Mut being sarcastic or antagonistic toward Rak in this first episode is a direct response to how Rak is treating him. Rak assumes he can't communicate with him, so Mut continues speaking in a Southern dialect. Rak assumes he can buy him, so Mut teases him about stuff he can pay him for. Rak assumes Mut wants to have sex with him and he can use that to control him, so Mut fully puts on a "dumb local" performance and pretends to be amazed at his pale and hairless body (and yes, he also invokes colorism in that act, which I do not think was at all accidental, it's part of the point). Every moment of this is informed by their class disparity, the way Rak looks down on him for it, and the way Mut refuses to bow to that.
As all of this is going on, Mut is also genuinely taking care of Rak and doing the job he has been paid to do. And the incident on the boat was not an intentional instance of messing with Rak--he just went to get some clams and had no way to know that Rak would panic like that. As soon as he saw Rak was genuinely upset, he dropped the antagonism and comforted him, even apologizing for scaring him. Mut has good intentions and is doing what he has been asked to do while also not allowing an arrogant rich man to treat him like dirt. Rak is the person holding the true power in this pairing, and he need only treat Mut like a human being to get the same in return.
Let me just add as a final note that this is not the first time MAME has added a new layer to this antagonistic pursuer dynamic she tends to prefer in her romances. Wedding Plan was all about taking that dynamic and motivating it by a genuine queer experience, and I am glad to see her stories continuing to evolve.
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uknowmesblog · 2 months
Lol? I truly didn't expect people to enjoy my little writting, but let's go?
Also before continue I should warn you this is will be with her/she pronouns because well.. I am a woman and its much simpler for me like? We will see what the future will hold for me as evolving my writting style.
Also: It will be eventually poly 141, smutty and let's hope delicious. I have zero idea about what's happening in real life military and the lore it's known by watching youtube videos.
Also probably I will make the read less athletic and more fluff, prolly going towards being task's princess or smth, idk.
Shall we?
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Damn you, damn the vodka and damn your friends because they didn't apply the enrollment all the way, just you. Poor, sad little you with all your hopes decaying with each hour that passed, while you tried to call your father and beg him to take you out ot this situation.
"You are finally making me proud" he said, causing you to huff a breath. Yeah you didn't want his approval, he wanted you to step in his shoes and run around to sacrifice yourself. Hell you are not sure you could run to the store and back, less on a front.
Damn your friends again, at least if two of them would be enrolled; you could burn the whole base to the ground with your "creative ideas." But not today satan, you have to deal with it yourself and make sure to bring your annoying level to a new height. Just to be sure you know? So with bags ready, eyes puffy with tears born out of sheer anxiety and one cute pink, Teddy bear that was a last gift from your loving mother, watching the clock like a hawk and calculating how easy should be to fly in another country with.. the small amount of money left in your bank account.
Scratch that, back to "being the worst human being" plan, as everything was packed and ready to leave. Thanks to God this house was yours, left as inheritance. No rent to pay, no fussy landlord worrying about no one to live here for a while, always a safe place to come back.
Huh, maybe they forgot? Hope die last, maybe someone, somewhere listened to your prayer and now everything is going back to normal.
So close to unpack everything, belly tight in knots as you watched your phone.
A short knock distracted the train of thoughts, your throat working to swallow as you walked towards the door with a small heart beating frenetically. Fingers wrapped around the door knob, your mind churning with all the possibilities, close opening slowly only to see a masked figured.
Dark, whiskey eyes watching you blankly. A skull baklava adding to the eerie effect the hunk had around him. Tall, muscular and wide you might say. A bloke that looked like a killer, like only a flicker of two fingers could snap someone in half.
Of course you shrieked and tried to close the door, only to be blocked by a boot. Stepping back, letting him in without your approval he scanned you with a cold, inexpensive look. But if you weren't so busy trying to melt in the wall, you could observe his chest rising faster for two short seconds. All the photos did little to no justice for you, such a fine specimen.
"You look weak' he said, deep voice with a Manchester accent reverberating around the hallway.
"No shit?' You asked sarcastically, provoking the beast. Maybe this is the moment you should learn to hold your mouth shut.
The stranger only huffed and eyed your luggage, grabbing your troller and backpack.
'Come one, we're already late." He grumbled "I won't babysit you, shift your arse"
"To the slaughterhouse? Do I look dumb?" You whined, clearly don't understanding his words.
"God you are dense, to the fucking military base!" He just turned around, starting to move towards the black car waiting in your driveway.
"No-uh" shaking your head, obtaining a growl.
"If you want me dragging your arse kicking and screaming, be my guest."
"I also bite'
"Be my fucking guest, only move' he snarled, a tremor making your core clenching.
Grumbling under your breath, key shoved in the keyhole while a stream of unholy swears that could make the devil himself blush spewed between your lips, asserting dominance over the asshole who just snapped a photo, behind your pack. He just couldn’t hold himself back, your jeans hugged your generous curves so good; a snack waiting to be bitten and smushed between his calloused hands.
Of course, the photo flew towards the group chat and his phone was shoved back in his pocket before you even finished your imaginary fight.
"Happy?" You asked as you took the passenger seat, already planning your revenge while he said nothing.
Oh and what an interesting revenge you planned, question after question flowing in the car. One side conversation of course.
"Do you always wear that?" Gesturing to the baklava, ignored.
"How long until we arrive?" Asked for the eight time.
"Do you have any snack around here?" He rolled his eyes.
"Can't you leave me on the side of the road?" A breath huffed behind the material.
"Why aren't you talking? Are you mad on me?" The 'crazy woman' card didn't work either hun.
"Do you have a missus?" A breathless laugh escaped him.
"What's your favourite color?"
"How long until there? I need to pee."
You tried again and again with no success, until the fatigue finally settled after a sleepless night full of pacing and anxiety. Snoring soflty, head resting against the window, a little bit of drool on the corner of your lips. Fine moment and all that.
But Ghost? He think you have zero chance to be a good soldier, but nothing could stop him from trying to shape and mold you.
Johnny was already foaming at the mouth to put his paws on you, Gaz waiting patient to see how long before you crack and Price being always the misterios boss ready to.. teach you.
Ghost's mind was set, by the end of the week you'll be panting like a bitch in heat either from the drills or one of the boys sprawling you on your future bed and showing you how a real man take care of a woman.
That if you won't have a stroke until then, only the time could decide.
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@brxghtlxghtz here we gooo <3
Damn if I didn't had a long day, I swear to God I love my boss. She is a sweetheart, but woman take a break. Cheers to finally having some me time, hope yall liked it, again don't be shy pointing out how I can improve my english speech, still learning!
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mcbride · 1 month
Daryl Dixon Rewatch S1E03 - Paris Sera Toujours Paris
this ep wasn't as good as the first 2, but we got to meet Fallou and Antoine, so they made up for what felt like another ep of Daryl absolutely done with everything while relentlessly looking for a radio or a boat.
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i feel like Carol's "presence" has been a constant on this show, but in this ep more than ever. her name is not mentioned, but there's at least a couple of pieces of dialogue alluring to her existence, her importance in Daryl's life, and how she is the driving force behind Daryl's urgency to get back home. more after the jump....
so Nicotero got his walker orchestra, which was cool, but def not one of the reasons i watch the show. as Daryl said this was just a stupid detour and now we gonna start doing things his way!
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it bothers me how these two warrior nuns are completely useless and helpless when they have to deal with a couple of walkers. in each case, Daryl had to "save" both Sylvie and Isabelle while they were stuck dumb looking at walkers dangerously approaching them. are they warriors/survivors or what?? writers do better!
Laurent spewing some philosophical bullshit about fortitude was top TWD gimmick - kids wise beyond their years are annoying to me! but if you know me, you know i legit dislike most kids written in apocalyptic shows. adding insult to injury, Laurent be like "Not to fret, Monsieur Daryl. You will not die in Paris." *eyeroll* legit. main character plot armor. thanks, captain obvious!
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in the "make everything about Carol" segment, we got "La mort et le bucheron:" i think an analogy could be made about hope, and how when we are so close to losing it all is when we hang on tightly to something and finally feel the urge to live, but to do that we need to learn how to share our burden. and i think that applies to both Carol and Daryl, if they are to move on, evolve, take the next step, they must be willing to share, to talk openly, and share their burdens with each other- let the other carry a bit of their weight.
it will never not be hilarious to me how Fallou continuously ignores Daryl's request for a radio, until he introduces him to Antoine, the pigeon guy, and their only form of communication. Daryl is SOOOO done with y'alll.
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most interesting lines in the whole ep are about pigeons, heck yas! "Maybe he has a girlfriend... yes? We all have a person who waits... who waits for us somewhere." Daryl's face screamed CAROL and her name has never even have been mentioned on this show YET!!!!!
Daryl and Isa have a moment when she says they are the same, "broken until the world ended." YEAH, NAHHH. not the same! sorry girl, but your bohemian lifestyle chosen by yourself got nothing to do with how Daryl was forced to grow up and survive even before the zpoc.
omg Daryl's idiot longing face looking at the water lilies, saying it reminds him of home... and all i can think about is when Daryl took Carol to watch those Cherokee roses blooming as an apology back in s2 of the original show. that's art!!!!!!
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and once again, i am not disappointed Daryl is a true man of honor, and wouldn't let Isa and Laurent suffer the consequences for a shot at getting a boat to return home. it's a very Daryl thing to do, and Isa called him out on it.
AND FINALLY she tells us something we did not know.... Daryl made a promise to whom is not revealed to get back home, and that's all he cares about. he doesn't deny it!! HE CANNOT
Daryl is just so ready to leave AGAIN!!! but not without first telling Isa she's good at making things up (ouch!!), but she needs to tell Laurent the truth.
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then Daryl becomes the most reasonable person ever to have ever existed. he says, "maybe he's just a regular kid, a regular kid that got lucky and lived. maybe that's your miracle." 👏👏👏 - that's Daryl being the most Daryl since ever, calling out the bullshit, and keeping shit real. i love this show for bringing him back!
Laurent runs, Codron arrives... "the reasons are everywhere." once again, right when Daryl was leaving again, something happens that stops him from doing so. the universe works in mysterious ways indeed cause what he doesn't know is that he needs to stay around so Carol can find him, and she's on her way there already!
See y'all next week for ep 4!!!
42 days left until the premiere of THE BOOK OF CAROL!!!!!
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criolla-star · 3 months
Overwhelmed(Vinny x Garmadon)part 48
(I suggest you check out parts 1-47 if you haven't already)
Nya walked in and Vinny closed the door, "What's going on?" the water ninja asked instantly as the cameraman turned his attention to her. "W-what do you mean?" Vinny asked causing Nya to give him an annoyed look, "Between you and Garmadon? what's going on you two seem? Distant...Lloyd told me about a few things" she said.
Vinny looked away nervously, he didn't want to talk about this at all, "Nothing happened between us" The cameraman lied causing Nya to let out a sigh, "I'm not dumb I know when there's issues in a relationship, I'm with Jay and we fight then we don't talk to each other" The water ninja said as she tried her best to receive a truthful answer the cameraman. "I swear nothing happened between us and even if something did it probably wouldn't last long" Vinny protested against her claims even though he knew she was right.
"Well whatever happened is also affecting your appearance, you look like you haven't slept in days and don't think I haven't noticed that bandage on your arm" Nya replied her voice full of concern. The cameraman looked away nervously, he ended up looking at the corner where Rida most likely standing he didn't know why, he just felt like Rida was standing there watching. "Nothing happened..." Vinny responded as he tried to convince Nya.
The water ninja let out a sigh, "Whatever's happening you can tell me when you're ready, but please...don't get into a fight with Garmadon again" Nya said causing Vinnys' eyes to widen, "H-how do you...?" The cameraman stuttered out before being cut off, "I may have overheard you two" The water ninja said, "And he has a point" she added as he she looked at Vinny clearly hesitant with what she was saying. "I...j-just go please..." The cameraman spoke out his voice small and full of different emotions.
"Alright...just know you can talk to me.." Nya said out in defeat she clearly knew she wasn't going to get anywhere if this evolved into a fight. The water ninja walked out of the room closing the door behind her. "Fucking hell..." Vinny groaned out as he rested his head against the bed, the last thing he would, he flinched as he felt a hand on his shoulder and turned his attention to it and saw Rida, now visible, looking at him. "I take it she didn't escalate the situation?" The orange eyed man spoke calmly.
"Thankfully she didn't...I doubt I'd be able to take another fight with someone" The cameraman responded as he shoved his head back into the bed. "With your permission may I ask a bit of a...personal question?" Rida asked softly as he sat down next to Vinny who hesitantly nodded, "I've been wondering...why do you feel the need to keep this a secret from them? They've been through enough battles to know how to deal with it" The orange eyed man asked as he looked at Vinny with intent in his eyes.
The cameraman was quiet for a moment as he looked at Rida, "I-I don't know...they've been through so much already...I just feel like I-I need to protect them do whatever I can to keep them s-safe..." Vinny stuttered out as he looked at the ground. "Why must you protect them? You don't have any experience with battle" The orange eyed man spoke out causing the cameraman to go deep into thought.
"T-they have much more important things to deal with than what's impacting me...it's my fault I'm falling for Enjis' tricks and I have a weak mind" Vinny said as he looked back up at Rida, "You don't really have a weak mind you've managed to tell the difference between reality and illusions" The orange eyed man spoke in a calm tone trying to make the cameraman feel better. "I...guess that's true" Vinny replied.
"Changing the subject I was wondering if I could join you tomorrow, when you go out" Rida asked clearly changing the subject to make Vinny feel better, "I...I mean sure you are nice company" The cameraman replied with a soft smile on his face, "Thank you I don't have much to do since Enji's doing a few things for me" Rida said.
Vinny was honestly really happy Enji was busy, he literally caused him so much problems and it was annoying. The two began talking for a while mainly about random things.
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scoops-aboy86 · 6 months
chubby Steve fic idea:
Eddie and Steve take the kids to a fair and Steve gets excited for all the treats.
Thank you thank you thank you for this, because I've been struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with the final installment of the love spell AU fic and this has finally kicked my ass into gear. I'm still working on it, but here's a teaser... Just shy of 1k words.
(If anyone wants to be added to the tag list for when I post the complete chapter, comment here to let me know. 😊)
The kids have been clamoring to go to the county fair, so when August rolls around they load everyone up in Eddie’s van and the Wheeler’s station wagon and head out of town to the Roane County Fairgrounds. 
Steve meets them there, because he’s picked up some work helping with the rides set-up and has been at the fairgrounds since ass o’clock in the morning. Which conveniently means they’ll also have the BMW there at the end of the day, and Robin—who Steve has made a point of helping get her license—can drive it back with the kids. 
It also means that Steve gets to see his boyfriend’s eyes go wide when Eddie sees him for the first time today, takes in the way his shirt clings to his broad chest, dark with sweat down the front from the exertion of lifting and carrying all morning and cut down into a muscle tee at the sides, scars be damned. And unlike Eddie, who looks like he’s starting to pink under the sun already, Steve has been building up a healthy tan all summer parked out by the pool whenever he has down time; plenty of skin and new freckles to show off. 
The kids are at the head of the pack, so they don’t notice Robin elbowing Eddie until his mouth snaps shut and he raises hand to rub faux casually at his mouth before shooting her a betrayed look—and Steve just knows that Robin told him to stop drooling in public. 
Then Dustin slams in for a hug, catching Steve in the doughy middle and just about winding him. He gives an over-exaggerated wheeze and pretends to stagger. The motion helps him get Dustin into noogie, and from there the rising sophomore doesn’t stand a chance against all the muscle he still has from his jock days, regardless of the extra padding over them now. 
“Yield, I yield!” Dustin yelps. 
(“Why are they doing that?” El whispers loudly down to Max in her wheelchair. 
“It’s a dumb brother bonding activity,�� Max informs her with a roll of her eyes. “Just observe, like animals at the zoo.”
El continues watching them with a perplexed furrow between her brows. “Will and Jonathan don’t do this.”
“That’s because they were raised by Joyce Byers. They’re slightly more evolved than your average teenage boy.”)
“Butthead,” Steve chuckles as he lets Dustin go. “Okay, I’ve got ride tickets to hand out. Once you use these up, if you want more you have to buy your own. Got it?” 
There’s a chorus to the effect of yes Steve, with varying amounts of eye-roll. Robin and Eddie have caught up by now, the latter circling around closer to him while he dolls out strips of tickets. A lively debate springs up almost immediately between Dustin, Mike, and Lucas over how to best maximize their haul, with Will patiently moderating every three-way tie to more subtly inject his own opinions into the discussion. Max gleefully heckles them about every ride that she can’t go on, with her legs still in casts and arms in braces, digging in with pithy little guilt trips that, as far as Steve can tell, aren’t crossing the line into actual upset or self-pity territory. (Something to keep an eye on.)
He’s glad they’re excited about the rides, and even the games that will definitely end up cutting into their pocket money by the time the day is done. But Steve is excited for something else entirely, and is antsy to get the show on the road. 
“Alright, that’s everybody. Now why don’t you all go enjoy the fair I’ve been slaving over, you little assholes. The Gravatron in particular is sick.”
That does the trick of getting rid of most of the crowd, El and Max break off in a slightly different direction, probably towards the Ferris wheel that El’s been practically vibrating to ride ever since someone explained what one was, having already settled a time and place to meet up with the rest of the group later. 
Robin takes her tickets with a bright thank you thank you thank you because she’s meeting up with Vickie soon for their first official date. She’s about to run off when Eddie stops her and hands over all but four of the tickets Steve had just given him. “Go knock her socks off, Robbie,” he says, and then messes up her hair. 
She flips him off, and Steve too when he snickers a, “Be safe, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” before flitting off. Telling him with her expression and a dynamic eyebrow movement that she doesn’t think it would be a high bar to clear. Which… fair, honestly.
“And then there were two,” Eddie says, sidling up to Steve a grin and a raking glance that sends a trickle of anticipatory heat down his spine. “You ready, sweetheart?”
Before Steve can answer, his stomach does it for him with an audible grumble—not the first he’s experienced while working today, but definitely the loudest. He automatically rests a hand over it, kneading in a gentle massage to calm it down the way he’s been doing for a while, though it doesn’t seem to be helping now that he knows it’s time.
“Sounds like a yes to me,” Eddie murmurs, long lashes dipping as his eyes go subtly darker, then waves dramatically ahead. “Well, what are we waiting for, my liege? Let us partake of the festivities that await!”
He marches off, leaving Steve to follow with a laugh and shake of his head, utterly charmed by his total nerd of a boyfriend who is about to take very good care of him.
Tag list: @hotluncheddie @8em-em-em8 @anaibis @connected-dots @lawrencebshoggoth @zombiethingy
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moccimu · 1 month
"When I was a kid, I remember getting the first Omnitrix released that did lights and sounds and I was so attached to it that I wore it everywhere. I was such a stickler for accuracy too cuz the next Omnitrix they released, I was so pissed. For some dumb reason, they added voices to it and punching effects." You do realise the Omnirtix evolves with it's user and not going to stay the same right?
bro this isn't about lore...it's a very tiny complaint a kid had about toys lol
My experience with Ben10 was the original show and that was that. I don't know if later on, other omnitrix's spoke to the user or had voices or whatever, but the first series had the watch never speak or anything.
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This was the one I had. It only made the transformation sounds and that was it. Basically, how the watch worked in the show.
They'd release other versions of the same Omnitrix later on but those would have the voices of the aliens and punching sounds. Since the actual watch in the show NEVER had that, I didn't want those other watches.
Again, this was a little nitpicky complaint I would make as a kid about a toy...not something specific to the series lore skskskksk
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freyanistics · 2 years
(This was in my head let me know if y’all like it)
It wasn’t even a kiss.
It was more of a peck on the lips.
But to Evelyn it was everything to her, being it was her first kiss.
The maid was named Sofia but went by Sofie. A name that was music to the dark skinned girl’s ears.
She remembered when they first met. Sofie was one of the new maids mother hired. When they first came to the castle Evelyn was hiding behind mother alongside the rest of her family.
Right from the start she was fascinated by the girl and would ask her mother sly questions to learn more about her.
She found out Sofie was 18, a year older than her. And she came from a farm out in the northern part of Romania where her father raised and sold goats.
Evelyn liked animals. She’d feed different woodland critters and nurse wounded ones back to health.
Whenever she spotted the young woman she’d ask a few questions. And Sofia will indulge to the youngest child of the countess life on the farm. That was what started the two to go out and find injured birds and squirrels to tend them together. Or walk along the castle grounds looking at the pretty scenery
That was how Evelyn realized she had a crush on Sofia.
It started out like an infatuation, the rest of her siblings have had theirs on different maids or villagers. But hers transpired to something deeper
Something deeper than puppy love in her minds.
However she found out she wasn’t the only one who had her eyes on the young girl.
She soon found out her older sister Daniela was also infatuated with Sofia.
While Evelyn kept her gestures and feelings subtle Daniela made it known her intentions.
The way she would ask for Sofie specifically to work in the library while she was present.
The way she would make innuendo comments about her to her face.
And when she tried to ask mother to have her as a personal handmaid.
Of course Evelyn protested.
Thus causing the two sisters to compete for the woman’s affections.
Daniela and Evelyn courted the woman relentlessly throughout the month.
Her mama worried it might escalate but mother quickly dismissed it.
“It’s just harmless sibling rivalry, once this is over it’ll blow over.” She heard her say behind the closed doors.
Oh how wrong mother was.
Tension had appeared between the two. It started out with little tiffs but gradually evolve to shouting matches.
There were times Bela had to step in before it got physical.
It wasn’t like Evelyn to want to fight and scream, especially with her own family. But there was something about Sofia that spurred the young girl to fight for her right to her affections.
After a month went by Sofia had asked her if she could walk with her to the garden, one of her chores that Daniela had added.
The pair walked in silence until they reach the beautiful gardens where the shrubbery stood tall and green alongside the roses and petunias. The garden was always beautiful in the spring.
“Beautiful, is it not?” Evelyn asked shyly, fumbling with her hands together.
“It is.” Sofia responds turning towards her, adoration in her eyes. Taking a step towards her Sofia looked nervous just as she, but determination was on her face as she bent down towards her.
And she kissed her.
Or more like peck her on the lips.
It was clear to her who Sofia had choose.
And it made Evelyn’s heart soar and sparkle.
Unbeknownst to the new couple was yellow eyes watching from behind one of the statues; anger and jealousy written on her pale face.
Without a word the redhead swarms off.
(I was listening to the lion king on Spotify when I got this idea. Then I started playing the girl is mine by Michael Jackson 💀Anyway I hope y’all enjoy this dumb little thing)
I was actually going to go with Cassandra but thought Daniela would work more in this situation
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
Overdone Super Hero Movie tropes (you can only pick 3. Otherwise, it's a shit movie.)
1-(Graphically, recently, or during the movie) Dead parents. Dead spouse. Dead kids. Dead sibling. Dead loved friend. It is a fucking MIRACLE if their family is healthy and fine the whole time.
2-Killing tons of grunts/soldiers/etc, but THEN showing mercy to the main bad guy WHO HAS KILLED MORE THAN ALL THE SOLDIERS HE KILLED ALREADY COMBINED!
3-Sky beam. I totally stole this from like 3 youtube channels. Everyone hates the fucking sky beam.
4-Talking/monologuing to the audience or themselves.
5-A soundtrack clearly picked to seduce a specific generation. 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and soon! 10s...(and it doesn't have to be time period current.)
6-Trying to be funny/knowing you're funny to the point you're breaking the '3.999999^infinity-rd' wall (almost the 4th wall) and then it stops-being-funny.
7-CGI battles so fast and blurry, you don't even know what's going on. And a million quick cuts ain't fucking helping. Use real sets so it looks like a real fucking fight.
8-No one ever acknowledging the collateral damage (people to buildings alike) they are doing. <Watch 'Invincible' for the MOST GRAPHIC SUPERMAN-LIKE FIGHT EVER!>
9-Basically, no one important dying. SURE, someone died, and they were kinda loved, but...meh. If there are not any stakes, then it's like watching a preschooler's cartoon: we know it all comes out perfect in the end.
10-The bad guy kills his/her own henchperson. COME ON> OVERPLAYED.
11-They introduce side characters that they either dive REAL deep into or NOT at all, then they disappear/don't matter later in the movie (or series).
12-They introduce you to a character you hate initially, but then you find out their backstory with the lead, and you fall in love...then they KILL THEM OFF OUT OF NOWHERE, right when you were ready to open up your heart! Right when you thought a glimmer of hope appeared!! RIGHT WHEN... ... ....YONDU! WHY DID THEY DO YOU LIKE THAT, YONDU!? ... ... ... ...(okay, this one may not count...)
13-There's absolutely no real character arc. They came in as 'a', left as 'A', and some 'BS' happened in the middle.
14-The lead baddie is more interesting than the lead. That's a sin. You go to bad bad land.
15-THE MAIN BAD GUY DOES NOT KILL THE HERO WHEN GIVEN ANY OPPORTUNITY> Fuck that. You'll kill millions of innocents, but not the dude who has been trying to stop you and ruin all your plans? DUMB> DUMB DUMB DUMB. I am SO desperate for anything new, I'd even let a few 'actually kills them but they're brought back to life' fly....(not too many, you slippery fucks).
16 (#12 being kinda a joke one, I wanted an even 15. Spoilers for Ant-man 3.)-'Comes in at the last moment, out of left field, saving grace.' And you can take this how you will, but my personal example was THE FUCKING ANTS IN ANT-MAN 3 WHO WERE HYPER INTELLIGENT AND SAVED THE MULTIVERSE> Ant-man did not do shit. Not really. It was fucking HYPER INTELLIGENT SUPER ANTS WHICH YOU HAD NO IDEA ABOUT TILL THE END OF THE MOVIE. The ONLY hints were: super intelligent ants went into the whatever tiny verse with them (so? So did a table). The old fuck hears something that irritates his headset with the ants. But did that explain them EVOLVING BEYOND HUMANS BECAUSE THEY LIVED THRU MILLIONS OF YEARS AFTER GOING THRU THE SAME PORTAL AS EVERYONE ELSE, BUT ENDING UP SOMEWHERE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT? No. No it did not. At fucking all. In any way. They never explained how the ants, again who lived millions of years somewhere else (cuz Kang didn't even know about them) found the leads and got to them RIGHT IN THE NICK OF TIME. It made no fucking sense. FUCK THAT HORRIBLE ASS MOVIE! (it's why I wrote this fucking list).
Fuck it.
#17-Again from ant man 3. Taking away some of the best parts of your other movies (his posse/crew/work buddies) and adding in old elements no one gave a fuck about (the villain in the original movie. NO ONE GAVE A FUCK, ANT SHIT!)
<what ones did I miss? PLEASE tell me! I want to know so I can go 'fuck, I knew that, but forgot.' Or didn't even consider. Blow my mind! Should it be more than 3 cuz it's impossible to make a movie that doesn't have SOME of these? Also, can you name ANY Superhero movie that doesn't do ANY of these? CHALLENGE! And do not even hate watch ant man 3. It's incredibly disappointing. Like it is amazing how much work it took to fail.>
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doctor-who-binge · 2 years
2am rant incoming
I hate the Master single handily destroying Gallifrey more than anything else from Chibnall's Era.
It ruins the amazing revelation in the 50th anniversary that Gallifrey was saved not destroyed by The Moment.
It ruins The Doctors return to his home even if he was pissed AF and popped Rassilon off plus ran away for a second time. Still the episode introduced a new version on The General, we get to re-meet the woman from Karn, we get a look at Gallifrey again, properly, in the Nu series.
It explained that Gallifrey was moved to the edge of time for protection just to be destroyed a seasons (or two) later
If the master single handily destroyed it now, it doesn't make sense that the master had to use a chamaeleon circuit to hide as a human (Yana) in order to escape the time war..... he could have just destroyed Gallifrey
ALLLLLLLL the potential a returned Gallifrey held for plot vanished on its second appearance in Nu who.
ALLLLLLL the potential new Time Lords being added to the series also vanished (and I don't fucking mean past time lords via their secret intelligence organization thingy)
Cyber Time Lords
One word: why.
Why? Its Just. So. Fucking. Dumb.
I hate the over usage of Daleks and Cybemen as is.... now you gotta poison Gallifrey with them too?
Cybermen have parallel evolution among "people" which I originally assumed were humans or human like. Which didn't originally include Time Lords, they weren't compatible.
Also the primary reasons they evolved: Desperate survival, search for immortality, forced like Missy using 3W
Survival for Time Lords was moving their planet (reality) or being higher energy beings as Rassilon wanted. Not a lesser cyber species.
Immortality for Time Lords....... they're fucking Time Lords. TIME Lords. Lords of Time, Chronarchs. Immortality they've basically got, look how many times Rassilon comes back.
Forced. How was The Master able to compel the stupidly pompous proud Time Lord race aristocracy into becoming emotionless machines.
Timeless Child
Positive: it confirms my personal view that Time Lords are Gallifreyan Aristocracy not synonymous with Gallifreyans. But there are like a billion other confirmations of that.
The Timeless Child species should be far more advanced than Time Lords but they are never explained.
It makes no sense that they allow the Timeless Child to live after they were done with them
And even if they did there would then be no need to give the Timeless Child another "round" of regeneration to 11? Unless they put a 12 regeneration block on the Timeless Child. But that brings back the question of why let them live in the first place.
Why does Ruth a pre-1st Doctor have a blue police box? Its established that this fluke happens in literally the first story of Doctor Who when Susan is confused that it didn't change when they landed in a new place. (Unless she is post-Hartnell which I hope; possibly a forced regeneration that was erased; granted in order for that to fit with 11's idea of being the last one Tennants second regeneration has to "not count")
From a TV viewership perspective The Timeless Child doesn't change The Doctor in our story viewing minds. Confirmed by the fact that she just drops the watch of all the info somewhere in the TARDIS and its never mentioned again. But it absolutely sucks for people who are fans of the world building more than just The Doctor's adventures.
The fact that so much emphasis was put on this in-story but is basically over and done with post flux is also kinda of annoying (tho I hope it stays that way. Let it die)
Most people's gripe: It makes The Doctor inherently special. Maybe thats why he ran away, not because he was a rebel who wanted to travel and see the stars and see "why good always seems to prevail in the universe" (which tbf if the show proves anything its that good doesn't but I digress) or perhaps he was instinctively afraid of being abused and used by Time Lord society—without remembering why he has the fear or urge to flee.
If The Doctor was loomed into the House of Lungbarrow as a Time Lord, was originally a peasant Gallifreyan sent to the Time Lord academy, or was half human half Time Lord— doesn't actually fucking matter. None of those origin stories actually fuck up the idea of The Doctor just being a person defined by their deeds not their very super special species-changing universe-changing origin.
I have my own ideas about world building that I suppose go against the canon. For example, 10 claims his people invented black holes. I personally like to interpret many of the fantastical things about Time Lords inventing shit and changing the universe, even establishing rationality, is simply their aristocratic mythos. Kinda like the mythos of many aristocracies & royalty saying they come from Gods or did impossible things in legendary era's of their history. Obviously thats one view..... but I'm not the goddam show runner so my opinion doesn't matter at all. Unlike Chibnall's whose view does matter.
Side note ""Hartnell"" had a strong line in Twice Upon a Time "I have the right to live and die as myself" marking that as his first life and explaining why the 1st doctor was obnoxiously childlike.
The Flux
I enjoyed a lot of it as a story
The introduction of the Mouri gave me a little pat on the back about my idea of Time Lords making legendary shit up about themselves
Hated the Timeless Child bits obviously
WE LITERALLY SAW PLANETS IN OUR OWN SOLAR SYSTEM DESTROYED AND THE UNIVERSE WAS NEVER FUCKING RESET (unless I missed it but Dan's house is still gone that implies nothing was reset)
But like I said, I hate the destruction of Gallifrey so much more than any of my other complaints. And it was unfortunately confirmed to be the case in the Power of The Doctor when The Master claims he stole technology after he ransacked it.
IF the Timless Child had been introduced WITHOUT the destruction of Gallifrey and Cyber Time Lords than I probably would have been significantly more open to the concept. But all three of these things happening at once threw me for a pissed off loop. Not to mention the Timeless Child was almost entirely exposition. More telling not enough showing.
My ways to fix it
The explanation of "The Other" (aside from 11)
It being The Master
An old myth buried in the matrix that The Master found
The Master lying and inserting it into the matrix
Everyone forgets it happens and its never mentioned again; unsatisfying tho
..... I can't think of anything to fix Gallifrey being destroyed since The Master's confirmation in The Power of The Doctor
Frankly with a retcon this massive, she should have opened the fob watch, learned all about it, and let it be the end of the TV Doctor Who. Millions of people would be pissed and heartbroken but it sounds like something that happens in a show finale.
I get that a lot of people accept shit they like and throw out shit they don't like. I do. Tho I try to see where it can fit in the story in a way I like rather or at least seems reasonable rather than 100% discarding. But this is so significantly huge it feels impossible to actually ignore going forward world building wise. No amount of me refusing this canon will magically make Gallifrey and new Time Lords available writing material for any future show runners.
Literally any gripes I had with Moffat (which many where changed on rewatch which is why I've considered rewatching timeless child BS) absolutely pale in comparison to these. Except seeing the angels moving, I vehemently reject that... it was imaginary we all never saw it happen. ... Which is very easy to do, getting rid of the timeless child is not so easy. Go through Tardis Fan wiki and the timeless child has unfortunately seeped into many articles because of how game changing it was and how far back in history it was.
Again if Gallifrey hadn't been obliterated so soon after coming back I'd be way more open to the idea— I could rewatch those episodes again and see if my mind changes. But Cyber time lords and the destruction of Gallifrey sending me into a hatred swimming pool in an otherwise amazing episode probably indicates my mind would not be changed on those two parts.
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robinplayspokemon · 2 years
pokemon anime 2x08 "the battle of the badge"
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gods, that is such a vibe.
what up gay nerds!!
so, this episode finds ash marching back to viridian city ready to win his eighth badge, to qualify him for the pokemon league. just as he's getting ready to challenge the gym leader of the viridian city gym, his rival gary oak shows up and reveals that he has already won 10 badges and is going to win an earth badge before ash just to flex on him.
team himbo are distracted when togepi gets lost & eventually falls right into team rocket's lap, so they chase after team rocket to try to rescue togepi!
meanwhile, giovanni & gary fight a pitched battle that gary seems to have the upperhand in, until giovanni unveils his ultimate weapon.
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(and yeah, this is a super explicit crossover with pokemon: the first movie which released a few months before this episode aired, roughly establishing its place in the timeline. though obviously the majority of the movie happened several months after the prologue, which is what actually crosses over with this episode.)
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when jessie & james show up to turn over togepi to giovanni, he is SUPER unimpressed, which is pretty funny when you consider the fact that togepi evolves into the powerful togetic and the even more powerful togekiss, but obviously no one knew that at the time. but greedy capitalists generally don't have the patience to actually, y'know, learn.
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it makes perfect sense that giovanni has a pokemon dungeon, but what's with the roman theme? anyway, giovanni & mewtwo end up having to jet off to some mysterious plot convenience, so jessie & james & meowth are left in charge of the gym, meaning that rather than giovanni they are the last gym leader ash has to face. this kid has all the luck!
... or does he? because while he certainly wouldn't have been able to beat mewtwo and thus wouldn't have been able to win his last gym badge, ash DOES end up facing some trouble of his own when it turns out that team rocket has rigged the trainer's box of this stadium to force him to feel all the pain his pokemon feel! kinky. adding to the kink, jessie & james get some quality taunting in on him.
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this yugioh-ass shit (though admittedly it predated yugioh, yugioh did shit like this way more often) looks like a pretty dire situation for ash! but predictably even when they seem genuinely threatening & sadistic team rocket does something dumb to screw it up (namely, jessies box also does the same thing to her when team rocket's pokemon take damage), and ash wins his eigth badge! that also brings the total of badges he actually won by winning a pokemon battle up to four, though it's kind of viewer's choice if you want to count team rocket playing substitute gym leader as ash beating a gym leader.
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and, yeah! that's a wrap on ash's quest for 8 gym badges, with the pokemon league to look forward to. the episode ends very weirdly with brock & misty berating ash for not knowing where the pokemon league is, and suggesting they go ask professor oak where it is, which like... GUYS??? you're both LITERALLY GYM LEADERS??? i feel like YOU should know where it is????? but, y'know. show for babies. not always gonna be logically consistent. yada-yada-yamask.
but yeah, this is a great episode. giovanni's fight with gary is great stuff, especially how genuinely menacing mewtwo is in it, and even ash's fight with team rocket is actually pretty great. i also love the character development of gary gaining respect for ash when he watches him fight through the pain to win the badge. for all i neg him, i like when this show actually shows that ash is a good trainer and has people respect that about him!!
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anyway, yeah! pretty great episode all around. catch ya later, gay nerds!
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randomraytrash · 2 years
Fanfic trash I dump here
This is part of a fic Idea I had Part 1 here. 
Synopse: Dhawan!Master fakes being O the spy way longer, because he lost his Tardis and he need a lift from the Doctor’s (you know Missy? Yeah, she regenerate without one and I find funny the idea of a confuse Master searching his Tardis like me, after two hours shopping in a big store with more parking spots than the whole population fo my country, with remote car key in hand like a dowsing rod, searching for any sound or light my car could be making, asking if I just lost her, or somebody stole my precious and battered up car.) 
Also the Master has a Masterplan (pun intended), but he just find himself in this weird situation where he’s fighting the Doctor’s Tardis and actively loosing, bc she’s a petty bitch (affectionate) and didn’t forget the fricking cannibalization he did a while ago. On top of that the Doctor keeps almost dying? Like how can he have his Revenge and make her suffer, if she can’t stay safe for five.Damn.MINUTES?! 
Disclaimer: The timeless child crap didn’t happen. The Doctor is a regular weird Time Person/Lady/Lord and an intergalactic hobo on too many energy drinks, no second coming of Christ, thank you very much. 
The Master as O TCEd all the enemies he faced with the Doctor collecting them like action figurine. For him it’s becoming an hobby, like doing taxidermy, just with human and non-human being. 
Makes sense he can’t kill everyone just yet, not in the dramatic way he want to do, so he just pocked the enemy to makes them suffer later, without too much of an audience. Call it self-care. Somebody does face cleanse and moisturize, he collect dead pocket size people and re-enact their deaths completed with dramatic sound effect on his kitchen table. 
The Doctor doesn’t see the horrors and he relaxs his maniac state in a much more calm e sober - as much chill a person with too much energy on his neurons and non-existent control of impulses can get- state. 
To be fair, he didn’t exactly hide his hobby that much. He’s good with planning, but forget the details and gets sloppy over time. Not in the good parts, never in the good parts -the Doctor-, but that was a hobby and it slipped from him mind.
Maybe he wanted a good reason to make the new companions despair tragically, they discover him and he has no other choice adding them on his collection. He wants to expand, you know? Collecting is fun, but so boring, maybe he can start working with resine and making pretty coffee tables with his enemy incorporated inside, or companions keychains.
Fam discover his little - growing - collection of miniaturized corpses (some of them in pieces post-mortem because the re-enacting of their death went a bit too far, and they really annoyed him pretty badly) and going “ahah, good work O, absolutely normal coping mechanism, not creepy at all! Is that a Dalek keychain? Oh, it’s so ingenious, can I have one too?”
The Master finds himself being unexpectedly happy bc finally somebody appreciate his artistic talent. Who could have told? Humans finally evolving good taste?! 
These stupid companions are good, he can tollerate them some more time. As long as they don’t tell the Doctor -because O is shy of his artistic talent, obv, not bc the Doctor may be dumb, but not that dumb to not realized that they have stabilized corpses as keychains -.
(((The Master intergalactic ex-dictator president  and resident wannabe cat, taking home corpses as gift. Fam the unsuspecting family who thinks the cat is only taking in leaves and saying “What a good hunter, aren’t you? Are you defending the house, you big boy? Yes, you are, yes, you are.” But the leaves are in fact the corpses of their enemies as magnanimous gifts.)) 
One day Yaz discovers they are the real enemies and not some sort of plastiline figurine or weird hobby. She watches them closely, sees the despair on their faces, the terror and remembers where she already saw them. 
The Master thinks it’s finally time to add Yaz the Companion to his collection -it’d be his Magnus opera, he’d treat her with the max respect he can muster for a living being-, but instead the human woman  looks him dead in the eyes and says: 
“They tried to kill the Doctor.” 
“Yes, indeed they did, but that wasn’t the main reason they are like that.” The Master want to reply. He’d be lying of course, bc they indeed tried to kill the Doctor and he couldn't let it happen. 
But he can’t, because Yaz hasn’t finished yet. 
 “Fair enough, got what they deserved, keep going.” 
He likes to think he’s corrupting the human companions of the Doctor, but he’s warm with -disgusting- feelings at those words. 
But he can work with that. 
He discovered that keeping the Doctors alive until his great revenge is hard work, he doesn’t need help, not at all. He is the Master, terror of the Universe and Evil incarnate, he is *not* loosing his shit trying to keep his best enemy alive to kill her himself in a Great Revenge. Not a all. But manipulating somebody to help is nice. 
Yep. Yep. A minion who does the work for him! He’s so evil! 
(He is not, in fact, manipulating anybody unless you count himself.)
And so it began the teamwork manipulation with Yaz the Human, to keep the Doctor alive for her demise by his hands! 
(Yaz, in meantime, thinks O, the strange spy, with his so badly hidden fanboy admiration for the Doctor is super cute, and fair enough, she is mature enough to share. Girls fighting for a love interest is so 2010. They both can have the Doctor.)
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mistasangel · 2 days
Pokemon Randomness
I've been playing my Pokemon games a lot lately and got to thinking and doing random dumb things while playing so I though I'd share,lol
Was watching a youtube video about Pokemon and the youtuber called Koffing and Weezing as a fart bomb because they are made of gas...Gastly is made of gases so is he a fart bomb to? and for some reason I can just hear Piers or Raihan calling them that.
Had a hard time evolving Inkay into Malamar then remembered that Piers has a Malamar on his team and about died laughing trying to picture him standing on his head to evolve his Inkay into this pokemon since you are required to turn your game system upside down to evolve it.
Accidently used a master ball on a non legendary/shiny Pokemon, it was a female Wobbuffet if you want to know. I think everyone and their grandmother has done this.
Gotten myself lost in Paleda (Violet) more then I have in Galar, I must be related to Leon,lol
Was playing Pokemon Shield and going though the tournament for more money and chose Raihan has my partner..the idiot could of waited till I had my Flygon out to spam Earthquake, I got even with him by drowning his Flygon. We still won the tournament though.
Still think its funny that Skuntank can learn flame thrower then when using it, looks like its shooting fire out of its butt...also the one generation sprite makes it look like Skuntank is taking a leak with its back leg up in the air,lol
The infamous exploding Togepi..dang metramone! (Happened to Snoralax to)
Speaking of Skuntank can't help but wonder how many times Piers got sprayed by his own Skuntank,lol
Also will choose Piers as a partner in the tournament and accidently drowned his Obstagoon...hit surf by mistake....I made it up to him by choosing his again and staying away from Surf,lol
Ran from a shiny like an idiot...I've seen lots of videos on youtube where they accidently run from a shiny so I do not feel bad for doing this,lol
Got my but handed to me by a Klevear in Legends Arceus...epic fail on my part, I did get the bugger though.
Lost to Kieran a number of times until I remembered my starter Pokemon then added him back to the team and handed Kieran his butt on silver platter
Thought Gusha was girl...he's a boy..oops....made a similar mistake with Bugsy back in the day.
Was hunting a Applin and shook a berry tree..got bopped in the head with Shiny Applin and caught it!
Did not realize the gym leaders went to the Isle of Armor and ran into Piers while flying around on my bike..so sorry Piers
I have Flygon named Raihan and an Obstagoon named Piers...wonder which two gym leaders I like
I train dragon types now thanks to Raihan inspiring me to to try and train one type of Pokemon. Got a way to deal with fairies...Ice types I'm still working on.
First time Raihan beat me, I called him a big dork and still do at times,lol
Chairman Rose will before ever known to me as snotface, lol He made me mad and for some reason the first thing that came to my mind was snotface, so the name stuck with him. (His Copper Rahja flattened me and I had a brainfart for a second forgetting I had a Cinderace..yeah his copper elephant went down after that)
Avery again I thought he was girl...nope he's a boy! lol sorry Avery at least I was able to beat him on the second try when I put Piers the Obstagoon back on my team.
Called 100% forum Zygarde...wait for it...Optimus Prime! lol he looks like a transformer in that form.
Having way to much fun with Miradon in Violet
Garvin.....I like him he's cool but he's a butthead in battle, it took me six tries to beat him.
named a freshly caught Quagsire...Quagmire...Family Guy;s fault, Peter and Quagmire got into a fight when I caught the thing,lol
and this is just some of my Pokemon Randomness,lol
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finsterhund · 8 months
Doing shit like watching Anaconda while high has made me realize that an integral part to how humanity has demonized snakes in culture is by depicting the animal as an inherently sapient serial killer with a vore fetish and then proceeding to try and gaslight the audience into believing it's just a normal naturally evolved animal without human comparable sapience.
Sharks get a bad portrayal too of course but if anything the "mindless killer" depiction sharks get is less of a drastic demonization than "this ambush predator goes out of its way to torture fellow sapient prey first even if it's not at all advantageous to its survival" that snakes get.
There's a scene where the snake somehow curls its coils like they're a prehensile tail around prey before THEN LOOMING OVER and slowly going to swallow. When snakes literally lead in with a bite and then reflexively curl their coils in a similar motion to how alligators death roll to rip pieces. Like. That snake is intentionally doing something stupid and unnatural for the benefit of the audience. It's showing off. The snake is fully aware of the theatrics. There's no way this animal can be how snakes evolved in our real world. That thing cound understand the trolley problem. That thing could probably be taught to work a call center or pay taxes.
Jurassic Park always felt pretty realistic despite wildly inaccurate mutant dinosaurs because while clever, you get the sense that say for instance the raptors in particular, are behaving like real animals. The things they do are within the realm of possibilities for what we know about the species and modern comparisons. They act like birds! Like corvids. Then you fucking have pennywise-tier "fear seasons the meat" snake making sure his throat pouch looks real nice in the wide shot angle.
Ironically the most realistic portrayal of a hypothetical man-eating snake is Kaaa from fucking Disney's jungle book. The OG motherfucker. This bastard is in a 2D cartoon singing and using hypnotism and shit but still within this cartoon slapstick ass universe behaves more like you expect a snake would. Fat lazy and stupid. Just find a way to get the prey to give itself over to you. Sure. Fuck it I don't care. I'm gonna nap in this tree until something comes and bonks me on the head.
With that being said I also do find other creatures that aren't anatomically modern bipedal hairless apes having comparable sentience and sapience to us in media to be deeply fascinating so you must understand that I do have some fondness for the serial killer snake bullshit. But yeah. It kinda sucks people do it to a real animal though.
Then I have my monsters where I'm like, not trying to deny they're like, sapient, but there's evolutionary similarities between them and lizards. Because fuck it. That's cool. But I'm not gonna like, throw real life geckos under the bus for the sake of giving added "legitimacy" to my fantasy creature. Just fucking own it that it's a fantasy creature. Like tremors did. Fucking love tremors.
Idk where I was going with this.
Human media in its portrayal of snakes as an inherently evil animal has always really leaned into "this snake is sapient and likes to hurt things on purpose" pretty much since square one. It's actually really depressing. My mom is absolutely fucking terrified of snakes and every time someone tries to get to the bottom of why it's because she's attributing human reason to the behaviors of a wild animal. This is a fucking tube of stinky boy that likes to be fat and warm and safe. It is the most basal of instincts to want to be fat and warm and safe.
Anyways I love snakes if you couldn't tell. And I don't mean to insult them by calling them big dumb lazy fat stinky idiots. You can also call human babies these things. I'm just saying they literally don't have a thing going on in those cute little stubby heads of theirs even remotely comparable to malice. Provided they feel safe they are one of the more docile types of animals out there.
I think humans just want to see dragons where there are no dragons. I'm sorry you can't see a dragon. I'm really sorry. I wish we had dragons too.
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cheapcourses · 2 years
Income Hero Coaching Collection You're going to get full entry to my Income Hero Coaching Collection That is foolproof program that may get you outcomes inside DAYS I've spent months creating this sequence to be sure that every one among you get outcomes If you wish to hit $10,000 Per Month FAST, this coaching will do the trick! Lastly entry all of the secrets and techniques and watch as I pull again the curtain and reveal how one can really make critical cash on-line Zero stress, zero overwhelm. Merely comply with the step-by-step information I stroll you thru and also you’ll be up and operating quick! Accomplished For You Cash Pages Want excessive changing opt-in pages and touchdown pages? Look no additional I've created hundreds of pages in my time on-line and I've narrowed down the most effective changing ones Merely steal my pages and begin incomes! 60 Cash Making Emails The cash is within the checklist. Everybody is aware of that. However not everybody is aware of how one can write emails that convert Not everybody is aware of how one can write emails that seize folks’s consideration That’s why I'm right here I’ll provide you with 60 cash making emails that may line your wallets with money! Copy & Paste Advert Templates Operating adverts and not using a confirmed template is simply plain dumb You might be taking pictures blind and praying to god you land a shot Merely use my advert templates and begin getting top quality clicks and massive income! Accomplished-For-You Web site & E mail Automation Most individuals hand over as a result of they don't seem to be tech savvy Despite the fact that my course is step-by-step and straightforward to comply with You continue to have to set some stuff up So I made a decision to do one thing. Why not let my group arrange all of your pages and emails? We be certain that all the things is finished proper the FIRST time Don’t fear about messing up, we obtained you! 50 Cash Making Key phrases There’s nothing a lot to say right here I’m going to offer you 50 laser focused key phrases proper out of the gate This can open floods of purchaser visitors to your adverts and get you the most effective outcomes! No extra second-guessing your self, I’ve executed the arduous be just right for you Cash Printing Confirmed Presents Why Solely Get Paid As soon as? The key to affiliate marketing online in 2022 is to seek out gives that pay you at this time, tomorrow, 6 months from now and even 5 YEARS from now. Don’t accept measly 1-time commissions! We train you how one can earn $1000 commissions again and again! Bonuses: BONUS #1: Solo Adverts Mastery I’m going to show you a 1-click visitors supply that's tremendous worthwhile and straightforward to get began. Actually push 1 button and begin getting focused visitors inside seconds! BONUS #2: E mail Advertising Mastery Everyone knows by now that e-mail advertising and marketing is the TRUE option to earn a living on-line I spent some huge cash studying how one can do e-mail advertising and marketing, $20,000 to be precise. Now I'm going to spill all my secrets and techniques on a silver platter for you BONUS #3: Information Of The Future Haha, this bonus sounds a bit bizarre However let me clarify I'm continuously evolving and investing in new teaching in order that I can sustain with the ever-changing on-line world Something I study sooner or later will probably be instantly added to Income Hero Academy BONUS #4: Passive Income Machine Dan will present you precisely how one can arrange your very personal passive revenue machine that may pay you FOREVER! This system is totally underground and never many entrepreneurs learn about this methodology We make $3,000 monthly on autopilot! How lengthy does it take to arrange a Passive Income Machine? How does 5 minutes sound? Why do I name it “Bills Slayer”? As a result of this pays for all my bills in my each day life so I can use the remainder of my cash to spend money on my enterprise or to take pleasure in!
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carebooks · 2 years
my thoughts on
dragons: the nine realms
season 3, episode 5
warning! spoilers!
so i think adding Eugene to Dragon Club was actually pretty fun, it’s an interesting dynamic
Alex immediately wanting to feed him to the dragons was hilarious, especially how she constantly kept referring to it. i was thinking it too but i didnt think they’d use it for this show, glad that i was wrong
i hope he doesnt turn out into a villain and he can evolve into it
he reminds me of Snotlout in certain aspects and he brings in the sibling duo with Jun that Ruff and Tuff had, only this time they aren’t both as comedically jokers
which is interesting bc when you think about it, none of the core four characters in the nine realms are made to be dumb or dumb-funny characters that we always get in kid shows and movies. which is a very nice change.
adding eugene, who isn’t the brightest person, but not outwardly an idiot, is an interesting take
one of my thoughts when watching it and he was on the search for a dragon of his own i immediately wanted one of his to be an OG dragon from the original series and i had the perfect fit for him: the Monstrous Nightmare.
it works bc not only does Eugene have that Snotlout personality, but there’s a reason that Snotlout bonded with a Nightmare, they’re both similar in personality of being show offs and being a tad selfish
plus they already have one bonded to Tom! why not just pass it on to Eugene?
i liked the cameo of a Razorwhip (shout out to Heather’s dragon Windshear!) im glad they kept switching it up with dragons and they didnt try to keep at it with the first one he saw bc that one is not only rare but powerful and i’d be pissed he got that one
more Terrible Terrors!! i love them
part of me figures why not just have them share Wu and Wei but i can see Jun wanting to not share her dragon
im not gonna lie, Eugene’s dragon Webmaster is not… that well looking
the eight legs are just weird and im pretty sure unnecessary? what kind of function would eight legs have for a dragon?
it looks like a badly drawn kid’s dragon
other than that, cute to see a dragon getting on easy with Eugene
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