#watcher zloy
illmamnim-art · 2 years
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GeminiTay common and rare cards! As well as The Watchers cards just because I wanted :)
I plan on making a bunch more of Beef's cards, so hopefully college won't kill my motivation
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And only the Recap crew! Because I think that turned out well on its own
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goodtimeswithgrian · 2 years
re: why he ourple -- probably just the connection of the nether portals they used to go from evolution to evolution and the general purple theme of the end. aaaand then ATUS was very influential. But in the custom end text that ended Grian’s series, one watcher is green and the other is blue, and then when Grian finally speaks his text is in red. Petition to start popularizing red watcher Grian. (...also conveniently, Zloy is green-coded and Pixlriffs is blue-coded and they literally are head watchers if you consider watchers to be another word for viewers soooooooo--)
okay, i suspected ATUS might be the reason why he ourple, but i never read past the first chapter so wasn't sure. the nether portals also make sense.
yeah, my watcher grian is red because of the text color!! this is an old design bc i'd probably draw him wearing black or red instead of white now, but you get it.
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(also i like the pixl and zloy interpretation, nice)
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tasty-arsenic · 1 year
Question to hermitblr
lore speaking, are Pix and Zloy watchers?
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siriannatan · 2 years
Archeologist Pix origin story - PixZloy
What happens when I watch Sloy and Pix play Elden Ring just after waking up feeling slightly sick… or Something that was on the back of my mind for a long while.
The last thing Pix recalled from before passing out were the endless dunes of Pixandria's desert. Twin moons high up in the sky. Since when were there two moons? And then darkness. 
He should be dead. A simple fact to his mind. He was always ready for the day his life would end. He never expected it'd be something grand or special. Whatever fate had for him he'd accept. And yet...
He was somehow alive. 
Alive. Breathing. And in a place, he could not recognise. A place that was impossible to be possible. As weird as it sounded, that was all his brain could say about this place.
Bookshelves that went up and up and up until he could not see the tops of them through clouds of green and purple smoke with something sparkling in it. Floating candles and rocks with no scale. Some seemed tiny some bigger than Mezalea's palace. White columns with golden details with teal curtains that seemed to be made of that weird smoke and just vanished into nothing at the edges. And all that could be seen through the windows was darkness and... stars? But that should be up. Unless... But that was impossible. No one has ever reached the stars. No elytra had enough durability. No person could breathe that high up.
And yet all he could see through the windows was what was supposed to be the night sky. Both close enough to touch and too far. Just where was he? How did he get here?"
"Finally awake?"
A voice had Pixandria's king looking at a corner of the room he didn't yet look at. There, dressed in a pure white robe with golden details was the most bizarre person. Pix could not say if they were tall or short, the scale seemed out of whack in this mysterious place. They were not sitting on any chair but instead floating in the air cross-legged, one leg hanging down. Their skin was sickly pale and green and their piercing eyes and more golden than all the gold Pix has ever seen in his mortal life combined. Clearly not human judging by the fact that part of the stranger's head was missing, exposing their brain or some decay here and there, disappearing under their robes. They didn't seem too bothered by it.
"I suppose..." Pix said, a bit wary of who or what the stranger was. He read myths about mystical creatures living among the stars. Gods. Celestials. Watchers. All different but similar in how powerful they were said to be. "If I may ask, where am I?"
"Bah, where are my manners, I'm Zloy and we're my home. Some of my kind would say palace but I don't like it," the stranger said as they gently floated down to where Pix was lying on a comfy, huge, bed. As the stranger got closer as they spoke they seemed to get closer to human size. "How are you feeling?"
"Normal," Pix wasn't feeling all that weird or out of ordinary. As weird and extraordinary as his current situation was.
Zloy hummed and gently poked Pix. It was just then Pix realised they had two pairs of arms. Upper left and lower right arms folded back. Lower left on his chin as he thought and upper right poking Pix. "Hmm. Is floating through space in a bubble normal for mortals nowadays? I didn't really pay attention to many worlds these past few hundred years," he asked while poking Pix a few more times.
"As far as I know, no. Last I remember I was... going home," Pix said. He was trying to come back after Vigil got him to go somewhere damn far away.
"Mhm, we should probably get you back then. I'm not sure how long mortals can stay in Watcher abodes before they start to disintegrate," Zloy grinned, as if that was a normal thing to say to a person. "Lucky for you I can figure out what world you're from." Pix could only nod. Watcher? Zloy was one of the most terrible legendary creatures of the stars? But he was nice. And if Pix wasn't slightly freaked out and apprehensive about the undead thing he'd call him slightly handsome (very handsome but he was not admitting that). 
Not that Zloy needed him to say anything. The Watcher just clapped his hands and was back to floating, upside down now but his robes stayed in place and humming. As he did three pairs of giant wings materialised behind him and too many to count, purple eyes surrounded him as he hummed and poked at space. He stayed like this for a while.
"Good news and bad news. Good, I found your world. Bad, something happened and I can't send you there, it's restarting and re-calibrating at the moment and even I can't say how long it'll take," Zloy said as all the wings and eyes slowly vanished.
"Oh... Thank you for checking though..." Pix sighed. At least it explained the lack of connection to the Vigil. He was probably going to, as Zloy said, disintegrate and would never be reborn. It was bad. He was not ready for that.
"Well... I could... No that's dumb," Zloy started something but stopped. As Pix thought he started to spin slowly.
"Could what?" Pix asked. He was really trying to not freak out. He was the king of Pixandria. He could not just randomly freak out.
Zloy froze with his back to Pix for a second and when he was facing him again his so far relaxed expression was tense and unsure. "Well. I could turn you into a Watcher. You wouldn't be as strong as me but strong enough to not disintegrate until your home world is open again, but you'd be connected to me," he explained, slowly landing on the ground that was made of what Pix assumed was starlight and showed more stars under Watcher's bare feet. "You have some time to think about it, I'll tell you if..."
"Yes. We can do that," Pix said slowly. He was not sure if it was a good idea but it seemed to be the only option.
"Are you completely sure? There's no turning back." Pix was sure. He might have thought he was ready for death but he wasn't. Not for this kind. "Okay," Zloy nodded. "You can help me organise my books while we wait for your world to stabilise.
*Many, many years later. Ruins of Ancient Capital of a nameless empire*
A certain archaeologist sat among the ruins, sketching how he assumed they looked in the ages that have passed with no surviving records. It wasn't like anything he remembered from Before. It was probably the first peaceful day since the new Emperors settled in the area. Some were shockingly different from who he used to know. Some were eerily similar. Joel gave him some weird looks. Did his 'god' status give him some insight into what Pix actually...
"Zloy, can you please leave my buttons alone?" Pixl sighed when another button mysteriously fell off his shirt. The third today, he thought as he collected it in one of the many pouches and pockets of his outfit.
"Are you having fun?" the Watcher asked instead, suddenly appearing next to Pix. He didn't change in the slightest since Pix first met him. "And why are you insisting on living in a ruin? Weren't you a king before we met?" Another of Pix's buttons fell off. What was it with Zloy and buttons?
"I never liked luxury, Zloy. Even back then it felt like a waste. Besides, if I want somewhere comfy I can just visit your palace," Pix chuckled as he put his sketching supplies away in their bag. "Would you like a tour?" he offered.
Zloy accepted it with a slight shrug. He didn't really need it but stealing Pix's time was something he enjoyed a lot.
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theportalhopper · 10 months
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I got bored of what to post so I did a redesign of Sage! For those who didn't see that post it's one of my oc's for @rhapsoddity vigilante sheriff au. I actually changed a lot about this character. For one, his backstory is a lot different. He used to work for the watchers however he decided to rebel and wiped any records of his hero identity, this resulted in him becoming a vigilante named Xanthus. He's still befriended Bdubs. He works for the news, more specifically part of the hermitcraft recap crew. He's like their intern but he does sometimes help report with Pix by elaborating certain pieces of information to the audience. His powers have drastically changed. I originally based Sage on the watchers but none of his powers reflected this and there's already a stand in for the watchers in the au so I thought I'd change them. His main power is all seeing eye which allows him to summon an eye symbol he can look through and move around. They can appear anywhere and can allow him to talk to other via their mind. There's a lot of things he can use them for but this is what he mainly uses them for. I also like to think Pix gets captured by villains a lot so him and Zloy have to go save him. I decided to make him a mouse hybrid because I thought it would reflect his new personality. I also decided to change the colors on his hero outfit because the old ones felt too dark for me
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neoflames · 2 years
Watcher!Pix my beloved (/p)
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He gathers data on the Hermits for the other Watchers (that’s what the Hermitcraft Recap is about) (which would in turn make Zloy and Lyharrah Watchers as well but I’m too tired to think about that)
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shins-of-minecrafts · 4 years
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Yes hello I may have gotten carried away and am expanding my ideas for Rising Listeners... Have a Watcher!Zloy :)
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redstonedust · 3 years
thinking over the watchers again, and i like to think that every server has at least one watcher assigned to it-- usually multiple. situations like evo, where the watchers get directly involved and try to influence the story are actually pretty rare, and most other watchers are passive, friendly, and only exist to observe and record server history. y'know, to watch, like their name suggests.
now grian may be a watcher, but he isn't hermitcraft's watcher. in fact he hasn't ever picked up a server to watch over-- third life was supposed to be his thing, but... it's grian, he just can't stay out of it! especially when it's his friends involved.
so who are hermitcraft's actual official watchers?
well. now ok. hear me out:
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would like to inform the general public that I have Recap Boys brainrot at any given time. yes you heard me right, I think about Pix and Zloy very often. appreciate them goddamnit
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probably-aziraphale · 5 years
Anyways i totally slept with X before Z and I became an official thing. But thats no biggie cause everyone was a hoe
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What if the recap guys are watchers 🤔 and the recap show is basically just like an update report they give to the other watchers
Pix and Zloy are some of the more mischievous and fun loving Watchers. The phrase "This week, on Hermitcraft..." strikes terror into the hearts of Watchers who are just looking to have a normal day for once.
– Mod Sorrel
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redwinterroses · 2 years
So, there was that thing last season of making Empiressonas or something, right? Audience members' OCs as citizens of empires or otherwise background characters, wasn't it?
And we are the Watchers.
And Pixlriffs this season doesn't really have an empire that would have living citizens, does he? He's more in charge of the whole world's story, wouldn't you say?
O.O oh I really like what you're suggesting here.
There's already a fun headcanon that the two Voices at the end of Evo could be Watcher!Pix and Watcher!Zloy, and this feels like it goes with that very well.
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Threat Level Classification for TMAU
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Top of the List: Doc. He is. Hoo boy. He is a lot.
Next in line, at threat level ????????? is Keralis. He might be harmless! He’s probably not though. Almost certainly not.
On to the actually coherent categories!
Actively trying for a ritual right now: Ren for the Stranger and Pearl for the Spiral. Existential threat to literally all of mankind. Taking them out is top priority.
Next down the list, those avatars that feed on communities. Often small isolated villages, but just as easily online friend groups or college roommates. The relevant part is that these avatars habitually target multiple people at once. These avatars are Bdubs, Cleo, Grian, Gem, and Stress (Note: Avatars of the Web such as Grian and Gem are much more likely than followers of other dread powers to choose multiple targets.) 
Next, the typical avatar. Those that feed on one individual or perhaps a couple at a time. These avatars are Beef, Joe Hills, Jevin, False, Impulse, Iskall, Zedaph, and Tango.
The next threat category is a little different. These avatars are not proactive hunters. They do not seek out prey, but wait for prey to come to them. They are harmless if left unprovoked. If provoked, however, they are easily some of the most dangerous avatars we know of. They are TFC, xB, and Etho.
Back to conventional threats, not all of them are all that threatening. You will almost certainly survive an encounter with Mumbo, Wels, or Xisuma without even much severe trauma. It is not entirely clear how any of them get enough fear not to starve.
Last, but certainly not least, there are humans who are both brave and foolsih enough to maintain that humanity in a world full of avatars. Relevant to us are Cubfan, Hypno, and Scar. They have all ordinary human weaknesses, but should not be underestimated or treated lightly. (Note: There is some evidence to suggest that Scar may not be entirely human. There is also far more evidence to suggest that Scar is gullible, naive, easily confused, and enjoys lying for fun.) 
Not pictured: Pixlriffs and Zloy, representing the Recap Institute, are currently trying for the ritual of the Watcher’s Crown. 
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flamryn · 3 years
Pix’s Empires series ends in the same way that Grian’s EVO series ended in the sense that he gets picked up by the Watchers, but instead of becoming one of the main ones, he gets paired with Zloy to watch the Hermitcraft Server
They start a podcast to share what’s going on down there for other worlds. The other watchers Hate It.
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galaxygermdraws · 3 years
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Watcher headcanons? Watcher headcanons :D And they’re Multi-SMP
I’ll put the rambling under a read more 
(Reblogs with tags n comments are appreciated and preferred over just likes. Thankyuuu)
So rambling time. 
Watchers come in 3 types, natural born, half natural born/natural hybrid, or gifted. Grian n Zloy are gifted watchers, Pixl, Phil, and Scott are all natural born Watchers(Scott is also a Starborn, much like Grian), and Ranboo is Half Watcher(congrats to @/harley-the-pancake for figuring it out). 
Zloy and Pixl, in my headcanon, are actually the Watchers at the end of Evo, just because Watchers are the audience and,  Grian was already on HC, n since they’re the HC Recap duo, it would make sense they were Watchers. You guys are totally free to ask questions both here and over on our spam because I need to get my thoughts out about Watcher headcanons
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The hermits meet every Sunday to discuss “the events and mishaps on the Hermitcraft server that week.”
Pix, Zloy and Lyrah are the Hermitcraft watchers, who sometimes show up to say hi or make sure there isn’t too much murder.
They also have a slight interest in Grian-
Oooh!! Fun!
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