#wash spirit
hydrationbreak · 1 year
Michele Kang is living her best life.
Don't mind me just marveling over the looks and how fucking proud she is to be supporting women's soccer.
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animeglitch · 5 months
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leveloneandup · 4 months
THE DEBRIEF: Tobin Heath Debriefs Angel City FC v Washington Spirit
This is the Debrief.
One soccer game, each week.
Debriefed by USWNT legend and 2x World Cup Champion Tobin Heath
This week’s match: Angel City FC v Washington Spirit
“The Debrief is a concept that comes from the U.S. Women’s National Team.
A sports psychologist came in before the 2019 World Cup to figure out the marginal gains - what could we do that no other team was going to be doing to win that World Cup?
We’d go on the field for 90-plus minutes. And no matter what happened - win, lose, or tie - we’d come back to the locker room, sit down, and debrief.
What did that look like? Everybody just getting out all of their energy on the past game. Their feelings. Their emotions. Holding each other accountable. Whether it was the good, bad, or ugly it was a time to expel all of our feeling about the game. And then we’d wipe our hands and say ‘onto the next game.’
Doing it collectively as a team was a game changer. It completely unlocked our ability to move through tournaments in a positive way.
So we took this concept and put it into this show. I’m going to watch one game every week, and then I’m going to just expel all of my feelings about the game and together we’ll Debrief.”
- Tobin
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weaselle · 7 months
being a line cook is insane but people do it anyway
do you want to know the secret to why line cooks stay line cooks?
We're addicted to a certain aspect of the job. A sort of combination of Pride and Power.
See, most of what is going on in that restaurant comes down to you. If the restaurant was a dairy, you'd be the cow, everything is based on what you produce; how much, how fast, and of what quality.
And it's INSANELY hard for most people to do. It requires you to keep mental track of tons of stuff while doing complicated physical creation in a dangerous environment under intense pressure
Any line cooks reading this? let me recreate a moment most of us have had many many times
For the rest of you this will be a nice window into the line cook experience
you have a rail FULL of tickets, and the printer will NOT stop printing more.
You've got a stove FULL of stuff you're cooking, and half of it is for stuff you don't even have a ticket for, because of something on a table that already went out was wrong or missing, or a server forgot to put something on a ticket and needs it in a hurry, or...
the tickets you are working on are for tables that finished their appetizers 45 minutes ago, and it could be an hour before you even get a chance to read whatever the printer is currently printing.
You have a head FULL of stuff you're tracking: how quickly the sauce is thickening in this pan, whether the garlic is about to burn in that pan, how long before you drain the pasta in that pot before it over cooks. As soon as the thing in the oven for table 31 is 5 minutes from done you gotta put the other thing on the flat top to go with it, you're putting together Something on your board and you can't finish it because you need a refill of an ingredient from the walk-in but you can't go get it because if you leave the kitchen you'll burn the thing in the salamander. And you can't plate the thing in salamander yet because the Something you're putting together on your board is taking up all the room you had left in this disaster of a kitchen
Three people have just told you complicated changes to dishes you have to organize and keep in your head. Something like
"24 needs 3 gnocchi not 4, and 2 with no rosemary; 3 needs all 4 gnocchi to have extra rosemary, 2 with no garnish; 22 needs an extra gnocchi extra garnish no rosemary, salads are almost out you can go in 3 or 4 minutes"
The manager, assistant manager, about 8 servers, and a fuckton of people at tables are all waiting on YOU with an impatience bordering on fury.
right? sound familiar? okay that's not the moment, that's just the dinner rush on a night somewhere between bad and average.
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The moment happens when, during this insanity, you reach an internal place where you become completely overwhelmed. Panic and frustration and over stimulus all rise up and wipe your brain completely clean. You can't think, you have no idea what to do, you want to run away, you want to quit, you can barely think of your own name, everything feels completely impossible.
And then. The Moment
You pull it back together.
You stop being overwhelmed, you stop panicking, you insist that it IS possible, and that you are going to do it. You decide what has to happen and you start. You clear all the clutter you can from your kitchen. You pull all your tickets as far down the rail as possible and scan through the tickets on the printer so you have an idea of how things are going to go. You write down a couple of times on tickets that you would usually keep in your head but you need the brain space. You group the tickets according to not only time but what dishes they have in common so you can do batches of things. You decide if you can just get these two things out of your way you'll be in a much better position and so you concentrate on getting those two things cooked and plated. You beg the dishwasher to grab you the thing you need from the walk-in. You call your assistant manager or manager into the kitchen and you tell them you need them to start you 8 gnocchis: 3 no rosemary one extra garnish, 4 extra rosemary two no garnish, and one normal.
Right? Okay so first of all, as you can see... The job is INSANE
and second of all. Not everybody is capable of that Moment. The moment you stare already-existing catastrophic failure in the face and tell it No. That moment.
and you have to be capable of that moment if you want to be a line cook.
Which means pretty close to zero other people in that restaurant can do what you can do.
So now let me tell you a story.
I was 19 years old. I was a line cook at an italian joint. We're slammed off our ass one night, and the manager is in the little galley kitchen with me, and he's just standing there because he isn't good enough to not be in the way if he tries to help
and he's over my should about everything, telling me to drain that more or turn the heat down on this etc.
Finally, I stop completely, look him dead in the eye, and say "Tony, i'm not cooking another thing until you leave this kitchen."
I'm 19. Ive worked here six months. Tony is twice my age and married to the owner's daughter. There is a heavy pause.
Then Tony turns around and walks out of the kitchen.
What's he going to do, send me home? Zero other people in this restaurant can do the thing that makes it a restaurant. If i go home the customers are going home too.
And that's the real reason most line cooks stay line cooks even though the job feels like a war you never win.
It's that interplay of Pride and Power. For those few hours, the restaurant is happening because of you.
That's the power.
For the other part, try pulling a cook off the line during the rush. You can't. Even if they are in the weeds. Maybe even especially if they are in the weeds.
Once i was working with a cook who, in the middle of the dinner rush, sliced is hand open - a cut both deep and wide, pouring blood. No bandage we had was going to be a solution for it.
So he popped a latex glove on that hand, triple wrapped a rubber band around his wrist to keep the blood in, washed with soap, and went right back to cooking.
Because it was the dinner rush and no one else could do the job, and he wasn't coming off that line.
30 minutes in he had to swap gloves because it had filled with blood like a water balloon and was making it hard to cook. Leaving the line was never even a question.
that's the pride
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agent-jaselin · 3 months
Why does every meta on Solas seem to misinterpret his motivations as remembering the empire as wonderful and wanting to bring that back? One even blamed him for not realizing that the empire’s fall to humans or something else was inevitable ?
He knows that, he tells Dorian that in the same party conversation where he tells Dorian that the elven empire fell before the humans even got there!
Like yeah I’m sure Elves being able to self govern themselves is a goal but it’s not the biggest one.
Because people seem to forget that the Veil was just slapped up there and is not supposed to be there. It’s a poorly made dam causing an ecological disaster. He wants it down for spirits sanity, for elves and others conscious connection to the fade, and the one thing these meta get right: elves immortality.
He does miss the beauty of his world from before, and the things people could achieve, he wants to see them do that again. But i don’t think it’s connected to the actual empire so much as it is to the nature of the world when it wasn’t barren.
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home-fire · 11 months
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Very simple set up for noumenia, with a candle for Hestia and offerings of incense, olive oil, and honey almond rolls.
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pocketgalaxies · 3 months
laudna truly is the gps tracker of this party
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crowrave · 4 months
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The best of my armor and amulets I have are all Atlantean Cursed so poor Crown has to suffer for some good stats
Below are the alts (Without darker cover, + no text)
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This surprisingly only took an hour because of the shading and struggle to make the red spirit thing all wispy
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thewitchesfortune · 4 months
Hey, witch tip for those who live in apartment complexes that often fuck up the water for no reason. Instead of a cleansing bath when the water is shut off, make a cleansing wash and put it in a spray bottle after it's cooled down. Spray the whole apartment, paying special attention to all doors and windows, and then spray yourself down with it, and allow yourself to air dry
I am getting tired of this complex either not having hot water or having no water at all, but I've been needing a cleansing for pretty much the whole week. I can't stand cold showers, especially for as long as I need to be in one to do a cleansing, so in lue of a proper shower, at least this method will help some people be able to still do a decent cleansing
Another tip, add some isopropyl alcohol to the spray bottle to prevent it from molding and you can keep it in there for a while and do multiple cleanses. Those little bottles from dollar general will let me do my whole apartment, then I have to re-fill it
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mithriel-of-mithlond · 4 months
Long time no see, Adrius
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roitaminnah · 2 years
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posting this aggie drawing i made like an hour ago because it's making me laugh a lot. featuring miniature diyamin by my best friend balls-on-my-face
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exeggcute · 7 months
looking at furniture on urbanoutfitters.com (as one sometimes does. I need a cheap/whimsical side table lol) and it's tripping me up how many of these listing photos are dramatically lit with bright highlights and really deep shadows, like someone had the flash on when they didn't quite need it, in a way that makes them look deliberately Photographed. which maybe is the point?
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ereh-emanresu-tresni · 7 months
No but fr imagine making an adaptation where you're so desperate to overexaggerate the whole "you were a coward who ran from your responsibilities so must work to make up for it now" melodrama, to the point of sacrificing multiple critical characters' distinct and appreciable personalities into the woodchipper in favor of one-dimensional screamranting, but then also just like... Don't proceed to have him do much if anything to start making up for it. Did Aang literally at any point even consider learning waterbending, let alone actually practice it one (1) time outside of being controlled by the avatar state/ocean spirit? No. Because otherwise how could we shoehorn in another bs "I'm not a waterbender I can't help defend you :c" "tsk guess we still can't count on the Avatar >:/" exchange? uGH
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tyrin1350 · 2 years
If you’re not black you’re not a Stud.
If you’re not Indigenous you’re not a Two Spirit.
It’s the same caliber of not being black/mixed and calling yourself “light skinned”
If you’re using any BIPOC terms when referring to yourself and you’re NOT that’s so cringe.
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july-19th-club · 8 months
was looking up the only ash wednesday song ive ever loved (offering of ashes. btw. or just ashes. tom conry 1978 i know nothing else about this man except that he wrote this song) (for fic purposes) and stumbled upon a forum full of catholics discussing the revised version that was included in the 2021 hymnal and boyyyyyyyy the trads HATE this song. it was a 70s piece and a bit hippydippy in the sense that, for a catholic song, it is low on guilt and strong on self-forgiveness, and the first guy in the thread just has to point out that the unrevised version was too pelagian to be properly catholic
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trixstriforce · 11 months
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i am once again glad my hc that hyrule's coming of age was not 18 and everyone who edits the link's ages up to fit our standards of adulthood r dumb
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