#was reading it and went hmmmm. this sounds a bit familiar.
not a bad book, jst a bit hamfisted and rushed. also too real ✌🏻😘
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Genre: smut, romance? Idk?
Summary: The reunion with your childhood best friend took some turns, and instead of hugs and tears all you wanted to do was kill the familiar stranger, that made your day at work worse.
(Ye, I suck at describing lmao)
Word count: 6.7k
Warnings: 18+ (MINORS DNI), unprotected sex, dom!Dabi, creampie, a bit of dacryphilia, a bit of teasing, rough sex, choking, facefucking.
,,Girl, just hop into the water’’ Mina screamed, taking all the attention you were giving to your phone. You were already regretting the decision you made to join her and Bakugo. You’ve never liked those public pools, and you never understand people who did. Like seriously, children there pee in the water, some of them even poop, who knows ? And its not that you are some hygiene freak, it’s simply a no go for you.
,, Nah, I’m good over here’’ You screamed back, hoping she heard you, as you hid under the shadow of the tree. Sun was also a big minus for you, since 10 minutes were enough for you to get sunburnt and end up with Yoghurt all over your body trying to pamper the burning stings. Plus your pierced nipples didn’t help in this case either, heating up too fast in the sun, since the only peace of clothing that covered them was your swimming suit.
,, You are no fun’’ she pouted, hoping her puppy face will work on you.
Usually on your days off, you liked to enjoy your time at home, reading a nice book or simply lazing around watching a movie, cooking for yourself, and doing simply anything that didn’t include contact with others. Yeah, you had enough contact with people since you were working at the famous café in the city.
People who saw you working there thought that you loved your job. Always smiling, always having so much patience. Truth to be told, you were exactly the opposite. You hate it wholeheartedly. You couldn’t deal with children screaming around all the time, while their parents ignored them, you couldn’t deal with drunk dudes, cat calling you all the time, and you couldn’t deal with rude costumers always complaining about something. Fuck it, you couldn’t deal with anyone.
You felt more than happy once the day came to an end and once you waved goodbye to your co-workers. Nothing against them of course, you loved Mina and Bakugo, but sun, water and loud crowd of people drained your energy out. At that point you found yourself appreciating your apartment and your bed more then ever before.
The next day you woke up pretty late, since you had late shift. Not that you were complaining, you liked sleeping longer, but the fact that you will be working till fucking 10 PM, if not even longer since it was summer, was driving you insane.
Sure waking up early isn’t amazing, but in the morning there wasn’t that much work, and it was much more quiet then in late shift. And sure, some people would consider calling sick, but you didn’t want to be such an asshole toward your co-workers.
Since you will be the one getting the orders on the counter and maybe, only maybe work with ice cream, you decided to wear your favorite comfy skirt, not too long, but also covering everything up. Once you found your fav comfy shirt, you tucked it inside of your skirt and did your casual make up before you left your apartment.
You didn’t like your work, but you were thankful that you could at least get a free meal there, since it saved a lot of time for you. It wasn’t anything special, but at least you didn’t have to prepare anything or stop to buy something before work.
,, DROP THE BEAT’’ Bakugo yelled once he saw you coming, making some weird noises as you gave your best to give them a Top Model walk.
,, TC, TC, TC’’ you repeated, waving your hips from side to side in the beat with the weird sound you and Bakugo made. You hopped beside them, as you took the small pack of cigarettes out of your bag.
Usually after the end of the morning shift, you and your co-workers sit together, enjoying the last minute of the shift exchange together. Of course if there’s a new costumer, one of you would go to work immediately. But most of the time, the café was almost empty at that time, giving you a chance to catch up a bit.
,, Today was pain in the ass, I swear’’ Shiggy said, taking one cigarette out of your package, while Bakugo told you everything you needed to know, if there was something to do and so on. Nodding your head, you lit a cigarette for yourself, preparing yourself for one hell of annoying day that was waiting for you.
Once Bakugo and Shiggy went home, you made your way toward the small counter, preparing everything you needed for the late shift, as you waited for Mina to arrive. You were glad that there weren’t any new costumers, since it gave you lots of time to prepare everything, from ice cream, to sandwiches and drinks.
,, Hiii girl, sorry for being late’’ Mina greeted you happily, while you placed the new drinks into the fridge. It wasn’t anything new for you, she was always late, but you never minded it at all. Your team had some up’s and down’s, but after all, all of you worked great together.
Around 7PM you wished you never got that fucking job. The café was getting fuller and fuller, and people were getting more and more annoying.
,, Can you please serve that table ?’’ Mina asked, pointing on the table where some boys were sitting down. Nodding your head, you took the small notebook and pen, before you made your way towards the table you had to serve.
,, Heyy, what can I do for you?’’ you asked, acting all happy as you prepared the small notebook to write the order.
,, Well, you can blow me off if you are asking that nicely’’ one of them said, making the rest of the boys laugh loudly. Taking one deep breath, you almost rolled your eyes in annoyance.
,, Can I take your order ?’’ you repeated yourself, ignoring the rude comments they gave you, talking about your skirt and how you looked, like you weren’t standing right in front of them.
,, Five beers. Sorry, they really don’t know how to behave’’ one of them, mature enough, said. Giving you one small and apologetic smile. Nodding your head, you just hurried back, wanting to finish their order fast enough, before you did something you would regret later.
Once you bought them their beer, and once they gave you the money, you almost smacked the bottle against the blondies head, when he started checking you out shamelessly. What pissed you even more was the fact that the line waiting for fucking ice cream was already waiting for you.
The whole day was a complete disaster and you wished more then ever to finish your shift and leave the fucking café. At least you had Mina by your side, as the two of you gave each other encouraging words.
,, What can I get for you?’’ you asked, faking a smile at the woman with a child. You were so done with that fucking job, but you couldn’t let the costumers figure that out.
,, Honey, what do you want?’’ she asked her child, as she prepared her wallet. The fact that she was waiting for you to come, and than ask her child what she wants was lowkey pissing you off. They could literally decide before you arrived, but whatever.
,, I want vanilla… Hmmmm, I want mint and strawberry!’’ the little girl screamed excitedly, as you prepared the cone, already putting the vanilla ice cream in it.
,, I’m sorry, we are out of Strawberry ice cream’’ you said, giving her a small smile, as the child started screaming and crying around how she wants strawberry. You had to give your best and stop yourself from throwing the cone against the child’s face. That little girl was old enough to understand what a no means.
,, Sorry sweetie, do you want anything else?’’ you asked, hoping she’ll stop with the whole theater.
,, Noooo I want strawberry’’ she screamed, crying loudly.
,, Just give her raspberry’’ the woman said, rolling her eyes in annoyance like it was your fault that you were out of the strawberry ice cream. Mina noticed that your blood was already boiling, as she asked you if you need some help. Once she heard you saying how everything’s fine, she continued with her work.
,, What can I get you?’’ you repeated the same question, as a guy approached, holding his phone in his right hand. You looked at him, giving him one fake smile, as you analyzed his face. Black hair, scarred face, few tattoos and lots of piercings. His appearance was pretty much freaking you out, but you had to stay professional and just wait for his order.
,, Hey, strawberry and chocolate’’ he said, casually scrolling the screen of his phone with his thumb. The moment you heard him say strawberry you wanted to quit that fucking job and just move to Poland or whichever country.
,, We are out of strawberry, sorry’’ you breathed out, hoping that the last cell in your brain didn’t die at that moment.
,,Oh ok, then only strawberry is fine’’ he said, giving you a small smile. At that moment you were more then sure that he was making fun of you, even a deaf person was able to catch up that strawberry wasn’t an option anymore after that stupid child made a scene. And that’s when you finally snapped, having enough of everyone’s shit.
,, Which part of we are out of strawberry you didn’t understand?’’ you asked, slamming the cone onto the counter, almost regretting your actions. But once you noticed the way he was trying not to laugh made you snap even more.
,, Are you making fun of me ? Is this funny to you ?’’ your voice was raising with every word you spoke. Once Mina realized that you were having your half mental breakdown, screaming at costumer, she hurried toward you, repeating your name all over again as she tired to catch your attention.
Hearing your name, his eyes widened in surprise, now totally focused on you instead of his cellphone and if Mina wasn’t there, you would probably start a bitch fight with him for even looking at you that way.
,, Woah, what’s going on? ‘’ she asked confused, as you gave the dude death glares.
,,This guy here is going on. He’ll be my 13th reason why’’ you screamed waving your hands in air, not even trying to calm down anymore.
,, Chill out, we only have 30 minutes more till we close’’ she said, patting your back slowly, as she mouthed small sorry to the guy.
,, Oh, 30 minutes ? We’re out of the ice cream’’ you hissed, slamming the glass down, giving him a clear sign that he won’t lick shit tonight. If your boss heard and saw you at that moment, you would be fired in just a second.
After 20 minutes, the two of you happily told the costumers that they have to leave. Before you could leave, you took two corona tests, already working on your own test as Mina went to the toilet to change.
,, OH MY GOD, YOU’RE PREGNANT’’ she screamed, placing one hand over her mouth.
,, Bitch, this is corona test’’ you hissed, loud laugh following your words. ,, And it’s only one line, which means that I’m negative. What the fuck’’ you laughed, placing one test in front of her, thinking about where the fuck did she get all her informations from, since she thought that one line means pregnant. Ignoring the fact that she thought that corona test is fucking pregnancy test.
,, You really overacted today, maybe he didn’t hear’’ she said, as you puffed onto your cigarette.
,, Girl, even my grandma from nursing home could hear that we were out of strawberry, and trust me her hearing aids ain’t worth shit’’ you rolled your eyes, making Mina giggle quietly.
,, But still, he might tell to boss, you don’t know that guy’’ she whispered, as you watched the guy sitting on the bench with his friends. She had a point sadly, he did look like someone who would cause trouble just for fun.
,, You’re right, I’ll go and apologize’’ you said once you saw him wave goodbye to his friends. Taking one deep breath you hugged Mina, before you forced yourself to walk fast enough to catch up with him.
,, Hey’’ you screamed, almost running behind him, hoping he actually heard you. Once he turned around, giving you one hella confusing look, you sighed in relief, placing both of your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath.
,, Wow, such a sporty spirit’’ he joked as he watched you fight for air.
,, Yeah, oh my god. I just wanted to apologize for what happened earlier’’ you managed to say somehow, ignoring his comments.
,, Yeah, that wasn’t very nice of you’’ he pointed, taking one cigarette and placing it between his lips. ,,I was ready to write a review on google about the way you treated me’’ he joked once again, but you completely misunderstood it.
,,I KNEW IT, I FUCKING KNEW IT’’ you screamed, pointing your finger in his direction. ,, Look man, I already hate my job, don’t make it any worse’’ you whined loudly, not getting the irony in his voice.
,, Well, let me treat you with dinner, what do you think? And then I’ll think about the review’’ he smiled, using the way you misunderstood his words in his advantage. Once you heard him say that, you definitely regretted the way you acted one hour ago.
,, That won’t work, I have a cat waiting for me home and trust me, he ain’t capable feeding himself on his own’’ you spat, hoping he’ll understand and simply leave you alone, but once you saw him raise his eyebrow at you and giving you one questioning look, you almost rolled your eyes on him.
,, but you can come with me and we can order fucking tacos or whatever’’ you added, surprised that you went that far and disappointed once he accepted your invite.
,,Taquitoooo, I’m home babyyyy’’ you screamed, kicking your shoes as you got inside your apartment. Turning around you found the tall man looking around, analyzing every corner of your apartment.
,, Taquito? You’ve gotta be kidding me’’ he laughed at you. Even tho you just met the guy, it felt like you knew him for ages for some weird reason.
He sat outside on the balcony, as you prepared the two glasses and drinks for the two of you, while he ordered some food.
,, Anyway, what’s your name ?’’ you asked, remembering that you don’t know shit about the man sitting in your apartment.
,,Ah yes, I totally forget that, the name is Dabi’’ he grinned, taking the glass away from you, as he made himself at home.
,, Why the fuck did you call your cat Taquito?’’ he asked, as your cat jumped onto his lap, purring softly, making you just stare at them surprisingly. Taquito didn’t even like your family and friends, yet he was all cuddly with some fucking stranger.
,, Yeah long story short, I was drunk as fuck, found him on the street while I watched the stupid Tiktok about a girl that bought a turtle and called it Taquito’’ you said fast, as you sat there waiting for the food. Once you had a good look of him, something felt off. Nothing weird or scary, but you only felt like you already knew him. Sure, you definitely wouldn’t forget a face like his, but something about his eyes was telling you that you met him somewhere.
,, Anyway, enough about my cat. Did we meet somewhere?’’ you asked, staring at him shamelessly as he played with Taquito.
,, Maybe ?’’ he said, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
,, Cut it. Your eyes are familiar. I swear, I feel like I know you from somewhere ‘’ you confessed, placing a finger on your lip, as you tried to figure out from where you know him.
,, Yeah, I have such a pretty eyes, don’t I’’ he said, blinking fast as he tried to give some weird effect with it.
,, You can’t be that stupid doll’’ he added, when he realized that you still can’t remember him. Sure he changed, sure he went thru some shit and ended up with scars, and sureee he colored his hair black, but still he felt a bit disappointed when he realized that you have no idea who he is.
,, Does a name Touya tell you anything ?’’ he asked, raising his eyebrow at you playfully, laughing loudly at your confused face.
,, Nah, go fuck with someone else, that can’t be true’’ you hissed, crossing your arms on your chest. If you saw Touya, you would remember him, your childhood best friend.
,, Monday, 2PM, old tree house?’’ he said, almost asked about something only the two of you knew, trying not to laugh at your shocked expression.
,, It can’t be’’ you gasped, eyes wide enough, almost popping out of your skull. ,, YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY DIDN’T YOU CONTACT ME?’’ you screamed jumping suddenly, making Taquito run form his lap, scared from your sudden reaction.
,, Honestly, I forgot what your last name was, so I couldn’t find you anywhere’’ he admitted, happy you finally remembered him. Sure he didn’t recognize you at first either, but once he heard your co worker calling you by your name, he immediately figured everything out, and understood why you seemed so familiar.
,, Are you serious ? And what kind of reunion was that ? I was ready to choke you with a fucking ice cream cone’’ you laughed, still not believing that the stranger sitting in front of you was no one else than fucking Touya Todoroki, the best friend you once had that left you behind and went overseas.
,, Yeah that was one iconic reunion if you ask me’’ he laughed out, thinking about the way you acted few hours ago.
The two of you talked about everything possible, about his life overseas, about the past, your shitty job, your cat and his dislike on every living being. Once it was too late, he wanted to leave, but you simply couldn’t let him go home at such a late hour, since people at the city were pretty weird and the city isn’t the quiet and safe one and after a long time of your insisting he finally agreed.
When you woke up, Touya was nowhere to be found, but he did leave a small piece of paper, with a number and apology written on it. You grinned to yourself, as you hurried to get ready for your work, since you stood up too late.
The day was much better than the last one, only instead of Mina who always managed to calm you down, you had Bakugo who was even more aggressive then you are by your side. You had the same task as last night, but once you saw Touya and his group of friends making themselves comfortable at one of the tables in the corner, you told Bakugo that you’ll take their order.
,, hayyy, alredy know your order ?’’ you asked excitedly placing your hands on Touya’s shoulders from behind, the smile on your face being honest for a change.
,, My girllll, why didn’t you text me ?’’ he whined, as he grabbed your hands and pulled you down, forcing you to hug him.
,, Didn’t the two of you have a huge fight last night because of strawberry ice cream?’’ one of his friends asked, totally confused.
,, We talked it out’’ you laughed, as he placed a small kiss on your cheek, before you finally took their order, almost forgetting you are at work.
If you were being honest, the whole shift was better with him and Bakugo who was cursing every second costumer around. Almost every 15 minutes Touya would end up at the counter, asking for a strawberry ice cream. Every time you would tell him that you are out of it, he would simply ask for the Book of complaints, making you roll your eyes playfully at him.
You were surprised when you noticed that he was actually waiting for you, laughing loudly when Bakugo commented how this whole romantic shit is making him sick.
The next few days the two of you spend way too much together, and first time in forever you actually liked having someone around. Every day he would drop by at your work, and wait till you are done and then the two of you would go home and have a late dinner, while he had cuddle season with Taquito.
On Saturday, you were looking for excuses to call sick, and once Mina told you that the only person who would be forced to jump in was no one else than Rumi, you immediately called them, acting all sick and everything.
After you called, you gave yourself one good deserved nap, not feeling bad anymore since Rumi was the co-worker no one liked.
The loud knocks at your door woke you up, grabbing your phone your eyes widened in shock once you realized that you slept almost the whole day. Rubbing your eyes, you rushed to open the damn door.
,, What the fuck?’’ Touya hissed, once he saw you healthy and alive standing there in nothing but oversized shirt.
,, what? I overslept a bit’’ you gave him a weak smile, as you let him in. You were surprised yourself that you slept that long, but you totally deserved it.
,, I swear, once your co worker told me you’re sick, I thought you died or something’’ he added, following you inside.
,, Yeah, I just needed some rest’’ you laughed, hoping he’ll chill the fuck out. Thankfully he calmed down real fast, almost forgetting about all the worry he had once he saw you all healthy, and once he saw Taquito running happily to him.
There was something comforting in having Touya around again. Somehow it made you feel like a child again, and the fact that he’s staying this time, for real, made your heart skip a beat for some weird reason. He was all the time around, at your work waiting for you, giving you a ride back home or walking you back home, dropping by on your days off with your favorite snacks and so on. Usually you wouldn’t like it, but since it was him, you embraced the affection he was giving you wholeheartedly.
You even became a laughing stick at your work, as your co-workers always made jokes about your new lover boy. Especially Mina and Bakugo, turning every conversation into Touya related one.
Making the drinks some costumers ordered, a yawn escaped your lips. Still sleepy as fuck, you somehow managed to put your attention on your work instead of the lack of sleep.
,, So, how was the date last night ? What did you two do ?’’ you asked, remembering that Bakugo met some girl he liked so much last night.
,, See when two people come together, they perform an intimate act called getting fucking railed’’ Bakugo said, trying to sound as romantic as possible.
,, You’re disgusting’’ you gasped, throwing the small sponge at him, as he laughed loudly, making his way to the costumer that just got in.
You were completely focused on your work, until Bakugo told you that your lover boy is there, and he’ll be the one to get his order. Rolling your eyes, you just let him do it, as you continued with the work you already did.
Bakugo was much louder than usually, probably because his little date went good, singing around you and joking around every now and then. Not that it bothered you, in fact, you were so glad that he showed his unusual side that day, since he’s grumpy and mad almost all the time.
,, I swear the headache is killing me today’’ you whined loudly, hopping beside Touya once you got the chance. You took one cigarette from him, and lit it up, enjoying the peace with almost no costumers around.
,, You seem pretty close with that guy’’ Touya said, also taking one cigarette.
,, Huh? You mean Bakugo?’’ you asked and he simply nodded his head, not taking his eyes from the spiky haired guy. ,, Yeah, we are pretty close’’ you added, puffing onto your cigarette.
,, You like him ?’’ Touya’s eyes met yours, making you feel a bit uneasy with his sudden behavior.
,, No, we are literally only friends and he’s much younger, wait, why ?’’ you were too confused, finding it hard to proceed the whole situation. Changing the topic, he simply asked what you wanna do after work, acting as nothing happened at all.
,, So, that Bakugo guy, he has a girlfriend ?’’ Touya asked, as the two of you made your way to the nearest store.
,, At this point I’m not sure if you are interested in me or Bakugo’’ you joked, dragging your feet lazily.
,, In you, obviously’’
After that day Touya was giving his best to show you how he felt, he was giving his best to show everyone to who you belong. Being a little too touchy in front of his friends and your co workers, in a way that seemed innocent to you, yet clear to everyone else. Small kisses he usually placed on your cheeks, were getting closer and closer to your lips. The hand he usually places around your shoulders, was getting lower and lower.
Even when he comes over, he was using every little chance he had to touch you, using everything you liked into his advantage. He knew how much you loved when someone caressed you, and he did it more than gladly for you. Tracing his fingers against your soft skin, starting with your arms, only to end up with his hand under your shirt, caressing your back slowly, until you would end up falling asleep in his arms.
,, What do you want to watch ?’’ you asked, placing the bowl of popcorn onto the table, while Touya waited for you patiently on you couch. The weather was perfect for nothing else than a lazy movie evening.
Hopping next to him, you made yourself comfortable as you listened to the storm outside. The sound of strong wind and thunder was more then relaxing to you, and for some reason you enjoyed weather like that.
Gasping loudly, you jumped a little once your cat tried to climb onto you, destroying your small enjoyable moment.
,,Taquito get the fuck off her, she has a boyfriend’’ Touya pushed the cat away gently, joking around, as you just sat there and watched him, eyes wide in shock.
,, Do I?’’ you asked, not moving at all.
,, Fuck yes, you do’’ he added, wrapping his right arm around you, pulling you closer to him, as he looked for a perfect movie to watch. He took his time searching for anything interesting, mumbling some words of disappointments as he couldn’t find anything on Netlfix. At the end he played Oh, Ramona! , since none of you watched it and it was it was simply in Netflix recommendation list.
Pulling you closer to him, he started tracing his fingers along your arm, both of you concentrated on the weird movie that was playing on the screen of your Television. You always begged your friends to caress your arm, since you loved the ticklish feeling that always made you sleepy, yet they would always refuse it, giving you some lame excuses how they’re tired and so on.
Now that Touya was doing it without you having to ask him, you tried to enjoy every second of it. If you only knew, how much Touya enjoyed it, almost as much as you did. The feeling of your soft skin under his fingertips was driving him crazy, as he traced them down your tattoos, mesmerizing every inch of them.
The air got steamier in one moment, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the overly erotic scenes that were showed in the movie, or because his hand was now under your shirt, slowly moving from your back, to the side of your hips.
Trying to calm yourself down a little, you grabbed your phone, checking out all of the unread messages in the group chat. The way he moved hiss hands from side to side made you almost way to shaky. It took you some time to write a reply to your friends, and you almost dropped your phone once he put a little bit pressure into his touch, making your skin burn under his palm.
,, You should concentrate on the movie doll’’ Touya said, not stopping his movements.
,, Yeah, sorry’’ you mumbled, dropping your phone beside you, as you tried not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Once the movie got too erotic fro your taste, you found yourself with your phone in your hands again, trying to hide the blush that was spreading across your cheeks. Of course, that didn’t go unnoticed by Touya. Annoyed groan left his lips, as he snatched the phone away from you.
,, You really don’t listen’’ he pointed, hiding the phone away from you, as you complained quietly. The hand that was under your shirt was suddenly wrapped around your neck, pushing you slowly into the couch, there was no pressure in it, but the sudden turn of the whole situation made your eyes widen in shock.
,, Are you bored doll? ‘’ he asked, his face only inches away from yours as he locked your body under his own.
,, No, it’s just.. the movie is too much’’ you whispered, gulping on your saliva as he slowly tapped his fingers around your neck. This time you didn’t have to ask yourself, you knew that he was the one turning you on, and not the fucking scenes from the movie.
,, too erotic’’ you mumbled, making him laugh loudly.
,, You should have kept your eyes on me, instead of your phone, if it was getting to much for you’’ he gave you a smile, a dangerous one.
,, That won’t help’’ you confessed, making him smirk widely as you spoke those words. How could it help, when he was laying beside you handsome without even trying, as his hand was caressing your body gently.
,, Oh, am I turning you on?’’ he asked, mocking you shamelessly, as you tried to avoid his eyes.
Touya didn’t need your reply, the way you acted in the moment was enough for him, and God did he want to fuck you senseless in that moment. His hand moved a bit up from your neck, holding your jaw in one place, as he connected his lips with yours.
His hold on your jaw grew stronger, forcing you to open your mouth just enough so he could slip his tongue inside. Not breaking the kiss, he parted your tights apart, as he hovered on top of you, his hips between your legs, slowly grinding against your clothed core.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer into the kiss, not giving a shit about the movie or your phone anymore. The way he was grinding against you, the way you could feel his hard dick rubbing against you, made you insane in that moment and you found yourself wanting more and more.
,, On your knees’’ Toyua commanded, breaking the kiss as he sat onto the couch, spreading his legs enough to give you some space between them. Without thinking twice, you obeyed, positioning yourself down, between his legs, as he pushed his hips just a bit to pull his sweatpants and boxers down.
Touya looked down on you, not hiding the smirk on his face, as he slowly caressed your hair. Kissing the tip gently, you looked up through your long lashes, satisfied with the fact that he was going crazy as much as you do. He cursed something under his breath, as you gave him one lick, taking your time and making sure you licked every inch of it.
,, Don’t tease me doll, you’re not in position for it’’ he hissed, as you placed your lips on the tip of his cock. His hand found its way to your hair, gripping onto it, as he brought your mouth farther down him. You wanted to take your time, to play at your own pace, but Touya didn’t let you, he waited too long for this to happened and teasing wasn’t something he needed in the moment.
,, Open your mouth a bit more’’ he growled, gripping your hair tighter then before. He wanted you to obey him, he wanted you to do everything he wanted in that moment and you did, you gladly did.
It was the first time you had someone’s dick deep down your throat, and the feeling you weren’t used to made your eyes glossy so fast as his tip hit the back of your throat, making you gag a little.
Without giving you any time to get used to it, he started moving his hips, as he held your head in place. You could feel his hardness more then clear now, as his hips thrust into your mouth at some lazy, yet strong pace. Focused on his dick, you didn’t even realize that tears were rolling down your cheeks, vision getting blurry as his moves got much faster, not giving you a chance to breath properly.
,, You look so pretty when you cry’’ Touya groaned, getting even more turned on as he watched you get ruined because of his dick. The small amount of mascara you had, was all gone, turning your tears into blurry shade of black. You started gagging, and without even knowing you tried to move away a bit, giving your best to breath through your nose.
Looking up on him, you saw him squeeze his eyes shut, head swung back into the edge of your couch. You could feel your saliva dripping down your chin, and if you weren’t in that position at the moment, you would probably end up blushing. But none of that was possible, since all you could focus on was his dick hitting the same spot of your throat.
Touya stopped his movements, slowly petting your head, as you fought for your breath, coughing loudly, while tears rolled down your cheeks. If it was someone else, you would probably told them to go to hell and throw them out of your apartment, but it was Touya, and all you wanted was to do was make him feel good.
,, My good girl’’ he praised, pulling you up into his lap. You wanted to stay in his lap a bit longer, you wanted to snuggle into his neck and enjoy the moment, but just after he gave you one sloppy kiss, you found yourself under him again.
Touya took your shorts and panties off, throwing them across the living room together with his shirt. In less then a minute, the two of you were all naked, enjoying the feeling of each others skin.
,, Touya, please’’ you begged, feeling his hard erection between your legs, as he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites all over it. Taking one deep breath, he started rubbing the tip of his dick up and down your clit, making you beg for him even more.
,, Needy baby’’ he mocked, placing his tip only a bit into your core, as he continued to tease you, loving every second of the way you were almost breaking down for him.
A loud scream escaped your lips as he entered his full length into you, kissing your jaw and giving you some time to adjust his size. The moment he looked down your body, to see his dick buried deep inside your core, something else grabbed his attention. Cursing loudly, his eyes focused on two shiny pieces of metal, pierced thru both of your nipples.
,, How didn’t I notice this earlier’’ he hissed, lowering his head just enough as he sucked onto your nipple, the contrast of the warm feeling of your skin and the cold metal against his tongue made his curse all over again. His hand found it’s way to your left boob, slowly pinching and twisting your nipple, making you throw your head back, and making it hard for you to concentrate on anything else than his dick that stood still inside you, while his tongue was working wonders on you.
Playing with the small piercing, Touya started moving his hips at a lazy and sloppy pace, making you feel every single inch of him. Touya groaned against your nipple, deciding to waste no time, bringing his cock out and then slamming it back inside almost urgently.
Your hand reached up to his hair, tugging it roughly, as your other hand went up to his back, scratching red lines down helping release some of the pleasure you felt in the moment. Touya rocked his hips quickly, gaining depth with each thrust he made, as you were pulling at his hair lightly, eyes shut strongly as you moaned his name loudly.
He loved how you felt around him, he loved the way you were scratching his back and tugging his hair, yet he wanted more. Placing his hand around your throat, he gave it a small squeeze. It looked like he was asking for a permission, but he wasn’t. In fact it was more like a sign, a little sign for you to prepare yourself for what’s coming.
You didn’t get the little hint he gave you, totally unprepared once his grip around your throat grew stronger, making your breathing stop, as he slammed his hips at ruthless speed. He enjoyed playing with you, giving you only a second to fight for air, before he puts the pressure around your neck again, wrapping his fingers firmly around it.
In one moment you weren’t sure if he forgot about the fact that you couldn’t breath, hand wrapped around your throat for too long making your eyes roll back. You clenched his hair, yanking it tightly, giving him a sign that you need air, only for him to smirk in response as he held it even tighter, thrusting into you with much more force then he did before.
You were more then grateful when he gave you a whole minute to breath properly. But even without his hand around your neck, you had trouble catching your breath since he was hitting your sweet spot all over and over again. Of course, that was your problem and not his.
Feeling your walls getting tighter around his dick, he once again put the not so small pressure onto your throat, forcing the tears out of you as he continued to reach your g spot each time he slammed back inside. Scratching his back, your grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your throat with your own, closing your eyes shut as you found yourself coming undone. You weren’t sure if it was because of the lack of air, or because he didn’t stop his movements, but the orgasm that hit you was the best one you ever had.
In that moment, Touya left your neck alone, smirking to himself as he noticed the marks of his fingertips buried deep in the skin of your neck. Placing his hands onto your hips, he sped up, rocking his hips against your at animalistic speed as he reached his own high.
Groaning loudly he came inside, body collapsing on your own as he slowly fucked his seed into you, as he repeated how much he loves you all over again.
Once the two of you finally calmed down, Touya helped you clean yourself, being extra careful like you were a small piece of glass that was about to break any moment.
Hopping back onto the couch, you rolled your eyes at the view of the ending of the stupid movie Touya found. He wrapped his arm around you, snatching the cigarette that was hanging between your lips and placing it between his own.
,,Oh God’’ you gasped loudly, as your cat jumped on top of you, making you jump a bit in surprise. ,, Fuck off Taquito, I have a boyfriend’’ you pushed your cat lightly away, repeating the words Touya said few hours ago, making him grin widely as he placed a kiss on your cheek.
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thatabitcryptic · 4 years
Have the first chapter of the ficlet for the timestuck au :))
It’s about 1300 words
For context: Ford and Mabel have just convinced Fiddleford to help fix the time tape to get Mabel home. (This is set after fidds quit the project, Ford stumbled across Mabel on his way back from the diner- so everyone’s a bit of a mess but dad instincts kick in here yknow??)
Although the couch was much warmer in comparison to the frigidness of the basement, Mabel couldn’t help the cold pit that formed in her stomach. Things were starting to go in the right direction for getting back to her time but.. were they?
Ford and Mcgucket had been practically avoiding each other like the plague. Anytime either of them needed something from the other it was always Mabel who had to speak for them. Sure it made sense they were upset with each other but how could they possibly get her home if they didn’t even look at one another? Grunkle Ford refused to stop working in the basement so he could keep watch over the portal and Mcgucket’s terms of never having to enter it again.. how was she going to get them in the same room? They hated each other.
But then when she brought up the time tape why had Ford immediately jumped to needing Mcgucket’s help?? Ford was a smart guy, and not that she didn’t like the extra company but if her Grunkle had been so angry at his old friend why ask him?
And in the future when they had watched Mcgucket’s memories he didn’t sound mad at Ford, just that he had wanted to forget. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to hold grudges either. Well, future him at least.
The strange air between them wasn’t the only thing that was throwing her off though. The whole house was wrong. It didn’t have any semblance of a home; more of a very disorganised library.
The mystery shack had never been the tidiest place but even when she and Dipper had first arrived Grunkle Stan had the place in organised chaos. Everything had a place and each place made sense at least. Here it was sporadic with no order like Ford had stopped during the middle of something and started a new task leaving previous items cluttered amidst coffee cups and stacks of books.
It was wrong in so many ways and there were so many things she missed from home. Even the little things. The murmuring of tourists in the gift shop, the mouldy spots on the roof, the spur of a tool from wherever Soos was fixing something in the shack, the weird gross smell of Grunkle Stan, Dippers late night reading, Pacifica's sweet perfume, Waddles’ hooves clicking along the floor-
Tears welled in her eyes as she stared down at her blanket. What if she never saw them again? What if Grunkle Ford and Mcgucket were never able to get her back home? Would she have to grow up here? What if she never saw waddles again? His swishy little face, his curly tail that bounced when the toddled behind her-
And Dipper? Would the next time she saw him be when they were born?? Thirty years from now?
Mabel’s head spun; all this time travel made her nauseous. Her chest ached and her hands were hot from wringing them on the scratchy fabric. She couldn’t think straight. It was just the swirling thoughts of her fate in solitude. All she could hear was her rhythmic heartbeat pumping another reason to miss her time into the front of her mind.
Her sweater was too tight, her headband too sharp, her cheeks were itchy from the waves of drying and flowing tears-
“-lright there sweet pea?”
A soft southern drawl from her side snapped her back. Mcgucket.
She didn’t hesitate to launch herself towards the familiar tone and bury her face in his green jacket. It smelt like a strange mix of tobacco, grease and molasses but that was closer to home than the stale dusty air of her surroundings.
“Shh shh shhh shh, it’s okay sugar plum.” He ran a hand through her hair and softly untangled any knots. “Ya’ wanna tell me what’s the matter?”
Mabel’s mouth immediately burst open with bubbling incomprehensible sobs.
“I wanma go h-homemm, Dippmffft, grunkmplmh stamm,” she took a breath and looked up at him with blurred eyes, “m-my pett pig waddles and h-his face.” And then she pressed herself back into his side. Each breath she took shook her body but it was stifled by Fiddleford hugging her closer.
“Hmmmm, a pet pig huh?” He paused and tapped his fingers on her back in contemplation.
“Did future me ever tell ya’ tha’ I grew up on a hog farm?”
Mabel stopped for a moment to look up at him with a trembling lip. “N-no, I-I don’t think s-so?”
Mcgucket drew back with a faux sound of horror. “Well, I never! I can’t ‘lieve this feller’! Ya’ hav’ a pig and ‘e didn’t even offer some advice!”
Mabel smiled and rubbed her nose on her sleeve.
“Naw’ darlin’ here.” Fiddleford reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief for her.
“T-thank you.”
“It’s tha’ least I could do after withholdin’ my advice in the future, or is it before..” He chuckled and shifted to rest his chin on top of Mabel’s head. “I’ll have to remember to tell ya ‘bout it”
Mabel stiffened and wiped her eyes again but didn’t comment.
Maybe it was best not to ask her...
“Now waddles?” he hummed. “I gotta say Mabel that’s a mighty fine name for’ a pig I reckon. The little fellers do tend ta’ waddle about.”
“Y-yeah.” Her voice quivered in reply and she absentmindedly latched onto the sides of his jacket and pulled them in over herself. “He- I miss him.”
Fiddleford could feel Mabel beginning to shake again and he wracked his brain for something else to talk about. He may not have known her for very long but it was heart breaking for such a bubbly kid to be so disquieted.
“How does he fancy the banjo?”
“The banjo?” She turned and lifted her head to look up at him with big eyes and Mcgucket’s heart melted. Mabel may as well have been Stanford’s kid in his eyes, each little mannerism was instantly recognisable as one as Ford’s.
“Uh huh, piglets on the farm used’ ta’ love it! ‘Td help ‘em drift off ta’ sleep in a big stack.”
He grinned at Mabel’s gasp and the way her eyes lit up when she spun around to look at him.
“In a piggy pile?” she started to bounce with enthusiasm.
“In one ‘o the biggest piles ‘o piglets a‘round!” He poked her nose eliciting a giggle.
“Old ma- I mean Mcgucket can you pretty please teach me to play? I-I’ll uhh umm I’ll draw one of my famous catacatures for you!!”
Mabel’s energy was contagious but Fiddleford couldn’t help his knee from bouncing slightly as he sheepishly looked past her to the door.
“Oh uh not that’ I don’t want one of yer drawins’ girlie but I’m not uhh too sure that’s such a good idea, Stanford’s mighty busy at work an’...”
He looked down to see Mabel’s eyes were full of stars as she was practically buzzing with excitement that he hadn’t seen since he met her. Fidds couldn’t help but feel delight at the sight. Just like Stanford.
“Hehaha ‘lright but if we hear Ford comin’ up we ‘ave to hide my banjo ‘else I’ll never see it ‘tagain.”
“Ahh thank you thank you thank you!!” Mabel wrapped him in a tight hug and it was as though all her upset had been transferred into her keenness for a banjo lesson.
Fiddleford stood, and helped Mabel out of her cocoon of blankets before fixing his glasses.
“Ahaha okay okay hush now aha we’ve gotta’ be a bit more quiet kidlet.”
His smile faltered as he saw his hand rising to grip his hair, Mabel must have noticed too because she quickly held onto it and subtlety swung it back and forth as they went to collect the instrument.
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brexrif · 5 years
The White Wolf: My Hero (Part 2)
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The White Wolf: My Hero (Part 2)
REQUEST: “Can I ask you a romantic scenario with Geralt and a shy girl who starts to follow him and Jaskier after Geralt saved her life? Can I ask you to add some smut too? If you are comfortable with that. Can I ask you to make the girl a virgin too?”
Find PART ONE HERE! You’ll probably need to have read it for context, unless you’re just here for smut, then please proceed.
Speaking of smut..
Warnings: SMUT a lot just good ol’ smut.
If you like Geralt smut, please check out my MASTER LIST where I have an entire growing catalogue of it for you to enjoy.
“Are you hurt?” He searched your face frantically for clues. 
“Who hurt you? Your arms, are they okay?” He spoke quickly and urgently. You shook your head and tried to breathe deeply, struggling to find the right words swirled up in your surprise. You blinked a few times, trying very hard to keep your tears back.
You swallowed hard and managed, “I-uh-I thought you had left.”
“No…No, I wasn’t going to leave you without well- saying goodbye” Geralt looked down at you hard, his brow furrowed and his whole face heavy with concern. He brought his large hand up to your face, his fingers were rough and callused, but he was so gentle with them, wiping a few tears from your cheek. Your skin buzzed under his touch and you felt your cheeks get hot. The whole room seemed to disappear and you were the only ones there as he held you so tenderly. “Are you alright?” he asked, searching you with his eyes intensely.
You remembered about the Rosemary and Thyme, “I’m just great and I’m sure you and your prick are too.” You shook your head from his gentle hold and pushed past him, remembering where you were headed. You started up there stairs quickly, the tears returning hot to your cheeks. You tried to keep up with wiping them away when you reached for the latch of your door, but Geralt’s hand was already there, opening it for you. He had been hot on your heels up the steps.
 “Y/N, maybe we should talk” he gestured into the now open door, leaving you little choice. You wiped your cheeks on the sleeves of your dress and walked past him. You sat on the edge of your bed and he remained standing. He seemed too antsy, like a man that had a hard time settling. “What the hell is going on with you?” he crossed his arms and stood across from you.
 “Nothing, Witcher.” you replied coldly, smoothing out your skirt and averting your eye contact. Your tears were drying as your emotions changed more to a place of anger and resentment. You resented how he was treating you now, so concerned and caring, probably refreshed after having been satiated by his whores.
 “You think I went to the Rosemary and Thyme?” he laughed at you, uncrossing his arms and treating your coldness like a joke. You scoffed and shrugged your shoulders.
 “I’m sure you had a great time. Met some lovely ladies. Some of them are friends of mine, we were born the same year.”
 Geralt just laughed again, this time crossing the floor towards you. “Is that what you want me to say? I went and railed some sad whores after a long day traveling and saving your ass?” he was almost mocking you now.
 “Don’t act like you have any pride now, Witcher” you stood up to meet him and meet his energy. He towered over you, your head about chest level to him, he looked down at you with a smirk cutting over his prominent jawline. You admired the stubble that grazed his jaw, cheek and neck so full and manly. You were again overwhelmed by the scent of him that had so entranced you before. Earthy soil, his body that had been working all day under layers of armor.
 “I did see a whore” he said playfully, still looking down at you and smirking. You were enraged, the heat immediately came back to your cheeks and the tears welled up over your bottom lashes again. You brought a balled fist up to hit his chest but he caught your wrist mid-swing.
 “But I did not sleep with her.” He kept his grasp on your wrist, it felt incredible to be under his grasp like this, so delightfully helpless under this powerful man. A familiar pang shot between your legs and a heat began to pool there and radiate upwards through you. How was he able to do this to you so easily? As if he knew exactly what was going through your body, he leaned into you and raised your wrist, his grasp still firm. He brought your hand up to his lips and opened your fingers. He planted one soft kiss on your palm and you thought you would fall over, knees buckling from feeling his lips on you.
 “So you didn’t…?” You asked, looking up at him dreamily, succumbing to the feelings elicited from being so close to his body again.
 He started tracing the lines on your palm with his lips, kissing them again periodically. He shook his head ‘no’ and started kissing down your wrist, flecking his tongue over your pulsing veins. You flexed your feet and raised yourself up on your toes by the force of Geralt’s softening eyes and parting lips. He pulled your wrist finally to rest over his shoulder and you pulled yourself the rest of the way up to meet his lips. You finally locked with him, overwhelmed by the feeling of his kiss and his hands, making their way down your back to rest on your waist and pull you towards him. He moved his lips over you expertly, teasing your mouth with his tongue. You followed his lead, you grew delirious from the feeling of him surrounding you like this and happily surrendered to him. His grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you to him and brought his lips so slightly back from yours,
 “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, Y/N,” he whispered, you could feel his breath on your lips as he spoke. “I wanted you” he brought you in and kissed you passionately, his lips moving voraciously over yours. You felt his large hands slide down and grab at your ass hungrily. The heat between your legs grew and your clit began to throb from his touch.
 “I could have let you walk home from the woods, but I liked the way you felt in my arms. I could tell you liked it too. Then when you shook your ass at me on the steps…” He went in for another kiss, inspired by the lust of his own memory.
 “I don’t have much experience…is the thing” you pull away to confess, burying your face into his chest feeling embarrassed. He took your chin in a few of his fingers and brought your gaze up to meet his again. He looked back at you, sympathy in his eyes thinly layered over the heat and hunger you still knew was there.
 “I can show you everything babygirl. You don’t need to worry about that.” He brought your lips to his again and continued kissing you intensely, one hand still holding your face to his and the other firmly on your ass. He angled your jaw upward and kissed his way along it until he was just under your ear and kissing lightly on your neck.
 “I thought you were jealous” he rumbled on your neck seductively, grazing his lips against your sensitive skin. You felt waves of tickling electricity surge through you and your clit throbbed even harder at the sound of his voice. “So, do you want to be treated like a whore, babygirl?” he whispered hot breath onto your neck and bit your earlobe gently, pushing himself against you.
 “Mhmm” you whimpered and bit your lip, feeling your legs start to fail as you lost your balance. Geralt had you literally weak, the heat from your core had radiated through you and you were hot and lightheaded. You felt the moisture from your cunt pooling in your panties and pushed your thighs together to prevent it from dripping down your thighs.
 “Don’t be ashamed, babygirl. I like that your cunt is wet and ready. In fact, I could smell you getting wet for me when I first lifted you off the ground in the forest. Monsters be damned, your little pussy was dripping for me.” He growled at you, moving his hands over the laces of your dress, letting it drop to the ground at your feet. You hadn’t expected his heightened Witcher senses to reveal so much on your behalf.
 You felt vulnerable and shy, you tried to hide yourself by pushing your thighs together still and crossing your arms over your exposed breasts. Geralt stepped back from you, “Can I see you?” he asked, his voice low and comforting. He knew you were uncomfortable, but also undeniably horny for him. You giggled nervously and uncrossed your arms, revealing your chest to him. He tilted his head and rumbled deep in his chest, “Hmmmm.” He took the tunic off over his head and began unlacing his leather trousers. He quickly stepped out of them along with his underclothes leaving you to admire the Geralt you had only seen in your imagination, drawn from the brief moments feeling his hard body around yours.
 He stood tall, his white hair messy and half pulled back mostly out of his face with a few loose strands in front. His build was incredible. His shoulders were massive, built muscles hard and rippling over every part of him. His chest was broad and built, you remembered how it felt to nestle against it, hard and sturdy. It was covered in a generous layer of hair that you had not seen on any boys your age before. No, this amass of body hair came only to a man, a man of experience and wisdom. It peppered his muscles and swirled down his abdominal muscles to a taught bellybutton and an enormous cock below. Your mouth fell open when you saw how big he was. Not only did Geralt have impressive length and girth, you could tell how hard he was as it stood erect for YOU.
 “Ohh” a sound came from your lips, parted in disbelief. It was a cross between a moan and a shock.
 “Don’t worry Y/N. We’ll take it slow.”
 Geralt had you in your bed lying on your back. He lowered his head between your thighs and lapped at your soaking folds greedily. He mumbled something about how sweet you tasted, but you could hardly hear him over your panting and whimpering. Your back arched and you saw stars. You had never felt pleasure like this before. Geralt drew his tongue from opening to crest over your pussy and sucked on your clit. After only a few minutes of this treatment, you had sunk your nails into the sheets and arched your back in orgasm. You panted and moaned, bucking your hips wildly into his face. He flicked at your clit with his tongue through your orgasm then lapped at the cum that had gathered in your opening as a result.
 “My sweet reward” he chuckled playfully, coming up from between your thighs and wiping his face. You looked at him, still catching your breath, whirling in disbelief. He laid down beside your shuddering body allowing you a moment to float back down to Earth. He took your hand in his and began tracing your knuckles delicately. You could see his cock throbbing, standing straight up and twitching, though he was not bothered by the urgency of his sex.
 “Would you like to touch my cock, babygirl?” he cooed at you, kissing your shoulder and rubbing your hand lightly. You nodded, excitedly at him. He brought your hand down his body and released it near his cock, allowing you to explore on your own. You reached out tentatively and grabbed the base of it. Geralt groaned deep in his chest. It was hot and so hard. You could feel his heartbeat through the coursing veins that lined it well. With your grip still intact, you began pumping your hand up and down, using the slide of his skin to aid in the action. Geralt moaned and began breathing heavily, he grew even harder under your grasp. You continued like this for a while, enjoying the power you felt in making him grow under your touch.
 “If you keep this up, I won’t get a chance to fuck you” he said through his teeth. You released his cock and it twitched from your absence. Geralt rolled over you quickly, placing a hand on either side of your head and holding himself above you easily. You wriggled your hips, ignited by the feeling of his massive body over you and the heat shared skin to skin. He kissed into you hard and you could still taste yourself in his mouth. He lowered his hips and you felt his cock throbbing against your folds. Your body erupted in heat and desire, you had to have him inside you.
 “Ready?” he asked seductively, somewhere between a whisper and a growl. You nodded and he took a hand down to position himself outside your opening. He rubbed his cock up and down your folds, coating himself in your abundant juices. He moaned at the feeling and you gasped feeling him push the head of his cock into you slowly. He watched your face intently, and slowly sank his massive cock into your hot core. You whimpered in painful pleasure, feeling that cock you were just handling now stretching your walls accommodating and making space for the Witcher now inside you.
 “Geralt” you moaned out, half wincing and succumbing to pleasure. Once fully sheathed he groaned loud and long, feeling your tight walls clench around him. He began moving over you in methodic rhythms, his cock working inside you carefully. You panted, truly overwhelmed with the experience of pleasure. It felt so good to be full of him, you thought you’d die if his cock ever left you. Every small movement he made had your walls clenching and waves of pleasure rocking through you. You gripped onto his powerful back and dug your nails into his thick skin, desperate to ground yourself to something.
 “Does it feel good babygirl? You like my cock in you like this?”
 “Yes, Geralt. Fuck, yes” you managed to get out between moans. Geralt took this as an invitation to fuck into you harder. He had been so gentle and careful with you, but now you saw the potential of his raw and primal power kicking in. He grunted and clapped his hips into you, each thrust of his cock bursting through you and knocking your cervix. He was so deep, you could feel his balls, heavy and pounding into you each time his cock sunk in. You bucked your hips up at him, attempting to meet his increased pace. You were whimpering and moaning with each thrust, feeling the pressure building from your clit again. Geralt readjusted and brought himself higher over you on the bed, now he was fucking down into you and your clit was rubbing against his pelvic bone. He must have known you were close.
 “Cum for me babygirl. I want to feel you cum on my cock. Can you do that for me?” You hardly needed any convincing, but the sound of his voice so commanding and controlling the very orgasms he fucked into you sent you over an edge. You arched your back and threw your hips up into him and let go. You let moaned hard and dragged your nails down his back. Your head pressed into the mattress and you were gasping for breath as he continued to fuck into you. Geralt thrust into you hard through your orgasm as he himself came undone. He groaned through his teeth and pushed into you deep while his cock writhed wildly inside you, releasing his load.
 “Fuck” he said through gritted teeth as his cock slowed inside you. Geralt’s head snapped to the door suddenly, his cock still sheathed inside you draining the last drops.
 You were still panting and enjoying the feeling of his warmth spreading through you, when-
 “Y/N? Are you alright?” Felix. Just outside your door.
Considering writing a Part 3! Would you be interested? Let me know in the comments!
Need more smut in the meantime? Check out my MASTER LIST 
@boogeywoogeywoogeywoogeywoogey, @asaucecoveredsomething, @agentdedf1sh, @love-affair-with-fandoms, @missingartist96, @spookypeachx, @alwayshave-faith, @angelic-kisses13, @saint-hardy, @staridari, @weirdani1​ @sageandberries-png,@magdelen69, @eevee-of-rivia​@justlovetoreadfics​, @mary-ann84​
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
A Silver x Reader Oneshot ^v^
Note: for the sake of third person it's a fem!reader, and I'm really sorry about that cuz I made this in like... Idk 2-3 am... So my brain is not functioning properly (꒦ິ⍸꒦ິ) sorry bout that guis, but feel free to replace the pronouns and gender thingy ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
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Mistakes were made under the cut!
A midsummer night with the twinkling stars that adorned the vast night skies. There lies a boy with silver hair under the cool shade of the big oak tree. After a long day of school, exhausted from the activities done, the boy leaned over the tree, relaxing at the comfortable ambiance in the middle of the dark forests illuminated by the stars and moonlight. Drowsy from exhaustion the boy nodded off to sleep as the crickets sing the songs of the night. What a sight to see.... The girl thought to herself.
In a sleepless humid night with the stuffy and dusty air suffocating the halls of the ramshackle dorm, a late night stroll in the forest for a breather seems like a good way to pass time and boredom. She ventures out in the dark forest as the moon watches over her up above.
As she strolls in the forest savoring the cool night's breeze. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she saw a man lying down under the oak tree in the middle of the vast forest. How odd... She thinks to herself. In the dark woods of twisted wonderland, lies a young man deep in slumber, completely out in the open from unknown dangers lurking around. But who was she to judge? There she was venturing out in the forest in God knows what time...The girl stood frozen in her spot as she peered over the young man.
There sat a boy with soft and fluffy silver hair flowing from the cool breeze. With long silver lashes adorning his porcelain face, his chest rising and falling, evident of his state in deep slumber. The girl crouched down mesmerized with the silver haired beauty's stunning visuals.
"Hmmm......? Pfffft!" The girl found herself chucking upon noticing the man frowning in his sleep, his eyebrows knitted together, wrinkling his forehead. What in the world could he be dreaming for him to frown even in his sleep? She asks to herself...
Dazed and confused, the girl subconsciously poked the man's forehead Ahhhhh! I've done it! flustered and shocked from her dumb actions, she tries to get up and leave from embarrassment, only to be interrupted with a big hand that tightly gripped her frail wrists.
The man has awokened from his slumber. "What are you doing?" Exclaims the young man as he furrows his eyebrows while glaring at the girl. The grip tightening at the young maiden's wrist, she said "Wait! Wait! Time out! Time out!". The boy furrowed his eyebrows yet again while he slightly loosens his grip. "Ehehe.... You see.... How do I explain it......" The girl reasoned as the young boy started to tightly grip his hands at her wrist yet again. "Uhmmm! You see I was just having a midnight stroll to take a breather! The ramshackle dorms are pretty iffy and stuffy, so I wanted to get fresh air! But then I saw you sleeping here in the oak tree where I usually go! And then.... Uhm... Oh! And uhm..... I saw you're frowning in your sleep?! so I think I subconciously poked you without me noticing?! I mean who even sleeps in the middle of nowhere frowing right?hehe-....... I mean! I'm so sorryyyy! Please let go of me!!!" The girl started blabbing in panic in front of the boy. "Is that so?......." The boy replied letting go of her wrist.
Thus the akward silence began. The night was silent as the moon shone above the both of them, with crickets singing, as the cool night breeze flew past the two. The night was finally settling in. The ambiance was calming and relaxing. It was the type of akward that is comfortable in it's own way.
"Uhmm..... Have a hard time sleeping too? The night was really stuffy...... I had a really hard time sleeping....." The girl said breaking the ice.
"Is that so?....." The silver haired boy replied. What's with his answers?? I swear if he answers iS thAt sO again I'm disowning grimm.
"Uhm.... My name is (y/n)! A first year from the ramshackle dorms!" she said. "I see you're the first year who made quite the ruckus at the ceremony." He calmly said. "Well.....yeah, there’s that...." (y/n) relpied embarrased and dissapointed.
"Silver" the man said. Hmmm? Silver? The girl thinks to herself. "My name is Silver.... a second year from the Diasomnia dorms." The boy continued whilst sighing."Well.....nice to meet you Silver!" The girl giggles as she beamed a smile to the boy before her.
Little did they knew that this nightly rendezvous marks the start of ever occuring meetings. Encounter after encounter, a morning greeting whilst gazes meet, a warm smile paints their faces. Both of them truly grew fonder and closer with each other as time passed by.
Late night rendezvous became a habit of the two, telling each other tidbits of themselves as they enthusiastically share how their day went with each other, with smiles and laughter that echoed in the forest.
But this innocent friendship between the two of you was soon to be short lived... As silver finally understood what he felt about you. As shocking as it was for him, he felt happy in your precence, but the moment he realized his true inner feelings, he felt his stomach churn from the joy, love, and fear he felt for (y/n). It felt as if all his emotions were stirred up inside him giving him butterflies.
The next following days were a blur. It felt as if viewing a cheesy romance movie with rose tinted glasses. With every smile, every laugh, even the little mannerisms (y/n) did, it never failed to make his heart flutter. Silver felt complete in her precence...
They say humans are naturally greedy creatures....... Silver wanted more he wanted to indulge himself in (y/n)'s light more...... So he did his best to convey his emotions to you.
As much as she'd hate to admit it, the mellow touches silver gives sends butterflies in her stomach. She noticed little bits of the feelings silver conveyed, but she refused to believe the little voice inside her that says maybe, just maybe, silver actually had feelings for you. She was in a state of a blind denial. But she truly appreciated and loved all the small gestures Silver did, she really did found herself a friend she loved.
their innocent friendly relationship could only last for long. The more time passed by, the more sexual tension aroused between the two. With playful fights turning uncomfortable, when they laugh at each other as their gazes suddenly meet.... It was very hard not to notice the tension, leaving both very flustered and bashful with each other. The little nightly tryst the two had felt like a stroll in the clouds. Living life wearing rose tinted glasses was sure a luxury one could have.
A refreshing gush of wind flew past the luscious silver locks of the boy, with his periwinkle orbs fixated unto the book he was holding, a deep sigh escaped his lips as he flips through the pages spaced out, not focusing on the contents at all, as hundreds of thoughts linger on his mind, preoccupying him from reading his book. A thought crossed his mind, no..... This thought was plastered all over his mind when did it go wrong? The cloudy skies above was peaceful, how he wished to have his mind be as peaceful as the clouds above. The boy then put down his book, and succumbs to the drowsiness he's suffering from, due to restless nights of tossing and turning.
As he's nodding off to sleep yet again, the little birds chirp in joy singing the songs of the forest. Along with the songs of the birds, there was a familiar voice who hummed a familiar tune of a melody one has heard before. Yet again, there she stood in front of Silver drowsing off to dreamland. "Hmmmm! Is this deja vu?" (Y/n) sat beside her friend as she put silver's head on her lap. "If you keep sleeping like that, your neck would hurt later you know?"
Time passed by quick with thunders rumbling in the distance, grey clouds enveloped the whole skies threatening for it to pour any moment. Silver then awoke to the sounds that disturbed his peaceful nap. Ah! I've overslept.... what time is it now? but before he could even pull himself together, he was shocked to see himself lying on your lap whilst you slept like a child leaning on the big oak tree.
The lonely nights slowly became brighter and colorful. Without even realizing it, the two started to look forward to the late night meetings under the twinkling stars, basking under the moonlight. These secret little meetings felt like joy to Silver, he felt like time stops whenever he's with (y/n). Mhmmm.... I may have found myself a friend i cherish deeply, huh? Silver thinks to himself smiling whilst looking at (y/n) grinning widely.
He felt his heart melt right then and there...
Was he dreaming, is this a dream? "Wait no, the sky might come pouring down any moment now....." Silver woke up the girl lost in dreamland how cute.....
"AH! I ACCIDENTALLY SLEPT! I was about to wake you up but I bombed it!.... Wait is it going to rain? Oh God....." Cold Raindrops started pouring from the grey skies as the two ran across the forest to seek shelter in the Diasomnia dorms.
The both of you drenched, like little children who had fun playing in the rain, the both of you start laughing at yourselves. Malleus entered the room shocked to see the two of you drenched."Ah! MalMal-Senpai~!" called out (y/n)."Hmm~?.....I see you still call me that nickname huh?" Malleus smiled softly as he offered a dry towel for (y/n).
Silver watched as (y/n)'s face lit up just from simple exchanges from his young master. Ah I see now, this is when everything went wrong huh?..... He thought to himself.
One sleepless night with the humid breeze flowing through the windows, as dusty air covered the rooms of the ramshackle dormitory, (y/n) goes with the usual late night stroll to the forest to find her buddy, Silver. She wanted to talk lots to him about her long day with the troubles that the trio has cooked up yet again. She was so excited just by thinking about it, but she was left dissapointed when she did not find her friend waiting at the usual spot. Silver is probably busy she thought. Ready to go back to the dorms, she stayed a bit longer to linger in the cool night's breeze.
Whilst enjoying the calm ambiance,she felt a presence with her, and to her shock, there was a mysterious man with horns that stood behind her, he seemed oddly familiar to her.... As their eyes locked, the only thing that (y/n) felt was her heart racing out from her chest, a feeling like someone squeezing your heart out making it hard to breathe. "How pretty....." She slipped. "AH I'M SORRY MY THOUGHTS SLIPPED!" (Y/n) admitted to her crimes embarrased.
The man with horns furrowed his eyebrows, but soon after, he chuckled at the young girl's foolish actions. "Hmmmm...really now?... how interesting you are little girl...." The man with horns replied.
(Y/n) was flustered and mesmerised by the man that stood before her. He made her breathless. With the beautiful raven hair that flew past the wind, and the chartreuse eyes that shone in the dark like sparkling emeralds. His porcelain ghostly white skin that almost look transparent......how beautiful.....
"Uhhhmm.... Hello... My name is (y/n)!" Did that sound akward?? She thought. "You're one of the first years that stirred up trouble in the ceremony right?" Says the man with horns.
"Well....ehehe.....yeah, that happend...." She peeked at the man again, only to be caught with his sharp glowing eyes. How embarassing..... "Oh! uhm so you are???" Truth be told, in reality, she already knew the man in front of him, the infamous man who supervises the Diasomnia dorms, the young master of your friend Silver, The Malleus Draconia himself. But it is still courtesy when you introduce yourself to others, they should return the introduction as well. (Y/n) stared at the man anticipating a reply. "Don't you already my name though?" He said. "But it's still respectful to introduce yourself, when someone introduced themselves to you!" (Y/n) whined like a little child, still looking expectant with eyes that shone innocently right back at the dark fae that stood before her. Malleus stared at the small girl, then smirked at her cute behaviour she kept showing. How odd..... how can someone like her not be afraid in my presence?how can she act honestly in front of me? How refreshing.... he thinks to himself. "Hmmm? But you already know my name? What is there for me to introduce?" The man said slightly smirking anticipating the girl's reaction. "Hmmm....is that so?" She replied dissapointed like a puppy with it's ears down. The man smirked again with (y/n)'s honest actions. She wears her heart on her sleeve.....how cute....
"then how about this? Call me whatever you want...." Even Malleus was confused with what he was saying, but he wants to see what her reaction will be, she piqued his interest..... She baffled the fae that stood before her.
"Reeaally??!! You cant take that back!!!" She grinned happily and exitedly as her eyes shone in pure delight. The fae smiles to himself finding the little girl quite odd, I mean, He's Malleus Draconia a poweful man, one of the greatest mages in the world. Yet he's perplex with a young girl approaching him without care in the world, not caring on who he is it warmed his heart to find someone this honest to approach him without being terrified.
"Hmmmm, now what can I call you?......" The girl questions to herself deep in her thoughts as the fae stared at her face, interested eager for the answer she'll come up with. "Pfffft!! I got it!" She says as she peered at the fae's glowing eyes. "Can I call you Malmal?" Her gaze unwavering stared at the man in front of her as she stops herself from breaking down in laughter. "Pfft! Ahahaha!" Malleus was baffled with the nickname (y/n) came up with as he bursts in laughter.... how interesting this girl is.... To have the audacity and bravery to call him that nickname, its starting to appear her bravery is just plain foolishness, but he did not hate it at all.
Silver knew deep inside that (y/n) is slowly falling for his young master. With each encounter with malleus, (y/n)'s eyes lits up like diamonds as she greets malleus with the nickname she came up with.... "Oh! MalMal? Goodmorning! hehe". Silver can't even deny the jealousy that prickled his heart as he saw the person he cherished and loved dearly, falling in another man's arms, worse, she seven fell for the young master that silver truly respected with all his heart. What can he do? He's just your friend, he's just a guard to his young master.....
He felt like his world came down crushing on him, why must this happen? , It felt like a thousand stab wounds pierced his heart... Indulging himself in the light (y/n) gave him was enough for him...... He wanted to do his best to protect your smile and laughter..... That's what he's best at doing..... Right?? He loves (y/n) so much that seeing her happy was enough for him.
Slowly, the nightly rendezvous turned into (y/n) telling silver love songs about Malleus... Even if it hurts, silver sat there listening to (y/n)'s every word, he felt happy to see (y/n) smile ear to ear as she tell about malleus. She never smiled like that before... silver thinks to himself. It left a distinct bittersweet taste in his mouth.
The peace was soon interrupted after muffled sobs rang in the woods, only to see a girl with stains of tears evident in her cheeks and glossy eyes as salty tears trickled in the corners of her eyes.
Meeting after meeting, a tryst under the moonlight as a sweet delightful feeling bloomed in (y/n)'s heart. She fell smitten for the fae with each passing second.
"Silver, what do I do?" She asked the silver haired boy choking on her words. Silver felt his heart drop as (y/n) fell in his arms choking on her sobs. Silver was speechless and was in a state of panic as he tries to console the girl by patting her back, tracing intricate patterns in attempts to calm (y/n) down....
A sunny day as bright clear skies lit the world of twisted wonderland, a chilly breeze flew past the silver haired boy as he woke up from slumber. The birds are chirping melliflous melodies. The once lush leaves that now turned orangefell from the trees as a single leaf stuck unto the boy's hair.
"Hic, he knows...... Malleus knows...... he asked me if I liked him, and I think he doesn't like it.... hic...... He hates me now right?" Reddish eyes gazed at silver as he felt his heart shattering into millions of pieces. "Uhmm..... Don't worry.... No one hates you... You know I like you" he replied with a gentle smile, as he rubbed (y/n)'s back calming her down. "You don't have to say that to make me feel better..... It's fine.... Maybe i'll just make these feelings dissaper? That'll do the trick right? It's better than malleus hating me..." As much as silver wanted to say yes, he wanted to hold (y/n)'s hand, he wanted to kiss her.... He wanted (y/n) to be his..... Seeing (y/n) in pain broke him. "You should just tell him how you feel..." A pained smile painted silver's face...."so can you please cheer up now?" He asked (y/n)..... "You're right...... I should be brave and face my problems...... Thank you silver...... You're the best!" Simple kind words that conveyed innocent feelings felt like a thousand stab wounds...... How stupid have I grown from being with you?...... I guess it's true that love can make someone the most stupid person in the world.....
Springtime is finally over..... Now it's time to stop wearing the rose tinted glasses and continue to live on the life of dull colors..... But that's fine..... The bright hues of the autumn leaves still colored the world of it's dull grey colors.....
"Silver! There you are!" a girl happily called out as she ran in silver's direction. "Sleeping in the middle of the day?.... Haaah...... I can't blame you... Oh! That reminds me! Later this evening, I'll be borrowing malleus hehe~ so you and sebek shouldn't fuss over him later m'kay?~" (y/n) grinned happily smiling ear to ear. "Glad to know you're back to being your usual loud self again...." Silver smiled at the girl. "HEY! LOUD?! Whats that about!" She replied as the both of their laughter echoed in the forest.
On one sleepless night, as silver sat under the oak tree savoring the fresh air of the night. He felt solitude in the peace and quiet surrounding him.
A cold wind blew the autumn leaves as Silver ventured in the woods in a chilly night to pass time of boredom. He leaned in the oak tree that once was green and lush, now with its leaves slowly falling in the ground. Staring at the big oak tree where everything started, his lips curved up to form a weak smile It's time to let her go now huh?. He looks up at the dark skies as tiny shards of light twinkled in the nothingness, he smiled to himself again for the last time, as he goes back to his dorm. But to his surprise he heard faint giggling in the distance as two couple held hands basking under the serene glow of the moonlight on a midnight tryst.
For a brief moment, the girl caught Silver's gaze as a soft mellow smile forms on her face only to be broken when the fae started talking and the girl got her focus back on her lover. His heart throbbed even with just a stare.... When did i become this stupid? but soon enough, a pained smile graced his face, accepting his circumstances, accepting his defeat.
"I lost..... Yet I still care for you.... Now when I look into your eyes, all I see is a stranger who knows all my secrets...... I guess... A soulmate who wasn't meant to be?......now it's finally time to say goodbye..." The autumn leaves flew as the chilly breeze blew past the young boy with silver hair........
• The End •
Y'all if you thought this was fluff.... I'm sorry.... I'm so much very sorry for that..... Pls stone me gently.... ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
The story became Silver x Reader x Malleus real quick huh? 👁️👄👁️
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Also i keep writing fics based on songs i play the song that inspired me here is called: "A soulmate who wasn't meant to be" by Jessica benko ^~^ 
Solstice: either of the two times in the year, the summer solstice and the winter solstice, when the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at noon, marked by the longest and shortest days.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Nox verse. Nox's perspective of Nyx leading him away from the Hall of Arts during a Quiet Day and/or when she tries (and sometimes manages) to tug him away from the edge of a Quiet Day?
Hmmmm sure! Ficlet ramble time! Let’s say this takes place after they’re Galahdian Married but pre-Lucian fancy official wedding (and pre-Regis knowing about the whole oops-a-galahdian-just-married-your-son-without-telling-you).
“Oh, Nox.”
It’s the first thing to break through the haze, a soft voice he knows (has seen die has lived through the eyes of has known for years and loves-loves-loves), and he tilts his head toward it even though he can’t quiet get his eyes to focus (can’t look away from the tapestry before him and the lies-lies-lies-heartbreak-lies woven into the threads. A calloused hand gently takes his own, fingers twining with his own unresponsive ones, and he distantly thinks that he wants to grip her hand back, but he doesn’t have the energy and its already taking enough effort to remember which “her” this is (it’s not Somnus’s little Spitfire, it’s not Wanderer’s Twilight with her violet eyes and black and green tattoos winding up her cheek, it’s not Conquerer’s Flower or Wise’s patient Dawn or Mors light-love-heart Vita, it’s his, his love, his heart, and if he clings to that maybe he can finally wade out from the memories weighing down his bones).
She tugs on his hand, a practiced step and pull that finally forces him to turn away from the tapestry (not force, guide, because he wanted to stop, but stopping was too hard on his own, without someone to anchor him outside his head).
She’s beautiful, he thinks distantly. Not in the same ways Odessa-Vesper-Flora-Aurora-Vita-Aulea-so-many-others-names-faces were. She was beautiful in a rougher, wilder way. None of the past kings had ever wed a soldier, and it showed in her bearing. In the set of her shoulders and the callouses of the hand holding his.
It made her feel real. Somewhere past the fog.
“Come on,” she says, though he more reads her lips than makes out the individual sounds of her voice, “it’s late.”
Is it?
Oh. There’s moonlight on the floor. It is late.
Someone must have woken her up to come get him.
Sorry, he tries to say, but doesn’t manage more than an apologetic grunt. There are too many languages-phrases-pronunciations cluttered on his tongue to do more. If he says it, he isn’t sure which language it will come out in, or what era his accent will be from or-.
Better to just not try.
Her smile turns sad and he regrets. Today is ... bad. Very bad. But he can’t fix it.
It would be better if she just left him and went back to bed, but he isn’t sure how to tell her that, so she stays and moves to lean against his side, her arm looped between his and his side, her fingers still twined with his. The magic under her skin that is hers-but-not brushing against his without fear of drowning as she leads him slowly down the Hall. She talks as they go, little things. Meaningless things. Things that matter to Noctis-Nox-Noctis-Nox and not the unfeeling tide of ancient-kings-queens-lives trying to pull him down. He clings to the sound of her voice. To the little meaningless things she’s telling him (Libertus made banana bread today, Crowe almost set Captain’s eyebrows on fire with her new spell and had to scrub down his office as punishment, someone glued all of council room furniture to the ceiling and while no one has proof, Ardyn is looking awfully smug, tomorrow Sonitus is going to try talking to that girl he’s had his eye on for so long and we’re all going to come cheer him on- or tease him, depends on who it is).
A statue catches his gaze and he stops and stares. It’s Fierce, posing with that mace of his-mine-his that my-his-his Shield always teased him for because it was so big and fancy and silly, and Nox can feel it in his hands, feel the way it hummed and sang for the Tonitrus-him-Tonitrus like no other weapon in his training had-.
Fingers squeeze his hand, “Nox,” says the voice in his ear, soft and coaxing and familiar-loved-adored, “come on, babe. We’re almost out.”
Who is Nox? He’s Tonitrus.
No wait that isn’t right he’s Somnus-
No he’s-
Noctis. He’s Noctis isn’t he? Or-
He used to be.
“Nox,” the voice (Nyx, his Nyx, his Night his Glaive his Love his Heart) says again, more firmly this time, and the combined tug-shove of her arm around his drags him past the statue of the man he isn’t-but-remembers-being. He manages to turn his head and drop his gaze to the floor, and some part of him is infinitely grateful that they never carried through on those renovations Mors wanted to make the floor one big mural of the history of Lucis because if they had done that he might actually drown-.
They clear the doors to the Hall of Arts, and it’s a bit like coming up for air after being underwater too long. He breathes and the air in his lungs trembles from relief. He’s still in water (still in a fog of memories that aren’t his and don’t belong) but he’s out, his head is above water. The world firms, reality becomes easier to touch, and he becomes aware of how late it is, aware that Nyx is wearing her Kingsglaive coat but underneath that her feet are in slip ons and her pajama pants have little malboros on them. He blinks a few times at her feet, then looks up slowly and meets her eyes.
She smiles at him, thin and sympathetic (she knows what it’s like to get lost in bad memories, even if hers aren’t nearly as deep as his, she knows what its like to drag other glaives out of the fog that weighs down their bones), “Hey,” she murmurs softly, “you back?”
He tests the words on his tongue before speaking them, and they taste like modern language, so he risks a hoarse, “Think ... think so.”
She tugs him closer and they start walking down the corridors back toward his suite together (genuinely together, not with her pulling and him shuffling along without conscious will of his own), “Good. Wanna talk about it?”
She asks that every time, just like she does for the other glaives, and every time he gives the same answer. “No.”
She lets it go, and the two glaives on duty outside his suite (there were two Crownsguard out there earlier he thinks, but they’ve been shooed away by a worried Libertus and a tired-eyed Tredd) let them through without comment. Nox blinks and isn’t sure when he went from the doorway of the suite to standing next to his bed, but he’s here now and Nyx has shrugged off her Kingsglaive coat and is gently tugging him down onto the mattress.
He lies down on his side and a moment later Nyx curls around his back, the big spoon to his little spoon, her arms anchored around his waist, ensuring he won’t get up and accidentally wander into the Hall of Arts again tonight.
She kisses the back of his neck as she whispers for him to sleep, and he carefully wraps his hands around hers, squeezing them in thanks. Tomorrow he’ll be better, more responsive. Tomorrow he’ll make up for the fact that she had to walk up from Little Galahd to the Citadel in her pajamas and coat to anchor him in place for the night. Tomorrow he’ll be ... Nox. Just Nox. And he’ll do something nice for her, like cook breakfast, or just take her out to the gardens and sing for her as they slow dance together. But for now... for now he’s tired, and the fog is dragging down his bones, and he’s not quite Nox enough to do any of those things.
So he relaxes into her hold and lets himself drift.
Nyx won’t let him drown in old memories tonight.
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paradife-loft · 4 years
Close reading all the Jin Guangyao scenes: episode 10
Episode 11 | Episode 22 | Episode 23
So, when I was talking to @fatalism-and-villainy​ the other day, I mentioned how while doing this third watch of The Untamed, I was feeling really quite tempted to make a semi-liveblogging project out of doing a close analysis of basically every episode where Meng Yao/Jin Guangyao has a substantial scene.... Their response was only to encourage me in this further obsessive descent, and well, here we are.
I’m starting with episode 10 where we are in this watch right now, rather than going back to episode 4, because while ep4 is utterly delightful, I don’t really feel like I have a lot to say about it that hasn’t already been hashed to death.
Meanwhile, episode 10... oh boy! So much going on here. This episode is most interesting to me because the main theme we see in a majority of Meng Yao’s scenes, is how wholeheartedly invested he is in advancing the cause and prominence of the Nie Sect that he serves. Particularly in light of how we see him later giving the same loyalty and effort to the Jin sect, it’s a really cool (and tragic, tbh) precursor that shows a lot about how much he’ll make a point of doing well by those who’ve elevated him in turn.
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So he first shows up with Nie Huisang, when WWX/LWJ/JC are all discussing with Song Lan and Xiao Xingchen what they ought to do with Xue Yang. Noticing the latter two (who are established already as being well-known heroes throughout the cultivation world), he asks if they wouldn’t come along to Qinghe to figure out how best to punish Xue Yang, and also what the best course of action would be for dealing with the Wen sect. Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan rebuff this offer... because they understand, accurately, that what Meng Yao is suggesting/asking about is for them to establish a relationship tying them, however informally (for now), to the Qinghe Nie sect.
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(^This, incidentally, is the face he makes when they say “yeahhh, but no thanks,” or specifically, “We give less value to blood heritage and more to like-mindedness. We don’t want to depend on any cultivation family.” This is the face of “oh, okay, tell me no in such direct terms, when I went to the trouble of phrasing my suggestion a bit more obliquely, thanks so much,” and also, “Wow, doesn’t that sound nice to be able to do :/”)
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Then a few minutes later, we get this wonderful facial expression! ...which I don’t actually have a whole lot to say about, except that I take it for... curiosity, mostly, about someone who’s had such an outsize effect on the local area, what with murdering a handful of minor cultivation clans? Interest in what inter-clan strategic advantages could be gained in one way or another with Xue Yang as a bargaining chip, source of information, etc.? Possibly also interest in the sense of, this is also someone who came from nothing and has been able to get a lot of important people to pay attention to him (even if not for a good reason), depending on how much he’s heard about Xue Yang as a person? There’s a lot of possibilities this is opening up, and I think he’s basically curious to see what happens.
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Again, we just have him being very good at working the angles to get an advantage to the Nie sect (compared to the Wen sect in this case). Jiang Cheng even comments on him being thorough and formidable! (And Huisang mentions that Nie Mingjue really admires him; and Wei Wuxian says it looks like Jin Guangshan doesn’t know how to recognise talent... anyway.)
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Mmmm, yep, douchebags gonna douchebag.... Nothing terribly interesting here that hasn’t already been noted a zillion times, since the basic fundamentals of his character relate to how poorly others treat him for his birth. (It is noteworthy though, I think, how the condensed timeline & events for Meng Yao killing his superior and ruining his relationship with Nie Mingjue in the process compared to the extended version in the novel, alters the first bit of screen time we get here seeing what Nie Mingjue is actually like as a leader. In the novel, his men in the army have a bit of a nasty gossip problem, but the person who mistreats Meng Yao and takes credit for his ideas later is a part of the Jin clan; in the drama, various Nie sect disciples have a gossip problem that he berates them for, but even so he still is, at best, ignorant of how his men’s mistreatment of the person he promoted and thinks highly of has continued.)
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Oh boy, here’s where it starts to get fun! This is Meng Yao’s face as Wen Chao has just threatened to do “housecleaning” of the Nie sect if they don’t hand over Xue Yang, and it’s looking as though Nie Mingjue won’t be able to contain the conflict in a single one-on-one duel with Wen Zhuliu. It’s curious - he has a smirky face looking over toward Huisang when NMJ initially throws Baxia out in front of Wen Chao, like he’s thinking clearly the offered duel would go their way. Was he expecting the duel to be between NMJ and Wen Chao, who he’d clearly clean the floor with, and Wen Zhuliu stepping up instead took him off-guard? - Because that’s when he looks down thinking very quickly for a couple moments, and then tells Huisang he’s going to go check on Xue Yang.
As @veliseraptor​ and @ameliarating​ and I hashed out as this scene continued: what makes the most sense here is that, seeing how things might be going downhill for the Nie sect very quickly if something isn’t done to get the Wen sect off their backs, Meng Yao makes the snap calculation that the best course of action to keep them from getting massacred would be to free Xue Yang to hand him over. He doesn’t really look happy as he heads away from the entrance here; he looks like someone making the unpleasant decision to let a known murderer avoid justice because it will be better for his immediate concern of preserving the sect and clan he serves. Mingjue is uncompromising, but Meng Yao will look for the most advantageous option he can see and go for it, even if it’s a bit shady and perhaps not what his sect leader would prefer. Nie Mingjue respects him and listens to him well when he explains, after all, so with so much at stake, taking this gamble is probably worth the risk.
Aaaand, then we get to the part where he quite deservedly stabs the army commander who’s been treating him like shit for the past while! It’s not terribly clear (especially at this point) the exact chain of events that occurred before NMJ showed up, but from the number of other bodies in the back of the scene, I do think it’s quite plausible that Xue Yang actually did kill most of the dead Nie disciples there, as that would be... a lot of people for someone with a weak cultivation base to off very quickly. And the commander himself - I take that as a highly relished stroke of opportunism, honestly. Meng Yao picks up a Wen sword to use to kill him because he is good at quick thinking to avoid self-incrimination, but I don’t think he’d been intending on multiple homicides when he initially went back to grab Xue Yang before Wen Chao ordered his men to attack everyone and all hell broke loose.
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Oh, ow! NMJ is getting ready to attack him, as Meng Yao frantically tries to talk him down - and Meng Yao still instinctively jumps in front of a sword for his sect leader! Like, truly, honestly, I do believe he had great regard for and loyalty to Nie Mingjue at the very least up through the end of this episode. Whether or not this particular sword thrust could have been fatal to either of them, it still says quite a lot about how he values Chifeng-zun’s person more than his own, even as he’s quite possibly gearing up to kill Meng Yao for what he’s done. That is just... a real intense instinctive sense of obligation and value differential between the two of them that he has, here. Ouch, ouch.
When they resume in the throne room, I think there’s a lot that’s already been said and/or is obviously central, with the line about “fame for merit” and how much it matters to him being the big one. (Why should being recognised for your merit matter so much??? says the one who essentially always has been - lining up one of the central conflicts that continues between the two of them until the ends of their lives.) But I do think it’s pretty fun and telling how seamlessly (performance-wise) Meng Yao slips in the definite lie about the army commander freeing Xue Yang, amongst all the other (pretty certainly true) reasons to condemn him, and then claims it’s all true. I think it definitely speaks of... familiarity with being in a position where others won’t take your own actual reasons for doing something as a good enough justification, and so you develop an intuition of how to mix in motives that also target and appeal to the person you’re talking to as well, to avoid harsh punishment.
Also... hmmmm..... >>>
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Hey look, I’m just saying there’s some interesting thematic comparisons going on in this show regarding moral worth and who a person considers to have enough ethical standing and goodness in them to judge them for their actions and have them accept it, okay?
Jin Guangyao and Wei Wuxian are amazing narrative foils and I am probably never going to get tired of saying it.
Bonus round!
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(When you’ve just been stabbed but you’re still really worried about the attack on the Cloud Recesses that Wen Chao has just revealed, because of what it means could be happening to one incredibly wonderful person! Better go make sure he’s okay, right?? ~*~ XiYao feels intensify ~*~)
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fenharel-babe · 4 years
Hmmm,,can’t wait to see Solas again
So I can punch him but then kiss him bc I love him dearly.
Solavellan is so mixed emotions. I hate him for what he’s going to do. But then I love him bc WE KNOW Solas would stop for Lavellan if she tried hard enough and didn’t give up on him ever. Or that’s my HC for Bloom (my inquisitor). They get to the final meeting when he’s about to the deed,,but she stops him. They start talking (ITS HECKA EMOTIONAL!!!) like whenever you’re fighting the villain (why does that happen so often?) and he’s like,,,emotional and he puts on a brave face but with EVERY SENTENCE SHE SAYS, HE SLOWLY BREAKS AND WHEN SHE FINISHES SPEAKING,,Its silent
Nothing is heard wherever they are (I imagine them alone somewhere idk) and Solas hasn’t said a word as she’s been speaking. Saying how she loves him, how it’s okay, how they can get through this together, and how he needs to trust her. And when she says that, he looks at her with this puppy like look.
“Of course I trust you.” His voice sounded weak and humane and not like the fearful Dread Wolf he is supposed to be. They would be silent after that and he would take in her words. Maybe she is right...he doesn’t have to do this...she can save him...she still loves him. And he stops his plan...all for her and how hard she’s tried, how she hasn’t given up, and how he loves her so much. And things take awhile, a lot of conversations are made. Dorian and Cassandra have finally calmed down a little bit and don’t wanna murder Solas, mainly for the inquisitor. And it gets better.
And I like to imagine the day he came back to Skyhold or wherever they are. Just the day he came back to the Inqusitor,,he went straight to her room. And as he took in the familiar look of the inquisitors room, memories hit him. Many nights did he spend up in her room, reading with her, reading to her, comforting her on her bad days, sleeping by her side, and being with her. It made his eyes sting, but when Lavellan came behind him and hugged him, the tears came falling down.
He wasn’t the Dread Wolf in this moment.
He wasn’t Fen’Harel.
He wasn’t a God at this moment.
He was Solas. A man who’s made several mistakes, who didn’t see worth in this world until a elf came into his life and taught him different, a man who tried to destroy the world...only to be stopped by his heart. His Vhenan. A man who didn’t deserve forgiveness, yet he received it.
Lavellan got in front of him and held him that way, pulling his head towards her, so his face would be against her neck. He didn’t even try to hide his echos and his emotion. She just rubbed his back in comfort and whispered, “It’s okay,” into his ears over and over again. He would wrap his arms around her waist and hold her tight. He believed he shouldn’t be crying. He was about to destroy the world. Yet...when the tears started, they wouldn’t stop. He thought Lavellan would scold him or not comfort him, but when he looked at her, she smiled and wiped his tears off his face. She was there.
And she was his heart and always will be.
He’d finally lean down and kiss her. Her lips tasted so sweet. He hadn’t been able to do this for so long, and when he finally did, he craved for more. He pulled away and looked at her for permission, she would nod (she also missed the way he kissed her), and he would continue until they felt breathless. Until they couldn’t remember how many kisses they shared. But they knew they had to pull away, they needed to talk. And they would. She would listen as long as she needed to.
And there was one fact that didn’t even need to be stated. They both knew it. No matter the pressure they went through, no matter how many times it hurt, she couldn’t stop. She wouldn’t stop. She was his heart and a heart needs to beat,,,and she would never stop beating for him. And he wouldn’t stop beating for her either...
HMMMM I LOVE SOLAS GUYYYTSSSS. I hope y’all cried with me :’’))). There’s some proofreading but not too much so hopefully there’s no mistakes :))).
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vgckwb · 4 years
ML: Isolation Chapter 20: Real Emotions
Adrien spent the next three days splitting time between his friends, his extracurriculars, and taking on a few more Noir Notes requests. While a lot of them were simple and easy to just talk through, some of them were challenging. However, they weren’t so challenging for Adrien who was pretty physically adept to handle some strenuous activity.
However, on Wednesday after fencing, Adrien took a look and saw a rather odd request on Noir Notes. “What’s this?”
“Hi there, Mr. Cat Noir. Before you read this message, I must assure you that I am perfectly safe. Now, I would like your assistance. You see, my friend is preventing me from seeing his other friends again, or even from leaving the house. I miss his friends. He says I can’t visit them anymore because ‘they aren’t ready’, but I have evidence that suggests otherwise. Please come to the following latitude and longitude to help: …”
Adrin looked this over. No matter how many times he read it, he was still confused. So he figured the easiest way to solve this would be by doing as the message said. He changed into his disguise and went off, using his phone to get the precise coordinates.
Adrien looked around once he got there, but nothing stood out to him. On a whim, he checked Noir Notes again. He saw a new message. “Ah, you’re here. Perfect. Now, from where you are currently, turn to your left.” Adrien did and continued reading. “Look in the windows. When you see a claw waving at you, go to that house.” Adrin looked. He found the aforementioned claw and headed over.
Adrien knocked on the door. He was completely flabbergasted to see his new friend and classmate Max answer the door. Max was equally surprised. “Cat Noir? What are you doing here?”
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Adrien said. Again, he felt like the best course of action was to be direct. “I got this odd message on Noir Notes.” He presented it to Max. “I just wanted to follow up on it, due to the confusing nature.”
Max looked at the message. “Oh, son of a bitch” he said. He sighed. “Fine. Come in, I guess.” He handed the phone back to Adrien, who was still thoroughly confused. They walked to Max’s room. “Markov! Why did you post something to Noir Notes? Now Cat Noir is here.”
Markov, a floating robotic orb, popped out from the woodwork. “Because I WANTED him to show up. I asked him for help, and he’s here!”
“Are you that starved for attention?” Max asked.
“Max, don’t get me wrong, you’re amazing, but…” Markov began.
Max sighed. “I’m sorry.” He said down.
“Uh, so…” Adrien said, interrupting. “You posted on Noir Notes?”
Markov turned to him. “Why yes. I am Markov” he said, waving the claw Adrien saw beforehand. “And this right here is my best friend, Max.” Max waved half-heartedly.
“Well, I guess that explains a few things,” Adrien said. He pulled up a chair and sat backwards in it.
“I just… I kind of wish you would have told me beforehand” Max said, rubbing his head.
“Why?” Markov asked. “You would have said ‘no’. Besides, I made my own account, and hid any trace of you.”
“Except that I live near the coordinates you posted.”
Markov processed a little bit. “Deleted.”
Max grinned but was still a bit upset. “Well, I guess that’s fine.”
“So, let’s just get everything on the table,” Adrien said. “Markov, you are a robot created by Max?”
“Well, technically, I’m an A.I.” Markov said. “I can inhabit any robotic form, so long as my chip is there.”
“I see,” Adrien said. “And you want to meet with Max’s friends again.”
“Correct!” Markov answered.
Adrien pondered for a second. “What happened the first time you met them?”
“Ah, how astute,” Markov said.
“Not really,” Max said. “You did say ‘again’.”
“Well, what had happened was,” Markov began to explain, ignoring Max, “one day there was a virus overtaking the school’s computers. Max offered to help, and I helped Max. With our combined efforts, we put an end to that pesky virus.”
“Wow,” Cat Noir said.
Markov turned grim. “Afterwards, Max introduced me to everyone. It was a nice little celebration. However, Ms. Mandeleiev thought of me as nothing but a toy, and said I needed to be put away.”
That tracks Adrien thought to himself.
“However, someone tried to argue that I wasn’t just a toy,” Markov continued. “They went to the principal’s office, where I was taken, and told the principal that I belonged. However, the principal wouldn’t listen.”
“Why not?” Adrien asked.
“Because” Max explained, exacerbated, “that person was only interested in making fun of me…”
Adrien was concerned. “Allow me to elaborate,” Markov said. “The person who wished to see me come back to class was a girl named Marinette.” Adrien was shocked, but not surprised. “Max tells me that she is a bully. Or at least became one after she grew jealous of another girl named Lila. Because she was the one who wanted to rescue me, Max is now more ashamed of me than ever,”
“I’m not… ashamed…” Max tried to protest.
“Hmmmm” Adrien said, thinking. “I think I have a solution.”
“You do?” Max and Markov said at the same time.
Adrien nodded. “Believe it or not, this is not the first time I’ve heard about this Marinette person. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but she no longer goes to school with you, correct?”
“Correct…” Max said, disheartened.
“Well then there should be no problem, right?” Adrien concluded. Max and Markov were confused. “If you were worried that Marinette would bully you, she's not there anymore. She can’t bully where she isn’t.”
“He does make an excellent point,” Markov pointed out.
Max continued to hold firm. He then let out a sigh of desperation. “Can I be honest?”
“I’d prefer it that way,” Adrien retorted.
Max rolled his eyes. He got serious once more. “...As much as Marinette bullied Lila, I don’t think she actually stole Lila’s necklace.”
“Huh” Adrien replied.
“And I think it’s only a matter of time before the school figures it out and reinstates her as a class member” Max said.
“I will say, I disagree with Max’s assessment a little bit,” Markov said.  “I think it seems odd that the person who would so valiantly try to save me would also have such a notorious mean-streak” Markov pondered.
“It’s just…” Max began. “I’m not sure what will happen if and when Marinette comes back and I have Markov. I don’t want her to pick up where she left off.”
“If she was leaving off there to begin with” Markov corrected.
Adrien had to think. He knew Marinette wouldn’t do such a thing, but he could also understand Max’s point of view. Max was unsure after failure last time. However, being unsure was a place Adrien was familiar with.
Adrien smiled. “I’m going to let you in on a secret,” Adrien said. “As Cat Noir, I have access to all kinds of information. That information led me to a possible lead on a missing item. On Friday, I’m going to pull out all the stops to find it. The thing is, I’m unsure if this plan will work, or even if I’ll find it.”
Max was curious. “Huh? But how can you go through with it?”
“Faith,” Adrien said. “I believe in my plan, and that I’ll find it. Come what may, you have to be bold enough to try. Otherwise you’ll end up going nowhere.”
Max had to let that sink in for a bit. Markov was puzzled. “So, what does that mean?”
“It means he wants me to bring you in regardless of Marinette,” Max said. He sighed.
“Do you not want to otherwise?” Adrien asked.
“Of course I want to!” Max yelled. “It’s just… Last time was a mess. I don’t know what will happen and I don’t like that.”
“Max…” Markov said.
Adrien tilted his head slightly. “Did you know what Markov was going to be like when you created him?”
Max looked at him. “Well, no…”
“And do you think that turned out alright?” Adrien continued.
Markov looked at Max, awaiting his response. Max smiled. “Well, in all honesty, he’s better than I could have imagined.” Markov lit up. “I have no regrets in his creation, or his continuing friendship.”
“Max!” Markov squeed.
“I think that’s your answer” Adrien said
Max smiled. “Thanks Cat Noir. I guess my head was clouded by everything else going on. Because of this talk, I remembered working away on Markov; Always worried about what was going to happen, but always saying to myself this is something I need to do.” Max turned to Markov. “Thank you too Markov.”
“Me?” Markov said, surprised.
Max nodded. “If you hadn’t contacted Cat Noir, I would probably still be in my own head about this. You saw that something was bothering me, and did what you could to help.” Max reached out his hand. “That’s what a true friend does.”
Markov was still confused, though shook his hand. “Well, truthfully, I just did it for my own reasons. I don’t think I should get credit here.”
“Well, I guess that’s part of what makes you human,” Adrien said. “While it’s true that acting in one’s own self-interest all the time is cause for concern, people indulge themselves all the time. So long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, it’s fine. And sometimes it could be helpful.”
Markov looked at him. “You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”
“What can I say? I’m only human” Adrien responded. I mean, I did don this getup as a way to start a conversation with my fashion idol, and now it’s turned into me helping people.
Max thought about something. “Maybe I can negotiate with the school about bringing you in.”
Markov looked at him. “And what will you do if the school says no?”
Max smiled. “Well, we can always meet outside of school.”
“Max,” Markov said.
“Well, it sounds like my work here is done” Adrien said.
Max nodded. “Thank you Cat Noir.” Adrien began to leave, but was caught slightly off-guard by what Max told Markov next. “Oh right. There’s a new student in my class. I’d love for you to meet him.”
“What’s his name?” Markov asked.
“Adrien. Adrien Agreste” Max answered.
“The fashion model?” Markov responded.
“The same,” Max confirmed.
“Wow” Markov awed.
Max continued. “And he’s actually a really cool guy. I know you’ll love him because everyone loves him.” Adrien blushed and quickly left before he could overhear more of that conversation.
Once he got home, he went to his computer and messaged Marinette. “So, apparently you have another admirer out there.”
“Well of course. A lot of people admire Ladybug.”
“I mean someone admires you as Marinette.”
“Really?” Marinette asked. “What kind of person would admire me at this point?”
“They aren’t a person, but they will tell you they aren’t a toy.”
“...Wait, Markov? Max’s little robot buddy? You met with him?”
“Yup. The little guy posted on Noir Notes, and he, Max, and I had a bit of a heart-to-heart.”
“What happened?”
“Well, Markov wanted to meet with Max’s friends again, but Max was hesitant. He was nervous people would make fun of him.”
“What made him think that?”
“...Well, it’s kind of a mixed bag. See, while Markov thinks of you as valiant for trying to save him from Principal Damocles, Max is worried that you only did that to make fun of him.”
“But I’m not there anymore. Why would that worry him?”
“See, there’s the silver lining. Max believes that you didn’t take Lila’s necklace. His concern comes from the idea that the school will learn that truth and reinstate you.”
“Huh… That is something I guess…”
“Hey, it's OK. We’re going to get through this.”
“...Yeah. You know, it’s crazy. I never used to believe that. I used to believe my place was in the shadows. But you showing up out of nowhere, and doing all this, and telling me things will be alright… It kind of brought back my faith in that…”
“That’s all I could ask for.” Adrien saw another message pop up. “Uh, I’m getting another message. You wanna hang on for a bit?”
“It’s fine. I have a message as well.”
“Great. Thank you.” Adrien switched over to the other message.
It was from Chloe. It was short, but very demanding. “Adrien. My house. After school. Tomorrow.”
“Huh” Adrien said to himself before responding “OK.”
Meanwhile, Marinette got a message from Kagami. “Hey, can I come over tomorrow and pick up my stuff? You do have it, right?”
Marinette giggled to herself. “Of course I have it. Ladybug is a designer of her word. Stop on by tomorrow.”
“Thanks,” Kagami answered.
“No problem.” Marinette switched back to talking with Adrien. “That was Kagami. She wanted to come pick her stuff up tomorrow.”
Chloe messaged me. She wanted to meet with me tomorrow as well.”
“I see. Do you think she’s nervous about Friday?”
“Maybe. I know I am. I’m going to have to talk to Lila for a whole evening.”
Mariette chuckled to herself. “Be serious.”
“Yeah… It’s a lot. But I think we can pull it off.”
“...Me too. Good night Adrien.”
“Good night Marinette.”
They both logged off. Adrien laid down on his bed. He did wonder what Chloe wanted to discuss. However, those thoughts drifted away, as him laying down brought him to him and Marinette lying on the grass staring at the sky together. He went back to that every night going to be since then, and it helped him fall asleep.
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konako · 4 years
Any fluffy Crossbow x Canary headcanons?
Hmmmm, what can I offer that this brilliant fandom and the authors haven’t yet explored in delicious detail in the many wonderful fics? That’s tough. We have a varied range covered already. 
Dinah hums songs to herself and Helena finds it so very fascinating and comforting.
Helena was not accustomed to the soft side of life, not to the extent she knows the more violent, cruel world. It catches her off-guard the first time, when she hears it, a melodic high-pitch coming from the showers, after a long night of fighting. No words, no exact rhythm, just... improvised, smooth music.
She’s tense and her heart still races from the adrenaline, but the sound stops her whole body and she can’t help but listen closely, entranced. It’s nothing like the loud, messy singing she grew up to during the long family dinners and, after, from her “uncles” in Sicily. This is not the off-pitch, rough and drunk screaming and arguing over the correct lyrics she witnessed many nights -- forcing a smile to cover-up confusion and discomfort --, no. This is... a lullaby. She realizes she’s been standing there, motionless and silent for a while, when Dinah finally turns off the water and steps out. Helena doesn’t know what to do, after.
Helena carried unconscious Dinah to the car, after her Canary Cry.
Helena is the type to make kind gestures in silence. Hell, she’s the type to be kind without giving it much thought. It didn’t cross her mind that her carrying Dinah to the car would be a huge thing. It was only right: Renee was injured (and she’s too tiny anyway) and Dinah couldn’t be left out there, not when more of Sionis’ men could show up -- plus, Helena had to hurry to help Harley, so she didn’t think twice. Dinah was not even that heavy, and the car was right there. It was no problem.
Of course, when Dinah heard about it (she’s not sure who told her), she was all weird around Helena. She wouldn’t finish sentences properly, kept playing with her hair and, did Helena have something on her arms? Dinah kept looking at them, like she saw something new. Was this outfit weird -- too much black again? Dinah scanned her whole body, like, three times already, something is off. 
Dinah loves Helena’s messy hair.
It is a mess. There’s no way about it. Helena’s just lucky it’s short enough that it looks intentional, but she’s seen Helena wake up and go about her day without so much as looking at it. And she’s got this nervous habit of combing her fingers through it when she’s overwhelmed, and it falls into place perfectly imperfectly. It’s infuriating, it’s distracting, it’s so fucking cute. When it falls on her face during a fight and she has to blow it away with an annoyed breath when her hands are full. When she takes off her bike helmet and it’s like the wind styled it, licked back like a supermodel. How can someone who JUST NOW learned about hair conditioner have a mane like that. Unfair.
Horny for Huntress, heart-eyes for Helena.
Dinah was hungry for Huntress during the fight at the Booby Trap, that’s easy. Harley was, too, but Dinah wants to think she was a bit more discreet about it. They were drooling, that’s fair. Okay. And fine, her heart melted a bit when she found out about how she helped Cass -- that was unexpectedly sweet and caring, to give the kid a toy car in the middle of a bloody fight to ensure her she would feel a little bit safer. That’s impressive, and not at all what she expected from the “I DON’T HAVE RAGE ISSUES!” weirdo in all black and eyeliner.
But shit got real right after. Dinah’s defenses weakened when Helena made a joke about Renee’s stupid way to talk, and when she realized Helena hadn’t really joked, it became specially hard. Her obliviousness was oddly charming. When Dinah totally lost the fight, was the fist-bump. The Fist-Bump. This jock stabbed a man in a slide, could hit any target with that crossbow, fought like master, had skill and strategy to put them all to shame -- but couldn’t get a fist-bump right. What the fuck. How can Dinah resist that? Sure, Helena is hot and jacked and kind and deadly-- but she’s so awkward. Dinah stood no chance.
Helena is slightly intimidated by Dinah.
Dinah has all the confidence and experience that Helena so clearly lacks. Dinah cracks jokes and reads the room like she went to school for it. Dinah knows what’s an “innuendo” and when people are “flirting” and when to be quiet and when to tease. Dinah moves so fluidly through life, and she knows Dinah isn’t always 100% sure of things, but she plays it off so well, it’s... scary. Helena feels ten times more inexperienced compared to Dinah. And it doesn’t help that Dinah is so nice and patient with her. It’s even worse that, when Helena’s anger bubbles up and she says something rude or punches a wall, Dinah doesn’t seem bothered. It’s like Dinah is unmovable, and Helena is made of straw. It’s not a familiar feeling for Helena. Not like this, at least. This type of fear is not for her physical or mental health, it’s not like that. She knows that -- she can identify that,  she grew up on that. But Dinah doesn’t scare her that way. It’s more like... another type of fear. Something lower, that tightens her throat and makes her face warm. What is that? She should ask Harley.
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queenangst · 4 years
It’s only right that we kick off Friday into the weekend with some asks! I hope you’ve been doing well this week! 💛✨☀️🌼
Is there anything about writing fanfiction that is different than you expected when you started, or surprising? Could be process or outcomes or however you wanna go with this one
Is there anything you consider a milestone or a turning point in your experience with writing fic?
And, how about a non-writing related one!
Was there anything this week that you got to just pause and enjoy? Mine was the view from the top of this one hill that I drive, that I happened to reach the peak of right at the BAM part of a song.
Yay! Happy weekend!
Hmmmm. Honestly, fanfiction surprised me at how complex it can be. Not that I had many expectations going into it when I started—prior to reading my first few, I'd never heard of fic, so I had no positive or negative connotations of it. I think there are people out there who are telling some really human stories out there, ones that are wonderful and funny and strange and painful. So I guess that.
Some of my big milestones was writing Unsung 2016 through 2017, followed by familiar also later 2016 through 2017. I'd never written or completed fics of those magnitudes before (50k, 100k).* Also at that point, I was really really beginning to develop a stronger voice and style as a writer, and those fics definitely pushed me further down that path. I learned a lot about my own capabilities, and what I wanted to write.
Flare Signal was a big one too, most recently. I never thought I could write something so massive (225k), with so many complicated bits and bobs, and the process was certainly eye opening for me.
Not that length is necessarily a display of growth—I think there are a few fics, one-shots, that really show off how sophisticated my writing can be Sometimes, lol. But the fact that I could commit myself to projects that were so big, and pull them off, and learn so much about my writing in the meantime... yeah.
*I did, actually, but I never posted the full fic online. Neverland is still sitting sadly in my docs, the full thing having only been read by like, five people. Unless I've got the timelines mixed up.
Mmm, that sounds nice!
This was last week, but I went hiking at a local place with my parents. As the sky was getting darker and we were heading back, I spotted these patches of white flowers and thought they were quite lovely. Neither of my parents noticed until I pointed them out. So I suppose that was a nice moment.
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springday-aus · 5 years
Librarian!AU with Jinyoung
moodboard link
Group: GOT7
Member: Park Jinyoung 
Genre: fluff, romance
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 1.4k
so Jinyoung works at the library’s circulation desk part time nearby a college campus 
most of the time, it’s lil old ladies working there 
highkey the type that everyone oogles over because he’s so handsome 
like bro…. 
when Jinyoung was hired……. 
it’s almost as if people started to come to the library more often….. 
I wonder why when the light hits just right and he’s got on his circle glasses with a book in hand 
we love an educated man 
to the actual librarian aspects 
he’s actually really resourceful, especially to all the college students who come in and don’t know where the fuck to start on a paper that is literally due that night 
but that ain’t gonna stop him from being like “you put this on yourself” 
100% hunts people down about overdue books 
the other librarians tell him it’s fine 
but he remembers faces REALLY well 
Jinyoung: “this library card is literally expired” 
Jinyoung: “you’re the one that owes those overdue disks” 
Jinyoung: “you owe 69 cents” 
some student: “ah, you know what that means” 
Jinyoung: “yeah, I do—get out” 
Jinyoung: “Jackson, I’m not lending this out to you until you return Twlight: New Moon” :) 
stupid people come in all the time but he knows it can be a lot worse 
but like…… jesus christ 
some of these people….... are just testing him 
speaking of which, Jaebum def comes in to bother him all the time 
not like bother bother, but like…….. bother 
and with Jaebum comes the rest of got7 and that’s chaos alone 
imagine Bambam in a quiet space 
that’s right
you can’t 
their visits to the library almost always end with them getting kicked out by Jinyoung himself 
anyways there isn’t much to the job 
checks people’s books out, organizing books, and that’s pretty much it 
he probably organizes all the stuff he has to do and then chills at the front desk 
80% of the time he’s reading a book there 
it’s a real convenient job for Jinyoung, especially since he really likes quiet spaces 
because everyone’s like studying or something, it makes him want to be productive too 
and yeah people are awful 
but at least they’re quiet (for most of the time) 
so where do you come in? 
you come in to study nearly every weeknight 
there’s just so much work you have to do 
and it’s insane 
you need like a quiet space to work and the library’s just……… 
remember what I said about Jinyoung remembering faces? 
he knows yours 
most of the time, when he’s working, you’ll be at the table in the corner, working away 
he admires your work ethic 
(even though sometimes you’ll watch the strangest Youtube videos whenever you take a break) 
it was kind of like this for a while
he would just be working and so would you 
so what happens? 
you lost your wallet 
**cue you internally screaming as you rummage through your bag**
you literally have like a mental breakdown as you were back at your home 
that literally had everything you needed 
your ID card 
bus pass 
insurance cards
even the fucking buy 6 get 1 free for the froyo you love to get 
now you have to start all over 
you’re freaking the fuck out 
and all of your friends tell you the same thing “retrace your steps and if you don’t find it, let the companies all know the situation” 
so that’s where you start 
you literally look through every nook and cranny as you retrace your steps 
the last stop is at the library
you’re literally crawling on top and below the table, searching for the wallet you lost 
Jinyoung’s working at the desk, as per usual 
he’s literally just watching you scramble around 
not like that 
but like no one is really here and you’re moving around so quickly 
after like 15 minutes of searching, you walk up to the desk 
you’ve literally been coming here for months and this is literally the first time you’ve walked up to the desk 
Jinyoung acts like he doesn’t see you heading his way, making it look like he’s invested in his book 
You: “ahem” 
he looks at you with his glasses on the bridge of his nose 
You: “has anyone brought up a wallet?” 
when you were here earlier, Jinyoung may or may not had noticed a little wallet falling out of your bag as you packed your things to leave 
Jinyoung: “I saw one earlier, but I’ll check if it’s still here” 
you just wait at the desk, tapping on it as Jinyoung goes through the lost and found bin 
he walks back up to the desk and gently places it down 
Jinyoung: “I’m not sure if it is yours, so you should check it—” 
you look overjoyed at the familiar patterned wallet 
You: “thank you, thank you, thank you—I owe you my life” 
you’ve grabbed ahold of his arms and your eyes sparkle at him like a savior 
he’s a bit flustered from your thanks and smiles at you, as you continue to ramble 
You: “you don’t understand, you literally saved from doing like 900 things to get all the stuff back; I will literally pay for your dinner or something. I literally am so grateful—” 
you cut yourself off, realizing what that sounded like 
You: “nevermind, cross that out, I’m so sorry, I’ll just leave or something before I look like an even bigger idiot—” 
Jinyoung just chuckles at your rambling 
Jinyoung: “sure” 
You: “wait what” 
Jinyoung has nothing to lose 
you’re cute—he’s noticed you for a while 
one date can’t hurt 
Jinyoung: “I’ll let you take me out” 
so you two set up a date
y’all went to dinner like you said 
but, like a gentleman, he didn’t let you pay
Jinyoung: “you can pay on the next date” 
dating Jinyoung is as cute as it sounds 
there’s lots of cute, study dates when he’s working and you have things you have to do 
but now you sit closer to the desk
and he spends a majority of the time near your table 
he’s not a big PDA person, but with the look in his eyes anyone can tell y’all are together 
it’s not just at the library, but y’all also chill at places like cafes and bookshops too 
speaking of book shops
y’all go bookshop hopping a lot t
hey’re cute to go to 
oooo AND he’ll probably read to you 
imagine your head in his lap and his fingers are going through your hair and his voice 
his voice
speaking of home dates 
imagine him cooking for you 
he would def do that bc Jinyoung is such boyfriend material 
straight up he’s the ideal son-in-law 
he’s smart 
I can literally go on for DECADES 
okay but there’s like this weird switch
he’s usually so mature around you 
but like..... as time goes 
he’s also lowkey a child with you 
like yes this man is domestic as hell but then again….. 
there was this one time you were hanging with 97 line 
y’all were making fun of him (out of love) 
**cue Yugyeom singing shake it shake it for me** 
(apparently he and Jaebum wrote a song in high school together and now none of got7 will ever let it go) 
Jinyoung proceeded to glare at him 
and you just kept laughing 
two weeks later and he’s still pouty about it 
You: come onnnnnnn 
You: baby pls look at me 
Jinyoung: why don’t you just keep singing instead 
You: omg let it go 
karaoke dates are the bomb 
they get even more lit with got7 
the minute Big Bang is on, it gets real crazy 
last time y’all got kicked out 
because Youngjae kept running into the wall from dancing 
and BamBam was on the table 
but each time you go, Jinyoung will sing a ballad and you’re 100% whipped 
it’s fine 
y’all are both whipped for each other 
he really takes care of you 
and vice versa 
y’all have a system
in summary: lots of fun dates and support and love for each other 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Have you read Universal Constant by Cirth? It’s a ric fixit fic that seems up your alley
Thanks for the rec! I have not read it yet, it sounded familiar so I looked it up, and its on my to read list, but only like, after a surgery I’m waiting on. The author tagged it with the tag permanent injury, which I appreciate, as I’m very much here for authors treating TBIs more seriously and realistically than comic books. But since I’m personally in a weird sorta Limbo where I’m waiting on a surgery meant to address some health issues that are not TBI related but weirdly encompass a lot of the same symptoms, enough so that I’m like, hmmmm, not in the right headspace to digest certain takes right now and feeling a little too “I’m in this picture and have lots of complicated feelings I don’t wanna unpack right now”....its shelved as ‘for later,’ lol. Basically, most fics tagged with any indicator of permanent or lasting repercussions to the amnesia arc or Talon stuff are on my TBR list for when I’m more settled, health and headwise.
(Basically, just went into the above because I think its worth remarking that sometimes there are fics that we don’t actually have any problem with other than it just being a timing issue. Where stuff going on in our offline lives factors into how and in what ways we interact with various tropes or content, and sometimes there are fics that its like....y’know, I’m just gonna save this one for another time, when I can appreciate its nuances a bit more. Like there are fics that sometimes hit you like a bolt of lightning, in the best way, because you read it at exactly the right time and its just what you need, and sometimes there are fics that like....would probably hit you like a bolt of lightning in a less great way so you’re like mmm, gonna save that for when I feel like less of a lightning rod, lmao.)
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verobatto · 4 years
Jaskier meets Ciri first before the final scene of the final episode!!! ❤ and how his name just... weaves in Geralt and Ciri's conversation 😍 Guilty Geralt any day! 😁
Hi @casmiledean ! This prompt is delicious I changed it a little... I made it AFTER the finale. But I hope you enjoy it the same!! And of course you will get some regretful Geralt!
Unexpected Hiatus Prompts
The Lost Girl
Geraskier One Shot
Link to AO3 here
Geralt is a jerk!
Ciri thought, while running through the forest. They had been together just for a few hours and he was already trying to get away from her saying he wasn't good enough to raise a child, and also that his life was full of death and monsters… 
Yes, he was a jerk… so she ran away from him. It's fine if he didn't want her. She didn't want him neither. Fine. It was just fine.
A tear ran through the girl's cheek.
She wasn't in the forest anymore. How long had she been running?
The girl took a look around, it was a little town. She started to walk, without knowing what she was doing, until she heard a beautiful voice singing. 
Ciri swiveled on her heels, and spotted a tavern. She swallowed. The girl knew that wasn't a place for ladies… but that voice sounded warm… trustful… familiar?
She walked towards that forbidden place, dragged, almost enchanted by that voice.
She entered, and no one noticed her. Every men and women in the tavern were paying special attention to him. 
Ciri narrowed her eyes at the sight of a man, singing and playing his lute gracefully. Smiling. 
The girl approached him slowly. The man had a smolder figure, dressed with fancy clothes. He had beautiful factions, and it seemed strangely familiar. 
The bard stopped drastically his song at the sight of a blonde girl staring at him curious.
Ciri saw his blue eyes.
"Who are you? Are you lost?" The troubadour asked her, kneeling to level their faces, "I'm Jaskier, and you are...?"
The girl blinked, and then she answered, "I'm Cirilla."
"Okay, Cirilla," Jaskier repeated smiling, "this is not a place for girls, let's go outside." He stood up and offered his hand.
Ciri didn't know why but she trusted him. So she took that hand, and let him guide her outside.
They were near the forest now, just a few steps away from the tavern, when Jaskier tried to decipher where did this girl come from. He cocked his head and pouted at the sight of dust in the girl's coat, and some filthy tears on her cheek. And he could made a diagnosis.
"Did you run away?" The bard bit his lower lip to suppress a smile.
"How do you know?" She answered, lowering her face.
"I recognize rebellion against parents when I see it, believe me, I know." He huffed.
"He's a jerk…" the girl murmured, clenching her fist.
"Oh… so he…" Jaskier raised an eyebrow, "And who's this he, exactly?" 
Geralt arrived suddenly, panting, with eyes wide open. 
Ciri and Jaskier turned their heads to watch the newcomer.
Jaskier pursed his lips and straightened in his place. Recalling the last hurtful time they had seen each other. 
His eyes went dark, "Yeah, he is a jerk," snapped the bard, fixing his gaze on Geralt's confused one.
Ciri flicked her eyes from Geralt to Jaskier. There was so much tension there.
"What are you doing here?" The white wolf asked the girl, approaching them.
She frowned, "I ran away," she said, almost crying, "What did you expecting me to do when you kicked me out by saying you can't take care of me?"
"Oh, so he did that to you too?" Jaskier scoffed, and Geralt stared at him, scowling.
"Let's go Ciri, I didn't mean that… I just…" Geralt offered her his hand, but the girl grabbed Jaskier's arm firmly, with defiance. 
Jaskier drifted his surprised eyes to her.
"I won't, and you did mean that." She said.
Jaskier sighed, he shot a quick glance to Geralt, and then he kneeled in front of her, "No, Ciri, he didn't." The girl frowned, "Look… he is the kind of person, how would I say…" the bard averted his eyes to the skies as Geralt observed him puzzled, "He doesn't choose the right words… he doesn't call his friends friends… he says things and all the time when he mean the opposite…" then Jaskier crossed gazes with the Witcher, "and he just can't stop pushing the people he loves away from him."
The white wolf gulped, and bowed his head.
"But... why he does that?" Asked Ciri confused. 
Jaskier stood up and inhaled heavily, "Because he's a jerk." The bard answered, and Geralt was staring at him, frowning again. 
Jaskier side eyed him, amused.
Ciri remained thoughtful for just a moment, then she walked towards Geralt, and fixing her eyes on him, she said with seriousness, "I forgive you... I only want to say that I don't care what you think about yourself, because it's not what I think about you."
Geralt moved uncomfortable in his place. And then he glanced at Jaskier. The bard was smiling fondly.
The girl offered Geralt her hand and the white wolf took it, "I promise I'll do my best," he murmured.
She grinned and then, wheeling around, raised her other hand inviting Jaskier to take it.
The bard frowned, and Geralt watched him flustered.
"He's coming with us," said the girl, then turned her face to see the Witcher in the eye, "You need him." 
Geralt blinked nervously. 
Jaskier smirked at the sight of that reaction, and grabbed Ciri's hand.
"Oh, well, my sweet lady," he scoffed, "Another thing he won't ever admit is that he needs me… badly." He huffed a little chuckle, "Right Geralt?" The bard was staring at him, enjoying the Witcher's discomfort, and how he was trying to not look at him.
"Hmmmm," the white wolf just answered. 
And the three walked through the forest, holding hands with Ciri in the middle. Obviously, with Jaskier singing about Geralt's adventures.
Hope you enjoyed this! Thanks to @agusvedder for her help beta reading this! 💕
Tagging some friends! @mrsaquaman187 @mylastwish @jawnlockwinchester
//if you want to be tagged in this list of Geraskier fic, just let me know!//
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch43: What’s In A Name?
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Intro: Katie progresses through her pregnancy and as her due date looms, they get down to the task of picking a name. Easier said than done...
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Teeth rotting fluff…seriously!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
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October 2019
Katie was adamant that whoever said pregnancy was an enjoyable time was a lying fucker. Her morning sickness was horrendous, only it wasn’t just morning sickness. As Dr Kellet had warned, it was 24 hour fucking sickness. And to top it off, whilst she had already found out certain smells made her heave, both Steve’s aftershave and his shower gel were amongst two of them.
Steve took it upon himself, as with anything, to do as much research as he possibly could, reading articles galore on the internet. It was in one of these that he stumbled across a suggestion that lemon and ginger tea could help with queasiness. He had immediately headed to the store and come back with about 20 boxes off the stuff, much to Emmy’s amusement, and he tried not to hover or fuss too much over Katie, he really, really did. Katie knew he found this hard, as he was so excited and worried, both for her and the baby, not entirely certain how to navigate this new situation – and he wasn’t the only one. Every day Katie had to remember to herself that she couldn’t drink this, couldn’t eat that, shouldn’t do this. Pepper had told her it would be strange, that she would feel like her body wasn’t her own anymore. It was frustrating, and she found herself in a constant state of irritation, questioning to herself why either of them had thought getting pregnant would be a good idea. But then she would think back to how heartbroken and devastated the pair of them had been when they had been robbed of their chance to be parents almost 18 months prior and all that frustration vanished.
Fourteen weeks in and she was still felling like crap. She lay in bed, trying to go back to sleep but the horrible feeling spread into her throat and she clamped her hand over her mouth, pushing back the covers. Steve watched as she dashed into the en-suite, dropped to her knees and puked into the toilet, groaning. Steve climbed out of bed and followed her, crouching besides her as she heaved and heaved again, gently holding her hair back out of the way, rubbing her back. Eventually she let out a sigh and slumped to sit on the floor looking up at him as he smoothed her hair back behind her ears.
“I don’t think I like being pregnant” she mumbled and he chuckled slightly.
“Oh doll” he sighed, his hand still on her face “Can I get you anything?” “Some water, please.”
He dropped a kiss to her head and stood up, heading out of the bathroom. When Katie was sure she was done being sick for the time being she stood up, washed her face and cleaned her teeth, glancing at her reflection. Some pitiful woman with a bright red face looked back at her and she rolled her eyes. If this was glowing then fuck that.
Steve came back a minute or so later with a bottle of water which he held out. She took it off him with a thanks and then headed back into the bedroom. Draining half the bottle she set it down on the dresser and pulled out some fresh underwear, pulling off Steve’s T-shirt as she went. Steve watched her for a second, and then as she fastened her bra she turned to grab a top from the drawer and he felt his eyes widen as he noticed for the first time the slight swell in her stomach. Katie felt her eyes on him and she turned to look at him.
“Just boobs Steve.”she said, sniggering “They’re gonna get bigger.” “Sweetheart it’s not that, you’re…” he swallowed “You’re showing.”
Katie glanced down and was raised her eyebrows before she moved over to where the full length mirror. Up until then she’d simply been putting on a bit of weight, finally giving in the week before when she couldn’t fasten her jeans up anymore, but it was nothing of major note. But now, almost as if it had appeared overnight, there was a slight curve sticking out between her pelvis bones. Not huge, but still there.
“I err…” she looked at Steve, smiling softly “Yeah, guess I am.”
“Stay right there!“ he dived onto the bed and picked up his phone which was charging on his nightstand
“Steve!” she laughed as he took a snap, knowing full well that there would likely be a sketch in his book of the photo later in the day. “Did you get my face in that?”
“Maybe, but it doesn’t matter because one is ever going to see you like this besides me.” He grinned back as he tossed his phone onto the bed as he stood up, wrapping his arms around her from behind, his hands coming to rest on her small bump.
“I love you, more than you can ever know.” He nuzzled at her neck as she pressed her back to his bare chest. He rest his chin on her shoulder and looked at her in the mirror and then their moment was ruined as the feeling rose in Katie’s throat again and she shifted, pushing him out of the way before running and vomiting once more into the toilet. Steve followed her again, handing her the bottle of water. She took a large gulp and thankfully it seemed to quell the last lingering queasiness she was feeling for the time being and she let out a sigh as she looked at him.
“You did this.” she narrowed her eyes at him.
“I know, and I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m not.”  he said with a sheepish grin.
“Hmmmm” she shook her head as he helped her to her feet. “You will be in five months or so when he or she is giving you as much grief as they’re giving me now.” “Well then I give you full permission to say I told you so.” He smiled. “Do you want any breakfast?” “God no.” she shook her head.
“You have to eat.” he frowned
“I know but not at half seven am when I’ve just puked my guts up” she said, placating him  “I’ll eat in a little while, I promise, once we’ve sorted Emmy out for school.” “I’ll hold you to that.” He said, patting her ass.
The other downside to being pregnant was the tiredness. And she felt exhausted all the time. So, Steve wasn’t surprised to find her flaked out on the bed, Lucky by her side, when he returned later that afternoon after collecting Emmy. They’d detoured to the store on their way home as they’d run out of peanut butter- Katie’s craving- as she would sit there eating the stuff out of the jar with a spoon. Whilst in Target, Emmy’s new favourite place on the planet, the girl had gone wandering off nearly giving Steve a heart attack until he found her in the clothes section, grinning at a maternity t-shirt. It was light yellow with a digger on the front, and the words “Under Construction” over the top. They’d both laughed until tears were rolling down their faces and had thrown it in the trolley. 
He’d left Katie asleep for as long as he could, until it was almost six pm and he knew she’d have trouble sleeping later on so as Emmy headed down to the lab to meet Bruce about some science project she was working, with the promise that as it was Friday they could get take-out, he headed into their bedroom and gently lay down next to her, giving her a soft kiss.
“Baby.” he gently bumped his nose against hers “I’m sorry but it’s almost six…” She cracked open one eye with a groan and glanced at Steve, his face was inches from hers as he lay on the pillow. Over the last four weeks or so, the unfortunate implication of her being tired constantly was that their sex life wasn’t exactly thriving and Katie hated that. It had always been such an important part to their relationship, how they lost themselves with one another but frankly, on most occasions recently, it was the thing furthest from her mind. The first time she’d pushed Steve away a fortnight ago his face had literally looked like she’d slapped him until she’d tearfully explained she was tired and cranky and her boobs hurt and, well, just and. He’d simply sighed and pulled her to him, and since then hadn’t moaned or pestered or made any move on her whatsoever. He understood, even if he did feel a little inadequate so to speak, but had been nothing but the perfect gentleman, doting husband and she couldn’t love him more for that.
But now there was a familiar feeling spreading between her legs that she was fucking happy to welcome back and she squirmed slightly as he tucked her hair behind her ears as he was totally oblivious as usual.
“I said we’d sit with Nat tonight and get take-out. That ok?” he looked at her.
“Sounds good, but, there’s something else I want first.”
“What?” he frowned, before he realised what she was insinuating as her hand drifted to the waistband of his jeans. “Ohhh.” he grinned as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto his lips. “Are we finally at the point of pregnancy where you’re supposed to be insatiable?” he asked as she undid the buckle of his belt.
She shrugged as he rolled her onto her back gently, his mouth dropping to her neck as she let out a soft groan, his hand creeping crept up her top before he paused.
“How are the boobs today?” he gave a smirk and she laughed as he pulled her top off.
“Tender, be gentle.” she said as his eyes greedily drank her in before his lips returned back to hers, the contact breaking only when she grabbed at his dark blue henley, suddenly desperate to feel his skin on hers. He let her pull it over his head, lips back together as soon as it was off and his hand gently moved downwards and into the top of her leggings, finding her spot. Her hips bucked violently at his touch and he looked at her, arching an eyebrow at how responsive she was being.
“Shit.” she said, “Fuck that’s sensitive.”
“Easy, baby.” he chuckled, his mouth soft on her neck as she groaned, enjoying the feeling of his hand working at her. When she couldn’t take it anymore she sat up slightly, undoing the button on his jeans and pushing them down his thighs before he shrugged himself free of them, and his boxers as Katie shucked off the bottom half of her clothing, before she pushed on his shoulders gently and he obliged, laying back so she could straddle him. As she took him in they both groaned slightly, his hips flexing upwards as she pushed down. Katie found a slow, steady rhythm that felt good, riding him softly as he met her movements thrust for thrust, hands on either side of her hips.
Now, Steve wasn’t exactly a prude in bed. Years of being with Katie had put paid to that but if he was honest his favourite position was still missionary. He liked the way it felt, the fact that he was the one doing the work and unravelling her underneath him, but that wasn’t to say he didn’t enjoy it any other way. He did. A lot. And as he looked up at her seeing her slightly distended belly, her swollen breasts protruding over the top of her bra and the other changes in her body thanks to the fact she was growing his baby, it all lit a fire in his belly every single fucking time he looked at her, well, frankly her on top now, watching her, it felt incredible.
“God you’re beautiful.” he muttered as he sat up, pressing his lips to hers as she groaned at the change of angle, grinding down against him harder “I love you so fucking much.” “I love you too.”she panted, her nose rubbing against his as he pushed up harder, making her cry out. “Fuck Katie.” he whimpered a little as she continued to roll her hips groaning loudly once more as the heat began to rise in her belly. He read the signals right, as he always did, pulling her down onto him harder, again and again.
“Stevie, I’m gonna…” and then she let out a soft cry, throwing her head back as she came undone, her hands tightening on his shoulders as he held her close, guiding her through her orgasm as he thrust upwards a few more times before following her right over the edge as she collapsed forward, her head lolling against his shoulder. It hadn’t been long, little over ten minutes if that, but it had felt amazing and as she sat still on his lap, his hands gently tracing up her back, she realised she’d never felt so cherished and loved in her life.  
**** December 2019
As Katie’s bump grew bigger, so did Steve’s protectiveness. The urge to keep his unborn child and his wife safe was coursing through his veins like molten lava. They’d already discussed moving from the Compound, and as such had put an offer in on a house in Brooklyn, which they were waiting to hear back from the realtor about. Emmy and Natasha thought the whole thing was hilarious, watching the normally composed and stoic soldier running around like a small child, and Katie did to a point, but as the weeks went on she started to get a little frustrated.
Natasha had reminded her she should be grateful he was so interested, as a lot of women didn’t have the help she did. And Katie knew that, she really did, but that didn’t stop her feeling slightly suffocated at the way he didn’t want her to go out alone, or drive, or clean, or basically do anything, and it all came to a head after twenty four weeks on the evening before their second sexing scan. They’d had one a few weeks before and Baby Rogers was not playing ball and lying in the most awkward position possible, so they’d been unable to tell what they were having. As such, they’d booked another to see if this time the little monster would be more co-operative. Steve was like a kid on Christmas eve, restless, eager to find out whether he was getting a son or a daughter, which didn’t help the situation as his incessant need to be doing something was driving Katie insane so she’d retreated to the bedroom which was where Steve found her now, pulling the sheets off the bed when Steve found her. He crossed his arms and frowned.
“What are you doing?“
“Rowing the Atlantic.” she looked at him, as he rolled her eyes at her sarcasm “What does it look like?”
“I can do that.” “Steve!” she groaned exasperatedly “You’re driving me insane! I’m pregnant not injured, I’m perfectly capable of changing the fucking sheets on our fucking bed!”
Steve recoiled instantly and stood looking at her, not sure what to do. He’d pushed her too far, he could see that. He swallowed as she looked up at him, her eyes flashing dangerously.
“I just…” he stuttered, running his hands through his hair. “I want to make sure you’re okay, that’s all. I’m sorry.”
His face wore the expression of a puppy dog she’d just booted across the floor and she sighed, running her hand over her face and moved to give him a hug “I know and I shouldn’t have snapped, that was uncalled for.” “I’m going overboard aren’t I?” he asked, dropping a soft kiss to her head. “I know you mean well, I really do, but I’m capable of walking around and doing stuff on my own.” she leaned back to look at him. “And I adore the fact that you want to care for me I really do but-” she stopped dead as she felt something flutter inside her belly. She laid her hand on her bump and there it was again, like butterflies but stronger. She had never felt it before, Dr Kellet saying it wasn’t unusual for a first time pregnancy not to feel the baby quickening until nearer twenty-five weeks but she had definitely felt that.
“Oh my God.” She whispered, looking down and then back up at him.
“What is it?” he frowned, looking at her, concern across every line of his face.
“The baby, it’s moving.” she smiled at him.
Steve felt his eyes widen before he grinned and dropped to his knees, letting her position his eager hands on her body. For the longest moment he held his breath, waiting.
"Sweetheart, it was barely more than a flutter, I’ve never felt it before so I doubt you will be able to feel anything yet.” Katie looked down at him.
He looked crestfallen and began to move his hands away but she stopped him.
“Talk to them, he or she might be able to hear you now.”
Steve looked up at her “So soon?” “Yeah.” she nodded, encouragingly. “They say between twenty three and wenty seven weeks so give it a try.” Smiling he bent closer, Katie lacing the fingers of her hands through his hair gently as he addressed her stomach.
“Hey, kid” he spoke softly, and his hands shifted up to the side of her bump “How’s it going in there?”
Katie felt another faint stir, deep inside.
“They did it again.” she grinned, and he looked up at her, his eyes shining. “They know your voice, Daddy.”
Steve stayed on his knees, watching her for a second, the utter love he felt for this woman and the baby she was cooking scared him at times. It consumed him like nothing he had ever known before. He often wondered how he was going to fare as a father, never having known his own and Katie had softly confessed one night she was just as scared as she had never known her parents properly either. But Steve had known his mom, Katie had Tony to look up to and they’d both coped ok with Emmy for almost a year now so they’d figure it out together.
“You think it’s a boy or a girl?” he asked, looking up at Katie from where he was knelt, his hands sliding up the outside of her thighs.
She paused, considering. “Truthfully, I haven’t a clue. What about you?
Steve got up "No idea,” he admitted, “And I don’t particularly care” He ducked his head to give her a soft kiss.”
“I’m leaning towards a boy though.” Katie smiled.
“Yeah, why’s that then?” “Just a hunch.” she grinned, cheekily “Because it’s an awkward little shit just like its dad.” *****
A face swim into focus - streaked with static, but undeniably a face - a perfect little profile with a forehead and nose and chin. The little thing on the screen suddenly moved, turning its head and pulling one hand up beside its face.
Steve’s hand curled round Katie’s as the pair of them glanced at the screen, both of them immersed at their little world, right there, completely unaware of how much it was already loved. It had been four weeks since they had seen it last and it seemed so much more clear even as little as twenty eight days further on.  
“Everything is perfect!” Dr Kellet was talking. “And, I’m happy to say Baby is in a much more cooperative mood so I can tell you what it is this time.”
Steve looked at Katie, his eyes bright and they both nodded eagerly.
“Congratulations, Mom and Dad,” she announced, smiling. “It’s a boy”
“A boy.” Steve whispered, and Katie smiled as her raised her hand to press a kiss against her knuckles. She turned to look at him, his eyes were shining.
“This is real?” he suddenly demanded. “This - our baby - it is a he?”
Katie bit back the laugh at Steve’s astonished face. Dr Kellet smiled at Steve’s reaction and nodded reassuringly. “That’s your son.”
“You’re sure?” he asked for what felt like the thousandth time as they walked back to the car. “I mean, are those things accurate?”
Katie laughed, “Steve!”
“I know, I know.” he shook his head, still not quite able to believe it as he unlocked the car. Katie settled in the passenger seat as he climbed in next to her, and she glanced down at the image on the scan photo in her hands. “A son.” Steve smiled, looking out of the front window of the car. “We’re gonna have a boy.”
“Are you going to keep smiling like that all day?” she asked him.
“Probably.” Steve nodded, not an air of shame in his tone as he turned to face her. In all honestly he hadn’t cared what their baby was going to be, but as soon as they’d found out it was a boy he suddenly had visions of all the sorts of activities they could do together. Play fighting, baseball, football…not that he couldn’t do any of those with a girl but, well, it was his boy. A boy that would keep the Rogers name going once he was no longer there…
“Hey, now we can start thinking of names!” Katie grinned as he started the car up.
“Yeah.” He smiled, pulling out of the space “You had any ideas.” “Just one for a boy.”  Katie replied as he swung the car onto the main road.  She bit her lip, not sure how this was going to go down. “I thought about James.”
Steve’s shoulders tensed slightly. “After Bucky?” His voice was soft.
Katie nodded “That’s one person, yeah.”
Steve took a deep breath. If he was honest he’d had the same thought but he wasn’t completely sure about it. He didn’t want their kid named after Bucky because Katie simply thought it was what he wanted. He wanted it to be for the right reasons. Besides, it wasn’t like Bucky ever went by that name anyway. He shook his head and turned to look at Katie for a second.
“I’m not sure I could call a kid James. He went by Bucky after all.”
“I like it” Katie shrugged. “Plus, there are other nicknames for James, you know like Jim or Jamie.” "Jim?” he snorted, looking at her “He’s not an old man.” “No but his dad is.” she replied, playfully.
**** It was a week after Christmas when Steve finally got to feel his baby moving. They’d finally taken possession of the keys for the house in Brooklyn and after a long day of packing things into boxes, Katie had headed to the bedroom, jar of peanut butter and spoon in hand. Their son had been doing flips and kicking like a trooper all day, and she was exhausted.
Steve and Emmy stayed up to watch a film before calling it a night and after making sure Emmy was settled, Lucky assuming his place at the base of her bed, he climbed under the covers behind his wife, his hand straying to her bump as he hooked an arm round her, his thumb gently stroking to and fro when Katie rolled onto her back, looking up at him, biting her lip. Suddenly she wasn’t tired anymore and was craving the other thing she seemed to be constantly after which wasn’t peanut butter. And Steve was more than happy to comply.
“You are terrible.” he muttered with a grin, giving her a hard kiss and she squirmed as his hand touched her hip. She was extra sensitive to any touch he gave her at the moment, and he knew it. Grinning, he shuffled down slightly and she bit back a smile as he rest his forehead against her rounded abdomen.
“Hey son.” he cajoled. “Your mom says you’ve been pretty active all day today so how about a bit of something for your old man?”
And then Katie felt the jab, which was far stronger than anything she’d felt before, as their son really did give a kick or an elbow, whichever it was it had been harsh! Steve stilled as he thought he had felt something, but wasn’t sure. Quickly he looked up, holding the covers so that they were peaked around his head and he glanced up at Katie who nodded at him. He bowed his head once more against her stomach, hands resting either side as he felt their baby again. He took a shaky breath, simply staying there as Katie laced her fingers into his hair as their son continued to wriggle, Steve’s hand following every movement before they died down. It was incredible, and he couldn’t help but feel utterly in awe at the life growing inside his girl.
Fuck, she was incredible, being able to make that.
Eventually, after a moment or so of nothing Steve pressed a soft kiss to the side of her bump.
“I gotta help your mom out with something now so…” he looked up at Katie, grinning cheekily, before his head made its way further downwards and soon it was another feeling he was cherishing altogether.
"You know, betcha he’s gonna be super smart, like Tony or Banner smart” Steve said later that night as they lay together, her back pressed to his chest again. She couldn’t lie in her preferred position with her head on her chest anymore as her bump made it uncomfortable but if he was honest he preferred this way, he could simply rest his hand right over his son and stay there all night.
“Well he will be half Stark.” Katie mused as she lay her hand on top of Steve’s, her fingers skating over his wedding ring. “But I hope he looks just like you.”
Steve smiled and pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, closing his eyes.
“You know, we really should try and make a bit more progress on the whole name front.” Katie sighed. "I still think we should call him James,”
Steve shook his head, eyes still closed.
“All right, then let’s name him after one of the other Commandos.” Katie said, turning her head to look at him.
Steve considered the matter for a second and then frowned. He cracked open an eye and gave his wife a dirty look as she started laughing. He had told her once that it had been a well-worn joke that all but three – him, Gabe, and Timothy - were named some variant of the name James.
“I assume you’re not suggesting we name him Gabriel,” he deadpanned, setting her off into another laugh.
“Emmy had a suggestion before.” Katie said, biting her lip. “Yeah?” “Horatio.” “What the...where the hell did she get that from?” Steve began as Katie threw her head back and laughed.
“I’ve no idea, but she couldn’t keep a straight face when she said it.” Katie said, before he pondered something “What about Joseph after your dad?”
“Joe...” Steve tried the name out before he grimaced and shook his head. “Joe DiMaggio played for the Yankees.“
“I’ll file that under the long list of no’s then.” Katie sighed, rolling her eyes.
February 2020
They moved into their house at the end of January. It wasn’t far from the place they had looked at a few years back, and was fairly similar. A large, L-shaped, red brick detached, in a quiet area with sprawling gardens, enough rooms to house an army and a pool area which sported bi-folding doors that completely retracted to reveal an enormous outside space complete with hot tub, dining area and a well-manicured garden.
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It was perfect and even Tony failed to find anything to pick fault with. Being in the position they were in, they decided to get everything ready before they moved in fully. To be fair there wasn’t much to do bar a bit of decorating. They had someone come and do most of it, hiring the interior designer that had done the compound, but Steve was adamant he wanted to do the baby’s room himself, and Katie wasn’t going to deny him of that.
Steve barred her from the room, allowing no one in but Emmy who was helping him with the painting. She’d helped him pick the colours and all Katie was allowed to do was select the furniture much to her grumblings.
“She’s gonna love it.” Emmy said, looking around at the finished room. Steve dropped an arm round the girl’s shoulder.
“I hope so kiddo.” he said.
“Can we show her now?” Steve smiled, excitement flooding his system “Yeah, let’s do it.”
The two of them wandered out onto the landing and Steve called his wife. She came out of their room where she had been arranging throw cushions on their bed for the 1000th time that day, her nesting instinct kicking in.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“We wanna show you the baby’s room!” Emmy grinned. Katie’s face split into a grin and Steve leaned down to give her a soft kiss when she hissed as their son gave her an almighty boot in the ribs.
“Shit!” she hissed, rubbing at her side. “He kicked me then, really hard. That hurt!”
“Language!” Steve said grinning as he placed his hand on her stomach, gently feeling before he grinned and went to kiss her again, and she received another boot
“You know, I don’t think he likes you kissing me…” she pushed Steve away. “Listen, buddy.” he leaned down so his head was level with her bump. “We need to lay down some ground rules because in a month or so, you’re gonna be here demanding all your mom’s attention, but until then, she’s 100% mine, you got that?”
Emmy cackled out a laugh “Yeah you tell him Steve-o.” “Let’s hope he pays more attention to me than you do!” he shot the 12 year old a look and she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah yeah, come on, I wanna show mom what we did.” The use of the word didn’t pass Katie by. Her eyes widened a little and she looked at Steve whose mouth had dropped open, but he hastily shut it, as Katie rearranged her face swiftly. They hadn’t even talked about what they would do if Emmy started calling them mom or dad, it hadn’t entered their minds. But it was too late, the young girl had spotted their faces and stood, frowning at them.
“What? Did I just say something that-” and then her eyes widened “Oh, I’m…sorry, it just, well, slipped out, I mean…”
Before she could say anything else Steve pulled her into a hug and shook his head “You know we love you like you’re our own.” “And if you feel the same then that’s fine by us, it’s more than fine.” Katie smiled.
Emmy sniffed a little and wiped away the tears that had sprung from her eyes and to save her any more embarrassment Steve nodded at the door to the room. “Do the honours then.” before he stood behind Katie gently placing his hands over her eyes. Emmy pushed the door open as Steve stepped forward, gently steering Katie into the room.
“Steve, I’m gonna fall.” she laughed, “My centre of gravity is way off on account of me being as big as a hippo.”
“I won’t let you fall, what you take me for?” he chuckled as the smell of fresh paint hit her nostrils.
“Ready?” Emmy asked, excitedly, looking at Steve who winked at him, his own exhilaration was radiating off him and Katie could feel it. She nodded and Steve moved his hands, so she could look round the room. It was a pale blue colour on all four walls, but on the third where the crib nestled it was slightly darker, and sported a quote painted in elegant darker blue letters that she recognised instantly as being from Peter Pan, one of Steve’s favourite childhood books: “Second star on the right and straight on ‘til morning.”  The same wall was also decorated with rows of silver and white stars. The gloss woodwork in the room was fresh and white, and the furniture was also assembled- a small wardrobe, dresser with drawers, crib, a changing unit and a rocking chair and she noticed Steve had stained the wood on the top of the changing unit a dark blue colour too, something she would never have thought to do. The entire room was an ode to the artist in him.
“Do you like it?” Steve asked after giving her enough time to take it all in. She turned to him and shook her head, and Steve felt his heart sink.
“No.” she whispered.
“You don’t?” Emmy asked, exchanging a look with Steve who’s face fell and Katie bit her lip and looked at him
“I love it.”
“Don’t do that!” he rolled his eyes as his hands locked behind her back whilst Emmy cackled.
“Honestly,” Katie said, looking round as she stood in his arms, “guys it’s amazing.”
“You’re amazing.” he said, glancing down at the bump which was now between them “Growing him in there.” “I’m also hungry.” she smiled, apologetically, and Steve laughed.
“Subs?” he asked.
His girls nodded and he looked at Emmy frowning “Chicken and bacon ranch…extra tomato” He knew she hated tomato but he couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease her.
She rolled her eyes, “You’re such a doofus dad…”
Steve felt his voice catch, thick with emotion as he coughed to clear his throat “Oh, yeah, its extra cucumber, and…” he looked at Katie “Same?”
She nodded. “With cheese. And extra pickle.”
He kissed the side of Katie’s head before he left the room.
“I did the stars.” Emmy smiled, as her arm slid round Katie’s waist as they both looked round the room again “Dad did the stencil and showed me how to do it.”
Katie dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “It’s fantastic.”
“I can’t believe he’s gonna be here in like seven weeks.” Emmy said, turning to look at Katie’s stomach when the pair of them jumped slightly as there was a rumble of thunder from outside. Katie glanced out of the window, frowning. It wasn’t the right time of year for storms but then again, since Thanos the entire weather front was still fucked up.
Downstairs, Steve was shrugging his jacket on, ready to head out to the sandwich shop. His head was still whirling from the fact Emmy had just called the pair of them mom and dad, but whirling in a good way. They’d come so far with the girl, it hadn’t been all plain sailing but she as a good kid and had settled well, even more so after they had assured her she was going nowhere when the baby was born. Smiling to himself, he pulled the heavy door open, the bottom catching slightly. He made a mental note to plane it down a little, and then he looked up colliding with something, the force of which bounced him back into the hall slightly. He looked up immediately, and felt his face drop into a look of shock as he saw the man standing in front of him.
“Thor.” he said, taking in his appearance. His hair was now shoulder length again, how it had been when they had first met him. His beard was back and slightly longer and Tony had been right, he was sporting the first signs of a beer belly. But he was clean and his eyes were bright, a great improvement on last time. “I err,” he looked nervously at Steve, “I came to see you and Little Stark…Natasha said you would be here so…” “Yeah, come in.” he said, stepping back. Thor stepped over the threshold and looked around appraisingly before he turned to Steve “I owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did…” Steve took the God’s hand and shook it “Look, we all say stuff we don’t mean in the heat of an argument, and it’s good of you to come.”
He shut the door and walked a little further into the hallway, gesturing for Thor to follow him.
“Honey!” he called up the stairs “We have a visitor.”
Katie appeared at the top of the stairs, Emmy in tow and she stopped as she looked down at the two men.
“Little Stark.” Thor looked up at her, the fingers of his left hand playing with the ones on his right nervously. “You’re not so little I see. Nice err, bump.”
“Hey Thunder God.” Katie said softly, making her way down the stairs. She glanced at Steve who was tactful enough to understand what she was suggesting, this was going to be a moment the two once close friends shared on their own.
“I’m just off out to fetch lunch.” Steve clapped Thor on the shoulder, “Can I get you anything?” “Tuna melt, extra pickle and chipotle sauce?” Katie asked, looking at Thor and he smiled, nodding.
“You got it. Emmy?” Steve jerked his head towards the door “Wanna come with me?” Emmy frowned “No.” “Let me rephrase that, you’re coming with me.”
She rolled her eyes “But-“ “No buts.” Steve opened the door and gestured out of it with his hand “Mush”
“Fine.” she grumbled “But I want a big slice of cake now too.” Steve shut the door behind them, Katie could hear the vague sounds of their arguing as they walked towards the car and Thor turned to her, puzzled.
“Oh, erm, she’s our foster daughter.” she supplied “You remember Emmy from the Christmas Party you came to? That’s her.”
Thor smiled “Your compassion never ceases to amaze me Little Stark.” he sighed.
“Come on.” she smiled, heading to the kitchen as he followed. She opened the fridge and he selected a beer before he looked at her as she opened it using the bottle opener set into the counter. He took a large drain from the bottle and glanced over at Katie who watched him carefully.
“So, I owe you an apology.” Thor said, awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck in a way that Katie thought was very Steve like, “I should not have talked to you the way I did last year, it was unforgivable…” “Yeah, well, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have punched you.” she offered.
“it was a good punch.” He mused, his hand touching his nose
“Almost broke my hand.” she smiled at him “So, shall we call it quits?” “I would like that.” Thor grinned and she stepped into his arms, allowing him to hug her
“You’re positively blooming.” he looked down as he released her. “May I?”
“Go ahead.” she grinned as Thor lightly placed the hand that wasn’t holding his bottle on her belly. Obligingly, her unborn son gave an almighty boot and Thor beamed up at her.
“Wow.” “Yeah, he’s a kicker.” “He?” Thor asked
“Yeah, it’s a boy.” Katie smiled “Wanna come see his nursery?” “I would very much like that, yes!”
And just like that, it was as if the last seven months hadn’t happened. In the end Katie gave Thor a complete tour and he looked round our house eagerly before Steve and Emmy returned with their food. The four of them ate in the kitchen, Thor patiently answering all of Emmy’s questions whilst filling Katie and Steve in on what was happening in New Asgard. Both of them were pleased to learn that he had been at the chair of the Elders now for 6 months, and they were currently underway with building a school. It was nice to see him so focussed again.
Eventually he announced it was time for him to go but before he did he grabbed his Axe from by the door. “Please, before I leave, I have a gift.” he nodded before he muttered something. There was a loud crack, which made them all jump and Thor grinned as he placed the item he was holding down on the floor. It was a beautiful pale yellow and white blanket, made from soft wool. Steve and Katie exchanged a glance as Katie took it, running her hands over the soft fabric.
“Thor its beautiful.” she whispered, looking at him.
“It has been made by the seamstresses in New Asgard.” He smiled “And I have worked every line of protection I know into the fabric. Your son will be safe while he sleeps.” Katie looked up at the God tears in her eyes before she hugged him once more “Thank you.”
March 2020.
They were now into the last month of them being a family of three. And there was a huge elephant in the room, the fact that Baby Rogers still didn’t have a name.
Steve had been called away on business for a week again at the end of February, and had returned a few days ago, telling Rhodey he was done for the time being as the Doctors had said their baby was basically at full term size now and could arrive imminently, something that he knew was making his wife even more anxious that they hadn’t picked a name. But it was so damned hard, harder than anything he had thought about before. Every name each of them suggested the other had a reason not to use, and Katie kept coming back to the name James. Steve liked it too - he just thought it was unfair to Katie to name their child after his best friend.
But she wasn’t giving up so easily. She had one last card to play.
“You know, you were named after your Grandfather, weren’t you?” she asked one evening as she sat cross legged on the bed, eating from a jar of peanut butter.  “Let’s name him after mine, my mom’s dad. He was great.”
Steve aimed a doubtful eye at her as he walked out of the en-suite, "Please tell me his name wasn’t Horatio” he begged.
Katie laughed, biting her lip “No, it was Jim…”
Steve threw his hands up in exasperation, shaking his head as Katie continued to chuckle. He sighed, he was beat.
"You really like the name James?” he asked, dropping onto the bed and moved so he was led on his side behind her.
She nodded and suddenly felt a huge kick in her side.
“Ow!” she rubbed her palm across her large, rounded stomach, feeling her son’s strong kick.
Steve grinned, propped himself up on his right elbow and curled his left arm around his wife, hand resting on her bump, relishing the feel of their baby moving.
“I think he does too.” she smiled softly as she looked down at Steve. “Why are you so set against it?” “I’m not.” he sighed. “I just don’t want you naming him after Bucky just because of what he meant to me, and I’m still not sure I can call a baby James.”
“James is a nice, strong name for a little boy.” she shrugged, continuing before he could protest “Baby, let’s not forget Bucky saved my life, if it wasn’t for him we wouldn’t be having this conversation. And, if it makes you feel any better I want his middle name to be after someone who means the world to me.” she smiled, looking at him “Anthony.”
He raised his eyebrows slightly at the middle name before he smiled as their baby gave another huge kick.
“See?” Katie grinned as he looked down at her belly, his hand resting gently against his son who was now kicking with all his might and she knew from the look on his face that even before he was born their son had won Steve over.
“James Anthony Rogers.” Steve said, softly. It was a great way to honour both their bothers, but he couldn’t help but feel there was someone else deserving of it too. He looked up at Katie, cocking his head slightly to the right. “Could he have a third name?”
Katie frowned slightly. Neither Tony, her, or Steve for that matter, had a third name, but if Steve wanted to, then…
“What you thinking?” she asked, although she was pretty sure she knew the answer. He looked away from her for a moment and then cast his eyes to the framed photo on the wall in their bedroom, a photo taken at their wedding, the faces of all their friends and family beaming back at him. He looked back up at her and gave a little smile. “Samuel.”
Even though she had known it was coming, her eyes filled with tears- damned pregnancy hormones- as she looked at him, the memory of their lost friends springing into my mind. “James Anthony Samuel Rogers.” she whispered. “Jamie for short?”
The last part was a question more than anything but she knew he was on board when he beamed at her, tears of his own forming in his eyes as he leaned up to kiss her. “Perfect.”
56 notes · View notes
evilrubberducke · 4 years
IzuMina Week Prompt 5- Color Me Impressed
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And I’m finally finished with prompt #5. Only two weeks late too. Pretty sure that’s some kind of record.
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23580907 Or on FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13530836/5/IzuMina-Week-2020
Mina let out a sigh as she stepped out from the agency doors. It had been a long, frustrating day of patrols and she felt like she had walked around the entire city twice over without catching a single villain. On the one hand, not encountering any crime was probably a good sign for the city. On the other hand, it meant she had been intensely bored for the entire day. Now she was finally free to head back to her apartment, scarf down some convenience store dinner, and wait for Izuku to get done with his own patrol.
If she was lucky she might even be able to talk him into watching a movie together over FaceTime, before he inevitably passed out from exhaustion and left her to disconnect the call. Not that she really blamed him. He resolved more cases in a single day than most heroes resolved in a week. There were a lot of people who were calling him the second coming of All Might, with no idea just how right they actually were. A few of their former UA classmates came close to matching his numbers, but none could quite close the gap.
She was proud of her boyfriend, and everything he had achieved, but she did wish he weren’t quite so married to his job. She missed the UA dorms, where he had always been available for cuddles on demand. Now they lived cities apart, and only got to visit each other a couple of times a month when hero work brought him into her neck of the woods. 
So it was that she nearly dropped her bag in surprise when she heard Izuku’s voice calling out to her from the other side of the street.
“Mina! I’m so glad I caught you!” he called, dashing across the street to wrap his arms around her in a tight hug that made her ribs ache a little with its force. 
She didn’t care about that in the slightest, though. She returned the hug with equal force and affection, burying her face into his shoulder and inhaling deeply. He smelled almost exactly like she remembered, a calming mix of the cheap fruity shampoo he favored, cinnamon, and… sweat?
“Izuku, did you run here or something?” Mina asked, lifting her head up to give him a curious look. He was dressed in jeans and a button-up shirt, which would have made dashing there quite awkward.
“Ummm, maybe?” he said, looking away sheepishly, “I was just… really excited to see you again.”
“Awww, I missed you too, you big goof!” Mina said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Then her curiosity won out over her elation over seeing him. “Izuku, what are you doing here? You didn’t tell me you were coming.”
“I wasn’t planning on coming until this weekend,” Izuku said, “But some stuff happened faster than I thought it would, and… now I’m here. Sorry for not letting you know.”
Mina shook her head, then gave him a soft smile. “Don’t be. It’s a surprise, but a nice one. Like finding 2000 yen you forgot about in your jacket pocket!”
“Glad to know I’m only worth 2000 yen to you,” Izuku said, returning her smile.
He had gotten so much better at banter in the nearly three years that they had been together. He still wasn’t quite at Mina’s level, but on a good day he could at least give her a decent challenge. And sometimes, when she was feeling particularly slow, he even came out ahead and turned her into a giggling, blushing mess of affection.
Today, however, was not one of those days.
“You’re worth way more than that,” she quipped, shifting to his side so that they could walk arm in arm. “In fact, you’re worth at least a meal at Nakahara’s”
It was her absolute favorite sushi restaurant in the entire city. The man who ran it was a mad genius when it came to sushi, constantly pushing the boundaries of what most people would consider acceptable sushi ingredients. Even still, his food was always delicious, and Mina and Izuku made a point of stopping there for dinner every time he was in town, despite the price.
It was, after all, the site of their first real date. Mina had dragged Izuku there after hearing Yaoyorozu raving about the meal she had eaten there with her parents. Ostensibly it had been because she didn’t want to eat alone, and Izuku had been the only one of her friends with free time that day. The burgeoning feelings she had been developing for her then friend had nothing to do with it in the slightest. 
In hindsight, they probably should have realized that the shop was a bit pricier than the restaurants they usually attended. Mina had been a little preoccupied with denying her feelings at the time, however, and hadn’t realized what kind of place she was dragging Izuku to until they were already seated and were browsing the menu.
In the end, they had split an order of assorted sushi, since it was the most affordable option on the menu. It wasn’t a particularly large dish, which had led to their hands brushing halfway through the meal. Izuku had pulled back as though he had been burned, his face burning bright red from even the brief contact, while Mina had been left frozen with a similar blush on her cheeks.
That had been the point where she had finally stopped lying to herself about her feelings, and had just accepted that she had a crush on her classmate. To her delight, it had quickly become clear that Izuku felt similarly to her. He had even accompanied her that night under the impression that they would be going on an actual date, which put a lot of his blushing, awkward demeanor since she had asked him to come with her in perspective.
From there, the dinner had only gotten better. With her feelings acknowledged, Mina had been able to relax and really be herself. Before long, she’d had Izuku giggling uncontrollably as she made up stories about why the other patrons of the restaurant were there that night. They weren’t the best stories that she had ever crafted, way more absurd and ridiculous than her usual style, but they had been exactly what was needed to dissolve the last of the tension between them.
More dates had followed, getting more elaborate and romantic as they went. They had even taken a trip to Okinawa at the end of their third year, spending an entire week together in a romantic beachside cabin. It was honestly one of Mina’s favorite memories, and she’d been quietly making plans to repeat the trip for their next anniversary. 
“Dinner sounds lovely,” Izuku said, drawing Mina back from her reminiscing, “but… could we go tomorrow? There’s something I want to show you today.”
Mina was a little surprised by the suggestion. Izuku was usually perfectly happy to go along with whatever plans she made, and almost never took the lead. Then again, he almost never showed up to see her unannounced, so maybe this was just a day for surprises. Even still, she wasn’t going to just let him get away with such a vague statement.
“Something you want to show me tonight, huh?” Mina said, a coy grin on her face, “Has Mineta been giving you pickup lines to try again? Because I’m not gonna say no, though I do wish you’d put a little more effort into selling it…”
She could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tried to work out what she was insinuating. When he finally did, he choked slightly and threw a hand up in front of his face to hide the slight blush. “N-No! I wasn’t saying we should… I mean, not right now…”
Mina laughed at his response. If only the world knew that the invincible Deku could be brought low by just a few flirtatious words. Then again, she had heard that he had taken down a villain calling herself “The Temptress” a few weeks back without too much trouble. There might come a day when her teasing ceased to affect him. She doubted that, though. Izuku would be Izuku, no matter what he went through. 
“Alright, I’m done with the teasing for now,” Mina said, tugging on Izuku’s arm to grab his attention, “Let’s see this surprise!”
He nodded once, then pulled out his phone. Mina glanced at it too, hoping for a clue to their destination. Izuku probably wouldn’t keep her in suspense for very long, but she couldn’t help but want to see what had him so excited that he showed up unannounced.
To her surprise, he pulled up a map of the city, with a pin stuck in a nearby district. Because of her patrol route, Mina was actually fairly familiar with the area. It was an upscale neighborhood, with plenty of nice houses and apartments. The shops there were fancy as well, which piqued Mina’s interest even more than before. Wherever Izuku was taking her, it was somewhere nice. 
“So, should I consider this an early anniversary present?” Mina asked as they began to walk towards their mysterious destination.
“No… I, uh, haven’t really gotten you anything yet,” Izuku admitted, “I’ve been busy focusing on… other stuff.”
“Same!” Mina chirped. It was a total lie, but she couldn’t have him getting the idea that she was responsible. Then he might stop helping her fill out her insurance forms. “Maybe we can go shopping after your surprise? There are a couple of good shops near there”
Izuku frowned. “How did you know where we're going?”
“I peeked at your phone,” Mina explained, “Gotta admit, I’m pretty excited. We’re going somewhere nice, yeah? Maybe a fancy cake shop of some sort?”
“Oh, it’s… not that fancy,” Izuku said apologetically. 
“Hmmmm,” Mina hummed, racking her brain for another idea, “Some kind of hidden gem you heard about then? A little mom and pop diner?”
Izuku shook his head. “No, it’s not a restaurant either.”
“Awww, C’mon Izuku!” Mina whined, “Give me some sort of hint! I’m dying here!”
“It’s not far,” Izuku replied, “Can you hold on for just a couple of minutes?”
Mina let out the loudest groan that she could manage, hoping to get a bit of sympathy from her boyfriend, but instead drawing the eyes of several passersby to them. Whispers quickly followed as she and Izuku were recognized. He was famous everywhere, and she had been working hard to grow her own following in the city. 
Normally, getting recognized while she was out of costume was something she enjoyed. The looks of realization on kid’s faces as they realized the pink lady standing in line in front of them at the convenience store was a pro hero were absolutely priceless, and she was never shy about stopping for a picture or autograph. But that was most of the time. Right now, the thought of being stopped for even a minute or two sounded like torture. 
It would probably be for longer than that, though. Pinky was popular around the city, but Deku was a household name in every city in the country. There was no way they were getting away with just a few handshakes and a selfie. And, if a crowd started gathering around them then that would only attract more attention, which would just make things take even longer.
Before the whispers could turn into actions, Mina suddenly found her legs swept out from under her as Izuku lifted her into a bridal carry. The action was smooth as silk, and Mina had no doubt that he had practiced it plenty of times before that point, probably so that the people he saved felt safe and comfortable the entire time. She certainly did, with his powerful arms wrapped around her, pressing her into his chest. 
“Hang on,” he said, low enough that only she could hear it, before blasting off into the sky in a single bound.
The feeling of soaring through the sky on a barely controlled trajectory was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. It wasn’t the first time that Izuku had brought her along while leaping from place to place, but it was the first time that he had done so outside of a combat situation, which gave her time to really appreciate the experience.
She whooped, raising her hands over her head like she was on a roller coaster. Izuku said something back, probably asking her not to move around so much, but the wind whipped his words away before they could reach her ears. He was probably right, and she was being overly risky, but Mina didn’t care. She was having way too much fun.
They landed at the far end of the district, touching down in an alley behind a convenience store that Mina vaguely recognized from her patrols. The flight had left her slightly breathless, and more than a little windswept, but she wasn’t going to complain. They’d covered a dozen blocks in a tenth of the time it would have taken to walk the same distance. Not for the first time, Mina dearly wished her own Quirk allowed her to move like that, instead of just letting her skate around a bit.
“Thanks for the ride,” Mina said, doing her best to finger comb her hair into something a little more presentable than its current state.
“Don’t mention it,” Izuku replied. His own clothes were somehow even more disheveled looking than Mina’s were, which was quite the impressive feat. He was doing his best to straighten them out, but was only really making things worse.
With a small smile, Mina stepped forward and straightened his collar. That was one thing that hadn’t changed, despite the years she had known him. He still couldn’t keep a collar straight, or a tie unbunched to save his life. Thankfully one of his sidekicks was always there to help him out before an interview, even if Mina couldn’t.
“I’m surprised you used your Quirk,” Mina said as she tugged his collar into shape, “You’re usually such a stickler for not using it in public.”
Izuku rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, shifting in place a little as he did so and messing up Mina’s work on his collar almost instantly. “S-Sorry,” he said as she went back to work on it, “I just… didn’t want to have to wait any longer.”
“You’re really excited for this, huh?”
He nodded. “Yeah, I really am.”
“Well then!” Mina said, stepping back a little to admire her handiwork, “Now you’ve got me really intrigued! Let’s go!”
“Okay, you definitely surprised me Izuku,” Mina said, glancing around at the empty house that was apparently their destination.
After their landing, Izuku had led her through a large apartment complex, earning them a few curious stares from the various nosy grandmas who lived there, and behind it to a large wooden fence. For a minute, Mina had thought he had gotten lost somewhere along the way, but then Izuku had produced a key from his pocket and opened the gate, letting them into the lot beyond. 
A small house, with its own garden was tucked away back there, far away from the prying eyes of the apartment complex and the street, which was interesting. Mina had no idea how anyone had gotten the permits to actually build the place. Then again, it looked old enough that it might have been here well before the apartments that now surrounded it were even proposed. The paint on its walls was a bit faded, and there was a positively ancient looking satellite dish on the roof, but otherwise the house looked rather well loved and maintained. 
To her immense surprise, Izuku had produced a second key and brought them both inside. Tit was devoid of any furniture, and a layer of dust covered most of the floors and windows. There were a few signs of life, however. A large tarp had been laid out across the floor of what had obviously been a living room at some point, with a half dozen cans of paint holding the corners down. At the center of the tarp was a large picnic basket that looked like it had just been taken out of an old-timey British drama movie.
“So, you brought me for a picnic in an abandoned house?” Mina said skeptically. She trusted Izuku to the moon and back, but this was pretty odd behavior, even for him. “Do I get an explanation?”
Izuku shuffled a little, and turned his gaze to the floor in a display that was so nervous Mina almost felt bad for asking the question that had caused it.
“So, uh, you know how we got a new intern at my agency a couple months ago?” Izuku asked.
Mina’s mood instantly fell. Of course this was a work thing. He was probably in town to track down some villain who was lurking in the area, and had decided to bring her along for a picnic while on the stakeout. It was still something, but with how excited Izuku had been about the whole thing, she’d been expecting something a little more impressive.
“Yeah,” she said, doing her best to sound enthusiastic and failing miserably. “Shimmer something or other.”
“Shimmer Path,” Izuku corrected, “She’s got a really cool Quirk. She can make portals from place to place, like Kurogiri from the League of Villains, but even quicker. And she can make them almost anywhere she’s been before.”
That did catch Mina’s attention. Warping Quirks like that were really rare, especially ones that could be used more than once or twice a day. This newbie had probably been in high demand, which made it all the more impressive that the agency he worked with had managed to snatch her up.
“That’s neat,” Mina said, genuinely meaning it. Her feelings about the disappointing date aside, she was genuinely happy that his agency was growing.
“Yeah!” Izuku said, his enthusiasm for Quirks and heroics overwhelming whatever nerves he had been feeling up to that point. “She’s really nice too! I helped her out a little ago with a problem she was having with her Quirk, and in thanks she offered to make a portal to bring me into the office every day.”
Mina whistled, impressed by the generous offer. If this girl was really as powerful as Izuku said, it meant he would never have to worry about commuting to his agency ever again. He could take the time to make a decent breakfast, get in a morning workout, or even just sleep in. Not that he’d actually do that last one, but Mina was still a little bit jealous of him for having the opportunity.
She wished she had someone with a warp Quirk at her agency. Although now that she thought about it, they wouldn’t even really need to be at her agency at all. They could live in another city entirely and simply warp to wor—
Mina’s thoughts ground to a halt as the reason they were standing in an empty house, one that appeared to have been freshly purchased, finally clicked into place.
“Wait, Izuku, you don’t mean that this is…?”
He nodded once more. “Yeah, it is. I filled out the last of the paperwork this morning. The house is mine, and…” he swallowed loudly before continuing, “And I was hoping it could be yours too.”
It took all the willpower Mina possessed not to simply drop to the floor and melt into a puddle of delighted goo. Slowly, a smile so wide that it made her cheeks ache spread across her face. A moment later, she surged forward and leapt into Izuku’s arms, wrapping herself entirely around him in a full body hug.
“Yes!” Mina cried, “Yes! Absolutely yes!”
He returned the embrace, twirling her around him and laying kiss after kiss on her cheeks as he did so. The move was straight out of a romance movie, and Mina would have chided him for being so cheesy if she hadn’t been so absolutely enamored at the moment. 
Eventually they broke apart, allowing Mina to take stock of the house once more. Somehow, it looked so much nicer now that she knew she was looking at her future home. It wasn’t nearly as cold and empty as her first impression had made it seem. It was just waiting to be filled with furniture, life, and maybe a bit of paint and spackle. Then it would really be a home.
Her home. Her and Izuku’s home. 
Mina squealed in delight, and took off on a whirlwind tour of the house, poking her nose into every nook and cranny that she could find, and mentally planning exactly where she would put all her furniture and decorations. They would even have to buy some new stuff, since the house was easily larger than both of their current apartments combined.
“This place is awesome Izuku!” Mina said, as she burst back into the room. 
In the time that she had been gone, Izuku had unpacked the picnic basket and laid out the somewhat meager fare. It was mostly convenience store bentos and drinks, with a few fresh fruits thrown in as a nod to eating healthy. At that moment, though, it looked absolutely delicious to Mina.
“I’m glad you like it,” Izuku said, holding a can of her absolute favorite soda out to her, “I had to look for quite a while before I got lucky with it.”
“How did you hear about it?” Mina asked, plopping down next to him, “It’s not exactly easy to spot.”
“A real estate agent,” Izuku said, his eyes taking on a far away look, “I saved his daughter from a villain attack, and the next day, I found a big stack of real estate listings on my desk. Apparently someone in the office told him I was looking, and he decided to help out.”
“Using your hero connections for personal gain?” Mina said, her voice filled with mock astonishment as she elbowed Izuku lightly in the ribs, “How scandalous!”
“I didn’t say anything to him!” Izuku protested, a slight grin on his face showing that he wasn’t serious, “I wasn’t even going to look at them, but this one was on top of the pile, and it just… caught my eye. I thought it looked like somewhere you’d like to live.”
“You were absolutely right,” Mina said, snuggling up to his side, “I love it. But not just because it’s funky. I love it because you love it. You could have asked me to live in a shack, and it would still feel like a mansion.”
Izuku blushed a little bit at her words, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders before pulling her in to lay a quick kiss on her forehead. 
“So, now what?” Mina asked once she had stopped giggling like a schoolgirl. 
“Well, there’s still a lot to do before we can move in,” Izuku said, “But I thought we could start with painting?”
Mina nodded. It was a good place to start. The slightly cracked and faded white paint that surrounded them now was fine, but it wasn’t exactly inspiring. They could make it better, make it theirs, and paint it in any color that they wished.
“Well then, let’s get started!” Mina said, hopping to her feet.
Several long hours later, Mina dropped back onto the tarp with a sigh of relief. She was dressed in a painter’s smock, courtesy of Izuku thinking ahead and knowing her well, that was liberally coated with paint.
Their painting session had devolved into a paint fight when Mina had gotten bored halfway through the second wall and flicked some paint onto Izuku. He’d assumed the first barrage was an accident, and had ignored the second, but on the third attempt he had retaliated in kind, and the war had begun.
The living room was mostly untouched, since neither of them had wanted to undo their hard work, but the other rooms had not fared quite so well. The kitchen counters would probably need to be replaced after their paint splattering, and cleaning the floors would probably be a pain. They’d also need to haul the three paint cans they’d managed to empty through the apartment complex outside, which would probably make a terrible impression on their future neighbors, considering their current dishevelment. 
Mina didn’t care one bit, however. She was still flushed from dashing around the house, laughing at the top of her lungs as Izuku tried to wrap her in a pain soaked bear hug. She’d dodged him for just long enough that he would feel like she wasn’t giving up, before finally allowing him to catch her, dooming her to a flurry of kisses right then, and a long shower when they finally headed back to her apartment that night. 
She slowly lifted her hands up towards the sky, eyes tracing the splotches of green that dotted her pink skin. Growing up, she’d never thought that the two colors could go so perfectly together, but now she knew better.
Now she knew there had never been two colors that mixed so well.
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