#was it casual when you said you were my twin flame?
catsareterminal · 1 month
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inuyashaluver · 6 months
just read your newest alexia fic and it was fantastic!! please write more for her (ideally rivals x lovers but I don't really care what trope because both your alexia fics are fantastic so I'm sure I will be happy with any alexia fic you write!)
past reminders - alexia putellas
alexia putellas x reader
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description: in which you and alexia rekindle a old flame you both thought was completely destroyed
warnings: angst but happy! mentions of past situationships, heartbreak, swearing, spanish in bold italics! suggestive content, long - BUCKLE IN
a/n: i’ve been itching to write this lmao, thank you so much, my love!! i’m a sucker for enemies to lovers no word of a lie, please enjoyyyyy xx❤️
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if someone was to describe the relationship between you and alexia, it was simply pure hatred.
to put it quite simply, you fucking despised each other, and you both thought it was for good reason.
even though yours and alexia’s pit of hatred ran deep, it wasn’t always like this. you and alexia were originally best friends, going back to years and years of friendship ever since the both of you were 7.
the two of you were inseparable, playing football together, going to school together, spending each and every afternoon together. it was the best, you truly had so much love for each other, twin flames that couldn’t be put out.
as the years went on, you and alexia grew older. and as the two of you grew together, so did affection bubbling under the surface. you and alexia had feelings for each other and never said anything of it.
well until one day at 19, you and alexia were hanging out at her house after training for barcelona, both of you getting signed at the same time after your booming success in the spanish teams.
you and alexia were side by side on her bed, the both of you giggly as you chatted and debriefed, even though you saw each other at every moment.
you weren’t exactly sure how the conversation started but alexia brought up that she hasn’t slept with anyone yet. your eyes were so wide at the conversation and her forwardness, not really comprehending what was going on out of pure shock.
you both knew you hadn’t your first times yet and alexia proposed something that took your breath away.
“if we sleep together for our first time, it’ll be good practice for later” alexia said like it was nothing, turning her head to look over at you. your cheeks were bright red, refusing to look her in the eye,
“ale” you breathe out nervously, “it’ll just be one time, friendly sex, nothing more” her body moved to perch up on her elbow, looking at you expectantly, “i trust you the most”
you glance over at her and harshly swallow the lump in your throat, alexia’s eyes drifted to where your neck had movement and smirked gently.
“one time?” you say so softly, alexia almost couldn’t hear it, she chuckles with a nod, her finger lightly tracing along your arm, smirking when goosebumps trailed on your skin.
“mhm, nena (babe), one time” she grabs your hand gently, her smirk only growing when you nod slowly “okay”, she kisses the corner of your mouth,
“mamá and alba aren’t home tonight” she whispered, reading your mind before her hand slipped up your shirt.
“don’t be nervous, it’s just me” she smiles softly, your breath hitched when she presses her lips to yours, moving together messily before her tongue licked into your mouth, a groan escaping the back of her throat when your hands carded through her hair and gently tugged.
and to put it simply, it wasn’t a one time thing. it was regular. very regular. almost every night. especially when she moved out of her mother’s house and had her own apartment.
alexia refused to put a label on anything. you were her best friend and nothing more, it was casual, platonic sex in her mind. and unfortunately for you, your heart yearned for her. you loved her, how could you not?
your heart would lurch at how kind she was after sleeping with you, kissing you affectionately and always cleaning you up afterwards with utmost care and diligence.
“so beautiful” she’d whisper, pressing gentle kisses along the length of your nose before pecking your lips multiple times.
alexia would send you suggestive smirks when she saw you at training, her eyes lingering as you changed and making sure to wink at you whenever you’d watch her change.
she would touch you more than necessary yet no one caught on. her hands would linger on your hips or waist as she moved passed you, giving you subtle kisses when you’d get a goal or just played well.
alexia was a very affectionate person, so everyone just thought the two of you were doing your regular best friend routine, unaware that alexia would drag you to her apartment almost every night to leave you breathless, marked up and shaky at the knees.
she was still your best friend of course, she just saw it as an added bonus. but for you, you wanted to call her yours, for you to be hers but the catalan didn’t want that.
she’d tell you almost every moment she could, “you’re my best friend” a chip in your heart that only grew bigger as the years progressed.
this went on for years, almost 5 consecutively and it was shocking no one caught on. she didn’t just sleep with you, she slept with other girls and you knew that but she’d always come back to you.
“they’re not you, they don’t know me like you” she’d tell you like clockwork, always making your heart a little fuzzy when you knew it shouldn’t.
it was torcherous for you, you tried to stop giving into her every time, but she’d give you those puppy dog eyes as she interlaced your hands together and you were done for.
and funnily enough, everything came to a stop when alexia got a girlfriend. when alexia got a girlfriend, she threw you away at the expense of her girlfriend’s words, “why do you need a best friend when you have me?” and because alexia ‘loved’ this girl, she dropped you.
she never returned your calls, she only talked to you at training when it was necessary. she wanted nothing to do with you. it killed her and you.
the once happy, bubbly duo went through an extremely dark stage at this point. you filling the void with random girls from team bonding nights at clubs and always regretting it later.
and whenever you would, alexia would fucking rip you apart over it. even after weeks of not talking.
“you look a little desperate, no?” she spat out as she walked up next to you at the bar. “fuck off” you glare at her, about to move away before she grabbed your wrist and pulled you back,
“it’s pathetic” she stares down at you, you roll your eyes in response. alexia could be with other people but god forbid you did.
“you’re pathetic, you can be with someone and i can’t?” you laugh humorously, alexia’s gaze growing colder by the second, a contrast from the warm alexia you loved so much.
“i have a girlfriend, i'm not throwing myself at anyone” another chip at your heart. from then on, alexia was truly nothing to you. you pushed her away harshly, promising that she wouldn’t have to see you anymore.
you left in a rush that night, making an effort to text your manager that you wanted to transfer in the upcoming window. so when the contract for madrid came along, you accepted.
you didn’t mind madrid, it was good for you. you were away from alexia and were actually strengthening your playing style and making some friends. and for you, a bonus was how mad it made alexia.
whenever madrid and barcelona would verse each other, people would definitely notice how much you and alexia hated each other.
the filthy looks said it all and not to mention the harsh words and dangerous tackles that would be made by the both of you.
when your spanish teammates would come over to you with bright smiles and warm hugs, you loved to watch alexia’s pissed off expression.
she’d get pissed when you wouldn’t even hug her as congratulations, you would shake her hand dismissively and take yours back like hers was made of fire. and yeah, maybe you were being a little childish, but she was too.
“you won’t die if you touch me, you know? but it’s fine when you fucking push me to the ground everytime i get the ball” she’d grit out, only make you grin in satisfaction,
“poor alexia, tell your girlfriend to kiss you better” you pout sarcastically, making an effort to bump her shoulder with yours as you walked past. you knew alexia was currently single, but you knew she hated when you brought up the girl. so you did it frequently.
you’d both get worried expressions from teammates after each time you interacted with each other, gaining a dismissive wave from both of you.
no one knew what happened, and you wouldn’t tell anyone what happened, and neither would alexia.
so everyone had to deal with the two of you being insufferable whenever in the same vicinity.
during camp for spain, you’d both give each other hell. it didn’t matter if you were on the same team, the arguing actually got worse.
“your passes are sloppy” alexia would say when you touched the ball, making you roll your eyes with a groan.
“okay, la reina (the queen), sorry we’re not all perfect” you narrow your eyes at her, making a show of kicking the ball harshly to her, hitting her shin as you sent her a sticking sweet smile.
she hated that that nickname when it fell from your mouth, wanting to just wipe that fucking smile off your face.
“don’t be jealous” alexia says smugly, you scoff at that, crossing your arms over your chest, “i would never be jealous of you” you look her up and down, the two of you approaching each other slowly as the argument heightened.
“oh really? isn’t that why you moved to madrid, couldn’t handle that i was better?” she’s up close to you now, your chests mere centimetres away from each other.
you breathe heavily as you look up at her, “yeah, i did move to madrid to get away from you” you argue, making her chuckle condescendingly, “good to see you have no loyalty” she darts her eyes between yours, trying to rile you up and it was certainly working.
“you want to talk about loyalty? remember you dropped me all those years ago?” you laugh in disbelief, body tingling with how close alexia was to you, a vast contrast to what you would do in the past at this proximity.
“i had my reasons” she says warningly, not wanting to get into this subject in the middle of training. “yeah, don’t worry i remember the texts, ‘i can’t be around you anymore, sorry’” you mock her,
“all because of that fucking girlfriend of yours, you dropped years of friendship with me” you send her an icy glare, one she was quick to return, “again with the jealousy” she mocks, you’re quick to give her a shove, “fuck off, putellas” you grit, alexia comes right back, her eyes boring into yours.
“you’re a child” she challenged, “excuse me?” you bite back, “you’re. a. child.” she breaks down each word intentionally, making sure it lingered in your ears. you’re both heavy breathing at this point, faces dangerously close to each other.
“i’m the child? you’re the fucking child, alexia!” you exclaim, now mapi and jenni coming over to separate the two of you.
“you’re both children, enough” jenni warns, pushing alexia by the chest away from you as mapi held you back.
“best friends for years and now you can’t even talk to each other like adults” mapi scolds, you and alexia sending each other glares and mouthing insults at each other.
“she knows what she did” you spat out, letting ona drag you away. alexia watched as you left, sighing heavily when her mind raced with all those good times you had. she missed you, dearly. she was just terrible at showing it.
it was childish for the both of you, but alexia had broken your heart so many times, you felt like you were just protecting your peace.
alexia did feel bad for the way she dropped you, she did love you, truly as much as you did with her. but she couldn’t bring herself to put a label on things with you just out of pure fear.
at first, she didn’t want to lose you, alexia wanted to shield you from everything bad in the world and tell you everything was going to be okay with a kiss.
but alexia thought she fell in love with her ex girlfriend and listened to her, even when she had feelings for you.
she didn’t know how harsh the consequences would be. losing you completely tore out a piece of her soul.
it was during a random match between madrid and barcelona in 2020 where things took a shift, just before off-season. the score was neck and neck, a typical harsh match between the rivals.
you and alexia still ‘hated’ each other but were much more tame about it, just choosing to ignore each other rather than outwardly argue.
you were on the ball when a defender from barcelona came up from behind you out of no where, making you attempt to dodge around her until a sharp pain shot up your knee. a pop.
you went down with a piercing scream, the sold out stadium going quiet at you clutching your knee in pain. and funnily enough, the first person to you was alexia.
“move away from her” she spat out, her hand coming to the back of your head and placing it on her thigh. you weren’t even comprehending who it was at this point, just enveloped by the comforting scent that once gave you a sense of home.
“you’re okay” she breathes out, cradling your head to her stomach as you cried out, “ale, my knee” you choked out, alexia hushes you, her thumb brushing your cheek as she held you close, waiting for the medics to come arrive.
once they were assessing you, alexia was about to move but you clutched her hand, “no-” you start, “just, stay for a second” you look up at her pleadingly, she nods, her hand giving you a gentle squeeze.
once you got told the dreaded three letters, your tears started again, rolling down your cheeks as you held onto alexia. she welcomed the contact like a second nature, both of you gaining a sense of security you hadn’t had in years.
“breathe” she says softly as you get situated on a stretcher, “you’re okay, i promise” she says while looking right into your eyes.
you feel like you’re 19 again, absolutely head over heels for this girl, some of those old feelings lingering in the pit of your stomach.
you get carried off and barcelona wins the match, alexia comes to find you without a second thought. she takes a deep breath before you she knocks on the door of the physio room, hearing a sniffle and a soft “come in”.
“hey” she swallows, hovering near the door as she saw you with your knee braced and iced. “you can come inside” you chuckle, alexia stiffens but walks in, sitting in a chair next to you as you stare up at the ceiling.
“i have surgery in two days” you blurt out, alexia never takes her eyes off you, watching as some tears still roll down your cheeks. “who’s taking you?” she questions softly, you let out a deep sigh.
“i haven’t gotten that far yet, my knee just popped” you tease, making alexia smile softly. the both of you never thought you’d be this civil after all this time.
“i’ll take you” alexia said simply, your head snaps to where she was, “i can’t ask you to do that” you stumble out,
“you’re not, i’m offering” alexia shrugs, “then i can’t accept your offer” alexia huffs in annoyance, “fine, it’s not an offer, it’s happening” alexia says sternly, you knew there was nothing to argue about.
there was no way you could go all the way to madrid in your condition, staying in barcelona for surgery was just a no brainer at this point.
“are you sure?” you say hesitantly, “positive” she says earnestly, smiling at you gently while you returned an appreciative one.
alexia forced you to stay at her house, getting your stuff from the hotel and setting you up in her guest room. it was a little awkward, not really knowing how to converse with a girl you’ve known for years of your life yet was your borderline enemy for years as well.
though with a little help of your injured knee, alexia and you managed to chip away at that awkwardness.
when you woke up extra sleepy from surgery, alexia gave you a comforting smile as you came to your senses, only leaving the hospital room if it was completely necessary.
“how are you feeling?” alexia said softly as she adjusted the pillow behind your head, fussing with the blankets until you swatted her hand away with a soft laugh.
“i’m fine, calm down” alexia drops the blanket with a sheepish grin and sat down on the chair next to you,
“ale?” you breathe out, she hums as she looked up at you, “thank you” you look over at her, her eyes are a little glossy but you chose to dismiss it.
“you don’t have to thank me, you’d do it for me” she smiles, you nod slowly, it was true, no matter how much you thought you disliked her throughout the years, you would help her in a heartbeat. no matter the time or place.
suddenly you start laughing and alexia gives you a questioning smile, “sorry i just,” you start, turning your head to look at her properly, “i didn’t think this would be happening after all these years” alexia nods along with your words with a little chuckle,
“i’m surprised you haven’t bitten my head off yet” she teases, “never say never, putellas” you warn teasingly, both of you laughing together in a little moment of solitude.
alexia was incredibly patient with you when you got discharged from the hospital, walking beside you with your crutches at your pace while sending you encouraging words and smiles.
“take your time” she says as she hovers next to you, ready to catch you if you fell. she helped you into the car and literally carried you into her apartment despite your protests to save time, wanting you to rest on the couch as soon as possible.
she was grateful about the time off, she doesn’t think she’d be able to train or play without you clouding her mind. she finally felt like she got you back, even if it was just a tiny piece.
she elevated your knee and tucked you in with warm blankets, making you a tea and sitting next to you as she encouraged you to put on something to watch.
her heart warmed when you put an old childhood favourite of both of you. a wave of nostalgia hitting you both. she kept glancing at you every couple of seconds,
you both laughed with each other at the movie, subconsciously quoting some parts of it with each other and recounting old memories. suddenly a wave of sadness hits alexia because she realised how much she’d lost.
when you realised she stopped laughing along with you, you glance at her nervously and give her a worried expression.
“are you okay?” you say softly, alexia shakes her head, tears pricking at her eyes seeing your soft features, you gesture to her to come closer and she sits on the couch facing you, the tears rolling down her face as she sniffled.
“ale, what’s wrong?” you place a hand on her thigh and she flinches, you pull it away slightly but she holds onto it instead.
“i’m so sorry” she chokes out, looking at you tearfully, you can feel your heart break a little at how she was crying, your eyebrows furrow in concern,
“what-” you start before she interrupts, “no, please let me speak” she sniffs, gripping into your hand tightly,
“i’m so stupid, there aren’t enough words to tell you how sorry i am for letting you go the way i did, you didn’t deserve that” she begins,
“i was clueless for listening to my ex, you were there for me through everything and i put you aside like you were nothing” she blubbered, each word clutching your heart.
your own tears begin to escape your tear ducts, “but you’re not nothing, you’re everything, you were my everything and i let you go when i wanted you, i’ve wanted you forever” she pronounced, looking right at you to make sure you heard everything she said.
“i love you, i always have” she expressed, your mouth hung open a little at the three words. silence settled over the two of you, hands still tightly interlaced.
“i love you too” you admit, alexia’s face lights up, only you shake your head for a moment, “alexia, you need to understand that you really hurt me, and i know i fucked up too, we both did” you start,
“if we were to give this another try, it needs to be slowly” you fiddle with the blanket on top of you, the two of you are still crying, still not believing this situation was real.
she agrees without hesitation, “i’ll do anything you want me to, hermosa (beautiful)” she breathes out.
her free hand moves to wipe a stray tear off your cheek, making you give her a wet laugh before you pulled her into an awkward positioned hug but you both didn’t mind, you’d both finally woken up to yourselves. you loved each other.
for the next few weeks, you and alexia grew closer and closer, finally falling back into that special relationship you had with each other.
it was going slow for about two days until the both of you broke under pressure and just gave into each other, acting more like a couple than you ever have.
“hi, bebé (baby)” alexia cheeses out when she sees you sitting on the couch, you crane your head back to look at her, giving her an affectionate smile that she was quick to return.
she presses a sweet kiss to your lips, a languid kiss that had you both sighing into each other's mouths.
she pulls away from you with an exaggerated peck to make you laugh, plopping down beside you and directing your head to her shoulder, you cuddle into her with a satisfied smile, her scent calming you down instantly.
it wasn’t a surprise that once you were fully recovered from your acl, you made your return to barcelona. once you made your comeback, you and alexia weren’t hiding anything anymore.
it felt good to claim each other as your partner, an endless amount of support sent your way.
you and alexia were quite literally joint at the hip once you finally moved in together, barely any time wasted when it came to the two of you, alexia claiming you needed to make up for ‘lost time’.
with the amount of devotion alexia gave to you, you forgave her, it took a while but you both wanted to move on from it, a fresh start for the both of you.
some of your teammates in the spanish team still found it hilarious when they found out why the two of you hated each other, still finding it a little baffling to see you so loved up at training.
“ale” you send her a half hearted glare as she sat in her cubby watching you get changed for a national game.
“yes, bebita (baby girl)” she grins at you smugly, you cross your arms over your chest, walking over to her and giving her a challenging expression. she grabs your hips and tugs you forward, making you sit sidewards on one of her thighs.
“not funny, where is it?” she chuckles at your mock anger, pressing tender kisses to the underside of your jaw,
“where is what?” she mumbles against your skin, you squirm slightly when she reaches your pulse point, slapping her hand that was now squeezing your thigh.
“my jersey” you groan, alexia lets out a little laugh, kissing your cheek repeatedly, “it’s right there” she points out, suddenly you stand up, grabbing her hand and making her stand in front of your cubby, looking at her expectantly.
“what does that say?” you point at the jersey hung up, “putellas?” she grins, “smart girl, who’s jersey is that?” you try not to laugh, “yours” she smiles wider, her hand dropping yours to wrap around your waist, making you stand in front of her as she continued to kiss your cheek softly.
“in case you forgot, that’s not my last name” you say amusingly, feeling her smiling against your skin as she gave you a gently squeeze.
“it will be soon” she grins, flipping you around so you could face her, “propose first” you say cheekily, patting her cheek with your hand. she turns her hand to kiss your palm, a silent promise that it was happening soon. (happened a week later)
“you’re no fun,” she pouts mockingly, reaching above you to retrieve the jersey that actually said your name on it, giving you a shit eating grin as she watched you get changed.
“children” mapi and jenni say at the same time, watching as alexia pulled you into another kiss that took all the breath out of your lungs.
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you know the drill - pretend it’s you! ily jenni x
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liked by ona.batlle and 44,232 others
alexiaputellas: she thinks she’s the boss
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yourname: i am the boss
↳ alexiaputellas: it’s so cute how you think you are bebita (baby girl)
↳ yourname: i literally am?
↳ jennihermoso: oh she definitely is
↳ marialeonn16: 100% is
↳ alexiaputellas: a bunch of traitors
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aphrodisiac-siren · 2 years
Dynasty of Flames
Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen-Royce Reader
Summary: Being born into the most respected and equally feared houses in the realm made people look up to you as if you were a god and the devil himself, in equal measure. People say that when a Targaryen is born, the gods flip a coin; and when news of the birth of Daemon’s firstborn- a girl, spread, people could only wait in anticipation to see which side of the coin faced up during her birth. 
Warnings: Incest (duh), violence, blood/gore, swearing.
Part 1,
Part 2
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"Who's that from?" Baela asked as she watched Y/N read a letter she'd received only a few moments ago by raven. It bore a seal that the older girl recognised all too well and by the look on Rhaena's face, she seemed to recognise it too.
"It's that one-eyed arseling" she told her twin.
After the incident that resulted in the loss of Aemond's eye, Daemon's entire family and Rhaenyra's left for Dragonstone where they were wed. Y/N quite liked the princess, her sons however were the ones she found slightly difficult to get along with at first. Especially since she hadn’t taken their side when all hell broke loose the night Aemond claimed Vhagar.
But over the years, they all started to grow comfortable around each other, though Y/N would have to admit that she still found it unfair that Luke never received so much as a stern scolding for what he'd done that night, granted it was unintentional.
"Why do you still write to him?" Baela asked, quiet annoyed at her older sister "He punched me"
"Didn’t you say you punched him first?" Y/N casually mentioned but then winced. She did not mean to take the prince's side over her sister's "Sorry I did not mean to- all I'm saying is, that happened years ago. He was only ten and I'm sure he's a changed man now"
"I agree people change" Rhaena wrapped her arm around Y/N's, as she politely spoke "but he did steal my dragon"
"He claimed Vhagar. I know it was mean of him to not let have your chance at claiming your mother's dragon but we all know he did not steal her" you corrected, earning another annoyed sigh from the girls "Oh come now, you know Dragons don’t just let anyone ride them. If she did not bond with Aemond, he would be burned alive"
"It annoys me that you still take his side. I know he's your friend but we're your sisters" Baela scoffed. This wasn’t the first time you lot had argued over this subject "he's arrogant and-"
"And the boy who paid with his eye that night. Keep in mind Luke was responsible for it and was let off the hook without so much as a slap on the wrist" Y/N interrupted. She hated fighting with her sisters "You know I love you girls, I would never choose anyone over the both of you but you do have to admit as much as it was unfair to you, it was equally unfair for him as well"
"I'm not doing this again" Baela arose from where she sat. She was the short-tempered one out of the three of them "I'll be in my chambers"
Y/N heaved a sigh as she watched her younger sister storm out. She would go after her but she was presently too keen on reading what Aemond had written to her. The older girl turned to look at Rhaena, who was the sweeter, more timid one. "Go talk to her will you? I'll find you both in a bit" Y/N said with a soft smile and Rhaena obliged to what her sister asked.
Once the girl left, Y/N once again turned to read what Aemond had written. They did not write to each other often, just a few times here and there to tell one another of a few things happening in their lives.
"...the last time I wrote to you, I mentioned that I had a rich-green emerald replace the empty eye socket. Well, I took into consideration of what you said about a sapphire looking much better so I switched out the green gem for the blue one and I must admit I like it better.."
Y/N smiled to herself.
"Y/N?" Daemon called out as he stood by the door, pullling away his daughter's attention from the letter "care to explain what caused yet another fight between you and your sisters?"
The princess sighed, something she was doing a lot lately. She put down the letter and turned in her chair so that she was facing her father.
"It's about my friendship with Aemond, kepa. The girls do not seem to approve of it" she told him as she watched her father slowly walk in and sit at the edge of her bed "I won’t deny that he can be a bit much, but everyone has flaws"
"Oh so that's the reason for the argument this time" he chuckled "and the previous time?"
"That was when they tried to defend Jace and Luke by saying Aemond called them bastards" the girl told him to which he reacted with a smug smile, something that had her puzzled "what’s funny about that?"
"I love my wife Rhaenyra and her sons the same way I love you girls but" he stood up to walk toward her and lowered his voice as he continued to speak "between the both of us, you aren’t naïve enough to believe that they’re.. legitimate, do you?"
Since Y/N was Daemon's firstborn and quite frankly the only one he truly loved when he was still married to Rhea, over the years he found that she was the only one he could trust with almost anything. He even found a few similar traits between the both of them and he hoped for her sake she would not grow to be as rash and impulsive as he could get at times.
"Well considering the fact that the King has announced he will cut the tongues of those who say otherwise, I chose to believe what Rhaenyra says" Y/N answered briskly to which her father rolled his eyes.
"Chose to believe" he repeated with an amused tone "a diplomatic answer. Yn gaomā daor mittys aōha kepa"
"But you don’t fool your father"
Y/N let out a huff in defeat. They had had this conversation before, even though Daemon never openly suggested that they were bastards. But now, he seemed to be quite forward and bold and Y/N knew there was no way of smart-mouthing her father.
"Daor, gaoman daor drējī pendagon issi drēje āzma zaldrīzoti" She answered in a hushed tone, afraid someome might walk in even though she was aware only her father, sisters and Rhaenyra knew the language "nyke gīmigon ñuha ōghar iksis mirrī similar naejot pōjon yn nyke jiōraton bona hen ñuha muña, pōja muñar sia se ānogar hen Valyria. Konīr iksis daor ñuhoso pōnta would jurnegon se ñuhoso gaomis lo īlis drēje āzma"
"No, I do not truly think they are true-born dragons. I know my hair is a bit similar to theirs but I got that from my mother, both of their parents were the blood of Valyria. There is no way they would look the way they do if they were legitimate"
Daemon smiled at this, quite proud that his oldest daughter was smart enough to see the obvious truth that his brother turned a blind eye toward. He knew that this only weakened Rhaenyra's claim but he'd managed to fix that by wedding her. The only thing that upset him now was that after Rhaenyra, it was Jace who was in line to inherit the throne and not a true blood of the dragon.
"Ziry should sagon ao qilōni iksis brōstan dārilaros tolī Rhaenyra iksis dāria" He told his daughter, rather seriously.
"It should be you who is named heir after Rhaenyra is queen"
"Me?" Y/N repeated, unsure of how she felt about where this conversation was heading. Sure, she wasn’t as close to Jace but he was her family now and she did not wish to steal something that was promised to him, even though it was never formally announced that he was Rhaenyra's heir.
"Iksā ñuha tala, se ānogar hen iā zaldrīzes" he continued "ziry should sagon iā Targārien va se dēmalion, iā drēje mēre. Daor matter skorkydoso kostōba hen iā ivestragon bona valītsos ēza toliot ao"
"You are my daughter, and the blood of a dragon. It should be a Targaryen on the throne, a true one. Does not matter how strong of a claim that boy has over you"
Y/N snicked at the wordplay he'd used. She knew he held some truth in what he said but what he was suggesting, it was rather bold. She'd never really imagined herself on the iron throne, not until this particular conversation. Still, she couldn’t and wouldn’t do anything that would hurt her now half-brother Jace.
"No point in discussing this" she promptly spoke "I have no intention of stealing something that isn’t mine"
"You’re not stealing, you’re claiming something that is rightfully yours. You are the oldest, the one who has upheld tradition and speaks the language of our ancestors, who I know will be an excellent queen" Daemon placed a hand on her shoulder "think about it and let me know of your final opinion on the matter. Only then shall I discuss with my wife the succession of her throne"
Y/N simply nodded in response.
"Oh and pack your things" he added "we have to leave for King's Landing, urgent business regarding Lucerys"
And with that, he left Y/N to ponder over the conversation that she'd just had.
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Aemond was slightly confused to see everyone at court rushing about, cleaning or changing the drapes. It was as if it were announced that there was to be a wedding. A similar sort of chaos had broken loose a few days prior to Aegon's and Helaena's wedding.
He went to find his mother, to ask her why everyone was so pre-occupied with making the castle appear spotless.
"Is there something I've missed?" He asked as soon as he burst into the room "everyone seems half crazed"
"I was hoping to wait until supper to tell you" queen Alicent arose from her chair before she walked toward her son "There has been a certain, problem that has arisen. With the news of Lord Corlys' possible demise, the throne of Driftmark is left vulnerable"
"I thought my nephew Luke was heir, he is named lord of the Tides" Aemond stated the obvious "Is it one of those Velaryon girls who oppose his claim?"
"No, it’s Corlys's brother, Vaemond" Alicent told him "and i have to admit he seems to be a better fit for the throne"
"I take it there will be a hearing for the matter" The prince looked toward the fire that burned in the fireplace "In which I can only assume you will favour Vaemond?"
"Do you not support our decision then?" Alicent asked, quiet curious to hear her son's opinion on the matter though she knew he would back whatever decision she made.
"No, of course I do mother" he assured with a soft smile "We both know that Lucerys isn’t Laenor's son"
Alicent beamed proudly at her child, though she did not make it obvious that she was far too happy to dethrone Rhaenyra's son.
"I can only expect for Rhaenyra and Luke to be present here the same way Vaemond will be" he further inquired to which his mother replied with a 'yes'. This sort of ignited a hopeful spark in his chest "Will the rest of their family be joining us as well?"
Alicent knew he was asking her this with hopes that maybe the princess Y/N too would be returning to court. The queen was quite fond of the girl, but she wished her son did not have any sort of expectations regarding to wedding her; especially after that incident years ago, that cost him his eye. Her father Daemon was married to Rhaenyra now and that just further decreased Aemond's chances of asking for Y/N's hand in marriage.
"I do not know for certain but I would assume the entire family would be present" she told Aemond who only hummed in response, not showing any sort of emotion to the statement.
He had become rather cold and distant after he'd lost his eye, never letting anyone too close to him.
Aemond took his leave, heading back to his chambers. After all these years of only being able to speak to Y/N through words on paper, he would finally be able to talk with her in person. He wondered how she looked, if she was still a touch taller, or just as giggly and talkative. The last time he'd seen her was on the morning of her departure away from Driftmark, the very next day after he'd lost his eye.
Aemond had just been told, in the presence of his mother that he wouldn’t be able to live his life the same way he'd been living all these years. He would have to re-learn how to fight, how to ride and then there was mention of him not being able to fly Vhagar. After everything he'd gone through, he was being told that even after he'd acquired a dragon of his own, he wouldn’t be able to fly her. And then came the news of migraines that he would suffer from even after the wound was healed.
Aemond began to cry and then eventually began to scream out of frustration, demanding that everyone leave the room at once so that he might be alone.
Y/N, who was already on her way toward his chambers, heard the noise and went in and Alicent did not stop her; maybe she would calm him down?
"Aemond?" the princess softly called out, cautiously stepping closer.
"Leave me alone!" the boy snapped, still in a terrible mood but Y/N wasn’t going to listen that easily.
"I came here to see you-"
"I said go away!" he screamed at her and the girl did not appreciate it one bit, she was Daemon's daughter after all.
"I am going away!" she screamed back at him with such ferocity that it immediately silenced his temper tantrum "to dragonstone"
"What-" he quietened down as he processed her words. With the passing of Daemon's wife, he thought the man might return to King's Landing which would mean that even Y/N would return with him back home "You’re leaving, again?"
"I am" she reconfirmed it "I only came to say goodbye"
Aemond wanted to fling something at the wall out of frustration. He'd only just been reunited with her and now she were being taken away from him again.
"I don’t like your kepa" he grumpily muttered under his breath "always taking you away from me"
Y/N giggled at this, finding it adorable until her smile faded when she remembered that she was leaving him again. She noticed that during the entire conversation he did not look toward her and she knew it was because he did not want her to see the ghastly wound on his face. She took his hand in hers and leaned down to gently kiss his knuckles which made Aemond gasp with surprise.
"Kepa always used to kiss my injuries to heal them faster" she sweetly told him "I don’t think I can kiss your cheek without hurting you, so I hope a kiss to the knuckles will help"
Aemond smiled at her. He felt a pang of jealousy when she mentioned that her father used to try to help with the pain any time she hurt herself by kissing the injury. Meanwhile his own father did not care one bit about his loss of an eye. He did not even bother to come and see him the next morning.
He was glad Y/N did, it made him feel a little less unwanted.
A gentle smile spread across his face at the memory and he subconsciously looked down at the very same hand she'd kissed.
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boymeetswerewolf · 11 months
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Sterek Week '23 // Day 1, Only Just Begun / @sterekweek-2023
"Coffee Shop" color palette
i love you for sentimental reasons i hope you do believe me i've given you my heart - Natalie Cole, "For Sentimental Reasons"
"Coffee Shop"
As Stiles made his way to the counter with the gentle sounds of jazz drifting through the shop from an antique gramophone, he pulled out three singles from his back pocket to pay for his order. His eyes were trained on Derek, the somewhat distant, non-smiling yet excruciatingly attractive owner of the shop, who went about tidying up the counter and filling up the display jars on the shelf behind him.
Before he knew it, Stiles found himself standing at the counter and quickly put on a casual smile to try and mask the anxiety brewing inside him. He'd played the scenario over in his head a hundred times while sitting in the corner sipping his coffee, yet now that he had to act it out he was all jittery... or maybe that was just the caffeine.
"Hey, Derek," he began, his voice slightly shaky. He held up the three dollars for his order but before Derek could take it, Stiles said, "I was just wondering, uh, if I could buy you a coffee?" He looked up at Derek and immediately felt frozen in place like a deer in headlights as he waited for Derek to react.
"I usually like the five dollar stuff," Derek quipped as he returned two more jars of coffee grounds to the display shelf. 
Stiles, confused for a second, looked at the three dollars in his hand and back at Derek. "Uh... oh! No, this is for you. I mean— for me. To pay for my coffee, my order." The twin flames of mortification began to engulf Stiles' face and he was fully convinced his cheeks were as bright as a lighthouse, broadcasting his embarrassment for anyone within a five mile radius to see. 
Derek, who rarely smiled, offered Stiles a sly grin as he took the three dollars. "I know," he said softly. "You've been coming here every Wednesday - and sometimes Mondays - for the last six months and you always order a caffè misto, tall. It's $2.95 and you always tell me to keep the change, which I then donate on your behalf to the Wolf Preservation Fund." Derek took a nickel from the cash register as he placed Stiles' three dollars inside, then dropped it into the donation jar, Stiles' eyes following his every move. 
Chuckling bashfully, Stiles shifted from foot to foot. Derek's smile had caught him off-guard, but also somehow put him at ease. "Sorry," he said, not sure what he was apologising for but doing it anyway. "What I meant is I'd like to buy you a coffee sometime, if you'd like that. To get to know you better."
"And why would you want to do that?" Derek asked in return, the smile gone from his lips but still very much lingering in his eyes.
The soft music from the record player reaching Stiles' ears suddenly became familiar and he said, "For Sentimental Reasons," as he glanced in the direction of the old gramophone and the song's title sprung to mind. "I want to do it for... sentimental reasons." He looked back at Derek and suddenly the discomfort and anxiety seemed to wash away as his sincerity came through.
A half-smile returned to Derek's lips, this time expressing a softness Stiles hadn't seen before. "Well, you're in luck," Derek replied quietly. "I close up around 7pm. Maybe you should come by then, and we can have that coffee? Bring five dollars."
When Stiles overcame his disbelief that Derek said yes, he could hardly contain his excitement as he watched Derek's eyes meet with his. A moment formed between them, one they'd both remember for a long time to come. With a casual nod, Stiles replied, "Yeah, 7pm sounds perfect! I'll see you then."
The exchange was brief, but left Stiles with a newfound sense of anticipation. As he left the shop, he didn't see Derek's ears turn a bright shade of red, or the broad smile he tried to hide from the other customers. Neither of them knew this would be the start of something new, something wonderful, but it was just the beginning.
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❄️To Run Afoul of Winter❄️
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(Not my Gif.)
Request by: @unstablereader
Title: To Run Afoul of Winter
Word Count: 12,000
Warnings: Casual violence, some language, seasonal depression, segmented flashbacks.
Summary: In your human life you had been born a cripple - a frail, feeble little thing barely clinging to life. It was a miracle you survived long enough to join your siblings in becoming the first vampires. Bouts of what your family called Frost-Sickness kept you bed ridden each winter and despite your twin brother's efforts to cheer you up, life just hardly seemed worth living. When you turned, your body grew stronger, but so did your mental affliction. This is your story. || Mikaelson Family x sibling!reader || Here lies my Masterlist ||
A/N: This was written in like two days of an absolute writing frenzy. I know the request would have preferred Klaus to be the reader's twin but I just couldn't figure that out in my brain. Sorry! I hope you like it anyway. Also, one more thing. This fic is the first official fic of Cassie's Christmas at the Compound 2022 which I'll be kicking off later today as I was too lazy to do it on Dec. 1st. Thanks for being here and supporting my writing. Happy reading!
Northern Virginia, Viking Colony: December 21st, 998 A.D.
"Sister?" You recognized the speaker instantly - you always had and you always would. Just as one always recognizes their own reflection, you could never forget the voice of your other half. 
You didn't say anything in reply, offering a soft hum instead. You didn't feel much like talking.
"We're lighting the bonfires," He continued. "Come along now before you miss all the fun!"
That wasn't really what he'd said all those years ago. No, your native language had long since been lost to time, morphing into a variety of tongues since then. You and your siblings were likely the only ones in the world who still knew it in its pure form - not that you spoke it anymore. You hadn't spoken your native language in so long, not even with each other. There was something lonely about it and the lot of you were already so alone.
Especially you. After all, what did you have besides dreams to keep you company in your most quiet estate? But that was beside the point.
"Really?" You lifted your head from the pile of skins that made up your bed. "They're starting so soon?" 
Standing in the doorway, the boy’s dark eyes widened in alarm that quickly faded into concern. "Y/N…" He began cautiously. "What day do you think it is?"
You had thought about that. Of course, you should have known something so trivial yet so vital to your livelihood but keeping track of the days seemed like such an exhausting chore. Akin to many things lately.
"Is it not eleven days to winter?" You asked, tilting your head. Then again, the village was lighting bonfires… but no, you couldn't have been Frost Sick for seventeen days! That was absurd.
Your twin's lips pressed into a thin line - they did that when he was worried and that was how you knew it must have been serious. For Kol son of Mikael was so rarely a worried soul.
The boy shook his head. "Y/N, it's the first day of Year's End - of bonfire season…" His voice thinned, close to breaking. "The harvest is plentiful, the moon is waning, and Odin smiles upon us. Can you not abate the sickness but one evening? Will you not join us?" He entreated you. "Will you not join me?" And oh how your twin had cherished the season so. Always first to cast his wish into the flames, always the first to dance, always the first to smile and laugh like the boy he had been so long, long ago. 
You didn't want to disappoint him, but you felt so weak. The chill of the evening air pricked at your skin and bones, threatening to sink into your very soul. "I-I don't-"
"Please, sister? Bring your blankets with you if you must, just please come celebrate?" Your brother begged. His eyes were once wide with innocence, love, concern, and yearning. His eyes didn't look like that anymore. For long since had darkness shrouded them, rendering their pine-bark depths as hollow and empty as this memory that you sought comfort in. The boy standing before you in your dream was naught but an illusion. Your twin had perished in the dark, alone and frightened, in years left to history long since forgotten. 
And the creation that had taken his place?
You weren't entirely sure who he belonged to. For certainly he was your sweet, fun-loving, intuitive brother often enough but from time to time the bloodlust consumed him entirely and that creature was not one you recognized. He was not your twin.
Just so with all your siblings, if you were honest. They all had faded away - shells of the family you knew and adored. Animosity had grown between each of them. All except you. 
"Y/N?" His voice called to you again. Oh, how you missed the innocence in it. 
You lifted your head, clutching your blankets as you stood on frail, trembling, legs. "Coming! I'm coming, brother." 
The boy grinned and raced out the door. You followed him eagerly despite your limp. Passing under the arched doorway of your family's hovel, you found the scene outside blurred and out of focus. You blinked and your vision sharpened, although now you were no longer standing just outside your home. 
Northern Virginia, Viking Colony: October 31st, 988 A.D.
You were kneeling on a patch of frost-covered grass in front of a pile of wood stacked haphazardly. Kol knelt beside you and the sky overhead was bleak and gray.
"Show me again, brother," You demanded, buzzing with excitement, though you couldn't quite remember what for. "Please show me it again? I want to see."
"Y/N, you know father hates it," He said, frowning.
"Father isn't here and I won't tell him," You argued. "Please, Kol?"
"I don't know…"
Your voice quieted. "You're the only one that can help me," You insisted. "The Frost Sickness tugs at the edges of my mind even now. Your light is the only thing that keeps it at bay."
"Alright," He conceded with a sigh. "Just don't let it touch the firewood."
You nodded eagerly and held out your hands. Kol rubbed his own together vigorously before moving them close to his lips. 
"Incendia," He whispered. A spark burst in the air before his lips with a splitting crack and before long, bright orange flames leaped between his fingers. Some in your village whispered that Kol was cursed but you didn't believe them. Your brother was blessed by Frigga with the gift that was magic and he was brilliant in his craft. The boy grinned and glanced up at you. His eyes seemed lighter then, like a sunset. "Ready?" 
"Yes," You breathed, still in awe of your brother's magic. This was not the first you'd seen of it but it still amazed you all the same. "Yes, I'm ready."
Kol offered you another sweet smile. Shuffling a little closer, he gathered the fire in his hands before tilting them and letting it pour into your waiting palms. The flames flickered and danced, licking your fingers as they sent wave after wave of warmth radiating through your body and soul. You sighed. The magical fire burned away the creepings of your Frost Sickness, postponing it a little longer. You were lucky to have a twin like Kol for only the flames of his witchcraft could assist you with your illness.
You memorized his face then, the innocent, joyous, impishly youthful smile on his cheeks and in his eyes cast in the warm glow of the fire held in your palms. He hadn't smiled like that in so long. So, so long.
Northern Virginia, Viking Colony: March 31st, 989 A.D.
Left to your reverie only a moment, the scene before you shifted once again. It was spring, glorious spring all around you. The flowers were in bloom, the trees burst with leaves, and you were once again awake - wide awake. Crossing a bubbling brook with the confident leaps of a small child, undeterred by your bad leg, you admired the beauty of the moss-covered stones you employed as your bridge before continuing on to explore the forest. 
Along with having been born frail, you had also been born with a bad leg. The bones were a little misshapen and it couldn't support your weight. Ayana - the village's healer and foremost practitioner of magic, had fashioned you a splint to help you walk, and you had since refused to let it slow you down. Niklaus had carved for you a walking stick for balance and though you couldn't run, you could skip with the proficiency of a stone on a smooth lake. You danced between the trees as you chased a beautiful butterfly through the brush when a nearby shout brought you to a swift halt.
"Y/N!" That was the voice of your eldest brother, Finn. He didn't sound very pleased. Although, then again, Finn was rather easy to upset. 
"Be gentle, Finn." A different voice chastened. Elijah. "Y/N! Come out, little one!"
This, of course, only prompted you to duck behind a tree to hide as the footsteps of your brothers drew ever nearer. 
"Y/N!" Finn called again, attempting to sound a little less stern. "I swear, that child and her tvíburi are creations of Loki."
"You had best hope not," Elijah advised. "If either of them grow to be any more clever or cunning, then I fear we'll never be able to find them." 
You couldn't help the giggle that left your lips at his statement as you were rather flattered by his praise. Their footsteps began to fade a moment later and you peered out from your hiding spot to check.
"GOTCHA!" Without warning, two arms wrapped around you from behind and hoisted you into the air. You shrieked in surprise but soon began to laugh as you realized that it was Elijah who had captured you. He smiled warmly. "Hello, little one."
"How did you find me?" You wined, pouting a little. 
"Simple," Finn supplied. "We merely listened for the sound of complete disobedience and followed that."
Elijah sighed. "Finn…"
"No, brother. She needs to be taught," Finn said. He rounded on you again. "What were you thinking, running off on your own like that? Do you have any idea what could have happened? You could have gotten lost! You could have died!"
"B-but I was chasing pretty butterfly," You whimpered, beginning to tear up. 
"I don't care what you were doing!" Finn shouted. "Do you know what a wolf would do if it found you? Or Odin forbid - a bear? It would have-"
"Enough, Finn!" Elijah demanded. "That's enough!"
"Is it?" Your eldest brother argued. "Is she too young to understand the danger her frailty will bring to all of us? You know how mother worries about her. Tell me, Elijah - look at her! Is she not so very light to carry?"
"She is but a child," Elijah sighed. He knew Finn spoke the truth. You had been born small. Even now, you were hardly more than half the weight of your twin brother. 
"Rebekah is younger and yet she is heartier still and more stable on her feet." Finn stepped closer, lowering his voice. "You and Niklaus were always so fond of her. But how long do you really think Y/N will last - afflicted as she is? By tradition, Father should have left her to the gods."
You did not understand his words at the time. But no matter what Finn said, you weren't afraid. Finn liked to worry - he never wanted you to do anything - but Elijah, you knew, would always protect you. Nothing bad would ever happen as long as Elijah was there. And even as a child, you knew he always would be.
Elijah stood up a little straighter. "He tried if you recall. He left her in the woods all the night long but the forest would not take her. A fox and vixen stood guard over her until morning; small as she is, they deemed her worthy."
Finn didn't reply, or if he did, you didn't hear. You were far too busy watching a robin make its nest not far away until Elijah spoke to you again.
"Y/N, might you happen to know where your troublesome tvíburi is?"
"Noooooooo…." You lied. You absolutely knew where he was - you always did.
"I think you do," Elijah coaxed, poking you in the ribs. Giggling, you shook your head.
"I don't, though."
"He's probably attempting to burn one of our neighbor's homes to the ground," Finn suggested with a sigh.
Elijah sent you a questioning look and you shook your head again. 
"Or torturing some innocent animal…"
"No, we're doing that tomorrow."
"Or hiding everyone's left boot…"
You giggled. Now, that was a fond, fond memory. It took Sven two days to find his boot and by that time he already had a foot full of splinters.
"Or putting worms in someone's pillow - likely mine…"
"Couldn't find any worms - they're still sleeping," You replied with a shrug.
"Alright! I'll tell you!" You finally huffed, rolling your eyes. "But don't tell Father."
"You have my word," Elijah promised before Finn could say anything. Your eldest brother had some annoying traits but he wouldn't make a liar out of Elijah. 
"Kol is making protection wards for Henrick and for everyone so bad things won't happen to us," You informed them in a whisper - this was a secret after all.
"Why is he making them, little sister?" Elijah wondered. 
You just shrugged. "I know not. He said something about having a bad dream last night."
"I see, and what's that little miscreant got you doing?" Finn asked. 
"Picking berries," You answered simply. Elijah let you down and you took each brother by the hand as they began walking back towards the village. 
"Berries? Why?" 
"Snacks!" You chirped. Then you tugged on their hands. "Swing me!" You commanded, bringing your knees up. Finn rolled his eyes but both your siblings caved to your demands, swinging you back and forth between them as they walked you home.
Northern Virginia, Viking Colony: November 10th 1000 A.D.
When the world shifted yet again, you were met with a familiar blackness. The furs of your bed brushed over your skin and the midsummer night was warm and wet though the cool draft breezing through the cave made it rather pleasant. Light from the full moon shone down through a crack in the ceiling overhead but you didn't mind - you liked the nightlight. The rustling of blankets sounded on your right and before long, the dark outline of one of your siblings was creeping its way toward the mouth of the cave. You sat up and pursued as silently as you could in spite of your limp. Though you tried your best, the walking stick Nik had carved for you clacked against the stone floor, alerting whoever was sneaking out to your presence. Still, you waited until you were out of earshot of the rest of your family to speak up.
"Where are you going?" You hissed into the dark, unsure who was doing the sneaking. The figure froze.
"Go back to sleep, Y/N," Niklaus's voice whispered back.
You stepped closer. "Nik? What are you up to?"
"Nothing." His response was too quick to be the truth. "Don't worry about it. Just return to your dreams."
"But I do worry about you, Niklaus," You said. "I know you admire the wolves - I can feel your curiosity." You had always been in tune with the thoughts and emotions of those around you. Sensing them came rather naturally to you, just as spellcasting came so easily to Kol. Somehow Niklaus's emotions had always been the most vibrant of all your siblings and his thoughts the easiest to read. It was probably why the two of you were so close.
"Your magic is growing stronger then?" Nik tried to change the subject but you didn't fall for it, knowing what weighed on his mind. You stepped closer, tilting your head.
"You feel like somehow… you belong with them… as if you're meant to be up there running with the pack." Your brows furrowed and your mouth twisted into a frown. Your eyes grew unfocused and your voice took on a droning quality. "Running. Yes, running. Running underneath the moon and the stars but not the sun. Running. Yes, running on and on forever… always and forever. Running. Running for eternity. Running wild, running scared, running hungry, running blind. Running cursed. Yes, we'll all be running cursed…"
"Y/N?" Niklaus jabbed your shoulder. When that didn't stop your mumbling, he took hold of your shoulders and gave you a firm shake. "Y/N, snap out of it!"
You blinked, shaking your head. Then you looked up. It wasn't odd for you to have visions. You had quite a few of them while your brother had only ever received maybe one or two. Most were rather mundane or just complete rubbish but every so often you would be privy to a glimpse into the future. This night had been one such time, though you hadn't realized the true extent of your visions' significance. You remembered this night. Yes, you remembered it all too well. It was but one year to the day that your mother cursed you all.
"Niklaus, do you not love me?" You asked suddenly, feeling tears prick your eyes.
"What? Of course, I do!" He insisted. "Why ask such a ridiculous question?"
"Because you feel like you belong with them - with the wolves," You explained. "But I don't want you to be with them. I want you to be here with me… and Finn, and Elijah, and Kol, and Rebekah, and Henrick. I don't want you to go and replace me."
Niklaus smiled fondly, reaching out to ruffle your hair. "Oh, sweet little sister… How could I ever replace you?"
"With a dog," You muttered.
He shook his head. "A dog can't find the perfect flowers to make paint out of - not like you can. I love you, Y/N. I'll always love you."
"Then don't sneak out to see the wolves," You pleaded. "They hurt someone tomorrow… or yesterday… I don't know. Can't remember the order. " The events were all jumbled up in your head. Past, present, and future all existed simultaneously and you had no way to distinguish which one was which.
"Did you have a vision?" He demanded. You nodded.
"Things change when you go," You told him. "Wait a little longer? I want one more bonfire season before this era comes to an end."
It wasn’t his fault that he didn’t understand what your words or your prophecy had meant - you hardly understood them yourself most times and the rest of your siblings stopped trying. Not that it mattered anymore. You no longer had visions, no longer cast spells nor drew wards. It wasn’t long after that night that everything fell apart. Henrick died and your mother cursed your family and everything - everyone - fell apart. 
Finn lost himself to self-loathing. He became as winter itself - cold and distant. Though you tried to reconnect with him, it seemed to you as though that was the last thing he wanted. 
Outskirts of Rome, Italy: May, 18th 1156
It was summer if your recollection served - your recollection of the last moments you spent alone with him before Niklaus decided he was a danger to himself and the rest of you, that was. You had sought him out that afternoon. You were the only one to do so as the rest of your siblings had given up attempting to include him.
But that wasn’t you. 
It was how you and your twin were different. Kol had always been a bit of a flake, however, he was an extremely prudent one, to his credit. He would come at a problem a thousand different ways, but would never try the same solution twice. On the other hand, you liked things simple and direct and knew that sometimes a problem requires tenacity. You just hadn’t been ready to let go of Finn. Abrasive as he was, you loved him.
“Do you mind if I join you, brother?” You asked, having finally found him. He sat leaning against the base of a mighty oak tree at the edge of a summer meadow. The grass was bright green and the sky a brilliant blue - it was your favorite time of the year.
Finn glanced up, his expression unguarded as it was, displaying a lost sort of melancholy. “I suppose you may,” He said. You smiled and sat down beside him, leaning your head on his shoulder. You were still so small for your age. Despite having turned eighteen merely a week before Henrick died, your appearance could pass for that of a fifteen-year-old. You looked more like Henrick’s twin than Kol’s.
“What are you doing all the way out here?” You wondered, watching the white puffy clouds drift overhead.
Finn shrugged. “Just… sitting quietly,” He replied. He did this quite often, though you were more inclined to think of it as wallowing in self-pity. Not that you would say that out loud. The last thing Finn needed was more mockery, though your siblings didn’t seem to see that. Finn was a bit more like you it seemed. Your family and village had always called it Frost-Sickness, though as the world developed and greater advancements were made in the realm of medicine, you came to discover in later years that your condition was labeled Seasonal Depression. It was a sickness of the mind rather than the body and saw to it that your moods were more heavily influenced by the weather than those of other people. 
Thus, Finn you figured, must have been a bit like you. Except the rain cloud which hovered over his head was not quite as severe and certainly less predictable. Though it didn’t leave him bedridden as it did you, his bouts of sadness came and went as they pleased and when they came they drew him further and further away from his siblings.
“What about you?” Finn asked, fiddling with a branch he’d picked up off the ground. “Why are you here, sister?”
You shrugged. “Kol can be really loud sometimes,” You said simply. 
Finn hummed his agreement, nodding. “That he can.”
“There are days when I find it impressive,” you admitted, voice pensive. “but today is not one of those days.” You planned to continue adding elements to your reasoning until you won a laugh from him. You were the only one of your siblings who could make Finn laugh. “And then Niklaus joins him and you know how those two get when they drink together so may God have mercy on that poor, poor, tavern -” Finn huffed, rolling his eyes. “Then, bloody hell, I don’t know whose idea it was to invent Pub Archery but let's hope it doesn’t catch on, otherwise Italy will have gained a new sport and we’ll have to listen to those two gloat about it for the rest of the century.”
“Pub Archery?” Your brother questioned, raising a brow.
You nodded. “Indeed.”
“Dare I ask?”
“Well, the rules are dubious at best but from what I can tell, a mug of ale is placed on a table halfway between the wall and wherever the player is standing. A bow and an arrow with a mid-sized hook affixed to the shaft are given to whoever is currently in play. Apparently, Kol has officially dubbed this position “the Arse in Question” - he was very clear about that when explaining the game to me.” You shrugged and continued. “Anyway, the Arse in Question then attempts to send the arrow through the handle of the mug, while doing their best to ensure that the fish hook catches on the handle as the arrow passes through it. Their goal is to lodge the arrow in the wall with the mug of ale still on it. If the mug is still somewhat full by the time the Arse in Question can make his or her way over to it then they are awarded the proper number of points and they have to drink whatever is left. Three points for a full pint, two points for half-full, and one point for a quarter pint. Now if the mug falls off, or the arrow fails to remain in the wall, then the Arse in Question loses five points.”
Finn frowned, slightly confused. “And what if the… bowman were to miss the mug on the table completely?”
“Well, in that case, he takes a shot.”
Your brother rolled his eyes. “When does this game - if it can be called that - end?”
“I haven’t the faintest,” You shrugged, shaking your head. “Though, so far I think it may be with whoever is the first to pass out. According to Rebekah, there’s a fifteen-point penalty for fainting, so I’d assume at least competitive play ends after that. I didn’t stick around long enough to inquire further. I value my eyes.”
“Smart decision,” He said with an approving nod. “And does Elijah know of this latest depraved scheme?”
You sent him a look. “Elijah’s the self-appointed referee,” You deadpanned. Your second eldest brother liked to believe he had some maturity and admittedly he had more than you, Kol, Nik, or Bekah, but it really wasn’t much.
“He approves?” Your bother asked in slight disbelief. 
“Elijah’s responsibility is a facade. What is a wall of stone to outsiders, we know to be a bride’s veil,” You said sagely, nodding solemnly. 
And finally, finally, Finn laughed. It had been years since you had heard him laugh. It was a soft chuckle, not much at all, but it was there and you knew better than most that sometimes that’s the best someone can give.
“You make a fine point, little one,” Finn mused, patting your hand. “Would you like me to talk some sense into them?” 
You snorted. “Right. Good luck with that, mikill göltur.” You gestured lazily with a few reeds you had plucked and were now playing with absently. “By all means, go right ahead; although, I must warn you that the aroma of that establishment is a fine shade of brown.”
Your eldest brother grimaced at your description. “I see. In that case, I think I’ll leave Elijah to deal with them.” He leaned back against the tree, folding his arms behind his head. 
“You should go see that Sage woman again,” You prompted, entirely out of the blue. It amused you to see the blush that covered your eldest brother’s cheeks at your suggestion. He was fond of her.
“W-what on earth makes you say that?” He sputtered, casting his gaze pointedly to the sky.
“She makes you happy,” You answered, plain and simple. That was who you were, plain and simple. “I like seeing my siblings happy - all of them.” With that, you tossed your creation - a corsage woven from wildflowers - into his lap and hopped to your feet. “Now go see her!” You commanded, nudging his knee with your foot.
He sat up. “Perhaps I will.” 
“Good!” You turned and began to skip away.
“But only if you talk to that blacksmith lad!” Finn called after you. You froze. Whipping around on your heel, you gaped, staring at him with wide E/C eyes. He just shrugged, smug as could be. 
That was the last you saw of your eldest brother. Nik put a dagger in his heart and then there were five.
Now, Elijah on the other hand, was not Finn. They were radically different and Elijah got lost in his own way.
See, Elijah was hungry and he killed Tatia. He killed his love and the grief consumed him. He became so obsessed with somehow making it right as if keeping his hands clean from then on could somehow remove the stain of her blood. You knew what he’d done and you didn’t blame him but through the next hundred years and on it almost seemed to you as though he forgot. It was odd, but you chose not to bring it up; perhaps that was a mistake on your part. So it was that instead of drawing away from you and your siblings, Elijah drew closer. He viewed it as his responsibility to watch over the family and keep everyone together. What Elijah could not see, however, was that some things are simply fated to fall apart.
Somewhere Off the Coast of Cadiz, Spain: June 22nd, 1730
Five hundred years after you spoke to Finn beneath that tree in Italy, you found yourself in front of Elijah in the somewhat damp confines of a cargo hold in a ship just off the coast of Cadiz, Spain. Behind him stood two caskets and inside one of them was your twin brother, immobilized and in excruciating agony. You could practically feel the dagger in your own chest yet Elijah refused to let you free him. 
“Move aside, Elijah!”
��I’ve said no and my answer is final,” Your brother repeated. “Kol will remain as he is until such a time as Father is half the world behind us. Only then will we risk reviving him.”
“That’s not fair!” You argued.
“Oh I do believe it is,” He countered, crossing his arms and looking down at you. He was much taller than you were. “It was Kol’s mass slaughter in Cadiz that led Father right to us and clearly nothing you or I have said to him has made an impact.This was never my first course of action, Y/N. But until you should devise some other more prudent method to disway your brother from devouring the entire town, I’m afraid this is how things must be. He. Must. Learn. Control.”
You rolled your eyes and huffed, long since tired of his condemnations and hypocrisy - intentional or not. “He’s our brother and for the millionth time, Elijah: That’s not the problem! It’s not his fault if he can’t control it, because you lot have never given him a reason to!”
“That is preposterous and you know it,” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Do I?” You demanded. “It’s always you, Rebekah, and Niklaus. That Always and Forever pact - that was you three. It wasn’t us! I knew that you would make it before you did and yet nether of us were a part of it! Whenever the three of you do something, you never think to invite him along. The few times you and Nik actually ask all of us to vote on a decision, you don’t give our opinions half the weight you give to Rebekah’s.” 
Elijah frowned and held up a hand to stop you. “That is not remotely true. I view each-”
“No, you don’t,” You hissed, fighting the tears pooling in your eyes. “You hardly even notice us when we’re in the room with you, unless one of us is shouting and if either of us leaves, you might as well forget we exist entirely! I remember one time when Kol just up and left - said he was going to catch one of the bloody crusades.” You laughed but there wasn’t much humor in it. “He was gone for five and a half months and you didn’t even notice!”
“I did notice, actually.”
You glared at him. “I distinctly recall you commenting about how quiet it was one morning, after he’d been away three months. I told you he left. You were surprised and then you went right back to your book; you didn’t even ask where he’d gone!”
“I suppose I would have if such a question mattered, but unfortunately, Kol can look after himself,” Elijah said in disdain. You were aware that Elijah had carried a grudge towards Kol since the day the two of you were born. Though he’d never said it out loud, he’d always thought of your twin as a leach because he’d been born strong and you had been so frail. “He excels at it.”
“Because you don’t care to do the job!” You exclaimed. “You discount our opinions and refuse to see either of us as anything more than children. I mean, you hardly so much as look at me unless I’m attempting something you deem too dangerous. I hardly dare speak to a boy, even if he’s naught but a servant, lest I ensure that Niklaus shall orchestrate some awful accident to befall the poor lad. Both me and Kol - you see us only as another burden you bear and you ignore any attempt we make to change your mind.”
Aside from Kol, all your siblings had always seen you as weak and in need of protection - Elijah most of all. His eyes narrowed and he looked over you with scrutiny. 
“Always so quick to defend him,” He huffed. “If what you claim is true, then how have you mastered the control he so completely lacks?”
“It’s different for me,” You insisted. “My magic was different.”
“How was it different?” 
You bit your lip, mulling over your answer. You wanted to get this right, wanted to make him understand that the bloodthirsty monster he condemned was merely a prison and that your sweet, bubbly twin brother was locked somewhere deep inside. 
“My magic was more constant, I think,” You started, speaking slowly. “You must understand brother, magic wasn’t just something Kol and I did; it was something we were, it was a part of us, but I think we each felt it in a different way. He was so good at spell casting - at manifesting his very will into reality. I was always better at seeing, sensing, feeling, and just knowing the thoughts and emotions of everyone - everything - around me. My magic was a blanket, a quiet comforting reassurance that I wasn’t alone and that nature was looking out for me.” That loss still weighed on your soul every single day. You sighed but continued anyway, “But for Kol I think it was more like water. He’s always hated feeling helpless, and for him, I think magic meant that there was always something he could do to fight back.”
“Fight back?” He questioned. Your expression grew grim, eyes darkening. 
“Against Father,” You said. “You know Father hated Niklaus most but Kol was always the next he would hit. Magic wasn’t a luxury for Kol - it was his survival. When he first tapped into it, our brother knocked Mikael flat on his ass - Kol earned Father’s respect. For him magic was a thrill, a lightning excitement, power, and reassurance, both a sword and a shield, and a bonfire wish - it was everything. It was like water - and like water, its absence consumes him. He tells me often now that it’s much too quiet. He can’t stand the silence - the vulnerability maddens him. He didn’t mean to bring Mikael upon us… He fears father more than you know.”
“And you do not?” Elijah challenged, regarding you strangely. Again you thought about your answer. 
“No,” You decided after a moment. Your brother frowned, shaking his head. 
“You are not such a fool as that, lítil víx,” He said with a disapproving gaze. He called you little vixen - the fox’s, smaller, swifter, and wiser counterpart. 
He turned to leave the cargo hold, knowing you would not disobey him, but you whipped around and caught his sleeve.
“I do not fear him as much as I once did,” You amended, looking your brother dead in the eyes. “Father fears death, he always has though I did not see it then. Knowing that what he fears is so common, so natural, and so inevitable a thing, my fear of him has dwindled. I think I more pity him now than I fear him. For how very sad it is that he hunts us with no other purpose than to destroy that which reared into being. How very sad it is that he disregards the exuberant beauty all around him in favor of his hatred. How very sad indeed.”
Your second eldest brother blinked, taking a moment to completely process what you’d said. “I suppose you’re right,” He said slowly, nodding. Then he frowned. “Do you not fear death, Y/N?”
You smiled softly. “Oh, I wouldn’t say that.” You glanced towards the coffin that would imprison your twin brother for far, far, too long. “But I do not fear it as Mikael did, nor as Esther did. I anticipate it, I think. I anticipate it as one anticipates the surprises a new day might bring. Good or bad - it’s a new experience; though it shall certainly be nice to be free of the Frost-Sickness, I think. However that may be.”
Your brother considered your words but you knew they would not change his mind. For your family was frozen in body and mind and that was how you would remain for the rest of eternity. You were as eighteen then as you’d been one hundred years before… Well, perhaps you were slightly more. Each year only seemed to make you stronger, faster, sharper, and more eighteen. Time was the seal of your mother’s spell. Immortality polarized.
“I know you miss him, Y/N,” Elijah said with a heavy sigh. “But this is for the best.” 
You hung your head and nodded, allowing the tears in your eyes to spill down your cheeks freely for a little while. Your older brother reached out and brought you into his embrace, letting you cry as long as you needed. “Then I have just one request, if you’ll grant it,” You proposed, voice chipping like the stained glass windows of cathedrals you so dearly loved. 
“What is it, little one?”
“Don’t wake him while I’m sleeping?” You sniffed. “I don’t want him to be sad.”
“You have my word, lítil víx,” He promised.
Then there were four. 
It wasn’t that you forgave Elijah. No, that would take time. Rather you simply could never bring yourself to hate any of your siblings. Not even Niklaus. As much pain as he caused, as much terror as he sewed, and as much paranoia as he reaped, you could never bring yourself to hate your dearest artist. Bastard, hybrid, abomination - none of those labels ever phased you because he was still the quiet, loving brother who painted you flowers when you were Frost-Sick. 
It didn’t matter to you that he had killed your mother.
You loved him anyway.
London, England: October 16th, 1702
“I see your skill with a brush is improving, Nik!” You declared, flouncing into the second-floor study that your brother had commandeered as his studio. “You have perfectly captured the Siberian tundra. Congratulations. Though, your depiction might have been better had you simply left the canvas as you found it.” You smirked to yourself, rather satisfied with your wit, as you reclined in the overstuffed chair you dragged into the room behind you.
Niklaus let go of a long sigh and returned the brush he was working with to a basin of water he kept beside him. When he spoke, he did not turn to address you.
“May I ask what I did to warrant myself deserving of such bite from my littlest sister?” He asked, calm and fluid. He wasn’t in a good mood - you could tell. Thus you wanted to stay all the more. Perhaps you could cheer each other up. 
“I am not even that short,” You stated. Niklaus tossed a different brush, still covered in paint, over his shoulder, aimed for your face. You lept to dodge it with a giggle. “Secondly, it’s the season - I simply can’t help it.”
It was autumn in the city of London and the year was 1702, only a hand full of years before your family relocated to Cadiz and then later, New Orleans. Autumn was a difficult time of year for you as it was when the Frost-Sickness began to take hold. It had only grown worse since your transition into a creature of the night, just as everything about you had been enhanced. Though the Frost-Sickness could no longer afflict you with illness as it had when you were human - keeping you bedridden or even unconscious for days or weeks at a time - it could now do arguably worse. 
As autumn came, you could feel your mind and body begin to weaken. You felt frayed and tired and uncomfortable in a body that had for too long remained unchanged. You felt the loss of your magic so much more keenly and the loneliness that caused was far too acute. As the season wore on, it would only grow worse until you knew only misery. At that point, the silver daggers Niklaus had kept seemed like mercy, and without Kol’s magic to keep your head above water, you had willingly begged for their employ. They were your only escape from the pain that came with winter.
“Oh, how tragic,” Klaus remarked. You could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “Where’s your twin?”
“On a bender,” You deadpanned.
Nik huffed. “Figures. Go annoy him. I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to entertain you.”
You gasped in full shock. “Nik! How could you say that?”
“Simple. I pass air between my lips - like this!” He twisted around and stuck his tongue out at you.
You continued, unbothered. “I do not annoy, brother. I berate. There’s a difference.” 
“An impressive distinction, to be sure.”
“And yes, I am sure Kol would love to entertain me if he were not otherwise preoccupied entertaining someone else.” 
Klaus groaned. “What’s he done now and do I need to dagger him for it?”
“Please don’t make me think about it longer than necessary, but no.” You frowned, shuddering. 
“Now you have to tell me,” Your older brother grinned.
“I’m pretty sure he’s endevoring to sleep with the entire female population of London.”
He whistled and returned to working on that painting of his. “Well, you have to admire his audacity if nothing else,” Nik chuckled. 
You made a noise that was certainly anything but ladylike, followed by a gesture that was far worse. “I absolutely do not have to admire any aspect of him!” You exclaimed. You had hoped Klaus would have been just slightly more decent - if only for the sake of propriety. “He may be a strumpet of a man, but I am not. I am a lady.”
“I don’t see why this upsets you so,” He hummed, shaking his head. 
You huffed. “Because unfortunately, I am also his genetic copy. Therefore - technically speaking - if he’s slept with them, then I’ve slept with them! Which, admittedly, wouldn’t bother me if this were not the absolute bloody cesspool that is the bloody city of London!”
You’d expected him to laugh, and he did just a little bit, but it wasn’t nearly what you wanted. Dirty jokes almost always cheered Nik up and hearing him laugh never failed to make you laugh. Peering over his shoulder, you caught a glimpse of gray fur. He was painting wolves again. 
“Must be nice,” He mused a while later, having left you to silence for over a half hour.
“Having a twin as you do,” He explained, voice wistful and far away. “Having someone you belong with completely, a reflection of yourself you know could not betray you nor abandon you any than the sea can abandon the shore. Must be nice.”
“Its not all bliss,” You reminded him, sitting up in your chair. ��Kol still agrivates the living daylights out of me.”
“Such is the nature of being Kol.”
You nodded but said nothing, allowing him a moment with his thoughts before you asked the question he so desperately wanted to hear. “What’s wrong Niklaus?”
He sighed, though it sounded broken.
“Do you ever miss our mother, Y/N?” He asked.
You stilled. Out of all your siblings, you were the only one who knew what Niklaus had done. How he had murdered your mother. You had received visions of the moment throughout your life but particularly often in the months before it occurred. He didn’t know. You had never told him.
“Why ask me that, brother?” You returned, tilting your head.
“Because I want to know if this grief that still weighs so heavy on my soul is mine own fault or her’s.” He eyed you with a flat stare and you nodded, pressing your lips together. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings but you didn’t think your answer was one he would like. 
“I loved our mother dearly,” You eventually decided to say after a few beats of silence had passed between you. “But I do not miss her as you do.”
Nik’s voice trembled and the paintbrush clutched in his fist snapped. 
You smiled thinly. “Because I knew her as you do not.”
Your brother glanced up, meeting your eyes with an expression that demanded you explain yourself. You sighed heavily. It was time to come clean.
“I know what you did, Nik.”
His entire body stiffened, his eyes widening in alarm and terror.
“I know you killed her.” You shrugged. “I’m not mad.”
He drew in a sharp breath, shaking his head, his expression a mixture of guilt, relief, and confusion.
“How? W-why?” He choked out, unable to grasp the concept you’d laid in front of him.
“Because you’re my brother and I love you,” You said, smiling as though it was as simple as the words would imply. “Esther loved all of us in her own way, but that was not how a mother should. She loved the idea of children but the reality was more difficult than she had predicted and she struggled to understand her place, I think. Esther was barren, you see. She tapped into some very dark rituals to change that. Thus, we are all products of dark magic and such things so rarely receive a generous fortune from the spirits of nature. So we were all damned from the start, I think.” Pulling yourself to stand on legs that were still so frail, you wandered over to a side table and picked up the brush that rested upon it. You began moving it through your H/C hair in careful strokes. “In the end, Mother paid the price for her selfishness, I suppose. I don’t blame you. I cannot blame you, Niklaus lest I blame myself equally because that woman never loved any of us enough to save our souls and for that, I am simply unable to forgive her. I may never be able to.”
Tears slipped down your brother’s face. “But she loved you. I know she loved you most of all,” He said, through gritted teeth. 
You nodded, huffing a slight laugh. “That she did. Actually, I think she loved me a little too much.”
“You reminded her of Freya,” Klaus whispered. “Of her firstborn, the one she lost to plague.”
“I know.”
“She worried for you constantly, terrified some sickness would take you just as it took Freya.”
“I know.”
“When your Frost-Sickness rendered you unconscious, she nery left your side!”
“I know.”
Klaus clenched his teeth and growled. “Yet still you whine like a spoiled cat!” He spat, rage and jealousy now taking the forefront in his aquamarine eyes. “You never suffered our father’s rage, never had to labor as the rest of us did to please him, you were always doted apon by everyone - never had to feel as though you didn’t belong, as though you had you earn your place! How dare you take all that for granted.” 
Your jaw locked and you gently placed the brush down to avoid crushing the fine wood into splinters. Inhaling deeply, you fixed your gaze on your brother. “I have never taken for granted anything that was given to me. The sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the rivers, the land, and more than anything this family have I given thanks for every single day I have been allotted. You, Niklaus, know not what it is to wake up, surprised that you made it another day. You, Niklaus, do not understand what it is to rejoice in the unfathomable agony that plagues your bones as it means that you’re alive. You, my brother, cannot comprehend what it is to put off sleep in fear that you may not see the next dawn - nor to fight through a hell of your mind’s own making for no other cause than for the love of family.” You shook your head, disappointed in him. “Do not call me ungrateful, Niklaus.” 
“Then why do you think of our mother with contempt when even I who took her life cannot forgive myself?!” He bellowed. His voice and eyes were hollow and broken, his soul desperate for an answer to his heart’s riddle. 
You could feel yourself begin to cry as well. Not for your own sake, but for his. 
“Her love wasn’t for me, Nik,” You sniffed. “It wasn’t mine - it was Freya’s.”
“N-no… She-”
“I grew up smothered by a shadow of love and regret that never had anything to do with me!” You cried, wrapping your arms around yourself as if they might contain the pain that threatened to tear you apart. “Mother’s doting wasn’t compassion! It was obsession! She thought that if she could just fix her past mistakes that it might somehow change how things were for us, but it was always a lie. A fairytale.”
When your older brother opened his arms, you ran to him, and he embraced you as any older brother should. You had aimed to cheer him up, but such was not the outcome. Sometimes things don’t work out the way they’re planned and Niklaus just let you cry. At the end of the day, your siblings would always be there for you - even if it was only at the very end.
“What’s worse was that I knew, I felt it every second,” You sobbed into his shirt, clinging to him like a plank of wood in a storm-tossed sea. “I saw myself in her eyes and believe me when I say that through them I know what our dearly departed sister looked like. She even called me Freya more times than I can count.” You shook your head, letting the pain run its course. “I was just her replacement, Nik. Just a replacement she tossed to the wayside like the rest of of her children - damned from the start.”
In this memory it was Niklaus who hung his head, ashamed of his quick accusations. He pressed a kiss to the crown of your hair. “I-I’m sorry, Y/N,” He said. “My minnsta vix, you are my sister - blood be damned - and I’ll never doubt your loyalty agian.”
And he never did. Of all your siblings, you were the only one Nik never daggered out of fear or as a punishment. Not like Kol, who was easily the one finding himself at the wrong end of a dagger too many times to count.
As much as his actions against your family, Niklaus especially, pained you, you couldn’t blame him. Your mother’s curse had consumed your twin brother and oh how acutely did you miss the mischievous boy you had adored with all your heart. The only time he truly seemed to return to you was around Bonfire season, or as it came to be called, Christmas.
New Orleans, Louisiana: December 3rd, 1904
“Kol, sweetheart, honey-bunch, mistletoe of mine; you had better start running because I’m going to beat your ass to a pulp as soon as I reach the bottom of these here stairs,” You sang from the balcony overlooking the courtyard of your families New Orleans compound. A wide, placid smile was spread over your face but it was the equivalent of thin ice because your eyes promised death. 
Down below, decorating the positively gigantic fir tree Klaus had somehow managed to fit through the front gates, stood your menace of a twin brother. He glanced up, flashing you the world’s cheekiest grin. “Oh, darling that’s not very peace on earth of you, now is it? Especially when I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong!”
Your eyes narrowed. “I think you know exactly what you did, Charles.” 
He snickered but held your eyes. Beside him Rebekah looked confused, glancing back and forth between the two of you. “What exactly is going on here?” She asked. Your younger sister also took a step away from your twin for good measure. She was a smart cookie.
Keeping your razer sharp glare fixed on Kol, you drew an object from behind your back - a long, thin, wooden object. You held it on display before you, twirling it like a staff between your fingers. You said nothing.
Rebekah groaned, rolling her eyes. “Really? We’re back to this again?” She scoffed and rounded on Kol. “What, did you run out of actually clever pranks to pull?”
“There’s nothing wrong with the classics, Rebekah,” Elijah cut in from where he sat with his book in the corner. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens - how appropriate. 
“There is when its this one,” She claimed. “We’re going to be cleaning bits of Kol off the walls for a century when she’s though with ‘im!”
“Damn right, you are,” You said, eyeing your twin brother like a lion eyes a gazell. “Got anything to say for yourself… dim-wit?”
Kol grinned from ear to ear. “Why yes actually, I do.” He cleared his throat and straightened his jacket. Then he looked up, spreading his arms wide. “God bless us, Everyone!”
For a moment you didn’t move. You just glared death at him and he grinned back. Then, you chucked the crutch in your hands like a javelin, aimed directly at his face before vaulting yourself over the railing, screaming at the top of your lungs. “SUFFER THE WRATH OF TINY TIM, YOU KNOB-HEADED WANKER!!!”
Kol squealed like a girl and bolted just as fast as his legs could possibly carry him. “Is it too late to say I’m sorry?” He tried as he backed away from you, using Elijah and his chair as a shield.
“You forged these chains link by link and yard by yard,” You quoted, inching closer. “No apology can save you from me!”
“Bloody hell!” He yelped and leaped to the side as you made a grab for him, just narrowly dodging. He raced into the room closest to the two of you, dashing around the dining room table and through the opposite door. “Just because you’re a cripple doesn’t mean I don’t love you!”
You pursued him into the Kitchen. “How’s this for cripple?” You lept onto the counter and from there flung yourself onto your brother’s shoulders, tackling him to the floor. “Surrender or die!” You commanded, pressing your forearm against his throat.
“Fine! I surrender!” He conceded. You moved off him and allowed the boy to stand. 
“Mean cripple,” He muttered under his breath. 
You punched him in the gut.
It was that playful side of him that you missed. The one that would tease you with jabs that didn't sting just a little. The one who never sneered at you or yelled. You even missed his endless supply of cripple jokes, because that was him. That was your Kol and he was gone now. Your mother's curse had changed him most of all. 
Rebekah, on the other hand, hadn't changed much at all. Though she had developed something of an extreme side, her patterns remained the same. She followed in Niklaus's footsteps, wherever they may tread. She trusted and feared him. Rebekah always chose Nik over you and your twin.
New Orleans, Louisiana: December 21st, 1914
"No!" You shrieked as you watched that cold silver dagger pierce your twin brother's heart once again. The color in his skin faded to a corpse-like gray and the veins beneath blackened and ran dry. "No…"
He was gone. Kol would be locked away and there was no telling whether Niklaus would ever let him out again. The grief, the pain, and the agony were too much. You had only nearly been hanging on and only for Christmas - only for Kol because he loved the season so. But with him gone, the pain assaulted you in droves. Tears burned your eyes and you found yourself turning towards Rebekah.
"I trusted you," You whispered - heartbroken. "We trusted you."
"Y/N/N, I-I had to," She claimed. 
"No, you didn't." You shook your head, tears already making their way down your cheeks. "No, you didn't."
"Y/N, you don't understand-"
You didn't let her finish. Shaking your head, you turned away and carried yourself back to your room. There, you let yourself collapse on your bed, allowing the weight of the Frost-Sickness to crush you. Already your body felt heavier, your chest like a vice. You didn't want to be here any longer. Not without him.
A knock sounded on your door. 
"I don't want to talk!" You shouted.
The knock came again.
"Go away!"
The door opened and Niklaus stepped in. You glared at him.
"Do you not speak English?" You demanded. "Go away, I said. Trŭgvaĭ. Partir. Verlassen. Scram. Beat it. Leave me alone, it's what you're best at."
"I did what I had to do," Klaus said, eyes hard.
"Keep telling yourself that," You spat.
"He was plotting against me, forging a dagger-"
"He wasn't going to use it!" You bit your lip, your whole frame shaking with unshed tears. "He-He wasn't… He was never-" You fell back against your pillows, burying your face in your hands.
"Love, please-"
"I can't." You heaved and gasped for breath but you couldn't seem to get enough oxygen. "I can't a-and I don't want to. I don't want to be around without him - not now. I don't want this pain any longer! To run afoul of winter will surely shred my soul! I can't stand it, Niklaus! Just put me to sleep!"
Klaus closed his eyes and sighed. "Are you confident this is what you want?"
"I can't do it without him. This whole season - I can't stand it. I don't want to spend Christmas without him! Not this one or any other!" You rubbed your red-rimmed eyes. "Let me sleep through the winter, and wake me when you wake him."
"As you wish, dear sister." 
From his pocket, Klaus withdrew a gleaming silver dagger. Its edges glinted like snowflakes, though New Orleans didn't have those. He moved to sit by your side, raising his arm so you could lean against his shoulder. You closed your eyes, and a moment later, felt the chilling metal slice your flesh, lodging itself firmly in your heart.
"Merry Christmas, Nik." The words were the last to leave your lips.
"Sleep well and dream of butterflies, minnsta vix," Those words were the last you heard Klaus whisper to you. "I promise I shall wake you one day."
You knew Klaus would keep his promise, though it startled you when that promise came to fruition.
Mystic Falls, Virginia: Present Day
The first thing you registered when you awoke was a voice. Two voices actually. One that sounded like music and another that reminded you more of a rotten honeycomb - slimy, sticky, and brittle. You remained still and listened as these were not the voices of your family members and thus, they would have some serious explaining to do.
"Damon?" The musical voice spoke. "We did it. Abby and I opened the coffin."
The second voice, most likely this Damon fellow - not that you cared - sounded rather muffled. Almost as if he wasn't actually in the room. Speaking of, whatever sort of room you found yourself in was large and open. That is, everything echoed.
"Yeah?" The voice prodded impatiently. "And what's in there? What did you find?"
"Another corpse with a dagger through it," A third voice joined the conversation. This voice was similar to the music-like voice of the young girl, though it had a smokier quality.
"What?" That second voice did not sound happy. "That's it?"
"Yup. She's just some girl," The first voice replied.
"How old are her clothes?" The second asked. 
“Uh, I don’t know…” You felt someone pinch the fabric of your skirts, likely inspecting the make.
“Early ninteen-hundreds, I’d say,” The third voice spoke. How long had you been out? Niklaus wouldn’t have kept you daggered for that long, would he?
“Did you take the dagger out?” Damon demanded.
Always one for a dramatic entrance, you took that as your cue. Sitting up slowly, you turned your head and opened your eyes. Your whole body felt drained and dry and you knew the telltale signs of desiccation were still there. Two women stood in front of you, one adult and one no older than seventeen. Both had beautiful caramel skin and black hair and they shared the same gorgeous green eyes. Witches they were - mother and daughter. You could tell in the way they carried themselves. Both of them gasped in unison.
“I’m afraid they did,” You said with a smirk. “Hope that’s not too much of a problem.” Of course, you didn’t mean such a statement but for now, you were in good enough spirits to be amused. You focused your gaze on the younger of the two witches, schooling your expression to assure her that you meant the girl no harm. “Hello, darling. Would you be so kind as to tell me the date? I’m afraid I’ve been asleep a rather long time.”
What odd clothes these women wore. Instead of skirts, they sported trousers. Scandalous to be sure, but what you wouldn’t give for a pair.
The young girl floundered for a moment, searching for words but you remained patent. 
“Uh, um… I-it’s January 20th, 2012.” 
Your eyes widened in shock for a moment as you digested that information, then your expression fell into a grimace. “Great,” You huffed. Tossing your hair back, you hopped out of that cramped coffin and onto the floor of the cave. “Well, in that case, who are you and do I need to murder you both?”
Both women took a hesitant step back. 
“I-I’m Bonnie, Bonnie Bennet,” The younger one said. “And this is my mother, Abby.” She pointed to her senior companion. 
“I see,” You nodded cooly. Your mood was souring by the minute.
“We-we were told you were the weapon capable of killing Klaus Mikaelson,” She said.
You raised a brow and laughed. "Kill him? Kill Niklaus?" The expressions of the women before you were entirely serious though they quickly began to deteriorate into confusion as you doubled over laughing. "Now why on Earth would I do such a thing?"
Both witches glanced at one another, uncertain. "Well… because he daggered you?"
"At my behest!" You dismissed with a wave of your hand. "As if he could suffer me anything against my will; though, by Odin, I would certainly love to see him try. Ha! Kill him… I'd sooner let Kol have the pleasure - as long as we're suggesting absurdities. However, I will have a few choice words for him, just as soon as he comes to collect me, that you can be sure of." You shook your head as your laughter faded.
"That'll be hard, princess," The owner of that second voice you had heard waltzed through the mouth of the cavern. "The big bad wolf's got no clue where you are, so I don't think you'll be telling him anything."
He was a tall man, a little shorter than Kol but a little broader in the shoulders, with hair as black as a raven's plumage and pale skin to match. His eyes were a piercing sort of blue and you might have found him attractive had it not been for the unnerving gleam in those eyes and the sneer marring his lips.
"I beg your pardon?" You questioned, falling back into a more defensive stance at the sight of him. You didn't fear the man but something about that voice of his set you on edge.
"No one's coming to get you, sweetheart," Damon said.
You scowled, snapping your gaze back to Bonnie who had begun inching towards her ally's arrival. "You, girl! Why do you seek my brother's demise?" You demanded, eyes hard and sharp.
Bonnie froze. "I just want to protect my friends," She replied.
You shrugged. "A noble cause, at least."
"Wait, Klaus is your brother?" It was her mother who voiced the question and you rolled your eyes.
"Yes, of course he is. What else would he be?" You answered impatiently.
"Then why did he have your coffin sealed?" The woman questioned.
"Because my siblings are a rather overprotective lot and they tend to overdo my security just a tad." You huffed and turned back to the daughter. "Do you know where my brother currently resides?"
"Y-yes." She nodded.
"Very well, darling. Take me to him," You ordered shortly. Your tone left no room for debate and the women both moved to obey you but the man held his arm out to stop them.
"Woah, woah, woah. Not so fast. You're not going anywhere, princess," He said, taking a confident step forward.
"Step aside," You demanded. You had run out of patience.
The man - Damon - shook his head. "Not gonna happen."
You raised a brow. "Oh?"
"I should warn you, that's rather ill advised," You said, smiling thinly. Your eyes promised danger.
"And why's that, sugar?" That southern accent of his was certainly grating on your already thin nerves.
"Because I lack my twin's fun-loving temperament and all-around more reasonable nature," You replied. "Move aside and take me to my family or I shall skin you alive and tear each strand of sinus from your muscles one by one as I weave them into a nice rug."
Damon snorted. "Could you at least make me into a tapestry? I always wanted to be one of those."
"This is the only warning I will give," You ground out, eyes narrowed.
He scoffed. "Come at me, short-ass."
The insult was entirely his mistake. 
You rushed at him, dodging right at the last second to avoid his attempt to grab you. Snatching his arm for balance, you angled your feet to the wall of the cave and pushed off. That initial push supplied you with enough momentum to cartwheel your tiny body over his shoulders. Your weight combined with the force you applied, threw him off balance and you took the opportunity to drive your elbow firmly into his skull as soon as you were solidly back on the ground. Damon reeled in pain but you didn't give him time to think. You swept your leg around and kicked his own out from under him, sending him crashing to the cave floor.
You knelt on his chest and met his eyes.
"Take me to my family," You ordered, impressing your will on his inferior mind.
The man smirked and tossed you off of him. You were sent stumbling and your back slammed into the side of the coffin you had awoken in. You blinked, shaking the slight daze away. What had happened? Why had your compulsion failed?
"Sorry, cupcake," Damon gloated, getting to his feet. "I had a vervain cocktail for breakfast."
"No matter." You shrugged and straightened up again. "I was simply intending to be nice. I should be thanking you. For now I can have a little fun without Elijah reprimanding me for it." 
You rushed him again and this time he was ready for you to evade his outstretched arms. He stepped to the right to counter you but this time you ducked and slid between his legs. Twisting around with all the agility of a coiled servant, you kicked him in the groin like the simple, prudent soul you were. Damon cursed and fell to one knee, glaring at you over his shoulder.
"That was cheap," He bit out, grimacing.
You shrugged. "That was practical," You replied, smirking primly. "And so is this."
Grabbing him by the wrist, you twisted his arm and pulled it around his back, pushing him over. You positioned your fingers to perfectly utilize the fulcrum point of that wrist as your shoved his hand forwards. Damon grunted and you grinned. Then you started breaking his fingers. One at a time. 
The man cursed and screamed and you just giggled like the innocent little girl you had once been but were no longer.
Unfortunately, in your eagerness to take down the man in the black leather jacket, you had entirely forgotten about the two witches in the room.
"That's enough!" The younger one shouted. A searing pain ignited in your skull, prompting you to release your grip on the raven-haired man. You cried out clutching your skull as the other woman yelled:
You were thrown back into a semi-damp wall of stone and held there by an invisible force. The pain in your head faded and your gaze snapped up, locking on Bonnie and her mother. You hissed, teeth-gnashing and eyes wild. You were tired and starving and miserable and cold and they were in your way. 
Then, a blur of motion startled you and before you could blink, a tall figure in a dark suit caught the elder woman by the throat and raised her into the air 
"Miss and Mrs. Bennett, I suggest you release my sister at once." Elijah's booming voice struck through the cavern and you grinned, turning your head to the door. There stood your brothers - well, two of them, anyway - and neither of them looked very amused. Klaus moved to intimidate the younger girl and Kol smirked as he delivered a few swift, bone-crunching kicks to Damon's ribs. 
You smiled wryly.
As it turned out, Klaus, Elijah, and Kol made for quite the menacing trio when the three of them stood together on something. You made a mental note to encourage them to agree more often. The magic pinning you to the wall faltered, the witch responsible having lost all her bravado along with most of her oxygen supply. You dropped to the ground, landing in a bit of an unceremonious heap. 
"Ugh! About time you three got here," You huffed, rolling your eyes as you brushed yourself off. 
"Apologies, sister," Kol grinned, finishing with Damon by snapping his neck before prancing over to you. "We had some urgent remodeling to take care of - you know how it goes." He tossed you something and you caught the object, inspecting it. The thing appeared to be a plastic bag containing… blood? 
Huh… how peculiar.
You shrugged and tore into it. The sweet nectar inside wasn't as fresh as you would have liked but beggars can't exactly be choosers now, can they?
"Don't ever presume to threaten my sister again. Do I make myself clear?" Elijah growled his tone a harsh bite emphasized by the glare Klaus cast between mother and daughter. Both women nodded vigorously and Elijah dropped the one he was strangling. She fell to the ground, gasping for breath and he turned to you, seeming to inspect your figure for injuries before speaking. "Are you unharmed, lítil víx?" He asked gently.
"I'm quite alright. Though, I most certainly would like to know whose fault is was that I fell into the hands of such incompetent brutes as these," You hummed, continuing to suck out the contents of the bag in your hands rather contentedly. Beside you, your twin brother smirked and threw an arm around your shoulders, pulling you firmly into his side as he turned and started from the cave. The other two followed with Klaus making one last rather threatening gesture before taking up the rear. 
"I'm afraid it was Niklaus's regrettable negligence that allowed all of our coffins to be stolen," Elijah informed you.
Klaus made a strangled noise of offense. "It wasn't my fault!" He protested. "I was a little distracted with killing our father!"
"Father's dead?" You asked in surprise. Your siblings nodded. "Oh… Well good riddance."
"Thought you might say that. Now, don't you ever scare me like that again, darling. Understand?" Kol demanded, hugging you closer. Despite how he had been changed by your mother's curse, you could always be sure he would still care about you. No curse on the planet could change that.
"Ah yes," You agreed, rolling your eyes. "I'll try my very best to avoid being kidnapped while under the influence of a magical sleep in the near future."
Your twin brother poked you in the ribs in response to your wit.
"He's serious, love," Klaus added. "You nearly gave us a heart attack."
"Careful, Nik. Statements like those might lead one to think you have a heart," You chastened playfully.
The hybrid chuckled. "Only for you, love. Only for you."
"And for the occasional blonde, let us not forget," Elijah quipped, smirking to himself.
You giggled but your mirth didn't last long.
Stepping out of the mouth of the cave system, you were met with the blackness of night and air even colder than that of the cavern. Snow drifted from a dreary sky and you frowned, shivering. Discomfort weighed in your soul and you could feel it begin to grow just as frigid rime creeps along until it smothers a plant. You sighed. It was going to be a difficult few months until spring. 
Kol rubbed your arm comfortingly and leaned in close. "It'll be alright, Y/N. I'm right here. I may not have my magic, but I'm not leaving you and you won’t be alone this winter."
Yes, as always, it was going to be a difficult few months until spring. 
But at the very least you had your family.
No matter what, you would have your family. Always and Forever.
Tagging: @yn-ymn-yln @r13mar @rootbeerfaygo @iiskittles16ii @fandomrulesall-blog @dark-night-sky-99 @railingsofsorrow @apolloroid @thatweirdoleigh @misswe03 @eat-cake @felinegrate @trikigirl271 @cute-freak27 @fayeatheart @archangelslollipop @slaypussypop-21
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 6 months
Flames & Weapons pt. ii
OC!Fem!Reader x Garrick Tavis, OC!Fem!Reader x Bodhi Durran
Word count: 4k
Synopsis: What happens when you attend Basgiath war college as an infantry cadet with your lover, your ride or die best friend and your twin brother? Alot of fucking shit. Follow the story of our oc’s Allie Henrick and Katia Lalley as their bond of friendship remains strong as their dynamics of life change around them. What happens when they meet two fellow first year riders in their first year? Will their world change forever? Then again nothing can be as expected in war college. Stay tuned as our oc's become badass infantry cadets.
Warnings: drinking, swearing, fighting, mentions of blood, non canon shenanigans
A/n: welcome to part 2! This shall be a treat for @garricks4thwingqueen to wake up to bc she had no idea I was posting this today 🤭 I had a week from hell at work, and made up for it by sleeping for 17 hours 🤩 (I could honestly sleep longer). Anyway i love writing this series and can’t wait to get to the other parts Al has drafted! I hope you guys enjoy part 2!! Comments, likes, reblogs are always appreciated to us! 🩷
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Allie’s POV
I promised myself I wasn't going to cry over his ass," I grumbled, furiously wiping my cheeks.
"Look at it this way." He said with a smirk on his face. “We don’t have to act like his jokes are funny anymore.”
I looked up at him, puzzled. He still held on to me, but I couldn’t find the nerve or sensibility to pull away. “His jokes weren’t funny?”
He cringed, “you thought so?” He let one of his arms slip from my waist and rub the back of his neck. “I didn’t know where the punchline began or where it ended.” I pondered on what he said. A lot of Zach’s jokes were childish and it was more funny to watch him sputter an explanation to his jokes.
“They were…alright.” I decided. That had been one of the biggest reasons I liked Zach admittedly at first, he made me laugh like no other. Compared to Garrick’s humor, who had always been dry and sarcastic, that was one of the reasons I got along with the rider so well. The two were just a night and day difference in every aspect.
Garrick chuckled and gods that became one of my favorite sounds in the last several months. The feeling of his chest vibrating already calming me down. "Can you take off those rose colored glasses yet, Al?”
I sighed, finally pulling away from him. His warmth lingering on me, and the scent of his musk mixed with sandalwood and the hint of the bourbon he had been sipping still evading my senses.
“There off I swear, they’ve been off.” I frowned. I came to that realization three months ago, but there was a part that had hoped it could go back to the way it was.
“Why’d it take so long then?” He questioned. “You’re not alone in this, y’know?” He had that softened look in his hazel eyes again, the one that he reserved for a select few. How I was deemed worthy enough for it, still remained a mystery to me, but it was always appreciated. “You know I’ll always be here for you.” He said earnestly. “Drew, Kati, and Xade too.” He then added.
I was about to respond, but clattering of glasses, chairs skirting against the floor, and the prominent shouting of Katia made us pull our attention to the door.
“Gods what did she do now?” I groaned to myself.
Garrick chuckled again, putting his hand on the small of my back leading me into the commotion of the bar.
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Katia’s POV
“I should go check on her,” my leg bouncing up and down rapidly, picking at the corner of my thumb. I kept flitting my eyes towards the door.
Xaden smirked, casually resting his arm behind me on the booth. “I wouldn’t worry about it, she has the guard dog with her.”
I gave him an incredulous look. “What kind of best friend does that make me not to follow her?”
“A good one,” he said, like it was obvious. I blinked a couple times watching him crack a crooked grin. “Maybe it’ll help her open her eyes to the better suitor.” He leaned down so I’d only hear.
Scoffing, I took a sip of my drink. “I don’t condone that.”
I watched across the table, seeing Drew try to get into an arm wrestling match with Bodhi.
I thought Xaden was attractive, but his younger cousin was a sight to see. Shorter than the older cousin, but still towered over Drew and Sawyer, his dark hair curly flopping over his forehead, and a boyish smile never leaving his face since Allie and I walked in. Way more charismatic than Xaden too, it took a month for me to get a smile out of him. I almost thought the older rider had a permanent scowl on his face. While his cousin never seemed to take his smile off. How were they related?
“Why because he’s a rider?” He mused.
“No, because I don’t want to encourage her to hop into another relationship after ending one. One that she had been in since she was 19.” I tried to say in a hushed tone.
He nodded, “right, right. A relationship that only she was in apparently.”
“Riorson, be quiet please.” I went back to watching the arm wrestling match that Bodhi had started. He was now up against Imogen, who was doing a better job at keeping up than Drew. She was another anomaly to me, not speaking a word to us when we entered, seeming irritated that we had even joined the escapades tonight.
Apparently this night was just going to keep heading in the opposite direction than planned as a loud guffaw of laughter broke out. Causing all of us to turn to the new presence at our table.
“Sawyer?!” Zachariah said in disbelief, strolling up to our table. “No way you’re a rider?”
I glared at the sandy brunette as Xaden removed his arm behind me, straightening up.
“Yeah,” Sawyer grimaced, trying to be polite, his knuckles whitening around his glass. I sat up in my seat too, ready to attack—verbally or physically I hadn’t decided. Maybe both? It was hard enough to bite my tongue during classes, and I found myself having to sit on my hands more often than not. The gods testing how thin my patience could get, but now out in public off school grounds…Zach better pray to Malek.
“That’s so right on, just like your parents! I knew you’d get in!” He acted as if we were oblivious to everything that had happened the last forty eight hours. It made my blood boil, and there was no way I would bite my tongue.
“Zachariah, you’re not going to introduce us to your new girlfriend?” I interrupted his reunion with the freckled man that was sitting across from me. I could see Chiara a reasonable distance away from our table at the bar. I’m glad she can read a room at least.
“Hey Kati,” he greeted sheepishly, his cheeks reddening. By now our table quieted and went into predatory stances. Drew got up from his chair, any amusement drained from his face. “Drew.” He acknowledged, clearing his throat.
“Dude,” Drew said with an edge to his tone. “Why are you even over here right now?”
“It was a mutual breakup, we can still be friends right?” He held up his hands defensively. He was lying through his teeth, trying to play it cool.
“Are you kidding me?” I laughed dryly. “What delusion are you living in?”
“She said it herself, we’re better off not together.” He tried to justify.
I stood up putting my palms on the table, “I hope she’s worth it.” Glancing back over to the blond sat at the bar. She looked uncomfortable as we made eye contact, quickly averting her attention.
He chuckled nervously, “Allie did tell you it was mutual right? Right?” I shook my head, my heart hammering in my ears. The two glasses of lavender lemonade did not help the impending rage I felt.
“Drew you understand right?”
He shook his head as well, “I can’t defend you anymore. I told you from the start if you hurt her what would happen. The only reason I hadn’t was because of her.”
“You know how your sister can get. She can be crazy and a pathological liar!”
In a matter of seconds, Drew had Zach against the wall by the collar of his shirt. Glasses flying off the table, with people jumping out their chairs at the sudden commotion. I’m ready to launch myself at him, but Xaden has an arm around my waist holding me back.
“Stop projecting your flaws on my sister! Cheating isn’t fucking mutual.” Drew spat, before punching him square in the jaw. “I’ve had to watch for years as you treated her like shit!”
Sawyer had a weak hold on the back of his cousin’s shirt. He didn’t seem to care if Zach would be pummeled to a pulp or not and I didn’t blame him.
I still tried wiggled to get out of Xaden’s grasp shouting at Zach. “I will make your life a living hell! Do you understand?!”
Xaden’s grip loosened the slightest to adjust me, but I was already out of his clutch launching towards the beaten man. Just as I could get close enough to get my hands on him another set of arms grabbed my waist.
“I’m just assuming I shouldn’t let you do whatever you have planned.” Bodhi’s arms an iron grip around me.
“You’re assuming right!” Xaden shot over snappily, instead now trying to get Drew off of Zach. The pair now in a full blown fight.
Allie and Garrick came in, both looking gobsmacked at the event before them. They hadn’t even been gone for 20 minutes, and we had created utter chaos within the hour of arriving at the tavern.
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Allie’s POV
“Less than 5 fucking minutes.” I mumbled under my breath that was just loud enough for Garrick to hear as he tightened his grip around my waist. “What in the actual fuck Zach?” I could practically feel steam coming out of my ears from how heated I was.
By then Sawyer and Xaden had pulled Drew off of him, Chiara entering the picture to make sure Zach was alright. I glowered at the sight of her touching his face making sure he wasn’t too hurt.
“Your cousin started it.” He insisted, spitting blood out on to the tiled floor.
“Sawyer, I highly doubt that.” I rolled my eyes as I felt Garrick stiffen at my side as a bartender who had to be an inch or two taller then Garrick came over.
“I’m going to have to ask you all to leave. I have zero tolerance for fighting in my establishment.” He huffed and walked away as Xaden started to protest, but Garrick lifted a hand to stop his friend.
“I’d rather be elsewhere anyway. “ I said, being the first turn from the now cluttered corner. The rest of my friends trailing behind.
“Welcome to hell!” Katia spat at the new couple, Bodhi still gripping on her arm gently leading her out.
The group was quiet as we walked down the path back to Basgiath. Though I was still slightly upset, had to crack a small smile.
“You know Kati, I’m shocked it wasn’t you who had him by the collar.” She was now walking by my side, her hand interlocked with mine.
“I damn well tried.” she muttered, side-eyeing Xaden the whole time.
“Oh she really did try.” Xaden snickered, who was walking in front of us with Bodhi. She tried to swat him in the back of the head, he quickly dodged her laughing at her lousy attempt.
“You should have let her get some shots in.” Imogen huffed to the taller man. “Maybe getting kicked out of the bar would have been worth it.” She kicked a pebble down the path, walking next to my brother.
“She’s already banned from Doyle’s, she does not need to be banned anywhere else.” To my left I saw Katia mimicking him then flipping him off secretly. I peered behind my shoulder, and saw a small smirk on Imogen’s face, but it quickly disappeared as we made eye contact.
“He tried saying it was a mutual break up.” Drew spat, ignoring the banter. “And all these nasty things about you.”
Garrick walked on the other side next to me as I felt him tense; gods help me if the two males were ever in the same vicinity again. “Bullshit, he deserved all he got tonight. I’ll add a few punches next time.” Garrick said.
“Let me join next time, I read up on some nifty torture methods last night.” Katia mumbled to herself.
I laughed, “sometimes I think you might be Malek reincarnated.”
She grinned wickedly in response, as Drew came in between us. “Don’t give her ideas, I’ll end up being her guinea pig.”
“I’m glad I’m all the way across a parapet from her evil genius ideas.” Sawyer bristled quietly. Drew elbowed him as warning.
“You guys act like I’m so mean?” Katia shot back defensively.
“You are!” Drew, Sawyer, and I said at the same time. The other riders found that amusing choking back chuckles.
“Out of love though.” She pouted.
“Bless whoever you get into a relationship with then, Lalley.” Sawyer rolled his eyes.
By the time we reached Basgiath it had started to storm. The smell of wet moss and cobblestone permeated the air when we got to the iron gate.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” Gare said to me quietly as we walked through the quiet tunnels and staircases.
“I’m fine plus the rider's quadrant is too far.” I started to protest, reaching the main tunnel that connects to all the quadrants.
“I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Garrick told the other four. Xaden merely patted his best friend’s back and gave a subtle nod to me as they walked by. I waved to them, continuing to walk towards the dormitories with Garrick, Katia, and Drew in tow.
Drew held his lip, hissing to himself when we reached the second year hallway in the infantry quadrant.
“Are you going to be okay?” I asked, trying to examine his injuries. They weren’t nearly as bad as Zach’s, but his lip would take a few days to heal and for the stray bruises to disappear.
My best friend swatted me away, grabbing Drew’s hand. “He has nurse Katia to handle him.” She beamed at my twin brother. “Go, go you crazy kids!” She shooed Garrick and I away before dragging Drew to her room. I couldn’t help but laugh watching him turn and give us a ghostly face.
Katia was seldomly nice or nurturing, especially to Drew, I knew she was only doing it for my sake. Maybe she was actually going to take him to make him her guinea pig, she’s done it since we were children. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary.
I led Garrick to my room talking about everything. Debriefing the night, telling stories of our childhoods, no topic left unturned. He was sitting in the cushy leather chair in the corner of my quaint room, his feet propped on the matching ottoman.
“What’s Imogen’s deal, she wasn’t particularly talkative with us?” I asked, sitting at my desk, braiding my hair for bed.
“Oh Imogen, she’s harmless—for the most part. She'll warm up eventually.” Garrick chuckled as he twiddled his thumbs watching me as I pulled more hair over my shoulder. “Drew may want to give up though she’s more into girls.”
Now it was my turn to chuckle, facing him. “Leave it to my brother, finding the sexually unavailable ones.”
Garrick shook his head, something unreadable in his eyes. “Never say never, there still could be hope.”
I raised an eyebrow at him, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“She has her ‘I’m strictly dickly’ phase once a year as she says.” He looked anywhere, but me. A red flush creeped up his neck.
“You and her hooked up, haven't you?!” I laughed, watching him become flustered. Of course his type was the eccentric badass ones, unsure to why I felt the pit of my stomach drop at the thought. I brushed the thought away, forcing a grin on my face turning back to the small mirror at my desk.
“It was a one night stand back when we were 18. I think I was the one that caused her sexual awakening for women honestly.” He casually played it off, which caused me to genuinely laugh as he then changed the topic.
I eventually paused our storytelling to go to my bathroom to change into my pajamas and get ready for bed. Still talking from the bathroom, but I heard the rider grow quiet from the other room. I peered out the threshold while brushing my teeth to see Garrick had fallen asleep in the chair. The usually hard exterior man looked so peaceful and uncomfortable sleeping there. Crunched up in the small chair. Most furniture didn't seem to fit him properly, I’ve noticed.
Finishing with my night routine, I walked over to him. I shook his shoulder gently. “Gare, wake up.” I said softly. He wasn’t budging. “Gary c’mon.”
He grumbled, startling, “I hate being called that.”
I smiled slightly, ignoring him. “Do you want to sleep in my bed, and just leave in the morning?” I asked sheepishly. Garrick was my friend, why did this feel all so intimate? Almost awkward.
Garrick grumbled again this time more incoherently, assumingly to protest staying as he was trying to pull his jacket on, but ultimately gave up. “Move over.” He muttered, grabbing the throw blanket that was on the back of the chair.
I scooted under my covers, giving him more room to lay, while he laid on top next to me using the smaller blanket. The full size bed was a tight squeeze for both of us to comfortably have an appropriate amount of room.
“You know you can get under the covers, I’m not going to bite.” I poked his shoulder.
“Outside clothes,” he groggily mumbled, turning to face me. “From the tavern.”
“Didn’t clock you for someone who worried about that kind of stuff.” I raised an eyebrow, facing him as well.
He said something I couldn’t quite understand, falling asleep before my eyes. I guess it was time for bed, we had spent the last two hours talking.
For a man he had long eyelashes, I observed, and despite him being paler I couldn’t help to admire the light freckles that randomly sprinkled his face. I still attest to when I first saw him that Amari sculpted him herself, even when he was crunched into my smaller full size bed not easily fitting a six foot six inch man. His arm is covered in intricate patterns of the relic that was engraved five years ago tucked underneath his head, the patterns flexing against his bicep.
He and Xaden never mentioned what had happened that day, I only knew from reports, my friends remaining quiet about the topic when Katia, Drew, and I asked.
I eventually let sleep take over after being a creep for a couple more minutes. Thinking of the whirlwind of events that had happened in only three days.
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I woke to loud talking outside my door and the sound of pots and pans clanging. “Up and at ‘em cadets!”
I sat up from my bed, having to overlook the fact that Garrick’s arm slid off me. He was still over the covers, but was holding me. At what point of the night had that happened? More banging on my door panicked me slightly, pulling me out of my thoughts. What was going on? Was there trouble?
“Good Morning to you too.” He mumbled with a raspy breath as I jumped out of bed. While he stretched casually, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes
“Good Morning. You can’t be here.” I deadpanned. I walked around my room, finding my uniform, and rucksack.
“Ouch, thanks Allie, that makes me feel real good.” He feigned hurt, as I teasingly chucked a hair pin at him.
“I wouldn’t care usually—but what time is it?” I asked, peeking out the window. The sun was just starting to rise, invading the dark blue sky with hints of orange and pink.
“6:30” Garrick replied sleepy, not sensing my urgency as I scrambled to get ready.
“Shit.” This must be the RSC the third year infantry and Professor Lieutenant Stone has told us about. They’d choose random Saturdays to bring us second years out to the forest with our squads and test our survival skills. At least I hadn’t drank enough last night to be hungover for this moment right now.
“What’s going on?” Garrick asked as more banging on the doors, and caused him to finally jump out of bed.
“Up and at ‘em Squad leader Henrick, get your cadets ready. RSC starts now.” The gruff voice of Professor Lieutenant Stone rang from the other side of my door before hearing his stomping footsteps retreat.
I groaned, covering my face. “No weekends off?” Garrick shrugged on his jacket.
“Apparently not,” I made my way to my door, unlocking it, and peeking out. Cadets were still everywhere as I quickly closed the door, and locked it again. “We have to get you out without being seen.”
“You don’t want to be caught with a rider in your room?” Garrick grinned sarcasm dripping off his tongue.
I rolled my eyes, “I’m glad you find a sick pleasure in all this. But believe me you don’t want to mess with Professor Lieutenant Stone. Drew already learned the hard way last year.” I explained. A rapid knocking started at my door. “I’ll be right there!” I shouted, as I took off my pajamas. Not quite caring if Garrick was still watching me, as I slid on my uniform pants, and then the dark blue t-shirt. Another array of frivolous knocks sounded.
“Squad leader Henrick!” Katia’s curt tone never failed to make me want to laugh. I walked over, and unlocked the door again to let her in. I buttoned my pants, throwing my short sleeve uniform over top, looking at my best friend as she skirted in breathlessly. She then froze, noting it wasn’t just her and I.
Her brunette hair perfectly slicked back with her hat nestled on top of the crown of her head all ready to go in her navy summer uniform. Her green eyes looked amused as she took in my rushed appearance and Garrick in the corner.
“Squad leader Henrick!” She scoffed scandalously at the sight. I gave her a pointed look for her to cut her shit. I didn’t need Katia antics at the moment.
“Cover for me?” I begged. A flash of apprehension showed on her features as she studied the tall broad rider who was awkwardly standing there, before she fixed her lips with a smirk.
“Fine, but owe me a patrol shift this Wednesday.” She decided, walking to the door and escaping the room.
“What was that look?” Garrick scratched the back of his head.
I shrugged, sitting at my desk chair, tugging my boots on. “Not sure, Kati’s…Kati.” Was all I could chop it up to. I made sure I had everything in my rucksack. Compass. Canteen. Map. Plant guide. Provisions. Matches. First aid. All there.
I sighed, slinging the bag over my shoulder. “I would leave in thirty minutes. The halls should be cleared, and by then first and third years should have made their way to the mess hall.” I told him, as I walked to my door. I went to reach for the handle, but stopped turning to Garrick. He made himself at home sitting on the leather chair with one of my geography books. “Thanks, again for staying with me last night. I actually slept for once.”
He offered me a small smile. “Of course.” It seemed he was going to say more as he was cut off by Katia yelling on the other side of the door.
“And that's my final cue.” I waved, closing my door, meeting an annoyed Katia on the other side.
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random-gamer1942 · 3 days
This morning I randomly remembered my first ever fanfic thingy that I made a few months ago, an sbg wild west au. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but I got some sudden inspiration, so I'm reposting it here and continuing it
Trainwreck Graveyard
(1/7) The train that was
The sun sat high in the sky, broiling the dry land below. Standing on this scorched earth was a silent figure. Twin flame-colored braids going down until her waist, just barely resting on the twin six-shooters holstered to her belt - like sticks of dynamite ready to blow after the wick's flames caught up to them. It'd be hard to tell just what she might do with those things if it wasn't for the star-shaped golden badge on her uniform
Though many others awaited the locomotive, none dared approuch her. Few ever did, and of those few, even fewer didn't end up regretting it. If her cold gaze didn't scare them away, the cold steel of a barrel between their eyebrows would. Sure, some would call it harsh, but if it scares away outlaws that's simply what must be done
Choo chooo, the approuching train broke the quiet atmosphere that usually seemed to follow her. As it came to a halt and it's doors opened, the crowd started pouring into the different cabins, with many taking the spots they had grown accustomed to
But when the woman with hair red as the morning sun found her usually mostly empty cabin, two strange faces sat there, almost waiting for her
One was a large man with dark hair, who attempted to avoid eye contact. The other however, adorned with hair light as the sands of the desert, looked straight at the figure approuching him. And when met with her cold gaze, he returned a warm smile
They're clearly travelers, she thought to herself. She decided to just sit down and hope that they wouldn't start a conversation. I mean, they surely wouldn't be foolish enough to-
"Howdy there Miss, pleased to meet ya. The name's Aiden, and this here's my cousin Benjamin. He don't speak much, but don't mind 'em. Say, what might I call you?"
He didn't seem like a bad guy per se, but that smile of his unsettled her
"Ashlyn, sheriff 'round these parts. I'd prefer if you didn't-"
"Sheriff? That could be interestin', oh I bet ya. Doncha think so, Ben?"
"Well, could be excitin', right? Wild chases, held at gunpoint. Might even get arrested!"
How casually he said these things, with that same smile on his face, were concerning. She had to get him to settle down before he did anything he'd regret
"You. I don't take kindly to strangers taking my seat, starting all sorts of chatter, 'n speaking over me. I suggest stayin' silent for the rest of the ride, if you value getting to see another mornin'."
"Ooh, curious indeed. Well, how're ya gon' make me?" He squinted his eyes and smiles just a bit more
"Well, lemme put it like this...", she drew the pistol out of her right holster, letting it spin around her finger once before placing the barrel in front of his forehead, "...whether you shut that trap of yours or not, you'll end up silent somehow."
He leaned forward slightly, his forehead now touching the suprisingly cool metal of the revolver. "Oh, will I now? In that case, please show me Miss, cuz I clearly ain't picking up what yer puttin' down."
She flinched when he moved closer. She'd seen many cowardly back off, and some stubbornly stand their ground, but get closer? Did he have a death wish or something? It didn't make any se-
A loud explosion rang through the cart. The sheriff dropped her gun and clutched her ears, barely able to stand upright
"Oh, seems like our cue to go", the man said, with his red eyes glinting in the midday sun. "I did truly enjoy our little chat, sheriff. Hopefully I'll cya soon!"
He grabbed his cousin by the wrist and dashed to the back of the cart, which now had a giant hole in it.
The sheriff grasped for her other shooter, but by the time she was looking past the barrel, they had already jumped onto a set of horses and rode off
And it was then that our sheriff realized her quiet life just might get a bit more interesting...
(2/7) Ready to go
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oliverreedmasterass · 5 months
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Words: 2.4k
Summary: Danny goes to great lengths to ensure that, like the rest of the band, he too can grow facial hair
Warnings: language, the occult, Burt Reynolds, mentions of blood and ghosts
Note: I watched Late Night with the Devil last night and it shows
Danny’s Apartment - 3:12pm 
Danny sat cross-legged on the floor of his Nashville apartment in total darkness, with the exception of a circle of lit candles that surrounded him in a flickering halo. His eyes were squeezed shut, and he muttered incantations under his breath, his voice lower and more serious than its usual register. The flames flared up in one simultaneous roar of energy, and then whooshed out. As the smoke rose to Danny’s nostrils, he took a deep inhale and then blinked his bronze eyes open. He gazed curiously at the figures in front of him, and then smiled. 
Retrograde Coffee - 1:04pm (2 hours before)
Danny was already in a sour mood since he had been waiting over 30 minutes for his bandmates to arrive at their local cafe for an informal meeting. They were just under a month away from their next leg of the Starcatcher World Tour, and Josh had insisted they come together to make final preparations. When Danny first took a seat in the corner booth decorated with terrariums and vines, he was looking forward to discussing how they could switch up their setlist, and if Josh had brainstormed any new jumpsuit ideas. However, after nursing down 3 cold brews, he was starting to feel antsy.
Danny was on the brink of leaving when he saw Sam casually fling open the cafe door 47 minutes late, the tinny bell tinkling over his head. Danny could tell that Sam was scanning around for him, but opted to pretend like he hadn’t noticed him, instead focusing his attention on his phone screen. It took Sam a while to come to his side, but after hearing him clear his throat, Danny looked up. 
“Nice of you to come,” he greeted Sam. 
“Traffic was killer,” Sam explained as he took a seat in the booth opposite Danny. Sam only lived three blocks away, but Danny decided to let it slide. If he had to put money on it, Sam was probably gardening in his backyard with Rosie and had entirely forgotten about the meeting. “Jake and Josh aren’t here yet?” Sam asked, finally removing his oversized sunglasses and perching them on the crown of his head. 
“Nope,” Danny said while playing with his three empty cups. Sam pretended to look surprised even though they both knew that the twins would show up whenever they wanted. Sam sighed and moved his fingers through the thick mustache that comfortably sat on his upper lip. Danny gazed at his facial hair with interest. It had become a staple part of Sam’s look over the last year or so, but Danny was still trying to get used to it. He had been around Sam’s baby face for so long that seeing that dark hair above his lip and on his chin almost felt like he had drawn it on himself as a joke. 
“I’m gonna order something,” Sam excused himself. “I’ll need a pick-me-up for whatever bullshit Jake and Josh are bringing to the table today.” 
And with that, Sam scooted out of the booth and trekked over to the register to pester the barista about the cafe’s non-dairy options. Danny started to mindlessly scroll through Instagram, but was cut short when Jake and Josh clamored into the cafe. 
“I did not hit you when I was pulling in,” Jake was arguing loudly with his brother. 
“Explain that to the bruise that’s growing on my elbow then,” Josh barked back. 
Jake wiped at his face with frustration. “You can’t expect me to slam on my brakes fast enough when you come popping out of nowhere in the middle of my parking spot.” 
“So you admit it! You did hit me!” 
Jake shouldered Josh away from him and stormed to Danny’s booth. 
“Hey,” he gruffly grumbled, throwing himself into the vinyl booth. Josh slid in next to Danny and immediately thrust his elbow in his face. 
“Look at that!” Josh pointed at his bruise which was, to his credit, starting to turn purple. “This lunatic flew out of nowhere and bonked into me!” 
“You’re fine,” Jake rolled his eyes. 
“Right on the funny bone!” Josh continued to complain. 
Sam, done annoying the barista, returned back to the table looking content. He gazed around at Danny and his brothers and then squinted at Jake. Jake looked back at him with an arched eyebrow. 
“You growing something there?” Sam asked, motioning at Jake’s upper lip. Jake’s tense shoulders eased and he leaned back in his seat, letting out a soft chuckle. Danny hadn’t noticed it before, but Jake was sprouting some brown, wiry hairs on his upper lip. 
“I thought I’d give it another try,” Jake admitted. “It’s bound to fully grow in one of these days.” 
“Well, you’re guaranteed to have more luck than Daniel no matter what,” Sam joked. 
“Hey!” Danny protested. His inability to grow decent facial hair had been a soft spot for him for a while, and Sam knew that was a joke that hurt more than it hit. His face darkened when he was met with laughter, and Josh chimed in. 
“I think a single hair on your lip would be more than Danny has grown in his 25 years.” 
“Come on,” Danny grumbled into his lap. He had some peach fuzz on his upper lip and chin, but no matter how many times he shaved over it, it never quite amounted to anything. It was like Danny had been cursed by some vengeful spirit, and his bandmates were taking the piss out of him over it. 
“It is a shame we can’t all go out there with the same facial hair,” Jake added. “We could have built a brand around it.” 
“You're ruining it for all of us, Daniel,” Sam joked. 
Danny cleared his throat and motioned for the bathroom. “I gotta go.” 
“Are you okay?” Josh suddenly looked concerned. Danny’s hands were balled into fists, but he hid them under the table and nodded his head. 
Josh opted to say nothing more and slid out from the booth so Danny could power to the back of the cafe. Instead of heading for the men’s room, he made his way into the alleyway behind the restaurant. And then he ran to his apartment. 
Danny’s Apartment - 3:13pm
“Thank you for joining me,” Danny smiled warmly at the spirits surrounding him. “I’ve found myself in a bit of a predicament and need your guidance.” 
Freddie Mercury, Burt Reynolds, and Clark Gable stared back at Danny with interest. 
“Speak your truth,” Freddie encouraged him. Danny took a deep breath. 
“The cards I’ve been dealt in this lifetime have unfortunately left me unable to grow any facial hair.” 
Burt Reynolds covered his hands over his ghost mouth in shock. Danny gave him a sad nod, like he couldn’t believe it too. 
“If there is anything, literally anything, you can do to help me, please, I beg of you. Tips, encouragement, dark magic, I’ll take any of it.” 
Clark Gable cleared his throat. “I always found that I could grow a mustache faster after adding vermouth to my drinks.” 
Danny considered this, but wasn’t fully satisfied with the answer. There had to be a faster and more certain way to guarantee that he would get hair on his face. 
“You need to get the testosterone pumping,” Burt Reynolds shared. “Lift some weights, eat raw meat, shoot something, smoke a cigar on the hour, every hour.” 
Sounds like an average day in the life of Oliver Reed, Danny thought with a grimace. The facial hair meant a lot to him, but running the risk of turning into an Oliver Reed wannabe also made his skin crawl. That shit wasn’t worth it. Plus, he really didn’t like the idea of eating raw meat. 
“You’re not happy with those answers, are you?” Freddie gazed at Danny. It came as a relief to Danny that he didn’t have to be the one to say it. He shrugged, and Freddie nodded with understanding. “If you were able to conjure us here today, I think you’re more than capable of doing something that will get you nearly immediate results.” 
Danny leaned forward. This was what he was looking for. 
“Oh brother,” Burt Reynolds groaned out. “Not Freddie going off with the witchcraft again.” 
“It’s a passion of mine,” Freddie grew defensive. “It’s interesting, darling. But I understand you’re too busy chewing on Cuban cigars to care.” 
“No need to get catty,” Burt Reynolds held up his hands in defense. Freddie returned his attention to Danny. 
“It’s not an easy spell to pull off, but if you get it right, you’ll be thanking me a hundred times over.” 
“Tell me everything,” Danny locked eyes with him. 
Retrograde Coffee - 4:18pm
Jake, Josh, and Sam were all at the cafe, still waiting for Danny to return from the bathroom. 
“He must be having some mad diarrhea right now,” Jake commented. Sam checked his watch and pursed his lips together. 
“It’s been nearly three hours. Maybe he left.” 
“Why would he do that?” Josh asked. 
“Beats me,” Sam admitted. “Oh, wait,” Sam perked up. “There's the man of the hour.” 
Danny came shuffling back to their booth, cradling a wooden bowl in his hands with care, so as not to spill it. 
“Is that soup?” Sam looked intrigued. “I didn’t know this place did soup.” 
Danny ignored his friend and took a seat beside Josh, who peeked inside the bowl. He immediately looked troubled when he saw that there was what seemed like a decent amount of blood in the bowl, mixed with some other stuff he didn’t want to get a closer look at. Jake only caught a glimpse of the red and nodded with approval. 
“Tomato soup? Good stuff to ease an upset stomach after all the shitting you must have done.” 
“Huh?” Danny snapped out of it for a second. Jake opened his mouth to respond, but Danny refocused and held a hand up to stop him. “I need something from all of you.”
“Pepto Bismol?” Jake guessed. Danny pulled a pair of tweezers out of his shorts pocket. Josh immediately scooted farther away from Danny with a nervous squeak, pressing himself against the wall of the cafe. Danny clicked the tweezers together and looked around at the brothers. Jake and Sam were starting to pick up on Josh’s anxiety and stared at Danny with alarm. 
“This will be fast and easy, as long as you cooperate,” Danny told them. Jake gulped. 
Since Josh was closest to him, even though he was trying to cram himself farther and farther into the wall, Danny leaned towards him, secured the tweezers around a long strand of hair on his chin, and tore it out. 
“YEOWCH!” Josh hollered out, slapping a hand to the spot where his hair had been removed. 
“Thank you,” Danny spoke as he dropped the hair into his bowl. “See?” he looked across at Jake and Sam. “Not so bad.” 
“What the hell is going on?” Sam demanded. 
“I’m getting what I want, and what I deserve,” Danny continued to speak in a soothing voice that chilled the rest of the table. “You said it yourself. I’m ruining things for everyone here, so I’m fixing it.” 
“What are you talking about?” Jake furrowed his brow. 
“Hold still,” Danny told him. Jake tried to duck out of the way, but he wasn’t fast enough for Danny, who leaned across the table, held Jake in place with a firm grip on his shoulder, and pulled one of the few hairs on his upper lip out. 
“Now my mustache is gonna be super duper patchy,” Jake whined. Danny dropped his hair into the bowl and then studied Sam. Sam returned the gaze with a look of defeat and held out his hand to Danny. 
“Give me the tweezers, I’ll do it myself,” he said. 
With his three bandmates’ facial hair in the bowl, Danny used his index finger to swirl the mixture together. 
“Deus mystace crescere me,” Danny chanted the words Freddie had taught him as he swirled everything five times clockwise, and then five times counterclockwise. He let out a low humming noise and closed his eyes, raising the bowl towards the industrial ceiling of the cafe. 
“People are watching,” he could hear Jake nervously whisper. 
“How could you not,” Sam said back quietly. 
Danny opened his eyes and brought the bowl back down to the table. He dipped two fingers into the concoction and brought it to his lip. 
“Oh, gross,” Josh commented. Jake and Sam made similar disgusted noises as they watched Danny spread the red across his upper lip and below on his chin. 
“Deus mystace crescere me,” Danny repeated three more times with power. And then it happened. The mixture of blood, facial hair, and some other stuff Danny wasn’t proud of collecting sucked into his skin, starting its work beneath the surface, just like Freddie said it would. 
Danny had gotten what he wanted, so he rose to his feet, gave his bandmates a small smile and a wave. “Well, see you all later.” 
And with that, he left the cafe with his head held high. 
“What the actual fuck was that?” Josh broke the stunned silence of the table. 
Danny’s Apartment - 6:42am 
Danny woke at the crack of dawn the next day and immediately knew that something was different. His hand moved up to his face and curiously felt around, stopping right below his nose. He sprung out of bed and stationed himself in front of the bathroom mirror, gaping at his reflection. 
Atop his upper lip and on the tip of his chin was the most beautiful facial hair Danny had ever seen. 
“Looking good, darling!” Freddie Mercury congratulated him through the mirror. “I knew you could do it!” 
“I still think the witchcraft is a step out of bounds,” Burt Reynolds mumbled. 
“Wait, where did the blood come from?” Clark Gable looked around in terror. 
Danny ignored the spirits and rubbed his fingers across his hair, beaming wide.
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klarolinexluv · 1 year
Relating random TSwizzle lyrics to the marauders era… Part 2
the 1
James to Regulus “But we were something, don’t you think so?”
Sirius, Halloween 1981 “In my defence, I have none”
Remus to Sirius, post The Prank “You know the greatest loves of all time are over now”
Remus “And it’s another day waking up alone”
James to Peter “If one thing had been different, would everything be different today?”
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Regulus “And I might be okay, but I’m not fine at all”
James to Regulus “I remember it all too well”
Lily to James “You told me ‘bout your past thinking your future was me”
Sirius to James, circa 1975 “But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame”
Sirius to Regulus “And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed you”
Remus to Sirius, post The Prank “You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath”
James to Regulus “So casually cruel in the name of being honest”
Lily to Severus “The idea you had of me, who was she? A never-needy ever, lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you”
Sirius “Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralysed by it. I’d like to be my old self again but I’m still trying to find it”
James to Regulus “And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? Just between us did the love affair maim you too?”
False God
Regulus “They say the road gets hard and you get lost when you’re led by blind faith”
Dorlene “Honey hell is when I fight with you”
Regulus to James “Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you”
Wolfstar “We’d still worship this love… even if it’s a false god”
Prongsfoot “Wherever you stray, I’ll follow”
Regulus “But I come back stronger than a ‘90s trend”
Wolfstar “Show me the places where the others gave you scars”
James to Regulus “You know that my train can take you home”
I Almost Do
Regulus to James “And I wish I could run to you. And I hope you know that every time I don’t, I almost do”
Regulus to Sirius “I bet you think I either moved on or hate you. ‘Cause each time you reach out, there’s no reply. I bet it never ever occurred to you that I can’t say hello to you and risk another goodbye”
James to Regulus “In my dreams, you’re touching my face and asking me if I wanna try again with you. And I almost do”
it’s time to go
Wolfstar, pre-relationship “When keeping it how it is will only break their hearts worse”
Regulus to Sirius “Sometimes giving up is the strong thing”
Sirius to Regulus “Sometimes to run is the brave thing. Sometimes walking out is the one thing that will find you the right thing”
Sirius to James about Regulus “I gave it my all, he gave me nothing at all then wondered why I left”
If This Was A Movie
Starchaser “Six months gone, and I’m still reaching even though I know you’re not there”
Remus to Sirius “Thinking ‘bout everything we’ve been through. Maybe I’ve been going back too much lately. When time stood still, and I had you”
Barty to Regulus “I’ve been waiting for you everyday since you’ve been gone”
Sirius to James, Halloween 1981 “I just want it back the way it was before”
The Archer
James to Regulus “I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you”
Jily “I never grew up, it’s getting so old”
Regulus “I’ve been the archer, I’ve been the prey. Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling? But who could stay?”
Mary “And all of my heroes die all alone”
Regulus “‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends”
Idk if I’ll make another… I probably will but shhh
part 1 || part 3
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thehighpriestexx420 · 8 months
My Twin Flame Experience
The intention of this post was to honestly just have a public space to write out my thoughts and feelings. I hope you get something from it. I'm highlighting the more common signs of twin flames for your reference.
The Beginning
We met through a social media app when I had just turned 23 and he was just turning 21. He added me and I thought he was stunningly attractive. There wasn't any conscious form of recognition at this point. I felt comfortable approaching him because we shared something a little more unique in common; we're both trans men. (Although I'm significantly more nonbinary/gender nonconforming)
When I asked him why he added me through the app I believe he just said I seemed cool. Later on he admitted he thought I was cute. I was upfront and told him I thought he was cute in my first message.
We got to know eachother a bit through messages. I had alot of fun talking to him; something that's not too common in this dating app age, but not necessarily a sign of being twin flames. He was hilarious and we had a good back and forth.
He tried to come off as more confident than he actually was until the end of our first hang out. Before he did come over, I told my roommate at the time that I didn't think he was a real friend and he probably just wanted the LSD. He seemed to avoid hanging out with me for a while.
Which was true but not because he was uninterested. It was because he was insecure. He didn't like the thought of people seeing him and rejecting him. At the end of our hang, he said if I didn't like him that it was ok. I gave him that impression because I didn't talk much while we were watching Breaking Bad. I have social anxiety just like he does.
However, I actually felt a pull towards him that I couldn't explain. I felt the need to be physically close to him. But he had a partner at the time and I knew it was inappropriate. I sensed his energy as "masculine". Like... not in a casual sense when you see they have that masc swagger or something. It was his spirit. I didn't have the idea he was my twin flame at the time. But it's interesting because looking back at it, it aligns with the belief I have that he's my "divine masculine".
When we talked before we watched the show, the conversation was casual and somewhat comfortable. I don't remember if I knew I had romantic feelings at that point but I know I did by the end of the hang because I thought to myself of course I like someone when they already had a partner.
Him and his partner were actually starting to begin exploring having a nonmonogamous relationship. He wanted to have a threesome for his birthday and we obliged despite not knowing eachother very well. It was pretty meh. His partner and I kissed and later on he said he was jealous and thought to himself that I was his but not the same for his partner.
At one point he said he was going to marry his partner. He must have noticed the look of alarm on my face because he said that it wasn't like that. It was a fun celebration, not serious or legal. I didn't like the thought of him having a closer relationship with someone than me.
I'm an empath but when you feel someone's energy/emotions from a distance without intending to it's usually because you have a strong connection. At some point I felt that he was experiencing a negative emotion, I believe it was the feeling of wanting to escape something and not wanting to be there. I messaged him this and he told me that was accurate. He was hanging out with his partner.
I experienced jealousy but I just wanted him to be happy. If his relationship with someone was unhealthy that's what really made me want him to not be with that person. He eventually got the courage to break up with them.
I asked him to be my partner despite feeling like I wasn't ready for a relationship. He made me want to try. I had just been through a traumatic experience that gave me severe trust issues.
When he sat on my lap, it was so comfortable and familiar. Although "familiar" wasn't really in my vocabulary at that time, if that makes sense. It also stood out because I hadn't known him for that long at all. It was like he calmed my nerves and everything was ok. Like he was my person.
We had both thought that our relationship and the way we felt towards eachother was "too good to be true". It was unlike anything we had experienced and we couldnt foresee experiencing anything like this with anyone else even 5 years later and now till this day. I felt, for the first time, that someone loved me as much as I loved them and felt the same way -although with his own energy.
There was a moment where he said he missed me and I said I missed him too, although with a different meaning. I didn't mean for him to sense this through my voice. I didn't mean it all the way. It was an experience I was confused about and didn't know if it was even real.
But I didn't feel the same as when we first met. I didn't love him any less. It was just less exciting? Intense? I almost viewed him in a different way too. He asked me something like if I didn't like him anymore and I told him it wasn't like that. And it wasn't but I wasn't transparent about my experience because I didn't want him to think that. I felt guilty and confused.
I've been gaslight for almost my entire time knowing my mom and her long term bf. From birth until 22 with my mom. From 3 years old until 22 with my stepdad/her bf. The effects of gaslighting is horrid. It's second guessing your perception and not knowing what's real or not. I'd rather know what reality is no matter how bad. Especially with intrusive thoughts. It was a daily experience that I'd ruminate over if these thoughts were the truth. If I was bad, etc.
I told him this. I told him to please just tell me the truth no matter how bad it is; I'd rather know what's real and not. I told him I'd rather him ask to do nonplatonic stuff with others than cheat on me.
We decided to have a monogamous relationship because of jealousy, wanting to hold each other's attention the most, and because what we had wasn't comparable to anyone else.
The Middle
I also experienced as time went on our relationship became more unhealthy. I loved him so much and would do anything to make our relationship work. He said he was so comfortable with me he let his anger show. A symptom of ADHD is irritability and this is what he has.
But it wasn't just anger; it was not understanding my POV and not being able to be reasoned with. It was assuming the worst and not trusting me at times. When I neutrally told people about an experience I had with him, they'd agree with my assessment.
I'd question if he was right (for example, if I shouldnt have laughed when he spilt buttermilk because it was rude and I should've known that. He felt that I was laughing *at* him and not the situation. I wasn't supposed to hurt people's feelings or upset them. But when I taked about it with others they agreed that I cant be expected to know when someone is going to react disproportionately to the situation. That it was his responsibility to manage his anger *issues*. It wasn't mine to tiptoe. When people told me this I was assured it was obvious like I knew inside. But, again, the effects of gaslighting played a part here.)
There was a moment I completely recognized him as someone I already knew from other lives and I cried and told him that I missed him.
We had several moments where we felt like one person. We had felt that there was literally one person in the room when he and I were the only ones. When we cuddled, we felt like we combined into one person. It was serene, comfortable, and right.
I ended up breaking up with him 3 times. First time was because he broke a boundary of mine when I told him he could flirt with someone. I had told him I just wanted transparency and to be told when he was doing it. Not like every detail obviously - just updates in the actions and connections he had with others. I said something about wanting to be told beforehand or being asked. The night I told him this he flirted with someone without telling me beforehand. He said he just *assumed* I knew he was going to do it. I told him I made my boundaries clear. He said it was an accident but I dont know if that's true still.
This wasn't the only thing. The main reason is because he was hanging out with them alot more than me (they were long distance), laughed more, and had fun with eachother more. I told him I noticed this and wanted to work on it with him. He denied it but admitted I was right years later. The main main reason is when I asked him how he felt about her and if he would be partners with her if she lived close. He was annoyed by the "hypothetical" question and refused to answer it. I felt that this was a red flag - communication and honesty is key. He ended up saying he would and all of these things told me he viewed our relationship differently than I did.
I want to be real. I want to be authentic and have myself and others do what makes them happy. I want to be healthy. Since we didn't view our relationship the same, the outside reality had to reflect that. I didn't feel comfortable labeling our relationship as something it wasn't. He really didn't like that and took it as rejection. We were both heartbroken.
I had to take my wedding ring off. It was the hardest thing I had to do at the point. It felt like I was being torn apart; that I was tearing myself away from me.
During our time together, he had made little changes here and there but not really where it counted. He was stubborn and just wasn't changing.
The second time I broke up with him he accused me of gaslighting him. He had been emotionally abusive (I assume without realizing it) to me for so long. I had been patient and tried to be composed for so long. At this moment I lost my temper.
I kept screaming "leave me alone!" I told him that he was gaslighting *me* and that every time our memories didn't align it just happened to conveniently be in favor of him. I couldn't take it anymore and told him it was over. He convinced me to do relationship counseling with him. We did and it worked well. Until it didn't.
He told me that he didn't care if people flirted with me, didn't want to be jealous, and wanted me to feel good about myself. He then casually revealed to me that him and his friends flirt with eachother. This was the reason I first broke up with him. He crossed my boundary again. We debated as to what "friend flirting" was and if it was flirting or just compliments. I'm sure that you can see through context clues that it was just flirting. He told me that he'd stop doing it.
The End of Our Relationship
I discovered that he had been sexting and had a romantic long distance relationship with someone when I saw the messages between them on his computer (I wasn't snooping like I had in the past. He told me to turn his computer off if he fell asleep and left it on. The messages were open underneath his game.) He had this relationship with them for 2 months. Before that, he flirted/sexted with someone else that I saw. He told me that him & the person he had a relationship with also had phone sex once. After he told me he'd stop "friend flirting" he continued to. He had been cheating on me for at least a year. That was just what I knew.
He told me it was just because he was insecure and liked the attention and validation. He didn't really love the person he had a relationship with. He just liked the feeling of someone saying "I love you" and someone saying it back to him. That it wasn't because he didn't love me or that the relationship was boring or anything like that. I don't entirely believe him - I think there's more to it.
He said that he'd do anything to stay in a relationship with me. If this were true why didn't he just not cheat? Why did this change just because I caught him? He told me he'd be honest with me from then on. Of course, he wasn't. Instead, he lied about little things he didn't even have to.
I lost romantic attraction to him at one point. Being cheated on and disrespected in this way was a turn off. But I'd always love him and in some kind of romantic sense as well.
We still expressed our love for eachother through words and action 5 months after the breakup. Some time after that, he withdrew and spent more time on his computer. I knew what he was doing this time. It was like he was cheating again but I was just aware. He didn't tell me what was going on unlike the updates I gave him. He went on a date that he tried lying about but that I knew of. I tried to kill myself.
He ended up in a relationship with this person. I felt that it was just a rebound but I wasn't sure. When I accidentally saw them together in person, I knew it was true and that the vibes were his partner was just the second version of the partner he had when he first met me.
He seemed like a different person (new energy from sharing it with someone else and due to our recent experiences) and I didn't recognize him. We were supposed to say goodbye and hug on move out day. He lied to me even on that day and I changed my mind about it. Why would I want to do such a thing thing with someone who wasn't even there?
Even through being homeless, being abused by my parents, being mostly alienated from my peers, experiencing the difficulties of being trans, etc. this was still the worst experience I've been through.
He hit triggers of mine in extreme ways. It was worse than agony. Suicide came to mind but I realized it wouldn't change what happened. My suicide attempt was due to me not being able to handle my overwhelming emotions. It wouldn't change that he and our relationship was fictional. That he didn't really love me - only valued me for the stability, comfort, and familarity.
I didn't know up from down. I didn't know what was real and not. This affected my whole life - not just my perception of him and our relationship. I felt empty; like a blackhole. Nothing mattered. Nothing existed. If I thought I could trust him when I couldn't trust anyone else and he ended up doing something only my worst enemy would do then I couldn't trust anyone. Noone was innocent and deserved to be treated as such.
He started being even more emotionally abusive. After he felt guilty, he started blameshifting and looking for ways I could've cheated. Ways I treated him poorly. He told me that I didn't like talking about stuff that I did, just stuff that he did.
But I knew the timing of bringing these things up wasn't appropriate. That I wasn't anywhere near moving past this and healing. That the energy with which he talked about these things didn't feel right and like he wanted to make them right.
He was trying to escape what he did and the feelings that came with it. He was looking for someone else to focus his anger and pain on. Even when I already had more than enough on my plate, he managed to make it worse.
He ended up having me questioning if I was a narcissist like he accused me of and had convinced his friends that I was. He caused the first flashback I had and I haven't had another one since. (It's been over almost 2 years since this happened). He yelled and yelled and wouldn't allow me to escape from it.
The Aftermath
When I was crossfaded and after I asked him to block me so I couldn't unblock him, I emailed him that I loved him and hoped he was doing well. After I sent this, I was listening to My Curse - Killswitch Engage and I sensed the line "Will you wait for me?" was from his spirit.
Not long after this, I looked at his response that said I needed to not talk to him forever and that he'd get a restraining order if I did. This was devastating. But I still knew that line was referring to this message. There was a part of him that didn't really mean it. As hurt as I was and as much as my ego believed he truly didn't care about me and that's why it was easy for him to move on.
Some time after this, I received the strongest download/insight I've had. I knew the Universe was speaking to me and letting me know something. Reminding me. What happened was supposed to. This is the moment he changes and we have a happy and healthy relationship together. He needed to lose me and be without me to finally learn.
I don't remember if this was during that exact moment but I've also realized that it wasn't out of similarity that we triggered eachother. It was that the Universe and consequently ourselves knew what our triggers were and knew to bring them out so we could work through them. It was less exact "mirroring" and more just bringing out our traumas.
My experience with mirroring isn't always "we both like the color blue" or whatever. We are both the universe reflected back to us in the closest most intimate and affected way. We push eachother to grow the most. We are the most important aspects of each other's existence. We are eachothers universe. We are the exact outside to our individuals inside.
One of the reasons I know he's my twin flame is because he affected me so much. He reduced me to my atoms and basic concepts of life so I could find who I really am and rebuild myself better. He did this through negative action, state of being, and emotion. But negativity isn't "bad". Everything is "good" in that it's all meant to happen for the sake of unconditional love, experience, learning, and growing. This is the fabric of the Universe.
To allow existence is to unconditionally love. The Universe does this with everything. That's what makes it unconditional. He loved me so much he allowed me to view him as bad. He allowed me to experience bad emotions, thoughts, beliefs, etc. Consequently, he actually allowed me to heal and grow. To experience more health and happiness. To experience more truth.
As agonizing as it was and as profoundly painful as it still is, it's something I'm very grateful for. This is beyond human ooey-gooey love. This whole experience with my twin flame is the most meaningful and has made up my very existence.
I've received other signs and insights that he's my twin and that we're supposed to be together. One of the most undeniable ones was when I felt him masturbate thinking about me. I felt the bodily sensations. I felt my stomach tighten, things build, and got goosebumps when he orgasmed.
I felt his spirits reaction when I wrote to him. I still feel his energy and emotions towards me. They're more positive lately. Tarot is pretty unmistakable. The messages and imagery are consistent. They speak of my insights. I'll see people that look like eachothers twin.
There was a card that particularly resonates with me - its from the Starseed Oracle deck and is called The Messenger. It speaks of balancing the masculine and feminine within so that others do the same. The image is of a person holding out their hands - both of them holding an orb of bright light. Their head also has a bright light. This is how I feel ourselves to be - 2 sides of one person. 2 parts of one person. 2 body parts used by one body used to bring peace to themselves and the world.
I've been taking ketamine infusions for my mental health. Ketamine is a psychedelic. During some of these treatments, the Universe told me that we're literally twin flames - the concept that people talk about. That this being "unexpected" and a "plot twist" is a part of the experience.
It wasn't necessarily unexpected because I had believed he was my twin during our relationship but I wasn't sure because ya know, gaslighting. So I just settled it as not worrying about the label and knowing what I knew about it.
I spoke to his higher self and I asked if I should message him due to tarot readings saying I should. He gave the go-ahead but wasn't too enthusiastic. I came down to earth as a stream of blue butterflies. This was another reminder that I'm a messenger of hope.
I believe his higher self wasn't too enthusiastic because he didn't end up responding to me. He may have blocked my email or is just not ready.
I keep being reminded of faith, trust, and patience. My intuition and tarot reading skills have been significantly more skillfull and detailed. I'm more easily able to access my discernment and messages from the universe. This is part of the effect of our time together.
I know he thinks about me more than I thought. I'm trusting my inner knowing of that. I know what we had was real. I know some of the things experienced were just his ego and was designed by our soul plan. I know we'll reunite soon.
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lilac-hecox · 10 months
Okay when I saw the description snippet for the demon!Anthony fic and the belly bulge tag, where I thought it was gonna go was him just engorging himself on blood until he was distended and I mean, what you did was also very very hot but if you're taking requests I want that. Please. Or if you want you could make him a vampire instead, I'm not very attached to that part, I just have very specific kinks but hey, this account doesn't have my name on it so whatever. If you are taking requests I will request my very specific kink dammit!
Vampire!Anthony/Ian - Blood From You
In the many years Anthony has been alive he has drunk from so many different humans, tasted a variety of different bloods, but none were as tasty as Ian’s.
“Seriously,” Anthony says, “you’re like champaign in a world full of tap water.”
“Now I know you’re bullshitting.”
Anthony takes Ian’s wrist in his hand and presses his lips to the thin skin, feeling the pulse point thump against his lips. The feeling of Ian’s beating heart and the scent of his blood, even under the barrier of his skin, makes Anthony’s fangs ache.
“I wish I were. Life would be so much easier. I wouldn’t have to control myself so much as to not drain you dry.”
“I hate when you say that before you drink from me,” Ian says with a shiver.
Anthony tugs Ian a little closer and then brushes their lips together in a soft kiss.
“I would never hurt you.”
“I know that” Ian says plainly, though he searches Anthony’s eyes.
Ian’s been Anthony’s partner for a little over a year now. What started as a hunt for blood became so much more, more than anything Anthony could have predicted, and while he vowed to never become attached to a human – or a food source – here he was with Ian.
He really never would hurt Ian, but it is difficult. It’s like eating the most delicious meal you’ve ever tasted but only allowing yourself a handful of bites.
Ian glances behind him at the ancient grandfather clock near the back wall of the room.
“It’s nearly time,” he says casually. He tugs off his t-shirt and tosses it aside, revealing pale skin, a slightly soft belly and hips, and a warm smattering of hair across his torso and stomach. Anthony licks his lips and settles himself on the floor, stretching his legs out.
Ian shifts so he is straddling Anthony’s lap, his legs hooked loosely around Anthony’s waist. Anthony’s hands stroke up from Ian’s hips, fingers dancing across his ribs, his waist, up to his shoulders, until his fingers brush the soft and freckled skin of Ian’s neck.
“Tilt for me,” Anthony says.
Ian tilts his head to the right, allowing Anthony an expanse of pale skin on the left-hand side. For some vampires, feedings are more sterile, more business-like, for some it is more predatory, violent, some it is quick and messy, but for vampires like Anthony, feeding has taken a turn into something more erotic because it is Ian, because Ian is Anthony’s main food source, his human companion, his lover.
Ian shivers when Anthony holds his shoulders firmly.
“Now be still,” Anthony reminds.
Ian lets out a shivery breath, “I got it.”
Anthony licks the patch of skin he intends to bite, feeling Ian tremble just a little. Then he tilts his mouth and bares his fangs, sinking his sharp canines into Ian’s tender neck. Ian gasps and freezes up momentarily before he remembers to relax. The pain is quick, just a hot slice of it, as Ian has described it before.
Anthony uses the pressure of his mouth to pull at the blood, feeling it flood across his tongue. They both moan and Ian’s hands cling to Anthony’s shoulders and back. Anthony hums his pleasure at the taste. It really is like nothing else.
He’s heard some rumor, centuries ago, one that said that when you find a human that tastes better than anyone else ever has or ever will, it is a soul bond, a twin flame, the universe calling to you and asking you to answer. Anthony had never really believed that because while blood tasted good it was nothing to be called a gift from the universe.
Then, when he met Ian on a random autumn night in California, when he tasted his blood for the first time, he knew that it must be true.
He hasn’t told Ian about the legends and what it all might mean because he doesn’t know how to prove it, and he doesn’t want to scare Ian. Vampire and human relationships are designed to fall apart eventually, and Anthony often does not want to consider that.
“Anthony,” Ian moans lightly.
A heat flares inside of Anthony at Ian’s voice and as Ian’s blood fills him. He thinks, trying to count how much he’s pulled already. They’ve only just started. The clock against the far wall shows barely five minutes have gone by.
Anthony pulls back momentarily, “Are you alright?” he asks, his lips sticky from Ian’s blood.
Ian looks adorably dazed, his blue eyes a little foggy and glassy.
“I’m okay, it felt good. You can keep going.”
Anthony nods and leans in again, finds the same bite so he doesn’t have to pierce into Ian’s skin all over again. He pulls deeper than before, sucking huge mouthfuls of sweet blood into his mouth. Ian hangs on and shivers. Anthony can feel Ian’s hard crotch pressing against his stomach. That will be afterwards Ian’s reward for letting Anthony feed.
He drinks again, the richness of the blood flowing down his throat, warm in his belly.
They have a system, a set of cues they established to check in with one another.
“I’m starting to feel a little lightheaded,” Ian says.
That’s the first cue.
Anthony whines just a little frustratedly, he doesn’t want to let up so soon. The lightheadedness is normal, and Ian will be safe, it’s only the first sign that the feeding will need to end soon. Anthony drinks greedily, just a little messy, some of Ian’s blood flowing from the corner of his mouth and down Ian’s collarbones.
After a few moments Ian’s breathing starts getting rapid, his heart beating faster.
Cue number two.
“Anthony,” Ian says quietly, reminding him that the feeding will wrap up soon.
Anthony presses his face more insistently to Ian’s neck, to the bite, and pulls deep, a huge gulp flooding his mouth, sweet like nectar, the best wine, the richest dessert. Ian is a delicacy on his tongue.
Ian’s skin begins to feel cold and clammy to the touch and that is the third cue.
He needs to stop. Any more and he’ll put Ian in danger and he can’t do that. He has to tame the animalistic part of his brain begging him to keep going, demanding that he hold Ian down and drink his fill, drink until he’s drained Ian of every exquisite drop of blood in his body.
He takes a few more huge gulps of precious blood from Ian.
Ian’s fingers dig into his shoulders.
“Anthony!” he says, more panicked than before.
His voice snaps Anthony back to himself and he pulls away quickly. He touches Ian’s cheek with his hand, cupping his cool, pale skin.
“Are you okay?” Anthony asks, real concern there. He had zoned out and let himself become too fixated on the taste of Ian’s blood. He drank more than he usually does, quicker than he usually does.
Ian is shaking but he nods.
“Let me close it,” Anthony says.
He leans in and Ian flinches away. It makes a pain edge across Anthony’s heart.
“I won’t drink, I’m just going to close it, I promise.”
Ian gives a shaky nod and Anthony leans in and presses the flat of his tongue to the bite on Ian’s neck, stifling the wound and stopping the pull of blood, as if he were corking a leak.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” Anthony says, holding Ian’s face.
“It’s okay,” Ian says, though he doesn’t look well.
Anthony stands on his feet and easily picks Ian up into his arms. As soon as he stands, he can feel the warmth of Ian’s blood settling in his stomach. He feels heavy with it, weighted. Anthony sluggishly moves to settle Ian on their shared bed, smoothing away Ian’s sweaty hair.
“I’m going to grab the medicine,” Anthony says.
Ian nods and he lets his eyes flutter closed, too weak to open them at the moment.
Guilt sweeps through Anthony’s body. It is a curse to find the human whose blood tastes so sweet, so delicious. You must deny the very part of them that bonds you, the part of you that wants to devour every bit of the one you love and cherish. It’s happened. He’s heard cautionary tales, doomed romances, everything in between.
He promised never to hurt Ian and he intends to hold that promise.
Anthony goes to the bathroom and collects the medicine for Ian. Something to quickly restore his blood cells and boost his energy. They rarely have to use it and Anthony again feels bad.
As he has the bottle in hand, he can’t help but glance at himself in the long mirror in the bathroom. He still isn’t sure where the rumor that vampires can’t see their reflection comes from, but he sees himself, blood-stained lips, dark eyes, and he can even see the way his stomach is slightly distended, pulls just a little at his sweater. Anthony momentarily lifts his sweater and sees his stomach rounded just a bit from drinking Ian’s blood. He really had taken too much.
Anthony hurries to the bedroom and uncorks the medicine, taking a fill of the purple liquid with the rubber tipped dropper.
“Open,” Anthony instructs.
Ian opens his mouth and Anthony drops the medicine onto Ian’s tongue.
He stops the medicine and then sets it on the nightstand before crawling into bed with Ian, curling into his warm body. He takes Ian’s hand again and presses a kiss to the palm.
“I’m sorry,” Anthony says again.
“It’s okay, I feel better already,” Ian says, though his eyes are still closed, but the color has returned to his cheeks.
Anthony hums and kisses Ian’s palm again, pressing his warm hand to his own icy cheek, thinking of how much more careful he must be in the future with his most prized possession.
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lightofraye · 19 days
Taylor Swift - All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
I walked through the door with you, the air was cold But somethin' 'bout it felt like home somehow And I left my scarf there at your sister's house And you've still got it in your drawer, even now Oh, your sweet disposition and my wide-eyed gaze We're singin' in the car, getting lost upstate Autumn leaves fallin' down like pieces into place And I can picture it after all these days And I know it's long gone and That magic's not here no more And I might be okay, but I'm not fine at all Oh, oh, oh 'Causе there we arе again on that little town street You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me Wind in my hair, I was there I remember it all too well Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turnin' red You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed And your mother's tellin' stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team You taught me 'bout your past, thinkin' your future was me And you were tossing me the car keys, "Fuck the patriarchy" Keychain on the ground, we were always skippin' town And I was thinkin' on the drive down, "Any time now He's gonna say it's love," you never called it what it was 'Til we were dead and gone and buried Check the pulse and come back swearin' it's the same After three months in the grave And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame
And I know it's long gone and There was nothing else I could do And I forget about you long enough To forget why I needed to 'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night We're dancin' 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light Down the stairs, I was there I remember it all too well And there we are again when nobody had to know You kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath Sacred prayer and we'd swear To remember it all too well, yeah Well, maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up Runnin' scared, I was there I remember it all too well And you call me up again just to break me like a promise So casually cruel in the name of bein' honest I'm a crumpled-up piece of paper lyin' here 'Cause I remember it all, all, all They say all's well that ends well, but I'm in a new hell Every time you double-cross my mind You said if we had been closer in age, maybe it would've been fine And that made me want to die The idea you had of me, who was she? A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you Not weepin' in a party bathroom Some actress askin' me what happened, you That's what happened, you You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes Sippin' coffee like you're on a late-night show But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willin' you to come And he said, "It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one" Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still tryin' to find it After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone But you keep my old scarf from that very first week 'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me You can't get rid of it 'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah 'Cause there we are again when I loved you so Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known It was rare, I was there I remember it all too well Wind in my hair, you were there You remember it all Down the stairs, you were there You remember it all It was rare, I was there I remember it all too well And I was never good at tellin' jokes, but the punch line goes "I'll get older, but your lovers stay my age" From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? Just between us, did the love affair maim you too? 'Cause in this city's barren cold I still remember the first fall of snow And how it glistened as it fell I remember it all too well Just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well? Just between us, do you remember it all too well? Just between us, I remember it (Just between us) all too well Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there (I was there) Down the stairs, I was there, I was there Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there It was rare, you remember it all too well Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there (Oh) Down the stairs, I was there, I was there (I was there) Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there It was rare, you remember it (All too well) Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there Down the stairs, I was there, I was there Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there It was rare, you remember it Wind in my hair, I was there, I was there Down the stairs, I was there, I was there Sacred prayer, I was there, I was there It was rare, you remember it
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astroyongie · 10 months
According to my readings the person changkyun is dating is the same person he broke up with earlier this year(that you mentioned in your april reading). It’s someone who loves him a lot and has done a lot for him and who he also loves and is dependent on a lot(it’s the only person he has loved and opened his heart to aside from his first love that left him very damaged). They have been together for quite some time but they have known each other before they started dating through a mutual friend.They have been together on and off at least since feb 2021(thats when i started doing reading for mx and they were together at the time) but they have broken up a couple times mostly because of his career and problems in communicating and gotten back together and they(mostly he) even saw other people during the times they weren’t together but not seriously ofc mostly one night stands/casuals .I dont know if they are connected spiritual in any way(twin flames/soulmates/any karmic connection) but they see each other as soulmates and each others other half and they have a very deep and honest connection.
I’m not very confident in my readings for people but i am confident in my readings for monsta x since like i said I’ve been staning them almost since the beginning and reading for them every few weeks for almost three years,and especially changkyun since i find it very easy and comfortable to read his energy,even though a lot of people have trouble doing readings for him i find his energy very welcoming,maybe because we’re pretty similar in general.Anyway i just wanted to put this out there for people who maybe curious for more and to know your opinion also since I love your reading and they quite often align with mine for a number of groups,I hope that is okay with you.Love youu
Thank you for sharing your insight about it and it's also a good way to practice your craft.
I cannot confirm or not your reading of course, but still, i think you did a good job if I can be honest! also I find it interesting that you find changkyun's energy easy to read (everyone knows about my difficulties when it comes to him).
I thank you equally for trusting me enough for this and actually having me as a reference. It's really nice to know some of the tarot community trusts my capacities <3 again, thanks for sharing!
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oxydiane · 2 years
All Too Well (10 Minute Version) Jegulus AU.
James is a musician who releases the song to both a Wizard and Muggle audience.
‘And there we are again when nobody had to know, you kept me like a secret, but I kept you like an oath.’
They start dating during Hogwarts, and it’s a secret. James agreed, he liked the thrill the first few months but being unable to hold hands with the person he loved amongst others, and especially around his best friend, his chosen brother, grew old quickly. Regulus insisted, it was their secret. James never liked being someone’s dirty little secret.
‘Well, maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much, but maybe this thing was a masterpiece ‘til you tore it all up. Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well. And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest. I’m a crumpled up piece of paper lying here ‘cause I remember it all, all, all.’
The very first time they ‘split’ is because of a fight after James suggests they stop hiding their relationship, or at least let their close friends know. Regulus doesn’t bite his tongue, his words feel like a knife, tearing up what they had built in the past months. But it doesn’t matter, because tears can be sown back together, and that where Regulus didn’t make mistakes, where he carefully weighted his words for James: he had a habit coming back at night and talk his way into the other’s arms. The Blacks’ were never taught to be honest, because that was messy.
‘The idea you had of me, who was he? A never-needy, ever lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you.’
‘You’re the better half of me, Jamie.’ is what he would say when hugging James from behind. Because that’s what their relationship stood upon, wasn’t it? ‘You make me the better version of myself, James. You are so good, James. You take such good care of me, you take such good care of everyone, you’re sunshine.’ But he never felt quite like sunshine itself, just a nice, shiny prop for others to lean onto and reflect their own light.
‘You who charmed my dad with self-effacing jokes sipping coffee like you’re on a late night show, but then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come. And he said, ‘It’s supposed to be fun turning 21.’
Neither Fleamont nor Euphemia received an official announcement, James never told either of them about Regulus but they just knew because James had always worn his heart on his sleeve. Neither of them ever pressed, because their son never shared it with them, and Regulus Black stood as the elephant in the room of Potter Manor. The only time either of them acknowledges Regulus’ presence, or lack of thereof, is on James’ 21st birthday. The one he spends waiting ong Regulus at the window.
‘Time won’t fly, it’s like i’m paralysed by it. I’d like to be my old self again, but I’m still trying to find it. After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own, now you mail back my things, and I walk home alone. But you keep my old scar from that very first week, ‘cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me. You can’t get rid of it, ‘cause you remember it all too well.’
It’s the day James gets a big morning delivery. When he catches the name of the sender his heart falls, and when the package is open he thinks Regulus may as well have torn it out. But, no matter how long he searched for it, around the sweaters and sweats and bits of jewellery thrown into the mess of things he had left at Regulus’ flat, he could not find the Gryffindor scarf he had forgot at Sirius’ place. That, Regulus had kept.
‘And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue? Just between us, did the love affair maim you too? ‘Cause in this city’s barren cold, I still remember the first fall of snow, and how it glistened as it fell. I remember it all too well.’
James still hates snow. He still hates snow, despite loving it as a kid because when he was small and innocent seeing a blizzard meant snow fights and flying without a care in the world because even if he fell, it wouldn’t hurt too much. Now snow does nothing but remind him of the fall that left a lifelong bruise. Snow does nothing but remind him of the first time they kissed, and the first time Regulus hushed him and told him this needed to stay between them, and the first time James sat late at night after a fight, watching it hail as the weather matched his state of mind with a striking accuracy.
‘Just between us, did the love affair maim you all too well?’
The day they reconnect is not long after the song is released to the public. James really did not expect to walk in the kitchen to a far too familiar owl handing him a small piece of parchment. The only thing it read was ‘Yes.’
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lyadontknowmel · 1 year
Okay but hear me out and prepare for a rant about our lovely Grindeldore
All too well (10 minute version) by Taylor Swift is one of the top songs that describe Gellerts and Albus' relationship.
And I was thinking on the drive down, any time now
He's gonna say it's love, you never called it what it was
'Til we were dead and gone and buried
^ "Because I was in love with you" being said when they fell apart already
Check the pulse and come back swearing it's the same
After three months in the grave
And then you wondered where it went to as I reached for you
But all I felt was shame and you held my lifeless frame
^ Them touching each others hearts during the duel
Maybe we got lost in translation
Maybe I asked for too much
^ Gellert's pov cause he wanted to do horrible things
But maybe this thing was a masterpiece
'Til you tore it all up
Running scared, I was there I remember it all too well
^ Gellert's pov again because Albus was the one to leave
And you call me up again
Just to break me like a promise
^ Them constantly being forced to meet or think about each other
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here
'Cause I remember it all, all, all
^ Albus' pov cause Gellert is cruel in the name of "freedom". Also Albus is always reminded about Gellert even as a headmaster for example with the Elder Wand
They say all's well that ends well
But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
^ Everyone telling Albus its okay now cause Gellert is locked but not knowing how much pain Albus is going through
Some actress asking me what happened, you, that's what happened, you
^ I dont think I have to explain
But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come
And he said, "It's supposed to be fun turning twenty-one"
^ Gellert wishing Albus would come back
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it
^ They both cant and never actually move on
I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it
^ The whole thing changed and hurt them both deeply and they will never be the same
After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own
Now you mail back my things and I walk home alone
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week
'Cause it reminds you of innocence and it smells like me
You can't get rid of it
'Cause you remember it all too well, yeah
^ In the beggining of SoD its the blood pact, then for Albus its Elder Wand
'Cause there we are again when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
^ They never had anyone else ever again. They never loved anyone that much. And probably never trusted anyone else that much either
And I was never good at telling jokes but the punch line goes
I'll get older but your lovers stay my age
From when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones
I'm a soldier who's returning half her weight
^ They changed. They are scarred for life and will never heal
And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
Just between us, did the love affair maim you too?
^ I dont think I have to explain
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rahjasmine · 2 years
Twining Fates: Chapter 11
Read it here, or on AO3. 
Chapter 11
We appeared in Rhysand’s office, already filled with nearly everyone - looking at mine and Azriel’s attire with wide eyes. 
 “We were at the twin’s birthday party.” I said quickly, wringing my hands slightly.
 That seemed to be answer enough for everyone. They tore their attention away to watch Rhys slowly take his seat behind his desk. 
 Nesta and Cassian shared a plush maroon sofa adjacent to the desk. Azriel took up position against the mantle of the unlit fireplace. Amren was seated across the room on an ornate settee. Lucien leaned against the wall, anger and determination on his face. 
 My heart was still racing from what I had just been doing not two minutes before. I hoped no one picked up on it. I still couldn’t glamor my scent for more than a few minutes. I didn't dare glance at Azriel. I knew he had slipped back into unruffled calm, at least on the outside. 
 There was already a detailed map of the Night Court spread out on Rhys’s desk, a few areas marked with symbols and numbers. He silently gestured for me to take the seat directly across from him. 
 I tried not to squirm as Lucien blatantly took in the dress I was wearing. The exposed shoulders and slit that went high enough to reveal most of my thigh. 
 I felt a cool whisp on my neck. One of Azriel’s shadows. Likely trying to comfort me, and hide my scent. Which no doubt was thoroughly mixed with his own. I smiled slightly at the thought.
 Feyre entered the room with Vassa tucked under her arm. The fiery queen looked ashen, her vibrancy muted, blue eyes dull and weary.
 Vassa took the seat next to Amren, Lucien casually walking over to stand behind the settee. 
 Feyre sat on the rolled arm of Rhys’s leather chair. She gave him a strained smile and nodded. 
 “There has been an incident north of the Illyrian Steppes.” Rhys began. “We have been monitoring a group of three unmarked ships anchored in one of the coves. Vassa has been helping with surveillance of their activities from above during the day, until now. They have chosen to make their awareness of our spying…clear.”
 Lucien huffed, and we all turned to look at him as he placed a hand on Vassa’s shoulder and spat back at Rhys, “Say it how it is, Rhysand. They shot ash bolts at her.” 
 Vassa flinched at his words but said nothing. She just looked down at her hands with a frown. 
 There was a few beats of uncomfortable silence before Rhys replied smoothly, “Indeed. Apologies for the brevity.” 
 His violet eyes found me once more and softened. “Elain, I was hoping we could try sharing one of your scry visions, as we agreed earlier?” 
 Feyre’s expression tightened, but she only nodded. 
 Lucien cut in, “If you agreed some time ago, why are you just now making use of her powers. Perhaps we could have found a way to end Vassa’s curse by now. Why can’t she be the one spying on your enemies from afar instead of risking lives?” 
 Angry. Lucien was incredibly angry. That was indeed the crackle of flames threatening to spring forth from him. 
 Feyre cocked her head. Pausing to gather her thoughts before addressing Lucien’s outburst. A faint smile graced Rhys’s lips as my sister began, “I will remind you, Lucien, that these are not just our enemies, but yours as well as all of Prythian’s if they are indeed ships belonging to the mortal queens or Koschei.”
 Feyre’s chin lifted a bit higher. “And I have been working with you day and night since your arrival trying to find a solution. Do not mistake the absence of an answer for a lack of effort.” 
 Lucien crossed his arms and took a steadying breath. “That’s not- I didn’t mean to offend, Feyre, but why are we only now making use of her abilities?” 
 I opened my mouth to respond. What I was going to say, I had no idea. But Rhys said evenly, “Because Elain chooses when and how to use her own powers. I asked her now, because this is a situation where her talents may prove useful. But she still has a choice to not participate.” 
 I looked at Vassa then, and I had my answer. I knew what it was like to not have a choice. To have your life dictated by the wills and whims of others. She had no choice in becoming what she now was, and neither had I.
 “I’ll do it.” I said softly. 
 There was a rustle of wings, and Cassian stood. “This could be incredibly dangerous. What if you both get stuck in whatever vision Elain enters?” 
 I read the concern written all over Cassian’s face, his posture. If anyone here knew the fear and uncertainty of losing someone in a vision, it would be him. Indeed, Nesta was looking up at him with love and understanding as she tugged him back down into his seat.
 “Or…” Amren began from her seat on the settee, “the combination of Seer and Daemati powers could prove to be invaluable for spying on our enemies. Or friends, if the occasion calls for it.” 
 I cleared my throat, and the entire room now looked to me. I sat a bit straighter. “I say we try it. If it works, then I think it could be helpful.” 
 Rhys added gently, “And if doesn’t work for whatever reason, that is perfectly fine too, Elain. 
 I gave him a quick nod. “So, where are these ships?” I looked down at the map as Feyre’s elegantly tattooed hand reached forward and pointed to one of the red circles along the coast to what seemed like a well hidden cove. 
 I scooted my chair closer and fidgeted with my dress. The silk shifted over my skin and I was reminded of why I was wearing it. The party. The dancing…
 Now was really not the time to be struggling to push the thought of Azriel’s hard cock grinding against my ass out of my head. His hands sliding up my body - and his tongue on my neck…
 “Yes! Sorry I just…” I felt my face turning pink. 
 Rhys tried to give me a reassuring smile. “I promise I won’t go any deeper that your vision. Your private thoughts will always belong to you.” 
 I sent a silent prayer of thanks to The Mother that I could pass off my reaction as nervousness. And, maybe I was a bit nervous now that this was really happening. 
 But this was also the opportunity I needed to test my power - or, the ability to draw power from someone else other than Azriel. If I could, maybe that was just an aspect of being a Seer. If it was just Azriel that I could draw from… 
 I let out a shaky breath and laid both of my arms on either side of the map, palms up. My crescent moon bargain tattoo flashing in the dim light. 
 “Let’s start with something close. The greenhouse, perhaps? If that works I can try to see the coastline.” 
 Rhys nodded. “Good idea.”
 I tried my best to relax as I felt him brush softly against my mental shields, before I dropped them slightly. 
 I closed my eyes and kept my mind blank. I heard Rhys’s voice twofold as he remarked tentatively, “I don’t see anything.” His voice resonating in my skull and out loud in the room. 
 I felt my body begin to melt away leaving only my mind, with Rhysand as a passenger of sorts. He swore, and I could feel him tense, then relax and find comfort in the touch Feyre offered. I felt the sheer amount of love and comfort they offered one another and was nearly overwhelmed by it. 
 But I powered through and speared my mind toward the garden outside. Toward the modest little glass house that had become a sanctuary of sorts. 
 A swish and flurry of color danced in the dark until a crystal clear image took form. The greenhouse, nestled in the tall, emerald green grass of the back garden. Flanked by ancient willow trees covered in the first dew of the evening, it glittered like a freshly cut gem. 
 “Incredible.” Rhys murmured. I felt his excitement as if it were my own, and I couldn’t help but smile too, for a brief moment. 
 As I plunged deeper into my visions, mountains and coast swam into view through thick mist. I was vaguely aware of Nesta and Amren murmuring to each other, far, far away. 
 I honed in on the cove Feyre had indicated, viewing it as if I were a bird perched on a tree along the cliffside. Ten unmarked ships were now anchored there. Far more than Vassa had been reporting. Sails were drawn, and lights flickered in the windows that lined the hulls. Not a soul out and about on any of the decks. Each ship was armed to the teeth with scorpion bows, cannons, and the telltale queasy feeling that accompanied ash weapons was thick in the air.
 “Can you look closer?” Rhys asked. Awe in his echoed voice.
 I tried my best to get closer, but I was met with a wall of dense mist closing around the ships like a curtain.
 So I gingerly grabbed ahold of the tendril of Rhys's power tethering him to me. There was no change in scenery, no electric tingle of power.
 I felt Rhys look from the ships to the barley visible horizon beyond. Toward the continent. 
 Unbidden, my mind flung itself back toward reality, back toward the warmth of my body. Dragging Rhysand’s mind along with it. Heavy and foreign. 
 The study swam into view, and everyone held their breath as Rhys and I just looked at each other. Feyre pulled Rhys’s hand to her cheek, but he kept his eyes on me. His expression blank, but assessing. Calculating. 
 “Elain?” Came Nesta’s voice from where she knelt beside me. I broke eye contact first, looking to my elder sister. I was still consumed by a feeling of heaviness. Like my mind was slowly warming up. 
 The room was silent as the dead until I managed to swallow a few times before uttering, “I’m fine.” 
 Relief clouded her storm grey eyes. But it was replaced with anger as Amren clicked her tongue and chided, “As I said, Rhysand, a useful tool.” 
 Azriel snarled at Amren from his place near the back of my chair. I hadn’t even noticed him there. Gone was his fine suit from the party, having been replaced by his leathers at some point. 
 I looked up at him, but his attention was fixed on Amren as he hissed, “Elain is not some tool to be used by anyone.”
 I heard the snap securing Truth Teller to his thigh pop open before Feyre’s voice boomed, “Enough, Azriel. Amren.” 
 I twisted to look at Amren, who was still lounging lazily as if this was an ordinary occurrence for her. 
 Lucien and Vassa were standing across the room, watching the situation carefully. Lucien had angled his body in front of hers, and he was looking at me as if I were the threat. It shouldn’t have, but his look of fear and distaste made shame creep across my skin.
 I desperately wanted to get back to the point of this whole awkward gathering. I avoided eye contact with Rhys as I leaned forward and tapped the map.
 “There are ten ships now.” My voice was surprisingly hoarse. 
 Cassian’s wings rustled. “Shit.” He murmured, looking to Rhys. Who still seemed to be reacclimating.
 Azriel moved to stand beside me now as he too looked down at the map. “Are there any signs of weaponry, the numbers of people on the ships?” He inquired gently. 
 I chanced a glance up at him again. He was a portrait of calm, but I read the concern in his eyes. There for only me to see. And the silent question. Did it work?
 I gave him the smallest shake of the head to indicate No, it did not. I was not able to draw any sort of power from Rhys. Mist clearing or otherwise. 
 The shake of my head was carefully disguised as I looked back to the map and answered, “I couldn't tell how many people were there. But they had plenty of weapons. Ash bolts and cannon.” 
 Rhys finally spoke. His voice ancient and cold. “Azriel. I want you to winnow with Cassian to Windhaven, ready a few legions and wait for me to join you. I want to pay these ships a visit, find out who they are, their motives.” 
 Azriel slowly walked over to where Cassian and Nesta now stood. Nesta declaring that she would be coming too. And as Azriel took their hands and gathered his shadows around him, he looked to me one last time. Be careful, we seemed to say silently to each other.
 A shadow curled around my hand before the three of them vanished. 
 “And what about us?” Lucien interjected. 
 Feyre stood from her perch on Rhys’s chair and looked at everyone remaining in the room. “We remain in Velaris until the ships are captured and their inhabitants questioned.” 
 “Return to your chambers.” Rhys added. “I will keep you apprised.” 
 Amren left first, chin high. Her blunt black bob swaying as she walked. 
 Lucien ushered Vassa toward the door. She still seemed dazed and dull. Lucien threaded her arm through his and took great care in guiding her from the room and down the hall. I let go a breath I didn’t know I was holding once he left. 
 Feyre shot me a quick smile and gave one last look at her mate before winnowing out, leaving just Rhys and I in his study. 
 Once, this was a normal occurrence. Us two alone. Comfortable with the friendship we had forged. But now, I shifted in my chair across from the High Lord of the Night Court. All too aware of the sheer amount of power he held. 
 “Please forgive what Amren said.” He began. “That was never, and is not my intent.”
 Rhys stiffened. “But that doesn't mean that others wouldn’t seek to use your power. Against your will and for less that desirable purposes.” 
 "I know.” I nearly whispered. 
 He studied me for a moment more before he stood and began walking toward the door. 
 I rose and made to follow him, but he stopped and turned to me. “I know why the Cauldron made you a Seer.” 
 I didn’t think I was breathing. 
 “Power like that is a precious gift. One that I don’t think many could bear the responsibility of having. The temptation most would feel to use it selfishly…” 
 My heart contracted at the compliment.
 “Keep your shields up, as I taught you.” Was all he said as he strode from the room. 
 I made to leave when something beckoned me to look to the unlit dais in the corner. I don't know why, but the orrery looming in the darkness made the hair on my arms stand on end. I forced my feet to carry me from the room. 
 In the days following, I kept to myself at the townhouse. Nuala and Cerridwen were barley around but during the brief moments I saw them they filled me in on what was going on. 
 Apparently, when Cassian, Rhys, and Azriel had arrived at the cove with the Illyrian legions to launch an attack, the ships had vanished. Not just sailed away, but disappeared into the wind. Nuala and Cerr had been busy working with Azriel and his network of spies on the continent. Looking for any information on whom those ships belonged to, and what their motives were. Though Rhys apparently had his suspicions it was the work of one or more of the mortal queens. 
 Cassian had been stationed at Windhaven. On standby in case the ships made a reappearance. Nesta had gone with him. Insisting she help with whatever Cassian or Emerie may need. 
 Mor was back in Vallahan. No word from her on whether the mortals there knew anything of the ships that had been lurking in our coves. 
 I kept busy in the garden mostly. Trying and failing to keep my mind at ease. Failing, as I was now at trying to properly tend to some morning glories growing along one of the boundary walls to the garden. 
 I grumbled as I dug deeper in the rocky soil. Attempting to dig up the poor plants and move them to a more suitable location. But the rocky soil was making my attempts at keeping the fragile roots intact a rather troublesome task. 
 I heard the back door to the townhouse open and close, followed by light footsteps into the garden. 
 “Thank you for not sneaking up on me.” I quipped dryly as I continued to work. 
 Cerridwen huffed in amusement as she neared where I sat in the soil. 
 “You have been at that for hours. It’s hot out, why don’t you head inside for a drink. Cool off.”
 My only response was to dig harder at the roots I was currently trying to free. 
 Cerr chuckled. “You’re just like him.” 
 I looked up at her, a brow raised in question. 
 “Azriel broods the same way. Throws himself head first into his work. Gets cranky.” 
 “I am not brooding.” I shot back.
 Cerr’s smile was a razor sharp flash of white. “So, you admit you are cranky, then?” 
 I bit back a retort as I stood. Casting my trowel to the ground and placing my hands on my hips. 
 I sighed. “I’m just trying to stay busy. I was hoping to hear from Rhys or Feyre by now if they needed my help again.” 
 I could just go to the River Manor and ask, truthfully. See if I could be doing more. I’d even risk running into Lucien if it meant helping keep my family safe. I supposed I could even try to See on my own again and send any findings to Rhys and my sister in a report as the others often did. But I had locked myself away again. Played it safe and hoped I didn't upset anyone or cause problems.
 “What if I told you I had an idea of what you could do to help us out?” Cerr hedged casually. 
 “I’m listening.”
 She began inspecting her nails. “Nuala and I have a…mission of sorts tonight and could use an extra set of eyes and ears.” 
 That got my attention. “Here in Velaris?”
 A shake of the head.
 “In Night Court territory?” 
 Another shake of the head. “I can’t tell you unless you agree.” She said with that tone that I knew meant trouble. 
 “I can’t just leave. What if someone comes looking for me and I’m not here?” 
 “Leave a note.” Was her only response as she turned and began lazily walking toward the garden gate. Kicking at a few pebbles as she went. 
 I looked around the garden. At the center fountain, surrounded by the pots of Hewn City jasmine. At the healthy patch of herbs, my very first project here. I looked at the painted iron tables, decorated with lush centerpieces of peonies and lilac. I really looked at my little garden. And I realized I had dreams that soared beyond it’s walls. Ones I had never dared to voice. Ones that went beyond a simple walk through a tulip field or a ship ride to a far away trade port. 
 “Wait.” I started cleaning my hands on my apron as I walked toward the townhouse. “Let me pack and think of an excuse to give Feyre.” 
 Cerridwen appeared in front of me and I nearly ran into her. “I packed your bag and there is a note on the counter.” 
 I hissed. “You have some nerve –”
 “The note is spelled to alert us when someone reads it so we have time to get you home - from a trip to a flower vendor or some such. I made sure to be vague but still… Elain like.”
I could smell the pride and amusement wafting from her. 
 And before I could snarl at her, she gripped my arm and we were twisting into the shadows. 
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