#was gonna queue this but eh
lemonade-cars · 29 days
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woah its those guys
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shepards-folly · 1 year
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blu3berrydraws · 2 years
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--- Someone asked him to pose for a portrait
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fishsfailureson · 6 months
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New dinosaur dropped a couple days ago
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doctorbrown · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 2 / 31 * VIDEO RENTAL 」
“Uncle Marty! Hey!” Verne’s shout is more a hushed whisper carving into his back and it took two increasingly sharper shouts to properly pull his attention away from the back of Doc’s head as he followed him down the hall toward the lab where something secret lay in wait.
Come here! Verne beckons him over with an enthusiastic wave and Marty can see the irritation writing itself across his face, clear as day. Whatever it is, it’s either urgent or important, and Marty looks between him and Doc, needing only a moment to contemplate his next course of action.
“You go on ahead, Doc. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
“Sure,” comes the immediate reply without so much as a poke or a prod into what might have come up. “You know where the lab is. If you happen to see Clara, tell her it’s almost ready.”
Despite his mounting confusion, Marty readily agrees and Doc disappears down the hall without so much as a glance back over his shoulder.
“Good—you didn’t make Dad suspicious.” Marty knits his brows together, immediately catching on to the tell-tale signs of adolescence—sneaking around, not wanting your parents to find out about the things you were doing…
He’s been seeing more and more of himself in Verne at that age.
God help me and Jen when Ellie and Emmett are teenagers…
“So you know my birthday’s in a week, right Uncle Marty?”
That tone of voice makes him already certain of where this conversation is going before he even has to ask. Next week, Verne will be thirteen, and whatever he’s about to ask him about is something that Doc and Clara would either be vehemently against him having or something he thinks he can’t ask them for. “What do you want me to get you that you don’t want Doc and Clara to know about?”
Verne’s eyes go comically wide and in the span of a single minute, nearly the entire spectrum of human emotion flickers across his face, making it perfectly clear Marty had got it right on the first guess. He attempts—and fails—to play it off, the attempt at teenage indifference coming off horribly forced.
“It’s nothing bad, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Marty gives him a look. “Really! A couple of my friends were talking about a movie marathon—we wanna watch a bunch of horror films.” Verne jams his hand into his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper folded in half and wrinkled.
“Eddie’s letting us watch at his place; we just need to get the films. And since none of us are old enough to get ‘em, I was thinking maybe you could, Uncle Marty.” “Uh-huh…” comes the non-committal reply as Marty unfolds the paper, reading through the five titles written there. The Exorcist, Alien, The Thing, Nightmare on Elm Street… “Jesus, Verne, you want to watch all of these? In one night? Some of these are seriously creepy—you’re not going to be able to sleep for a month!”
Verne waves a hand, puffing out his chest and grinning with all the confidence and arrogance of a teenager—almost—who thinks he’s impervious to anything and everything life could throw at him. For a split second, Marty is staring at an almost exact copy of himself when he was young, arguing with Dave that he wasn’t some stupid kid anymore, he was an adult. “They’re just movies, Uncle Marty. They’re not real.”
“Uh-huh…” If Verne catches the obvious scepticism dripping from his tone, he never comments on it.
Though it's hard to imagine anything more terrifying than time-travel and the constant fear that even the smallest mistake carried twice the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, with the potential to wipe out everything and everyone you ever knew or cared about—
“Please? I can’t ask Mom or Dad about this because Mom would say they’re too violent and you know Dad; if Mom puts her foot down, he’ll go along with it, even if he’d say yes on his own.”
“You’ve got a point there.” Marty folds up the list and stuffs it into his pants pocket. “I can’t see Doc ever saying no because it’s too scary. Yeah, he’s not a big fan of violence and I don’t think he’s ever really liked horror films—I remember him saying once they were all poorly made and very predictable—but that wouldn’t sway his opinion.” If anything, he’s almost certain Doc would let him watch it and even sit and suffer through the film with him to turn it into a valuable lesson.
Verne’s eyes sparkle. “So you’ll do it? You’ll get ‘em for us?”
“Alright, alright.” Something tells me I’m gonna regret this. He finds himself mentally apologising to Doc and Clara already. “I’ll bring them by in a couple of days.”
“You’re the best, Uncle Marty!”
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
I think it would be soo cute if you drew a picture of pinkie pie(or any ponies you like!) playing in the rain! tthe weather here has been kind of gloomy recently and sometimes it makes me sad, but then i think about how rainy weather can be fun!💚and there is always a positive outlook =)
what a great idea anon! 😊🌧🌧🌧
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I often prefer when the weather is cloudy since bright sunlight tends to give me sensory overload, though at the same time, just as you, I can find it saddening 🌧 but rain doesn't have to be sad, it helps all of the trees and flowers grow and it's ofcourse really fun to play in!! 🌱 I haven't played outside in the rain since last year just because I've been so sad (because of reasons unrelated to rain haha) but I hope one day I can do that again 😄🌧 thank you for giving me this idea anon! it was really fun :) 💙💖🧡🌧🌧
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kinglindwyrm · 1 year
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my three guys i draw exactly the same (old doodle)
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pierswife · 3 months
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I've always had a complicated relationship with gender.
For the longest time I've just. Existed. Since I was little, I was told that I was a girl, so that's how I lived. But a lot of the time? I didn't "perform girl" correctly. I didn't like the right things, or I didn't react the right way. Sure, I liked plenty of feminine things, but I also rejected that part of myself vehemently. I was considered a "tomboy," but that didn't feel quite right either. And fuck, did my family DESPERATELY want me to start being just a little bit girly. I mean, shit, I remember when I was a teen and I was talking to my mom, my mom had asked me what I wanted one of my aunts to get me for Christmas. I just said make up, not because I wanted it, but because I knew it would make my aunt happy. I would finally be doing something girly, which I hadn't done since the 5th or 6th grade. Honestly, at that point I really didn't care. As long as my family was happy, then I'd be happy. Right? That was the way it was supposed to work? Right?
I've always been pretty firm with my... Grab bag of sexuality, I guess. I'm demi through and through, both sexual and romantic, and I consider myself bi as well. Those are all a part of me, a VERY important part of me.
But it took me YEARS to finally be brave enough to start exploring my gender and why I felt the way I felt. It took me until I turned 21 to finally start embracing myself and embracing the fact that I am feminine despite not being a girl. I'll still catch myself sometimes bringing myself down by going "haha not to be a girl," but I know that isn't the way I should talk about myself. There's nothing wrong with being a girl. There's nothing wrong with presenting femme. Like sure, I'm not a fucking girl, I'll set that one straight immediately, but I also just... Don't care. I am me. I'm Manda. My gender is myself. Manda-gender.
I want to be recognized for who I am. And that is Manda.
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13eyond13 · 11 months
I'm celebrating 6 years of running this blog by going back to the very beginning of the blog and finding old posts to stock up my queue with and dripfeed steadily back into the Tumblr dashboard ecosystem
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fruitybashir · 6 months
writing sentences and having to pause to pull my shirt over my mouth and scream a little, this is going to be the death of me.
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chaotikanvas · 1 year
So that DLC huh!!!
Reminder that I'm gonna be using "ruin dlc" to tag any and all things related to it for the next while! So make sure to block that tag if you haven't been able to experience the DLC!
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turigirl · 5 months
slight improvsment in mood
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ssolessurvivor · 7 months
I think it's interesting (was gonna say funny but ptsd from past severed interactions is not funny) but I get super nervous when I want to chat about certain character traits or things with my current partners when I've been writing with them for way longer, like why does my brain do this to me??
I just get so nervous and clam up but like, I want to do another nsfw headcanon post for Logan, and it's not like he likes anything super weird or over the top, he's just as equally as shy as me to talk about it because he's been so sheltered since his recovery even he sometimes won't ask his partners what he wants to do because 'shy country bumpkin insert here' (plus he's still learning what he likes and doesn't like rip)
its so stupid, and I'm tryna work on it I really am, and I think I am improving in some things too on this which is good, it's just silly that I'm still struggling with this bullshit. those of you who know, well, know.
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pickles4nickles · 2 years
A Low Energy Sticker Shop Update
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Hey hi hello, I’ve got like 90% of my Ko-fi sticker shop up-to-date, so if it behooves you to grab a sticker or two, you may do so
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queeraang · 2 years
set up my queue to post the art i've done in the last year or so and because i don't really like posting art to twitter i forgot how many things i did that i just never bothered posting anywhere, but i still really like a lot of them
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fruit-colored-ninja · 2 years
Oh I’ve had this blog for a year lmao
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