#and you know jules - like any big brother would - is gonna make it so much worse when he finds out
doctorbrown · 3 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 ⸺ 「 2 / 31 * VIDEO RENTAL 」
“Uncle Marty! Hey!” Verne’s shout is more a hushed whisper carving into his back and it took two increasingly sharper shouts to properly pull his attention away from the back of Doc’s head as he followed him down the hall toward the lab where something secret lay in wait.
Come here! Verne beckons him over with an enthusiastic wave and Marty can see the irritation writing itself across his face, clear as day. Whatever it is, it’s either urgent or important, and Marty looks between him and Doc, needing only a moment to contemplate his next course of action.
“You go on ahead, Doc. I’ll catch up with you in a minute.”
“Sure,” comes the immediate reply without so much as a poke or a prod into what might have come up. “You know where the lab is. If you happen to see Clara, tell her it’s almost ready.”
Despite his mounting confusion, Marty readily agrees and Doc disappears down the hall without so much as a glance back over his shoulder.
“Good—you didn’t make Dad suspicious.” Marty knits his brows together, immediately catching on to the tell-tale signs of adolescence—sneaking around, not wanting your parents to find out about the things you were doing…
He’s been seeing more and more of himself in Verne at that age.
God help me and Jen when Ellie and Emmett are teenagers…
“So you know my birthday’s in a week, right Uncle Marty?”
That tone of voice makes him already certain of where this conversation is going before he even has to ask. Next week, Verne will be thirteen, and whatever he’s about to ask him about is something that Doc and Clara would either be vehemently against him having or something he thinks he can’t ask them for. “What do you want me to get you that you don’t want Doc and Clara to know about?”
Verne’s eyes go comically wide and in the span of a single minute, nearly the entire spectrum of human emotion flickers across his face, making it perfectly clear Marty had got it right on the first guess. He attempts—and fails—to play it off, the attempt at teenage indifference coming off horribly forced.
“It’s nothing bad, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Marty gives him a look. “Really! A couple of my friends were talking about a movie marathon—we wanna watch a bunch of horror films.” Verne jams his hand into his pocket and pulls out a sheet of paper folded in half and wrinkled.
“Eddie’s letting us watch at his place; we just need to get the films. And since none of us are old enough to get ‘em, I was thinking maybe you could, Uncle Marty.” “Uh-huh…” comes the non-committal reply as Marty unfolds the paper, reading through the five titles written there. The Exorcist, Alien, The Thing, Nightmare on Elm Street… “Jesus, Verne, you want to watch all of these? In one night? Some of these are seriously creepy—you’re not going to be able to sleep for a month!”
Verne waves a hand, puffing out his chest and grinning with all the confidence and arrogance of a teenager—almost—who thinks he’s impervious to anything and everything life could throw at him. For a split second, Marty is staring at an almost exact copy of himself when he was young, arguing with Dave that he wasn’t some stupid kid anymore, he was an adult. “They’re just movies, Uncle Marty. They’re not real.”
“Uh-huh…” If Verne catches the obvious scepticism dripping from his tone, he never comments on it.
Though it's hard to imagine anything more terrifying than time-travel and the constant fear that even the smallest mistake carried twice the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, with the potential to wipe out everything and everyone you ever knew or cared about—
“Please? I can’t ask Mom or Dad about this because Mom would say they’re too violent and you know Dad; if Mom puts her foot down, he’ll go along with it, even if he’d say yes on his own.”
“You’ve got a point there.” Marty folds up the list and stuffs it into his pants pocket. “I can’t see Doc ever saying no because it’s too scary. Yeah, he’s not a big fan of violence and I don’t think he’s ever really liked horror films—I remember him saying once they were all poorly made and very predictable—but that wouldn’t sway his opinion.” If anything, he’s almost certain Doc would let him watch it and even sit and suffer through the film with him to turn it into a valuable lesson.
Verne’s eyes sparkle. “So you’ll do it? You’ll get ‘em for us?”
“Alright, alright.” Something tells me I’m gonna regret this. He finds himself mentally apologising to Doc and Clara already. “I’ll bring them by in a couple of days.”
“You’re the best, Uncle Marty!”
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footprintsinthesxnd · 7 months
here for the oc ask game!!! can i get 🎵✉️😊🎶😱⚾️ for maggie, hugh and violet please!
Thank you so much for your ask Jules.
🎵How do they sound? Accents/ common phrases etc
Maggie: so Maggie is from Dorset in the South of England (near the bottom of England between Hampshire and Devon along the coast) the Dorset accent is a very country accent, a lot of dropping H’s, accentuated vowel sounds, although Maggie doesn’t have a really strong Dorset accent because that’s hard to understand 😂
Hugh: Hugh is from Missouri, USA so he has a general American/ Midwest dialect. He has a very subtle twang sometimes where he'll pronounce words all the r's in certain words etc
Violet: Violet is from Morgan City Louisiana. She doesn't have a very thick southern drawl but she sometimes talks really slowly and sometimes she reeling off her sentences. She doesn't really drop in any Cajun French like Gene does although she does know it.
✉️ How would they react to a love letter?
Maggie: I feel like Maggie would be shocked to start with. She’s never really had any men show her interest. Being an RAF mechanic isn’t exactly every man’s dream lady. She feel very privileged and she gets this little smile on her face that no matter what the day threw at her, she’d be smiling. The second she read it I feel like she’d be running to tell her best friend Archie, especially if the letter was anonymous. He’s always playing match maker so she’d have to go and consult her love guru.
Hugh: Hugh is a ladies man. He’s definitely had his fair share of dear John letters and he thrives off the attention. Deep down though he would love to find a nice girl to settle down with. I feel like he keeps the stack of letters he’s received from different women in his bedside draw.
Violet: she is gonna be grinning all day, especially if it’s from her beloved Gene. I think she’d definitely be writing a letter back as soon as possible too. She’s a hopeless romantic at heart.
😊 Something that always makes them smile
Maggie: June never fails to make Maggie smile, no matter how bad a day she’s having that little spaniel is everything. On occasion Archie has been known to make her smile too, when he isn’t trying to set her up with an American.
Hugh: Dare I say Hope and Gale together. Despite his protective big brother nature he is Hope and Gale’s biggest supported. He’s their little cheerleader and if Hope is happy then he’s happy.
Violet: nature. Violet loves being outside in the sunshine enjoying the beauty of the world around her. Whether that be out by the lake with Gene or on a boat trip she loves it.
🎶 A song that reminds you of your oc?
Maggie: Gone, Gone,Gone by Phillip Phillips
Hugh: Candyman by Christina Aguilera
Violet: Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
😱 What's their biggest fear?
Maggie: failing her pilots. She takes her job to heart and any time a bomber doesn’t return she feels responsible likely she should have made sure the plane was safer for them. Each loss she takes to heart.
Hugh: loosing his younger sister, Hope. She means the world to him and being the protective big brother he is, he would do anything to protect her.
Violet: Loosing Gene. He means everything to her and she couldn’t live without him. He introduced her to a whole new world and new experiences.
⚾️ Does your oc have a hobby?
Maggie: she’s an avid cricket fan. She used to watch games on the village green with her father from a young age. She also very good at the game although it is frowned upon at she plays. However, she does learn to love baseball too when she notices some similarity between the games.
Hugh: he’s a huge baseball fan, has been all his life. He supports the St Louis Cardinals and has been to more of their games than he can count. He is definitely playing baseball in his downtime and probably even tried setting up a team once.
Violet: she loves sewing and knitting. She’s very good at make do and mend when resources are rationed and is good at repairing clothes etc. She often spends time sewing with her mother and sisters.
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forffax · 10 months
21, 26, 30-32, 39-43 for whichever ocs you want :D
THANK U CHASE!! gonna talk abt the Tos family bc they're always on my mind :]
(🦁: Lux, 🦗: Ferdinand, 🐏: Athanasius, 🐦: Zephyr, 🦙: Alan)
21. Why do they get up in the morning?
🦁: After reconciling with his family and reuniting with the love of his life, he's just genuinely happy to be alive :]
🦗: He spent a long time in a sort of stasis, and although conscious, he wouldn't consider that time as "living". Now that he's back, he wants to treasure his time and finds joy in doing the little, basic things that he couldn't before.
🐏: Better than lying around all day. She likes to be busy! She's also got a sometimes intensive lab job to get to, and she's the primary breadwinner for the household (sharing an apartment with Zeph)
🐦: Gotta get work done. Even if she doesn't want to. Also generally doing better... getting him up isn't as hard as it used to be.
🦙: Xe gets stir-crazy so easily sdfkhjsd. They like going to school, generally, now that it's Normal and not Bad. He likes helping her dads around the house and going out to meet with xer brother(s) and friends :]
26. What is their preferred mode of transportation?
🦁: He has a license but prefers to bike or walk most places.
🦗: Also has a license and a car but likes taking public transportation, when available!
🐏: She has a scooter for shorter trips and a motorcycle for longer ones :]
🐦: Don't put her behind the wheel of a vehicle he'll start crying. Usually bums a ride from her sister or his friend Clara :]
🦙: Has a cute little moped that he rides everywhere! She also carries a foldable cane for if they have to walk for any prolonged time.
30. Who do they most regret meeting?
🦁: His great aunt... the woman who took him away to Saluria.
🐏: She's had a few bad exes here and there, but she doesn't think about them much (or, at least, she tries not to)
🦙: The director of his old school. Xe was nothing more than an asset to him; raw metal ready to be shaped into a piercing blade.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met?
🦁: Ferdinand <3
🦗: Lux <3
🐏: Zephyr, Lux, and their dad, Jules :]
🐦: Athanasius and Clara :]
🦙: His dads and Alex + David!
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
🦁: He doesn't have any specific story but sometimes he'll talk about the most insane shit that happened during the war and then not elaborate sdjkgfs.
🐏: "___-er? I hardly know 'er!" She thinks this is the funniest thing in the world.
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
🦁: He doesn't ignore it per say, but doesn't speak up unless it's causing undue problems for multiple other people, not just himself.
🐏: She has a hard time ignoring people's flaws, big or small, which has caused conflict in the past. She can be blunt about pointing them out, but she doesn't mean to be cruel about it; in her mind, if the problem is spoken, it is easier to address.
🐦: She won't say it to your face but he WILL complain to Thana and her friends later. Non-confrontational, sometimes to a fault.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
🦁: ehe..
🦗: hm.
🐏: well,
🐦: erm.
🦙: Xe's normal actually.
41. How do they feel about children?
🦁: Never thought he'd be a dad (especially at his age), but considers himself incredibly blessed to be able to help raise Alan :]
🦗: Also never thought he would have kids, but always wanted to! Loves his kid and loved his time as a teacher.
🐏: Likes kids and loves her nephew but doesn't see herself ever having kids of her own.
🐦: Somewhat adverse to children, but more because she's just incredibly awkward and doesn't know how to interact.
🦙: <- is a child (but is generally kind towards younger kids)
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
🦁: He went though hell to survive, to make it back home alive and to see his family one last time... Things have very drastically changed since then, but he'd do anything to keep his loved ones happy and safe.
🦗: <- Guy who spent over a decade building himself a new body because he refused to die.
🐏: She'd love to have a wife and a house and be retired but honestly she's just waiting to see where life takes her.
🐦: She's not in too much of a rush. He's learning to enjoy the process, especially as she's gotten older (and started transitioning).
🦙: Xe's not sure if he has an end goal other than "be happy" and "don't die until you're old).
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?
🦁: Gay man (man in a loose sense, only a man insofar as he is attracted to men in a gay way).
🦗: Exclusively attracted to other men
🐏: Butch lesbian
🐦: Bi and aro, t4t
🦙: *shrugs*
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ginnsbaker · 4 months
Ive been so sick the past few days stuck in bed and just generally dying so imagine my excitement when i saw a new chapter (in my fever ive been very delusional and remembering the date has been the least of my concerns 💀)
no but in all seriousness the chapter was perfect first thing i wanna say mama reader is awesome her advice is so good and i love her i want one but her advice is gonna bite readers ass so hard cos like she said you’ve made your choice and im getting the impression reader’s decision is give it a chance but with Danny opening his big mouth its gonna make leigh unhappy so basically roles reversed 💀(i know ive been wanting him to and i’ll come back to this)
I liked the interaction with jules and leigh they’re not always on the same side but they’re still siblings who obviously care a lot for each other so it was cute especially jules remembering leighs comfort snack - i wonder if later for whatever reason leigh is sad or something and reader brings it to her and it just gets to her a bit that reader took the timt to learn the little things about her 🤔
I thought that reader knew leigh worked at the advice column cos originally i was like how are you this mad you knew she worked there and your submissions are very specific so it was obvious and easy to figure out so why you so mad but im guessing i just misunderstood (which in my current state seems about right) i do like how reader called leigh out on her hot and cold tho and while i do understand her reasons and okay maybe it tugged on my heartstrings just a little bit she did need to hear it not to hurt or upset her but so she can grow from it
HOWEVER can the two of you just call it even you both kept something from the other so call it a tie and start fresh cos you both want each other so kiss and make up cos when danny starts running his mouth i know miss shaw is gonna be mad a small deluded part of me is like maybe she will see the fact that it wasn’t readers thing to tell cos danny should’ve come clean about it but in those moments anger comes much quicker than any rational thought and especially after reader got mad at her for her secret if i was leigh i would get mad too (slight double standards) EVEN THO I WOULD NEVER BE IN THIS SITUATION COS I WOULDVE TOLD DANNY TO FUCK HIMSELF WHEN HE ASKED READER TO KEEP QUIET and i know i said i want danny to come clean but i didn’t mean like this 😭 not when reader was about to make things better (im assuming thats the decision they came to) its literally gonna be reader being all happy and excited and leigh pissed complete role reversal of the fight they just had and im scared
Also i was so worried danny was gonna hit her i was reader to beat his ass
I love your brain for coming up with this stuff but it hurts hopefully not forever tho (i swear im gonna need to reread your other more fluffy stuff to cope)
Actually, on that bit about Leigh working at the website part-time... Reader didn't know about that, just that Leigh used to work at the Beautiful Beast and then quit recently for another job.
Yeah, at first R was upset because Leigh pretended not to know about her feelings for her, but then that fact highlighted Leigh's treatment of her looking back. So she's more pissed about that, the inconsistencies, the hot and cold treatment.. but at the same time, she also remembers now what she went through herself losing her dad and brother. So R's mom encouraged R to extend her patience and understanding.
Yeah, Danny used the secret for his own benefit--again. I mean, he needs to do a lot of growing up, I guess. Or, I don't know. People do stupid stuff when they're heartbroken.
The second season of Sorry for Your loss kinda ended their relationship when Danny punched a wall :) So I kinda borrowed that scene :)
Whew! That was long, and I'm not complaining :D I love discussing the story with you as always :P Thanks for reading my dear!
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bookishjules · 2 years
A Blackstairs Lens on "Don't Blame Me" by Taylor Swift
Don't blame me, love made me crazy
this is a theme we're gonna see a lot through this song (obviously, since this is a repeating line lol), and which I think is so apt for Emma and Julian. Love DID make them crazy in a way, since it was tainted? exaggerated? both? by their parabatai bond, and it was never something they intended. They can't be blamed for falling in love and thereby amplifying the powers of the parabatai bond and turning into literal angels. Also Julian's room full of paintings of Emma ALONE
If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right
not only does this feel like a realization Emma had when comparing Julian to Cameron, but it also feels like something Emma and Jules came to terms with after denying their feelings for each other to such great extents
Lord, save me, my drug is my baby
I'll be usin' for the rest of my life
the fact that the more time these two spend together, the curse thing got worse.. also I don't think there is another ship in tsc that's as addicted to eachother (physically or otherwise) as these two, which could in itself be an influence of the parabatai curse that lingers
I've been breakin' hearts a long time, and
the hearts they're breaking are each other's and their own. We see this in the decisions they make: deciding to become parabatai even though romantic feelings had already begun to blossom, choosing to date Mark, choosing to have Magnus take away your emotions.
Toyin' with them older guys
Just playthings for me to use
not only does this continue the relevance to Emma pretending to be with Mark, but I think it could also relate to how Julian is constantly playing with the big leagues. He's fooling everyone and using carefully placed moves and deceit to ensure that things come out the way he wants, that his family is safe.
Something happened for the first time,
In the darkest little paradise
Shakin, pacin', I just need you
This is Lady Midnight in summation--Emma realizing her feelings for Jules, their first time in the cave--and then later, the anxiety and mess of emotions that came with the discovery of the true consequences of falling in love as parabatai
For you, I would cross the line
the line between best friends and parabatai? between parabatai and lovers? the line that says don't date the brother of the guy you just had sex with? the line of having your emotions stripped by magic? or perhaps simply the proverbial line between morally right and wrong? let's face it these two would do anything for each other (especially Jules).
I would waste my time
I would lose my mind
They say she's gone too far this time
I think its a big thing for Julian to waste time. He's responsible for so much, and yet he will waste his time for Emma, he'll let himself get caught up in whatever she wants. I don't think I need to reiterate about how they pretty much did lose their minds for eachother lol
My name is whatever you decide
it's the way Emma didn't feel like she could call Julian Jules anymore after they slept together
And I'm just gonna call you mine
because really is there any better word when you don't know where one facet of your relationship stops and the other begins? Plus, back when trying to hide that they were together together.. well saying you're eachother's soulmate could be interpretated as completely platonic when you have a parabatai
I'm insane, but I'm your baby (your baby)
Echoes of your name inside my mind
Halo, hiding my obsession
When the most Julian had of Emma was the way he could say her name in his mind, how he couldn't fill it with all the love that had been bound to it for years.. And the way he literally hid his obsession behind closed doors
I once was poison ivy, but now I'm your daisy
They really were poison ivy to eachother, a growing obsession, dangerous to touch but crawling closer and closer all the time. Also I just love imagining Emma as a daisy (funny that she's related to Daisy to hehe). I think @lifeofbrybooks put it so well, how Emma is like a wildflower to Jules: "beautiful and strong, able to grow and flourish in even the harshest conditions"
And baby, for you, I would fall from grace
Just to touch your face
them every time they give in to their feelings for each other while parabatai
If you walk away
I'd beg you on my knees to stay
This makes me so sad to think about, especially considering we've seen insecurities along these lines rear their head even after they've been together for a while
I get so high, oh
Every time, yeah every time you're lovin' me
You're lovin' me
Trip of my life, oh
Every time, yeah every time you're touchin' me
You're touchin' me
these horny bitches
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fruitcoops · 3 years
ok so firstly I love any loops and jules fic but secondly could we have one where jules is having a really tough time (either missing loops/ picked on etc. ) and then we see loops (not coops) surprise him and is just so protective - just sibling fluff that’s it
Oh Jules, I’m sorry I did this to you. What a wonderful prompt, though! I’m always down to write sibling fluff! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove <3
TW for bullying (older kids picking on younger kids)
Contrary to popular belief, Jules didn’t brag about his brother every minute of every day. There was no point, and he wanted to be known for his own talents rather than living in Remus’ shadow for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, some people didn’t seem to understand that.
A balled of lined paper smacked into the back of his head. “Heads up, Loopy!”
Jules threw the ball back; it bounced off the end of the table and hit the ground pathetically. “Nice shot,” Aidan snorted as he passed, bumping his shoulder against Jules’ and making him stumble. Several people laughed. His face burned with embarrassment.
“Yeah, I bet your brother’s really proud of that,” Luke sneered. He was a big kid, far bigger than Jules both in height and muscle even though he was only a couple years older.
“Don’t talk about my brother,” Jules said, much quieter than intended.
Luke raised his eyebrows. “What’re you going do about it, Loopy?”
“Just shut up.”
“Who’s gonna stop me?” He leaned across the cafeteria table and Jules fought the urge to back away. “Huh? Your brother? He’s never around.”
“He’s busy.”
“He doesn’t want to be here.”
“He does,” Jules insisted, feeling his throat tighten. “He does, he just doesn’t have time—”
“He’s a celebrity, dude, no wonder he doesn’t want his tagalong brother around.”
It’s not true, Jules told himself. It’s not true. Time and time again, Remus had told him that hockey came second to family, but after months of not seeing him it was starting to feel false. “Shut up.”
Luke shifted in his seat and folded his hands. “Face it, Loopy: your brother’s not around because he’d rather spend time with his cool friends than an annoying little kid.”
“Leave me alone.” Jules’ voice cracked and Luke grinned.
“You’re gonna cry?” he asked, full of false sympathy. “Aw, poor baby.”
“It’s not true.” It was getting harder to believe the words. “He visits whenever he can.”
The lunch bell rang before Luke could retaliate; he ruffled Jules’ hair too hard to be comfortable and left, already laughing with his group of friends. What a dick, Jules thought as he swallowed down the tears.
He made it through the rest of his classes in a daze and walked home on muscle memory. It was a cold day for April, but maybe he could blame his red-rimmed eyes on the wind. Maybe Luke is right, part of him argued. There wasn’t a lot of evidence, but it was enough to make him want to throw up.
“Hey, baby, how was your day?” his mother called when he opened the door.
That was the tipping point, the tiny pebble that shattered the cracked glass dam holding back his tears. Jules sobbed once, dropped his backpack on the floor, and ran for the safety of his bedroom. “Jules—” The slam of his door cut his father’s concern short.
He grabbed the family picture off his wall and threw it across the room—there was no glass or frame, only tape, so seeing it flutter to the ground was far less satisfying than he had hoped. Remus had him on his shoulders for the picture; they all looked so happy. Jules sat down on the other side of his bed and buried his face in his arms, letting the emotions he had been holding in for three full hours flood out.
Deep down, he knew Luke was a liar and a bully with nothing better to do than pick on younger kids. That didn’t mean his words hurt any less.
A few minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the door. “Go away!”
There was a brief pause, then another knock.
“Just—just please give me a minute, mom!”
“I’m not mom.” Jules’ heart skipped a beat. “Can I come in?”
You’ve never been around to help me before. Anger reared up in his chest. “No!”
Remus hesitated for a moment. Jules hoped he was shocked, stunned, hurt. “Okay.”
There was a rustling noise; he looked around the foot of the bed to see a shadow in the crack beneath the door. “Are you—what are you doing?”
“Sitting down.”
“Go away.”
“Mom, make him go away!”
“What did I do, Jules?” Remus sounded sad. There was none of his usual teasing in his tone. The anger twisted around in Jules and he scrubbed at the tears and snot on his face.
“When did you get here?” He knew he was being rude; his mother would have given him a pursed-lips look if he talked like that to anyone normally.
“A couple hours ago. It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“It’s a terrible surprise. Go away.”
“Not until you tell me what I did.”
Jules took a few shallow breaths before answering. “You’re never here. Never.”
“I know. I’m s—”
“I hate you,” he sobbed, bringing his knees tighter to his chest. “I hate you so much.”
There was a long stretch of silence on the other side of the door, but the shadow remained. “That’s fair,” Remus said quietly.
“No, it’s not!” Jules clambered to his feet and stomped over to the door, wrenching it open. “It’s not fair! I shouldn’t hate you, this is your job! You should—you should—”
Remus looked up at him from his crosslegged seat on the carpet. “I should what?”
“You should yell at me. Or make me open the door, or do anything that makes me angry at you.” He sniffled and hugged himself.
“When have I ever yelled at you?”
“The rat. And the water balloons. And when I stole your sticks. And when I froze your underwear.”
Remus winced slightly. “Fair point. I don’t keep yelling once you’re in the room, though, right?”
Jules deflated. “No.”
“So I’m not going to yell at you. Also, your bedroom smells weird, so I don’t want to go in there unless I have to.”
A smile tried forcing its way out and Jules covered it with his best scowl. “My room doesn’t smell weird.”
Remus sniffed the air, then shrugged. “Whatever you say.”
“Why are you here?”
“Mom said she was getting ice cream.”
Jules perked up. “Did she?”
“No.” Remus held up the car keys. “We can fix that problem, though. Go get your shoes.”
“Can I drive?’
“If you can convince dad, sure.” Remus stood up and mussed his hair; his hand was gentle, though, unlike Luke’s. It was a welcome change.
He grabbed his sneakers from under his bed and hopped down the hall as he pulled them on. “Dad, can I drive?”
His father didn’t even look up from the paper. “When Hell freezes over, buddy.”
“Lyall,” his mother scolded from the kitchen, though her eyes crinkled at the edges. “Remus, remember not to swear around your brother!”
“I won’t, I won’t,” he said, holding the door open for Jules as he shrugged his coat on.
They drove in relative silence, save for the Top Rock Hits of the Eighties cassette that they had each heard half a billion times. Remus pulled into the Dairy Queen drive-thru and rattled off Jules’ favorite without even having to ask. Somehow, that both soothed him and upset him even more. He handed the cone over carefully, stuck his blizzard in the cupholder, and started driving in the opposite direction of the house.
“Are you kidnapping me?” Jules asked, licking a stray drip of vanilla off the cone.
“I don’t think I can, seeing as we’re related.”
“You can. You don’t have custody.”
“Why do you know that?”
“Why don’t you, Mr. Fancy Degree?”
“This might surprise you, but they don’t exactly cover the intricacies of kidnapping in PT school.”
Remus made a noise of agreement around the straw of his Blizzard as they rolled to a stop at the red light. “So, are we going to talk?”
“We already are.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Yeah, I figured.” He made a face when a chunk of Oreo got stuck the straw. “If you get that out before the next light, you can have a sip.”
Jules took it and squeezed the thin plastic. “Luke Sanders is an asshole.”
“Language.” The car stopped again and Jules showed off the unblocked straw. “Do continue, though.”
“You’ve hit every red light since we left the house. That’s got to be a curse.” He took a long sip, then handed it across the console. “You like hanging out with me, right?”
“Obviously. You’re, like, my favorite person.” Remus gave him a confused look.
“Okay, cool.” Jules felt his hands start to shake again, and he was pretty sure it wasn’t from his ice cream. Just hearing him say that made a tsunami of relief run through him. “Cool.”
“Did Luke Sanders tell you I didn’t?”
“He said a lot of stuff.”
Remus pulled into a parking lot, then took the key out and turned in his seat. “Like what?”
Jules shrugged one shoulder. “That you don’t want to be here.”
“And?” His voice had softened.
“And that it’s my fault, since I’m an annoying little tagalong.” Jules picked at the paper wrapper around his cone and didn’t look up. “He’s got a p—”
“If you say he’s got a point, all your underwear is going in the freezer.” All traces of gentleness were gone from his tone, leaving tightly-controlled fury in its place.
“Don’t—” Remus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Please don’t apologize, Jules.”
“You’re upset.”
“Yeah, because some little shit was picking on my brother and I wasn’t there to kick his ass.”
“I can handle it.”
If anything, that seemed to upset him even more. “Does this happen a lot?”
“Have you told anyone?”
He shook his head. “I don’t want to be a tattletale.”
“Jules, there’s a difference between being a tattletale and reporting a bully.” Remus tipped his chin up. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Jules’ lower lip wobbled. “I missed you. I always miss you, but he’s been really awful recently and he keeps saying the same stupid stuff over and over.”
Remus’ nose and cheeks reddened. “I missed you, too. If I could be here all the time, I would.”
“I know it’s not your fault, and I know you’re busy.” He wiped away another tear and tried to pull himself together. “But it’s not fair.”
“It’s not,” Remus agreed. “It’s not fair that I’m gone nine months out of the year, and it’s not right that people are making fun of you for it. Hang on for a second, okay?”
Jules nodded, still drying his cheeks. Remus got out of the car and jogged to the other side, then opened the passenger door and gestured for him to get out; as soon as his sneakers touched the ground, he was lifted almost a foot into the air. “I’m sorry for yelling,” he managed, burying his face in his brother’s neck.
Remus kissed the side of his head and held him close. “I’m sorry I’m not around more.”
He hooked his chin over Remus’ shoulder. “Can you promise me something?”
“Will you be here whenever you can? I know that might not be often, but just…when you can.”
He felt Remus’ chest hitch against him. “Always,” he whispered. “Always.”
254 notes · View notes
fific7 · 3 years
Cold Day in Hell - Part 2
Logan Delos x Reader
A/N: This does not completely follow canon, it’s mainly lemon zest 🍋 because the world needs more Logan Delos.
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral, between consenting adults* in some chapters. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.
(My GIF)
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Logan went back to his own office after showing her to hers. He sat down in his plush office chair and swivelled slowly from side to side, picking up his pen and tapping it on the desk as he did so. He was thinking. How was he going to approach this?
Unusually for him, Logan wasn’t 100% convinced that she was attracted to him. That was something of a departure for him; the norm was that he would just look at someone and that was it, they were putty in his hands. Not this gal. He thought she might be interested but he could tell that there were walls up there, that was for sure.
Should he ask Juliet? She was dead set against him getting involved with this new lady, but it might be worth listening to one of her lectures if he got some useful ’women’s perspective’ advice at the same time. He got up and strolled the short distance down to her office, knocking and popping his head round the door. Juliet looked up from her screen at him, “Hey, Logan... what can I do for you? I’m right in the middle of something here.”
Irrespective of her comment, Logan went into the office and sat down in the chair opposite her. Sighing, Juliet put her screen lock on and lounged back in her own chair. Knowing him as she did, she could tell just by looking at his face that he was in thinking mode, in fact he wasn’t even looking at her; he was staring at the back of her big computer screen, a sure sign that his mind was off somewhere else. “Logan!” she said firmly, and his eyes snapped to hers, “I’m busy here, darling brother. What’s on your mind?”
As Juliet had been expecting, he said the name of their new secondment. Then he held up a hand, “Now I know you don’t want me to go there, Jules - but I’m serious here. She’s not a one-and-done in my mind.” Juliet snorted, “What then? A two-and-done?!” Logan rolled his eyes, “Ha ha, very funny. No. I’m thinking of something a bit more... established than that.”
Juliet’s eyes widened, “You mean....” her voice took on a mock awestruck tone, “...a relationship, Logan?” He nodded, “Well... yeah. I suppose you could call it that.” She sat forward, eyes boring into his, “No! I just don’t believe you. Look, you’re the guy who’s out on the town every night with a different person. Or occasionally someone you’ve taken out once or twice before. You are just not a monogamous kinda guy! I don’t want you to mess around with this girl!” Logan crossed one leg over the other and made a point of studying his nails, “I know you don’t, but I want to take her out. And I’m gonna take her out, Jules. She can make her own mind up if she doesn’t want anything to do with me from there on.”
Juliet muttered something and Logan leant in a bit, “Whaddya say, sis?” She looked him straight in the eye, “She probably doesn’t want anything to do with you right now, never mind after you’ve taken her out. Your reputation proceeds you, Lo.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d spent a little time arranging the few items you’d brought with you onto your new desk. Your laptop, your favourite pens, a ruler and a stapler. That was it - you liked to travel light. And anything else you needed, you were sure Delos Destinations would be able to supply by the kilo-load. Logan had said to you, before disappearing back to his own office, “I’ll leave you to settle in, and anything you need.... just ask!” There had been the merest hint of a wink accompanying that last comment, but you’d poker-faced it and just said, “Thanks, Logan.... I’ll bear that in mind.”
You so wished that he wasn’t as handsome as he was, as you had to admit that this made it quite difficult to concentrate on your projects. Shaking your head, you pulled up the folder for one of said projects on your laptop and began work on it.
Hopefully Logan would just keep to his own office. Otherwise you weren’t sure how much work you’d actually get done. Your eyes would be too busy drinking in the male masterpiece that was Logan Delos.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan walked dejectedly back to his office. The visit to Juliet for advice had been a complete and utter waste of time. All he’d got was one big rant about keeping far away from his new love interest. Well, he wasn’t about to do what she said, he’d be damned if he would.
Back in his office, he took to swinging from side to side in his chair once more. He really didn’t have a clue how to start his campaign to win her over. Logan just wasn’t used to having to chase down anyone he was interested in, so this was a bit of a new challenge for him. Should he go all out and whisk her off somewhere in one of the private jets? Take her out on the company yacht? Pick her up in a limo and take her to a premiere?
Or should he go low-key, ask her out for a coffee and see how that went down? Build it up from there? He’d picked up his pen once more and as he got more and more frustrated, threw it across the room where it bounced off the door, dropped and skittered across the floor. A couple of seconds later, his secretary knocked and opened the door, “Did you need something, Mr Delos?” “Uhhh.. no, no, it’s fine, Stacy, sorry about that.” She gave him a bit of a look, nodded and closed the door.
He sighed and thought to himself that he’d better get ready for these upcoming investor meetings in Seattle the following week. He sat bolt upright in his chair, smacking his forehead. Of course! Why hadn’t he thought of that sooner!
Three days in Seattle... just the two of them.... perfect!
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You heard a small tap and then Juliet’s head appeared round the door. “Welcome!” she smiled, coming into the office and over to you, giving you a big hug. “I’m so pleased you’re here!” You agreed, “Yes, I’m pleased to be here. It’s lovely to see you, Juliet.” “It’s going to be so much easier all round,” she said, before sitting down opposite you, “...it’s going to make a big difference to the status of the projects.” She paused, her eyes - so like Logan’s - gazing into yours, “And.... I don’t mean to sound off-putting, especially on your first day... but I’m guessing you already know that my brother is really quite taken with you?”
You gave a small smile, “Umm... yes I kind of did get that vibe.” She nodded, “You’re a damn good engineer and that’s a big part of the reason you’re here, but this was Logan’s idea and I’ll be straight with you, he’s busy working out how he’s going to get close to you.”
Laughing out loud, “Juliet, no offence to your brother - who’s a very good-looking guy - but it’ll be a cold day in hell before I go out with him. I know he’s a complete player.” She laughed too, “I’m glad you’re already aware of that. I mean, I love my brother to bits but he is just terrible at relationships! He doesn’t mean to be, but he says he doesn’t know if he could ever love anyone, any one person. It’s not really in his DNA.”
You took a breath, thought to yourself, why not? - and asked, “Is his ...uhh... substance abuse a thing of the past now? Well, as much as it can ever be.” Juliet nodded, a pained look on her face, “Yes, thank god. We had a pretty awful time with him for a while, especially after a... a particular situation in Westworld, but he’s clean now and still goes to meetings every so often just to keep himself in line. I really thought we’d lost him a couple of times, so yes, he’s done really well. I’m proud of him.” “You should be,” you agreed, having seen tears welling in her eyes when she’d mentioned losing him. “I’m sorry I brought that up, Juliet, I shouldn’t have said anything.” She smiled, “Hey, it’s fine. You should know what you’re getting into... or rather not getting into!”
You both laughed at that.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
In the meantime, Logan had asked his secretary to book one of the private jets and two hotel suites in downtown Seattle for the dates of the investor meetings. He was almost bouncing around his office, he was so pleased with himself and his new plan.
He thought he heard the sound of laughter coming from her office, and couldn’t stop himself from going right next door to see what was going on. He opened the door after a brief knock on it, and saw his sister sitting with the object of his affections, the two of them still laughing.
Juliet turned round and said with a smile, “Lo! We were just talking about you.” His eyes narrowed suspiciously, “Oh yeah?” She nodded, “Yeah. Are your ears flaming?” Logan scowled at her, “What have you been saying, Jules?” with a quick, anxious look over at the other woman in the room. Juliet stood up and said, “Oh, nothing too bad, Logan,” giving him a wicked little smile and striding out of the room.
Logan watched Juliet go before clearing his throat and turning back just in time to see her hiding a smile. “C’mon,” he said, “...what did she say?” She shook her head, “Honestly, nothing bad. She was just pulling your strings.” Logan just managed to stop himself saying that she would be more than welcome to pull his strings, before sitting down in the chair which Juliet had just vacated. “Okay... well, what I came in to tell you is that we’re going to Seattle next week...” total surprise on her face, “....to some investor meetings,” Logan carried on smoothly. “Oh now, Logan, why on earth would you want me to go to them?” “You’ll be able to update them on a few of those middleware projects you’re working on. You were so much better than that boring asshole they let do most of the presentation. You’ll wow these guys.”
She was still looking at him as if he’d asked her to go to the moon. “It’s all booked,” he said quickly, a tiny bit of confidence leaving his voice, “...so I’ll give you the dates and schedule, okay?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh, he’s booked it already has he? you thought. Sighing, you could feel your shoulders slump a little in defeat as you agreed to go with him. You knew that your boss wouldn’t be very impressed if you didn’t, as apart from helping Delos Destinations get more investment, you’d be floating your own company’s name out in front of them.
“Who else is going?” you asked, and saw a distinct gleam in Logan’s dark eyes as he answered, “Uhh.. just the two of us. Don’t want to overwhelm them with too many speakers.” He slapped his hands down onto his thighs, “Well, I’d better get back, I’ve got a meeting in 5. I’ll get those details to you asap.” He stood up, “See you later,” and left your office.
Okayyy - just the two of you? This trip was shaping up to be something out of a bad romcom.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had mentioned the proposed Seattle trip to Juliet as they were both leaving the office, casually dropping in who was going amongst all the other details. She stopped in the middle of the corridor, looking round to see if anyone else was within earshot before saying in an exasperated tone, “Really, Logan? Are you serious? And I suppose there’s only going to be one room available when you get there?!” Logan held up both hands, “No!! You can check, there are two rooms booked!”
Juliet scowled at him, “Logan, I swear - you better be on your best behaviour. She’s only just arrived, so you piss her off this early in then I’m going to be super pissed too!” Logan did one of his over-exaggerated eye rolls, “Oh for fuck’s sake stop worrying, Jules, I’m not about to piss her off. I’m out to charm her.”
“Oh god help her then,” muttered Juliet as she stalked towards her car.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan took your hand as you stepped out of the chauffeur-driven car at the private airstrip. You’d thought about ignoring his outstretched hand but instead placed yours in his. A smile appeared on his face, “Now, this is how it’s gonna be over the next few days - us holding each other’s hands through the investor meetings.” You rolled your eyes, “Whatever you say, Logan.” “I do say,” he smirked, hand going to the small of your back as you reached the bottom of the steps up to the aircraft and guiding you onto them. You knew that his eyes were glued to your rear as you made your way up the steps, but tried to ignore the feeling. Every so often you’d catch Logan’s eyes on you, looking at you as if you were a prey animal and this made you even more determined to avoid getting involved with him.
But lordy it wasn’t easy, you admitted to yourself as you watched him settle his tall frame into the extremely comfortable seat facing yours. You’d never been on a private jet before, but you were having difficulty paying attention to all its facilities when Logan was looking absolutely edible in an impeccable dark blue suit and light pink shirt, unbuttoned quite low as usual and showing off a little chest hair. Your eyes met his after you’d finished exploring his body, and he was looking so smug you wanted to punch him. Damn! You’d better be more guarded in future when drooling over him.
Now you started showing an interest in the interior of the plane, but every time you caught Logan’s eye he was still smirking at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ha! he laughed to himself, he’d obviously chosen the right suit then. He’d taken particular care when dressing that morning as he’d wanted to look really good for her and it seemed he’d made a good choice, judging by the look on her face when she’d finished eyeing him up and down.
He lounged back in his seat, still gazing at her. He wanted to fuck her so badly! His mind supplied a vision of himself climbing on top of her as she sat there, undoing her top, pushing her skirt up and.... He could feel himself getting hard just from that short clip playing in his head right now.
“Wanna fu-...”, he clamped his jaw shut, before carrying on, “...wanna drink, sweetheart?”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were under no illusions as to exactly what was running through Logan’s mind at that moment.
You’d noticed how his eyes had glazed over slightly as he stared at you, his lips parted, and you could literally see his trousers tightening by the second over his groin. The dead giveaway was when he almost asked you if you wanted to fuck instead of what you wanted to drink. You couldn’t stop a smile making its way onto your lips. There was an undeniable thrill that you could turn him on like this ...but No!!! your brain said. This guy’s middle name is ‘Player’ and even his own sister had warned you what a hound-dog he was.
“I’ll have a G&T, please,” you said sweetly, “...and nothing else, thanks.”
Logan looked stunned for a second, then pressed the call button for the attendant.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Oh shit, Logan thought, she knows exactly what I was thinking. I guess I’m being a little obvious here, I’d better calm it the hell down. He just wasn’t used to playing it cool in the pursuit of someone. Usually he went from 0 to 90 in sixty seconds, and the people he hung out with expected that from him. Not this gorgeous example of womanhood though. He was going to have to majorly change his approach.
But being with her like this - so close, just the two of them - was driving him crazy as it felt really intimate, and while his thoughts were still firmly planted in the sexual receptor of his brain, the longer they were on the plane together the more he realised that he was enjoying just being with her. Which surprised him to be honest, that wasn’t something that normally entered his sphere of relations with other people. She had a very calm demeanour, and it made him feel at ease. Conversation flowed, and he felt like he was getting to know her a lot more.
Initially he’d hinted to his sister that he wanted more than sex from his new love interest to get Juliet off his back, but now it appeared that karma had got him fair and square. It felt like that he did really want something more.
What that was, he wasn’t exactly sure yet.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Checking in to the fancy hotel in downtown Seattle, you noticed the receptionists - male and female - checking out Logan and not being discreet about it. He, meanwhile, was in his element, flirting up a storm with them while handing over his black Delos card to register for the rooms. You shook your head, smiling to yourself. This was exactly what put you off him. You were more than certain that he’d be sharing a bed with one or all of them that night.
He handed you your keycard, and quickly noting your room number you took off like a shot towards the elevators. Logan had been surprised when you’d set off so briskly, and scrambled to grab his bag and suitcase beside the reception desk before following you.
He reached the elevator just as you turned, smiling at him and commenting, “Have fun with your new little friends,” and nodding your head back towards reception.
Hitting the ‘close doors’ button, you were still smiling at him as the doors closed.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan scrabbled at the ‘call’ button but not quickly enough to stop the doors closing in his face. Damn it! The other elevator arrived after a couple of moments and he rushed into it, wanting to catch up with her. What had he done wrong? She’d seemed pissed off underneath that smile. And what did she mean by his ‘new little friends’? Then he realised what had ticked her off - he’d been doing his usual flirting with the hired help who of course had been flirting right back.
But it didn’t mean anything to him, it was just his usual m.o., didn’t she realise that? He’d obviously need to introduce her to the Delos way of doing things so there’d be no future misunderstandings.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were just putting your toiletries out in the bathroom when there was a knock on the door. Knowing it would be Logan, you opened the door to find him standing outside still with his suitcase and bag in hand. “Come in,” you invited and he walked quickly inside. You went back to the bathroom and finished laying out your shower gel and shampoo.
He stopped next to your bed and sat on it, waiting until you emerged from the bathroom. You had to admit he looked good on your bed but dismissed the thought and headed over to your suitcase to start unpacking. “I always flirt with the staff,” he said, “...it gets you a better level of service.” “Or just gets you serviced,” you said before you could stop yourself. You heard his deep chuckle as you kept taking items out of your case.
“No, that’s not the aim,” he said, “truly it’s not.” Walking over to the unit underneath the giant flat-screen TV attached to the wall, you began putting the garments away in the drawers then became aware of Logan invading your personal space to look over your shoulder. He was smirking at you and you suddenly realised you were holding a handful of your lingerie. Long fingers stroked one of the silky pairs of panties you were holding and you abruptly shoved them all into the drawer and slammed it shut. “Logan!” you admonished him, but his only reaction was to keep smiling mischievously at you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan had tried to persuade her to come out on the town with him but she’d decided to stay in the hotel and have an early night. So he’d gone out on his own, heading to a restaurant he’d eaten at before and ordering a steak and some wine. The waitress had been very interested in him, hitting on him shamelessly but he’d politely brushed her off.
There was only one person he wanted in his bed. Not sure how long it’s gonna take me to get her there though, he thought glumly.
What did surprise him was the fact that he was willing to hang on in there until that happened.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Drifting off to sleep, aware of the low sound of the TV in the background, you couldn’t even be bothered to sit up to grab the remote and switch it off. There was a low knock on your door, then a second one - louder - when you didn’t answer the door. Groaning, you got up and went over to it, looking through the peephole to see Logan standing outside.
Sighing, you opened the door and he swept into your room as if he owned it. Then with typical Logan braggadocio he threw himself gracefully onto your bed, propping up some pillows behind him, crossing his ankles and linking his hands behind his head. You rolled your eyes heavenwards and closed the door, making your way towards where he lay. You were damned if he was going to chase you out of your bed. Standing beside it with your hands on your hips, you demanded, “Logan... what do you think you’re doing exactly?” Those dark eyes of his roamed all over you in your short little silk nightdress and he smiled, “I’m lonely.”
“Lonely!” you laughed, “You’re... you’re just... unbelievable!” His smile got wider, “I’m more than willing to prove just how unbelievable I am, but you won’t let me.” “Do you blame me, Logan?” His smile faltered, and he looked away from you, gazing at the TV, “I guess not.” But then those dark chocolate eyes were back on you, “But you could at least give me a chance,” he said with a small but genuine smile.
You felt yourself melt a little, you couldn’t help it. So against your better judgement, you lay down next to him on the bed, under the covers. “Can I get myself a drink?” he asked. “Oh, I see, it’s my mini-bar you’re after, is it? Help yourself.” He got up and headed over to it, laughing and turning back to you, “You know only too well what I want, sweetheart.”
“You can have a whisky, Delos, but that’s all you’re having.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan sighed as he poured the whisky miniature into a glass and made his way back over to the bed. But then he perked up, after all he had made it into her bed - in a manner of speaking - and against all expectations. Now he just had to make sure he didn’t screw it up (again, in a manner of speaking) by hitting on her.
If he got to spend the night in her bed, that would be enough for him - for now.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your eyes slowly opened and you gave a little yawn, wondering what time it was and thinking that today was the first round of investor meetings, when you suddenly realised that you could feel someone’s breath on your ear and that there was an arm slung over your stomach. You were lying on your side and you moved your head slightly to look over your shoulder, but you knew what you’d see before you did.
Logan. His eyes closed, hair tousled, lying on top of the covers but he’d still managed to more or less wrap himself around you. He shifted slightly, giving a little sigh and burrowing his nose even further into the nape of your neck.
Oh hell. This was really not a good plan, but you couldn’t deny how good it felt to be lying here with him. He looked so deliciously handsome while he was asleep. But also vulnerable. You turned away from him and studied the bedroom wall opposite you.
You really did have to watch how you were handling this, or despite your best intentions you were going to end up getting badly hurt.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan awoke from the very horny dream he’d been having, only to remember that he was partly living it in real life. He sensed she was awake - he could tell by her breathing - and he decided to push his luck a bit. He gave a small sigh as if he was still sleeping, and gently rubbed his erection against the back of her leg. He heard a quick intake of breath, and smiled to himself as he felt her trying to squirm away from him but he tightened the arm he’d sneaked over her during the night.
“Logan!” she hissed, “Get that away from me!” He chuckled, “Aw sweetheart, get what away from you?” He further pushed his luck by moving her hair aside and kissing her behind her ear.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You shivered, he’d kissed you somewhere you wished he hadn’t as it made you want to kiss him back so badly. You were very aware of his body pressed up against yours, how good he smelt, how good it felt to be lying there with him almost wrapped around you....
You’d better get him out of this bed before you made a catastrophically bad decision.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
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(Not my GIF - credit to owner)
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@obscurilicious @theshadowkingsqueen
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Best Friend’s Brother
Conrad (The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan) x Reader (Male)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Mild Angst
Summary: Having been invited to the boat trip by his best friend Julia, Y/N can’t help but wish he never accepted the invitation because now he has to deal with being stuck on a boat with the boy he’s had a crush on for years with no real way to avoid him.
Requested by @dark-pictures-until-dawn  Hi hun! Thank you so much for your request, sorry to have kept you waiting for so long but here it finally is and I really hope you enjoy the read! (I used he/him pronouns but if you want them changed feel free to let me know!) Love, Vy ❤
I have no idea what I was thinking when I agreed to go on this trip. I don’t know what on God’s green Earth I was thinking but here we are now sitting on a boat, at open water with no land for miles. And I’m sitting here, face to face with him, but I’m completely frozen. Unable to say a single damn thing. Maybe that’s a good thing though, I’d probably embarrass myself if I did say something.
Let me give you a bit of backstory to how I found myself in this situation.
My parents are very close to Julia and Conrad’s family, given that our mothers used to go to high school together and have remained best friends ever since. That’s how I met the two siblings and was quick to grow a friendship with them both. Despite being Julia’s age, I found myself always gravitating towards Conrad but the girl is still my best friend - she’d probably kill me if I let her brother take that title from her. Truth be told, he could never take her title - I could never see Conrad as a best friend.
Not when my feelings towards him are anything but platonic.
No, I did not tell Julia about said feelings and no I don’t plan on telling her either. I’d never hear the end of it if I did tell her about it. She’d chew me up about it, making my romantic interest for her brother the main topic of discussion (read: teasing and mocking). Don’t get me wrong, I love Julia to death and there are never any secrets between us.
Well, there weren’t any until a few years ago when I realized my fondness for the dumbass she calls brother goes beyond just friendship and similarity. That it had more of a romantic nature that I was not prepared to have to deal with. And, in all honesty, I don’t think I’ve dealt with at all even now. I mean, it’s probably obvious thanks to the silence that’s taken over the deck of the boat where I’m currently sitting with Conrad, monitoring Alex and Julia’s dive while Fliss is tending to a seasick Brad downstairs.
“Hey Y/N, want a beer?“ When the comfortable but odd silence is broken, no one would be shocked to find it out it was done so by Conrad. I’m surprised he even managed to stay silent for so long.
“No thanks, I’ll keep the alcohol at bay until tonight when everyone’s onboard.“ It’s not a complete lie, that’s what I like about it.
You see, I’ve never got drunk with Conrad in the vicinity and I don’t wanna risk my drunk ass outing me and my silly and have neither him nor I remember it the next morning. So, to avoid getting carried with the drinking, I won’t be starting now and I’ll make sure to limit myself even tonight to three beers tops. I’m no lightweight but I’m no daredevil either.
“You’re oddly quiet.“ Conrad says when he returns with a beer in his hand, the glass bottle stained with droplets, suggesting he’s just taken it out of one of the coolers we brought. He presses the bottle to the side of his neck where he got a sunburn yesterday, some droplets trickling down his skin. He doesn’t seem to mind it as he keeps his focused gaze on me, a mildly concerned frown upon his face as he studies my expression, “Something wrong? You know you can tell me anything. That’s what best friends are for, after all.“ He smirks, putting extra emphasis on the word ‘best‘.
I laugh but I cringe inwardly. Something about calling him ‘best friend’ feels so unnatural and odd and out-of-place I can’t even describe it. I know it may sound ridiculous but if you’ve ever had a crush there’s a high chance that you can relate. “Don’t worry, if it were worth mentioning, I’d tell you.“ I blow off his concerns, using his own method against him.
He’s known to do that - sweep all his troubles under the rug and stand atop it to make sure they don’t try to escape and resurface while he’s keeping his bright smile on his face, avoiding showing any other expression. I’m no fool and neither is no one around him, at least the ones who know him well and are close to him. Us who he considers friends know that it’s not all smiles and sunshine in his life either.
Wish I could pull that rug from under him and see what’s really going on with him but not even Julia is allowed to do so, let alone me.
Thankfully though, before things could get any more awkward, Julia and Alex resurface with some rather exciting news - they went in as boyfriend and girlfriend and came back as an engaged couple.
And just like that, all thoughts surrounding Conrad were thrown out of my head. Ok, maybe not completely, but they were suppressed into some dark corner of my brain.
                                                              *  *  *
“You’ve got Connie worried.“ I yelp when my best friend plops her ass down next to me on the deck, her second bottle of beer half empty by now while I’m still nursing my first as though I’m trying to save more beers for the rest of the people on board.  We already have plenty of beers in stock but even if we didn’t, considering the sickness he had to endure earlier, Brad isn’t drinking, leaving his share at our disposal. Therefore, Jules is quick to catch onto my slow drinking.
I tilt my bottle in her direction, “I want to avoid getting sick like Brad did, thank you very much. The last thing I’m looking forward to is kneeling by the edge of the boat, puking my guts out.“
Julia laughs, clinking her bottle against mine before taking a swig. I take one too, hoping it fuels my courage at least a tiny bit to try and lead this conversation properly, “Nah, that’s not what he meant - although, I doubt Brad’s sickness was an alcohol issue.” She shakes her head, pushing aside a few blond locks to be able to look at me better. That’s when I feel like her gaze is piercing into my soul and I wish I knew how to shield myself from that. There’s a big issue with having your crush’s sister be your best friend, especially when she has a sixth sense for when there’s something off with me. “But you have been avoiding him, don’t deny it.” My eyes widen against my will and my mouth falls open as I try to defend myself and deflect her argument, but she raises a finger to signal me to keep my thoughts to myself while she’s talking. “Did he say something inappropriate while we were gone? Just tell me, I’ll end him!”
“Relax, Jules, Conrad would never do such a thing. Especially not with someone he cares about.“ Alex interferes - God bless his soul - and takes a seat next to Julia, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
“I’ve known Connie for as long as I’ve known you, J. You should know by now that, even at the odd chance he does say something inappropriate, I have a reply ready at all times.“ I shoot her a wink in an attempt to wipe away the concerned expression on her face.
Alex contributes, “See? Nothing to worry about. Now let Y/N enjoy his beer and you enjoy yours.”
I shoot Alex a grateful smile over behind Julia’s back, subtly tilting my bottle towards him - a gesture he understands perfectly and does so in return. However, his fiancée refuses to give up the argument.
“No, no, no. There is definitely something to worry about and I’ll get it out of him if it’s the last thing I ever do.“ She narrows her eyes at me, forcing me to instinctively back away as if that’s gonna help me at all. Then, this woman pulls a 180 on me, going from an angry detective to a disappointed and betrayed friend, “Damn it, Y/N! I always tell you everything and you are just a closed book! How is that fair?!“
It may or may not be a tactic but she’s got a point - I rarely tell her things. I’m the listener of the duo and she’s the talker: she shares, I absorb the info; she’s upset, I listen and comfort her accordingly; she has something troubling her, I’m the one she shares it with. It’s rarely ever the other way around. And I can see why it bothers her.
What’s a little truth to pay her back for all the ones she’s told me? Well, the problem is that this particular truth is far from little and it would be the equivalent of descending into my own grave willingly.
It could also help you, you know? 
Yeah, sure it can. Sure it can....
“Ok fine!“ I cut her off because this woman can never run out of words to use against me when she wants to.
Her fiancée is quick to give me a sympathizing look, “No, Y/N, you don’t have to...”
“No, it’s ok, Alex. I owe her this much...“ I sigh, looking at the doorway leading to the lower level of the boat where Conrad went a while ago and doesn’t seem like he’s in a hurry to return, much to my relief. I sigh, succumbing to the inevitable, “Jules, I’m only gonna say this once and no, I won’t elaborate but I need you to promise me you won’t freak the hell out. Got it?“
The blond girl rolls her eyes, “Come on Y/N, are we in middle school or something?”
Oh she’s so not ready to hear this...
“Fine, then I bet you won’t be bothered by my crush on your brother at all.“ I huff out before I can rethink the words I’d use or how I’d phrase the sentence. It just left my body as though it has been waiting to do so for a while no. That wouldn’t surprise me though, it’s been one heavy weight to carry around.
There’s a long moment of silence. Alex and I both gaze at Julia who is pulling off the most impressive poker face I’ve ever seen but I have no time to dwell on that considering I’m too busy keeping my stomach from turning completely and forcing me to throw up the small amount of food I’ve eaten and the beer I’ve had to drink. When Julia opens her mouth to talk, I raise the bottle to my lips to shut myself up and calm myself down. “The only thing that bothers me is the fact you didn’t tell me sooner.“
To say I’m flabbergasted would be an understatement. I’ve seen Julia freak out over smaller things but she’s calm about this?! I’m impressed. But then again, I shouldn’t speak too soon - this might just be the calm before the storm.
“If I knew you’d be this chill about it I wouldn’t have waited so long.“ I admit sheepishly, fidgeting with my hands now that I’ve put the bottle aside. “It’s unlike you to be this calm about something....like this.“ I cannot find the right words to describe ‘this‘ but I know she gets me and that’s a relief.
“I’m a drama queen when I wanna be and a strategic player when I have to be, Y/N, how come you don’t know that?“ She smirks at me, all self-assured and whatnot. Wish I had at least a fragment of her self-esteem. “Speaking of strategic, leave it all to me. The two of you will be together in no time.“ She nudges me in the ribs with her elbow, giving me a wink that makes my blood run cold, my eyes opening wide as plates.
“No way, J! No fucking way.“ I feverously shake my head, the idea itself making me feel so terrified and unsure like I’ve never felt before. “You won’t do anything just like I won’t do anything. He doesn’t see me that way and that’s that, no room for negotiating.“
She scoffs, “Oh please. Have you known him all his life? Have you seen him through every darn moment of his life - from being a pathetic loser in middle school to the playboy in high school? No you haven’t. Well, I have and I can say with all the certainty within me that the way he looks at you is a dead giveaway of how he feels for you. He’s had many romantic partners, and I’ve never once seen him look at them the way he looks at you, Y/N.”
I narrow my eyes at her, “You do realize you’re contradicting your own point here - he’s never looked at me the way he looks at his romantic partners means he’s never seen me as a romantic partner!”
Julia shakes her head, “Goddammit, Y/N, you’re really trying to explain my brother to me? I’m telling you, the look he gives you is a lot more meaningful, a lot more special, unlike any look he’s ever given anyone.” The girl scans my face, looking for something I’m not sure she’ll find. “He adores you, Y/N. Perhaps even more than you.”
The words have no time to sink in an be processed by my spasming brain when I hear a familiar voice come from my right, “Wait, what?! What did I miss?”
If Conrad doesn’t have the best timing ever, I don’t know who does...
“Oh dear brother, we’ve been missing out on A LOT.“ Julia says, using every bit of insinuation she can to get me on-edge.
Conrad’s confused gaze darts between the three of us: Alex, who’s still in the processing phase, Julia who’s smiling widely and me who’s downright terrified. I now wish I had another beer bottle handy. It’d keep me occupied if nothing else.
Suddenly, the engaged couple arise from their seats and begin walking away - not without Julia flashing Conrad and I a big grin that says ‘Have fun, you two!’ as though she doesn’t know how much I’m sweating right now.
Conrad however doesn’t seem to notice the teasing undertones as he takes the seat opposite me, tightly holding onto his beer bottle when his gaze meets mine. There’s a smirk on his face but I don’t see even a trace of it in his eyes, leading me to believe it’s ingenuine and forced which is something I never thought I’d see on Connie’s face - a fake smile. It’s almost disturbing to witness.
“Well, well, well, has our boy scout found himself a significant other? Sorry if I’m far from the mark, I’m just shooting in the dark here. I didn’t get to hear much so I might be really inaccurate.“
I shake my head, “No, no, you’re pretty close actually.“ I was prepared to deny it to my grave but here I am confessing like a fool, “It’s a potential significant other. To be fair, there’s no potential whatsoever but a boy can dream.“
He quirks up a curious brow, “Why’d you be so sure?”
Well fuck, I didn’t think it that far through.
I attempt to play it off cool, shrugging my shoulder nonchalantly, “I’m not his type at all. I just know he doesn’t see me the way I see him. Hell, I’m not even sure he’s into guys and even....“
Conrad doesn’t let me finish though, shutting my up with his lips pressed against mine. I can’t recall when he closed the distance between us, I can’t even remember seeing him get up from his spot on the bench. Were my eyes closed? I have no clue, all I know is that they’re shut now and I’m afraid that this will all turn out to be a dream if I open them.
Therefore, I keep them shut even after we pull away, our faces still remaining inches away from one another.
“You still think he doesn’t like guys?“ The cocky fucker asks in a mumble, chuckling slightly.
I should probably feel timid, embarrassed or nervous or anything else that would fit well in this situation but all I feel is relief and all I can do is tilt my head back and laugh my heart out at the one thought that pops into my head:
I may have been the last person to know I had a crush on Conrad
Connie doesn’t allow me to spiral any further. He instead takes a gentle hold of the back of my neck, bringing me in for another kiss.
Man, is our story a cliché though - the story of how a dumbass (me) fell in love with his best friend’s brother.
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airi-p4 · 3 years
Miraculous escape - Chapter 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |
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I wasn’t planning to post this yet, but it’s Lukadrien June and today prompt is ‘escape’ and, even if it’s only Lukadrien friendship (bc it’s Lukanette & Adrigami endgame), it fit so well that I couldn’t stop myself from posting this. Chapter 1 and the final chapter have been finished for months, but I don’t know when I’m going to continue with the rest... 
This fic is based / inspired by Marilyn Monroe’s ‘Some like it hot’ film.
Thank you @alittleshycat for the header and wanted posters pic! ( I hope you’re doing well... I miss you... 🥺💙 )
Thank you @brickercupmasterx3​ for proofreading! 💙
Luka helps Adrien escape from his prison-like house and his strict father but Gabriel Agreste is not planning to let them go away easily. They become fugitives and ask Juleka for help, who offers them a very unconventional escape plan: joining a girl band/orchestra to flee the country.
Easier said than done, especially when they find something unexpected in that band: the two most beautiful women they've ever seen.
Warning: includes art
Chapter 1: Fugitives
"My father is going to kill me."
"Your father is going to kill us."
One carrying a guitar on his back, and the other a piano keyboard case on his hand, two musicians were being chased by multiple cars around Paris. Turning corners, going up and downstairs, hiding behind trash containers and cars, the chase seemed far from an end anytime soon. Panting for air, the pair continued running after they turned the corner, just in time not to be seen-  a close call. The loud sirens never seemed to stop, coming from all directions.
"I can't believe I finally escaped from home!", the young blond man exclaimed excitedly. "Thanks, Luka. I wouldn't have made it without your help. You're a real friend."
"Don't mention it, Adrien. That's what friends are for, right?", the blue haired man laughed and patted his back. "It would have been perfect if we hadn't broken half of your father's statue collection while escaping your bodyguards, though. Now he's gonna kill us for sure. We can't let them catch us!"
"We need to run away from Paris. And fast! My father is the devil itself! You don't want to know..."
"I don't!"
Jumping down a wall, and turning another corner, the two friends hid in the back of a funeral car and waited until the police sirens got further away. They had been scolded for being disrespectful with the dead, but it was worth it: they were safe- at least for now.
"We need to leave the city and find a place to stay. Knowing your father, he must have all stations, roads and airports under his control." Luka said, stopping Adrien from crossing the street to firstly check their surroundings.
"How are we going to do it? Our car became 'inoperative' during the chase and our friends and family must be monitored!"
Adrien's panic made Luka grab his shoulders to reassure him of their plans.
"No, look. They know you, but they don't know much about me. Not many people know I have a sister who lives here, in Paris."
"You do?"
"Yes. We need to make it to her apartment and then we’ll figure out how to proceed. Are you ready to run again?"
"More than ready. I'm excited!" Adrien grinned back at Luka, feeling an adrenaline rush.
"Let's go!"
When Juleka opened the door of her apartment, she wasn't expecting to meet her dumbass older brother and Adrien Agreste, the young man who had been on the news non-stop for the last two hours. She raised one eyebrow and Luka knew she was looking for a reason not to shut the door on their faces.
"Juleka! We need your help! We have to get out of the city. Could you lend us your car?"
"What the heck is wrong with you!? It's been two years and that's all you have to say? What kind of trouble are you involved in now? This flower boy has been in the news for hours! They are even offering a reward for whoever finds him! And one for you! A dead or alive one in your case! They're saying you kidnapped him! So you better have a good explanation or I'm kicking you out."
"I do, I do! Listen: remember dad? I know you were little, but do you remember what being trapped is? That's this man's, Adrien's, everyday life for you. I couldn't bear to see my friend like that anymore so I offered to help him escape" Juleka's eyebrow sank deeper towards her nose, meaning Luka knew that wasn't good news. "I had to help him get his freedom! Can you believe he has never had a burger? Or been to a drive through? He can't even drive a car! He literally crashed my car at a streetlight after mistaking the gas and brake pedals! Have some compassion and help us escape Paris. Please?" he finished, pleadingly.
Juleka's eyes moved to analyze Adrien before answering: blond rich guy, well dressed and innocent looking. The way he was trying to figure out her front door and how his green eyes curiously examined his surroundings made him look like a playful cat, and Juleka had no doubt that he was as dumb, or probably dumber, than her older brother. Which meant Jukeka wanted them out, but also that she couldn't refuse to help- otherwise they would surely not make it out alive.
"Fine. What do you need?" She resigned.
"A car or anything that takes us away from Paris! No, better! Out of the country!"
Adrien was still examining Juleka's old and untidy room when she noticed his eyes paused on a paper on the table. She knew that paper: a girl band/orchestra called "Miraculous" was looking to recruit experienced musicians to perform around Italy for three weeks. Suddenly, she knew what to do.
"Join that girl band, the one in the pamphlet", Juleka suggested, pointing at said paper.
"What? A girl band? We're men, Jules! We can't join a girl band!"
"Luka is right!" Adrien quickly agreed.
"No, it can be done. I'm good with makeup and I'm tall enough for my clothes to fit Adrien. We can use some of Mom's clothes for you. ‘Old style’. Oh, and I have some wigs too.” Juleka continued. "Can this blondie play any instrument?"
"Well, yes. He's a pianist," Luka answered.
"Perfect! I'll find a way for you to cover for the pianist and the guitarist of the band: Chloe and Lila. Nobody likes them anyway, and the band members probably don't even remember their faces well, since they joined recently. Nobody will miss them. And it's perfect that you're blond, just like Chloe. I have the perfect wig for you"
Juleka disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a pair of scissors, two wigs and a box of makeup- oh, and wax. The two male friends could feel cold sweat down their backs.
"Wow, you have such a pretty face!" Juleka exclaimed, taking a closer look at Adrien's facial features. "I'll cut your bangs a bit so they don't show under your wig. Luka: do yourself a favor and go shave meanwhile."
"Are you serious about this, Jules?" Luka asked, moving towards the bathroom sink.
"Of course I am", she glared confidently at him. "Do you want to flee the country or not? I'm getting you out, but you need to trust me."
"Is this really necessary…?" Adrien asked in a trembling voice, seeing how Juleka's scissors were close to his eyes as she was cutting his long bangs.
"It definitely is! The band orchestra is leaving midday tomorrow and we have a lot to do!" Juleka ordered. "I can't wait to wax those hairy legs of yours" she murmured. Adrien could only gasp in fear.
When Juleka finished, she was proud of her results. The disguises were perfect: a long blond wig on Adrien, tied as a long braid, his big green eyes standing out with the mascara on his lashes, and he had pink colored cheeks and cherry lips. His face and hair were perfectly complemented by a white dress to his knees and a short jacket over his shoulders, covering his strong forearms. He also used some pads to simulate not very large breasts. The final touch was a pair of elegant high-heels with diamond looking glass studs on them. He looked beautiful, prettier than many women. So pretty the Couffaine siblings blushed a little at the sight.
As for Luka… well, he was tall, big and manly, and with sharp features: definitely not easy to pass him as a woman. But Juleka was almost a professional and she did an incredible job. He had his hair cut short so his blue hair didn't show under the long dark haired wig - good for covering his wide muscular back. He was advised to wear a hat and sunglasses most of the time, but he was also wearing lots of makeup. Using a full palette of skin tones, Juleka managed to hide his strong jawline and make his cheekbones, chin and nose look smaller and rounder. He wore black eyeshadow and mascara, brownish red lipstick and natural blush. He looked like an unfeminine lady but that could pass as genetics, right? People would maybe look away, but they would understand. As for his clothes: he wore a long wide purple dress tied with a belt and some brown pirate-like high boots (the only ones that would fit him because they belonged to himself). The bottom half of his outfit was complemented by a grey knit poncho. His fake breasts were bigger than Adrien's and he wore a wine red scarf to cover his neck- especially his pronounced adam's apple. He looked… pretty good, considering the base product. And that alone was an amazing accomplishment.
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"You're perfect. Ready to go. I've packed a pair of party dresses too. You'll need them for your performances" Juleka said, admiring her amazing work. "Oh, and just so you know. I'm also part of the band, so I'm coming too."
Later that night, just before sunrise, Juleka sneaked to Chloe and Lila's apartment to steal their accreditations and sent them fake cards about the train being delayed so they wouldn't appear at the last moment and ruin everything. Juleka smirked victoriously for having at last taken her revenge on the two women she hated the most.
After nervously passing the first frontier of the train station- the ticket man, Luka and Adrien, who were disguised as women, moved towards the platform, happy for not having been recognized after the first control. Adrien had trouble walking in heels, so Luka lent him his arm to help him keep his balance.
"Remember: your name is Chloe now, and my name is Lila", Luka reminded his friend as they walked towards the train platform.
"I don't like those names", Adrien complained.
"I don't like them either, but it’s better that we don't stand out". Luka sighed.
Grabbing their baggage and instruments, the two men approached the train car written on the ticket. They were stopped before they could get on the train- just next to one of their 'wanted' posters. The two men didn't notice it, but Juleka did and rushed them to get on the train fast.
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"Hey, who are you?" Asked a middle aged woman, the one in charge of the band, they assumed. "I've never seen you before. Are you new?"
"I- I'm Adri- My name is Noirette”, Adrien said, receiving equally surprised and annoyed glares from both Luka and Juleka. Before Luka could speak, Adrien continued. “And she's Lucia. We're the new pianist and guitarist of the band".
‘What. the. heck?’ Luka couldn’t believe his friend as he stared at him in annoyance and shock. His high pitched voice acting was hurting Luka's ears too. 'We're dead', he thought.
The middle aged woman showed orchestra at Adrien’s words: she clearly didn’t like last minute changes. Scanning them under her glasses, she questioned them again. "What happened to Miss Chloe Bourgeois and Miss Lila Rossi?"
While the two men were taking too much to come up with an excuse, Juleka, who was sick of their bad acting, stepped into the conversation.
"The talent agency sent them somewhere else. These two are here to fill in for them."
Still unconvinced, she raised her glasses. "Hmmm... you know them, Juleka?"
"They come from the same talent agency as me", Luka’s sister confidently said.
"Hmmm... that should be enough then..." It seemed like she was convinced at last and the two men could finally breathe. “I'm the band's director. You can call me Madam Mendeleiev. And that man over there is Mister Damocles, the manager. You can introduce yourselves later. Go to your seats now.” Before they could take a first step, the middle aged woman stopped them again and called for someone. "Yves! Come here and carry these ladies’ instruments to the train! Be useful for once!"
Luka and Adrien exchanged looks when a young blond man approached them quickly. "Yes, Madam!" He shouted, approaching the disguised men to get their instruments. He stopped in front of them, intensely staring at Luka’s pupils before trying to complete his job.
"Oh. Hello, there. XY at your service! Can I help you, beautiful? Fancy a drink sometime?" He raised his eyebrows twice, shamelessly flirting.
Luka's face went white in disgust. Juleka's chuckle and Adrien's big eyes made him snap out of it.
"Oh, Just carry this, thank you!" Luka answered, annoyed, as he shoved his and Adrien’s instruments and suitcases into XY’s arms, making the blond man lose balance from the pile of weight on his arms. “And take good care of them because they’re… fragile”
"A- As you wish, beauti- Ah!…" He stumbled, losing his balance and almost falling down. “But later that drink-”
"Yves!! Stop the crap and do your job!" Mendeleiev scolded him.
"Yes, Madam!" He straightened his back. "See you around", he winked at Luka before leaving, having trouble walking properly. The guitarist could feel shivers all over his body, while Juleka snorted, having real trouble trying to hold her laugh in.
"C'mon, hurry up!" Juleka pressured them, adding in a whisper "you better not expose yourselves before leaving."
"Thank you for saving us, Juleka." Luka whispered to her ear while getting on the train.
"You better stop acting stupid if you don't want to get caught!" Her response showed her annoyance and the men gulped in response.
The seats were arranged in pairs, so the two fugitives could sit together and relax a bit. They were also grateful for the lack of contact needed with the rest of the band.
The ‘Miraculous band’ was a dancing orchestra. Similar to a big band, but with vocals, a spectacular stage and completely fine for all ages to enjoy. In this case, its main particularity was how it was formed only by women. The band formation included: a rhythmic section (electric bass, electric guitar, drums and electronic piano), a wind section (saxophones, trumpets and trombones) and two singers. Many of the members were usually multi-disciplined in those bands, which meant they could play more than one instrument, just like Luka with the Lyre. Some of the side instruments were the violin, the flute, the maracas or the tambourine. Another particularity of these kinds of bands was the big range of styles in their repertoire: from rock and popular national or international hits to swings, waltz, salsa- anything that could be danced to.  
If it weren't for the all girls' rule, Adrien and Luka wouldn't have minded joining them for real. But they had something more important to think about now- running for their lives.
"Is everyone here?", Mendeleiev asked, standing at the train car passage.
"Marinette and Kagami are not here yet, Madam" A dark skinned, red haired lady pointed out.
"Those two again… if they weren't so talented and popular I would have fired them already!"
"There they come!' A small blond short-haired lady screamed, startling Juleka in the process. "Sorry! I didn't want to startle you. My name is Rose" she introduced herself.
"Juleka…" and that's all she could say as she lost herself in that petit woman's eyes.
"What do you play?", the little woman innocently asked. "I play the trombone!"
"The electric bass…" she answered, hiding her blush. ‘Cute, sweet and with lungs of steel?’ Juleka gulped. ‘I’m screwed’.
"Finally!" Madam Mendeleiev said, as the ladies arrived, panting from their run there. "You're late! Go to your seats quickly!"
The two ladies who got in the train, bowed their heads in apology for their tardiness, as they walked to the empty seats of the back of the car. And when their faces looked up for a moment, it was the exact moment Adrien and Luka reached heaven. Their eyes couldn't stop staring at the most beautiful ladies they had ever seen, following them with their eyes and faces as they passed just beside them, moving to sit a few rows to the back. They couldn't take their eyes off them until Juleka called for their attention, warning for their discretion. But it was too late: the boys had lovestruck grins on their faces that didn't plan to go away anytime soon.
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The two ladies had black hair and asian features. The short haired one was taller, had brown eyes and wore a beautiful white blazer with a red skirt. She looked elegant and confident, while the other woman looked cute, clumsy and innocent, and was shorter. She had blue eyes and dressed in a pink coat. Her hair was long and tied in two curly twin-tails. Their beauty stood out even more when they were together.
When the train started moving, Madam Mendeleiev gave the girl band some instructions- something Luka and Adrien would ask Juleka what it was about later. Later, Rose suggested an introduction game for the new members after the explanation had ended. The ladies excitedly agreed.
"I start!" said the same blond girl. "My name is Rose Lavillant and I play the trombone! I studied at a conservatoire in Paris for 3 years before joining this band recently. I like pink and unicorns and my favorite food is strawberry shortcake. Nice to meet you!"
After a round of applause, Rose signaled Juleka to continue, and she passively proceeded. "I'm Juleka. Bassist. Nice to meet you"
Next to continue was the red-haired woman from earlier, Alya, flautist and trumpeter; the drummer, Mylene; another trumpeter, Alix; and one of the saxophonists, Sabrina. It was Adrien's turn next.
"Hello!" He started, with his high-pitched voice. "My name is Ad-" he paused for a second at Juleka's deathly glare, gulping once before continuing. "My name is Noirette. I play the piano! I'm from Paris Classical School and I'm very pleased to meet you all!" He squealed, moving his arms along.
Adrien's excitement for freedom and new experiences was contagious to the rest of the ladies who energetically (almost hysterically) responded "Nice to meet you too, Noirette!".
It was Luka's turn next. He gulped, nervous, and with his fake high pitched voice and under Juleka's death stare, he started.
"Hi... My name is Lu- Lucia". 'I'm killing Adrien for giving me that name' he thought. "I play the guitar. Nice to meet you"
With their introductions over, Juleka finally relaxed. The rest of the ladies' introductions followed but, to be honest, neither Luka nor Adrien were listening: they were just patiently waiting to know more about the ladies that captivated their hearts. Their turn finally arrived, and the short haired one started:
"Hello. My name is Kagami. I sing and play the violin. I've been in the band for a few weeks. My favorite color is red and my favorite food is katsudon. Nice to meet you" a silence followed Kagami's introduction, so she called for her partner's attention with her elbow. "Marinette, your turn!"
"Oh-! Sorry… I was distracted… He-ello… My name is Ma- Ma- Marinette! I'm a singer but I can also play side instruments like the tambourine, the maracas or the castanets. I've been in this band for a few weeks and I studied in Paris Music School. My favorite color is pink and my favorite food is macarons. It's nice to meet you-", she ended with a nervous high-pitched voice.
Luka and Adrien exchanged excited lovestruck grins: the ladies' names and voices were just as beautiful as their faces. They were going to enjoy their outing with the band better than they could have expected.
When the car got loud from the ladies chit-chat, Luka and Adrien found their moment of peace to share their thoughts.
“Luka, did you see that?” Adrien started, signaling at the end of the car, towards the singers of the band.
“Yes…I saw.” Luka answered, with a lovestruck grin on his face.
“That beautiful face…”, Adrien continued.
“Sweet voice…”, Luka added.
“Asian features…”, their mumbles continued.
“Dazzling eyes…”
“Dark shiny silky hair…”
The two men reacted at their exchanged words and looked at each other, surprised and nervous. Adrien gulped, worried.
“Wait- who are you talking about?”
“Who are YOU talking about?” Luka threw his question back at him, slightly aggressively.
“That girl, Kagami, of course!” Adrien exclaimed as if it was the most obvious response.
“Oh, that's good. I was talking about Marinette.” Luka sighed and showed him a relieved smile.
“Oh...” Adrien blinked, sighing and smiling in relief too. “I'm glad we weren't talking about the same girl. I wouldn't have liked to steal a girl from you.”
“What makes you think I wouldn't win her over you?”, Luka confidently grinned.
“Oh- anyway- It's better this way.”
The two men laughed together, trying not to be too loud for their manly voices to destroy their cover-ups.
“Will you help me with Kagami?” Adrien asked his friend.
“Only if you help me with Marinette.” said Luka, offering him a handshake he excitedly returned.
“Count on it, my friend!”
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babydollmarauders · 4 years
can you write a Julie and the phantoms fic where Reader is Reggie's twin sibling and years later Reader is a famous author known as a different name whenever they published a new novel and visits back their hometown for inspiration?
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See You Again (Reggie x Sister reader)
Requested: Yes
Summary: Reggie’s successful author twin sister, finally gets to see him again after 25 years.
Pairing: Reggie x Sister Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: This one definitely isn’t my best work, but I still like it. 
You could feel the beat of the music in your feet, literally, the vibrations coming from the extra large amps in the venue were shaking through you. You watched your brother and best friends as they performed their song ‘Now or Never’ for soundcheck. Your eyes glancing to your twin as you walked over to sit at a table being cleaned by a venue worker.
“They’re really good! But I honestly thought you were gonna be in the band when you arrived with them.” The worker spoke, your eyes tore away from the band to look at her. Chuckling at her words, you made a face.
“oh trust me, you don’t wanna hear me perform. They’ve tried teaching me and I STILL sound like a dying cat.” You confessed. “No, I uh, I’m the bassists sister, and I’m more of a writer than a performer so, I help write lyrics occasionally.”
“I’m Rose.” She stuck her hand towards you as the loud music finally came to an end. “What kind of stuff do you write?”
“(Y/N). And mostly fiction books.” You told her, clasping her hand in yours and shaking. The boys made their way over, no doubt to flirt with the pretty worker and you rolled your eyes when your suspicions were proved correct by Bobby when he told Rose some lie about being a vegetarian.
“Didn’t you eat a burger for lunch today?” You laughed, pushing his shoulder as he told you to shut up.
“You guys are really good.” Rose told them. “I see a lot of bands. Been in a couple myself. I was really feeling it.”
“That’s what we do this for.” Luke finally spoke up, clapping a hand on the rhythm guitarists back. “I’m Luke by the way.”
“Hi, I’m Reggie, and it looks like you already met my twin.”
“Bobby.” You wandered away as the boys, besides Alex, continued to flirt with the girl. Letting yourself check out the stage,  only turning back around when Reggie called out to you.
“Yo! (Y/N), we’re going for street dogs, you coming?” He called as you sat at Alex’s drumset. You know how much this gig means to them, and you’re so proud of how far they’ve come.
“Nah, I’m good tonight. I’ll probably just grab McDonalds on the way home later.” You called back, not knowing that this would be the last time you saw your brother, or your stupid best friends.
 It’s been 25 years since that night at the Orpheum, you had stayed friends with Rose ever since, even becoming godmother to her children, but dropped Bobby when he stole the songs you wrote with your late best friend. You had now changed your name after publishing your first book, and were on your way back to your hometown to gain inspiration for the sequel. Although Rose had passed away the previous year, you were still close with her family, and her husband, Ray, had told you that you could stay with them for a few weeks.
Stepping out of the airport, you could feel the L.A sun beating down on your face, surely making it go red. Your eyes wandered the cars parked in the pick-up area before locking with your god-daughter, Julie’s. A smile spread across your face as you picked up your suitcase and made your way over, immediately dropping it again to wrap your arms around the girl, who was now the same height as you.
“Ohmygoodness! You’ve gotten so big.” Your arms began to loosen, pulling back to look at her face. Your hands moved to the sides of her face and you moved it around to get a better look. You heard a snicker next to you and your head snapped over to look at your god-son.
“Oh, don’t you laugh mister. You’re gonna get this too!” You moved over to Carlos, your hands pinching his cheeks.
“It’s good to see you again (Y/N).” Ray spoke up, pulling you away from his son to give you a hug.
“ah, ah, ah. Its not (Y/N) anymore, remember?”
“Right. Sorry.” He laughed, picking your suitcase up from the cement and placing it in the trunk of the car. “Let’s get going, shall we?”
You all piled into the car, you opting to let Carlos sit up front so you could speak with Julie in the back.
“Your dad tells me you started playing again! And with holograms? I can’t wait to see.” You kept your voice quiet, it’s not like its any news to the two boys in the front, but you wanted to have a private conversation.
“Yeah, we’re playing at a coffee shop tonight, you should come.”
“I’ll be there angel.” The car pulled up into the driveway and you all made your way into the house, Carlos showing you to your room for the next few weeks. “Thanks bubba, let your dad know that I’ll be down after I take a shower and then we can order something for dinner. My treat.”
After getting out of your shower and getting into some skinny jeans and a baggy ‘Sunset Curve’ shirt from the collection of many in your wardrobe, you made your way down the stairs, stopping when you heard two very familiar boys voices in the living room. Your eyebrows furrowed, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Oh my gosh. She can’t see us anymore!” You heard as you stepped towards the living room, your body shaking, even though you knew what you thought was in there was impossible. “Oh. Right.”
You peeked into the living room to see Julie on the couch, schoolwork in her lap and two boys in front of her. You could only see their backs, but you knew who it was from a mile away.
“Uh Jules, you wanna introduce me to your friends here?” Her head snapped up, her eyes wide.
“You can see them?” She asked, her voice showing that she was confused.
“Um, yeah?” The two boys turned around to look at you, your eyes finally meeting their faces. Your eyes got wide, tears pricking behind them.
“Reggie? Alex?” Your voice was shaking, barely able to get the words out of your mouth. The boys in front of you had incredulous looks on their faces, almost as surprised as you were.
“(Y/N)?” Reggie’s voice broke through. His voice shaking as well.
“You two know each other?” Julie asked, your eyes snapping towards her.
“(Y/N) is my sister.” Reggie spoke, his words obviously surprising Julie.
“I never thought I would see you again. I mean, you’re dead, obviously I didn’t think I would see you again.” By now tears were streaming down your face, but you didn’t care. Your brother was in front of you again along with one of your best friends. “Alex! Where’s- Where’s Luke? I mean, it’s his birthday after all, I would think he would be with you guys?”
“It’s his birthday?” Julie asked. “Why didn’t I know that?”
“Well, that’s what we were about to tell you. And he’s at his parents house. Let us show you.” Alex spoke up, before they made their way towards the front door. Reggie stopped in his tracks, turning around to look back at you.
“I’m really glad I get to see you again. And now we can hang out all the time! Let’s catch up later, yeah?” Reggie asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Of course. You’re not getting away from me again that easily.”
Taglist: @starkeysgirl @meangirlsx @whyisquill
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lag1995-fics · 3 years
Hello, could I request a Kit Walker x reader where the reader is related to jimmy darling and the reader introduce Kit to Jimmy.
Sorry for the wait love I’m on day 8 of fourteen at work. Keep requesting though guys I love writing and it keeps me sane. I hope you enjoy.
Pairing: fem!Reader x Kit Walker
Summary: reader introduces their new fiancé Kit to their big brother Jimmy
Warnings: some male posturing but really fluffy and mild
What A Darling
You had come to live with your half brother Jimmy and his wives Dot and Bette when you were only fifteen. Your mother had died in a car accident and when the CPS workers looked into the man listed as your father on your birth certificate they had discovered him to be dead. Luckily he had another child who was already well into adulthood so you didn’t have to stay in the system.
It hadn’t taken long for you and Jimmy to become thick as thieves. You had been born without the ectrodactyly syndrome that your brother had and your father hadn’t wanted much to do with you since you didn’t have anything that could make him money. Jimmy had instantly become someone you could trust with your life.
He had been sad when you went off to college but happy that you were gonna make something of yourself. With a dad like Dell Toledo that was saying a lot. Jimmy had pushed you to do well in school and break the cycle. You decided to major in education.
That was how you met Julia and Thomas and through them Kit Walker. They were in your Kindergarten class your first year of teaching. You knew that you weren’t supposed to have favorites but the pair of siblings had touched your heart in a way the other kids couldn’t. You had tried to keep your distance at first because it seemed unprofessional but Kit had this whole charming single dad thing going on and it was quite difficult to stay professional when he flashed you those dimples.
The flirtation had remained just that, a flirtation up until the kids’ last day of school before summer break. Kit had swung by to pick them up but instead of his usual mechanics blues he was wearing a loud paisley print button down and there wasn’t a smudge of grease to be found. You would have almost sworn that your heart stopped when he flashed you his toothy grin.
“Ms. Y/L/N” he had greeted and you noted that he had made sure to be the last parent to pick up as it was just Jules and Tommy. The siblings were giggling behind their hands and whispering to each other.
“Well hello Mr. Walker, I was beginning to worry you’re never late” you raised an eyebrows narrowing your eyes.
“Well I’m terribly sorry to have worried you ma’am. If you would allow me to buy you dinner I would be grateful to make it up to you,” He replied, his grin never dropping. The kids began giggling even harder at their dad’s cheesy flirting.
“You guys were in on this huh?” You asked the children who feigned innocence.
“So?” Kit had a hopeful expression on his face.
“Pick me up at six” you told him with a smirk. His face lit up with that blinding smile again.
The date hadn’t felt like a first date; it had felt like coming home. She had known before he had even tried to kiss her goodnight that Kit was going to be her person. So one date turned to two and two turned to twenty and before they knew it they were getting engaged.
“Jules, Tommy are you guys ready it’s a bit of a drive make sure you go to the bathroom before we leave” the seven year olds dutifully wandered off to the restroom. You were fretting over your suitcase when you felt arms snake around you from behind and warm lips pepper kisses on your neck.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” Kit’s voice whispered in your ear making your cheeks warm.
“Only about a dozen times just this morning” you giggled spinning so you were facing him, your faces inches from each other. You leant up and pressed your lips to his, his hands coming to rest at the back of your neck and side of your face. You could kiss Kit forever and never tire of it.
“Well then I’m short a few aren’t I” he asked with his eyes shining.
You only laughed and relaxed into his arms, you knew Jimmy would get along with Kit. Well at least after giving him plenty of shit for dating his little sister. You were also excited for Jules and Tommy to meet their cousins. The kids were all about the same age so it would be perfect. You knew Jimmy was skeptical of anyone being good enough for you in his eyes but you knew they would get on well.
The moment was broken by the feeling of four little arms wrapping around your and Kit’s legs almost knocking you over. You smiled down at the children and they flashed you their dimpled grins they had both inherited from Kit. You hoped that when you and Kit finally decided to have another baby they too would have his impressive dimples.
“You guys ready?” You asked making sure to voice your excitement.
“Yeah” they echoed in unison, it would always baffle you how they did that. You thought speaking in unison was supposed to be a twin thing.
Once you guys were all in the car and it was almost time to arrive you turned to the kids. You had gone over Jimmy’s ectrodactyly with them and they knew Dot and Bette shared a body, but they were still only six years old. Six year olds were not know for having the best manners. Hell Paulie and Ethie had embarrassed the hell out of you when they asked why you were wearing a clown dress last time you had visited.
“Julia, Thomas, remember what we said about you aunties and uncles?” You asked them with a soft smile.
“Yeah that they were born the way they were and they’re the same as us” Julia replied proud of herself for remembering.
“Very good they’re going to be so happy to meet y’all” you said and turned back around to find Kit smiling at you like a loon.
“I love you” he said to you and you rolled your eyes but kissed his cheek anyway.
“I love you too you big old sap” you grinned at him.
When Kit pulled into the drive way you could see your brother already waiting for you on the front porch. You dashed out of the car to hug his neck leaving Kit to help Jules and Tommy out of the station wagon. It wasn’t long before Kit and the kid made there way over.
“Jimmy I want you to mee Julia and Thomas. Jules, Tommy this is your uncle Jimmy” you introduced them and the kids immediately went up to Jimmy with matching grins.
“Uncle Jimmy, do you have candy? My friend Steve said that Uncles always have candy?” Tommy asked and you were happy to see both kids were completely unphased by Jimmy’s hands.
“Well I don’t have Candy but I think your Aunties made cookies. Maybe you could see if they will sneak you one before dinner” Jimmy grinned at the kids who rocketed into the house at the mention of sweets.
Once the kids were out of sight Jimmy plastered a stern look on his face causing you to punch him in the arm. He waved you off only glaring harder at Kit who did a good job of putting on a brave face.
“Jimmy be nice” you warned and he shrugged.
“Can’t a guy threaten his sisters boyfriend without any trouble?” He asked before turning to glare at Kit again.
“It’s fine y/n” Kit smiled at you and rolled your eyes leaving the boys to do their masculine posturing. You knew though that this was it Jimmy had accepted Kit and the kids as part of the family.
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cloudshapedpatch · 4 years
sing me a lullaby (don’t tell your boss what to do)
a super indulgent, tooth-rotting fluffy Julie and the Phantoms one shot.
julie can’t sleep so she goes to her boys for comfort. no plot. just sugar.
or! read on ao3 here
* * * *
Some nights, Julie could sleep like a rock. The band had found she was a surprisingly heavy sleeper, and could fall into a deep REM cycle within minutes. She was notorious for being able to fall asleep anywhere if she was tired enough. 
Tonight was not one of those nights. 
After many hours of tossing and turning, 3 relaxing YouTube videos and maybe a few too many melatonin gummies, Julie gave up on sleep. 
Her go-to solution to any problem nowadays was to see her boys, so without much thought, she slipped into her favorite funky monster slippers and made her way out the front door. 
The cold night air slapped her cheeks with a little alertness, and a little sense. If she went out to the studio, she was sure to stay up all night. Alas, it was still 2 in the morning, and her better judgement had set with the sun. She didn’t have anything really important to do tomorrow, right? 
She opened one of the studio doors and squinted against the lights, too bright in contrast to the darkness of the house.
“Jules! What are you doing up?” Reggie was the first to notice her arrival, standing up to guide her to the couch (giving up his own seat and opting to sit on the floor in front of her; she failed to notice in her fatigued state). 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Julie mumbled, rubbing her eyes. 
“Jeez, you’re shivering,” Luke was always quick to worry about her, “Why didn’t you grab a coat?” 
Alex had already taken off his pink sweatshirt and laid it in her lap before she could answer. As she slipped it on, she noted that while it was not warm like a living teen boy’s sweater should be, it was still warmer than she was expecting, and she was glad to have a little bit of extra heat. 
After having taken a couple of moments to recover from being outside (she’d admit, it was colder than she was expecting), she went to answer the boys’ questions, but giggled at the sight of them. Alex and Reggie had sat themselves down right at her feet and Luke was seated on the armchair next to her, all looking like curious puppies waiting for a treat. 
“Well??” They said at the same time, only filling Julie with more mirth. 
“Nothing, I just knew coming in here would make me feel better.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew she should have changed her wording. Luke stood up and was demanding she tell him who hurt her feelings, Reggie had attached himself to her legs, resting his cheek on her bare knees comfortingly, and Alex was halfway out the door, saying he’d figure out how to make a cup of tea. 
A fit of giggles later, Julie explained she just couldn’t sleep and was doing fine emotionally. It was only after the boys had sat back down that Julie asked what they had been doing before. 
“Just a little bit of lyric writing. Can’t play with the melody until everyone leaves for the day tomorrow, but it works for us.” Luke shrugged, looking toward his abandoned notebook on the piano. 
“Ooh, let me help!” 
“Uhh…” Reg and Alex said together, in their usual harmonised way, looking anywhere but at her.
“Look, Julie,” Luke started, and she already knew what he was gonna say, “You got school in the morning. You shouldn’t be writing.”
“No no no, it’s fine! Writing will tire my brain out, you know?” They didn’t look convinced, so she continued, “My thoughts are running a mile a minute, let me get ‘em out on paper. Please?”
All three boys looked away from her then, mumbling about how difficult it was to say no when she pouted. Finally they gave in, and they led her to the piano to pore over the notebook. 
Of course, they only got a few lines down before Reggie was throwing wads of paper at Alex, and Julie played Never Gonna Give You Up as softly as she could while simultaneously keeping her laughter down (the boys were fascinated that she knew the song since it had come out when they were young, which prompted a short lesson on memes and Rick Rolling. Reggie was especially enthralled by this). 
Luke gave up writing and went to the dart board, where Julie had hopped off the piano bench and challenged him. Not being one to back down, he and Julie played while Reg and Alex cheered them on. Alex humored her while Reggie was convinced no one could beat Luke at darts. He was right, but Julie didn’t mind so much, especially after Julie got to over-exaggerate her pity party and receive a nice long hug from her opponent, sharing an amused look with Alex while Luke rocked them back and forth. 
“I could go for some nachos right now.”
“You always want nachos, Reg.”
“Again, Reginald?”
It took Julie a moment to think through his statement (hey, it was past 3am, she had brain fog to wade through). Ever since the night they opened at the Orpheum, the boys found they could do other small things besides touch Julie, like eat, and much to Reggie's delight, take showers. 
She just giggled and grabbed Reggie by the hand, starting the short trek to the house, knowing the other two would follow. For a moment, she had forgotten what she was wearing, but stepping back into the cold night reminded her. She had walked out of the house wearing her pajama shorts and a short-sleeved crop top, and she was drowning in Alex’s hoodie. Her face heated at the thought of all the boys seeing her in nearly nothing but the large pink sweatshirt, playing off the color in her cheeks as windchill.
But she should have known the boys wouldn't have behaved.
Because while nothing the boys said would be able to be heard by her father or brother, the results of their actions were definitely audible. Alex was trying to heat the queso, but he spent too much effort trying not to drop the jar that he forgot about the spoon, which clattered loudly to the ground. All four froze in terror until Luke burst into laughter because some cheese had splattered into Julie’s hair, and she replied by smudging some cheese onto his nose. And after the ensuing cheese-throwing war, the kitchen was not a pretty sight. The mere thought of her dad coming down to see his daughter covered in cheese, alone, in the middle of the night, in their equally messy kitchen brought shivers. She’d surely be back to seeing Dr. Turner three days a week. 
The boys did their best to clean, but mostly entertained Julie while she wiped up the mess and carried the plate of nachos back to the studio (how long does it take a band of three dead teen boys to make a plate of nachos? apparently, 38 minutes) before they flopped on the ground in a big pile. Julie laid with her head on Luke’s chest, who had his head on Alex’s lap. Reggie laid on Julie’s legs and she ran her hands through his surprisingly soft hair as they slowly worked through the plate. 
“Hey Julie? Will you sing me a lullaby?”
“Are you serious?” Julie turned her head slightly to see him more clearly. She almost laughed, but then saw the look in his eyes, and couldn’t tell if he was serious or about to tease her. “Luke, you guys don’t even sleep.”
“Aw, c’mon Jules,” Reg begged, “You have such a nice voice.”
“The voice of an angel.” Luke added. Julie pushed all thoughts of the song she never let herself write down, yet constantly played in her dreams, and hoped that they couldn’t see the flush creeping down her neck.
“Fine. But only because I love y’all.”
Alex wiggled excitedly from under her as she cleared her throat and started to sing A Thousand Years (Julie was sort of glad they had died 25 years ago. She would virtually never run out of new material to impress them with, and Christina Perri was a classic). At some point Alex had laid down too, and Reggie had closed his eyes as Julie kept scratching his scalp as she sang. Luke ran his fingers over her shoulder as if he were strumming his guitar. And everything was alright.
A large yawn took over Julie’s voice just as she finished the song.
“Alright, time for bed, little miss.” Alex joked, poking her tongue as her mouth opened in another yawn. 
She swatted his hand away yet made no effort to get up, instead choosing to nestle further into Luke’s neck. “Sorry, can’t, Reggie fell asleep on me.”
Reggie cracked one eye open. “Nice try. We don’t sleep, remember?” Reggie climbed off her and grabbed her hands, pulling her to a stand. 
The blood rushed from her head down to her toes, causing her vision to turn dark and her balance swayed. Before she could catch herself, Luke had scooped her up into his arms. 
“Come on boys. We got a girl to tuck in.”
“Yes sir.”
“At your service.”
Julie played off her wheeze as a snort of amusement, burying her face into her hands. A few moments passed and they didn’t move, so she peeked out from between her fingers, only to see all three boys looking over her like she was exactly what they asked for for their birthday.
She yelped in surprise which only caused the boys to laugh. Julie huffed and crossed her arms, pursing her lips to keep from smiling.
“Oh, lighten up, boss. We’re going now.”
And then he was smiling that smile that he usually reserved for when they were alone or on stage. She snorted (for real this time, but still in an effort to keep her composure) and poked his cheek. 
For the fourth time that night, the cold night air whipped at her legs and face as Luke and the boys carried her to her bedroom. Reggie made an offhand comment on how absurd it would look if Ray woke up and saw his daughter floating around the house, and Julie had to slap her hand to her mouth to keep from laughing aloud; the boys all laughing loudly without restraint didn’t help.
And finally, once they were in the safety of her bedroom, they did exactly what they said they would. Alex tucked the pink hood inside the sweater so she could lay on it more comfortably (“You look all cozy, you can sleep in it for tonight.”), Reggie pulled back the covers and fluffed the pillows. 
Julie felt like a princess, being pampered by these boys who had crashed into her life and nestled their way into her heart. Luke even laid her down, hand supporting her neck, and all three of them literally tucked her in. 
“Hey guys? Will you sing me a lullaby?”
They groaned, mumbling together about karma, payback, and song recommendations. Eventually they settled themselves on her bed and sang her a song she didn’t recognize, one that must have been vaguely popular in the 90’s. It was soothing, and she felt the tugs of sleep start to take her under.
She must have dozed off, because she awoke to some shuffling, opening her eyes to see the boys tip-toeing out of her room.
She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. She had been thinking of him (and the fuzzy lingerings of a dream lined the edges of her mind, one with Luke and a magical dance and that sweet smile of his). But all three boys stopped, before Alex pushed Reggie through the door with a wink.
“You okay? Need anything?”
Her words failed her, heart full and eyes nearly brimming with tears. She scooted over and pulled back the covers, patting the sheets next to her and avoiding his eyes.
Just like she knew he would, he made no comment but slid into the bed and let Julie resume her earlier position on his chest. With a flick of his wrist, he pulled the covers back over them both and wrapped his arms around her back, keeping her close. 
Idly, she noted how much she liked laying on the boys (and especially him) because they were the perfect cuddling temperature. Not too hot, but not cold. Plus, she reasoned with herself, if he was nervous, at least he wouldn’t overheat the bed. 
Wait. Nervousness. She was sure Luke could feel her pounding heart, beating like thunder against his too-quiet chest. He didn’t say anything, just rolled her curls between his fingers as they laid in comfortable silence. 
Her thoughts began to wander, instead of relishing in the moment like she longed to do, but thoughts of all the boys had done for her, not just tonight, but in all the months she had known them. 
And then his thumbs were running over her cheeks, whispering soothing words and lifting her face, locking their eyes. Her cheeks were wet. She must have started crying.
“Happy tears, don’t worry about it.” 
He looked back at her quizzically.
“I was just thinking about how grateful I am that you guys are in my life.” She bit back the ‘especially you’ that fought to escape.
“We’ll always be here, Julie. You’re okay. Just go to sleep. I’ll wake you around 6? You’ll need to take a shower.” Luke took his hands out of her hair to show her a bit of cheese he picked out. 
Julie covered a laugh again, resting her head back on his chest, relishing in his company and willingness to do whatever she asked. And she fell asleep, for real this time, with his fingers in her hair and soft hums pulling her into the best sleep she’d had in a while. 
And never had she felt happier than that morning, Luke softly singing her into consciousness while Reggie brought her a cup of hot coffee and Alex picking her outfit for the day. 
Julie came home from school later that day exhausted but overjoyed. Flynn had teased her endlessly, but she was too happy to care.
Like she did every day, she said hello to her family before going into the studio to do her homework.
But her brain short circuited as she opened the door and found all three boys jumping up from their seats to greet her, Luke wearing Alex’s pink hoodie. It was a little small for him around the arms, not leaving much to be imagined. Julie felt her eyes grow wide, her brows climbing higher, but unable to fix her face or look away.
Alex, never one to miss a cue, nodded his chin towards Luke. “He insisted on wearing it today cause it smelled like you.”
Luke sidestepped to him and whacked him with the back of his hand, but the message had been received. She’d think about that later. For now, she had math homework and a cuddle pile with her ghosts to continue. 
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belle-keys · 3 years
I Love Matthew Fairchild aka Incoherent Thoughts about Chain of Iron (2021) by Cassandra Clare
I made one of these rant-rave reviews for SJM's book so check it out if you want, no pressure tho lmao.
Aight so I finished Chain of Iron last night and OMG I HAVE TO YELL like I loved it sooo much like yooo, I have a lot to say. I know the book is new so... beware for spoilers plebs.
Also context: I been reading the Shadowhunter books since I was 12 and I'm 19 now *insert dead emoji face* so yeah, I'm just so happy rn with where the Chronicles have come and the fact that they’re still ongoing *insert uwu face*. I remember when in like 2014-2015 or something when Cassandra Clare teased that Will and Tessa's kids' generation was gonna get a trilogy set in Edwardian London, loosely based on Great Expectations, and holy hell? I think that was perhaps one of the best days of my life considering how much I adore The Infernal Devices (that trilogy really changed the way I see YA literature... don't ask cus I won't shut up about it) (also yes I read TMI and loved it too but there's a “generation gap” between TMI and the other Shadowhunter books stylistically so don't ask me about that either cus I also won't shut up).
Anyway, shoo from here if you want a critical essay on Chain of Iron. I'm not providing that, this is just me raving here for the fun.
Listen... I want the bulk of this to just be two main things: The Matthew Situation, and then all the literary and judeo-christian meta aspects of it.
Okay, the plot and writing and shit, let's get that out of the way:
The WHOLE Jack-the-Ripper-esque ambiance was just sooooo good man wow like I did not expect the book to take this cold turn but it worked so well. There was such a contrast between Jamie and Cordelia's warm little house and then the cold winter and the stabbings and shit and it felt like a nice little callback to the actual Ripper phenomenon that preceded them and a nod to the Whitechapel Fiend story from Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
Bitch OFC that whole thing with Wayland was a set-up like nawww that was too easy to spot and I get why Cordelia feels like shit about it.
Dawg Lucie was just the Among Us imposter here in that my girl was just venting and sneaking around with dead people and I was like nooooo girl run, don't deal with Fade this is a set-up THINK ABOUT JULES LUCIE THAT'S LIKE YO GREAT-GRANDSON *sobs* but yeah anyway my girl has death powers she gonna kill some bitches next book.
You see that confrontation between Lilith and Belial? MASTERPIECE DIALOGUE like this was the point within which I was just like "yo is this the book of Genesis or a YA Fantasy novel" like when Lilith said "I may have been cast out but I did not fall" like??????????????????? I YELLED she did not have to END Belial like that. What a bad bitch.
More on Lilith and Belial... "You, who brought nations into darkness? Shall I finally be able to tell the infernal realms you have gone mad, lost even the image of the Creator." HAHAHHAHAHA SHE SAID "YO BELIAL GO GET SOME THERAPY AND GET OFF MY ASS" LIKE??????
Ughhhh yasss Clare has improved writing diverse characters in this book compared to in The Dark Artifices in my opinion... I'm not gonna expand on it cus ain't nobody got time for that but like, I enjoyed how she wove Persian poetry and tales into the story and the way in which she writes Cordelia and Alistair. They're not caricatures of Persian people but rather multi-faceted beings who also happen to be Persian and I appreciate that. Also, Alistair and Thomas and Anna and Ariadne were just so fun and interesting to read as coupbles but also as individuals. She really higlighted diversity in a very natural manner. All I need is a hijabi character and I’ll die a happy woman lmao.
The level of META man like the references to Classics and art (I swear, she might have compared Matthew to angels out of Caravaggio AND Rosetti AND Boticelli paintings and I Am Living For It) and just all the quotes from holy books and shit omg I love it here like you really feel catapulted into the time period, she draws reference to external art and philosophy so well and I feel like she upped the notch on it in this book (didn’t know that was possible but it was the prose is BEAUTIFUL, archaic, but not pretentiously so). No, like the characters live in their OWN worlds of literature and art and history in the way we are living in THEIRS. They quote Wilde and Milton while we'll quote Clare. It's awesome.
This is an unusually structuralist take even from me but: I like the way the milieu social of the book, i.e., the high society Edwardian circles and their values, have a direct influence on the plot. James and Cordelia got married because society’s values essentially forced them to, not a demon. Cordelia abandons Jamie at the end of Iron because her shame as a woman in society and fear for her reputation made her, not a demon. Thomas and Alistair can't be together solely because of how Alistair tarnished the reputation of the Fairchilds and Lightwoods by using the horror of infidelity against them. Issues relating to marriage, gender roles, etc, stemming DIRECTLY from the time period rule the sequence of events to the same degree as the epic fantasy aspects (demons, Princes of Hell, the lore itself) do and I LOVE that dear God above.
OKAY THE GOOD SHIT LET US TALK ABOUT CHARACTERS AND SHIPS (N.B. but imma discuss Matthew and the Fairstairs situation separately below this portion):
Alistair's redemption arc: No, cus Alistair's redemption arc is honestly amazing. He really did change and it's not like his betterment as a person was linked to any one heroic deed but rather he simply decided he wanted to be better especially for his family and he decided to become a proper protective son, a caring brother, and an amiable friend. He fully owned up to his Malfoy tendencies and apologized without expecting forgiveness. He shows how he cares in the little ways and omg it's so sweet and tender. I really do want him to love himself now and be embraced by Matthew especially and the rest of the Thieves.
Dawg Lucie and Jesse are so funny to me like it's so hilarious how this girl fell in love with a whole ass ghost that no one else knows about like HHAHA. Are Lucie and Jesse my ult ship ever? Nah, but it's nothing to do with Clare, it's just that their relationship happened pretty quick and feels quite like something epicly romantic that Lucie herself would write. I just like slow burn and friends-to-lovers the most from Clare. To be honest part of me just wanted Lucie to not have a romantic arc all together but like, it's all good, I'm not complaining.
Okay Grace- like yooooooooooo I never hated her yunno. She has been abused and isolated all her life. It's not that she is a bad person, but rather that she does not know what being a person even entails. Can't even say she's a “doll” of a person cus she's never even been pampered like one by her family. I really started understanding her motivations since when they gave us her half-childhood with Jesse. I want better for her but cmon can she REALLY be saved???
GRACE X CHRISTOPHER *pretends to be shocked*... Okay, sometime in the middle of the Dark Artifices series some big brain put together a very thorough family tree of the families and like, it clearly showed that Grace and Christopher got married so like, lmfaooooo, I knew this was coming one way or another, but the journey to this ship is more important than the destination. Like in a way Christopher is such a cute baby lamb that it makes sense he'd end up being immune to her Grace-ness when he's just a cute little Einstein boiii. Like this is just so funny to me cus he's so oblivious to social conventions while she makes the milieu social her entire life so OFC it's gonna work. Like, this is such a worlds-colliding trope like just Give It To Me.
James and Grace - aw mannn Jamie just had me fricking wanting to hit a wall every two seconds cus like yooooooo every single time I think he and Cordelia are gonna stop being emotionally-constipated spouses, Jamie says some kinda shit like "omg me and Daisy are just friends uwu" like DO I NEED TO HIT YOU?????????? See I can't blame him for not slamming the door on Grace's face even tho he totes should- Jamie is so cerebral and kind that even if Grace wasn't using the enchantment on him, I think he would always be soft for her even if it isn't in a romantic way. There's just so much miscommunication cus like he said "Thank God" when she broke off the engagement with Charles and lowkey embraced her but it also wasn't his fault cus it wasn't even romantic BUT OFC IT LOOKED HORRIBLE TO CORDELIA like James literally never told the woman at least once that he loved her so OFC she thought she was back to square one with him dear God above what a mess. Not his fault, but she DID set down one rule for him: don’t cheat with Grace. And yeah even tho he hasn’t properly cheated, it must FEEL horrible to her cus she’s just been enduring the pain of their unrequeted love for so long :((
See imma just say it but if Cordelia thought that James didn't love Grace then she def would have confessed to him about her feelings right but like James, on the other hand, was delaying his own romantic confession cus he was BEING EMOTIONALLY CONSTIPATED and I can't even say the bracelet was solely to blame cus like my boi was just being so difficult omg I believe he should be lightly spanked by his three parents aka Will, Tessa and Jem *cries*.
Cordelia is such a MOM like she's so mature and stable and her self-preservation instinct? OFF THE CHARTS I love this woman like James definitely treated her well as a hubby but like I JUST WANTED HER TO HAVE CLOSURE ABOUT SOMETHING and boy oh boy she did get that closure she got it good but not from the person she expected in the LEAST *hehe* *pelican screeching*... like Lucie was being sus with the whole ghost business and James was being just, quite a case, dealing with Grace and Belial right and I don't blame them at all for their secrecy and shit but her FATHER DIED and her friends were hiding a lot from her so in a way she turned to Alistair for help but he could only do so much cus of his own pain (she couldn't even talk to her mom cus she's pregnant and she doesn't wanna stress her right) and then there was this emotional block between her and Jamie, Lucie was often absent and conspiring with the dead... the last person remaining was HIM (imma discuss this soon), but yeah my heart just went OUT to her cus she's tryna save herself and her family and she just doesn't know what to do. That's why I love the way her mom told her to stop holding herself back for others and live her own life. Like Cordelia grew on me so much cus in Gold she undoubtedly was a strange Elizabeth Bennet-wallflower hybrid and I... do not usually get attached to wallflowers but in Iron I feel like I finally understood that she was just tryna be unproblematic and self-preserving all along and nottt put her family and friends in a tough situation.... she reminds me of my mom personality-wise so yeah I’m totally rooting for her now that her *situation* in the past seems clearer.
Anna, Thomas and Matthew are such a SQUAD lmfaooooo like united in their gayness they'd be so unstoppable.
Will and Tessa are the most in-love of all the in-loves in this story and I respect that so much.
I lost a year to my life every time the romance between James and Cordelia got cockblocked. Like they were MARRIED and I thought they were gonna at least sleep next to each other at least once BUT NO James couldn't take a hint omg I'm actually gonna eat my fist and sob (but in retrospect, I think this serves a bigger purpose in terms of the narrative structure i.e. the interruption of all the spicy James and Cordelia action serves a bigger purpose which I think brings me to my next section, *exhale*)
Welcome to the Matthew Fairchild Enthusiast Club (this section is me talking out loud; it makes no sense):
Okay like where to BEGIN I think the Shadowhunter boy who I'm most attracted to is Julian while the one I love the most is Will but I think I see myself in Matthew the most. Like ever since that first story where the Thieves all met at the Academy then got expelled, I think that I just KNEW Matthew was destined to be epic. Plus the whole Wilde obsession? I’m no libertine myself but I just love his chaos and passion for life.
Hear me out but I said after finishing Gold last March that I wanted this book to be Matthew's healing arc right so halfway into the book when I realized that we weren't getting all that good healing arcing I was confused just cus I thought it seemed natural to address all of his alcohol issues and sadness by now. LITTLE DID I KNOW CASSIE WAS SETTING UP A WHOLE OTHER ARC WITH HIM THAT I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED WTH.
At first I thought Matthew didn't have feelings for anyone at all, and if he DID develop feelings unexpectedly, I fricking thought that maybe he's catching feelings for James, if anyone??? I mean, I did have some suspicions about Matthew from the get-go: like he's so secretive and as readers we think we know everything there is to know about him since we were all privy to the truth potion incident in his short story right BUT NO I GOT PLAYED AND I DESERVE IT SO BADDDDDD.
Listen I hadn't shipped him and Cordelia simply because I never thought it in the realm of possibility but it MAKES SENSE as a ship... think about it: he never says what he feels, he flirts with her like he does with EVERYONE, he is kind to her in the way he is with EVERYONE. Really, Matthew is shippable with everyone, doesn’t matter if they’re taken cus that’s just what his Matthewnes allows for ya feel. There is such a beautiful irony that CORDELIA herself did not see this coming. Even the little teasers and hints in Gold have only NOW started making sense to me likejhss. I just felt like the hints in book 1 did not indicate to me that Matthew really harbored real romantic feelings for Daisy. I thought he was upset that James and Cordelia were being fakes, not a developing CRUSH on the woman fgs.
Not to mention that you usually sense a ship building when the emotional connection or sexual tension between the characters is made clearer but to me their FRIENDSHIP grew right but it didn’t feel like Cordelia was thought that she liked him or he liked her so that means me and Cordelia are clowns *together* 😤
Okay I was lowkey having SUSPICIONS but I immediately shut them down right... like firstly when he took her to the White Horse in his car and she went OFF and OFF and off about how she felt free for the first time? I thought Cassie was just tryna develop Cordelia's self-liberation arc through Matthew there. Heck, I didn't even think ANYTHING of it when Matthew confession to Cordelia about the "truth potion" incident at all cus I was like they're FRIENDS??? BUT now it's adding up now...
See when they were at the inn place and he was telling her that she doesn't in the least seem like a 100 year-old married woman? I was like hmmmm he's so sweet but why did Cassie phrase it like that like??? When Cordelia later reiterated that she thought Matthew's flirting was “meaningless”?? I was like hmmm kinda SUS tho. And then when he and James had their fight over the way Jamie kissed Grace like again I thought he was just like? ion know? mad at James for it but I didn't think he was in LOVE with Cordelia??? So I immediately put aside my slight suspicions. The probability that he had a crush on James at that point seemed more likely to me.
BUT THEN it started hitting me that every time Matthew drank, even before he explained his issue with the truth potion, that Cordelia would note it, she would worry about him, she would think of her father which seemed so poetic to me, history repeating itself and all that but this time you can FIX it??? Yeah, but again I didn't think the L WORD would be involved man???
Now imma sound like a delulu shipper here but it just makes sense they would develop feelings logically- reason being that it definitely is possible based on the way Cassie set up the story, like there's a combination of little “friend things” that can turn this into a proper ship: Matthew rescues Cordelia in the ballroom when Grace captures James' attention in Gold. Cordelia sees her father in Matthew all the time but knows now she has a chance to be there for him in the way she couldn't have been there for Elias (classic “history repeats itself” trope, she doesn't want Matthew drinking in Paris like dhshghdfhdhch). Cordelia tastes freedom for the first time when driving with Matthew. Matthew caught James and Cordelia making out in the room and was pissed but not even HE properly knew why then??? Umm, when she thinks James is forreal cheating with Grace on her she subconsciously goes to Matthew??? I also found it funny just how every intimate marital moment between her and James got interrupted somehow. Like, it's as if the narrative is just a living force REFUSING to let James and Cordelia as a ship be consecrated. Heck, every time Matthew is scantily clothed Cordelia notes it. LITTLE CRUMBS I TELL YOU LITTLE CRUMBS.
I tell you when Cordelia showed up to Matthew's flat I thought they were gonna f*ck as friends but I got SOMETHING EVEN BETTER SOMEHOW
“In Paris, with you, I will not need to forget.” SHITTRGEGGGDG
BUT CORDELIA LOVES JAMES TOO LIKE I CAN'T DENY THAT... where are we GOING with this like Matthew wouldn't lie about his feelings and yet Cassie wouldn't give us Matthew and Cordelia crumbs to only end it in the next book immediately for her to just ditch him for James. I mean she was clearly holding back on fleshing out James and Cordelia as a ship for this but to WHAT END??? Daisy feels wild and free with Matthew and she feels warm at home warm with James. I can’t advocate for the sinking of ANY ship here.
Imma say what we're all thinking: Is she gonna give us a Will x Jem x Tessa type situation where Cordelia gets both of them cus I'm not strong enough for this but I also think it'd be really funny if James gets a surprise bi awakening in the next books and then we get POLY even tho this would never happen, it’s actually impossible, because of the whole parabatai thing.
Listen I ship Cordelia and Matthew much more than Cordelia and James, not that I dislike James in any way tho. It's just: Matthew is so unrestrained and she's so composed. They seem like an unlikely pair so it makes sense that they hit harder for me. James and Cordelia have such similar personalities but I ALSO don't ship James with Grace at all so like?? Poly would be... ideal... but it can’t happen especially cus they are fricking parabatai... a Will-Jem-Tessa situation seems more likely but mannnn ion know what to expect. I just want FAIRSTAIRS to have their moment in Paris. I mean James and Matthew clearly don't abhor each other for this.
Take everything I say with several grains of salt, take everything I say with the whole Dead Sea actually, cus I damn well know that Matthew is so flirty and whatnot that I’d have shipped him with anyone in their little circle but now that she set him up with Cordelia it all feels so right?? I have wanted this man in a good relationship since he walked onto the page in Nothing But Shadows so-
I can't believe Cassia duped me like this omg, Matthew is gonna have his healing arc in Paris with Cordelia by his side like- THIS IS ALL I HAVE WANTED AND SO MUCH MORE. Question to yall btw: are you all as surpised at Fairstairs as me or did yall see it coming all along like smart people? Am I a lone clown? 🥺
BRUH okay criticisms of CC?:
Lmfao a part of me feels like I GOTTA say something bad about CC or the book but honestly I have no objective complaints about it as of now. Am I saying that it’s the PEAK of Young Adult literature and Urban Fantasy? I mean, I make no such claims tbh. I’m not here to be critical when I read as a hobby and when CC’s writing makes me happy regardless of how flawed some people see it.
Okay what next?
So like I’m excited for the adult high fantasy she’s releasing in the fall and whatever other works she might be releasing outside of Chain of Gold within the Chronicles.
As for TLH itself? Man I’m just VIBING like I suspect I will reread Chain of Iron soon and maybe one of the anthologies just because I am happy that this series actually happened after me waiting like 6 years for it when it was just a concept: a Dickensian retelling filled with poetry and culture and history and the conventions I so loved in TID at age 12. This is all I been wanting tbh. I’m just enjoying watching this series come to fruition for it to inspire and transform me in some way. I feel like in a way my coming-of-age aligns with that of these specific characters yet I ALSO feel like I raised Jamie since infancy. Wack.
Ending with a fun quote: “In the wise words of someone or other, there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Maurice.” 😉
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Strawberry Lipgloss (Carrie Wilson x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys! This is my first girl x girl so I hope the requester and everyone else enjoyed it! I'm also working on my first male x male so I'm excited for that! Definitely my first time branching out into doing a lot more with my writing so I hope you guys are liking it so far. I'm working on an Owen smut next and trying to get through my requests! So thanks for reading!!💙
Requested by: lonelygranger (Wattpad)
Warnings: Bullying (kinda sorta)
The final bell of the day rang signifying class was over. I stood up rushing out of the classroom knowing the hallways would be packed any moment with students trying to leave as well.
"Hey Molina" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me as I put my chemistry textbook in my locker. I sighed shutting my eyes. Turning around slowly.
"Carrie" I spoke through gritted teeth.
"Y/n. I just thought I'd remind you how much of a freak show you are like always"
"Thank you for that. Anything else?"
"Yeah. You should really keep your sister in check with her little hologram boy band. You know before she gets hurt" The girl said making sure to bump my shoulder as she passed by me.
I internally groaned hitting the locker behind me watching as she strutted away.
"Hey are you okay?" I heard my older sisters voice.
I turned my head to see her and her best friend rushing towards me in a panic.
"What'd that witch do to you now?"
"The same as always Flynn. Insult me bump my shoulder and walk away" I said using jazz hands to show the flatness in my excitement.
"I just don't understand why she has it out for me"
"It's all my fault y/n. I'm so sorry" Julie said as we walked out the schools front entrance.
"It's okay Jules. I'll be fine. You know I'll just continue to deal with Carrie for the rest of my high school years until you two graduate. I'll just continue let her to bully me. And I'll just continue cry myself to sleep every night because the pop princess that bullies the hell out of me also happens to be the girl I've had a crush on since my sister first brought her over the very first day of middle school"
I ranted watching my dads car pull up to the front of the school.
"We'll finish talking later" Julie said opening the front door and getting in.
"Call me if you two need anything"
"Thanks Flynn. See you later" Julie called after her best friend who walked in another direction.
"Bye Flynn!" My dad called after the girl as well.
"Mija are you gonna get in or am I just gonna hold up traffic all day"
I heard my dads voice from inside the vehicle. But my focus was on the blonde boy who had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Her boyfriend. Clearly not wanting to be standing beside her while she chatted away with the rest of dirty candy.
"Hey get in weirdo" I sighed getting in the car, shutting the door behind me.
"What's your problem?"
"I'm not in the mood Carlos" I spoke to my little brother as we drove off.
"Ooo someone's a bit moody"
"Dad leave her alone. She's had a tough day" Julie explained.
"Nothing a little family movie night can't fix. What do you say kids?"
"I call dibs on picking the movie!" Carlos shouted before anyone else could call it.
I woke up the next morning with determination. Putting on my best outfit. Waking up extra early to do my hair. And I even put a bit more makeup than usual.
Carrie Wilson had been bullying me ever since her and Julie had that falling out and I was tired of it.
I don't know if it was the sugar adrenaline of the large amount of candy I had eaten the night before during the movie. Or if I was just that fed up with the girl but today I put an end to her once and for all.
I walked downstairs with a pep in my step. The smell of waffles hitting my nose.
"There she is my other beautiful daughter" My dad spoke handing me a plate of waffles.
"Hey dad"
"D-did you do your hair?" Julie asked as I took a seat beside her at the table.
"I did"
"Because my dear sister today I am a new person"
"A weird person"
"Carlos" My dad warned the boy.
"It's okay dad. Not even little Carlitos could ruin my mood today" I said pinching his cheeks.
Satisfied with his look of disgust I took a bit out of my breakfast.
"Okay who are you and what have you done with my little sister?" Julie questioned only earning a smirk from me.
"I'm only a year younger Jules but if you must know. Well your just gonna have to wait until lunch time" I spoke before continuing to eat.
Lunch time rolled around quicker than I expected. I had spent the whole morning mentally preparing myself until that bell rang.
Walking out of class I immediately spotted Julie and Flynn sitting at our usual table in the cafeteria. I smiled at them as they waved me over excitedly.
Slowly but surely I began to walk my way over to them with confidence only to be stopped by someone blocking my path.
"Well if it isn't the loner of the two Molina sisters. I mean seriously get some friends your own age y/n"
"I didn't hear you complaining before you and Julie fell out"
"Oh wow look at you. Finally sticking up for yourself" She smirked.
"And for your information I was just being nice. You were always annoying chasing after us" She spat. My heart breaking a little bit more than usual.
As if on cue Nick made his way towards us. Like many other times he tried to get Carrie to leave Julie and me alone.
But this time it was different.
I smirked at the girl in front of me taking her boyfriends hand. Pulling him close to and planting a kiss on his lips. Immediately hearing gasps from the people around me.
I pulled away watching Nicks face contort in confused daze.
And the look on Carries face was priceless. Her signature smirk was wiped off her face as her eyes glossed up.
I didn't get the chance to get a word out before I felt her grab me by the wrist and drag me away from the big scene in the middle of the cafeteria.
"Carrie let me go!" I shouted as she dragged me down the halls.
"Where are you taking me? Carrie!" I yelled as she opened an unfamiliar door shoving me inside.
Immediately assuming it was the music room. Noting all the instruments I turned back to the girl in anger.
"What are we doing here?" I asked as she shut the door behind us.
"Why would you do that?"
"Why do you think?"
"D-do you like Nick or something?"
She asked clearly ticked off.
"You think I like Nick? Seriously?" I asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Well do you or not?"
"Of course I don't. I only kissed him to get back at you" I watched relief wash over her face as we stood there in silence before I spoke again.
"You know? I'm just tired of your shit Carrie. You've been bullying me since you and Julie stopped being friends. I just don't understand. We used to get along so well. Then all of a sudden you hated me" I spoke leaning against the wall.
"I don't hate you" She stated my eyes falling onto her.
She quickly made her way towards me stopping a few inches away from me.
"W-what are you doing?" I whispered watching her eyes closely to see them looking down at my.....my lips?
"Just don't say anything for a second" I bit my lip as she slowly leaned in.
Taking the opportunity I met her halfway. Our lips dancing against each other's.
The taste of her strawberry lipgloss making butterflies erupt in my stomach.
I wrapped my hand around her waist pulling her closer. Smiling into the kiss as she pushed me up against the wall behind me.
I was first to pull away seeing a pink tinge take over he cheeks. No doubt my face had a similar hue.
"Can I say something now?" I asked as she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Yes y/n"
"I like you Carrie. A lot. I've liked you since I first met you. And I know your with Nick but-"
"But I was gonna break up with him anyways. We've been having problems for a while now"
"Really?" I asked fidgeting with the ends of her cropped cardigan.
"Yes really. Look I know I've been putting up this mean front but truth is I've always had a crush on you too. I just thought you would hate me when Julie and I fell out. Especially since she's your sister. I just thought you'd side with her. So I did what I do best. I played the mean girl" She spoke her eyes glossing up.
"Hey don't feel bad. I understand everything now. I know you and my sister aren't in the best of places right now but I'm sure she's gonna support this 100% like she always has" I spoke caressing her cheek. Softly smiling as she leaning into my touch.
"You think so?"
"I know so" I smiled pecking her lips once more. A grin plastering itself on her face.
"Your so beautiful" I simpered.
"You are too Molina. You look extra beautiful today with your hair and makeup done"
"You noticed?"
"I always noticed. And though you look amazing now you look just as good with your everyday makeup look. And no makeup at all for that matter. Maybe you could show me how you to do it sometime" She suggested gazing into my eyes.
"I guess I could give my pop princess a few pointers. Though you don't really need them" I said intertwining our fingers.
"I guess I should go break up with Nick. You know before someone catches us"
"I'll be here waiting"
"You better be. We've got a lot of catching up to do"
"It seems we do" I spoke before kissing her cheek.
"Maybe you could teach me some of your dirty candy moves" I proposed as she leaned her forehead on mine.
"Or you could just join dirty candy and learn with everyone else"
"Let's get one thing straight here Wilson. You're the star. And I'm perfectly okay with being your loving supporting girlfriend from the sidelines"
"Girlfriend? I like the sound of that" She grinned.
"So do we have ourselves a deal?"
"Yeah. Just as long as I get to call you my girlfriend"
"Sounds good.....but"
"But?" She asked her smile slightly faltering.
"Can we hold off on going public for a while?"
"Why?" She pouted.
"Well it's just your gonna break up with Nick and I don't want him to think it's because of us"
"But it is because of us" She stated making me send her a pointed look.
"Fine. I'm sure he won't mind but if you wanna hold off on telling people I guess we could play the best friend card for a while. But not too long. I want to show you off to everyone"
"And you will. When the time comes" I said pulling her in for a hug.
"My house after school?" I nodded watching her remove something small from her school bag.
"Here. So you could think of me while your in class" She spoke pinning a custom made enamel pin that read Dirty Candy.
"I always think about you" I stated hearing the first bell ring.
"We should go" I said as we walked to the double door separating once we exited.
I spent rest of the school day with a smile plastered on my face excited to see my newly found girlfriend after school.
Up Next: Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
Luke Patterson x Reader
Charlie x Reader
Jeremy x Reader
Charlie x Reader
Reggie x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg @jammi13 @theravenclawlife
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jawritter · 4 years
Twelve Days Of Christmas
Chapter 12 (final)
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Summary: Dean never realized that Y/N missed Christmas until he turned off an annoying Christmas song on the radio on the way home from a hunt, now he will make it his personal mission to give her the Christmas he misses so much, and if he plays his cards right, maybe he will give her what he has wanted to give her for so many years, himself.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Written For: @spnchristmasbingo​​​​​​
Square Field: First Christmas Together
Word Count: 2046
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: This is to help me catch up on my SPN Christmas Bingo card lol  This is a real time fic collection and all mistakes will be my own! Please do not copy my work! Hope you all enjoy these!!
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The little cabin was quiet and still. Only the sounds of Dean's light breaths next to you could be heard over the wind that would occasionally whip around the corners of the small house. 
It was peaceful here. 
Dean's sleep warm body wrapped around yours provided better warmth than an electric blanket. The steady rise and fall of his chest against your back was a soothing, constant, lulling rhythm that could easily pull you back into sleep's embrace. 
A large, freckled hand was wrapped around your own and pressed against your chest as he held you protectively against whatever may come, and one long bowed leg was still tangled in your own. 
If someone would have told you that when you died this would be your heaven, you would have believed them. This was the happiest, and most content you had ever been in your life. Just right here, wrapped in Dean's arms. You would stay right here for eternity and be glad of it. 
You knew that you couldn't because Dean was starting to stir next to you. Little grunts leaving his lips as he nuzzled his way into your hair, tightening his grip around you. You smiled a little as you turned in his hold to find a pair of sleepy, green eyes staring back at you. 
How is it that someone was this breathtaking in the morning? 
"Morning," he mumbled, brushing your hair away from your face before lightly brushing his lips over your own. 
The shrill sound of a phone ringing pierced through your little happy bubble, and Dean turned with a growl, grabbing the phone murmuring swear words as he read the name that was shining too brightly on the scream.
"Sammy," Dean grumbled, placing the phone on speaker, and sitting it on the bed next to you before wrapping his arm tightly around you again. 
"Hey guys, I hate to bother you, but I think I have a case and it's a little big for just Eileen and myself," Sam said, and Dean's brow furrowed as he looked at the phone's screen as if he could see through it. 
"Whatcha got?" Dean questioned as you both sat up slowly. 
"I can't be sure, but it looks like a group of Changeling might be infesting a community near Vancouver, Washington. It's the biggest infestation I've ever seen, bigger than any gathered of them we've ever encountered before, and we could really use your help with this one."
Dean and yourself share a look that can only be described as dread. If there was one thing you both hated, it was any hunt that had to do with children. 
"I'm sorry guys, I know it's only Christmas Eve, and you guys planned on staying until Christmas. We tried a few other hunters before I called you, and none of them would be able to make it."
Dean let out an exasperated sigh, "Did you call Jules or Stevie?" 
"Yup, they're hunting a Werewolf pack near Denver."
You could see Dean visibly getting frustrated. You knew he wanted to see this through until Christmas, but you also knew Dean well enough to know that he desperately wanted to help his little brother with this hunt. It's what he did, it's what he lived for. Saving people, hunting things. 
"We'll be there Sam, but it's going to take us at least a half day’s drive to get back to the bunker," you tell him, and Dean turns his gaze on you with an unreadable expression on his face. 
"That's fine, we will plan to leave out in the morning. That gives you guys time to get back to Kansas, and it gives me a little more time to contact witnesses and the police report, see if I can get a handle on the size of their little nest before we break off in the middle of it."
"Sounds great, Sammy, we will see you guys tonight," Dean says,, disconnecting the call and taking a deep breath before turning to you. 
"Looks like life demands we get back to work. I'm sorry we couldn't stay all the way through Christmas sweetheart, I really wanted to make it special for you this year."
Before Dean could get too deep into his self-loathing, you slip your way into his lap, forcing him to look at you. 
"Dean, you have no idea just how special you have made this Christmas for me. Hell, you have given me everything I could have ever wanted. I will never forget the time we spent together here."
Dean smiled softly at you capturing your lips in a quick kiss before pulling you down to lay on his chest. His fingers trailing through your hair, and relishing in the last few seconds of paradise he had left with you. 
"We could make this our little tradition ya know. Driving down here every year, just the two of us, spending time together."
His fingertips trailed their way lightly up your back, and you shiver with the memories that flooded you from yesterday, and most of last night. A smile appeared on your face, and you looked up to place a kiss on his stubble covered jawline. 
"That sounds amazing."
Without warning, Dean quickly unwraps you from him, and jumps out of the bed, quickly crossing the room to his duffle, and pulling out a small wrapped gift before climbing back in bed with you, handing it to you, and pulling the covers back over his lap. 
"I was gonna wait until Christmas morning, but since we won't be here…"
You give him a quizzical look before tearing the paper away, revealing a little black velvet box. Your heart started to pound in your chest as possibilities of what this could be flooded your mind, and you force yourself to open the box with trembling hands. 
Inside the box was a sing gold band, with one little diamond nestled on the top. You look at him with a confused look and Dean removes the small ring, placing it on your right ring finger.  
"It was my mom,'s" he breathed, turning the ring over between your fingers and admiring it on your hand. "She didn't even know I had it, or that dad had kept it." 
"I'm not proposing today, I mean hell we just got together,” he laughed. “This is just a promise that one day I'm gonna get us out of the life, and we're gonna make our own life together. I want to give you the life you deserve if you will have me. Things are slowed down now, hunts we have to go on are rare, after the end of this year it's time to focus on us. I’m not a young man anymore. I’m pushing my luck every time I go on a hunt. I’m lucky to be still here. I want to change my focus for once in my life." 
Tears were falling freely as you looked deep into his forest green eyes that were swimming with their own emotions, there was nothing you wanted more than a life with this man. Sure, you had just started your relationship, but there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that you loved him, and you always would. 
Throwing your arms around his neck with enough force to knock a grunt out of him, you crashed your lips to his, throwing everything you had into it because sometimes words just aren’t enough.
When you finally broke apart your forehead resting against his. You made up your mind, it was time. 
“Dean, this is going to be my last hunt,” you tell him, and watch as he sets up slowly, looking at you with confusions deep in his eyes, maybe even a hint of fear. 
“I want this with you, and if that’s going to happen, the only way we’re going to walk away is to just do it. We’re not getting any younger, and I want to focus on you. I will still travel with you and help with research as long as you decide to hunt, but It’s time I shift my focus as well. I love you Dean, and I don’t want to risk my life hunting anymore when I have someone at home worth living for.”
You watch the relief flood his face as he pulls you into him, burying his face in your neck, and holding you as if you were going to disappear if he let you. “I love you so my Y/N, I always have, I was just too afraid to say it. After this hunt I’m going to start stepping back as well, it’s time.”
As the two of you drove down the road not more than three hours after Sam’s phone call, your heart had never been so full in your life. Dean had given you more than you ever thought you would be lucky enough to have in your life. He’d given you himself, and even though life came calling early, you would forever cherish your time here with Dean. 
You were already looking forward to next year when you were able to return for another 12 days. Life was already setting up for a lot of changes like it often did, but this time you were facing that change with hope of tomorrow and not dread of what was to come. 
But tomorrow would no doubt come with its own problems. It was best to take things one day at a time, and you would undoubtedly spend your first Christmas together saving people and hunting things. You could think of no better way to do it either.
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Forever Tags: 
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
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fruitcoops · 4 years
We’ve all agreed that Jules is going to be Remus’ #1 fan, right? Good. Credit for the Sweater Weather-verse belongs to @lumosinlove!
Jules had never been more excited for a hockey game in his entire life, not even when Remus let him go into the locker room and meet the Lions. Compared to seeing his big brother play for the NHL—the NHL!—meeting celebrities was so last fall.
“You ready, buddy?” his dad asked for the millionth time. He had practically been dancing when they left the house and it was starting to get embarrassing.
“Of course, Dad,” he said, wincing as his mother tugged his beanie down over his ears.
“This is a big deal, Jules.” She beamed down at him, her voice shaky.
“I know.” His parents always acted like he didn’t remember when Remus skated, but he did. Jules remembered a lot about Before: learning to rollerskate in their driveway, running drills with Remus until the sun went down, and chasing his brother around the rink until they were both laughing too hard to continue. In the Before time, hockey meant joy. It meant Remus.
But Jules remembered After, too. After had a capital A because it was Big and Important. After didn’t even start with The Game, which was also Big and Important, when Remus hit the boards with a hard thud and their mom’s breath rushed out of her lungs. She always worried too much, he had thought. Remus was invincible.
He looked fine enough for the rest of the game and waved at Jules through the glass as the team filtered back into the locker room. One minute, he had mouthed, pulling a face with his mouthguard to make them laugh. They waited in the lobby while he finished his cooldown like always.
And they waited.
And they waited.
After started when the trainer came out and pulled his parents aside, muttering things like “accident” and “shoulder” and “destroyed”. The next few days were a blur of babysitters, hollow eyes, and takeout dinners, and the next few months were a long shadow. Jules was supposed to be careful around Remus, but it was hard to be careful around someone he hardly knew anymore.
Then, one day, Remus just…snapped out of it. He woke everyone up at eight in the morning by carting a box of his hockey stuff out to the trash, then sat down at the computer and changed his major to physical therapy. He started smiling again and picking Jules up to swing him around with reckless abandon. He didn’t look like a ghost.
There were parts of After that were straight-up awesome, like Remus’ job with the Lions. He let Jules tag along to parties and post-game cooldowns, where The Sirius Black answered every single one of his questions. It had been a little weird seeing them kissing in those photos, kind of like when his parents kissed under the mistletoe, but who cared? If Sirius Black was kissing his dorky brother, Jules would definitely be allowed to go to next year’s Christmas party.
The stadium lights went down and Jules felt his stomach creep into his chest. “Your Gryffin-dor Li-ons!” the announcer called over the literal roaring of the crowd. If the game didn’t start right now, Jules was going to explode.
Sirius skated out, followed by Pots, followed by—“Remus,” his mom gasped, sounding a little like she wanted to cry. Remus and Pots tapped a puck back and forth while Sirius traced the Lions logo and Leo Knut checked his posts. Jules liked Leo—he got to ride on his shoulders any time he asked, which was super cool because Leo had to be at least thirteen feet tall.
He waved both his arms at the team while they warmed up, his breath fogging the glass. Pots waved back with a huge grin and tapped Remus’ rear end with his stick until he turned and saw them.
“Hey, Jules, you ready?” he shouted over the cheers, gliding up to the glass.
Jules finally rolled his eyes and let his forehead fall onto the boards. “Dad’s been asking that all day.”
“Sweetheart, we are so proud of you,” his mom sniffled. Remus’ nose went red and Jules hoped he wouldn’t cry. That would be so awkward.
“You’re gonna win, right?” he asked. Remus knocked on the glass with his knuckles. “What?” He knocked again. “What?”
Instead of answering like a normal person would, Remus crossed his eyes and popped his mouthguard half-out, sending all three of them into uncontrollable giggles. He might be a pro hockey player now, but he was still a nerd.
A call for “Loops!” meant he had to go, but not before he tapped his helmet against the place Jules’ forehead rested. The team huddled for a few minutes, stretched, and chirped each other relentlessly; when the ref blew his whistle, the sound of hissing skates joined the noise of the crowd. Sirius and Remus kissed—ew—before taking their positions in the circle.
A whole new buzz raced up Jules’ spine when he saw Remus dig his skates in for the face-off. He knew what his brother looked like under that visor: his eyes would be hard as stone and never leaving the puck. The other player, some rookie Badger, had a cocky smile on his face.
Oh, buddy, you’re about to get run over, Jules thought giddily.
The puck dropped.
There was a flash of gold and red.
Remus was halfway to the goal before the poor Badger could say ‘celly’. “That’s my brother!” Jules yelled at the top of his lungs, jumping up and down. “Go Lions!”
Jules remembered Before, and he remembered After, but he knew he would never forget this.
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